words of peace · words of peace “peace through ... anthony tiongson anniversaries february ......

Page 1 Words of Peace Peace Through ChristFebruary 2014 A monthly publication of Peace Lutheran Church Camarillo, CA President’s Message AN OPPORTUNITY When we learn about our faith, we find that early Christians took a great personal risk when they became followers of Christ. When early Christians were asked if they, indeed, were followers of Jesus, they took a great risk if they professed to be one of his disciples. They often lost their life, if they refused to deny Christ before the courts of that time. So, why are we Lutherans so reserved about witnessing our faith to the World around us? There is nothing in our country that prevents us from being a Christian witness! However, the direction that our country and the world is going, places an urgency on us to take each opportunity that presents itself, to be a witness to our Christian Faith. Lutherans, traditionally, have been, and are, very "quiet" about our faith. We need to change that, and be ambassadors who witness to the world, for Christ! Make a big noise, make Peace Lutheran make a difference! Peace to all, Ken Anderson Pastor Rob has been on vacation. His article will return to this space in next months issue.

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Words of Peace

“Peace Through Christ” February 2014

A monthly publication of Peace Lutheran Church Camarillo, CA

President’s Message Pastor’s  Message

AN OPPORTUNITY When we learn about our faith, we find that early Christians took a great personal risk when they became followers of Christ. When early Christians were asked if they, indeed, were followers of Jesus, they took a great risk if they professed to be one of his disciples. They often lost their life, if they refused to deny Christ before the courts of that time.

So, why are we Lutherans so reserved about witnessing our faith to the World around us? There is nothing in our country that prevents us from being a Christian witness! However, the direction that our country and the world is going, places an urgency on us to take each opportunity that presents itself, to be a witness to our Christian Faith.

Lutherans, traditionally, have been, and are, very "quiet" about our faith. We need to change that, and be ambassadors who witness to the world, for Christ! Make a big noise, make Peace Lutheran make a difference! Peace to all, Ken Anderson

Pastor Rob has been on vacation. His article will return to this space in next month’s issue.

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Anniversaries February Ralph & Leslie Hochhalter 2/9 Ron & Karen Stimpson 2/14 Duane & Caroline Wentlandt 2/18 David & Margaret Stafford 2/20 Lyle & Pat Lehman 2/24 Birthdays February Kristin Stafford 2/2 Cyndy Distad 2/3 Carol Troglia 2/4 Matthew Griffith 2/6 Joyce Peters 2/7 Melissa Pettit 2/8 Sheryl  O’Neil 2/9 Eric Taylor 2/11 Cindy Klittich 2/15 Whitney Parsons 2/17 Ingrid Poehler 2/19 Daniel Klittich 2/23 Anthony Tiongson 2/24 Daniel Gingerich 2/24 Diana Wanke 2/25 Doug Morrison 2/25 Linda La Jeunesse 2/25

ELDER’S  CORNER Happy  Valentine’s  Day

Were you surprised like I was that just when Christmas was over that the stores were ready to move on to the next holiday? Perhaps some stores had Valentine cards up even before Christmas had arrived!

Valentine’s  Day is one of those holidays where we send that special card, flowers, or box of chocolates to that special someone. And for some of us that have been married awhile it may just be a night to eat in and avoid those high priced menus! Just saying I love you is enough. And for some of us in our church body that has lost a spouse, I am sure it must be a difficult time as one misses that special person that they were blessed to share their life with.

Valentine’s  Day  focuses  on  people  and  the  love  that  is  shared. It is a day that causes us to stop and remember that someone special.

The Bible talks a lot about love that exists with Christians. 1 Corinthians 13:1 says that, “If  I  speak  in  the  tongues  of  men  and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal”.    In the same chapter vs. 13 states that, “And  now  these  three  remain:  faith,  hope  and  love.    But the greatest  of  these  is  love.”

It is good to be reminded how important love is in our local church. It is great to have wonderful programs, a great organization structure, and even a healthy budget but the most important thing at the end of the day is love one for another. We never can advance beyond this basic point – that love is most important. And a church built on love can certainly do wonderful things for the Glory of God.

