wmmmwf4' ''pp?4 t - university of...

1 ;umr--,w- n "wmmmwf4' w ,, mnw. ' "yf-rr- ' "3 ,P,t"rtf)- - ''pP?4 Vji?9 .",&' .' r 1 t ' Jl'l' Jl' JJv Jl' f Jl' VOL. VII. NO. 987. HONOLULU, II. I., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 181)4. PRICE 5 CENTS. f 'i. IjJT "THE DAILY BULLETIN PRtHTED AMD PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT 8CMDAT BY TBI Dally Bulletin Publishing Co., L'd., AT Tit OFFICE 32B k 328 lerohiit St., Hoaolala, H. I. BUBSOlttPTION Bix Dollars a Ycab. Delivered In Honolulu at Fifty Cams a Month, In Advance. THE WEEKLY BULLETIN -I- S PUUM8HK- D- BVBRY TUBBDAY At Fnun Dollars a Ycar to Domestic, ninl Kivx Dollars to Foreign Subscribers, payable In Advance. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING DONK IN SUPKRIOR 1TYI.B. m DOTH TELEPHONES xo 1'. U. UOX W. a TitR Daily Bulletin Is printed and pub llshcd by tho Dally Hullctin PubllaliltiK Company Limited, At Its olllce, Mer- chant street, Honolulu. Hawaiian Isl- ands. Daniel Logan, editor, resides on Alakea street, Honolulu, aforesaid. Address letters for the paper "Editor Uullktin," nud business letters " Manager iuuy uuiieuu UsItlK a norsonnl nddritm iiinv rnn.n .tnlm- - In attention. BualnoM Garda. LEWER8 k COOKE, AND DEALERS IN LUMMH AND LL KINDS OF UUILDINO MaTKRIAM. Fort Btrcet, Honolulu. H. HAOKFKZJ) ft 00., UtMRAL Commission Aoknti. Uoruor Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu. JNO. S. 8MITHIK8, AiiutionkirandUkniral Uvsinrms Auknt. Malmkona, Kohala, Hawaii. WILLIAM FOSTER, Attorncy-at-Ija- w anii Notary Puhlic. No. 13 Kaahumanu 8L, Honolulu. THOS. LIND8AY, .Manufaiturinu Jkwilkr and Watch. MAKKR. Kukui Jewnlr y a spoclally. Particular attention paid to all kinds of i repairs. Mcluerny Uloolc, Fort Street. J. J. WILLIAMS. PHOTOORAPHER Tbe Only Collaelloo or liliod VIawi. 0. B. RIPLEY, ajokitbiot. Complete plans and specifications for Toij ucsL-npuoi- i oi oaiiuuiK. iontracts ilrnwn and careful superintendence of con struction g ven when required. Call and exaiulne plans. New deslBus. Mo.lern JlulldliiKs. Olllco: Safo Deilt IhiildliiK I upstairs. Mutual Telephone 'OH. HONOLULU IRON WORKS, 8trai Enoinim, Bduar Milw. Uoilrrs, Uoolkiui. Iron, IIrass, and I.kad Uahtinos. Maohlnery of Kvery Description Made to Order. Particular attentloii paid to Ship' "'"ok'n"","1"!?- - J"" Work exooutwl at 66 ILANIWAI. A FII18T.OI.A88 FAMILY IIATHINH ti sr,'j..iv-.:i"L",- t. """". i' arrangements can be made for Family I'lcutcs uml KvenliiK UathliiK Parties. (WH-- tf Cement Sidewalks & Gra- nite Curbing Laid. Kstlmates given on all kinds of BTONK, CONOHETB & PLA8TEU WOKK ISSw C0.1CHKTK A -- 0 JOHN F. BOWLER. CHR. GERTZ, Impobtih and Dkalkr lb Gent's, Ladles' and Children's Boots, Sboes and Slippers Np. 103 lort Strent, CHAS. GIRDLER, - IIIKKIT IMPOHTXH or - KNdl.lHII ANII CONTINKNTAI. 3Dry C3-ooc- ls No Ifi KhhIiuiiihiiii ttrncl, m. g. Irwin & co.! (Limited) OFFKK FOK SALE FERTILIZERS ALIX. CROSS A SONS' Celebrated High Grade Cane Manures. We are also prepared (u take orders lor Messrs. 7. Ohlandt St Oo.'a Fertilizers, Insuring prompt delivery. BOILED LUCOL! This Is a stiiierlor I'nlnt Oil. con suming less piIBI tnent tlmn Linseed Oil, mid giTing a lasting brl lllnnov to colors. useu Willi uriet It gives a splendid Moor surface. Iiim., Oement, ItKFINBDSUOAItS, SALMON. Fairbank Canning Co.'s Cornod Boot CARAFFINR TAINT I'O.'S Compounds, Rooflng & Papers, Reed's Patent Steam Pipe Covering. Jarboes' Diamond, Enamel ft Etor-lastin- rj Paint Especially dcilgucd for Vaciinni I'ntis. FIRE, LIFE AND MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Fire Insurance Co., Assets, $7,109,825.49. London A Lancashire Fire Ins. Co., Assets, $4,317,052. Thames and Mersey Marine Ins. Co., (Limited) Assets, $6,124,057. New York Life Ins. Co., Assets, $137,499,198.99. C. 0. BERGER, General Agent for Hawaiian IslandB. HONOLULU. Wm. G. Irwin & Co. (LIMITKD) Wm. O. Irwin. I'resldeut aud Manager Clans Spreckels, W. M. Olflard, Secretary and Treasurer Theo. 0. Porter Auditor Sugar Factors - AND - Commission Agents. AOE.NTH OF THE Oceanic Steamship Company, OF SAN FRANCISCO, UL. C. BREWER & CO. (LIM1TKI1) General Mercantile NI Commission Agents P. C. Joiiiik President (I. H. Itohcrikoii. MilliiMer K. F. IIUIiop. . Secretary A I'lriH'inr W. F. Allen Auditor 0. M. Cooke II, Wh tiirlioilBO ...I Dlre lorn C, L. Ciiitur .. just ARRIVED I'KIt IIAIIK "C. I). IIRYANT." ffi& HABY CARRIAGES 01 OF ALL STYLKSJ be Carpets, Rugs and Mats tn the liU'.-- l Pattern " HOUSEHOLD " Sewing Machines, HAND SEWING MACHINES, 01 be All wit li , V Improvement. on AUU OS UAND WEST KRAI AVER'S Celebrated Cottage 'i Pailor Organs, Guitars, ., NH oturn MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. kok SAir. ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER CO., KIiik Street, oppo. ("nvli V l'toli. -- U tit IIOTH TKI.KI'HONl.S VB III lirSTACE&CO. COAL All kludt In any quantity from s ImK to n ton. CHARCOAL I'roin one bun to any cimnllly FIPtEJ V7OOH In Mt. IciiKths and Sawed or Spill,-- , from n but; to any quantity; alto WHITE & IJLACK SAND 70-t- f JTATI03SrA.T, IRON WORKS QTJHttj2 STRBD1T. Between Alike and Richard streets. 'PHB UNDUItSKlNICl) AUK PIIK. X pared to iniiku ull kinds of Iron, Jtrass, llrunto, JCInc, Tin and U-a- Iiiks. Also a Ocnt-rn- l lleimlr Shop for skiuii hniiiiins, uii-t- t miiis, com Shin. ater Wlirely. Wind Mills, etc. Miiuhlnes fur tht CIciiiiIiiu of Collcii, ('t. ir (lilt, litmus, ltuiiilc, KIhiI, i'lmupplc leaves and other Huron Plniits and PaK;r StiK-k- . Also Miichliu-- for lixtmclliiK Starch from the MuiiIim), Arrow Hoot, etc. It" All orders promptly intended to WHITE, RITMAN & GO. "Sans Souci" Hotel Seaside Sfej Resort Wnikiki. : : : : Honolulu. 'kt1,r, 17, l.VIJ. If nmiimr ilrmrc melt jiihih nt Unrli) tctiitti,, tiiiil imrt nlr, ilcm tn itnlft, ;( final uml hfiuiilji mimrtt Iniiul nut lirfure lilt firt tittij urnlmj mtt tht I'uri-ti- t nail the iliftmit hill't uf Hiiinuu, I tetm.i-intu- him tiinlinllii In th'i 'Sunt Hmci." iionmr i.tn is s'ii :..sv;.v. T. A. SIMPSON, Manager. BEAVER SALOON, The Best Lunch in Town. Tea. and OoiTee AT ALL IKHJIIS, TUli FIXKST nUANOS OF Cigars and Tobacco ALWAY.S (IN IIVNII. H. cT. ISTOLTIC. Prop. METROPOLITAN MEAT CO,, y.-i- i 81 KING Si. 'S -- tZJt Wholesale and Retail Butchers - AND NAVY CONTRACTORS. O .1. Wrtllnr, Munut;or. 0ceanlc steaiDSt,iP Co- - Australian Mail Service, ForSanFrucUco: The New and Flue Al Btcel Slenmshlp "MONOWAI" C. the Oceanic Steamship Company will due nt Honolulu from Sydney and Auck- land on or about April 6th, And will leave for the move tiort with Malls nud Passengers un or tuotlt that date. For Sydney and Auckland : The New nud Fine Al Steel Steamship " MARIPOSA " the Oceanic Steamship Company will title at Honolulu, from ban Frsnelreo, nr about April 12tli, Ami will have nrmiitit diMtatch with Mulls and Passengers for the a .hove ports. The undersigned are now prepared toliue THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IN THE UNITED STATES. IM" For further particular reanllnn rcltfht or Passaic apply to WM. 0. IRWIN ft CO., Ltd., aneiJ AgenU. Oceanic Steamship Go. 1 Tina TglTdI. local, lint:. S. S. AUSTRALIA. Arrive Honolulu I.T4VC Honolulu from 8. K. lor S. K. March 'J I. ... . March .'II April !!... . .. April a May 111 .. . .Muy June III ... lime THROUGH LINE. Krom San Krnnclsru Krom hdliey ,ii for Sydney. Han I-- .tnclM-o- . Arrir imoiiii. Isttit llmuJuhi MAItlPOSA.Apr. Ii MONOWAI, Apr. ft MONOWAI, May III .1 !...! I'.IIA, .MIIV .1 Al.AMr.DA, June 7 MAUIPOSA, May.1t 'MAUIPOSA, July o .MONoWAI.JuiiuSi MONOWAI, Aul'. 2 AI.AMr.l)A,July.il VI.AMKD.,Aiik..1u MAUIPoSA.Auk.u:! ;i.UII'(MA,Sfpt.'.'7 MONOWAI. Sept. M MONOWAI Oct. 2.1 AI.AMKDA 2STOTIOE ! Tte PASSENGER DEPARTMENT OK TIIK - Oceanic Steamship Go. IN SAN KUANOHCO. Il is Imvii Itemoveil (rum :i2T Market Street to UJ8 Mox'n;o.Mi:iiv Srm: :t, (IIMIIKII IH'I'IIIK.NTAI. IIOTKI.) tW" From tills dutu ull coiiimuulca-llo- rmliilnn to the Sun Fruncl.co li;ur ltilliu-- s hhould Ihi rent to the new Other, las Mout;ouifry Street. VIM. G. IRWJiu CO., L'D, icrni iK'cnlt, Oifunlu Sleaiii.hlpro.nl Honidiilu. iil'l tin II. LOSE, Nonni P. Ill.lr, ClILLKI'TOII AMI (ll.MIIM. lll'I.M Allt.Nr, M,li.:i,-fii- t 'or S.'Viiml o( tlio llet I'liti: I.NSl UANCi: COMPANIKS. Pnteiileeof I.oi.'h Ciikmh M.CuMiiiUMifor '.iirll)liiK Cimc Juice. Mutual Teh phono S. p. 0. Ilox .'Ltt. Mr hunt Street, Honolulu. Dlt. c. w. MOORIi, liOU V.ui Now Ave., S. I'.. Cal. Elegant Avartmonts for Patients. KLKCTIIIl'iTV I.N KKHVnL'li IUHRM-Kb- . tW Dr. Moore oU'erit Inviilldi. nil the i I'liinforlsiif limiin, wltli eonsinnt mid cim- - nil triiitiiiiuil. Ilefers to II. It. Miii'lurluiie. Ull-t- l K. A. .JACOBSON, WATCIIMAKr.lI AN'I .Ikwki.kii .'A'! Port Strict, Honolulu, II. I, O. Ilox 'JsT. Mutual Tele. Hi. H. HATAOKA. Japanese Carpenter and Cabinet Maker. Nil. 22 llhlll IAM I. All Kinds of Ciililnil MiiUInu and lluild- - Iiik ami Cupairincdniii' in llrlcla rale. Il7;t-li- n 1NTEU-ISI.AN- D PILOTAGE. fiAI'TUN WILLI VM DAVIKh. VV 'In' iiit twele )i'iir hi enuiliitilid of liiier-inlmi- d ttmni'ri. oilurH li In hervlivii a I ii"t In mi) p'irl hi liiiidiln; in the IliUMi'.iin lniid-- . licit ol refereucu . liKpiiri ul iillU'c ol J. S. Wiilkcr, over nprct'ku IlilliK I ort -- treet. UiT-- tf 1'OH BALE A NCMIILIt OK TIIYPOTh. W XTIMt A 1'iul ( rni UiiiihI 2.'iO;iiIIoii. uii'li), (iir.ll llni'k, ill .plulillliea III klllt, ilf llVi'li'if ,1111k iiiiIu iiiiiii tin Pml Olllco at 7.'t cent. itr liuid Apl u r. W. IIAWLINS, l.idi'O, Uell'liht. U'i. I'. 0. Hull. lAiO-l- ui Canadian-Australia- n Steamship Line IN CONNBJOTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. THE FAMOUS TOURIST ROUTE OF THE WORLD. Ticket P. II. j per are $5 l$2? SP STEAMSHIP SERVICE MONTHLY. THRODOH TICKETS luned from BonoloJn to UNITED STATES and EUROPE, alio to VUT and SIDNEY. For Eiji and Sydney: STKAMKKS SAIL 2ln KACH MONTH. Freight and Passenger Agents: I). McNICOI.I., Montreal, Canada. ItOIIKKT KKHIt, WluniH.-L'- , Canada. M. M. HTKHN. San Kranck-o- , Cat. O. Mrl UHOWN. Vancouver, 11. (1. I Pacific Mail S.S. Co. -- AND rilK- - Occidental and Oriental S. S, Go. For YOKOHAMA and HONGKONG. Steamer of the a!ove Companies will call at Honolulu on their way to the ubove port oil or about the following dates: Stmr "CHINA" .. April III, IMII Stuir"(IAi:i,ll"' . Juno ;, Ih'il titiur"IIKI.UIC" .. . July ',, iii stmr "CHINA" Scptemlcr :i, Itul Htiiir"OUKANIC" ..October 1. Ih'.il Stmr "CHINA". November I'J, n 8imr"(t'i:ANlC"...Du.ciiibvr II, INJI Stmr "CHINA" .. January l, IWrt Sliiir"l)Ci:ANtC" IVbruary III, Ism himr "CHINA" prll i, imii For SAN FRANCISCO. Steamers of the above Companies will call at Honolulu on tlieirwny from Hong- kong uud Yokohama to the itlxive port on oraiHiul the following dnti'- - Stmr "CHINA" March Al. IKH Stmr "(lAKI.IC" Mv It. I mm , July 10, lil 8tmr"lli:i.(llC" . .. AitKiist 21, letil Stmr'TlTVori'lIKINtl".. October II, IKH " Novemb-- r III, lM Stmr "CHINA" Dcvmber iil. lell Stmr"HAKI,IC". .. IVbrimrv III. Irttt Stmr-PKK- U" Murcfi 2ii. IMM Siiur"(l.KI.IC" April 2fi, INU RATES OF PASSAGE ARE AS FOLLOWS: ro YOKO- HAMA. TO IIOKO-KOK- Cabin . $160 (W $176 no Cublu, round trip mouths . . . 22.1 uu Utt 60 Cabin, round trip 12 moiillii . . 2(12 Ml Jill 23 Kurocau Steerage ' Ul 100 W Uf 'ttwtvt paylliK full fare Kill be allowed 10 ierccut oil return hire If return-- I HI? within twelve months. Knr Fretilin and I'linue ppl to H. HAGRFELD & CO., 2ti; tt Aaents. COACH LINE IIKTWKKN WAIKIKI, TDK PAUK, SANS SOUCI, DIAMOND HKAD AND IIONOI.I'l.l'. Titie Talole. I BWK hA.Sn i.Mvr. run. roKT AMI KIMI or. Ti.KJa. m. 11.00 H. III. loiou " Ull") I2:ui noon. l:iii, in. 2:ou p. m. Hi 10 " 1:0(1 " .':lll " il:.in ' 7::m 11:00 " IU:oo ' Fureii to Itllle ltilliL'e 3 eeiitH. Will. klki, ill centt; hiiiii, Souci uml Diamond Head, l.'i cents, round trip, Vi ccihh; children under 12 years, half price. WH-- tf F. SMITH, Proprietor. SIIEU LUN, .W, .Mill A NT ST. Next door Miirrlimil' Kxcliiiup. Merchant, Tailor New Goods and Latest Styles ! I'HI.FUUT FIT GL'AKANTKi:!). ClIitoilliTi ucttllii! additional Mlil will receivu it red net Ion of fiatidl Hire- - dilution on pautK, n.'i am It can he proved Any day That the Daily Bulletin lias the. I.lirfrtt (Jirciiliition Of any papei In Holiollllll. $10 gJi Less than U. S. Line CANADA, For Victoria and Vanconver B. C: I STKAMKKS HA 1 1. April 1, Mnv I, May 31, I rial July t, July 31, Istil. I the Kor Tickets and Uenenii Infnrma. tlon apply to THEO. H. DA VIES & CO., the AuenU fvr the niruimn Iiltiniln. Wilder's Steamship Co. so S&iilSL TIME TABLE. W. 0. WlLbKR, Pres. 0. 11. Kosi, Sec. Uait. J. A. Kind, Port Supl. Stmr. KINAU, CLARKll, Cotnmaader, Will have Honolulu at :! r. ., ioiicIiIiik at liliulnii, Mimlmii liny and Mukelia the hiilui' da) , Miihiikoim. KiiMuihueiiiiil lliu folbiMliiK mi), iiriivluii at llllo hi uildiikkt. I.KAVKn IKiNOI.l'l.tl: Friday. . .Miucli :w Tummy pril lo Friduy . .rll ,t Tuemfay .la I i' ruia tS .Miit II I'llUofllV Aim Flilluj J,. J I ucnliiy JllllU I.' l'rldut.... ... JUUK.'J I ue'lny .... Jill) .1 I riday .. . . Jill) 111 Tueeiliiy . July 21 I'rliluy. .. Auk.:; iucMluy . lriuu) .... UK.2I TuuMl'iy . . eepl. Krldu) . . Bl'pt. II liiuiiity.. v.I.2j rrulii) .... Oct. ucMiiiy. Oct. 10 Friday. . Otl.SU Tuusiiuy.. Nov. li Krliliiy .. .OV. Ill Tiiestiuy . Nov. -- '. l'rlduy.. Die. 1 Tuusifay Hvc. ID KetiirnliiK leaves llllo, louchliif; at Kiiwulliuc .. m.; 10 a. M.i Muktiiu li. m., Muulaea lluyiir. i.; bihiiina n r. . the following day; arriving ul ilonolulii l , u. Wedues-day- s and Siiturdava. Aiutivivh at Honolulu : Witlnei-dii- .Miirch 2 .Niturdiiy . April T Wiilueiday April In S.tturiliiy .April ! W.iliieidiiy ..liu it h.itiiritit) . . . Mil) 10 WcdiicNlav May .in ruturiliiy. . June II Wedii..ntiiy June 20 Siitunliiy ..Jillie.iO Wedllimdny .July II Sainrituy . jiii) SVeuueiilu) Auk. n.itunliiy. All,!. Midiii'Kiluy All!. Miturduy . fcepl. Uuilllt'lulU) N'pt. biitiinliiy ftepl. -'- - WeilllcilU) Oct. a Satiirduy K'I. i:t Wediienhiy .Oct. 21 mi tun lay . Nov. U WcdiifMliiy Nov. II Sutiirihiy . Nov. 21 Weilueidu) . Dec. .siiliir.iit) Dec. I.i Wrdllldu) . Dec. 2- - IMf No Freight will w reeelvnl nfler 12 iiihiii on ila of pallium. Stmr. CLAUDINE, CAMCHON. (Jommaader, Will leave Honolulu every Tuesday ul b v. m,, toiiclilni; ut Kahiilui, Huelo, liana, Haiiioa and Kipahiilu. UetiiruiiiK will arrive at Honolulu every omnia) morulni:. - No Freight will lie reivlveil aller n , Oil iM) of bailing. CoimlKiieeii niiut Ui ut llm Iiiiidinn to receive their Irt'lclil, an we will out hold oumelveii reuiHiinnble ultur xicli Freight lut been lauded. While till' Coiilutli) will line due dili- gence in handling l.le block, we decline touiHiiiue any respniiillillii) mran-o- l the loin of .nine. II ic Coiupiiiiy will not be rc,ixiii!liln lor Money or Jewelry iinleKy iliuiif in iliecnre of Purberx. WAIAKEAKUA NOTICE. PAUTIKs Di:slltlNi TO HO TO Waiuki'.ikuu Fall. Ill Mmioii Valle) arc to obtain urmiH-Mi'- ii Iroiu the iiiidcrAlgui'd, othvrwiie they will be for tlCKpiisn if foillul on the iutiiiIm's wilhoilt nucli intuiI-'.Iiii- i. JAS. 11. IIOYD, at the Iuid Olllce, Supreme Umri lluild-ing- . Honolulu .1 mi.. 17 leu ,'iVil NOTICE. IIILIA DI'ITAIiAINKI tllK Ho- nolulu llimil iiimrd in lutiiru are re- - lile.lfil lo be pre-i'llt- at lllu nlhce ol I III' lloulMip ivi.or of Ilonolulii on the 20th ol I'lii'h mouth, otherwlM III'') will be ex- empt from Hint iuiiiiIIi'k -- liniule and lik ly not li be paid (01 iiu "T two liionlli nftei. II) order of the lluliollllil lluild lliunl. W. II. I CM.MINUS, Mi-- lf lload Siiirvlor, Honolulu. V'ic Ihiily ItulUtin, uUctntt nr month, SUING THE SUOAR TRUST. A Broker After Half a Million of Its Wealth. Tho first guns of tho battle for ..)00,0U0, which Jatnos V. Fox of Irvingtou will endeavor to get from tho sugar trust, says a Now York despatch of March 6, woro fired to- day in the Supremo Court at White IMaius before Justico Dykmau. Tho ca.se is that of James V. Fox vs. Francis O. Matthiesson. Lawyer Keogh, counsel for Matthiessen, en- deavored to have the case go over, but Lawyer James M. Hunt insisted that it should be noticed for trial. Tho case has been on tho calendar for several terms, but was marked olTou account of tho absence of Mr. Spreckels and others. Mr. Keogh said ho would bo un- able to procure tho attendance of Secretary Searloa of tho American Sugar Kefiuiug Company, tho mate- - witness, aud Justice Dykmau set case dowu for March ltlth. Fox cla'tUB that Matthiessen agreod to givo him $2.i0,000 commis- sion if he could secure the plant of Frauklyu ltotiiiory at Philadel- phia, .?'JO0.U(X) for tho possession of the Spreckels Kefiuory at Sau Fran- cisco and 2.J percent on another Philadelphia refinery. This was nhortly niter the formation of the sugar trust, aud the companies nam- ed were lighting tho trust managers that they woro unable to put up tho price of sugar. Tho plants were finally purchased, but Fox never re- ceived his commissions. Tho defense claims that no such agreomoul was ever made. Oravo of Ancient Indiana Mr. Katfiwi of tho Canadian Pncifio Knllroad, who rwimtly nrrivod at Viinoouvor from l.yltou, li. C. my that tlmro havu boun tinuarthou from tho nuuiunt ludinn burying ground uonr thut town, from thu gravo of a proMtmalily prohistoric Siwanh. two croekory pintui with sconun of Siwanh lifo rtidoly painted upon them. Tho I'ouiulury is in onu aouxo c, for tho Iiidiatm itithosur-rouiidiu- y country nay that their most nuciuiit tradiliona do not tell of a liuryitiK ground in that vicinity, Tho oily of thu nnciont dead is white Willi human bonus that tho ago liavo liirL'ed into lime, but jnwliotioH with porfeotly preserved tenth nud Milium HKuils aro ntiuuiimil. One nknll hrui Ih'oii unearthed run- ning to n point al tho apoi and iiiennuriug nine inches from tho bridgo ol tho uoao to tho crown of tho lieiid. Tho countless arrow heads nro of agate, benutifully form- ed aud very large. Many Mono IhwIh hnvo nUo been foil nil. notiio with human faces carved upon them. Muauum in a Troo. Tho Agricultural Department MiiHotiiu at Washington has boon considerably ouriclied oa a result of the World'ti Fair. One of tho ac- quisitions is the large section of a California redwood tnx', which was a feature of the Interior Depart-ment'- H exhibit at the Fair. After the Fair the Interior Departmuut presented tho tree lo tho Agricultu- ral Department, which decided to remove il to Wash uglou and place it on the grounds of tho department there. A concrete foundation for it has boeu cou- nt rue ted aud on this the tree will stand. 1 lie interior has boon retnov ed throughout the w.ftiro length, ho as 10 leave a circular chamber sat- een feel 111 dianieter. In this hol- low a uiiiMHiui oua small scale is to be established. X spiral stair is constructed o thjit persons can walk to the top, over wyiicu there will bo a glass roof. The Japanese Govern- ment has donate j Us forestry exhibit at tho Fair, audhis has beou placed iu me luiiseuiu Those. CArnogio Flatea. Linuteutut Wyillner, tho naval otli-co- r in charge of tho inspection of armor pinto ut the Homestead works of the Carnegie Steel Company, in an interview nt Pittsburg, explaiued the aiKosstnout of duiungos against the Carnegie Company. He said: "It was simply a Hue imposed oil the company lor not doing its best to compel (ho corporation to make armor plates of the highest pobsible quality. There was uo conspiracy against the couipauy aud uo plates were sent in which did not boar the (internment stump of inspection. There is no way in which Uefcctite plates could be sent out without the tioMirnuienl ollirora ktiowiug it." International Laud Bwap. Ill the British Columbia Legisla- ture Home gave notice of a motion for the opening of negotiations for the trnnsler bv the. United States to Cauada of Point Koberts, iu the straits of Suit Juan do Fuca, iu con- sideration of ISritish territory of eipiul value adjoining the laskau boundary. l'oint Huberts is the southern extremity ol the peninsula south ol Frit Mir river, cut ofT by a prolongation of the iutoruutiouul boundary line from the mainland across the straits. It is quite isolated from other United States territory. For seveti years or more Mis. W. D. Louder, of Cjuiucy, Ky., was sub- ject to severe attacks of cramp colic. Mr. S. U. Morse, a druggist of that place, recommended C'liainlmrlniu's Colic, Cholera ami Diarrluea Keiu-cdy- , which has o lied oil a permanent cure, saving hur much siiliertug be- sides (he trouble and rtpouso of sending for a doctorswhich was oflen uccesHiiry. Forlsnlo by all dealers, Itetisou, Smith & Co., Agents tor tuu uawuiiau umutls.

