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  • 7/29/2019 Wp Prologue Redone w/ extra page



  • 7/29/2019 Wp Prologue Redone w/ extra page


    Copyright 2012 John McMahon


    Prologue:Before The Present


    Entries from Rank OneEntry one

  • 7/29/2019 Wp Prologue Redone w/ extra page


    PrologueBefore the Present

    Welcome to the beginning, hence the title of this story. My name is Maylan

    May Claverfield. Its a name my parents wanted to use even before I was

    born, like an already, flat out script already written, just waiting for me to

    play my part in this world.

    As the middle child in the family, I preferably try not to take myself or any

    other thing seriously. Like life was supposed to be easy. For example, youre

    born into this life, just expecting things to be right and sane without any

    complications. Its a wish just about anyone could expect and had been

    going on in my twenty-one years of being a resident of this life.

    And yes, it was nice for things to go my way and how things were perfect. I

    had a loving family, friends and a job that I enjoy very well in the small

    town of Mayfort, Illinois. A place that has the sun shining through most ofthe times with about 9 months of warm weather, similar to Vegas weather

    and temperature, though not as hot as they are. I mean, they live in a freakin

    desert. How couldnt it be hot. But nope, normally not too cold or too hot

    where youd rarely see snow and where the weather, the storms and

    everything else that, up to this point, that seemed to have an equal balance.

    This town was founded in 1855 by a convict named Jackson Mayfort.

    Mayfort was an alleged murderer and conspirator who escaped execution in

    Springfield, Illinois back in 1854 for going on a killing spree the previousyear, including his own wife.

    However the night before his hanging, Mayforts men sprung him loose

    from his cell, leaving a deputy not only dead, but tortured right up to the end

    where Mayforts men would stare and watch in delight as he was doing the

    torturing, lasting for about an hour. Jackson, purposely orchestrated the plan

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    to be captured, having his men watch from a distance as the authorities

    assumed that he had been working alone. Jackson had thrilled for torture and

    had been planning it for the past several months after being banned from

    Springfield for illegal moonshine making and improper use of ink blots that

    had eventually, over time had taken Mayforts life in the very end from what

    they had called Ink Blot Poisoning, a black liquid that is illegal in this state.

    Jackson Mayfort was 61, with a full head of long dark hair, a slick, black

    hat, with a black outfit and boots to match. All of his teeth wooden due to an

    incident hed been involved in months prior. Overall, lets just say his

    presence would be hard to miss, with the exception of the bumbling and

    drunken, founding people associated underneath Mayforts control.

    Jackson was also an off and on alcoholic, picked up from his own father. The

    cycle Jackson endured when he was a child and a victim towards physicalabuse from his old man that would take a toll in his behavior. A quote he

    said at his own execution again, Im not guilty, but only misunderstood.

    Basically, people had mistaken Mayfort for a fool and clearly hadnt given

    him enough credit throughout his lifespan for what his real motive and plan

    would turn out to be.

    And so for the first five years since the towns creation, Mayfort and his men

    took over the town. Charging the citizens with bogus taxes and penalties for

    those who couldnt cough up the cash. Those five years of torturing those

    who would oppose him or would try to leave town, as they couldnt due to

    the bogus unlawful laws.

    However, kharma and justice caught up with Mayfort in May, 1860 when

    several rangers appeared before him one night. Due to an anonymous tip and

    once the rangers received notice and permission from higher authority, they

    were on their way from Springfield, where Mayfort was supposed to be

    executed five years previously.

    And so they busted down his wooden door, where he was caught inhaling

    fumes from an ink blot [a poison]. A delirious and confused Mayfort tried

    escaping and wouldve had a better chance if he wasnt doing all those ink


    * a gooey, poisonous circular shape that you can put onto a plate and can either inhale the strong stench

    or can just simply eat.

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    Mayfort was apprehended before he could leave the room where he was

    dizzy and near passing out. I can recall the lead ranger who was called by

    many as Standoff Sam saying to him,

    Standoff Sam -- Bounty Hunter with vengeance

    Weve got you now, you crazy, underhanded son of a bitch! Five

    years! Five years you slithered all the way over to here. You make

    me sick!

