wolf creek - results of the sixteenth steam generator tube

WGLF CREEK 'NUCLEAR OPERATING CORPORATION Terry J. Garrett Vice President, Engineering April 8, 2010 ET 10-0012 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 Subject: Docket No. 50-482: Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube Inservice Inspection Gentlemen: Attachment I, the Steam Generator Tube Inspection Report, is being submitted in accordance with Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS) Technical Specification (TS) 5.6.10, "Steam Generator Tube Inspection Report." This report provides the results of WCGS's sixteenth steam generator (SG) tube inservice inspection. The Steam Generator Tube Inspection Report includes the following: a. The scope of inspections performed on each SG; b. Active degradation mechanisms found; c. Nondestructive examination techniques utilized for each degradation mechanism; d. Location, orientation (if linear), and measured sizes (if available) of service induced indications; e. Number of tubes plugged during the inspection outage for each active degradation mechanism; f. Total number and percentage of tubes plugged to date; and g. The results of condition monitoring, including the results of tube pulls and in-situ testing; The following items are also included in accordance with the One-time Alternate Repair Criteria, H*, which was approved to support WCGS's Refueling Outage 17 and the subsequent operating cycle: h. Following completion of an inspection performed in Refueling Outage 17 (and any inspections performed in the subsequent operating cycle) the primary to secondary LEAKAGE rate observed in each SG (if it is not practical to assign the LEAKAGE to an individual SG, the entire primary to secondary LEAKAGE should be conservatively assumed to be from one SG) during the cycle preceding the inspection which is the subject of the report; P.O. Box 411/ Burlington, KS 66839 / Phone: (620) 364-8831 An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/HC/VET

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Page 1: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube


Terry J. GarrettVice President, Engineering

April 8, 2010ET 10-0012

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionATTN: Document Control DeskWashington, DC 20555

Subject: Docket No. 50-482: Results of the Sixteenth Steam GeneratorTube Inservice Inspection


Attachment I, the Steam Generator Tube Inspection Report, is being submitted in accordancewith Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS) Technical Specification (TS) 5.6.10, "SteamGenerator Tube Inspection Report." This report provides the results of WCGS's sixteenthsteam generator (SG) tube inservice inspection. The Steam Generator Tube Inspection Reportincludes the following:

a. The scope of inspections performed on each SG;b. Active degradation mechanisms found;c. Nondestructive examination techniques utilized for each degradation mechanism;d. Location, orientation (if linear), and measured sizes (if available) of service induced

indications;e. Number of tubes plugged during the inspection outage for each active degradation

mechanism;f. Total number and percentage of tubes plugged to date; andg. The results of condition monitoring, including the results of tube pulls and in-situ testing;

The following items are also included in accordance with the One-time Alternate Repair Criteria,H*, which was approved to support WCGS's Refueling Outage 17 and the subsequentoperating cycle:

h. Following completion of an inspection performed in Refueling Outage 17 (and anyinspections performed in the subsequent operating cycle) the primary to secondaryLEAKAGE rate observed in each SG (if it is not practical to assign the LEAKAGE to anindividual SG, the entire primary to secondary LEAKAGE should be conservativelyassumed to be from one SG) during the cycle preceding the inspection which is thesubject of the report;

P.O. Box 411/ Burlington, KS 66839 / Phone: (620) 364-8831

An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/HC/VET

Page 2: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

ET 10-0012Page 2 of 2

i. Following completion of an inspection performed in Refueling Outage 17 (and anyinspections performed in the subsequent operating cycle) the calculated accidentinduced leakage rate from the portion of the tubes below 13.1 inches from the top of thetubesheet for the most limiting accident in the most limiting SG. In addition, if thecalculated accident induced leakage rate from the most limiting accident is less than2.50 times the maximum operational primary to secondary leak rate, the report shoulddescribe how it was determined; and

j. Following completion of an inspection performed in Refueling Outage 17 (and anyinspections performed in the subsequent operating cycle) the results of monitoring forthe tube axial displacement (slippage). If slippage is discovered, the implications ofdiscovery and corrective action shall be provided.

Enclosures 1 and 2 contain all service-induced indications identified in SGs A and D duringWCGS's Refueling Outage 17.

No commitments are contained in this correspondence.

If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact me at (620) 364-4084, or Mr.Richard Flannigan at (620) 364-4117.


Terry J. Garrett



Enclosure 1: Steam Generator A Service-Induced IndicationsEnclosure 2: Steam Generator D Service-Induced Indications

cc: E. E. Collins (NRC), w/a, w/eG. B. Miller (NRC), w/a, w/eB. K. Singal (NRC), w/a, w/eSenior Resident Inspector (NRC), w/a, w/e

Page 3: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

Attachment to ET 10-0012Page 1 of 7


This report is being submitted pursuant to Technical Specification (TS) 5.6.10, "SteamGenerator Tube Inspection Report," to report the results of the sixteenth steam generator (SG)tube inservice inspection.


The sixteenth SG tube inservice inspection was completed by Westinghouse ElectricCorporation on October 27, 2009, during Refueling Outage 17 (RF17). Initial entry into MODE4 was achieved on November 16, 2009.

Refueling Outage 17 was the second inspection of the third sequential inspection interval (60Effective Full Power Months (EFPMs)), and is the approximate midpoint of the third inspectioninterval. At the Start of Refueling Outage 17 the SGs had operated for a total of 247.16 EFPMs(20.6 Effective Full Power Years (EFPYs)).

Permanent approval of an alternate repair criteria, H*, for indications within the tubesheet couldnot be achieved prior to Refueling Outage 17. As a result, a One-time Alternate Repair Criteria,H*, was approved which revised TS 5.5.9, "Steam Generator (SG) Program" and TS 5.6.10,"Steam Generator Tube Inspection Report" for Wolf Creek Generating Station's (WCGS's)Refueling Outage 17 and the subsequent operating cycle. The following alternate tube repaircriteria, H*, shall be applied as an alternative to the 40% depth-based criteria:

H* is the distance from the top of the tubesheet (TTS) into the tubesheet expansion region thattubes must be free of stress corrosion flaws to assure that the tubes do not pull out of thetubesheet under the limiting loads with appropriate factors of safety. For WCGS, the H*distance is 13.1 inches. All defects below the H* distance are not relevant to the integrity of thetube. Therefore, inspection and repair below the H* distance is not required by technicalspecification. For Refueling Outage 17 and the subsequent operating cycle, tubes with service-induced flaws located greater than 13.1 inches below the top of the tubesheet do not requireplugging. Tubes with service-induced flaws located in the portion of the tubesheet from the topof the tubesheet to 13.1 inches below the top of the tubesheet shall be plugged upon detection.

No corrosion related tube degradation mechanisms were detected in any region of the SGs.

Wear at Anti-Vibration Bar (AVB) intersections is an existing damage mechanism.

Secondary side maintenance and inspections were also performed.

The condition of the SGs has met all industry and regulatory structural and leakage integrityrequirements.

Section 1 of this report describes the scope of inspections performed, including thenondestructive examination techniques utilized for each degradation mechanism.

Section 2 contains the location, orientation (if linear), and measured sizes (if available) ofservice induced indications.

Section 3 contains the inspection results, which include:a. Active degradation mechanisms found;

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Attachment to ET 10-0012Page 2 of 7


b. Number of tubes plugged during the inspection outage for each active degradationmechanism;

c. Total number and percentage of tubes plugged to date;d. The results of condition monitoring, including the results of tube pulls and in-situ testing;e. The primary to secondary leakage rate observed in each SG;f. The calculated accident leakage rate from the portion of the tube below 13.1 inches

from the top of the tubesheet for the most limiting accident in the most limiting SG; andg. The results of monitoring for the tube axial displacement (slippage).

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Attachment to ET 10-0012Page 3 of 7


Section 1: Scope and Examination Techniques of Inspections Performed

The actual inspections performed during Refueling Outage 17 exceeded both the TS minimumrequirements and the requirements of the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) PressurizedWater Reactor (PWR) Steam Generator Examination Guidelines. The following primary sideinspections were performed:

* 100% Bobbin examination of tubes in SGs A and D, full length except for Rows 1 and 2,which are inspected with the bobbin from tube end to tube support plate (TSP) #7 onboth the hot leg (HL) and cold leg (CL).

* 50% Row 1 and Row 2 U-bends, mid-range Plus Point examination in SG A and SG D.

* Hot leg tubesheet +3"/-13.1", mid-range Plus Point examination of SGs A and D: 55%of tubes, including 100% of the peripheral tubes, 2 pitches into the bundle.

* Cold leg tubesheet peripheral tubes, ± 3", mid-range Plus Point examination of SGs Aand D: 100% of peripheral tubes; 2 pitches into the bundle.

* Dings (freespan) > 5 volts: 50% of all previously identified and new dings >5 volts in thehot leg (including the U-bends) with the mid-range Plus Point probe in SGs A and D.

* Dents (structures) > 2 volts: 50% of all previously identified and new dents >2 volts inthe hot leg (including the U-bends) with the mid-range Plus Point probe in SGs A and D.

* Plus Point examination of all "I-code" indications that are not resolved after historyreview.

* Visual inspection of all plugs in SGs A and D.

* Plus Point examination of a 5% sample of bobbin indications that have not changedsince the prior inspection ("H" and "S" codes).

• Plus Point inspection to bound (all surrounding tubes, at least one pitch removed) thetubes exhibiting possible loose parts (PLP) signals during the inspection.

* Plus Point inspection of a sample of tubes to support the scale profiling effort.

In addition, the following secondary side maintenance and inspections were performed:

" Sludge Lancing of SGs A and D.

" Foreign Object Search and Retrieval (FOSAR) of SGs A and D to locate, identify, andretrieve foreign objects that were present on the steam generator tubesheet. FOSARwas also performed to inspect for any Possible Loose Parts (PLP) identified during theEddy Current Program.

" In-Bundle Inspection (IBI) of SGs A and D to inspect the condition of the top of thetubesheet and to augment the FOSAR effort.

