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Word Bank

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Table of contents Mathematics ............................................................................2

Malti ........................................................................................ 4

Attività tal-Malti ......................................................................6

Parts of the car .........................................................................7

English .....................................................................................8

French .................................................................................... 10

German .................................................................................. 12

Italian .................................................................................... 14

Spanish .................................................................................. 16

Try this! It’s in French ............................................................. 18

Integrated Science .................................................................. 20

Ġeografija .............................................................................. 22

Storja ..................................................................................... 24

Reliġjon .................................................................................. 26

Studju Soċjali ......................................................................... 28

Tafhom dawn il-qwiel? Komplihom ......................................... 30

Countries ............................................................................... 31

PSCD ...................................................................................... 32

ICT ......................................................................................... 34

Sport Fundamentals: strength and conditioning ...................... 36

Athletics ................................................................................ 38

Gymnastics............................................................................. 40

Swimming ............................................................................. 42

Erġa’ ħaddem moħħok ........................................................... 44

Famous Scientists ................................................................... 45

Grow your vocabulary ............................................................ 46

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Mathematics Product When two or more numbers are multiplied.

Prime Number A number which can be divided evenly only by 1 or itself, and it must be a whole number greater than 1.

Quadrant A quarter of a circle.

Vertex A corner of a shape.

Transversal A line that crosses at least two other lines.

One Revolution The distance around a circle in degrees or 360o.

Supplementary angles Angles that add up to 180o.

Equivalent Equal in value.

Reciprocal What to multiply a value by to get 1.

Frequency The number of times a value appears.

Raw Data Information which is not used yet.

Range The difference between the largest and smallest value.

Directed Numbers Numbers which are either positive or negative.

Sequence A set of numbers following a pattern.

Variable The letters in an equation or an expression.

Term A term is either a single number or variable, or numbers and variables multi-plied together.

Constant A constant is a number on its own in an equation or an expression. It is called a constant because it cannot change like variables.

Operator An operator is a symbol (such as +, -, x, ÷ etc) that shows an operation (i.e. you want to do something with the values).

Coefficient A coefficient is a number or letter used to multiply a variable (the number or letter in front of a variable).

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Maths Activity

Ratio A ratio shows the relative sizes of two or more values.

Proportion The relationship that exists between the size, number, or amount of two things.

Formula An equation where each variable represents a specific value:

Example: A = L x B

A = Area L = Length B = Breadth

Match the words on the left with the correct answer on the right.

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Rima alternata a-b-a-b

Apostrofi Indirizz poetiku, ez : Int sabiħa, O Malta tagħna.

Ironija Meta l-poeta jew l-awtur ifisser l-oppost.

Iperbole Sens ta’ stagħg ib jew meta l-poeta jesag era, ez : miss is-sħab.

Mistoqsija rettorika Meta l-poeta jistaqsi mistoqsija u ma jistenniex tweg iba.

Istruzzjonijiet Kitba li ssir f’punti u bl-uz u tal-kmand, ez : Ixgħel id-dawl.

Direzzjonijiet Kitba li ssir f’punti u bl-uz u tal-kmand, ez : Ikser fuq il-lemin.

Bijografija Kitba miktuba dwar il-ħajja ta’ persuna oħra.

Awtobijografija Kitba miktuba mill-persuna nnifisha.

Ittra formali Din tiktibha lil xi uffiċ jal, direttur, sindku, kap tal-iskola, editur ta'

gazzetta u persuni simili. Din ikollha z ewg indirizzi. Ittra informali Din tiktibha lil xi ħabiba, familja jew qraba. Din ikollha indirizz

wieħed. Rapport Kitba qasira biex tirrapporta x’g ara, ez : inċ ident tat-traffiku.

Ħrafa Ħrafa hija storja fittizja miktuba bl-iskop li tgħallem u tagħti pjaċ ir.

Farrad waħdieni Dan huwa nom fis-singular li joħrog mill-kollettiv, ez : frott – frotta.

Kollettiv Juri grupp ta’ affarijiet, ez : serbut nemel.

Plural sħiħ Il-kelma tibqa’ sħiħa u mbagħad kemm iz z id is-suffiss tal-plural, ez :

qaddis – qaddisin.

Plural miksur Ma nz idux ittri wara s-singular iz da l-kelma tinbidel, ez : mejda –

imwejjed. Għadd imtenni Dan juri tnejn/par, ez : għajnejn.

Ġens tan-nom In-nom jista’ jkun ta’ g ens maskil (sig g u), g ens femminili (qmis) jew

g ens komuni (tarbija).

Stat kostrutt Dan isir billi nneħħu l-artiklu quddiem l-ewwel nom u nneħħu t-ta’

li jkun hemm bejn iz -z ewg nomi, ez : Il-bieb tal-Belt – Bieb il-Belt.

