workstation installation checklist

Workstation Installation Checklist User/Workstation Name: Date Setup: Setup By: Overview and quick navigation links: 1. Initial setup and verification of your workstation 2. Workstation Settings/Best Practices 3. Regional and Language Options 4. ConnectWise Internet Client installation 5. Activity Capture installation and testing 6. Outlook setup to use the ConnectWise contacts as your E-mail Directory 7. Optional Microsoft Project Integration (this is not required) 1. Initial setup and verification of your workstation Important Note: The ConnectWise Internet client works across the internet. You can load it on as many workstations as you like. We encourage you to load it on your home workstation, your notebook, etc. You can use the ConnectWise internet client to connect to ConnectWise from anywhere on the Internet. Send us your Completed Workstation Installation Checklist Use this workstation installation checklist to setup and test the workstations. Print out a copy of the checklist for each workstation. Email or fax your completed checklists to: [email protected] or 813-463-4701 Verify workstation minimum requirements 1 GHz Pentium or faster 512 MB RAM minimum (1 GB highly recommended) more memory enhances performance 1024x768 VGA resolution or better set on the Display Property settings of the desktop 50 Meg free disk space Verify and update workstation Operating System Microsoft Windows XP is the minimum operating system requirement The ConnectWise client MUST be installed on the C:\ volume. (ie. Cannot be D:\ , etc) You MUST apply all applicable updates from Page 1 / 14

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Page 1: Workstation Installation Checklist

Workstation Installation Checklist

User/Workstation Name:      

Date Setup:      

Setup By:      

Overview and quick navigation links:1. Initial setup and verification of your workstation 2. Workstation Settings/Best Practices 3. Regional and Language Options 4. ConnectWise Internet Client installation 5. Activity Capture installation and testing 6. Outlook setup to use the ConnectWise contacts as your E-mail Directory 7. Optional Microsoft Project Integration (this is not required)

1. Initial setup and verification of your workstation

Important Note: The ConnectWise Internet client works across the internet. You can load it on as many workstations as you like. We encourage you to load it on your home workstation, your notebook, etc. You can use the ConnectWise internet client to connect to ConnectWise from anywhere on the Internet.

Send us your Completed Workstation Installation Checklist Use this workstation installation checklist to setup and test the workstations.  Print out a copy of the checklist for each workstation. Email or fax your completed checklists to: [email protected] or 813-


Verify workstation minimum requirements

1 GHz Pentium or faster 512 MB RAM minimum (1 GB highly recommended) more memory enhances

performance 1024x768 VGA resolution or better set on the Display Property settings of the

desktop 50 Meg free disk space

Verify and update workstation Operating System

Microsoft Windows XP is the minimum operating system requirement The ConnectWise client MUST be installed on the C:\ volume. (ie. Cannot be

D:\ , etc) You MUST apply all applicable updates from

We support Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 & 8.0Browser settings for IE

Recommended IE settings Setting for printing headers and footers. Click on File on the tool bar and select

Page Setup. Make the heading and footings blank. (this will allow reports to print out cleanly) Other IE settings. Click on Tools on the tool bar and select Internet Options.

Click on the Advanced tab. Find the appropriate section for Browsing and Printing and make the settings match below.

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(this will launch a new browser windows when you click on any hyperlink)

(this will allow the reports to print the shading)

Make ConnectWise Website URL a trusted site in IE

Tools -> Internet options -> Security Tab

Click the trusted sites icon to enable the sites button below. Click the Sites button to bring up the Trusted Sites Dialog.

Uncheck Require server verification for all sites in this zone. Enter PSA URL without the HTTP(s) prefix. Click Add. Click OK. Enter PSA URL WITH Https as well. Click Add. Click OK.

IE additional settingsDisable the Smart Screen filter (phishing filter in IE 7) and Pop-Up blocker for the URL’s in our trusted sites. On the bottom of the Internet options screen there will be a button labeled Custom Level (click it).

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Scroll down near the bottom of the list and you will see two entries, one for the SmartScreen Filter(called Phishing Filter in IE 7) and one for the Popup Blocker. Disable both.

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Press the OK button and then click the Apply button to exit the Internet Options dialog box.

On the Advanced Tab, uncheck the box for “Reuse windows for launching shortcuts” and check the box to “print background colors and images.”

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On the General Tab, uncheck the box for “Delete browsing history” on exit.

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Adjust the workstation Virus Protection

At the local workstation level if you have virus protection running, it can potentially slow down your system if your system is not fast and the files are being scanned needlessly. It is rare but, if you are having the problem, you should exclude: 

C:\Documents and Settings\YourUserName \Local Settings\Application Data\connectwise (exclude this directory and all subdirectories below)

If there is a Personal Firewall installedIf the workstation is running a personal firewall, then you will need to setup the URL for the ConnectWise PSA application as a “trusted site”. The actual terminology used in the firewall package may differ but the firewall needs to trust and allow the application to come thru otherwise the application will not function correctly.

If there is a Pop-up Blocker installedThis must be disabled or the application will not function correctly. We have windows which pop-up.