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Dally Bulletin Publishing Co., L'd.,


32B k 328 lerohiit St., Hoaolala, H. I.

BUBSOlttPTION Bix Dollars a Ycab.Delivered In Honolulu at Fifty Cams aMonth, In Advance.



BVBRY TUBBDAYAt Fnun Dollars a Ycar to Domestic,ninl Kivx Dollars to Foreign Subscribers,payable In Advance.



TitR Daily Bulletin Is printed and publlshcd by tho Dally Hullctin PubllaliltiKCompany Limited, At Its olllce, Mer-chant street, Honolulu. Hawaiian Isl-ands. Daniel Logan, editor, resides onAlakea street, Honolulu, aforesaid.

Address letters for the paper "EditorUullktin," nud business letters " Manageriuuy uuiieuuUsItlK a norsonnl nddritm iiinv rnn.n .tnlm- -

In attention.

BualnoM Garda.



Fort Btrcet, Honolulu.

H. HAOKFKZJ) ft 00.,

UtMRAL Commission Aoknti.

Uoruor Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu.


AiiutionkirandUkniral Uvsinrms Auknt.

Malmkona, Kohala, Hawaii.


Attorncy-at-Ija- w anii Notary Puhlic.

No. 13 Kaahumanu 8L, Honolulu.


.Manufaiturinu Jkwilkr and Watch.MAKKR.

Kukui Jewnlr y a spoclally. Particularattention paid to all kinds of irepairs.Mcluerny Uloolc, Fort Street.


PHOTOORAPHERTbe Only Collaelloo or liliod VIawi.


ajokitbiot.Complete plans and specifications for

Toij ucsL-npuoi-i oi oaiiuuiK. iontractsilrnwn and careful superintendence of construction g ven when required. Call andexaiulne plans. New deslBus. Mo.lernJlulldliiKs. Olllco: Safo Deilt IhiildliiKI upstairs. Mutual Telephone 'OH.


8trai Enoinim, Bduar Milw. Uoilrrs,Uoolkiui. Iron, IIrass, and I.kad


Maohlnery of Kvery Description Made toOrder. Particular attentloii paid to Ship'"'"ok'n"","1"!?- - J"" Work exooutwl at


A FII18T.OI.A88 FAMILY IIATHINHti sr,'j..iv-.:i"L",-

t. """". i'arrangements can bemade for Family I'lcutcs uml KvenliiKUathliiK Parties. (WH--tf

Cement Sidewalks & Gra-nite Curbing Laid.Kstlmates given on all kinds of



CHR. GERTZ,Impobtih and Dkalkr lb

Gent's, Ladles' and Children's Boots, Sboes

and Slippers

Np. 103 lort Strent,CHAS. GIRDLER,


3Dry C3-ooc- ls

No Ifi KhhIiuiiihiiii ttrncl,

m. g. Irwin & co.!



Celebrated High Grade Cane Manures.

We are also prepared (u take orders lor

Messrs. 7. Ohlandt St Oo.'aFertilizers,

Insuring prompt delivery.

BOILED LUCOL!This Is a stiiierlor I'nlnt Oil. con

suming less piIBItnent tlmn Linseed Oil, midgiTing a lasting brl lllnnov to colors.useu Willi uriet It gives a splendid Moorsurface.

Iiim., Oement,ItKFINBDSUOAItS,


Fairbank Canning Co.'s Cornod Boot


Compounds, Rooflng & Papers,

Reed's Patent Steam Pipe Covering.

Jarboes' Diamond, Enamel ft Etor-lastin- rj


Especially dcilgucd for Vaciinni I'ntis.





Hartford Fire Insurance Co.,Assets, $7,109,825.49.

London A Lancashire Fire Ins. Co.,

Assets, $4,317,052.

Thames and Mersey Marine Ins. Co.,(Limited)

Assets, $6,124,057.

New York Life Ins. Co.,

Assets, $137,499,198.99.


General Agent for Hawaiian IslandB.HONOLULU.

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(LIMITKD)

Wm. O. Irwin. I'resldeut aud ManagerClans Spreckels,W. M. Olflard, Secretary and TreasurerTheo. 0. Porter Auditor

Sugar Factors- AND -

Commission Agents.