Pronomi magħżulin Dawn huma kliem li joqogħdu minflok in-nom, ez : jiena. Hemm

ħames tipi differenti.

Pronomi mehmużin Dawn jistgħu jingħaqdu man-nomi (wiċ ċ ek), verbi (ktibtha) jew

partiċ elli (lejkom). Nom verbali Dan huwa nom li g ej minn verb, ez : rebaħ – rebħa.

Verb ewlieni Il-verb li minnu noħorg u verbi oħrajn, ez : raqad.

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Attività tal-Malti

L-ittri imħawdin hawn taħt jiffurmaw kelma. Ikteb il-kelma fil-kaxxa!

Verb imnissel Il-verb li joħrog mill-forma ewlenija, ez : raqqad.

Verb irregolari Dawn ma jimxux mar-regoli tal-verbi l-oħrajn. Uħud minn dawn

il-verbi għandhom konsonanti tal-għerq li ma tintuz ax fil-Malti: alif.

Aġġettiv Dan jiddeskrivi n-nom, ez : ktieb interessanti.

Komparattiv Tqabbil ta’ z ewg og g etti bl-uz u tal-ag g ettiv, ez : sabiħ – isbaħ.

Superlattiv Tqabbil ta’ tliet og g etti jew aktar bl-uz u tal-ag g ettiv, ez : kbir – ikbar

– l-akbar. Fuklar Fireplaċe.


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Attività tal-Malti

Mimdudin Weqfin

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Parts of the Car

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Ambitious Determined to be suċċessful.

Authentic Real, aċċurate and based in faċt.

Chore A job/thing that needs to be done regularly.

Compare To see how things differ or are similar to eaċh other.

Comment on To make a written or spoken remark.

Contrast To make a notiċeable differenċe (verb)/The differenċe between things (noun).

Convenient Easy and suitable for a partiċular purpose.

Dedicated To be ready to spend all your time and efforts on something.

Describe To give details about what someone/something is like.

Discuss To write or talk about something in detail.

Empathy The ability to understand how someone feels beċause you ċan imagine what it is like to be them.

Errand A small job involving ċolleċting or delivering something.

Exhausted Extremely tired.

Explain To tell someone or write about something in a way that it is easily understood.

Express To talk about one’s feelings – both in speeċh and writing.

Extreme Very great in degree or unusual.

Fascinated Very interested or attraċted by someone or something.

Figures of speech An expression in whiċh the words are used figuratively, not in their normal literal meaning.

Flashback A very ċlear memory of something whiċh happened in the past.

Foreshadow To show or warn that something will happen.

Justify To show that there is a good reason for something.

Persuade To make someone agree to do something by giving them reasons why they should.

Review To go over something to ċheċk whether it is suitable or not.

Rhyme scheme The pattern of rhyme that ċomes at the end of eaċh verse or line in poetry.

Spectacular Something whiċh is extremely impressive.

Stardom The state of being very famous, espeċially as a film star or entertainer.

State (Verb) To express something in speeċh or writing, espeċially in a definite or formal way.

Suggest To offer an idea or a plan for someone to ċonsider.

Summarise To provide a short aċċount of the most important faċts or features of some-thing.

Typical Like most people or things of the same type.

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English Activity

Find the


hidden in

the box

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Lieux/endroits Plaċes

La piscine Swimming pool

Le centre commercial Mall/ shopping ċentre

Le stade Stadium

Dans la rue……. In the street……..

Les directions Direċtions

À droite To the right/ on the right

À gauche To the left/on the left

Allez tout droit Go straight

Prenez la première rue à gauche Take the first Street on the left

Marchez jusqu’au feu rouge Walk to the traffiċ lights

devant In front of

Les médias The media

Les parties du corps Parts of the body

Les moyens de transport Means of transport

Les repas de la journée The meals of the day

Francophone Frenċh speaking

La quantité Quantity

Une tranche de…… A sliċe of……

Une bouteille de…… A bottle of……

L’argent de poche Poċket money

Gagner To win/ to earn (money)

Dépenser To spend

économiser To save (money)

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French Activity

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der Busfahrer /die Busfahrerin bus driver (der – male, die – female)

der Briefträger/die Briefträgerin postman/postwoman

der Friseur/die Friseuse barber/hairdresser

der Klempner/die Klempnerin plumber (der – male, die – female)

der Tankwart/ die Tankwärtin petrol station attendant (der – male, die – female)

der Kellner/die Kellnerin waiter/waitress

der Arzt/die Ärztin doctor (der – male, die – female)

der Verkäufer/die Verkäuferin salesman/salesgirl

der Bauer/die Bäuerin farmer (der – male, die – female)

der Feuerwehrmann/die Feuerwehrfrau firefighter (der – male, die – female)

der Krankenpfleger/die Krankenschwester nurse (der – male, die – female)

das Flugzeug aeroplane

das Schiff ferry/ship

das Auto car

das Rad bicycle

der Zug train

der Bus bus

die U-Bahn underground train

die S-Bahn interurban train

die Straßenbahn tram

der Rock skirt

der Mantel coat

der Badeanzug swimsuit

das Hemd shirt

das Kleid dress

die Strümpfe stockings

die Schuhe shoes

das Verkehrsamt tourist information office

das Denkmal monument

das Geschäft shop

das Krankenhaus hospital

das Postamt post office

der Bahnhof railway station

der Parkplatz parking area

der Dom cathedral

die Bibliothek library

die Verkehrsampel traffic lights

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German Activity

Match the word with its correct meaning.

