workbook audio script 3 - rdc...

WORKBOOK AUDIO SCRIPT This page has been downloaded from © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2015. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class. 1 Message 3 JANIE: So it’s still Monday – 5:00 in the afternoon – but the good news is we’re on our way! Our flight was canceled, so we got our car from the parking garage and drove to the Port of Miami. We got a cruise ship to the Bahamas, and we’re sailing all night. We should arrive in the Bahamas at seven o’clock in the morning. I’m so excited! Track 07 Page 23, Exercises 3 and 4 1 TEEN 1: I’m meeting my friend. She’s on the flight from Lima. Where’s arrivals? AGENT 1: That’s upstairs. TEEN 1: Sorry, I didn’t hear that. AGENT 1: Upstairs. You need to wait outside the Customs area for her. TEEN 1: Thank you! 2 TEEN 2: I’m traveling on the 9:30 flight to Buenos Aires. Is it on time? AGENT 2: You should check the times on the screen. It’s updated every two minutes. TEEN 2: Where’s that? AGENT 2: It’s over there, past check-in. TEEN 2: Can you please say that again? AGENT 2: Yes. Go past check-in. TEEN 2: OK. Thanks! 3 TEEN 3: Excuse me. I’m taking the flight to New York. Where’s passport control? AGENT 3: Oh, you need to go to check-in first. TEEN 3: Really? Where’s that? AGENT 3: It’s downstairs and to your right. TEEN 3: Could you repeat that, please? AGENT 3: Downstairs and to your right. TEEN 3: Thank you very much! Track 08 Page 23, Exercise 6 bag departure passenger baggage bike passport hairbrush plane shampoo toothbrush toothpaste boat Words with /b/: bag, baggage, bike, boat, hairbrush, toothbrush Words with /p/: departure, passenger, passport, plane, shampoo, toothpaste Unit 3 Track 09 Page 32, Exercises 3 and 4 HOST: So, tell us about you and your band. ELISA: I’m Elisa from Café Negro. HOST: What kind of music does your band play? ELISA: Oh, mostly pop, and some rock too. 3 ANN: Jane and I are going on a day trip to New York next Saturday. Would you like to come with us? LORI: That sounds fantastic. I’d love to. Thanks for inviting me. 4 RON: Hi, Sam. I’m inviting some people out for pizza tonight. Are you free? SAM: Sorry. I’d love to come, but I can’t. I’m going to a concert with my brother. Track 04 Page 11, Exercise 4 CARLA: Hi, Lucas. I’m trying to organize a surprise birthday party for Tina. Would you like to come? LUCAS: That sounds like fun. I’d love to. When is it? CARLA: We’re thinking of having it after school tomorrow at four o’clock. Can you come then? LUCAS: Oh, sorry. I’d love to, but I have to babysit my little brother tomorrow afternoon. CARLA: That’s OK. We can have it on Wednesday. Are you free then? LUCAS: Sure, Wednesday sounds great. CARLA: Fantastic! Meet at my house on Wednesday at four o’clock. Don’t be late! Track 05 Page 11, Exercise 5b Circled words with /e/: friend, get, net, then, twenty Underlined words with /eɪ/: age, baby, date, paint Unit 2 Track 06 Page 20, Exercises 2a and 3 Message 1 JANIE: Hi, Brian! It’s 7:30. So early on a Monday morning! We’re on our way to the airport to fly to the Bahamas for a festival, and we’re sitting in a traffic jam on the highway. We’ve been here for half an hour, and we haven’t moved at all. I think a bus has broken down. It’s hot, and I’m bored. What a terrible start to our trip. Oh, better go – I think we’re starting to move … finally. Message 2 JANIE: Hey. It’s eleven o’clock, and we’re at the airport. And guess what? The plane’s delayed. They say it’s because of bad weather, but the weather looks nice outside. We have to wait for two hours! Ugh, the place is really packed – there are people everywhere! At least Dad gave me some money to buy a magazine to read. Unit 1 Track 01 Page 8, Exercises 2 and 3 GEMMA: Hey, Mark! What are you so happy about? It’s cold and rainy and there’s nothing to do. MARK: I’m leaving tomorrow to go to Mexico for four days. Hello sunshine! GEMMA: That’s sorta far to go for four days. MARK: Yeah, but it’s a special occasion. My family is going for a wedding. My cousin Rafa is getting married. GEMMA: So, when d’ya leave? MARK: Early tomorrow morning. Our flight’s at 6:00. GEMMA: Ugh! Are you ready? MARK: What d’ya mean? GEMMA: D’ya have your passport and stuff? Is your suitcase packed? MARK: Um, no. I always do things at the last minute. I don’t need much – a couple of T-shirts. That’s all. GEMMA: I dunno. I think it’s kinda cold there right now. It’s January, you know, not July. You need to take a sweater. MARK: Well, I guess you’re right. I’ll take a sweater. GEMMA: And d’ya think you’re ready for the math test when you get back on Monday? MARK: Test? What test? GEMMA: Mark, I think you need to pack your math book too. Track 02 Page 8, Exercise 6 1 GEMMA: Hey, Mark! What are you so happy about? 2 MARK: Yeah, but it’s a special occasion. 3 GEMMA: Do you have your passport and stuff? 4 GEMMA: I dunno. I think it’s kinda cold there right now. Track 03 Page 11, Exercises 1 and 2 1 DAN: Hi! Pete and I are going to the movies tonight. Would you like to come? JIM: I’m sorry, but I can’t come. I’m going to a party with Rachel. DAN: That’s too bad. Another time! 2 LEA: Hi, Mac. I’m having a barbecue on the beach for our class. MAC: Great! When is it? LEA: It’s on Saturday afternoon. Can you come? MAC: Sure, I’d love to. I’m free that afternoon. 3

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Message 3JANIE: So it’s still Monday – 5:00 in the

afternoon – but the good news is we’re on our way! Our flight was canceled, so we got our car from the parking garage and drove to the Port of Miami. We got a cruise ship to the Bahamas, and we’re sailing all night. We should arrive in the Bahamas at seven o’clock in the morning. I’m so excited!