Think about all the special people that God has brought into our local assembly here at Peace Lutheran. Think of some of their faces. People that have been redeemed. Perfect? Not a chance! Sinners forgiven? There is room for more! May God’s  love  continue  to  permeate  and  be  evident  in  all  that  we  do.

Happy  Valentine’s  Day!

Peace in Christ, Your Elders

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Receiving cancer treatment: Jordan   Dye,   (Dale   &   Marsha   Larson’s  Grandson) Paula Erickson, (Former member of Peace) Sharon Fields, Dennis   Harding,   (Helmut   &   Susan   Klein’s   son-in-law) Irmgard Hild, Pat Holmes,   (Annette   McComas’   mother) Nancy Johnson, Patrick   O’Neal, (Gene  &  Beulah’s  son)  Hedy Pein, and Dorothy Trahan.

Prayers for healing and strength: Win Burkhardt, Ada Bruns, Jean Culver, Cindy Fox, Amy Holmes,  (Annette  McComa’s  niece)  Joshua Kappel, Mickey Kohut, (John  &  Karen  Johnson’s   friend) Karen Laatz, Ray Linaweaver, Ruth London, Mae  Martin,  (Lyle  Lehman’s  sister)  Gloria McLeod, Dave Miller, Bee Muenich, Esther Neff, Jim Richardson, Gladys Sigman, Paul Trahan, Carol Troglia, Jim Warczak, Duane Wentlandt, Loretta Wright and Sue Zinger. Loss of Loved Ones: Bob & Irene Hutchison and family on the loss of Irene’s  mother, Jackie Pape.

Pray for all military men and women especially: Jacob  Chiles,  (Bill  &  Linda  Young’s  son-in-law) Daniel  Gross,  (LaJoyce  Brennan’s  grandson)  Chloe Griffith,  (Harry  Griffith’s  daughter)    Davis  Kelly,  (Melodie  Kelly’s  son  &  Sonja  Manzer’s  grandson) Brian Miller, (Dave & Sandra Miller’s  son) Brett Taylor, (Gary & Karen Taylor’s son) Brady Wentlandt,  (Duane  &  Caroline  Wentlandt’s  grandson)    and  also  remember their families in your prayers.

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Throughout the New Testament Jesus is sitting down and having a meal with his followers. Let us too break bread together. We have a Fellowship Committee at Peace that works very hard to put together opportunities for all of us to gather and break bread together. This includes such things as potluck meals during the holidays and the Gatherings for Four, Six or Eight throughout the year. Christian fellowship is important to us all. The fellowship is more than a social event, it is an opportunity to get to know each other better and to pray for each other. It is nice to come to church and see the donuts and coffee available between services. It is amazing to see the decorations and food tables set up for events such as our traditional Easter brunch. This does not happen by magic. The Fellowship Committee spends a great deal of time and effort to prepare for these events. Then after the events, while most people get to go home, the committee members clean up all the dishes and the Fellowship Hall to make sure everything is in order for the next Church service or event. Many of you already help out without being an official member of the Fellowship Committee. They especially appreciate when all the members pitch in to help set up and break down the tables and chairs, help gather and clean dishes and all the other things that are necessary for a successful event. If you are looking for a way to help out consider volunteering to help with the donuts on Sunday or making the coffee on Saturday. The Fellowship Committee also plans other outings and events for us to enjoy good Christian fellowship. They are always looking for new ideas, so if you have any let them know. The Fellowship Committee will be spotlighted on the second Sunday of February with a table in the courtyard. Please stop by and thank these people for all they do for us, and if you are so inclined ask where you may be able to help out. Our fellowship committee members consist of Sharon McCracken, Bonnie Gatling, Luci Pommers, Karen Taylor, John & Wendy Esham, Shirley Kinnon, Jane Morici and Connie Morris. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:24-25 (NIV) The Stewardship Committee

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The Fellowship Committee is busy planning events for 2014.

The first function we are working on is the Small Gatherings. The sign-up sheets are posted. We are planning to begin setting up the groups after February 8th, so please sign-up soon. This is a great way to get to know Peace members! If you haven't finished your gatherings from last year, you can still do so.

A new movie about Noah will be arriving in the theaters soon. We are planning to get a group together for a movie night. Stay tuned for this opportunity.