* Upper Steam Drum Inspection in SG A to evaluate the condition of the upper steamdrum components with regard to damage of any kind.

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Attachment to ET 10-0012Page 4 of 7


Section 2: Indication Listing

The following Enclosures contain all service-induced indications for SGs A and D. Thisencompasses the location, orientation (if linear), and measured sizes (if available) of serviceinduced indications

Enclosure 1: Steam Generator A Service-Induced IndicationsEnclosure 2: Steam Generator D Service-Induced Indications

The key below provides a description of the abbreviations used in the tables.

COL Column

PER Percent

LOCN Location

INCH1 Distance from location

#H, #C (# = Support Plate Number) Hot Leg or Cold Leg Side

AV# Anti-Vibration Bar (# = number)

TSH Tube Sheet Hot Leg

FBC Flow Baffle Cold Leg

FBH Flow Baffle Hot Leg

Page 7: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

Attachment to ET 10-0012Page 5 of 7


Section 3: Inspection Results

Active Degradation Mechanisms Found

The inspection results indicate that wear at AVB locations is an active degradation mechanismin SGs A and D. Other existing degradation mechanisms include wear at the flow distributionbaffle and wear due to foreign objects.

Identification of Tubes Plug.ged

Steam Generator A: Row404044484950





Administrative -Geometric anomaly

Steam Generator D: Row41454546484849494949

Column Attribution59 AVBWear25 AVBWear81 AVBWear31 AVBWear39 AVBWear60 AVBWear29 AVBWear30 AVBWear67 AVBWear91 AVBWear

Administrative -Geometric anomaly16

Total Number of Tubes Plugged in Each Steam Generator

Steam Generator Total Number ofTubes Plugged



Total PercentagePlugged0.75%0.94%0.50%2.28%

*An additional 3 plugs are installed in SG A cold leg only, due to tubesheet drilling errors duringmanufacturing. No tubes are installed in those locations.

Page 8: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

Attachment to ET 10-0012Page 6 of 7


Results of Condition Monitorinq

The examination results confirm that the Wolf Creek Generating Station (WCGS) SGs currentlymeet all industry and regulatory structural and leakage integrity guidance. No indications werefound to exceed structural limits. No tube pulls or in-situ testing were required.

* AVB wear is an existing degradation mechanism.* The maximum observed indication (51% through wall depth (TWD) at an AVB location)

meets the structural and leakage requirements.* Two geometric anomalies were reported from the top of tubesheet plus point program.

The plus point data indicated possible degradation in the signals but this was notconfirmed by use of the Ghent probe. Both indications were co-located at the site of anaxially oriented, linear geometric response running to, and through, the expansionregion. The linear responses are seen in the historical data and are likely related tooriginal SG manufacturing. The indication in SG D was present in historic data. Theindication in SG A could not be found in the historic data; however, the previous dataquality did not support detection of a low level signal such as this. The analystconsensus is that these indications are related to geometric variations and are notindications of degradation. Nevertheless, Wolf Creek conservatively chose toadministratively plug these tubes.

" Wear at the flow distribution baffle (FDB) is an existing degradation mechanism that isnot progressing. FDB wear is attributed to a prior application of pressure pulse cleaningof the SGs. No new indications were reported as expected; all indications werepreviously reported at RF13 and RF15. The magnitude of the wear does not challengethe performance requirements for condition monitoring.

* Wear detected at three TSP intersections in SG D is an existing degradationmechanism that is not progressing. This degradation mechanism is not an operationaldegradation mechanism but is the result of previous transient foreign objects interactingwith the tubes. The current indications of wear at the tube support plates meet theperformance criteria for condition monitoring.

" Volumetric indications detected at the TTS have not changed since the prior inspectionat RF13 and RF15. One previously reported TTS volumetric indication was not found atRF17. The reported changes in depth are small and within the normal variability of thesizing technique. The likely source of these indications is wear due a transient foreignobject at a prior time. No new wear indications from foreign objects were detected. Noforeign objects were found among the tubes with volumetric indications and theirneighboring tubes. The largest indication is 17% TWD, which poses no challenge to thecondition monitoring performance criteria.

* No corrosion related degradation mechanisms were observed.* No degradation indications were observed related to potential precursor signals such as

dents and dings, or to interferences such as permeability variations, etc." Leakage is not an issue for any indication detected. There is currently no leakage in the

SGs." All plugs were found to be in acceptable condition based on visual inspection." No precursor signals (e.g., Distorted Support Indication (DSI)) were found in tubes

identified as potentially having an elevated residual stress condition.* No tube-to-tube contact wear was found on any tubes adjacent to tubes that were

previously identified as potentially requiring stabilization due to continuing wear after

Page 9: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

Attachment to ET 10-0012Page 7 of 7


plugging for AVB wear. Therefore, in accordance with evaluations documented in theDegradation Assessment, stabilization of any previously plugged tubes was notrequired.

" The commitment for H* to calculate accident induced leakage by a prescribed methodwas met. Because there is no existing normal operating leakage at WCGS and thereare no damage mechanisms for which leakage is predicted, the predicted accidentinduced leakage for WCGS is zero. No adjustment to the administrative shutdownleakage limit is required.

* The commitment for H* to monitor for tube slippage was met. The absence of tubeslippage was determined by confirming that there were no tube severances below theH* distance.

* Sludge lancing activities removed 21.5 pounds from SG A and 22 pounds from SG D.* Foreign object search and retrieval (FOSAR) activities in SGs A and D identified and

removed some minor foreign objects. Possible loose part (PLP) indications reported byeddy current testing were further evaluated by visual inspection and bounded using thePlus Point probe. No degradation was associated with any PLP indication. Minorforeign objects remaining in the SG are bounded by a prior analysis and are acceptablefor continued operation. The analysis concluded that the.known foreign objects will notlimit operation of the SGs.

" Secondary side visual inspection activities performed at the top of the tubesheet in SGsA and D were successful in gathering additional information which is used to determinefuture maintenance and cleaning strategies. No immediate concerns were identified.

* Upper steam drum inspections in SG A collected additional data used for monitoring andtrending of upper steam drum components. No immediate concerns were identified.

* Analysis of the data collected for scale profiling is currently on-going. This information isused in conjunction with visual inspection data to continue trending the condition of thesecondary side of the steam generators in order to plan future maintenance andcleaning strategies. No immediate concerns are expected from this analysis.

Page 10: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

Enclosure 1 to ET 10-0012

Steam Generator A Service-Induced Indications

Page 11: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - A Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:32:20

ROW COL PER LOCN INCHI1------------------------------- +

1 25 8 11 AVI .001

28 9 11 AV5 .001

27 10 11 AV5 .001

30 10 10 AV2 .00130 10 14 AV5 .00130 10 11 AV6 .001

35 14 11 AV1 .001

38 19 12 AV4 .001

40 19 12 AV2 .00140 19 14 AV5 .001

35 20 15 AV3 .001

40 20 12 AV5 .001

42 22 17 AV5 .00!

38 25 14 AV2 .0

39 25 14 AV2 .001

45 25 28 AV2 .00145 25 22 AV3 .0045 25 19 AV4 .00145 25 32 AV5 .001

27 26 18 AV5 .001

45 26 24 AV3 .00!45 26 29 AV4 .00145 26 16 AV5 .001

39 27 16 AV3 .001

40 27 16 AV2 .001

. ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11- - - - -.-- --- - - - -.-- - - .- - - - - - - - -

I ST Max

Page 12: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - A Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 1110312009 13:32:20

--- -..- --+---- -+------- +

1 ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11-- - - - --- I- --------------------- +

48 27 14 AV4 .00148 27 13 AV5 .001

44 28 13 AV3 .00144 28 19 AV5 .00

37 29 17 AV6 .001

38 29 17 AV2 .00138 29 14 AV3 .001

40 29 11 AV2 .00141 29 14 AV4 .00141 29 14 AV4 .00

41 30 20 AV4 .00145 30 21 AV2 .0045 30 29 AV3 .00145 30 15 AV4 .00145 30 17 AV5 .001

50 30 11 AV5 .001

23 31 12 AV1 .00141 31 16 AV2 .0041 31 20 AV4 .001

44 31 15 AV4 .001

37 32 10 AV4 .001

41 32 13 AV2 .00141 32 27 AV3 .00141 32 18 AV4 .001


45 32 17 AV2 .00145 32 23 AV3 .001

45 32 37 AV4 .00145 32 30 AV5 .001

. . ..----------------------------.ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11- ----.- ----.- ----.- --. ..- --.. ... ...

