wordpress theme design

Theme: General 1.Widget ready 2. Option page 3. User friendly with easy navigation, option page (UDASS with font size, color, page width changeable, integrate page navigation, bread crumb or wp pagers. 4. Blog owner friendly with option page for define function and features, default color scheme to choose from various scheme, number of sidebar and sidebar position. 5. Accessible. 6. 100% xhtml and CSS validated and follows w3.org guidelines. 7. Seo Friendly. 8. Ajax enhancement. (Tabbed browsing, live search, including sidebar recent comments, discussed and emailed tabbed browsing) 9.Jquery plug-in integration. (thick box, ajax login, rounded corner, fish eye menu, yshout etc. ) 10. Fast loading 11. WEB 2.0 Look and feel with rounded corner. 12. Cross browser ready. Wordpress 2+ ready Header 1. Fisheye menu (use highly optimized png images) 2. Ajax slide show 3. page option (UDASS) 4. Live search 5. Dhtml drop down menu for category, sub category browsing. 6. Gallery Link Comments 1. Yahoo UI Pattern comments 2. Gravtar Integrated. 3. Live preview 4. Ajax spell checker. 5. Comments quick tag Side Bar 1. Widget ready. 2. Moveable anything so that visitor could move left or right. 3. Blog owner able to define right or left, one or two. 4. Sidebar slider integrated. (DHTML) 5. Tabbed browsing discussed, emailed, read build in. Others: 1. Minishow gallery build in, and display images stored in any particular folder, and those images used in blogging. 2. Build in Must have plugins,(translate, google Adsense ready rss auto submit, wp Mobile, etc) The new Wordpress theme Meyshan has to epitomize Wordpress blogging

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Post on 14-Oct-2014




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An idea for wordpress theme design. more can be seen here http://www.spicyexpress.net


Page 1: WordPress Theme Design

Theme:General 1.Widget ready2. Option page3. User friendly with easy navigation, option page (UDASS with font size, color, page width changeable, integrate page navigation, bread crumb or wp pagers. 4. Blog owner friendly with option page for define function and features, default color scheme to choose from various scheme, number of sidebar and sidebar position. 5. Accessible. 6. 100% xhtml and CSS validated and follows w3.org guidelines. 7. Seo Friendly. 8. Ajax enhancement. (Tabbed browsing, live search, including sidebar recent comments, discussed and emailed tabbed browsing)9.Jquery plug-in integration. (thick box, ajax login, rounded corner, fish eye menu, yshout etc. )10. Fast loading 11. WEB 2.0 Look and feel with rounded corner. 12. Cross browser ready. Wordpress 2+ ready

Header1. Fisheye menu (use highly optimized png images) 2. Ajax slide show 3. page option (UDASS)4. Live search5. Dhtml drop down menu for category, sub category browsing. 6. Gallery Link

Comments1. Yahoo UI Pattern comments2. Gravtar Integrated. 3. Live preview4. Ajax spell checker.5. Comments quick tag

Side Bar1. Widget ready. 2. Moveable anything so that visitor could move left or right. 3. Blog owner able to define right or left, one or two. 4. Sidebar slider integrated. (DHTML)5. Tabbed browsing discussed, emailed, read build in.

Others:1. Minishow gallery build in, and display images stored in any particular folder, and those images used in blogging. 2. Build in Must have plugins,(translate, google Adsense ready rss auto submit, wp Mobile, etc)

The new Wordpress theme Meyshan has to epitomize Wordpress blogging system. The new Wordpress theme “Meyshan”  should be  highly enhanced and build with lots of Ajax. The theme should be 100% XHTML and CSS Validated theme, also, the theme Meyshan should be widget ready and with option page to easily customize to user needs. The theme should be tested to run perfectly nice with all the major browser, including IE, Safari, Opera, and our own Firefox.

The the new Wordpress theme Meyshan should have Ajax tapped browsing, Ajax Live search, Ajax Comments, 3 column or 2 column(user selection) and also has a static front page. The theme meyshan also integrated with latest light box, grey box, thick box effects, sweet titles, seo plugins and more.

The highly ajax enhanced Wordpress theme “meyshan” also integrated and bundle with more than 40 useful must have Wordpress plugins and hacks.

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The vision and Idea behind the Wordpress theme Meyshan is to contribute, to the Wordpress community by providing a theme, with the web. 2.0 kind of look and feel, fast loading, user friendly, and covering all the aspects of accessibility, search engine friendly and to show how ajax, flex, fijax along with other scriptlous and moo.fx effect including Lightbox script could play and blend together to create superior blogging theme for Wordpress.

With the perfect blend of color, widget, plugins, Superior design, user friendly, efficient coding,  the theme meyshan from Meyshan world Inc is expected to become a blog-hold name among bloggers in the world and expected to established a brand name.We love meyshan and Wordpress, so we decided to make a Wordpress theme in the name of meyshan to contribute to Wordpress community.

http:/blog.meyshan.com/index.php/.../accessibility-wordpress-theme-meyshan as described here about the accessibility of wordpress theme

General requirement for meyshan.com and Wordpress theme as follows:

1. validate  (X)HTML using W3C Markup Validation Service.

