wm. «i»i ..^^«^*^ ss ts s ai £ ny daily courier/buffal… · j*»;}k*#»**«w*(i^^ !...

J*»;}K*#»**«W*(I^^ ! :: ; *f>*? ,8 fe. ' : ' v *^? e ?^ •Chattel _^^fc^- *Wfe H MT f TfuM ^tafia* tkfe ' «f maliiii of C —- ,, ^,.^dTaa»*na»a,<«pa , .«»*. # ^ t * » t ^ t t * * ^ «r .**..*« •»! *ar *r«f * • iagfataiSoe of Con*****. There ~ ^ ^ T 7 . ! a «* *w*7- *»£*«*. regard W the m f n i ftef4k» tflfellielrta »r*o4d j ^ Jj^ ^ ^ ^ w t^f***oo e# tae traitors itmifo, sayf tb* /frpwotfew*. I ,-„*, *** t*» «iblaiMM*«f the national! tUM rr»» W r«« atnrwowma."' Of. ivj^naapoc ** Jfcatt 4***rtesrn lay* ea mh*mt mm • * * ApWrtwHn^- *• •*• j ^^ fWW ^ ^ rf •ictortwvM not won "••^"i" '.;*• . - - > , : ' * jiam ha* eoliated in ' 3 tin* M M l of the- rarest election* at: W- .]» » « i M b t felly to d a t a that *l* election* oawr* approval of the *<**«j off IP****- intrreUngw vir*^ and ador* "If - »** J*»J***FJ!^ **iS 04 TW»rE * ***** ««feoitat»t : «4 Gf*i* Btftaln. r. however, ta regard to the re»*«*l A eo* of G. P. Tba Cfcfc«^i»p**» report « graft* cow**- «b-*^OMoCn»|nlry:. «*oefi*. ckfefr ortbe F ^ Bwlberb^d. *^jT' t ^ . j ^ ^ ^ w 4 which commeucod Ite sewdon In tn*t city on ^ . ^ ^ j ^ ^ ^ tofbe entrusted 1 wholly to Mi** TwmUj of \m\ twk. Tbe osrtemdMe object of ; f)j x tb« convention, ***»> the fW» i* lo collier Jo-j ,...TMK &a» fr'nann i by her BtWtf tw>* W*ra* Rwatw*^—T*« «itt«stn^or floor AdmitihaTa* w. T W M ••••*« dU f r - j b * vlt »« ** li "•*»«* tb * »elaina*ioo of Ir«l*o<i ? » j rog^grmwiumt 3 > Bww*. The { wn«B, ««» ««i b«i*y f irflut 1>tow»tcf * r W t t o of ooiakik is r c g V i to«rWo«ry «m-»»* »»- i ^ n »i«„-, am jj ? v ( an ,j ^4- rt-pval of tbc onU.o 1* . ^ WM. «I»I ..^^«^*^ ss ts s ai £ ..n«£wtt..... s!«r; tpw* SK»- w* %a ...-. . nvftiatA. '.... *»0 .... « $ 3W . , . . ..o»«w» .. .... fttote .... .... »ff^^ -.-• ..&i&,io.i.. we* sows 9«»ri ntM» i^*« .... SanFtaiHli>«nu*irmfOTJh^ty wj^recUto ***nrf i«ev««K to 'So*'. to .tbo ye«» ; 'l^-»adW«. w«r»«i , uo«*iorn«d. THB Bt'nicla B<j.y and (Tom King, the Sfog- of Ireland at a proper opportumty pom i* oi**nly acknowl«dg««l and avowed b IMNh.V.lkmfoK.«iMi o*.of if ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ d o ^ f ^ ^ ^ ^ e : " ^ ^ i « c o u n t y and In Treland, wb,r. circle. ME«lto ft^wwuiKJ^fP^ U>th*ju^*mh^*a*!*^wm^wmfc' ^JfJ* L»». Tfc >Am «»a »d aNMrth-otoeraof the A^ .«.J5y, ^ m y w i w . t a rhan Su New \.rk (jity. i*»rr. Bifart ^!^. -V^LiT h«aWei w N«» ,ll « ««>* , *« <* *•" *»r« «»• »emat»rei ot IP/-*'"?"" ..[« gerwM. tbo flkal policy <rf the fo*eron. cut. (be^aoiH** » • * * Uu,J, " m *" j'b*s «rr#atof traitor*, tbe diwanaing <4 judi ini * lb* AdkisUiratioo bare done and ail tb*>> j »ra;?oa» by tha anapamton of tbe balteaa cur M»a, *nd to do aou* montlw ago, aaid %u Buu^ j a^d *fli otbar aajjent palate of the eaoTa*a. So R^puaticaa epaaher or newspaper oot,i*h or New | W b city dodgvd a atogie one of UMSMS le- W# "proeinciaK" one and alJ. n»«-i t^em Tbe rVal object, nodoabt,la4l«inv»aivo of Ir*y } j. #b c b a m p j o n > a M ( ^WkSngj an tbvir muaolea-for »d by lri*hnu*D in caee of a war between ibe | {b<4 i " n{en land by irlahnwco in caee of a war between IDO t b e ^rwa internatiox al prk? ffgbt won to take United !?*«** and England, tbe organaation } . {Q Kmdaod. (jr $10 000. Heenan'» Ug partaking of a mi I ilary character, and tbe m^rn- 1 bera being piedgKl to strikefortbe independeaca both or Jl, * llaiiianlwTr- aAee-batderx- 'ti I* oajt at to tb« exiating Steiea to allow tbe *«d>d ft 1 rtwa before tbe aptrit of tbe rebei- a baa die} ofit aod iba fo*V^«^ -t"»»(^_pj faed» miau wait, even if It be a AuariJKf 1 we admit toto tbe t'etoo naen wbo It. T b e p*«»ple of Mbwouri Mitry- tlava aiatea. ace fbangjjngv tbeir ct of alaeery, and be tboognt y«mr* a nimilar cbw»ge would pre- Carortna. If ffarrary te ooadatird reaent organfeatfaa of negro troope I eerrito war la tbe aouibera Statoa on toaJfo« itaim to letoratotbe ii«n aa l i i v a fttatea b<«til» to tbe govern- •at If t were e*ea madn v> appear tbat w«r j no aul writy in tbe ouojaituttoa or oaage to ^entf« Ntara ofrtwa*ijtai^a. be trould1 haw > p*-opto tak«» tb« otader Into tbefr »wn band- i adopt a new eoaMitMtion. railing back upon it princl >iea. Then fo to^rd Vr. SoHeltor 2 Wl»il*ng'e tofoft lding tb it «?*eiy reaident of iwbeblow, wb»-tb- loj*l ot dtetoyai, tM a "public ew-my" and d no Hg iu*n«d#r *• eanatltaib>n, axaapttba [bi to KI baogvd. Senator Sumner, in an tboraj* iriicie. ia tba Atlantic Monthly, went It fur&K ri and loalated tbat tba wbale Souib- a territo ry wu a tabula roao, upon wbicb C«n- ew toigl t write lawa at ite own uoreatrataed ilL AB< now, w» learn, from tbe Maryland telfoaa, bat tbe War Department may elect it aucb maaabara of Congree* aa It ptemwa.