womens health issues teach back ch25

Environmental Health Teach Back

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Post on 04-Jul-2015



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Environmental Health Teach Back

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“Every day I see research linking chemicals that pollute our environment with adverse effects on women’s reproductive health, from infertility to birth [impairments] to early puberty in girls…I am convinced that countries that do not protect the Earth will not protect their women, and countries that do not protect their women will never protect the earth. The time has come for the U.S. to enact policies that do both.”

-Allison Ojanen-Goldsmith, in “Young Feminists-Poison

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A loose definition of Environmental Health would be how the environment we live in affects our health. Whether it be positive or negative

An example of how our environment affects our health would be the difference in city life to country life

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We absorb chemicals and toxins from a number of different things.

Through our home, the workplace, and through the environment from the air, skin products, and substances we consume

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Lead (used in plumbing pipes and car batteries) It is a neurotoxin which affects nerve cells

Mercury (used in thermometers, thermostats, auto parts, batteries, dental fillings, and eye make-up) Mercury can damage the central nervous system, the endocrine system, the heart, lungs, immune system, and the kidneys

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Pesticides (used in crops and pest control around homes) EPA estimated that over 1.2 billion pounds of pesticides are used annually in the United States alone

Can be linked to many problems in health

Effects the reproductive system (Such as: infertility, miscarriages, and multiple types of cancer)

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Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDC’s)

EDC’s are industrial chemicals that mimic naturally occurring hormones

These EDC’s can block vital functions in our thyroid, metabolism, sexual function, and immune system

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Dioxins ( used in industrial processes to use up or burn chlorine)

One of the most common chemicals affecting Americans today. Occurs primarily through eating food

Dioxins can cause cancer and reproductive disorders

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BPA (Bisphenol A)

Organic Compound widely used in hard plastic products

7 billions pounds of BPA are produced in the U.S. each year

Considered to be an endocrine disrupting chemical but has a laundry list of negative effects. (Such as serious chronic disorders, cancers, and heart disease)

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These hazards affect many facets of our health causing diseases such as cancers, neurological disorders, allergies, and behavioral changes

One major impact environmental pollution has is on that of the female reproductive system

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Children experience worse effects more often than adults do when exposed to these damaging substances

Why? Because they are smaller and have underdeveloped immune systems

Environmental contaminants can cause greater damage to all organs and systems in children

Some of the worst chemicals today are found in children's’ food and toys

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Leukemia, brain cancer, and other cancers linked to environmental carcinogens have increased more than 20 percent since 1975

Most children are exposed even before they’re born

A fathers sperm or a mother’s eggs could potentially affect an embryo’s development if exposed to chemicals

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If women are exposed to chemicals in the environment they can work their way into the breast milk and thus into the child who is being fed

Although chemicals have been known to be in breast milk the protective qualities tremendously out weight the negative effects

Breast milk is always a much healthier route than the use of formula

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Too often individuals rather than the government or industries are expected to take primary responsibility for health and safety

Instead of fixing whatever the problem may be, the industry will tell an individual they need to be more careful

Some substances that cause health problems in the work place are not regulated at all what so ever

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More research on environmental hazards to better understand the effects

Communities that are at higher risk of contaminants need to be better protected and trained on this subject

Government funding needs to be applied

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Form worker based health and safety committees

Women who are pregnant and have a job that exposes them to potentially hazardous chemicals should be given the option to take leave from work with pay or be stationed elsewhere

Find less hazardous materials to substitute for those that are hazardous

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Although everyone is affected by these environmental hazards some bear more weight than others.

People from lower income and people of color are affected by these hazards more than others

Groups have been formed to create equality on the environment

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Help people (mostly minorities) who are affected by environmental hazards more than others

Over half of Asians/Pacific Islanders and Native Americans live near uncontrolled waste sites

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What can the government do to increase awareness and protection for the public in regards to environmental hazards?