workforce development prospectusv9


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Kingston and St George’s joint Faculty is currently home to over 7,000 students and operates over three sites in south west London. We focus on providing excellent health, social care and education professionals, as well as preparing today’s practitioners for future challenges through our workforce development modules and study days. We encourage an interdisciplinary approach to teaching, bringing health, social care and education students together to learn with and from each other – something being increasingly recognised as vital to delivering services that effectively meet patient and service user needs. We strive for excellence in education, preparing graduates for leadership roles and collaborative working.

We work in close partnership with education commissioners, including Health Education South London(HESL), the National College for Teaching and Leadership, and the United Kingdom Government’s Department for Education.

We also work with employers such as the National Health Service(NHS), as well as independent and voluntary health and social care agencies. Through our commitment to widening participation, we developed important relationships with local further education colleges, to support students from all backgrounds into higher education. We use innovative learning methods including, for example, our e-learning portal and discussion forums. These enable students to learn at times that are convenient to them and fit into their lifestyle.

We also conduct high quality researchto find solutions to complex challenges. We pride ourselves on bringing professionals from different backgrounds together with service users and carers to address important issues. Kingston and St George’s joint Faculty is the smart choice for health, social care and education degrees, modules and study days in London.

Kingston University and St George’s, University of London joint Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education (Kingston and St George’s) was formed in 1996. We offer the very best workforce development learning opportunities from two different and leading organisations, to advance the skills and experiences of professionals working in health and social care. We also offer a competitive mix of sought-after teaching from a range of seven subject areas; pioneering research; excellent facilities; and the opportunity to learn from leading academics from within the field.

Welcome to the Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

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Kingston University Kingston University, located in Kingston upon Thames, is the largest higher education provider in south west London, with more than 21,000 students enrolled in study days, modules, full and part-time courses.

Kingston University is renowned for its teaching quality and is a growing force in research. It prides itself on offering vocationally relevant education that enables working professionals to advance their career prospects. It offers wrap-around support to students to help them get the most out of their university experience, and to achieve that all important next step in their career. Kingston University places great importance on widening participation and is also highly regarded as a pioneer in e-learning.

Partner universities providing outstanding education

St George’s, University of London Founded in 1733, St George’s, University of London is the United Kingdom’s only university dedicated to medical and health sciences education, training and research. It enjoys a worldwide reputation for teaching and research excellence, and is the only independently governed medical school in England. Sharing a clinical environment with a major London teaching hospital, St George’s world-class education results in well-rounded, highly skilled clinicians, scientists and health and social care professionals. It equips graduates and working professionals to meet today’s and tomorrow’s healthcare needs.

The University’s internationally recognised research portfolio delivers cutting-edge scientific discovery through three specialist institutes. These focus on public health, heart disease, and infection,three of the greatest challenges to global health in the 21st century. Close links with the medical frontline as well as with London’s diverse community help ensure this research is translated into practice, directly benefitting patients. St George’s recent placing in the top 200 of the Times Higher Education’s World University Rankings reaffirms its positioning as a growing force in health and social care education.

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St George’s, University of London • More than 250 years of excellence

and innovation in research and education

• A cornerstone of health education and history in London

Kingston University • Established in 1992• Reputation for offering wide portfolio

of vocationally relevant courses including art, design, business, law, social sciences etc

Kingston upon Thames, London

Tooting, London



Kingston University and St George’s, University of London joint Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education

Research centres

Centre for Public Engagement

Centre for Health and Social Care Research

Institute for Child Centred Interprofessional Practice

Teaching disciplines



Paramedic science

Rehabilitation sciences

Social work



Kingston upon Thames, London


Kingston upon Thames, London



LONDON Tooting, London




Approach to learning

•Research informed•Inter-professional• Vocationally relevant for excellent employability outcomes


Number of students


Much of our research is internationally

excellent in terms of originality,

significance and rigour and some world-leading. 7000

AchievementsTop in London for

all subject area offerings* Above

85 per cent of all graduates employed

within six months

* Guardian League Table, The Guardian, University Guide 2015

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Kingston and St George’s joint Faculty is a leading provider of workforce development modules, study days and courses for social workers and healthcare professionals. We are a preferred provider of education and training for Health Education South London (HESL), and have a proven track record for excellence and innovation in health and social care innovation. Our wide portfolio of workforce development education is informed by research and we place a strong focus on real-world learning.

We bring professionals from different backgrounds together to share ideas and develop new ways to improve service. We have a long-standing reputation for providing the right support to our students and improving their career prospects from the day they start studying with us. We pride ourselves on continually improving our workforce development education offering and creating more reasons to study with us.

Workforce development education: equipping today’s workforce for tomorrow’s challenges

Workforce development prospectus

Some of our distinctive features include:

+ We are rated top in London for almost all our disciplines in the 2015 Guardian league tables

+ St George’s, University of London is ranked in the Top 200 of 2015 Times Higher Education World University Rankings

+ Our health and social care research has been deemed ‘world-leading’ in the 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF) – informing global policy and practice for health and social care

+ We are endorsed by the College of Social Work, a prestigious acknowledgement of excellence in social work education

+ Our students share their learning with 21,000 Kingston University students and 4,000 St George’s students

+ Our modules and study days are led by practice relevant issues, research and policy

+ We teach over 170 plus modules and 33 workforce development study days annually

+ We are an institution informed by two leading London universities

+ Our teaching is delivered across three campuses within close proximity to central London

+ We share a campus with a major London hospital – St George’s Healthcare NHS Trust

+ St George’s, University of London is the United Kingdom’s only university dedicated to medical and health sciences education, training and research

+ Our courses are delivered through more than 30 relationships with independent and accredited United Kingdom health and social care organisations and professional bodies

+ Interprofessional education is at the heart of all our courses and drives our teaching. Our wide range of health and social care education provides all our students the opportunity to learn alongside other health and social care professionals, to understand other disciplines, and improve treatment and care for patients and service users

+ Excellent teaching facilities equipped with the latest technology

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In recent years, we have invested significant funding into our facilities to provide our students with a great learning experience. Many of our facilities are designed to provide students with opportunities to learn in simulated environments to enable best learning outcomes. For example, many of our healthcare students enjoy specially designed skills laboratories at Kingston University and St George’s, University of London. Social care students likewise have access to a specially built ‘Practice Learning Suite’ where they can practice home visits and consultation skills under

‘live’ camera surveillance, before receiving feedback from academics. Other facilities that health and social care students may benefit from include:

+ State-of-the-art medical facilities across a range of disciplines

+ Over 400,000 books, e-journals, videos and multimedia resources

+ Dissection room, anatomical models and bone library. The dissection room is unique among UK medical schools.

+ Dedicated diagnostic radiography lecture suite, including two x-ray sets and a digital-imaging library

Modern facilities + Virtual Environment for Radiography

Training (VERT) – a simulated cancer treatment facility where therapeutic radiography students practice their understanding of administering doses of radiotherapy treatment to patients

+ A ‘simulation house’, designed to represent a typical home environment with a kitchen, lounge, bathroom and bedrooms for health and social care students

+ A new purpose-built paramedic simulation suite at St George’s campus where paramedic students practice home rescue and treatments. It will be ready for use in 2015

+ Computing facilities with specialist software

+ Library access at Kingston University and St George’s, University of London’s campuses

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At Kingston and St George’s joint Faculty we focus on embedding our research findings into our workforce development education to ensure it remains practice-relevant for our students. We place patients and other service users at the heart of everything we do – both in the development and implementation of our studies. We pride ourselves on our multidisciplinary approach, bringing together professionals from different backgrounds to find the very best ways to deliver more cohesive services.

Our research is intrinsically service facing, providing practical solutions to today’s complex health, social care and education challenges. Through our work we help to bring about advances in professional practice and education and inform health, social care and education policy at a local, national and international level.

Within Kingston and St George’s joint Faculty we have two major research centres that shape policy and drive excellence in our teaching. They include:

Research informed education

Centre for Public EngagementThe Centre for Public Engagement was established in 2013. It aims to increase patient, public and service user involvement in health and social care service development, education and research. Building on the excellent work already undertaken at Kingston and St George’s joint Faculty, the Centre is intended to become a beacon of good practice for public engagement, by working in partnership with health, social care and education organisations, local communities and groups representing service users and carers.

Visit for more information.

Centre for Health and Social Care ResearchThe Centre for Health and Social Care Research addresses a broad range of issues, including how best to educate and train health and social care professionals. Academics work extensively with service users to develop effective strategies to manage long-term conditions. They work in collaboration with other universities to undertake research that directly informs policy and practice. The Centre also supports a growing number of research students.

Visit for more information.

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At Kingston and St George’s joint Faculty we think interprofessional learning is essential to the future of health and social care and one of our core strengths. Not only do we offer you the opportunity to learn with a number of other disciplines, we also offer you the opportunity to learn on a campus situated within one of the oldest and most reputable NHS Trusts in the United Kingdom.

By learning, working together and understanding the vital contribution each discipline makes to the overall management and wellbeing of service users and patients; we believe the service our students provide continue to improve.

We support interprofessional learning in the following ways:

+ Providing education within the areas of nursing, midwifery, paramedic science, radiography, rehabilitation sciences, leadership and management, social work and research within one institution

+ Developing modules and courses through consultation of a team of multiple professionals from a range of disciplines

+ Offering courses,modules and study days that are relevant to students from all disciplines

+ Encouraging students from various disciplines to problem-solve and debate course topics and care plans

Interprofessional learning

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day or module, you will receive academic credit, which will count towards selected workforce development degrees you may want to complete in the future.

Study any module/s at your own pace and work towards an eligible workforce development degree within a five year periodStudents who complete a module with us can choose to continue their study in achieving any workforce development course – given they complete all modules of the selected course within five years, and the modules follow the prescribed sequence needed.

Our generous recognition of prior learning (RPL) provision means you may be able to use acquired credits from previous study toward eligible courses.

View pages 32-33 for workforce development courses, and page 34-45for the eligible modules within each degree that can be credited towards that course. Information about RPL can be found on page 132.

Please note: in some instances multiple courses are listed against a single series of modules. This is to provide an indication which modules may form part of the course listed, however not all modules must be completed for each course. Please email [email protected] for more information.

Our flexible approach to workforce development

1 Study any module/study day/s on a free-standing basis

2Study any module/s at your own pace and work towards an eligible workforce development degree within a five year period

3Choose your mix of modules and plan your own ‘Healthcare Practice: Personalised award’

* please note not all programmes are eligible for all of the above approaches. Please enquire with the university to confirm if your course is eligible.

If you choose to study with Kingston and St George’s joint Faculty, you will benefit from our flexible, modular approach to workforce development education.

We understand the pressures of studying and working at the same time, so we have designed a range of workforce development education options for you to take at your own pace, to build toward your future aspirations and to fit in with your lifestyle.

If you choose to study with us, you can complete your workforce development education in the following ways:

Study any module/study day/s on a free-standing basisAll our workforce development modules and study days can be completed on a free-standing basis to suit your work schedule. At the completion of your study

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Choose your own mix of modules and plan your own Healthcare Practice: Personalised award We understand every individual who comes through our doors is unique, and that there is not always a ‘one size fits all’ education solution for everyone.

Our unique partnership and extensive health and social care disciplines allow us to offer a flexible range of study options for our students. That’s why we have created a series of interprofessional ‘Healthcare Practice: Personalised awards’ at various academics levels. These personalised awards offer students the opportunity to choose their own mix of modules that are tailored to their personal goals and development. Healthcare Practice degrees that offer a Personalised award include:

+ Healthcare Practice DipHE+ Healthcare Practice BSc + Healthcare Practice BSc (Hons)+ Healthcare Practice Graduate Certificate+ Healthcare Practice Postgraduate

Certificate + Healthcare Practice Postgraduate

Diploma+ Healthcare Practice MSc

To view our range of modules that can be used to create your own unique course, please view the list of modules on pages 22-23. For practice-specific Healthcare Practice and other courses see pages 32-33.

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Course directory

Study daysCD0134NDelirium and dementia: caring for the confused adult in the acute care settingSee page 55

CD0141N Dementia care for healthcare assistantsSee page 55

KU-ENT_01Designing your research, data collection and analysisSee page 56

CD0124N Developing leadership skills – programme for band 5 and 6 staff See page 56

CD0140NDiabetic foot care and assessment essentials for healthcare assistantsSee page 56 CD0012N Ear care See page 57

CD0146NECGs for healthcare assistantsSee page 57

CD0138N HCA essential skills and knowledgeSee page 57

CD0145N Infection control update for healthcare assistantsSee page 58CD0086NInjection training for healthcare assistants See page 58

CD0131NIntroduction of research methods for health and social careSee page 59

CD0147N Introduction to Spirometry for healthcare assistantsSee page 59

KU-ENT_02 Introduction to statistics in healthcareSee page 60

CD0135N Introduction to wound care management for healthcare assistants See page 60

CD0042N Non-invasive ventilationSee page 61

CD0119NPrescribing updateSee page 61

Visit and enter the study day code in the search field to view the most up-to-date information. Alternatively, view the study day information on the page indicated under each title below or email [email protected]

CD0032NAcademic practiceSee page 50

CD0133NAdministration of injections yearly update for healthcare assistantsSee page 50

CD0083NAHPs – an introduction to mentorship – 3 daysSee page 51

CD0132NAssisting with minor surgery/medical procedures for healthcare assistantsSee page 51

BRDG002 Based on Bridges individual practitioner training – Self-management in people with long term and neurological conditionsSee page 51

BRDG004 Based on Bridges MDT training – Self-management in people with long term

and neurological conditions (for 10 participants)See page 52

CD0017N Child immunisation – two day foundation See page 52

CD0021NChild immunisation – updateSee page 53

BRDG001 Classic Bridges individual practitioner training – Self-management in people with strokeSee page 53

BRDG003Classic Bridges MDT training – Self-management in people with stroke (for 10 participants)See page 53

CD0048NClinical supervision for supervisorsSee page 54

CD0129N Complex critical thinking See page 54

CD0130NData analysis and interpretation of results using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS)See page 55

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CD0038NPrevention of pressure ulcersSee page 61

CD0142N Recognising the signs and symptoms of a deteriating adult patient and management for healthcare assistantsSee page 62

CD0050N School nurse immunisation updateSee page 62

KU-ENT_03 Set of online videos offering an online primer in using SPSS/Stata/R Commander software for data analysisSee page 62

CD0023N Short course in leg ulcer management +3 daysSee page 63

KU-ENT_04Therapeutic engagement See page 63

CD0041NTracheostomy study day See page 63

CD0018NTravel health – two day foundationSee page 64

CD0033N Travel health – updateSee page 64

CD0034NVenepuncture and cannulationSee page 64

CD0036N Wound managementSee page 65

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Course directory

PS502Y/PS602Y Clinical decision making for paramedics Credits: 30 See page 72

HP6023Y Clinical reasoning in physical assessment: lifespan perspectives Credits: 30 See page 72

HP6060Y Cognitive behaviour therapy for complex mental health needs/problems Credits: 30 See page 72

HP6024Y Community and public health Credits: 30 See page 73

HP6050Y Critically ill child Credits: 30 See page 73 HP6025X Dementia care: improving practiceCredits: 15 See page 74

HP6026Y Dementia care: skilled practice Credits: 30 See page 74

HP6027Y Diabetes care Credits: 30 See page 74

CLP5/6004X Drugs and therapeutics Credits: 15 See page 75

SW6103 Effective written professional communication in social workCredits: 30 See page 75 HP6007Y Emergency practice Credits: 30 See page 75 HP6037X Ethics and Law for contemporary healthcare practice Credits: 15 See page 76

PS607Y Evidence based practice for paramedics Credits: 30 See page 76 HP6051Y Examination of the newborn Credits: 30 See page 76 HP6052Y Fertility and fertility control Credits: 30 See page 77

HP6053X High dependency issues in maternity care Credits: 15 See page 77

HP6054X High dependency neonatal care Credits: 15 See page 77

HP6038YHonours degree project: appraising evidence and developing practice Credits: 30 See page 78

Modules indexVisit and enter the module code in the search field to view the most up-to-date information. Alternatively, view the module information on the page indicated under each title below or email [email protected]

Undergraduate modules

HP6022X 12 lead ECG interpretationCredits: 15 See page 66

HP6001Y Acute medicine in practice Credits: 30 See page 66

HP6002Y Acutely unwell adult Credits: 30 See page 67

CLP6024Y Adaptation to midwifery programme Credits: 30 See page 67

HP6045X Adolescence – transition to adulthoodCredits: 15 See page 67

HP6003X Anaesthetic care: specialist practice Credits: 15 See page 68

HP5101Y/HP6004Y Anaesthetic practice Credits: 30 See page 68

HP6046X Applied neonatal pathophysiology Credits: 15 See page 68

HP6046X/HP6056X Applied neonatal pathophysiology/Neonatal special and transitional careCredits: 30 See page 69

HP6047X Applied pathophysiology in childrenCredits: 30 See page 70

HP6047X/HP6044X Applied pathophysiology in children/Acutely ill child Credits: 30 See page 70 PS501Y/PS601Y Cardiac care for paramedicsCredits: 30 See page 70 HP6005Y Cardiac care: principles and practiceCredits: 30 See page 71 HP6006Y Cardiac care: specialist practice Credits: 30 See page 71 HP6048X Children with complex and continuing care needs Credits: 15 See page 71

HP6049X Children with trauma or burnsCredits: 15 See page 71

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Course directory

HP6028Y Hospital avoidance: managing complexityCredits: 30 See page 78

HP6008X Intensive care of the polytrauma patient Credits: 15 See page 78

HP6009Y Intensive care patient assessment Credits: 30 See page 78

HP6010Y Intensive care patient management Credits: 30 See page 79

HP6039Y Contemporary healthcare for international practitioners Credits: 30 See page 79

HP6040X Leadership in practice Credits: 15 See page 79

HP6029X Leg ulcer management Credits: 15 See page 80

HP6041X Management survival Credits: 15 See page 80

CFC5/6005X Mental health priorities for healthcare practitioners Credits: 15 See page 80

HP6061Y Mental healthcare: clinical leadership Credits: 30 See page 81

CLP5/6025X Mentorship for practiceCredits: 15 See page 81

HP6030X Minor illness: assessment and management Credits: 15 See page 82

HP6031X Minor injury management Credits: 15 See page 82

HP6011Y Musculoskeletal care: principles and practice Credits: 30 See page 82

HP6055X Neonatal intensive care Credits: 15 See page 82

CLP5/6017Y Overseas nursing programme (ONP) Credits: 30 See page 83

HP6057Y Palliative care for children, young people and families Credits: 30 See page 83

HP5103Y/HP6015Y Perioperative practice Credits: 30 See page 84 CFH5/6016X Physical assessment of children Credits: 15 See page 84

HP6062X Physical healthcare for people with serious mental illness Credits: 15 See page 84

HP5102Y/HP6013Y Post-anaesthetic care: principles and practice Credits: 30 See page 85

HP6012X Post-anaesthetic care: specialist practice Credits: 15 See page 85

HP6032Y Practice nursing: an Introduction Credits: 30 See page 85

HP6014Y Preoperative assessment Credits: 30 See page 85

CFH6023V Preparation of supervisors of midwives course Credits: 45 See page 86

CLP6023Z Prescribing for AHPs (subject to validation)Credits: 60 See page 86

CLP6022Z Prescribing for nurses (V300 –independent and supplementary prescribing for nurses)Credits: 60 See page 87

HP6033X Pressure ulcers: prevention and managementCredits: 15 See page 87

SW6101 Progression in practicemanagementCredits: 15 See page 87

SW6102 Progression in practice Credits: 15 See page 88

HP6063X Psychosocial assessment Credits: 15 See page 88

HP6064Y Psychosocial interventions Credits: 30 See page 88

HP6065X Recovery orientated care in mental health Credits: 15 See page 88

HP6016Y Renal dialysis: principles of care Credits: 30 See page 89

HP6017Y Renal dysfunction: complexities of care Credits: 30 See page 89

HP6018X Respiratory care for the acute setting Credits: 15 See page 90

PS503Y/PS603Y Resuscitation theory for paramedics Credits: 30 See page 90

CLP5018Y Return to nursing programme (RTP) Credits: 30 See page 90

CLP6018Y Return to nursing programme (RTP) Credits: 30 See page 91

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Course directory

CLP6019Y Return to practice midwifery Credits: 30 See page 92

HP6058X Safeguarding children – an interdisciplinary approachCredits: 15 See page 92

HP6034X Telephone healthcare assessment: discharge planning, referral pathways and risk changeCredits: 15 See page 92

HP5104Y/HP6019Y Theatre practice Credits: 30 See page 92

HP6035Y Tissue viabilityCredits: 30 See page 93

HP6020X Trauma care: initial assessment and managementCredits: 15 See page 93

HP6021Y Trauma care: ward and continuing care Credits: 30 See page 93 HP6059X Urgent care for children Credits: 15 See page 94

HP5105X Work-based learningCredits: 15 See page 94

HP5106Y Work-based learningCredits: 30 See page 94

HP6042X Work-based learningCredits: 15 See page 95

HP6066Y Working with families, carers and significant others in mental health Credits: 30 See page 96

CFC5/6006X Working with older people Credits: 15 See page 97

Postgraduate modules

HP7022X 12 Lead ECG interpretationCredits: 15 See page 97

HP7001Y Acute medicine in practiceCredits: 30 See page 97

HP7002Y Acutely unwell adult Credits: 30 See page 98

SW7019 Adulthood, development and transitions (social work with adults) Credits: 30 See page 98

ER701X Advanced exercise prescription Credits: 15 See page 98

HP7005X Advanced practiceCredits: 15 See page 99

RA7001 Advanced practice – negotiated independent work-based learning Credits: 30 See page 99

HP7003X Advanced practice: minor ailment management Credits: 15 See page 100

HP7004X Advanced practice: minor injury management Credits: 15 See page 100

RA7002 Advanced principles and practice of breast interventional technique Credits: 30 See page 100

AP7017X Assessment of psychosocial need Credits: 15 See page 101

SW7024 Bringing theory and research into practice Credits: 30 See page 101

HP7006Y Cardiac care: advancing practice Credits: 30 See page 101

HP7007Y Cardiac care: principles and practice Credits: 30 See page 102

ER709X Cardiac rehabilitation Credits: 15 See page 102

MCHM7005 Child and adolescent mental healthCredits: 15 See page 102 HP7030X Child public health (subject to validation) Credits: 15 See page 103

HP7031X Children with complex and continuing care needs (subject to validation) Credits: 15 See page 103

RA7003 Clinical breast examination and client communicationCredits: 30 See page 103

HP7019Y Clinical reasoning in physical assessment: lifespan perspectivesCredits: 30 See page 104

ER706X Cognitive behavioural approaches in health Credits: 15 See page 104

HP7008Y Community and public health Credits: 30 See page 104

ER705Y Critical thinking in practice Credits: 30 See page 105

RA7005a Cross sectional imaging – diagnosticCredits: 30 See page 105

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RA7005b Cross sectional imaging – therapeutic Credits: 30 See page 106

HP7009X Dementia care – improving practice Credits: 15 See page 106

HP7010Y Dementia care – skilled practice Credits: 30 See page 106

HP7011X Discharge planning, referral pathways and riskCredits: 15 See page 107 RA7006 Dissertation (for postgraduate radiography MSc)Credits: 60 See page 107 HP7035Y Emergency practice (subject to validation)Credits: 30 See page 108

HP7012X Ethics and law for contemporary healthcare practiceCredits: 15 See page 108 HP7013Y Examination of the newbornCredits: 30 See page 108 ER708X Exercise interventions for obesity and diabetes Credits: 15 See page 109

ER702X Exercise through the life span Credits: 15 See page 109

SW7016 Final research project Credits: 60 See page 109

SW7020 Frameworks for effective safeguarding practice with adults Credits: 30 See page 110

SW7018 Frameworks for effective safeguarding practice with children and familiesCredits: 30 See page 110

HC7001 Healthcare management and evaluation in a contemporary context Credits: 30 See page 110

HP7036X High dependency issues in maternity care (subject to validation)Credits: 15 See page 111

HP7014Y Hospital avoidance: managing complexity Credits: 30 See page 111

AP7022Z Independent and supplementary prescribing for nurses (V300)Credits: 30 See page 111

AP7021X Intensive care of the polytrauma patient Credits: 15 See page 112 HP7015Y Intensive care patient assessment Credits: 30 See page 112

HP7016Y Intensive care patient management Credits: 30 See page 112 SW7023 International social work: models and practice Credits: 30 See page 113 RA7009 Interpretation and reporting in mammographyCredits: 30 See page 113 HC7002 Leadership in change managementCredits: 30 See page 113

SW7030 Leading and managing people in social work practiceCredits: 30 See page 114 HP7017X Leading change in mental health practice Credits: 15 See page 114

ER715X Life after stroke Credits: 15 See page 114

RA7010 Management of resources and quality within healthcareCredits: 30 See page 115 HP7018X Management survivalCredits: 15 See page 115 ER710X Managing fatigue: implications for exercise Credits: 15 See page 116 SW7022 Managing professional responses to safeguarding adults at riskCredits: 15 See page 116 MCHM7001 Maternal and child health determinants Credits: 30 See page 116 SW7014 Mentoring, coaching and advanced assessment of professional practice Credits: 30 See page 117

AP7029X Mentorship for practice (NMC Mentor – stage 2) (level 7) Credits: 15 See page 117 PT7003MSc Research projectCredits: 60 See page 117 ER712X Pain management Credits: 15 See page 118

