w&p b illj dlettn....stone, oonoketka pi.abtkkwokk us rohobsts a srantalitt stt john f. bowler g. e....

) -- . & rrd!?' ljmsjp- -- w&p I 3 b illj MS viflM& dlettn. VOL. VIII. NO. 1121. HONOLULU, H. I., TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1894. PRICE 5 CENTS. TUB DAILY BULLETIN MINTED AMD FCBLUBBD EVERY AFTERNOON IXCtrt SUBDAT T TBI Dally BollotlB PabllsilD Co., L'd., at thb ernoi lie 328 atrckait It, IbboIbIb, . I. BUBSCKIPTION-B- ix Doliam a Yiaa. Delivered In Honolulu at Ftrrr Cents a MoatB, In advance. i'QE mi BULLETIN -I- B PUBLIHHE- D- B0VH1R.Y TUBSDAY Vt Foob Uom.ab A YBAB to Domestic, in J FtT Dollam to Foreign bnbscrlhers, payable lo advance. BOOI AND JOB PRINTING oiiaa III surtsios STTLB 6k -- m BOTH TELEPHONKB W) i.m- - P. O. BOX By, Tut Uailt Bcllbtim Ii printed ami pub- lished by tbe Dally Bulletin Publishing Company, Limited, at IU offloe, Mer- chant atreet, Honolulu. Hawaiian ! audi. Daniel Logan, editor, retldei on Alskea street, Honolulu, aforesaid, Address lettera for tbe paper "Editor B ullbtim," and business lettera " Manages Dally Bulletin Publishing Company." Osing a personal address may cause delay in attention. Bualnosa Card. UCWEK8 ft OOOXX. liuroaTiM amp Dbalbbs i LoNsak tar all ainM or Bmintan Mataauu. Fort Hlreet, Houolnlu. H. HAOKFKLD OO.. KshtnAi. Oo(alne AxeDT 'oruer Kort and Queen Htreeta, Honolulu. no. a. nauTHiKs. Vt'iTiimst eollsniaL HriaiiiM Ai.eav. Mahukoua, Kohala, Hawaii. WILLIAM FOBTEB. ArrosjiaT'AV Lam ahu Notasi t'rjuuc. No. 13 Kaaiiutuaim tiu, ttouululu. TUOB. LINDSAY. Amri-foiN- JawaLBM i Watch. HAKla. ttukul Jewelry a specialty. Partinular aiianiion pau to an kinds of repairs. Molnemy Block, Fort BlreeU HONOLULU IKON WORKS, HvaAM Khoihbh, Buxab Mii.ui. Bouts. Coons. Uom, Brans, add l.r CliSTIMOS. Machinery of Every Description Mad U Order. Particular atfmtlou paldtoBhips' Blaoksmlthlug. Job Work ixeonted at Short Notice. E. A. JACOBSON. WaTOHMAKKK AND JKWKhRli HOT Fort Street, Honolulu, H. 1. P. O. Box 287. Mutual Tele. ux. DR. C. W. MOORE, 1400 Van Ness Are., 8. F Cal. Elefant Asaruseata for PattentE BbBOTBlCITr III BISVODS D1SBASBS. JaT Dr. Moore offers Invalids all the ooinforta of home, with constant and care- ful treatment. Uefers to H. It. Macfarlane. 000--tf OHAS. dubut mroam or BNQLIBH AND CONTINRNTA1. IDiry C3-oo- is Kaahumanu Street. Cement Sidewalks & Gra- nite Curbing Laid. Estimates given on all kinds ol STONE, OONOKETKA PI .ABTKKWOKK US rOHOBSTS a srantAliTT Stt JOHN F. BOWLER G. E. BOARDMAN, OI,R AOKNT FI)H Tagawa Coal C. B. RIPLEY A ARTHUR REYNOLDS, AROHITHOTB, Urricai New Hafe Deposit Btilldlua, Fort street, Honolulu, 11. I. Plans, Bpeolnnatlous and Buterliiteiid snoe given fur Every Descrlidlon of Build lug. Old Buildings successfully Kemod slfed and tfnlaruad. Ilaalana fur InUrln l)eenrailonp, Man or Menliani"l I'riiw. lii,Traolng siml llluu 1'rlullng. Drawings for Uook or Newspaper Illustration. WH. G. IRWIN & GO. (Limited OKI-K- FOR 8AI.1 Kttl.TILIZKRS bit. oion ao (MvDfiued HUUi Grade Cant laoim. Wd ari alao prepared tn take ordars (of yfnsrsj. N. Otiltxncat Oo.'i insuring prompt deliver ROILED LUCOL! This Is a superior Paint Oil. con- - turning loss pigment than Unseed Oil, and riving a lasting brllllanov to colon. Used with drlet It aires a splendid floor surface T.lme. Oement KBMriKIIHtlOAKh BAI.Mnr. Fairbank Cnnnlnf C.'n Corned (feet rAiAtriaa pawt . Gompoands, Roofing & Papers, iMfl'i pitin Stein Pip CTinii JarfcoM' OUaoni, Enanwl A Bwm-Unti- af Paint MKilaJly designed for Vacuum fans. FIRE. LIFE ani. MARINE INSURANCE. Harttettl rtr Issuance Ce., Ainta, 17,109,825.49. Luneifia A Uaoanaire Fire Inn. Co., Assets, 14,317,052. TnsiaHS asd HerM Marine Inn. Co., Limited) Assets. 18.124,057. niv Tork Lite Ins. Co., Assets, 1137,499,198.99. G. 0. BERGEfi, Oesersl Asent tor Hawaiian Ialanas. . HONOLULU. Wm.G.LrwiD&Go. iLIMITRDl Wui. K. Irwin, President aua Mauegei OlauK Bprenkelt. . . . Vloe.Prealdeui W. M.OIifard, rlecreury and Treasurer Theo. (!. Port"! Andltni Sugar Factors ANI CnuunitiHioD Akhiub AfMT UP THB Oceanic Steamship Company, OF BAN FUANOIBOO, CAL C. BREWER & CO. (LIMITED) General Mercantile AHI- - CommiMion Agents P. O. Jones President Q. H. Kobertson Manager E. F. Blsbop Becretary A Treasurer W.F.Allen Auditor C.M.Cooke ) H. Waterhonse Dlrrtor. O. L. Carter I Oitt Carriage Co., Corner King nd Bethel Bts. BOTB TELEPiOHBS 113 - Fine Carrlagen & Civil DrlverH To be had at all hours. .1. S. ANDRADE, IU.VI tf Manager, Atlas Anurance Go. or Z.OXTS03IT ASHRTK, 110,000,000, I J W SCHMIDT & SONS Agedls for Hawaiian Mauds, J JUSTARRIYED fKR BARK "0. t). BRYANT. i& UA BY CARRIAGES OT ALL BTTLKSi Carpets, Rags and Mats call ports In the Latpit Patterns 41 " HOUSEHOLD Sewing Machines, HAND SEWINO MACHINES, All with tbe Latest Improvements call - ALSO OH HAND - WKSTKKMAYKK Celebrated Cottage Pianos Parlor Organs, Guitars. -- ahd othss- - MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOB BALK ED. HUFFSCHLAEGEK a CO., King Street, oppo. Castle A Cooke. 414 BOTH TKLEl'HONBH car 414 1 1USTACE &('(). COAJ, All elude in any quantity f nun bag to a ton CHARCOAL. Tom mi,, bag tn any quantity FIREWOOD In 4fb lengths and Bawed or Split from a bag to any quantity: sit" WHITE & BLACK SAND a'o-t- f NATIONAL IRON WORKS QUIiaiN BTRBBT. RctwMB altkM and Richards Streeta. rpHK UNOKKBIUNKD AKK 1'KK--1 red to make all kinds of Iron, Brass, Bronte, Zinc, Tin and Lead Cast- ings. Also a General Keimlr Bhop for BU-a- Knglnes. Klce Mills, Corn Mills, Water Wheels, Wind Mills, et. Machine for tht Cleaning of Collee, CasUir Oils, Beans, Itanile, BIsal, Pineapple Leaves and other Flbruus Plants and Puimr Htook. Also Machines for Kztractlug Btarrh from the Manioc, Arrow Uoot, etc. All ordHra promptly attenlit WHITE, RITMAN 4 CO. BEAVER SALOON, Tbe Best Lunch Id Town. Tom a.n.d OotT T ALL UOUHfl IHK KIN EST BRANDS OH Cigars and Tobacco ALWATa ON UANn KL. J. JSTOL.TE. Prop. DAVID DAYTON, Agent to Take Acknowledgments - WILL ATTEND TO - HanaKemenl and Sale o( Property - AHO Collecting in All Its Branches. Orriun No. 42 Merohaut Street, tut U 'X' LTULX. Ti:ijEIXX01TX3 3QO, 7iv-t- r METROPOLITAN MEAT CO., & i KING S'( m Wholesale and Retail Botchers AND - NAVT CONTRACTORS. (1, J. Waixkm, i i .Manager. ClflC Mail S.S. GO, AMI fHp Occidental and Oriental S. S. Co. Per TOIOHAMA ui HONQIONO. Bteamers of the abora Oompanles will at Honolulu on their way to the abore on or about the following dates: Btmr "CHINA".... JSeptember 3, 1H Btmr "OCEANIC" October 2,1894 Btmr "CHINA" November 12, lblM Btmr "OCEANIC". ..December 11. 1KM Btmr "CHINA" January 21, 18S Btmr "OCEANIC".. .February 10, 18U3 Btmr "CHINA" April 2. 1tt rot BAN FIAJiClBCO Bteamers of the abore Companies will at Honolulu on their way from Hong kong aud Yokohama to the abore uort on rxiiut the following dateet Btmr "CITY OF PEKINQ" October 0, 18U4 Btmr "OCEANIC". .November 19 IBM Btmr "CHINA" December 31 1KM Btmr "OAELIO" ....February 10 1896 Stmr"PKKU" MarcB2 189S Btmr "OAKLIC" April W, 1890 8ATIS Or PASSAQK ABE IS FOLLOWS: to toto ro uoaw MAMA. ohh. Camn . tlMl U' 1176 OU Cabin, round trip 4 months Oft is mj mi Cabin, round trip IS months. .. tia no Knroean Steerage so Vi mi ou tylng fall fare will be return far If return. .BaT-- 1 'asseugere allowed 10 percent oB ing within lwlr month CSV for Freight and Passage apply ti H. HACKFELD lr CO., arui Agents. Oceanic Steamship Co. Australian Mail Service For 8an Pranclaco: liir Nvw and Fine Al Steel Buamatii " MONOWAI " VI Hie Ocraulo Steamship Couipaui will Imdue at Honolulu from Bydiinv and Anck land no or about September 20th Ami will leare for the above iMirt with Malls ami Passengers on or about lliat.Ute. For Bysney aai Ancklantf : Ihr New aud Fine Al Bteoi Btamht " ALAMEDA " Of the Oceanic Company will be due at Houolnlu, from Ran Fmiieiwo on or about August 30th. Ana will hare prompt deiMh with Malls and Passengers for the abore ports The undersigned are now prepared lo issue THROUGH" TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IN THB UNITED STATES For further nartliMilur tfnlina Kntlglitur PaNsage apply to WH. 0. IRWIN A CO., List, QeBeral Abu Oceaoic Steamship Go. Time Table LOCAL LINE S. S. AUSTRALIA Arnvn Honolulu Ieave Honolulu from B. F for 8. F. Bept. S Bept. 1ft Oct. 0 Oct. 13 Nov. 3 Nov. 10 Den. 1 Deo. 8 THROUGH LINE From Han Frannitci Knim Bydney fin for Bydney. Han Francisco. .4 trite Jlotwlulu Lean rmnfufu. ALAMEDA, Aug.30 I MARIPOSA, Aug.23 MAKIPOSA,Bept.27 MONOWAI, Kept. tf) MONOWAI Oct. 25 ALAMEDA II. LOSE, Notarr Habile, Collector and Oeoeral Bnalness Agent. HoD-Hge- for Hevernl of the Best KIRK INBUKANCK COMPANIES. Pstaulee ol Loss's Gbtmlctl Ooatponnd for CUrltylog Ciuo Jules. Mutual Telephone H. P. O. Hot . Merchant Htrrnt, Honolulu. Ring Up Both Telephones 122 ros Baggage Express, 4ti1 st lloliluiisrshhoelngHhop, l)....i. .trxt nenr Fort. . JAUKH I'OI.LOUK. Canadian - Australian siwenmn of the ahore Line, running In connection with th CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Between Vancoorer, B. I). and Bydney, N. Honolulu and A-R- DXTH3 AST On or about the datfs From Sydney and Suva, for Vic'orla and Vancouver. B. O.t Btmr"WAIlHIMOO" September 1 Btmr"AUAWA" Octoher2 Btrur "WAKKIMOO" Noromber 1 Tkrotfk Ttckati umH trea lonolalt le rsaiuBT aiiu fAti swots AOtHTSi i I D. Mi NICOLL, Montreal, Canada. BOBEKT KEKK, Winnipeg, Canada M. M. BTKUN, Ban Francisco, Cal. O. Mt'U BKOWN, Vancouver. B. 0. U. stated, Victoria Suva Bttnr"AKAWA" "WAKKIMOO" Canto, 0bP4 Theo. llavaiten HONOLULU SOAP HOUSE ThriMi packages containing thirty boxes of Tokio Parlor Matchns only 10 couts. Soils vory quality of at $1.00 por 100 pnttnds, and 17 of pounds, houost tvuigut, for Gorman Uluo Castile Soap, manufactured by Gratis Bros., Mannheim, Germauy, at 10 couts tier pound. Soil), retails ot wholesale prices. Soft Soap in tins of 12 pounds, Stearic Wax Mining Candles, manufactured by Emery Caudle Works of Cincinnati, Ohio, 12 candles for 25 ICiawe Firo Wood, $10 pur cord, the same in blocks of inches quantity from $1 up, delivered to any part, of city free of charco. Kiawo Charcoal at 40 emits a sack. Hichmond, Vn., Cedar Wood l'oi 1'ails, finished with brass hoops. Sninll size, 50 cents; large size, cents. Empty Vinegar and Wine Barrels, wator receivers, at $1. Kitchen Salt of 100 pounds, 50 cents. Table given away. Highest Cash Priro paid for Hides, Skins and Tallow. 1ST. BREHAM, Known Soft Soap tf MUTUAL TKI.. 3M. II0M Wilder's Steamship Go. nME TABLE a Wildss, Pn-s- . n It iiv ' Cam. J. A. Kiho, I'on Hn.it Stinr. KIN AD 0LABIC, Oomtoaodft Will leave Honolulu at a r. a.. loucfiuiK al Lahalua, and Me kens the same day; Mahukoua, Kimmna aud Lao pahoeboe the folluwin .lm at at midnight. LKAVK8 HONOLULU Tuesday ...r'ept. 4 Friday; ...repu Tuesday... . ...hept.' Friday .. Oct. b Tuesday ....OcLlt. r v ....OcLitt) day.... ...Nor. b r riua. ...Nor. lb Tuesday ...Nor. 27 Friday ... ....Dec. 7 Tuesday.. ...Deo. Ih Ketumlnir leaves Hllo. touching at ln ahoehoe same day; Kawalbae a. m.; a 10 a. St.; Makena Ir.s.i Bay Or. St.; Labalna 8 r. m. the fullowine day; arriving at Honolulu ii a. . Wixlnes-day- s and Baturdavs. AUUIVK8 AT HONOLULU Saturday Bept. 1 TYDuiicaun l Baturday Bept.!U Wednesday Oct. 8 Baturday Oct. IS Wednesday Oct. 24 Baturday Nor. 3 Wednesday Nor. 14 Baturday Nov. 24 Wednesday 6 Baturday lo Wednesday Deo.2 No Frelaht will ! rmwivwl after 12 noon on day of sailiug Stmr. OLAUDINE, CAMER0R, Goauunder. vill leave Honolulu every liitsday at l . touching at Kahulul. HiihIo, H ana, Hamoa and hJpatinlu. Returning will arrive at Honolulu every nunday mornine. AfST" No Freight will he rno ived after 4 t. m. on day of sailing. Consignees must at tlin laudings to receive their Frrleht, as we will hot hold ourselves responsible surb Freight has Iteen landed. White the Company will nse due dill-genc- e lu handling Live Htock. we decline to assume any resimnslhllity in of tbe loss of same, The Company will not lie respoutlblx for or Jewelry unless placed In the cart- el Pnrsers. LKSSOXS in Drawing and Painting. 0. Howard Hitchcock Drawing and Painting taught by the lat- est European methods. Claanusevery Wed nesday aud Hslurdny forenoon from H a. w, ui ii noon. IB-S- lessons for Pupils in . nlal lluss of work also given, Tliu Ntudlo will lie oiien to vlltnr every Friday alteruoou, Steamship Line B. W., and calling at Victoria. B. Sara Fiji, HONOIJTJlliTJJ below via. I From and Vancouver, B 0., for and Sydney) 8tmr"WARUIMOO" Beptember24 October 24 Btmr November 2! IUIm bb BweB. IBF" For Freight and 1'assage ami an llanaral Information, annlv to H. Davios & uo., L. Q, Agent for the htandt. tho bust Soap bars 25 $1.25. Toilet $1.25. the cents. cut 12 long iu any the 75 as in sacks Salt as the Man, Maalaca Hay .rrivms' lillo 14 Maalaes Depu Deo. Dec. u., be atur ease Money Private BKTHKL BTKKKT. HOP HING & CO., 403 HOTKL BTKKKT, COMMISSION MERCHANT!! Wholesale Dralera In Liprs anfl Manila Ciprs AUD- - General Chinese Merchandise SDCII AS Nut Oils, Klce, Matting, Chinese Bilks, Etc., Etc., Kto. English and American Groceries By Every Coast flteamer. .MUTUAL TELEPHONE 147. SOMETHING NEW I PACIFIC TRAHSFER CO., tafiL. 87 KlDo St MDtDal Tel. 661 Baggage Checked from Hotels aud Resi- dences direct to destination. No Kechecklng at steamers. Baggage always put In Btate Rooms. Oiieurgos Moderate J. R. MrLLS, KTJMIIU Manager. REGAN VAPOR ft PACIFIC GAS Engines d Launches THB BEST IN TBB MARKET. y They cannot lie Btirimssed for motive power. BEND FOHCATALOHUE JOS. TINKER, lUtt--tl Bole Agent, Nuuanu streut. California Fruit Market, Corner King A Alakea Hu Catuariuo's Kulrigcratoi's lly Every Bteamer from Ban Fran clsco with Frsh Fruit, Oysters, Salmon, Poultry, Kto. Etc., Eto. Etc. Iftl-t- l Consolidated Soda Water Go,, Id Cor. Allan ft Fort IU., RoboIbIi. IJOIsMSTMIt .V X)., 1U6-- U Anuti, Emma Mine. Young Emma, fair, a mnlden rae, Oh what to Emma can compare, In earth, or sky. or sea? Is It the lily's stately glace, Is It nature'" Mulling fnco, Or the (lottery la? Is It the nuenll bright with dew; Or violet snett, or hyacinth blue; Or the blushing morn, I" It any fair dower that grow, That bad, tilovom, and fragrant blow, And that thN earth ndorn? U it the gentle zephyr bri-eze-, That watts incense Ironi (lowers and trees, And sweetly scent tin- - ulr? N It the sunljeain's Ktntle iilemu, A venc of Ixatity, n patt ilresin, (Jr lunar rnmbow rare? No, mill" of these though ne'er so fair, DMn or a motiient to compare, With this priceless gem' Bo great her north and her renown, 'Ihat she might wear n civic crown Or royal diadem! Oh, rnru and matchlcs Is her grace. Heavenly beauty In her face, bhe simply Is subllmi-- ! And llku some angel from nbove, All ilif and ulmui(eles Is hr love, And, ah, sli i It's mine! Angilt '.'., Is'Jl. 1Jo.iiio.mx I . JAFANBSR NEWS. Interesting Latter from Koaara. Ogurn ft Oo. Mr. O. II. Boardm&n received to dar a letter dated Osaka, Aug. 12th, from Ogurn A: Co. The govorutauut had chartered all the JapantM stonhiors go as to send arms and military munitions to Corua. Coubo-qtlunt- lr tho delay iu lilliug tho or-do- r. Tho Japanese in general woro much excited over tho war prospect and this uxcitomuut had become in- tense aftor tho doclaration of war and tho victories of both army and nary. Tho Government woro both tho first and second reserves and sendluir them to Hiro shima, tho principal naval station uoaresl to Coroa. This was unfor- tunate, as tho company's headquart- ers for recruiting labor woro al that plnco and at Yatuaguuhi but by tho kinduoss of tho ollluials the com- pany had boon able to fill orerr or- itur for contract laborois aud had secured Imsido about 100 froo itunii-grain- s with an ample supply of money to moot tho requiraruonts of iue imiv. iuo couipnuy wuicu iu-vid- tho Aikoku Maru lot before is roportod to bo defunct. Ogura fc Co.'s first shipment will arrive about tho middlo of next mouth uuder personal supervision of Mr. Ogura himself. Musings at Midnight. Euitou Bcllbtis:-- - Midnight musings am not always profitable; for Instance, if ou re- turning from a ltiau, a man finds tho lamp post a safer guide than his painted nose, which cannot keep its equilibrium, aud ho sees Mars rising in tho heavens, a portent of some Dlootiy liglil lu lutn re, Ills musings an apt to bo incoherent. Hut now, to me, on returning from a busy day's labor not ending at sunset, and finding no suitable wa- tor whurewith to mix a necessary dosoof medicine. I tako my pail to get tho hoaltb-Kiviu- ir drink, various musings como thronging through my busy brain. Tho stars aro shining brightly in our August sky. Arcturus is about hidiug hiinsitlf behind tho western waves. Spica Virginia aud Saturn hare already put ou their nightcaps, aud aro sparkiug it. Mars is bright- ly leading iu tho oast, to be followed by old Jupiter, with Venus risiug just before the day. A pilgrimage to Mount Hamilton seems, at the moment, a necessity. But the poor, sulTcring peoplo on tho hills keep us, for the time, from takiug t rencu leave, ami enjoying ourselves in such a jouruoy. And still the hard hearts of those who ought to know lietter, keep their taps runuiug even into these mid- night hours. How dwelleth the love of God iu such hearts? liow can one, who nrofessus Christ to be the center of his affections, thus pass by tho thirsty people who have drant fever-breedin- g water, aud are now not able to wui the bread for fever- ish mouths? It seems to me such Christianity should be replaced by hearty, Chris- tian love, showing itself in g acts of kindness, clothing the ualtod, devisiug ways aud meaus to set the idle puople to work; so that tho plenty of our land may, with- out fostering beggary, help the poor, train them iu ways of industry, make them useful members of our little republic. yours lor uumautty s sake, Keuueth Hazumoro had the good fortune to receive a small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera aud Diarrhtua Houiody wiieu three mem- bers of his family were sick with dysentery. This one small bottle cured them all aud he had so mo left which ho gave to Geo. V. liaker, a prominent merchant of the place, Lewistou, N. C, aud it cured him of the sauitt complaiut. When troubled with dysentery, ditirrluoa, colic or cholera morbus, give this remedy a trial and you will bo more than pleased with the result. The praise that naturally follows its Introduc- tion aud use has made it very popu- lar. 25 aud M cent bottles for sale by lleuson, .Smith t Co., Agent for the Hawaiian Islands. .1, V. Chapiuuu caters for ban- quets, socials, private diuuers aud gardeu parties, Weddings a special- ty. Hu can be found al all hours at haus Souei or will call on auy ladles or guutlomoii who will address hint thrutigh tho IW Otllco.