— »e polic;' of tbe Admlniatratioo toward tbe r«- »|ted Sw ae ia well denned, and we are not en amrf ed lo bear tbat tbe effort* of theToyal, uajetjg oi Loolsiana to reatore ibe State to gbte ao< privitegea, -WXJLI. aa >ir»w» mr tux. rtkomrt LKB," KM, manfuiBy.and tbe reault b before tbe world in t elatrtkme. 1/ tbe Co*tm«rrtal Adcmiu^r Ik ee lewtof tblbg U must tpeak for iueif, ind aot pretendtoutter tbe voice of any number ot loyal men ont Me of New Yt>rk city. The ad- mtaterrauVm mtgbi well adt to be aared fvx>a t Ite fnf tula, if it bad many aucb aa tbe Corn-ntt^rial AdtrtLm. Tbn'tiutb U tbat tba Abolition oratora »A*f mAV M»*Hj»»0 LOYALTY. Tbe Ad nintetratlon i« making tbe moat per- cent etR rt*toinduce tbe New York banker* ahandot 1 the S'ato aytusm of banking, and lopt tbe "h*»e «?*tem. Mr McCuliock, who If t N»w Y. rktoengineer tbla flnandal reroUT i>n, »ay«y that If the government bat not tie »w*rto« »Ubti*b Ihh ajstem of bankbrg over [I appoet »"»* 'it lacka,to»o fatal an extei t, tbe •vereign! f, thut it is not ux/rth a tithe *>f tA«>/- ef and ao tr>/te* that are being mwlt to maintain ," Tba Ifourw*/ of Commerce, remark*, tbat ^if I'm proposition be adrnitied.ihen we bave anew at of foyi»lty, and tbat much abuaad word iraltor* will be sounded menacingly in tbe earn r aotaagi ntlemeo wbo bave heretofore applied with toe little reaerKe to other*. To support M new bt nk» ia to support tbe government, if oth moat stand, or foil u>getber; aad since botb w new ai id old banks cannot long co-exist, e* e- r one wb > trie* to maintain tbe State insti o- ona is wr rae than a malignant copperhead; I 1 trying t > stab at the very vitals of the nati< n, Bd to re* 4ve into cbaoa "the elemantaof at v Ignty r There are over one thousand banks in to free St oea, wbicb must sarrendet their cbar* •red exbt pace, or occupy thi* position of antag ajam tbus| distinctly set forth by the Compirol- MT. M TUC U»tOA!«lZATIOW OF COITQKSM. The red cats have made op their minds to ave tbe n txt Congrese, and they do not and will o i scrupl< 1 aatothe means to be employed for da pnrpoi e. Already we have violence threat- oed in Cat e their programme ia attemptedtobe tterruptot. Tbe Waibington correepoudent of tba New ork JPoii\ referring to a rumor that Mr. Etber- Iga, tbe Clerk of tbe House holding \ over, will mit names) of certain members elect, on tbe round of invalid election, says, "emy attempt of t* Wad wi uid cuwM an instant ovtkrtak upon itfloor 0/ th* jStouxe, and Mr. Etbertdge knows Mr. BUM ridge waa elected Clerk by tba Re- abiicane t f the laat H»n*». He wan with them »long a* bey stood by tbe resolution, uoani- ioii*ty ad( pt«d» deetaring tbe wartobe for tbe wtoraiion of the L'nton and tbat only. He is aderatoed to bave declined gotng with them do tbe de >tbs of abolitionism. Hence they do ot count ttpon bis partisanship to enable them > carry ont their scheme*. His powent and ntiea are |ieariy defined by law, we believe, no doubt faithfully perform them, t of an immediate outbreak upon noted. and the tbe and Tbe the the p «{* rs, duringtbe caovase. never uudett^ok jaatifliiilrn of tbe obnoxious act* of tbe Adtn'm- bdrarida. Moat of them dodged the emimjrpa- tio* proclamatfoa, and all of them directed 1 heir effort* to making tbe people beliefe that dem«<*-aey were In league with tbe rebel*, In heaping epithet* upon -Copperhead*." *!>olit*jnlstB. presented a falae teaue, and democrats tbe true one,—-namely, whether policy' of the admtntetraUon in waging a war for tbe ebplitioa of slavery and to prevent th » re- construction ot tbe Union, should be eodor* JdV— The result is thai tbe abolitionist* obtained tbe popelar sanction, and they bave a right to claim that the whole list of crime* perpetrated br the administration bave been voted public vlrttes. M I * » AM MA DICKt.NHOW. The talented young lady we bave jnst named has ot ooune received, a* well aa given, a good many sharp tbruate since she entered tbe irena of politics, but we nave studiously refrained from copymg any of tbe many things Democrati: edi- tors have said to her disparagement. The fol loa-lnic however, written by tbe Journal, th*- lea<li*g Republican paper iu Chicago, we ma} perhaps be permitted to quote, without suspicion of ungallaotry or dUloyalty. :— We have bad a most excellent opinion or Mi*? Auna Dickinson, tbe spirited little public s;>euk er. But we are assured tbat she charged and pocketed ibe exorbuant.aum of $600 for Uctur- jag twicefortbe beuent ot the patriotic Fair, lam Week, for tbe relief of the sick and wounded notdfejrel and «e don't think near a* well of her now. Shei* a smart liulo woman, but we can- not «ay muchforthe sincerity of her patriotic ptofettdona or her charitable disposition. In het case we have one more illustration of bow nuch easier it IA to pteach than to practice. Ob, Anna. Auna! why don't you give your service* for the benefit of our