2. validate CSS using W3C CSS Validation Service.

  website in at least work in IE, FF, Opera and Safari.


  ALT and TITLE attributes to all the images automatically.

  To add the LONGDESC attributes to all your image that need a description.

  To write effective ALT text.

  To make the size of your pages less then 50KB.

  To choose the appropriate filetype for your images.

  To add a description to images that support your content.

  To use plain text instead of images for important content.


  To use a sans-serif typeface with a decent font size for your body text.

  To adjusted the leading and tracking, if necessary, to increase readability.

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  To align your body text to the left. (depends on language)

  To use EM or percentages instead of PX.

  To make sure that there are no whole sentences in uppercase.

  To use less then 78 characters, including spaces, per line.

  To make brief and precise paragraphs with explanatory titles.

  To use lists to sum things up.

  To write your conclusion first and then your explanation.

  To create enough contrast between the text and the background.

  To make your website also accessible for text-only browsers.

  To make sure that there are no ‘under construction’ pages.

  To include a print function on pages with a large amount of text.

  To include a print stylesheet.

  To replace all special characters with the ISO Latin-1 codes.

  To spell check your content and To proofread for grammar errors..

  To adjusted the leading and tracking to increase readability.


  To make sure that all your links work. W3C Link checker does the job.

  To include a link to all your main pages on your homepage.

  To include your main navigation on every page.

  To use no more then 8 items in your main navigation.

  To distinguish the active and nonactive page in the menu.

  To use self explanatory link text instead of ‘click here’.

  To use self explanatory link text instead of business terms.

  To make a distinction between visited and non-visited links.

  To make a distinction between links and plain text.

  To add the TITLE attribute to all your links.

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  To use breadcrumbs if you have a large amount of pages.

  To include a search option if you have a large amount of pages.

  To make your logo link to your homepage.

  To make a skip to content link at the top of your pages.

  To make a skip to menu link at the top of your pages.

  To make it possible to browse your website using SHIFT-TAB and RETURN.


  To make a consistent page structure.

  To place your logo at the top left.

  To place an explanatory tag line next to your logo.

  To place your search box at the top right.

  To place important content above the fold/scroll.

  To make your design on a grid system.

  To make your design fluid using percentages.

  To make your website also viewable on low resolutions.

  To make custom titles (as in TITLE tag) for all your pages.


  To make sure that users don’t return to an altered form after an error.

  To make a friendly and informative error page.

  To make a friendly ‘thank you’ page with a confirmation email.

  To add only a ’submit’ button and no ‘reset’ button.

  To tell the user what to expect after clicking the submit button.

  To split long forms up into multiply pages.

  To gave the user room to type.

  To place an asterisk when a field is compulsatory.

  To keep the standard look of input fields that is generated by the browser.

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  To create a logical order of asking information.

  To use double input fields for passwords only.

  To let the computer, not the user, handle information formatting.

  To make sure that users can fill in the entire form using the TAB key.

  To explain to the user why you ask certain information.

  To explain to the user what you are going to do with that information.

  To use realtime validation using AJAX.

  To use the LABEL tag.

  To place the LABEL above the input field, instead of next to it.

  To choose the correct input type for different data.

  To make the top input field automatically active using setfocus.

  To destinguish the active field from non-active fields using input:focus.

  To use the FIELDSET and LEGEND entities when appropriate.

  To check if your forms also work with Javascript turned off.


  To make sure that essential information/navigation is not made in Flash.

  To make sure that music and videoclips don’t start playing automatically.

  To make sure that music and videoclips can be turned off at any time.

  To inform the user about the size and length of your music and videoclips.

Extra features

  To make a custom 404 page.

  To make a site map.

  To make a rss feed. (if you add content regularly)

  To make a high contrast version of your website.

  To make good looking URL’s (like this one).

  To make sure that there are no frames on your website.

Page 6: WordPress Theme Design

  To make sure that there are no pop ups on your website.

  To make a contact form instead of just an email link.

Exclusive Wordpress theme requirement as follows:-

Give a web 2.0 look and feel. with rounded corner, with out any images, by using niftycorner http://www.html.it/articoli/niftycube/index.html and here  http://www.aspcode.net/articles/l_en-US/t_default/Other/JavaScript/JQuery-Curvy-Corners_article_403.aspx or any simillar css effect.

     for google ad-sense integration use http://portfolio.gizone.co.uk/applications/catfish/ catfish style

Widget ready theme with option page.

Use Fishey style menu in top using dojo tool kit, and jquerry.

     Rest of the menu should be tapped browsing shall use shocker fish style menu as in http://be.twixt.us/jquery/suckerFish.php#item1

Header image should be rotatable, with ajax slide show.

The should be Accessible and should use unobtrusive Javascript

Have live search in right side, with moo.fx fade in fade out effect.

In build minishow script for photo, effect given http://blog.meyshan.com/project/meyshan/ such as minishowgallery effect, and greybox, light box, etc. use minishowgallery and create a effect of http://photography.kineda.com/ there. You can see the example at http://blog.meyshan.com/project/meyshan and at http://blog.meyshan.com/show

Enhance and power the theme with ajax, moo.fx, scriptlous, jquerry.