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    -- . &

    rrd!?' ljmsjp- -- w&pI3

    b illj MS viflM& dlettn.VOL. VIII. NO. 1121. HONOLULU, H. I., TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1894. PRICE 5 CENTS.



    Dally BollotlB PabllsilD Co., L'd.,

    at thb ernoilie 328 atrckait It, IbboIbIb, . I.

    BUBSCKIPTION-B- ix Doliam a Yiaa.Delivered In Honolulu at Ftrrr Cents aMoatB, In advance.


    B0VH1R.Y TUBSDAYVt Foob Uom.ab A YBAB to Domestic,inJ FtT Dollam to Foreign bnbscrlhers,payable lo advance.


    6k --m BOTH TELEPHONKB W)i.m-- P. O. BOX By,

    Tut Uailt Bcllbtim Ii printed ami pub-lished by tbe Dally Bulletin PublishingCompany, Limited, at IU offloe, Mer-chant atreet, Honolulu. Hawaiian !audi. Daniel Logan, editor, retldei onAlskea street, Honolulu, aforesaid,

    Address lettera for tbe paper "EditorB ullbtim," and business lettera " ManagesDally Bulletin Publishing Company."Osing a personal address may cause delayin attention.

    Bualnosa Card.

    UCWEK8 ft OOOXX.

    liuroaTiM amp Dbalbbs i LoNsak tarall ainM or Bmintan Mataauu.

    Fort Hlreet, Houolnlu.


    KshtnAi. Oo(alne AxeDT

    'oruer Kort and Queen Htreeta, Honolulu.

    no. a. nauTHiKs.

    Vt'iTiimst eollsniaL HriaiiiM Ai.eav.

    Mahukoua, Kohala, Hawaii.


    ArrosjiaT'AV Lam ahu Notasi t'rjuuc.

    No. 13 Kaaiiutuaim tiu, ttouululu.


    Amri-foiN- JawaLBM i Watch.HAKla.

    ttukul Jewelry a specialty. Partinularaiianiion pau to an kinds of repairs.

    Molnemy Block, Fort BlreeU


    HvaAM Khoihbh, Buxab Mii.ui. Bouts.Coons. Uom, Brans, add l.r


    Machinery of Every Description Mad UOrder. Particular atfmtlou paldtoBhips'Blaoksmlthlug. Job Work ixeonted atShort Notice.



    HOT Fort Street, Honolulu, H. 1.P. O. Box 287. Mutual Tele. ux.

    DR. C. W. MOORE,1400 Van Ness Are., 8. F Cal.

    Elefant Asaruseata for PattentEBbBOTBlCITr III BISVODS D1SBASBS.

    JaT Dr. Moore offers Invalids all theooinforta of home, with constant and care-ful treatment. Uefers to H. It. Macfarlane.


    OHAS.dubut mroam or


    IDiry C3-oo- isKaahumanu Street.

    Cement Sidewalks & Gra-nite Curbing Laid.Estimates given on all kinds ol






    AROHITHOTB,Urricai New Hafe Deposit Btilldlua,

    Fort street, Honolulu, 11. I.

    Plans, Bpeolnnatlous and Buterliiteiidsnoe given fur Every Descrlidlon of Buildlug. Old Buildings successfully Kemodslfed and tfnlaruad. Ilaalana fur InUrlnl)eenrailonp, Man or Menliani"l I'riiw.lii,Traolng siml llluu 1'rlullng. Drawingsfor Uook or Newspaper Illustration.

    WH. G. IRWIN & GO.

    (LimitedOKI-K- FOR 8AI.1

    Kttl.TILIZKRSbit. oion ao

    (MvDfiued HUUi Grade Cant laoim.

    Wd ari alao prepared tn take ordars (of

    yfnsrsj. N. Otiltxncat Oo.'i

    insuring prompt deliver

    ROILED LUCOL!This Is a superior Paint Oil. con- -

    turning loss pigment than Unseed Oil, andriving a lasting brllllanov to colon.Used with drlet It aires a splendid floorsurface

    T.lme. OementKBMriKIIHtlOAKh


    Fairbank Cnnnlnf C.'n Corned (feet

    rAiAtriaa pawt .

    Gompoands, Roofing & Papers,

    iMfl'i pitin Stein Pip CTinii

    JarfcoM' OUaoni, Enanwl A Bwm-Unti- af


    MKilaJly designed for Vacuum fans.

    FIRE.LIFE ani.



    Harttettl rtr Issuance Ce.,Ainta, 17,109,825.49.

    Luneifia A Uaoanaire Fire Inn. Co.,Assets, 14,317,052.

    TnsiaHS asd HerM Marine Inn. Co.,Limited)

    Assets. 18.124,057.

    niv Tork Lite Ins. Co.,Assets, 1137,499,198.99.