bra>e patrioi sol- dienyfor twoaborl hours, a* score*of our 'Vest- era ladiea did for two whole weeks ? Why bave you thus dashed our admiration <>f you, by en- gaging in a money speculation ai the expense o 1 this patriotic charity ? Do not eyen the shadd^ contractor* so? Wo confe-8 to having our opinion raised, rath- er than lowered by this revelation. Three bun dred doilajs a night goes far to palliate tba of- fonae, bo'h against patriotism and; the proprieties. involved in making abolition speeches. DELAY OF it is then like lock Tbe York ad be wf #t tbi* tb tefioor >AODKe-0»ANO ABKANStAH. »rn revolutionary paper* are exrea- ling an addreas to tbe people of Ar- W. Gantt, a prominent citizen of lat State sjnd lately an offlcer in the rebel army. (fat entire argument and appeal lead to tbe fol- * Tbe ehirteet way, in my opinion, to resume ar relatione with the Federal government is, to Mtrnot Hbn. W. K. Sebaetian to take hi* seat in |w UnitedlState* Senate. Xt is by all mean* de- rable tbatisucb itvtructiona be so clear tbat the faiu-d Stales government may be at no loss to se tbat our |>eopb are loyal, and tbat Mr. Se- astiaa mai have nwt one coarse of conduct left. feei erne 1 that be will respond favorably to our wtebeA" Had Mr. bentt known that bu State ia con- Ideredby s>madmini»tr»lioa aa poliUealiy dead, oaaeaaed 0 'no rigbte save what it, in ite tmpe- ial power choose* to accord, and liable to be lamemben d, or eonaolidated, with Mteaenri or [ansa*, be would probably hare spared hinvelf be labor ot preparing thi* address. Should Hon, f. K. Sete *tiaa present himself op thefloorof be Senate claiming to represent tbe State of krkansss,: Senator Sumner wouljl laugh in bis ice. "Arl aneas--tbe State of Arkansas!* be rould say; there i* no sack State In tbe Union. Pbere is 1 - caput tnorfuum—tbe remain* of a lead S^tejbsrrond the Mississippi, which once |olhe name of Arkansas; but, my sir, it, is now a subjugated province, and ion aad all your people may be thankful if we mere your live*. •Speaking of tbe 11 . i, .imww THW X* iTUism ELICTION-. Itarylsmd flection (1) tbe Tribwn* say*: M The ao< osasfdl candidate* hav* taken the not- ana pfedjjss to support the policy of the Presidnet, iatlatfffiy h a SmanaipatHon Proclamation." Thki ia lore than Napoleon require* of candi- latea befit > permitting them to offer themselves lor that a a f n g e of the people, and the French KsapsFOT b is never yet interfered In election* rith aaytb ng like tbe show yf military force m*^*^ 2& 1 j Maryland. 1 1 Los*.-~8o*itbern writer* confess the recant succeases of Gen. Hook- GAhf fhatthrou vr, there rirfnadby battieof mys tbe have lost all the advantages they battle on tbe Chickamanga. -The iickamauga must be fongh* again," Exambicr. Can the rebel* raocbra battle Aooarrcvca OF OSX. Bcajcau*** now.—it is nndarstood at EliiiusAsVsrosignstinna** la probobtet thai Gen. Ft »o*a*aaod(tf tbe army of the Ohio. fi 1. ia •Bag la IK MKTTL1NU ACCOUNT!* DEAD sM>LDIBR*i. Coiuplainte come from all quarters tbat next to impossible for the families of decea ed soldiers to get a settlement with the government Many have made unavailing efforts and given it up in despair. Tbe evil comes, many others, from the titter confusion and of system in everything at the war office. Washington correspondent of the New 2 one* says:— u The rejection of the widow's demand for back pay, or tbat of her agent*, i* notoriously an event of daily occurrenceln the war department. All applicants are turned off with the dishea -ten- ihg information that from fourteen to sixteen months must pass away from tbe time of ma unit applicationforpay due to tbe killed in bit:tie, before the money can possibly be got by heir representatives. Tbe heir* of those who AII at I Gettysburg in July, 1863, may not hope U> be ' •paid till November, 1864. Tbe bare statement of t he fact is the fullest censure of the scanda- lous imperfection of the machinery of the sec- ond auditor^ office. The senye of its iuade jua- cy to the wants of the war, and to tbe right B of tba friends of ibe martyred dead, is heightened by the contrast which the system in tbe tavy present*. Positive law makes it the duty of u paymaster at sea to notify the department of the death of a^satlor or marine as soon after the breath U out of hi* body as ia practicable. ' This notice is accompanied by a statement of the amount of pay due htm. In one minute idler thi* statement, reaches tbe navy department, the deceased sailor's widow or mother can get' tbe money. Literally, she does not have to wait a minuteforit Among the duties.of Congress in the very first week of the next session is to force upon tbe war department a system of paying debt* due to deceased soldiers, substantially!like tbat wbich Secretary Welles has voluntarily^ es- tablished in behalf of the survivors of those fightfortheir country at sea." fe tbia country »very where exiat . stimated tbat tbe fl»ember*«f tbj* !