Two column and three column option ( user should be able to select through option page)

Include option page and Widget ready theme.

W3.org guidelines should be followed and 100% xhtml should be validated.

Full Sidebar Widgets support,

Live search

      Use nifty corner instead of images to created rounded corner as given here.

Authorinfo box

Fully IE 7 compliant, and Firefox, safari, opera, netscape complaint.

Lightbox js, grey box, thick box to be integrated

Page 7: WordPress Theme Design

Degradable ajax livesearch

Degradable ajax comments

Fully Wordpress 2.0+ complaint

WP Hack: AjaxWp Enhancement.

Integrated Quticktags

Integrated multi-author support.

AJAX enhanced Paged Comments, using yahoo ui as per the sample here WP Comments built with Yahoo! UI

Degradable AJAX Inline Content expansion/shrinkage

Degradable AJAX Inline Comments

Degradable AJAX Calendar

Inegrated LiveArchive With Extended Live Archive plugin found and activated

Integrated Ultimate Tag Warrior plugin

Integrated WP-Short-Keyword plugin

Integrated Brian’s Latest Comments plugin by Brian Meidell

Integrated Get Recent Comments plugin by Krischan Jodies

Integrated WP-Sociable

Integrated Gravatars 2.0

Integrated Optimal Title plugin

Integrated Ryan Prins’s Amazon Wishlist plugin

Integrated xfish_meta plugin

Integrated Landing Sites plugin

Integrated Dustin Diaz’ Sweet Titles

Integrated UDASSS-based scheme switcher.

Inegrated Spam Karma 2.x

Dozens of different schemes are available

     Integerate tacotin pareser as shown here http://www.brainknot.com/code/jxs.htm where ever

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     use wp extended page navigation along with bread crump and use http://rikrikrik.com/jquery/pager/ pages as show in the link

Configurable Asides/shorties functionality

     Other functionality refer this article http://blog.meyshan.com/index.php/2006/11/24/wordpress-ajax-powered-theme-meyshan-design-requirement/

    For accessibility needed in wordpress theme meyshan refer this article http://blog.meyshan.com/index.php/2006/11/16/accessibility-wordpress-theme-meyshan/

Integrates the search hilite plugin by Ryan Boren

 As we wanted use as much as of jquery plugins, to make sure this theme is showcase of jquery and to make sure this theme is does not conflict with too many different javascript, I would request you to integrate the following jquery plugin in addition to the list submitted above.

1. Tootip. We are currently using dustindiaz tool tip, please change that to http://www.codylindley.com/blogstuff/js/jtip/2. We wanted to ensure movable anything inbuild in our theme, instead of this you can use this http://host.sonspring.com/portlets/ to give a same effect. 3. To subcribe you can use this http://markpanay.com/2006/02/jquery-for-web-designers-part-1.html4. To validate contact forum and for signup page validation you can use this http://jquery.bassistance.de/validate/demo-test/5. for forum you can use this http://www.malsup.com/jquery/form/#code-samples6. Please check this link http://pfirsichmelba.de/artikel-scripts/ie7-pagezoom-sucks.html#iezoomfluid which has ie zoom plugin, what i really want you to see in this page, is while you scroll down, keep a eye on the header bar in the top, since, we have the sidebar slider, with this, it would make very easy for user to access the links any time they want, pure accessibility with java script.

7. dynamic loading of plugin http://dev.jquery.com/wiki/Plugins/require8. Instead of j reflection you are using to reflect the logo use this http://jquery.com/plugins/JReflection/

9. hope this http://rikrikrik.com/jquery/pager/ has been used already, if not do it. 10. spy http://leftlogic.com/jquery_spy/spy.html can this be used to display live action of the blog, somewhere the blog, such as guest, user, comments, etc.

We need a totally bug free Ajax enhancement, hence, the ajax enhancement do not stop any plugin being working.

2. We need a very good theme design, even then the design intially part of this project, now being awarded to you as separte project, but make sure, you deliver a excellent design, with web 2.0 look. We want the header bar to still slimer. Make sure the theme is TABLESS.

3. All the plugin that has been asked to be inbuilt, should be inbuild and integrated. The plugin we have asked it should support, can have the support.

4. As we wanted to have this theme to be jquery showcase, we wanted you to use least 15 plugins we

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have listed earlier, if not all.

5. You own gallery which you are in building with the theme, should be better than the Minishowcase gallery. if not please inbuild minishowcase the ajax gallery.

6.The theme should fast loading, seo friendly, user friendly blog owner friendly. Most imporantly the theme should 100% accessible and with 100% xhmtl and css validation.

7. Over 70 days we haven't seen the wayrang style login or signup, we did not see the yahoo ui style commenting system, we would like to the see dhtml slider, the side bar slider in action, along with extended live archieve.

8. If you could not not use the movable anything for any reason then make sure, the blog reader can shift the sidebar through the option page.

9. Hope the theme Control panel is unique and user could control every part of the theme, and the inbuild plugins right from here.

10. Accessible Ajax contact for validation should be on typing it should be live, adbrte integration, most emailed, most read, most discussed in minitabbed browsing can you use the meyshan 6in1 here?, fisheye menu, etc.