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colazione breakfast

pranzo lunċh

cena supper

spuntino snaċk

merenda snaċk

pasto meal

antipasto starter

primo piatto First ċourse

Secondo piatto Main ċourse

dolce dessert

mela apple

pera pear

uva grapes

melone melon

ananas pineapple

anguria watermelon

uova eggs

latte milk

zucchero sugar

farina flour

pomodoro tomato

lattuga lettuċe

melanzana aubergine

aglio garliċ

cipolla onion

carota ċarrot

carne meat

pesce fish

pollo ċhiċken

torta ċake

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el voleibol volleyball

el baloncesto basketball

el béisbol baseball

el bádminton badminton

el esquí skiing

el tenis tennis

la pesca fishing

el fútbol football

el ciclismo ċyċling

el rugby rugby

el kárate karate

la natación swimming

el buceo diving

la danza danċing

el boxeo boxing

el golf golf

el tenis de mesa table tennis

el patinaje skating

el polo polo

la gimnasia gymnastiċs

la vela sailing

el atletismo athletiċs

el automovilismo ċar raċing

el balonmano Handball

el hockey hoċkey

la triatlón Triathlon

el judo judo

el motociclismo motorċyċling

el waterpolo waterpolo

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Spanish Activity

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Try this! It’s in French

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Integrated Science

Balanced diet Eating the right amount of the seven basic food substances.

Microbes Micro-organisms such as fungi, virus and bacteria.

Element A chemical made up of the same type of atom. Often naturally found.

Compound Chemical made up of 2 or more elements chemically joined together.

Soluble A chemical that can dissolve in a solvent.

Solvent A liquid in which a substance can dissolve. For example salt dissolves in the sol-

vent water. Paint dissolves in white spirit.

Chromatography A method used to separate the different colours in ink.

Pupil A hole in the eye that allows light to pass through.

Cochlea Part of the ear: a spiral tube containing liquid and nerve cells.

Evidence Facts and information that forensic scientists collect from the crime scene.

Global warming Is caused by an increase of greenhouse gases which increase the Earth’s tem-


Renewable energy Renewable energy sources will never run out.

Passive smoking A person inhales other people’s smoke. This is unhealthy and can cause head-

aches, eye irritations and respiratory problems.

Digestion The breakdown of food into small and soluble products.

Diaphragm A muscle characteristic of mammals needed for breathing.

Arteries Blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood away from the heart.

Veins Blood vessels that carry deoxygenated blood to the heart.

Platelets Fragments of cells in the blood responsible for blood clotting.

Antibiotic A medicine which kills harmful bacteria and fungi in the body.

Antibody Chemicals made by white blood cells to fight infection.

Molecules Two or more atoms joined together, for example O2.

Opaque An object which does not allow light to pass through it.

Transparent An object that allows light to pass through it.

Translucent An object which allows only part of the light to pass through.

Non-luminous An object which does not give out light, such as a book, the moon.

Solar eclipse Happens when the moon passes between the sun and the earth.

Satellite An object that orbits a planet.

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Integrated Science Activity

Write the correct scientific word for each of the phrases below

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Latitudni Linji immaġinarji mimdudin.

Lonġitudni Linji immaġinarji weqfin.

Deżert Post fejn diffiċli jgħixu fih in-nies, l-annimali u l-pjanti.

Deżert Aridu Post bi ftit li xejn ħajja ħabba s-sħana u n-nixfa estrema.

Graff tal-Klima Graff li jkun fiha l-medja tat-temperatura u total tax-xita ta’ kull xhar

ta’ sena ta’ post partikolari.

Għaram Ramel Għolja magħmula mir-ramel li tinbena fuq xi ostaklu waqt

maltempata tar-riħ.

Pedestall tal-Ġebel Kolonna tal-ġebel bil-parti t’isfel idjaq ħabba li tittiekel bir-riħ

b’saħħtu armat bir-ramel u ġebel żgħir.

Deżert Ramli Deżert aridu b’pajsaġġ kollu ramel.

Deżert Blati Deżert aridu b’pajsaġġ b’ġebel żgħir ippavimentat bir-ramel.

Deżert bil-blat mikxuf Deżert aridu b’pajsaġġ tal-ġebel kbir u trab.