«dety Dumber about .eighty thousand in Ireland aloue. They b<<id their midnight meetings there for drill and conference, causing already great alarm so the gUvernmeut party. Here they are count- ed by hundred* of thousand*. Illinois .alone contain*forty circle*, and there is a proportion- ate representation in all the States. The feeling tbat Ireland must soon regain her place in the family of nations is universal among her people. and with a rep a kable unanimity they are join- ing at* oue tuau iu expressing their determination to aid her fn asserting ber tight. Tbe convention was formally opened on Tues- day morning (if last week, In the new Fenian Hall, located ou the corner of Randolph and Wells street*. All portiot* of the United rfiates and Canadits Were represented In tbeconverition, and delegate* cuaiinutd to arrive up to a late hour in the day. Tbe convention fully equaled «t the opening, the expectations formed of it— tid it would bo represeutatiOi of Irish p-itrio * in all parts of the Norib American coutiueut,anu demonstrate the fullness, of power which ajready exists in this organization. The convention, after transacting ite business, adjourned on Thursday night having held a three days session. On" Wednesday upwards of three hundred de|egateH,representing "centres'* or societies in various parte of the United States Canada and Ireland, responded to the call of their names. A stirring address to the Irish people was udopted, as were also the following resolu- tions:— Resolved I,, That our organization consists of an asHociuMn principally of citizens of the United States of Irish birth or descent but open to all wbo are friendly to the liberation of Ire- laud from the domination of England^ by every honest means wbicb are not in violation of the. constitution and the laws under which we live and to which we owe our allegiance. v We assert an unquestionable right, under said constitution find laws, to associate togetherfor^this purpose. Exiles of every country, and especially*those of Ireland, having found home*, p»THdoal freedom and equal political rigbte in this American re- public; and deeming its preservation necessary to the well-being and social elevation of tbe hu- man race, be it Resolved 2. That we do hereby solemnly de- clare our entire allegiance' to the constitution and laws of tho United States of America. Resolved 3. That the younger members of the Fenian Brotherhood be instructed to study military tactics.and apply themselves sedulously to learn tbe use of arm*, in order to be prepared, as organized' and disciplined bodies, to offer heir services to the United States government, by land or sea, against England's myrmidons. Resolved 4. That every man of Irish birth or descent who lives on the American continent is admissible to the Fenian Brotherhood, without, distinction of class or creed, provided his char- acter is unblemished and his devotion to Ireland unquestioned, and that weearnestly invite every American who is loyal to tbe principles of self- government to aid and sustain us by bis moral influence against our enemies, tbe emissaries of foreign despotism, who would fain crush tbe growth of republican principles, and stop the onward march of freedom in this free laud. Resolved d. Thai every subject relatingtopar- tisan Americjan politics and to differences in re- ligion be absolutely and forever excluded from the counsels and deliberation* of the F. B.; and thai we furthermore invite every sincere friend of li'oerry, without distinction of party er creed, to join cordially and harmoniously with us upon the neutral platform of Irish independence. brother Tim went over-with the last * assist in tbe prepare lion. —r A VERMONT fat mer sebt to an orphan asy- lum for a boy that* as smart^ctive. brave, tract able, prompt industrious, :k'aa. pious, mtelli a^nt. gi>od looking, resexv*d'and modest. Tbe Superintendent rep led the. their boys were all human, tbongh they, wereorphan*. aad referred biro to the New ier jsatem if be wanted 10 get his order filled. —THK ^UorW giv th tbe following as the lead- ing items of tbe supper to tpe Rua4ans the other evening: Twelve thousau is oysters — ten thousand pouiette and two th jusand Twelve monster . < almon- Tvvelve hundred game b Two hundred and fifty ti Four hundred cheken*. One thousand poinds of One hundred pyiamids «. One thousand laige loaves. Three thousand Ive hunjdred loaves of bread 1 'tudtiffea ........ -,..*«>«••••• a < r**'* < TW ..;'r:»rt' me ifcrtp, < ..... K(«teicr s's»'«s. C S.«W>4P f o e v . . . tfegjbirer/* «•"»'. r*wsway"T*Wn.- . CS«*ljT«eittL,. Aa*nraBi jeo«d— fouOva^ • Ftoar, bb*> i*a ..... iio.H» \Vb«at.te>. i,actav C<KU. be. ««4fi0 B«rf*v. be. Safe.