2 ST Max

Page 13: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - A Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:32:20

1 ROW COL PER LOCN INCH1I+--- -+----+---------+------

1 45 32 15 AV6 .00147 32 17 AV2 I0047 32 36 AV3 .00147 32 28 AV4 .00147 32 16 AV5 .001

47 32 12 AV6 .001

34 33 14 AV4 .001

38 33 15 AV3 .001

45 33 31 AV4 .001

45 34 14 AV2 .00145 34 20 AV4 .001

47 34 18 AV3 .00147 34 11 AV4 .001

I50 34 14 AV1 .0050 34 19 AV2 .00150 34 11 AV3 .001

48 35 11 AV2 .00148 35 18 AV3 .00148 35 17 AV4 .00148 35 21 AV5 .001

33 36 20 AV2 .00133 36 16 AV3 .00133 36 15 AV5 .001

35 36 18 AV5 .001

43 36 15 AV3 .00143 36 16 AV4 .001

45 36 20 AV2 .001

47 36 15 AV2 .001

+--- --- --+--- -+-- - -+------

I ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11+--------.--- -+-----+-------.+

3 ST Max

Page 14: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - A Service Induced Ind catiohs

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:32:20

.-- + -- +----.----+-- ---.------ +1 ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11

1 36 37 12 AV3 .00136 37 12 AV4 .00137 37 14 AV5 .00

38 37 14 AV5 .001

45 37 19 AV2 .00145 37 29 AV3 .00145 37 14 AV4 .00145 37 13 AV6 .001

48 37 22 AV3 .00130 38 18 AV5 .00

40 38 19 AV4 .001

41 38 15 AV4 .001

I 43 38 16 AV2 .001

43 38 39 AV3 .0043 38 19 AV4 .00I43 38 20 AV5 .001

45 38 15 AV1 .001

45 38 25 AV3 .00145 38 22 AV4 .001

48 38 13 TSH .03139 39 20 AV3 .00139 39 24 AV4 .00139 39 17 AV5 .00139 39 22 AV6 .001

39 39 22 AVI .0044 39 22 AV2 .00144 39 17 AV3 .001

I44 39 33 AV4 .00144 39 27 AV5 .00144 39 16 AV6 .001

+---------------+--- ----------

ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11+ . . .- - . ..- - . ..-- - . . .- -- - - - - -

4 ST Max

Page 15: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG A Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/0312009 13:32:20

1 ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11~------------------------------

38 40 19 AV2 .00138 40 20 AV3 .00138 40 16 AV5 .00138 40 14 AV6 .001

41 40 18 AV2 .00141 40 15 AV5 .00141 40 20 AV6 .001

43 40 13 AV5 .001

44 40 12 AV1 .00144 40 16 AV2 .00144 40 11 AV3 .001

45 40 18 AV3 .00145 40 30 AV4 .00145 40 13 AV5 .00146 40 16 AV1 .0046 40 32 AV2 .001

46 40 38 AV4 .00146 40 34 AV5 .001

27 41 18 AV2 .00127 41 24 AV5 .00I

28 41 13 AV2 .00128 41 18 AV5 .001

38 41 13 AV2 .00138 41 29 AV3 .00138 41 22 AV4 .001

40 41 17 AV3 .0040 41 14 AV4 .001

44 41 17 AV4 .00144 41 32 AV5 .0044 41 17 AV6 .001

45 41 17 AV2 .001.---- +----+ ----.---. -+-----. .

I ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11- --- - ----.- ------ -+-------

5 ST Max

Page 16: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - A Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 1110312009 13:32:20

-------------------------------+~IROW COL PER LOCN INCH11

1 45 41 35 AV3 .00145 41 28 AV4 .00145 41 27 AV5 .00145 41 19 AV6 .001

26 42 13 AV2 .0@I26 42 14 AV5 .001

27 42 19 AV5 .001

30 42 16 AV2 .001

36 42 16 AV1 .00136 42 20 AV2 .00136 42 17 AV3 .00136 42 18 AV4 .00136 42 29 AV5 .00136 42 11 AV6 .001

40 42 15 AV2 .001. 40 42 18 AV3 .00140 42 24 AV4 .00140 42 18 AV5 .00140 42 14 AV6 .001

56 42 11 AV6 .001

28 43 11 AV2 .001

36 43 23 AV2 .00136 43 13 AV5 .001

41 43 12 AV2 .00141 43 22 AV3 .00141 43 11 AV4 .00141 43 30 AV5 .00141 43 13 AV6 .001

30 44 20 AV5 .001

35 44 12 AV5 .001

4------------ 4------------------------+

ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11÷ . ... ----.- - ---.- - - - -.- -- - -.... ..

6 ST Max

Page 17: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - A Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:32:20

-- - - - . -------------------.ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11.--- +--.---- --. -------------------

38 44 16 AV5 .00141 44 20 AV2 .0041 44 26 AV3 .00141 44 24 AV4 .00141 44 18 AV5 .00141 44 14 AV6 .001

43 44 17 AV3 .00143 44 17 AV5 .001

44 44 41 AV2 .00144 44 31 AV3 .00144 44 27 AV4 .00144 44 30 AV5 .00144 44 27 AV6 .001

28 45 27 AV6 .00128 45 16 AV6 .001

35 45 19 AV1 .001

35 45 21 AV2 .001

36 45 10 AV1 .00136 45 21 AV2 .00136 45 16 AV3 .0036 45 22 AV4 .00136 45 26 AV5 .00136 45 20 AV6 .001

37 45 16 AV2 .001

37, 45 13 AV6 .001

38 45 16 AV3 .00138 45 11 AV4 .001

38 45 19 AV5 .001

39 45 36 AV4 .00139 45 23 AV5 .001

40 45 13 AV2 .00140 45 13 AV3 .001

IA 38. 45 19. ... V5 .01

I ROW COL PER LOCN INCH111 .. 9. 45 36.. - - AV4.--....- ..

7 ST Max

Page 18: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - A Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:32:20... .- - .--- --.. -- --.... - -... .. .

* ROW COL PER LOCN INCH114--- -----------------------

1 40 45 15 AV4 .00141 45 16 AV5 .0041 45 12 AV6 .001

43 45 11 AV3 .001

44 45 21 AV3 .00144 45 22 AV4 .0044 45 18 AV5 .00144 45 11 AV6 .001

26 46 13 AV2 .00126 46 16 AV5 .001

28 46 21 AV2 .00128 46 34 AV5 .00128 46 15 AV6 .001

30 46 .22 AV2 .00133 46 14 AV3 .001

34 46 12 AV3 .001

35 46 13 AV2 .00135 46 14 AV3 .00135 46 14 AV4 .001

39 46 34 AV2 .00139 46 27 AV3 .00139 46 29 AV4 .001

43 46 13 AV2 .00143 46 15 AV3 .00143 46 32 AV4 .00143 46 15 AV5 .00143 46 14 AV6 .001

44 46 22 AV2 .001

44 46 28 AV3 .00144 46 17 AV4 .001

.---..---- +--- -..--- -+-----.+@ ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11+----+----+- ---.---- +-------. +

8 ST Max

Page 19: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - A Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO0XVIISAP 20091001

*l ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11----- -- ÷----+-- - - ----- +

11/03/2009 13:32:20

1 44 46 15 AV5



I 32



3737. 37393939



















26 AV320 AV4

15 AV227 AV322 AV4

15 AV5

23 AV218 AV324 AV5

12 AV315 AV5

22 AV333 AV422 AV5

15 AV215 AV416 AV5

28 AV143 AV242 AV326 AV421 AV514 AV6

16 AV515 AV6

21 AV2

15 AV5

19 AV5



























.----.--------- ----------- +--.

1 ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11+----+----.----+- -I-.------4..

9 ST Max

Page 20: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - A Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:32:20

*IROW COL PER LOCN INCH11---------------------------- +

37 48 18 AV2 .00137 48 13 AV3 .00137 48 12 AV5 .08138 48 27 AV2 .0038 48 25 AV3 .00138 48 15 AV4 .00138 48 14 AV5 .001

40 48 18 AV5 .00140 48 16 AV6 .001

44 48 11 AV2 .00122 49 15 AV2 .0022 49 10 AV6 .001

24 49 15 AV2 .00J

36 49 19 AV2 .00]I36 49 17 AV3.

36 49 19 AV4 .001

36 49 17 AV3 .00140 49 18 AV2 .001

40 49 25 AV3 .00J40 49 16 AV4 .00140 49 12 AV5 .001

36 50 17 AV2 .00136 50 17 AV3 .00136 50 20 AV4 .00136 50 16 AV5 .00136 50 11 AV6 .00138 50 17 AV4 .00

39 50 13 AV4 .001

27 51 13 AV5 .001

49 51 18 AV1 .00149 51 49 AV2 .001

- ---.---- -4.-..... .... - .------- +

I ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11.--- -- +-.-- - ----.-------------------- +

10 ST Max

Page 21: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - A Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2109 13:32:20

~----------------------------+-..ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11+----. - ---+- +----- - -+-----+1 49 51 35 AV3 .08

49 51 32 AV4 .00149 51 35 AV5 .00149 51 19 AV6 .001

36 52 12 AV2 .00138 52 22 AV3 .0038 52 17 AV4 .00138 52 15 AV5 .001

40 52 23 AV2 .00140 52 16 AV3 .0040 52 29 AV4 .00140 52 29 AV5 .00140 52 20 AV6 .001

43 52 20 AV2 .001

33 53 18 AV2 .0013 43 53 15 AV3 .001

33 53 11 AV4 .0033 53 13 AV5 .001

34 53 17 AV2 .001

36 53 17 AV6 .001

38 53 14 AV3 .001

40 53 11 AV3 .001

41 53 11 AV3 .001

42 53 19 AV2 .00142 53 15 AV3 .00142 53 14 AV4 .00142 53 28 AV5 .001

49 53 18 AV5 .00149 53 14 AV6 .00

I 42 53 15 AV3 .081------

IRO COL PER LOCN INCH1-----------------------"

11 ST Max

Page 22: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - A Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek I RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:32:20

+- - -+- ....- +- -... -- -. ------------------

RO CLPER LOCN INCH11---------- --- 4-- - - - - - - -

35 54 19 AV2 .00135 54 15 AV3 .001

36 54 21 AV3 .00136 54 17 AV5 .001

37 54 15 AV2 .001

40 54 12 AV2 .001

41 54 15 AV4 .00141 54 33 AV5 .00141 54 10 AV6 .001

42 54 15 AV4 .00142 54 22 AV5 .00O

18 55 18 AV1 .008

36 55 17 AV5 .001

38 55 11 AVI .00138 55 16 AV2 .00838 55 30 AV3 .00838 55 32 AV4 .001

42 55 13 AV4 .001

50 55 21 AV2 .001

35 56 15 AV2 .00144 56 22 AV2 .0044 56 28 AV3 .00144 56 23 AV4 .00144 56 20 AV5 .001

23 57 16 AVI .00123 57 20 AV5 .001

42 57 17 AV3 .001

--- - .-- +.-------------------+

1 ROW COL PER LOCN INCHI)- -....- -....- ---..- ----.- ----......

12 ST Max

Page 23: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - A Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:32:20

