writing for the world wide web

www.altersage.com | [email protected] | (+27 21) 462 0036 | skype: altersage | twitter: altersage Writing for the World Wide Web

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Presented to the students of AAA School of Advertising by Jonathan Andrews, eMarketing Strategist at AlterSage.com


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Writing for the World Wide Web

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www.altersage.com | [email protected] | (+27 21) 462 0036 | skype: altersage | twitter: altersage

Page 3: Writing For The World Wide Web

www.altersage.com | [email protected] | (+27 21) 462 0036 | skype: altersage | twitter: altersage

SEO copy writing is different towriting for print

Generally the same rules for spelling and grammar apply

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www.altersage.com | [email protected] | (+27 21) 462 0036 | skype: altersage | twitter: altersage

Why is it different?

The way people use the Internet

Looking for specific information – quickly

Reading on screen: usability considerations

Context in which readers engage with your content is different

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut congue, tortor scelerisque accumsan rhoncus, libero neque laoreet nulla, non vehicula diam nunc eget nulla. Integer bibendum imperdiet augue sit amet vulputate. Nulla at magna vel lectus dictum venenatis sit amet in elit. Nulla ante augue, sagittis a ultricies ac, consequat at metus. Nunc quis diam id libero viverra euismod at nec massa. Etiam rutrum lacinia ante vel viverra. Curabitur mollis posuere justo, sit amet rhoncus neque ultrices ac. Curabitur lectus lacus, dapibus eleifend mollis id, vulputate in tortor. Vivamus eget urna quam, vitae fermentum risus. Quisque tortor massa, egestas imperdiet vulputate in, aliquam nec leo. Aliquam vulputate scelerisque libero, in consequat justo iaculis quis. Phasellus at vulputate urna. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam sed nisl dolor, sit amet vulputate ligula. Quisque bibendum nisi vel lectus tempor commodo.

Vivamus eleifend varius est eget molestie. Pellentesque non nibh quis eros rhoncus suscipit quis sit amet nisl. Phasellus condimentum congue ipsum ac scelerisque. Vestibulum et mauris in lorem lacinia adipiscing. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nullam viverra hendrerit dolor in rhoncus. Nullam tempus elementum orci, nec accumsan mauris ullamcorper iaculis. Nullam luctus laoreet facilisis. Nulla facilisi. Donec ultrices, sem a hendrerit faucibus, massa leo laoreet purus, eu rhoncus metus erat ac arcu. Aliquam sit amet lectus sapien. Suspendisse quis nunc ipsum, non vehicula ipsum. Cras euismod felis vitae arcu tincidunt dignissim. Vivamus iaculis placerat tempus. Sed gravida velit eu velit fringilla dapibus vitae ut dolor.

In eu felis in neque tincidunt egestas. Vivamus turpis risus, interdum nec venenatis et, lobortis non metus. Vestibulum semper, ipsum id pellentesque dapibus, arcu eros hendrerit lectus, nec pharetra magna augue in odio. Cras ornare, velit sed laoreet luctus, magna urna facilisis tellus, sed adipiscing nisi nulla non odio. Nam eget gravida odio. Nam neque augue, dictum at sodales in, sagittis sit amet libero. Morbi tempus lorem at purus elementum volutpat. Sed ac lectus sit amet ligula convallis porttitor vel non erat. Nunc dictum nisl ligula. Vivamus pharetra, ligula id volutpat scelerisque, velit lectus elementum tortor, a accumsan odio magna nec leo.

Aenean eget sapien eros, at pulvinar odio. Aenean vitae neque tortor, non viverra nisi. Vestibulum id dolor vitae tellus bibendum tincidunt non in eros. Praesent lorem eros, accumsan vel pulvinar sit amet, egestas et elit. Nunc vestibulum arcu vitae mi interdum pharetra. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque at enim mauris. Sed et velit ligula. Maecenas accumsan lorem aliquam libero convallis cursus. In nec risus sapien. Sed nec faucibus nisl. Nunc aliquam mi diam, non tristique neque. Phasellus at nisl non ligula aliquet pulvinar sit amet ac nibh. Ut pretium dui in sapien blandit scelerisque. Donec pulvinar, ante sed feugiat facilisis, lacus eros malesuada ante, cursus rutrum justo tortor nec urna. Vestibulum nibh massa, vestibulum rhoncus convallis in, bibendum a nisi.