Once you finish the theme, along with the theme, i want you to send a report, on the feature of finished theme and installation as well as configuration instruction of the theme.

2. Please update me today, with the remaining feature to be done if any in the theme.

3. We were suppose to have yahoo ui + yahoo exit based commenting system for our wordpress theme. Latter you promised you will provide exactly similar feature and functionlaity and effect using jquery thickbox. Hope you have done that. Though, i could not see that in the test blog.

4. The theme design you were suppose to make it as web 2.0 look and feel with similar to tab in box.net, and default to color scheme of techcrunch.com hope you have done that.

5. Which version of minishow gallery you are using, hope the lattest version has been installed and configured to use the wp-content/uploads directory as the default image directory and with the link here.

6. Hope you have modified the contact forum as requested.

7. We were suppose to have in the sidebar, tabbed browsing for the most mailed, most read, most commented, similar to business week page, as shown example, as discussed and agreed hope you have done that.

8. Hope all the (least most of them are inbuild and integraed with the theme say 90%) plugins are inbuild, and few are supported. Make sure requested plugins are inbuild and integrated within the theme.

9. Can you confirm numbers of jquery plugins you have used. I hope you have used those i provided in the lattest list, if not all as we wanted as per the initial documents.

10. The catfish, back ground color should changed to make it more vibrant and eye catching. Please check the sample link i send you earlier, for you convenience i am providing you here... http://www.gizone.co.uk/web-design/jquery-plugins/jquery-catfish-advert-plugin/

11. http://www.carbonmade.com/ we were suppose to have similar visual pull sign like this hope you have done that.

12. what happened with the fisheye menu, exactly where are you using that.

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13. Log in system. hope you have exactly similar to this http://www.wayfaring.com/ and the signup, page similar http://odeo.com/ as requested. The pop over, features, look and feel etc.

14. The ajax slide show should be exactly as discussed and agreed should be below the slim head bar, in that way it acts sort of header image rotator hope you have used the techonlogy found here index.php/weblog/comments/ajax_slideshow/

. To make a skip to menu link at the top of your pages.What do you mean by this?

I mean bottom of the post and the page Pagination with previous and next navigation feature should be implemented, along with a link top, where on click either using moo.fx effect, the page should scroll back to top.

2. To make a friendly and informative error page.Will be done as part of form validation and Ajax submission. Done as 404 page.

The error page style should be similar to dunstan error page, or inbuild and configure the dusntran style error page plugin.

3. Use all the jquery plug ins, including thickbox, yshout, fisheye menu from ajaxbee.com tool tips, etc. found here http://jquery.com/plugins. Please note all plug-in has to be part and parcel of the theme. For all images, thick box image plug in to be modified in that, way, it is automatically adds, necessary class, while the user adds images.J query, Curvy corners and Thick box used. Farbtastic will also be used.

If not all, as per the earlier least, i want you to use the maximum no of jquery plugin, to enhance the theme. As told, this should be also a showcase for jquery.

4. . Ajax contact formUnderlaying PHP code finished. Javascript Validation finished. Ajax needs to be added on top.

Ajax contact forum, as we had several discussion, here in RAC, and in the blog it should secure, accessibile just like the theme.

Drop down subject line, ajax validation, ajax submission etc, please refer to earlier discussion.

5. Movable anythingWe need this, i have installed this earlier it used to work fine. If we can not install this, as per the earlier idea and discussion we had, we should have under the page option, where in the reader can change the alignment like width of the page, moving side bar etc. as per the sample and discussion we had.

6. search hi light, landing sites, and tag warrior plugin have been attached for your convenience, as you said, you could not find some of them. and i have attached side bar slider plugin also, all of which has to integrated and inbuilt within the theme like other plugins.

7. http://www.squible.com/2005/07/09/tag-happy-popular-tags-plugin/ you download and view the tagcloud plugin, which you said you did not understand, this has to inbuild inside the theme as mentioned in the document, can we in build it in the footer. what is your feeling.

Further Ingreated support for the following plugin is required

Plugin Version Description Action

Giraffe AJAX Calendar 2.1 A version of the WordPress calendar that Deactivate

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uses AJAX to allow the user to step through the months without updating the page. Additionally, a click on the ‘expand’ link shows all the posts within that month, inside the calendar. Caching of content can be enabled to increase speed. By John Godley.

Dunstan-style Error Page 1.2 A fuller featured 404 error page modeled from http://1976design.com/blog/error/ By Andrew Ferguson.


Extended Live Archives 0.10beta-r18

Implements a dynamic archive, inspired by Binary Bonsai and the original Super Archives by Jonas Rabbe. Visit the ELA option panel to initialize the plugin. By Arnaud Froment.


AJAX Comments 2.07 Post comments quickly without leaving or refreshing the page. By Mike Smullin.


Inline Ajax Posts 1.0

A very simple plugin that allows you to use ajax to retrieve post contents in-line for your users. For those that don’t have javascript it displays a link as usual. By Aaron Dowden.


Akismet 1.15

Akismet checks your comments against the Akismet web serivce to see if they look like spam or not. You need a WordPress.com API key to use this service. You can review the spam it catches under “Manage” and it automatically deletes old spam after 15 days. Hat tip: Michael Hampton and Chris J. Davis for help with the plugin. By Matt Mullenweg.


