worktrek 1

Worktrek 1 Towards Jerusalem June 2011

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Week 1 of Worktrek Toweards Jerusalem June 2011


  • 1. Worktrek 1
    Towards Jerusalem
    June 2011

2. Itinerary
Mon:Tel Aviv to Jericho
Wed:Nablus, Sebastia, Nazareth
Thu: Galilee, Capernaum,Nazareth
Fri:Galilee, Banyas, Golan, Nazareth
Sat: Bet Sean, Qumran, Wilderness
Sun:Bethlehem, Wilderness
Mon: Bethlehem
The second week was based in Bethlehem, with visits to Herodium, Hebron,Jerusalem,Masada,Engedi, Dead Sea
Mon:via YadVashem to Tel Aviv
3. Monday Tel Aviv to Jericho
4. Jericho Intercontinental Hotel
5. Tuesday Mount of Temptation
Monastery on a Mountain.
6. Mount of Temptation,Jericho
Cable cars
7. Three cities of Jericho
1.old city excavated deep pits show levels
No remains from Joshua.
Rebuilt in Ahabs time.
Zedekiah fled there before he was captured.
Saw his sons killed, then lost his eyes before going into exile.
8. Three cities of Jericho
Different site
Now just ruins
Oldest inhabited town
9. From Jericho to Nablus
winding road
10. Bedouin
Keep animals in desert
Live in tents
Government pressure to live in houses
11. Ramallah (Gods Mountain)
carob juiceseller
12. Dr HusamZomlot
international relations
FATAH Deputy commissioner for
The right of the Palestinians to self-determination is clear.
Israel must pull out of the occupied territories.
Palestinians have protested peacefully, but since the peace process began, Israeli settlements have trebled.
13. Why does Israel break the law?
Fear factor
Ignorance factor
Comfort factor
Balance of power
ANC: worse than South Africa
Aim - ethnic cleansing
Means intimidation & force
14. Israeli Government Policy
un-nationalise Palestine
separate West Bank from Gaza
occupy West Bank by building illegal settlements and military bases
carve up the West Bank by Israeli-only roads
politically eliminate Palestinian power
socio-economically strangle Palestinians
make it difficult for Palestinians to stay
confiscate IDs of Palestinians whose life is not based in Jerusalem for 3 years
15. How should Palestinians respond?
Negotiation is a futile game
Resist peacefully (keep moral high ground)
International pressure boycott Israeli goods
Hamas and Fatah need to get together
Build institutions to serve Palestinians
(not to demonstrate being worthy of statehood)
Focus on Palestinians right to move freely within their own country
16. Important factors for and against
IN FAVOUR of resolution
Most people want peace
Judaism is about justice
5 main pro-Palestine voices in USA are all Jews
Obama favours a 2-state solution & UN recognition
60% of Israelis are Arab Jews from North Africa
Evangelical Zionism in USA
80 million want Israel to pave the way for Messiah
The West is cowardly
e.g. Britain favours a 2-state solution, but does nothing
1967 recognition of Israel as a state, but Palestine only as a people (rep by PLO)
disputed or occupied?
17. Wednesday -Nablus (new city)
Built by Romans on ancient site of Shechem
18. Acts 8 a city of Samaria?
19. Samaritans
Smallest minority in the world
Left behind after Assyrian invasion of Northern kingdom (722 BCE)
Only 700 remain
400 live in Nablus
Only accept Torah
20. Nablus High Street
21. Nablus Market
22. Nablus Market
23. Nablus Market
24. Nablus local sweet speciality
25. Bread shops
26. Nablus Soap Factory
27. Former Soap Factory bombed
28. Nablus Anglican Church
29. Father Ibrahim
30. Five problems
Borders & checkpoints
Refugee camps
All overcome by 1-state solution
31. Practical steps
Gathers Muslims, Christians & Samaritans together.
Joint youth camps.
All Imams in Nablus gather together regularly for a meal at the church.
32. Jacobs Well
Between Mt Gerazim (blessings) & Mt Nebo (curses).
Story of Jacobs well parallels modern water struggle.
Palestinians can only dig 70 m.OK for surface water, but not for artesian wells (living water in Jn 4).
33. Orthodox Convent
Very few Greek Orthodox churches left: most taken over by Franciscans.
Destroyed in 529 - Justinians persecution
and 614 - Persian invasion.
Present convent rebuilt in 1990.
34. The road to Sebastia (Samaria)
Olive trees cut down by army.
Some over 100 yrs old.
Destroy evidence that Palestinians have been there for generations.
Palestinian farmers have to grow citrus fruit less profitable.
35. Parallel with Nebuchadnezzar
Cut down trees
Put stones in fields
Block wells
Aim - make land less inhabitable
Nehemiah had to undo the damage
36. The road to Sebastia (Samaria)
37. Hussams story
Visited Jerusalem as a boy with his father
Not to speak Arabic in public
Arrested at 15 for not carrying papers
Enjoyed stoning soldiers
Arrested at 17, interrogated for 54 days
6 months in prison.
City decided not to pay taxes to Israel
Resisted debt collectors
Wanted person shot in the leg
3 months in hospital
1991 15 days in prison
Spoke to a guard who seemed OK.
38. Hussams story
Introduced to nonviolence
Became a tour guide
Studied nonviolence
MA in conflict resolution
Now trains people in nonviolence in West Bank
Sees his previous acts as nonviolent resistance
Active and non-active ways of being non-violent
Active options: awareness raising, direct action and strategic campaigns
39. Sebastia (Samaria)
40. Samaria
can refer to
the region of Samaria
the city of Samaria
a city of Samaria
The capital city was
first Shechem (Nablus)
then Samaria (Omri)
41. Three temples in Samaria
42. Travel to Nazareth
Passed olive trees planted hundreds of years ago.
Olive trees take 75 years to mature, and live almost forever.
People of the land love the land and invest their lives in it.
43. Nazareth Guest House
44. Thursday - Nazareth
45. Nazareth
46. Mount of Beatitudes
Blessed [tooba in Aramaic] is an active word standing up, being involved
47. Capernaum
48. Peters house, Capernaum
49. Capernaum Synagogue
Solid wall to north
External stairs to balcony for women
Men (downstairs) have better view
Jewish Christians
1 Cor 14:35
ask their husbands at home
50. Boat - Lake of Galilee
51. Friday
52. Breaking bread by the Lake
53. Hazor National Park
city set on a hill
Canaanite period
54. Caesarea Philippi
Gates of Hades
Temple to Pan
Also called Panyas
55. Caesarea Philippi
St George (El Hadr) was a Druze
Became a Christian & local hero.
Killing the dragon was probably stopping the annual sacrifice of a virgin to the river dragon.
56. Golan Heights (Southern Syria)
Druze village
Lunch in a house/school
Medical Centre
57. Who are the Druze?
Branch of Islam.
Roots are a mixture of Greek philosophy and Buddhism.
58. Nazareth Synagogue Church
Luke 4:16-30
59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. Sunday
78. Church of the Nativity
79. 80. 81. Monday - Final wilderness meal
Then travel to Bethlehem
3 Christian cities in W. Bank
BeitJalla has 9,000 Christians and a further 60,000 in Chile
82. The Wall