working with wcf demonstration and perspectives ©2008 idesign inc. all rights reserved juval lowy...

Download Working with WCF Demonstration and Perspectives ©2008 IDesign Inc. All rights reserved Juval Lowy IDesign Ron Jacobs Microsoft

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  • Slide 1
  • Working with WCF Demonstration and Perspectives 2008 IDesign Inc. All rights reserved Juval Lowy IDesign Ron Jacobs Microsoft
  • Slide 2
  • About Juval Lwy Software architect Consults and trains on.NET 3.0 architecture Microsoft's Regional Director for the Silicon Valley Authored Programming WCF Services 2 nd Edition (2008, OReilly) Programming.NET Components (2003,2005, OReilly) Participates in the.NET/WCF design reviews Publishes at MSDN and other magazines Recognized Software Legend by Microsoft Contact at
  • Slide 3
  • TimeTopicPresenter(s) 10:00aWelcome / AgendaRon / Juval 10:10aWCF Session 1Juval 11:10aBreak 11:15aWCF Session 2Juval 12:15pLunch 1:15pWCF Session 3Juval 2:15pBreak 2:20pWCF Session 4Juval 3:20pBreak
  • Slide 4
  • TimeTopicPresenter(s) 3:25pImplementing RESTful Services with WCF Part 1: Concepts and Intro Ron Jacobs / Rob Bagby 4:25pBreak 4:30pImplementing RESTful Services with WCF Part 2: Implementation in Depth Ron Jacobs / Rob Bagby 5:30pBreak 5:35pWorkflow Services DemoRon Jacobs 5:45p
  • Slide 5
  • Objectives Motivation for SOA and WCF Understand WCF fundamentals Share the power and productivity of WCF Demonstrate WCF as a Better.NET Enable educated decisions Assess benefits and advantages Focus on key system features
  • Slide 6
  • Why Service-Orientation
  • Slide 7
  • Where is.NET? The good Component-orientation provided interchangeable interoperable binary components Interface-based reuse and polymorphism Metadata type sharing Dynamic loading Cleaned-up COM
  • Slide 8
  • Where is.NET? The bad Code coupled to Technology and platform Concurrency management Transactions Communication protocols The plumbing crisis Communication patterns Versioning Security
  • Slide 9
  • Service Oriented Architecture SOA is to the best of our knowledge the best way to build distributed, maintainable, robust and secure applications Maintainable Decouples the right aspects Extensible Reusable Productive
  • Slide 10
  • SOA Benefits Inside services Languages Technologies Platforms Versions Between services Standards Policies Contracts Messages exchange Service
  • Slide 11
  • SOA Benefits Decoupled application Reduced assumptions Changes are contained SO application is internally decoupled Location independent Local or remote accessed the same way
  • Slide 12
  • SOA Benefits Crossing boundaries Technological boundary Platform boundary Security and trust boundary Geographical boundary Organizational boundary Time-line boundary Transaction boundary Business model boundary Team boundary Industry and domain boundary
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  • Service-Oriented Applications
  • Slide 14
  • A service is a unit of functionality exposed to the world Over standard plumbing SO application Aggregates services into a single logical application May define and expose new functionality as services
  • Slide 15
  • Service-Oriented Applications Services can be Local or remote From multiple parties Developed using any technology Versioned independently Execute on different timelines Application Service
  • Slide 16
  • Service-Oriented Programming
  • Slide 17
  • Windows Communication Foundation WCF is an SDK for building SOA on Windows Service execution runtime Released with Windows Vista Part of.NET 3.0 Requires.NET 2.0 Available also on Windows XP SP2 Windows Server 2003 Windows Server 2008
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  • Windows Communication Foundation Built on top of the CLR Exposing CLR types as services Similar to ATL and COM/C++ Consume services as CLR types Microsoft's implementation of set of industry standards defining service interactions Type conversion and marshaling Protocol management