Oceanic Steamship Company,




General Mercantile


Commission Agents

P. C. Joiiiik President(I. H. Itohcrikoii. MilliiMerK. F. IIUIiop. . Secretary A I'lriH'inrW. F. Allen Auditor0. M. CookeII, Wh tiirlioilBO ...I Dlre lornC, L. Ciiitur ..





Carpets, Rugs and Matstn the liU'.-- l Pattern


Sewing Machines,HAND SEWING MACHINES, 01


All wit li , V Improvement.on



Celebrated Cottage 'i

Pailor Organs, Guitars, .,

NH oturn



KIiik Street, oppo. ("nvli V l'toli.-- U



COALAll kludt In any quantity from s

ImK to n ton.

CHARCOALI'roin one bun to any cimnllly

FIPtEJ V7OOHIn Mt. IciiKths and Sawed or Spill,-- ,

from n but; to any quantity; alto




Between Alike and Richard streets.

'PHB UNDUItSKlNICl) AUK PIIK.X pared to iniiku ull kinds of Iron,Jtrass, llrunto, JCInc, Tin and U-a-

Iiiks. Also a Ocnt-rn- l lleimlr Shop forskiuii hniiiiins, uii-t- t miiis, com Shin.

ater Wlirely. Wind Mills, etc. Miiuhlnesfur tht CIciiiiIiiu of Collcii, ('t. ir (lilt,litmus, ltuiiilc, KIhiI, i'lmupplc leaves andother Huron Plniits and PaK;r StiK-k- .

Also Miichliu-- for lixtmclliiK Starch fromthe MuiiIim), Arrow Hoot, etc.

It" All orders promptly intended to


"Sans Souci" Hotel

Seaside Sfej Resort

Wnikiki. : : : : Honolulu.

'kt1,r, 17, l.VIJ.

If nmiimr ilrmrc melt jiihihnt Unrli) tctiitti,, tiiiil imrt nlr, ilcm tnitnlft, ;( final uml hfiuiilji mimrtt Iniiulnut lirfure lilt firt tittij urnlmj mtt tht I'uri-ti- t

nail the iliftmit hill't uf Hiiinuu, I tetm.i-intu-

him tiinlinllii In th'i 'Sunt Hmci."iionmr i.tn is s'ii :..sv;.v.

T. A. SIMPSON, Manager.


The Best Lunch in Town.

Tea. and OoiTeeAT ALL IKHJIIS,


Cigars and TobaccoALWAY.S (IN IIVNII.


y.-i- i

81 KING Si. 'S-- tZJt

Wholesale and Retail Butchers- AND


O .1. Wrtllnr, Munut;or.

0ceanlc steaiDSt,iP Co--

Australian Mail Service,

ForSanFrucUco:The New and Flue Al Btcel Slenmshlp

"MONOWAI" C.the Oceanic Steamship Company will

due nt Honolulu from Sydney and Auck-land on or about

April 6th,And will leave for the move tiort withMalls nud Passengers un or tuotlt that date.

For Sydney and Auckland :

The New nud Fine Al Steel Steamship


the Oceanic Steamship Company willtitle at Honolulu, from ban Frsnelreo,nr about

April 12tli,Ami will have nrmiitit diMtatch withMulls and Passengers for the a.hove ports.

The undersigned are now prepared toliueTHROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS


IM" For further particular reanllnnrcltfht or Passaic apply to

WM. 0. IRWIN ft CO., Ltd.,

aneiJ AgenU.

Oceanic Steamship Go.


Tina TglTdI.local, lint:.


Arrive Honolulu I.T4VC Honolulufrom 8. K. lor S. K.March 'J I. ... . March .'IIApril !!... . .. April aMay 111 .. . .MuyJune III ... lime

THROUGH LINE.Krom San Krnnclsru Krom hdliey ,ii

for Sydney. Han I-- .tnclM-o- .

Arrir imoiiii. Isttit llmuJuhi

MAItlPOSA.Apr. Ii MONOWAI, Apr. ftMONOWAI, May III .1 !...! I'.IIA, .MIIV .1

Al.AMr.DA, June 7 MAUIPOSA, May.1t'MAUIPOSA, July o .MONoWAI.JuiiuSi

MONOWAI, Aul'. 2 AI.AMr.l)A,July.ilVI.AMKD.,Aiik..1u MAUIPoSA.Auk.u:!;i.UII'(MA,Sfpt.'.'7 MONOWAI. Sept. MMONOWAI Oct. 2.1 AI.AMKDA



Oceanic Steamship Go.IN SAN KUANOHCO.

Il is Imvii Itemoveil (rum :i2T MarketStreet to

UJ8 Mox'n;o.Mi:iiv Srm: :t,(IIMIIKII IH'I'IIIK.NTAI. IIOTKI.)

tW" From tills dutu ull coiiimuulca-llo-rmliilnn to the Sun Fruncl.co li;ur

ltilliu-- s hhould Ihi rent to the newOther, las Mout;ouifry Street.

VIM. G. IRWJiu CO., L'D,

icrni iK'cnlt, Oifunlu Sleaiii.hlpro.nlHonidiilu. iil'l tin

II. LOSE,Nonni P. Ill.lr, ClILLKI'TOII AMI (ll.MIIM.

lll'I.M Allt.Nr,

M,li.:i,-fii- t 'or S.'Viiml o( tlio llet I'liti:I.NSl UANCi: COMPANIKS.

Pnteiileeof I.oi.'h Ciikmh M.CuMiiiUMifor'.iirll)liiK Cimc Juice.

Mutual Teh phono S. p. 0. Ilox .'Ltt.Mr hunt Street, Honolulu.

Dlt. c. w. MOORIi,liOU V.ui Now Ave., S. I'.. Cal.

Elegant Avartmonts for Patients.KLKCTIIIl'iTV I.N KKHVnL'li IUHRM-Kb- .

tW Dr. Moore oU'erit Inviilldi. nil thei I'liinforlsiif limiin, wltli eonsinnt mid cim- -

nil triiitiiiiuil. Ilefers to II. It. Miii'lurluiie.Ull-t- l


WATCIIMAKr.lI AN'I .Ikwki.kii

.'A'! Port Strict, Honolulu, II. I,O. Ilox 'JsT. Mutual Tele. Hi.


Japanese Carpenter and Cabinet Maker.

Nil. 22 llhlll IAM I.

All Kinds of Ciililnil MiiUInu and lluild- -Iiik ami Cupairincdniii' in llrlcla

rale. Il7;t-li- n


fiAI'TUN WILLI VM DAVIKh.VV 'In' iiit twele )i'iir hi enuiliitilid ofliiier-inlmi- d ttmni'ri. oilurH li In hervlivii aI ii"t In mi) p'irl hi liiiidiln; in theIliUMi'.iin lniid-- . licit ol refereucu .

liKpiiri ul iillU'c ol J. S. Wiilkcr, overnprct'ku IlilliK I ort -- treet. UiT-- tf


A NCMIILIt OK TIIYPOTh. W XTIMtA 1'iul ( rni UiiiihI 2.'iO;iiIIoii. uii'li),(iir.ll llni'k, ill .plulillliea III klllt, ilf llVi'li'if

,1111k iiiiIu iiiiiii tin Pml Olllco at 7.'t cent.itr liuid Apl u

r. W. IIAWLINS,l.idi'O,

Uell'liht. U'i. I'. 0. Hull. lAiO-l- ui

Canadian-Australia- n Steamship LineIN CONNBJOTION WITH


TicketP. II.

j perare $5 l$2? SP


THRODOH TICKETS luned from BonoloJn to UNITED STATES and

EUROPE, alio to VUT and SIDNEY.

For Eiji and Sydney:


Freight and Passenger Agents:I). McNICOI.I., Montreal, Canada.ItOIIKKT KKHIt, WluniH.-L'- , Canada.M. M. HTKHN. San Kranck-o- , Cat.O. Mrl UHOWN. Vancouver, 11. (1. I

Pacific Mail S.S. Co.

-- AND rilK--

Occidental and Oriental S. S, Go.


Steamer of the a!ove Companies willcall at Honolulu on their way to the uboveport oil or about the following dates:

Stmr "CHINA" .. April III, IMIIStuir"(IAi:i,ll"' . Juno ;, Ih'iltitiur"IIKI.UIC" .. . July ',, iiistmr "CHINA" Scptemlcr :i, ItulHtiiir"OUKANIC" ..October 1. Ih'.ilStmr "CHINA". November I'J, n8imr"(t'i:ANlC"...Du.ciiibvr II, INJIStmr "CHINA" .. January l, IWrtSliiir"l)Ci:ANtC" IVbruary III, Ismhimr "CHINA" prll i, imii


Steamers of the above Companies willcall at Honolulu on tlieirwny from Hong-kong uud Yokohama to the itlxive port onoraiHiul the following dnti'- -

Stmr "CHINA" March Al. IKHStmr "(lAKI.IC" Mv It. I mm


July 10, lil8tmr"lli:i.(llC" . .. AitKiist 21, letilStmr'TlTVori'lIKINtl"..

October II, IKH" Novemb-- r III, lM

Stmr "CHINA" Dcvmber iil. lellStmr"HAKI,IC". .. IVbrimrv III. IrtttStmr-PKK- U" Murcfi 2ii. IMMSiiur"(l.KI.IC" April 2fi, INU


ro YOKO-


Cabin . $160 (W $176 noCublu, round trip

mouths . . . 22.1 uu Utt 60Cabin, round trip 12

moiillii . . 2(12 Ml Jill 23Kurocau Steerage ' Ul 100 W

Uf 'ttwtvt paylliK full fare Kill beallowed 10 ierccut oil return hire If return-- I

HI? within twelve months.

Knr Fretilin and I'linue ppl to

H. HAGRFELD & CO.,2ti; tt Aaents.





Titie Talole.I BWK hA.Sn i.Mvr. run. roKT

AMI KIMI or.Ti.KJa. m. 11.00 H. III.

loiou " Ull")I2:ui noon. l:iii, in.2:ou p. m. Hi 10 "1:0(1 " .':lll "il:.in ' 7::m11:00 " IU:oo '

Fureii to Itllle ltilliL'e 3 eeiitH. Will.klki, ill centt; hiiiii, Souci uml DiamondHead, l.'i cents, round trip, Vi ccihh;children under 12 years, half price.WH-- tf F. SMITH, Proprietor.


Next door Miirrlimil' Kxcliiiup.

Merchant, TailorNew Goods and Latest Styles !

I'HI.FUUT FIT GL'AKANTKi:!).ClIitoilliTi ucttllii! additional Mlil

will receivu it red net Ion of fiatidl Hire- -dilution on pautK, n.'i am

It can he proved

Any day

That the

Daily Bulletin

lias the.


Of any papei

In Holiollllll.

$10 gJi Less than U. S. Line


For Victoria and Vanconver B. C:I

STKAMKKS HA 1 1. April 1, Mnv I, May 31,I

rialJuly t, July 31, Istil.I the

Kor Tickets and Uenenii Infnrma.tlon apply to

THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., theAuenU fvr the niruimn Iiltiniln.

Wilder's Steamship Co.



TIME TABLE.W. 0. WlLbKR, Pres. 0. 11. Kosi, Sec.

Uait. J. A. Kind, Port Supl.

Stmr. KINAU,CLARKll, Cotnmaader,

Will have Honolulu at :! r. ., ioiicIiIiik atliliulnii, Mimlmii liny and Mukelia thehiilui' da) , Miihiikoim. KiiMuihueiiiiil

lliu folbiMliiK mi), iiriivluii atllllo hi uildiikkt.

I.KAVKn IKiNOI.l'l.tl:Friday. . .Miucli :wTummy pril loFriduy . .rll ,tTuemfay .la I

i' ruiatS .Miit III'llUofllV AimFlilluj J,. JI ucnliiy JllllU I.'l'rldut.... ... JUUK.'JI ue'lny .... Jill) .1I riday . . . . Jill) 111

Tueeiliiy . July 21I'rliluy. .. Auk.:;iucMluy .

lriuu) .... UK.2ITuuMl'iy . . eepl.Krldu) . . Bl'pt. IIliiuiiity.. v.I.2jrrulii) .... Oct.

ucMiiiy. Oct. 10Friday. . Otl.SUTuusiiuy.. Nov. liKrliliiy . . .OV. IllTiiestiuy . Nov. --'.l'rlduy.. Die. 1

Tuusifay Hvc. ID

KetiirnliiK leaves llllo, louchliif; atKiiwulliuc .. m.;

10 a. M.i Muktiiu li. m., Muulaealluyiir. i.; bihiiina n r. . the followingday; arriving ul ilonolulii l , u. Wedues-day- s

and Siiturdava.

Aiutivivh at Honolulu :

Witlnei-dii- .Miirch 2.Niturdiiy . April T

Wiilueiday April InS.tturiliiy .April !W.iliieidiiy ..liu ith.itiiritit) . . . Mil) 10WcdiicNlav May .inruturiliiy. . June IIWedii..ntiiy June 20Siitunliiy ..Jillie.iOWedllimdny .July IISainrituy . jiii)SVeuueiilu) Auk.n.itunliiy. All,!.Midiii'Kiluy All!.Miturduy . fcepl.Uuilllt'lulU) N'pt.biitiinliiy ftepl. -'-

-WeilllcilU) Oct. aSatiirduy K'I. i:tWediienhiy .Oct. 21mi tun lay . Nov. U

WcdiifMliiy Nov. IISutiirihiy . Nov. 21Weilueidu) . Dec..siiliir.iit) Dec. I.iWrdllldu) . Dec. 2- -

IMf No Freight will w reeelvnl nfler12 iiihiii on ila of pallium.

Stmr. CLAUDINE,CAMCHON. (Jommaader,

Will leave Honolulu every Tuesday ul bv. m,, toiiclilni; ut Kahiilui, Huelo, liana,Haiiioa and Kipahiilu.

UetiiruiiiK will arrive at Honolulu everyomnia) morulni:.

- No Freight will lie reivlveil allern , Oil iM) of bailing.

CoimlKiieeii niiut Ui ut llm Iiiiidinn toreceive their Irt'lclil, an we will out holdoumelveii reuiHiinnble ultur xicli Freightlut been lauded.

While till' Coiilutli) will line due dili-gence in handling l.le block, we declinetouiHiiiue any respniiillillii) mran-o- l theloin of .nine.

II ic Coiupiiiiy will not be rc,ixiii!liln lorMoney or Jewelry iinleKy iliuiif in iliecnreof Purberx.


PAUTIKs Di:slltlNi TO HO TOWaiuki'.ikuu Fall. Ill Mmioii Valle)

arc to obtain urmiH-Mi'- ii

Iroiu the iiiidcrAlgui'd, othvrwiie theywill be for tlCKpiisn if foillul onthe iutiiiIm's wilhoilt nucli intuiI-'.Iiii- i.

JAS. 11. IIOYD,at the Iuid Olllce, Supreme Umri lluild-ing- .

Honolulu .1 mi.. 17 leu ,'iVil


IIILIA DI'ITAIiAINKI tllK Ho-nolulu llimil iiimrd in lutiiru are re- -

lile.lfil lo be pre-i'llt- at lllu nlhce ol I III'lloulMip ivi.or of Ilonolulii on the 20thol I'lii'h mouth, otherwlM III'') will be ex-

empt from Hint iuiiiiIIi'k -- liniule and likly not li be paid (01 iiu "T two liionllinftei. II) order of the lluliollllil lluildlliunl. W. II. I CM.MINUS,Mi-- lf lload Siiirvlor, Honolulu.

V'ic Ihiily ItulUtin, uUctntt nr month,


A Broker After Half a Million ofIts Wealth.

Tho first guns of tho battle for..)00,0U0, which Jatnos V. Fox ofIrvingtou will endeavor to get fromtho sugar trust, says a Now Yorkdespatch of March 6, woro fired to-

day in the Supremo Court at WhiteIMaius before Justico Dykmau.