Track 07

Page 23, Exercises 3 and 4

1TEEN 1: I’m meeting my friend. She’s on the

flight from Lima. Where’s arrivals?AGENT 1: That’s upstairs.TEEN 1: Sorry, I didn’t hear that.AGENT 1: Upstairs. You need to wait outside

the Customs area for her.TEEN 1: Thank you!2TEEN 2: I’m traveling on the 9:30 flight to

Buenos Aires. Is it on time?AGENT 2: You should check the times on

the screen. It’s updated every two minutes.

TEEN 2: Where’s that?AGENT 2: It’s over there, past check-in.TEEN 2: Can you please say that again?AGENT 2: Yes. Go past check-in.TEEN 2: OK. Thanks!3TEEN 3: Excuse me. I’m taking the flight

to New York. Where’s passport control?

AGENT 3: Oh, you need to go to check-in first.TEEN 3: Really? Where’s that?AGENT 3: It’s downstairs and to your right.TEEN 3: Could you repeat that, please?AGENT 3: Downstairs and to your right.TEEN 3: Thank you very much!

Track 08

Page 23, Exercise 6bagdeparturepassengerbaggage



Words with /b/: bag, baggage, bike, boat, hairbrush, toothbrushWords with /p/: departure, passenger, passport, plane, shampoo, toothpaste

Unit 3Track 09

Page 32, Exercises 3 and 4

HOST: So, tell us about you and your band.ELISA: I’m Elisa from Café Negro.HOST: What kind of music does your band

play?ELISA: Oh, mostly pop, and some rock too.

3ANN: Jane and I are going on a day trip to

New York next Saturday. Would you like to come with us?

LORI: That sounds fantastic. I’d love to. Thanks for inviting me.

4RON: Hi, Sam. I’m inviting some people out

for pizza tonight. Are you free?SAM: Sorry. I’d love to come, but I can’t. I’m

going to a concert with my brother.

Track 04

Page 11, Exercise 4

CARLA: Hi, Lucas. I’m trying to organize a surprise birthday party for Tina. Would you like to come?

LUCAS: That sounds like fun. I’d love to. When is it?

CARLA: We’re thinking of having it after school tomorrow at four o’clock. Can you come then?

LUCAS: Oh, sorry. I’d love to, but I have to babysit my little brother tomorrow afternoon.

CARLA: That’s OK. We can have it on Wednesday. Are you free then?

LUCAS: Sure, Wednesday sounds great.CARLA: Fantastic! Meet at my house on

Wednesday at four o’clock. Don’t be late!

Track 05

Page 11, Exercise 5bCircled words with /e/: friend, get, net, then, twentyUnderlined words with /eɪ/: age, baby, date, paint

Unit 2Track 06

Page 20, Exercises 2a and 3Message 1JANIE: Hi, Brian! It’s 7:30. So early on a

Monday morning! We’re on our way to the airport to fly to the Bahamas for a festival, and we’re sitting in a traffic jam on the highway. We’ve been here for half an hour, and we haven’t moved at all. I think a bus has broken down. It’s hot, and I’m bored. What a terrible start to our trip. Oh, better go – I think we’re starting to move … finally.

Message 2JANIE: Hey. It’s eleven o’clock, and we’re

at the airport. And guess what? The plane’s delayed. They say it’s because of bad weather, but the weather looks nice outside. We have to wait for two hours! Ugh, the place is really packed – there are people everywhere! At least Dad gave me some money to buy a magazine to read.

Unit 1Track 01

Page 8, Exercises 2 and 3

GEMMA: Hey, Mark! What are you so happy about? It’s cold and rainy and there’s nothing to do.

MARK: I’m leaving tomorrow to go to Mexico for four days. Hello sunshine!

GEMMA: That’s sorta far to go for four days.MARK: Yeah, but it’s a special occasion.

My family is going for a wedding. My cousin Rafa is getting married.

GEMMA: So, when d’ya leave?MARK: Early tomorrow morning. Our flight’s

at 6:00.GEMMA: Ugh! Are you ready?MARK: What d’ya mean?GEMMA: D’ya have your passport and stuff?

Is your suitcase packed?MARK: Um, no. I always do things at the

last minute. I don’t need much – a couple of T-shirts. That’s all.

GEMMA: I dunno. I think it’s kinda cold there right now. It’s January, you know, not July. You need to take a sweater.

MARK: Well, I guess you’re right. I’ll take a sweater.

GEMMA: And d’ya think you’re ready for the math test when you get back on Monday?

MARK: Test? What test?GEMMA: Mark, I think you need to pack your

math book too.