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Course directory

AP7018Y Psychosocial interventions Credits: 30 See page 126

ER711X Pulmonary rehabilitation Credits: 15 See page 126

AP7019X Recovery orientated care Credits: 15 See page 127

HP7028Y Renal dialysis: Principles of care Credits: 30 See page 127

HP7027Y Renal dysfunction: Complexities of care Credits: 30 See page 128

RA7015 Research and evidence based practice in healthcareCredits: 30 See page 128 MRDM101X Research methods Credits: 15 See page 129

HC7004 Research methods and data analysis Credits: 30 See page 129

SW7021 Safeguarding adults at risk Credits: 15 See page 129

HP7033X/HP7033Y Safeguarding children – an interdisciplinary approach (subject to validation)Credits: 15 (HP7033X) 30 (HP7033Y) See page 130

ER713X Self-management in long term and neurological conditionsCredits: 15 See page 130

MCHM7007 Sexual health and well-being across the lifespanCredits: 15 See page 130

SW7013 Supervision of professional practiceCredits: 30 See page 131

HP7034X Transitions and adolescent care (subject to validation) Credits: 15 See page 131

HP7021X Trauma care – initial assessment and managementCredits: 15 See page 132 RA7016 Ultrasound of the breast Credits: 30 See page 132

HP7023X Work-based learning Credits: 15 See page 132

HP7024Y Work-based learning Credits: 30 See page 133

HP7026Y PathophysiologyCredits: 30 See page 119

MCHM7006 Perinatal mental health Credits: 15 See page 119

SW7012 Planning and delivery of training Credits: 30 See page 119

ER703X Policy and practice in rehabilitation (PP1) Credits: 15 See page 120

ER714X Policy and practice: quality and innovation in rehabilitation (PP2) Credits: 15 See page 120

RA7012 Practice education and mentorship Credits: 30 See page 121

SW7010 Practice education stage 1 Credits: 30 See page 121

SW7011 Practice education stageCredits: 30 See page 121

AP7027Y Practice teacher – practice educator (NMC mentor stage 3) Credits: 30 See page 122

AP7028Y Practice teacher – specialist practitioner (NMC mentor stage 3) Credits: 30 See page 122

HP7029V Preparation of supervisors of midwives programmeCredits: 45 See page 123 AP7025Z Prescribing for AHPs (subject to validation)Credits: 60 See page 123 HP7020X Pressure ulcers: prevention and management Credits: 15 See page 123 ER716X Professional development in rehabilitationCredits: 15 See page 124 RA7013 Professional practice in mammography 1Credits: 30 See page 124 RA7014 Professional practice in mammography 2Credits: 30 See page 124 SW7102 Progression in practice 2 – consolidation Credits: 15 See page 125

ER707X Psychology for exerciseCredits: 15 See page 125 SW7009 Psychology of teaching and learning Credits: 30 See page 125

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Course directory

HC7003 Work-based learning project Credits: 30 See page 134

AP7020Y Working with families, carers and significant othersCredits: 30 See page 134

HP7025Y Wound management: clinical challenges Credits: 30 See page 134

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Course directory



HealthcareHealthcare Practice DipHE •• Personalised award – choose your own modules

Healthcare Practice BSc/BSc(Hons) •• Personalised award – choose your own modules* or; Practice specific award: + Psychosocial interventions for people

with serious mental health problems

Healthcare Practice GradCert •• Personalised award – choose your own modules* or; Practice specific award: + Acute Medicine + Cardiac Care + Child Health + Children’s Critical Care + Community and Integated Care

+ Emergency care+ Intensive Care + Perioperative Care + Midwifery Practice + Neonatal Critical Care + Renal Care Paramedic Science BSc (Hons) Top-up •

Healthcare Practice FdSc • Practice specific award:+ Adult Care + Maternity Care + Perioperative Care + Children and Young People’s Care Breast Imaging FdSc •

Midwifery/ Registered Midwife forregistered nurses BSc(Hons) •


HealthcareApplied Exercise for Health PgCert/PgDip/MSc •

Rehabilitation PgCert/PgDip/MSc •

Clinical Leadership MSc •Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc •• Personalised – choose your own modules or; Practice specific award: + Acute Medicine + Advanced Practice + Cancer Care + Cardiac Care + Intensive Care + Community and Integrated Care + Maternal and Child Health + Psychosocial Interventions for people

with serious mental health problems

Breast Evaluation PgCert/PgDip/MSc •

Medical Imaging (Mammography)PgCert/PgDip/MSc •

Medical Imaging PgCert/PgDip/MSc •

Oncology Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc •

Masters of Clinical Research MClin.Res •

Nursing/Registered Nurse PgDip •

Physiotherapy MSc (pre-registration) •

Midwifery/Registered Midwife for registered nurses PgDip •

Social work Advanced Social Work MA •

Professional Development in Social Work PgCert •

Professional Education and Training PgCert/PgDip/MA •

Practice Education PgCert •

Social Work MSW •

Social Work (post qualifying) credit bearing short course •

In addition to workforce development modules and study days that can be taken on a free-standing basis, Kingston and St George’s joint Faculty offer a wide range of health and social care courses at postgraduate and undergraduate level. We operate a modular system for many of our degrees which means you can obtain it by a process of credit accumulation over a period of five years – a model used on some courses throughout the United Kingdom and Europe. Degrees offered in this manner are marked below with (•). Those courses not offered on a module-by-module basis are marked (•). You can also plan your own ‘Healthcare Practice: Personalised award’ at various academic levels by choosing your own mix of modules unique to your career. These courses are marked (•).

Find out more about the various ways you can study with us on page 17. To view a module you have completed with us may be credited towards a course we offer, view the workforce development course module breakdown on pages 34–45.


• Courses eligible to be completed on a module-by-module basis within a 5 year period

• Courses offered by the Faculty that cannot be completed on a module-by-module basis

• Courses offered with a ‘Personalised award’ where students can choose their own mix of modules relevant to their career

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Course directory

Course module breakdownBelow are the modules that form part of our workforce development courses that may be completed on a module-by-module basis. Contact Sue Heatley at [email protected] to find out if you are eligible to apply for academic credit for a completed module towards a course. View page 17 for more information.

Visit and enter the module code in the search field to view the most up-to-date information. Alternatively, view the module information on the page indicated under each title below or email [email protected]

Healthcare Practice DipHE/BSc/BSc (Hons)/GradCert

HP6022X 12 lead ECG interpretation page 66

HP6001Y Acute medicine in practice page 66

HP6002Y Acutely unwell adult page 67

CLP6024Y Adaptation to midwifery programme (NMC Approved Programme) page 67

HP6045X Adolescence – transition to adulthood page 67

HP6003X Anaesthetic care: specialist practice page 68

HP5101Y/ HP6004Y Anaesthetic practice page 68

HP6046X Applied neonatal pathophysiology page 68

HP6046X/HP6056X Applied neonatal pathophysiology/Neonatal special and transitional care page 69

HP6047X Applied pathophysiology in children page 70

HP6047X/HP6044X Applied pathophysiology in children/Acutely ill child page 70

HP6005Y Cardiac care: principles and practice page 71

HP6006Y Cardiac care: specialist practice page 71

HP6048X Children with complex and continuing care needs page 71

HP6049X Children with trauma or burns page 71

HP6023Y Clinical reasoning in physical assessment: lifespan perspectives page 72

HP6060Y Cognitive behaviour therapy for complex mental health needs/problems page 72

HP6024Y Community and public health page 73

HP6050Y Critically ill child page 73

HP6025X Dementia care: improving practice page 74

HP6026Y Dementia care: skilled practice page 74

HP6027Y Diabetes care page 74

CLP5/6004X Drugs and therapeutics page 75

HP6007Y Emergency practice page 75

HP6037X Ethics and law for contemporary healthcare practice page 76

HP6051Y Examination of the newborn page 76

HP6052Y Fertility and fertility control page 77

HP6053X High dependency issues in maternity care page 77

HP6054X High dependency neonatal care page 77

HP6038Y Honours degree project: appraising evidence and developing practice page 78

HP6028Y Hospital avoidance: managing complexity page 78

HP6008X Intensive care of the polytrauma patient page 78

HP6009Y Intensive care patient assessment page 79

HP6010Y Intensive care patient management page 79

HP6039Y Contemporary healthcare for international practitioners page 79

HP6040X Leadership in practice page 79

HP6029X Leg ulcer management page 80

Undergraduate programmes

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Course directory

Healthcare Practice DipHE/BSc/BSc (Hons)/GradCert

HP6041X Management survival page 80

CFC5/6005X Mental health priorities for healthcare practitioners page 80

HP6061Y Mental healthcare: clinical leadership page 81

CLP5/6025X Mentorship for practice (NMC Approved Programme) page 81

HP6030X Minor illness: assessment and management page 82

HP6031X Minor injury management page 82

HP6011Y Musculoskeletal care: principles and practice page 82

HP6055X Neonatal intensive care page 82

CLP5/6017Y Overseas nursing programme (ONP) (NMC Approved Programme) page 83

HP6057Y Palliative care for children, young people and families page 83

HP5103Y/HP6015Y Perioperative practice page 84

CFH5/6016X Physical assessment of children page 84

HP6062X Physical healthcare for people with serious mental illness page 84

HP5102Y/HP6013Y Post-anaesthetic care: principles and practice page 85

HP6012X Post-anaesthetic care: specialist practice page 85

HP6032Y Practice nursing: an Introduction page 85

HP6014Y Preoperative assessment page 85

CFH6023V Preparation of supervisors of midwives course (HCPC approved) page 86

CLP6023Z Prescribing for AHPs (subject to validation) (HCPC approved) page 86

CLP6022ZPrescribing for nurses (V300 – independent and supplementary prescribing for nurses) (HCPC approved)

page 87

HP6033X Pressure ulcers: prevention and management page 87

HP6063X Psychosocial assessment page 88

HP6064Y Psychosocial interventions page 88

HP6065X Recovery orientated care in mental health page 88

HP6016Y Renal dialysis: principles of care page 89

HP6017Y Renal dysfunction: complexities of care page 89

HP6018X Respiratory care for the acute setting page 90

CLP5018Y Return to nursing programme (RTP) (NMC Approved Programme) page 90

CLP6018Y Return to nursing programme (RTP) (NMC Approved Programme) page 91

CLP6019Y Return to practice midwifery (NMC Approved Programme) page 92

HP6058X Safeguarding children – an interdisciplinary approach page 92

HP6034X Telephone healthcare assessment: discharge planning, referral pathways and risk change page 92

HP5104Y/HP6019Y Theatre practice page 92

HP6035Y Tissue viability page 93

HP6020X Trauma care: initial assessment and management page 93

HP6021Y Trauma care: ward and continuing care page 93

HP6059X Urgent care for children page 94

HP5105X Work-based learning page 94

HP5106Y Work-based learning page 94

HP6042X Work-based learning page 95

HP6066Y Working with families, carers and significant others in mental health page 96

CFC5/6006X Working with older people page 97

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Course directory

Paramedic Practice BSc(Hons) Top-up

PS601Y Cardiac care for paramedics page 70

PS502Y/PS602Y Clinical decision making for paramedics page 72

PS607Y Evidence based practice for paramedics page 76

PS503Y/PS603Y Resuscitation theory for paramedics page 90

Applied Exercise for Health PgCert/PgDip/MSc

ER701X Advanced exercise prescription (AHP) page 98

ER709X Cardiac rehabilitation (AHP) page 102

ER706X Cognitive behavioural approaches in health (AHP) page 102

ER708X Exercise interventions for obesity and diabetes (AHP) page 109

ER702X Exercise through the life span (AHP) page 109

ER715X Life after stroke (AHP) page 114

ER710X Managing fatigue: implications for exercise (AHP) page 116

ER712X Pain management (AHP) page 118

ER714X Policy and practice: quality and innovation in rehabilitation (PP2) (AHP) page 120

ER716X Professional development in rehabilitation (AHP) page 124

ER707X Psychology for exercise (AHP) page 125

ER711X Pulmonary rehabilitation (AHP) page 126

ER713X Self-management in long term and neurological conditions (AHP) page 130

ER717X Work-based learning (AHP) page 134

Clinical Leadership MSc

HC7001 Healthcare management and evaluation in a contemporary context (AHP)

page 110

HC7002 Leadership in change management (AHP) page 113

HC7004 Research methods and data analysis (AHP) page 129

HC7003 Work-based learning project (AHP) page 134

Postgraduate programmes

Rehabilitation PgCert/PgDip/MSc

ER709X Cardiac rehabilitation (AHP) page 102

ER706X Cognitive behavioural approaches in health (AHP) page 102

ER705Y Critical thinking in practice (AHP) page 105

ER708X Exercise interventions for obesity and diabetes (AHP) page 109

ER715X Life after stroke (AHP) page 114

ER710X Managing fatigue: implications for exercise (AHP) page 116

ER712X Pain management (AHP) page 118

ER703X Policy and practice in rehabilitation (PP1) (AHP) page 120

ER714X Policy and practice: quality and innovation in rehabilitation (PP2) (AHP) page 120

ER716X Professional development in rehabilitation (AHP) page 124

ER707X Psychology for exercise (AHP) page 125

ER711X Pulmonary rehabilitation (AHP) page 126

ER713X Self-management in long term and neurological conditions (AHP) page 130

ER717X Work-based learning (AHP) page 134

Key: AHP – Allied Health Professional

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Course directory

Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc

HP7022X 12 Lead ECG interpretation (AHP) page 97

HP7001Y Acute medicine in practice page 97

HP7002Y Acutely unwell adult (AHP) page 98

HP7005X Advanced practice (AHP) page 99

HP7003X Advanced practice: minor ailment management (AHP) page 100

HP7004X Advanced practice: minor injury management (AHP) page 100

AP7017X Assessment of psychosocial need (AHP) page 101

HP7006Y Cardiac care: advancing practice (AHP) page 101

HP7007Y Cardiac care: principles and practice (AHP) page 102

MCHM7005 Child and adolescent mental health (AHP) page 102

HP7030X Child public health (subject to validation) page 103

HP7031X Children with complex and continuing care needs (subject to validation) (AHP) page 103

HP7019Y Clinical reasoning in physical assessment: lifespan perspectives (AHP) page 104

HP7008Y Community and public health (AHP) page 104

HP7009X Dementia care – improving practice (AHP) page 106

HP7010Y Dementia care – skilled practice (AHP) page 106

HP7011X Discharge planning, referral pathways and risk (AHP) page 107

HP7035Y Emergency practice (subject to validation) page 108

HP7012X Ethics and law for contemporary healthcare practice (AHP) page 108

HP7013Y Examination of the newborn (AHP) page 108

HP7036X High dependency issues in maternity care (subject to validation) page 111

HP7014Y Hospital avoidance: managing complexity (AHP) page 111

AP7022Z Independent and supplementary prescribing for nurses (V300) (NMC Approved Programme) page 111

AP7021X Intensive care of the polytrauma patient page 112

HP7015Y Intensive care patient assessment page 112

HP7016Y Intensive care patient management page 112

HP7017X Leading change in mental health practice (AHP) page 114

HP7018X Management survival (AHP) page 115

MCHM7001 Maternal and child health determinants (AHP) page 116

AP7029X Mentorship for practice (NMC Mentor – stage 2) (NMC Approved Programme) page 117

PT7003 MSc Research project page 117

HP7032Y Palliative care for children, young people and families (subject to validation) (AHP) page 118

HP7026Y Pathophysiology and clinical reasoning (AHP) page 119

MCHM7006 Perinatal mental health (AHP) page 119

AP7027Y Practice teacher – practice educator (NMC mentor stage 3) (NMC Approved Programme) page 122

AP7028Y Practice teacher – specialist practitioner (NMC mentor stage 3) (NMC Approved Programme) page 122

HP7029V Preparation of supervisors of midwives programme page 123

AP7025Z Prescribing for AHPs (subject to validation) (AHP) (NMC Approved Programme) page 123

HP7020X Pressure ulcers: prevention and management (AHP) page 123

AP7018Y Psychosocial interventions (AHP) page 126

AP7019X Recovery orientated care (AHP) page 127

HP7028Y Renal dialysis: Principles of care page 127

HP7027Y Renal dysfunction: Complexities of care page 128

MRDM101X Research methods page 129

HP7033X Safeguarding children – an interdisciplinary approach (subject to validation) (AHP) page 130

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MCHM7007 Sexual health and well-being across the lifespan (AHP) page 130

HP7034X Transitions and adolescent care (subject to validation) (AHP) page 131

HP7021X Trauma care – initial assessment and management (AHP) page 132

HP7023X Work-based learning (AHP) page 132

HP7024Y Work-based learning (AHP) page 132

AP7020Y Working with families, carers and significant others (AHP) page 133

HP7025Y Wound management: clinical challenges (AHP) page 134

Medical Imaging (Mammography) PgCert/PgDip/MSc

RA7001 Advanced practice - negotiated independent work-based learning (AHP) page 99

RA7002 Advanced principles and practice of breast interventional technique (AHP) page 100

RA7003 Clinical breast examination and client communication (AHP) page 103

RA7005a Cross sectional imaging – diagnostic (AHP) page 105

RA7006 Dissertation (for postgraduate radiography MSc) (AHP) page 107

RA7009 Interpretation and reporting in mammography (AHP) page 113

RA7010 Management of resources and quality within healthcare (AHP) page 115

Oncology Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc

RA7001 Advanced practice – negotiated independent work-based learning (AHP) page 99

RA7005b Cross sectional imaging – therapeutic (AHP) page 106

RA7006 Dissertation (for postgraduate radiography MSc) (AHP) page 107

RA7010 Management of resources and quality within healthcare (AHP) page 115

RA7012 Practice education and mentorship (AHP) page 121

RA7015 Research and evidence based practice in healthcare (AHP) page 128

Breast Evaluation PgCert/PgDip/MSc

RA7012 Practice education and mentorship (AHP) page 121

RA7013 Professional practice in mammography 1 (AHP) page 124

RA7014 Professional practice in mammography 2 (AHP) page 124

RA7015 Research and evidence based practice in healthcare (AHP) page 128

RA7016 Ultrasound of the breast (AHP) page 132

Medical Imaging PgCert/PgDip/MSc

RA7001 Advanced practice – negotiated independent work-based learning (AHP) page 99

RA7005a Cross sectional imaging – diagnostic (AHP) page 105

RA7006 Dissertation (for postgraduate radiography MSc) (AHP) page 107

RA7010 Management of resources and quality within healthcare (AHP) page 115

RA7015 Research and evidence based practice in healthcare (AHP) page 128

RA7012 Practice education and mentorship page 121

Professional Development in Social Work PgCert

SW7019 Adulthood, development and transitions (social work with adults) page 98

SW7020 Frameworks for effective safeguarding practice with adults page 110

SW7018 Frameworks for effective safeguarding practice with children and families page 110

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Course directory

Professional Education and Training PgCert/PgDip/MA

SW7023 International social work: models and practice page 113

SW7030 Leading and managing people in social work practice page 114

SW7014 Mentoring, coaching and advanced assessment of professional practice page 117

SW7012 Planning and delivery of training page 119

SW7010 Practice education stage 1 page 121

SW7011 Practice education stage 2 page 121

SW7009 Psychology of teaching and learning page 125

SW7013 Supervision of professional practice page 131

Professional Development in Social Work GradCert

SW7010 Practice education stage 1 page 121

SW7011 Practice education stage 2 page 121

SW7009 Psychology of teaching and learning page 125

SW7013 Supervision of professional practice page 131

SW7024 Bringing theory and research into practice page 101

SW7016 Final research project page 109

SW6103 Effective written professional communication in social work page 75

SW6101 Progression in practice 1 – assessed and supported year in employment (ASYE) page 87

SW6102 Progression in practice 2 – consolidation (level 6) page 88

SW7102 Progression in practice 2 – consolidation (level 7) page 125

Practice Education PgCert

SW7010 Practice education stage 1 page 121

SW7011 Practice education stage 2 page 121

Advanced Social Work MA

SW7019 Adulthood, development and transitions (social work with adults) page 98

SW7024 Bringing theory and research into practice page 101

SW7010 Practice education stage 1 page 121

SW7011 Practice education stage 2 page 121

SW7009 Psychology of teaching and learning page 125

SW7013 Supervision of professional practice page 131

SW7024 Bringing theory and research into practice page 101

SW7016 Final research project page 109

SW6103 Effective written professional communication in social work page 75

SW6101 Progression in practice 1 – assessed and supported year in employment (ASYE) page 87

SW6102 Progression in practice 2 – consolidation (level 6) page 88

SW7102 Progression in practice 2 – consolidation (level 7) page125

SW7018 Frameworks for effective safeguarding practice with children and families page 110

SW7023 International social work: models and practice page 113

SW7030 Leading and managing people in social work practice page 114

SW7014 Mentoring, coaching and advanced assessment of professional practice page 117

SW7012 Planning and delivery of training page 119

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Course directory

Study days information Visit and enter the module code in the search field to view the most up-to-date information. Alternatively, view the module information on the page indicated under each title below or email [email protected]. View page 17 for more information about our flexible approach to workforce development.


Academic practice

This study day/workshop will prepare and develop students’ study skills. It is a great course if students are planning to study at level 5 or 6 for the first time. We recommend students undertake this short course if they have not studied in the past five years. It will build students’ confidence in literature searching, reviewing and writing skills. The course includes a supporting learning package that acts as a continuing resource. There is a short essay to write following the attendance period and the short course facilitator will give students feedback on their written work so they are well prepared for commencing the modules in the undergraduate Healthcare Practice programme. A certificate of attendance will be issued on completion.Audience: Health and social care practitioners/professionals considering diploma, degree or continuing professional education, or those wishing to undertake study activity for PREP.Duration: 2 half teaching days over 2 weeksStudy day leader: Clare EmeryEmail: [email protected]


Administration of injections yearly update for healthcare assistants

This study day/workshop will review the previous year’s influenza campaign. It will provide information on administration of the nasal influenza vaccine to children and what you need to know to undertake this role safely. It will also give you information about current issues related to immunisation, anaphylaxis and basic life support training. Specific topics also include injection technique refresher and subcutaneous, intramuscular Q&A session. A certificate will be provided as proof of study upon completion.Audience: This course is designed for healthcare assistants who have completed a two or three day influenza, pneumococcal and B12 injection training course. As recommended by the NMC National Minimum Standards and Core Curriculum for Immunisation Training for Healthcare Support Workers.Duration: 1 teaching dayStudy day leader: Francina Hyatt Email: [email protected]


AHPs – an introduction to mentorship – 3 days

This study day/workshop will establish the student’s ability to successfully manage and evaluate the learning environment, facilitate learning, coach and teach, supervise in practice, act as an agent of change and maintain quality in both the learning and supervision process. Students will establish their capacity to promote evidence-based learning for all: learners/students, service users, carers and colleagues, within a culture of interprofessional practice.Audience: This introductory course enables health and social care practitioners/professionals to develop their skills, knowledge and approaches as mentors.Duration: 3 teaching days over 2 weeksStudy day leader: Trish Griffin Email: [email protected]


Assisting with minor surgery/medical procedures for healthcare assistants

This study day/workshop will enable the student to learn the correct procedures to assist a registered clinician with minor surgery and medical procedures. Specific topics include: • Obtaining valid consent and being the

patients’ advocate • Confidentiality • Chaperoning – what you need to know • Infection prevention and control update,

including effective hand washing, sharp injuries, dealing with spillages, and safe management of equipment and disposal waste

• Aseptic non-touch technique • Preparation of specimens for

investigation by the pathology laboratory • Post procedure advice and follow up • Recognition and management of fainting,

incident reporting • Competency assessment and use of

protocolsAudience: Healthcare assistants who have completed a Trust Healthcare Assistant Development programme or equivalent. All applicants must have a named nurse or medical mentor.Duration: 1 teaching dayStudy day leader: Francina Hyatt Email: [email protected]


Based on Bridges individual practitioner training – Self-management in people with long term and neurological conditions

This study day/workshop will enable students to develop the skills, knowledge and effective strategies required to work at an individual/personal level to promote self-management and active participation in people with long term and neurological conditions (from acute to episodic care). Students will complete an initial workshop of six hours, which is then followed by athree to four hour workshop three months later.

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Course directory

Specific topics include:• Explore model of self-management to

support patient’s ongoing progress and goals

• Theory, research and policy in chronic disease self-management

• Training reflects a shift towards more personalised healthcare where patients are supported to decide what is best for them

• Learn about practical methods of enhancing patient’s self-efficacy and achieving greater control over their lives

• Completion of a case reflection during the intervening months

Audience: Frontline staff in acute or community settings, working with people with neurological or long-term conditions.Duration: 10 hours teaching over 2 daysStudy day leader: Fiona Jones Email: [email protected]


Based on Bridges MDT training – Self-management in people with long term and neurological conditions (for 10 participants)

This study day/workshop will enable students to develop the skills, knowledge and effective strategies required to work at an individual/personal level to promote self-management and active participation in people with long term and neurological conditions from acute to episodic care. Students will complete an initial workshop of six hours, which is then followed by a three to four hour workshop three months later. The study day will be completed in multidisciplinary team workshops: minimum 10 participants and maximum 25 participants.

Specific topics include:• Explore model of self-management to

support patient’s ongoing progress and goals

• Theory, research and policy in chronic disease self-management

• Training reflects a shift towards more personalised heathcare where patients are supported to decide what is best for them

• Learn about practical methods of enhancing patient’s self-efficacy and achieving greater control over their lives

• Completion of a case reflection during the intervening months

Audience: Frontline staff in acute or community settings, working with people with neurological or long-term conditions.Duration: 10 hours teaching over 2 daysStudy day leader: Fiona Jones Email: [email protected]


Child immunisation – two day foundation

This study day/workshop will equip students with the knowledge required to answer parents’ and carers’ questions and provide child immunisation safely and effectively – initially under supervision. Specific topics include:• Vaccines for preventable diseases• Current public health issues• National immunisation schedule• Storage and handling of vaccines• Medico-legal issues surrounding

vaccinationThis study day includes a practice based assessment.