* I ROW COL PER LOCN INCH114-- -----------

------ +--------+ 19-- 58 19.. +A....+ -.... -..19 58 19 AV1 .00119 58 19 AV6 .00

31 58 19 AV2 .00141 58 27 AV2 .0I41 58 18 AV3 .001

43 58 31 AV2 .00143 58 25 AV3 .00143 58 26 AV4 .001

43 58 25 AV5 .001

34 59 10 AV4 .001

39 59 14 AV3 .00139 59 16 AV5 .001

41 59 18 AV2 .00141 59 26 AV3 .00141 59 19 AV4 .001

44 59 29 AV2 .00144 59 32 AV3 .00144 59 19 AV4 .00144 59 17 AV6 .001

44 60 21 AV3 .00144 60 18 AV4 .00144 60 13 AV5 .00134 61 22 AV4 .0034 61 12 AV5 .001

38 61 11 AV3 .001

42 61 19 AV2 .001

J 50 61 13 AV4 .0050 61 11 AV5 .00

36 62 13 AV2 ,00

1 ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11+----+----+----+--- --.------ +

13 ST Max

Page 24: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - A Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:32:20

* .ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11- ----------------------------. . . .I+ . . . . -- - - -

36 63 11 AV2 .00136 63 12 AV3 .001

44 63 10 AV2 .00137 64 16 AV2 .0037 64 15 AV3 .00137 64 17 AV4 .00137 64 10 AV5 .001

57 64 17 AV2 .001

40 65 12 AV2 .001

44 66 13 AV3 .00

51 66 20 AV2 .00151 66 11 AV3 .001

38 67 15 AV5 .001

42 68 19 AV3 .001

49 68 20 AV2 .00149 68 15 AV3 .001

40 70 17 AV1 .00140 70 33 AV3 .00140 70 28 AV4 .00I40 70 14 AV5 .00140 70 12 AV6 .001

50 70 29 AV2 .001

27 71 15 AV2 .001

50 71 25 AV2 .00150 71 42 AV3 .00150 71 44 AV4 .00150 71 46 AV5 .001

-- - -- - - -- --- +- -- - +-----

I ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11+ . . . . - -. . . . - --.. . .-+-.. . .- - - -+

14 ST Max

Page 25: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - A Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:32:20

ROW COL PER LOCN INCHll~------------------------------3 74.. - 13.. A....-- - .... - ----

1 37 74 13 AVI .00137 74 31 AV3 .00l37 74 31 AV4 .00137 74 31 AV5 .00137 74 12 AV6 .00

39 75 23 AV3 .001

40 75 34 AVM .80040 75 19 AV2 .00140 75 37 AV3 .00140 75 36 AV4 .00140 75 40 AV5 .001

41 75 22 AV2 .00141 75 27 AV3 .00141 75 26 AV4 .00141 75 35 AV5 .00141 75 18 AV6 .001

O 42 75 23 AV .001

44 744 75 25 AV3 .00144 75 28 AV4 .00144 75 27 AV5 .001I44 75 21 AV6 .001

39 76 22 AV2 .001

39 77 15 AV3 .001

44 77 23 AV4 .00144 77 16 AV5 .001

58 77 10 AV6 .001

34 78 19 AV2 .I0034 78 11 AV3 .00134 78 22 AV5 .001

39 78 14 AV3 .0039 78 14 AV5 .001

.I ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11+--------------4-- ----.--------.

15 ST Max

Page 26: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - A Service Induced Indl•at'ins

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:32:20

- -- ----- +---- -+------I ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11+------------------------------1 39 78 16 AV6 .001

39 79 15 AV3 .08139 79 21 AV4 .00139 79 14 AV5 .001

27 80 17 ýAV5 .001

34 80 15 AV1 .00134 80 18 AV2 .001

40 80 19 AV2 .001

28 81 13 AV2 .00128 81 13 AV5 .001

39 81 15 AV2 .00139 81 18 AV4 .00139 81 16 AV5 .001

. 1 44 81 13 AV2 .001

46 81 13 AV2 .00146 81 10 AV3 .00146 81 12 AV5 .0048 81 32 AV2 .0048 81 27 AV3 .00148 81 18 AV4 .001

48 81 40 AV5 .001

56 81 11 AV5 .001

27 82 11 AV2 .00127 82 17 AV5 .001

36 82 14 AV2 .001

39 82 11 AV2 .00139 82 15 AV4 .001

40 82 20 AV2 .001

I ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11+- --- +----+--------+------ +

16 ST Max

Page 27: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - A Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:32:20

- - - - -- - ..-.--- -------

I ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11- --.--.--.--. - ----- ----------

1 40 82 16 AV3 .00140 82 17 AV4 .00140 82 17 AV5 .001

36 83 17 AV1 .00

46 83 15 AVI .001

46 83 14 AV2 .00I

25 84 10 AV2 .00134 84 17 AV2 .0034 84 17 AV3 .00134 84 12 AV4 .00I34 84 13 AV5 .001

36 84 14 AV5 .001

39 84 11 AV1 .00139 84 35 AV2 .00I 39 84 35 AV3 .001

39 84 24 AV4 .00139 84 25 AV5 .00139 84 22 AV6 .001

44 84 14 AV3 .00144 84 11 AV4 .00144 84 14 AV3 .00I

45 84 17 AV4 .001

53 84 13 AV5 .00j

33 85 16 AV4 .001

39 85 15 AV2 .00139 85 34 AV3 .0039 85 36 AV4 .00139 85 23 AV5 .I039 85 14 AV6 .001

54 85 12 AV5 .001---------------------------...ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11. . ..---------------------------+

17 ST Max

Page 28: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - A Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:32:20


I I1 25 86 13 AV5 .001

30 86 13 AV5 .001

31 86 22 AV5 .0036 86 11 AV2 .00

46 86 14 AV1 .00146 86 19 AV2 .0046 86 27 AV3 .00146 86 15 AV4 .001

26 87 14 AV5 .001

30 87 18 AV5.0

39 87 17 AV1 .00139 87 13 AV2 .00139 87 16 AV3 .001

39 87 34 AV4 .00139 87 16 AV5 .00139 87 17 AVN .001

44 87 17 AV2 .0044 87 15 AV3 .00

50 87 20 AV6 .00150 87 16 AV2 .00150 87 18 AV3 .00150 87 21 AV4 .00150 87 24 AV5 .00150 87 18 AV1 .00150 87 16 AV2 .00150 87 17 AV3 .00150 87 20 AV4 .00150 87 24 AV5 .001

20 88 17 AV6 .001

30 88 19 AV2 .001

1 ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11--- .... ... -- .... - ------------

18 ST Max

Page 29: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - A Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:32:20.--- -+ .... +....+-- +---------+


1 30 88 18 AV5 .001

38 89 23 AV5 .001

39 89 16 AV4 .00144 89 18 AV2 .0@44 89 20 AV3 .00144 89 30 AV4 .00144 89 19 AV5 .00144 89 21 AV6 .001

50 90 16 AV4 .00150 90 32 AV5 .001

35 91 17 AV1 .00135 91 25 AV4 .001

36 91 24 AV2 .00136 91 28 AV4 .00136 91 13 AV4 .001

36 91 22 AV6 .001

41 91 12 AV6 .001

26 92 18 AV5 .00135 92 18 AV3 .0035 92 13 AV4 .00135 92 15 AV5 .00135 92 14 AV6 .001

36 92 11 AV2 .001

36 92 10 AV5 .00144 92 17 AV3 .0044 92 26 AV4 .001

38 93 18 AV5 .001

39 93 17 AV2 .001

39 93 29 AV3 .001- 39. .. .- .. .-- 93-29---- - -

I ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11+ . . . . - -. . . - -. . . .÷ . . . . ÷ . . . . . . . .

19 ST Max

Page 30: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - A Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 1110312009 13:32:20

~------------------------------*IROW COL PER LOCN INCHiI

- - -+- --.------ +--- - ------ +

39 93 18 AV4 .00139 93 15 AV5 .001

39 94 14 AV3 .0039 94 16 AV5 .001

20 95 15 AV6 .00138 95 16 AV4 .0038 95 20 AV5 .001

39 95 14 AV2 .00139 95 18 AV3 .00139 95 22 AV4 .00139 95 13 AV5 .00139 96 19 AV3 .0039 96 19 AV4 .001

48 96 13 AV3 .00148 96 14 AV5 .001

27 97 12 AV1 .00127 97 18 AV2 .001

35 97 18 AV4 .001

37 97 14 AV2 .00137 97 16 AV3 .00137 97 12 AV4 .0037 97 19 AV5 .001

37 98 12 AV2 .00137 98 18 AV3 .001

38 98 20 AV3 .00138 98 23 AV4 .001

39 98 11 AV3 .001

35 99 16 AV5 .001

+--------------+-- -- +--------+

I ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11+--- -+ --- --- +--- -+------÷ +

20 ST Max

Page 31: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - A Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:32:20

-----.--- -4----+-- ------------.I ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11-------------------------------4

1 38 99 16 AV2 .00138 99 24 AV4 .00137 100 13 AV3 .0037 100 17 AV4 .00137 100 14 AV3 .00137 100 16 AV4 .001

39 101 16 AV3 .00139 101 21 AV4 .00139 101 17 AV5 .001

39 102 17 AV4 .001

40 102 21 AV3 .00140 102 18 AV4 .00140 102 17 AV5 .001

40 103 15 AV3 .00140 103 15 AV4 .001O 40 103 17 AV6 .00

43 103 15 AV3 .001

38 106 175 AV4 .00138 106 14 AV5 .001

26 109 18 AV2 .001

27 109 19 AV2 eel

36 109 16 AV4 .001

36 110 18 AV2 .00136 110 16 AV3 .00136 110 29 AV4 .00136 110 37 AV5 .00136 110 20 AV6 .001

+--+ ----.- ---- 4 ----- 4.

ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11+--------------+---------------

Tubes: 272 Records: 60721 ST Max

Page 32: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

Enclosure 2 to ET 10-0012

Steam Generator D Service-Induced Indications

Page 33: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - D Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:36:14

+- ---- ---+------------.------+. ROW COL PER LOCN INCHIJ+--- -+- --- +----+- - -+----------------+

27 8 11 AV1 .00127 8 18 AV6 .00129 10 12 AV1 .0029 10 12 AV2 .00129 10 25 AV5 .001

30 10 16 AV2 .00130 10 26 AV5 .001

32 11 13 AV2 .00132 11 19 AV6 .00133 11 19 AV2 .0033 11 18 AV5 .00133 11 22 AV6 .001

31 12 10 AV5 .001

32 12 18 AV5 .001. 32 12 12 AV6 .00133 12 16 AV1 .0033 12 20 AV2 .00133 12 36 AV4 .00133 12 31 AV5 .00133 12 13 AV6 .001

34 12 12 AV6 .001

31 13 11 AV3 .00131 13 10 AV5 .001

34 13 35 AV3 .00134 13 17 AV4 .00134 13 14 AV6 .001

32 14 25 AV4 .00132 14 13 AV5 .00132 14 15 AV6 .001

33 14 15 AV2 .001I 33-- 14 15.. AV2... -.... - -..

.ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11----------------------------+

1 ST Max

Page 34: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - D Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 26691061 11/03/2609 13:36:14

------------------------------- +

* ..ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11- --- +--- - +- -------------------

33 14 15 AV3 .66133 14 20 AV4 .001

34 14 15 AV2 .00134 14 15 AV6 .001

35 14 12 AV1 .00135 14 21 AV5 .00135 14 12 AV6 .001

36 14 14 AV6 .001

33 15 21 AV4 .001

35 15 14 AV2 .00135 15 17 AV4 .001

36 15 24 AV5 .001

33 16 13 AV3 .001* 33 16 14 AV4 .061

36 16 12 AV3 .00136 16 26 AV4 .00136 16 14 AV5 .00136 16 12 AV6 .001

37 16 20 AV3 .00137 16 22 AV4 .06137 16 16 AV5 .00137 16 22 AV6 .001

38 16 23 AV3 .00138 16 32 AV4 .60138 16 19 AV6 .001

35 17 26 AV2 .00135 17 29 AV3 .001

37 17 17 AV3 .00137 17 29 AV4 .00137 17 18 AV5 .001

------------------------------.9* ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11

- - -. . . . --+-.. . .- - --.. . .- - - - -

2 ST Max

Page 35: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - D Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:36:14

* ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11.--- +.-- + ---- +-------------------

37 17 14 AV6 .00138 17 14 AV1 .0038 17 13 AV2 .00138 17 14 AV4 .00138 17 18 AV6 .001

34 18 14 AV4 .001

35 18 10 AV3 .0035 18 14 AV5 .001

37 18 14 'AV1 .0037 18 15 AV3 .00137 18 13 AV4 .00137 18 11 AV5 .001

38 18 15 AV4 .001

38 18 11 AV5 .00138 18 13 AV6 .00139 18 16 AV2 .001

39 18 19 AV3 .001

41 18 17 AV1 .00141 18 19 AV3 .00141 18 20 AV4 .00141 18 17 AV5 .001

26 19 23 4H -.591

30 19 14 AV5 .001

33 19 21 AV3 .001

37 19 15 AV1 .00137 19 27 AV3 .00137 19 16 AV4 .001

38 19 17 AV1 .00138 19 31 AV3 .00138 19 15 AV4 .001

---37 --19 --27 --------- 0-1

I ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11..----------------------------. +

3 ST Max

Page 36: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - D Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:36:14

+.+.--------------------------IROW COL PER LOCN INCHIl

+-------------------------+38 19 16 AV5 .00138 19 16 AV6 .00139 19 31 AV2 .I0039 19 22 AV3 .00139 19 19 AV5 .00139 19 18 AV6 .001

40 19 16 AV2 .001140 19 16 AV4 ,00

40 19 12 AV5 .00140 19 10 AV6 .001

32 29 10 AV3 .001

37 20 11 AV2 .00137 20 7 AV3 .00-37 20 13 AV4 .001

1 39 20 26 AV2 ,00139 20 34 AV3 .00

39 20 11 AV4 .001

40 20 34 AV4 .00140 20 16 AV6 .001

31 21 13 TSH .061

37 21 20 AV2 .00137 20 17 AV4 .001

38 21 19 AV2 .00138 21 15 AV3 .001

138 21 21 AV4 .001

39 21 20 AV3 .00139 21 18 AV5 .001

40 21 16 AV4 .00140 21 18 AV5 .00140 21 16 AV6 .001

--- •- .+- - -- +- -.. - -..------ +

1 ROW COL PER LOCN INCHiI4-----. .-- .--- . -- - -- . -----

4 ST Max

Page 37: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - D Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:36:14

..---- - -.--------

1 ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11+----.----+ ---.----. +------..+

38 19 16 AV5 .00138 19 16 AV6 .00139 19 31 AV2 .0039 19 22 AV3 .00139 19 19 AV5 .00139 19 18 AV6 .001

1 40 19 16 AV2 .00140 19 16 AV4 .00140 19 12 AV5 .00140 19 10 AV6 .00@

32 20 10 AV3 .001

37 20 11 AV2 .00137 20 7 AV3 .00137 20 13 AV4 .00139 20 26 AV2 .00

I 39 20 34 AV3 .001

39 20 11 AV4 .00140 20 20 AV4 .0040 20 16 AV6 .001

31 21 13 TSH .06137 237 21 20 AV2 .00137 21 17 AV4 .001

38 21 19 AV2 .001I38 21 15 AV3 .001

38 21 21 AV4 .001

39 21 20 AV3 ,0039 21 18 AV5 .001

40 21 16 AV4 .00140 21 18 AV5 .00140 21 16 AV6 .001

- - -+- ----- - -. -+- - - -.------ +

I ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11+ . . . . - - --.- - - - -.- - - - -.- - - - -. . . . . .

4 ST Max

Page 38: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - D Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 1110312009 13:36:14

1 ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11~-------------------------------

41 21 15 AVI .00141 21 14 AV2 .00141 21 23 AV5 .00138 22 11 AV2 .0038 22 17 AV3 .00138 22 13 AV4 .00138 22 15 AV6 .001

40 22 12 AV3 .001

41 22 22 AV2 .00141 22 28 AV3 .0041 22 28 AV5 .00141 22 20 AV6 .001

42 22 13 AV4 .00142 22 17 AV5 .00142 22 13 AV6 .001

30 23 16 AV2 .001

35 23 20 AV3 .001

38 23 18 AV5 .00138 23 17 AV6 .001

40 23 15 AV4 .001

40 23 25 AV5 .001


45 23 12 AV3 .001

39 24 17 AV2 .00139 24 19 AV4 .001

42 24 19 AV2 .00142 24 20 AV4 .00142 24 11 AV6 .001

39 25 22 AV3 .0039 25 15 AV5 .001

-- 39.. 24 19..- -. . 4- --- -I ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11


5 ST Max

Page 39: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG D Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:36:14

1 ROW COL PER LOCN INCH114------- +--------- 4-------------------+S 41-- 25 18.. AV3... -.... - -...1 41 25 18 AV3 .001

41 25 20 AV5 .00

43 25 21 AV2 .00143 25 37 AV3 .00143 25 29 AV4 .00143 25 15 AV5 .00143 25 20 AV6 .001

44 25 28 AV3 .00144 25 28 AV4 .00144 25 19 AV5 .00144 25 15 AV6 .00145 25 11 AV1 .0045 25 12 AV2 .00145 25 26 AV3 .00145 25 38 AV5 .00145 25 43 AV6 .001

47 25 29 AV4 .001

47 25 17 AV6 .001

32 26 14 AV6 .001

37 26 19 AV2 .00137 26 14 AV5 .0037 26 15 AV6 .001

42 26 14 AV2 .001

47 26 26 AV5 .00147 26 29 AV6 .001

48 26 23 AV3 .00148 26 31 AV4 .0048 26 23 AV5 .00148 26 28 AV6 .001

41 27 20 AV2 .00141 27 18 AV4 .00

41 27 15 AV5 .00+-. -- +-- --- ------------------..

1 ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11- ----.- ----.- ----.- ----.- ----......

6 ST Max

Page 40: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - D Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:36:14

------------- ------------------ +


43 27 18 AV2 .00143 27 33 AV3 .00143 27 14 AV4 .00143 27 21 AV5 .00143 27 20 AV6 .00144 27 13 AV4 .0044 27 11 AV5 .001

45 27 12 AV4 .00145 27 11 AV5 .001

47 27 15 AV5 .00147 27 15 AV6 .001

37 28 21 AV6 .001

42 28 27 AV2 .0042 28 21 AV3 .00142 28 17 AV4 .00142 28 22 AV6 .001

45 28 26 AV2 .00145 28 25 AV3 .0045 28 17 AV4 .00145 28 36 AV5 .00145 28 33 AV6 .001

46 28 26 AV5 .00146 28 22 AV6 .001

47 28 24 AV2 .00147 28 24 AV3 .00147 28 35 AV5 ,0047 28 27 AV6 .001

48 28 31 AV5 .00148 28 25 AV6 .00

1 29 5 FBC -. 331

1 ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11..-- -+---- + ---. +-------------------

7 ST Max

Page 41: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - D Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:36:14

1 ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11--- 4- - -4-----4-----4-------------------+

1 44 29 19 AV3 .00146 29 18 AV4 .I0146 29 15 AV5 .001

48 29 13 AV6 .00149 29 41 AV2 .0049 29 19 AV3 .00149 29 40 AV4 .00149 29 23 AV5 .00149 29 26 AV6 .001

50 29 12 AV4 .00150 29 18 AV5 .001

1 30 14 FBC .301

42 30 26 AV2 .0042 30 30 AV3 .00142 30 22 AV5 .001

43 30 16 AV2 .00143 30 24 AV5 .001

46 30 28 AV3 .001

49 30 26 AV1 .00149 30 41 AV2 .0049 30 43 AV3 .00149 30 27 AV4 .00149 30 28 AV5 .00149 30 31 AV6 .001

50 30 36 AV6 .001

1 31 9 FBC .3011 31 2 FBH -. 3811 31 3 FBH .111

46 31 17 AV1 .0046 31 25 AV2 .001

4------------ 4------------------------+

I ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11------------- ------------------