Track 02

Page 8, Exercise 6

1GEMMA: Hey, Mark! What are you so happy

about?2MARK: Yeah, but it’s a special occasion.3GEMMA: Do you have your passport and

stuff?4GEMMA: I dunno. I think it’s kinda cold there

right now.

Track 03

Page 11, Exercises 1 and 2

1DAN: Hi! Pete and I are going to the movies

tonight. Would you like to come?JIM: I’m sorry, but I can’t come. I’m going to

a party with Rachel.DAN: That’s too bad. Another time!2LEA: Hi, Mac. I’m having a barbecue on the

beach for our class.MAC: Great! When is it?LEA: It’s on Saturday afternoon. Can you

come?MAC: Sure, I’d love to. I’m free that afternoon.


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3TEEN BOY: Is that girl your sister?MARIA: No, she isn’t my sister. She’s my

cousin.4TEEN BOY: Did you order hamburgers at the

restaurant?MARIA: No, I hate hamburgers. But I love

hot dogs.

Track 14

Page 44, Exercise 3

BEA: You look stressed.SELMA: I’m not stressed. I’m tired.BEA: Why’s that?SELMA: Pete called me. And not in the

afternoon, but late at night.BEA: Did he have a problem?SELMA: Yes, he needed help with

homework.BEA: Math homework or English

homework?SELMA: Both!BEA: But why is he calling anyone so

late? I’d be kind of mad!

Track 15

Page 44, Exercises 4 and 5

KAREN: Hi, Steve.STEVE: Hey, Karen! What’s up?KAREN: Not much … You know, I saw Jordan’s

friend yesterday … oh, what’s his name … the tall dark-haired guy?

STEVE: You mean Brad?KAREN: Yeah. I have a terrible memory for

names. I can remember faces but not names.

STEVE: You know, Anna, my cousin? She can remember people she’s seen – even just once in a big group. She can even remember acquaintances from when she was five years old. It’s a special ability. People like Anna are called “super recognizers.”

KAREN: That’s amazing. Is she like those people who can remember everything they’ve read or every picture they’ve seen?

STEVE: I don’t think she can remember everything she’s ever read, but she remembers faces!

KAREN: Wow! Imagine going up to someone in a store and saying “Hi! I saw you in a museum in Atlanta six years ago!” They’d think you were crazy.

STEVE: Gosh, yes! I don’t know if I’d like to be like that. But Anna says it can be very useful. For example, super recognizers work with the police to find criminals in large groups of people, like at soccer games when fans cause problems.

KAREN: I never knew that! I’d be happy if I could just remember people’s names! Who was Jordan’s friend again?

Track 11

Page 35, Exercise 2

1AMITA: Hey, Malike, how was your trip to

Bali with your family?MALIKE: Oh, we had a really fantastic

time. On the last day we saw this traditional Balinese dancing. My mom said they danced more gracefully than any ballet dancer she’s seen.

AMITA: Really? Why are they so good?MALIKE: A lot of people say it’s because

they learn to dance with their hands when they’re very young. Because they hear music from such an early age, they have this totally amazing sense of rhythm.

AMITA: What was your opinion?MALIKE: I thought the dancing was great,

but I really loved the costumes. They were so colorful and beautiful. Some people think they look a little strange, but I don’t care what other people think. I loved them.

2AMITA: So, tell me more about this

dancing. What kind of music do they dance to?

MALIKE: They dance to the gamelan.AMITA: Gamelan? What’s that?MALIKE: It’s a kind of traditional band with

instruments like drums, strings, and flutes. My brother thought they were cool, but my dad hated it because it was too noisy!

AMITA: And what about you? What did you think?

MALIKE: Well, I don’t really have an opinion. I was so busy watching the dancers, I don’t really remember what the music was like.

Track 12

Page 35, Exercise 4bWords with /ɔ/: audience, audition, caught, song, thoughtWords with /ɑ/: concert, confidence, costume, modern, opera

Unit 4Track 13

Page 44, Exercises 2a and 2b

1TEEN BOY: Did you go to the party with Peter?MARIA: No, I didn’t go with Peter. I went

with Ed.2TEEN BOY: Are you coming over at four

o’clock?MARIA: No, I’m not coming over at 4:00.

I’m coming over at 5:00.

HOST: OK. And what instruments do you play?

ELISA: I play piano. Susana plays guitar and Ana’s on the drums. Lupita is our singer. She’s terrific.

HOST: So, when did you start playing with the band?

ELISA: Uh, at school in 2010.HOST: Who inspired you to play music?ELISA: I had a great music teacher at

my school. When I was 10 years old, he taught me to play different instruments, and he encouraged me to find one that I really loved and stay with it. It’s fun to practice when you find an instrument that’s right for you.

HOST: How many songs have you recorded?ELISA: Three. You can download them all. And

of course I’m writing more songs for the band.

HOST: And what do you like best about playing music?

ELISA: Playing with my friends! It’s so much fun to play and sing together.

HOST: Well, good luck in the future.

Track 10

Page 32, Exercises 5 and 6

HOST: Tell everyone a little bit about yourself. Like, what instrument do you play and what music do you like?

RICARDO: I’m Ricardo, and I play guitar. I play mostly folk music. I especially like love songs.

HOST: It sounds like you’ve been playing for a while. When did you start learning?

