world ngo day initiative


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Post on 22-Jan-2018




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The World NGO Day - intended to be a symbol of bringing together the world’s NGOs to build a stronger future for all - would aim to raise awareness of the many organisations working for good around the globe. A dedicated day - an important annual marking point - for all NGOs to celebrate their achievements, ensuring that also small grassroots organisations gain the recognition they deserve. To inspire people to become more actively involved within NGOs, encouraging more collaboration between NGOs and commemorating all individuals who dedicated their lives to the importat work of the NGO sector.

The World NGO Day provides an opportunity to honour and remember NGO founders, employees, volunteers, members and supporters.There are vast numbers of individuals who have devoted their lives to the work of NGOs in many forms, from those who offer a few hours of their time to those who have sacrificed their lives for a cause they believe in. It is only right that we take time to

give thanks to the multitude of citizens who have helped build and contributed vastly to the NGO sector.

A great example is 25 years old Ms. Fareeda Kokikhel Afridi (1987-1012) who was brutally shot dead on her way to work in Pakistan - a women’s rights activist and founder of the NGO Society for Appraisal and Women Empowerment in Rural Areas (SAWERA); Ms. Angela Cropper (1946 - 2012) of Trinidad and Tobago former President of The Cropper Foundation and former Assistant Secretary-General and Deputy Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP); or Ms. Dorothy Stowe (1920 - 2010) an American born Canadian and the co-founder of Greenpeace. And there are many more inspiring individuals who have contributed

tremendously to the NGO sector - locally, nationally and internationally - which deserved to be commemorated.

“...UNDP is pleased to join the Government of Finland, UNESCO, UNOPS, the European Commission, and other partners in celebrating the tremendous work of non-governmental organizations, and of all the dedicated people working for them in countries around the world. NGOs and civil society networks are powerful forces in advancing development agendas and protecting the rights of poor and marginalized people.”

Ms. Helen Clark UNDP Administrator and Former Prime Minister of New Zealand

“...Working for the United Nations for many years I have seen the huge contribution NGOs have made to further the development, peacebuilding and humanitarian goals of the international community and, most importantly, to the lives of people in need. Personally I believe that a World NGO day is an excellent opportunity to recognize and celebrate the successes of the sector, and also to provide a focus for new ideas.”

Mr. Jan Mattsson Former Executive Director, United Nations Office for Project Services UNOPS And Goodwill Ambassador of the World NGO Day

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World NGO Day is a global initiative which aims to secure the passing of a UN resolution to establish it as an official international observance day. Which would be held on the same calendar day every year, in recognition of the valuable work NGOs have done - and continue to do - around the world. For the purpose of this day, the term NGO will be used to encompass all Non-Profit Organisations (NPOs), Civil Society Organisatios (CSOs), and other types of Non Governmental Organisation within the sector - which support the UN international human right principles, and do not cultivate or promote illegal activities.

NGOs have a key role to play within the SDGs. This pathway is one which tells the story of effective implementation, clear results and achievements of the keys goals necessary to ensure the future we want for all of our populations. Let us walk the pathway to sustainable development as equal partners - its therefore vital that these contribution is recognised by acknowledging the World NGO Day as an official observe day under the UN, to be celebrated every year for many years to come. We call on our Governments and wider development partners to ensure this.

“...I am very please to be here at the World NGO Day 2014 event… I thank you for this initiative, and I certainly hope it will flourish over time and that it will be recognised sooner rather than later… World days are important... They are moments to raise awareness and mobilise support, to push on the national and international agenda. This is an oportunity to raise the flag for NGOs and to simply recognise the way they change the world we live in… Today NGOs are probably at the very cutting edge of work for the collective good at the national, regional and international level.”

Mr. Eric Falt Assistant Director-General for External Relations and Public Information, UNESCO

“NGOs have always been at the forefront of social movements and changes. The European Commission greatly values their willingness to act, their independence and above all their deep and genuine concern for the well-being of the communities they serve. On every single day of the year, all over the world, NGOs are working hard for the people and communities they have pledged to help. It’s only right that, on just one of those days, the world should celebrate NGOs and thank them for the tremendous work that they do”.

Mr. Andris Piebalgs Former European Commissioner for Development, European Commission

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SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (SDGs) - MAJOR GROUPS: NGOsWe note the valuable contributions that NGOs could and do make in promoting sustainable development through their well-

established and diverse experience, expertise and capacity, especially in the area of analysis, sharing of information and knowledge, promotion of dialogue and support of implementation of sustainable development.


NGOs play a vital role in the shaping and implementation of sustainable development. Their credibility lies in the responsible and constructive role they play in society. The nature of the independent role played by NGOs within a society calls for real participation; therefore, independence is a major attribute of NGOs and is the precondition of real participation. We are also cognizant of our need to commit to the process as NGOs. Therefore the NGO Major Group commits to:

• Building our capacity to engage more effectively;• Enhancing our own accountability and transparency;• Harnessing the capacity within our communities and peoples via increased networking and exchange of lessons learnt and

augmentation of good practices; and• Scaling up our work in non- traditional partnerships based on agreed principles.