world health organizations1

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World Health Organizations1


1. World Health Organizations: Stroke 1989. Recommendations on stroke prevention, diagnosis and therapy. Stroke 1989, 20: 1407-31. 2. Tammasse J. Stroke dan Pencegahannya. Penerbit Identitas Universitas Hasanudin. Makassar.20133. Badan Penelitian Dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Kementrian Kesehatan RI. Riset Kesehatan Dasar. Stroke. 2013 [cited 2015 September 26]. Available from: Tanto C, Liwang F, Hanifati S, Pradipta E. Kapita Selekta Kedokteran. Edisi ke-IV. Media Aesculapius. Jakarta. 2014 5. Lylod-Jones D, Adams RJ, Brown TM, et al. Heart disease and stroke statistics-2010 update. 2010 [cited 2015 September 26]. Available from: Greenberg DA, Aminoff MJ, Simon RP. Clinical Neurology. International edition. Edisi ke-8. LANGE:McGraw-Hill Companies. 20127. Misbach HJ. Stroke Aspek Diagnostik, Patofisiologi, Manajemen. Balai Penerbit Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia. Jakarta.1999 8. Duffy JR. Motor speech disorders. Edisi ke-6. Elsevier Mosby. 20059. Cherney LR, Halper AS. Swallowing problems in adults with traumatic brain injury.Seminars in Neurology1996 16(4):349-53 Dec.10. Brass LM. Stroke. [cited 2015 September 29]. Available from: Trent MW, John T, Sung CT, Christopher GS, Sthepen MT. Pathophysiology, treatment, animal and cellular models of human ischemic stroke. Molecular Neurodegeneration. 2011; 6:11 12. Guyton, AC. Hall, JE. Aliran Darah Serebral, Cairan Serebrospinal, dan Metabolisme Otak. Dalam: Buku Ajar Fisiologi Kedokteran. Edisi ke-11. Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC. Jakarta. 2006. 13. Jan, S. Trombosis of Cerebral Vein and Sinuses. N Engl J Med. 2005; 352:1791-814. Whisman, JP. Classification of Cerebrovascular Disease III. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Stroke. 1990: 657-65915. Hinkle, JL. Guanci, MM. Acute Ischemic Stroke Review. J Neurosci Nurs. 2007; 39 (5): 285-293, 31016. Maas, MB. Safdieh, JE. Ischemic Stroke: Pathophysiology and Principles of Localization. Neurology Board Review Manual. Neurology. 2009; 13(1): 2-1617. Lumbantobing SM. Neurologi Klinik Pemeriksaan Fisik dan Mental. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia. Edisi ke-17. 201418. Schneider JI, Olshaker JS. Vertigo, vertebrobasilar disease, and posterior circulation ischemic stroke.Emerg Med Clin North Am. 2012 Aug. 30(3):681-93.19. Alexander MP, Naeser MA, Palumbo C. Broca's area aphasias: aphasia after lesions including the frontal operculum.Neurology. 1990 Feb. 40(2):353-62.20. Mohr J, Rubinstein LV, Kase C. Gaze palsy in hemispheral stroke: the NINCDS stroke data bank.Neurology.1984;34(suppl 1):199.

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1. World Health Organizations: Stroke 1989. Recommendations on stroke prevention, diagnosis and therapy. Stroke 1989, 20: 1407-31. 2. Tanto C, Liwang F, Hanifati S, Pradipta E. Kapita Selekta Kedokteran. Edisi ke-IV. Media Aesculapius. Jakarta. 2014 3. Smeltzer SC., Bare BG., Buku Ajar Keperawatan Medikal Bedah Brunner & Suddarth. Edisi 8 vol. 3. Jakarta : Penerbit Buku EGC, 2002 :2131-2137 4. Makmur T., Anwar Y., Nasution D., Gambaran Stroke Berulang di RS H. Adam Malik Medan. Nusantara, 2002; 35(1) : 1-55. Jacob, George. Stroke, Clinical Trials Research Unit, Auckland, New Zealand, 20016. Prencipe, M., Culasso, F., Rasura, M., Anzini, A., Beccia, M., Cao Marina, Giubilei, F., Fieschi, C., Long term Prognosis After a Minor Stroke 10-year Mortality and Major Stroke Reccurrence Rate in Hospital-based Cohort. Stroke, 1998; 29 : 126-327. Tammasse J. Stroke dan Pencegahannya. Penerbit Identitas Universitas Hasanudin. Makassar.20138. Greenberg DA, Aminoff MJ, Simon RP. Clinical Neurology. International edition. Edisi ke-8. LANGE:McGraw-Hill Companies. 2012