w&mb s^ip -...

: -C**% r—~Z"^%Zt l-:M kM STSp .Jlme. Bakmerieff. srife of the JRSt-, «da diplomat who U«s Sjseeagded Bfron Rosea as ambassador CO Wash- B^gton, la « native of Una Capital City ajtd passed ail fcer life there «»til her .gslfrrisge to the Greek a^Uw, Jben.Sk saember of the Bozslaa letlttQp. She .-was Mary Beale, second daughter of General Edward Fitzgerald Beale, the were the X W S * *". *»*«** flj-f «•«* ffl&'&g&JiP nemos, wakeful it night and on Pleasure in ww*mDlattar *^.mS&*8hi&E3?$3& jp> the livelong day. Tt»e country dldtfi shfr'WonMI joe* fn toe «MST «JSt~*Jf6 S f t i V « ^ S i « S # help teem, and when we went back ts JMtenjus w eroaus?i$ *«r; th***•#*•' S ^ ^ P a f t i S i i ' town ehey-grewserflMioh worsethat! jK»ttjTra*ff«tfn«tat J s # T S e n ^ : p ^ * w S t « m t t « ^ ^ V ^ « l # nnally called In a child specialist, wfet gestlon that she migh-r.- tare l»;j|> t «n M t» #afpt%r^Mi-^wP«^# asked all aorta of profound questions!* t, ~ **••• •"*"• •»*••«•* -»n-fc *«,.*. *-'*«"*- ^"'"' J...::^^^^,^'.^—„.-i. imuged all their", wi# * flew so their prejK!ril^;j^ns,tpjM^ he said, -Go to therawmtalss,*mad w 1,3,4 all t3*i way to the station. -^IlilaK^^iliS^^*' , did, h«t it ^lanr^^••«^Hp#!Be«*wi^^ dreo. and they longed for the « « t - « l ^ h r na* %m$' »»$ her M t M l F w i "»««.«in*.iw. after m little wechao*»d to a auatsi w i,m H»<ftdawn Jaj* JO^M* KWl Tillage. • There they. ... -..-.. moat wonderful health and Tltaiiry ^ S _ * I j»d. seemed .not toJbmx/t « nmMafe^,,-Iir^ Jeba,a Mcl*an i*d jr^,jd^WQ^e%ai«Wn«,- waa the mothers to the brilliant list of American chat- " elafas*. of enjbsssy ««4 . IflWttoia be*.te.JKaahfty{t9n-„4©f^e«F !&§•< alan ambassador entered tho Russian diplomatic service In bis early youth. He U 1 paUve of Cortnth and Is a fa- mous itadeat of the classics. Mm*. Batmetlefl made her ctebQt In the Ar ttior administration. She U a fine llo- Cpno«mlnj Wamsn. AJBOOC tho neweftitntnft ctfia Utm. Taft bai rcoelred ire aaversJ aacred tea plants from the garden of the . _ w •Ba«nttt:-pHe«U*tnCe#lSBrTh*"pllHl« WHit'hWTSiaMciowi vera aeot to the secretary of agricul- ture, who will b'ars them ctred for to UM tea farms of the Carollui*. which are under the snperrlslon of the de- partment. The Frinceaa Hsty ha* sons* talent la modellnB in clay and U taktac let- sons from a professional ID order-to eplrattou from Che Prlncea . Loal». duchess of Argyll, who arave her the first lesson Mrtle'Princess Mary U •aidtobe particular about her studio • dress and looks Quite pretty In her long apron that entirely corers her dress. The Duoliew of Bedford. UJM Bea- trice Barradon and Lady Cofhlll are said to berosponaiblofor the Halcyon cinb, a new •woman** club, incorpo- rated In London. ' The) dobfc*to be financed and controlled entirely by Its members, each of whom Is to be n shareholder «Po> my alddiea staell like Uttl* onlo* patches?" *sted one young watroo ol another, and on being told In a rerj noaUtve maftner abe *ald, "Well, t6et«' IHt shoo them away, but I'M tell you why they ere thus pertained, and ypi can pwflt by thefcno-wledfeit a«u m •°«S ,i ye«ri a*o m ,**&.* ""v™**^"****® (S)pyr%ht hT Am«fle*BBi If»»e &#$} 1 :J_-p!%! <a»«o8, i«fc •. ' A i<| ;»M ? |f!ibj^.