AJAX Random Images 0.2b

Randomly select and show specific number of images out of a directory and its subdirectory.Specially configed for the Wordpress build-in upload mechanism. By ZY.CN.


Ajax Spell Checker 0.6

The MOD of spellchecker plugin for wordpress using this Ajax spellchecker By zz85 & m0n5t3r & emil & broken-notebook.


Add To Favourites 0.1 Adds easily “add this page to my favourites” and “make this your homepage” icons and texts By Atanas


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Asides widget 1.0

A widget to display the content of the n most recent posts from the specified category - designed for aside usage. By James Carppe.


Auto Translator 0.1b

This plugin inserts a flag set to the top of the WordPress sidebar. The base language is pulled from the wp-config file. When a visitor selects a flag, your webpage is automatically translated via one of several on-line automatic language processing tools. No guarantees on the accuracy of the translation! By Thom Skrtich.


Author Image(s) 0.9 Display image (if present) and/or name for the author of a post, or for all authors on the blog. By Scott Reilly.


meebo me Plugin 1.1

Display your chat widget from meebo me. Add <?php if (function_exists('echo_meebome'))

echo_meebome(); ?> where you want the widget to display. By Ajay D'Souza.


Brian's Latest Comments 1.5.10

This shows an overview of the recently active articles and the last people to comment on them. Original idea and code fixes contributed by Michael Heilemann.If you have Dunstan’s Time Since installed, this plugin uses it for the title=”" attributes on the comments and posts. (For WordPress 1.5) By Brian Meidell.


Breadcrumb Navigation XT 1.5

Adds a breadcrumb navigation showing the visitor's path to their current location. For details on how to use this plugin visit Breadcrumb Nav XT. By Michael Woehrer.


wp-alexify 2.4 Adds a popup on all hrefs that shows the homepage as recorded by alexa. By Cal Evans .


CSS Compress .3b

Automatically compress your CSS files: GZIP and remove comments. “Comment hacks” will be removed as they are contained in comment tags.. By Jeff Minard.


cat2email 2.1 Sends an email to a specified address on a per-category basis. Copyright 2005 Scott


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Merrill, licensed under the GPL. By Scott Merrill.

CG-FlashyTitles 1.4.1

A quick drop-in implementation of sIFR 2.0 Flash-based nice graphical titles. Please find a way to support CHAITGEAR! By David Chait.


CA-ColorPicker 0.3

Adds “Color” button on your admin Post/Page toolbar which you can easily change your post’s font color. By Cosa Aranda.


Comment Quicktags + 1.1

Inserts a quicktag toolbar on the blog comment form. js_quicktags is a slightly modified version of Alex King’s newer Quicktag.js plugin modified from original found here. By Dan Cameron.


Canvas 1.1.4b Control the layout of Canvas-compatible blogs. By Fresh Pursuits.


Dagon Design Sitemap Generator

2.6 Generates a customizable sitemap containing all posts and pages. (Configure options in your admin panel) By Aleister.


Posts by Author 1.4 At the bottom of every post, links are shown for that author’s last X posts. See options page for config. By Aleister.


Edit N Place 0.6 Allows you to edit your post inline, right on the front page of your blog. By Sean Hickey.


WP-EMail 2.06 Enable You To Send Your Webblog Entry To A Friend. By GaMerZ.


Expand Comments 1.1

This plugin gives the blog an “Expand Comments” link at the bottom of each post. When clicked, the comments will be added below the post using AJAX. Some index.php editing is required” By Andrew Rader.


Event Calendar 3.1._rc2

Manage future events as an online calendar. Display upcoming events in a dynamic calendar, on a listings page, or as a list in the sidebar. You can subscribe to the calendar from iCal (OSX) or Sunbird. Change settings on the Event Calendar Options screen. By Alex Tingle.


Enlarger 1.0 Inline Image Enlarger Plugin By Andy Activate

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Event Calendar Widget 3.1._rc2

Adds sidebar widgets for Event Calendar and Upcoming Events. Requires the EventCalendar and Widget plugins. After activating, please visit Sidebar Widgets to configure and arrange your new widgets. By Darrell Schulte.


Flashfader 1.1

This plugin allows you to put a flash slideshow on your site. Image upload and configuration via the admin panel. By Marcus Grellert.


Fold Page List 1.4 Provides PHP functions to display a folding page tree By Rob Schumann.


Flash Quicktag 1.0 Flash Quicktag will add a tag in the post forms. It will insert XHTML valid Flash code for your flash files. By Sajid Saiyed.


fQuick 1.2 A plugin that lets you post quick sidenotes with links on your blog By Fredrik Fahlstad.


Get Recent Comments 1.2

Display the most recent comments or trackbacks with your own formatting in the sidebar. Visit Options/Recent Comments after activation of the plugin. By Krischan Jodies.


GreyBox Plugin 2.0 2.0 Muestra mediante ajax una URL desde tu web. By Andres Nieto.


Google Analyticator 1.4

Adds the necessary JavaScript code to enable Google’s Analytics. After enabling this plugin visit the options page and enter your Google Analytics’ UID and enable logging. By Ronald Heft, Jr..