We are always looking for event ideas. If you have an idea, please contact one of the Fellowship

Committee members.

The Fellowship Committee

February  is  the  month  of  Valentines  and  hearts,  and  the  Social  Concerns  wants  to  once  again  say  “heart” felt thanks to everyone for opening their  “hearts”  in  support  of  the  many  projects  of  the  committee.      We  especially  appreciate your assistance in preparing food and in the kitchen duties for the memorial luncheons over the past months.

One  of  the  Committee’s  ongoing  projects  has  been  collection of food items for the Camarillo Food Pantry. As the monthly list of suggested donation items has not changed in a number of years, at the next meeting, the committee will be revising the list and adding new and different items. Look in your Sunday bulletin or in the Words of Peace for these fresh ideas starting with March.

It is time again to mark your calendar for the April Blood Drive, scheduled for the Sunday after Easter, April 27th from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. More information will come next month.

Linda Young

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Preschool News February, 2014

"Love your neighbor as yourself.", from Matthew 22:39 is the preschool Bible verse for the month of February. Our song is "We Are The Church". The children will be hearing stories about the prodigal son, ten men with leprosy, and Jesus feeding the 5,000 as we focus on others during their religion times. They will also be practicing songs in anticipation of our Preschool Sunday singing at the contemporary service on March 16th. On February 3rd and 4th , we will have "Silly Sock Days." Children will wear mismatched or "silly" socks as we learn the letter "S". Our color of the month is pink and we will have "Pink Days" on February 6th & 7th. We will also have our Annual Pancake Breakfast at 8:30 on the 6th and 7th. You are invited to come have breakfast with us and meet the preschool families. Valentine's Day will be observed with class parties on the 12th and 13th. Children will wear Valentine crowns while exchanging Valentine cards and having special treats to celebrate the love we get from God!

Our theme for this month is community helpers with an emphasis on postal workers, librarians, and teachers. If you have worked in one of these vocations and would like to come and share your knowledge and experience with the children, contact Sharon Thompson in the school office. We would love to have you.

Enrollment for the 2014/2015 school year is open to church members and their families beginning February 16th. Preschool families currently enrolled will begin registration on February 24th and 25th and registration will be open to the public beginning March 3rd. If you would like to enroll your child or grandchild, see Mrs. Thompson in the Preschool office between 9 am and 12 pm or call the Preschool office at 987-1613. Enroll early as class sizes are limited and we would like to give our members first choice.

The preschool will be closed in observance of President's Days on February 14th and 17th and for parent/teacher conferences on February 20th and 21st.

In Christ, Sharon Thompson Preschool Director

School Year 2014-2015

Enrollment for church families

begins February 16

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EVANGELISM Please join us and invite a friend or two to LifeTree Café on Thursday

evenings from 7:00 to 8:00 for an hour of stories and conversations for

your soul. We have fabulous coffee drinks, refreshments and yummy

snacks. Topics for February include the following:

February 6: News From The Future – A futurist gives a sneak peek

February 13: Finding The Family I Never Knew – A story of separation,

adoption and reunion

February 20: Do Good Dogs Go To Heaven? – Questions about animals

and the afterlife

February 27: God and Gays – An hour of civil conversation

Evangelism is seeking some new Friendship Team members for

LifeTree  Cafe.    We’d  love  to  train  and  work  with  you.    It’s  fun  and  you  

get to meet a lot of nice people. Please see either Joyce Snow or Melissa



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THANK YOU Thank-you to everyone for all the cards, prayers, phone calls and food during this difficult time. Having such caring people in our lives is truly a blessing. Thank-you so very much to the social concerns committee for the lovely luncheon following the memorial service for Jackie, to Marsha for all of your help throughout this past year, to Mike for conducting the memorial service, to Karen for playing the organ during the service and to Pastor for all your support at Jackie's passing. We are very grateful! Irene and Bob Hutchison and family