8 ST Max

Page 42: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - D Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:36:14

+--------+----+ -------------------. ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11

46 31 35 AV3 .0046 31 45 AV4 .00146 31 42 AV5 .001

47 31 18 AV2 .00147 31 14 AV3 .00147 31 16 AV4 .0047 31 37 AV5 .00

49 31 21 AV3 .00149 31 11 AV4 .0049 31 24 AV5 .0049 31 18 AV6 .00

50 31 23 AV4 .0050 31 29 AV5 .0050 31 12 AV6 .00

1 32 5 FBC -.3111 32 3 FBH -. 381. 1 32 4 FBH .331

32 32 23 AV3 .0041 32 21 AV3 eel

41 32 23 AV4 .00

47 32 31 AV4 .0047 32 37 AV5 .0047 32 14 AV6 .00

49 32 20 AV1 .0049 32 33 AV3 .0049 32 27 AV4 .0049 32 22 AV5 .00149 32 24 AV6 .001

50 32 28 AVM .0050 32 33 AV2 .0050 32 26 AV3 .0050 32 35 AV4 .0050 32 28 AV5 .001

I ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11- - - - -. - - -- - --.- - -- - - - - - - - -

9 ST Max

Page 43: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

wqý- r-1%rTV-w4w,,jý -14" ", 7

SG - D Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVII.SAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:36:14

1 ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11~-------------------------------.

1 50 32 14 AV6 .001

1 33 7 FBC -. 3311 33 10 FBC .3011 33 3 FBH -.4011 33 3 FBH .371

37 33 22 AV2 .00137 33 26 AV3 .00137 33 10 AV4 .001

47 33 14 AV2 .0047 33 13 AV3 .00147 33 24 AV4 .00147 33 22 AV5 .00147 33 24 AV6 .001

48 33 19 AV2 .00148 33 16 AV3 .00148 33 19 AV4 .00148 33 11 AV5 .001

52 33 27 AV6 .00133 34 19 AV1 .0033 34 18 AV2 .00133 34 18 AV3 .00133 34 19 AV4 .00133 34 27 AV5 .001

35 34 22 AV3 .001

48 34 12 AVI .00148 34 38 AV2 .00148 34 38 AV3 .00148 34 23 AV4 .00148 34 32 AV5 .00148 34 12 AV6 .001

35 35 21 AV2 .0035 35 21 AV4 .00I

I 35. 35 21. .. .+ V..4 - . 0

------------------------------ +

I ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11+----.----+---- -----. +.. ----- +

10 ST Max

Page 44: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - D Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:36:14

+ - + -+---------------+ ----- +. ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11- - -+-- - -+- -- +- --- +-----+

1 37 35 27 AV4 .00137 35 27 AV5 .00137 35 13 AV6 .00139 35 13 AV2 .00

45 35 23 AV2 .00145 35 22 AV3 .00145 35 22 AV4 .00145 35 24 AV5 .001

53 35 17 AV2 .00153 35 37 AV3 .00153 35 26 AV5 .001

54 35 18 AV5 .001

41 36 11 AV2 .001

43 36 17 AV2 .001. 43 36 15 AV4 .001

43 36 12 AV5 .001

47 36 14 AV4 .0047 36 11 AV6 .001

39 37 23 AV2 .00139 37 27 AV3 .00139 37 27 AV4 .00139 37 23 AV5 .00I41 37 26 AV3 .0041 37 20 AV4 .001

42 37 18 AV4 .001

43 37 15 AV4 .0043 37 17 AV5 .001

49 37 18 AV2 .00149 37 28 AV3 .00149 37 24 AV4 .001

. ----

I ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11+--- -+- +-- -- +- ------------ +

11 ST Max

Page 45: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - D Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:36:14

. 1 ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11- -- +--------------------------

1 49 37 17 AV5 .00149 37 17 AV6 .001

50 37 17 AV6 .001

51 37 22 AV2 .001

54 37 16 AVM .00154 37 11 AV5 .001

40 38 15 AV5 .001

42 38 14 AV2 .00142 38 16 AV4 .00142 38 15 AV5 .001

43 38 19 AV2 .00143 38 35 AV4 .00143 38 31 AV5 .001

46 38 20 AV3 .00146 38 16 AV4 .00146 38 18 AV5 .00149 38 12 AV3 .0049 38 22 AV4 .00149 38 14 AV5 .001

51 38 15 AV4 .00151 38 14 AV5 .00144 39 17 AV2 .0044 39 18 AV4 .001

45 39 19 AV3 .001

46 39 16 AV2 .00146 39 23 AV4 .0046 39 21 AV5 .001

48 39 22 AVM .0048 39 23 AV2 .001

...-----------------------------1 ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11- --- -. ----. - ---- - - - -- - -- -- -- - --

12 ST Max

Page 46: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - D Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:36:14


1 48 39 23 AV3 .0011 48 39 38 AV4 .0011 48 39 41 AV5 .001

48 39 25 AV6 .001

49 39 16 AV2 .00149 39 18 AV3 .001

52 39 26 AV3 .00152 39 38 AV4 .00152 39 26 AV5 .001

38 40 30 AV2 .00138 40 16 AV4 .00138 40 17 AV5 .001

41 40 19 AV3 .00141 40 19 AV4 .00141 40 18 AV6 .081

O 39 41 18 AVI .00139 41 23 AV2 .00*39 41 31 AV3 .00139 41 30 AV4 .00139 41 22 AV5 .001

42 41 21 AV2 .00142 41 31 AV3 .00142 41 24 AV4 .00142 41 26 AV5 .00142 41 23 AV6 .00151 41 25 AV1 .0051 41 25 AV2 .001

51 41 37 AV3 .001

25 42 13 AV2 .00125 42 14 AV5 .001

37 42 14 AV3 .00137 42 25 AV4 .001

------------------------------ +

1 ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11+ - - - - -+ - ---- ----- ----------...

13 ST Max

Page 47: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - D Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:36:14

-.--.--. ......... - ---------- +

1 ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11.---- +----+-- -- +-----+ -------

1 41 42 14 AV4 .001

43 42 11 AV5 .001

45 42 15 AV2 .00147 42 21 AV4 .0047 42 29 AV5 .00147 42 17 AV6 .001

41 43 36 AV2 .00141 43 35 AV3 .001,41 43 18 AV4 .00141 43 32 AV5 .00143 43 28 AV2 .0043 43 14 AV3 .001

45 43 22 AV3 .00145 43 33 AV4 .00145 43 29 AV5 .00145 43 24 AV6 .00142 44 17 AV4 ,0042 44 13 AV5 .001

43 44 21 AV2 .00143 44 33 AV3 .00143 44 19 AV5 .00143 44 20 AV6 .001

33 45 15 AV4 .001

44 45 13 AV5 .00146 45 17 AV3 .0046 45 17 AV4 .00146 45 16 AV6 .001

51 45 22 AV4 .001

44 46 12 AVi .001~----------------------------+-

I ROW COL PER LOCN INCH1I-..-- .. - --- --... -------

14 ST Max

Page 48: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

* :i a~

SG - D Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:36:14

+-----------------------------* ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11

- -- +-- ------- +----. + .-----. +

44 46 15 AV2 .00144 46 20 AV5 .001

45 46 18 AV2 .00145 46 16 AV3 .00845 46 16 AV4 .00145 46 18 AV5 .00145 46 19 AV6 .001

41 47 26 AV2 .00141 47 21 AV4 .00141 47 14 AV5 .00141 47 24 AV6 .001

50 47 12 AV2 .00150 47 13 AV3 .00150 47 13 AV4 .00150 47 19 AV5 .00150 47 14 AV6 .001

41 48 18 AV3 .001

44 48 24 AV5 .001

44 49 19 AV2 .00144 49 15 AV4 .00144 49 24 AV5 .00144 49 13 AV6 .001

45 49 10 AV4 .00I45 49 10 AV5 .00@

49 49 17 AV2 .001

58 49 19 AV1 .001

40 50 30 AV3 .00140 50 30 AV4 .00140 50 30 AV5 .001

48 50 17 AVI .00148 50 36 AV3 .001

- ----- --- ------- -- -- - .. ......I ROW COL PER LOCN INCH1I---------------------------- +--

15 ST Max

Page 49: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - D Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:36:14

-------------------------------+* ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11

.-- -- +------ --. .------------------- +

1 48 50 35 AV4 .0011 48 50 36 AV5 .0011 48 50 11 AV6 .001

51 50 15 AVM .001

52 50 14 AV2 .00152 50 18 AV3 .00152 50 13 AV4 .00152 50 16 AV5 .001

50 51 14 AV1 .00150 51 30 AV2 .00150 51 23 AV4 .00150 51 19 AV5 .00150 51 10 AV6 .001

41 52 19 AV2 .00141 52 15 AV3 .00141 52 19 AV4 .001:0144 52 18 AV2 .001

52 52 26 AV2 .0052 52 36 AV3 .00I

59 52 11 AVM .00159 52 11 AV5 .001

25 53 17 AV2 .00125 53 16 AV5 .00I

30 53 10 AV2 .00130 53 11 AV5 .00

36 53 17 AV2 .00136 53 17 AV5 .001

37 53 15 AV4 .00137 53 21 AV5 .001

39 53 13 AV3 .001--------------------------------- +

I ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11+----+-------------... .----- +

16 ST Max

Page 50: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - D Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:36:14

1 ROW COL PER LOCN INCHI1.--- +--- -- -+-------------------+

33 54 16 AV2 .00135 54 17 AV3 .0035 54 19 AV4 .0035 54 21 AV5 .001

38 54 23 AV3 .00138 54 29 AV4 .0038 54 29 AV5 .001

50 54 12 AV2 .00150 54 14 AV4 .00150 54 18 AV6 .00

51 54 14 AV2 .00151 54 16 AV3 .00151 54 25 AV4 .00151 54 17 AV5 .001

I 25 55 16 AV1 .001

25 55 16 AV2 .001

39 55 14 AV1 .00139 55 11 AV2 .001

I 39 55 17 AV4 .00139 55 11 AV5 .0039 55 11 AV6 .001

41 55 16 AV2 .001

41 55 29 AV3 .00141 55 29 AV4 .00141 55 21 AV5 .00141 55 16 AV6 .001

45 55 17 AV2 .00145 55 14 AV3 .00145 55 25 AV4 .00145 55 10 AV5 .00145 55 11 AV6 .001

48 55 21 AV3 .001I 45. 55 25.. + AV4. + .... 01

I ROW COL PER LOCN INCHiI- -....- -....- - -...- --. ..- --.. ......