**) kW.«OD .J>ec... ai.«» tx>c 3S1&» Dec &KMtf Dee. U^V» Tb* ajajreipue Kjojustitj ot ta* »«m« *nicit» !*« at cide-wausr nom to* coameexwmeat <d navigation 10 tne 7ih lost. Indaaive. dartag t&c .year* IBS* a»d J.is03, was.as' follows; Floor, bbLi Wheau. bit Corn, ba Bartty. bu. i«ea. i.siuwo s:..'>"-tt«.« is.aai.aeo i,«a.t* 1JSJ3 . .1.1*2, :t» l",3tI.3U> «>.«».«»> 1.3to,«X> pickled. thirty pound* each, rds. rkeys. tenderloin, f pastry. KENTINKL." T U B " C A T IOHC The following, in relating to ibe above paper which is published I u this city, is from the Roches ter Union:No LONGER A,N ' OKOAN."—The Buffalo »$>*- tineL which basfor a numlier of years been re garded as a sort ol "orgat " of Bishop Timon. through which he announced his pastorals to tbe clergy and laity, hasf wo observe, taken down the sign of " ay appr jb'ation" carried at ilf head, thus indicating that it is an '-organ" no longer. No reasoa is assigned for tho with- drawal of the Bisiop's uark of approbation, but it is given out but henceforward the "right* Of wotkingmen" will be a ppecial feature of the paper. The publisher of the Sentinel is some wbo BO UNTIE** UNDER TUB NKW VOLUNTEER *YSTBM, For tbe information of Recruiting Agente, and tbe public, we republish tbe following of icial statement of tbe bounties offered to volunteers in thi* State:— To a veteran volunteer—one who has been in service nine, months—one month's pay in ad- vance, and bounty and premium amounting to $402 will be paid as follows: 1. Before leaving the 8tate the volunteer will be paid one month's p*y in advance $ts 00 Flr-t installment of bounty 10 00 rrumium 2 00 S 00 Total pay tiefore leaving general rendezvous $ Attoereiruiar pay-day, or two months after ntoster to, sn additional Installment of bounties will be paid $0 00 Making pay and bounty then received I At first reipilar pay-day siter'slx months' ser- Yioe. he shall bo paid an additional install- ment of bounty , $0 ») At tba first regular pay-day at the end »f the first year*' service, an additional install- ment of bounty wjl he paid to 00 la* first regular pay-day after eighteen 5. At 6 5 00 months' service, andadditional installment ef bounty will be paid... fcO 00 t the first resml*r pay-day after two years service, an addi.ional installment of boon ty wilt be paid 50 00 7. At Khefirstregular pay-day after two and a I half year*' service, an additional Install- i ttentof bounty will bo paid B0 00 & At the expiration of three years' service, the j remainder of the bounty will be paid 4 > 00 To all other men, accepted and enlisted; one months' pay in advance, and in addition a boun- ty and premium amountingto$203 shall be paid as follows: l. Before leaving the State the men accepted un- der this authority will be paid one months' pay in advance..... $18 00 FUet Instalment of bounty 60 00 Premiam [» 00 ;paic NATIONAL LUNACY—A PEOPLE DRUNK ON PAPEtt MONEY. Tbe New York Express shows the folly of the attempt to account for the democratic reverses either on the theories advanced by the " Peace Democracy'' or the " War Democracy." Val- landighara fared no worse in Ohio than did the brave and patriotic Gen. Tuttle in Iowa. It ad- vances ite own theory as follows; Democracy is doomed to death, as long as the people are drunk on paper money. When the deli- rium tremens ia over, and the appeal is taken from Plebs drunk to Plebssober,—Reason vrttl resume Its reign over Paper, whiskey, and strychnine, and oxygen, and nitrogen, and hydrogen, &c.— The ship builder is getting his throe dollars and a half a day, isn't he ? The farmer is getting 32 cents per pound for butter, isn't he ? Money was never before so plenty, was it ? California and Australia are in Washington, are they not ? and nuggets are paper pulp, blacked over with printers'ink, are they uot ? War is a blessing, not a curse, does not everybody see ? Tho ;, Ser- mon on tbe Mount" -is a humbug isn't it ? Do not all Abolition ministers of the gospel so ex- pound it? The Saviour himself is Anti-Christ, ishe not ? and Attilla and Gbengis Khan were the Christs, were they not ? Is not this the Gos- pel as taught now in the pulpits of New England, and in all their offshoot* ? There Is a monomania of nations, as of men.— and when nations are lunatic, there is no more reasoning with them than with such men. When Frenchmen threw down God and exalted up a Cyprian to be worshipped as God,—a whole ua- tlon was beyond reason. When such Judges as Sir Mathew Hale upheld witches even in Old England, to say nothing of the witch mania in New England, what was the use of reasoning against witches ? When Baptists were hated in New England, as .Slaveholders ate now, and ex- iled to Rhode Island, or tnobhed, or slain,—what was the use of preaching Baptism ? The South Sea Islanders, when there is an eclipse of the sun. beat and drum with sticks to scare off the Fish that is swallowing up the sun, or the moon. The Paper Money Fish is swallowing upour sun, and our moon, and all we can do just now, is, in imitation of tho South Sea Islanders, lo beat tho Uiitoosuxd the reveille. THK ItAOICAL PUS OF A R MI Eg. KILLING OUR 2. Al hoantv will he paid 1 first ?5 00 00 1 KtehsMs*d» raosmtiy loat of the pwsdnnforgam- It ia stated that a Quarter- Vsit tUtfldH at a single sitting. 