Audience: Practice nurses. You must pass both the theory and practical aspects of the study day before immunising.Duration: 2 consecutive teaching daysStudy day leader: Kirsty Armstrong Email: [email protected]


Child immunisation – update

This study day/workshop will provide an update of children’s immunisation. Students must complete the ‘Child Immunisation Two Day Foundation’ course before they can take this study day/workshop. Specific topics include:• Local and national statistics• New vaccines• Topical issues• Revision of anaphylaxisAudience: Practice nurses who have already attended the study day ‘Child immunisation – two day foundation’. It is recommended that all nurses involved in the immunisation of children attend an update every two years. Up to date knowledge and practice of intramuscular injection techniques are pre-requisites for this study day.Duration: 1 teaching dayStudy day leader: Kirsty Armstrong Email: [email protected]


Classic Bridges individual practitioner training – Self-management in people with stroke

This study day/ workshop will enable students to develop the skills, knowledge and effective strategies required to work at an individual/personal level to promote self-management and active participation in people with stroke from acute to episodic care. Students will complete an initial workshop of six hours, which is then followed by a four to five hour workshop three months later. Specific topics include:• Open workshop for individual

practitioners• Theory, research and policy in stroke and

self-management• Applying self-management theory to

patients they work with• Practical experience of communication

skills needed to support self-management in patients

• Use of the stroke workbook, a patient’s personalised record of progress and goals

• Use of the carers booklet to accompany the stroke workbook

• Completion of a case reflection during the intervening months

• Five copies of the stroke workbook and carers booklet are provided to each participant

Audience: Health and social care practitioners/professionals working with stroke survivors in acute or community settingsDuration: 10 hours over 2 daysStudy day leader: Fiona Jones Email: [email protected]

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Course directory


Classic Bridges MDT training – Self-management in people with stroke (for 10 participants)

This study day/workshop will enable students to develop the skills, knowledge and effective strategies required to work at an individual/personal level to promote self-management and active participation in people with stroke from acute to episodic care. Students will complete an initial workshop of six hours, which is then followed by a four to five hour workshop three months later. Specific topics include:• Multidisciplinary team workshops

minimum 10 participants and maximum 25 participants

• Theory, research and policy in stroke and self-management.

• Applying self-management theory to patients they work with

• Practical experience of communication skills needed to support self-management in patients

• Use of the stroke workbook, a patients’ personalised record of progress and goals

• Use of the carers booklet to accompany the stroke workbook

• Completion of a case reflection during the intervening months

• Five copies of the stroke workbook and carers booklet are provided to each participant

Audience: Health and social care practitioners/professionals working with stroke survivors in acute or community settings.Duration: 10 hours over 2 daysStudy day leader: Fiona Jones Email: [email protected]


Clinical supervision for supervisors

This study day/workshop will examine the principles of clinical supervision and explore how to implement them in the students’ own environments. The emphasis will be on reflective practice and there will be opportunities to experience the roles of both supervisor and supervisee in group and one-to-one sessions.Audience: Supervisors of healthcare in a practice setting.Duration: 2 consecutive teaching daysStudy day leader: Kathryn Yates Email: [email protected]


Complex critical thinking

This study day/workshop will develop students complex critical thinking skills and ability to apply these skills to a practice issue and create benefit. It will also challenge participants to model these skills within their teams. This study day/workshop aims to create a community of innovators in practice, link practice and theory more closely, enable the participant to gain insight into their own learning needs and to be able to create realistic action plans. The workshop is in two parts and comprises two days, a few weeks apart. Participants are facilitated to work through a scenario related to practice and identify the facts, questions, issues and themes. Students can create their own scenario or samples can be provided. They will then work alone or in small groups to research a theme and present a seminar at the next workshop session.

Audience: Registered nurses, midwives and health visitorsDuration: 2 teaching days over 4 weeksStudy day leader: Carmel Blackie Email: [email protected]


Data analysis and interpretation of results using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS)

This study day/workshop will equip students with an introduction to the use of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and enable them to select the most appropriate statistical methods in order to analyse, interpret and present their search findings. Students will learn to differentiate between the different types of variables in research design and analysis and decide on the most appropriate type of statistics for the project. Students will initiate SPSS files, define variables and prepare data for analysis. They will apply descriptive and inferential statistics and discuss various methods of hypothesis. By the end of the course students will be able to interpret and write up the results using tables, graphs, histograms and scatter graphs.Audience: Health and social care practitioners/professionals involved in research in their job or studies who want to learn how to analyse research data.Duration: 2 consecutive teaching daysStudy day leader: Ahmed Younis Email: [email protected]


Delirium and dementia: caring for the confused adult in the acute care setting

This study day/workshop will give the student practical tips for improving the care of people who have symptoms of delirium and/or dementia. With dementia and delirium together affecting one in four patients in acute hospitals, all healthcare and support staff will require an increased understanding of these conditions and how to address the challenges. Specific topics include:• Recognising and responding to delirium

and an overview of dementia• Creating an environment that will

minimise confusion• Developing communication strategies to

assist patients who have symptoms of delirium and/or dementia

• Supporting eating and hydration• Recognising and managing pain• Understanding and responding to

distressAudience: Healthcare practitioners and support staffDuration: 1 teaching dayStudy day leader: Angela Richardson Email: [email protected]

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Dementia care for healthcare assistants

This study day/workshop will increase the students awareness of dementia/delirium. It will aid their confidence in responding effectively to individuals and families affected by dementia/delirium. Specific topics include:• The nature of dementia and its common

effects on individuals • The differences between dementia and

delirium • The key principles for effective

communication with people with dementia or those with confusion

• The key factors that can cause emotionaldistress for people with dementia • Responses to prevent and reduce

incidences of distressAudience: Healthcare assistantsDuration: 1 teaching dayStudy day leader: Angela Richardson Email: [email protected]


Designing your research, data collection and analysis

Kingston and St George’s joint Faculty can provide a training workshop/package tailored to students requirements, to support a team undertaking a research, service evaluation, audit project. Kingston and St George’s staff include experts in study design, sample size calculations, ethical conduct, data collection, data analysis, statistical software and reporting. This package provides on-site training tailored to a specific project. Staff can also provide additional ongoing support

to a project as it proceeds, or run the data analysis on a business’ behalf. Please note that running the data analysis on a business’ behalf, or at a site outside London, will incur additional costs and can be quoted for separately. This package/workshop is designed for groups of 10 working on the same or closely related projects. However, Kingston and St George’s can also provide a quote for different group sizes on request. Audience: Health and social care practitioners/professionals, researchers, clinical audit staff and managers who must have experience of working in healthcare with basic computer skills.Duration: 1 teaching dayStudy day leader: Robert Grant Email: [email protected]


Developing leadership skills – programme for band 5 and 6 staff

Gain a framework through which the concepts of leadership will be explored and contextualised. The course will be delivered over three and a half days. By the end of day two you will have identified an aspect within your work environment that requires improvement, which you will discuss with the other participants during a half-day action learning set on day three. On the final day, you will be asked to present your suggested improvements to the group.Audience: Band 5 and Band 6 staff. This study day is primarily aimed at staff who are not currently managing others.Duration: 3.5 daysStudy day leader: Judith Francois Email: [email protected]


Diabetic foot care and assessment essentials for healthcare assistants

This study day/workshop will examine diabetic foot care and essentials for healthcare assistance. Specific topics include: • What is diabetes, prevalence and signs,

symptoms• Blood glucose control and medication• Recognition of hypoglycaemia and

hyperglycaemia and its treatment and management

• Review of national guidance and resources

• Common diabetic foot problems including peripheral vascular disease, peripheral neuropathy, infection, ulceration

• Undertaking a foot inspection and recognising when to seek advice

• Palpating foot pulses practical• Understanding the role of the foot care

team including podiatrist, diabetic specialist nurse, dietician, occupational therapist and healthcare assistant and prevention • Macrovascular and microvascular

complications Audience: This course is suitable for healthcare assistants who assist a registered nurse or GP in the care and management of a patient with diabetes

Duration: 1 teaching dayStudy day leader: Francina Hyatt and Janet Paish Email: [email protected] and [email protected]


Ear care

This module/study day will provide students with ear examination skills in a safe environment using models. The study day/workshop will consist of comprehensive lectures with visual aids. There will be opportunities for students to examine ears under supervision and they will also be able to see and try out the different types of equipment available for ear syringing. Specific topics include:• Anatomy and physiology of the ear• Indications and contraindications• Medico-legal aspects of ear syringing• Examination of the ear• How to syringe an ear• Maintaining equipment• Opportunity to try out equipmentAudience: Healthcare practitioners working with clients with ear problemsDuration: 1 teaching dayStudy day leader: Kirsty Armstrong Email: [email protected]

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ECGs for healthcare assistants

This study day/workshop will provide students the opportunity to develop their knowledge of ECGs for practice. Specific topics include: • Anatomy and physiology of the heart• The conduction system and the cardiac

cycle• Pulse taking and recognising an abnormal

pulse • Principles of electrocardiography • Recording of 12 lead ECGs• Sinus rhythm and abnormal heart rhythm• ECG diagnosis in patients with chest painAudience: Healthcare assistantsDuration: 1 teaching dayStudy day leader: Francina Hyatt and Emma Menzies-Gow Email: [email protected] and [email protected]


HCA essential skills and knowledge

This study day/workshop provides students the opportunity to learn the correct procedures and skills to safely work as a healthcare assistant (HCA) in the healthcare setting. This innovative course has been designed to utilise our skills laboratories to enable HCAs to link theory with practice.This seven day training course incorporates the new Care Certificate Standards. Specific topics include:• Promoting effective communication,

including confidentiality and consent• Person-centred compassionate care,

including chaperone training• Health and safety including first aid


• Introduction to infection control • Duty of care and being accountable for

your acts and omissions, including record keeping

• Medicines management and cold chain including administering medication practical

• Dementia and cognitive awareness• Equality and diversity awareness

Practical sessions include the following basic theory:

• Taking an accurate blood pressure, pulse, respiration, temperature and an introduction to early warning score charts/hypertension monitoring

• Measuring height and weight and calculating a BMI

• Hand washing and aseptic non touch technique

• Peak flow monitoring and inhaler technique

• Blood glucose monitoring• Adult basic life support, defibrillation and

management of the unconscious patient• Understanding urine dipstick testingAudience: This course is designed for healthcare assistants (HCA) who have been working for 2 years or less or who have never undertaken an HCA induction/development program. All applicants must have a named nurse mentor who will have access to a mentor support package and support from the lead lecturer.Duration: 7 teaching days over 3 weeksStudy day leader: Francina Hyatt Email: [email protected]


Infection control update for healthcare assistants

This study day/workshop will update and develop students knowledge and skills relating to infection control in the work place. Specific topics include:• Understand where to obtain infection

control information • Provide an update in infection control

measures in the work place • Understand the principles of infection

control and the importance of maintaining a high standard of infection control at all times

• Knowledge and skills to be able to practice safely and prevent cross infection within their own work

• Awareness of where to seek advice and guidance and the associated legislation

• Practical workshops including hand washing and aseptic technique practice

All students must attend the study day/workshop in uniform or bare below the elbow, closed shoes and hair tied back as we will be working in the skills laboratory.Audience: Healthcare assistants who work in a clinical care environmentDuration: 1 teaching dayStudy day leader: Francina Hyatt and Annie Spalton Email: [email protected] / [email protected]: N/A


Injection training for healthcare assistants

This study day/workshop will provide knowledge of the correct procedures to safely administer influenza, pneumonia and B12 injections to the adult patient. Specific topics include:• Immunology, anatomy and physiology• Risk groups and criteria for immunisation• Documentation, valid consent and accountability• Infection prevention and control• Administration of medicines• Administration of injections• AnaphylaxisAudience: Healthcare assistants with over two years’ experience who have completed a trust-based healthcare assistant development programme or equivalent. NVQ level 3 is also desirable. All applicants must have a named nurse mentor who will have to attend the pre-course workshop.Duration: 2.5 teaching days over 2 weeksStudy day leader: Francina Hyatt Email: [email protected]


Introduction of research methods for health and social care

This study day/workshop will develop students critical, evaluative and reflective approach to literature and research methods and processes as related to health and social care settings. They will learn how to analyse and review literature in order to formulate research questions and use appropriate research methods and data analysis techniques in relation to different types of research question. By the end of the course students will be

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able to formulate a research proposal, and examine the contribution of research evidence to aspects of practice.Audience: Health and social care practitioners/professionals involved in research in their job or studies who want to learn how to start their research project.Duration: 1 teaching dayStudy day leader: Ahmed Younis Email: [email protected]


Introduction to spirometry for healthcare assistants

This study day/workshop will provide an introduction to spirometry for healthcare assistants. The study day covers spirometry and its purpose, as well as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). It also examines further specific topics about preparation of equipment for testing, including:Infection control • Cleaning the transducer, maintaining a

cleaning log• Hand hygiene, cleaning equipment

between patients• Use of mouthpieces with one way valvePreparing the patient for testing• Contra indications to spirometry• Spirometry check list• Patient measurements (height, weight,

SpO2, BP)• Instructions for patients having

spirometry (leaflets/letters)The spirometry test• Relaxed blows (monitoring for quality and reproducibility)• Forced blows (how to recognise a good

blow, when to repeat a blow, monitoring for reproducibility)

• Graphs (how to recognise a good trace)• Recording values on paper to monitor

test qualityPractical• Accuracy checking• Carrying out the test• Running a spirometry clinicStudents are asked to bring their spirometer to the session for the practical component if they have oneAudience: Healthcare assistants who have completed a Trust Healthcare Assistant Development programme or equivalent. All applicants must have a named nurse or medical mentor.Duration: 1 teaching dayStudy day leader: Francina HyattGuest lecturer: Karen Grindrod Respiratory Specialist Nurse Email: [email protected]


Introduction to statistics in healthcare

This study day/workshop provides understanding of terminology to critique existing statistics and analyses within the healthcare context. The emphasis throughout is on practical skills for understanding and critiquing statistics, rather than conducting primary research. Mathematics is avoided in favour of an intuitive understanding of the critical thought processes in data analysis.A broad overview of statistical methods is provided and expert teachers guide participants through a series of exercises to apply the theory to critical appraisal of the statistics in published papers. Additionally, sessions on meta-analysis and/or data analysis software can be added, depending on the students’ requirements.

In these options, different software packages are introduced, their strengths and weaknesses outlined, and they are guided through basic analyses to gain familiarity.Audience: Health and social care practitioners/professionals, researchers, clinical audit staff and managers.Duration: 2 consecutive teaching daysStudy day leader: Robert Grant Email: [email protected]


Introduction to wound care management for healthcare assistants

This study day/workshop provides healthcare assistants with an introduction to wound care management. Specific topics include:• Wound healing process and identify

factors that may influence this process • Factors to be considered when

undertaking a holistic assessment of a client with a wound

• Issues related to wound cleansing • Priorities of wound management • Awareness of the variety of wound

dressing products and when they would be used

Audience: Healthcare assistants who work in a clinical care environmentDuration: 1 teaching dayStudy day leader: Michelle McBride Email: [email protected]


IV drug administration

This study day/workshop covers a range of topics relating to the theory and principles underpinning the practice of intravenous (IV) drug administration. Students will be

required to complete a workbook on issues relating to intravenous therapy and a drug calculation test. Specific topics include:• The professional context – IV therapy• Applied pharmacology• Infection control issues• Intravenous therapy and risk managementAudience: Qualified nurses who wish to expand their role in this area of drug administrationDuration: 1 teaching dayStudy day leader: Annie Tibbles Email: [email protected]


Non-invasive ventilation

This study day/workshop examines knowledge surrounding non-invasive ventilation (NIV). Specific topics include:• Indications for use of non-invasive

ventilation• Machines, modes, circuits and interfaces• Initiating NIV• Complications of NIV• Weaning NIV• British Thoracic Society Guidelines and

Recommendations for Practice• Practical workshopAudience: Healthcare practitioners working within the acute care setting caring for patients requiring any form of non-invasive ventilation (NIV)Duration: 1 teaching dayStudy day leader: Rosie Maundrill Email: [email protected]

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Prescribing update

This study day/workshop will provide students with an update on the legal professional and accountability issues of non-medical prescribing including, for example, prescribing for children, remote prescribing (botox) and the impact on service delivery. Students will learn how to develop their history recording skills and gain a greater understanding of concordance. The day will use scenarios to review clinical decision making and discuss how non-medical prescribing is likely to change in the future.Audience: Nurses with a recorded prescribing qualification (V300) but would also be useful for other professions currently prescribing e.g. pharmacists, physiotherapists, radiographers and podiatristsDuration: 1 teaching dayStudy day leader: Heather Hurst and Steven Beach Email: [email protected] and [email protected]


Prevention of pressure ulcers

This study day/workshop will provide students with knowledge about the prevention of pressure ulcers. Specific topics include:• Causes of pressure injury – an update• Risk assessment • Professional and legal issues• Equipment selection

• Practical sessions: air mattresses – issues and problems; trouble shooting; foam support surface and covers – use and maintenance; the basics of seating and assessment

Audience: Participants must work in a practice setting where there are clients at risk of developing a pressure ulcerDuration: 1 teaching dayStudy day leader: Gillian Pedley Email: [email protected]


Recognising the signs and symptoms of a deteriating adult patient and management for healthcare assistants

This study day/workshop will provide students the opportunity to learn or refresh their knowledge of how to recognise a deteriorating patient and emergency skills.This study day/workshop is a very practical hands-on event, run in the skills and simulation training facilities. Specific topics include:• Recognition and management of a

patient with anaphylaxis• Recognition of level of consciousness

including use of assessment tools• Recognition and management of the

patient in cardiac arrest including BLS and use of an automated external defibrillator

• Management of a patient who has fainted• Management of a choking patient• Recognition and management of a

patient in respiratory distress• Recognition and management of a

patient who is bleedingAudience: Healthcare assistants who work in a clinical care environmentDuration: 1 teaching day

Study day leader: Francina Hyatt Email: [email protected]


School nurse immunisation update

This study day/workshop will provide students with knowledge of immunisations from a school nurse perspective. Specific topics include: • Fraser competency• Consent• Immunising in non-clinical areas• Cold chain and storage• The national schedule• Basic immunology• Vaccine sites• Scenarios• HPV vaccine• BCG and the administration of the

vaccineAudience: School nursesDuration: 1 teaching dayStudy day leader: Kirsty Armstrong Email: [email protected]


Set of online videos offering an online primer in using SPSS/Stata/R Commander software for data analysis

This study day/workshop will provide students with a series of online videos demonstrating and introducing the data analysis software packages: SPSS, Stata, and R Commander (priced and accessed separately). These are accompanied by example datasets and self-assessment quizzes with instant and detailed feedback. Audience: Health and social care practitioners/professionals, researchers, clinical audit staff and managers.

Duration: Available online throughout 2015/2016.Study day leader: Robert Grant Email: [email protected]


Short course in leg ulcer management

This study day/workshop will provide students with knowledge and skills in leg ulcer management. Specific topics include:• Aetiology of leg ulceration• Assessment of clients• Doppler ultrasound and compression

bandaging• Health promotion• Wound managementStudents are not expected to be competent in the skills of Doppler ultrasound and compression bandaging by the end of these three study days.Audience: Healthcare practitioners working in hospital, community, residential care or GP surgery settings.Duration: 3 teaching days over 2 weeksStudy day leader: Michelle McBride Email: [email protected]


Therapeutic engagement

This study day/workshop will examine therapeutic engagement. It will enhance students’ knowledge about therapeutic engagement, promote clinical skills and further develop professional attitudes to ensure service users are treated with dignity and respect. It will teach students that service users are

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Travel health – update

This study day/workshop will comprise of an update on the epidemiology of disease, recent outbreaks and the management of complex travel consultations. It will also address public health issues, give an update on malaria prophylaxis and prevention and provide resources for further information. It will review vaccine storage and administration, and anaphylaxis and basic life support. There will also be reference to delegating and audit in travel health and what to look out for in the returned traveller.Audience: Healthcare practitioners who are planning to give travel advice or immunise and/or those who would like to increase their knowledge about travel healthDuration: 1 teaching dayStudy day leader: Kirsty Armstrong Email: [email protected]


Venepuncture and cannulation

This study day/workshop will provide an overview and explore best practice in both venepuncture and cannulation to prepare students for supervised practice. Specific topics include:• Professional issues• Infection control• Patient assessment• Basic anatomy of the arm and veins• Principles of practice – venepuncture and

cannulation• Simulated skill practice

Audience: Healthcare practitioners interested in venepuncture and cannulation. Healthcare assistants interested in venepuncture.Duration: half teaching dayStudy day leader: Emily Marron Email: [email protected]


Wound management

This study day/workshop will cover knowledge regarding wound management. Specific topics include:• Wound healing and factors affecting the

healing process• Wound assessment• Wound cleansing• Wound dressing productsAudience: Healthcare practitioners working in hospital, community, residential care or GP surgery settings who are involved with managing woundsDuration: 1 teaching dayStudy day leader: Adèle Atkinson Email: [email protected]

Visit and type in the course code to find out more information. Alternatively, you can email [email protected]

considered partners in their journey of recovery and have access to therapeutic engagement to maximise their potential. Specific topics include: • Better understand the importance of

dignity and respect• Discuss and demonstrate the elements of

therapeutic relationships• Articulate the importance of partnership

relationships• Demonstrate high levels of empathic

understanding• Describe Heron’s six categories of

interventions• Demonstrate competency in the use of

Heron’s six categories• Describe the philosophy of brief solution

focused therapy• Demonstrate the skills of brief solution

focused therapy• Critically analyse their own performance

and that of their peers• Demonstrate the skills of reflective

practiceAudience: Health and social care practitioners/professionals, in particular A&E, renal and mental health nurses/practitionersDuration: 4 days over 15 weeksStudy day leader: Mary Chambers Email: [email protected]


Tracheostomy study day

This study day/workshop will cover tracheostomy. Specific topics include:• Indications for tracheostomy placement• Tracheostomy placement • Types of tracheostomy tube• Airway management, suctioning,


• Swallowing and communication• Weaning and decannulation• Emergency care of the patient with a

tracheostomy• Practical scenariosAudience: Healthcare practitioners working in the acute care setting caring for patients with a tracheostomyDuration: 1 teaching dayStudy day leader: Rosie Maundrill Email: [email protected]


Travel health – two day foundation

This study day/workshop will provide a foundation knowledge of travel health. Specific topics include:• Immunology• Malaria in practice • How to set up a travel clinic• Diseases spread by insects• Animal bites – snakes, rabies• Accidents• Diarrhoea – diagnosis, treatment and

prevention• Patient group direction• The returned traveller• Common diseases around the world

encountered by travellers There will be a multiple choice questionnaire and practical assessment to complete after the study days.Audience: These study days are ideal if you are planning to give travel advice or immunise. They are also suitable if you would like to increase your knowledge about travel health.Duration: 2 consecutive teaching daysStudy day leader: Kirsty Armstrong Email: [email protected]

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Module information

Undergraduate programmes


12 lead ECG interpretation

This technology enhanced module will develop experienced healthcare practitioners’ ability to use a 12 Lead Electrocardiogram (ECG) as an assessment tool in clinical practice. It will enable students to gain confidence in ECG interpretation developing knowledge relating to cardiac physiology and the principles of electrocardiography. It will also provide understanding of the criteria associated with conditions commonly observed on the ECG. The course is also offered as a postgraduate (level 7) award. Audience: Experienced healthcare practitioners, such as nurses and paramedics, wishing to develop their ability to use a 12 Lead ECG as an assessment tool in clinical practice. Students should be healthcare practitioners who use the 12 Lead ECG as a regular part of client assessment.

Duration: 10 half-days (teaching) over 10 weeks Credits: 15 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare Practice DipHE/GradCert/BSc


Acute medicine in practice

This module will develop participants’ understanding of the assessment and evidence-based management of acutely unwell patients with complex medical conditions.The module builds on the knowledge gained through the ‘Acutely Unwell Adult’ undergraduate module and is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills required to expedite effective management of patients with complex medical needs. The course is also offered as a postgraduate (level 7) award.Audience: Students should be working within an acute medicine environment where there is frequent opportunity to assess and manage patients with acute and complex medical needs. Students should normally have completed the ‘Acutely unwell adult’ undergraduate module or equivalent.

Duration: 10 teaching days over 10 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 6Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Acutely unwell adult

This module will enable students to develop confidence and competence in the prioritised assessment and management of the acutely unwell adult patient. Using a flexible, technology enhanced approach, this core module will enable students to deliver high quality, evidence-based care which focuses on the timely recognition, effective assessment and appropriate management of this challenging patient group. The course is also offered as a postgraduate (level 7) award.Audience: Nurses and other registered healthcare practitioners, such as paramedics, who wish to develop their knowledge and skills in caring for acutely ill patientsDuration: 10 teaching days plus exam over 11 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 6Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Adaptation to midwifery programme

This module will focus on planning and promoting nursing care in partnership with the patient and their family/carers, and

collaboratively with other professionals involved in midwifery care. This is a flexible module designed to meet the varying educational needs of participants, based on their previous experience in academia or in their profession, to meet the requirements set by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC).Audience: Overseas adult, mental health, learning disability and children’s nurses or midwives looking to adapt their practice and to register with the NMC. The adaption to midwifery programme is either for applicants who trained in an EU or EAA member state or for applicants who trained outside of EuropeDuration: 9 full teaching days over 9 weeks or 14 half days (teaching) over 10 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 6Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Adolescence – transition to adulthood

This module will develop participants’ understanding of young people’s care needs for the period from childhood to adulthood particularly those with long term health conditions or a progressively life-limiting disease. This module will explore the transition period in its broadest sense covering cultural concepts, multi-agency working, approaches to support and ensuring young person centred approaches. This module is for health and social care practitioners wishing to develop a deeper understanding of this period

Visit and enter the module code in the search field to view the most up-to-date information. Alternatively, view the module information on the page indicated under each title below or email [email protected]. View page 17 for more information about our flexible approach to workforce development.

