worldwide cultures


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Different view of other countrys in a variated topics.


Page 1: Worldwide Cultures

Worldwide Cultures


Page 2: Worldwide Cultures

With 196 countries across the globe and over 7 billion people in the world,

differences in culture can be seen almost anywhere. In an increasingly

interconnected world, people with different cultures can be found in a country

nearby or even in your hometown.

It simply means that understanding different cultures is becoming incredibly

important in our daily lives and for business success on a global and even local


Page 3: Worldwide Cultures



China has the world's

second-largest economy in

terms of nominal GDP; also

China has the second-highest number of billionaires. The

Chinese economy is highly

energy-intensive and

inefficient. Mostly

subsistence farmers bound

to the land and urban people

who worked in factories and

in the bureaucracy Modern

China has been called “a

giant labor-intensive

processing factory.” The vast

majority of jobs are created

by the private sector

Social Customs

There aren´t many pitfalls

to be aware of when

dealing with business or

social contacts, but the

British way of

communicating might be

something to get used to.

As a general rule, the

British like to understate

and equivocate.

Business Etiquette

In the creative and media

industries, manners are

informal and hierarchical

structures are not very

pronounced. The financial

sector or the legal

profession is much more

conservative in this


The office environment is informal, and there is no apparent hierarchy between managers and their subordinates. Employees are treated as equals and independent views are welcomed. American work culture involves a lot of meetings. These meetings need not deal with big decisions, but are more like discussions

Guatemalan shops and

businesses are generally

open from 8am to noon

and 2pm to 6pm, Monday

to Saturday. Banks

typically open 9am to 5pm

Monday to Friday.

Government offices

usually open 8am to 4pm,

Monday to Friday.

Restaurant hours are

typically 7am to 9pm, The

Ley Seca (dry law)

stipulates that bars and

discotheques must close

by 1am, except on nights

before public holidays.

Typical shopping hours

are 8am to noon and 2pm

to 6pm, Monday to


The Cuban government

sets most prices and

rations goods to citizens.

As a result of inefficient

state-run agriculture,

Cuba imports up to 80%

of the food it rations to

the public.

The major exports of Cuba

are sugar, tobacco, coffee,

citrus, nickel, and medical


Tourism is rapidly growing

and becoming one of the

largest industries in Cuba.


The majority of Chinese

families are made up of

parents and 1-2 kid(s)

parents are normally both

working, so if their children

are little, they usually bring

their retired parents to live

with them together in order

to take care of the children

while they're at work. They

are living either a luxurious

Chinese. Most of the time

the mom doesn’t work.

There were 17.9 million

families in the UK.

•12.2 million consisted of

a married couple with or

without children

•1.9 million families

consist of a single parent

and dependent children

•One parent families are 3

times more likely to

experience poverty than 2

parent families

Americans often move

house from city to city or

from state to state. For

this reason American

families live far away from

their relatives. American

parents try to spend time

with their children at

weekends, they live in

cities, towns, and villages

there are detached or

semi-detached houses and

terraced houses.

The Guatemalan family

has gotten smaller. Are

rare families of twelve

children of the last

century, speaking of the

capital would ensure that

the birth rate has

declined. But inside the

republic has reached

culturist enough to limit


Cubans, like many Latin

Americans, tend to live

together as a nuclear

family, grandparents often

provide childcare for

women in the household

who work outside the

home, or attend school.

The Maternity Law

actually 'created' the

working woman in Cuba

so women and men to

take equal responsibility.

Page 4: Worldwide Cultures


Wushu and Kung Fu are two

wide terms of martial arts,

all forms of martial arts are

physically demanding. But

also they do the traditional

football, handball, volleyball,

basketball, tennis and

badminton. But also do a lot

games that increase their


-Three of the top ten

museums and galleries in

the world are in London

and 857 art galleries in


-There are more than

17,000 music


-Around 250 festivals --London has more than

800 bookshops and over

380 public libraries

They like to make their

homes and gardens look

attractive. The average

American adult devotes

2.5 hours a day to this

hobby. Sadly but true,

most of the people in USA

waste their time in front

of the TV, computer, with

their cell phones or listen


The city of Antigua

Guatemala is a major

center for the arts, along

with the cities of

Guatemala and


In Guatemala practiced

many sports in which

many people have a

particular relationship in

his spare time.