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  • Windows Communication Foundation Provides Interoperability Based on industry standards Productivity and quality Essential off-the-shelf plumbing Extensibility System.ServiceModel.dll System.ServiceModel namespace
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  • Windows Communication Foundation Services send and receive messages All messages are SOAP messages Usually Not necessarily web services Not necessarily over HTTP Messages may go directly from client to service or via an intermediary WCF services may interoperate with non-WCF services May also require both endpoints to be WCF
  • Slide 21
  • Windows Communication Foundation Can communicate across all execution boundaries Always use a proxy Same machine Same app domain Cross app domain in same process Cross process Cross machine Intranet calls Internet calls
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  • Windows Communication Foundation Process A App Domain 1 Service Client Process B App Domain 3 Proxy Client App Domain 2 Proxy Client Proxy
  • Slide 23
  • Windows Communication Foundation Machine A Process 1 Service Machine B Process 2 Proxy Client WWW Machine C Process 3 Proxy Client
  • Slide 24
  • Addresses
  • Slide 25
  • Every service is associated with a unique address Address is the location of the service Address provides Transport protocol to use Name of target machine, site or network Communication port, pipe or queue Specific path or URI
  • Slide 26
  • Addresses Address format [base address]/[optional URI] Base address format [transport]://[domain][:optional port] Examples http://localhost:8001 http://localhost:8001/MyService net.tcp://localhost:8002/MyService net.pipe://localhost/MyPipe net.msmq://localhost/private/MyQueue net.msmq://localhost/MyQueue
  • Slide 27
  • Service Contract
  • Slide 28
  • ServiceContract attribute Interface/class Independent of visibility Opt-in model Other types not included [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Interface|AttributeTargets.Class, Inherited = false)] public sealed class ServiceContractAttribute : Attribute { public string Name {get;set;} public string Namespace {get;set;} //More members }
  • Slide 29
  • Service Contract OperationContract attribute Methods only No properties/indexers/events Independent of visibility Opt-in model Other methods not included [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method)] public sealed class OperationContractAttribute : Attribute {...}
  • Slide 30
  • Service Contract [ServiceContract] interface IMyContract { [OperationContract] string MyMethod(string text); } class MyService : IMyContract { public string MyMethod(string text) { return "Hello " + text; } Service class looks like any regular.NET class
  • Slide 31
  • Windows Communication Foundation WCF is the new.NET More like the new C#/VB Superior way of building systems
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  • Hosting
  • Slide 33
  • WCF services must be hosted in a process Called host process Single host process can host multiple services Host may or may not be the client process
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  • Hosting Separate host process can be provided by IIS 5/6 Windows Activation Service (WAS) The developer Called self-hosted In-proc must be self hosted Option for inter-app domain as well
  • Slide 35
  • Self Hosting For separate process from client or in-proc Developer provides a process Windows Forms application WPF application WF application Console application Windows NT service Process must be running before client calls service Non-issue for in-proc
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  • Self Hosting Application config file usually lists service's type Use fully-qualified type name...