Gravatars 2.6

This plugin provides an administrative interface to control default gravatar options. Registered users can also (optionally) define local gravatar images that will override their gravatar.com default. Copyright 2005 Scott Merrill; Licensed under the terms of the GPL. By Scott Merrill.


Gravatars2 2.5.2 Implements Gravatars (global avatars: gravatar.com) with enhanced caching support, cron support, & administrative interface to control default options.


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Registered users can use local Gravatars (also cached). Copyright 2006 Kip Bond; Licensed under the terms of the GPL. By Kip Bond.

Gravatars2 WP-Cron 1.1

Refreshes the cached gravatar images using a pseudo-cron implementation — Requires WP-Cron (http://skippy.net/blog/2005/10/09/wp-cron-14/) & Gravatars2 (http://zenpax.com/gravatars2/) By Kip Bond.


GreyBox Plugin 1.0 Muestra mediante ajax una URL desde tu web. By Andres Nieto.


Get Author Profile 0.5.1 Assigns specified author profile information to global variables for use in your blog. By Kaf Oseo.


Holler 0.8

AJAX powered contact form for WordPress.Licensed under the MIT License, Copyright © 2005-2006 Jamie Talbot. By Jamie Talbot.


Hello Dolly 1.5

This is not just a plugin, it symbolizes the hope and enthusiasm of an entire generation summed up in two words sung most famously by Louis Armstrong: Hello, Dolly. When activated you will randomly see a lyric from Hello, Dolly in the upper right of your admin screen on every page. By Matt Mullenweg.


Hottaimoijiruna 0.3

AJAX powered clock for WordPress.Licensed under the MIT License, Copyright © 2005 Jamie Talbot. By Jamie Talbot.


IM Online Plugin/Widget 2.8 Display status for MSN, Yahoo!, AOL, Jabber and ICQ via onlinestatus.org. By Martin Fitzpatrick.


Headline Images 2.8

Replaces Post headlines with PNG images of text, from ALA’s Dynamic Text Replacement. Includes soft-shadows, improved configuration, and previews. Configure on the Headline Images Configuration page. By Brian "ColdForged" Dupuis.


Inline Gallery 0.2 A flexible way to include photos in your posts. After activation go to Options →


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Inline Gallery to configure. By m0n5t3r.

Inline Ajax (front) Page 1.52

A very simple plugin that allows you to use ajax to retrieve post and comment contents as well as the add comment box in-line for your users. This plugin also submits the comment box using AJAX. For those that don’t have javascript it displays links as usual. By Aaron Dowden.


In Series 2.0 Provides navigation controls for next/previous within a connected series of posts By Scott Merrill.


ImageManager 2.3.7

PHP ImageManager + Editor for WordPress. It will not be enabled until you have configured it via the Options >> ImageManager menu. *** Requires Wordpress 2.0 *** Licensed under the MIT License. By Per Soderlind.


Inline Ajax Comments 0.3 Display inline comments on the main page using ajax. Based on code by Mark Jaquith. By Peter Kashou.


Jerome's Keywords 1.9

Allows keywords to be associated with each post. These keywords can be used for page meta tags, included in posts for site searching or linked like Technorati tags. By Jerome Lavigne.


Keyword Tags 0.80

When installed this plugin adds the ability to Wordpress to associate keywords or tags with posts. These keywords may either be created or edited within Wordpress, or by using a tool such as Ecto or Windows Live Writer which supports the Metaweblog API. This plugin offers the ability to automatically append the keywords to posts in formats such as Technorati or Wordpress tags meaning there is no need to edit any theme files. If custom behaviour is required the user can use the simple API to control the output and formatting of tags within their theme. By Andrew Grant.


King_Framework 0.70

Framework for King Widgets + King Plugins. Contains Functions, Language, Javascripts used by all Widgets. On the Options page you can set some global switches. By Georg Leciejewski.


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Live Comment Preview 1.7

Activate to supply users with a live comment preview. Use the function <?php live_preview() ?> to display the live preview in a different location. By Jeff Minard & Iacovos Constantinou.


Lightbox+ 0.1

Une meilleure intégration de l’incontournable Lightbox 2 de Lokesh Dhakar. Ce script permet d’afficher dynamiquement les titres et descriptions des images, les redimensionne à la volé, et enfin, offre un petit diaporama. By XBA.


LightPress 1.2.0-b2

Replaces the WordPress frontend with a faster, templated frontend. Once enabled, go to the “LightPress” menu to customize your installation. By Ludovico Magnocavallo, Jerome Lavigne.


Live 0.2 View your website activity in real time. By Sean Hickey.


WP-Microsummary 0.91

Makes a microsummary of your latest blog post. More about Microsummaries for Firefox 2.0+ ($Rev: 47 $) By Johannes la Poutre.


Movable Anything 0.2 Drag and drop anything anywhere. A web 2.0 plugin. By Daniel Cameron.


WP-MooDash 1.2 Make your dashboard look quite a bit better with the moofx libraries. By Chris O'Rourke.