    G. 0. BERGEfi,Oesersl Asent tor Hawaiian Ialanas.. HONOLULU.


    Wui. K. Irwin, President aua MauegeiOlauK Bprenkelt. . . . Vloe.PrealdeuiW. M.OIifard, rlecreury and TreasurerTheo. (!. Port"! Andltni

    Sugar FactorsANI

    CnuunitiHioD Akhiub


    Oceanic Steamship Company,



    General MercantileAHI- -

    CommiMion AgentsP. O. Jones PresidentQ. H. Kobertson ManagerE. F. Blsbop Becretary A TreasurerW.F.Allen AuditorC.M.Cooke )H. Waterhonse Dlrrtor.O. L. Carter I

    Oitt Carriage Co.,Corner King nd Bethel Bts.

    BOTB TELEPiOHBS 113 -Fine Carrlagen & Civil DrlverH

    To be had at all hours.

    .1. S. ANDRADE,IU.VI tf Manager,

    Atlas Anurance Go.or Z.OXTS03IT

    ASHRTK, 110,000,000,

    I J W SCHMIDT & SONSAgedls for Hawaiian Mauds,





    Carpets, Rags and Mats callportsIn the Latpit Patterns


    Sewing Machines,HAND SEWINO MACHINES,

    All with tbe Latest Improvements call- ALSO OH HAND -


    Celebrated Cottage Pianos

    Parlor Organs, Guitars.

    -- ahd othss- -


    ED. HUFFSCHLAEGEK a CO.,King Street, oppo. Castle A Cooke.

    414 BOTH TKLEl'HONBH car 414

    1 1USTACE &('().

    COAJ,All elude in any quantity f nun

    bag to a ton

    CHARCOAL.Tom mi,, bag tn any quantity

    FIREWOODIn 4fb lengths and Bawed or Split

    from a bag to any quantity: sit"

    WHITE & BLACK SANDa'o-t- f



    RctwMB altkM and Richards Streeta.

    rpHK UNOKKBIUNKD AKK 1'KK--1red to make all kinds of Iron,

    Brass, Bronte, Zinc, Tin and Lead Cast-ings. Also a General Keimlr Bhop forBU-a- Knglnes. Klce Mills, Corn Mills,Water Wheels, Wind Mills, et. Machinefor tht Cleaning of Collee, CasUir Oils,Beans, Itanile, BIsal, Pineapple Leaves andother Flbruus Plants and Puimr Htook.Also Machines for Kztractlug Btarrh fromthe Manioc, Arrow Uoot, etc.

    All ordHra promptly attenlit



    Tbe Best Lunch Id Town.

    Tom a.n.d OotTT ALL UOUHfl


    Cigars and TobaccoALWATa ON UANn


    Agent to Take Acknowledgments

    - WILL ATTEND TO -HanaKemenl and Sale o( Property

    - AHOCollecting in All Its Branches.

    Orriun No. 42 Merohaut Street,tut U 'X' LTULX. Ti:ijEIXX01TX3 3QO,

    7iv-t- r


    & i KING S'( mWholesale and Retail Botchers


    (1, J. Waixkm, i i .Manager.

    ClflC Mail S.S. GO,

    AMI fHp

    Occidental and Oriental S. S. Co.

    Per TOIOHAMA ui HONQIONO.Bteamers of the abora Oompanles will

    at Honolulu on their way to the aboreon or about the following dates:

    Btmr "CHINA".... JSeptember 3, 1HBtmr "OCEANIC" October 2,1894Btmr "CHINA" November 12, lblMBtmr "OCEANIC". ..December 11. 1KMBtmr "CHINA" January 21, 18SBtmr "OCEANIC".. .February 10, 18U3Btmr "CHINA" April 2. 1tt

    rot BAN FIAJiClBCO

    Bteamers of the abore Companies willat Honolulu on their way from Hong

    kong aud Yokohama to the abore uort onrxiiut the following dateet

    Btmr "CITY OF PEKINQ"October 0, 18U4

    Btmr "OCEANIC". .November 19 IBMBtmr "CHINA" December 31 1KMBtmr "OAELIO" ....February 10 1896Stmr"PKKU" MarcB2 189SBtmr "OAKLIC" April W, 1890


    to toto ro uoawMAMA. ohh.

    Camn . tlMl U' 1176 OUCabin, round trip 4

    months Oft is mj miCabin, round trip IS

    months. .. tia noKnroean Steerage so Vi mi ou

    tylng fall fare will bereturn far If return.

    .BaT-- 1 'asseugereallowed 10 percent oBing within lwlr month

    CSV for Freight and Passage apply ti

    H. HACKFELD lr CO.,arui Agents.

    Oceanic Steamship Co.

    Australian Mail Service

    For 8an Pranclaco:liir Nvw and Fine Al Steel Buamatii

    " MONOWAI "VI Hie Ocraulo Steamship Couipaui willImdue at Honolulu from Bydiinv and Anckland no or about

    September 20thAmi will leare for the above iMirt withMalls ami Passengers on or about lliat.Ute.

    For Bysney aai Ancklantf :Ihr New aud Fine Al Bteoi Btamht

    " ALAMEDA "Of the Oceanic Company willbe due at Houolnlu, from Ran Fmiieiwoon or about

    August 30th.Ana will hare prompt deiMh withMalls and Passengers for the abore portsThe undersigned are now prepared lo issue



    For further nartliMilur tfnlinaKntlglitur PaNsage apply to

    WH. 0. IRWIN A CO., List,QeBeral Abu

    Oceaoic Steamship Go.

    Time TableLOCAL LINE

    S. S. AUSTRALIAArnvn Honolulu Ieave Honolulu

    from B. F for 8. F.

    Bept. S Bept. 1ftOct. 0 Oct. 13Nov. 3 Nov. 10Den. 1 Deo. 8

    THROUGH LINEFrom Han Frannitci Knim Bydney fin

    for Bydney. Han Francisco.

    .4 trite Jlotwlulu Lean rmnfufu.


    II. LOSE,

    Notarr Habile, Collector and OeoeralBnalness Agent.

    HoD-Hge- for Hevernl of the Best KIRKINBUKANCK COMPANIES.

    Pstaulee ol Loss's Gbtmlctl Ooatponnd forCUrltylog Ciuo Jules.

    Mutual Telephone H. P. O. Hot .Merchant Htrrnt, Honolulu.

    Ring Up Both Telephones 122


    Baggage Express,4ti1 st lloliluiisrshhoelngHhop,

    l)....i. .trxt nenr Fort.. JAUKH I'OI.LOUK.

    Canadian -Australian

    siwenmn of the ahore Line, running In connection with th

    CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYBetween Vancoorer, B. I). and Bydney, N.

    Honolulu and

    A-R- DXTH3 ASTOn or about the datfs

    From Sydney and Suva, for Vic'orlaand Vancouver. B. O.t

    Btmr"WAIlHIMOO" September 1Btmr"AUAWA" Octoher2Btrur "WAKKIMOO" Noromber 1

    Tkrotfk Ttckati umH trea lonolalt lersaiuBT aiiu fAti swots AOtHTSi i


    D. Mi NICOLL, Montreal, Canada.BOBEKT KEKK, Winnipeg, CanadaM. M. BTKUN, Ban Francisco, Cal.O. Mt'U BKOWN, Vancouver. B. 0.





    Canto, 0bP4


    HONOLULU SOAP HOUSEThriMi packages containing thirty boxes of Tokio Parlor Matchns

    only 10 couts.Soils vory quality of at $1.00 por 100 pnttnds, and 17of pounds, houost tvuigut, forGorman Uluo Castile Soap, manufactured by Gratis Bros., Mannheim,

    Germauy, at 10 couts tier pound.Soil), retails ot wholesale prices.

    Soft Soap in tins of 12 pounds,Stearic Wax Mining Candles, manufactured by Emery Caudle

    Works of Cincinnati, Ohio, 12 candles for 25ICiawe Firo Wood, $10 pur cord, the same in blocks of inches

    quantity from $1 up, delivered to any part, of city free ofcharco.

    Kiawo Charcoal at 40 emits a sack.Hichmond, Vn., Cedar Wood l'oi 1'ails, finished with brass hoops.

    Sninll size, 50 cents; large size, cents.Empty Vinegar and Wine Barrels, wator receivers, at $1.Kitchen Salt of 100 pounds, 50 cents.Table given away.Highest Cash Priro paid for Hides, Skins and Tallow.

    1ST. BREHAM,Known Soft Soap

    tfMUTUAL TKI.. 3M. II0M

    Wilder's Steamship Go.


    a Wildss, Pn-s- . n It iiv 'Cam. J. A. Kiho, I'on Hn.it

    Stinr. KIN AD0LABIC, Oomtoaodft

    Will leave Honolulu at a r. a.. loucfiuiK alLahalua, and Me kens thesame day; Mahukoua, Kimmna aud Laopahoeboe the folluwin .lm at

    at midnight.LKAVK8 HONOLULU

    Tuesday ...r'ept. 4Friday; ...repuTuesday... . ...hept.'Friday .. Oct. bTuesday ....OcLlt.r v ....OcLitt)day.... ...Nor. br riua. ...Nor. lbTuesday ...Nor. 27Friday ... ....Dec. 7Tuesday.. ...Deo. Ih

    Ketumlnir leaves Hllo. touching at lnahoehoe same day; Kawalbae a. m.; a10 a. St.; Makena Ir.s.iBay Or. St.; Labalna 8 r. m. the fullowine

    day; arriving at Honolulu ii a. . Wixlnes-day- sand Baturdavs.


    Saturday Bept. 1TYDuiicaun lBaturday Bept.!UWednesday Oct. 8Baturday Oct. ISWednesday Oct. 24Baturday Nor. 3Wednesday Nor. 14Baturday Nov. 24Wednesday 6Baturday loWednesday Deo.2

    No Frelaht will ! rmwivwl after12 noon on day of sailiug

    Stmr. OLAUDINE,CAMER0R, Goauunder.

    vill leave Honolulu every liitsday at l. touching at Kahulul. HiihIo, H ana,

    Hamoa and hJpatinlu.Returning will arrive at Honolulu every

    nunday mornine.AfST" No Freight will he rno ived after

    4 t. m. on day of sailing.

    Consignees must at tlin laudings toreceive their Frrleht, as we will hot holdourselves responsible surb Freighthas Iteen landed.

    White the Company will nse due dill-genc- elu handling Live Htock. we decline

    to assume any resimnslhllity in of tbeloss of same,

    The Company will not lie respoutlblx foror Jewelry unless placed In the cart-

    el Pnrsers.

    LKSSOXS in

    Drawing and Painting.

    0. Howard HitchcockDrawing and Painting taught by the lat-

    est European methods. Claanusevery Wednesday aud Hslurdny forenoon from H a. w,ui ii noon.

    IB-S- lessons for Pupils in .nlal lluss of work also given,

    Tliu Ntudlo will lie oiien to vlltnrevery Friday alteruoou,

    Steamship Line

    B. W., and calling at Victoria. B.Sara Fiji,

    HONOIJTJlliTJJbelow via. I

    From and Vancouver, B 0.,for and Sydney)

    8tmr"WARUIMOO" Beptember24October 24

    Btmr November 2!

    IUIm bb BweB.

    IBF" For Freight and 1'assage ami anllanaral Information, annlv to

    H. Davios & uo., L. Q,Agent for the htandt.

    tho bust Soapbars 25 $1.25.



    cut 12long iu any the


    in sacksSalt

    as the Man,

    Maalaca Hay















    Wholesale Dralera In

    Liprs anfl Manila CiprsAUD- -

    General Chinese MerchandiseSDCII AS

    Nut Oils, Klce, Matting,Chinese Bilks, Etc., Etc., Kto.

    English and American GroceriesBy Every Coast flteamer.




    tafiL.87 KlDo St MDtDal Tel. 661

    Baggage Checked from Hotels aud Resi-dences direct to destination. No

    Kechecklng at steamers.Baggage always put In Btate Rooms.

    Oiieurgos ModerateJ. R. MrLLS,

    KTJMIIU Manager.


    Engines d Launches


    y They cannot lie Btirimssedfor motive power.


    JOS. TINKER,lUtt--tl Bole Agent, Nuuanu streut.

    California Fruit Market,Corner King A Alakea Hu

    Catuariuo's Kulrigcratoi's

    lly Every Bteamer from Ban Franclsco with

    Frsh Fruit, Oysters,Salmon, Poultry,

    Kto. Etc., Eto. Etc.Iftl-t- l

    Consolidated Soda Water Go,, Id

    Cor. Allan ft Fort IU., RoboIbIi.

    IJOIsMSTMIt .V X).,1U6-- U Anuti,

    Emma Mine.Young Emma, fair, a mnlden rae,Oh what to Emma can compare,

    In earth, or sky. or sea?Is It the lily's stately glace,Is It nature'" Mulling fnco,

    Or the (lottery la?Is It the nuenll bright with dew;Or violet snett, or hyacinth blue;

    Or the blushing morn,I" It any fair dower that grow,That bad, tilovom, and fragrant blow,

    And that thN earth ndorn?

    U it the gentle zephyr bri-eze-,That watts incense Ironi (lowers and trees,

    And sweetly scent tin- - ulr?N It the sunljeain's Ktntle iilemu,A venc of Ixatity, n patt ilresin,

    (Jr lunar rnmbow rare?No, mill" of these though ne'er so fair,DMn or a motiient to compare,

    With this priceless gem'Bo great her north and her renown,'Ihat she might wear n civic crown

    Or royal diadem!

    Oh, rnru and matchlcs Is her grace.Heavenly beauty In her face,

    bhe simply Is subllmi-- !And llku some angel from nbove,All ilif and ulmui(eles Is hr love,

    And, ah, sli i It's mine!Angilt '.'., Is'Jl. 1Jo.iiio.mx I .


    Interesting Latter from Koaara.Ogurn ft Oo.

