words for production 1. weird [ wird ] adj. very strange, unusual, and unexpected...

Words for Production 1. weird [] adj. very strang e, unusual, and unexpected 奇奇奇 奇奇奇 That's weird—one minute ago the wallet was still in my p ocket. Now it is gone.

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Post on 17-Dec-2015




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Words for Production

1. weird [] adj. very strange, unusual, and unexpected 奇怪的,怪異的

That's weird—one minute ago the wallet was still in my pocket. Now it is gone.

Words for Production

2. outbreak n. [C] a sudden beginning of something dangerous or unpleasant, such as a disease or a war  爆發

Racial problems led to the outbreak of the war between the two countries.

Words for Production

3. strain n. [C] a particular type of something  種類,品種

Scientists have discovered a new strain of the virus that causes mad cow disease.

* mad cow disease 狂牛症

Words for Production

4. province n. [C] an area governed as part of a country  省,州

Ontario is the second largest province in Canada.

Words for Production

5. poultry n. pl. birds, such as chickens and ducks, raised for eggs or meat  家禽

Fewer and fewer people in Taiwan keep poultry, such as chickens, at home.

Words for Production

6. malady n. [C] (formal) a disease  疾病

All the crops seemed to suffer from the same mysterious malady that year.

Words for Production

7. confirm vt. to make sure of something which was not completely certain before  證實

The smell of cigarette confirms my suspicion that somebody has just smoked here.

Words for Production

8. germ n. [C] a very small organism that causes disease  病菌

Washing your hands regularly is an effective way to get rid of germs.

* get rid of 去除…

Words for Production

9. avenue n. [C] a way or method of achieving something 途徑,方法

Scientists are exploring every avenu

e to minimize the effects of global warming.

Words for Production

10. infection n. [U][C] the act or process of causing or getting a disease; a disease that is caused by bacteria or a virus 傳染,感染;傳染病

Doctors and nurses have to wear protective masks and clothing to reduce the risk of infection when taking care of SARS patients. 詞類變化

infect vt. 使傳染,使感染

The hospital was full of patients who were infected with dengue fever.

infectious adj. 傳染 ( 性 ) 的

The new infectious disease has been reported to be life-threatening.

Words for Production

11. unmistakable adj. obvious and not likely to be confused with something else  明顯的,不會弄錯的

Mrs. White's diamond ring makes her an instant and unmistakable target for robbery.

* be confused with 混淆

Words for Production

12. transmission n. [U] the process of passing something from a person, thing, or place to another  傳染,傳播

Mosquito bites open an avenue to the transmission of dengue fever.


transmit vt. 傳染,傳播

Some diseases are transmitted from one generation to another.

Words for Production

13. enterprise n. [U][C] enthusiasm to do something new or challenging, despite risks; a company or organization intended for profit-making  企圖心,進取心;企業,公司

13. enterpriseAs a man of enterprise, Bill never hesitates to make ambitious and risky moves to expand his business.

Some graduates want to work in private enterprise, while others want to work in government-owned industry.

Words for Production

* N-p.p. 為複合形容詞

Words for Production

14. enhance vt. to improve the quality, strength, or value of something  提高,增加

The colorful flowers in the garden enhance the beauty of the mansion.

Words for Production

15. displace vt. to force a group of animals or people to move away from their usual place  使移居,迫使離開

The building of the dam will displace thousands of people who live in the area.

Words for Production

16. bombard vt.; vi. to attack a place continuously and heavily with shooting or bombs; to attack someone with questions or criticisms  轟炸,砲轟;抨擊

Words for Production

16. bombard   The army bombarded the city for d

ays, killing and injuring thousands of people.

The lecture was bombarded with questions after his speech.

* be bombarded with 被疲勞轟炸

Words for Production

17. inflammation n. [U] the condition in which a part of the body becomes red, sore, and swollen as a result of injury or infection  炎症,發炎

Some babies may develop inflammation of the eye a few days after birth.

* as a result of 因…的結果

Words for Production

18. authority n. [C] (usu. pl.) the group of people or an organization who have the power to make decisions or have official responsibility for a particular area  當局

The health authorities should take immediate action to prevent further spread of the disease.

* take immediate action 採取立即行動

Words for Production

19. slaughter [] vt. to cruelly kill people or animals in large numbers 屠殺

More than three hundred thousand Chinese people were slaughtered in the 1937 Nanking Massacre.  

* in large numbers 大量地

Words for Production

20. ecosystem n. [C] all the living things in a particular area and the way they affect one another and the environment  生態系統 Even the simplest form of water pollution can have a disastrous impact on the ecosystem of the ocean.

* one another 三者互相* have a ~ impact on = have a ~ influence on

1. Ebola fever n. [U] also Ebola hemorrhagic fever, an infectious and dangerous disease characterized by fevers, chills, internal and external bleeding, and chest pain伊波拉出血熱

Words for Recognition

2. Belgium n. [U] a country of northwest Europe  比利時

Words for Recognition

3. Netherlands n. [U] (the ~) a country of northwest Europe荷蘭

Words for Recognition

4. microbe n. [C] a very small living thing, especially one that causes disease 細菌;微生物

Words for Recognition

5. smallpox n. [U] a serious infectious disease which causes fever, spots on the skin, and even death  天花

Words for Recognition

6. rafter n. [C] one of the large sloping pieces of wood which holds up a roof椽

Words for Recognition

7. Nipah virus n. [C] a newly recognized virus, discovered in 1999, causing disease in animals and in humans through contact with infected animals  立百病毒

Words for Recognition

1. wipe out to destroy something completely  使消滅,使徹底摧毀

The landslide wiped out the whole village during the typhoon.

Idioms and Phrases

2. at the mercy of in a situation where one cannot protect himself/herself from someone or something  任憑…處置

The sailors didn't know if they could return home safely as their ships were at the mercy of the violent storm.

Idioms and Phrases

3. undreamed ofbeyond one's imagination  想都沒想過的,做夢都想不到的

To those who lived centuries ago, the cyber world was completely undreamed of.

Idioms and Phrases

* those who … 凡是…

4. at a fast clipquickly; at a fast speed  快速地

These new policies will help the economy grow at a fast clip.

Idioms and Phrases

5. crop upto appear or happen unexpectedly  突然出現或發生

I cannot hand in the report today. Last night, some computer problems cropped up and damaged the file just when I was about to finish it.

Idioms and Phrases

* hand in 繳交* be about to + V 即將要…

6. hold all the cardsto have all the advantages in a particular situation so that one can control what happens  掌握全局

In the battle against cancer, no medical professionals can claim they hold all the cards as none of them can promise a cure.

Idioms and Phrases

7. push back to cause someone or something to move backward   使…向後退;使敗退

Because their food supply was cut off, the enemy was once again pushed back.

Idioms and Phrases