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Welcome to The Primary Geography Best Practice meetings From………. Garry Atterton AST Geography from The Castle School Thornbury Tony Battista AST Geography and ICT from Bradley Stoke Community School STARTER… Look at the following images, how would yo use them with your students?

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Welcome to The Primary Geography Best Practice meetings

From……….Garry Atterton AST Geography from The

Castle School Thornbury

Tony Battista AST Geography and ICT from Bradley Stoke Community School

STARTER… Look at the following images, how would you use them with your students?

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Meeting 1: The future of Primary School Geography Friday 6 November 2009, 9 - 12 noon, Bristol Aerospace Welfare Association, Filton (BAWA)

Meeting 2: Cross – Curricular themes and Geographical skills Friday 5 March, 2010, 9-12 noon, Severnside professional Development Centre, Filton Meeting 3: Developing Urban Trails Friday 14 May, 2010, Bristol Harbourside 1.30 - 3.30pm.

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Primary Geography Best Practice course aims

To raise awareness of the future of Primary Geography.

To develop links with the Geographical Association and within South Gloucestershire.

To use high quality primary geography materials and share good practice.

To examine cross - curricula themes and geographical skills.

To explore the opportunities of local fieldwork, including Bristol Harbourside.

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Meeting 1: The future of Primary School GeographyCourse outcomes To develop links and networks with the Geographical

Association and the South Gloucestershire Geography Ning. To share the new resources from the GA website on Young

Geographers and Young People’s Geographies. To develop opportunities for teachers to become Primary

Geography Champions and schools to gain the Primary Geography Quality Mark.

All delegates are more aware about the future of Primary Geography. Particularly the role of Geography and cross-curricular themes as shown in The Rose Review and the Cambridge review.

We plan a clear structure for the needs of primary geography teachers for future Primary Geography Best Practice meetings.

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Primary Geography Best Practice meeting November 6 2009 programme outline Introduction and welcome GAt and TBa. 9.00 -9.15 All delegates are more aware about the future of Primary Geography.

Particularly the role of Geography and cross-curricular themes as shown in The Rose Review and the Cambridge review. GAt 9.15 – 9.45

To develop links and networks with the Geographical Association GAt 9.45 – 10.00

To develop links with the South Gloucestershire Geography Ning. TBa 10.00 – 10.15

To share the new resources from the GA website on Young Geographers TBa 10.15 -10.45

Coffee 10.45 -11.00 To share the new resources from the GA website on Young People’s

Geographies. GAt 11.00 – 11.15 To develop opportunities for schools to gain the Primary Geography

Quality Mark. GAt 11.15 -11.30 To develop opportunities for teachers to become Primary Geography

Champions TBa 11.30 -11.45 Plan a clear structure for the needs of primary geography teachers for

future Primary Geography Best Practice meetings. TBa 11.45 -12.00

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Discussion time

Discussion One: Why should Geography be taught at Primary level in Schools?

Discussion Two:What challenges does the teaching of Geography face in your schools today.

Discussion Three: What are the advantages and disadvantages of teaching Geography in cross –curricula topics?

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What is the state of Primary Geography today?

'Inspection evidence reveals that geography is the worst taught subject in the curriculum. There is a marked polarisation with a few schools teaching the subject exceptionally well and the majority either not teaching it much, or teaching it without real conviction or direction.'David Bell, Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Schools 2004

History and geography axed in primary schools for lessons on healthy living and the environment By Laura Clark Daily Mail 8th December 2008. Press coverage of interim Rose review

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What is the state of Primary Geography today?Domain 8: Place and timeThis includes how history shapes culture, events, consciousness andidentity and its contribution to our understanding of present and future.It includes the geographical study of location, other people, other placesand human interdependence, locally, nationally and globally.Like the arts, the humanities need proper public and political recognition of their importance tochildren’s understanding of who theyare, of change and continuity, cause and consequence, of why society isarranged as it is, and of theinteraction of mankind and thephysical environment.

The Cambridge Primary ReviewOctober 2009

“The report is at best woolly and unclear on how schools should be accountable to the public – we're clear that it would be a retrograde step to return to days when the real achievements of schools were hidden.” Schools minister, Vernon Coaker October 2009

This domainmay include anthropology and otherhuman sciences. It is central to theaims of respect and reciprocity,interdependence and sustainability,local, national and global citizenship,and culture and community.

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What is the state of Primary Geography today?

The proposal in my interim reportto bring aspects of subject contenttogether within areas of learning tofacilitate cross-curricular studies wasreported in some circles as ‘abolishingsubjects’ such as history and geography.The reverse is true: subject disciplinesremain vital in their own right, andcross-curricular studies strengthen thelearning of the subjects which makeup its content. From the standpoint ofyoung learners, making links betweensubjects enriches and enlivens them,especially history and geography.

Rose Primary Review April 2009

“The Geographical Association agrees that the proposed curriculum organised into areas of learning will enable children to make links across the curriculum. Geography has alwaysbeen used as a driver subject for a topic based approach, as the strength of the enquiry approach leads a learner led, question orientated focus to a topic. “Response from the GA October 2009

Geography will incorporated into an area of learning called ‘Historical, Geographical and Social Understanding’

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So will Geography sink or swim in the new curriculum?