5. Attheflmrtgatarpay day, after six month* service he shall be paid an addi tonal instal- ment of beonty |Q Q0 4. At the first regular pay day at the end of the | fir*tye*M» service, an additional instalment Of bounty will be paid to 00 6. At the first regular pay day after eighteen 1 nutttaa' sendee, an additional insudment of boanty will be paid. jo 00 «. At the first regular pay day after two years' \ service an additional installment of bounty wlUbepatd to 00 7. At the expiration of three years' service the remainder of the boanty will be paid WOO It most be remembered that in addition to the above'bounties, the regular monthly pay of fc!3, and cfothingpay of $ 3 30, will be paid, m« king tbe float year*' bounty, pay and allowance $ i 80. Tbe agent appointed by tbe committee will be entitled to $25forevery veteran volunteer, and $15 for every new recruit he receives. "" sa Tw» if. T. Time*, of Saturday, "goes for . borying all reeentmente and jealousies, an I for , working with Governor 8eymour." lei. A taarmsya ago it waa for burying Gov< roor Seymour and working with reeentmente and jsaloaHsa l—Atia* d> Argut. —DcwiiO the second bread riot in Richmond three women, were shot, one of whom died. The Louisville Journal alluding to the decla- ration of the Philadelphia Press that " We want no soldiers under our banner whose sentiments are similar to those of Mr. Justice Woodward," says the policy indicated discloses the radical plan, which is: To prevent volunteering, necessitate conscri})- tion. and, then, use the money which experience has shown to be the chief product of conscription in enlisting negroes. In this way, the radical "Want' as defined by the Pre.** will be fulfilled. They will get "no soldiers under our banner whose sentiments are similar to those of Mr. Justice Woodward.-" They ,4 want" no soldiers of this description, and they are striving to baye none, and none of any other description except'ne- <,r>es. In short, they are voluntarily and openly discouraging enlistment*. Tho Journal, however, give the following good advice to conservative men: In the meantime, let the conservatives every- where do right, and shame the devil. Let them promote volunteering themselves, and. if possible, shame tbe radicals into promoting it. We must not abandon the country on account of the wick- edness of the radicals. We will not The coun- try must be saved, in spite of the radicals, and perhaps we should rejoice rather than lament that this treacherous and contemptible faction, at the very moment when its poisonous shadow lies deepest and darkest upon the future of our land, has begun thus plainly the cheering ope- ration of cntting its own throat We derive from the conduct u>e have here noticed only an addition- al assurance that the radioed party has dieatedihe people at the ballot-box for the last time. Let the cmservatives but prove true to themselves, and this assurance cannot fail. nois double extra at $7(X doublo extra Canada f t $7 85 bbls double extra vhite for extra St ate; :md 1' [He had been a Dem- had received office as abused by the Re- tiring of an office s ueker. ocrat up to the lab electio^, from the Democrats, and v publican organs io Buffalo in unmeasured terms On Tuesday last be was tie Republican candi date for Comptrol er of tl e city, having been put up by the Republican managers iu the expec fatiion tnut he would "draw" the "Catholic vote." The result is a lesion to the Republican* and their candicate. lie not only did no "draw" uVexpected,, but b» wa* defeated by u larger majority: than, wa* given against othe^ on the ticket with him. It is very likely thai Bishop Timon is n *erse to having ward "states men" ploying upon his "< rgan'*. while he blows the bellows, and honceha? taken his h.ind fron it. The publisher is an industrious and, his po laical weakness as de, a v< ry worthy man. We wish him success i 1 his new specialty. He wih certainly llnd that workwomen's rights and poli- tics are nearer akin and "tux" more successfully than'religion and \ olitics. IProm.U 0 New 'tfork World.] THK DEMOCRACY Of THK COU T11KIR .DUTY. The Democracy of the country, if temporarily discomfited by the use of improper and and un just, means, is by no mean $ destroyed or broket down. It is the tame gtand and noble put} which for more ths n seventy years has upheld the Constitution ajd carred aloft the banner