worldconnect et. al. v. e&b giftware et. al

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Worldconnect et. al. v. E&B Giftware et. al.


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    Frank W. Compagni (USB 7174) Bretton L. Crockett (USB 8573) MORRISS OBRYAT COMPAGI, P.C. 734 East 200 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84102 Telephone No. (801) 478-0071 Facsimile No. (801) 478-0076 Email: [email protected], [email protected]

    Attorneys for Plaintiffs



    WORLDCONNECT AG (a Corporation of

    Switzerland) and MCRUFF AG (a

    Corporation of Switzerland),



    E&B GIFTWARE, LLC (a Delaware Limited

    Liability Company), E&B GIFTWARE, INC.

    (a Delaware Corporation)WAL-MART

    STORES, INC., (a Delaware Corporation) and

    WAL-MART.COM USA, LLC, (a Delaware

    Limited Liability Company)



    Civil No.: 2:13-cv-00423-PMW

    Honorable Magistrate Judge Paul M. Warner


    Plaintiffs, WorldConnect AG (hereinafter WorldConnect) and McRuff AG (hereinafter

    McRuff), by and through its attorneys, complains of the Defendants E&B Giftware, LLC, E&B

    Giftware, Inc. (collectively hereinafter E&B), Wal-mart Stores Inc. (hereinafter Wal-mart

    Stores), and USA, LLC (hereinafter Wal-mart USA) (collectively hereinafter

    Walmart Parties) as follows:

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    1. Plaintiff WorldConnect AG (hereinafter WorldConnect) is corporation organized and

    existing under the laws of Switzerland and has a principal place of business at Werkstrasse 12a,

    9444 Diepoldsau, Switzerland.

    2. Plaintiff McRuff AG (hereinafter McRuff) is corporation organized and existing under

    the laws of Switzerland and has a principal place of business at Industriesstrasse 7, 6300 Zug,


    3. On information and belief, Defendant, E&B Giftware, LLC is a limited liability company

    organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware with a principal place of business at

    4 Executive Plaza, Yonkers, New York 10701.

    4. On information and belief, Defendant, E&B Giftware, Inc. is a corporation organized and

    existing under the laws of the State of Delaware with a principal place of business at 4 Executive

    Plaza, Yonkers, New York 10701.

    5. On information and belief, defendant Wal-mart Stores is a corporation organized and

    existing under the laws of the State of Delaware with a place of business at 702 SW 8th Street,

    Bentonville, Arkansas 72716.

    6. On information and belief, defendant Wal-mart USA is a limited liability company

    organized and existing under the laws of the State of California with a place of business at 7000

    Marina Blvd., Brisbane, California 94005.

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    7. This action arises under the patent and trademark laws of the United States, Titles 35 and

    15, United States Code, including but not limited to 35 USC 271 and 15 USC 1114 and 1125.

    This Court has original jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1331 and 1338. This Court also has

    supplemental jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. 1367.

    8. Venue is proper in this District because at least one act of infringement took place within

    this jurisdiction, Defendants transact or are doing business in this District, including soliciting

    business in, shipping goods into this district and derives substantial revenue from intrastate and

    interstate commerce which has an effect in this district, and because Defendants are subject to

    personal jurisdiction in this District.


    9. WorldConnect is in the business of selling products for use in the travel industry.

    10. WorldConnect markets and sells a travel adapter marketed and sold as the WORLD

    ADAPTER CLASSIC and/or THE ORIGINAL (hereinafter WorldConnect travel adapter as

    depicted in Exhibit A attached hereto).

    11. On October 7, 2003, U.S. Patent D480,358 S (hereinafter the 358 Patent) issued to

    McRuff for the invention entitled TRAVEL ADAPTER. A copy of the 358 Patent is attached

    hereto as Exhibit B.

    12. WorldConnect is the exclusive licensee of the 358 Patent and has the right to enforce the

    358 Patent on behalf of McRuff AG.

    13. The exclusive license from McRuff AG grants to WorldConnect an exclusive license to

    make, manufacture, use, sell, and otherwise practice the invention described in the 358 Patent.

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    14. Each WorldConnect travel adapter is marked with the 358 Patent number.

    15. Three WorldConnect patent numbers, including the 358 Patent number, are molded into

    the base of each WorldConnect travel adapter and are clearly visible when the top adapter part is


    16. Defendants All-in-One Adapter includes a similar molded-in rectangular box in the same

    location as WorldConnects travel adapter where Plaintiffs patent numbers appear.

    17. The rectangular box on the Defendants adapter does not include any patent numbers.

    18. There is no functional purpose for the rectangular box on Defendants adapter.

    19. On information and belief, Plaintiffs patent numbers were known when the mold for

    Defendants travel adapter was created.

