world war 1 study guide

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  • 8/3/2019 World War 1 Study Guide




    Belgium, Fran


    Paul Von Hindenburg Fought for Germany was commander-in-chief and was elected by Keiser. He

    planned the great push and Germany almost won if U.S didnt join the war.

    He elected Hitler as Chancellor in Germany Paul is leader Weimar RepublicKaiser Leader of Germany, told Austria-Hungary to fight in war, was a military

    junkie, was strict, and fought against Britain with navy ships. Started the


    Herbert Asquith Leader of liberal party was a bad wartime leader, prime minister of U.K.

    coalition government of 1915-1916 after Gallipoli

    Theobald von bethmann Chancellor of Germany, didnt want submarine warfare or to drown British

    ships Fought to fight social & political in currency

    Winston Churchill British state secretary of war, encouraged the tank,

    Georges Clemenceau was French prime minister twice, wanted to humiliate Germany, French

    attacked Germany contributed to the treaty of Versailles

    Kitchener British secretary of state your country wants you he increased British army

    David Lloyd George Chancellor of the Exchequer, secretary of war,

    Vittorio Orlando Served as Italy's Prime Minister in 1917 following the Italian army's

    humiliating defeat at Caporetto. Paris peace corps, treaty of Versailles

    Woodrow Wilson President of U.S.A , declare war on Germany, league of nation was


    Lavr Kornilov Imperial Russian general, captured by Austria-Hungary but escaped arrest

    and killed in Bykhov, tried to take over Russia.

    John J. Pershiny Commander in chief of the American Expeditionary Force , fought in France

    Manfed Con Richthrfen Served in trenches but was transferred to serve the German Air Force and

    his team was successful in the air war over Ypres, top pilot

    Prinicip Assassinated arch duke Ferdinand, was a member of the black head had

    tuberculosis in jail when he was arrested (Sarajevo)Arch Duke Ferdinand Visit Serbia, on June 28 on Serbias independence day, heir to the Austria-Hungary throne, was assassinated with his wife Sophie by Prinicip

    Bismarck Was in charges of all the alliances, the triple alliances with Austria-Hungary,

    ottoman empire and Russia than Russia withdrawal and Italy joined in

    Nicholas II Russias last emperor, was unsuccessful when it comes to battles and attacks

    Russia lost many times, he came to war with France on his side,

    Emperor Franz-Josef Emperor of Austria-Hungary, ultimatum to Serbia, declared war on Serbia,

    left the war to his generals,

    Alfred Von Schlieffen German field marshal, Schlieffen Plan avoid a two front war, between

    France & Russia

    Hitler Adolf Was elected by Hindenburg as Chancellor in Germany
  • 8/3/2019 World War 1 Study Guide




    The Ottoman Empire



    The Balkans

    Western Front

    North Sea




    Marne River


    Battle Ships The greatest naval battle of the First World War. Jutland had all the ingredients to

    be a great British naval victory

    Tank People are inside it, is used for protecting soldiers, & crushes everything in its

    path, armed vehicle.Poison Gas Mustard gas, can explode, was yellow & green Germany first used poison gas,

    carry gas mask, large people died,

    Trench System Paths dig by soldiers, bodies everywhere, from France to Switzerland. Made thewar longer

    Submarine Used to sink ships, Germany was good at this. Sunk ship and got away

    Machine Gun Machine guns of all armies were largely of the heavy variety, the gun sometimes


    Flamethrower brought terror to French and British soldiers when used by the German army, to

    spread fire by launching burning fuel, sometimes explode, get through trenches

    Artillery Large-caliber guns used in warfare on land sometimes explodes, can takeout tanks

    Airplane Used to see locations, allow people to plan their attack and attack weak points


    Imperialism Imperialism is when a country increases their power and wealth by bringing

    additional territories under their control. The increasing competition and desire

    for greater empires led to world war 1.

    Nationalism Much of the origin of the war was based on the desire of the Slavic peoples in

  • 8/3/2019 World War 1 Study Guide


    Bosnia and Herzegovina to no longer be part of Austria Hungary but instead be

    part of Serbia. In this way, nationalism led directly to the War. Each country

    tried to prove their dominance and power.

    Militarism An arms race had begun. By 1914, Germany had the greatest increase in military

    buildup. Great Britain and Germany both greatly increased their navies in this

    time period

    Secret Alliances (central powers) Triple alliance, Italy French alliance, allied alliance,Treaty of Versailles 33 billion in reparations to Germany, Germany must give up colonies, territories,

    and must not build their naval and military up. France and Britain get these


    Armistice 'The armistice' is generally referred to in context of the agreement between the

    Germans and the Allies to end the war on November 11, 1918.

    Trench warfare Filthy clothes, lice, rats, shell shock, dead bodies,

    League of nations To ensure that war never broke out again, many looked to the League to bring

    stability to the world. u.s didnt sign it


    Battle of Verdun The battle, which lasted from 21 February 1916 until 19 December 1916

    caused over an estimated 700,000 casualties (dead, wounded and missing) The

    Battle of Verdun is considered the greatest and lengthiest in world history.

    Battle of Ypres Fought in western Belgium, the British desire to secure the English

    Channel ports and the British Army's supply lines, The French strategy

    revolved around a desire to prevent German forces from outflanking the Allied

    front from the north.

    Battle of Somme The battle consisted of an offensive by the British and French armies against

    the German Army, which, since invading France in August 1914, had occupied

    large areas of that country. The Battle of the Somme was one of the

    largest battles of the First World War; 1 million casualties

    Battle of Tannenberg Perhaps the most spectacular and complete German victory of the First World

    War. he battle resulted in the almost complete destruction of the Russian

    Second Army

    Battle of Gallipoli

    The Gallipoli Campaign cost the Allies 141,113 killed and wounded and the

    Turks 195,000. Gallipoli proved to be the Turks' greatest victory of the war.

    The battle of Jutland The Battle of Jutland took place between the British Grand Fleet and the

    German High Seas Fleet on the 31st May 1916 in the North Sea, off the

    mainland of Denmark. . It was the largest naval battle and the only full-scale

    clash ofbattleships in the war. Both sides claimed victory. The British lost

    more ships and twice as many sailorsSecond battle of Marne Was the last major German Spring Offensive on the Western Front during

    the First World War? The German attack failed when an Allied counterattack

    led by France overwhelmed the Germans, inflicting severe casualties. It was

    the turning point of the war in the western front. 139,000 dead or wounded

    29,367 captured 793 guns lost France 95,165 dead or wounded Britain 16,552

    dead or wounded U.S. 12,000 dead or wounded Italy 9,000 dead or wounded

    deaths 42 million losses for allies, 65 million losses for central powers
  • 8/3/2019 World War 1 Study Guide


    New countries Estonia, Lithuania, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Hungary, `