Module information is listed below in alphabetical order. For a quick overview of all modules offered by Kingston and St George’s joint Faculty, view the module index on page 22.

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and the care required. The transition from childhood to adulthood for some young people presents a range of challenges. Audience: Health or social care practitioners/professionals working with or planning to work with adolescents/young people. Duration: 5 teaching days Credits: 15 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Anaesthetic care: specialist practice

This module will provide the opportunity for healthcare practitioners to develop enhanced clinical skills and knowledge to provide appropriate and effective care to patients undergoing anaesthesia. Audience: Healthcare practitioners, such as anaesthetic nurses and operating department practitioners, who are working in anaesthetics and wish to further develop specialist knowledge and skills required to provide appropriate and effective care to patients undergoing anaesthesia.Practitioners should have a minimum of six months post-qualifying experience of working in anaesthetics and should also have completed the ‘Anaesthetic practice’ module or equivalent.Duration: 5 teaching days (plus exam) over 5 weeks Credits: 15 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Anaesthetic practice

This module will develop the clinical skills and knowledge base needed to be competent and effective as a practitioner

in all aspects of anaesthetic care. Practitioners who wish to develop their career in anaesthetics and the operating department should complete this module prior to undertaking the core module ‘Principles of perioperative practice’ and must successfully complete both modules to gain competence in anaesthetic practice.Practitioners should be on the anaesthetic rota from the beginning of the module.Audience: Healthcare practitioners working in the operating department who wish to develop a career in anaesthetics to enhance the care given to patients in the operating department Duration: 10 teaching days (plus exam) over 9 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 5/6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Applied neonatal pathophysiology

This module will enable students to increase their knowledge of applied neonatal pathophysiology and apply it to the care of infants in special, high dependency and intensive care settings.This module will allow the novice neonatal practitioner the necessary grounding in applied neonatal pathophysiology in which to develop and further their evidence-based practice. It is the first of four modules for healthcare practitioners working full-time or part-time within the neonatal unit that will enable the practitioner to be recognised as qualified in speciality (QIS). It is also designed as a standalone module for neonatal healthcare practitioners wishing to update

their knowledge and skills. The delivery of neonatal care is dependent upon the clinical skills of the practitioner, and the sound theoretical underpinning of neonatal anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology.Audience: Healthcare practitioners such as nurses, nursery nurses and paramedics with a minimum of three months neonatal care experience and have successfully completed a work-based orientation programme Duration: 5 teaching days over 2 weeks Credits: 15 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Applied neonatal pathophysiology/Neonatal special and transitional care

These two modules, aimed at healthcare practitioners working in neonatal care, have been developed to complement each other and are taken together. They can be taken as a pair of short courses, or as part of our practice specific award in neonatal critical care.

Applied neonatal pathophysiology: This module will enable students to increase their knowledge of applied neonatal pathophysiology and apply it to the care of infants in special, high dependency and intensive care settings. It is the first of four modules for healthcare practitioners working full-time or part-time within the neonatal unit that will enable the practitioner to be recognised as Qualified in Speciality (QIS). It is also designed as a standalone module for neonatal healthcare practitioners wishing to update their knowledge and skills. The delivery of neonatal care is dependent upon the

clinical skills of the practitioner, and the sound theoretical underpinning of neonatal anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology.This module will allow the novice neonatal practitioner the necessary grounding in applied neonatal pathophysiology in which to develop and further their evidence-based practice.

Neonatal special and transitional care:This module is the second of four modules for healthcare practitioners working full-time or part-time within the neonatal unit that will enable them to be recognised as Qualified in Speciality (QIS). The delivery of neonatal care to the special care infant is dependent both on the clinical skills of the healthcare practitioner and the development and maintenance of therapeutic relationships with the parents and the multi-disciplinary team through the use of appropriate communication and interpersonal skills. This module facilitates the development of reflective skills in order to provide and analyse the care to a special care baby and family. We may consider individual requests to take the ‘Applied neonatal pathophysiology’ module alone, however the ‘Neonatal special and transitional care’ module must always be taken along with the ‘Applied neonatal pathophysiology’ module.Audience: Healthcare practitioners such as nurses, nursery nurses and paramedics with a minimum of three months neonatal care experience and have successfully completed a work-based orientation programme Duration: 5 teaching days over 6 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert

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Applied pathophysiology in children

This module will enable health and social care practitioners to apply a sound theoretical underpinning of developmental anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology to the care of children with common illnesses/congenital defects requiring critical care. This module will develop students’ competence in delivering evidenced based practice.Audience: Nursing practitioners working within PICUs, general paediatric areas, A & E and HDUs caring for acutely ill children Duration: 5 teaching days over 2 weeks Credits: 15 Level: 6Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Applied pathophysiology in children/Acutely ill child

These two modules, aimed at healthcare practitioners working in children’s care have been developed to complement each other and are taken together.

Applied pathophysiology: This module will enable students to apply pathophysiology principles to the care of children with common paediatric presentations and congenital defects. The module serves as a core module for practitioners wishing to specialise in PICU and will be of relevance for those caring for acutely ill children in other settings. The ‘Applied pathophysiology in children’ module is for healthcare practitioners working with acutely ill children.

Acutely ill child: This module will act as a foundation to develop students’ knowledge and practice in caring for children who are at risk of becoming or are acutely ill. It will facilitate the development of reflective skills in order to provide and analyse the holistic and evidence-based care needed for a child and his/her family within a critical or acute care setting. Particular emphasis will be placed upon the skills to recognise, assess, stabilise and/or appropriately refer the acutely ill child. It suits nursing practitioners working within PICUs, general paediatric areas, A&E and HDUs.Audience: Nursing practitioners working within PICUs, general paediatric areas, A & E and HDUs caring for acutely ill children Duration: 10 teaching days over 9 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Cardiac care for paramedics

This module will enable students to effectively recognise, manage and refer patients with a range of cardiovascular diseases from the out-of-hospital setting to an appropriate care pathway. The module is designed to allow students to explore a range of topics relating to cardiovascular diseases encountered in the emergency, out of hospital care setting. It covers the presentation, pathophysiology, aetiology, epidemiology and initial management of patients presenting with these diseases. It is designed to offer the opportunity to explore the theory which underpins clinical paramedic management.

Audience: Registered paramedics with experience of working in the emergency out of hospital care setting Duration: 10 teaching days over 10 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 5 and 6 Course: Paramedic Practice BSc(Hons)


Cardiac care: principles and practice

The module will equip students with the knowledge and skills required to assess and deliver evidence-based care to patients with acute coronary syndromes, arrhythmias and heart failure. It will enable students to develop their knowledge and skills to care for patients with acute cardiac presentations. The course is also offered as a postgraduate (level 7) award.Audience: Healthcare practitioners working with adult patients in acute clinical settings, such as nurses and paramedics, who regularly care for patients with acute cardiac presentations Duration: 10 teaching days over 9 weeksCredits: 30 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Cardiac care: specialist practice

This module will enable students to develop the knowledge and skills required to care for complex cardiac patients in the acute setting. The course is also offered as a postgraduate (level 7) award.Audience: Healthcare practitioners should have a minimum of six months post-qualifying experience working in a relevant clinical setting and would normally have completed the undergraduate Cardiac care: principles and practice module or

Intensive care patient assessment module or equivalent. Duration: 10 teaching days over 11 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Children with complex and continuing care needs

This module facilitates discussion and the ongoing development of reflective skills in order to provide and analyse the care required by children with complex and continuing healthcare needs. The delivery of care to children with complex and continuing healthcare needs is dependent on both the clinical skills of the healthcare practitioner and the development and maintenance of therapeutic relationships with the parents and the multi-disciplinary team through the use of appropriate communication and interpersonal skills. This course is also available as a postgraduate (level 7) award. Audience: Healthcare practitioners who care for children with complex and continuing care needs in any healthcare setting Duration: 5 teaching days over 10 weeks Credits: 15 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Children with trauma or burns

This module will equip the healthcare practitioner with the knowledge and skills to effectively care for children and young people and their families with polytrauma,

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serious injury and/or burns. It will provide a forum to discuss contemporary issues, evidence-based practice and ethical issues of the on-going care of children transferred from the acute or critical care setting.It will allow practitioners to deepen their knowledge of the physical and psychological effects of major trauma and burns and explore evidence-based care.Audience: Healthcare practitioners working in an environment with children suffering polytrauma, serious injury and burns. Duration: 5 teaching days over 4 weeks Credits: 15 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Clinical decision making for paramedics

This module will further develop students’ understanding of the knowledge base, skills and factors that all contribute towards effective clinical decision making.This module is designed to allow students to explore the theories that underpin effective decision making in the clinical setting. A patient-centred approach will be used to explore the knowledge base and factors that can influence decision making in paramedic practice. Audience: Registered paramedics with experience of working in the emergency out of hospital care setting Duration: 10 teaching days over 10 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 5/6 Course: Paramedic Practice BSc(Hons)


Clinical reasoning in physical assessment: lifespan perspectives

This module will enable healthcare practitioners such as nurses, paramedics and physiotherapists to develop their knowledge and skills in clinical reasoning and physical examination techniques. Healthcare practitioners are provided with the opportunity to equip themselves to deliver a high standard of care in health assessment techniques, critically explore differential diagnosis and develop management plans that are evidence-based and in partnership with their client group. The emphasis of the module is on integrating subjective and objective data into the clinical reasoning process and on synthesis of evidential practice in the context of undifferentiated urgent care. The educational delivery and ethos of this module emphasises and builds on autonomous self-directed learning for independent practice. The course is also offered as a postgraduate (level 7) award.Audience: Registered healthcare practitioners working in an area where appropriate clinical mentorship will be provided (50 hours). Duration: 10 teaching days over 4 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 6Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Cognitive behaviour therapy for complex mental health needs/problems

This module will enable students to develop an evidence-based treatment model for complex needs using cognitive

approaches to assessment and intervention. It prepares healthcare professionals to both critically appraise the social, cultural, psychological and practical factors that influence the delivery of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to complex behaviours and disorders; and then use this insight to work collaboratively and therapeutically. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines now clearly recommend that psychological therapy is to be made available to clients with severe mental illness (SMI) and other complex behaviours and disorders as a matter of course. CBT has been overwhelmingly identified to be the most effective treatment of choice, due to its strong evidence base (DH, 2006). The module will therefore equip students to develop the knowledge, interpersonal skills and techniques that will enable them to engage effectively with clients and work therapeutically with their complex needs.This module draws on CBT (including Dialectical Behaviour Therapy), motivational interviewing and psychosocial health education. Audience: Healthcare practitioners working in clinical areas that allow therapeutic contact with complex clients. Duration: 10 teaching days over 45 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Community and public health

This module will provide a broad foundation to the many facets and drivers underpinning contemporary community health and healthcare provision. This module is for healthcare practitioners who wish to develop their understanding of the

complexities of providing contemporary care within the community setting. It will explore the various policy implications and their impact on the services and resources available in the community. It will also enhance the practitioner’s understanding of the complex and diverse nature of health needs within a range of healthcare settings and the challenges in meeting those needs.The course is also offered as a postgraduate (level 7) award.Audience: Healthcare practitioners Duration: 10 teaching days over 20 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Critically ill child

This module will expand healthcare practitioners existing paediatric critical care knowledge and skills to enable them to care holistically for children within a critical care environment. Particular emphasis is placed upon developing clinical competencies and understanding of the pathophysiology of single and multi-organ failure and organ support withdrawal. It will enable practitioners to provide evidence-based care for critically ill children and their families. Audience: Practitioners working in an environment where critically ill children and their families are cared for. You should have already completed ‘Acutely ill child’ and ‘Applied pathophysiology in children’ or equivalent modules. Duration: 10 teaching days over 9 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert

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Dementia care: improving practice

This module will equip students with a broad understanding of dementia and its effects in order to improve effectiveness in providing care for those people who present with suspected and diagnosed dementia. It will allow students to develop critical responses to enable a positive person-centred approach, and improve dementia care practice. The increase in prevalence and an increasing ageing population means people with dementia are high users of health and social care services. Dementia is a prevalent and complex condition often having a profound impact on the individual and their supporters. The course is also offered as a postgraduate (level 7) award. Audience: Practitioners working with people with dementia in a health or social care setting Duration: 5 teaching days over 9 weeks Credits: 15 Level: 6Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Dementia care: skilled practice

This module will equip students with a broad understanding of the key issues relating to dementia care and service delivery. It will develop students’ competence to provide evidence-based therapeutic interventions to a diverse range of needs across the spectrum of dementia care. This module builds on dementia care knowledge studied on the pre-requisite undergraduate module ‘Dementia care – improving practice’. The multi-faceted nature of dementia care highlights a number of specialist areas. This module

will explore these key areas. It will focus on the challenges that people with dementia and their supporters face in living with the disease and how practitioners can develop their intellectual, ethical and interpersonal skills to improve the care outcomes of people with dementia. The course is also offered as a postgraduate (level 7) award. Audience: Healthcare practitioners such as nurses, occupational therapists and physiotherapists who wish to extend their knowledge and become a dementia skilled practitioner or are working towards becoming dementia specialists. Duration: 10 teaching days over 9 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Diabetes care

This module will enable those with no previous specialist knowledge to gain an evidence-based understanding of contemporary diabetes care in order to maximize their effectiveness with patients in the clinical setting. This module is for healthcare practitioners, such as nurses, working in a variety of care settings who wish to develop their knowledge and skills in contemporary diabetes care across the lifespan. The module focuses on client assessment, therapeutics, complications and decision making in practice.Audience: Healthcare practitioners working in an area of practice that provides relevant learning opportunities. Duration: 10 teaching days over 18 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Drugs and therapeutics

This module will allow students to examine some of the more important groups of drugs encountered by healthcare practitioners. The therapeutic and adverse effects are discussed, together with important interactions and an examination of how individual differences can alter drug response and treatment. Part of the course will be delivered online.Audience: Prior knowledge of the physiological and pathophysiological processes relevant to the drug groups covered is preferredNote: This module does not constitute part of the module Independent and Supplementary Prescribing for Nurses (V300) or enable access to it.Duration: 5 teaching days (plus exam) over 7 weeks Credits: 15 Level: 5/6Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Effective written professional communication in social work

This module will build practitioner confidence and skills in report-writing for professional social work practice. It is informed by partnership working with employers, and draws on the social work academic curriculum. Teaching will combine plenary learning sessions with intensive individual tutoring support in the workplace, in order to encourage critical self-evaluation of students’ completed documents. Learners will develop their ability to organise and write practice documents which draw valid conclusions from critically-evaluated evidence identified

both in their casework and in relevant research. This module is only offered on commission arrangements.Learners will develop their ability to organise and write practice documents which draw valid conclusions from critically-evaluated evidence identified both in their casework and in relevant research. This module is only offered on commission arrangements.Audience: Qualified social workers, registered with the Health and Care Professions Council, in employment as a social worker and have their employer’s approval and support to undertake this module. Duration: University workshops; 24 hours mentoring sessions/individual tutorials; 7 hours in employment setting Credits: 30 Level: 6Course: Professional Development in Social Work PgCert


Emergency practice

This module will strengthen and develop the students’ competence in emergency care in order to enhance and optimise patient care. A variety of areas reflecting the diverse nature of emergency care are covered including trauma, mental health, paediatrics, minor injuries and contemporary professional issues. The course is also offered as a postgraduate (level 7) award (subject to validation).Audience: Healthcare practitioners such as adult nurses, paediatric nurses and paramedics who wish to develop their knowledge and skills in care for patients in the emergency department. Applicants will usually have completed the undergraduate ‘Acutely unwell adult’ module or equivalent and should normally have a minimum of one year’s experience

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in the emergency department.Duration: 10 teaching days (plus exam) over 11 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Ethics and law for contemporary healthcare practice

This module will facilitate exploration of how ethical theories, principles and English law underpin contemporary healthcare practice and clinical decision-making. This module aims to examine and develop the understanding of ethical theories or principles and aspects of English law relevant to contemporary healthcare practice. This will then be applied to the students’ professional practice. This module examines and develop the understanding of ethical theories or principles and aspects of English law relevant to contemporary healthcare practice. Students will be encouraged to explore their own value systems and how their own professional practice upholds rights and promotes the wellbeing of the patients or clients in their care. The module structure, delivery and content will concentrate on contemporary practice issues and facilitate them to apply current healthcare ethics and law. It is expected that students actively prepare and participate in classroom debate. The learning materials utilised will enhance their ability to apply moral, ethical, professional and legal concepts and theory to daily professional practice. The course is also offered as a postgraduate (level 7) award.

Audience: Healthcare practitioners Duration: 5 teaching days over 8 weeks Credits: 15 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Evidence based practice for paramedics

This module will enable students to effectively critique literature and discuss how practice can be developed with an enhanced evidence base. This module is designed to allow students to develop an understanding of the research process and how it impacts upon paramedic practice. Both quantitative and qualitative methods will be explored to examine how practice is based upon and can be improved with evidence. The theme of unscheduled, emergency out of hospital contact will be used to offer perspective from a range of different research theories. Audience: Students should be registered paramedics with experience of working in the emergency out of hospital care setting Duration: 10 teaching days over 10 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 6 Course: Paramedic Practice BSc(Hons)


Examination of the newborn

This module will enable participants to explore issues related to examination and assessment of the new-born baby. The module is designed to enable participants to develop competence which will lead to autonomous practice in the examination and assessment of the new-born. This module aims to develop expert practice in

undertaking examination and assessment of the new-born baby’s wellbeing. The course is also offered as a postgraduate (level 7) award.Audience: Healthcare practitioners working in maternity services Duration: 10 teaching days over 23 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Fertility and fertility control

This module will give students the necessary knowledge and skills to provide effective family planning information and advice to a range of clients. This module is for nurses and midwives.Audience: Practitioners working in sexual health services. Participants must be available to undertake a minimum of 15 family planning clinical sessions. Duration: 10 teaching days over 14 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


High dependency issues in maternity care

This module will enable participants to explore issues related to the provision of care to women in high dependency situations and reflect on their current skills developing further skills as necessary. Inter-professional working will be highlighted. This module will enable students to reflect and review practice in relation to high dependency care of women receiving maternity care; and provide

a forum in which midwives can explore issues related to their practice taking into account current evidence. This course is also available as a postgraduate (level 7) award.Audience: Registered midwife or registered nurse working within an obstetric unit. Duration: 5 teaching days over 9 weeks Credits: 15 Level: 6Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


High dependency neonatal care

This module facilitates the development of students’ reflective skills in order to provide and analyse the care for a high dependency baby and family. This module is the third of four modules for healthcare practitioners working full-time or part-time within the neonatal unit that will enable the practitioner to be recognised as Qualified in Speciality (QIS). The delivery of neonatal care to the high dependency infant is dependent both on the clinical skills of the practitioner and the development and maintenance of therapeutic relationships with the parents and the multi-disciplinary team through the use of appropriate communication and interpersonal skills. Audience: Healthcare practitioners who have completed the ‘Applied neonatal pathophysiology’ and ‘Neonatal special and transitional care’ undergraduate modules. Duration: 5 teaching days over 9 weeks Credits: 15 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert

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Honours degree project: appraising evidence and developing practice

This module will introduce healthcare practitioners to the research process, as relevant to their evidence-based practice and to enable students to develop their ability to appraise research evidence, to explore how it underpins clinical practice and to identify how the existing evidence base could be developed. Participants will develop their understanding of a variety of research methods, to competently critique contemporary research evidence and to identify research questions that will enable the development of their own clinical practice.Audience: Students undertaking this module should be working as accountable practitioners in a position to influence others in response to contemporary research-based evidenceDuration: 10 teaching days over 7 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Hospital avoidance: managing complexity

Current health policy focuses on avoiding unnecessary emergency unplanned admissions. This module will provide a framework for clinicians to safely case manage people with multiple co-morbidities and complex health and social care needs that present with an acute episode. It will equip practitioners to provide safe, holistic care for the person outside a hospital setting.This module aims to develop students’

knowledge to safely and effectively manage patients and carers and to implement hospital avoidance practice. The course is also offered as a postgraduate (level 7) award.Audience: Healthcare practitioners, such as nurses and paramedics, undertaking hospital avoidance workDuration: 10 teaching days over 18 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Intensive care of the polytrauma patient

This module will explore the principles and practice of adult polytrauma patient care following their primary survey and admission to intensive care area. The course is also offered as a postgraduate (level 7) award.Audience: Experienced nurses and other acute healthcare practitioners involved in the care of polytrauma patients within an adult intensive care unit within a trauma unit/trauma hospital. You should have already completed relevant specialist practice modules, for example, an intensive care course or equivalent. Duration: 5 teaching days over 8 weeks Credits: 15 Level: 6Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Intensive care patient assessment

This module will equip students with the necessary skills to undertake and interpret a comprehensive assessment of an adult intensive care patient. The course is also offered as a postgraduate (level 7) award.Audience: Nurses working in adult intensive care areas with opportunity to assess adult intensive care patients Duration: 10 teaching days over 18 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Intensive care patient management

This module will educate nurses to manage the complex needs of and care for the adult intensive care patient. It will explore the management of complex level three patients’ conditions using current evidence base and patient-centered care. It is a requirement to undertake this module alongside or following completion of the undergraduate intensive care patient assessment module.The course is also offered as a postgraduate (level 7) award.Audience: Participants should be:• Working within an intensive care unit• Able to participate in the planning and

delivery of care to critically ill patients in clinical practice

• Able to complete all practice competencies within their own clinical areas

Duration: 10 teaching days over 18 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 6Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Contemporary healthcare for international practitioners

This module will develop student’s understanding of the political drivers affecting healthcare provision in the UK, and will explore the challenges facing healthcare practitioners today. The module will incorporate core elements covering the fundamental aspects of care to support the post-registration rotational programme that professionals will undertake as part of their first year of learning. This module is for international nurses new to the United Kingdom, seeking to develop their understanding of the culture of the UK healthcare system and how it compares with healthcare delivery across the world.Audience: Applicants should be qualified as a registered nurse in their own country. Participants will either be a newly qualified entrant on the NMC register or undertaking the international route of the BSc Healthcare Practice. Duration: 5 teaching days over 4 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Leadership in practice

This module is for healthcare practitioners who wish to gain knowledge and understanding of leadership. It will provide insight into the skills and competencies that underpin effective leadership in the workplace. This module combines theoretical and practical approaches to enable individuals to develop in-depth understanding of leadership in practice and to reflect on their own leadership

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performance to identify further development. This module will enable students to reflect on approaches to leadership and develop skills and competencies in leading others.Audience: Healthcare practitioners in a position to practice their management role Duration: 5 teaching days over 4 weeks Credits: 15 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Leg ulcer management

This module will enable practitioners to assess, plan, implement and evaluate specialist clinical skills, using evidence-based practice, in order to meet the needs of people with lower limb ulceration. Practitioners will also develop competence in the skills of using Doppler ultrasound and in the application of compression therapy. The care of individuals with lower limb ulceration require is often very complex, and involves the delivery of specific clinical skills, that require a level of knowledge.Audience: Healthcare practitioners working in all settings, who are involved with people who have ulceration of the lower limb Duration: 5 teaching days over 4 weeks Credits: 15 Level: 6Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Management survival

This module focuses on the principles and practice of management for those aspiring to become effective leaders in practice. It is suitable for those entering junior management posts or wishing to improve skills in the techniques and strategies of effective management.This module covers essential day-to-day management issues and offers practical strategies for dealing with conflicting issues in practice. It will enable health and social care practitioners to facilitate proactive and innovative approaches for team cohesion and effective management within practice. Audience: Students in a position to practice their management role Duration: 5 teaching days over 4 weeks Credits: 15 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Mental health priorities for healthcare practitioners

This module will help students to identify and manage mental health risks within their client group at the point of first contact. This module will enable students to: At level 5• Discuss the knowledge and skills that are

required to assess and care for clients at risk with mental health problems

• Clarify own and others contribution within local healthcare provision for patients with mental health problems that mirrors best practice

• Demonstrate knowledge and skills that underpin the practice of caring for patients with mental health problems.

• Examine the professional opportunities and limitations of own role in the practice of caring for mental health patients

• Reflect on the referral process for this client group and the ethical dilemmas it can create

At level 6• Critically examine the knowledge and

skills that are required to care for patients at risk with mental health needs

• Critically reflect on own and others contribution within local healthcare provision for patients with mental health problems that mirrors best practice.

• Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge and skills that underpin the practice of caring for patients with mental health problems

• Critically explore the professional opportunities and limitations of own role in the practice of caring for mental health patients

• Critically reflect on the referral process for this client group and the ethical dilemmas this can create

Audience: Health and social care practitioners/professionals working in mental health settings. Duration: 5 teaching days over 8 weeks Credits: 15 Level: 5/6Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Mental healthcare: clinical leadership

This module will develop healthcare practitioners knowledge of mental health clinical leadership in one of the following areas: psychosocial interventions, cognitive approaches, group dynamics or child and adolescent mental health Audience: Healthcare practitioners who will

be enabled to facilitate the implementation of mental health interventions to promote change within practice Duration: 10 teaching days over 9 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 6Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Mentorship for practice

This module will enable health and social care practitioners to develop their skills, knowledge and approaches as mentors.This module will develop the participant’s ability to successfully manage and evaluate the learning environment, facilitate learning and teaching, enable honest and accountable assessment of learners, act as an agent of change and maintain quality in both the learning and assessment process. Participants will develop a capacity to promote evidence-based learning for all learners/students within a culture of inter-professional practice. The course is also offered as a postgraduate (level 7) award. Audience: All health and social care practitioners/professionals who are responsible for facilitating the learning and assessment of other professionals. Applicants will have normally completed at least twelve months full time (or equivalent part time) experience as a qualified practitioner. Duration: 5 teaching days over 8 weeks Credits: 15 Level: 5/6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert

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Minor illness: assessment and management

This module will enable healthcare practitioners to develop a holistic approach to the assessment and treatment of patients with minor health problems that will equip healthcare practitioners to provide evidence-based care in first contact, urgent and primary care settings. The course is also offered as a postgraduate (level 7) award. Audience: Healthcare practitioners with a minimum of 12 months experience in a relevant clinical setting before starting this module. Practitioners would benefit from undertaking ‘Clinical reasoning in physical assessment: lifespan perspectives’ or the equivalent before undertaking this module. Duration: 5 teaching days over 4 weeks Credits: 15 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Minor injury management

This module will enhance practitioners’ skills in managing patients presenting with minor injuries and to enable them to deliver effective and efficient evidence-based care. It is intended to develop practice through the efficient use of resources and enabling practitioners to manage patients presenting with minor injuries in urgent and primary care settings. The course is also offered as a postgraduate (level 7) award. Audience: Healthcare practitioners, such as nurses or paramedics, wishing to develop knowledge and skills in managing minor injuries in children and adults and are practising in an appropriate setting for completion of portfolio

Duration: 5 teaching days (plus exam) over 5 weeks Credits: 15 Level: 6Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Musculoskeletal care: principles and practice

This module will enable students to develop a critical understanding and clinical expertise in adult orthopaedic care.It will provide a foundation of theory and practice for nurses specialising in trauma and/or elective orthopaedic care. Emphasis is placed on the development of competence in core orthopaedic skills which are assessed through an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE). Audience: Participants must be working with orthopaedic patients in community or hospital environments and have access to opportunities to practise relevant orthopaedic skills Duration: 10 teaching days over 9 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 6Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Neonatal intensive care

This module will facilitate the development of students’ reflective skills in order to provide and analyse the care for an intensive care baby and family. This module is the fourth and final module for healthcare practitioners working full-time or part-time within the neonatal unit that upon completion will enable students to berecognised as Qualified in Speciality (QIS).The delivery of neonatal care to the intensive care infant is dependent both

on the clinical skills of the practitioner and the development and maintenance of therapeutic relationships with the parents and the multi-disciplinary team through the use of appropriate communication and interpersonal skills.Audience: Healthcare practitioners who have completed the modules ‘Applied neonatal pathophysiology’ and ‘Neonatal special and transitional care’ and ‘High dependency neonatal care’Duration: 5 teaching days over 13 weeks Credits: 15 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Overseas nursing programme (ONP)

This is a flexible module designed to meet the varying individual needs of participants, depending on your prior professional and academic experience and length of supervised practice as required by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). You will join fellow participants for generic core aspects of the module. The focus of the course will be on planning and promoting nursing care in partnership with the patient and their family/carers, and collaboratively with other professionals involved in care delivery.Overseas adult, mental health, learning disability and children’s nurses looking to adapt their practice and to register with the NMC.Audience: The overseas nursing programme is either for applicants who trained in an EU or EAA member state or for applicants who trained outside of EuropeDuration: 10 teaching days over 10 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 5/6

Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Palliative care for children, young people and families

This module will develop evidence-based knowledge and understanding of the main aspects of caring for children and young people with palliative care needs and their families. Palliative care for infants, children and young people has developed as a small but distinct area of practice internationally in recent years as the number of children requiring such care increases. Attributed, in part, to advances in technology and treatment, many of these children would previously have not survived but are now living, requiring intense and sustained support provided by specialist services not only for the duration of the child’s life, but also for several years beyond. Services include health, social and educational services. Over the period of their shortened lives children and their families require care in a variety of settings (for example hospital, home, hospice, school) from a range of professionals and services. This module will address such policy directives providing an educational opportunity for any professional who provides palliative care to children and their families within any setting. This course is also available as a postgraduate (level 7) award.Audience: Healthcare practitioners such as nurses, teachers, social workers, play specialists, physiotherapists, music therapists and midwives, working in an area with children and/or young people who require palliative care

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Duration: 10 teaching days over 15 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Perioperative practice

This module will develop practitioner’s clinical skills and will provide evidence-based knowledge in all aspects of perioperative practice. It is the foundation of study for career development in theatres, anaesthetics and post anaesthetic care. Core principles and concepts are covered in the content to enhance the practitioner’s provision of care for patients undergoing surgery and prepares them for a specific practice based module. Audience: Healthcare practitioners currently working in all areas of the perioperative environment. Participants studying this module must have been working in a perioperative area for a minimum of six months, and should preferably have completed an intern programme or departmental programme in the perioperative environment. Duration: 10 teaching days over 10 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 5/6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Physical assessment of children

This module will extend and further develop participants physical assessment skills to include children specific needs with this practical module. Audience: Healthcare practitioners working with children. You must be able to arrange at least seven supervised practice days in

an appropriate paediatric placement. Duration: 5 teaching days plus exam over 5 weeks Credits: 15 Level: 5/6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Physical healthcare for people with serious mental illness

This module will enhance student’s knowledge and understanding of the common physical health needs experienced by people with serious mental illness (SMI) and will enable students to assess, plan and deliver holistic interventions to improve physical health and wellbeing. This module offers an overview of the issues and complexities relating to the physical health needs of people and outlines the important role that mental health professionals can provide in supporting individuals to improve their physical health and wellbeing.Audience: Healthcare practitioners working in an environment which enables them to undertake an assessment of need and to work with people with serious mental illness (SMI). This can be within an inpatient or community setting. Duration: 5 teaching days Credits: 15 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Post-anaesthetic care: principles and practice

This module will enable healthcare practitioners to develop the clinical skills and knowledge to provide appropriate and effective care to patients in the post-anaesthetic care environment. Audience: Healthcare practitioners currently working in the post anaesthetic care unit (PACU) of main operating theatres or day surgery environments. Participants should have a minimum of six months experience of working within a PACU setting and should have completed the undergraduate ‘Perioperative practice’ module or equivalent.Duration: 10 teaching days (plus exam) over 12 weeksCredits: 30 Level: 5/6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Post-anaesthetic care: specialist practice

This module will provide the opportunity for participants to develop enhanced clinical skills and knowledge to provide appropriate and effective care to patients in the post-anaesthetic care environment. This module is aimed at healthcare practitioners working in the post-anaesthetic care unit (PACU) of main operating theatres who wish to further develop the knowledge and skills required to give appropriate and effective care to patients recovering from surgery and anaesthesia. Audience: Healthcare practitioners should have a minimum of twelve months experience of working within a PACU setting and should also have completed

the undergraduate ‘Post anaesthetic care practice: principles and practice’ module or equivalent. Duration: 5 teaching days (plus exam) over 5 weeks Credits: 15 Level: 6Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Practice nursing: an Introduction

The module will enable students to develop the specialist knowledge and skills required for practice nursing. The module content reflects the diverse nature of this area of practice and includes the exploration of contemporary professional issues, screening and health promotion, skills based competencies and the management of long term conditions. Audience: Nurses wishing to gain a foundation in the knowledge and skills required to provide evidence based care within a primary care setting Duration: 10 teaching days over 22 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Preoperative assessment

The module will enhance practitioners’ competence and confidence in preoperative participants assessment for patients undergoing surgical procedures. It will equip the participant with the knowledge and skills required to systematically assess patients prior to surgery and to develop the knowledge to identify ‘red flags’, to understand their

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significance and to select the appropriate referral pathway before surgery can proceed. Audience: Preoperative assessment clinic or day surgery unit nurses working in a preoperative assessment role for a minimum of 3 months before starting this moduleDuration: 10 teaching days over 9 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Preparation of supervisors of midwives course

This module will explore key issues in the statutory supervision of midwives. On successful completion of the module students will be able to support and develop midwives and the maternity care services and ensure the protection of the public. The Local Supervising Authority Midwifery Officer (LSAMO) will be informed for appointment purposes and the NMC will also be informed as this course is now a recordable qualification.

This module is for nominated practicing midwives who are eligible to undertake the Preparation of Supervisors of Midwives programme (NMC, 2012). Students will have met NMC (2012) requirements and have confirmation of nomination from the Local Supervising Authority Midwifery Officer (LSAMO) to undertake the course.As stipulated by the NMC (2014) Standard 5 requirement of a minimum 90hrs each for theory and practice, students will need to obtain support and agreement from their sponsoring employer for the protected time. The course is also offered as a

postgraduate (level 7) award.Audience: Midwives who are eligible to become supervisors of midwives and have been nominated in accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Standard 1.1 which states eligibility and nomination to undertake the preparation programme (NMC 2006)Duration: 12 teaching days over 26 weeks Credits: 45 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Prescribing for AHPs (subject to validation)

This interdisciplinary module/course, will enable health professionals to prescribe safely and effectively. It is designed for all non-medical health professions permitted by law to prescribe. Students will be able to record their study of the prescribing short course/module with their professional body as:The course is also offered as a postgraduate (level 7) awardAudience: Health practitioners registered with the Health and Care Professions Council who wish to obtain a qualification in prescribing and legally permitted Duration: 26 teaching days over 25 weeks Credits: 60 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Prescribing for nurses (V300 –independent and supplementary prescribing for nurses)

This module will enable nurses to prescribe safely and effectively. It is designed as an interdisciplinary module, for all non-medical health professions permitted by law to prescribe. The course focuses on pharmacology and the knowledge base which underpins prescribing medicines and also on prescribing in practice. Students will be able to apply to record their qualification with the NMC as V300 independent and supplementary prescribing. The course is also offered as a postgraduate (level 7) award.Audience: Level 1 registered nurses with 3 years post qualification experience of which the last year has been working in the field in which the nurse intends to prescribe Duration: 26 teaching days over 25 weeks Credits: 60 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Pressure ulcers: prevention and management

This module will develop a critical understanding of current perspectives in pressure ulcer prevention and management and their application to practice. It will provide practitioners with an opportunity to develop their understanding of the challenges of pressure ulcer prevention and management, and to critically appraise and develop their own practice. The course is also offered as a postgraduate (level 7) award.

Audience: Healthcare practitioners working in any practice setting where there are people at risk of developing a pressure ulcerDuration: 5 teaching days (plus exam) over 8 weeks Credits: 15 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Progression in practice 1 – assessed and supported year in employment (ASYE)

On successful completion of this module, students will be able to evidence that they have achieved the ASYE level on the The College of Social Work’s Professional Capabilities Framework (PCF) and demonstrate that the Health and Care Professions Council standards of conduct, performance and ethics underpins and guides their practice. Audience: This module will support newly qualified social workers undertaking their ASYE to demonstrate professional capability in social work at AYSE level and can be provided where an employer is not providing an ASYE programme. It is also suitable for those returning to front-line social work practice after a career break. Duration: September and February start dates (employment-based and hours negotiable) Credits: 15 Level: 6Course: Professional Development in Social Work PgCert

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Progression in practice 2 – consolidation (level 6)

This module allows social workers to demonstrate that they have consolidated their professional capability in social work since qualification, and progressed in practice to the level of a social worker on the The College of Social Work’s Professional Capabilities Framework (PCF). It provides an opportunity for social workers to show they can reflect on their developing practice, and critically evaluate their continuing professional development needs. They can reflect on how the PCF and the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) standards of conduct, performance and ethics underpins and guides their practice at the social worker level in the PCF. It is a useful preparation for further continuing professional development studies and consolidates their assessed and supported year in employment studies.Audience: Students must be qualified social workers, registered with the HCPC, in employment as a social worker and have their employer’s approval and support to undertake this module. Duration: September and February start dates (17 hours in University) Credits: 15 Level: 6Course: Professional Development in Social Work PgCert


Psychosocial assessment

This module will give students the opportunity to reflect on and further develop their engagement and recovery skills. It will also train students to use a

variety of assessment tools to carry out collaborative and effective systematic assessments. Audience: Healthcare practitioners who have completed the undergraduate ‘Recovery orientated care in mental health’ module.Duration: 5 teaching days (plus exam) over 4 weeks Credits: 15 Level: 6Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Psychosocial interventions

This module will develop students’ advanced knowledge, skills and competencies to work collaboratively and effectively with service users who have a serious mental health problem, using evidence-based interventions. Students will develop psychosocial intervention skills to deliver effective and collaborative care to people with a severe mental illness (SMI) and complex needs.The course is also offered as a postgraduate (level 7) award.Audience: Practitioners must be able to work regularly with people with serious mental health problems and complex needs. Participants need to have undertaken the modules ‘Recovery orientated care in mental health’ and ‘Psychosocial assessment’.Duration: 10 teaching days over 11 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 6Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Recovery orientated care in mental health

This module aims to enable health and social care professionals to develop a critical and analytic understanding of recovery orientated principles and to develop skills to incorporate the concept into mental healthcare delivery. It is designed to critically analyse the concept of recovery from the perspective of service users, carers, family members, clinical practitioners and the wider multi-disciplinary team. It will develop the knowledge, attitudes, skills and expertise required that enables practitioners to work collaboratively with service users and colleagues, promoting empowerment and client autonomy.The course is also offered as a postgraduate (level 7) award. Audience: Practitioners must be working within a mental health setting. Duration: 5 teaching days (plus exam) over 4 weeks Credits: 15 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Renal dialysis: principles of care

This module is for nurses who wish to become competent and informed in the care and management of clients receiving renal replacement therapy, either haemodialysis (HD) or/and peritoneal dialysis (PD). It will also enhance knowledge in relation to the care and treatment of acute kidney injury. The focus of the module is on assessment, intervention and evaluation of pre, intra and post dialysis. This module aims to foster life-long personal

and professional development in order to produce knowledgeable, skilled and reflective nurses in health and social care. It is a flexible educational programme, which reflects contemporary healthcare provision and meets the needs of students, service users and health and social care employers. The course is also offered as a postgraduate (level 7) award.Audience: Nurses who work in an appropriate clinical area caring for renal clients and have a minimum of 6 months recent experience of caring for renal clients. Duration: 10 teaching days over 10 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Renal dysfunction: complexities of care

This module is for nurses who wish to become competent and knowledgeable in relation to the pathophysiology of renal dysfunction. It offers the student a sound basis for overall care management strategies, including transplantation for this client group. This module incorporates pathophysiological, psychosocial, ethical, legislative, professional guidance and risk management dimensions to provide a flexible and in-depth understanding of the spectrum of living with renal dysfunction. It aims to foster life-long personal and professional development in order to produce knowledgeable, skilled and reflective nurses in health and social care. It is a flexible educational programme, which reflects contemporary healthcare provision and meets the needs of students, service users and health and social care employers. The course is also offered as a postgraduate (level 7) award.

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Audience: Nurses who work in an appropriate clinical area caring for renal clients and have a minimum of 6 months’ recent experience of caring for renal clients. Duration: 10 teaching days over 10 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 6Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Respiratory care for the acute setting

This module will enable students to enhance their knowledge of the pathophysiology, diagnosis and evidence-based management of common acute respiratory presentations. Students will develop their skills to systematically assess, prioritise and subsequently plan appropriate evidence-based management for acute respiratory patients. It is designed to teach how to assess and manage patients with acute respiratory presentations.Audience: Healthcare practitioners working in an appropriate acute clinical area caring for patients with respiratory needs. Duration: 7 teaching days over 6 weeks Credits: 15 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Resuscitation theory for paramedics

This module will enable students to effectively recognise, manage and refer patients with a range of diseases that present as immediately life threatening conditions in the emergency, out of hospital care setting. This module is designed to allow students to explore a range of topics relating to the theory of resuscitation

of patients with acute, life-threatening presentations in the emergency, out of hospital setting. It will cover the presentation, underpinning

pathophysiology, aetiology, epidemiology and management of those conditions. It offers the opportunity to explore the theory which underpins clinical paramedic management. Audience: Registered paramedics with experience of working in the emergency out of hospital care setting. Duration: 10 teaching days over 11 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 5/6 Course: Paramedic Practice BSc(Hons)


Return to nursing programme (RTP)

This programme is designed to enable nurses with an appropriate first level registration in adult, mental health, learning disability and child health to meet the requirements of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) to re-enter the register and practice in accordance with the NMC Code of Practice (2008); Good Health Good Character (2008/2010) and the pre-registration standard and essential skills clusters (2010). When developing this programme it is recognised that each nurse will have different requirements depending on professional and academic experiences and length of time out of practice. Students will have their theory and practical needs profiled at the beginning of the programme to ensure they are able to meet the requirements of the NMC for Return to Practice. Many of the student theoretical sessions will be shared with nurses undertaking the ‘Overseas nursing

programme’, which will provide the opportunity for them to learn from their peers and to understand the more generic concepts pertaining to each programme.As students will have their own specific learning needs, the Return to Practice course will provide them with a dedicated module leader to ensure they have all the necessary support. Kingston and St George’s joint Faculty also has specific lecturers for all four branches of nursing, to support students in making the link between the theory and their branch of nursing. This support is time-tabled into the programme as open forums. The focus of the course will be around promoting high quality person-centred care planned in partnership with the patient/client and their family/carer, and collaboratively with other professionals involved in delivery of care. Audience: Nurses who have had a break from practice and who do not meet the NMC Post Registration and Practice Requirements (PREP). Duration: 9 full teaching days over 9 weeks or 14 half days (teaching) over 10 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 5Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Return to nursing programme (RTP)

This programme is designed to enable nurses with an appropriate first level registration in adult, mental health, learning disability and child health to meet the requirements of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), to re-enter the register and practice in accordance with the NMC Code of Practice (2008); Good Health Good Character (2008/2010) and the pre-

registration standard and essential skills clusters (2010). When developing this programme it is recognised that each nurse will have different requirements depending on professional and academic experiences and length of time out of practice. Students will have their theory and practical needs profiled at the beginning of the programme to ensure they are able to meet the requirements of the NMC for Return to Practice. Many of the student’s theoretical sessions will be shared with nurses undertaking the ‘Overseas nursing programme’, which will provide the opportunity for them to learn from their peers and to understand the more generic concepts pertaining to each programme.As students will have their own specific learning needs, the Return to Practice course will provide them with a dedicated module leader to ensure they have all the necessary support. Kingston and St George’s joint Faculty also has specific lecturers for all four branches of nursing - Adult, Child, Learning disability and Mental health - to support students in making the link between the theory and their branch of nursing. This support is timetabled into the programme as open forums. The focus of the course will be around promoting high quality person-centred care planned in partnership with the patient/client and their family/carer and collaboratively with other professionals involved in delivery of care.Audience: Nurses who have had a break from practice and who do not meet the NMC Post Registration and Practice Requirements (PREP). Duration: 9 full teaching days over 9 weeks or 14 half days (teaching) over 10 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert

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Return to practice midwifery

This module responds to the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) requirements for all nurses and midwives who have had a break from practice, to undertake a formal programme of study leading to the renewal of registration. Throughout this module, students will gain the knowledge to re-enter practice with up-to-date skills, and to deliver care/interventions with confidence and competence.Audience: Midwives who have had a break from practice and who do not meet the NMC Post Registration and Practice Requirements (PREP). Duration: 9 full teaching days over 9 weeks or 14 half days (teaching) over 10 weeks.Credits: 30 Level: 6Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Safeguarding children – an interdisciplinary approach

This module will provide students with understanding of the ‘Every Child Matters Framework’. It is open and relevant to all practitioners, regardless of their domain of discipline. It offers practitioners the skills to be able to recognise children at risk, identify signs of abuse, understand the legislative framework, and the concept of interagency working which underpins practice. This course is also available as a postgraduate (level 7) award.Audience: Healthcare practitioners who have working experience with children, families and carers. Duration: 5 teaching days over 4 weeks Credits: 15 Level: 6

Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Telephone healthcare assessment: discharge planning, referral pathways and risk change

This module will give students a clear understanding of appropriate referral pathways within the community to safely discharge patients based on recognition of potential areas of danger or risk. It will enable participants to feel confident in their decision-making where either case closure or appropriate referrals are made to other healthcare practitioners within the community. It will facilitate in-depth interviewing techniques and evidence-based interventions in order to offer safe, compassionate care for hospital avoidance and risk avoidance. This course is also available as a postgraduate (level 7) award.Audience: Healthcare practitioners normally with a minimum of six month’s post-qualifying practice experience who have completed the undergraduate module Hospital avoidance: managing complexity or the equivalent. Applicants should be working autonomously in telephone healthcare settings and be able to discharge or refer patients to other agencies.Duration: 5 teaching days (plus exam) over 7 weeks Credits: 15 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Theatre practice

This module will enable participants to increase their clinical skills and provide

effective patient care through increased knowledge of all aspects of theatre practice. Practitioners should be able to rotate through different surgical specialties within perioperative care during this module with support from a suitably qualified mentor.Audience: Healthcare practitioners working in theatres who wish to build on their knowledge and skills to care for patients undergoing surgery. Participants must have been working in the perioperative environment for a minimum of six months, and should preferably have completed either an intern programme or departmental programme in the perioperative environment. Duration: 10 teaching days over 10 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 5/6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Tissue viability

This module will provide students with an opportunity to extend their knowledge of wound management and factors affecting the healing process. The care that patients with wounds require is often complex which requires a high level of knowledge to underpin clinical practice. This module is delivered partly through blended e-learning. Audience: Healthcare practitioners working in all care settings who are involved with clients who have wounds. Duration: 10 teaching days (plus exam) over 11 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Trauma care: initial assessment and management

This module will develop participants’ core knowledge and skills relating to the assessment, initial management and care of the polytrauma patient. A range of traumatic injuries will be explored but the focus will be upon initial assessment and management of these patients in the context of the emergency department.The course is also offered as a postgraduate (level 7) award. Audience: Experienced emergency care nurses and operating department practitioners (ODPs) who have previously undertaken core emergency care education or equivalent. Duration: 5 teaching days (plus exam) over 4 weeks Credits: 15 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Trauma care: ward and continuing care

This module will develop core knowledge and skills relating to the care of the polytrauma patient in an acute care inpatient setting. It will allow practitioners to deepen their knowledge of the physical and psychological effects major trauma has on patients, and to explore the evidence-base for care. Audience: Healthcare practitioners working within an acute ward setting (e.g. trauma ward) providing continuing care to polytrauma patients. Participants would usually have previously undertaken the undergraduate ‘Acutely unwell adult’ module or equivalent.

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Duration: 10 teaching days over 10 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 6Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Urgent care for children

This module will provide the knowledge and skills to enable practitioners to assess and provide timely nursing care to children and their families present in urgent care settings, such as emergency departments, paediatric assessment units and polyclinics. Audience: Healthcare practitioners working within an environment which will enable them to deliver urgent care to children. Duration: 5 teaching days over 4 weeks Credits: 15 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Work-based learning

This module is designed for healthcare practitioners who have undertaken, or are about to undertake, work related projects. This may include small audit, brief service evaluation or improvement, conference presentation, review of clinical guidelines, role development, or reflection on mandatory/in-service development programmes. It offers a flexible approach that is primarily for recognition of learning in the clinical environment/employment setting. By formulating a learning agreement, a range of work based activities or related study can be used and presented in a written form for assessment and the award of academic credit. There are start

dates for the module to run normally three times per year and manage applicants with a cohort-specific date and a scheduled assessment deadline. The module leader will assign applicants for academic supervision, will negotiate the learning agreement, and arrange one-to-one support during the module period.The applicants will normally need to consider suitable practice support from a mentor, manager or practice educator as appropriate to validate the planned activity in the work place. The assignment presentation will be negotiated with the module leader but is normally a written report, essay or reflective account.The course is also offered as a postgraduate (level 7) award.Audience: Ideally, the applicants to this module will already have completed academic study in higher education. Whilst enrolled in this module and completing a work related activity, the student must be proactive in initiating support from both assigned academic and practice mentors.Prior to application, the candidate must anticipate the planned work-related activity and have discussed as appropriate the support required whilst on the module from a mentor, manager or practice educator.Duration: 1 briefing session (10am-12pm) Credits: 15 Level: 5/6Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Work-based learning

This module is designed for healthcare practitioners who have undertaken, or are about to undertake, work related projects. This may include a small audit, brief service evaluation or improvement,

conference presentation, review of clinical guidelines, role development, or reflection on mandatory/in-service development programmes. It offers a flexible approach that is primarily for recognition of learning in the clinical environment/employment setting. By formulating a learning agreement, a range of work-based activities or related study can be used and presented in a written form for assessment and the award of academic credit. There are start dates for the module to run normally three times per year and manage applicants with a cohort specific date and a scheduled assessment deadline. The module leader will assign applicants for academic supervision, will negotiate the learning agreement, and arrange one-to-one support during the module period. The applicants will normally need to consider suitable practice support from a mentor, manager or practice educator as appropriate to validate the planned activity in the work place. The assignment presentation will be negotiated with the module leader, but is normally a written report, essay or reflective account. The course is also offered as a postgraduate (level 7) award.Audience: Ideally, the applicants to this module will already have completed academic study in higher education. Whilst enrolled in this module and completing a work related activity, the student must be proactive in initiating support from both assigned academic and practice mentors. Prior to application, the candidate must anticipate the planned work-related activity and have discussed as appropriate the support required whilst on the module from a mentor, manager or practice educator.Duration:1 briefing session (10am-12pm) Credits: 30 Level: 5/6

Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Work-based learning

This module is designed for healthcare practitioners who have undertaken, or are about to undertake, work related projects. This may include small audit, brief service evaluation or improvement, conference presentation, review of clinical guidelines, role development, or reflection on mandatory/in-service development programmes. It offers a flexible approach to learning that is primarily for recognition of learning in the clinical environment/employment setting. By formulating a learning agreement, a range of work based activities or related study can be used and presented in a written form for assessment and the award of academic credit. There are start dates for the module to run normally three times per year and manage applicants with a cohort specific date and a scheduled assessment deadline. The module leader will assign applicants for academic supervision, will negotiate the learning agreement, and arrange one-to-one support during the module period.The applicants will normally need to consider suitable practice support from a mentor, manager or practice educator as appropriate to validate the planned activity in the work place. The assignment presentation will be negotiated with the module leader, but is normally a written report, essay or reflective account. This course is also available as a postgraduate (level 7) award.