Oasi Ilma ħelu taħt ir-ramel tad-deżert li jkun ġej minn fuq il-muntanji.

Ċiklu idroloġiku Iċ-ċiklu jew rotazzjoni tal-ilma minn fuq l-art, għal ġol-arja u għal ġol-

baħar u li jerġa’ jibda mill-bidu u ma jispiċċa qatt.

Xita Orografika Xita li tifforma ħabba l-muntanji.

Xita Konvezzjonali Xita li tifforma f’żoni fejn hemm ħafna sħana.

Xita Ċiklonika Xita li tifforma meta arja kiesħa tiltaqa’ ma arja sħuna.

Preċipitazzjoni Xita, silġ u borra li jaqgħu mis-sħaba wara l-kondensazzjoni.

Blat Permeabbli Blat li fih l-ilma jista’ jgħaddi ’l isfel minn ġol-pori u x-xquq li jkun fih

għal ġos-saff ta’ taħtu.

Blat Impermeabbli Blat li ma jħallix l-ilma jibqa’ għaddej ‘l isfel għas-saff tal-blat li jmiss.

Ilma tal-pjan ta’ fuq it-tafal Ilma tax-xita ppreservat fil-blat fuq is-saff tat-tafal peress li hu blat


Ilma tal-pjan ta’ taħt Ilma tax-xita ppreservat fil-blat fuq il-livell tal-baħar peress li l-ilma

ħelu għandu densità iżgħar minn dik tal-baħar.

L-Istruttura tad-Dinja L-erba’ saffi differenti li jinsabu fl-intern tad-dinja – Il-Qoxra, Il-

Mantell, Il-Qalba Esterna, Il-Qalba Interna.

Il-Qoxra Is-saff ta’ barra tad-dinja magħmul minn saff irqieq ta’ blat u ġebel.

Il-Mantell It-tieni saff tal-istruttura tad-dinja magħmul minn ġebel imdewweb

ħabba t-temperaturi għoljin li hemm.

Pjattaformi/Qxur tettoniċi Ċappa kbira t’art li hi parti mil-qoxra tad-dinja.

Terremot Meta tiċċaqlaq qoxra Tettonika ħabba l-kurrenti konvezzjonali li

jinsabu fil-mantell.

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Attività tal-Ġeografija

Muntanji Mmewġa Meta l-art titgħaffeġ u timbotta ġo xulxin, titla’ ‘l fuq bis-saħħa tat-

terremoti u tifforma l-muntanji mmewġa.

Vulkan Attiv Vulkan li qiegħed jiżbroffa.

Vulkan Mejjet Vulkan li m’għadux attiv u ilu mijiet ta’ snin ma jiżbroffa.

Vulkan Rieqed Vulkan li mhux jiżbroffa però jista’ jiżbroffa minn mument għall-ieħor.

Magma Ġebel imdewweb li jinsab taħt l-art.

Lava Ġebel imdewweb li ħareġ fuq wiċċ l-art.


il– kliem

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Storja Medjuevu Perjodu twil ta’ żmien li għaddiet minnu l-Ewropa.

Sibi Piraterija liċenzjata fuq il-baħar.



Sistema fejn ir-re jinsab fil-quċċata tas-soċjetà u hu jagħti artijiet lil dawk ta’ taħtu; lis-sidien fewdatarji. Dawn kienu jwiegħdu servizz lir-re u jqassmu l-artijiet lill-kavallieri li kienu jservuhom lura. Is-serfi kien ikollhom is-serfi fuq l-artijiet biex jaħdmu l-art u jipprovdulhom servizz.

Fewdu Il-biċċa art li r-re kien jgħati lis-sid fewdatarju.

Il-kleru L-iktar nies importanti fil-Knisja Kattolika.

Ċensiment Ġbir ta’ informazzjoni fuq popolazzjoni ta’ pajjiż.

Id-dejma L-irġiel Maltin li kellhom bejn 16 u 60 sena kellhom obbligu li jgħatu servizz lid-

Dejma. Huma kienu responsabbli mid-difiża ta’ Malta.

Rinaxximent Tfisser twelid mill-ġdid. Perjodu fl-istorja li jiġi wara l-Medjuevu.

Esploratur Raġel avventuruż li jbaħħar biex jiskopri artijiet ġodda.

Konkwistatur Irġiel Ewropej li baħħru lejn artijiet ġodda biex jikkonkwistawhom, jikkolonizzawhom

u jieħdu mir-riżorsi tagħhom.

Perspettiva Teknika f’arti fejn kollox hu mpinġi jew impitter fi proporzjon ma’ dak ta’ madwaru.

Kruċjata Gwerer reliġjużi u kulturali bejn l-Insara u l-Misilmim.

Raħal Mitluf Raħal li m’għadux jeżisti għaliex ma fadalx abitanti jgħixu fih.