Tho ca.se is that of James V. Foxvs. Francis O. Matthiesson. LawyerKeogh, counsel for Matthiessen, en-deavored to have the case go over,but Lawyer James M. Hunt insistedthat it should be noticed for trial.Tho case has been on tho calendarfor several terms, but was markedolTou account of tho absence of Mr.Spreckels and others.

Mr. Keogh said ho would bo un-able to procure tho attendance ofSecretary Searloa of tho AmericanSugar Kefiuiug Company, tho mate- -

witness, aud Justice Dykmau setcase dowu for March ltlth.

Fox cla'tUB that Matthiessenagreod to givo him $2.i0,000 commis-sion if he could secure the plant of

Frauklyu ltotiiiory at Philadel-phia, .?'JO0.U(X) for tho possession ofthe Spreckels Kefiuory at Sau Fran-cisco and 2.J percent on anotherPhiladelphia refinery. This wasnhortly niter the formation of thesugar trust, aud the companies nam-ed were lighting tho trust managers

that they woro unable to put uptho price of sugar. Tho plants werefinally purchased, but Fox never re-

ceived his commissions. Tho defenseclaims that no such agreomoul wasever made.

Oravo of Ancient IndianaMr. Katfiwi of tho Canadian Pncifio

Knllroad, who rwimtly nrrivod atViinoouvor from l.yltou, li. C. mythat tlmro havu boun tinuarthou fromtho nuuiunt ludinn burying grounduonr thut town, from thu gravo of aproMtmalily prohistoric Siwanh. twocroekory pintui with sconun of Siwanhlifo rtidoly painted upon them.

Tho I'ouiulury is in onu aouxo c,

for tho Iiidiatm itithosur-rouiidiu- y

country nay that their mostnuciuiit tradiliona do not tell of aliuryitiK ground in that vicinity, Thooily of thu nnciont dead is whiteWilli human bonus that tho agoliavo liirL'ed into lime, but jnwliotioHwith porfeotly preserved tenth nudMilium HKuils aro ntiuuiimil.

One nknll hrui Ih'oii unearthed run-ning to n point al tho apoi andiiiennuriug nine inches from thobridgo ol tho uoao to tho crown oftho lieiid. Tho countless arrowheads nro of agate, benutifully form-ed aud very large. Many Mono IhwIhhnvo nUo been foil nil. notiio withhuman faces carved upon them.

Muauum in a Troo.

Tho Agricultural DepartmentMiiHotiiu at Washington has boonconsiderably ouriclied oa a result ofthe World'ti Fair. One of tho ac-quisitions is the large section of aCalifornia redwood tnx', which wasa feature of the Interior Depart-ment'- H

exhibit at the Fair. Afterthe Fair the Interior Departmuutpresented tho tree lo tho Agricultu-ral Department, which decided toremove il to Wash uglou andplace it on the grounds of thodepartment there. A concretefoundation for it has boeu cou-nt rue ted aud on this the tree willstand. 1 lie interior has boon retnoved throughout the w.ftiro length, hoas 10 leave a circular chamber sat-een feel 111 dianieter. In this hol-low a uiiiMHiui oua small scale is tobe established. X spiral stair isconstructed o thjit persons can walkto the top, over wyiicu there will boa glass roof. The Japanese Govern-ment has donate j Us forestry exhibitat tho Fair, audhis has beou placediu me luiiseuiu

Those. CArnogio Flatea.Linuteutut Wyillner, tho naval otli-co- r

in charge of tho inspection ofarmor pinto ut the Homestead worksof the Carnegie Steel Company, inan interview nt Pittsburg, explaiuedthe aiKosstnout of duiungos againstthe Carnegie Company. He said:"It was simply a Hue imposed oil thecompany lor not doing its best tocompel (ho corporation to makearmor plates of the highest pobsiblequality. There was uo conspiracyagainst the couipauy aud uo plateswere sent in which did not boar the(internment stump of inspection.There is no way in which Uefcctiteplates could be sent out without thetioMirnuienl ollirora ktiowiug it."

International Laud Bwap.

Ill the British Columbia Legisla-ture Home gave notice of a motionfor the opening of negotiations forthe trnnsler bv the. United States toCauada of Point Koberts, iu thestraits of Suit Juan do Fuca, iu con-sideration of ISritish territory ofeipiul value adjoining the laskauboundary. l'oint Huberts is thesouthern extremity ol the peninsulasouth ol Frit Mir river, cut ofT by aprolongation of the iutoruutiouulboundary line from the mainlandacross the straits. It is quite isolatedfrom other United States territory.

For seveti years or more Mis. W.D. Louder, of Cjuiucy, Ky., was sub-ject to severe attacks of cramp colic.Mr. S. U. Morse, a druggist of thatplace, recommended C'liainlmrlniu'sColic, Cholera ami Diarrluea Keiu-cdy- ,

which has o lied oil a permanentcure, saving hur much siiliertug be-sides (he trouble and rtpouso ofsending for a doctorswhich wasoflen uccesHiiry. Forlsnlo by alldealers, Itetisou, Smith & Co.,Agents tor tuu uawuiiau umutls.

:pr? 3


Suing the Bugnr Trust.Graves of Ancient Indium.Museum In a Tree.Thtue Carnegie Plates.International Land Snap.

SKCO.t!) PAOK.Out of Their Own Mouths editorial.Kdltorial Paragraphs.In I)e(cue of the Chinese, by "l(O.T'

corr.tlloomy Kurebodlngs, hv"An American"corr.

THIRD PAIICMarine News.Ixjcal and General Items.Judiciary Jottings.Another Japanese Warship.An Expert In Explosives.The Lantern View.

FOURTH PAOK.An Idyl of Arlionn.Iloatsof Alumlnnni.Tug Datld H. Hill Meets Cleveland.New Line of Steamship Proposed.

Wt gnUjj ulUtin.

iledged to neither Sect nor Party,But Ettablithrd for the Henefit of All.


TLoro is at least uuu man whoachieved greatness on January 17,18D3, when many others had It thrustupon thetu. He has been eulogizediu Congress by Senator John V.Daniel of Virginia. "Itnruortal Os-

car White!" exclaimed Mr. Daniel:''Ho ought to bo promoted andbrevetted, for ho was the only manof the revolution so imprudent as toventure out to the theater of actionwith a riflo iu his hand when therevolution began 1"

James Huddart is a man for thetimes. From out of tho clouds ofdepression iu Australia ho projecteda new line of steamers across tho Pa-

cific. Now ho has contracted withthe Dominion Government to start anew lino across the Atlautic. io con-nect with tho Pacific Hue by thoCanadian Pacific Railway. This lat-

ter scheme only requires tho sanc-tion of tho Dominion Parliament,and, as tho matter of speedier steamcommunication across the Atlautichas long bon agitated in Canada,tho probability is that it will gothrough. Iu that caso tho perma-nency of tho Pacific line, that givesHawaii mm- - trade connections ontwo sides of this ocean, will bo as-

sured, as ouo lino is tho counterpartof tho other iu a grand route oftravel and commorco between theMother Country and her coloniesunder the Southorn Cross.


If tho documentary history of thepresent crisis in Hawaiian affairsover bo formulated into a digest,t hero is scarcely a position assumedby tho authors of tho groat anti-nation- al

conspiracy which would o

support from tho document.Most of their positions were takenas afterthoughts to savo first theircause and next their credit, whentho conspiracy of President Harri-son's representative with Hawaiianrebels collapsed of its own inher-ent injustice whenever its naturebecame known at Washington. Sucha digest as that mentioned wouldnot need a line of testimony fromthe supporters of Hawaiian iudopondouce, to prove that, tho d

revolution would never havetaken place without the active aidof Minister Stevens and the forcesof tuo L 5. 6. Uoston. Tlioro hasboon much hoard ol tho alleged par-

tiality of Coinmisuicuor Blount iu

makiug his investigation here. Hehas been charged with seekiug ovi-deuc- o

chiefly from royalists, ignor-ing, ho far as ho could with anyhomhlauce of fairness, those whohad been chief actors iu the revo-

lution. Tho persons who make thesoaccusations have dishonestly Hup-pressu- d

tho fact that CommissionerBlount's eouclusious are chieflybased on citations from leaders intho revolution and members of thoProvisional Qovorumeut. Support-ers of Presidont Cleveland's policyin Congress have pursued tho samocourse. For instance, Senator G ray,iu his powerful speech made hiscentral argument on the realities oftho revolution almost Rolely upontho tost of the testimony of Messrs.H. E. Cooper, W. O. Smith and W.

It. Castle. Tho circumstances con-

nected with this testimony iu them-

selves wipo out ono of the falho accu-

sations with which the criticisms ofMr. Blount's courso havo boon load-

ed. It has been charged that whenMr. Blount did receive P. G. evi-

dence, ho elicited it by leading ques-

tions in a brusque, domineeringruaunor that disturbed the minds ofthe witnesses, also that ho displayedsuch craft in u as tomake them say things thoy had notwanted to say, and give answers thatdid not correctly represent their re-

collections of the ovents iu question.The following quotation from Sena-

tor Gruy's speech will show thattheso charges certainly cannot holdwith regard to tho testimony of thethree witnesses or affiants named:

"Senators will pardon me if I

should prove a little prolix on thispoint, but tho evidence is so import-ant and so vital that I cannot omitreatlintr it sonvtwhat at length. Mr.Smith and Mil'Cooper and Mr. CW


tie, all of thorn members of tho com-mittee of safety, two of thorn nowmembers of the Provisional Govern-ment, woro requested by Mr. Blount,the spocial commissioner, to gatherinformation for the President of thoUnited States, to give him an ac-

count of what had occurred iu theirown way. Aftor demurring sotnotime thoy consented, not to bo ex-

amined by Mr. Blount, but to submita carefully prepared statement w rit-te- n

out over their own hands, deli-berately and, wo must boliovo, truth-fully made. I am about to road fromthat statement now.

"Mr. Goorgo They expressly de-clined to l)o cross-examine-

"Mr. Gray And, as tho Souatorfrom Mississippi says, I want to re-

call now that thoyoxprossly declinedto be cross-examine- This state-ment is rather a joint statement be-tween Mr. Cooper, Mr. Smith andMr. Castlo."

Senator Gray then proceeds toquote largely from Mr. Smith, mak-

iug running comments on his testi-mony. From this testimony homakes it as clear as day that whentho committee of safety began work-ing on its scheme, it did not appealto tho people in tho first instancebut to tho United States Miuitor.From M r. Smith's own words it islearned that the first conditionunder consideration by tho commit-tee was the vory strong position oftho regtdar Government in beingpossessed of men, arms and strong-holds. "And iu view of tho factthat at tho station homo tlioro wasa largo armed force and at tho bar-racks, and that nearly all of thoarms woro in possession of tho sup-porters of tho Queen, and tlioro wasno organization at the time outsideof thoso forces," Mr. Smith testifies,"aud it was simply unknown howmany arms were available, tho ques-tion was at once discussed whethera protectorate should not bo soughtfrom tho United States steamshipof war Boston." Upon which Mr.Gray remarks:

"That is tho egg from which washatched this revolution the UnitedStates ship of war Boston; that

tho revolution started. Theseworo the men who havo been com-

pared to the fathers of tho Repub-lic; to the men who pledged theirlives, their fortunes and their sacredhonor to establish the libertieswhich wo wnjoy, aud iu which thoyof tho Hawaiian country naturallyenough wish to participate. 'Thatquestion,' Mr. Smith goes on to say,'was, of course, first raised, whetherthe United States would render as-

sistance, or what their attitudewould be, and then' The very firstbusiness, now -- 'a special commit-tee, consisting of L. A. Thurston,W. C. Wilder and II. F. Glade wereappointed to wait' Upon whom, doyou think? Upon their fellow citizens, auu ask thorn to come ai tinscrisis of their history aud stake theirlives, their fortunes and their sacredhonor on tho result! Oh, no; notto do that, but 'to wait upou Mr. J.L. Stevens, United States Minister,and inform him of the situation anilascertain from him what, if any,protection or assistance could hatTorded by the United Stales forcchfor the nrotcctiou of life and nroperty,' Recollect that. Wo shallhave n great deal to say about the pro.lection of life and properly beforewe get through with this discussion

'the uuauimous sentiment amifeeliug being that life and propertywero iu imminent danger.' Mr.President, I commend the cautionof tho.o gentlemen to nil succeed-ing revolutionists. Happy thought!1 doubt whether it everliefore en-tered tho minds of tho patriots whoall over tho world have waled theirdevotion to liberty with their blood,that they might have avoided all thattrouble and all that sacrifice by sim-ply getting some paramount pownr,outsido of themselves, to protect lifeand property, while they workedout tho revolution."

Senator Gray proceeds from thesame testimony to show that boforoauythiug else was douo by tho com-

mittee of tafety, it had secured apromise from Minister Stevens "thattho United States troops on boardthe Boston would be ready to landany moment to prevent the destruc-tion of American life and property,aud iu regard to the matter of estab-lishing a Provisional Governmentthey of course would recognize theexisting Government, whatever itmight be." He tears to pieces thoshallow pretense of MiuisterSteveusthat ho actetl throughout for the"protection of American lifo andproperty," showing the humiliatingposition iu which that puts a Minis-ter of the United States --ostensiblydoing his duty in protecting Amer.icans at tho request of a committeeof thirteou,only seven of whom wereAmericans while all wero actingas Hawaiian revolutiouihts, but real-ly protecting a plot to overthrow aGovernment to which he whs ac-

credited as the representative of afriendly nation, and the only dangerto American life and property liableto occur being from the unlawful ac-

tion of those he was protecting.From the same testimony Mr. Grayshows that Minister Stevens went

j beyond his promise -- given solely toJ promote the then only projectedj revolution ho would recognizeany sort of government the insur-- I

gouts would set up as soon as theyj had possession of tho public build-

ings. Ho actually recognised thej Provisional Government before it

had takeu possession of one of thedefended or defensive posit ions ofthe Queen's Government, and whenthe only act of government it hadperformed was to Umio an urgout

appeal for protection to tho Araori-ca- n

Miuister. Previously ho hadlauded the troops bofore his fellow-conspirato- rs

were ready. On thisuoitit Mr. Gray is worth quotingagain, and thou tho subject may bocontinued to lator issues:

"Mr. Smith says, with charmingcandor: 'The, hour iu the morningbeing immaterial, whether it was itor 8 or 0 o'clock iu tho morning, butwe must havo furthor time to pre-vent bloodshed, nnd Mr. Thurstonand f were appointed to proceed atonce to tho Ainericau Miuistor andinform him of our decision.' 'Ourdecision' as to what? That thotroops woro not to laud, that thorevolutionists woro not quite ready.Thoy had agreed with Sir. Stevensthat the troops should land thatafternoon, but thoy found they couldnot got tho papers read. That wasvory natural. Who would notsvmpa-thiz- e

with them! I feel myself nowiu all tho excitement with whichthey were surrounded in that littleroom, with their papers half drawnand their plans not perfected, withno arms, with discouraging reportsirom .tr. VYiimicuborg that uocouiilnot find more than sixty stand ofarms in tho whole city whicli woronot iu the possession of tho exisliuirGovernment, thoy woro not yet readyand had asked tho troops to laud.Thoy said, 'Things will bo all out ofjoint, tho troops will bo landed, audwo shall not bo ready.' Think of it.Mr. Chairman, the troops laudedand the revolutionists not rcadv torevoluto. Laughter. I almost "hadtears brought to my eyes when Iconsidered tho straits to which theywere put as narrated by Mr. Smith.

In Defense of tho Chlneso.

EniToii Bulletin:"American" in last night's Star

aks if anyone knows of tho Chincsohaving lost auythiug by their re-

clamation of land iu tho HawaiianIslands. If "American" is uot a new-comer to this country 1 must, afterreading his letter, "write him downan oss.