    Mr. O. II. Boardm&n received todar a letter dated Osaka, Aug. 12th,from Ogurn A: Co. The govorutauuthad chartered all the JapantMstonhiors go as to send arms andmilitary munitions to Corua. Coubo-qtlunt- lr

    tho delay iu lilliug tho or-do- r.Tho Japanese in general woro

    much excited over tho war prospectand this uxcitomuut had become in-tense aftor tho doclaration of warand tho victories of both army andnary. Tho Government woro

    both tho first and secondreserves and sendluir them to Hiroshima, tho principal naval stationuoaresl to Coroa. This was unfor-tunate, as tho company's headquart-ers for recruiting labor woro al thatplnco and at Yatuaguuhi but by thokinduoss of tho ollluials the com-pany had boon able to fill orerr or-itur for contract laborois aud hadsecured Imsido about 100 froo itunii-grain- s

    with an ample supply ofmoney to moot tho requiraruonts ofiue imiv. iuo couipnuy wuicu iu-vid-

    tho Aikoku Maru lot before isroportod to bo defunct. Ogura fcCo.'s first shipment will arrive abouttho middlo of next mouth uuderpersonal supervision of Mr. Ogurahimself.

    Musings at Midnight.Euitou Bcllbtis:-- -

    Midnight musings am not alwaysprofitable; for Instance, if ou re-turning from a ltiau, a man finds tholamp post a safer guide than hispainted nose, which cannot keep itsequilibrium, aud ho sees Mars risingin tho heavens, a portent of someDlootiy liglil lu lutn re, Ills musingsan apt to bo incoherent.

    Hut now, to me, on returning froma busy day's labor not ending atsunset, and finding no suitable wa-tor whurewith to mix a necessarydosoof medicine. I tako my pail toget tho hoaltb-Kiviu- ir drink, variousmusings como thronging throughmy busy brain.

    Tho stars aro shining brightly inour August sky. Arcturus is abouthidiug hiinsitlf behind tho westernwaves. Spica Virginia aud Saturnhare already put ou their nightcaps,aud aro sparkiug it. Mars is bright-ly leading iu tho oast, to be followedby old Jupiter, with Venus risiugjust before the day. A pilgrimageto Mount Hamilton seems, at themoment, a necessity.

    But the poor, sulTcring peoplo ontho hills keep us, for the time, fromtakiug t rencu leave, ami enjoyingourselves in such a jouruoy. Andstill the hard hearts of those whoought to know lietter, keep theirtaps runuiug even into these mid-night hours. How dwelleth the loveof God iu such hearts? liow canone, who nrofessus Christ to be thecenter of his affections, thus pass bytho thirsty people who have drantfever-breedin- g water, aud are nownot able to wui the bread for fever-ish mouths?

    It seems to me such Christianityshould be replaced by hearty, Chris-tian love, showing itself in g

    acts of kindness, clothing theualtod, devisiug ways aud meaus toset the idle puople to work; so thattho plenty of our land may, with-out fostering beggary, help thepoor, train them iu ways of industry,make them useful members of ourlittle republic.

    yours lor uumautty s sake,

    Keuueth Hazumoro had the goodfortune to receive a small bottle ofChamberlain's Colic. Cholera audDiarrhtua Houiody wiieu three mem-bers of his family were sick withdysentery. This one small bottlecured them all aud he had so mo leftwhich ho gave to Geo. V. liaker, aprominent merchant of the place,Lewistou, N. C, aud it cured him ofthe sauitt complaiut. When troubledwith dysentery, ditirrluoa, colic orcholera morbus, give this remedy atrial and you will bo more thanpleased with the result. The praisethat naturally follows its Introduc-tion aud use has made it very popu-lar. 25 aud M cent bottles for saleby lleuson, .Smith t Co., Agent forthe Hawaiian Islands.

    .1, V. Chapiuuu caters for ban-quets, socials, private diuuers audgardeu parties, Weddings a special-ty. Hu can be found al all hours athaus Souei or will call on auy ladlesor guutlomoii who will address hintthrutigh tho IW Otllco.

  • 7 '" ft"T

    ht gnUjj giUUiin.

    tMjnl 10 nrithrr S'tH Hi hiTfyHut KrtahUah'd for the Urn fit of All.

    TUESDAY, AUG. 28. I8WI

    A rocent Loudon despatch says:"The United Status Governmenthare withdrawn tlioir warships fromthe Hawaiian Istauri, where a

    has beou proclaimed, havingdecided not to meddle with tliodetelonment of alTair thuro in tlio I

    future." Our republican rulra areto be congratulated on iMr .uccj jin disgusting tlieunuea uiin,hamnia3 rt)C0;v,.(l j9 cl,art,,rtheir bail ruauners touarci us cuiei Imagistrate.

    The humanity of tho l'olicn De-partment and its heads is tthownby tho treatment accorded to ArthurWhite. Mr. Whito while underbonds for a serious charge is also i..j.ii... ,.. nin. ii-,i- ;. n.. ! IUUUDI L lULlllClfl 1'tl iilVtltVl j ....j.unable to leavo his bed. Yet thepolico go to bis houe, aud while heis in that serious condition of illnessthey remove him forcibly to prisonunder pretence that ho might runaway, ill as ho was, as his bonds werenot as high or as valuable as theyought to be.

    Mr. H. M. Whitney, editor of thePlanters' Monthly, has issued a neatbrochure entitled, "Tho HawaiianCoffee Planters' Manual." Besidesa history and description of coffeeculture in Hawaii, it contains notesof the methods of coffee culturepractised in Guatemala, lirazil, Li-beria and Ceylon. This little workia certainly timely aud ought to beof much value to tho many peoplewho believe in coffee growing as afuture great industry of Hawaii, buthave ouly a hazy knowledge of thesteps to bo taken to successfully en-gage in tho enterprise

    It distresses the waulng Star ex-ceedingly that tho lk'LLtrriN admit-te- d

    the truth of tho recognitionnews without comment. There Isnothing very flattering iu havingtho young but early decaying even-ing organ ozpress anxiety to havethe opiniou of tho Brixcnx. Its owncolumns are so barren of originalideas it must needs seek astimulant, aud if it cannot find an-other it resorts to the brain pro-duct of its opponents, utilizingthat article shrewdly by presentlog the reverse of the argument.If the Star is terribly anxious to as-certain what we think about l'residont Cleveland's action, in recoguizing and complimenting the Govern-ment he asked lately to stepdown and out, because, as ho said, itwas established by "force and fraud,"wo may gratify it to a limited extent.Wo think that the character givento the sitting President of theUnited States by the Star people,and by Hatch, Judd and Joues,along about last December audJanuary, had more truth thau eitherpoetry or politeness about It.

    By Lewis J. lrfivoy.

    Household -:- - Furniture

    AT AUCTION.I am Instructed hy Mk O. O. N.M'A- -

    YAM A (on milium ot departure, tosell at I'lilillc Auoliim. ut IiIn rerl- -

    dunce, I'nlaoi tiiiar. adjoin.ItiK tlio 0lTU JlullMI.

    On FRIDAY, August !IU,AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M

    All His HoBstbold Furniture and Effects

    Comiistlng of

    Blaolc "W'a.liTutPillar Extension TableB. W. Dlnlnj; Clmlra, li. W. Hlilfbonnl,

    One II. W. Marlilt'-to- p Hudrooiu Set,One Slujilo .Murlili'-to- p lludrooni Hot,


    li I'licesiSingle Oak lleilnlcail, Monulto Kitu,Hpring anil Hair llutiretisi n,

    1 Oil Painting 'Volcano'Hy Tavcrnler;

    Lrg Ontt-- r ami Sum 1 Jtiii'H,Katun Clinlra, CIihiiiIuIUth and l.niiiii,

    Maple Wurilrolw, '.' Clillilrcli'n Cols,

    1 Maple Combination CheffooierBquare I'lano, Kluuiv ('lii'lliiiilur,Maplo Hor'tarv, ItevolvinyOHice Table uiul C'lmir,

    Ono completeSet EDcyclopeoia Britaaoica !

    22 Volutins,Whatnots, Jniines" HmohIh and (Uirios,

    JapaneMH Vuki'm, (Monks, (.'luckury,Cntlury anil l'liitolwarti.

    1 Wilcox ,V Ulbliti rjcwlnu Mnolilno,

    1 Domestic Sewing Machinelnly Now;

    Vlntlirui B'ovti anil Klu.lun Utuuillx,Bera U lliilc. 1'iiiiltiy,Cockntuo ami Hiiuirruf,Meat Hutu, Ico lim,

    1 Family Carriage Illarnrta, Ka(lilli,

    Brake, iiiailu to orilurj1 Oarrhcu llnnu, Ktn., I'.lc, lltu.

    Hav. Hono a III lieopeii for liii'ii) Ionon TllUK.SI)AY,(roni 10 a u Xu'iv. u

    Uw-f-i J. Levoy,lll-6- t AUuTioNi:i:it

    -- T ' 1 frCWmSf'jr'r- - VWF&m "'jm,,jws w

    Jiiiano Immlcrutlon.Kditoii Hi cm-tin- :

    In this tuorniuit's Advertiser there




    appears a statement said to be takenfrom a letter written to Mr. G. E.Doardtnau to the effect lhat( thecharters of all Jnpaueio immigra-tion companies, other than Ogura VCo., have lapsed, and that the saidlinn of Ogura & Co. are the onlvpersons now able tobring Japaneelaborers here. This statement isCtlfonud misleading, as tho charterof no immigration compHiiy haslapsed, but tho charter of tho Moijiluiiu Kwaisha has been revoked onaccount of misrepresentations madeto tlio immigrants who leit Japanon tho Aikoku Mnru in Juno lastThe Yokohama ICnltfai Shokumiu

    &h!3$Y&irom mo uapaue.'e uovuruiiicm, aimthe said company is able to furnish

    uuut'i vuna vi iiiuiu ttiitt twi ivthinnnev than anv other company haover furnished to tho country. Themember of the said company arewell knonu throughout Japan forttR1jr l,rbity( and for tho benefit oftboe who may wish to do businesswith thcm.l, riirivo herewith tho namesof all the members in full: M Yoko- -yama, T. Akaboshi, S. Murioka, 11.Mntsumtira. M. Si.va.Atty. in fact for tho Kaigai Shoku-

    miu Kwaiha.Honolulu. August --S, lS'.U.

    Ship John Eua Has a Bad Tlmo.

    The Sydney Telegraph has an ac-count of shippiug having had a try-ing time through Bass Straits, whichcontains tho following: Like theJohn Carswell, tho ship John Euahas beou having a bad timo iu theStraits. A telegram from Melbournestates that the John Eua was spokenby the tug Albatross, and tho mas-ter reported that ho had been beat-ing about tho Straits for tho last 20days, being unable to mako headwayowing to tho adverso aud boisterousweather. He, howorer. wished to bereportetl all well. Tho John Eua isa four-maste- d ship of 2700 tons,sailing under the Hawaiiau flag, audbound from Port Blakoly to PortPirio with a cargo of lumber.

    One Chinese for opium iu posses-sion pleaded guilty iu the DistrictCoti't to day aud was fined $10. Ononative had sentence suspended forselling swipes.

    By Jas. F. Morgan.

    TO-MOR.R.O'- I

    Rare Ferns and Palms

    at vrjroTio.N.On WEI)X12DAY, Aug. 29

    AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M

    A thi re nf Maj.iii J. II. WODK-IIOl'.SI- v.lllulmnh mn.it. m'Jolnln tin

    lltivtl.iii 1IM. 1 will n'W ut I'ublle Auc-Uiin- .iiClmlcd klid Kiro Lot nt

    PERNS, PALMS, ETC.Jn.a. V.

    1 1'.' i 'J' Al'OTinNKKIl


    Votht. is iii:iii;iiy uivbn thatl iurntntit ton ht ul tulerontiilli-ei- lIn a ci'rt.ilii nmrlplui inilili liy Anl un-i'u-uiul wife ut lliinuliilii, lo(Vcll llpinii

    ul the ttutiut iilurt ami of rminl In tin Of-;U- 'fof tin- - of i'oiivi.miiiii'i' In

    l.llk-- r '0. on pni;i' --", -- 'Ininl j", uiul loiilil t'rrll llruMii duly amilcniil to K. If.Iliiy-i'iili- ii. t ru tic iii.iIit tlio lit t will amiii'iiaiui'Ui of J. (1. HiiVMiMiMi, iKtoi-ci- l, liyliHMiiiiiMil of ri'diril l.lliijr ll'on kiku'.'Iii,tlio mini iiinriKKKt'o liiti'inU la lon-oln-- ftnlil iiiorUiin' f"r linm'ti of romlltlonilivri-i- coiitiilinil. Nolle) In iiImi kIvciitimt llio property roviTiiHiytiaiil niorlpiKi'will In) olil ut I'ulillo Auction, ut l'J o'clockiiimjii, ou riA'l I'ltD.VV, tliu 1 1 tit iluy ofAiiKUi't, at llm luiition roonut of ,lu I'.Miukiiii In Jloiiolulu Tin prourt Inhuiil nioriKiit'uiliH'ililcvrllK'il in

    All that ciTtitiii purci--l of liinl nituittn atluilllil In caiil Jioiiulilu, t'untulnlii)t nnuri'uof 3ii 'J3 ucri'n. uml ImIiiu u iiortlon oftliu prfiiilscn In llojul J'utmitNo...'ai, uml fiuivevfil to mul Anione ItoMi byJ 1'. Muiiiloiioa, ailiiilnlrtrutor of tliu en-ta-

    of DiiiiiIiil'o Uijiez Kamot liy ileeililuiuil I li llrt (lay of April, lbi7, of reconlin tin lliiwulliin ltfnNtry of Uenl In Hooklll on jinui". '.'I uml '5

    Duifil Honolulu, July 13th, IK'Jt.I or (iirtlier iiiirtn'iiluru upoly to

    F. II. HATblU-DKN- ,rrtmUe of tlit- - lout Will anil Tetiiiiient ofJ. U. Iluyvflili-ii- , dfCfft'ud, or to

    (JniLllRiiww, Attorney.

    tW Tli uttle of the ahovu iroTerty un-der fnr'Olojur In iotjmed until 8 AT I)

    KepttMlT I, INM. Hi th nnie tllmmil i.Im- t- 1 107 INI

    MISS DAYTONWill tike ii limit" 1 milliter of I'uplU

    fur tlio

    -- FIJl 3STO- -htnlJuii'-o- i I.llllm Htreet.