Kappella taħt l-art.

Affresk Tpinġija diretta fuq il-ħajt.

Fratellanza Għaqda ta’ nies tal-istess sengħa li jgħinu l’xulxin f’każ ta’ bżonn u jkollhom qaddis protettur tagħhom.

Il-qadi Il-Kap tal-Għarab f’Malta.

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Attività tal-Istorja

Inkwiżizzjoni Twaqqfet mill-Knisja Kattolika biex iżżomm l-ordni filwaqt li tfittex, issib u tikkastiga lil dawk li ma jimxux mat-tgħallim tal-Knisja jew ma jemmnux.

Indulġenza Il-maħfra tad-dnubiet meta ssir xi ħaġa partikolari.

Ordni Għaqda reliġjuża nisranija mmexxija minn Granmastru.

Ospitallieri Jaħdmu fl-isptarijiet mal-morda u l-feruti.

Pellegrini Nies li jagħmlu vjaġġ lejn il-Lvant speċjalment lejn il-belt ta’ Ġerusalemm, li kienet belt t’importanza kbira għall-Insara, Lhud u Musulmani.

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Magħmudija Hija l-ewwel sagrament li nirċievu u permezz tagħha niftħu l-bieb għas-

sagramenti l-oħra. Ħafna drabi nirċevuha meta nkunu trabi.

Katekumenu Dik il-persuna li tkun qed tipprepara biex tirċievi l-Magħmudija.

Djoċesi Numru ta’ parroċċi li jkunu taħt il-kura pastorali tal-Isqof.

Battisteru Il-post fejn l-ewwel Insara kienu jirċievu l-magħmudija. Kien ħofra fil-blat

f’forma ta’ salib.

Adolexxenza Iż-żmien li ninsabu fih aħna. Huwa ż-żmien ta’ bejn it-tfulija u ż-żgħożija.

Salmi B’kollox insibu 150 salm u huma ġabra ta’ poeżiji li huma attribwiti lil David u li

kienu jitkantaw.

Valuri Il-ġudizzju li nagħtu aħna lil dawk l-oġġetti li huma l-aktar importanti f’ħajjitna.

Komunità Din hija għaqda jew grupp ta’ nies li jiena nagħmel parti minnha. Tista’ tkun il-

komunità tal-iskola jew il-komunità tal-parroċċa.

Esperjenza Reliġjuża Hi l-esperjenza li jgħaddi minnha l-bniedem meta minkejja l-akkwisti u l-

iskoperti kbar li għamel, jibqa’ jfittex lil Alla u jiskopri li Alla hu tassew preżenti

fil-ħajja u fid-dinja ta’ madwaru.

Pluraliżmu Soċjeta’ li hija miftuħa għal kulturi, razez u reliġjonijiet differenti.

Monoteiżmu Twemmin f’Alla wieħed.

Kotba Mqaddsa Hija ġabra ta’ kotba li huma meqjusa bħala ispirati minn Alla u li nsejħulhom il-

Bibbja. Il-Kotba Mqaddsa huma l-Kelma ta’ Alla.

Politeisti Nies li jemmnu f’ħafna allat bħalma kienu l-Griegi u r-Rumani.



Reliġjonijiet ta’ nies primittivi li kienu jemmnu f’xi ħadd li hu aqwa minnhom u

li għandu kontroll ta’ affarijiet li l-bniedem qatt ma jista’ jkollu.

Kristoċentriku Kristu hu ċ-ċentru ta’ kollox. Ħajjitna tista’ tkun differenti ħafna jekk hu jkun iċ-

ċentru tagħna u npoġġuh bħala l-mudell tagħna.

Libertà Alla lilna ħalliena liberi li nagħżlu bejn it-tajjeb u l-ħażin f’ħajjitna. Tajjeb li

niftakru fil-konsegwenzi.

Għażliet F’ħajjitna aħna nagħmlu diversi għażliet bejn dak li hu tajjeb u dak li hu ħażin.

Importanti li dejjem nagħżlu dak li huwa tajjeb għalina.

Vjaġġ ta’ Fidi Mixja fejn jiena nsir naf lil Alla bil-mod il-mod, fejn xi drabi nista’ wkoll

nirreżistih. Matul dan il-vjaġġ se nsir persuna ħielsa, bla maskri u bla


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Attivita’ tar-Reliġjon

Tentazzjonijiet Dawn huma xewqat biex aħna nagħmlu dak li mhux tajjeb u li mhux ta’ ġid

għalina u għall-oħrajn.

Dixxiplu Id-dixxiplu hu dak li jimxi wara Ġesù, isegwih. Biex inkunu dixxipli, irridu nkunu

kapaċi nisimgħu leħnu u nagħrfuh bħala l-leħen tar-ragħaj tagħna.