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  • Self Hosting Host process must explicitly register service type and open host Typically in Main() public interface ICommunicationObject { void Open(); void Close(); void Abort(); //More members } public abstract class CommunicationObject : ICommunicationObject {...} public abstract class ServiceHostBase : CommunicationObject,IDisposable,... {...} public class ServiceHost : ServiceHostBase { public ServiceHost(Type serviceType,params Uri[] baseAddresses); //More members }
  • Slide 38
  • Self Hosting static void Main() { ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(typeof(MyService)); host.Open(); //Can do blocking calls: Application.Run(new MyForm()); host.Close(); }
  • Slide 39
  • WAS Hosting Windows Activation Service Can be used separately from IIS7 System service Vista/Windows 2008 only Supply a.svc file similar to IIS Configure application pool Can use any protocol and port One-time server configuration cost Can be scripted
  • Slide 40
  • WAS Vs. Self-Hosting WAS need not be running before client calls System service Self-host must be running before requests come in WAS offers Idle time management Identity management Application pooling Isolation Choose WAS whenever possible Maximize manageability and availability
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  • Binding
  • Slide 42
  • Why Bindings Many possible communication patterns Synchronous request/reply Asynchronous fire-and-forget Bidirectional Duplex Queued and disconnected Volatile or durable queues Many possible transport protocols HTTP HTTPS TCP P2P IPC MSMQ
  • Slide 43
  • Why Bindings Many possible message formats and encoding Plain text Binary MTOM Many ways of securing messages No security Transport security Message security Authenticating and authorizing callers
  • Slide 44
  • Why Bindings Many degrees of message delivery reliability No reliability End-to-end reliability Ordered/unordered Multiple options of transaction management Using client's transaction Using service-side transaction Transaction protocols
  • Slide 45
  • Why Bindings Many options for interoperability Basic web services WS-* WCF MSMQ
  • Slide 46
  • Bindings A simple way of wrapping multiple aspects of communication Protocols Format and encoding Security Reliability Transaction propagation Interoperability Extract all of that out of your code Use a pre-defined template Can customize Can write custom bindings from scratch
  • Slide 47
  • Bindings Service publishes its binding in metadata Service can support multiple bindings On separate addresses Services do not care about binding Can constrain binding Nothing in service code pertains to binding Client must use exactly same binding as service
  • Slide 48
  • Bindings WCF defines 6 frequently-used bindings Basic TCP Named Pipe WS Can customize standard bindings Can define custom bindings Duplex WS MSMQ
  • Slide 49
  • Bindings Transport and encoding
  • Slide 50
  • Bindings Selecting a binding WCF To WCF [no] [yes] Legacy ASMX Client [no] [yes] BasicWS Disconnected Calls [no] [yes] MSMQ Cross Machine [no] [yes] Named Pipes TCP
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  • Endpoints
  • Slide 52
  • Every services has Address Binding Contract A ddress Where the service is B inding How to talk to the service C ontract What the service can do
  • Slide 53
  • Endpoints Endpoint is the fusion of the address, binding and contract Every endpoint must have all three Logically, endpoint is the service's interface AddressContract Binding
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  • Endpoints Every service must expose at least one endpoint Each endpoint has exactly one contract All endpoints should have unique addresses Single service can expose multiple endpoints Can use same or different bindings Can expose same or different contracts Service
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  • Administrative EP Configuration Option of choice in the majority of cases Application App.Config IIS/WAS Web.Config Add under each service its endpoints
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  • Administrative EP Configuration Multiple endpoints on same service
  • Slide 57
  • Administrative EP Configuration Can customize standard bindings Use bindingConfiguration tag in endpoint Name customized section in the bindings section Can be used by all endpoints Example Enabling transaction propagation
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  • Slide 59
  • WCF Clients
  • Slide 60
  • Client-Side Programming Client needs.NET types representing service contracts And types In same solution Can reference contracts assembly Can import and convert metadata to.NET types Client uses a proxy to consume the service Tools-generated proxy file contains both proxy and contracts