    Mutual Tolophono XG3Hit w

    JOHN T. BK.O-WN- ,Dealer lu liunulluu nml Korul(;u I'ontHe

    Utampa. I. O. Jlox 111, Hutmiiilu.MiKi.cMt i rleei jjlven for Unused and HudHuHiilliiii Htaiiii3 lu uxcliuiiKH for otlurooutitrleu from llrst-ola-si upprovnl HtteotnHIieetH forwarded to any part of tlm Inlandon ui.iilicatioii with town reference.

    J T. II In open to meet uny collectors hyappointment. HU'-'l- m

    Partner Wuntod in OU Voneoring.

    I'KRI'AHKDTODOOII.VKNKKKWork to onUr. Would like to net a

    l'Hrtner lu the bunlnena, to fttrnlnli ma-chinery and, if dnpiralile, learn the hunt,neni Hae water power Hump-e- nf tlifwork cuu bo teen nt the IIii.i.kti.n Oilicu.

    10UI llii WI1.1.1.M JIAMSKN.


    I'OFKK-iOl- t IIUAIII.KY (HVIIH IKS--niiim III HlnuliiK, I'lano, Violin httil

    'Cello. Trmx, J hii hour. l, httlf hour.Iliivlii).' linl 'J'l jeurt,' e.x. er ni'o hi

    nml I'hulr rruluer. he NoiciiIoiiiieii.'iii.etm'nt lu tho-- e rpiclllin. ilei-- t i)flenlliuoliiiiln Al Kmiiia ttn-- t Mutilill'leli-plion- I VI. lll.i-i'-


    in iiTTi'iti: a i.i, nn. is roit IN1 ill riikliii! will I ii itiMililo on r'tenl-illii- lit lull. Wiiiiin rouii lo lo lhiruin on of the ImiMuy liii-ollne-iinn uiiij'iiiiy ot our t iieumiiii-- iulnr liinuiil-- i aruovi r.

    WII.I.IAMM I1I10H.I.n A WiMUtm. .Miiuimir.

    Ji.moiuiu, auk, ':i, ikii. ir.o-i-

    Hamlin Hirlvin Gil, I'll

    Tuca lap, Avg. ZS, tHU.

    The short crop of rice inLouisiana and the Carolineshas had a visible effect uponthe Hawaiian market, becausethe dealers in the States hadto import from here to assistin making up the defiuency.In California the Chinese resi-dents are willing to pay ahigher price for rice grown inChina on account of a differ-ence in the kernel. With awar on between China andJapan, and indications of acontinuance, it is not probablethat the ustul shipments willbe made from either of thoseplaces, so that the ChineseCalifornian must eat Hawaiianrice or go hungry. In addi-tion to the advantages of theReciprocity Treaty the Ha-waiian planter profits by thedemand made upon him on account of the war. If any ofthe planters are gifted with asuperabundance of foresightthey have been made rich bybringing it into play, while theman with a good hindsightloses a dollar and seventy fivecents a bag. It's going higherand unless you want to throwyour money away you will layin a supply now.

    Several analyses of the waterin Mr. Hna's cave have beenpublished, each different inmaterial points from the other.Until the one furnished by Prof.Lyons and published in anafternoon paper, our analysiswas not seriously questionedand we fail to see why the in-gredients mentioned by uswe not found by the chemist.It is possible, owing to the pub-licity given, that people whoselastes i mi largely to O. P. S.made more Inquent visits tothe cave than Mr. Una isaware of ami the supplj wascxhausti-d- . Should it be provt-- by hiocquciit analysisthat the water is unfit fordrinking purposes, Mr. Iinamay still feel happy over hisdiscovery for his laud may bewell water d for cops, and bythe use of an Improved StoneFilter the water may be madesuitable for any use that mayhe f qui red.Ir ' a Sunday morning

    breakfast there is nothing better than baked beans aud Bos--ton orown oreau. 1 lie peopleol Massachusetts have waxt--fat on this diet, and have uti-lized beans, and will do so foryeais to come as a brain food,in the opinion of the Mostonesenothing can take the place ofbeans, The grocers here sellthem and we supply you withthe most elegant pots to cookthem in that were ever turnedout of a factory. I'hey go toyou at fifty cents and three-quarte- rs

    of a dollar accordingto size.

    We've, had hanging upagainst the ceiling in our storefor months past a little contri-vance for holding whips, sothry always remain straight.They have remained with usall this time because your at-tention was not called to them.Tiny won't be with us longnow because you know we havethem and because they arecheap. Ask for a whip hanger.

    New hanging lamps are wel-come in any house, We havea lot on which the prices havebeen made so low that theyopen the door to your house.Even if you use electricity youwill find a lamp a good thingto have about the house in theevent of electricity failing Webelieve ours a--- e very close todate in the matter of style andquality. The burners we knoware right because they are

    d by twenty millionlamp users in the UnitedSrates to be .superior to any.thing evi r used.

    Let us impress up uj yourminds that in qinihty, quantityand prices our goods are justright.

    HflWMiiwi Hnrdwru (Jo., I rii)iilnlli Hr, i Mi

    tli7 WV)UT TMWW'I.


    whichThe Mark "C. D. Bryant"bring to

    Largest Consignment of FurnitureKVKU KHiri'Kt) TO A 8IN0LK

    4.1 , , 1vim win of i!ivervtiniir iNeeueri to rurntsn.1 fit t

    a House from a

    Baby's Rocker to


    WILLIAMS BROS.Bell 179. TELEPHONES - Mntnal 76

    Grocery, GrainAJSTD

    Klitili Ufil'ABTM'KNT!

    From m lrge und voried stock tho undcraigned would drawparticular attention to the following :

    FEED STUFFS!imupriH.njr Cnlifomitt llay, Barley, Rolled Barley, Bran.

    MiddlingH, Oats, Corn.

    In addition to our

    ure ofare a by in



    Nil 1 Aittftj, li lliVi y(irt

    M M i M Jl in ,i. .,lr.!niHl.t-lHI- i lKi .

    HIU K Ha IT


    Htillorin i.iimii,

    Ha Hths

    in iihi rMiMitat.o-.- .. Hlniawfill'a

    rtwirsI'lk ltn.it -

    HKOOMH- -

    A Inrgt ri.i


    is now due

    us the


    fT9 .

    aOak Set

    iwunl stock of these we are now

    CtllforaUa udWukiagtoa Stats


    titttn n.i ila-- i rt"nTlnnMI.AHU


    'Jfcon Kiin., ' 1 . l ! Mil. ,.- -WlHi'

    ifi4in . 4 i,.Mt


    Hmwn Mr i. )''T'w'I.VAA


    & "Star"OK -

    earryino, Washington Bran, Oats and Rolled Barley.These each possessed strong feeding properties and

    well worth trial all interested stock.

    Royal and "Cleveland" Baking Powders!






    E)tiisa Uivurl.,l.lhliv. McNoll ft lilbby'a Otnn.ift ..u

    Rtrbxrilaun A Bnlihir' Ounn-- d


    Kerosene "Aloha"I.AHUK




    i'litiiiHiiaii hikpIhi!;. MWm, Dry Mtfiroclcry, Fmitm. Ett.. Kit.



    Theo. H. Davies & Co., L'd.


    HOIDP) & CO.,USTo. 4 Kline Street.

    W hare a lot of New (looilii to urrlvo liy the "Wilder" und the "llryant," and to ntaktroom mo ollur our pre out uapurb btook of

    ..BEDROOM SETS.In Onk, Walnut and Curly Illrcli of tlm lutont imtterni nt Hnoh low prireutimt It will pnv ou to Invest In llii in ut cmco.

    Sen our i U'Kuut AxiiorlniPiit of

    Wicker Ware, Chiffoniers and Chairs,In fcvtti and nln;le jilrc-e- to suit ovrry taxtu and every oekot.


    Purnituro, -:- - Bi-ddin- -:- - and -:- - UpholsteryBust Qiullty or Live Geese Feathers, Silk Flots, Hair, Mois and Excelsior always on band

    IU All nrilorn from tlmotliur IslnmU will liouttindil to Inn mniuior timt will InMini wuliifiuitliiii. Trv, iih onro nnd ynii will nnvur lnv ui fur our uooiIh uro imw amibtylih. iiud will lio well nit-i-i-l und come to you ut Han Frum-iu- iininUpholstering Goods, Cornice Poles, Cord, Gimp k Buttons

    WINDOW (" "" H,vArx;,"S.w,wl '" ordl,r SHADEStm. Him'iil ordt'r.1 for ull klniUol Kiirnliiiru will ho IIIIihI nt luwul prlrrii. I ry

    It ninl lid

    Bailey's Woven Wire Matlresies Kept In Slock.IA. An KiimrlHiii'fd lIiliiiUtnir and llncortor U aUayt at your wnrle H

    oUDWAY A FORTEK. LwuHnjrf the Hfiwftiiao Inlands.RohliiMiu Blued, titawet-.i- l Portight hnnii olnn of Hotal Mr(tjj ireot lmwrU.r of Kiiim Furniture,irt uhtoip tor ih W hsv nn (inurlwA

    Wnru. 8o(m, KouhlUK (Jhir.II) you anil print In ffonH

    uythiii( you waul in Dinitig-PHit- u Kuruituranything you want Id Bwirontn Purnitum

    V .... .J.. . ILra uu can ainu utj aiijiimi wuuJL on will find 'tookAml at prut to uil tinwo II a fhf ril-- l itiiTPliauttN


    o houit I iomill wit Imul MatWfAA,O hone iti Honolulu ! t.litv tfooHt nbm than

    Don'tjou tit! ooiut Llvtt titatmv Killow anil (luimnnaP rutty Wiudu MUmIcm iu allot for your windows in WoodO f Kuttrm we Uiiwl out lorgvlur hamlaomt Oarvml BHiritom

    at ratof



    audeoitijr wmI


    tll.vnur sunto twt from


    Milk floa fhif mall


    houw inour moti,

    oolon and tixor Bra Trlmmtntt

    lo (nontiouHttta In Holio Oat

    RopairliiK manouablDivovHniiff Uphoiatrn rurtiiliirt cpMUMittI ry our (Laar Cltaim iMturu tmyiu

    aJL aIiIm of all Ixm wilb Chain ann 8ldhoan1 to

    ETnrybtKly kuowi wt uiakt-- a (Hatun of lntorior Doouratinic.knowa ur iv. dnlway who makM tbii rttunt.XVcoKnir.tnJ m tto tihnapMntl lability. fromiituMn andBkll 2ft TKLBPHONEH Mutual



    The Best

    an at





    4 . , J,




    eryboily aaptrtaJ


    WagonsMade in Honolulu Outlast the

    Cheap Imported Articles




    Hawaiian Carriage MTg Co.,

    and the Best


    The Best Place to Buy

    Is Where You Can Get

    Goods! Prompt,


    Qunen Street


    Attention! and Low Price I


    Benson, Smith & Co.,Corner F'ort St. EXoreil Qta

    r5r Our Soda Water is tho Bast -

    FE1R e. S. "Ca-ABSLIO.- "

    Uuvt- - inutie uiiothur (jart Importation ot


    OKI. OitlRNTK

    lanH AKnoitmont nf 8hpet and HistM.Km fcU In Hnnrl or Dntf Pilrt Onr Rfirt I Vamhant Rlrwm.

  • I



    TO" '' wwww,'fljwwr-- ? "VW'wr'?" vr ' '?, TMf1'' v. -- Vv. --?- ;vy"

    Ht gailjj tUefin.

    TUESDAY, AUG. 28, 1894

    AdA.RIlTS NEWSArrival.

    Tuesday, Ang. 23.Am bVtue Planter, Dow, from Lysan Isl-

    andsBlmr W Q Halt from Hawaii and Mnul

    Departures.Tummy, Aug 28.

    8 8 Belglc, Wnlker, for Ban Franciscotittnr Clamllne lor ports on Maul at 8 p mBtnii Mokolll for Moloknl anil LanalBtmr Mlkahala for Knunl at 6 ,i tnHtmr W'ftlnlcnlo for Katrnl at i p in

    Cargoes from Island Porta.Btmr WO Hall COOO bags snpnr, 19 lings

    coflVc, 152 Imgs nwn, 27 hinl cult In, 1donkey, 20 lioxs and CO pkgs sundries.


    IRatYAU.From Hawaii and Maul, per Mmr V O

    Hall, Aug. 28 t V Wlldi-r- , J K Morgan,V U McStockir, H Gorman, T J Dexter. AH Clegliorn, J M Monsarrat, J Kuh ne,Mrs kauhane. Mm Krurer. Mrs Klolinrd-aot- i,

    Mlsa Mar Ksplndn, Mls I.ucy Knlial,Miss Mahcula, Mrs INrrl.on, Mls 1' liarrlson, Ml M Unins.MlssBliillh Mrs

    It Klcliardson, Mrs Ih Olnlrnand Sclilldren. Masters lurgttucn (2), MlrsC Kahuakal, Mrs 8 K .kl and 2 clil drcn,Mrs M Frrdenberg, J K Xnhnle and A chil-dren, Mrs Ulsgins and 2 children, Mrs

    cf, Kawa, wife und 2 children. W VItnynnlds, U Clark "lid daughter, Master itMowayne and 79 deck.

    Shipping Notoa.t

    The American bark Melrose and Drltlshbark Cadrow Forest aro ou he nay hcri'from Newcastle, N. 8. H, with coal, Theformer If due any day.

    Vinlature Art.At Williams' Studio aro to bo soon

    Portraits on Watch Dials, which hois making a specialty of. LatitornSlides for locturo by tho sol ordozon.


    If you can stand a littleplain honest talk this weekof the kind that makes foodfor meditation and prayer, wewill proceed. We aro in busi-ness to make money, and doit in this way : Wc buy di-rect ; we sell direct j we buythe best goods our money canret for the lcut money theycan be obtained ; that coversthe buying branch of tho busi-ness. Sow for the sellingbranch : We have the stock ;tho goods aro just what worepresent them to be, noth-ing more or nothing less;our prices cover our legiti-mate profit. Wo do not be-long to the cluss of trado thatsells below cost, we haven'ttho money or inclination. Wehavo nt vor made any unparal-leled bargains, smoke, fire,water or red flag prices, sim-ply bi'cauhu wc have nevercared for the class of tradethat believes uny sane mer-chant can do such a thing.This tells tho hUtory of theforty odd years of our suc-cess.