Pjan Divin Alla għandu pjan ta’ ħelsien għal kull persuna. Aħna nistgħu nkunu strumenti

importanti ta’ Alla f’dan il-pjan.

Vizzji Drawwiet ħżiena, li jistgħu jnaqqsulna l-libertà li Alla tana bħala wieħed mill-ikbar

rigali għalina.

Talb It-talb huwa konverżazzjoni ma’ Alla. Ma għandniex bżonn xi kliem speċjali jew xi

mod speċifiku kif nitolbu. Nistgħu nitolbu li ninstemgħu jew nitolbu f’qalbna.

Riflessjoni Meta jiena nieqaf u naħseb dwar ħajti u dak li għaddej minnu. Nista’ nieqaf u

naħseb ukoll dwar silta mill-Bibbja u kif din tista’ tgħinni fil-ħajja tiegħi.

Dinjità Dan hu prinċipju fundamentali fejn nemmnu li kull persuna, ta’ kwalunkwe’ razza,

età, nazzjonalità, reliġjon u stat ekonomiku, jixirqilha r-rispett. Din tiġi mill-fatt li

aħna lkoll maħluqin minn Alla.

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Studju Soċjali

Soċjalizzazzjoni Proċess ta’ tagħlim fejn jiġu trasmessi valuri, normi u mġiba.



Edukazzjoni li tibda d-dar mingħand il-ġenituri.



Tagħlim li nieħdu minn nies jew istituzzjonijiet barra mill-familja.

Aġenti tas-


Individwi li jinfluwenzawna matul il-ħajja.

Mezzi ta’


Mezzi li permezz tagħhom ikun hemm bdil ta’ informazzjoni.

Kontroll Soċjali Kontroll li jirregola l-egħmil u l-imġiba tal-individwi fis-soċjetà.

Istituzzjoni Hija organizzazzjoni jew aġenzija li għandha funzjoni x’taqdi fis-soċjetà.

Familja Istituzzjoni l-aktar importanti fis-soċjetà.

Familja estiża Fejn aktar minn ġenerazzjoni waħda jgħixu fl-istess dar.

Familja nukleari Hija magħmula mill-omm u l-missier flimkien m’uliedhom.

Familja simetrika Fejn ix-xogħol tad-dar jinqasam ġustament bejn l-omm u l-missier.

Peer Group Grupp ta’ individwi li jinteraġixxu ma’ persuni simili bħalhom.

Edukazzjoni Proċess ta’ tagħlim li jibda minn meta nkunu żgħar u jkompli anke meta


Edukazzjoni Formali Edukazzjoni marbuta mal-kurrikulu li jiġi assessjat.

Edukazzjoni Informali Tagħlim li nakkwistaw matul ħajjitna ta’ kuljum.



Tagħlim li jista’ jseħħ f’ambjent ta’ tagħlim formali, iżda ma jkunx rikonoxxut

b’mod formali.



Komunikazzjoni permezz tal-kliem.

Komunikazzjoni mhux


Komunikazzjoni mhux permezz tal-kliem iżda permezz ta’ sinjali, ton tal-vuċi,

espressjonijiet tal-wiċċ, il-mixja, eċċ

Mezzi ta’



Mezzi li bihom persuna tista’ twassal messaġġ lil ħafna nies f’daqqa.

Sports Attivita’ li tagħmilna aktar b’saħħitna fiżikament, mentalment u soċjalment.

Reliġjon Twemmin fis-sopra naturali.

Dmirijiet Obbligi li ċ-ċittadin għandu lejn ċittadini oħra u lejn is-soċjetà.

Drittijiet Mġiba u attivitajiet liċ-ċittadin jista’ jwettaq mingħajr biża’.

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Attività tal-Istudju Soċjali

Sanzjonijiet negattivi Pieni li jingħataw lill-individwi li jkunu għamlu xi azzjoni ħażina.

Sanzjonijiet pożittivi Premijiet li jingħataw lill-individwi li jkunu għamlu xi azzjoni tajba.

Demokrazija Forma ta’ gvern li fih ċittadini adulti jieħdu sehem b’mod dirett.

Politika Tmexxija ta’ pajjiż.

Vot Dritt li għandhom ċittadini ta’ l-fuq minn 18-il sena biex jieħdu deċiżjoni dwar

liema mexxejja jridu.

Konsumatur Individwu li jonfoq ammont ta’ flus fuq prodott jew servizz.

Qgħad Dawk li m’għandhomx xogħol u li qed ifittxu x-xogħol.

Konsumeriżmu Ħajja bbażata fuq xiri u konsum ta’ ġid materjali.




L-ittri ‘għ’ u ‘ie’ jinkitbu

f’kaxxi separati .

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Tafhom dawn il-qwiel ? ….. Komplihom

Mimdudin Weqfin


L-ittri ‘għ’ u ‘ie’

jinkitbu f’kaxxi

separati .