^ ^^^^^W&MB The Joawey TJDWBtothe W»lfl| fonnd a remedy for «« onr ill. Wm**.«« ««*._«^.?!*% W ^^feLK^5**«*^fcM^ tbelf fesdtot ifromQj^ewiaSeiie^restftroihoiwe wi^naJgltehelh ^^^^^*m^SLJ^^^SSS&ST Nine children c a a e ^ P g w e d a t ^ «n(ortnp«te wj*w " ^ . ^ J ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ l ^ g j ^ - and then Bed. but not before I noticed cvA ot ependto* inoney *ritli6u^-sifW: ' i « e t J»;if.-Art«ini»»^ r^ttesjt * « l ,t»«*. close friend and staff offleer of Gen- j, ow ^tn and atnrdy they looked, fl&r \U. Am #he.way (00 preud^••-**>;. exal Grant She Is the alster of Mrs. 1 - —.•.-•» L...*.-«-M™**» I MI.^ asked wbo their doctor One of my ypunK ones wss ouny lit yota* aud I Jaw »«te hlnj jat'-th. onJoni-'.W' ; wiii»ti45frtfi^ bread betwocn meals.' wsa. lioctM«w whet *heeoWidereol Hihtf«Hy^«r'^^'Wtf»4-***«'^r*A^*W.»Wl , *g|: be^. •e^irejJ.lH^illB»«t^lL-tf^fclD^ «s. nm,*iifc«lBHMheUni went mkmt WW.^to^J^'®|5^ l ^ ^ : i ^ Eiuiiheta fullMe*' "From that day I etarted an onlonl mado the *u«fe«tfe>B ttmtlb*f<JWWW^^^jj'.;'.^. ii^iViie'-'iaC^aa diet in1 my family, not qnlteaa H.wwjto the city.»»d purcbJwe y+tmii '^^^'S^^Wt^^^iS^* jwrocK, At last she cann a»d set d»we s^ip t*fjrsjs« liBHt MttdsV'C E -^safssaistfssBssi ^gfrssastssB; ssj sj. BBSI "»•« Mitd MMemiNu tafi ^.^^•^r^sv^ssf^jp^^^^^^p ^ K > 'W^T^^ r * .-(Wtir ^•^S- *W,^- •* • -- 1 « « ^ s¥sTaaatlgrtlW k^ksasBBi 9L_« . ^ a <•<•• JaBB»*kSB« asKaW prescribed, bat the chlldtan bite AJBJ, EiiMt&ethi onions once a day anyway. «w* Ipm So t « werd M^t,^Mia^J^M7*S^^^^S!W3SSS them iota of twuermOk b e « ^ * I eat ^ a r a t t f t e i dorlnj ^^LmSS£SS^kSSS&S^&^ them «y»eU.™tao. hnt a o t ^ a a ?om- m We t m f f - o V - p 8 » a s * r i t g W ^ ^ lettuce. wlWK?e«hd»ap|h>*,le, V BJcli f^^"^-^,S''SlS S fflS2Sa^ care who Is here when I feel I must <?tark» always traded at -whea- m ^totsat^rtlftilW. ^'awitallifr«st' y*4ffc order t i l l r*pm»t *n« 1 b m i a * , - T a * *rt* . * t r t b e t / » ^ N ^ ' jjumy eon»ett»'tod' c«es-by tttttof -o*'tn»sttHtice &$gmmU$m&W both Omt Ulee of onion power tint .U«to-««•-^r/Ma^tli^^ttfr ^^^T^^^Jl^^^-iZ^^'^^^^Li:^ 3 «m lefflinf yon;" - -tiie ; 'raolt «*r«lBes;-]J5ii»B^rii»it-.;BM^^*^ , '^?f once did *e il^t|^'iles>^)*i»Mw^(ll*^ •MB* HWtsf^HfK 7 w *A», »*Pflj^i JP*' lt.hsr iiusla^s»-to<an»ni>.daU*^tful i»J«d,-whea_i>er4»u»l>«n4- parties tor her *lrU and boys Includes «nd forgotten to **»« <^-4^1»<Mft^^.:>,>ifc. „7~i^A^i"^v^-^:,-^i.,-i in her plans mamy schemes that other} aad left «*^'«t«4te»:tH»»^lrs«'J«^ of unpaid for purcbaees, Sereriii their dolls, and we had a doll parade. rhat and shall invite the children to As tho dob U registered -^«M hi tbfir ordinary clothes In or- aa a limited liability company, eaid member will be liable onjy for the onmber of shares held by her. Toe cinb will be aoniwlltlcel and open to all professioaal women. Whan Jack. Frost Appssra. For playing ontdoor in the winter nothloi better, protccte the jmall boy *r6mj cdld^hicri "ti knitted suit ~ 8 « * the runner most go back and forth amd: irouattebont* i»*oroje#«to?*Bdr -tbe cards, consecutively accordJne; aattt' aWt'"^^^^ ber. ' .