Iu tho United States the man whoreclaims laud is usually the ownerand benefits in proportion to thoamount of tho land improved. IuHawaii tho land improved by thopeople of tho Chinese race belongs,usually, to tho missionaries, theirdescendants, or to natives who havoplaced their lands iu the hands ofCentral Union lawyers for variousreasons. When land is reclaimedby the loasoholdor the owner derivesa bouefit through having his, prac-tically worthless, laud made valua-ble, nor does tho owner or agentever neglect to iticrcase tho rentals

-- for the improvements alreadydouo as well as prospective ones.There rentals are iucieased fromtime to time until they got too highfor tho laud to be profitably used bythe rice grower, mid is surrenderedto tho owner, who casts his not fornow victims.

Then there are instances whorelargo tracts of laud. have been leasedto tho Chinese who havo securedwhite men as their agents and haveobtained from them advances to on-abl- e

them to improve their land orharvest their crop. For such ad-vances a one percent interest com-pounded quarterly is usually charg-ed. Utiless success has crowned thoefforts of the rice grower in suchinstances ho is closed up and someouo is benefited. Is it the Chlneso?The reclaimed laud reverts to thoowner. I do not mean to say thatinstances like tho latter are frequent,but every resident of Honolulu fortho past twenty yoars will bear moout in tho assertion that they haveoccurred often enough to impoverishsome people of that race.

I am uot a lover of tho Chinesebecause they are Chinese. Nor do Iboliovo they should bo given employ-ment iu preference to natives orwhites where either of tho latterclass can, ami will, do tho same workeven at a slight advan o in wages.But 1 am iu favor of such immigra-tion because it is tho best class oflabor for the field and because eachshipmeut of Chinamen landed atthis port adds to the colfors oftho white merchant. It is a fullacyto say that tho Chiue.se deal exclu-sively with the Chinese merchantsand they with their connections iuChina. For the past twenty yenrs1 have watched tho growth of thecommerce in theso Islands and par-ticularly the business of the whitemen whose dealings are largely withthe Chinese. Failures among suchmerchants may be counted on thefingers of one hand. 1 do not be-lieve that you can select from theraces on the faco of the earth menwho will do the samo class of workbetter or with greater profit to tholremployers than tho Chinese. Thesepeople camo here poor and some ofthe successful ouos have becomerich. The same applies tu the whites,the employer of to-da- y was tho om-ploy-

yesterday. The plantationman is not tho kicker again at Chin-ese, beeouse ho wnuts laborers andtho Chinese are the best procurable.If the unemployed of Honolulu today feel that the Chinaman standsiu I lie way of procuring employ- -

inent, he lias only to apply to theagents of any of tho sugar compan-ies mid he will be giwmtho sameclass of work, if he. run do it


Gloomy Forebodings.

EniToit Bulletin:The morning Tiser of March 17

waileth thus: "The news that thoSub Finance Committee had recom-mended tho abrogation of the Recip-rocity Treaty spread an atmosphereof considerable gloom over businesscircles j ot unlay" Wo will ask tho"J'ihor man to bo honest and candidfor once, and acknowledge tho truthof what caused and led up to theproposition to ubrouate the treat v.

j Did not the missionary planterssome very few years ago, in order tocripple Sprockets, join the sugartrust and turn their sugar over toHint trust, thereby committing adirect stub ngiiiiht the Americanpeople! And liawi not the sameclass, through their vile writings topartisan American papers, persis-tently heaped abuse and calumny

upon Presidont Cloveland, who is at I

tho head of the Amorican nation?President Dole, through his imoorti- - I

pent, bombastic letter to tho Amer-ican Minister bore, casting reflectionson the head of tho Amorican nation,has in a large measure hurriod for-ward tho proposition to abrogate thotreaty, is this to bo wondered at!Is Presidont Cleveland going to al-

low Dole to insult him! Tho worldknows President Cleveland but whois Dole? Who is Thurstou! Har-per's Weekly ono of tho bost Amer-ican periodicals has sized thorn up,and at what a cost to themselves.But tho handwriting of Fate is nowvisible. President Cleveland has at-

tempted to rostore the Queen; butas tho Provisional Govornmont re-

fused to resign, his plan is frustratedfor tho time being. But has Presi-dent Cloveland failed! Most cer-tainly not; as being an Anglo-Saxo- n

ho is not to bo downed so easily.He is now about to commonce. Thotreaty will bo abrogated. Trado andbusiness paralysed; tho Chinoso willthrow up aud leave; whito mon,whou they seo tho country is ruinod,will soon emigrate, and who will beloft! Hawaiiaus. What will follow!Formation of tho Monarchy again,for tho present Government and itssupportors will bo ruined out andout, and many of thorn forced toleave tho country. Thus will Presi-dent Cloveland rostoro the Monarchyand at tho samo timo tho land willrovort to its owners again. Truly asad picture to draw; but PresidontDolo will often regret tho day thatho over joined Stovons' gang to do-st roy tho form of monarchical gov-ornmont whicli, by tho way, is thoonly ono ho has over boou ablo tomake a living under. Dolo. Thurs-ton Si Co. havo played tlioir lastcard and lost the game. Sic trantltgloria mundi. An American.


Roman Catholic Cathedral.HOLT WEEK SEnVICES.

Maundy Thursday 7 a. in., Pon-tifical Mass; 3 p. in., Washing of thefeet; 7 p. m., nativo sermon; 8 p. tu.,Portuguese sermon.

Good Friday U a. m., Service amiAdoration of the Cross; '! p. in., Sta-tions of tho Cross; 7 p. tu., Stationsfor tho Portuguese; 8 p. m., Englishsermon.

Holy Saturday --7 a. in., Serviceand High Mass.

Easter Sunday Masses as usual.m

Hood'a and Only Hood'a.

Hood's Sarsaparilla is carefullyprepared from Sarsaparilla, Dande-lion. Mandrake, Dock, Pipsissewn.Juniper berries aud other wellknown remedies, by a peculiar com- -

umauoii, iirupuriiuu auu process,giving to Hood's Sarsaparilla curative powers not possessed by othermedicines, it eiiocts romnrkaoiocures when other preparations fail.

Hood's Pills euro biliousuoss.

We have just received an-

other cargo of Hay and Grainby the "Irmgard," personallyselected by our manager in

California: and as we bmtthe best, a word to the wisaf

is sufllcicnt. Prompt delivery!

California Feed Co.

Oi'FifK : Corner Queen

and Xtiuanu streets. BothTelephones 121.

Warkiioi'sk : King streetnear O. R. fc L. Co. 'a Depot.Both Telephone. 53.

By Lewis J, Lovoy.




One Gray Stallion,Six cum old wclglilnu IV) lb., houihI,

tf title nnd partly lirokrn tu hiir- -

ni'hH nnd Hidille,

fA-- Out of import I'd "Morcm" murehy "LUil" Giant," Hired by Mmmrcli"und lniurlvd by I'licliunl of Cullfornlafrom Krancc;. Well udnptud for ruiicli pur- -


Lewis J. Levey,llS-.- AUmONEKU.

By Jan. F. Morgan.


BY (lUI)Klt 01' Mil. M. It. COLIIUKN(in iiiirpiimit to tin' provi-doi-

Cliuiitern, VWlnn Lav. of IHtrj, I will t-- l,by Auction, for account of wliom itmux cunctrii, at my Hidirooiii, OuiunMri-et-. Honolulu, on SATDKDAY, .Mnr.liL'l, 1KM, at i o'clock neon, Onk Hfformerly ibu priixrty of W O. Aclil lt

bitV'Uh' been mailti by Milil Ac In iubluiililluutloiiii under tint provisions ! theaforiiMilil Mtutute

J AH. T. MOItO ANAuctlom or.

Honolulu. March U, IKill. 1t

All kimli oj Commercial Printingpromptly executed at low m ai theHulUHn OfHee,

Hawaiian Hardware Cn.. L'a i


Saturday, March 17, 1894..

While the news received bythe "Alameda" may not befavorable to the sugar plantersand consequently to everyresident of the Hawaiian Islands it is not of a characterthat should cause seriousalarm. After calm consideration it is difficult to find wherein the sugar planter will beworse off after the treaty isdiscontinued than he has beensince the McKinley Bill becamea law. When the duty wastaken off sugar in the UnitedStates the price of that articledropped out of sight and ourplanters received a blow bybeing placed on the same levelas those in other foreign coun-tries; the putting on of a dutyand the abrogation of the treatywith Hawaii does not alter theirposition in any respect provid-ed the price of sugar advancesto the extent of the duty.

It is probable that the costof producing sugar in Cubadoes not differ materially fromthat of this country, and there isno way that it can be reduced.It is reasonable to believe thatif the price of an article is re-

duced by abolishing a tariff,the opposite must be the re-

sult if one is imposed.For months the people here

have understood that the dutywould be imposed and thebounty discontinued. Somepeople considered the prob-abilities of the discontinuanceof the treaty, but a majority ofthem did not. they looked onlyat the "duty an" and contem-plated the profits with thetreaty still in force. To thosepeople the news by the Alameda had the most depressingeffect.

The question will be asked,"If it is in the power of thetrust to advance the price ofsugar, after the duty is impos-ed, why has it not done sosince the passage of the Mc-

Kinley bill?" There are severalanswers to the question butone, perhaps, will suffice. Thetiust, while not posing as abenevolent institution, may beconsidered an American one,

land will naturally protectAmerican industries when itspurse is not touched. Ger-

many comes next to the UnitedStates iu its sugar producti in,and its planters are subsidisedas are those of the UnitedStates; the low price of sugarmade it undesirable for foreignproducers to compete. If oneCongress saw fit not to protectits planters through the tariff,the trust, which must Ik consid-ered an interested pai ty, did soby manipulating pnc s. Underthe Wilson bill with the Senatechanges the American planteris protected to a certain ex-

tent, but the bent fits he willderive will not be equal tothose under the McKinleybounty clause. If the trustkept the price down to benefitthe American producer, the in-

crease of a cent a pound onthe foreign product will placehim in the same position asunder the McKinley law. II

the present low price is maintained the Louisiana plantersuffers, because he is out twocents a pound bounty and hegets no more for his product.

But the tariff laws of theUnited States will have no ef-

fect upon an article like theJones Fence. Its quality willbe maintained and every con-sumer will be as well satisfiedas Mr. Monsarrat, who says:

Kai'acau Ham ii,Kai , II u n.

Mn. I.. It. Hkmuii, MuniiKer lliiullaiiII trdwure Co., Honolulu.

Ura rt'ir,1 I. live Just ooiniileti'd Mime three mile

of i In '.loneo l.oc; Ki'lico" and uiut alino I mo very much plcuvil with it, iufie t It Ih the fence for u ranch. I bad iihoutu nillu tocoiirtnict over "palioehoe," whereI' u nearly iuioillu to get 11 po-- l itimnioul found, ill this ciii-- e ntiieuiilil.v, theloiion Fence svunii jiru.il mivIiij; of labor.I here lire iilace In this fence where theMut nro in lu.nl 7" feet apart, the pueo be- -

iweeu lllhil In uilb Mil'. There I no hikto It nnd It Ih ax Hiirluiy aoi wire inattie.I inn couuduiit thn'itulll turn onliuarhlOUK.

1 liiivu Milne two nnd a half milt-- - r .

to coiiritmct over a ioiinir uhcn ullilcattle arc very plentiful, innl n -- oon a-- , nha! iiinlcrKOiie the Oft tin re will lieyou further. If It nlllturu tin Mod; ontbln part of the laud, ami i mu eooll.li litIt will, ou ciiii n t ax tiicd ihiu it Millturn most uu iliinu except a lava llou.

Ver trilK umJ. MllNftAKKAT.

Hawaiian Hardware Co., I'dOppimile hpruokflii' IIiomi.,


Corner Fort Se Hotol Streets.






Will bo offered to the Public nnd it will pay you to trade atthe "TEMPLE OP FASHION."

... I AM OFFERING NOW ....For Friday and Saturday Only,

Boys' Cambric aud Flanette WaistsElegant Assortment of Colors at 20 Cents Eaeh.

JihI Received by last "Australia" a Large Stock of

DliESS FLANBTTES!To be sold for ovi: wi:kk o.vi.y at 10c, V2 14c. and 10c.

per yard. Goods worth 25o. a yard.

. . 2 6 O FIEOES..In 10-ya- rd lengths, reduced from $1.00 to 75 cenU.

S. EHRLIOH,Corner Fort and Hotel Sts., .... Honolnln, H. I.


The Drug Bti&iueas heretofore carried by Hol-list- er

& Co. has been incorporated under thename of the

Hollister Drag Co, L'd.

Having the largest and most complete stock iu

our line, we are prepared to offer our oustoineru

the best goods at the lowest prices.


F5Jr Tr0vt


. .


0- --


- TsCoriolvilu. EC. T.


G. IRWIN & L'd.,M" Ajmti fir Ihr llnu, 111,1,1 lilttiuti,

National Cane ShredderiwrKsmii t'snun tub laws of tiik Hawaiian islands.



ii v.f? u n ... tv

J"tU ... v j CxJiK iil i J L. ! VJ At fFr-TL-r- M-

THUS UNI)KUSI(JNBI) HAVK IIIUiN AlTOINTKl) SOI.K ACIKNTB VOlitlii-c- riiuiKiiDKKH mul mu now iropiiiitl to riTt'ivo union.

Tliu urcnt mlwintiiKOH to lie derived fioiu tlu uno o( llio National CankSiiui:iiiiKi( ur thoroughly opliililUhoil unit iiokuowliMlgoil liy I'liiutorbt'oili'lilll.V.

'I'lio Inrno iiiiinlior o( 1'liiutor imiii) tlioin in tlio United .State, Utilia,Areiiiiin; ltoiiilii(t, IVru, Aiii-lru- i unil kIm'wIioio, lie.ir tviliiuurt to tliouIiiao claim.

Tlio ii mi of tho HiliiKDiiKK vuiy lurnoly itiiKiiiuutH tin iiiiiintity of canothe mill nut urinil ("25 tu f(U), uUo tl o oxtiaotion of juicti (fi to 12).

Ii in a ninii HiifcKuiml, iii.tkiui; known at omo tho prcM-no- of anypioci'n of irmi, HtukoH from ckio, or aiiythiiij; whi'h would huliablo to duintittetho mill, und alluwiin; uin-il- i lim tu romovo b.iinu hofon ihiinaKiiiK' tlio mill.

Tho Siiiii:iiiu:it in ver Mionulv made, and fioiu tho manner of iu opera-tion it nut or tears the-- c pieec- - of wood ir iron witlnnit ofieu liioaking tlioSiiitKiuiKU ; ami if uii. tiling drunk-- , il ih uniply of tho knives oi cuttcru,which mn ho iiiiokly and onnn.ioally replaced, I'hu KiniKliDKlt, an itsliaino imlieiiloti, tuarn the euno into nlirnU of varying loii4tlm, poifeetly uponinj; it and allow inn the null to thuroiinhly prt out I lie jiueen without

I" imnioni-- extra power ueei-snir- to pirnl or crur-l-i tho wlioloaue. Tin- - hiiiii.iiiii.it hpieud" the hliieddLiI cane uniformly ami ovonly to

the mill mild, and doei. awa) with the uu'roily of HpreadiiiK llio bagm-c- byhand hetwei u the milh, wheio re p indiiit,' in in iimi. No greater amount ofhoilu nipnuH) in ieiiiued to opurato tin-- KlMiKlilil'li than lliut which wiuMillion ut for the null, foi the. above leiuom-- . Wo fiirnioh full workingdrawing fur tin iuMallaliou our Mini. 1UU. Its, enabling any competent en-gineer iu Miccci.fully install and Mail llimn.