Music, art, drama, dance,

and writing are a major

part of Cuban culture, and

activities in these fields

are coordinated by the

National Cultural Council.

Cuban artists and writers

enjoy many privileges as

members of the party-

controlled National Union

of Artists and Writers


China's traditional religions –

Buddhism, Taoism, and

Chinese folk religions. Some

scholars doubt the use of the

term "religion" in reference

to Buddhism and Taoism,

and suggest "cultural

practices", "thought

systems" or "philosophies"

as more appropriate names.

The Chinese religions are

family-oriented and do not

demand the exclusive

adherence of members

The largest religious

groupings are Christians

(48.4 per cent), followed

by those of no religion

(20.7 per cent), Muslims

(12.4 per cent), no

response (8.5 per cent),

Hindus (5.0 per cent),

Jews (1.8 per cent), Sikhs

(1.5 per cent), Buddhists

(1.0 per cent) and other

(0.6 per cent).

Many of the major

denominations, such as

Baptists, Lutherans, and

Methodists, are splintered

into separate groups that

have different ideas about

theology or church

organization. Roman

Catholics, the next largest

religious group in the

United States, are far

more unified than


The predominant religion

is Catholicism in

Guatemala, covering

approximately 51% of the

population, derivate of

that exist other religions

like Evangelist also

Protestantism is practiced

by an average of about of

the population, but the

percentage of

Protestantism number

grows every year

The constitution was

amended to allow total

religious freedom.

About 40% of Cubans

today are Catholic.

Another large religion in

Cuba is Santeria, a blend

of Catholicism and

traditional Yoruba, also

Cuba has small

communities of Jewish

people, Muslims, and

members of the Baha’i


Page 5: Worldwide Cultures

POLITICS The Chinese government has

been variously described as

communist and socialist, but

also as authoritarian, with

heavy restrictions remaining

in many areas. The politics

of the People's Republic of

China take place in a

framework of a single-party

socialist republic. State

power within the People's

Republic of China (PRC) is

exercised through the

Communist Party of China,

the Central People's

Government and their

provincial and local


The administration of

London is formed of two

tiers—a city-wide,

strategic tier and a local

tier. City-wide

administration is

coordinated by the

Greater London Authority

(GLA), while local

administration is carried

out by 33 smaller


The GLA consists of two

elected components; the

Mayor of London, who has

executive powers, and the

London Assemble. The

headquarters of the GLA is

City Hall

The USA is the only major

country in the world (and

in the history of the

world) that is not forcing

its model on anyone else,

also t he USA is the only

country in the world that

does not use force to

create its own economic

power. The United States

is a federal constitutional

republic, in which the

President of the United,

Congress, and judiciary

share powers reserved to

the national government

Guatemala's current policy

is governed by the

Constitution of the

Republic of Guatemala in

establishing Guatemala as

a free, independent and

sovereign. Its system of

government is republican,

democratic and

representative. Guatemala

counts with a executive

agency, legislative body

and a Judiciary. Here the

president is electing by

the people for popular


The political system is

termed "Democratic

Centralism." Every citizen

has the right to participate

in discussions of political,

social, and economic

issues, but that

participation is somewhat

constrained by the

hierarchical structure of

society and government.

Constitution established a

system of representative

legislative bodies called

the Organs of People's

Power (OPP). Municipal,

provincial, and national

levels of the Peoples'

Power debate issues and

send the results to the

next level of the hierarchy

Page 6: Worldwide Cultures



In China one of the most important things is the education, which

is why the teachers have to be at the top of their capacities, in the

case of this teacher the doctor has to inform to the school's

authorities because she could be a danger for the kids, but

anyways to take care of her professional ethic she should inform it

discreetly reaching an agreement to not affect the patient.


The thing is that the law protects the patients and discrimination is

punished by the law, so he cannot do anything as a doctor, just check the

patient record and see if something changes. But as a person, and

looking at the business culture, he would take his time and wait to see if

something happens, and as a father he can ask her daughter if she feels

ok in that class, and if something happens, as a father go to take to the

school to see if they can do something.