•;- "Now. supposing the runner flnila Ko. 1. aaiehHTwhBefeeWhljr^ut'for No. 2 he finds * or C, well, that num- ber won't count Ho must find No. 2, then No. 3 until be compieie«.,the circuit to obtain the prize. , it add* to ta»e fun if besides the real priie you Have a booby prlxe. Anyhow tlje game creates any amonxtt of laughter, yon see the players running up against one another, all eager to find a consecutive, number.... The one. who complete* the circuit flrst is the pf tee winner." m costume is shown in the illustration of gray yam with border trimmings of bright red. The softtocompleted by a worsted cap, which resembles the famous brownie 'headgear. Frajrant Cfuhioni. Dried rose geranium leaves make a very pleasant ailing for sofa pillows, as they give out a dellghj^tal odor. Partly dry stalks ojt iKreneer *»th ered while th»,pSs^,.«|ei r ik s ib||^| Strip the Iee^Te«.iu^ i fl*W^iftoi*->the wood, ;d^arda% 1 :< mts»^i»ips^, WftlL^sMI tagMM^ABst .I •""•^^^"•^ * ^ y ^Hr> ^ ^ ^ ^ dor that tliey may have a good romp. MAXter tea 1 shall start the aew game of maze, 'which Is played In the following manner; "Number some strong cards from one to twetvo and tack thorn about Talking It Over With the Boy. -Bacporiences o* otterstobrlngiHsrnp tnelr bo;y» have so greatly aided me fa bringing np my own that parnap* a "Way wMeh helped me through !>vtiT l a g period with one of my sons may. In. Its tarn, he of use, said a mother recently. . .. .Although *»• J?eaw I had tried to instill good manners as well as nforais, taere caiae a tfitne when one of W» boys seemed, to f&rget everything % bad ^ioh ^»l»»]Eoiiewchj:. He j»M tiTely iSored^j'"''" L " ' '"" derelopw little pcTnrf-eJL^amnner •wftjeb. ^bilehotserjtoflj^were^Jcceel insly nna«Jyl»av '.*•. •,.,••.;» »./ "'*'" It is a delicate matter«to keep call- ins attention,to failings In a big boy of slarteen, and * found otn-«oflld; fel- lowship was becoming- seriously 4W* 1 "' edL '•• • A simple plan suggested Itself. day of the month. Out tjaai"d»y "we had S gooS talk • *Mlp>t,W««3fc 4 . r s 'iv for purchases, hoars afterward lie Had found •*3*»m • ,^i«|lWMi;'Air^nt,Ny!ritt ef the .bops surwundea,;^ fc-'^l^l^^M^^'-'^jJfL.fc' of unnald for n.urcn**«. ^ j ^ ^ ^ S J ^ S ^ m ''-!^*oil:'pts«fe?'":iiitd Af^n4:#*tM ,b«troo» 'doot can't pick out a sM~g*$, j n * : * W t j K ^ S ^ r ^ ™ ^ S S . ? ^ S S ! _ S Sts_cloths* were atrewn about; and! mothers may like to copy. Now that we are settled In home for the autumn." says this hostess of Juvenility, *'l mean to elTe a children's open air party. Last year 1 asked the little ones to come each as a flower, and we bad a flower parade. To a second party 1 told them to twtag- ^ ElBabetU^i:'5oiffe s^Wb^oj re had a doll parade, ,^'t tffc ou t a 'sult~al&. Jnife- >"' This year 1 am goingtochange aU] yoa want> * n d it-will pleuiM.•#!»$&»*», rBmimsne.awipnsa^A^^ going to takette-next "-car dotrnMOrtj^ Triangle's Co see about a nair harnesi. ^ ^ Sappose yon meet,me tt»!fstf»oon«^,^^#y^-^'-gte-'|s^:»^igf Ann KUwbeth clutched'desiKiiiteiy at his «oat ttMCsv— <-.-»-tv... t+^n-vJ.-tvi rowssi'ind^'o^ediln^Mii*^ „. . .. . . ^ ... # . "Oh, Art«Mmui.'*ave4 , tyett''for|^i«ii l ^--^j^3i^a^^ apart and trees to placed. *»• toatfwoniarecotiectaow! •-. - »-• ^ ^ S X ^ ^ i S S ^ ^ ^ six feet' of nandwme g < ^ naturedneH ab^W^of >e!low; biar^rieiniS and smlicS., "I dotft peeoljecCT AnMbit^ioT*5^iriepfcvtteiW*BXtar#d T if vnai«1t!r ' vv,v,>.