    Mayfort then retorted.

    Jackson Mayfort -- Fugitive, murderer

    Ooooh I amsoscared. Please do not.hurt me.

    Mayfort was stuttering and pausing due to the fumes and poison he had just

    succumbed to. Standoff Sam then said,


    If the fumes dont kill ya, the noose with your name all engraved

    into the rope, so either way, youre done for, Mayfort. And this

    time, were going to make sure the execution is done right without

    any more slip ups.

    With a slight grin coming from Mayforts face after he was tied up, he thenspit in that Standoffs face. As Standoff wiped the smear of saliva off his

    face, Standoff began beating him till he began to bleed. However tempted he

    was in wanting to kill Mayfort so badly, Standoff paused, and stopped

    himself from killing him there right at the moment.


    NoI cant. Not just yet. Im gonna do this right, and as a

    bonus, Ill be sure to dish out some heart-healthy torture on you,

    just enough damage to make sure youre not comfortable during

    your last hours as a living man. No, not even a man, but more of a


    Mayfort, still conscious, though on the ground lying down from the punches

    and kicks, began to laugh,


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    You sound so poetic there, Mr. Standoff. And why might I ask is t

    here a reason for you trying to fry my carcass where I had done

    nothing to you.

    Standoff replied, standing in front on Mayfort,


    Not to me you havent. But to my sonmy son was killed by you

    five years ago, the day you and your men escaped Springfield.

    Only one person died that day, and that day was the day you took

    my son away from me. Where it wasnt even close to his time to

    leave this earth. Todaytoday he should be having his own

    family. His own friends and acquaintances, settling down. Hewouldve been forty this week. Instead, hes lying six feet under

    with only a tombstone remaining. I thought of what I would do to

    you if I ever caught you and nownow my wish is finally coming


    As he was telling Mayfort his reason, there stood Standoff in a serious, gruff

    face, with a tear drop going down his face, though trying to hold back his

    sadness and anger.


    And my son wasnt the only one to pay for your crimes, but my

    wife as well. Sheshe couldnt take the loss of her son, and

    within months after, she hurled herself into pond and sunk to the

    bottom where she drowned. She killed herself, Mayfort. However

    I must admit I am to share somewhat of blame for it. Ive worked

    a lot, spending more time with my job instead of my family. And

    yet, I still doubt they even knew me thats how little I saw them. I

    spent at least 12 hours a day, six days a week, with only a day off

    and even then, I didnt spend too much time. I was stubborn,selfish. I thought I was doing whats best for the family, but all

    along I was wrong, and for that towards my wife and son,

    wherever they areIm sorry. For the ordeal and danger I put

    upon them since day one of becoming a ranger. Hell, Ive been one

    for thirty years. Im older, weaker, and not sure how much time

    left I have on this earth, but I am going to do whatever it takes to

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    make sure justice is finally served, with only a rope to snap your

    neck like toothpick. And its not a threat, its a promise.

    As Standoff personally escorted the tied up Mayfort through the town while

    the other rangers rounded up Mayforts men, a one single gunshot was fired

    to Mayforts head, then killing him instantly. Standoff then drew his gun out,



    Who the hell did that?! Who is responsible?! Show yourself!

    Standoff then saw a dark, shadowy figure running away from him, as

    Standoff then began pursuing the stranger. But a half mile down the road, he

    had lost the shadowy figures trail as he apparently disappeared into thin air.


    Great, just great. I wanted that man

    to stand before a crowd as his life would then soon slip away in a

    matter of seconds. But no, someone else beat me to it. Who it

    was, I had no idea. I must return to the other rangers now and

    settle for the execution of his own men instead.

    Though Standoff Sam may had realized at first about his failure to bring in

    Mayfort, he had sworn justice against the culprits responsible for both his

    son and wifes death. As Standoff returned to the center of town, he hadnotice that Mayforts corpse had gone missing as the other rangers caught up

    to him.


    What in hell has happened to the corpse, ranger?!


    We just arrived over here sir, I havent a clue.

    It was then and there that Standoff had felt a chill on his shoulders as several

    shadowy figures arose with swords and arrows.