    20. On information and belief, E&B knew of Plaintiffs U.S. and foreign patent rights when it

    copied the design and configuration of Plaintiffs travel adapter.

    21. Removal of Plaintiffs patent numbers by E&B further indicates that E&B has known of

    the 358 Patent from the time when the E&B travel adapter was first manufactured.

    22. WorldConnect has invested substantial resources in marketing and promoting the travel

    adapters covered by the 358 Patent and has developed substantial good will in its travel adapters as

    a result.

    23. WorldConnects travel adapters are very distinctive in their design, color and


    24. In addition to their distinctive design, color and configuration, WorldConnects travel

    adapters have acquired a secondary meaning due to the sales volume of the travel adapters,

    advertising undertaken by WorldConnect, and publication in various catalogs.

    25. WorldConnects travel adapters are recognized as a significant improvement over the prior

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    art in both ease of use and quality of the product.

    26. Due to these improvements, the Plaintiffs travel adapters have been highly successful.

    27. Consumers and industry experts are well aware of the WorldConnects trade dress and its

    association with quality, and rely on it when making purchasing decisions.

    28. Consumers recognize WorldConnects travel adapters and the quality, which is associated

    therewith by their distinctive configuration.

    29. Defendants are engaged in marketing and selling various items including travel adapters.

    30. As part of it product offering, Defendants offer for sale travel adapters sold under the

    American Toursiter name that infringe the 358 Patent and the trade dress belonging to Plaintiffs.

    31. Defendants travel adapters are identified on the product packaging as All-in-One

    Adapter Plug with USB Charger.

    32. Defendants have offered for sale and have sold travel adapters that infringe the 358 Patent.

    33. Defendants have offered for sale and have sold travel adapters that simulate the trade dress

    embodied in WorldConnects travel adapters.

    34. Defendants have offered for sale and have sold their All-in-One Adapter Plug with USB

    Charger in this jurisdiction.


    (Infringement of U.S. Patent D480,358 S)

    35. Plaintiffs incorporate the allegations of preceding paragraphs of this Complaint as if fully

    set forth herein.

    36. Subsequent to the issuance of the U.S. Patent D480,356 S (the 356 Patent), Defendant,

    with full knowledge thereof, has infringed said patent by the unauthorized manufacture, use and

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    sale of a travel adapter which embodies substantially the same ornamental design as that set forth

    in the 356 Patent.

    37. The resemblance between the designs of the Plaintiffs and the Defendant is such as to

    deceive the ordinary observer, and to induce him or her to purchase the Defendants product

    thinking it was the Plaintiffs.

    38. Upon information and belief, Defendant has by its aforementioned infringement of the

    Plaintiffs design patent, unlawfully derived substantial profits and gains that Plaintiffs would

    otherwise have received.

    39. Defendants infringement of the 356 Patent has been willful and in disregard for the

    exclusive rights of the Plaintiff set forth in its patent.

    40. The amount of money damages that the Plaintiff have suffered due to Defendants acts of

    infringement cannot be determined without an accounting, and it is thus subject to proof at trial.

    41. The Plaintiff is entitled to a complete accounting of all revenue derived by Defendants

    from the unlawful conduct alleged herein.

    42. The harm to the Plaintiff arising from Defendants acts of infringement of the 356 Patent is

    not fully compensable by money damages. Rather, the Plaintiff has suffered and continues to

    suffer irreparable harm which has no adequate remedy at law and which will continue unless

    Defendants conduct is enjoined.

    43. The Plaintiff is therefore also entitled to a preliminary injunction, to be made permanent on

    entry of the judgment, preventing Defendant from further infringement.

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    (Trade Dress Infringement)

    44. Plaintiffs incorporate the allegations of the preceding paragraphs of this Complaint as if set

    forth herein.

    45. The Plaintiff has continued uninterruptedly to market its unique travel adapters and has

    expended a great deal of money and effort in advertising and otherwise marketing its travel


    46. The great effort and expense on the part of the Plaintiff in marketing its travel adapters, the

    unique design of its travel adapters, and the high quality of its travel adapters, has caused the

    Plaintiffs travel adapters to become associated in the minds of the public with the Plaintiff.

    47. In this manner, the trade dress of the Plaintiffs travel adapters has acquired secondary

    meaning among the relevant trade and public as a symbol identifying the Plaintiff as the source of

    the Plaintiffs goods.

    48. Defendant, in the design of its product, has simulated Plaintiffs trade dress by copying the

    appearance and color of the Plaintiffs travel adapters.

    49. Defendants use of confusingly similar trade dress as set forth above is likely to cause

    members of the public mistakenly to believe that Defendants products originate with or are

    rendered by or in affiliation with, or under license from, or with the approval of, the Plaintiff.