  • Slide 61
  • Client-Side Programming The proxy.NET interface and class representing the service Provides same operations as service Has additional methods for managing the proxy and the connection Proxy encapsulates the service Location Technology Platform Transport
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  • Client-Side Programming
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  • For this contract definition: [ServiceContract] interface IMyContract { [OperationContract] void MyMethod(); } class MyService : IMyContract { public void MyMethod() {...} }
  • Slide 64
  • //Metadata-generated code in Proxy.cs - partial listing [ServiceContract] interface IMyContract { [OperationContract] void MyMethod(); } class MyContractClient : ClientBase,IMyContract { public MyContractClient() {} public MyContractClient(string endpointConfigurationName) : base(endpointConfigurationName) {} public MyContractClient(Binding binding,EndpointAddress remoteAddress) : base(binding,remoteAddress) {} /* Additional constructors */ public void MyMethod() { Channel.MyMethod(); }
  • Slide 65
  • Client-Side Programming Proxy file has no reference to the service implementing class Contract only Proxy can be used in conjunction with a config file Proxy can be used without a config file Each proxy instance points at exactly one endpoint Provided at construction time
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  • Client-Side Programming Client needs to Know where the service is Use same binding as service Import service metadata and consume contract Service may or may not be WCF In essence same info as in the service endpoint
  • Slide 67 ">
  • Administrative Client Configuration
  • Slide 68
  • Client-Side Programming Client needs to instantiate proxy object Provide constructor with endpoint Endpoint section name from config file Endpoint address and binding objects Use service methods Close proxy instance MyContractClient proxy = new MyContractClient("MyEndpoint"); proxy.MyMethod(); proxy.Close();
  • Slide 69
  • Programmatic Client Configuration Client code will be Binding wsBinding = new WsHttpBinding(); EndpointAddress endpointAddress = new EndpointAddress("http://localhost:8000/MyService/"); MyContractClient proxy = new MyContractClient(wsBinding,endpointAddress); proxy.MyMethod(); proxy.Close();
  • Slide 70
  • WCF Architecture
  • Slide 71
  • Interception-based Client always interacts with a proxy Proxy serializes stack frame to message and sends message down chain of channels Structure of chain depends on binding and behaviors
  • Slide 72
  • WCF Architecture Each client-side channel does pre-call processing of message Encoding Security credentials and privacy Transaction propagation Encryption Reliability and session Queuing Last channel on the client side is the transport channel Sends message over transport to host
  • Slide 73
  • WCF Architecture First channel on host side is the transport channel Receives message from transport Message passed through chain of channels Channels do pre-call processing Decryption Transaction settings Decoding Last channel on host side passes message to dispatcher Dispatcher Converts message to stack frame Calls object
  • Slide 74
  • Client Proxy Channel Service Endpoints Dispatcher Channel Transport Channel Channel Transport Channel WCF Architecture
  • Slide 75
  • Call returns to dispatcher that converts it to a returned message Pass message back up host and client chains Post-call processing Proxy converts returned message to stack frame Control returns to client Almost all points in the architecture provide hooks for custom channels Extensibility Security Proprietary
  • Slide 76
  • Interception Demo Calls must complete within a configurable timeout TimeoutException otherwise SendTimeout property of binding Default is one minute public abstract class Binding :... { public TimeSpan SendTimeout {get;set;} //More members }
  • Slide 77 "> "> " title="Interception Demo ">
  • Interception Demo
  • Slide 78
  • ... Interception Demo WCF provides numerous performance counters Host Service Endpoint Operation
  • Slide 79
  • Interception Demo Tracing and logging Can propagate and trace activity IDs Can interleave entries Built-in viewer
  • Slide 80
  • Errors and Exceptions Service can encounter errors in execution Error handling is a local implementation detail Should not affect client Client may not care Client may not have anything meaningful to do Service should continue operating in face of errors Services are autonomous Host is not terminated even if service has unhandled exception Client should not be able to keep using service instance
  • Slide 81