LlUuTtHhEeRr’Ss  AaTtTtIiCc A big thank you to all the volunteers who have made this another successful  year  at  Luther’s  Attic.    In 2013 Peace worked a total of 2,975 volunteer hours and provided Peace Preschool with $19,600.00 of income. Our gross income at the store was $95,420.00.    After  paying  our  rent,  utilities,  the  manager’s  salary and misc. supplies we were able to give the three schools a total of $46,828.00. The Lord has blessed us not only financially and with great volunteers but also a wonderful manager Donna. Her conscientiousness, organization and cheerful attitude are greatly appreciated by the volunteers and customers alike. We are looking for additional volunteers to work Monday or Wednesday mornings from 10:00pm until 1:00 am. This ministry provides financial support to Christian based education, affordable merchandise to the community and opportunities for Christian outreach and service. If you are available to join us please contact board members, Nancy Fitch (484-5900) or Carol Young (987-5952).

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Faith & Fun Fridays

The Newly-Formed Youth Group for Kids in Grades 1 – 6 Exploring the Wonders of God and His Creation

Purpose: To give kids (and their families) a greater appreciation of God: His Word, His Awesome Power and Amazing Creation

Begun September, 2013 Meets last Friday of each month (4 gatherings to date –

missed Dec. due scheduling conflict) Involves kids in grades 1-6; averages a dozen kids ea.

session Normally meets in Fellowship Hall 6-8 p.m. but may

meet at a variety of places; anywhere kids can gain a deeper understanding of and appreciation for God and his amazing creation (Planetarium, tide-pools, geologic wonders etc.)

Primary Sources: the Bible and the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit Bible Verses used/memorized:

*In the beginning God created the heavens and earth. Genesis 1:1 *For in Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible; -- all things have been created in Him and through Him. Colossians 1:16 *God said, “Let  there  be  Light  and  there was Light and God saw that it was good.”  Genesis  1:3   *The people walking in darkness have seen a great light. On those living in the land of the shadow of death, a great light has dawned. Isaiah 9:2 *Jesus  said,  “I  am  the  Light  of  the  world. John 8:12

Techniques: Focus on elements of God’‛s Creation often taken for granted: AIR & LIGHT delved into in first four meetings. Coming up WATER etc.

Science experiments – some demonstrations, some hands-on experiences to demonstrate the wonders common elements of creation that turn out to be miracles of God

Singing old favorites – The B-I-B-L-E, This Little Light of Mine, Shine Jesus Shine etc. Highlights of Jan. 31st program: Each child received a copy of the Adventure Bible (NIV

pictured above) and were given a tour of many of its fascinating features including an insert that re-phrases the commandments for kids. An example “You may not worship or put more importance on any person or thing, other than God. You must worship only the Lord, not your parents, not a friend, not a movie star or sports hero, nor a car or boat or skate board.”

Also kids took part in a hands-on experiment using candles, water, food coloring etc. to illustrate what can happen if we drift away from God and His Word.

How can you help? Pray, tell friends & neighbors who have kids in grades 1-6, check out the Adventure Bible for yourself (copies in office) and donate one – as more kids get involved, more copies will be needed (or purchase one for yourself -).

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gOd’S RadicaL

L ✌e!!


!!!! !! !!Patripassianism was a heresy condemned in the third century… What?! That may seem like a strange way to begin an article about “God’s radical love.” Surprisingly, however, it relates quite well. WARNING: deep theological waters ahead (but, then again, God’s love for you is INCREDIBLY DEEP!). !Actually, it’s not that hard to piece this together. Let’s start by taking things apart: Patri + passianism… Whenever I hear the Latin “Pater” I think of Mel Tormé’s classic line in his toe-tapping “Swingin’ on the Moon,” in which he sang (tongue in cheek), “tell mater and pater we live in a crater” (translation: “mom, dad, we’re living on the moon, now). Silliness aside, “Patri” refers to the Father (as in God, the Father). !Now, for “passianism,” think of another Mel’s (Gibson’s) “The Passion of the Christ” (or “Passion” Week, which comes with the next change of church seasons). This Passion, of course, points to the deep, deep love of Jesus, sent by His Father, anointed by the Holy Spirit, for this rescue mission of love that takes Jesus through His innocent sufferings under Pontius Pilate all the way to His death on the cross for sinners like you and me. !So, let’s put it together now: Patri (Father) + passianism (suffering) = Patripassianiam, the mistaken (i.e., heretical) teaching that in Christ’s death on the cross God the Father suffered. This is a classic confusion of the distinct Persons of the Holy