17 ST Max

Page 51: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - D Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:36:14

+.- -. --- -4. --- + I... + ... +---------------+

I ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11+ ------ - 4---- 4-----4-------------------++ .... I+ .... + ....----------

52 55 18 AV2 .001

34 56 39 AV2 .00134 56 24 AV3 .00134 56 10 AV4 .00134 56 35 AV5 .001

44 56 25 AV6 .001

45 56 16 AVI .00145 56 37 AV2 .00145 56 31 AV3 .00145 56 34 AV4 .00145 56 31 AV5 .00145 56 18 AV6 .00150 56 12 AV1 .0050 56 16 AV2 .00150 56 30 AV3 .001

I 50 56 36 AV4 .00150 56 24 AV5 .001

50 57 16 AV2 .00150 57 12 AV3 .001

35 58 10 AV2 .001

36 58 10 AV4 .001

41 58 13 AV2 .00141 58 19 AV4 .0041 58 23 AV2 .001

50 58 20 AV3 .00150 58 20 AV4 .00f50 58 15 AV5 .001

50 58 12 AV6 .00i41 59 47 AV2 .0041 59 22 AV3 .00141 59 17 AV4 .001

I 41.. 59 17.. AV....4÷. .0

1 ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11. ..----------------------------

18 ST Max

Page 52: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - D Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:36:14


1 41 59 20 AV5 .001

50 59 25 AV2 .00150 59 23 AV4 .00150 59 17 AV5 .00150 59 14 AV6 .001

35 60 14 AV3 .00135 60 26 AV5 .001

40 60 15 AV4 .001

48 60 15 AV1 .I048 60 17 AV2 .001

48 60 42 AV3 .00148 60 31 AV4 .00148 60 28 AV5 .00148 60 27 AV6 .001

33 61 17 AV2 .00133 61 18 AV3 .001

35 61 12 AV2 .00135 61 20 AV3 .001

44 61 13 AV2 .00144 61 34 AV3 .00144 61 21 AV4 .00144 61 12 AV6 .00144 61 29 5H -. 531

55 62 36 AV1 .00155 62 33 AV2 .00155 62 18 AV3 .001

40 63 17 AV2 .001

41 63 10 AV5 .001

33 64 15 AV2 .00133 64 14 AV3 .00133 64 20 AV4 .001-. .-+ -... --... -+-... -+.... ... +. ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11

------ ---- ------------------ +

19 ST Max

Page 53: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - 0 Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11103/2009 13:36:14

ROW COL PER LOCN INCHIJ------------------------------ +

33 64 14 AV5 .00138 64 13 AV2 .0038 64 14 AV3 .001

41 64 21 AV3 .00141 64 19 AV5 .001

41 64 15 AV5 .331

44 64 11 AV2 .001

47 64 15 AV2 .001

15 65 27 5H .001

40 65 10 AV2 .001

45 65 11 AV2 .00131 66 17 AV2 .00

* 31 66 13 AV6 .001

33 66 12 AV2 .00133 66 11 AV3 .001

41 66 12 AV1 .00141 66 23 AV2 .00141 66 25 AV3 .00141 66 27 AV4 .00141 66 22 AV5 .00141 66 31 AV6 .0014 6I

44 66 14 AV2 .001I44 66 16 AV3 .001

I I44 67 18 AV2 ,00144 67 20 AV3 .00144 67 18 AV4 .00149 67 28 AV2 .0049 67 51 AV3 .00149 67 51 AV4 .001

+ ..÷ . . . .+ . . .... ...

I ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11+----+ -+----- ---------------. +

20 ST Max

Page 54: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - D Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:36:14

.------------------------------* ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11

- -.-- -- -+----------------- +

49 67 42 AV5 .00149 67 26 AV6 .00134 68 16 AV2 .00

40 68 16 AV2 .001

45 68 20 AV2 .00146 68 28 AV2 .00I46 68 20 AV3 .00!

50 68 16 AV4 .001

31 69 10 AV1 .00131 69 11 AV2 .00131 69 14 AV5 .001

34 69 16 AV2 .0034 69 14 AV3 .001

36 69 11 AV3 .001

52 69 .18 AV1 .001

30 70 12 AV1 .00130 70 12 AV2 .00133 70 11 AV2 .00

39 70 11 AV2 .001

44 70 18 AV1 .00144 70 24 AV2 .00144 70 15 AV3 .00144 70 26 AV5 .00144 70 25 AV6 .001

45 70 16 AV2 .001

46 70 30 AV2 .00146 70 24 AV3 .001

- ----- ----- ----- ----- -------- -

I ROW COL PER LOCN INCH1I+ .. .. -- --. - - --.. ..- ÷-... .-÷---

21 ST Max

Page 55: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - D Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/83/2009 13:36:14

---.--- ----- ----- -+-----+.ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11+----+----.----+--.----------

50 70 27 AV2 .00150 70 25 AV3 .001

55 70 14 AV3 .00I

57 70 21 AV5 .001

58 70 18 AV2 .00136 71 36 AV .00.36 71 28 AV2 .00136 71 24 AV3 .00136 71 22 AV4 .00136 71 29 AV5 .00136 71 15 AV6 .001

24 72 16 AV2 .001

32 72 29 AVI .00I 32 72 15 AV2 .001

32 72 18 AV5 .001

34 72 13 AV2 .001

36 73 17 AV2 .00136 73 11 AV4 .00I36 73 21 AV5 .001

58 73 13 AV2 .001

39 74 17 AV3 .00139 74 13 AV4 .001

45 74 17 AV1 .00145 74 15 AV2 .001

48 74 29 AV2 .00148 74 15 AV3 .001

39 75 17 AV2 .00139 75 18 AV3 .001

... ---.-- ----- --.---- -.------ +

I ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11..------------------------------

22 ST Max

Page 56: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - D Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2e09 13:36:14

- ---- ----- -------- --------- +.I ROW CaL PER.LOCN INCH11- -------------- 4.--- -4.-----+-

1 39 75 17 AV4 .0039 75 17 AV5 .001

44 75 17 AV1 .ee44 75 23 AV2 .0044 75 16 AV3 .00144 75 21 AV4 .00144 75 16 AV5 .00

36 76 18 AV1 .00136 76 19 AV2 .00152 76 16 AV1 eel52 76 16 AV2 .00152 76 14 AV3 .00

57 76 28 AV4 .0057 76 37 AV5 .00

44 77 23 AV3 .Ae. 44 77 11 AV4 .00139 78 29 AV3 .Il39 78 18 AV4 .00139 78 21 AV5 .001

41 78 20 AV2 .001

46 78 20 AV2 .00

50 78 16 AV1 .e050 78 20 AV2 .00150 78 31 AV3 .00150 78 17 AV4 .001

28 79 16 AV2 .00128 79 15 AV5 .00

33 79 18 AV5 .001

39 79 23 AV2 .00

1 ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11+----+----+------ ---..-----.. +

23 ST Max

Page 57: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - D Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:36:14

....------------... .--------- ÷

1 ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11- -- +--------- ---------------

1 42 79 23 AV3 .001

36 80 13 AV3 .00136 80 16 AV4 .001

37 80 11 AV2 .001

39 80 25 AV2 .00139 80 17 AV4 .001

50 80 16 AV2 .00150 80 14 AV3 .00150 80 14 AV4 .001

56 80 15 AV4 .001

37 81 13 AV2 .00137 81 20 AV3 .00137 81 15 AV4 .001

43 81 13 AV2 .00143 81 27 AV3 .00143 81 12 AV4 .00143 81 19 AV5 .001

45 81 37 AV2 .00145 81 51 AV3 .00145 81 44 AV4 .00145 81 21 AV5 .001

47 81 24 AV3 .001

49 81 23 AV2 .001

51 81 38 AV2 .00I51 81 17 AV3 .00151 81 23 AV4 .00151 81 22 AV5 .00151 81 10 AV6 .001

24 82 16 AV2 .00124 82 15 AV6 .001

~----------------------------.9.I ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11

- --. ---- +-. . ....--- ....-----

24 ST Max

Page 58: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - D Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 1110312009 13:36:14

1 ROW COL PER LOCN INCH114- -------- +--------------------+ ... I+ .. + .. + --. ---.. ... .

43 82 19 AV2 .00143 82 24 AV4 .001

45 82 16 AV2 .00145 82 38 AV3 .00145 82 15 AV5 .00145 82 11 AV6 .001

49 82 21 AV2 .001

39 83 31 AV3 .00139 83 25 AV4 .00139 83 15 AV5 .00139 83 15 AV6 .001

40 83 25 AV3 .00144 83 17 AV2 .00

48 83 15 AV2 .001

48 83 19 AV4 .001

20 84 22 AV6 .00132 84 17 AV3 .0032 84 16 AV6 .001

41 84 17 AVM .00141 84 25 AV3 .00141 84 21 AV4 .00141 84 21 AV5 .00146 84 17 AV2 .0046 84 35 AV3 .00146 84 23 AV4 .001

24 85 21 AV6 .001

35 85 15 AV3 .00135 85 18 AV4 .001

I ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11+ - - - -. - - - -- - - - - - - --.- - - - - - - - -

25 ST Max

Page 59: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - D Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:36:14