  • Errors and Exceptions Avoid Error codes Custom exceptions Fault contracts WCF masks all errors to FaultException If client required to be coupled to specific faults Use fault contracts Promote downstream exceptions
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  • Reliability
  • Slide 83
  • End-to-end guaranteed delivery and order Across intermediaries Multiple hops Retries in face of transport failures Dropping wireless connections Network maintenance Congestion and flow control Connection verification and cleanup
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  • Ordered Messages Ordered delivery assurance Messages delivered exactly once, in same order as were sent Resilient to transport disconnections and SOAP intermediary failures Non-ordered Calls delivered in order they were received
  • Slide 85 "> "> " title="Reliability ">
  • Reliability
  • Slide 86
  • Data Contracts
  • Slide 87
  • WCF operations accept and return CLR types CLR types are technology specific Cannot be exposed across service boundaries Need a formal way of converting CLR types to and from neutral representation XML schema Formal way is a contract called data contract Data contract is part of contractual behavior Included with MEX
  • Slide 88
  • Serialize in-parameters Deserialize in-parameters Message transport to service Execute operation Serialize out-parameters Deserialize out-parameters Return message to client
  • Slide 89
  • Data Contracts [DataContract] struct Contact { [DataMember] public string FirstName; [DataMember] public string LastName; } [ServiceContract] interface IContactManager { [OperationContract] void AddContact(Contact contact); [OperationContract] Contact[] GetContacts(); }
  • Slide 90
  • Data Contract Equivalence //This data contract is equivalent to Contact before [DataContract(Name = "Contact")] struct Person { [DataMember(Name = "FirstName")] public string Name; [DataMember(Name = "LastName")] public string Surname; } //Client side imported definition //same as before
  • Slide 91
  • Versioning Tolerance By default data contracts are versioning tolerant Most common change is adding new members Service can accept data with new members not part of original contract Ignores new members Service can return data with new members not part of contract Client ignores new members
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  • Versioning Tolerance By default can remove members from contract Missing members will be deserialized to their default value null for reference type Zero whitewash for value type Service can accept data with missing members Default values Service can return data with missing members Client gets default values
  • Slide 93
  • Versioning Round Trip Ignoring new members and defaults missing ones is sub optimal No support for pass-through scenarios Client Service A Service B Client Service C Sends Knows About Data Member
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  • Instance Management
  • Slide 95
  • Which service instance handles client request No one-size fits all Applications differ too much in their need for Scalability and throughout Performance Transactions Queued calls App needs to be smart about Way it handles service instances Idle time management
  • Slide 96
  • Instance Management Per-call A new service instance created and destroyed for every call Session-full services Service instance per client Singleton All clients get same service instance Implicitly shared
  • Slide 97
  • Singleton Service All clients connected to same single instance Regardless of endpoints Lives forever Created when host is launched
  • Slide 98
  • Singleton Service Host Process App Domain Client Process App Domain Proxy Client WWW Client Process App Domain Proxy Client Singleton
  • Slide 99
  • Singleton Service [ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.Single)] class MySingleton :... {...} InstanceContextMode.Single
  • Slide 100
  • Durable Services Long-running workflows or execution sequences Days or weeks Clients may connect, do some work and disconnect Clients also may end workflow Little point in keeping proxies and hosts in memory Not robust enough Not scalable enough Unmanageable
  • Slide 101
  • Durable Services Solution Do not keep service state in memory At every operation Get state from configurable durable storage Do requested work Save state back to durable store [Serializable] [DurableService] class MyService : IMyContract { public void MyMethod() { //Do work }
  • Slide 102
  • Faults
  • Slide 103
  • Faults Management Service masks out all its exceptions Best practice for decoupling Unhandled exceptions are isolated Process-level isolation same-process client Channel is faults Cannot catch and keep using instance Best practice
