writing describing changes and consequences


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y Risey Increasey

Go up toy Growy Climby Boomy Peaky Fally Decliney Decrease

y Dipy Dropy Go downy Reducey Level out/off y No changey Remain stabley

Remain steady y Stay y Stay constanty Maintain the same levely Stabilize

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ya rise

yan increase


ya climb


a boomy(reach) a peak


ya fall

y a decline

y a decrease

y a dip

y a drop


a reductiony A slump

y a leveling out/off 


no change

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Adverbsy dramatically

y sharply

y hugelyy enormously

y steeply

y substantially

y considerably

y constantly


y significantly

y markedly

y moderatelyy Slightly

y minimally

y steadily

y Gradually

y Slowly

y  greatly

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y Rapid

y Quick

y Swifty Sudden

y Steady 

y Gradual

y Slow

y Sharp

y rapidly 

y quickly 

y swiftly y suddenly 

y steadily 

y gradually 

y Slowly 

y Sharply 

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The population

The rate

decreased, fell, declined, went down, dropped

y H ow quickly? 



y H ow much? 




increased, rose, grew, went up

remained, stayed steady/constant/stable

T he price of commodity decreased slightly last week.

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There was + A/AN + Adjective + Noun + In + noun

There was







pricesthe population

the rate

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y increase IN nouns

E.g.There has been an increase

in population.

y Increase OF numbers INnouns


There has been an increaseof 10% in the population.


y The petrol price decreasedBY 10%. (The petrol price

now is 90% the old price)y The petrol price decreaseTO 80%. (The petrol pricenow is 80% the old price)


Production went downFROM 5,000 TO 4,000units a month.

y Unemployment remainedstable A T 2.5 million.

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Expressing approximation

y just under

y  just over

y well undery  well over

y Roughly 

y nearly 

y approximately 

y Around

y about

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Upward trend

verb noun notes


10%/$100to$ 1000innumber/value

an increase pay/price/tax/rent increase

to become larger in number,amount, price, value, degree, size,strength etc.NOTE! Don·t use increase about thelevel or standard of something. Usego up or  rise.The standard of living has risen.(not increased).

The price of cigarettes has increased by 30% in the last two years.

The international role of the euro has increased gradually since 1999.The company announced a 5% increase in profits.Large tax increases are expected if there is a change of government.

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to riseby 5%/$3/a largeamount etc.to rise to the top spirits rise

to rise through the ranks

a risea rise incosts/prices/taxes etc. rent/price

 rise rise and fall

to increase in number,

standard, amount or value; to 

go upwards (a level)

During the period 1969 to 1999, the sales and wages earned by women rose slowly but  steadily.

The people who rise to the top in politics are usually the most ruthless.Our  spirits rose when we heard of the ship·s safe return. She has risen through the ranks. (has made a good career)The polar ice caps will melt and the sea level will rise.The rise and fall of the Roman Empire rising fuel bills

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to go up to becomehigher inprice, level or

 value etc.

The price of cigarettes is going up.Do you think interest rates will go up again?

 After Hurricane Katrina, gasoline and diesel commodity prices went up dramatically in Canadaand the U.S.

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The dollar/temperature/price of oil has been climbing all week.

Madonnas new record has climbed to number 2 in the US charts.

 After a fairly steady climb , prices stabilized at around $1.65 a liter.

 As microprocessors become faster and memory becomes cheaper,

the benefit to cost ratio has climbed signific antly .

to climb a climbto increase in number, amount

or level; to move to a betterpositionNOTE!Climb is usually used abouta number rather than an


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to growto grow by 5% a growtha growth ratea growth of interest 

to become grater in size, numbero

r streng

th o

r degree

During the 1970s there was rapid growth in

 production and consumption.

From the 14th century to the beginning of the 20th ,the climate grew constantly colder .

Her confidence/fear  grew.

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Other verbs show a f ast, upward movement. Each one is associated with a 

particular image (to shoot up like a bullet, to soar like an eagle, to surge like a 

tid al w av e.)

y Sales of Mac computers and iPods also shot up 20 percent and 207 percent, respectively.


UK carbon dioxide emissions soared in 2003.y T he PC market surged in 2005, and is expected to slow

down in 2006

y T wo years ago, South Africa's malaria rates suddenly

skyrocketed to 50,000 cases a year from just a fewthousand.

y Coal production boomed in Wyoming during the 1980sand 1990s.

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DOWNWARD TRENDto decrease a decrease

a decrease of 20%a decrease in the price

to go down to a lowerlevel, or to makesomething do this

From 1990 to 2001, rates of extreme poverty decreased slowly in Latin America.

He refused to accept a decrease of 20% to his salary.

T here has been a decrease in the annual birth rate for the last twenty years.

T he government announced a 25% decrease in the price of fuel.

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to fallto fall to 50.9%

a falla fall inthe rise and fall

to go down to a lowerprice, level, amount,temperature etc

Sales of new passenger cars in Europe fell 9.6%.

T he British pound  fell to $1.7520 from $1.7850.

T he rise and fall of the British motorcycle industry

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to become less in level orvalue

to becomeless in level

or value

The temperature

 sometimes goes down tominus thirty.

Rental costs have gonedown (50) since lastyear.

Coffee is going down in price.

to become less in level or 


The temperature

 sometimes goes down tominus thirty.

Rental costs have gonedown (50) since lastyear.

Coffee is going down in price.

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do dropto drop by 50%

NOTE! not used in progressive tensesto become lower or less in level, temperature, numberor strength

T he temperature has dropped considerably.

T he violent crime rate dropped by 6.2 percent.

T he towns population is expected to drop in the nextdecade.

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to decline a declineto become lower or less inlevel, number, size, strength 

or importance

NOTE! to talk about a loss of 

economic strength:

The market has declined.

T his type of business is a declining sector of the


 As profitability declines , people would go out of  farming.

T he profit rise came despite a decline in sales.

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Some verbs show a f ast, downward movement. (to plunge - make

a steep di v e from a high pl ace, to plummet - f all perpendicul arly,to t ake a nosedi v e - like an airpl ane, to slump to f all in price,

value or number, suddenly and by a l arge amount)

y *  T emperatures in Moscow plunged overnight to as low as

minus 24.y * Sales of new houses plummeted in November by the

largest amount in nearly

y 12 years.

y * On March 15, 2005, General Motors stock took anosedive.

y * Profits slumped by over 50%.

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Strategies for improving your IEL S score

y Selecting information

+ describe the whole graph fully 

+ summarise the graph by dividing it into its main parts.y Report structure

+ introduction

+ body 

+ conclusion

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Use two standard opening sentences to introduce your report Sentence one should define what the graph is about; that is, the

date, location, what is being described in the graph


The graph shows the number of cases of X disease in

Homeland between the years 1960 and 1995 Sentence two (and possibly three) might sum up the overall



It can be clearly seen that X disease increased rapidly to 500

cases around the 1980s and then dropped to zero before1999, while Y disease fell consistently from a high point of nearly 600 cases in 1960 to less than 100 cases in 1995.

y Notice the tense used. Even though it describes informationfrom the past, the graph shows the information in the presenttime.

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Bodyy Describing the graph in detail

+ decide on the most clear and logical order

+ present information in chronological order+ write up the information (most probably) from

earliest to latest

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y Your report may end with one or two sentences which summarise your report to draw a relevant


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Grammar and vocabulary

y Avoiding repetition

E.g. of repetition

The number of cases of X disease started at 50 in 1965and then went up to 200 in 1970 and then went up to500 in 1980 and then went down to zero in 1990.