    Tho doctors arc all of onemind on the UNDUItWMAKquestion ; they agree that fre-quent changes arc absolutelynecessary. "We anticipatedthis and have an immense undwell selected stock. We wantto specially call your attentionthis wt'ok to our MUSLINUNDERWEAR. It's worthwhilo to call and look at thetrimmings on them.

    Fortunately wo had u largeolder placed with the factoryin Brussels for P. D. Corsets.Wo ran out of some sizes butcan give any size you wantas they have arrived. Wc alsoreceived a dir- - ct impositionof Embioidcred and ScollopedHANDKHttCHIEFS; thesegoods aro worth every centwe ask for them.

    FLANNELETTES at 8yards lor $1.00.

    B. F. JU11LLKS & (JO.

    Prof Bradley's MusioalUK IIKI.I) AT TUKW1M. Church mi SATIIItDAY

    KVKN1NO NKXr. Seiitemlier 11. at 8o'clock, Mrs. J. T Lewh, MIms ItlclmrdK,Mien Buveronce, Mrs, llrow ii und MIbs At-kinson, i'rof. ami Mrc llr.ulloy, Mr. Ilootliand otliorH will tiiku purt Admission Mcents J clilMrrn under r. iceiil. 1121-5- 1


    AIUOUIINl'.l) qUAKTKItl.YTIIK of the Union Co , (I.M),will ho liulit at tin' Coiiiintiiy'M Olllru,on WKDNhHD.W, tlin '.'nth InM., at 1Uo'clock a. M F. It. Vll).,

    Hi'i'rutury Union TciM Co., I.M.Honolulu. Aii. 'J7. IfclH. HaKt


    rpiiK iti:m L.vit annual mi:i;tino.1 ol tlin IIuuihk Hi'onruAN'N Amu-ciatio- n

    will 111 In M in ilm IIuuiiIIiiii lloti'lou I'UKhllAY KVKNINO, Aiijr.iH, IMH.nt TtWln'iiluok, dr Kirutloii il (iiIU'ith NtnltrmiHiulloii n( oilier ImMlii' ol Import.aiico. All muiiiliirn uru rniui-ttM- l to lieiirrnent.J'KHOlllli:il 1I0AHI) OK IIIUKU'l'OliH.

    IIW-'.'- t

    LOOAX. AMD CrKWXKAL VSW8A camera is for sale.

    J. P. Bowen has a cottage to lotat Waikiki.

    Tho W. G?naU brought a largepassenger list. In

    Williams Bros, have a notice re--garding their undertaking bills.

    ofW. F. Reynolds of the GoldenRule Bazaar is back from windward.

    Subpoenas for Hawaiian jurors toappear morning woro be-ing served to-da-

    J.Tho barkeutino Planter mado tho

    round trip from hero to Lysan Isl-au- d j.and back in thirty days.

    Seouro tickets now for ProfessorBradley's musicalo, and then youwill not forget it.

    Prof. Borger and his band playedfor tho benefit of tho soldiurs ou thoExecutive grounds this morning.

    Tho adjourned auartorly meetingof tho Union Feed Co. will be held

    morning at 10 o'clock."Grin and bear it," is tho sago

    advice of N. S. Sachs to day to everylady who buys an corset.

    L. J. Levey will soil potted plantsat tho residenco of Major J. II.Wodehouse at 10 o'clock

    Tho Hawaiian Sportsmen's Asso-ciation will hold a meoting at thoHawaiian Hotel at 7:30 o'clock thisovoning.

    Tho thirty-tw- o Japnneso who ar-rived on tho S. S. Belgio havo beenplaced in quarantine, Tuny will re-main so for about five days.

    A new oil carpet was laid to-da-in tho hall of tho Peoplo's partyover tho Pacific saloon, to replacethe one iocontly damagod by fire.

    Tho sixty-foo- t flag of tho Amerlcan LeaKUo, recently purchasod fromJ. J. Egan. was raised over tho hallyesterday in honor of Recognition.

    Tho football and lawn tennisteams of tho Honolulu AmateurAthletic Club will hold thoir usualpractice this afternoon on thoLeague grounds.

    E. A. Towso, is one of tho an- -Dlicanls for tho captaincy of thesecond watch lu tho police force,mado vacant by tho dlschargo ofCaptain Langluy.

    A twenty-tw- o and a half poundbicycle is pretty light quito fairy-lik- o

    in fact. Yet ft. E. Walkor an-nounces that is the weight of hisClovelaud roadster.

    There was a splendid surf rollingin at Long Branch this forenoon,and scores of bathors rovelled in thoexhilarating brino on the sandybeach. A big luau started thereatnoon.

    "Wo Lee, Wasting and Ironng,"is the inscription on a siuuboardnear General Graut Well. Probablytho lack of vowels will not causeany loss of buttons to tho patronsof tho washoo hnuso.

    The list of talont taking part inProfessor Bradley's musicalo asKlven in another column testifies totho extremely great pleasure loversof good music will experiuueo whoattond the performance.

    Bosides having been walled in, thopavilion at Independence Park hashad a dining hall annex added to it.With those improvements tho placowill bo in the lead for socinl events.Mr. Wright's enterprise is credit-able

    Groat crodit is duo tho owners oflots in the Catholiu cemetery, Kingstreot, for the improvement of theground. When completed thoadornments of tho plots in this eltyof tho dead will bo quito an attrac-tion.

    The foreigu jury is terribly addiotcd to chewing gum Eight outof twelve pairs of jaws woro grind-ing in the jury box at tho broach ofpronvse trial this afternoou. Whynot bite Seal of North Carolina fora change?

    U. It. Harrison, practical pianotnd organ maker and tuner, can fur-nish best faotory references. Ordersleft at Hawaiian News Co. will re-ceive prompt attention. All workjuarftntMMl to be the same as donein factory.

    The country is saved, and tho oulychance tho honest people havo is tobuy 17 bars of soap for $1.25, andthroe packages of Tokio parlormatches containing itO boxos, justenough to burn up tho country.Mutual telephone U14.

    Col. Charles B. Hiuks, advanceagent of Harmston's Circus, arrivedou the S. S. Belgio from tho Orientyesterday. Tho circus will arrivehere on the next steamer from Japanas Mr. Hicks has completed arrangemeuts for holding out a season here.

    Arthur Whito, who is awaitingtrial ou a charge of axsault with awoaiiou ou George Wood, the ox-p- it

    oner of tho Cresceuts, was removed from his cottage at Waikikito tho hospital iu Oabu Prison,The authorities did not consider thebondsmeu sufficient surety, heucothe removal.

    A cartoou of a pitched battle onland between Japanese and Chinesearmies is displayed iu a Japauesostoru ou Mauuakua aud Berutauiastreot . The Japanese hnvo routedthe Chinese, who are flyiug iu alldirections, hotly pursued by theJaps. A number of Chiuoso havobeen attracted to view the illutr&-lion- .

    They aro all disgusted audexpress tho opiuion beforo leavingthat it is a "d lie."

    The Morning Star is ou duty fromti:!M) a. in. to 1 p. ni. It is not usu-ally vUible iu tlin sky during thoaohours as it has tiintlo a contractwith N. Urobilin who dlspeiiMH it asa beverage for n modest fee. Thenconies the Kvcuiug Star which forpure dellcioUHiiess aud fragrant lovotakes the bun every eveniiig-- t houghsome happy lovurs fancy it all day.Try t hum both und umi which youcan drink most of, That's .the onehu wauts (o sell,


    Damages Awarded Again Breachof Promise Case.

    The jury returned a verdict fortho plaintiu, awarding ul damages,

    the assumpsit case oi inlineLopez vs. Antonio Cuelho. Mr.Davidann for rlnfnnrlnnt. cava notion




    motion for a new ing with Allen, a lightThis foronoon a breach of champion of

    case Julia J. Froitas vs. Joao F. Allen, who is instructor of aucame on for trial beforo i tic club In San Francisco, has had

    Judge by following communication with Harrington,jury: W. H. Wilkinson, F. Lewis, J. with the result that a match has

    Sullivan, J. F. J. boon arrangod to take placo withinM. Tracy, S. B. Rose, Wm. C. King, , two months. Allen will probably

    Aiex. Livie, a. ueuee, 11. j, .Jamesand J. L. McLean. Kinney andMagoon for O. W. Ash fordlor defendant.

    Judge Whiting this morning re-fused the motion of Mr. Kinney, at-torney for plaintiu in Thomas Nottvs. A. Aicuowall and others, to compel plain tiff to to trial.Plaintiu was allowed to discontinueon paying $7.60 costs of Court..


    Particulars of the Act of Fahia the I




    mootingpromiso weight California,

    nthlo-Souz- a








    Pahia, the nativo who shot tho , malo and two female, wero arrestedChinaman in tho leg at on on Saturday week for keoplng a dls-Sund-

    night, was before Deputy ' orderly uoueo. The informers wereMarshal Brown yesterday. Tho three "Dutchmou" named Knudson,bridge at Hauula was being repair- - Myers and Plz. They testified toed and other improvement made to . having visited tho house of dofend-Governme- nt

    property. During tho ' auts on King streot at divers timespast few days barrels of limo and by ordor of tho pollco aftor havingother material havo boon stolen. On i been hired for such services.Sunday night threo Chinamen woro mmseen about tho courthouse Tho Two swipe sellers woro "swiped"policoman, who had been watching , by tho pollco this morning.tho placo, ordered thorn off tho ""premises. Two obeyed tho ordoraHni. orJttZiiV dtsofed ; Hon WnLi' WarnoraSKtiSBrtlCordlally Endorse. Hood'.toring just above tho knee cap.


    Fire Houso Improvements.

    Considerable alterations and ira-- 1provemonts aro being made at No. 1engine house, King street. Aa addi-tion is being mado to tho north side, Ito receive a hose wagon now at tho 'Boll Tower. Cbiof Englnoor Hunt,says this will onablo him to keep a ifull company at No. 1 houso, and jhavo tho hose always accompanying i

    engine.Thore will bo no reel on tho wagon,

    but tho hose will be placod on it in ilayers. This Is tho method now gou-oral- ly

    in voguo in the United States. IIt is claimed that tho hoso carries 'lightor and is quicker handled this 'way than on a reel.

    In ordor to introduco Chamber-- 'Iain's Cough Remedy hero wo soldseveral dozen bottles ou strict Kuar-- 1anteo and havo found overy bottledid good sorvice. Wo havo used itourselvoa and think it superior toany othor. W. I. Mowret, Jnrvis-vill- o,

    W. Va. For sale by Benson,Smith & Co., Agents for the Hawai-ian Islands. i

    J. W. Chapman V'a'orB fr ban-quets, socials, private audgarden parties. Weddings a special-ty. Ho can bo found at all hours atSans Souoi or will call on auy ladiesor gentlemen who will address bitnthrough tho Post OihVo.


    OOOD t'EKU,


    OF- -

    Hay and GrainJut ArrUed tcr "S. O. Wilder."

    TALI, AKI) SUB l.'S.


    tVimer Qniu A Nnnanu 8u.

    Both Tki.kimionks 121.WANTED

    IN COFrTBAl'AHTNKK Capital ltiiiilred-Kil- endid Investment. Kiniuiru IIl'U.rtin Olllru

    lllt-l- w


    THKWllOl.KOItlJAI.F L'ffiI of n Furnished Cot.tao,Auiirci

    cumplute, ut Waikiki. mmatuai-i-w J. I'. ItOWKN. !


    FlUHT-OI.Af- iS WIIOI.K I'l.ATK(Hi;nl), KutilMi Cunifrit with Kuplil

    Iteellliiieiir l.eni of latent I'tttifrn AIM)koihI wide BPf-l- " Lens. Apply "' F. " 'IIuli.ktin Olllue. ll'-f-) lit '


    IN I'lIUSUANOK OF THK TKItMH OFI a rcrialn iimrttani.' madu by (JhurlfsOlrdlur to mi- - nil luroimtx due him arenow puvuhlo to mti nt my oflicu, or at theotlleuof Mr. J. W. I.uiiIuk

    Ulli-l- w JAMKM F. MOKOAN.

    ArtK VOIJU

    LABELCT Tbls Brand fill always to


    Local and WillStrike for a Purse.

    Fred. Naylor, thotrainor. will begm

    to train Barnngton,the light weight







    of tlin Hawaiian Islands for his com

    arnvo irom iqb vuwi umuu o. oAlameda duo on Thursday next.Tho fight will tako place in Hono-lulu and will bo for a purso.


    One Sentenced to Pay a Fine, theOther Discharged.

    Tho disorderly houso raso wasconcluded in the District Court yes-terday afternoon, and resulted intho conviction of ono of tho malodefendants. Monsieur was sent-- .nnced tn tiav a fnio of $75. It will

    I bo'remembered the defendants, two

    The Urnl Blood iurltfs

    m $--'wJl

    Uon. WtlUnm 9. WarnerFond du Uo, WU.

    The following li fromW'anirr, a gentleman highly eiteemed byall who know lilm:

    "I can truly lay that I consider Hood's SanaparllU the bMt inrdlclno foriurU)lng the Mood.It ill'l me good lien phxlcluni and other roedtrlnci failed. It hat Increased ray appeUU and


    rented to renew my youth. Thtt It abioluUlytrue." W. H. WAiism, Fond Du Ue, WU.

    Hood's Pills euro Constipation by letter-tu- nthe i litalUo action of the alimentary eaoal

    HOUltON, NKWMAN 3l 00.KnU for Haallnn tlonrt.


    Are Never Ashamed of theirMounts. Other Riders

    Often Are I

    99 19 1 tta 1" A pretty lljtlit wheelaa ira un. f0r io,.i w.rk int n?Iliut'ii the wxlclit of the machine that11. E. Walker rides.


    H. E WALKER.Agent Honolulu, H I

    Carucaitit Blunt, di'rr.lnnl Hi

    Theosophical Lecture!L:tu?e will lm ulvt'ti l'.v

    MM M. M. Till tll)H

    On FRIDAY EVHXING, Au. JUst,At lh" Tlicoiophlnil Hull, onrmr of

    Nuuhiiii and Mmlno HtmtH, Ininn"jOktruio'K,"

    Door will otien at 7 o'clock. Ictur tocommuned prumptly at H o'clock

    Euliject of tlin l.erturu will he




    (ootid Koiiablt. ind Good V.Hu. l



    "klteaoll Oc Foteraszi, Ccnat .(jonto.