Iu ordering Muuhliiu.li fioiu u, pleiiM- - noiul email sketch, M'lowliii thediamoti r ami width of the null mil with wliii Ii .Suiir.iiiiKi' i to bo ennnu'led,aUn tin tide (either right in 1 ft Ii mil an you faff f . oehvory oiilu of thonull), upon whicli the mill oiigiue m luealed, ali-- the height fioiu lloor linoto ei ulei of f mill mill mil ami dmlam o center lln to front endul bed plate. 'I Iiumj Siiiii:iiiii:iim are now In iug iin-i- i by tho llilo Sugar Co.ami llawi Mill, Ivuhala, whuio tiny are giving great naiinf.iclinn.

gjSf 1'iioc- - ami fuiiher partieul.tin may la- - had h) applying lo

WM.tu.' ti


M!WmF"',J "


Time TableTo Kwa Mill.

D. B. A. I).A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.

ln w Honolulu 8:45 1:45 4:35 6:10Leave l'tarl City 9:30 2:30 6:10 6:61Arrive Kwn Mill 9:67 2:67 6:3fJ (1:22


0. 0. B. A.A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M.

lnve Kwa Mill.. .0:21 10:43 3:43 6:42Lcovc Pearl City. .6:65 11:15 4:15 6:10Arrive Honolulu. ..7:30 11:65 4:65 fl:45

A. Saturdays only.II. Dally.CJ. Sundays excepted.I). Saturdays excepted.

Ji SnHjj 8 tiUttn.



Wkd.icmdat, Mar. 21.II t J M S Nnnlwn, Mori, from HlloH 1 J M 8 Takaclillio, Nomura, 15 dayo

from JapanBtnir Walalcals from Kakultinele, Hotio- -

kan und LahalnaStmr Klhtuea Hon from Hawaii

Dopartures.Wkhskmiiay, Mar. 21.

Am bktne Irmgard, Bulimldt, for HanKraticK'o nt 10 a m

Am utinr Whaler Narrarch, Cook, for theArctic

VomoIb LnnvingMtmr Claudlnc fur Kaliulul, Kcanae, llatin

llatiioa, Klpalmlu, Nun, I'naulinii,m

Stmr Kanla for Wtilanae, Walalua, Moku-Iot- a,

Lalu, Knliuku ond I'unatuuatUa III

Oarftoea from Island Porta.Btmr Kaala wa bagi tiignr.Htmr Walalealn 3I!7 lug kugnr.


From Hiimnkiiu, per stmr Wiilolunlf,Mur 21 J 0 Young and It dwk.


For Hau Krauclrco, iior bnrkuntlne Inn-gar-

March 21 Mr losiur, Mrs Monar.rat and child, Mr K A Lundy and child,Mrs Wall, Mln Wall, K i Word.

Shipping Notoa.The tdcftlnor (.'landine'i. doparturo lint

been postponed till afternoon.Thu Mcamer Wnlalcalc will leave for 1

Kukullmuluutid llnokauon Fridaymorning.

Tlio mmiiu whaler Nnvnivli, Captain J.II. Cook, galled for the Artie thin after-noon. Hor mnnlfunt nlwwa hur stores asfollows: In ntcn gin, 2 canes cigars. Icajciwhlnkoy, 2 barrels, fl dumllohns nlcolml,valuo J0I.A0.

The hurkentlne Irmgard, Copt. Schmidt,ailed y for thu Coal with 10,010 hagu

Miliar, shipped by T. II. IMvlcs, (J. IirewerA Co, and Cantlo A Cooke, valuod at

Included In her cargo were 2 vaseswhiskey, 21 esses champagne and 21 cases

oreenter sauce.


Proceedings Before tho SupromoCourt at Torm.

Claus Sprookols va. G. W. Macfar-lati- o.

Appeal from ordor ilcuyingmotion in orrost, otc. Hatch forplaintiff! Hartwoll and O. V. AhIi-for- d

for dofondant appellant. Thiscasu was arguod and submitted aftertuo cofrualo ono oi Hawaiian Coin-luorci-

and Sugar Co. vs. WaikapuSugar Co.

T. B. Murray vs. John F. Colburn.Exceptions from First Circuit Court.Johnson for plaintiff; Creightou fordufeudant appollaut.

Aftor hearing tho latter this iiiorn-iu- g,

tho Court adjourned for thoday. Tho following cases remain tobo argued:

T. K. li. Amalu vs. Koua Coffeoand Fruit Co.

E. A. Jones vs. Elizabeth K. Xor-to- u.

Appeal from ordor allowing conn-m- 1

fees in guardiauship of H. G.McUrow.

Appeal from order approving ac-count of L. A. Thurston, assignee ofJohn llichardsou, baukrupt.

M. Sylva vs. D. W. Kahuakai andothers.

I'eoplo's Ice ond Hefrigerating Co.vs. Hawaiian Electric Co.

Samuel Norris vs. Emily do Herb-la- y.


Such is Wagner of tho MountedPatrol Said to Be.

The mombor of the mounted pa-tr- ol

who is kuowu as "detective"Wagner and who figured In tho lateunpleasantness is quite ati interest,iug person. Ho manufactures orcompounds his own medicine andhas the leputatlou of an expert inexplosives. In his house may befound an innumerable collection ofhistorical, dotectivo and chemicalliterature, According to his super-ior oilicor Wagner would makethings hum jvnro he given orders mito do. "Why, he would carry canuon balls with him if 1 ordered himto. Hut ho is harmless. Ho camehero jenrs ago and said that lie hadbeou a delect ive in (ho States.Whother he was or not, uo one cansav, but he is ono of (hose luckyfollows who drop into a positionright off. It wouldn't surprise moif bo represented himself as havingheld tho position, of Marshal in thoHnwniiau Kingdom when he wontaway from here. On the walls ofhis room may be seen saliers andrevolvers of all kinds."

A severe rheumatic pain in the leftshoulder had troubled .Mr. J. 11.Loper, a well known druggist of Di-- s

Moines, Iowa, for over six mouths,At times the pain was so severe thathe could not lift anything. Withall he could do ho could nut get ridof it uulil he applied Chamberlain'srain Halm. "I only made three ap-plications of it," he says, "and havesince been free from nil pain." Henow recommends it to persons simi-larly allUdcd. It Is for sale by nildealers. Henson, Smith A: Co., agentsfor tho Hawaiian Islands,


Dr. Andrews intends leavinir short- -for the Coast.

Tlio P. G. baud will play at MakeeIsland this ovouiiig.

Tbo S'.S.' Warrlmoo from Van- -

couvor will bo duo on ! nday.

Diamond Head, 3 p. m- .- Weathern1m.,lw !.,.! rrn.i. .,,M.....i" . '

Prominont annexationists are talk- -ing about n "compromise" now.

Robert T. Lincoln with n few companions is on a visit to California.

ThnTWd nf TTnaUI. i hnl.lln..... ..1- 1- ...1 ..us regular uiwiiug ima imiruooiI.A cottage on Queen street can bo

rented by applying nt C. Gertz'sshoo store.


Capt. Andrews of the 'Toorco hnsbeen nrrested for assault nod batteryotj Goo. Carauaugli.

According to a lato'chinosM paper j

seven Chinese warships have' oftriilnn Tor Aimtmlln

u is roporieu inni aiioru.niniiuintOUUS SUaKIDg tlio UUSt ot Hawaii '

off his boots shortly for good.

The Japanese cruiser Nnniwa ro- -

ttiruod from Hilo, Hawaii, this morn-- 'iug, and anchored In the naval row.

m. , V ,. ,.xiiero nro two ono urn- -

ish and two Au.orlcaii warships inlm. xueso mane u lon.nuao.o"""' -

Mrs. Cans' lecture on the Rhinoat tho Y. M. C. A. hallevening promises to bo very inter- -

osling.F. W. Macfnrlano offers "The I'ort- -

I and" in Ntiuauu valley to let. It ismitablo for either a residence or a

suburban hotel.

Next of tho Chinese mall steamersfrom tho Coast will be the Clilnn miApril 10, four days aftor the Mnri-- I

posa will bo duo.

The S.S. Aikoku Maru will bo duefrom Japan on Sunday with moreJapanese laborers to comfort thoAmerican League.

Mrs. W. T. Mousarrat and childand Mrs. Dr. Lutidy anil child lefton tho barkeutino Irmgard to-da-

for San Francisco.

Make a note of it that next Tues- -day the opportunity will arrive tomiy three splendid residence proper- -tios nt Morgan' miction room.

Tlitiro wnn uo bid for cither Ewnor Mnknwoll iilantnliou (iuk nt L.J... Lnvov'n. - .

miction... room to-rin- nl- - '

tnoiiga oiiori'U witnotit r.orvc.

0111!hurgV corimr in Iwing put in good

ilinpo for HolliHtur & Co.V norntcdwntors and tob.u'coniHt bnsiiU'S..

A shorn loat nns cold nt llio hontInndiiig nt noon to-da- by HarryArmitngo undor oxfcution for rlM.This amount wns ono dollar shoil ofthuoxecutiou.

Lovl Wood, a enrriur on tho Stnr,hns boon nrro.Mi'd for ombozloniunt.It siwinit thnt ho did not turn Inmoney which ho collected, and

tho olllco was nhort offundi'.

MIh llorllin StoorzornudMr. KnrlPodoyu will bo married at (lie

Mr. nnd Mm. II. V. Schmidtnt 7:IM) ovoiiing by Kov.Dr. Twoinbly. Tho brido pro.siectivoarrived by tho Inst trip of tho Anntralin.

Somo of tho viowii hhown by Mr.GaiiH at tho hotel woro of (JeriiiuuDcouus, mid thoy woro HiirpiDi.iitiglv j


bontitiful. Thoro will bit n whololVfeast of tliem 'Ulllllg.inooxiiihitlou will liegiu nt a iiunr- -

tor to olglit.

Knhniinnui nud Kaltana, two un-- 1

tivo bovs, nro on trial in tho DistrictCourt for huttiiig iiro to n Iioumi ontho pruiuiavfi o7 Antone Itiwn nl


Ivnnlnwnt, uunr Dinuiouil Head. Thohouso wns buriiod to tho ground onMarch 11th.

A promliiout iiiuiiilior nf thu I'm-vision-

Govuiiiiiiuiit wns heard thinforuuouu to nimark that Clins. II.Wilson and his wtalT uf oDU-cr- worojowols In coiniiarisoii with tho pre-sou- l

motley crowd nliout tlio l'oliruStation nl thu pruioiit linio.

Lovl Wood tiloadod cuiltv in thov .v

'Tllll. iT tint lrikciikiir1 ltt...w lui.vo w IMU t Itn IO'll UUI"uruiiioiit on

mm Hit or iiinrcliiiilio hiiunru, tliciicnliy Kapio- -

Inui to IJorntnninto tho live

coiiipmiioH particnrntod, tho J'. U.lJuruor Icndinc

plujitoror wns attho Iiv llio mif.

in iiitnrior of tliotfitij I Iki I I..l .. -- , I... ill . I. . - . . I

in 1110 oi J . ti.


. ... rU.....K nunIll

Vorvina Iiiioh(nta- -

lor llllt fool hasall aiUantnui.'M of

ahroail. oMMMilion

linn ., ly ih, ..... . . . .

r.uropiMii iirniii' nun uiolly iioaiillluliy ml...S'mi u Afjiia.-V'.w will

. f " 5


of tho Takaclillio, to theNamwa.

Japanese cruiser Takaclillio.Captain T. Nomura, arrivedmorning anchored on thoH0 0f 7l". 11. S. Champion, in tho

Japan, hav- -

intf left t on li. ex- -perieuced a strong shortlylc avion wilii no.-iv-v linn

..... 1. !.,.. ,.f 'ITrVl I.....s A, ((,,,,, .lUlll Klk UIUVI i.ifin, '

carries l))0 men oiTi- -cers. armament consists .,f '

tweiity-tw- o largo besidesmips. I'nrrim uiirlit.

I,v .,!!, ..n. ..' cetitiuieter (10-inch- six 15-c- .

six 17c. ton Xonlenfeldtand ton Gatliug cruiser

probably inIslands fivo being ontho samo mission as tho Xaiiiwa, toprotect Japanese subjects. In n few

fr n, ClilT"? llllinglnuil and was launchedthe same as tho

""'" "''"-- . ""' er,"".'"." J""I"1 """i " """re uinugui sue wasbigger, but Is not so. '

waier-ugn- i compartmentsempty accounts for tho graterheight. following is a list ofher olllcors:

T. Xomiir.i.t :.;, .o.n.nanderS Ho- -


0llnnery Lioilteiiatlt-- T.

Navigiting Lieutenant T.

Lieutenants S Takashi. H. Ya- -

iv. I mm. (Jgasamarn$,V iUci.r--- K. Moryauea.

J'CW,? Iv. Arnmelil,- ""


M. Tokutta.Sergeant 1. Kindarchi.

Assistant Kognu.lngineer c. loslituu.

.AsNlnnt Engineers T. Okamoto. ,

- H K Knuada.I'nymaster S. Nnkao.

Asistnnt Paymasters M.K. Kawashuira.

IC. Xngnshimi, If.lidoj I 'Istirauchi. K. I.Sara- -

hi, K. Ivtiiiitirn, S. Xalsnshuuin..'hainberlain's Cnugh iteinedy

the satisfaction of anycough 1 handle, as a

all preparations inmarket. 1 recommend it ho- -

it is the medicine I murlor coughs, nod i

A. W. H.ildridKo, Millursvillo, III. 'For mn i iv nilA: for llauni- - i

Inn IstnmlH.i


Thursday Evening, March 22d,

AT 7:"1 O'CLOCK.

Will jlve an lutenxdy lnteretlii(t !.tnrc on

(IThe Legendary RhineI)

- ll.l.f.-TUM'- hl) -Views!

Thi' Uvrr In llonnliilti.

AilmlstloD, ChlMrcD,

" for Mile ut tln Ilookk'uri".ami ut the li


A T A Vi: II Y 1 .,ml u . rim. K. & --"V

zazjIn ii,.er 111111111fonH.Vly 11 na "Tim

OiHtrict this morning to n "ri'lt- -of uinhozuloiiiont of 'iiimuh-- . for ' "Z"


ohnrKotho proportyol (hu nows- - ' Ueiitiowoiuu .,. i pC'.i'.'i'ffl

soutuiiuo wns siispondoii '"'"" ('"-'--"

till A fuvv moro ac-

counts FUIIMIS1IED H00M3 TOho HpruiiK on tho youiitf

firiUttihad drill Smtaro


stnuit, midback drill hhod. Only

band undor I'rof

A work to-iln- v

flllillir holt's

iirunrtiiri Jinmit- - tlm


tlioao loi'tliro-- , loioiK'itriivnl si'i'liodvivilllv




Ffiiuviu Vitij




Arrival Sister


and KwaM.

naval row, ,lr5 days fromMarch Slio

np.nmnnvwinds. Tho TakachihoiasiterIntlinand

Hergnus minor

.Sim lirmwli.In,llir. fir?.,


guns. Thewill stay


i",,nV "'" .c.about

time She

this Herbeing


Tsuki- -



sniro, ..




gives bestnod

seller leads otherthiscaue bestuntuned croup.

wi..Smith --Co., Agi-nl- t

V. C.


Ovor 100 StorcopliconMiniwi

50c. 25c.





Court ,,,wo mci:ififty ,!

coiUb, Star iinnleiipapur, and

March 21th.will JLET.






l'ortlun.1.' Aimh inI". W. M VCK.Mf AXK.

o-- if I'u-- I I'o ' lllllOl"

XO LETv. ,,,,. , i ,, ,

- a c Mltt,l, ..'.. ': ;:iret. mur liovinmi,

in- - W&Miiilre ut

ui:i:tz iiok stoui;ii- -r ih


I riTo li: uv iir.in: CTOb-v

1 tiiiiln .'ni-- i iifiir Mil- - r,lilur Mrttit. u if rJ:JHi2



T"'' Xiriil.V lilt- - J""' L rilnli (1 Itiiomn on LI- -

llliu Hln-et- , i,io-ii- c Knii- -k t nl lru.t. iiIhiiii Iiv lulu- - taiAjSJE

walk .Suii.iihi tnrt nr, A -

i" "' l"1" """' ''""llKAL ESTATE FOIt 3AI.E.