Trinity, the three Persons in One God. The Father is “impassable,” therefore it is impossible for Him to have suffered. “Impassable” points to His nature as being “a most pure spirit, invisible, without body, parts, or passions,” as some have put it. God the Father, in His Divine nature, is not subject to mood swings. He is immutable - meaning He does not change but is the same yesterday, today and forever. !While initially this may sound UN-loving (you mean, God doesn’t feel passionately moved to love me, His dear child?), it actually bespeaks an even more radical love on God’s part. It says that the extreme, rescuing kind of love that God has for you and demonstrated to you by sacrificing His One and Only Son has always been there - and always will be there for you! God is love (1 John 4:8). It’s kind of like the intensity of the sun that continuously gives off its blinding light - only long after the sun refuses to shine God will go on loving you eternally! It’s “radical” like those free radicals in chemistry that you can’t reign in - they’ve gone off the chart! So, is God’s love for you - without ever wavering! Oh yes, and like those free radicals God’s love is free, too, for you and me (He paid all the cost willingly, lovingly on His side). Radical!


O the deep, deep

love of Jesus,

vast, unmeasured,

boundless, free!

submitted by Deacon Mike Schultze

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To all members and friends of Peace Lutheran,

I am writing this letter as yet another form of communication to inform the congregation on the state of the Trustees.

First off, the Trustees are busy keeping the church in good working order, clean and presentable to our members and guests. There are many little things that  people  don’t  notice  but  are  essential  for  a  clean  well lit facility. That includes light bulb changes, clean carpeting in the Fellowship Hall, general

plumbing, electrical work, etc. There are so many things to look after, far too many to enumerate here, it can be a daunting, but enjoyable task. Every Trustee takes pride in knowing that their efforts contribute to the cleanliness and well being of the church and its members and serving God in the process. So if you know of a trustee stop and thank him for a good job or voice your concern over an issue that you may have seen. We are always willing to listen.

As many of you know there are budget concerns, The Trustees have taken great steps in reducing or eliminating many costs. In doing so, we have reduced our budget, but still have monies for an emergency. Part of that cost reduction is the gardeners. Instead of doing tasks every week, Dale Larson suggested they stop by every other week. It seems to be working as the grounds still look good, but money is saved. Thank you to Dale for that and many other cost reduction suggestions and implementations of the cost cutting efforts.

Also Ken Reuter did a fine job of resurrecting the Christmas wreaths that hung so proudly and beautifully in the church during the Christmas season. To be direct they were in rough shape, just from years of usage. Ken took them all, fixed the greenery on them, installed new LED lights on them with a battery pack and are rated for 30 or more hours of usage.

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The parking lot recently got resurfaced for a sum of $8,045.00. The funds for that came out of the excess from the loan proceeds. It did not affect our budget, other than using that extra money from the parking lot loan.

The parking lot resurfacing is not a one time deal, in order to keep the base material from cracking , splitting and failing, it is essential that the resurfacing be done every three to four years, maybe as long as five years, but I would not chance it going that long. So with that in mind, the congregation and Trustees need to start thinking about putting aside some money and or fund raising to support that effort. I do believe there is a line item created for that in the budget with a little money in it, but certainly more is needed.

Speaking   of   big   budget   repair/replacement   issues,   I’d   like   to   address   the  church/preschool roof. As the roof is now, it is many years past its prime and should be replaced in the next few years. Although from a casual glance the roof seems fine, but a closer inspection will reveal cracked, loose tiles. Even though the winds have been relatively calm the past couple years, the Trustees have been on the roof to glue down several loose tiles. It was a bit exciting but needed to be done. The roof replacement really needs to be done before the tiles are sliding down and broken beyond reasonable fixing and the underlying material of the roof is compromised. That would create a whole other set of problems and I would like to avoid that at all costs. Again I believe a line item has been created for that, and if not I will certainly suggest that and some excess funds be put in there. The cost of the roof replacement is anybody’s guess. It all depends on the type of material selected, the cost of proper asbestos removal. (Yes the existing tiles are asbestos). The amount of work and replacement of fascia boards and gutters if warranted. So in closing, the state of the church and facilities and the Trustees are in great condition. Clearly we have some obstacles to overcome, but with faith in God all things can be overcome. So go forth in faith and love in God. God bless us all and this congregation.