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Visual Related to seeing or sight

Auditory Related to hearing

Kinesthetic The sensation of movement

Co-operation Working together for a common purpose

Negotiation Reaching an agreement

Leisure Free time when one can rest, enjoy hobbies or sports

Sexual orientation One's natural preference in partners

Social background Class of society

Assertiveness Being firm in your ideas

Misconceptions Wrong thinking

Erroneous Incorrect

Cognitive Related to the mind

Psychological Related to human behaviour

Conception The moment when life begins

Emotional Related to feelings

Physical Related to the body

Environment The surroundings

Talents Natural ability to be good

Altenatives Possibilities

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PSCD Activity

Match the words on the left with the correct answer on the right.

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Internet Services Internet Services including e-commerce, e-banking and e-government.

E-commerce Buying and selling goods and services online.

E-banking Online Banking - The performance of banking activities via the Inter-net.

E-government Online Government services.

Desktop/Tower Computer These computers are designed for home or office use. These comput-ers are used to run application programs such as word processors, spreadsheets, databases, presentation software etc. Desktop systems have units that are placed on a desk. Tower systems have units that can either be placed on or underneath the desk.

Laptop Lightweight portable computers with a built-in monitor, keyboard, hard-disk drive, battery, and power supply adapter.

Tablets Small portable computers that use a touchscreen as their primary in-put device.

Smartphones Phones with advanced features like e-mail, Internet and e-book reader capabilities, and/or a built-in full keyboard or external USB keyboard.

Multimedia Players Electronic devices capable of storing and playing digital media. Music and videos are typically stored in internal disks or a small memory card that can be inserted in these handheld devices.

Digital Cameras Used to take digital photos which are then stored on a SD (Secure Digi-tal) or CF (Compact Flash) card.

Screen Resolution Screen resolution refers to the clarity of text and images displayed on your screen. At higher resolutions, such as 1600×1200 pixels, items appear sharper and smaller. This also means that more icons can fit on the screen.

Default Printer Normally in a computer network environment, there will be several printers. Users will therefore need to send their documents to a spe-cific printer, such users will set this printer as the default printer.

Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) This results from fast, repetitive work on a computer that can cause neck, wrist, hand and arm pain. RSI can be minimised by taking short rest breaks.

Word Processor This is the most commonly used type of software and it is used to en-ter, edit, format and print text. An example of a word processor is Mi-crosoft Word.

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ICT Activity

Headers and Footers Headers and footers are areas in the top and bottom margins of each page in a document. A header is any text or graphic, which is displayed at the top of every page in a document. Similarly, a footer is any text or graphic which is displayed at the bottom of every page in a document. Headers and footers often contain page numbers, chapter titles, dates or author names.

Mail Merge Mail merge is the ability to merge together a word processed letter and a data source in order to create multiple personalised letters of the same document.

Find the hidden words

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Sport Fundamentals

Strength and Conditioning

Circuit training It is a form of high intensity resistance training aimed at improving strength and muscu-lar endurance.


Strength exercise targetting the quadricep muscles, the hamstrings and the gluteus mus-cles. It is also one of the most important exer-cises in weightlifting.

Lunges Strength exercise targetting the quadricep muscles, the hamstrings and the gluteus mus-cles.

TRX Suspension Training bodyweight exercise aimed at developing strength, balance, flexibil-ity and core stability simultaneously.

Calf raises Strength exercise aimed at strengthening the calf muscles.

Bench press Strength exercise where athlete is lying down on a bench and pushes a load up and down using the chest and upper arm muscles.

Dumbbells Equipment with different load with which one can do various strengthening exercises.

Shoulder press Exercise where an athletes lift load up from shoulder level upwards to improve strength in the shoulder muscles and upper arm muscles.

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Bicep curls

The athlete holds a dumbbell in one arm and bends the arm at the elbow keeping the back in a straight position to improve strength in the biceps muscles.

Tricep dips An athlete holds a dumbbell in his hand and extends the hand up at the elbow to strengthen triceps muscles.

PNF stretching Partner stretching technique to improve ac-tive and passive range of motion to improve performance.

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Athletics Running

Sprinting Running at maximum speed for a short distance.

Resistance running Running pulling a resistance in order to improve power.

Heart rate Learn how to take heart rate to check how fast the heart is beating. Calcula-tion are made to beats per minute.

Pacing Controlling the speed especially used in middle and long distance running.

Downsweep technique Form of baton exchange in relays where the baton goes in a downward motion.

Upsweep technique

Form of baton exchange in relays where the baton goes in an upward motion. This technique is not highly rec-ommended.


Boundings Jumping from one leg to the other with big steps. Aims to improve stride length and power.

Hopping Jumping on the same leg. It aims to improve coordination, power, balance and strength.

Plyometrics Jumping training where the muscles put maximum force in a short interval of time.