ol liberty—the same glorious and reliable party which throughout >ur country's history boa evei proved true to freeJom and the rights of theciti zen. Although ov ?rborm, for (he time being, by usurped and ill-gotenpover, it still lives in all its integrity and vi;or. prepared to maintain the Constitution against every assault, and to restore the Union at the earliest period, .by all honora- ble meaus within is read. Let not our fr ends he disheartened or discour- aged by temporary defeatj Much us this is to b« regretted, it may p "ove rajther useful than preju- dicial to the cause of tbeiUnion. With all "tin powers of the general andj State Governments'a cans assume the entire and of. public affairs their disposal, the Republ administration ol tie war Upon them rests the responsibility of concluding the war, either by 'superadding tbe power of con- ciliation or by the j oWer of force alone. Let them not evade or shirk this responsibility; let then not hereafter charg 3 tin ir failures, whether in the military or the financial departments of the gov eminent, to the htstility of the Democrats and conservatives, whose warnings they have despis ed, und whose ex )erience and aid they have scornfully rejected. While the responsibility of administration tbu -rests upotf their op >onentj, the Democracy of th» country have a n< less solemn and important duty to perform. r 'hey are to labor steadily and perseveringly for tl e sour d doctrines upon whicl bur government tests—to educate the public mind to a knowledge of the nature of our insti- tutions, and the n ;cessity of returning to tho great princinles of public] and individual liberty which alone can save the) nation from utter and irretrievable ruiu. Let u > man, therefore, rest it his labors, but from this hour dedicate himsell anew to the country, TIere is, there can be. n< escape from this~soi;rnn obligation until tbe Un ion is restored, the Constitution re-established and the great principles of liberty again secured to every citizen. (X)MVIERCIAL. Omct or Tttfe B u r r a t o DAILY <'OUM*K, I Thursdi.y Morning, Nov. 12, 1808. J KLOUK—The marktt stenJy with moderately fair demand. Sales yestei day 040 bbls: A. M., 150 bbls Illi 100 bbls white wheat 8(3H ; B0 bbls do. at $7 37>i , U $7 00&7 25, and $ti (X) M., ] 30 bbla white wheat dou bio extra at $7 50; 4( 0 bbls $6 70; 25 bbls Wlsco isin beer's at $6 tJ2^. quiet.. W11KAT— The mnrldet dull There is no speculate e and mand. Bales yesterdi y-12,40t) bush: 13,(500 bush Mil- waukee club on priva e terms; 7000 bush No. 2 Mil- ; 7000 bush No. 2 Chicago spring lite Canada at $1 01; at $1 wankee club at $1 16 at $1 10; 5.SO0bu8h w Nn-?i Milwaukee club heavy and inactive OoaN—The market only moderate consumptive 52,00 bush: A. M , 2U, >00 bu mixed on private tern is; bush do at 05c; and f. M., tjOOO bush mixed at tea- Closing quiet. OAT*—Dull and inactive. BAIU.KY—Dull and pominsl iialea 600 bush Canada on private terms. RVE— Lov?er, and ii only moderate consumptive de- mand. Sales 7500 bus h at $ 1 04. MILL FKBO—Firm n-ith fair demand, at $22 00 for bran, $25 00 for fine, and $3( and closing, carriers THE WISCONSIN- STATE ELECTTOX.—The re- turns received yesterday put a more favorable aspect upon tbe political complexion of the State than wa* at first apprehended. The dem- ocracy iu every county have waged a gallant battle; and though they bave experienced con- siderable loss in the encounter, their strength, courage and numbers are a sufficient guarantee of their ability to meet and conquer tbe enemy in every fair conflict upon principle hereafter. There is a majority against the democratic Stat*, ticket on the home vote, but that majority is not so large ( aa it has beenformany year* heretofore, the la*t ye*r excepted.—Milwaukee Fetes. —A LATE letter from Nashville states that a large part ^rf the wealthy population of the city arere in" Biagg*»anny, under Breckinridge and Cheatham, at tbe late battle, and great numbers were killed. Out of l,60f, under Breckinridge, 1.S00 were killed and wounded. Three-fourths of the ladiea of the Episcopal Church are in mourningfortheir dead. Barley, b u . . 875 Bark, corda 0 Butter, lbs 11104 Cattle, no .... - 5" Flour, bbls 1500 Hog9.no 193 LAOS IMF The following table during tbe 2l hours < ndlng red winter Ohio extra at Closing heavy, and drooping — only moderate milling di? 19. flOOO Closing P. M. bush dull, steady, with no speculative and demand Sales yesterday mixed at 0-lc; 75(0 bash 55<J0bu mixed at 94>ic; 400u Held at 72c. No sales. 00 for ttntehed middlings. ominal, at $1 50 for prime pale tbu othy at $2 82X. Clover, MALT—Quiet and r barley malt SKEOS—Sales 600 bijish scarce and nominal I»KA!