world day for cultural diversity for dialogue and

May 2019 • Bulletin 56 World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development F ollowing the adoption of the Universal Decla- ration of the UNESCO on Cultural Diversity, the General Assembly of the United Nations Organi- zation proclaimed May 21 as the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development through resolution 57/249. This document states “tolerance and respect for cultural diversity and the universal promotion and protection of human rights, including the right to development, reinforce each other” . In this way, culture becomes a means to achieve prosperity, sustainable development and peace- ful coexistence worldwide. In 2014, Irina Bokova, the first female to head the UNESCO, pointed out: Our cultural diver- sity is the common heritage of humanity. It works as a source for renewing ideas and societies, allowing us to open up to others and conceive new ways of thinking. This diversity is an opportunity for peace and sustain- able development. 2 This diversity is a valuable re- source to achieve development objectives, said Bokova. The History Commission of the Pan American Institute of Geography and History promotes our cultural diversity, so as to contribute to establish the links between the countries of The Americas. It promotes projects aimed at improving regional and international cooperation for development, social

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May 2019 • Bulletin 56

World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development

Following the adoption of the Universal Decla-

ration of the unesco on Cultural Diversity, the

General Assembly of the United Nations Organi-

zation proclaimed May 21 as the World Day for

Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development

through resolution 57/249.

This document states “tolerance and respect

for cultural diversity and the universal promotion

and protection of human rights, including the

right to development, reinforce each other” . In

this way, culture becomes a means to achieve

prosperity, sustainable development and peace-

ful coexistence worldwide.

In 2014, Irina Bokova, the first female to

head the unesco, pointed out: Our cultural diver-

sity is the common heritage of humanity. It works as a

source for renewing ideas and societies, allowing us to

open up to others and conceive new ways of thinking.

This diversity is an opportunity for peace and sustain-

able development.2 This diversity is a valuable re-

source to achieve development objectives, said


The History Commission of the Pan American

Institute of Geography and History promotes our

cultural diversity, so as to contribute to establish

the links between the countries of The Americas. It

promotes projects aimed at improving regional and

international cooperation for development, social


History Commission Pan American Institute of Geography and History

Academic Calls

Journal of Anthropologyof The Americas

The Journal of Anthropology of the Americas of the

paigh invites academics to send thematic

dossier proposals for consideration in up-

coming editions.

Proposals can be sent to the Journal

([email protected]) and

should include the following information:

1. Name or title of the theme of the dossier.

2. Objectives and justification of the theme

(500 words).

3. A provisional list of possible articles that

will be included in the dossier, and the

names of participating writers, including

a brief résumé for each.

4. The résumé of the coordinator of the

thematic dossier.

5. The proposals will be considered by the

Journal Editorial Committee. Proposals

with an international perspective that

include with authors from different re-

gions in Latin America and the Caribbe-

an will be privileged.

6. Once a proposal is accepted by the Ed-

itorial Committee, the coordinator (or

coordinators) will be responsible for:

• Posting the ‘Call for papers’ in collab-

oration with the Editorial Committee.

• Contacting potential authors to col-

laborate on the thematic edition.

• Carrying out a preliminary evaluation

of the papers, together with the Edi-

torial Committee of the journal.

• Suggesting at least two peer review-

ers for each paper.

7. All the articles will be peer reviewed ac-

cording to the double-blind system.

cohesion and peace, not only in terms of economic

growth, but as a means to have a more enriching

cultural life, to concretize the dialogue between civi-

lizations, the respect and mutual understanding.


• World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and De-

velopment, May 21st, United Nations [online] link:


• Message from the Director General of unesco, Irina

Bokova, on the occasion of World Day for Cultural Di-

versity for Dialogue and Development, May 21, 2014.

• Resolution 57/249 of the General Assembly of the

United Nations.


Bulletin 56May • 2019

The 2019 "Leopoldo Zea"Award

The History Commission of the paigh calls for applications to the 2019 “Leopoldo Zea”

Award, to those whose trajectory is recognized as one of the most significant and important,

constituting a relevant contribution to the development of the study of The Americas.

The call for applications is available at the following link: http://comisiones.

For further information: [email protected]

Applications deadline: September 30th, 2019.

Journal of History of the Americas

Permanent call for the reception of articles,

documents and reviews.

Guidelines for authors:


Please address any inquiries to Journal Editor Dr. Alexandra Pita: [email protected]

Journal ofArchaeology

of TheAmericas

The Journal of Archaeologyof The Americas has an open call for the submission of articles

to be published in its forthcoming editions.

For further information, please contact Journal Editor Dr. Mario A.

Rivera: marivera41@gmail.


History Commission Pan American Institute of Geography and History

Seventh Uruguayan Economic History ConferenceLocation: Montevideo, Uruguay

Date: December 4 and 5, 2019

Deadline for receipt of proposals: May 31, 2019For further information: Contact: [email protected]

International Seminar on the History of the Inquisitions. Holy Office and Colonial Words.Date: November 6-8, 2019

Location: Santiago, Chile

Deadline for receipt of proposals: June 30, 2019For further information: Contact: [email protected]

World Economic History Congress

Date: July 25-30, 2021

Location: Paris, France

Deadline for receipt of proposals:

June 30, 2019

For further information: Contacto: [email protected]

Histories of Modern Migration to and in the Americas

Date: September 12 and 13, 2019

Location: Harvard University, USA

Deadline for receipt of proposals: May 15

For further information: [email protected]


Bulletin 56May • 2019

Academic Events

III International Meeting of Historical-Literary Research

Location: Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur, Mexico

Date: May 21-23, 2019

Contact: [email protected]

For further information:

Symposium of Young Americanists 2019

Date: 25 y 26 de julio de 2019

Location: Universidad de los Andes, Chile.

Contact: [email protected]

For further information:


History Commission Pan American Institute of Geography and History


Bulletin 56May • 2019

May 1st International Labor Day

May 2nd 1820, Peru.Battle of Callao between

Peruvian forces and the Spanish

fleet, by which Spain leaves the

Pacific Ocean.

May 5th 1862, Mexico.Battle of Puebla: The Mexican

Army defeats the French Forces.

May 9th

1837Official enactment of the Peru-

Bolivian Confederation

May 12th 1898, Puerto RicoSpanish forces defeat US

troops during the bombing

of Port of San Juan. Fuerzas

españolas derrotan a tropas

estadounidenses en el

bombardeo del Puerto de San


May 13th 1888, Brazil.Slavery prohibition.

May 15th 1811Paraguay becomes independent

of Spain.

May 18th 1811, Uruguay.The patriot army of the United

Provinces of the Rio de la Plata

defeats Spanish troops in


May 19th

1837The Argentine Confederation

declares war on the Peru-

Bolivian Confederation.

May 23rd 2008, BrazilSigning of the Treaty

establishing the Union of

South American Nations

(unasur) composed of Bolivia,

Guyana, Suriname, Uruguay

and Venezuela. Chile and Peru

suspended their participation


May 25th 1915Signing of the abc Pact, an

alliance between Argentina,

Chile y Brasil.

May 29th Day of the Argentine Army

May 30th

1816, Paraguay.José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia

proclaims himself a perpetual

dictator of the Republic.

May 31st 1852, Argentina.San Nicolás Agreement: it

establishes the bases of

the national organization,

precedent of the Constitution

of 1853.

Upcoming Anniversaries on the American Continent