- •, ••« -•«- Axua i^ 1)#ftft ^ ba.y*^,. Arabia? ^^kita((bM|ett^fie^i^ mr bed! «rd aw'sawiMf painfully srid he* #ra^ eyes darken^ (00^4 jt 4 trying tft sjt Jxtfpsev ' * wntll they *ecnied ftlmost Dlack. Ulie ( ««da1mly Aati nirse*ana-^W h>s» swallowed bef pfldeawdisSs^liumblv- there bestotJfte? ' Dkt » n waat *Ojh "ton forgot to Rive me t*e woneyftrthiag ArWr)wi!S?'^ri* t Rtkfed ^Msintly^ my suit Artcmns." - a t , bed.'^ replied: bef (fttUbsMr^^f Artemus flung back his lipd andtgness yoq forgot if, Annv lr 3SB3 tonghed heiaMlly. "Ble«8-tag «out. solnntde* ' ^« did! Why dfdrft yh« sssWnie bfifofc « m make it no^" 1 «ioT Ajro Utth* eh?" - ' '".-- ouc sinpHi* *«• nlWoogyc pnssinf' Inp& Then It w-aa that Ann Elisabeth Oar* bi»--Twom With B--f«W ^deftiteorei reajhred tha* herhnsbanc^lntad kept heji atwirfiitthe wenfjo nrid ff6/^fc^lhtrBff" wsMn^ porjjosely; itisd.'sUrtftsoff Mui'tolng* (epl,icJnjr thfcnr in ^irdrobeor to tease- IieiSH-ahfs. -^SumA Mft*^lldre«»er , totklBg- ihe Iwd fot© ***o« new. suittothree years-:? 'file tenrsfoMrstbleeortcfe . .* 1.,—i ^^*"sin*S-^* 1 »If^&~Pg*.'J <^'ft- ! .lWf«»m|f--^«£- f/^Si-"^ t'-?p ^p^^i'e^^lft^.^^h .^^3 V f->- .^T^X j$^.i^SE^TV^Wvrvr: r'';t;' r eaine iat» ~oer - «yer anil sWramca swny pfoudffy.rHow she ippoultl^o-pew throw b»naoMeybackflh r ^>|j|k hands "t w4Wfy$WltigHlW<e-$^ Ann helatigiicd »ofHy".:£» Iie,pfiBl.fcS o a t hti wallet and save to her jfenjerx)ttrt> *roui, it "tfhera. get -what y t e «mjt. Me inember yo». can -alWDyu-»have -wbm yoii want if-youesfe-fo*-Ji.* •'.*•<-• A.flnrionsJookcaine Inta-'akon'* -eyes She held ftffe, roa-of hljfe, dlmref the gr».«sad nnd- Ioel«ed.~,#»*i>«Sj>ealf u-othecsilsnal^tdo!• S&»t*st wijat-yott\*Sgaa? -dtotft -you, Artemnsy' - .••'.».*' e »/ »*? "MaKh^obliged 1 said Artenitis aw*- srardlj' j> ^ •' •**oirt» wWtodttie^ said JUfa c*i6«f<- fally. t Wbejieter yoff •*Mp saiytiwasn Art. instask for it* •*»* i^Jr do * 4 - thing ft>vt nattf Be sure and ask' -nte, (Jood ijight *_>-*• Ar«emi(l» ln^ In puwied wskefttrjesw 1 for *ff*Rjl hours At I«i»t be Krbke Into- sntfdea so*fPtugBter ^ttte.'* 6e* ohHC*W to uihWelf *^iils#.asHt»«v 1 dickens l l declare; if"1f l|n*t?oiit oil met" ^ V ^ " v,< Atftretrkfaisfenesft in^ibinW Arjssitisi. A*temn» r«ldesied •uae^nrfprts.blj ,snddeiily threrw a bombshell Jnf* -ine "dlt now, ABB. yo^ tafce-|^.te>'»JeM^K««wtition. "^ gUF: k ^ n - j j • ! -^'1 s 4 : '«•••'••• 3 M V B t t b i s s l flsaWflMssssI IX . lOasdIS'cWtgwtkiSs DMisslfsVjisWI swssiissisri ""—2&C'l Zimbrieh/ pwajESf,.^ onsiyj I didn't wean- b^vijftkind: tolwtvea-wceSJy' We^ebeen- married teny*s«S' tm&m a*** ^•-p«e»'«s»<k^. i i"o|fi^*-iet^fei yon act jup£ as basftfttl i»»H>nt JBftE&ig me iortnormy m yea Ht$ iBftBSibe^ftn' niagi Don't mind my te«sl»ffx'SWlI . ... .__ . ...,„,, . .. yoninasfenie atTriangle'Jr-.ifitnoott^'v gare.up all fanttandihf ejjwlffl; ot^ins "Tes," sal* Ann coldly. t*sCTtaB*««# iai *W> 1 ' JHW»«* ,. . .*. j... A . j».-r *_-. - J gn ^ enyjttng a e shop^ -SBn*>-*a«r-«ee N«««-autJr«s*iB»:-*<is nroctt orereosae by the Bttle J .*?et»e # '"" r.«*nch'!p^e»JttJW.*lt'.fl*if *""" "'" liaft-essfto«aMs«llsj«BaM. T«'#s|e»^ mm tarn*' 1 ''':<$ «;f <1 ^>'**^vy:v«s* j^

