world war two research project

Rousler Milfort World War Two Research Project

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World War Two Research Project. Rousler Milfort. Germany. Militarization of the Rhineland . Took place on March, 7 1936 When Hitler took power, this was the first act passed Troops were sent to Rhineland Felt offended cause of the treaty so they passed it - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Rousler Milfort

World War Two Research Project

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Took place on March, 7 1936

When Hitler took power, this was the first act passed

Troops were sent to Rhineland

Felt offended cause of the treaty so they passed it

The treaty of Versailles was violated when this act was passed

One of the WW2’s cause

Militarization of the Rhineland

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Czechoslovakia was devastated from the WW2

1 million people had been killed due to the war

Hitler wanted to help the German population

People lost their lives and it was considered as a major events.


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Allied-occupied AustriaThis event was known as the

Anschluss.“the occupation and

annexation of Austria into  Nazi Germany in 1938”

Hitler wanted to annex this territory because it was his birth country

Austria was fine of getting their own territory

This benefited Germany because they wanted to eliminate countries of refugees for their target people (Jews).

Invasion of Austria

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Known also as the September Campaign

Germany/Hitler invaded Poland

Lasted about 35 days Occurred one week

after the signing of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact which was a non- aggression pact signed in Moscow

Invasion of Poland

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Known as the Fall of France German invaded France Lasted 1 month and 12 days June 22nd, an agreement

was signed between France and Germany

France got divided, Germany took over the North and the West.

Kept some French prisoners also

Battle of France

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Between German and the British

Lasted 3 months and 3 weeks

The objective of this was to gain air superiority.

Largest air battle everTried to prevent

Germany from getting air superiority.

Hitler threatened to

Battle of Britain

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“There has been no war like it”

25 million soviets citizens died

Since the Russian were communist, the Germans didn’t like them

24 June  – 14 December 1812

Invasion of Russia

Napoleon's withdrawal from Russia, a painting by Adolph Northern.

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The actions of Germany provoked the world to go to war because throughout these events, Germany was trying to take over everywhere. They were always fighting over territory. They tried to take over France, Britain, Poland, Austria etc. They were mostly the reason why WW2 started.

When WW1 ended and when the nations came up with the treaty of Versailles, Germany felt offended and they started to break the rules.


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Battle of Britain . Wikipedia , 2 May 2013. Web. 3 May 2013. Path:

Rees, Laurence. Hitler's Invasion of Russia in World War Two. British Broadcasting Corporation, 30 Mar. 2011. Web. 3 May 2013. <>.

Remilitarization of the Rhineland. Wikipedia , 28 Mar. 2013. Web. 3 May 2013. <>.

Czechoslovakia in World War II. Ed. Jason McDonald. The World War II Multimedia Database, 26 July 2011. Web. 3 May 2013. <>.

Ched, Peter. Annexation of Austria. N.p., 2013 . Web. 3 May 2013. <>.

Battle of France . Wikipedia , 21 Apr. 2013. Web. 3 May 2013. <>.

Never, in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few. History , 2011. Web. 3 May 2013. <>

Work cited

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Japan WWII

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Known as the Nanking Massacre. 300,000 people died in 6 weeks It was a mass murder, Japanese

invaded China Captured Nanking which was the

capital of china 20,000 females were raped

which also involves kids and elderly people

Japanese thought that they were better than U.S, and when they invaded Nanking, they killed all these people.

This happen before and through WW2

Rape of Nanking

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Known as the Hawaii Operation Occurred on December 7, 1941U.S got attacked by surprise by the

Japanese About 2330 U.S soldiers lost their

lives and about 1500 were wounded “from 7:55 a.m. until 9:45 a.m.” Japanese wanted to be in control of

the Pacific , thought that U.S was weak and attacked them

Since it was a surprise attack, they had the benefit

Claim that they tried sending the message

Pearl Harbor

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This was when the prisoners of the Bataan war got transferred to Balanga

The march was 80 miles long and throughout the way, prisoners got abused

Before they reached their destination, around 100-650 Americans died.

The Japanese were unprepared and didn’t feed the prisoners, mistreated them, beheaded those who fell on the ground

Japanese took advantage of it and killed many prisoners

Bataan Death March

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Known as operation detachment Fight between the American army

and the JapaneseU.S was trying to conquer an

island (Iwo Jima Island)Lasted a month, was the bloodiest

war in the Pacific It resulted with the American

succeeding Japanese were aware that they

wouldn't succeed, but they left may casualties

“The United States wanted Iwo Jima because of its location. It was only 660 miles south of Tokyo”

Iwo Jima

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Known as operation IcebergOkinawa was an island Lasted 82 days The Americans wanted to

invade Okinawa After the war, about 100,000

Japanese died They wanted to use Okinawa

as a base for air operationLast battle between the U.S

and Japan The U.S won the war


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Throughout all the battles between Japan and U.S, we learn that Japan was kind of the bad guys because they mostly started everything. They express themselves as superiors towards the U.S and anyone who tried to stop them. They accomplished terrible things such as the Rape of Nanking when lots of females got raped and they killed many people.

Even though they were kind of behind all of this, every time they fell down and they were defeated by the U.S and their allies, they got right back up and they continued to try defeating them. They didn’t want to surrender at all, anyone who surrendered would be killed. That was why they lost.


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The action of these two countries provided the world to go to War because so many people were dying, Germany and Japan were killing people. They all wanted power and they would do anything to get a hold of that. The U.S were also a little responsible but it wasn’t entirely their fault.

To prevent this whole thing from happening again, one necessary step is to make sure when there are problem, you talk it out first and compromise. If they did compromise, this would've never happened and just because of them not talking it out, many people died


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Nanking Massacre. Wikipedia , 6 May 2013. Web. 8 May 2013. <>.

BASIC FACTS ON THE NANKING MASSACRE and THE TOKYO WAR CRIMES TRIAL. New Jersey Hong Kong Network, 1990. Web. 8 May 2013. <>.

Pearl Harbor . Wikipedia , 16 Apr. 2013. Web. 8 May 2013. <>.

Rosenberg, Jennifer. Pearl Harbor Facts., 2010. Web. 8 May 2013. <>.

Bataan Death March . Wikipedia , 8 May 2013. Web. 8 May 2013. <>.

BATAAN DEATH MARCH. N.p., 3 Aug. 2009. Web. 8 May 2013. <>.

Battle of Iwo Jima. Wikipedia , 6 May 2013. Web. 8 May 2013. <>.

Iwo Jima. N.p., 1999. Web. 8 May 2013. <>.

Battle of Okinawa . Wikipedia , 7 May 2013. Web. 9 May 2013. <>.

Work Cited