    50. The Defendants use of confusingly similar trade dress as set forth above has, in fact,

    caused actual customer confusion and confusion to the public.

    51. The Defendants use of confusingly similar trade dress is likely to and does permit the

    Defendant to misappropriate and unfairly trade on the valuable good will and reputation of the

    Plaintiff and will subject the good will and reputation of the Plaintiff to irreparable injury by such

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    false designation of origin.

    52. Defendants infringement of the Plaintiffs trade dress has been willful and in disregard for

    the exclusive rights of the Plaintiff.

    53. The amount of money damages which the Plaintiff has suffered due to Defendants acts of

    infringement cannot be determined without an accounting, and it is thus subject to proof at trial.

    54. The Plaintiff is entitled to a complete accounting of all revenue derived by Defendant from

    the unlawful conduct alleged herein.

    55. The harm to the Plaintiff arising from Defendants acts of infringement of the Plaintiffs

    trade dress is not fully compensable by money damages. Rather, the Plaintiff has suffered and

    continues to suffer irreparable harm which has no adequate remedy at law and which will continue

    unless Defendants conduct is enjoined.

    56. The Plaintiff is therefore also entitled to a preliminary injunction, to be made permanent on

    entry of the judgment, preventing Defendants from further infringement.


    (False Designation of Origin)

    57. Plaintiffs incorporate the allegations of the preceding paragraphs of this Complaint as if set

    forth herein.

    58. Plaintiffs have all right, title and interest in and to the design and the right to exploit the

    design in its travel adapters.

    59. Since prior to the acts of Defendants herein alleged, WorldConnect has continuously

    marketed its travel adapters in interstate and intrastate commerce to and throughout the United


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    60. WorldConncet has expended great effort and large sums of money in developing,

    promoting and advertising its travel adapter.

    61. On information and belief, as a result of WorldConnects expenditure of money and skill in

    the development and promotion of its travel adapter, WorldConnects travel adapter design has

    acquired a substantial market value.

    62. On information and belief, as a result of WorldConnects expenditure of money and skill in

    the development and promotion of its travel adapter, WorldConnects travel adapter design has

    become well known as identifying WorldConnect as the source of the travel adapter.

    63. On information and belief, Defendants have copied WorldConnects travel adapter design

    so that Defendants design embodied in their travel adaptor is very similar to WorldConnects

    travel adapter design.

    64. On information and belief, Defendants, by the aforementioned acts, have taken advantage

    of WorldConnects knowledge, creative skill and expenditure of time, effort and money and have

    capitalized upon the market created by WorldConnect for its unique travel adapter design.

    65. The acts by Defendants in manufacturing or causing to be manufactured, selling and

    marketing travel adapters having designs confusingly similar to WorldConnects travel adapter

    design was all done without authority or license from WorldConnect.

    66. On information and belief, these acts by Defendants were committed knowingly, willfully

    and with the intent of depriving WorldConnect of the commercial benefit of its original design.

    67. These acts of Defendants in manufacturing, causing to be manufactured, selling and

    offering for sale travel adapters embodying a design copied from WorldConnects travel adapter

    design is likely to create confusion in the trade in that Defendants travel adapter as depicted in

    Exhibit C attached hereto will likely be confused as originating with WorldConnect, as being

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    sponsored by WorldConnect, or as being endorsed by WorldConnect, which constitute a false

    representation and false designation of origin.

    68. Defendants activities have caused, and if allowed to continue, will continue to cause loss

    of sales to WorldConnect and divert customers to Defendants, all to WorldConnects damage in an

    as yet to be ascertained amount.

    69. On information and belief, Defendants activities have resulted in substantial profits for

    Defendants to which they are not entitled.

    70. On information and belief, the difference in the selling price of travel adapters embodying

    a design copied from WorldConnects travel adapter design is affecting WorldConnects

    customers and reputation in the marketplace.

    71. By reason of Defendants acts of false representation and false designation of origin,

    WorldConnect has sustained and will continue to sustain serious and irreparable injury to its

    reputation and a loss of sales and profits which WorldConnect would have made but for said acts

    of Defendants.

    72. On information and belief, Defendants acts are deliberate and willful and, unless the Court

    enjoins Defendants from further commission of said acts, there is a substantial possibility and

    threat of continued or additional false representation and false designation of origin by Defendants

    for which WorldConnect is without an adequate remedy at law.

    73. Defendants have been unjustly enriched and WorldConnect is entitled to an accounting of

    the profits of Defendants. Defendants foregoing activities have damaged WorldConnect in an

    amount to be determined at trial.