Stride technique Basic technique used in Long jump.

Scissors jump High Jump basic technique where the legs go over the bar in a scissors mo-tion.

Fosbury flop A new way of going over the bar in high jump invented by Dick Fosbury.

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Frontal throw Introduction throwing technique to all throws where the implement is thrown when the athlete is facing the front.

Shot put Heavy implement made from lead used in shot put throwing.

Discus Implement made from wood and fibre glass used in discus throwing.

Javelin Arrow like light implement used in javelin throwing.

Power position Specific moment in all throws where the body is in such a way that the maximum amount of power can be produced.

Shuffle step 3 stride steps used in teaching the shot put technique.

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Gymnastics The six categories of gymnastics and well-known names.

Women’s artistic gymnastics = This is the most well-known form of gymnastics with most partici-pants. Women compete for both individual and team titles on four different events: Vault, Une-ven Bars, Beam and Floor.

Simone Biles = A gymnast from the USA who dom-inated the Rio 2016 Olympic Games winning four gold medals.

Men’s artistic gymnastics = Men's gymnastics is the second most popular form of gymnastics and also the oldest form dating back to the very early Olympic Games. Men compete both individually and as a team on 6 different events: Floor Exer-cise, Pommel Horse, Rings, Vault, Parallel Bars, and High Bar.

Juri Chechi = An Italian male gymnast mostly known as the ‘Lord of the Rings’ since he dominat-ed the Rings’ event, especially in the 1996 Olympic Games.

Rhythmic Gymnastics = This is currently a female-only sport. Women compete both individually and as a group with 5 different apparatus: Rope, Hoop, Ball, Clubs, and Ribbon.

The Russian team won the gold medal at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games.

Trampoline = Trampoline is the most recent type of gymnastics to be added in the Olympic Games. Both men and women participate. Trampoline routines and tricks are performed using a double mini trampoline and in a synchronized event where 2 athletes perform at the same time on 2 different trampolines.

Belarus dominated the male trampolining event at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games.

Acrobatic Gymnastics = In this event the gymnasts are the equipment. Teams consist of 2-4 people either all men, all women, or mixed. Athletes perform handstands, holds, and balanc-es on each other, while other members of the team throw and catch their team mates. This is not an Olympic event.

Power Tumbling = This is performed on a spring runway much bouncier than the artistic gymnas-tics' floor. Tumbling passes are performed con-sisting of a series of 8 elements.

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Variations of the forward and backward rolls.

Piked forward-roll = the legs should be in pike (straightened out in front). The use of hands in order to stand up are acceptable. The legs have to stay straight throughout. Push the body to a standing position with hands pressing on the floor near the legs.

Straddle forward-roll = being in a straddle with the arms up. Do not tuck legs but straddle them. Use hands on the floor to bring the body back to standing. Hands should be placed between the legs.

Handstand forward-roll = Perform a handstand. Lean the body slightly, tuck in head and roll for-ward. End in a standing-up position.

Back Extension roll = Move quickly. Keep arms straight with fingers pointing towards each other. Direct feet upwards and push into a handstand.

Backward roll to front support = Do a normal backward roll but while taking your legs back, straighten legs and lower down your feet. Straighten your elbows.

Backward roll to straddle = Straddle the legs and place chin on your chest. Bring your hands into position. Roll backwards and push hard with hands. Keep legs straddled till the finishing posi-tion.

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Pace The speed that corresponds with a race distance, e.g. 1:20 (1 minute 20 seconds) per 100m.

Relay Exchange The exchange between the swimmer in the water finishing the leg and the next swimmer on the relay team. A smooth exchange requires the finishing swimmer’s hand to touch the touch pad at the same time as the starting swimmer’s sets off from the starting block.

Propulsion How much forward drive you generate with your swimming stroke.

Streamline A body position for minimising drag. The most common being a torpedo push off performed off the wall.

Tumble turn A tumble turn is one where the head and arms are driven under the body and the legs flip over the top before reaching the wall and pushing off. Sometimes also called a flip-turn.

The Back Crawl Start The starting position for this stroke is in the water, with the swimmer facing the starting end with hands on the end rail or starting grips, and the feet completely beneath the surface.

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Forward Starts The starting position for the front crawl, breaststroke and butterfly races all nor-mally start with a front dive.

The stance The stance is the position adopted by the swimmer after the command ‘Take your marks’ is given by the starter. In this position the toes should be curled over the edge of the starting block or poolside.

Take Off At the signal to start, the swimmer launches himself outward and forward, using a vigorous swinging action with his arms and a strong thrust from his legs and feet.

The flight The moment when the body leaves the starting place fully stretched.

The entry The moment when the swimmer cuts the water smoothly after the take off to enter the water at an angle appropriate to the stroke being swum.

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Erġa’ ħaddem moħħok

Mimdudin Weqfin

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Famous Scientists

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