Sincerely and in Gods love,

David J. Miller

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FEBRUARY 2014 Servers

9:30 Service Elder Readers

2/2 Phil Hamilton/Tom Waddell Laurie Schneider 2/9 Phil Hamilton/Tom Waddell Tom Waddell 2/16 Phil Hamilton/Tom Waddell Susan Weaver 2/23 Phil Hamilton/Tom Waddell Peter Lee

3/2 Bob Weaver/Greg Olewiler Julie Ligman

ACOLYTES: If you have any conflicts, please call Mike Schultze 302-0888 or the Elder in charge. 8:00 Service Dave Schmidt 482-3867 or 11:00 Service Scott Klittich 524-4466

READERS: If you have any conflicts, please call Doc Morse (805) 482-7686.

February 2 Communion

Dave Schmidt


Scott Klittich

Lyle Lehman* Pat Lehman Scott McComas Clayton McComas Jim Devries +++++++++++++ Dave Schmidt* Roy Poehler Mike Hale Bob Stevenson

Susan Klein &

Elisabeth Pohl

Dick Mahlke




Lyle & Pat Lehman


Mike & Ruth Hale

Sarah Harter


Kenny Martin

February 9

Dave Schmidt +++++++++++

Scott Klittich

Ken Anderson* Scott Ehlers Art Schmidt Andrew Geib +++++++++++++ Scott Klittich* Tim Klittich Peter Sandstrum Tom Miller

Susan Klein

& Elisabeth Pohl

Scott McComas


Rita Reuter

Jim & Kerry



Pete & Irma Sandstrum

Nicholas Pettit


Allyson Liu

February 16 Communion

Dave Schmidt


Scott Klittich

Blaine Wanke* Keith Hedrick Gene  O’Neal Todd Harter +++++++++++++ Doc Morse* Ralph Hochhalter Leslie Hochhalter Mike McCracken

Susan Klein &

Elisabeth Pohl

Susan Klein


Dave Schmidt

Blaine & Diana Wanke


Jim Thompson

Ronnie Miller


Sean Farrell

February 23

Dave Schmidt +++++++++++

Scott Klittich

Craig Frye* Gary Taylor Gary London Bill Young Ron Stimpson +++++++++++++ Bob Holmquist* Dave Miller Tom Taylor

Susan Klein &

Elisabeth Pohl

Roy Poehler


Lori Schultze

Gary & Karen



Tom & Noreen Taylor

Jennifer Frye


Logan Farrell

November 2012 ~ Servers

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FEBRUARY 2014 Calendar Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

2 8 & 11 AM Traditional Service (Sanctuary) 9:30 AM Sunday School 3 yrs. – Adult 9:30 AM Praise Service (FH) 10:42 AM Sunday School Adult (Coffeehouse) 11:00 AM New Life Church (FH) 5:30 PM Cub Scout Leaders' Meeting (FH) 7:00 PM Boy Scout Committee Mtg (Fellowship Hall)

3 8:00 AM Prayer Vigil (Sanctuary) 7:00 PM Boy Scouts (Fellowship Hall)

4 9:30 AM Women's Bible Study (FH) 5:00 PM Reading Mentoring (CoffeeHouse) 6:00 PM Board of Finance Mtg. 7:00 PM Church Council (FH)

5 9:00 AM Adult Bible Study 6:30 PM Confirmation (Fellowship Hall) 6:30 PM LifeLight Bible Study

6 6:45 AM Men's Bible Study (Fellowship Hall) 8:30 AM Preschool Pancake Breakfast (Fellowship Hall) 5:15 PM Handbell Practice (Church) 6:30 PM Youth Pizza/Bible Study 7:00 PM Choir 7:00 PM Lifetree Cafe (Proverbs Coffeehouse)

7 8:30 AM Preschool Pancake Breakfast (Fellowship Hall) 9:30 AM Preschool Chapel (Sanctuary) 6:30 PM Story Tellers (Coffee house)