RICARDO: As for instruments, I started learning how to play the guitar about five years ago. My uncle is a folk singer and he inspired me to learn how to play. I sing a little too, but not very well. I didn’t start singing until last year. But now that I’m writing my own songs, I want to be able to sing well.

HOST: So, you’re writing songs? How many have you recorded?

RICARDO: I’ve written a lot, but I haven’t recorded many songs. In fact, last month I recorded my first one, called “Dark Hearts.”

HOST: What do you like best about playing music?

RICARDO: People often ask me what I enjoy about playing guitar. I guess it’s bringing music into people’s lives. I think music makes people feel happy.

HOST: It certainly does. Let’s hear another song.



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HOST: That’s amazing. It definitely sounds more like an ability.

TONY: Yeah – but imagine if that happens all the time. It’s a very powerful feeling and not always a positive one. And some people see colors when people are speaking to them. This happens to one man on the show, Luke. He says that people’s words are red when they’re angry or blue when they’re not telling the truth. Basically, his head is always full of confusing colors.

HOST: Wow. Scary! It’s strange, but sometimes words have colors for me too. When I think of the days of the week – Monday is red, Tuesday is blue … maybe I’m synes … whatever you said.

TONY: Maybe you need to see a doctor!HOST: Um, well, anyway, about the

documentary. It’s at 7:30. I hope you can join us.

Track 23

Page 56, Exercise 5bAlthough most people today think of pink for girls and blue for boys, you might be surprised to learn that this is a fairly new idea. Sure, it would be really weird to see a three-year-old boy dressed in bright pink today. However, in Victorian times, that wouldn’t have been so strange at all! Back then, for instance, parents dressed their children in colors like pinks, blues, and whites. Even though it sounds strange now, boys in Victorian times wore dresses too – just like the girls! However, things have changed a lot since then.

Track 24

Page 59, Exercise 3

1A: Good morning. I need something for my

skin. I sat in the sun too long. I’m not sure how to say it in English.

B: You mean you got sunburned?A: Yes. Is this the right thing for my problem? I

don’t know what it’s called.B: That’s sunscreen. It protects you from the

sun. You need this one if you’re already sunburned.

A: Thank you very much for your help.2A: Hello. I want to buy some insect repellent.

What’s the difference between this one and this one?

B: This one is a liquid that you put on your skin, but this one’s a spray.

A: It says “For external use only.” I don’t understand what this means. My English isn’t very good.

B: It means you can put it on your skin, but you can’t eat it.

A: It’s only for your skin?B: That’s right.A: OK, I’ll take the spray.

Track 20

Page 47, Exercise 7

1A: If you fixed my phone, what would it cost?B: If I fixed your phone, I’d do it for free.2A: If you had to go on stage, how would you

feel?B: If I had to go on stage, I’d feel confident.3A: If your teacher made a mistake, what would

you do?B: If my teacher made a mistake, I’d point it


Unit 5Track 21

Page 56, Exercise 2b

1FEMALE 1: Although I don’t usually like

wearing yellow, this jacket looks good on me.

2MALE 1: There are times when I don’t really

want to go out. For example, when I’ve had a long day at school.

3FEMALE 2: I couldn’t download the music

I wanted. The thing is, I need a special program and we don’t have it.

4MALE 2: Tom’s waiting outside for me even

though I told him to meet me in the classroom.

5FEMALE 3: It isn’t hard to check your

messages on a cell phone. Basically, you need to go to voicemail and it’s all there.

Track 22

Page 56, Exercises 3 and 4a

HOST: So, Tony, what’s the documentary tonight about?

TONY: Basically, it’s about a girl, Stella, who has a really strange problem – although some people say it’s not a problem, it’s an ability.

HOST: And what is this problem – or ability?TONY: Well, the thing is, it isn’t easy to

explain. It’s called synesthesia – and don’t worry, I’m not going to ask you to spell it! Basically, it’s when our senses get a little confused.

HOST: You’re right. I am a little confused!TONY: OK. For example, people with

synesthesia sometimes see colors when they hear different things – like words or music. When Stella listens to music, she sees silver and gold. The colors she sees depend on the type of music and the instruments.

Track 16

Page 44, Exercise 6

1 I’m so angry.2 I’m so angry.3 I’m so angry.

Track 17

Page 44, Exercise 7

1 John can remember everything.2 John can remember everything.3 John can remember everything.

Track 18

Page 47, Exercise 4

1A: Excuse me. We’re here on vacation. Would

you take a picture of us, please?B: Of course … Smile!2A: We don’t have a menu on our table.

Would you mind if we borrowed yours for a moment?

B: Not at all. Here you are.3A: I’m going out tonight. Do you mind doing

the laundry?B: Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t. I’m going out too.4A: I have to go to the library. I won’t be long.

Can you tell Mom that I’ll be back in time for dinner?

B: All right.5A: You have some great ideas for your essay.

Do you mind if I use some of them?B: Sorry, but you should think of your own.

Track 19

Page 47, Exercise 5b

SARA: Ron, what are you doing here?RON: It’s Marty’s computer. He’s having

problems with it.SARA: Can I ask you a favor?RON: OK. Go ahead.SARA: It’s my laptop. Would you check it for

me? I can’t get online.RON: OK. No problem.SARA: Thanks, Ron. You’re a star! Oh, another

thing – I dropped my hair dryer, and it won’t work now. Could you look at that too?