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Audience: Ideally, the applicants to this module will already have completed academic study in higher education. Whilst enrolled in this module and completing a work related activity, the student must be proactive in initiating support from both assigned academic and practice mentors. Prior to application the candidate must anticipate the planned work-related activity, and have discussed as appropriate the support required whilst in the module from a mentor, manager or practice educator. Duration: 1 briefing session (10am-12pm) Credits: 15 Level: 6 Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Working with families, carers and significant others in mental health

The module will equip mental health practitioners with an understanding of the theoretical background and research evidence, as well as the clinical skills, to undertake family intervention for psychosis in practice. This module will enable students to develop a critical knowledge and evidence base around the needs of families and carers of people with severe mental health problems and the clinical practice of family support and interventions. It seeks to develop the

application of skills and expertise that will enable practitioners to provide evidence-based family interventions, which have shown to be effective in reducing the impact of serious mental health problems within the families and improving their ability to cope. The course is also offered as a postgraduate (level 7) award.Audience: Healthcare practitioners who must be working with at least one family/carer or significant other living with severe and enduring mental illness for the duration of the module. Students would normally have undertaken the following modules: ‘Recovery orientated care in mental health’, ‘Psychosocial assessment’ and ‘Psychosocial interventions’.Duration: 10 teaching days over 10 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 6Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert


Working with older people

This module will give students an understanding of the complex needs of older people and the care trajectories of those presenting with a sudden exacerbation of an acute or chronic condition. Audience: Practitioners working with older people in a health or social care setting. Duration: 5 teaching days over 4 weeks Credits:15 Level: 5/6Course: Healthcare PracticeDipHE/BSc/BSc(Hons)/GradCert

Postgraduate programmes


12 Lead ECG interpretation

This technology-enhanced module will develop experienced healthcare practitioners’ ability to use a 12 Lead Electrocardiogram (ECG) as an assessment tool in clinical practice. It will enable students to gain confidence in ECG interpretation, developing knowledge relating to cardiac physiology and the principles of electrocardiography. It will also provide understanding of the criteria associated with conditions commonly observed on the ECG. The course is also offered as an undergraduate award (level 6).Audience: Registered healthcare practitioners normally with one year’s post-qualifying practice experience, who use the 12 Lead ECG as a regular part of client assessment.Duration: 10 half days (teaching) over 10 weeksCredits: 15 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Acute medicine in practice

The module will equip participants with the knowledge and skills required to expedite effective management of patients with complex medical needs. It will enable them to build confidence in both their clinical assessment skills and in implementing the nursing care required by patients with a broad range of commonly occurring medical conditions. This module is the compulsory specialist module for the acute medicine pathway.

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The module is also available as an undergraduate award (level 6).Audience: Registered healthcare practitioners normally with one year’s post-qualifying practice experience. Students should be working within an acute medicine environment where there is frequent opportunity to assess and manage patients with acute and complex medical needs.Duration: 10 teaching days over 10 weeksCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Acutely unwell adult

This module will develop the skills and knowledge healthcare practitioners require to identify, treat and manage acutely unwell patients in general wards.This module uses a flexible, blended-learning approach to enable practitioners to develop this skill set to enhance the care provided to this group of patients. This module provides staff the appropriate knowledge and skills to identify the deteriorating patient and provide prompt, timely and appropriate interventions to prevent further deterioration. This module is also available as an undergraduate (level 6) award.Audience: Nurses and other registered healthcare practitioners, such as paramedics, who wish to develop their knowledge and skills in caring for acutely ill patients. Students must be working in an appropriate clinical area, caring for patients who are already, or are at risk of becoming acutely ill.Duration: 10 teaching days plus exam over 10 weeks

Credits: 30 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Adulthood, development and transitions (social work with adults)

This module provides the opportunity for students to reflect critically on their professional practice, in the light of research evidence and theoretical

perspectives about adult development and life transitions. This is a specialist module for practitioners who work with adults. There will be a strong focus on practice development (in terms of the Professional Capabilities Framework (PCF) and Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) standards) at social worker/experienced social worker level. It includes assessment in practice.Audience: Practitioners who work with adults.Duration: January to March (30 hours of lectures and seminars)Credits: 30 Level: 7Course: Advanced Social Work MA


Advanced exercise prescription

This module will establish the framework necessary to prescribe exercise efficiently and effectively, whilst critically examining the fundamental principles of prescription and the physiological justification for this.This will enable the contextualisation of the relevant material in order to establish appropriate change in lifestyle.This module intends to develop the student’s ability to critically examine assumptions, and identify the skills needed

by the practitioner to assess and evaluate their clients. It will focus on the wide area of physical activity and will particularly concentrate on measurement and evaluation in exercise for health arenas. Audience: Suitable for health practitioners with an interest in exercise and the potential of physical activity.Duration: 12 half days (teaching) over 15 weeksCredits: 15 Level: 7Course: Applied Exercise for Health PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Advanced practice

This module will develop health and social care professionals’ critical understanding of the broader context of advanced practice and the professional issues involved . Leadership, collaborative practice and developing self and others underpin this module.Audience: Registered healthcare practitioners normally with two year’s post-qualifying practice experience.Duration: 5 teaching days over 5 weeksCredits: 15 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Advanced practice – negotiated independent work-based learning

This module will enable students to identify a particular topic that’s of interest to them, or pertinent to their practice or role in consultation with the module leader. This negotiated specified area of practice forms the foundation of the module. Students will address each learning outcome in relation

to their specified area of practice. The module learning outcomes and activities are generic and based around the knowledge and skills required in order to be able to effectively function as an advanced practitioner. This module is an independent learning module that is available to a wide range of practitioners and of particular value to advanced practitioners, or those preparing for an advanced practice role.Any subject may be negotiated. It is anticipated that specified areas of practice may be related to a particular: • Imaging or treatment modality eg CT,

MRI, RNI, US, brachytherapy• Aspect of practice (clinical or theory

bases) e.g. forensic radiography, CT Angiography, financial management, radiobiology

• Aspect of patient care or management, e.g. stroke, wound care, on-treatment review

• Professional concepts e.g. continuing Professional-Development, evidence-based practice, team working

• Aspect of practice role such as clinical leadership, research, education, service improvement and development.

Students will be assigned an academic tutor who will provide guidance through a series of tutorials. Students will be expected to complete this module within a period of six months. Within the assessment, students are required to complete a series of tasks and address these in the context of their specified area of practice. Guidance is provided through a series of tutorials with the module leader or assigned academic tutor.Audience: Radiographers and registered healthcare professionals practising within the breast care field with at least two years’ full-time clinical experience and a degree/diploma or equivalent in radiography.

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Duration: 1 briefing dayCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Breast Evaluation PgCert/PgDip/MSc, Medical Imaging PgCert/PgDip/MSc, Medical Imaging (Mammography) PgCert/PgDip/MSc and Oncology Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Advanced practice: minor ailment management

This module is designed for healthcare practitioners working towards advanced roles in primary care and community settings. It offers the opportunity for the practitioner to evaluate the key challenges underpinning NHS targets within the field of hospital avoidance and ambulatory care.The course is also offered as an undergraduate award (level 6).Audience: Students should be registered health practitioners with a minimum two years post qualifying experience in a healthcare setting, who have identified a suitably qualified mentor and appropriate work setting for completion of the portfolio.Practitioners would benefit from undertaking the postgraduate module ‘Clinical reasoning in physical assessment: lifespan perspectives’ (or the equivalent) before undertaking this module.Duration: 5 teaching days over 4 weeksCredits: 15 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/Msc


Advanced practice: minor injury management

This module will enhance practice through the efficient use of resources,

and will enable practitioners to implement management plans for patients with minor injuries presenting to walk-in clinics, urgent care centres, accident & emergency or other community settings. The module is designed for healthcare practitioners working at/or towards advanced levels of practice, who wish to develop knowledge and skills in managing minor injuries in children and adults. The course is also offered as an undergraduate award (level 6).Audience: Students should be registered health practitioners with a minimum of two years post qualifying experience in a healthcare setting who have identified a suitably qualified mentor and appropriate work setting for completion of the portfolio.Duration: 6 teaching days over 4 weeksCredits: 15 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Advanced principles and practice of breast interventional technique

This module will provide the foundation for both the academic and clinical components of a variety of breast interventions, either using x-ray or ultrasound guidance. It is designed around attendance of two to four days which is followed by 12 months of learning in a professional environment within healthcare. This is a very student-centered module, in that each student designs their own learning outcomes, in addition to those given in the module descriptor. This enables them to personalise the outcome to their scope(s) of practice of interventional methods, within the breast screening unit or imaging department.

Audience: Diagnostic radiographers and registered healthcare practitioners practising within the breast care field with at least two years’ full-time clinical experience and a degree/diploma or equivalent in radiography. Duration: 4 teaching days over 1 week plus self-directed studyCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Breast Evaluation PgCert/PgDip/MSc and Medical Imaging (Mammography) PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Assessment of psychosocial need

The module will enable students to reflect on, and further develop, their engagement and recovery skills, allowing them to use a variety of assessment tools to carry out collaborative and effective systematic assessments. It provides students with the opportunity to develop an analytic understanding of issues around assessment with severe mental illness. As with other modules on the pathway, it is both academic and competency focused, which aims to facilitate the integration of knowledge and skills into practice. This is achieved through both the pathway teaching methods and the requirement that students work with two service users who have a serious mental illness. Clinical casework is assessed by a taped session using modified criteria from the Cognitive Therapy Checklist, and students are required to attend regular clinical supervision throughout the module.This course is also available as an undergraduate (level 6) award.Audience: Registered healthcare practitioners normally with one year’s post-qualifying practice experience.

Duration: 5 teaching days over 4 weeksCredits: 15 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Bringing theory and research into practice

This module will expand students’ understanding of research and evidence based practice. Students will be assisted in developing their skills in searching the literature using a range of sources, and in their understanding and critique of current research and theory in their field of professional practice. Students will identify relevant and appropriate pieces of professional practice for in-depth study and draw on research and theory to reflect on, analyse and improve their practice.Audience: This module is ideal for students at the experienced social worker level in the The College of Social Work’s Professional Capabilities Framework (PCF) who may be undertaking complex areas of practice or new areas of work for the agency. Study on this module should directly inform their practice and that of their team.Duration: Autumn start date (20 hours of workshops, lectures and tutorials)Credits: 30 Level: 7Course: Advanced Social Work MA


Cardiac care: advancing practice

This module will enable students working within areas such as CCU, CT-ICU, cardiology, cardiac surgery or other related settings to develop the in-depth knowledge and skills to appraise evidence-based interventions and to optimize patient care.This module is the compulsory specialist

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module for the cardiac care pathway. This module is suitable for healthcare professionals wishing to explore the care of patients with cardiac conditions This course is also available as an undergraduate (level 6) award.Audience: Registered healthcare practitioners normally with one year’s post-qualifying practice experience who have a minimum of six months post-qualifying experience working in a relevant clinical setting, and are working with patients who have cardiac conditions whilst undertaking the module. Students should have normally completed the ‘Cardiac care: principles and practice’ postgraduate module or the equivalent.Duration: 10 teaching days over 11 weeksCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Cardiac care: principles and practice

This module will equip participants with the knowledge and skills required to comprehensively assess and manage patients with common acute cardiac presentations. This module is the compulsory specialist module for the cardiac care pathway. It is a technology enhanced module which is suitable for healthcare professionals working with adult cardiac patients in a variety of clinical settings. This course is also available as an undergraduate (level 6) award.Audience: Registered healthcare practitioners normally with one year’s post-qualifying practice experience, who are working within a clinical area where they regularly care for patients with cardiac conditions.

Duration: 10 teaching days over 10 weeksCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Cardiac rehabilitation

This module will provide students with the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies to organise, manage and deliver a Phase IV Cardiac Rehabilitation programme within a community setting.It will be based on the national guidelines for cardiac rehabilitation, which promote evidence-based practice for individuals who have had a known cardiac event. Students will be equipped with knowledge of aspects of cardiac disease, be exposed to the multi-disciplinary nature of effective cardiac rehabilitation services.Audience: Suitable for health practitioners with an interest in exercise and the potential of physical activity.Duration: 6 half days (teaching) over 13 weeks plus 2 days self-directed online studyCredits: 15 Level: 7Course: Applied Exercise for Health PgCert/PgDip/MSc and Rehabilitation PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Child and adolescent mental health

This module will develop an advanced level of knowledge and understanding among students in the area of child and adolescent mental health. Students will critically analyse and demonstrate mastery of the theories relating to child and adolescent emotional, social and psychological development as well as critically analyse the models of assessment and risk

assessment for mental health and mental illness in children, adolescents and families among other topics.Audience: Registered healthcare practitioners normally with one year’s post-qualifying practice experience who have child and adolescent development knowledge.Duration: 5 teaching days over 8 weeksCredits: 15 Level: 7 Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Child public health (subject to validation)

This module will equip students with the understanding of the factors that influence the future adult health of today’s children. It examines preventative health measures and the knowledge and skills necessary to work effectively in multidisciplinary environments. This module is centred across a wide spectrum of health issues such as diet and nutrition to prevent malnutrition, obesity and cardiovascular illness; oral hygiene to improve dental health; strategies to reinforce mental health, sexual health to improve sexual well-being in adulthood etc. This module will illustrate how every encounter between a child and family and a healthcare professional is an opportunity to take action which will improve health now and prevent ill health in the future. This module will facilitate the development of skills in working with groups and communities as well as families and individuals.Audience: Practitioners working with children and young people.Duration: 5 teaching days over 5 weeksCredits: 15 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Children with complex and continuing care needs (subject to validation)

This module will facilitate discussion and the ongoing development of reflective skills in order to provide and analyse the care required by children with complex and continuing healthcare needs. The delivery of care to children with complex and continuing healthcare needs is dependent on both the clinical skills of the healthcare practitioner and the development and maintenance of therapeutic relationships with the parents and the multi-disciplinary team through the use of appropriate communication and interpersonal skills.Audience: Healthcare practitioners who care for children with complex and continuing care needs in any healthcare setting.Duration: 5 teaching days over 10 weeksCredits: 15 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Clinical breast examination and client communication

This module will provide the foundation for understanding and relating all of the key processes involved in breast diagnosis. It is designed around attendance of one week, which is followed by six months of learning in a professional environment within healthcare. This develops and extends the participants’ clinical expertise necessary to contribute to the multidisciplinary approach to the diagnosis of breast disease. It will facilitate decision making skills based on a broad appreciation of the tools and techniques that underpin the diagnosis

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of breast abnormalities, and incorporates both academic and clinical components. This module will also enhance the necessary development and application of the participant’s communication, counselling and interpersonal skills and will include interactive participatory learning. Audience: Diagnostic radiographers and registered healthcare practitioners practising within the breast care field with at least two years’ full-time clinical experience and a degree/diploma or equivalent in radiography.Duration: 5 teaching days over 1 week plus self-directed studyCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Breast Evaluation PgCert/PgDip/MSc and Medical Imaging (Mammography) PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Clinical reasoning in physical assessment: lifespan perspectives

This module will provide advanced knowledge, skills and abilities to expertly assess and manage patients presenting with an undifferentiated illness. The emphasis of the module is on integrating subjective and objective data into the complex clinical reasoning process and on synthesis of evidential practice in the context of undifferentiated urgent care.This module is a core compulsory module for the advanced practice pathway of the Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc.This module provides the healthcare professional with the opportunity to equip themselves to promptly and efficiently respond to the rapidly changing health landscape. It will allow the professional to make a balanced clinical decision based on systematic patient assessment that fits with the national agenda. The educational

delivery and ethos of this module emphasises and builds on autonomous self-directed learning for independent practice. This course is also available as an undergraduate (level 6) award.Audience: Registered healthcare practitioners normally with one year’s post-qualifying practice experience who have a clinical mentor identified and available for 50 hours.Duration: 10 teaching days over 4 weeksCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Cognitive behavioural approaches in health

This module will provide understanding of the theory and rationale of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and its use in the self-management and motivation of clients in health enhancing scenarios as well as lifestyle changes. It will also focus on specific client groups such as those with long term conditions.Audience: Suitable for health practitioners with an interest in exercise and the potential of physical activity.Duration: 6 half days (teaching) over 13 weeks plus 2 days self-directed online studyCredits: 15 Level: 7Course: Applied Exercise for Health PgCert/PgDip/MSc and Rehabilitation PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Community and public health

This module will provide a broad foundation of understanding to the many facets and drivers underpinning contemporary

community health and healthcare provision. It will explore the various policy implications and their impact on the services and resources available in the community. It will also enhance the practitioner’s understanding of the complex and diverse nature of health needs within a range of healthcare settings and the challenges in meeting those needs. This module is a core compulsory module for students wishing to complete the specialist community and integrated care route. This course is also available as an undergraduate (level 6) award.Audience: Registered healthcare practitioners normally with one year’s post-qualifying practice experience.Duration: 10 teaching days over 20 weeksCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Critical thinking in practice

This module will introduce students to the concepts and practice of argument formulation, critical reading and writing skills. The key theme of the module is to examine and discuss a selection of research problems from different aspects and to critically evaluate their research design. This module includes a selection of outside speakers from different settings who have been selected to present issues from their wide ranging research experiences. Their experiences will support or inform student research projects. This module intends to develop the student’s ability to critically examine assumptions used by following a particular research strategy, and identify the skills needed by the practitioner to assess and evaluate these processes with and

for their clients. It will focus on the wide area of public health, and will particularly concentrate on rehabilitation and exercise for health arenas.Audience: Suitable for all practitioners working in health and social care including nurses, doctors, occupational therapist, physiotherapists, social workers and speech and language therapists.Duration: 11 half days (teaching) over 13 weeks plus 4 and 1/2 days self-directed online studyCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Rehabilitation PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Cross sectional imaging – diagnostic

This module will help diagnostic radiographers at all levels to make effective and safe use of contemporary imaging systems found in imaging departments. This module will bring together the physical principles and clinical applications of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. In addition, by critically exploring technological advances in cross sectional imaging systems, the module will also help prepare the radiographer for the future developments in imaging practice. This module is designed for diagnostic radiographers and will be delivered jointly with the ‘Cross Sectional Imaging – Therapeutic (RA7005b)’ module. Although the contents of the two modules are similar, there are distinct differences in the application of practice which will be evident in the assessment presentation.Audience: Diagnostic radiographers and registered healthcare practitioners with at least two years’ full-time clinical experience and a degree/diploma or equivalent in radiography.

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Duration: 5 teaching days over 1 week plus self-directed studyCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Medical Imaging PgCert/PgDip/MSc and Medical Imaging (Mammography) PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Cross sectional imaging – therapeutic

This module will bring together the physical principles and clinical applications of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. The aim of the module is to help therapeutic radiographers at all levels to make effective and safe use of contemporary localisation systems found in oncology practice. In addition, by critically exploring technological advances in cross sectional imaging systems the module will also help prepare the radiographer for future developments in oncology practice. This module is designed for therapeutic radiographers and will be delivered jointly with the ‘Cross sectional imaging - diagnostic (RA7005a)’ module. Although the contents of the two modules are similar, there are distinct differences in the application of practice which will be evident in the assessment presentation.Audience: Therapeutic radiographers with at least two years’ full-time clinical experience and a degree/diploma or equivalent in radiography.Duration: 5 teaching days over 1 week plus self-directed studyCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Radiography Breast Evaluation, Medical Imaging, Medical Imaging (Mammography), Oncology Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Dementia care – improving practice

This module will allow practitioners to acquire knowledge and competency in dementia in order to provide effective care for this client group. Dementia is a prevalent and complex condition, often having a profound impact on the individual and their supporters. The increase in prevalence and an increasing ageing population means people with dementia are high users of health and social care services. The module is suitable for practitioners from all settings who are involved with the care of people with dementia. This course is also available as an undergraduate (level 6) award.Audience: Registered practitioners, normally with two years’ experience in practice.Duration: 5 teaching days over 8 weeksCredits: 15 Level: 7Course: Oncology Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Dementia care – skilled practice

This module will explore the nature of dementia care and its specialist areas. It will focus on the challenges that people with dementia and their supporters face in living with the disease, and will assist practitioners to develop their intellectual, ethical and interpersonal skills to improve the care outcomes of people with dementia. This module will build on the dementia care knowledge studied in the ‘Dementia care – improving practice’ postgraduate module. The module is suitable for all healthcare professionals who wish to extend their knowledge and become a dementia skilled practitioner or

are working towards becoming dementia specialists. This course is available as an undergraduate (level 6) award.Audience: Registered healthcare practitioners normally with one year’s post-qualifying practice experience who have completed the postgraduate module Dementia care – improving practice.Duration: 10 teaching days over 9 weeksCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Discharge planning, referral pathways and risk

This module will enable practitioners to feel confident in their decision-making processes, where either case closure or appropriate referrals are made to other health or social care practitioners within the community. It is suitable for those working in acute, ambulatory or community care, either on a face-to-face basis or offering telephone advice. It facilitates in-depth interviewing techniques and evidence-based interventions in order to offer safe, compassionate care for hospital avoidance and risk avoidance. This module is an option module within the MSc Healthcare Practice programme and may also be taken as a free standing module. This module is also offered as an undergraduate (level 6) award.Audience: Registered healthcare practitioners normally with one year’s post-qualifying practice experience who have completed the postgraduate module ‘Hospital avoidance: managing complexity’ or the equivalent. Students should be working autonomously and be able to discharge or refer patients to other agencies.

Duration: 6 teaching days over 7 weeksCredits: 15 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Dissertation (for postgraduate radiography MSc)

This module will provide students with the experience of utilising all principles of research design. Following submission and approval of a dissertation proposal, the student is provided with a project supervisor to facilitate support for both the project and dissemination material. Students will be required to undertake an independent piece of research study into a topic relevant to their own field. The aim of the module is to develop in-depth theoretical, analytical and research skills.This module builds upon the principles outlined and knowledge acquired during the ‘Research and evidence-based practice in healthcare’ postgraduate module. It provides the component beyond postgraduate diploma to enable the completion of a masters degree.Audience: Radiographers and registered healthcare practitioners practising with at least two years’ full-time clinical experience and a degree/diploma or equivalent in radiographyDuration: 1 day workshop plus 2-3 half days for supervision meetingsCredits: 60 Level: 7Course: Breast Evaluation PgCert/PgDip/MSc, Medical Imaging PgCert/PgDip/MSc, Medical Imaging (Mammography) PgCert/PgDip/MSc and Oncology Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc

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Emergency practice (subject to validation)

This module will strengthen and develop the students’ competence in emergency care in order to enhance and optimise patient care. A variety of areas reflecting the diverse nature of emergency care are covered including trauma, mental health, paediatrics, minor injuries and contemporary professional issues.This course is also available as an undergraduate (level 6) award.Audience: Healthcare practitioners such as adult nurses, paediatric nurses and paramedics who wish to develop their knowledge and skills in care for patients in the emergency department. Applicants will usually have completed the undergraduate ‘Acutely unwell adult’ module or equivalent, and should have a minimum of one year’s experience in the emergency department.Duration: 10 teaching days (plus exam) over 11 weeksCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Ethics and law for contemporary healthcare practice

This module will examine and develop students understanding of ethical theories or principles and aspects of English law relevant to contemporary healthcare

practice. Students will be encouraged to explore their own value systems and how their own professional practice upholds rights and promotes the wellbeing of the patients or clients in their care. The

module structure, delivery and content will concentrate on contemporary practice issues and facilitate application of current healthcare ethics and law. It is expected that students actively prepare and participate in classroom debate. The learning materials utilised will enhance their ability to apply moral, ethical, professional and legal concepts and theory to daily professional practice. This course is also available as an undergraduate (level 6) award.Audience: Registered healthcare practitioners normally with one year’s post-qualifying practice experience.Duration: 5 teaching days over 8 weeksCredits: 15 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Examination of the newborn

This module will enable participants to explore issues related to examination and assessment of the new-born baby. It is designed to enable participants to develop competence which will lead to autonomous practice in the examination and assessment of the new-born.The course is also offered as an undergraduate award (level 6).Audience: Registered healthcare practitioners normally with one year’s post-qualifying practice experience.Duration: 10 teaching days over 23 weeksCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Exercise interventions for obesity and diabetes

This module will look at the increasing burden of obesity on the one hand and Type 2 Diabetes on the other. It will critically discuss physical activity as a possible mediator for the known risk factors.This module intends to develop the student’s ability to critically examine assumptions, and identify the skills needed by the practitioner to apply interventions for their clients. It will focus on the wide area of physical activity and will particularly concentrate on appropriate interventions in exercise for health arenas.Audience: Suitable for health practitioners with an interest in exercise and the potential of physical activity.Duration: 6 half days (teaching) over 13 weeks plus 2 days self-directed online studyCredits: 15 Level: 7Course: Applied Exercise for Health PgCert/PgDip/MSc and Rehabilitation PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Exercise through the life span

This module will identify the core framework supporting effective exercise prescription, and enable students to critically examine the fundamental principles underpinning global health in child and adult populations plus people with disease. Students will learn how to contextualise the most relevant information in order to establish appropriate changes in lifestyle or to re-enforce positive patterns. The client’s needs will be aligned to the governmental policies and strategies where

appropriate and possible future change of policy and strategy will be debated. Audience: Suitable for health practitioners with an interest in exercise and the potential of physical activity.Duration: 11 half days (teaching) over 15 weeksCredits: 15 Level: 7Course: Applied Exercise for Health PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Final research project

This module will provide students with the experience of utilising principles of research and academic writing and demonstrate the intellectual skills learned in the course. Students are expected to critically review research and to evaluate the evidence underpinning their own practice. This module will provide students with the opportunity to implement the knowledge and skills developed through previous modules of study by conducting research focused on a topic of their choice related to their area of practice, with the support of a research supervisor.This module is required for students undertaking studies at a masters level.It can also be taken as a standalone module by those who wish to undertake, with supervision, a work-based research project.Audience: Practitioners at advanced and strategic levels of the The College of Social Work’s Professional Capabilities Framework (PCF)Duration: From September to September (60 hours seminars, workshops and tutorials)Credits: 60 Level: 7Course: Advanced Social Work MA

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Frameworks for effective safeguarding practice with adults

This module is designed to provide students with opportunities to build on existing knowledge, skills and confidence in applying frameworks for decision-making relevant to safeguarding adults. The module focuses particularly on the frameworks of law, ethics and policy that should inform judgements in this practice area. Students will be required to reflect critically on decisions from current or recent experience in the light of these frameworks, and to identify ways of applying learning from the module to future practice. There will be a strong focus on practice development (in terms of the Professional Capabilities Framework (PCF) and Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) standards) at social worker/experienced social worker level. It includes assessment in practice. This is one of two specialist modules designed with Kingston and St George’s joint Faculty to replace the previous specialist level award.Audience: Practitioners who work with adults.Duration: April to JuneCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Advanced Social Work MA


Frameworks for effective safeguarding practice with children and families

The module will focus on the frameworks of law, ethics and policy that should inform judgements in this practice area. Students will be required to reflect critically on decisions from current or recent experience in the light of these frameworks, and to identify ways of applying learning

from the module to future practice. There will be a strong focus on practice development (in terms of The College of Social Work’s Professional Capabilities Framework (PCF)5 and the Health and Care Professions Council standards of conduct, performance and ethics at the social worker/experienced social worker level. It includes assessment in practice.This module is designed to provide students with opportunities to build on existing knowledge, skills and confidence in applying frameworks for decision making relevant to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. It is one of two specialist modules designed and developed with our employer partners in South West London and Surrey to replace the previous specialist level award/child care award.Audience: This is a specialist module for practitioners who work with children, young people, their families and carers.Duration: April to June (30 hourse of lectures and seminars)Credits: 30 Level: 7Course: Advanced Social Work MA


Healthcare management and evaluation in a contemporary context

This module will provide knowledge of the theoretical, social, political and economic factors influencing the management, planning, delivery and evaluation of health and care in the UK. International perspectives and models of health and care will be included. Students will be exposed to the most recent health policies and initiatives which influence quality service provision reflecting the key principles of the UK health and care systems.