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    (Unjust Enrichment)

    74. Plaintiff incorporates the allegations of the preceding paragraphs of this Complaint as if set

    forth herein.

    75. Defendants have no right, title or interest in or to the Plaintiffs patent or trade dress.

    76. On information and belief, Defendants have benefitted, at the expense of the Plaintiffs due

    to Defendants exploitation, marketing, manufacture, sale and/or offering to sell devices revealed

    or claimed in the Plaintiffs patent, and has benefitted from advertising conducted by the Plaintiffs

    to sell travel adapters falling within the scope of the Plaintiffs patent and covered by Plaintiffs

    trade dress.

    77. On information and belief, Defendants have obtained and continue to obtain considerable

    profits and market share by the unauthorized manufacturing, use and exploitation of the devices

    covered by the Plaintiffs patent and trade dress.

    78. On information and belief, Defendants have known of the Plaintiffs patent and trade dress

    and have known of the benefit they have derived from the unauthorized manufacturing, use and

    exploitation of travel adapters that fall within the scope of Plaintiffs patent and trade dress.

    79. Defendants are not entitled to any profits or market share by way of the exploitation,

    marketing, manufacture, sale or offering to sell of travel adapters that fall within the scope of

    Plaintiffs patent and trade dress.

    80. It is unjust and inequitable for Defendants to retain the profits and market share derived

    from their unauthorized manufacturing, use, sell, marketing and exploitation of the Plaintiffs

    intellectual property embodied in its patent and trade dress without payment to the Plaintiffs of the

    fair market value thereof.

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    (Federal Unfair Competition)

    81. Plaintiff incorporates the allegations of the preceding paragraphs of this Complaint as if set

    forth herein.

    82. The foregoing acts of Defendants constitute unfair competition in passing off their travel

    adapters as those of WorldConnect.

    83. By reason of Defendants acts of passing off their travel adapters as WorldConnects travel

    adapters, WorldConnect has sustained and will continue to sustain serious and irreparable injury to

    its reputation and a loss of sales and profits which WorldConnect would have made but for said

    acts of Defendants.

    84. On information and belief, Defendants acts are deliberate and willful and, unless the Court

    enjoins Defendants from further commission of said acts, there is a substantial possibility and

    threat of their continued or additional passing off of WorldConnects travel adapter for which

    WorldConnect is without an adequate remedy at law.

    85. Defendants have been unjustly enriched and WorldConnect is entitled to an accounting of

    the profits Defendants.

    86. Defendants foregoing activities have damaged WorldConnect in an amount to be

    determined at trial.

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    WHEREFORE, the Plaintiffs demand judgment against the Defendant as follows:

    A. Finding the patent in suit valid and infringed by each Defendant;

    B. Preliminarily and permanently enjoining each Defendant, its employees, officers,

    directors, agents, servants and all others in privity with it from infringing the patent in suit as

    provided for in 35 U.S.C. Section 283;

    C. Preliminarily and permanently enjoining each Defendant, its employees, officers,

    directors, agents, servants and all others in privity with them from interfering with

    WorldConnects business relationships, unfairly competing with WorldConnect and passing off of

    WorldConnects travel adapters in any manner and from reproducing and causing, contributing to

    or participating in, the unauthorized reproduction and distribution to the public by sale or other

    transfer, unauthorized reproductions of travel adapters incorporating the design of

    WorldConnects travel adapter;

    D. Ordering an accounting of all of each Defendants profits and WorldConnects damages

    sustained as a consequence of patent infringement, trade dress infringement, unfair competition,

    unjust enrichment and false designation of origin, and increasing the damages awarded to

    WorldConnect to three times the amount found by reason Defendants willful continuing

    patent infringement, trade dress infringement, unfair competition and false designation of origin,

    as provided for in 35 U.S.C. 284 and 289 and 15 U.S.C. 1117, respectively;

    E. Requiring each Defendant to deliver up to be impounded during the pendency of

    this action, all infringing copies of WorldConnects travel adapter in their possession or under their

    control, and to withdraw all materials, including advertising and promotional materials, carton and

    container and, thereafter, to deliver up for destruction all such copies as well as molds and any

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    other material for making such design;

    F. Awarding WorldConnect its costs;

    G. Declaring this case exceptional by reason of each Defendants willful infringement and

    awarding WorldConnect its attorneys fees incurred in prosecuting this action as provided for in 35

    U.S.C. 285 and 15 U.S.C. 1117;

    H. Granting WorldConnect such other and further relief as the Court may deem just and



    Trial by jury is hereby demanded as to all issues in this action so triable.

    DATED this 7th day of June, 2013.

    Respectfully submitted,


    By: /s/ Frank W. Compagni

    Frank W. Compagni