    J. J. ECA1T614 Fort Street.

    Anywt 28, lH'Jft.

    My Clearance Sale was asuccess. It did just what Iintended, viz. : cl ared myshelves and gave me room todispliiy my New Goods. Theyate all open and ready for in-spection. I shall only men-tion a few leaders to-d- ay andI want to head the lift with

    GLOVESWe have all the standard

    brands nnd in the latestshudis. Wo also received alargo assortment of

    Silk Gloves and Mitts,

    New Laces,

    New Gimps,


    Thousands of yards of thoabovo goods ut reasonableprices.

    Riding CorsetsNow we havo mentioned

    something that catches youreye; these Corsets arc thelatest thing out caty, com-fortable, perfect fit, prettilyfinished, and what moreneed I say.

    New Silks,New Lawns,New Ginghams.

    These goods are the finestthat over graced my store,their cnnal cannot bo foundin Honolulu.

    1'baIN AND 1)0 IT K 1 1

    Swiss Dress GoodsWIIITK AND COLOKKIl

    Dimities, Storm Serges

    A word all the abovegoods are absolutely new, andas tho real estate man Kind."If you want to gt t iu on thoground lloor, now in yourchance.

    For business only,J. .!. KG AN.

    2 TO t.3 1

    a f I V

    5 - KiSIit o r--w


    8 i f oH :a : CO Po p1

    '' ii f , (r PmmxL


    "Wl S.V1, rOII.MKUI.Y UK KOItT" HI rut, Honolulu, ImvlliK inmln miiiIkhiiii'iii toiuu for Ilm ln'iii'lU ol IiUitii.illlom, nil HroiiK lut villi; i'IhIiiin iiKiilnttmiiil U'lntu uru ri(ili'Hi in p iint IIiiimto inn at my ulllro uitlilu niKMU'i'k (rumilutf, uIIit uhleh llinu iiiinu ulll I m nl.luwml, 1 II, K Kit It.

    Honolulu, Auk. A lt'JI. MU-t- w

    Grin andIk just what every laily mint do who liai bought a Corset that doe nottit her. CorfeU bought of us lit, because we only carry the popularmakes, that havo been tried and found tho correct style

    The Genuine P. D. Corsets,

    We hare in all styles and all tires.

    The R. & G, Corsets.

    Extra long waist, perfect tit, In all sites.

    Ferris' Good Sense Corset Waist,

    Perfect fit for all ages, best for health, comf nt, we r and tluNb

    Tbe R, & G, Summer and Narsing Corsets,

    W hate In all sltei The 8nramr Corset In lust the thing for hotweather.

    Try onr 60 Cent Corset, it is a Stacner,A fall line of sices of

    Miss Corsets and Corset Waists,

    Children's Corded Waists for JO Out.-- -

    1ST.620 Fort Stri-et- ,

    Arrived per "Australia,"o

    French and Scotch Ginghams (new).. .10c, 2()c and 25c

    Victoria Lawns (new), 10 yds for 7fic.

    White Dresrt Goods (new). .10., 15o., 20c, 25c, 30c, 35c

    Whito and Colored Dimities (new) 20c and 25c

    Flannelletts, all colors, (new) 10 yds for $1.00

    Tho old maximthe sun" knocked out. Call

    M. S.Who is now settled in

    Old Stand,

    Rwong Sing Loyito? Clai II.. "TDoiDu Block.1

    Naiad) TelA. 339 P. 0. Box 207. j

    Bear It!



    "There is nothing mwand be convinced.

    LEVYBenson, Smith & Co.'sFort street.

    SING LOY,1I-8- S CIBI St.. hip Itmitfi Jl.

    lota&l Talk 6S& p. 0. Boi 107.

    LKS v our draf- t-

    Cents por Month.

    Chinese, J apanese wi) Indmn (Joodh!Indian Silks, Luces und Linens,

    Juiiunese Crapes, Chinese Mutting,Silk Handkerchiefs, Shawls und Seurfh,

    Gross Cloth, Rattan Chairs, Etc., Kits.

    f5?A Complete TAILORING ESTABLISHMENTwith Competent Cutters and a complete lino of EnifliHh undAmerican Suitings. Perfect fit guaranteed.


    Ladies' -:-- Black -:-- Sailor -:- - Hatb ISOMETHING NEW JUST OUT

    Trunks, Valises, Willow Ware,Tahlo Cloths, Oil Cloth, Ku ., tttc.

    51-5- 3 King Street & 407 King Street.

    Temple of Fashion518 JFTort Street

    Ladies' Underwear, Boy's Clothing,Urge luortaent of UdltV aud Chilton's Sbom.

    Large Line of Summer Gooda IUiK Una of WiniIhub at 25a Plinnelott8, 111 yank for IJ.iiBrown and Whito Oottoiih, from to 'M yarU, 11.00 per piece.AmoHlwag UimrhuiM, 12 yank for fUh). GoDta ami LadW Bathii.K HuluSilka, hatinn, SrKw, Lawiw and Dtm GoimJb of vry dnacription

    Mi. Gr. SILVA, Proprietor.

    o-o- o KHDwa:,411 VUUANU STKBET.

    Dry, Fancy and White Dress Goods !Grass Cloth, Pajamas, Etc, Eto.


    Km-- Hi) In ami Fit Onaratilml, I'rlrrs Mo,arH. -' Ld:u.tu.al Teleglioiie 64aiDaily Bulletin 50



  • Jaajs.ss'aiisMSBast yHBWFMBBBM5ijWIB53gBMi5Jti??RfffBr ffmirm'rT W r""""1 'Sgpgrywsy- - 9fijni '. rv "rw




    of Professor

    Concert.Brad-loj'- s "DAI NIPPON" LDCOL HOMESNational Cane Shredder nnipii'nlo nt Kawaiabao Church -- :on


    bo anoveniugunusually


    thnt It Hotel Street (Arlington Block)ovont to lovers of good music. It is Just Received another Invoice ol 18 THE


    irr-i.'.-" t - . svj' , 1 ta

    THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE UEEN APPOINTED SOLE AGENTS FOB,tbeeo Shkkuderb anil are uow prepared to receive onlors.The great advantages to be derived from tlie use of the National Oamk

    Bhrkddeh Are thoroughly established and acknowledged by Planleragenerally.

    The Urge uuiubor ol Planters using them in the United Stated, Cuba,Argentine Hopubllc, Peru, Australia ud elsewhere, bear witness to theabove claim.

    The use ot tho Shrkdukb very largely augments tbr quantity ol earn-th- emill can grind ('25 to 50.), also the extraction ot Julco (6 to 12).it is a great saieguam, making kuowu at once tuo presence ol any

    pieces of iron, slakes from cars, or anything which would be liable to damagethe mill, and allowing ample time to remove Maine before damaging the mill.

    The Shhkudkh is very strongly made, and from the maimer of its opera-tion it cuUj or tears these pieces of wood or iron without often breaking theAiihmjuiib; and if anything breaks, it is simply some of tho IoiIvcb or cutters,which can be iiuickly and economically replaced. The Hiikeddkr, as itsname indicate, tears the cane into shreds of varying lengths, perfectly open-ing it and allowing tho mill to thoroughly press out the juices without re-quiring the immense extra power necessary to grind or crush the wholeoane. The Siikkudkk spreads tho shredded cane uniformly and evenly tothe mill rolls, and does away with the necessity of spreading the bagasso byhand between tho mills, where regrinding is in uso. No greater amount ofboiler capacity is required to operate the SitkKUUKK than that which wassufficient for the mill, for the abovo reasons. We furnish full workingdrawings for tho installation ol our Hiiukddkiir, enabling auy competent en-gineer to successfully install aud start them.

    In ordering Shukddkrb froui us, pleaso send small sketch, showing thediameter and width ol the mill rolls with which Hiikkudku is to be connected,alo tho sido (either right or left hand as you face tho delivery side of themill;, upon which tho mill engine is located, also tho height from iloor lineto center of front mill roll shaft, and distance center this shaft to front cudof bed plate. These Siikcdukuh aro uow being used by tho llilo Sugar (Joand Hawi Mill, Kohala, where they are giving great satisfaction.

    g Prices aud further particulars may bo had by applying u.

    WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Id.,Ci If tfnlt AqenU fnt tt llnvniinn htnwU

    rnutHHONK tiu



    Prein California Roll Batter and Island Battert0-- ALWAYS ON HAND JO

    lew Goods HeceUed by Every Steamer (rom San Fnucbco

    mm AJI Order faithfully ttrti.1 u.eojuniM ana pecKea wiih care.

    Lincoln Block. Kino Stkckt,


    LEWISill IfOKT

    imuor MXl'l





    Uuaau OiinueAHl






    Bnftlisti, and Amencao

    Style and Fit

    Cleaning & RepairingMdIoiI Tele. 668. P. 0. Box


    FOR S-A.Lj- E! I


    ataal Bell 460

    waiala"e ranch.lltW-t-w I'. IHKNJIK1U1, I'rop

    & CO.,


    Timitbg,CMOOKKUY aud OI.ABHWAItK.

    " TV wrfc;My?rr:o." t &

    P O M'X 17

    tiallrfactiou guaranl-- Islam) Onler

    Bet. Fort and Alakca Strkbts.

    --- P O. BOX W7

    & CO..STKKIST.

    0 It , I ivIVu iivai

    -- p. o mix iv,

    SATisrAOTioa On



    iliirnsr Hula) 4 Muoang Stratta

    -- CHOICE OLD- -

    Paniilj Wines and Brandies


    PORT SHERRY63 Years Old

    ' m. N.lir.'OI 6in

    WM. DA VIES,& Stevedore,


    ThuStmrWAIMAJJALO"Will run btitwef n till port andWalslim, kawalhapal. Mokulxla,mil and I'uulkl on the Ulamt ol Oaliu.Knr Freluht, etc, apply to tile- Captain.

    CSk- - I mi u I re at oltlce ot J. B. Walker, urt UpreckelH' Hank, Kurt Rtrrat. b37 tl


    I II KO TO INKOKM TtlK fUHI.IC1 that I ha? oiwnod my Hiore at No. ViNuuanu itreet with ManufacturedJewelry Mt with Hublea,bapp)iltei, I'earla,etc. Junt rfelved ennie Pure Ceylon Teatr It. AIM) Indian Hehana end l)nonOil!. An lunpeollnn ol my nlock la mill.oiled. W. J

    No, iW Nuuanu itrcut.

    Provision Dealers & Naval SuppliesPreah Qoodi by Every California


    H. K. MuiNTYKK A: KKO.,IMrOBTKkN S0 t)l-KK-J W

    Groceries, - Provisions - and - Feed.New Goods Uoelved by Every Tucket (rum tlif Kaatrn btat and Kurop


    All Order faithfully attended to and Ooodt Delivered u. u.Pan ol the City KKKK.


    itiKNKK HOK7

    w. w.

    MerchantXTiMun.i Btxt.

    Scoicb Goods.



    Pure!MilkTwice Daily


    tl Niiuauu

    Plwabino. Btc.

    Empire Saloon,







    Golden Rule Bazaar.

    W. F. Reynolds. : Prop.




    And Latest


    By the


    I i1 Mutual

    Beli Telephone

    Telephone 71





    Com pan j,


    "KA MA HE" Store willhold a Clearance Sale of UhStuck oj Goods beginningThursday, Aug. 9th, and con-Unt- ie

    to the end of the month.This Store will go out ofbusiness at that time.

    Come and pick out whatyou want before it is all gone.

    "THE WORLD DO MOVE "And ho does the Messenger Be-v- who

    have mounted their Messengers oiluoiumma iiiuycies.

    Thev will deliver Packais(un toBO Urn weight) or Messages milikor thanby any other method aud much cheaixrtoo.

    DON'T BE A OLAK!"Bave time and moiiy tiy nsing the Mei--

    bOUKer Hervirc.

    L. M. JOHNSON, : : Manager,hut 509 TELEPHONES Ball 658

    A. F. Medeiros & Co.

    Morohant 1 Tailors.Hotl Ht.. under ArlliiKUin llutal.

    Latest Patterns in Suitings

    deceived by Kvery Htomiier


    AT THE ANCHOROyster Cocktails I

    Bauer Brunnon 1Froderickaburi; Boer I

    Straight and Mixed DrinksOf All Kinds and Best QunlRy.

    Soutbwiit flornsr Elng & Nnuion 8ti.

    H. JAOUEN,

    I'UAOTIOAL- - GUN-MAKB- HII beu to Inform BixirtliiK Men and the

    Oeneral l'ubllo that 1 am prepared to lie- -nair and lienovale every description ofFirearms. Uuns. Utiles aud Krvolversskillfully lU'StockAd. HluoltiKand Brown-In- g

    done In any shHde. first-clas- s work-manship guaranteed Customers promptlyattanded In.


    Instrumental Cunrlctte llTruvatorn... , ...Verdi

    Me'rs. Kion, Hcltinan, llarottland Mr. and Mrn. llradley.

    Song l'lirnet Me Not HoffmanMr. (i XV lloutli.

    'Cc'lo Solo Mnrllia ... . KlotowPro!. llradley.

    Song Nora PRliin SotiR .Mis evfrnnce.

    PinnoSolo More eaude Salon I. llradleyPrf. llradliy

    Song Spring lleckerMNs lllthanls

    Vocal Trio O Memory .. Dr. LeslieMln Severance, .Mr. HrovMi and

    Mr llradley.r.uir it.

    (luarlelte ltobert I.eIlianU1 ... . ..MojerliccrMcr. ItiMon, Hrllmnn, llarsottl

    aud Mr. aud Mm. llradley.Sonu Urnga's Hervnntn, .

    Airs. J. f. I.cwl. with 'Olio ohllgaiobv Prof llradley.

    Vocal Trio Host thee on thl moypillow .. 11. Smart

    Mrc. llmwn.'Cell" Solo Kmitii'ln on I.ticrerb llnr- -

    gla HtrausklProf llrndlc).