- ---- -- -- 1- -- --- - --------

1 ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11+----+----------+--------------

1 46 85 17 AV3 .00146 85 20 AV4 .001

49 85 24 AV2 .0049 85 16 AV3 .00149 85 21 AV4 .00149 85 20 AV5 .001

50 85 28 AV4 .00150 85 25 AV5 .00150 85 19 AV6 .001

26 86 18 AV5 .001

40 86 23 AV3 .001

41 86 21 AV4 .001

28 87 17 AV2 .001

30 87 16 AV2 .001

36 87 18 AV1 .001

38 87 15 AV3 .001

40 87 19 AV1 .00140 87 22 AV2 .00140 87 22 AV3 .00140 87 34 AV4 .00140 87 15 AV5 .001

47 87 14 AV1 .00150 87 20 AU .00I50 87 21 AV5 .001

20 88 22 AV1 .001

35 88 15 AV3 .001

38 88 17 AV2 .001

~------------------------------I ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11----.---- +----+-- --. +------..+

26 ST Max

Page 60: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - D Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:36:14

+ -- +----+---------+----------------1 ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11+....+ -- - +....--- - +- ---------.1 38 88 18 AV3 .001

43 88 15 AVM .00145 88 12 AV2 .0045 88 16 AV3 .00145 88 20 AV4 .00145 88 32 AV5 .001

49 88 20 AV3 .001

49 88 21 AV4 .001

'50 88 21 AV2 .00150 88 16 AV3 .00150 88 17 AV4 .00150 88 21 AV5 .001

53 88 12 AV2 .001

36 89 18 AV3 .001

38 89 25 AV3 .00138 89 28 AV4 .00138 89 23 AV5 .001

39 89 18 AV2 .001

47 89 13 MV .001

50 89 22 AV3 .00150 89 16 AV4 .00150 89 17 AV5 .001

1 90 4 FBC -. 3311 90 8 FBC .361

36 90 22 AV3 .00136 90 17 AV4 .00136 90 22 AV6 .001

39 90 20 AVM .00139 90 21 AV2 .001

÷ .. 0 89 16 AV4. . .... .. .1

1 ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11- 1... 90 8...-+ .... B÷ C . 36I

27 ST Max

Page 61: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - 0 Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:36:14

.----------------------------- +


39 90 14 AV5 .001

45 90 20 AV3 .00f

53 90 24 AV4 .00153 90 21 AV5 .00153 90 24 AV6 .001

1 91 7 FBC -. 3611 91 5 FBH .001

32 91 19 AV5 .00136 91 18 AV2 .0036 91 17 AV4 .001

37 91 13 AV3 .00149 91 42 AV2 .0049 91 15 AV3 .00149 91 19 AV4 .00149 91 24 AV5 .001

I 1 92 9 FBC -. 361

19 92 16 AV6 .001

40 92 18 AV1 .0040 92 24 AV3 .00140 92 18 AV5 .001

43 92 13 AV2 .00143 92 28 AV3 .00143 92 14 AV4 .0043 92 15 AV5 .00145 92 15 AV3 .0045 92 20 AV4 .00145 92 23 AV5 .001

49 92 25 AV2 .00149 92 13 AV3 .001

I 49. 92 13 AV3. . .... .. .1~----------------------------+-

1 ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11-----------------------------+

28 ST Max

Page 62: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

:- -!1

SG - 0 Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:36:14


1 49 92 23 AV4 .0011 49 92 17 AV5 .001

1 93 9 FBC .301

45 93 14 AV3 .00145 93 22 AV4 .00145 93 22 AV5 .00145 93 16 AV6 .001

1 94 2 FBC .251

39 94 15 AV3 .00141 94 32 AV2 .0041 94 29 AV3 .00141 94 24 AV4 .00141 94 21 AV5 .00141 94 11 AV6 .001

43 94 29 AV2 .00143 94 16 AV3 .00143 94 18 AV4 .00143 94 23 AV5 .00144 94 16 AV3 .0044 94 17 AV4 .001

35 95 10 AV1 .00135 95 13 AV5 .001

38 95 26 AV2 .00@

40 95 18 AV5 .00140 95 25 AV6 .00141 95 20 AV2 .0041 95 15 AV4 .001

41 95 23 AV5 .001

44 95 19 AV2 .00144 95 27 AV3 .001

- --- ----. -- --. ----. ---- --. . . . +

1 ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11-+ . . . . ..---- -- -. . . .------.-.

29 ST Max

Page 63: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

• -•r,- • ~ • - .1z •= -. - . .-

SG - D Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:36:14

--- ---- -+ -----

1 ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11+- ---------------- + ----- +

I45 95 11 AV .001 45 95 17 AV2 .001

45 95 17 AV3 .00145 95 27 AV4 .00145 95 33 AV5 .00145 95 21 AV6 .001

45 95 18 AV2 .0041 96 18 AV2 .00141 96 33 AV3 .00141 96 15 AV5 .001

I44 96 22 AV2 .00144 96 31 AV3 .00144 96 17 AV4 .00144 96 18 AV6 .00145 96 18 AV2 .0045 96 28 AV5 .001

27 97 17 TSH -. 72138 97 18 AV4 .0038 97 16 AV5 .001

40 97 18 AV3 .00140 97 20 AV4 .001

41 97 22 AV3 .00141 97 33 AV4 .001

46 97 25 AV3 .001

40 98 26 AV2 .00140 98 27 AV3 .00140 98 21 AV4 .00140 98 18 AV6 .00138 99 20 AV2 .0038 99 19 AV3 .001

41 99 18 AV2 .001~----------------------------+-

I ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11-- -- +- ---- --- +- ----------- +

30 ST Max

Page 64: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - D Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:36:14

. ROW COL PER LOCN INCHI1.-----------------------------+

1 41 99 16 AV3 .00141 99 12 AV4 .00141 99 15 AV6 .001

43 99 12 AV5 .001

34 100 13 AV3 .001

38 100 20 AV2 .00138 100 19 AV3 .00138 100 15 AV4 .00138 100 21 AV5 .001

40 100 21 AV2 .00140 100 17 AV6 .00141 100 29 AV2 .0041 100 25 AV3 .00141 100 25 AV4 .00141 100 19 AV5 .00142 100 19 AV3 .001

42 100 30 AV4 .001

36 101 17 AV2 .001

38 101 29 AV3 .0038 101 24 AV4 .00138 101 16 AV5 .001

38 102 14 AV3 .00140 102 20 AV2 .0040 102 36 AV3 .00140 102 35 AV4 .001

26 103 15 AV5 .001

34 103 11 AV3 .00134 103 10 AV4 .00134 103 17 AV6 .001

. .... I .... + .... ---....--- +

I ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11---.. -- -- ---- -------------- +

31 ST Max

Page 65: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - D Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:36:14-... +~ -~.... -- 4.-. - .. ---------


1 36 103 12 AV3 .00136 103 17 AV4 .00138 103 11 AV2 .0038 103 18 AV3 .00138 103 34 AV4 .00138 103 25 AV5 .001

40 103 20 AV2 .00140 103 30 AV3 .0040 103 27 AV4 .00140 103 14 AV5 .00140 103 17 AV6 .001

43 103 13 AV4 .001

32 104 18 AV5 .001

34 104 17 AV3 .001

34 104 15 AV4- .001I 35 104 15 AV4 .001

35 104 16 AV5 .001

38 104 20 AV3 .001

40 104 39 AV2 .00140 104 29 AV3 .00140 104 17 AV4 .00140 104 24 AV5 .00140 104 17 AV6 .001

30 105 13 AV2 .001

33 105 11 AV3 .00133 105 14 AV5 .001

35 105 13 AV6 .001

38 105 33 AV3 .00138 105 22 AV4 .001

38 105 10 AV6 .001

. | ROW COL PER LOCN INCH1I.--- .--- +---- + .------------------- +

32 ST Max

Page 66: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - D Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:36:14

..-- - - - - ..--- ..-------------------

1 ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11- - --- ----- ------- - -------- +

34 106 15 AV4 .00134 106 17 AV6 .00134 106 17 AV6 .001

35 106 21 AV2 .00135 106 19 AV3 .00135 106 15 AV4 .00135 106 17 AV6 .00136 106 16 AV4 .0036 106 15 AV5 .001

40 106 13 AV4 .001

35 107 23 AV3 .00135 107 19 AV4 .00

35 107 16 AV5 .00135 107 13 AV6 .00

36 107 19 AV4 .001

36 107 18 AV5 .001

35 108 29 AV4 .00135 108 15 AV5 .0035 108 17 AV6 .001

37 108 14 AV6 .001

38 108 16 AV6 .001

28 109 13 AV5 .001

32 109 13 AV5 .00132 109 14 AV6 .001

33 109 16 AV3 .00133 109 16 AV4 .00133 109 22 AV5 .001

34 109 14 AV2 .001

34 109 10 AV4 .001-. . .- -. . . --. . . ----. ------. . . . +

I ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11....--- ....-- •- -+------

33 ST Max

Page 67: Wolf Creek - Results of the Sixteenth Steam Generator Tube

SG - D Service Induced Indications

Wolf Creek 1 RFO XVIISAP 20091001 11/03/2009 13:36:14

* ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11- 34.. 109 12.. -.... -... .....

34 109 12 AV5 .00134 109 14 AV6 .00

36 109 12 AV6 .001

29 110 14 AV5 .001

32 110 14 AV5 .00135 110 16 AV3 .0035 110 30 AV4 .001

35 110 19 AV6 .001

29 111 14 AV2 .00

30 111 14 AV2 .00130 111 16 AV6 .001

32 111 14 AV6 .001

27 113 18 AV2 .001

30 113 21 AV5 .001

24 115 20 AVI .001

26 115 13 AV1 .001

27 115 11 AV1 .00127 115 16 AV6 .001

22 116 18 AV6 .001

21 118 10 AVi .001~-----------------------------+

I ROW COL PER LOCN INCH11-....--.----- +----.----+-----

Tubes: 416 Records: 100534 ST Max