    As The rangers and Standoff froze, the figures then swept right through their

    bodies like wind blowing hard in a storm and in an instant, the rangers,

    Mayforts men and Standoff had then dropped to the ground, gasping for air.

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    Within several seconds, the bodies had then gone cold as all their lives were

    then over. They were all dead with no witnesses as to what had become of

    them. to them. Except for this one person. The person who had been tracking

    Mayfort themselves and had been following Standoff and the rangers for

    quite some time. An immortal man. One that had been around for several

    centuries. His name you might ask? Well that secret stays with me until the

    proper time to reveal him.

    As from that moment on until into the present, Mayfort, Illinois had been a

    long, life legacy for all those who resided there. As for the town name, it had

    stayed the same. For some, it would seem like an insult if the name of the

    town they lived in all their lives were to suddenly just change. And, well,

    also the fact that they feared Jackson Mayforts violent passing in fear that

    he had put a curse there. Its as if, though, that his spirit was still somehow


    Throughout the decades, off and on, townspeople would either see or hear

    things that arent even there. Theyd report it to the sheriffs office, though

    with no luck as to what or who is behind it. They were all blinded by fear

    and paranoia that would eventually set Mayforts aura free and unleashed on

    the town, haunting everyone in site, turning one another against each other,

    ready to bash their skull in thats how intense and brutal Mayfort was.

    Townspeople came and gone, as they were born, lived and eventually died,

    leaving only a memory behind.

    They were oblivious to the extent that it wasnt Mayfort behind it. No,

    Mayfort to this day is trapped deep, deep underground. Theyve once again

    had predicted and speculated that he was set to return sometime within my

    generation life. Hed be appearing like he did before he died, along with his

    younger selves. Who knows what that might bring.

    But no, this other presence has been meddling with Mayfort at least several

    times a decade and now they seem to be showing up more than usual. They

    were the shadowy figures that took out Standoff and his crew in the center oftown along with Mayforts disappeared, dead body. Who were this shadowy

    figures, the same figures that have been walking this earth for many


    They were also called the Shadowians. Originally made up of twelve

    members made up from the elements of the twelve months from January to

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    December. Once real people, the twelve members one by one slipped into

    darkness. Originally inmates from a facility in Springfield, the escaped

    convicts broke out, escaping towards the outskirts of Mayfort. For many

    decades and even centuries, this groups motives were their own. They

    would try to avoid be spotted as they would simply observe the

    townspeople, attempting not to expose themselves in the open, fearing a

    backlash and the real truth from coming out, that all they were, were

    convicts on the run.

    However, over the years, the group had became more stronger and more in

    depth as they would soon purposely start messing with the space and time


    But I am getting ahead of myself. This is my story and my life. So to

    whoever is reading this, allow me to start from the beginning.

    End of prologue.

    E x t r a s :

    Entries from Rank One

    Entry one:

    So many names over so many years and what do you get for it? Not much.

    Our own ranks (members) here, some would say, have become more, whatsthe word, weary? And why would that be? Be cause maybe, just maybe, this

    one individual, that can stop what is about to be unleashed.

    But lets rewind for a second, I have much to tell you. Over the past

    centuries, somehow, someway, weve all kept getting resurrected. All the

    way back especially from the 1850s, I believe it was 1855. Those two men:

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    Standoff Sam & Jackson Mayfort. Those two were quite the characters. They

    had both, in a sense, came such a long way. One pursuing the other. It never

    occurred to me that they were once friends. I know, right?

    It was 1840, the year they met. Standoff Sam saved Mayfort one day during

    that summer when a horse he was riding got spooked over a flare that shot

    out into the sky. It was close though. Mayfort nearly plunged into his death.

    No, he didnt die. Not this time at least.

    Standoff Sam, 45, had a family. A wife, a son, a dog, you name it. Mayfort

    was considered an outsider. He mentioned to Sam once that he was from the

    east. Maryland or something. Things were a lot different back then. I wish I

    could add a lot more but I feel tired and am ready for rest. Next entry

    involves some legwork from my end, of course. Sit tight.

    -- Rank one