RON: Sure. I’ll do that after the laptop.SARA: Thank you so much! What would we

do without you?RON: That’s what friends are for!SARA: Oh, one final thing. I can’t get a signal

on my new phone. Can you fix that?RON: Sorry, I’m afraid I’m no good with

phones.SARA: That’s OK. Do you mind if I borrow your

phone to call Debbie?RON: Not at all. Here you are!


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Track 29

Page 71, Exercise 7aadvertisingagainbagbrand



Track 30

Page 71, Exercise 7bWords with /æ/: advertising, bag, brand, cash, challenge, map, shampooWords with /e/: again, checkout, dead, expensive, said

Unit 7Track 31

Page 80, Exercise 2

Situation 1SFX: Basketball bouncing on court, sneakers

on the floor, sound of ball going through the hoop, players yelling to each other, more bouncing.

Situation 2SFX: Indistinct sound of the hum of people

in a restaurant, sound of ice dropping into cup, then button pushing soda and soda filling the cup, someone calling out “order number nine is ready.”

Situation 3SFX: Students chatting, papers rustling,

chairs scraping, school bell to indicate the class is beginning; teacher could say, “OK, everyone sit down, please.”

Situation 4SFX: Sound of animals such as chickens,

cows mooing, a crow of a rooster; tractor starting up and driving away.

Situation 5SFX: Street sounds of cars honking, then

sound of bus approaching (screeching sound of brakes engaging) and stopping, doors opening; people getting on, doors closing, bus moving back into traffic.

Situation 6SFX: Sounds of children laughing, cheering

and screaming, and a stick whacking a piñata. Comments like, “Hit it!” and “awww” when a child misses the piñata.

Track 32

Page 80, Exercises 3a and 3b

Situation 1: f, a basketball courtTEEN: Hi, I’m from the school

newspaper. I’m writing an article on the new members of the basketball team. Could I ask you a few questions?

Situation 2: c, a fast-food restaurantFEMALE: Would you answer a couple of

questions about the food here? It will only take a few minutes and it will help us improve our service.

REPORTER: And do you sell clothing?JANICE: We only sell T-shirts, but we carry

a lot of clothing accessories like scarves and socks. It’s best to just come in and discover all the things we have. The items change regularly, so teens should come back often to see what’s new.

REPORTER: I like the wide aisles with lots of room for shopping carts.

JANICE: Wide aisles make it easy for our shoppers to walk through the whole store. And we put our most popular brands at the back of the store – that’s another design trick to help our customers discover things they didn’t plan on buying.

REPORTER: It’s definitely a very colorful store!JANICE: Yes, we’ve tried to make the store

especially attractive to young people, who are visual shoppers. They shop with their eyes and buy what looks good to them.

REPORTER: OK, now for the most important question. Can teens afford to shop here?

JANICE: The prices are the best thing about our store. At High Five, $5.00 is the highest price of any item in the store. Plus we have a lot of sales and regularly give discounts.

REPORTER: Wow, teens and their parents will love this place. Thank you so much for your time!

Track 28

Page 71, Exercise 5

1WAITER: How can I help you?SOFIA: I’d like to get another glass of orange

juice.WAITER: Is there anything wrong with it?SOFIA: It doesn’t look right.WAITER: That’s because it’s orange soda. I’m

so sorry.2VINCE: Excuse me, I’d like to return this shirt.

I’m afraid there’s a stain on it.CLERK: OK, I can give you a discount.VINCE: No, thank you. I’d like a refund.CLERK: That’s fine. Do you have your receipt?VINCE: Here you are.3TARA: I’d like to return this calendar.CLERK: Is there anything wrong with it?TARA: No, somebody bought it for me and I

already have one.CLERK: Would you like to exchange it for

something else?TARA: No, I’d like a refund, please.CLERK: No problem. Do you have your

receipt?TARA: Yes, here you are!

Track 25

Page 59, Exercise 4

A: Good morning. What can I get you?B: I’d like a cup of coffee and one of those …

I’m not sure how to say it in English.A: You mean cookies?B: Yes, please, a chocolate one. And some

eggs for breakfast, please. What’s the difference between sunny-side up and eggs over easy?

A: Sunny-side up means the eggs are cooked only on one side. Eggs over easy are cooked on both sides.

B: OK, thank you. Then I’d like the eggs over easy, please.

A: Is that for here or to go?B: I’m sorry, I don’t understand what that

means.A: Do you want to eat and drink here in the

café or take it with you?B: Here, please.

Track 26

Page 59, Exercise 5bBeginning of word: grass, school, speak, street, throatEnd of word: sound, attend, fact, help, pink

Unit 6Track 27

Page 68, Exercises 2 and 3

REPORTER: Today I’m at the grand opening of the High Five store at the Northtown Mall with Janice Jones, the store manager. Ms. Jones, who will want to shop at High Five?

JANICE: Well, I think everyone will like shopping here, but it will be most popular with teens who want to find fun, unusual items at low prices. Our store design encourages teens to spend time in the store. We play the latest pop music for them, and we fill our shelves with products they like and need.

REPORTER: Tell us about the kinds of products you sell here.

JANICE: We carry a variety of products. We have everything teens need for school and sports. But our most popular products are for electronics. We have accessories like cell phone cases and DJ headphones in bright colors.

REPORTER: And look at these colorful decorations!