Install Microsoft .NET 3.5 SP1 on the workstation

Go to the MS download web page:

Install Crystal ReportsRun http://yourconnectwiseurl.??/v4_6_Release/controls/CRRedist2008_x86.msiRun http://yourconnectwiseurl.??/v4_6_Release/controls/CRRedist2008_x64.msi

(Note – You can find your (ConnectWise URL / Company Site name) in the document you received after your Installation was completed – the document with your login credentials. It will be the Site name in Step 2 – Logon to your Production Data Base).

It is the URL you enter when you log into your ConnectWise:

Install a PDF Reader (below are the links to two different free PDF readers you can install)Adobe:


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2. Vista & Windows 7 Best Practices

When running a 32 bit or 64 bit Windows machine we recommend the following steps:

1. Go to control panel>user accounts2. Click ‘Change User Account Control Settings’3. Move the scroll bar to ‘Never notify’> click OK

Magnification Level

1. Start> Control Panel> Display2. Select “Smaller – 100%”, click “Apply”3. You must log off for the settings to take effectNOTE: “Medium – 125%” will skew the login screen

Changing the Privilege Level (Windows 7 Users ONLY)

1. Right Click on the ConnectWise PSA2. Click on Properties> Compatibility3. Click ‘Run as administrator’> OK

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3. Regional and Language Options

SQL requires time stamps to include the global AM/PM format. If you live in New Zealand or another country where the time in your taskbar appears as “a.m./p.m.”, you will have to update your regional time settings to use “AM/PM”.

To change these settings, open Regional and Language Options from Control Panel.1. Start> Control Panel> Regional and Language Options2. Click on the Customize or Additional Settings button (depending on your OS)3. Click on the Time tab4. From the AM symbol and PM symbol dropdowns, select the appropriate

AM/PM format.5. Click on the Date tab6. For the Date formats, the short date MUST have a format that has four places for

the year, example:

7. Click OK

8. For date formatting and other things to work correctly for international partners, /tt/file_convert/54e822464a7959a46e8b4bd7/document.doc

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the server must be completely set up with the appropriate language settings.  There are several places where these are set.  The workstation must also be completely set up with the desired language.  The workstation language does not have to be the same as the server language, but you can't have IE in one language and Windows in another on the same machine. On the Formats tab, make sure the language here matches the language you have an IE

4. ConnectWise Internet Client installation

Install the ConnectWise Internet client on your workstation

Go to the ConnectWise Install web page: Perform Step 2 and follow the instructions on the ConnectWise Install web

page The ConnectWise Internet client works across the internet. You can load it on as

many workstations as you like. We encourage you to load it on your home workstation, your notebook, etc. You can use the ConnectWise internet client to connect to ConnectWise from anywhere on the Internet. If installing on Vista click here.

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Login to ConnectWise PSA


Company ID YourCompanyShortName*

Username YourMemberID**

Password YourFirstNameLowerCase

* The name you specified in the Server-Installation-Checklist** First initial, last name is the typical

5. Activity Capture installation and testing

Install Activity Capture

This is for Exchange users that want to post emails as Service Requests or Sales Activities

Verify you have Outlook 2003 or 2007. Verify you have MDAC version 2.8 or greater. Follow this link to get a tool to

determine MDAC version and to download the latest version if necessary. Go to the ConnectWise Install web page: Perform Step 3 and follow the instructions on the ConnectWise Install web


Set Outlook 2003 option for editing e-mail messages for Activity Capture (not needed in Outlook 2007)

Open Outlook on your workstation On the Menu bar go to Tool > Options Click “Mail Format” tab. Uncheck the two options for using Microsoft Word to edit and also read your e-

mail messages Click “OK”


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Test Activity Capture twice

Outlook may pop up a dialog box with the following message: A program is trying to access e-mail addresses you have stored in Outlook.Do you want to allow this?

Answer “Yes” to all cases

6. Outlook setup to use the ConnectWise contacts as your E-mail Directory

Set the CompanyContacts public folder as an Address Book

Open Outlook on your workstation. In the folder list, open Public Folders > ConnectWise > CompanyContacts Right Click on CompanyContacts and select properties. Click “Outlook Address Book” tab. Click “Show this folder as an e-mail address book.” Click “OK”

Set the CompanyContacts folder as the default address list

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2. select: Tools > Options The window below will pop out

3. Set CompanyContacts here so it shows that address list first

1. Start Outlook in the InBox. Select: Tools > Address Book The following window will be displayed

1. Open any email in Outlook and click the “Capture Activity in ConnectWise PSA” button on top of an email.

4. Set CompanyContacts at the top of the list or second from the top

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7. Optional Microsoft Project Integration (this is not required)

The Microsoft Project Import/Export program adds the ability to import projects from MS Project to ConnectWise Project and export from ConnectWise Project to MS Project. This part of the installation is optional. Do it if you are going to integrate MS Project with ConnectWise PSA.

Installing MS Project Import/Export o Click here to bring up the ConnectWise Install web page o Perform Step 4 and follow the instructions on the ConnectWise Install

web page Testing MS Project Export

o Open MS Project o Select an existing project or create a test project

File > New > Select “Project Templates” Tab Select “Software Development” and click “Okay” In the next screen, accept defaults and click “Okay.” You

should now see the software development project. Select Tools > ConnectWise Project Export. Fill in the export

form as shown below. After selecting “Export to ConnectWise PSA,” you should see a message box saying “Project Export Complete.”

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