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.Jlme. Bakmerieff. srife of the JRSt-, « d a diplomat who U«s Sjseeagded Bfron Rosea as ambassador CO Wash-B gton, la « native of Una Capital City ajtd passed ail fcer life there «»til her

.gslfrrisge to the Greek a^Uw, Jben.Sk saember of the Bozslaa letlttQp. She .-was Mary Beale, second daughter of General Edward Fitzgerald Beale, the

were the X W S * * " . * » * « * * flj-f « • « * f f l & ' & g & J i P nemos, wakeful it night and on a» Pleasure in ww*mDlattar *^.mS&*8hi&E3?$3& jp> the livelong day. Tt»e country dldtfi shfr'WonMI joe* fn toe «MST «JSt~*Jf6 S f t i V « ^ S i « S # help teem, and when we went back ts JMtenjus w eroaus?i$ *«r; th***•#*•' S ^ ^ P a f t i S i i ' town ehey-grewserflMioh worsethat! jK»ttjTra*ff«tfn« ta tJs#TSen^:p ^ * w S t « m t t « ^ ^ V ^ « l # nnally called In a child specialist, wfet gestlon that she migh-r.- tare l»;j|> t « n M t» # a f p t % r ^ M i - ^ w P « ^ # asked all aorta of profound questions!*t,~ **••• •"*"• •»*••«•* -»n-fc *«,.*. *-'*«"*- ^"'"' J . . . : :^^^^,^' .^—„.- i . imuged all their", wi# * flew so their prejK!ril^;j^ns,tpjM^ he said, -Go to the rawmtalss,* mad w 1,3,4 all t3*i way to the station. - ^ I l i l a K ^ ^ i l i S ^ ^ * ' ,

did, h«t it ^ l a n r ^ ^ • • « ^ H p # ! B e « * w i ^ ^ dreo. and they longed for the « « t - « l ^ h r n a * %m$' »»$ her MtMlFwi " » « « . « i n * . i w . after m little wechao*»d to a auatsi wi,m H»<ftdawn Jaj* JO^M* KWl

Tillage. • There they. . . . - . . - . . moat wonderful health and Tltaiiry ^ S _ * I j»d. seemed .not toJbmx/t « nmMafe^, , -I ir^

Jeba,a Mcl*an i*d jr^,jd^WQ^e%ai«Wn«,- waa the mothers to the brilliant list of American chat- " elafas*. of enjbsssy ««4 . IflWttoia be*.te.JKaahfty{t9n-„4©f^e«F !&§•< alan ambassador entered tho Russian diplomatic service In bis early youth. He U 1 paUve of Cortnth and Is a fa­mous itadeat of the classics. Mm*. Batmetlefl made her ctebQt In the Ar ttior administration. She U a fine llo-

Cpno«mlnj Wamsn. AJBOOC tho neweftitntnft ctfia Utm.

Taft bai rcoelred ire aaversJ aacred tea plants from the garden of the . _ w

•Ba«nttt:-pHe«U*tnCe#lSBrTh*"pllHl« WHit'hWTSiaMciowi vera aeot to the secretary of agricul­ture, who will b'ars them ctred for to UM tea farms of the Carollui*. which are under the snperrlslon of the de­partment.

The Frinceaa Hsty ha* sons* talent la modellnB in clay and U taktac let-sons from a professional ID order-to

eplrattou from Che Prlncea . Loal». duchess of Argyll, who arave her the first lesson Mrtle'Princess Mary U •aid to be particular about her studio

• dress and looks Quite pretty In her long apron that entirely corers her dress.

The Duoliew of Bedford. UJM Bea­trice Barradon and Lady Cofhlll are said to be rosponaiblo for the Halcyon cinb, a new •woman** club, incorpo­rated In London. ' The) dob fc* to be financed and controlled entirely by Its members, each of whom Is to be n shareholder

«Po> my alddiea staell like Uttl* onlo* patches?" *sted one young watroo ol another, and on being told In a rerj noaUtve maftner abe *ald, "Well, t6et«' IHt shoo them away, but I'M tell you why they ere thus pertained, and ypi can pwflt by the fcno-wledfe it a«u m

• ° « S , i y e « r i a*o m ,**&.* ""v™**^"****®

(S)pyr%ht hT Am«fle*BBi If»»e &#$} 1 :J_-p!%! <a»«o8, i«fc •. 'A i < | ;»M?|f!ibj^.^

^^^^^W&MB The Joawey TJDWB to the W»lfl|

fonnd a remedy for «« onr i l l . Wm**.«« ««*._«^.?!*% W ^ ^ f e L K ^ 5 * * « * ^ f c M ^ tbelf fesdtot

ifromQj^ewiaSeiie^restftroihoiwe wi^naJgl tehe lh ^^^^^*m^SLJ^^^SSS&ST Nine children c a a e ^ P g w e d a t ^ «n(ortnp«te wj*w " ^ . ^ J ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ l ^ g j ^ -and then Bed. but not before I noticed cvA ot ependto* inoney *ritli6u -sifW:

' i«e t J»;if.-Art«ini»»^ r^ttesjt *« l


close friend and staff offleer of Gen- j , o w ^tn and atnrdy they looked, fl&r \U. Am #he.way (00 preud ••-**>;. exal Grant She Is the alster of Mrs.1 - —.•.-•» L . . . * . - « - M ™ * * » I M I . ^ asked wbo their doctor

One of my ypunK ones wss ouny lit yota* aud I Jaw »«te hlnj jat'-th. onJoni-'.W';wiii»ti45frtfi^ bread betwocn meals.'

wsa. lioctM«w whet *heeoWidereol Hihtf«Hy^«r'^^'Wtf»4-***«'^r*A^*W.»Wl,*g|: be^. •e^irejJ.lH^illB»«t^lL-tf^fclD^ «s. nm,*iifc«lBHMheUni went mkmt W W . ^ t o ^ J ^ ' ® | 5 ^ l ^ ^ : i ^ Eiuiiheta


"From that day I etarted an onlonl mado the *u«fe«tfe>B ttmtlb*f<JWWW^^^jj'.;'.^. ii^iViie'-'iaC^aa diet in1 my family, not qnlteaa H.wwjto the city.»»d purcbJwe y+tmii ' ^ ^ ^ ' S ^ ^ W t ^ ^ ^ i S ^ *

jwrocK, At last she cann a»d set d»we


t*fjrsjs« liBHt MttdsV'C E -^safssaistfssBssi ^gfrssastssB; ssj sj. B B S I "»•«

Mitd MMemiNu tafi ^.^^•^r^sv^ssf^jp^^^^^^p ^ K > 'W^T^^

r * .-(Wtir ^ • ^ S - *W,^- •* • --

• 1 « « ^ s¥sTaaatlgrtlW k^ksasBBi 9L_« . ^ a <•<••

JaBB»*kSB« asKaW

prescribed, bat the chlldtan bite AJBJ, EiiMt&ethi onions once a day anyway. «w* Ipm S o t « werd M^t,^Mia^J^M7*S^^^^S!W3SSS them iota of twuermOk be«^* I eat ^ a r a t t f t e i dorlnj ^^LmSS£SS^kSSS&S^&^ them «y»eU.™tao. hnt a o t ^ a a ?om- m We tmff -oV-p8»as*r i tgW^^

lettuce. wlWK?e«hd»ap|h>*,le,VBJcli f ^ ^ " ^ - ^ , S ' ' S l S S f f l S 2 S a ^

care who Is here when I feel I must <?tark» always traded at -whea- m ^totsat^rtlftilW. ^'awitallifr«st' y*4ffc order t i l l r*pm»t *n« 1 b m i a * , - T a * *rt* . * t r t b e t / » ^ N ^ ' jjumy eon»ett»'tod' c«es-by tttttof -o*'tn»sttHtice &$gmmU$m&W both Omt Ulee of onion power tint .U«to-««•-^r/Ma^tli^^ttfr ^^^T^^^Jl^^^-iZ^^'^^^^Li:^ 3 «m lefflinf yon;" - -tiie;'raolt «*r«lBes;-]J5ii»B^rii»it-.;BM^^*^,'^?f

once did * e il^t|^'iles>^)*i»Mw^(ll*^

•MB* HWtsf HfK

7 w

*A», »*Pflj^i JP*'

lt.hsr iiusla^s»-to<an»ni>.daU*^tful i»J«d,-whea_i>er4»u»l>«n4-parties tor her *lrU and boys Includes «nd forgotten to **»« <^-4^1»<Mft^^.:>,>ifc. „7~i^A^i"^v^-^:,-^i. , - i in her plans mamy schemes that other} aad left «*^'«t«4te»:tH»»^lrs«'J«^

of unpaid for purcbaees, Sereriii

their dolls, and we had a doll parade.

rhat and shall invite the children to As tho dob U registered - ^ « M hi tbfir ordinary clothes In or-

aa a limited liability company, eaid member will be liable onjy for the onmber of shares held by her. Toe cinb will be aoniwlltlcel and open to all professioaal women.

Whan Jack. Frost Appssra. For playing ontdoor in the winter

nothloi better, protccte the jmall boy *r6mj cdld^hicri"ti knitted suit ~ 8 « *

the runner most go back and forth amd: irouattebont* i»*oroje#«to?*Bdr -tbe cards, consecutively accordJne; t» aattt' aWt'"^^^^ ber. ' .•;-

"Now. supposing the runner flnila Ko. 1. aaiehHTwhBefeeWhljr^ut'for No. 2 he finds * or C, well, that num­ber won't count Ho must find No. 2, then No. 3 until be compieie«.,the circuit to obtain the prize. , it add* to ta»e fun if besides the real priie you Have a booby prlxe. Anyhow tlje game creates any amonxtt of laughter, yon see the players running up against one another, all eager to find a consecutive, number.... The one. who complete* the circuit flrst is the pf tee winner."

m costume is shown in the illustration of gray yam with border trimmings of bright red. The soft to completed by a worsted cap, which resembles the famous brownie 'headgear.