JANICE: Our decorations are very popular. We have party supplies you won’t find in other stores. Where can you buy paper plates and cups with cool designs like these? We also have a lot of things to organize a teen’s room, like baskets in many different shapes and colors.



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Unit 8Track 37

Page 92, Exercises 2, 3, and 5

REPORTER 1: Tell us about your new movie! What’s it about?

HOLLY: All I can say is that it’s a psychological thriller and …

REPORTER 2: What was it like acting with Johnny Roberts?

HOLLY: Oh … he’s adorable, it was a dream …

REPORTER 1: And what about the director? I’ve heard he isn’t easy to work with …

HOLLY: Well … he’s one of the most successful directors today, and … I think it’s an excellent movie.

REPORTER 1: Was it difficult to do the action scenes? Did you do all your own stunts?

HOLLY: The most difficult was an underwater escape scene. I spent months training for it.

REPORTER 2: Your last movie was a disaster at the box office, right?

HOLLY: Yes, well, we don’t need to talk about that …

REPORTER 2: Tell us about your relationship with Angus Morton. Is it true you’re breaking up?

HOLLY: We’re very good friends.REPORTER 1: But are you two having

problems?HOLLY: No, no problems at all.REPORTER 2: We’re only trying to get to the

truth. Your fans want to know!HOLLY: Yes, and newspapers always

print the truth, right?

Track 38

Page 95, Exercise 2

1TEACHER: Yes, so please make sure you are

all here early tomorrow morning. We’re leaving at 8:00 sharp, so …

STUDENT: Excuse me, Mr. Johnson, can I ask something?

TEACHER: Yes, what is it?STUDENT: I’m sorry, but I won’t be here

tomorrow. I’ve got to go to the dentist.

2STUDENT 1: So we went to the library and

tried to find a book about Austria, but you know they only had books about Germany and Switzerland and nothing about Austria …

STUDENT 2: Wait a minute, isn’t our project about Australia?

STUDENT 1: Oh, really? I thought it was Austria!

When Benandonner saw the baby, he became anxious. He thought that if the baby was that big, the father, Finn, must be enormous!So he ran all the way back to Scotland and pulled up the rocks behind him so that Finn couldn’t follow.And that’s how the Giant’s Causeway was formed, according to legend.

Track 34

Page 83, Exercise 1

1A: It costs 90 dollars a month to join the club.B: Oh! That’s a lot.2A: It costs 40 dollars a month to join the club.B: So you mean it costs 480 dollars a year?A: That’s right.3A: It’s free to join the club.B: Great! I’ll join now!

Track 35

Page 83, Exercise 3

ADAM: Excuse me. Could you please give me some help?

LANA: Yes, certainly. What can I help you with?

ADAM: I’d like to join the photography club. How do you become a member?

LANA: It’s easy. You just fill out a membership form. We send you a membership card and give you a brochure with all the information about the club.

ADAM: And how old do you have to be?LANA: You have to be over 14.ADAM: That’s fine. I’m 16. How much does it

cost to join?LANA: Well, it’s 15 dollars a month.ADAM: Oh …LANA: But it’s free for students.ADAM: Great! Do I have to live locally?LANA: No. It doesn’t matter where you live.

You just have to show me your student ID card.

ADAM: Here it is. Could you please give me a form?

LANA: Sure. Here you are. Fill it out and you’ll be a member.

ADAM: So, can I go to the next meeting?LANA: Certainly. The next meeting’s on

Wednesday. Here’s all the information.ADAM: Great. Thanks.

Track 36

Page 83, Exercise 4

1 sorry, wisdom, usual2 miles, leisure, seem3 decision, cameras, some4 students, please, occasion

Situation 3: b, a classroomMALE: Thank you for inviting me here

today to speak to you about our International Study programs. Spending a year studying in another country can be one of the most rewarding …

Situation 4: e, a farmREPORTER: Good morning, everyone!

Welcome to Farm Journal Radio. It’s another beautiful day here. But it’s going to be a hot one today, so get all your chores done early.

Situation 5: a, a bus stopMALE: The zoo? OK, You’re going to take

Bus 46. Get off at the second stop. Walk down three blocks, and the zoo entrance will be on the right.

Situation 6: d, a piñata partyMALE: OK, let me tell you how to play

this game. Everyone will take a turn and try to break it open by hitting it with this stick.

Track 33

Page 80, Exercises 4a and 4bAlong the coast of Northern Ireland there is an incredible rock formation. Enormous rocks, 12 meters high, look like a road from the beach out into the North Atlantic sea. Many tourists come to see this strange rock formation.How did these strange rocks form? They were formed because of volcanic activity about 50 to 60 million years ago. But long ago, people didn’t know that. Instead, they told a legend of two giants.One was an Irish giant named Finn MacCool.He lived on the coast of Northern Ireland, across the sea from another giant, Benandonner, the giant of Scotland.Legend says that Benandonner challenged Finn MacCool to a fight.“Finn MacCool! Step one foot in Scotland and we’ll see who’s stronger,” shouted Benandonner.“We’ll just see about that!” Finn shouted back.So Finn built a road across the sea with giant rocks.And he ran across the North Atlantic sea.When he got close to Scotland, Finn MacCool saw Benandonner standing on the beach. He was enormous. Finn MacCool was scared. He hadn’t realized the Scottish giant was so big.So, Finn began to run back to Ireland.Benandonner saw him. “Stand and fight like a man!” he shouted, and he ran after Finn.Finn ran and ran and ran all the way back to his home in Ireland.“Una! Una! Open the door!” shouted Finn to his wife, Una. “Benandonner’s coming. Quick! Hide me somewhere.”His wife, Una, wrapped him up and pretended he was her baby. Soon, Benandonner arrived.“Finn MacCool, stand and fight like a …”Una opened the door. “Finn’s not here …… but you woke the baby.”