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  • Concurrency Management
  • Slide 105
  • Service Thread Safety Incoming calls are dispatched on threads from thread pool Service instance can sustain multiple concurrent calls Must provide correct thread affinity when required
  • Slide 106
  • ConcurrencyMode.Single Automatic synchronization Disallows concurrent calls WCF associates instance with a lock Allows only one caller at a time Pending callers placed in a queue Served FIFO Caller can timeout at the queue TimeoutException Timeout controlled in binding Defaults to 1 minute
  • Slide 107
  • ConcurrencyMode.Single The WCF default These are equivalent [ServiceContract] interface IMyContract {...} class MyService : IMyContract {...} [ServiceBehavior(ConcurrencyMode = ConcurrencyMode.Single)] class MyService : IMyContract {...}
  • Slide 108
  • Resource Synchronization Context Service calls execute on worker threads Service cannot by default rely on thread affinity Always being accessed by same thread Service cannot by default rely executing on custom threads Some resources may rely on thread affinity UI TLS Some resources may require their own threads When affinity to other threads expected Service must marshal calls to correct thread(s) resource requires
  • Slide 109
  • Resource Synchronization Context.NET 2.0 provides synchronization contexts Assures calls execute on correct thread(s) Typically the same single thread Supports cancellation, completion Can be extended to support progress reports
  • Slide 110
  • UI Synchronization Context Canonical synchronization context Service may need to update UI WPF/Windows Forms use the underlying Win32 message loop Only the thread which created the window can process its messages Calls on the wrong thread may result in an exception Must marshal the call to owning thread WCF can marshal the call automatically
  • Slide 111
  • Queued Calls
  • Slide 112
  • Client Proxy Dispatcher MSMQ Queue MSMQ Message Service MSMQ Channel Listener Dispatcher Service
  • Slide 113
  • Queued Calls Host may be off-line Calls are dispatched once host is launched If host is running when client posts messages Host will start processing calls
  • Slide 114
  • Queued Calls Queued service and client look like any other service and client [ServiceContract] interface IMyContract { [OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)] void MyMethod(); } class MyService : IMyContract { public void MyMethod() { MessageBox.Show("MyMethod()","MyService"); } MyContractClient proxy = new MyContractClient(); proxy.MyMethod(); proxy.Close();
  • Slide 115
  • Security
  • Slide 116
  • WCF Security WCF approach to security Secured by default Except BasicHttpBinding Can be secured All other WCF binding and services by default utilize Authentication Transfer security
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  • Call Protection Level All calls are protected by default Encrypted Can insist on protection [ServiceContract(ProtectionLevel = ProtectionLevel.EncryptAndSign)] interface IMyContract {...}
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  • WCF Security Service class can always obtain identity of its caller Unlike classic.NET WCF also sets thread principal to client's identity
  • Slide 119
  • Security Audit Built-in support for service-side auditing Logging Authentication and authorization attempts Time and location Clients identity Security audit is a service behavior ServiceSecurityAuditBehavior
  • Slide 120
  • Transactions
  • Slide 121
  • Transaction Setting Must indicate wanting a transaction in each method Via TransactionScopeRequired property of OperationBehavior attribute Defaults to false If client transaction propagated Will set client transaction as ambient Else will create new transaction and set as ambient
  • Slide 122
  • Transaction Setting class MyService : IMyContract { [OperationBehavior(TransactionScopeRequired = true)] public void MyMethod(...) { Transaction transaction = Transaction.Current; Debug.Assert(transaction != null); }
  • Slide 123
  • Declarative Voting WCF can automatically vote on behalf of service Commit or abort If there were no unhandled exceptions WCF will vote to commit If unhandled exception WCF will vote to abort Allows the exception up the call chain
  • Slide 124
  • Transaction Flow Management Can use any transactional resource Database MSMQ Volatile Client MyService Transaction MyOtherService TxFlow = true
  • Slide 125
  • Throttling Software systems are not elastic Yield and snap under load Time Load X
  • Slide 126
  • Throttling Even regular load may spike Spiked load may max out system Absolute value or rate of growth Time Load
  • Slide 127 ... ...
  • Throttling ...
