wonderful wrenssway, sway, boogie, woogie, oogie! sway, sway, boogie, woogie, oogie! that's the...

Wonderful Wrens Pack 5 18 th Of May

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Post on 24-May-2020




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Pack 5

18th Of May


Phonics – Syllable (how many claps) counting.

English – The Tiger Who Came To Tea.

Youtube also have a read along



(Miss Thompson will be reading the story on

our class Twitter on Monday )

Maths – Tracing and recognising shapes

Art and Design – Can you draw a picture of a


Phonics -

Using the animal cards can you clap how many syllables are in the words. For

example, li-on (2 syllables) so you would place the lion picture on the 2 claps


1 syllable

2 syllables

3 syllables

The Tiger Who Came to Tea – Judith Kerr

Once there was a little girl called Sophie, and she was

having tea with her mummy in the kitchen.

Suddenly there was a ring at the door.

Sophie’s mummy said, “I wonder who that can be. It can’t

be the milkman because he came this morning. And it can’t

be the boy from the grocer because this isn’t the day he

comes. And it can’t be Daddy because he got his key.

We’d better open the door and see.”

Sophie opened the door, and there was a big, furry, stripy

tiger. The tiger said “Excuse me, but I’m very hungry. Do you think I could have

tea with you?” Sophie’s mummy said “Of course, come in.”

So the tiger came into the kitchen and sat down at the table.

Sophie’s mummy said, “Would you like a sandwich?” But the tiger didn’t just take

one sandwich. He took all the sandwiches on the plate and swallowed then in one

big mouthful. Owp!

And he still looked hungry, so Sophie passed him the buns.

But again the tiger didn’t eat just one bun. He ate all the buns on the dish. And

then he ate all the biscuits and all the cake, until there was nothing left to eat

on the table.

So Sophie mummy said, “Would you like a drink?” And the tiger drank all the

milk in the milk jug and all the tea in the teapot.

And then he looked round the kitchen to see what else he could find.

He ate all the supper that was cooking in the saucepans… and all the food in the

fridge…and all the packets and tins in the cupboard…and he drank all the milk,

and all the orange juice, and all Daddy’s beer, and all the water in the tap.

Then he said, “Thank you for my nice tea. I think I’d better go now.” And he

went. Sophie’s mummy said, “ I don’t know what to do. I’ve got nothing for

Daddy’s supper, the tiger has eaten it all”

And Sophie found she couldn’t have her bath because the tiger had drunk all the

water in the tap.

Just then Sophie’s daddy came home.

So Sophie and her mummy told him what had happened and how the tiger had

eaten all the food and drunk all the drink.

And Sophie’s daddy said “I know what we’ll do. I’ve got a very good idea. We’ll

put on our coats and go to a cafe.”

So they went out in the dark, and all the street lamps were lit, and all the cars

had their lights on and they walked down the road to a café.

And they had a lovely supper with sausages and chips and ice cream.

In the morning Sophie and her mummy went shopping and they bought lots more

things to eat,

And they also bought a very big tin of Tiger food, in case the tiger should come

to tea again.

But he never did.


Art and Design – Can you draw a picture of a tiger? What colours are you going

to use? What patter does a tiger have? I cannot wait to see your beautiful tiger



Phonics – cvc words and pictures.

English – Can you draw who is in the story The

Tiger Who Came to Tea? Miss Thompson will

also be doing this on Twitter.

Jigsaw – Friends

Maths – Counting and number formation.


The idea of this is for the adult to sound out the cvc words p-i-g and the

children need to match the picture and the word. If your child is really

confident with this move onto the first initial sound if you show a picture e.g.

pig can you find the word that begins with p and ends with g. This is to

encourage the listening of the initial and ending of words and so they can begin

to blend cvc words.

Who is in the story of The Tiger Who came to Tea?

Draw the characters from the story. You might also want to

have a go at writing the first letter of the name of the

character ‘T’ for ‘Tiger’. Miss Thompson will also be talking

through this on Twitter.

Jigsaw – Friends

Draw a picture of your friend from school, think about what they look like. Then tell

your adult what makes them a good friend, it might be that you play fun games with

each other, it might be that they share. Can you write these all around your picture of

your friend? We will hopefully all be back with our friends very soon.

My friend is ______________________________

Maths – Can you count how many animals there are and write the correct

number in the box. If your child can tell you the number, you could write the

number for them and they can trace over.


Phonics – What’s on the tray? Memory game

English – Design a menu for the tiger if he was

to come to your house for tea.

Role play – Using your menu could you set up

your very own tea party for the tiger.