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Unit 10Track 45

Page 116, Exercise 2

RADIO HOST: Young Latin American designers are making their mark on the fashion world at this week’s São Paulo Fashion Week. It’s a chance for new designers to show off their latest designs to an international audience. Fashion Week is held twice a year, in the spring and in the fall, and most important people in the fashion industry go to the shows in Paris, London, or New York. But São Paolo Fashion Week is quickly gaining a reputation as the place to find out about the hottest trends. Can you tell us about your impressions of São Paulo Fashion Week?

REPORTER: Yes, I’m a reporter here for a fashion website and … It’s crazy! … I mean, there’s just so much going on … but, y’know, it’s absolutely fantastic. There’re so many new ideas. In this show, we saw a new take on the maxi skirt. I think ankle length is definitely gonna be the new look for the fall, and then ankle boots, they’re awesome for summer or winter – they’re so wearable with any outfit. And there’s a new trend in men’s fashion – they’re mixing checked shirts with striped pants. It sounds strange, but somehow it just works!

RADIO HOST: Thank you. One recent development in the world of fashion is teenage fashion. Several designers have fashion shows just for teenage designs, and there are fashion stores that specialize in teenage fashion. But what do teenagers think about this? Do you watch the fashion shows to find out what to wear?

TEEN GIRL: No, not really! I mean, I love fashion, so I read the fashion blogs and all that stuff, and it’s really interesting, but I’d say that most teenagers … well, they’re usually more worried about what everyone else is wearin’, and they’re also developin’ their own sense of style, so … like … I buy stuff in the trendy stores, but I mix it with the things I already have and kind of make up my own look.

KEVIN: OK, I’ve folded the paper and drawn a line three centimeters from the edge. What now?

SHELLY: When you’ve done that, cut strips from the folded edge to the line that we just drew. Cut a lot of strips.

KEVIN: Got it.SHELLY: Now unfold the paper, roll the paper

into a tube shape, and tape the sides together.

KEVIN: That’s the lantern! Now we need the handle.

SHELLY: That’s right. Finally, attach the strip of paper we saved to both sides.

KEVIN: Neat! Let’s do another one.

Track 42

Page 107, Exercises 1a and 1b

1 Are you going to join a club?2 Don’t be pessimistic.3 Be adventurous.4 What could be better than acting in a play?5 What do you have to lose?6 It’ll be amazing.

Track 43

Page 107, Exercises 2 and 3

1GIRL: I’ve always wanted to be on the stage!

And you love acting too, right? Let’s join this drama club.

BOY: You’re joking! I’m not brave enough to do that!

GIRL: Yes, you are. It’ll help your self-confidence. Go on! Be adventurous!

BOY: Well … maybe …2PAULA: I’d love to learn how to defend

myself. I’d feel more confident. How about joining this self-defense class? I think that would be so useful.

NAOMI: No way! I can’t do that. I’m not athletic enough.

PAULA: Oh, come on. Give it a try. It’ll be fun.NAOMI: Oh … all right.3IVAN: I’d really love to be a good writer,

and you’re fantastic at writing stories and poems. Look at this – a creative writing workshop! Let’s go!

ALEX: I’d love to, but I don’t want other people to read my writing.

IVAN: But what do you have to lose? Maybe we can all help each other to learn?

ALEX: I’d prefer not to … I’m just not confident enough.

IVAN: Oh, you’re so boring …

Track 44

Page 107 Exercise 5a

1 I’m going to the movie with Judy.2 It’s on Thursday at 6 p.m.3 It’s a cooking club.4 We’re meeting for lunch on Saturday.

3LIBRARIAN: So this is the computer center.

You can use the computers here from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and …

STUDENT: I’m sorry to interrupt, but could you tell me if we can use the internet here?

LIBRARIAN: Yes, of course. There’s free internet access for all students.

STUDENT: Thank you. Sorry for interrupting.

Track 39

Page 95, Exercise 5

1 actor, answer, article, picture2 designer, teacher, singer, media3 story, officer, newspaper, reporter4 reader, author, movie theater, survey

Track 40

Page 97, Exercise 2

DAVE: So how are we going to find information about a famous celebrity?

LEILA: We’ll look up the name on the internet.

DAVE: Yeah, but which sites are we gonna use?

LEILA: Let’s type in the name and see what comes up first.

DAVE: OK, so that first one’s a celebrity magazine – I think that’s gonna have all the latest information.

LEILA: Yes, but will it be accurate?DAVE: Hmm, I don’t know. How about looking

for articles in the newspaper as well?LEILA: That’s a good idea. We can look at

entertainment magazines too.DAVE: OK, so let’s make a list of things we

need to find out.LEILA: Oh, wait a minute, look what I just

found: This fan site has everything you need to know.

DAVE: Nice! That makes things easy.LEILA: Great!

Unit 9Track 41

Page 104, Exercise 2

SHELLY: OK, so let’s make these paper lanterns for the party.