Aenean eget sapien eros, at pulvinar odio. Aenean vitae neque tortor, non viverra nisi. Vestibulum id dolor vitae tellus bibendum tincidunt non in eros. Praesent lorem eros, accumsan vel pulvinar sit amet, egestas et elit. Nunc vestibulum arcu vitae mi interdum pharetra. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque at enim mauris. Sed et velit ligula. Maecenas accumsan lorem aliquam libero convallis cursus. In nec risus sapien. Sed nec faucibus nisl. Nunc aliquam mi diam, non tristique neque. Phasellus at nisl non ligula aliquet pulvinar sit amet ac nibh. Ut pretium dui in sapien blandit scelerisque. Donec pulvinar, ante sed feugiat facilisis, lacus eros malesuada ante, cursus rutrum justo tortor nec urna. Vestibulum nibh massa, vestibulum rhoncus convallis in, bibendum a nisi.

www.altersage.com | [email protected] | (+27 21) 462 0036 | skype: altersage | twitter: altersage

Is content still king?

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Less is more

Quality content is king

Not about size or volume of content

About the value visitors derive from it

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What is SEO copywriting?

Used to be about targeted keyword phrases in certain frequencies and densities

Search engine algorithms have evolved: take into account what others think about the content and how

they describe it in links

Not only the frequency of keywords within a document that

determine a page’s ranking.

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Really, all web copywriting should be optimised


File names


Summaries Meta data

Page content

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Keywords and keyword research

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Research Tools

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Get specific

Use words and derivates to make up longer, more specific


Hard to rank for broad keywords

Traffic is less qualified

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Evaluating keywords

Search volume not the only metric to consider

Think about niche, call to action, relevance

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www.altersage.com | [email protected] | (+27 21) 462 0036 | skype: altersage | twitter: altersage

Highly Relevant

If you create content that is tightly focused on a specific topic or theme, you will eventually build

credibility and “authority” with search engines in a specific area

Develop a valuable resource and ensure returning visitors

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www.altersage.com | [email protected] | (+27 21) 462 0036 | skype: altersage | twitter: altersage

The keyword density myth

There is no such thing as an ‘optimal keyword density’

Keyword density says nothing about the document’s relevance to a search

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One-size-fits-all approach of traditional push media does not work when it is applied in the online space

Know your audience and what they care about.

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www.altersage.com | [email protected] | (+27 21) 462 0036 | skype: altersage | twitter: altersage

Copy needs to speak to individuals and be targeted

What is the dominant activity on the web? Reading!

3 truths for writing killer content:

The Importance of Personas

1. Driven by millions of years of conditioning, your customer’s focus on their own needs and those of

their family and loved ones 2. To make a customer feel special means

understanding what they care about

3. What they really care about can sometimes be the opposite of what you care about.

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The Benefits of Personas

1. Externalise the target of the writing process2. Think about their needs3. Empathy

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It is a fallacy that you can reach everyone on the web

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Use verbs rather than adjectives to describe things


Remember to talk about features rather than benefits

Make it scan-able

Keep the usage of keywords and key phrases natural

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Short copy isn’t a sign of laziness. It’s far more difficult to write concisely and make a point than it is to use

lots of words

Best to conform to standard English, correct spelling and grammar does lend itself more to credibility

Write in the active voice as much as possible. Simple and straightforward word order is most accessible.


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Be honest and upfront

Structure your site well

Offer unique and quality content

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Writing is a craft and it takes skill and practice to master

the art of brevity.

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Remember the 6 C’s

Is it compelling?

Is it complete?

Is it clear?

Who cares?

Is it correct?

Is it concise?

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Clark, B. 2007. The five essential elements of search engine keyword research [Online]: Available: http://www.copyblogger.com/the-5-essential-elements-of-search-engine-keyword-research/ [24 August 2009]

McGovern, G. 2006. Killer web content. London: A & C Black Publishers