Landing sites 1.3

When visitors is referred to your site from a search engine, they are definitely looking for something specific - often they just roughly check the page they land on and then closes the window if what they are looking for isn’t there. Why not help them by showing them related posts to their search on your blog? This plugin/guide lets you do that, works with a long list of search engines! Plugin is made with help from these scripts: http://www.w-a-s-a-b-i.com/archives/2006/02/02/wordpress-related-entries-20/ - http://textsnippets.com/posts/show/231 - http://www.lazaryn.com/entry-28.html By The undersigned.


WP-Moopost .80 Make your posts compact with the moofx Activate

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libraries. By Chris O'Rourke.

Netscape Widget 1.0

This plugin will allow you to add a widget to your posts that lets users submit your posts to Netscape. Don’t forget to add the <?php nw_scapeThis(); ?> code in your Single Post file. By Derek van Vliet.


Next/Previous Post in same Category

v 0.2

This plugin will give you two functions that will give you links to the next/previous post in the same category as the current post. By Jennifer - Scriptygoddess.


Optimal Title 1.0

Mirrors the function of wp_title() exactly, but moves the position of the ’separator’ to after the title rather than before. By Aaron Schaefer.


Official Comments 1.1 Adds functions to distinguish authorised WP user’s comments. By Brett Taylor.


AJAXed Who's Online 0.61 Shows users currently on the site By Tim Schwartz.


WP-PostRatings 1.03 Enables You To Have A Rating System For Your Post By GaMerZ.


Previous Posts widget 1.0 A more customizable version of the built-in Recent Posts widget. By James Carppe.


Post-BOX 1.0 Post-BOX allows you an easy navigation through your blog By Miquel Casas.


Popup Image Gallery 4.2.3 Photo/Image Gallery Plugin for a WordPress Page By Andy Staines.


reBlog 1.1 Accept input from reBlog, placing published items in regular WordPress weblog. By Michal Migurski.


Related Posts 2.02 Returns a list of the related entries based on active/passive keyword matches. By Alexander Malov & Mike Lu.


RSS Auto Submit 1.0

This plugin will automatically submit your blog rss feed and submit it to several rss directories once per month. By BlackHat Blueprints�.


Random File 1.0 Retrieve the name of a randomly chosen file in a given directory. Useful for


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displaying random images/logos or including text from random files onto your site (writing excerpts, multi-line quotes, etc). By Scott Reilly.

Google Sitemaps 2.7.1 This generator will create a Google compliant sitemap of your WordPress blog. By Arne Brachhold.


Speedy Cat 1.1

Speedy Cat adds a new section to the “Create a new post” page that allows you to create a new category to post in without having to go to another page to create it. It automatically adds a new checkbox/category name pair to the list of categories. By Jonathan Fenocchi.


Smilies Switcher 1.0.1 Works with the plugin "Theme Switcher" to switch the smilies per theme. By Viper007Bond.


Subscribe To Comments 2.0.4

Allows readers to recieve notifications of new comments that are posted to an entry By Mark Jaquith and Jennifer (ScriptyGoddess).


Social Bookmark Links 0.3a Add social bookmark links to your posts. Config Instructions By Thomas McMahon.


SEO Title Tag 1.0

Inserts search engine optimized title tags using custom field (if defined) or tag name for tag pages generated by UltimateTagWarrior plugin By Stephan Spencer, Netconcepts.


SpotMilk 1.7

SpotMilk is the admin theme for WordPress 2.0, which is inspired by Spotlight on Mac OS X Tiger and the Milk theme by Max Rudberg, and the main layout is based on the default admin theme in WP 2.0. By Sunghwa Park.


External Links 2.1

Terms of use • Doc/FAQ • Support forum — Adds a class="external" to all outbound links. Use <a class="no_icon" …> to disable the feature. By Denis de Bernardy.


TaM Attachment 0.1.3 Another way for file uploading and editting attachments. By Takayuki Miyoshi.


Textile Live Preview (AJAX Version)

0.2 Allows you to place a realtime comment preview with support for Textile. Based on


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code by Jeff Minard. By Jeff Minard & Joen Asmussen..

Top 10 posts, Views per post

1.2 Show Top 10 posts on your blog and count visits per post By Mark Ghosh (LaughingLizard).


Theme Switcher 2.0

Allow your readers to switch theme. Configure on the Options > Theme Switcher page. Don’t forget to add get_theme_switcher() function in your templates… By Mr Peer.


Translator 1.1

Translates blog dynamically (from English) to eight languages - German sample, Spanish sample, French sample, Italian sample, Portuguese sample, Japanese sample, Korean sample, Chinese (simplified) sample. The translated pages can be bookmarked for future use. Note: It assumes the base language of the blog as English. It requires curl libraries on your system and available from PHP. Internally Google Translator services are used. By Angsuman Chakraborty.


ThickBox Plugin 2.1 1.0 Muestra mediante ajax una URL desde tu web. By Andres Nieto.


Tags in the Head RC 1 A simple plugin to use UTW tags as META Keywords in your HEAD By Kirk Montgomery.


Popular Tags for UTW widget

1.0 Displays the n most popular tags in a tag cloud - requires Ultimate Tag Warrior! By James Carppe.


Site Unavailable 1.0 Activate this plugin to make the server unavailable to everyone, except admin. By Meyshan World Inc..