KEVIN: I have some colored paper here.SHELLY: Good, and I have scissors, some

tape, and some colored pencils. All right, so let’s see … um, so first you need to decorate the paper with some patterns.

KEVIN: OK, I think I’ll make circles.SHELLY: Here, use some of these pencils.

Next you need to cut a strip of paper off the side. Save it for later because we have to make the handle.

KEVIN: All right, I’ve got the paper for the handle. Now, let’s make the main body of the lantern.

SHELLY: OK. Next, fold the paper in half … like this … and draw a line three centimeters from the edge.




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SOFIA: Can you imagine being under the straw and hearing all those bees coming toward you? I can imagine feeling the straw on my skin and thinking it was a bee.

ALAN: I see what you mean. But I thought the wolves were scarier. I could feel their big teeth on my skin.

SOFIA: I know! I don’t want to think about it too much. It gives me goose bumps.

ALAN: What do you think the Winged Monkeys are?

SOFIA: They seem like flying monkeys with magical powers.

ALAN: I wonder how Dorothy and her friends can protect themselves from the Witch’s magic.

SOFIA: I don’t know. Let’s read the next chapter and find out.

ALAN: OK. Good idea.

Track 52

Page 127, Exercise 5

SOFIA: So what did you think of The Call of the Wild?

ALAN: I … liked it.SOFIA: You don’t sound very sure. Come on,

Alan. You can be honest with me.ALAN: Well … I liked it because it’s an

adventure story. But it’s hard to read about so many really difficult struggles for survival in that environment.

SOFIA: I know what you mean. Those poor dogs had to work so hard. Both the dogs and the people had to be smart to survive.

ALAN: Yeah, and not too many of them were. Plus, I can’t imagine going on such a difficult journey to try to get rich.

SOFIA: But it doesn’t matter why they were there. The story still feels relevant to me. Life in any new environment is challenging and frustrating. I could identify with all the characters – people and dogs.

ALAN: Really? I thought you wouldn’t like the setting – all that cold and ice.

SOFIA: But that’s the whole point of books. You can discover new worlds and different people, and in this case, animals.

ALAN: Yes, that’s true. I like stories that are about places I’ve never been to. Don’t get me wrong. I didn’t hate it. I think I need more time to get into the story.

SOFIA: Well, I want to know what happens next. So give me back my copy.

Part 4TEEN GIRL: No, not really! I mean, I love

fashion, so I read the fashion blogs and all that stuff, and it’s really interesting, but I’d say that most teenagers … well, they’re usually more worried about what everyone else is wearin’, and they’re also developin’ their own sense of style, so … like … I buy stuff in the trendy stores, but I mix it with the things I already have and kind of make up my own look.

Track 48

Page 119, Exercise 2

1JASMIN: Those shoes are so cool.LEON: I’m glad you like them.JASMIN: You have such a good sense of style.LEON: Thanks! That’s a really nice thing to

say.2ALEX: What an amazing picture.PETE: Thanks! I’m glad you like it.ALEX: You’re so good at art!PETE: Your picture’s really good too.3NITA: I love your outfit.LILY: Oh, thanks! I designed it myself.NITA: Really! You’re such an amazing

designer!LILY: Do you think so? Thanks!

Track 49

Page 119, Exercise 3a and 3b

1 This cake is delicious!2 You’re such a good artist!3 I love your hairstyle!

Track 50

Page 119, Exercise 6

1 That’s a very white T-shirt.2 Do you have the time?3 Did you design this card?4 Is that a new coat?5 This sweater has tight sleeves.

Track 51

Page 125, Exercise 5a

SOFIA: I like all the action in this story.ALAN: Me too! Which attack did you think

was the scariest?SOFIA: I thought the bee attack was the

scariest.ALAN: Really? But the Scarecrow came up

with such a smart way to protect them all. Why was that scary?

Track 46

Page 116, Exercise 4

1REPORTER: … but, y’know, it’s absolutely

fantastic.2REPORTER: I think ankle length is definitely

gonna be the new look for the fall.3REPORTER: … they’re awesome for summer or

winter.4TEEN GIRL: I read the fashion blogs and all

that stuff.

Track 47

Page 116, Exercise 5

Part 1RADIO HOST: Young Latin American designers

are making their mark on the fashion world at this week’s São Paulo Fashion Week. It’s a chance for new designers to show off their latest designs to an international audience. Fashion Week is held twice a year, in the spring and in the fall, and most important people in the fashion industry go to the shows in Paris, London, or New York. But São Paolo Fashion Week is quickly gaining a reputation as the place to find out about the hottest trends. Can you tell us about your impressions of São Paulo Fashion Week?

Part 2REPORTER: Yes, I’m a reporter here for

a fashion website and … It’s crazy! … I mean, there’s just so much going on … but, y’know, it’s absolutely fantastic. There’re so many new ideas. In this show, we saw a new take on the maxi skirt. I think ankle length is definitely gonna be the new look for the fall, and then ankle boots, they’re awesome for summer or winter – they’re so wearable with any outfit. And there’s a new trend in men’s fashion – they’re mixing checked shirts with striped pants. It sounds strange, but somehow it just works!

Part 3RADIO HOST: Thank you. One recent

development in the world of fashion is teenage fashion. Several designers have fashion shows just for teenage designs, and there are fashion stores that specialize in teenage fashion. But what do teenagers think about this? Do you watch the fashion shows to find out what to wear?