word of the day

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Post on 26-May-2015




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  • 1. Word of the Day English I & II

2. ConsecutiveconsecutiveDefinition/Synonym: 1. following one after the other in order; back-to-back 3. The teams winning streak has lastedfor seven consecutive games. 4. The numbers were in consecutiveorder. 5. ConsistentconsistentDefinition/Synonym: In agreement or harmony; always acting or behaving in the same way 6. Customers expect that the quality ofservice they receive will be consistent. 7. This baseball player has beenconsistent in hitting the ball eachtime. 8. ContextcontextDefinition/Synonym:1. The part of a text or statement that surrounds aparticular word or passage and determines its meaning.2. The circumstances in which an event occurs; a setting. 9. You have misinterpreted my remarkbecause you took it out of context. 10. When we dont know a word, we shouldlook for context clues. 11. ContractcontractDefinition/Synonym: an agreement between two or more parties for the doing or not doing of something specified. 12. The young couple signed the contract tobuy their first home. 13. The contract was between the landlordand the renter. 14. ConveyconveyDefinition/Synonym: to bear from one place to another; especially : to move in a continuous stream or mass 15. The message conveyed a sense of urgency. 16. The singer was conveyed from her hotelto the airport by limousine. 17. Correspond correspondDefinition/Synonym:a) To be in agreement or conformity; to be similar;b) To communicate by exchange of letters 18. Each number corresponds to alocation on the map. 19. Well revise the schedule tocorrespond with the school calendar. 20. She corresponds with her penpal. 21. Create Cre.ateDefinition/Synonym: to cause to come into being, as something uniquethat would not naturally evolve or that is not madeby ordinary processes. 2. to evolve from ones own thought orimagination, as a work of art or an invention. 22. The teacher created a blog for herstudents. 23. The student tried to create aninteresting collage. 24. This stone age man is using an ironoxide mixture to create paintings ona rock face.