Audience: Professionals involved in the management, service development and evaluation of health and care.Duration: 6 days (teaching) over 15 weeks plus 4 days self-directed studyCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Clinical Leadership MSc


High dependency issues in maternity care (subject to validation)

This module will enable participants to explore issues related to the provision of care of women in high dependency situations and reflect on their current skills, developing further skills as necessary. Inter-professional working will be highlighted.This module will enable students to reflect and review practice in relation to high dependency care of women receiving maternity care; and provide a forum in which midwives can explore issues related to their practice taking into account current evidence. The course is also offered as an undergraduate award (level 6).Audience: Registered midwife or registered nurse working within an obstetric unit.Duration: 5 teaching days over 9 weeksCredits: 15 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Hospital avoidance: managing complexity

This module will provide health and social care individuals an understanding of the complexity of the needs and risks associated with working with people with complex conditions in any setting. The module will focus on the safe and effective

management of individuals with both stable and unstable chronic conditions, with the aim of avoiding unnecessary hospital admissions. This module is available to study as an undergraduate (level 6) award.Audience: Registered healthcare practitioners normally with one year’s post-qualifying practice experience.Duration: 10 teaching days over 18 weeksCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Independent and supplementary prescribing for nurses (V300)

This module will enable health professionals to prescribe medication safely and effectively. It is designed as an interdisciplinary module, for all non-medical health professions permitted by law to prescribe. The course focuses on pharmacology and the knowledge base which underpins prescribing medicines and also on prescribing in practice.Once completed, students can take additional modules from the masters Healthcare Practice core programme to gain an MSc. This course is also offered as an undergraduate (level 6) award.Audience: Level 1 registered nurses with 3 years post qualification experience, of which the last year has been working in the field in which the nurse intends to prescribe.Duration: 26 teaching days over the academic yearCredits: 60 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc

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Intensive care of the polytrauma patient

This module will explore in detail the principles and practice of polytrauma patient care following their primary survey and admission to the critical care area. It is for experienced nurses and other acute healthcare practitioners involved in the care of polytrauma patients within an adult intensive care unit, within a trauma unit hospital. Students should have already completed relevant specialist practice modules, for example, an intensive care course or equivalent. This course is also available as an undergraduate (level 6) award.Audience: Applicants should be experienced practitioners who are working within an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in a trauma hospital or tertiary trauma centre. A relevant specialist practice module, such as an intensive care course or equivalent must have been completed.Duration: 5 teaching days over 8 weeksCredits: 15 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Intensive care patient assessment

This module will enable the student to assess and interpret adult patients’ ongoing condition accurately. It is for practitioners working within adult intensive care areas. It is a core compulsory module for the specialist intensive care route of the Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc. This module is available as an undergraduate (level 6) award.Audience: Registered healthcare

practitioners normally with one year’s post-qualifying practice experience, with opportunity to assess adult intensive care patients. Practitioners should be familiar with a wide range of assessment and monitoring approaches used with adult intensive care patients.Duration: 10 teaching days over 18 weeksCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Intensive care patient management

This module will enable the student to manage complex patient conditions appropriately based on the knowledge base that underpins this area. This module is for practitioners working within adult intensive care areas. This module is available as an undergraduate (level 6) module.Audience: Registered healthcare practitioners normally with one year’s post-qualifying practice experience. Practitioners should be working within an intensive care unit, able to participate in the planning and delivery of care to complex intensive care patients in clinical practice and be able to complete all practice competencies within their own clinical areas.Duration: 10 teaching days over 18 weeksCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


International social work: models and practice

This module will facilitate students’ critical appreciation of models of international social work and their relevance to social work in the United Kingdom. Students will be enabled to critically evaluate international strategies and methods of social work, which promote participation and empowerment of service users and carers. They will appreciate how personal, social, and cultural background can impact on social work practice and consider the relevance of anti-discriminatory approaches. Students can be assisted to undertake a short international social work experience as part of this module.Audience: Experienced social workers at advanced levelsDuration: September to December (30 hours learning sessions, plus international experience)Credits: 30 Level: 7Course: Professional Education and Training PgCert/PgDip/MA


Interpretation and reporting in mammography

This module will provide the foundation for understanding the key processes involved in ‘reading’ breast images. It is related to the image interpretation of screening mammograms, detecting and identifying any abnormalities, classifying those possible abnormalities, and then making a decision on the likely probabilities, whether to recall the woman for further clinical assessment, with all the associated patient anxieties. The module assessment components consist of evaluating clinical

skills, self analysis, and academic skills of essay writing on an associated topic. This module is designed around an attendance of one week full time, followed by nine months of learning in a professional environment within healthcare.This module is designed for healthcare professionals, such as breast clinicians or radiographers who wish to perform as advanced practitioners.Audience: Diagnostic radiographers and registered healthcare professionals practising within the breast care field, with at least two years’ full-time clinical experience and a degree/diploma or equivalent in radiography.Duration: 5 teaching days over 1 week plus self-directed studyCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Breast Evaluation PgCert/PgDip/MSc and Medical Imaging (Mammography) PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Leadership in change management

This module will take a client-centred and service based approach to number of leadership theories/approaches are explored and evaluated. It takes a client-centred and service-based approach to improvements in the patient/client experience. A blend of learning approaches is employed to promote and enhance the student’s learning experience. Students will be encouraged to network with key influencers and opinion leaders within the organisation to help them gain practical insights into leadership and change.Audience: This module is for professionals involved in leading others, teams or organisations or involved in identifying and

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leading change in practice aimed at service improvement. Duration: 7 days (teaching) over 13 weeks plus 3 days self-directed studyCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Clinical Leadership MSc


Leading and managing people in social work practice

This module will provide the opportunity for students employed in management roles in social work to expand their understanding of leadership and management behaviours and processes. It will explore how leadership and management works with organizational culture, team building, staff management, staff development and making decisions. It will provide the opportunity for those in or joining first line manager positions to reflect on their management behaviours, enhance their capability in effective leadership and people management skills, and increase their capacity to be influential within and between teams.Audience: The module is for practitioners at advanced and professional capabilities framework (PCF) for social workers strategic levels.Duration: Start dates: November to May (35 hours)Credits: 30 Level: 7Course: Professional Education and Training PgCert/PgDip/MA


Leading change in mental health practice

This module will focus on leadership in the advancement of knowledge and mental health intervention in one of the following areas: psychosocial interventions, cognitive approaches, group dynamics or child and adolescent mental health. It will enable mental health and social care practitioners to facilitate the implementation of mental health interventions and promote change within practice. Change may be at the individual level, or it can also involve the facilitation of others in implementing mental health interventions. This module is a compulsory specialist module within the psychosocial interventions pathway of the Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc.Audience: Registered healthcare practitioners normally with one year’s post-qualifying practice experience. Participants will need to be able to demonstrate competence in one of the following at graduate (or equivalent) level: cognitive approaches; psychosocial interventions; group dynamics or child and adolescent mental health.Duration: 5 teaching days over 4 weeksCredits: 15 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Life after stroke

This module will examine the appreciative and critical enquiry of factors that influence successful community reintegration and life after stroke. Stroke continues to be the most prevalent disability in the developed world. In the UK there are approximately 900,000 people living with the experiences

of stroke at any one time. The term ‘Life after stroke’ was first used by the UK, stroke strategy in 2007 and incorporated a number of quality domains for consideration for all practitioners working in stroke. Rehabilitation supports people to successfully adjust to the experience of stroke, and is now a growing area of research and practice. Many underlying concepts influence life after stroke, at both individual/personal level, and organisational/service delivery level. These will form an important focus of the module. This module provides a particular emphasis on the skills and knowledge required to work at an individual/personal level to enable coping, adjustment self-management and active participation post stroke.Audience: Suitable for all practitioners working in health and social care including nurses, doctors, occupational therapist, physiotherapists, social workers and speech and language therapists.Duration: 9 half days (teaching) over 13 weeks plus half a day self-directed online studyCredits: 15 Level: 7Course: Applied Exercise for Health PgCert/PgDip/MSc and Rehabilitation PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Management of resources and quality within healthcare

This module will raise awareness of key concepts and theory associated that can be applied in order to manage people, co-ordinate streams of activity and achieve quality outcome measures. This module explores a range of contemporary management issues and highlights the impact of these on the provision of service

to the clients. The assessment utilises problem based learning and encourages students to consider solutions in practice, which is complex and multifaceted in nature. This module is designed for healthcare professionals undertaking professional and managerial tasks. The module can be taken as an option module for any pathway. The module focuses on making effective use of resources; adding value to personal and organisational effectiveness such that quality of service can be achieved.Audience: Radiographers and registered healthcare practitioners with at least two years’ full-time clinical experience and a degree/diploma or equivalent in radiography.Duration: 5 teaching days over 1 week plus self-directed studyCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Breast Evaluation PgCert/PgDip/MSc, Medical Imaging PgCert/PgDip/MSc, Medical Imaging (Mammography) PgCert/PgDip/MSc and Oncology Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Management survival

This module will cover essential day-to-day management issues and offers practical strategies for dealing with conflicting issues in practice. It will enable health and social care practitioners to facilitate proactive and innovative approaches for team cohesion and effective management within practice.This module focuses on the principles and practice of management for those aspiring to become effective leaders in practice, and is suitable for those entering junior management posts or wishing to upskill themselves in the techniques and strategies of effective management.

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Audience: Registered healthcare practitioners normally with one year’s post-qualifying practice experience. Duration: 5 teaching days over 4 weeksCredits: 15 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Managing fatigue: implications for exercise

This module will firstly visit key concepts in the development of fatigue during exercise, and secondly explore exercise prescription for pathology induced fatigue. Students will be introduced to physiological, pathological and psychological aspects fatigue in the context of exercise.Audience: Suitable for health practitioners with an interest in exercise and the potential of physical activity.Duration: 6 half days (teaching) over 13 weeks plus 2 days self-directed online studyCredits: 15 Level: 7Course: Applied Exercise for Health PgCert/PgDip/MSc and Rehabilitation PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Managing professional responses to safeguarding adults at risk

This module will promote an in-depth exploration on safeguarding adults and considers good practice with managing responses, to safeguarding concerns in appropriate and sensitive ways that protects the rights of the person concerned. This module will enable participants to develop their skills in managing the safeguarding adults’

investigation process and develop their abilities to chair safeguarding strategy meetings and case conferences. In particular, the module will examine the means by which decisions are reached in investigations concerning adult safeguarding, ethical concerns regarding these decisions and consider the multi-professional response required based on official guidance from central and local government.Audience: This module is for practitioners at social worker/experienced social worker level who work with adults.Duration: Please contact module leader Nigel Hall: [email protected]’ to register your interest.Credits: 15 Level: 7Course: Advanced Social Work MA


Maternal and child health determinants

This module will explore the various factors that determine health outcomes for women, children and young people. Global health patterns and trends, and the effect of poverty and health inequalities will be considered in relation to government policy initiatives to improve health and social care. Issues relating to ethnicity, race, culture, gender and social class will also be explored.Audience: Registered healthcare practitioners normally with one year’s post-qualifying practice experience.Duration: 10 teaching days over 14 weeksCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Mentoring, coaching and advanced assessment of professional practice

This module will equip students to mentor, coach and assess colleagues at post-registration levels. It promotes critical evaluation of theoretical, professional and policy approaches to mentoring, coaching and holistic assessment of professional practice. The knowledge, understanding, values and skills necessary for mentoring and assessing professional practice in social work and related settings are examined. Students are assisted to develop strategies and techniques to enhance their skills in mentoring, coaching and assessment of professional colleagues in different contexts in practice settings. Students are required to mentor, coach and assess colleagues as part of the practicum for this module.Audience: Experienced social workers at advanced levelsDuration: Start dates: September to February (30 hours seminars, lectures and workshops, skills lab sessions on coaching skills)Credits: 30 Level: 7Course: Professional Education and Training PgCert/PgDip/MA


Mentorship for practice (NMC Mentor – stage 2) (level 7)

This module will enable health and social care practitioners to develop their skills, knowledge and approaches as mentors and meets the NMC Stage 2 Mentor standard. This module will develop student ability to successfully manage and evaluate the learning environment, facilitate learning and teaching, enable honest

and accountable assessment of learners, act as an agent of change and maintain quality in both the learning and assessment process. Students will develop a capacity to promote evidence-based learning within a culture of interprofessional practice. This includes: all learners/students, service users, carers and colleagues. The course is also offered as an undergraduate award (level 6).Audience: All health and social care practitioners/professionals who are responsible for facilitating the learning and assessment of other professionals.Duration: 5 teaching days over 9 weeksCredits: 15 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


MSc Research project

This module will provide students with preparation and planning to research as well as the analysis, discussion and presentation of the outcomes of the research. This module is available to students on St George’s, University of London (SGUL) validated MSc programmes and sits within the SGUL taught postgraduate courses framework. The module is described here in generic terms but it gains context and detail once incorporated into specific MSc programmes. It is envisaged that this module could encompass four categories of research project:• Analysis and discussion of primary data

collected as a result of research planned and executed by the student

• Analysis and discussion of existing (i.e. secondary) data

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• Systematic review and analysis of published material

• Research in a workplace environment evaluating or leading to a practice or service innovation

Audience: Students must have studied the postgraduate module: MRDM101X Rsearch methods.Duration: 5 teaching days over 31 weeksCredits: 60 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Pain management

This module will focus on the clinical application of current concepts of pain. Pain is considered a multi-dimensional experience and there is increasing amounts of quality literature to support the efficacy of adopting a biopsychosocial approach to pain management. This approach requires an in-depth understanding of the neurophysiology of pain and also the adoption of cognitive-behavioural principles, the foundation of which is sound communication.This module provides a high level of knowledge and skills that will enable students to effectively assist patients in managing complex pain experiences. The module will enable students to develop an evidence-based approach to assist individuals with painful conditions to optimise participation in life situations.Audience: Suitable for all practitioners working in health and social care including nurses, doctors, occupational therapist, physiotherapists, social workers and speech and language therapists.Duration: 6 half days (teaching) over 13 weeks plus 2 days self-directed online study

Credits: 15 Level: 7Course: Applied Exercise for Health PgCert/PgDip/MSc and Rehabilitation PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Palliative care for children, young people and families (subject to validation)

Over the period of their shortened lives, children and their families require care in a variety of settings (for example hospital, home, hospice, school) from a range of professionals and services. Education is viewed as central to policy across countries regarding the ongoing future development of palliative care for children. This module will address such policy directives, providing an educational opportunity for any professional who provides palliative care to children and their families within any setting. This module will develop evidence-based knowledge and understanding of the main aspects of caring for children and young people with palliative care needs and their families. Palliative care for infants, children and young people has developed as a small but distinct area of practice internationally in recent years as the number of children requiring such care increases. Attributed, in part, to advances in technology and treatment, many of these children would previously have not survived but are now living, requiring intense and sustained support provided by specialist services not only for the duration of the child’s life, but also for several years beyond. Services include health, social and educational services.Audience: Healthcare practitioners/professionals such as nurses, teachers, social workers, play specialists,

physiotherapists, music therapists and midwives, working in an area with children and/or young people who require palliative care.Duration: 10 teaching days over 15 weeksCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Pathophysiology and clinical reasoning

This module is for the experienced healthcare practitioner who wishes to further their knowledge and skills in relation to mechanisms of pathophysiology and clinical reasoning, and support their role as senior practitioners. This module will incorporate psychosocial and environmental attributes to provide the practitioner with an in-depth level of knowledge across the life span complemented by the specialist theoretical knowledge, and clinical skills.Audience: Registered healthcare practitioners normally with one year’s post-qualifying practice experience.Duration: 10 teaching days over 18 weeksCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Perinatal mental health

This module will enable students to critically appraise the socio-political and cultural context of the care of women with antenatal and postnatal mental health problems, and will equip students with sound knowledge, skills and attitudes to meet current challenges in improving outcomes for vulnerable

and disadvantaged families. It will enable students to understand the importance of providing effective high-quality care through effective interprofessional collaboration and development of managed care pathways.Audience: Registered healthcare practitioners normally with two years’ post-qualifying practice experience.Duration: 5 teaching days over 8 weeksCredits: 15 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Planning and delivery of training

This module will examine the development, delivery and evaluation of a minimum of two training events in an agency setting; and the development of a training manual.Students taking this module are required to identify and analyse learning and development needs which might be met by the provision of training. They will then undertake independent research and develop a short training programme to meet these needs. This module is suitable for those undertaking training and development roles in the workplace.Audience: The module is for experienced social workers and advanced level professional educators.Duration: May to May (35 hours workshops and group tutorials and observation of training practice in a work setting)Credits: 30 Level: 7Course: Professional Education and Training PgCert/PgDip/MA

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Policy and practice in rehabilitation (PP1)

This module will provide an in-depth study of current, past and future trends in rehabilitation. With a focus on the UK perspective, we will examine how policy, key research and opinion influences practice in rehabilitation. We will consider the extent to which policy aspiration is reflected in practice, and in the experiences of individuals with different complex health and social care rehabilitation needs, across traditional health and social pathways and beyond. This module can be studied as a standalone module to support the development of an in-depth understanding of the impact of policy, theory and research on the experiences of rehabilitation for patients and practitioners. Students who wish to apply this understanding to service improvement in their area of practice would benefit from studying this module in combination with the ‘Policy and practice: quality and innovation in rehabilitation (PP2)’ module.Audience: Suitable for all practitioners working in health and social care including nurses, doctors, occupational therapist, physiotherapists, social workers and speech and language therapists.Duration: 10 half days (teaching) over 15 weeksCredits: 15 Level: 7Course: Rehabilitation PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Policy and practice: quality and innovation in rehabilitation (PP2)

This module will build on an in-depth understanding of current, past and future trends in rehabilitation. With a focus on the UK perspective, we will examine how this knowledge of key policy, research and opinion can support innovation in rehabilitation to enhance the experiences of individuals with different complex health and social care rehabilitation needs.This module encourages students to think beyond traditional service models and to explore opportunities for rehabilitation provision in emerging health and social care frameworks. This module can be studied as a standalone module to support the development of service improvement in an area of practice development. It is beneficial for students to have an in-depth understanding of the impact of policy, theory and research on the experiences of rehabilitation for patients and practitioners so students would benefit from studying this module in combination with the ‘Policy and practice in rehabilitation (PP1)’ module.Audience: Suitable for all practitioners working in health and social care including nurses, doctors, occupational therapist, physiotherapists, social workers and speech and language therapists.Duration: 10 half days (teaching) over 13 weeksCredits: 15 Level: 7Course: Applied Exercise for Health PgCert/PgDip/MSc and Rehabilitation PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Practice education and mentorship

The module will focus on developing the appropriate knowledge and skills in order to effectively facilitate the development of others. Throughout the module students draw upon their clinical experiences and relate these to theoretical frameworks. It places emphasis on the development of self, through personal development planning. Participants engage with a wide range of learning activities which augment learning and act as a foundation for reflection. This module is of value to practitioners who educate and mentor learners within the clinical setting.Audience: Radiographers and registered healthcare practitioners with at least two years’ full-time clinical experience and a degree/diploma or equivalent in radiography.Duration: 5 teaching days over 1 week plus self-directed studyCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Breast Evaluation PgCert/PgDip/MSc, Medical Imaging PgCert/PgDip/MSc, Medical Imaging (Mammography) PgCert/PgDip/MSc and Oncology Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Practice education stage 1

This module will equip registered social workers to undertake the responsibilities of a stage 1 practice educator (Practice Educator Professional Standards of the College of Social Work). Students who complete this module successfully will be able to supervise, teach and assess social work degree students up to but not including the final assessment prior to qualification. At this stage they may

contribute to the last placement but not take full responsibility for assessment or act as the practice educator on a day-to-day basis. Students undertaking this module are required to undertake a practicum which entails acting as a stage 1 practice educator to a degree in social work student on a first placement (70 days).The module includes practice assessment and is for practitioners at social worker/experienced social worker level. A Postgraduate Certificate in Practice Education can be awarded if this module is studied together with Practice education stage 25.Audience: Registered social workers with two years or more post-registration practice experienceDuration: January and June start dates (30 hours seminars, lectures and workshops. Skills lab sessions on supervision skills. 10 hours practice assessment in the workplace)Credits: 30 Level: 7Course: Professional Education and Training PgCert/PgDip/MA


Practice education stage 2

This module will equip registered social workers to undertake the responsibilities of a Stage 2 Practice Educator (Practice Educator Professional Standards of the College of Social Work). Students who complete this module successfully will be able to supervise, teach and assess social work degree students up to and including the last placement and to work with assessed and supported year in employment (ASYE) candidates. In effect, these practice educators will have the authority and capability to recommend, on the basis of appropriate evidence,

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that the social work students are fit to practise at the point of qualification. Students in this module are required to undertake a practicum which entails acting as a stage 2 practice educator to a degree in social work student on a final placement (100 days). The module includes practice assessment and is for practitioners at experienced social worker level.A Postgraduate Certificate in Practice Education can be awarded if this module is studied together with Practice education stage 15.Audience: Registered social workers with three years or more post-registration practice experience and who have completed the ‘Practice education stage 1’ or equivalent course.Duration: October and June start dates (30 hours seminars, lectures and workshops. Skills lab sessions on supervision skills. 12 hours practice assessment in the workplace)Credits: 30 Level: 7Course: Professional Education and Training PgCert/PgDip/MA


Practice teacher – practice educator (NMC mentor stage 3)

This module will prepare health and social care professionals to undertake the role of Practice teacher-Practice educator within the practice/clinical setting. The module will meet the requirements of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Stage 3 Practice Teacher preparation and is suitable for those registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). This module consists of 30 days protected learning time of which 20 days are practice based with 10 study days.