Page 7: Worldwide Cultures


Alan needs to keep working with his patient and make her understand or with physiological

treatment he can take out the mental illness of her, and of course

as a father he can go just like that with the principal of his

daughter’s school without saying his profession making a

recommendation telling that he noticed that the teacher is always

changing mood, she turn bipolar, but his daughter never get hurt

or something like that, his daughter is happy with her school. Just

for the school to tracing her constantly and keep him informed if

he is right or if he just see that she is mental in other places but

not in the school because she really love her students

Page 8: Worldwide Cultures


Alan cannot do anything about it because the Constitution

Politica de la República de Guatemala says.

Article 4. - Freedom and equality. In Guatemala all human

beings are free and equal in dignity and rights. The men

and women, whatever their marital status, have equal rights

and responsibilities. No one shall be subjected to servitude

or any other condition which impairs their dignity. Human

beings should behave fraternally together.

Page 9: Worldwide Cultures


In Cuba I think it isn´t something clear about what he would do, first of all Cuba has a nice

education, so they have good teachers, also It won´t pass too much time until all the people

figure out how bad she is. Being selfish I would rather to change my child to other school, but to

solve the problem I would make a suggestion asking if she is able to teach. The doctors are the

professionals, I don´t think they will set children in danger.

Page 10: Worldwide Cultures


Each country has its way of dealing in business, a way they

act and a way they create their business environment.

Some of them have a very respectful way of treating people

in order to not sound rude, and some others have a

structure that shows almost none difference between

managers and subordinators, so they have an equality way of treating the employees. Others take

the way they act from the principles the culture has, taking the family business and having honor.

And some recent ones have to take in account the taxes of their country, but that take a really good

advantage from their natural sources and land. Knowing all these, it is sure that no one has a right

way of dealing in work, but everyone has the right one for their culture.

Page 11: Worldwide Cultures


The culture of chine has a very organize family and get help from the grandparents to take care of the kids,

and the women doesn´t work and they get 1-2 kids, but in Guatemala you can see that there is not an

organization in the families, all depends in how the family is economically talking, so either both parents can

work or just one, and they have as much kids as they want. And in USA the families use to move from house

to house, usually both parents work and they don’t get to much in touch with their relatives, but in Cuba they

have a nuclear culture, in which the grandparents take care of the kids and both parents have equal

responsibilities in the family environments, and in London, the families

tend to be a marriage with kids and sometimes a single parent with kids.

Page 12: Worldwide Cultures


In the culture of USA the most part of the population waste his time

in front of a TV, a videogame and a using cell phones, a very different

culture compared with China, that makes all kind of physical activities

or games to increase their intelligence, and some of the popular

activities in China are the Kung-Fu and Wushu. In London, they go

out and hang out with friends, have meetings in restaurants or they

just go to any of the activities that the city is celebrating that day, and Cuba is known by having cultural

activities like music, art and drama, mostly of them coordinated by the government, and Guatemala has a

culture that is base in hanging out, have meetings, watch movies in cinemas or just to go to a house.

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The culture of Guatemala is known because of its big amount of people whose

religion is Catholicism and what makes it more known are the processions, but

besides Guatemala, London is known by all the people that are Christians. And in

China, they have some religions, called Buddhism and Taoism, which are their

bases to act as in an honorable way. In USA, because of the fact that they were

governed by England long time ago, they were influenced to be with the Christians,

and in Cuba, they have Catholicism as religion. But what most of these countries

have in common, is the fact that there are other religions in their culture, like Muslims, Hindus, Jews and even

No religion people.


Each country way of government is different and each one of them has its own way to show it to the world. In

London you will see a kingdom ruled by a queen that has given some of his authority to some democratic

government, and in the case of China, there is a government mostly known by being communist and socials,

just as same as Cuba, but in Cuba they cannot vote for their next government, so it is kind of a dictator. In

Guatemala there is a democratic government that changes every 4 years with the votes of all the population.

And in USA is pretty much the same as in Guatemala, but the difference is that they can choose to times the

same candidate to be a president.

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Our main sources we had based on the chart that we create, we used it to answer the problem or case