7 vAi.uAiii.r. rii;ri;s or --v't44 liiiiTovtd I'roin'rlv iJii .1111 r.nt il. ilti ,.f W&Honolulu, nil li.irmiln-- .for full lurr. to ium.

t i o.-i..-- ,h.ri,. Alltii(lt Inui iii'or 7 iiiir. nf n i iiilh lliolr

j livill.( ,IMmfn.i. uUH... i.m.lifur tuitluii ut ir.'iiii. I'iir, iitx inninii oi I'hll'lri'ii liii'i,'-- t 1 - ' .

, 'Iui'ihIiih thuir liuliMim- - In tin- - .oiii-lu- r

uii'l h.'iililij iiiiui'.L'iiiuui. !ii-.- f

i.. !.,,, ,mi nor.- tl.tui A oionili- -

lm ii.-- riiic- - h.- uu- - u iitsl Ikh.K- -

"'l-'- . r.i)in fxrii .iliu'hiirf.' fr.mi nil'"" it - or..'f.-- . lliut KIllHAY,(hi ,, (V. llf Mlir, ,, ,.,.v, ,)( ,, J ,ii, In ih.-- i ,iuilr.j..m..f iil.li oun, in Aiil"iuui I lui,-- , lloiininoi. u- mniihr.iin.i'i. h.T.i. iihmhi.m i.i- -

mil itoii ,'uii'Hi, uln.'h I ii.it. nnd i.iii.u.,. i,... ui... i.v . ... . i i.. i.....i....,..... ...i.i.. ........I....L:

..,..... ........... -I--- ..-- .. .....i

-- liow i'iiim. lfni, ih.' win thi'iiMy- -

er i.i pi..', iiii.ott i.('fc -- ..iii.i,, ,,.., if, i.i,Itv till Court .

. IIKNItY SJIITII, ciork.Honolulu Much e, letil. uTO--

diors iii latoiunrtorbin tho o. liHn'E A A J. cAlirwuioiiT.islutivu bull. XothiiiK hnhi'oii doiu.toward rupairiun tho fnllon coiling DANCING ACAUtMY.

''"lUMM.i.l'n ATTIILI.IMLI MICH,linll. ilium nro inaiiv bullot ho os V ,. i,.i.,.. ail ...... -- ti imw

thu unlls building



"Evoiyo..., . x .,,., ,,., ,,, )UciiT. I llisi .to Hn lliu JoiTilltlON llcsi'iilu-'i- l I ,.ii t 1.,. nniiini .li,n.-- . In il,,'

ill our host lilortituri' of i. M. i ol Honolulu,not oinhorillL' am iti-i- l ill tho o.ihu, vol, injury Imn nipt. Ki-- m

I... .....i.,.. , I.V. ..I i ..i.i uii'l III iiu ihr of Mild fi . i row.....W..J.-.-.-..-..IIII.-OII--

tlli'lll. ontln.ii nro miriiprosoiiiiii

hoonjoyo'l tlio trip

viowMim.ii.. pholoLra -i iiiosi innj'ir

am in

Ihillrliu, fill per uomlh.





tho Hawaiianmonths,



Yama- -








-- I.lfi.-




HalMIm;; rein fi.'.


l;Ii-.viS- l

uin- -' ir,.m








1'iu'ti worth 'minor rnluy.llliilil

rilllllot holp




Kiiunl-- I




&ich Red Bloodnosults from taking Hood's


itr. Chat. WalkerOf Ban Francisco.

For soreral years 1 hire btron Wed withblotches and pimple rn my lice and body,which were teryannovinir. I irfd several tire--crlptioni, nnJ nho oiiif r meuiiluei, but iLcy

Hood's partusSarsa-- Cures

did nnt m to he nrlli ree. lat f.ill a friendB'lvl'cil mn to try llwil'i Mr'op.irllls. I wasdetermined to Klro It

A Thorough Trial.After tnlnj two bottles, my kln returned to Itsnatural state. I still ute It, aj It ttvci meMrciipllmii'l vlpur. I never hid bettor healthhi my I Id', mill I one It l uklut Homl'sp.irin." I itAi. W.M.iiCH. with Cnrvlll Mfg.Co., a Klglitli Btrcel, ."an rran;lco.

Hood's Plllo nro Ids tMt after-dinne- r

Tllll, assist dlgesUon, cure hctdacbe. 2Ce.

UOIlllON, NEWMAN A CO.,Agents for Hawlllan Islands.



iMMAmlinnTI E?DTflAV IMil UIJ 1. &11JJA M I


rr.siu.r khi

2 "years!Ready From 5 O'clock A. M.

AT un-- :


Confectionery & Bakery

F. HORN. Prop.

Hotel Ftroot.IIA it


pELIOIOXJSHot --h Buns



at the

ii! Ire Irani Parlors.

- I lr-- l IhHIII, Ill ill.l ( (,H ItllllMIt.', o'clot-- . M.



LlUOt piAaaaaa Buns


. .B ntrtx1 i 11 !l( VI N hHKKI'V" w w j j

Nuaanu Street.

Leave Orders EarlyI.S.. il

Kvmi dwrhUUmui .lOIU'MSTIXll'

Rnvu Htcoril:Kourth Hunt, 2:16.

:,". .""."."'"...""Ill', prixi'ii'iT uu i rin'u lior-- f.

horko wik In IrtiJ forty-ol- x


ON APRIL 1 1894,


Will take cliarpo of iIip 8lore known"KA MAII.K" with


Dress Goods,DRY GOODS,


I.AIMKS' A riltLDIti:S'.'ITTnrPj 1VT A 1, j


Furnishing Goods,Shoes, Notions, Etc., Etc., Etc.




Loud Talking I'lioiio'iipli i


J. A. Victor's Phonograph Parlor

Curlier Hotel and llethel Mrn-N- .

Yon will llnd all of the l.ateit clcilton-I- n

Bnxtcrn Miinlc -- Soiik. Ilni ltHtuN,or-ehetr- a,

for not and Xylophone Solomake "poclnlty of Native Mnlc.

New Records Received by Every Steamer.

Uon'l form-- t the nlace "Vu TiotV."'nor inc iric, oniy renin eocn


-- HALL.Reopening To-da- Monday, March 19th.



Mechanical Clock of America!The Orrntfflt HcloiillhY iiinl AnUtlc

A.'hlevviiK'iit of the Nine- -Ct'imiry.

Grand Procession or tlie Presidents of (be

United States Every Quarter Hour.

Intricate M.vhnnU'iil Mowmenl Uv,-r-

l'lvi. Minnies

Opeii dully Wilnenlii rvunlntil,from '.' to A i'. m. and 7 to lit m.

fW Ailuil-loi- i, Sk: rive Tlcketa. fl;i imtirun, I do. IW1 lw



VING FAT & CO.,t'orn.irof KliiKnd llcthrl ."triTt.

OltiT n jirn- - AbKorliiifiil of I'lii undSlllistlllltllll


At LoWKIl 1M1IOKS limn vr.HviNtiMil'., Itiircixi-.- . Tn ll

Meut Hufo, Wur,lroh,-- , L v., V.w.

riuiitr tlmn Mm 'ln'iipt- -t ovor l.if.ir.-ull.Tct- l

lii Honolulu.ll- -J VI SO A n.

J. J. EGANB14 Fort Street.ALWAYS ON IIA.l) T1IK

Latest Styles in Millinery-- THE LATEST IN -

White and Colored Worstod GoodsTHE MO.ST I'OMI'I.KTE BTOlK OK j


Dressmaking Done by Mrs. Rentier.

f'i, I'lltrl'lT COUIIT OK THEirrnii. iiiiwitiuin iimnn. inll. MinltHrol the, KhIiiI....! Win. II. Wrl.,1,1

of Honolulu, Onhii, Imiikr )t.of tin' Mild liiukrupl nr li.Ti'li. noillli-- l

n nnd , ov. Ihrlrdhlh Ix'foro thoI'intiiil Court of th Kiril Circuit In tluCourtroom of huid Court, in Honolulu.Oaliu, on Kit I DA V. tin- - .'.Id dny of Miircli.Mil, hutut't'ii III" In i i rr. of IlloV'loi'k In thi' '

fort'iioon nnd noon o( Hie Mild iliiy.muli'ltrt mi AksIuiiiu. or of Ihr xiildniiMKruil

lly tin. Court :

(Kl id OKO. Ll'CAH, I'lrrk. ;


A GOOD COOK A IIANCH ONV lliiunll Ail nl

J. NOl.TK'h,llVi --'! llcivcr ..iloon.

Xzrti Mndn at Btockton, Cut ,

SC Bopt. an, iao:j.

..'-;- ' I.-"--- ' v ' .'':".mini for limited iiiiiiiIht of mur.'.i.i)iinii' in iiiiik ol mrvlvv. TliU

nml irmluc.l fort) two coll..iv tiU. II. U.lr.


" UKJiiUL.JiJ: k!L7Ua.

bii, I'romi ut. .'. ". hy IUiih Hull, 7,i, Dmiii, (Inun, l. lluivinu'ir. J.'AI, I'r ui.u.rI. iil-- o thu .in. ..I A'X, sJi, lrnu.lt,.1 !.', W'ulLor, J:.'HJ Will.-.- , .': 1. 1, , l li ,m,Ji.'I: iii'.l uf ilo II. no llrilliiiiitlni,, J.i; ti"il V 1" t r : l 'i iir.u.i- ' in J"t lu.it'k, urn1. ... I ulktll. (111. I blilllll . I.t I'll... Wit i.i.l I It J, luiim. I m (u ,'n.i ...ll-l- . ..u....v,i ",n uimmi ii kiiiiii







v 'il,a ririi iji noi.ii.Min inn nil. ik.mi,liri'd to umri'

Headquarters for White Goods


T- - JS. S A. C KC &'Sao Port Street, Honolulu.


Immense Assortment ! Lowest Prices !

NAINSOOK In Plain, Striped, Checks and l'lald.

Persian Lawns, Victoria Lawns, Linen LawnsIN AM. OHAI)E AND I'RH'Ka.

DIMITIKSs In Striped, Che-k- , i'lald. and Hair Line.INDIA L1XOXS, HATISTE AXD COTTOX CHAPES.


WHITE .--.




All Widths with tuterlltig to Mad'li.

All-or- er Embroldory, Embroidery Flonncos and Demi Flonacei.

Laces of Every Description in All Widths.

j S. HElr"2513 Robinson Block, Hotel Street.


Stock Must be Sold on May 1st.I WILL SKI.I. HIT MY KNTIUK HTOl'K, ( ONHLSTISO OK

Dry and Gent's Furnishing Goods,

SHOES, HA.TS,Men's and Boys Suits, Etc., Etc.JKSr il i iuipossililt' Tor me to muntimi nil the ArtlclcH

nnd 1'ricort!


Monday, March 19.PLEASE GIVE ME A CALL!

Stock Must be Sold on May 1st.

NOTICE.I hiivf Ih'cmi instructed liy Mn. J. M. m: Sa k Sii.va,

piopiiftordf tin.' Hawaiian Jai-avks- i: Hazaau, Hutfl struct,to hoII his Htock of JAPANIOSL: GOODS. Also, u big


Clearance Sale




from Francisco.




I nctail Grocers






having coi'i.i'in:ii ci.om: rHllOlii IK Y THEM I'ltlOhS . .


TKI.KNIO.NK llll '" ZZ


GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FLOim and FEED.Fresh California Roll Butter and Island Butter

gjT ALWAYS m0tNew Goods Received Every

'u..n. .,..:." nil i.urki.1 ttltli"iri '

Lincoln Hi.dck, Kino Stiikkt,

Itoill TKI.Kl honks 'k- --


Importers, Wholesale

- . - -



- - -'' ,"K"1" ' ,v" ' hv l:v,,ry - ki

i . ....... .... .UV

All Hi. In lain. fill1'iirt o flu.

KAbl nut I




IMiilul Onlrn

Het. Fokt and

r. o. nox at:



AMI lU'tlVDy

t from the Kani-r- Htnti'i. nnd..


to mid (loihli Dollviri'd to auiChy


to of this line okYOL' CAN AT




Provision Dealers & Naval SuppliesFresh by Every California Steamer.

icio norsii (toons a specialty.I.SMVIM OHUMf, JfCf IW SATI.srAOTION GUAIIANTKIiD.


mnntyke bho.,IMrOltTKim

Groceries, Provisions and Feed.I'm


riu'.nu - t;.i.iitiilNtA - I'HOni'l'I'I . 15VKIIV

i iiUt'li'li'd

1.1I.ANH Unpens Soi.ii'irci).

















New-Yor- k Life

JOHN A. McOALL, President.


Premium Income 27 .488.057 . I4Interest, Uents, etc


Total Income 33,803,0 10. "

Deuth Claims 8,440,003.40Endowments and Annuities 2,404,002 . 00Dividends, Purchased Insurance, etc 4,103,4")3.01

Total to Policy Holders $ ir.,038,4no.27Number of New Policies Issued 8",1 11Amount of New Insurance Written 1228,417,1 14 00


Assets 148,700.781 .20Liabilities, 4 nor cent StandardSurplus 17,025,030 . ISNumber of Policies in Force 253,870Amount of Insurance in Force 770,150,078 00


Increase in Benufito to Policy Holders 1,043,437 84Incrcaso in Asset? . 1 1,201,582.22Increase in Surplus 220,082.08Increase in Insurance Written 54,812,044 .00Increase in Insurance in Force 80,008,040.00Increase in Number of Policies tit Force 37,008Increase in Number of Policies Written in 1S03

over 1802 18,852Increase in New Premium Income over that of

1802 1,082,008.42

In tho following" rotpocU tho Now York Llfo, In 1803, hat BROKEN ALLRECORDS ovor by Horaolf or nny Company.




Insurance Co.


131,075,151 .03 j



instn-t- l in ...$223,800,000

paid for in




Fikst Number of policies applied for in 05,500

Skcond Numbur of now policies actually written in 1803

Tin tin Amount of new insurance

Fourth Number new policies


mndo othor




Fifth Net gain in new business over the previous year$51,812,000

Sixth Net increase in number or in fluou 37,008

Suvkntii Nut gain in in force $80,008,040




OF- -









-- o--

English Wardrobes, Plate Glass Front;

Marbletop Wash Stands,

Marbletop Dressing Tables,

Scotch Chests of Drawers,

Dining Hall and Parlor Chairs,

Rattan Suites, Pictures, Etc.

Royal Worcester Vases,

Royal Worcester Tea Sets,

Dinner Sets, Tea Sots,

Decorated Vases, Tumblers, Glasses,

Claret Jugs, Lamps, Screens,

Iron Bedsteads, Matting,

mto., Etc, Elto.


The Prize

Awarded !

Anhouser-Busc- h Brewing Co.

Wins the Prize at theWorld's Fair with their"EAGLE" Brand Beer.

St. Lon, Oct. 29, 1 MM.

MltftllR. MAl'FMtl.AMK .V Co., t.'li.,Honolulu, II. I.

''ir7rx Wc linvi' iimIIciI you a copyof tliu it announcing the treatvictory won bv the Asim-Hrn-llox-- Awn.ciation with their "BAULK" llriuul ofDeer.



(fyxctnl lr)Hitch to llhliclhmiicriit.)Wori.Ii'k Run, Cllli'Aiin, li.t., Oct. at.