Ultimate Tag Warrior 3.141 Ultimate Tag Warrior is a tagging pluging, that’s heavy on tag visualisation. By Christine Davis.


Ultimate Tag Warrior 1.3 Legacy Add tags to wordpress. Tags and tag/post associations are seperated out for great justice. By Christine Davis.


Ultimate Tag Warrior: Tag Archive

1.0 Renders an archive view, based on tags. Depends on Ultimate Tag Warrior 2.5.1+ By Christine Davis.


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QuickTime Video Comments

1.2b Enable comments on your videos By John Schimmel & Shawn Van Every.


wp-cache 2.0.17

Very fast cache module. It’s composed of several modules, this plugin can configure and manage the whole system. Once enabled, go to “Options” and select “WP-Cache”. By Ricardo Galli Granada.


WP-dTree 2.2

A navigation tree for displaying wordpress post archives based on dtree. It can generate archive trees based on a monthly or yearly basis, catergory trees and page trees. This version also has built in support for scriptaculous effects. By Christopher Hwang.


WP lightbox 2 0.3

Lightbox JS v2 is a simple, unobtrusive script used to to overlay images on the current page written by Lokesh Dhakar. Add rel=”lightbox” attribute to any link tag to activate the lightbox. This plugin integrate its feature into your WordPress blog. By Safirul Alredha.


WP Grins 1.1.1

A Clickable Smilies hack for WordPress. This is a slightly modified version of Alex King’s original version, updated for WordPress 2.x compatibility. By Alex King/Joefish.


WordPress Mobile Edition   Redirect mobile devices to a mobile friendly interface. Version 1.8, compatible with WP 1.5.x/2.x. By Alex King.


PageNav 0.0.1 Header Navigation. By Adi Sieker. Deactivate

WP Wetfloor 1.6-a

WP Wetfloor is a WordPress wrapper for Cow’s Reflection.js, it adds reflections (a.k.a. the wetfloor effect) to images on your Wordpress blog. By Shirley Man.


Tiger Style Administration 2.01

After working with WordPress for several months now, I felt the Administration area needed a little “freshening up”. I wanted the utility to feel more like an application, and less like a traditional website. By Steve Smith.


WP-Scriptaculous 1.6.1 A simple plugin to make WordPress load the scriptaculous library to be used with other plugins that require it. By


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Christopher Hwang.

Microformat Resume Plugin 1.0

Microformat Resume plugin lets you creates a new page in your blog specifically designed to present your resume in a visual form that is viewable by people and computers. This plugin in 100% compliant with hResume Microformat. Brought to you by the Sajid Saiyed. By Sajid Saiyed.


wp-pager2 2.0 Adds an extended page navigation to Wordpress. By lifesinger.


King Calendar Widget 0.61 Calendar and Event calendar 3.0 widget -> only usefull if events plugin is installed By Georg Leciejewski.


Google Search widget 1.0 Adds a sidebar widget to let users search your site with Google. By Automattic, Inc..


del.icio.us widget 1.0 Adds a sidebar widget to display del.icio.us links By Automattic, Inc..


WidgetWorks 0.2

This plugin will parse all files in the current directory with the wg_ prefix and register them as side bar widgets (if possible). I’ve included two widgets that override meta and pages adding the functionality automattic.com took out. By James Kelly.


WYSI-Wordpress 4.1

This plugin adds a more advanced WYSIWYG editor to the Wordpress post editing screen. It includes advanced image handling, including on-the-fly thumbnail resizing and compression. It also includes Martin Chlupác’s excellent Iimage Manager v 1.4.1. By MudBomb.com.


King_Categories_Widget 0.93

Adds a sidebar Categorie widget and lets users configure every Aspect of the Category list. Screwing around in this long xxxing wp_list array ends here! By Georg Leciejewski.


King_Links_Widget 0.65 Up to 10 sidebar Link widgets and lets you configure every Aspect of the Link list. By Georg Leciejewski.


Sidebar Widgets 1.0.20060711 Adds “Sidebar Widgets” panel under Presentation menu By Automattic, Inc..


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King_Text_Widget 0.69

Adds a Text widget Options are: in which category or Site Area to show + php/Html output + the html before and after the Widget. By Georg Leciejewski.


King Search Widget 0.52

Advanced Search Box Widget including Category Dropdown and Search Word Spellcheck Suggestion By Georg Leciejewski.


Wordspew eXtended 1.18

A plugin that creates a live shoutbox, using AJAX as a backend. Users can chat freely on your blog without refreshing the page! It uses the Fade Anything Technique for extra glamour. This is a Further development of Jalenacks Work on WordSpew http://blog.jalenack.com/ajax/ By Georg Leciejewski.


King_Pages_Widget 0.53 Adds a sidebar Pages widget and lets users configure every Aspect of the Pages Navigation list. By Georg Leciejewski.


XFish Meta 0.7

Tries to deal correctly with the meta tags of posts like “keywords” and “description”. Just insert the custom fields ‘keywords’ and ‘description’ in a post, ‘keywords’ being a comma separated list of keywords for that post, ‘description’ a short description about that post. By Dirk Zimmermann.