    .. n tCrndlfl Hoiil'. Chndwhkuon- g- () .0M , . To,,Mis- - IMcliar.lx.

    Vocal Oiiirtotto -- Madrigal fioui theMlkmlo .. . Sullivan

    And when it is remembered thattho price of admission is only half adollar aud children half-pnc- o howmuch moro interesting it becomes.Tickets at tho book stores or at thodoor.

    m m

    The Comparison Botweon tho Chlyuonand tho MaUushlma.

    Itogarding the two ships in actiontho other day, the ('hiyueti nud thoMatsushima, tho following particu-lars, takou from tho "Xaval Aunual,"are interesting. Tho Chlyuon is atwin-scre- steel vessel, launched in1880 and sister-shi- p to Uhingyuen.She is 2."0 feet long, 33 feet beam,and draws in feet; her tonnage is2300, her indicated horso-powe- r oWX).Shu was built, wo bliovc. at Settlin.Her armament consists of three 8 in.12-to- n guns, two 0 in. andseven 2 in. quick-Tirin- guns, twol!i in. uuns, oitrhl 1 in. guns, and twomachine guns. Sho has likewise fourtorpedo lubes Her speed is putdown at 18 knots. Her largo gunsaro mounted in turrets, but thesearo only of steel, aud proof onlyagainst small arms. Tho shot whichstruck her fore ward turret wentcompletely through, killing nn olllceraud six men.

    The Matsushima, tho Jananosollagship, on the other hand, is nmuch larger ship. Sho wa launch-ed in lS'.K); her ton nngo is 1277, herleugth 205 feet, beam ftO ft. 10 in.;draught 21 ft.; hor horse-powe- rr100, and hur speed 17j knots. Shois also a twin-screw- . Her armamentconsists of ouo 12 in. Cauet gun,elereu IJ in. guns, five It pounderquick-firin- g gnus, eleven it pounderliotchkiss gnus and t maehiuo guns;she has also 1 torpedo tulies.

    It will bo thus socti that the Japa-nese vessel was tho larger and moropowerfully armed, so much so thattho Chinese commander would havebeen quito justified iu declining acombat. That he should have maintained a context for five hoursagainst such odds, and with hissteering gear evinces anamount of pluck and determinationon the part of himself and his ofllcers mid crow worthy of nil com-mendation. What was tho damagnto the Japanese we have yot tolearn, but it was apparently sevoro.Tho Chiyueu'n turrets, wo may men-tion, proved simply death-trap- s totoe mou woiulng the guns, Doingonly protective against the machineguns.

    Hood'a and Only Hood's.

    Hood's Sarsaoarilla is carefullyprepared from Sarsaparilla, Dande-lion. Mandrake, Dock, l'ipsissewa.Juniper berries and other wellknown remedies, by a peculiar com-bination, proportion and process,giving to llood's Saraparilla cura-tive powers uot possessed by othermedicines. It effects remarkablecures wheu other preparations fail.

    Hood's Pills cure biliousness.

    MHchnuiea' Hume, corner Hotelaud Nuuanu atieet Lodging byday, week or mouth. Tenua: 2T andGOceuta pt tiiwclit; II and &1.2fi per

    TO LI.T

    A LAKOK FlIJtNIBHBI) i.flNB --""i.xx. Kuom for bIiihIpkdii-tinma- nsituated on Here-tan- la ESmLstreet. 15 minutes'

    walk from fust OUIce. Address "C,this ulllco. IOh'2 tl

    TO LET

    I WA1KIKI ONTHKA Beach, comfortablequarters for one or two Bin-al- e MGentlemen: board on--llonal; bathluj: facilities gocl. Knr partinuinrs eniiuire


    Fine House and LotFOR 8ALB

    'ptiK iinhkiibTonkd okkkkh kouJL sale that Klue linmesteacl on the

    mauka side of Beretaniu Ntreet, lull feeteast ol 1'eusacola btreet. The lot has afront of leu fiet mid a depth ol 143 feet. AGood Daelliuir House in k'mkI repslr; con-tains l'arlnr, Dlnlmr-ron- Kltdien, Pan-try, Bedroom, Bath end Water Closet andan ollicu on the lower Iloor with KoiirOo.idBedrooms on eei ond llixir There is a

    Barn, containing Two bulls, room(or two cnrriHfjt'. Wood Hhed and Ber-vau-

    Itoom a Bervatits' W O. aud 'tanOimM (VsN-in- o Kiirtlifr perllcilsrr ofW l Castlo, or of

    H.'i If N. V. lltlltor.dH.


    For Sal I"COLUMBIA"

    Used hut llitlu, As uooil new. Bold unsiiount ot owner luavliiK the ooiiulry

    . Call or address

    Honolulu Oyolery,1114 If '07 Klnr Hlrl,

    Japanese Pane;- AND -

    NOVELTIES!- rnnratsiaa

    Dress Goods!Plain and Figured Bilk and Crape,

    HORNING GOWNS saSSdPlain Bilk and Embroidered.

    Silk and Cotton KimonosBilk Fans, Cushions,Kmbroldered Bilk Tes (NrOriTable Covers, lied Covers811k 8ashes, Neckwear

    Beautiful China Ware!8n Iml Bowls, liou-bo- n Dishes.Plat, Etc. KM.. EtO.

    Smoking Jackets!Htlk mid Cott.ju l'num.

    JjSJPMBSE SGBEEHS!Knits, Elegant Lamp Bhsdes,

    rtsmboo Canes, Lunch llasketa,Uamboti Valises, Japan Trr

    fttc.. Etc., Etc., Bio.

    Mrs. J. P. P. Collaco, Proprietress.

    v 'a i, ff.il i vwvue -- -ITOHAN,

    Wholesale Retail.

    Kill. I. LINK UP -

    Japanese '.'Goods I

    Silk and CoUod Dress Goods,

    Kkj. KUl. Kto. Kta.

    Silk, liueu ami Crape Shirts

    -- OF COMPLETE BTOCK -Made by Yaiuabiya ol Yokohaiua.

    tF- - When you are In need nt any lineof Japanese Goods, give us drst ralf andkva guliiK all arutiud Uwn.

    ITOH A.TST,aOO rort Bt, neu CuaOEO. Koue

    YOKOHAMA BAZAAR,CoruM Nuurinu I Hotel iU6t


    Silk Dress Goods,- ALLUOLOK- H-

    .lAl'ANKSK SILK CHAI'K,Plain and Brocaded,


    Silk Sbtrti and Night Shirts,flllk llloases, Bilk Neckties

    tlaudkerrhtnfa, Hhawls, Bat-lim-,Hosiery and Chemise.


    JapaneM Trays, Bamboo Screens,Tea betu, Flower PoU, Ktc, Kto.

    Prices Cheaper thin Ever 1

    Criterion SaloonWIELAND - EXTRA - PALE

    Lager Beer !I SCHOONERS FOR 25 CENTS

    L. H. DE3H3,ltV u Pronr1fir

    6 TO J. --&L.Do not forKet the time to ring up

    152 --Mutual Telephone-1- 52.

    N. V. BURCIX1SSik still prepared to repair Qardeu Uose

    rlnklers, Water Taps, Klllne Baws andirpeuliiK all kinds tools, Including Carv-- ;

    Inc Rnlves and Bnlssors. Lawn Mowers aspecialty. Also KettliiE Glass, In fact allkinds of Jnhhlnii Work rslled for and

    IMW If

    PACIFIC HOTEL(Vjruer KIiik A Nuuanu Bit.

    Kow Woltis, till ManKer.Finest of Wines It Liquors

    Billiard & Reading RoamrII TO FATSOS",

    pirn i

    Dishes and (llussware Wanted I('locks, Watvhes and Jewelry Wautxd IOld Unld and Hllver Waulell

    MT Bltieat rTleea Psldl M114 Kluir Btruot, Comer of Alakou,


    Bave Half the Amount of Tour OilBill Through Saving in Pigmont.

    Every painter should uc IjUcot. instead of Linseed Oil, because:

    1. I.ccol Is more tlnraUe than Llneedon.

    2. l.ccot. Is moro economical than Lin- -seed Oil.


    8ix years of actual tuo in exteriorhouse tiaintint; in California (thomost trying climate for rmltita), inIho hurtling heal of tho Arizona Des-ert, tho Arctic cold of Aliiakn, and onthe Atlantic count, have fully nudpractically shown that Lrcot. nlwayaoutwears liiimccd Oil under tho sniuoconditions. All the arid works inSan Francisco have dUcurdcd I.ln-nee- d

    Oil fur Lucoi..


    l'ut strong ammonia on Linseed andLucol paints. Tho Linseed paintsarc destroyed in a few minutes; theLucol paints aro practically turn fleet-ed.


    Break up 1 j lbs. pasto while lendin one pint of Lt'coi., and tho same,quantity in ouo pint of Linseed Oil.Hprcnd tho paints on similar darksurfaces for comparison. Tho Lucolpaint spreads as far as and coversmuch hotter than tho Linseed paint.To get equally good covering with thoLinseed paint you luivo to use 2) lbs.of white lead to one pint of LinseedOil. Tills means a saving of J lb. ofpasto lead to each pint of Lucol. used,or 0 b. to every gallon, equivalentto your saving more than half thefirst cost of the Lt'cou

    Lt'coi. is not in competition withcheap Linseed Oil substitutes.


    Agents for the Hawaiian Islands


    Visitors, Picnic Parties, Loans



    fwryAt Smith's liusAxn Livkiiy

    Staulup, Kino Stukkt,Adjolulnit Mfttnipolltan Meut Market,)

    Is tho Cheapest I'lnce In Town you canBusne, Wsconotins, UiiKKtes and

    addle Horses, It will pay you tn railand see I x" fore you try elMiwhere.

    - iiu.xioa iOO --SysiMlm

    VI NO FAT (511 AN

    Furniture DealersBeg to Inform the public that thny

    have ojiened a

    Branch Store at Ho. 322 Knoana Street,

    Where they carry a coiupletx line nfBKDUOOM BETH, CHAIBB,

    TAI1I.K8, WAHIIUOBht),8TANDB, Eta., KUi., KU:

    Fwalrnr Rapalrod and Oeneral Jobbingt Reasonable; Bsles

    VINO FAT CHAN,1070 Sm Si Nuuanu Blreet,Beu. Tkl. 381. Mutual Tel. IW7.

    V. 0. BOX .'l.

    HONOLULUarriiige Mmiufiictt ry

    iat A 1B0 KOKT BTIIKKT.

    Carriage BuildurAND IlKPAIltKH.

    1N ALL ITSBlacksmithing BUANCHKB.Onlers from the other Islands In

    Building., Trimming, Painting, Eto , Etc.,

    Promptly Attended to.

    W. W. WIUOrllT, llttl(HiiiK'HHBor to O, West. I


    A 1,1. PKIIHONH INTHNDIMI ro1 take asstiL!tt on HlvunuirM ol theluter-lstan- il bit am N ttvluallon Co., fromHonolulu, are hereby requested to purrlin-- e lli'kuU nt thu Wlmrl Ollho ol theCompany More eiiiliurklnu. and any pus-seii:- r

    fullliiK to do so shall be subject toiay 'ih iMircent ol tha rriiiilnr luro In addi-tion thereto, This rule will he atrlctlv enforced from and alinr the 1st day of AuiniMnroiliuo W B OnilKHKY,

    W. II. Mi l.rAX.bru'y. Presidentsolulu, July 17, Ifc'Jl, 1W 7w


    -I " 1 I TlJn


    Oalw Railway Land Go.


    Another Great Opportaoiti

    To RKiar Bomn in Ob of tba Hoot

    Dflllsthtful LooaUMm to t

    found tn the Paradut

    ot tha Paolflo.

    As a healthy resort Pearl City baaalready established an enviable reputation.Many good cltltens In this communityhava experienced tha wonderful effeot pro-duced by a few days sojourn In that dry,cool atmosphere, and gtvt) grateful Ustl-ruon- y

    to tha relief they have almost in-stantly gained from sever and long con-tinued attacks ot asthma, l'hysiolanaacquainted with the climate of Pearl Cityrecommend It as a natural sanitarium.



    And can b inoreasod to meet the needs ola opulatlon equal to the largest city Inthe world.

    1'aor. A. B. Ltoks ol Oahu College leour authority for stating that the watersupply Is the purest yet discovered tn this


    Speclat ludQwtuenu lo Karlj Settlers:

    for ninety days froui date we will sell1,0TB ON HI'KOIAL THUMB favorable tobona-rld- e settlers. Kor a term of threemouths from date, lumber and all build-ing materials will be supplied, and deliver-ed at Pearl City at much lower price thanever before obtained.

    Kor further particulars, call at this oifloeor on any of the lumber dealers In thiscity. Those who now own lota aa well aathose who propose to become residents olthat growing city, will do well to embracethis opportunity. Those who avail them-selves of this offer, within the time named,will be entitled to, ahd will receive thefollowing benetiui

    For a term of ten years, this Companywill carry such residents and their famllleefrom Pearl City to Honolulu In the morn-ing (arriving a little before seven o'clock),and from Honolulu to Pearl City in theeveulug leaving Honolulu station littleafter five o'clock , for Un cents each way,a rate less than one cent per mile. Therates on all other passenger trains runningdurlug the day or night will be IX oenUper mile first class, and I cent per milesecond class.

    A good soliool Is about to be opened inthe Peninsula, in the fine, large, newschool-hous- e erected by Mr. J. T. Water-bous- e.

    Residents living at Pearl Cityheights, labove Pearl City station andthose having homes on the Peulnsula, willbe allowed to ride free on regular trainsbetween Pearl City stations to and fromthe Peulnsula.

    Those who want tooontlnne to send theirchildren to schools in Honolulu, can havetransportation on all regular trains to andfrom Pearl City, for the purpose ol attend-ing school, at five cents each way for eachpupil. This Ib equal to 24 to 2(1 utiles ridefor ten cents.

    Equal inducements for those desiring tosecure homes In this country have neverbefore been ottered to the public.

    This Company has been requested fromabroad to name the price of all their un-sold laud In that locality.

    Bhould a clearance sale be made tosyndicate, no opportunity like the presentwould agalu occur for the purchase ofhomes at Pearl City.

    MA Word to the Wiw U