8 10:00 AM Praise Team rehearsal (10-12 please do not disturb) 5:00 PM Cub Scout Pack Activity (FH)

9 8 & 11 AM Traditional Service (Sanctuary) 9:30 AM Sunday School 3 yrs. – Adult 9:30 AM Praise Service (FH) 10:42 AM Sunday School Adult (Coffeehouse) 11:00 AM New Life Church (FH) 12:30 PM Voters’  Mtg. 2:00 PM Sunday School Staff Mtg. (Overflow)

10 8:00 AM Prayer Vigil (Sanctuary) 6:15 PM Mt. Cross Meditation Class (PCH) 7:00 PM Boy Scouts (Fellowship Hall)

11 9:30 AM Women's Bible Study (FH) 5:00 PM Reading Mentoring (CoffeeHouse) 7:00 PM Super Tuesday

12 9:00 AM Adult Bible Study 6:30 PM Confirmation (Fellowship Hall) 6:30 PM LifeLight Bible Study

13 6:45 AM Men's Bible Study (FH) 5:00 PM Many Meals 5:15 PM Handbell Practice (Church) 6:00 PM Girl Scouts (FH) 6:30 PM Youth Pizza/Bible Study 7:00 PM Choir 7:00 PM Lifetree Cafe (Coffeehouse) 7:00 PM Venture Crew Meeting (YR)

14 9:30 AM Preschool Chapel (Sanctuary)

15 10:00 AM Praise Team rehearsal

16 8 & 11 AM Traditional Service (Sanctuary) 9:30 AM Praise Service (FH) 9:30 AM Sunday School 3 yrs. – Adult 10:42 AM Sunday School Adult (Coffeehouse) 11:00 AM New Life Church (FH) 5:30 PM Cub Scout Leader Mtg. (FH)

17 8:00 AM Prayer Vigil (Sanctuary) 6:15 PM Mt. Cross Meditation Class (PCH) 7:00 PM Boy Scouts (FH)

18 9:30 AM Women's Bible Study Fellowship Hall 5:00 PM Reading Mentoring (Proverbs CoffeeHouse) 7:00 PM Council Meeting

19 9:00 AM Adult Bible Study 6:30 PM Confirmation (Fellowship Hall) 6:30 PM LifeLight Bible Study

20 6:45 AM Men's Bible Study (FH) 5:15 PM Handbell Practice (Church) 6:00 PM Girl Scouts (FH) 6:30 PM Youth Pizza/Bible Study 7:00 PM Choir 7:00 PM Lifetree Cafe (Coffeehouse)

21 9:30 AM Newsletter articles due Preschool Chapel (Sanctuary) 6:30 PM Cub Scout Pack Meeting (FH)

22 10:00 AM Praise Team rehearsal

23 8 & 11 AM Traditional Service (Sanctuary) 9:30 AM Sunday School 3 yrs. – Adult 9:30 AM Praise Service (Fellowship Hall) 10:42 AM Sunday School Adult (Coffeehouse) 11:00 AM New Life Church (FH) 11:00 AM Sunday School Adult (Coffeehouse) 7:00 PM Boy Scout Mtg (FH)

24 8:00 AM Prayer Vigil (Sanctuary) 7:00 PM Boy Scouts (Fellowship Hall)

25 9:30 AM Women's Bible Study (Fellowship Hall) 5:00 PM Reading Mentoring (CoffeeHouse) 7:00 PM PCH Book Club (Proverbs CoffeeHouse)

26 9:00 AM Adult Bible Study 6:30 PM Confirmation (Fellowship Hall) 6:30 PM LifeLight Bible Study

27 6:45 AM Men's Bible Study (FH) 5:15 PM Handbell Practice (Church) 6:00 PM Venture Crew Mtg. (FH) 6:30 PM Youth Pizza/Bible Study 7:00 PM Choir 7:00 PM Lifetree Cafe (Coffeehouse)

28 9:30 AM Preschool Chapel (Sanctuary) 6:00 PM Faith & Fun Friday (Fellowship Hall) 6:30 PM Asperger's Support Group (Coffeehouse)

1 10:00 AM Praise Team rehearsal