Audience: This module prepares health and social care practitioners/professionals to undertake the role of Practice teacher – Practice educator within the practice clinical setting. The module will meet the requirements of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Stage 3 Practice Teacher preparation and is suitable for those registered with the Health and Care Professions Council HCPC).Duration: 10 teaching days over 19 weeksCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Practice teacher – specialist practitioner (NMC mentor stage 3)

This module will provide students the opportunity to develop the knowledge, skills and competence to support and facilitate the learning experiences and assessment of students undertaking the Specialist Community Public Health Nurse (SCPHN) programmes and/or a Specialist Practice Qualification (SPQ). This course is designed to meet the requirements of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Stage 3 Practice Teacher. This module consists of 30 days protected learning time of which 20 days are practice-based with 10 study days.Audience: This module prepares nursing, midwifery and health visiting practitioners for the role as practice teacher within practice setting.Duration: 10 teaching days over 23 weeksCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Preparation of supervisors of midwives programme

This module will explore key issues in the statutory supervision of midwives helping students to become active in their role. The student, on successful completion of the module and appointment as a Supervisors of Midwives, will be able to support and develop midwives and the maternity care services and ensure the protection of the public. The Local Supervising Authority Midwifery Officer (LSAMO) will be informed for appointment purposes and the NMC will also be informed as this course is now a recordable qualification. The course is also offered as an undergraduate award (level 6).Audience: Midwives who are eligible to become Supervisors of Midwives in accordance with Midwives Rule 8 (NMC, 2012) and have undergone the relevant local supervising authority’s selection process (NMC 2014).Duration: 12 teaching days over 32 weeksCredits: 45 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Prescribing for AHPs (subject to validation)

This module will enable health professionals to prescribe safely and effectively. It is designed as an interdisciplinary module, for all non-medical health professions permitted by law to prescribe. The course focuses on pharmacology and the knowledge base which underpins prescribing medicines and also on prescribing in practice.This qualification will entitle students to

apply to record the additional qualification with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). Once completed, students can take additional modules from the masters Healthcare Practice core programme to gain an MSc. This course is also offered as an undergraduate (level 6) award.Audience: Allied health professionalsDuration: 26 teaching days over 25 weeks (varies accorging to the intake date)Credits: 60 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Pressure ulcers: prevention and management

This module will provide practitioners with an opportunity to develop an in-depth and critical understanding of the challenges of pressure ulcer prevention and management, and will provide a foundation for reviewing and implementing improvements in practice within their own sphere of work. This module is suitable for healthcare professionals working in any practice setting where there are people at risk of developing a pressure ulcer. This course is also available as an undergraduate (level 6) award.Audience: Registered healthcare practitioners normally with one year’s post-qualifying practice experience who are working with individuals with, or at elevated risk of, pressure ulcers (or have had recent experience in this field).Duration: 5 teaching days over 8 weeksCredits: 15 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc

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Professional development in rehabilitation

This module will focus on the compilation of a reflective practice portfolio. The portfolio offers students the opportunity to compile evidence that relates to their own learning experience in the context of their own working environment. While this is an assessed piece of work, it’s hoped that it will also become a valuable resource for the student. In addition, it’s hoped that students develop a reflective approach in their own practice; reflecting on their learning, performance and on issues relevant to advance practice in health, social work and social care. A reflective approach to professional practice is a vital part of continuing professional development. Registration bodies such as the HCPC and NMC demand that registrants demonstrate their continuing professional development by keeping a portfolio. Therefore, this module is designed to compliment this process and assist students to develop this in line with their own registering body requirements.Audience: Suitable for all practitioners working in health and social care including nurses, doctors, occupational therapist, physiotherapists, social workers and speech and language therapists.Duration: 5 half days (teaching) over 13 weeks plus 2 and half days self-directed online studyCredits: 15 Level: 7Course: Applied Exercise for Health PgCert/PgDip/MSc and Rehabilitation PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Professional practice in mammography 1

This module will introduce students to the basic knowledge and skills in mammography to enable them to develop professional clinical competencies. The module will also develop critical evaluation of the basic mammographic technique in the clinical environment. This is a core module in the MSc in Medical Imaging (Mammography) and runs concurrently with ‘Professional practice in mammography 2 (PPM II)’. Core factual material is provided via the keynote lectures during attendance of the identified academic week.Audience: Radiographers with at least two years’ full-time clinical experience and a degree/diploma or equivalent in radiography.Duration: 2 and 1/2 teaching days (as part of co-requisite module) over 1 week plus self-directed studyCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Breast Evaluation PgCert/PgDip/MSc and Medical Imaging (Mammography) PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Professional practice in mammography 2

This module will further develop the knowledge and skills obtained from ‘Professional Practice in Mammography 1’ module and introduces additional mammographic assessment technique and associated breast pathologies. The module will also develop the student’s role as a mentor enabling educational support to junior colleagues. This is a core module in the ‘MSc in Medical Imaging (Mammography)’ and runs concurrently

with’ Professional practice in mammography 2’. Core factual material is provided via the keynote lectures during attendance of the identified academic week.Audience: Radiographers with at least two years’ full-time clinical experience and a degree/diploma or equivalent in radiography.Duration: 2 and 1/2 teaching days (as part of co-requisite module) over 1 week plus self-directed studyCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Breast Evaluation PgCert/PgDip/MSc and Medical Imaging (Mammography) PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Progression in practice 2 – consolidation

This module will prompt students to reflect upon and evaluate their progression in practice. It conforms to the standards set out on the The College of Social Work’s Professional Capabilities Framework (PCF). It is a useful preparation for further continuing professional development studies. Students taking this module at Level 7 are provided with additional learning sessions on research and literature reviewing for practice.Audience: Students must be qualified social workers, registered with the Health and Care Professions Council, in employment as a social worker and have their employer’s approval and support to undertake this module.Duration: September and February start dates (19 hours of study)Credits: 15 Level: 7Course: Advanced Social Work MA


Psychology for exercise

This module will examine the psychology that underpins exercise for health and will develop an in-depth understanding of psychological correlates, psychological well being and psychological interventions to promote physical activity.It presents an understanding of the theory and rationale of how psychology can aid adherence and maintenance of exercise in various populations.Audience: Suitable for all practitioners working in health and social care including nurses, doctors, occupational therapist, physiotherapists, social workers and speech and language therapistsDuration: 6 half days (teaching) over 13 weeks plus 2 days self-directed online studyCredits: 15 Level: 7Course: Applied Exercise for Health PgCert/PgDip/MSc and Rehabilitation PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Psychology of teaching and learning

This module will allow students to engage with the academic and research literature that supports both methodological approaches to the study of psychology of teaching and learning, and the intellectual bases of professional work in practice/professional education. Students are expected to analyse and apply enhanced understanding of the role of the reflective professional/practice educator to organisational improvement, and generate a framework for thinking about how different learning theories relate

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to one another. Some of the difficulties of identifying critical factors in the learning process and issues surrounding impediments to learning are explored. The challenges associated with the learning of attitudes and values and the processes associated with attitude change are explored. Students taking this module analyse and use their professional practice to inform the extension of their understanding of teaching and learning in order to construct and reconstruct their own professional practice.Audience: Experienced social workers and advanced level professional educatorsDuration: 35 hoursCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Professional Education and Training PgCert/PgDip/MA


Psychosocial interventions

This module will develop the mental health students casework skills to offer recovery orientated care. It aims to develop the student with advanced knowledge, skills and competencies to work collaboratively and effectively with service users who have a serious mental health problem, using evidence-based interventions. The psychosocial interventions and approaches covered in the module are recognised and mandated by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE, 2013) for Schizophrenia and they are also increasingly being demanded by service user organisations. As with the other modules in the pathway it is academically and competency focused, with pathway delivery focused on the integration of knowledge and skills into practice. This is achieved through both the

teaching methods and the requirement that students work with two service users with a severe mental illness. Clinical skills are assessed through a taped session using modified criteria from the cognitive therapy checklist, and all students are required to attend regular supervision throughout the module. The module ‘Assessment of need and recovery’ must be undertaken before studying this one. The module is also available as an undergraduate (level 6) award.Audience: Registered healthcare practitioners normally with one year’s post-qualifying practice experience.Duration: 10 teaching days over 11 weeksCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Pulmonary rehabilitation

This module will promote in-depth understanding of the physiological rationale and principles of rehabilitation, and the practical and clinical implications of exercise for people with chronic respiratory disease. Respiratory rehabilitation will be considered in different settings (community/ hospital) and different disease populations (such as: COPD, asthma, bronchiectasis, cancer, hyperventilation syndrome, obesity). Students will develop the knowledge and skills required to design and deliver effective rehabilitation programmes in chronic respiratory conditions, and will have the opportunity to discuss and reflect on their own clinical experience.

Audience: Suitable for health practitioners with an interest in exercise and the potential of physical activity.Duration: 4 half days (teaching) over 13 weeks plus 3 days self-directed online studyCredits: 15 Level: 7Course: Applied Exercise for Health PgCert/PgDip/MSc and Rehabilitation PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Recovery orientated care

This module will critically analyse the concept of recovery from the perspective of service users, carers, family members, clinical practitioners and the wider multi-disciplinary team. It explores the changing perspectives, aspirations and focus of mental healthcare and examines the importance of social inclusion principles and its relation to recovery. It examines the complexities of promoting recovery within the context of detainment and control. It is designed to develop the knowledge, attitudes, skills and expertise required to enable practitioners to work collaboratively with service users and colleagues, promoting empowerment and client autonomy. This course is also available as an undergraduate (level 6) award: ‘Recovery orientated care in mental health’. Recovery orientated care is now advocated as the approach of choice in modern mental healthcare systems, both nationally and internationally. The concept is supported by the Department of Health, many major UK mental health charities and a growing number of mental health trusts throughout the UK. It is also widely supported in clinical guidelines and by the professional bodies, and therefore is

applicable to all health and social care practitioners in the field. Evidence suggests recovery approaches in care do lead to improved outcomes in lifestyle, satisfaction and reduction of distress (DH, 2006). A growing number of researchers continue to explore the impact of recovery and its relevance to mental health service delivery, which adds to the richly debated relevance of this concept. The course is also offered as an undergraduate award (level 6).Audience: Registered healthcare practitioners normally with one year’s post-qualifying practice experience.Duration: 5 teaching days over 4 weeksCredits: 15 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Renal dialysis: Principles of care

This module will develop nurses skills in the care and management of the client receiving renal replacement therapy, either haemodialysis (HD) or peritoneal dialysis (PD). It will also enhance knowledge in relation to the pathophysiology and treatment of acute kidney injury. This module will incorporate psychosocial, ethical, legislative, professional guidance and risk management dimensions to provide the practitioner with a comprehensive knowledge of the client’s lived experience. The course is also offered as an undergraduate award (level 6).Audience: Practitioners managing clients with a range of renal problems and who have: • Have a minimum of six months’ recent

experience of caring for renal clients• Be working in an appropriate clinical area

and caring for renal-clients

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• Be able to complete all practice competencies in the renal unit where you are based or organise relevant experience to complete competencies away from your normal base

Duration: 10 teaching days over 10 weeksCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Renal dysfunction: Complexities of care

This module will develop nurses who wish to gain a deep and systematic understanding of the pathophysiology, care and management strategies for clients with renal dysfunction, including transplantation.This module incorporates psychosocial, ethical, legislative, professional guidance and risk management dimensions to provide the nurse with a comprehensive knowledge of the client’s lived experience.The course is also offered as an undergraduate award (level 6).Audience: Practitioners managing clients with a range of renal problems and: • Have a minimum of six months’ recent

experience of caring for renal clients• Be working in an appropriate clinical area

and caring for renal clients• Be able to complete all practice

competencies in the renal unit where you are based or organise relevant experience to complete competencies away from your normal base

Duration: 10 teaching days over 10 weeksCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Research and evidence based practice in healthcare

This module will provide understanding of the research process, hone skills of critical appraisal and develop research skills as applied to both quantitative and qualitative research. The delivery follows a logical progression which starts with the scientific process and hypothesis formulation and ends with the production of a research protocol. Along the way reviewing the literature, selecting an appropriate research method, sampling, data collection analysis and presentation and ethical issues are covered. This module has preparatory work, a taught component and self-directed learning/assignment time. The taught component is delivered in two parts; a two day introduction/critical reasoning component and a five day research methods component. The preparation time prior to the two periods of attendance, the guided study/exercises between the two periods of attendance and the self-directed learning/assignment time after the second period of attendance are equally important parts of the module. The preparatory work includes pre-reading of recommended texts and the basic critique/critical analysis of provided materials, papers and evidence with the emphasis being on the ease of information extraction and strength of evidence. StudySpace (Kingston University’s virtual learning environment) is used to support learning and provide clarification and practice via student based activities.Audience: Radiographers and registered healthcare practitioners with at least two years’ full-time clinical experience and a degree/diploma or equivalent in radiography.

Duration: 7 teaching days over 9 weeks plus self-directed studyCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Breast Evaluation PgCert/PgDip/MSc, Medical Imaging PgCert/PgDip/MSc, Medical Imaging (Mammography) PgCert/PgDip/MSc and Oncology Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Research methods

This module will familiarise students with quantitative and qualitative approaches to research, and to enable them to employ appropriate methods to conduct their own research.Audience: Students registered on PgDip, MSc, MClin.Res or MPhil/PhD courses.Duration: 16 teaching days over 21 weeksCredits: 15 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Research methods and data analysis

This module will provide students with an in-depth understanding of the processes, stages and management of research. This module enables students to demonstrate critical appraisal and develop research skills applicable to both quantitative and qualitative approaches. This module introduces the theories of research and provides flexible opportunities for students to apply their newly developed knowledge. It allows the students to practically follow the early stages of research by formulating a research proposal; and the late stages of research by analysing, interpreting, presenting and discussing a data set provided by the module leader(s). Emphasis will be placed on ethical principles, which students will discuss

and apply in their research proposal and data analysis. This module is normally purchased as part of the masters or postgraduate diploma or in conjunction with the postgraduate (level 7) ‘MSc Research project module’ – please contact the Faculty of Health, Social Care and Education at [email protected] for adviceAudience: Health and social care professionals/practitioners.Duration: 5 days (teaching) over 13 weeks plus 5 days self-directed studyCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Clinical Leadership MSc


Safeguarding adults at risk

This module is co-delivered with partner agencies. It will critically examine adult safeguarding in relation to adults at risk whose independence and wellbeing is likely to be compromised through the abusive and harmful actions of others. The module will identify key factors which may give rise to adult safeguarding concerns and consider good practice in relation to responding to these in appropriate and sensitive ways that protects the rights of the person concerned. The module considers how safeguarding is an area of activity aimed at upholding adults’ fundamental right to be safe, while at the same time respecting their rights to make choices – and how this involves questions of empowerment, protection and justice. The module will also explore appropriate multi-agency responses following official guidance from central and local government in this area.Audience: The module is for practitioners at social worker/experienced social worker level who work with adults.

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Duration: 30 hours of learning sessions in both the University and in training settings in the employing agency.Credits: 15 Level: 7Course: Advanced Social Work MA


Safeguarding children – an interdisciplinary approach (subject to validation)

All children have a right to a childhood and a right to feel safe and secure. The ‘Every Child Matters Framework’ seeks to ensure this. Healthcare professionals working in partnership with colleagues from other agencies are key to identifying and managing risk in children. Working together to Safeguard Children (DH 2013) highlights the importance of this as a key element in safeguarding children and in child protection. This module will provide an understanding of the ‘Every Child Matters Framework’ that seeks to ensure a child’s childhood is safe and secure. The framework is applicable to all practitioners regardless of their discipline, and will identify signs of abuse, understand the legislative framework and the concept of interagency working. It also enables practitioners to act swiftly to ensure that the best interests of the child are served.The course is also offered as an undergraduate award (level 6).Audience: Healthcare practitioners who have working experience with children, families and carers.HP7033X – Duration: 5 teaching days over 4 weeks Credits: 15 Level: 7HP7033Y – Duration: 10 teaching days over 10 weeks Credits: 30 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Self-management in long term and neurological conditions

This module will focus on three key underlying concepts which influence self-management in people with long term and neurological conditions. These are: • The individual/personal level of each

specific condition, factors affecting coping and adjustment

• Professional attitudes and beliefs towards person centred approaches, patient led treatment and enabling self-management and finally

• Factors associated with implementation of self-management at an organisational/service delivery level

Students are encouraged to use the evidence and policy in self-management initiatives to develop a proposal for service change in their own area of practice.Audience: Suitable for all practitioners working in health and social care including nurses, doctors, occupational therapist, physiotherapists, social workers and speech and language therapists.Duration: 9 half days (teaching) over 13 weeks plus half day self-directed online studyCredits: 15 Level: 7Course: Applied Exercise for Health PgCert/PgDip/MSc and Rehabilitation PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Sexual health and well-being across the lifespan

This module will facilitate the students to examine their knowledge and understanding of current national and international developments in research, practice, assessment and the promotion of

sexual health. It will explore sexual health and well-being across the lifespan, focusing particularly on the needs of young people and women.Audience: Registered healthcare practitioners normally with one year’s post-qualifying practice experience and working with young people and women.Duration: 5 teaching days over 8 weeksCredits: 15 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Supervision of professional practice

This module will examine the practice of supervision in the professional development of others. It aims to assist supervisors to develop the knowledge and skills relevant to professional supervision; to foster the growth of open, self-aware, flexible supervisors, with a clear sense of the professional boundaries and responsibilities of their role; and to promote critical debate and develop thorough knowledge of the supervision models available, so students can develop an approach that best suits their professional practice. It further provides a structured opportunity for students to develop their skills in providing reflective supervision and in the holistic appraisal of professional capability fostering critical evaluation of their own supervisory practice. The module is for experienced social workers/advanced levels.Audience: This module is for students who have responsibility for providing professional supervision in a practice setting.Duration: Start dates January to May (35 hours including 10 hours in the practice

learning suite developing skills in critically reflective supervision)Credits: 30 Level: 7Course: Professional Education and Training PgCert/PgDip/MA


Transitions and adolescent care (subject to validation)

This module will address the wider perspectives of care and support needs of adolescents. The range of concerns and the nature of development in this age group require that health and social professionals as well as others working to provide adolescent services possess specific insights and skill sets to work effectively and productively with young people. The module will focus on the planned management of transition from one service to another. This is an issue commonly encountered by adolescents as their care management moves from children’s to adult services. This is a recognised pinch point for young people and their families and requires expert management if it is to be successful and satisfactory for the young person. Other transitions such as primary to secondary healthcare will be examined. This module is attractive to a wide range of professionals working with young people.Audience: Healthcare practitioners working with children and young peopleDuration: 5 teaching days over 5 weeksCredits: 15 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc

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Course directory


Trauma care – initial assessment and management

This module will facilitate student understanding of traumatic injuries with a focus on initial assessment and management of these patients in the context of the emergency department.This module is designed for practitioners directly involved in the emergency care of polytrauma patients. The course is also offered as an undergraduate award (level 6).Audience: Registered healthcare practitioners normally with one year’s post-qualifying practice experience and are experienced emergency nurses who have previously undertaken core emergency care education or equivalent.Duration: 5 teaching days over 5 weeksCredits: 15 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Ultrasound of the breast

This module will provide the foundation for understanding and relating all of the key processes involved in breast diagnosis. Students will attend class for approximately one week, which is followed by six months of learning in a professional environment within healthcare. The module is designed to provide the academic and clinical components to enable students to fulfil their role in reviewing current application and uses of ultrasound to detect and evaluate breast abnormalities and then to interpret and report on findings. It will facilitate the participant’s decision making skills based on a broad appreciation of the equipment available and scanning techniques that underpin the diagnosis

of breast abnormalities. The module also focuses on the necessary physical processes underlying safe ultrasound practice.Audience: Diagnostic radiographers and registered healthcare practitioners practising within the breast care field with at least two years’ full-time clinical experience and a degree/diploma or equivalent in radiography.Duration: 5 teaching days over 1 week plus self-directed studyCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Breast Evaluation PgCert/PgDip/MSc and Medical Imaging (Mammography) PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Work-based learning

This module is designed for a registered healthcare professional normally with one year’s post-qualifying practice experience who are undertaking, or are about to undertake, work related projects. This may include audits, a conference presentation, producing clinical guidelines, role development, mandatory in-service study programmes. This module offers a flexible approach that is primarily for recognition of learning in the clinical environment/employment setting. By formulating a learning agreement, a range of work-based activities or related study can be used and presented in a written form for assessment and the award of academic credit. For example previous students have used:• a clinical audit and prepared a report

after presentations in the employing organisation

• reported on role development as a practice educator and development of a teaching package

• preparing the introduction of new members of the workforce to extend a scope of practice

• reviewed and improved a service provision in day surgery

• acted on developing leadership skills with a change management project

Applicants will be assigned to an academic supervisor with whom they negotiate the learning agreement, and who continue to provide one-to-one support. Applicants will consider who can act as a critical friend, practice supervisor/educator in the work place to give them support whilst undertaking the work related activity – this could be a manager, matron, practice educator or senior professional. The module learning outcome is adjusted based on the level and credits. Visit for more information.Audience: Registered healthcare professional normally with one year’s post-qualifying practice experience.Duration: 1 briefing sessionHP7023X – Credits: 15 Level: 7HP7024Y – Credits: 30 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Work-based learning project

This module will explore and evaluate a number of teaching and learning theories. Students are required to identify work-based learning objectives which provide the opportunity for personal, professional and organisational development. The student will accept responsibility and will be accountable for developing, managing and achieving these objectives.

Audience: Health and social care practitioners/professionals involved in leading teams or organisations and/or involved in identifying change in practice aimed at service improvement through educational project.Duration: 5 days over (teaching) 12 weeks plus 5 days self-directed studyCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Clinical Leadership MSc


Working with families, carers and significant others

This module will equip mental health practitioners with an advanced understanding and critical analysis of the theoretical background and research evidence as well as the clinical skills to undertake family intervention for psychosis in practice.This module requires practitioners to bring in clinical material (whilst maintaining confidentiality) from their practice setting, in order to explore and integrate concepts from the module to their clinical work. In addition, role-play will be used as a resource to support teaching and learning. The programme encourages reflective practice and responsibility for one’s own professional development, and the dissemination of appropriate knowledge and skills to others. The learning outcomes are achieved through a variety of both classroom and practice based learning methods. This module is also available as an undergraduate (level 6) award.

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Course directory

Audience: Registered health practitioners with a minimum of 2 years post qualifying experience in a healthcare setting, who have completed the postgraduate modules Recovery orientated care, Assessment of psychosocial need and Psychosocial interventions.Duration: 10 teaching days over 10 weeksCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Wound management: clinical challenges

This module will equip students with knowledge about wound management and its clinical challenges. The module is suitable for health and social care practitioners working in all care settings who are involved with clients who have wounds. The care these people require is often complex and requires a level of knowledge to underpin clinical practice.Audience: Registered healthcare practitioners normally with one year’s post-qualifying practice experience.Duration: 6 teaching days over 6 weeks plus 4 days of online self-directed studyCredits: 30 Level: 7Course: Healthcare Practice PgCert/PgDip/MSc


Work-based learning

In this module, students are required to identify work-based learning objectives which provide the opportunity for personal, professional and organisational development. The student will accept responsibility and be accountable for developing, managing and achieving these objectives. This module may also be used to gain academic credit through appropriate in-service or bespoke study programmes.Audience: Suitable for all practitioners working in health and social care including nurses, doctors, occupational therapist, physiotherapists, social workers and speech and language therapists.Duration: negotiatedCredits: 15 Level: 7Course: Applied Exercise for Health PgCert/PgDip/MSc and Rehabilitation PgDip/MSc

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Recognition of prior learningIn addition to our flexible modular approach to workforce development education, Kingston and St George’s joint Faculty also offers academic recognition of prior learning (RPL). If you completed a module before coming to the joint Faculty, we can work with you to distinguish whether you can receive credit towards a qualification, or allow you to gain entry to a course.

What is RPL?Recognition of prior learning is a process by which you can claim and gain credit towards a qualification based on evidence of prior certificated learning or evidence of learning from past experience. The evidence you present will be assessed and, if the RPL claim is considered valid, credit will be awarded towards a qualification.

Why make an RPL claim?By making an RPL claim, you may be eligible to gain credit for prior learning, if it is considered valid and relevant to the module, study day and course you would like to study. As a result, you may be able to access a course without meeting the formal entry requirements, and/or you could progress to a later stage of a course.

Further informationFor more information about recognition of prior learning email visit or email Susan Heatley at [email protected].

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Bespoke educationStudy tailor-made for youCan’t find what you are looking for? At Kingston and St George’s joint Faculty we pride ourselves on offering workforce development education that meets the needs of the healthcare and social care workplace. If you cannot find a module, study day or course that suits your needs or that of your organisation, we may be able to create a tailor-made ‘bespoke’ solution in partnership with you. Delivery can be via a combination of lectures, group work and skills workshops. Online learning is delivered through the two universities’ virtual learning environments, discussion boards and blogs.

Contact us today to see how we can create a tailor-made workforce development education solution to improve your career or your organisation’s outcomes.

Modules and study daysPlease visit to view the application form relevant to your workforce development module or study day. Application forms must be returned 14 days in advance of the start date. Module details will be distributed to registered participants once the commencement date has been confirmed.

Workforce development coursesOur undergraduate and postgraduate courses are awarded by Kingston University or St George’s, University of London. To find out more about entry requirements for specific courses and how to apply, please visit and follow the links to the respective university’s course pages.

NHS applicationsApplicants who work for NHS trusts and whose study will be sponsored by their employer must obtain their manager’s signature and the assigned trust’s authorised signature. Applicants who work outside the area must ensure their application form contains full sponsorship details as appropriate.

NHS applicants who cannot obtain sponsorship are also welcome to apply as self-funding applicants.

Contacts Modules and study daysWorkforce Development office St George’s, University of LondonCranmer TerraceLondon SW17 0RET: +44 (0)20 8725 1755E: [email protected]

Courses Undergraduate coursesWorkforce Development office St George’s, University of LondonCranmer TerraceLondon SW17 0RET: +44 (0)20 8725 1755E: [email protected]

Postgraduate courses Please contact the university that awards the course you are interested in.

St George’s, University of London awarded coursesPostgraduate office T: +44 (0)20 8725 2333E: [email protected]

Kingston University London awarded coursesPostgraduate office T: +44 (0)8448552 177E: [email protected]

How to apply

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