  • Slide 128
  • One-Way Operations
  • Slide 129
  • Fire-and-forget calls Service executes in the background No results or returned value possible Exception does not propagate to client
  • Slide 130
  • One-Way Operations IsOneWay property of OperationContractAttribute Defaults to false [ServiceContract] interface IMyContract { [OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)] void MyMethod(); }
  • Slide 131
  • Resources Programming WCF Services 2 nd Edition Juval Lowy, O'Reilly 2008 Code library Coding standard Sample architecture report IDesign Method Master Classes WCF Architect's Master Class
  • Slide 132
  • TimeTopicPresenter(s) 10:00aWelcome / AgendaRon / Juval 10:10aWCF Session 1Juval 11:10aBreak 11:15aWCF Session 2Juval 12:15pLunch 1:15pWCF Session 3Juval 2:15pBreak 2:20pWCF Session 4Juval 3:20pBreak
  • Slide 133
  • TimeTopicPresenter(s) 3:25pImplementing RESTful Services with WCF Part 1: Concepts and Intro Ron Jacobs / Rob Bagby 4:25pBreak 4:30pImplementing RESTful Services with WCF Part 2: Implementation in Depth Ron Jacobs / Rob Bagby 5:30pBreak 5:35pWorkflow Services DemoRon Jacobs 5:45p
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  • Ron Jacobs Sr. Technical Evangelist Microsoft Corporation Rob Bagby Developer Evangelist Microsoft Corporation
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  • (response) (fault) (response) (fault)
  • Slide 143
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  • Header: value body Header: value body Status code Header: value body Status code Header: value body
  • Slide 146
  • RESTfullness Hi-REST Lo-REST PuristsPragmatists
  • Slide 147
  • Slide 148
  • Slide 149
  • Slide 150
  • Slide 151
  • [OperationContract] [WebGet(UriTemplate=product/{productId}")] Product GetProduct(int productId); Hole
  • Slide 152
  • [OperationContract] [WebInvoke( Method=PUT", ResponseFormat=WebMessageFormat.Json, UriTemplate=product/{productId}")] Product UpdateProduct(int productId, product p); [OperationContract] [WebGet( ResponseFormat=WebMessageFormat.Json, UriTemplate=product/{productId}")] ProductData GetProduct(int productId);
  • Slide 153
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  • Slide 158
  • TimeTopicPresenter(s) 3:25pImplementing RESTful Services with WCF Part 1: Concepts and Intro Ron Jacobs / Rob Bagby 4:25pBreak 4:30pImplementing RESTful Services with WCF Part 2: Implementation in Depth Ron Jacobs / Rob Bagby 5:30pBreak 5:35pWorkflow Services DemoRon Jacobs 5:45p
  • Slide 159
  • TimeTopicPresenter(s) 3:25pImplementing RESTful Services with WCF Part 1: Concepts and Intro Ron Jacobs / Rob Bagby 4:25pBreak 4:30pImplementing RESTful Services with WCF Part 2: Implementation in Depth Ron Jacobs / Rob Bagby 5:30pBreak 5:35pWorkflow Services DemoRon Jacobs 5:45p
  • Slide 160
  • Ron Jacobs Sr. Technical Evangelist Microsoft Corporation Rob Bagby Developer Evangelist Microsoft Corporation
  • Slide 161
  • Slide 162
  • URIVerbCollectionAction /winePOSTWineCreate /wine/{wineId}GETWineRead /wine/{wineId}PUTCustomersUpdate /wine/{wineId}DELETECustomersDelete /wine/series/{seriesId}GETWine SeriesRead /wine/{wineId}/reviewsGETWine ReviewsRead /wine/{wineId}/reviewsPOSTWine ReviewsCreate
  • Slide 163
  • http://localhost/service.svc/method?arg1=1
  • Slide 164
  • [OperationContract] [WebGet(UriTemplate="Wine/{wineId})] WineData GetWine(string wineId); http://localhost/service.svc/Wine/1
  • Slide 165
  • [OperationContract] [WebGet(UriTemplate="Wine/{wineID=17})] WineData GetWine(string wineID);
  • Slide 166
  • Compound Template Segments [OperationContract] [WebGet(UriTemplate=wine({wineID})] WineData GetWine(string wineID); http://localhost/service.svc/wine(17)
  • Slide 167
  • Slide 168
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  • Slide 170
  • Slide 171
  • Coho Winery [email protected] 555 Wine Lane Napa CA 94558 USA 800-555-1212 Coho Winery [email protected] 555 Wine Lane Napa CA 94558 USA 800-555-1212
  • Slide 172
  • Using the new WCF REST Kit Template
  • Slide 173
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  • Slide 175
  • Slide 176 ">
  • [WebGet(UriTemplate ="wine/{wineID}")] [WebCache(CacheProfileName = "CacheWine")] [OperationContract] WineData GetWine(string wineID); // web.config cache profile
  • Slide 177
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  • Slide 185
  • Enable Ajax web site for security Using Forms Auth with client side script Enabling login with Ajax script service
  • Slide 186
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  • 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
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