No award lins ever been inmlc so gratifyingto Ht. I.011N ttcnple nml io Justly meriteda the one pfven v by the I'olutiiManJury ol the World's Kit If, eonl-tln- ol ra

nml chetnit of tlirlilghc't milk,to the llrcwlni; Aclatlon. Ily method of unrivalled lmliicsetiterprlto. nml by tt!Irift the bext materialprodiieiil In America unit Ktiroc, nichtdliiK corn nml other nilultirnnt or Mirm-Knte- i,

tho dlUeri-n- t kind of tho Anlieucr-llit-c- li

liccr hnvo become thn favorite-- , withthe Aiuerlcnii ikmiHo, nml Imvo now con-quered the highest award In every particu-lar, which hnd to be by thet'oluinlilnii jury. The lilf-- h character ofthe anrd jjlven by the Juror willbe belter understood wIipii It l known thntthe illllerctit been exhibited by the

Brewing A.clation hnd tocompete with hundred of the iniiM excellent dllluvs of other brewer. Tim fnetthnt no other concern lin received oninny tH)lntt for the vnriou ccntlnl qual-ities of pood leer conllrm nnew the firm'repitl-itlo- a the lender of nil Americanbeer, nml Mr. Adolphu lluvli can feelproud over tlili rcxnltoiullv merited.

JLot ternAW

! $$$i.


J ST.IflUISfMfrj T

IfiT Tbe above Is i of Ibe

Label of tbe " EAGLE" Brand which look

(he Prize.

t&. In orderlm; this liner be urc tonk?or the "BAlli.l-.- llrnml.

Maciarlaue & Co., L'd,Mtt-t- f .liniU for JtniHitliiii Inltihiti

Dai Nippon !

Dai Nippon!!

TIih uhove Htore Iiih rccclvcil anotherhplemlld Involve of

apiiDKSiMFimcj Goods

Per S. S. "Oceanic."COMI'lllhl.Ml

Beautiful Silk and GrapeRllt DltKHSIIti

I'litliloim, Table Covers,lied I'ovtm, 1 v x ,

t'lu icilbeh, hliawls,

Embroidered Handkerchiefs1)1)1 I.I Kh, Ht'AlirK,

hASIIKh, J At KKTrl,r.vi's, hi hi:kns,

Silk and Cotton Kimonos


C- - Inspection ltcpcut(ull) Invln-d- .

"DAI NIPPON"Hotel Street (Arlington Block)

Mrs. J. P. P. Collaco, Proprietress.

WM. DA VIES,Rigger and Stevedore,



The Sehr. "MAITIMAJII "Will run regularly butrcu this port andWnlaliiu, Kitualhupnl. MiikuUtlii, Keaue-mi- l

and 1'iuilkl on the Ulaud of Oahu.Kor KruiKlit, etc., apply to the t'lipluln.

Iimiilro Ht olllco of .1 H. Walker.ovur biirccki'ls' Honk, Kurt utrirl. UV If

NOTICE.HaviiiK Milil our Kiitirx Slock lo

Messrs. Hoke & zur OewesteOur HtiM'k will liu told out ill itmitly

iirlci'H till Mari'li 'll- -t next wlu'ii"Ka Aiaii.k" will i'i'iimi IiuhIiiiihh mill liuxiii'ii'uili'il li, tlif uliovu linn.


1 tit I'loprlvtruti.


Love of a Soldier for an IndianMaiden.

An Indian maidon's dark oressays a Now York tologram of Marchfi aro rosponsiblo for what mayprovo to be n tragedy iu far-awa- y

Arizona that was Saturday rocouut-o- d

in a Now York polico rourt.Michaul Quirk, a soldier of tho

rcKular Aruiv. was arrostod Saturday on a telographio ordor fromFort Attache. A. T charirini? himwith tho attempted murdor of asorgoaut at that fort. Tho story oftho troublo, at gloauod by tho dotec-tivo.f- l,

is that Quirk onhstod in thoArmy at Brooklyn. For two yearsho was stationed at Fort Apaehe.Three mouths aco ho met an Auacho

) girl, 18 yoars old, tho daughter of aeliief. She is kuowu as Star Eyos.

,She is described as an exceedinglypretty young woman.

They fell in love aud Quirk spoutmost of his sparo timo iu her society.About three weoks since ho bocamojealous of Sergeant John Prodo ofmo samo company to wutcb ho be-longed. Tho girl's pony had runaway ouo day with her aud the sor-goaut stopped him on tho edge of abluir.( Private. Quirk misconstruedthe girl's expressions of gratitude totho sergoant for saving hor llfo, and

! thought sho vm transferring her af-- lfection to hor rescuer. There woroseveral stormr scenes between thotwo inon. Tfieir comrades in thogarrison vainly tried to smooth overthe troublo.

I Tho Chief heard of tho disputoooiweou mo private aud tho sor-goaut, and forbade his daughtervisiting tho camp. This enragedQuirk beyond all bounds, and ho ac-

cused Fredo of having placed thogirl boj'oud his reach. Somo daysago tho men camo to blows, audQuirk camo out second best. Ho j

was heard to make threats after thotight that he would be revenged.'I lint night Fredo was attackedwhile sleeping aud nearly killed.Ho was stablnd repeatedly in thobody with a baronet. In tho morn-ing Quirk was missing, aud was im-

mediately suspected ol tho attack.Tho garrison authorities could got

no trace of Quirk. It was. however,suspected that ho would go toBrooklyn, whore ho enlisted, espe-cially as ho was known to havo sev-eral pay checks, payable at tho Army


building. Superintendent Byrneswas made acquainted with tho factby telegraph from Fort Apache. Hoassigned two detectives to watch thoArmy building. There was no sign

I of Quirk until Saturday afternoon,wiieu no pre.outou bis checks at tuopaymaster's window. Tho ollicors,who had boon standing across thoroom, on a signal from tuo paymas-ter stepped forward aud arrested thoyoung soldier. Ho admitted hisIdentity aud was locked up.

Sergeant Fredo. whom Quirksavagely attacked, Is still in a dan-gerous condition.

Boats of Aluminum.Detailed plans of tho Wolltnau

Arctic expedition havo attracted at-tention at Washington. The uso ofaluminum for boats, in particular,has l)eon noticed by scientists andollicials. Superintendent Kimballof tho Life-savin- g Sorvico is muchinterested in theso boats, aud nowthe Navy Department is awakeningto the possible fact that boats of thismaterial may bo a valuable additionto tho equipment of men-of-wa- r. Inorder that tho department may beposted as to just what has been donewith tho motal Naval ConstructorWoodward has boon ordered to makea thorough test of three Wellmauboats and report as to tho practica-bllit- y

of having aluminum lifo boatsanil launches for tho new navy. Mr.Woodward, iu company with J. O.Maguire, engineer iu charge of thoequipment of the Wellmau expedi-tion, has gone to Baltimore, whorea thorough test of tho boats will bomade.

Tug D. B. Hill Moots Oloveland.Tho steamer Violet, with tho Pros-- 1

luminal pnrty anoarti, arrived atNorfolk, Va., at 5 p. m. of March fi.Tho Violet resumed tho trip toWnui.t..... ...-.- , i ii.. ... mi... A...iu.uiiif,iuu n. ." l. Ill, IIIU I IU3I- -ilont Htntuil thnt lu had killoil abouts."s r;;rwi,,sviinvptl tho rroaiiliiiit woul down thorivor on tho ttij,' David B. Hill. Astho littlo craft approachfd tho light-hotiH- o

tondor tho I'reitidutit, Socro-tur- y

Uroshain and Captain Kvansoratutl tholr nookit for Hovoral uiin-nte- s,

looking at tho naino of tho lit-tlo viwol in atua.i-iuout- . Tho Pros-idm- it

looked as if ho thought thomattor might havo boon a put-u- p

job, but tho ronortors nvor that itwas nuiroly a colm-idunco- .

Now Lino of SteiwnBhip Proposed.Ail Ottawa despatch to tho Colo-

nist says that tho Qovornmout hasontored into a ton years' contractwith Jninos lluildart, sulijout to thosanction of Parliamaut, for a lino ofCanadian Atlantic steamers, capa-ble of steaming twenty knots anhour, to connect with Australiansteamers by UIU Canadian PacificHallway, tjuoboo aud Halifax aroto be tho Atlantic terminals. It isexpected that tho Imperial Govern-ment will handsomely subsidize thosorvico.

"Perhaps you would not think so,but a very large proportion of dis-eases iu New York comes from care-lessness about catching cold," saysDr. Cyrus Kdhon. "It is such a sim-ple thing and mi common that veryfetr people, unless it is a case ofpneumonia, pay any attention to acold. New York is ono of the healthi-est places on the Atlantio Coast amiyet there aro a great many ensos ofcatarrh anil consumption which havotheir origin in this neglect of thesimplest precaution of every day life.The most sensible advice is, whenyou havo ouo get rid of it as soon aspossible. Ity all means do not nog-le-

it." Ur. Kdsiin does uot tellyou how to cure a cold but wo will,lake Chamberlain's Cough Uomedy.It will relieve dm lungs, aid expec-toration, open the buorotions andboon oiled a permanent cure. 25anil Wl cent bottles for Halo by alldealers. DcIihuii, Smith k Co.,agents for the Hawaiian Muiuli.

t v :,--'.

Golden Hue Bazaar

W. F. Reynolds, : Prop.

It'e do not no in for grinding outSpectacle ami Kyvglnuts, but wr canJit you at prices in accordance with thetimet.







Needles & Fittings I

uniortoD v TypewriteU VI

The King ol All Typewriter.

Purses and Card Cases,

Tennis Rackets and Supplies,

Croquet and Baseball Goods,

Fall Supply of Fine Stationery,

Mourning Stationery,

Olllce Stationery,

Guitars from $4.00 Up.

, est Music and Books ordered by

Every Steamer.

And ilnn't lnrirpt (1ASII la I In.l).ilx ol our litiiitiuiH nml it itlwnyi lalks.

' I horny Stock

FOR, !

Tin- - tiniliTHlKiiril ollVrii for uln the follow-Iii-

Iloaiitlfnl Stock:



"Aiitfiu A.," "Jnsiu W.,""Sally Hliick" and Colt,

"Yum Yum" ami Colt,"Ivory," "Violot,"

"Lcilohiia,""Kapioluui (litl,"

"True Uliio" and Colt,"Hnaur Filly."

f r nil IVillL'rri'i. ol tin iiiMHuoin liumhiii at On rlillfM Htuliiox, wlierc pr e untlturiim tun Iw urrunjjfil to milt tliu tlnics.

Creenfleld Stables, : Kaplolanl Park.

ir it iii-ii- .' ir' itivivviiy.I ... .

, HOKuieia stock Farm

Waialua, .sS H. I.



330 EACH,"Sonny Boy" Service, S20.


TIIOS. W. (tAY,J37 Jm-- o 8t MiuuiKur.

KANEOHE RANCH(IikkI l'usturiij;e Ity tlm iiiiintli orynir. All

llorsus will lie d u'ftornml kiit In pmldotikx,

ti:r rTANiuiti) nit i:i iiinm.Mi mai.lios" 3STXJT QROVE,"

Itcoonl '.'::U In Honolulu,

Will niiikii itte m'uhiii nt tills Itiinuli untilJuly I, IWll. TKK.MK, flu.

IIkmi'hiiiiiin: I'i nlol 18(1, lilnoil Imy, IUllUlllts l Hllll t IUW poiimU.

rKi'ii.iu:r.: Ily livlit "l()Ml)k'ii (luiulllmiliiii

10." Hum hy "Niitwo.id," rocord J:ln),Kor furtliHr particular apply to

J. I' MKNIlONOA. Kiimiolii., or,I). ilOl.Ti:, Honolulu.


For loi'iil Ni'wsFitly pivKi'iiti'd

Tako the'


ItlviTV I'nno.




Notice to Consumers I

The new work 0 the JtavniinnElectric Co. being now completed,

notice is hereby given that fromand after January 15th the Com

pany it prepared to supply incan-

descent electric, lighting to cus-


In a few days the Company will

also be prepared to furnish electric

motors for power, and of which

due notice will fie given.

The Company further announcethat they are prepared to receive

orders for interior wiring and can

furnish futures and all fittings In

connection with new service.

Printed rules, regulations andCompany's rates can be had on

application to the Superintendent.


ttM-- tf I'KKHIlinS'T II. K. CO.

YOKOHAMA BAZAARTurner Hofcl mid Nuitanit 8li.

. . MUTUAL TELE. No. 438 . .

Itccvlwil icr 8. H. "Oceanic"

Silk Dress Goods,Uullci' nml ( Ion tV Silk Handkerchiefs,

Gents' Slllt SHirtsWith Koitr-lii'lia- Tlcn to imttcli.

Wlndior Silk MearfK, cxtrn Ioiib; lidleo'milt (lints' Kllk riaaliox, nil uliades;

JapanoRo Cropo of All Colors,(luiitluiiieii't Jntinnejc t'rciie Slilrti mndu

In VoUoluiiun inrfeet lit.IjuIIuh' nnd Ocntn' 11 no Straw Hats,

Jn..iiK--f China Tt-- frtn,JilhillR-- c Klowcr l'otn,

ladles' Silk Cliomliin,HnndMiiiiu Silk O.11IIU, Ktc.

aer j :m: E xjThe Ik". I Food for Infnntt.

W'v havu a Inrc aiortuiuiit of

Japanese GoodsWhich weoll'ur at Very Itcnxinnlila l'ricos.




m"AIKOKU MARU"Hue lit're on or uliout March 'Altli, and

will ho duMpaluhi-- with Mulls audI'uiMiiiKuiii for tlm uliovu

l'ort on or uliout

.FDRIL 2cL.l'or fiirthiT iinrtieiilam

1'usmiii and lrul)tht, apply to

K. OGURA & CO.,ira-ii- u AUKNTS.


Agent to Take Acknowledgments

WIII attend to ManuKvmiMit and Hali--

of 1'roperty and t ulleutlliK illan lib iiraiii'iii'.

Houses and Land For SaleNortherly rurner of Kniiiia and


Orrii k: One iloor lielow l,ewlJ. luvey,Kurt strit't. 070-- tf



"Soft Soaps" & Tallow


F. O. BOX 341.iii'-t- f



O and I'li'iliiii ooen t'Vnry TI'KHHAY,rilUllrillAY and BATl'IIDAY. fromJ to I o'idock '. M., iri-iiu- Iloor ofti-- r llliM-k- . Niiiuinii Mn-t-t- ; I'litiiinen on thelauit lr.idlii to Koiiudry.

IIooKk lent out to rrsixnullilo nar- -lie" In Honolulu, and when praelleahle, 10 '

rriiiinti 01 tin- otiii-- ihiiiuim,

i'Iiikh In ) everyWIIIINKHIIAY KVIININll.ul TUVioVloekihurp, In Ihu l.lhiar) Hall, UT'-S-



Are Receiving New Invoiced of



AT TltKllt


Where they nrc fully prepared to do allktuiU of work In tliu latest itylcis at

the ihortct notice and at thomost Itcntonnblu Itntct.

Fine Job Work lo Colors a Specially


Exui-iitci- l III the Moit AttructlvuManner.




Itund the following partial llat of spec-ialties aud K?t the Bulletin's prices be-fore plneliij; your orders. By no doingyou will nave both time uud uiouey.

Letter Hoadn,Note Hl-iuIh-,

Dill HoadH,MuiunruutltiniH,

11111m of Lulling,Statements,


Agreement!),rihipping Contructii,

Check Books,Legal Dliinks,

Unlonditrs,Wedding Cat do,

ViMiting Uurdti,UubincHH Uarda,

Funeral Oiuilu,Ailniinuion Cardb,

Fraternal Cards,Timo OanlB,

Milk Tiokels,Meal Tickets,

Theatre Tickots,Holiolurbliip CertiHciites,

Corporation Certilicutes,Marriage Certilieutcs,

Heuuiptu of till kinds,1'lunlution (Jrdorti,

l'roiniHsory NituB,l'aitipliletb,

CatiilogtteB,1'rogramiiK-e- ,

Laliuls of ovury vnrioty,Petitions iu any language,

Envolopi-- s & Letter Circulars,Sporting Scored & Iteconls,

l'erpetinil Washing Lists,General Book Work,

Ktc. Etc., Etc., Etc.,

I'llntid and lllovked when

tir No .fob Ii itllowud to leuvc Hid ol-

llce until it kIvwi MatKfaelioii,