Dancing and singing – With your family can you

dance and sing along to the animal boogie? Miss

Thompson will be singing along on Twitter too.

Phonics – Memory game

I use a tray (you don’t have to use a tray) and I put a selection of different

objects on. We talk through the objects e.g. car, pan, apple, spoon, teddy etc. I

would start with around 5 objects. Then cover the tray over, ask them to close

their eyes and the adult removes an object. This for the children to start

recognising objects, saying them and also memorising them. You can then also

swap and they can remove the items and you close your eyes. A fun and easy

phonics activity.

Design and draw a menu of your choice. The Tiger may come round to your house for tea.


Role play – Design your very own tea party for you and your family or for your

toys. This is a good opportunity to also have water play, the children love

pouring water from different cups and objects.

Animal Boogie – Dance and sing with your families to the animal boogie.


Down in a jungle, come if you dare

What can you see shaking here and there

With a shaky shake here and shaky shake there

What's that creature shaking here and there?

It's a bear!

She goes shake, shake boggie, woogie, oogie!

shake, shake boggie, woogie, oogie!

shake, shake boggie, woogie, oogie!

That's the way she's shaking here and there.

Down in a jungle where nobody sees

What can you see swinging through the trees?

With a swingy swing here and swingy swing there

What's that creature swinging through the trees

It's a monkey!

He goes swing, swing boggie, woogie, oogie!

swing, swing boggie, woogie, oogie!

swing, swing boggie, woogie, oogie!

That's the way he's swinging through the trees

Down in a jungle in the midday heat

What can you see stomping its feet?

With a stompy stomp here and stompy stomp there

What's that creature stomping its feet?

It's an elephant

She goes stomp, stomp, boggie, woogie, oogie!

stomp, stomp, boggie, woogie, oogie!

stomp, stomp, boggie, woogie, oogie!

That's the way she's stomping her feet.

Down in a jungle where the trees grow high?

What can you see flying in the sky?

With a flappy flap here and flappy flap there

What's that creature flying in the sky?

It's a bird

He goes flap, flap, boggie, woogie, oogie!

flap, flap, boggie, woogie, oogie!

flap, flap, boggie, woogie, oogie!

That's the way he's flying in the sky.

Down in a jungle where the leaves lie deep?

What can you see learning how to leap?

With a leapy leap here and leapy leap there

What's that creature learning how to leap?

It's a leopard

She goes leap, leap, boggie, woogie, oogie!

leap, leap, boggie, woogie, oogie!

leap, leap, boggie, woogie, oogie!

That's the way she's learning how to leap

Down in a jungle where there's danger all around?

What can you see slithering on the ground?

With a slither slither here and slither slither there

What's that creature slithering on the ground?

It's a snake

He goes slither, slither, boggie, woogie, oogie!

slither, slither, boggie, woogie, oogie!

slither, slither, boggie, woogie, oogie!

That's the way he's slithering on the ground

Down in a jungle where the stars are shining bright

Who can you see swaying left and right?

With a sway sway here and sway sway there

Who is swaying left and swaying right?

We are!




We go sway, sway, boogie, woogie, oogie!

sway, sway, boogie, woogie, oogie!

sway, sway, boogie, woogie, oogie!

That's the way we boogie through the night.


Phonics – sound hunt.

English – Cut out the pictures of what the tiger

ate for tea and add it to the plate

Maths – Height order

Art and Design – Design your very own tiger


Science – Research your favourite animal.

Phonics –sound hunt. Say a sound and show them the letter (write different letters on pieces of

paper) e.g. ‘a’ and they need to go and find something around the house

beginning with this letter.

The children also like to listen and sing to this

phonics song. This may help them before

starting their sound hunt.




English – Re-read the story The Tiger who came to Tea and can you cut out the

pictures of the food which the tiger in the story ate.

Maths – cut out the pictures of the animals and can you put them into height

order tall to small.

Art and Design

Using a paper plate and any materials you may have at home (paper, pens, paint)

can you design your very own tiger mask?

Science – Favourite animal What is your favourite animal? Is it a tiger or it may be a rabbit? Can you find

out some interesting facts about your animal? Here are some things you might

want to find out about.


Where they live

What they eat

What they look like.


Phonics – silly soup

Fine motor- pencil control

English – Using the puppets can you re-tell the

story of The Tiger Who came for Tea?

Maths – continue the pattern

Recipe – Banana Muffins

Phonics – Can you play silly soup with objects you can find around your home.

Pencil control

English - Using the puppets can you re-tell the story of The Tiger Who came for



Can you continue the repeating patterns,

Recipe – Banana Muffins