Frajrant Cfuhioni. Dried rose geranium leaves make a

very pleasant ailing for sofa pillows, as they give out a dellghj^tal odor.

Partly dry stalks ojt iKreneer *»th ered while th»,pSs^,.«|eiriksib||^| Strip the Iee^Te«.iu ifl*W^iftoi*->the wood, ;d^arda%1


WftlL^sMI tagMM^ABst .I • " " • ^ ^ ^ " • ^ * ^ y ^Hr> ^ ^ ^

dor that tliey may have a good romp. MAXter tea 1 shall start the aew

game of maze, 'which Is played In the following manner;

"Number some strong cards from one to twetvo and tack thorn about

Talking It Over With the Boy. -Bacporiences o* otters to brlngiHsrnp

tnelr bo;y» have so greatly aided me fa bringing np my own that parnap* a "Way wMeh helped me through !>vtiT lag period with one of my sons may. In. Its tarn, he of use, said a mother recently. . ..

.Although *»• J?eaw I had tried to instill good manners as well as nforais, taere caiae a tfitne when one of W» boys seemed, to f&rget everything % bad

^ioh ^»l»»]Eoiiewchj:. He j»M tiTely iSored^j'"''" L" ' '"" derelopw little pcTnrf-eJL^amnner •wftjeb. ^bilehotserjtoflj^were^Jcceel insly nna«Jyl»av '.*•. •,.,••.;» »./ "'*'"

It is a delicate matter«to keep call-ins attention,to failings In a big boy of slarteen, and * found otn-«oflld; fel­lowship was becoming- seriously 4W*1"' e d L '•• •

A simple plan suggested Itself.

day of the month. Out tjaai"d»y "we had S gooS talk • *Mlp>t,W««3fc 4.


for purchases, hoars afterward lie Had found

• *3 *»m • ,^i«|lWMi;'Air^nt,Ny!ritt

ef the .bops surwundea,;^ fc-'^l^l^^M^^'-'^jJfL.fc' of unnald for n.urcn**«. ^ j ^ ^ ^ S J ^ S ^

m ''-!^*oil:'pts«fe?'":iiitd Af^n4:#*tM ,b«troo» 'doot

can't pick out a sM~g*$, j n * : * W t j K ^ S ^ r ^ ™ ^ S S . ? ^ S S ! _ S Sts_cloths* were atrewn about; and!

mothers may like to copy. Now that we are settled In home

for the autumn." says this hostess of Juvenility, *'l mean to elTe a children's open air party. Last year 1 asked the little ones to come each as a flower, and we bad a flower parade. To a second party 1 told them to twtag- ElBabetU^i:'5oiffe s ^ W b ^ o j

re had a doll parade, ,^'t tffc o ut a 'sult~al&. Jnife- >"' This year 1 am going to change aU] y o a want> *nd it-will pleuiM.•#!»$&»*»,

r B m i m s n e . a w i p n s a ^ A ^ ^

going to take tte- next "-car dotrnMOrtj^ Triangle's Co see about a nair harnesi. ^ ^ Sappose yon meet,me tt»!fstf»oon«^,^^#y^-^'-gte-'|s^:»^igf

Ann KUwbeth clutched'desiKiiiteiy at his «oat ttMCsv— <-.-»-tv... t+^n-vJ.-tvi rowssi'ind^'o^ediln^Mii*^

„. . .. . . ^ ... # . "Oh, Art«Mmui.'*ave4 ,tyett''for|^i«iil^--^j^3i^a^^

apart and trees to placed. *»• toatfwoniarecotiectaow! •-. - »-• ^ ^ S X ^ ^ i S S ^ ^ ^

six feet' of nandwme g < ^ naturedneH ab^W^of >e!low; biar^rieiniS and smlicS., "I dotft peeoljecCT AnMbit^ioT*5^iriepfcvtteiW*BXtar#dTif vnai«1t!r ' vv,v,>.- •, ••« -•«- A x u a i ^ 1)#ftft ^ ba.y*^,. Arabia?