Discussion four : What support do you require to make Geography (in whatever format it is in to) learning enjoyable and successful?

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The Geographical Association (GA) is a subject association with the mission“ to further the teaching and learning of geography”

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There are so many great reasons to join the GA...your subject association

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Primary Geographer Published three times per year. You will have your printed copies delivered straight to your door, as well as online access for downloading additional materials

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Primary Geographer

Each issue focuses on a different aspect of teaching and learning and includes:

practical ideas for lessons and fieldwork

guidance on lesson planning and assessment

updates on current research and curriculum developments

reviews of books, websites, CDs, photopacks and other resources

...helps primary teachers deliver the geography curriculum with a better understanding and increased confidence

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Our extensive range of primary publicationsSubstantial member discounts on all


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Primary publications Our range of primary resources support National Curriculum

frameworks and compliment the QCA Schemes of Work

Our Primary Geography Handbook is a must for all primary teachers

Core resources

The Early Years Handbook will help all practitioners provide fun and stimulating learning experiences for children

Primary Project Box is a whole-school resource that covers all the subject areas at KS1, with guidance on cross-curricular work and provides thoughts for KS2.

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Caring for our world is an award-winning, practical illustrated guide to ESD for teachers of 4 to 8 year olds

Barnaby Bear is the perfect introduction to unfamiliar places and environments for young children

Classroom resources

SuperSchemes and SuperSchemes Basics series can help you deliver a range of geography topics to your key stage 1 and 2 classes

The GA has a wide range of resources to support locality study – from Tocuaro to St Lucia to the Isle of Coll

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Web Resources

Our extensive website is designed to support all teachers of geography. Key areas you should visit are:

News and events: what’s happening in the GA and the wider geography community

EY & Primary: all the latest news and projects of interest to EY & Primary teachers

Resources index: fully searchable index of our teaching and learning resources

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Value for money!

Become a member by subscribing to Primary Geographer

Student membership less than £30pa Full personal membership less than £35pa Group membership less than £40pa

See for current rates

Subscribe to Teaching Geography and

Geography too for an additional cost

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The Young People's Geographies project is a curriculum development and research programme investigating how school students and teachers working together can effectively develop the school geography curriculum and students' geographical learning.

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Young People's Geographies is about: Making school geography more exciting and relevant to students by

involving them in curriculum making and by focusing on their own lived geographies. Young people have their own distinct geographies, often very different to those of adults, and the YPG team believes the learning process will be much richer for students if these geographies are taken into account.

NEW! The YPG Ning

To help you get involved with the YPG project and interact with participating teachers, academics and students, we've created the YPG Ning. This is a professional networking website where you can add blogs, share photos, talk to other members via the forums and chat facility, and find out about cpd courses, meetings and resources.

Register for your free account at

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Primary Geography Champions

The Primary Geography Champions scheme forms part of the second phase of the DCSF sponsored Action Plan for Geography, and up to 54 Champions will be appointed by 2011 to lead and enthuse local networks of primary teachers.

The Champions hope to engage with at least 1500 primary teachers over the next three years and will work with you to ensure that geography retains its place amongst those curriculum areas that are characterised by excellence and enjoyment.

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An An introduction to introduction to the Primary the Primary Geography Geography Quality MarkQuality Mark


Dr Thomlinson Middle School

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Going for the awardGoing for the awardThe Primary Geography Quality Mark is an award for primary schools who want to achieve recognition for the quality of their geography leadership, curriculum development, learning and teaching in the school.

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Primary Geography Quality MarkPrimary Geography Quality MarkSelf-evaluation framework Self-evaluation framework

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The school self-evaluation is The school self-evaluation is based on:based on:

The characteristics of geography in your school

How well pupils enjoy & achieve The quality of provision Subject Leadership and Management

Directly linked to the Ofsted Self Evaluation Form (SEF)

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Key principles Key principles  identify and celebrate good


provide a framework for subject leaders/co-ordinators to analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the geography curriculum

improve for all pupils the quality of the educational experience through geography

Hallam Primary SchoolSheffield

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Raise the profile of geography within the primary curriculum

…and in particular its contribution to citizenship, sustainable development, global dimensions, cultural and social inclusion, using and understanding technology, and in imparting a wide range of skills.

Methodist School, Wakefield

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Information Information on the main on the main GA websiteGA website

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Exemplars Exemplars and and Guidance Guidance are are available on available on the PGQM the PGQM VLEVLE

GA members can request access to this password protected site.

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… your PURPOSE is to:

celebrate the characteristics of geography in your school

show how effectively children learn geography and whether they enjoy their learning

communicate how you provide for quality learning in geography and whether your provision is having an impact on children as learners

demonstate how effectively the subject is led and managed

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If you are interested in finding If you are interested in finding out more about the PGQM out more about the PGQM

Contact [email protected] for further details or download a registration form from the website and return it to Julie. You can also register your interest online.

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