^^kita((bM|ett^fie^i^ mr bed! «rd a w ' s a w i M f painfully srid he* #ra^ eyes darken^ (00^4 jt 4 trying tftsjt Jxtfpsev ' * wntll they *ecnied ftlmost Dlack. Ulie (««da1mly Aati nirse*ana-^W h>s» swallowed bef pfldeawdisSs^liumblv- there bestotJfte? ' Dkt » n waat *Ojh "ton forgot to Rive me t*e woney ftr thiag ArWr)wi!S?' ri*t Rtkfed Msintly^ my suit Artcmns." - a t , bed.' replied: bef (fttUbsMr^^f

Artemus flung back his lipd andtgness yoq forgot if, Annv lr 3SB3 tonghed heiaMlly. "Ble«8-tag «out. solnntde* ' « did! Why dfdrft yh« sssWnie bfifofc « m make it no^"1 «ioT Ajro Utth* eh?" - ' '".-- ouc sinpHi* *«• nlWoogyc pnssinf' Inp&

Then It w-aa that Ann Elisabeth Oar* bi»--Twom With B--f«W ^deftiteorei reajhred tha* herhnsbanc lntad kept heji atwirfiitthe wenfjo nrid ff6/ fc lhtrBff" wsMn^ porjjosely; itisd.'sUrtftsoff Mui'tolng* (epl,icJnjr thfcnr in ^irdrobeor to tease- IieiSH-ahfs.-^SumA M ft*^ lldre«»er, totklBg- ihe Iwd fot© ***o« new. suit to three years-:? 'file tenrsfoMrstbleeortcfe . .* 1.,—i




f/ Si-"^ t'-?p

^ p ^ ^ i ' e ^ ^ l f t ^ . ^ ^ h

. 3 V f->- . T^X

j$^ . i^SE^TV^Wvrvr : r'';t;'

r eaine iat» ~oer - «yer anil sWramca swny pfoudffy.rHow she ippoultl o-pew throw b»naoMeybackflhr^>|j|k hands

"t w4Wfy$WltigHlW<e-$^ Ann helatigiicd »ofHy".:£» Iie,pfiBl.fcS oat hti wallet and save to her jfenjerx)ttrt> *roui, i t "tfhera. get -what yte «mjt. Me inember yo». can -alWDyu-»have -wbm yoii want if-youesfe-fo*-Ji.* •'.*•<-•

A. flnrionsJook caine Inta-'akon'* -eyes She held ftffe, roa-of hljfe, dlmref the gr».«sad nnd- Ioel«ed.~,#»*i>«Sj>ealf

u-othecsilsnal^tdo!• S&»t*st wijat-yott\*Sgaa? -dtotft -you, Artemnsy' - .••'.».*'e»/ »*?

"MaKh^obliged1 said Artenitis aw*-srardlj' j> •'

•**oirt» wWtodttie said JUfa c*i6«f<-fally. t Wbejieter yoff •*Mp saiytiwasn Art. instask for it* •*»* i Jr do * 4 -thing ft>vt nattf Be sure and ask' -nte, (Jood ijight * _ > - * •

Ar«emi(l» ln^ In puwied wskefttrjesw1

for *ff*Rjl hours At I«i»t be Krbke Into- sntfdea so*f PtugBter ^ttte.'* 6e* ohHC*W to uihWelf *^iils#.asHt»«v 1 dickens ll declare; if"1f l|n*t?oiit oil met" ^ V ^ " v ,<

A t ftretrkfaisfe nesft in ibinW Arjssitisi. A*temn» r«ldesied •uae^nrfprts.blj ,snddeiily threrw a bombshell Jnf* -ine

"dlt now, ABB. yo^ tafce-| .te>'»JeM^K««wtition. " ^

gUF: k ^n - j j • ! -^'1 s 4: '«••• '•••

3 M V B t t b i s s l flsaWflMssssI I X

. lOasdIS'cWtgwtkiSs

DMisslfsVjisWI swssiissisri

""—2&C'l Zimbrieh/


onsiyj I didn't wean- b^vijftkind: tolwtvea-wceSJy' We^ebeen- married teny*s«S' tm&ma*** ^•-p«e»'«s»<k^.ii"o|fi^*-iet^fei yon act jup£ as basftfttl i»»H>nt JBftE&ig me iortnormy m yea Ht$ iBftBSibe ftn' niagi Don't mind my te«sl»ffx'SWlI

. ... .__ . ...,„,, . .. yoninasfenie atTriangle'Jr-.ifitnoott 'v gare.up all fanttandihf ejjwlffl; ot^ins "Tes," sal* Ann coldly. t*sCTtaB*««# iai *W>1' JHW»«* ,. . .*. j . . . A . j».-r *_-. - J g n ^ enyjttng a e shop^ -SBn*>-*a«r-«ee N«««-autJr«s*iB»:-*<is

nroctt orereosae by the BttleJ.*?et»e # '"" r.«*nch'!p^e»JttJW.*lt'.fl*if *""" " ' "

liaft-essfto«aMs«llsj«BaM. T«'#s|e»^

mm tarn*'

1 ''':<$

«;f <1


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