«—Quiet and iJK>minijd, at 8S@85c for common to good Canadian PROVISION*—-Pork (frtner, $ 17 00 for new mess scarce and -nominal $5 25@5 50. H ie n\v rxEs— Lowe|r. bbls at 57c. Retailin CA>»AL FlUElQHTR-lBoatS at $16 00 for old mess, and Beef nominal. Smoked meats Whiut fish and trout in half bbla Sales 26 bbls at 56c, and 200 ; at 60p. scarce. Rate* higher. Op- ening at 21c for whea s and 12c for oats to New York, askirg 22c for wheat, with bat few engagements at t ie ad^ ance. GOLD—Buflalo, Nor. 11.--Brokers'rates: Selling at 46>i@47 <B cent, pren iinm. BUFFALO & LS.KE HURON RAILROAD The following stat iment shows the receipt* of the principal article* by he Bi ffalo and Lake Hnron Rail- road for 21 hours end Ing la it evening: Mill feed, tea. 48000 Oats, bu 1948 Peas, bu .... 605 Skins bdls 2?2 Wheat, bu 850 Wool, bales 1 will show the receipts by lake Barley, bu 5!)7 Beef, bbls & tcs 6287 Butter, lbs 100 Bacon, lbs »2o0 Corn, bn.. 3045C Coal, tons 242 Corn meal, bbls fc&O {Flour, bbls 11684 Hops, boles.. ' 21 Hides, no 143 Iron, lb*.-. 10000 CAI^AL The following will and grain from Buffalo for evening, and desttnat Ion of Flour, TO bbls. Troy..- — - - 40U3 Camillas .... - ----' Boche»Mte.V.i CS00 Total* 4063 &J6440 DAILY Raosirrs.- WO) eat, ba. :S9640 •The following statement show- tho dally receipt* of £onr aid grain at tho undermen- tioned places on last evening: Lumber, ft 60000 Lard, lb*. 21760 Mill feed, lbs 254000 Oats, bn 123S1S. Peas,bn 2120 PorkVbbls 140 Soap, bxs 225 Sundrles,lbs 600 Tallow, lbs 164400 Whiskey, i^bls ..... 60 Wheat, ba 116410 mow the canal exports of flour the 24 hours ending test same: . Oats, Barley, Rye bn. bu. bn. 65710 8200 .... .... 5500 Com, ba 6700 6700 66710 10700 ... ' Dee... 1«,HW Dec Kn.Sau.A0O Iacl.v»W,4«) Inc. 4*»>300 By reducing the wheat to Hour, the qstatitjr of the lit' ter left at tide-water this year, compared with the oor- rrepoudujg period la»t year, sfcows a Oeflri^acy equal to 2.421.200 bbls of flour The receipts-at tide-water of the principal articles o.t pnxlacv. from the opening of the canal*, to and inc-lud ing the 7th of Nov., in the years Indicated were t«B. 1S82- 1SSJ. .. May 1 Mayl. May 1 .-. ia^>ioo i.:iii,2u0 -i.i4a.iui* ..23,r.7,a» r.,si4<#a i7,si4,a« ..2oa>44 > 2UJ 19,391,1*10 Su,40&,t*k/ .. I,a4a,"itl0 S.43b,lU0 l,8Wi,4U) .'. 4,tiJ*sHW ... 7«1.7t'tO 1,700 s\7Wl .. 5ttt,30U .. I,!*io,»i0 .. M3.500 .. 4.61S.10J .. 1.617,t)0iJ 4.4»»,flOO 737.«» IS. 100 171,3<.0 5,tet,«» 5V.VS.IM > SM.'.UO 1S.UIU 22S.41U a,50t>,tM.i S,0Kl,7tJ0 "AsarsSat f*,377,4a» lS,»ti.'.tV $,:*W,'MO t>.*o.50o l r 70t>,UU0 SSl,«)0 tanai opened Floor, bt>U. ..- Wheat, bush Curn, bu»h Barley, bush Uat*. bn*h.» , K>»*. bash..' Bo.f, bbla... I'ork, bi>ls .: Bacon, tb* Butler, rr>* Lard, it* .. . Cheese, tt>$ ww>», n>» . AiUiny Argus- OCSAN FKXIOHTS — yrelghta continue exut'.mely dull. There are 110 American mhipj* on the berth for Liverpool, and very Hide freight ottering. To Liver JM>O!, per neutral, '.000 nu wheal.at tSidiu Ships bag», 5>JU nbls Hour it Is 4Hd; and small quantities of but iur und cheese at 'Ate, and tiillow and lard *t 16*5 and ,».T nteauier, bacon nud cheese at 50^v*>0s. To Loudon there was some freight offering, but we heard of no en uagemenl. To Legi<om, an American Ship with to b.iceo at 27s od per nhd—.V. Y. World. LAKS PIUCIOKT*—Chicago, Nor. 10.—Freights were dull und'Sc tower Tho engagements were: To Buffa lo—!Hchrs Midnight and Baltic, wheat at 8c. To Oswe go—Jiehrs Atheuiau and Algerine, wheat at 12c: gchr Bermuda, wheal from Milwaukee at 13c.—Journal. LAKB FIUHOHTS—Milwaukee, Nov. 10. — Freight decllued H'c, and were very dull. Vessels were oiler edat !>o for wheat to Buffalo, but we did not hear of an engagement on 'Change—Sentinel. HJCtt A n t r a l 119V lV«wHaat« Jt Alton \i*H \ Paelftc Mail... ite j»* I HI war toast ...KM to<* f Twn»*w*«.to—,„,..., mm ** ivtnrtote«i.„...•.;•,.. w tZ»X I North Carolina «tt ... m HW Mtwuottrt «* .,..jHV» iix J i unen'MaM*.'-'' -" •[_•.- Moriey mariwrt rwatianeato brisk d*««*»d and rules ttryfltm. ••".' ,, As&teioiA Gold- rates «an*i and steady, opaatflg at 4S\,fiflwuvtaingto4»». opiningto«\. and cl-" cccet il tB>% per cent prtmtJate j*WlteK tixcaacge dull at 1«0 for ftrst class mil*. Oe\jernment 6wck* *r« without matori*! _ rois«!*i Stau» 6» wt tt&l. coapons. sellinj: at 1*1 I! 7 *lofPr*a*arj!<tote* selling at K»X(&1C« Stf*** ratber better. tMtt qaiei. Chi *j tik telaad.....l08«>i pttm,rtw*cns sux CWw* Pitts ........ 103 ntCf^rfo 1WH *u-h]Soatbdro gtd ..1SS *ichbottth«c« 8k.Si Srto T ........ to1>* .Rrte t > « .... iu>u Hudson River...;...«»>» Harlem Reading Mich Central .. Gal A Chi.. CteveATol Am Gold USti*lyrc*rt,aew Cuniberiand .. , Quicksilver M«g Co Padtteltett NVCeairai.. . 199 Main Street, Buffalo, ». Y., ANDSOME CIFT|8 f «UUr. TO ME GHX\ EVERY HAL All Books sold at the lowest Betafl Prices, and a I Handsome Gif giveii with each purchase of a Dollar and japward. PORT OF BUFFALO. ARRIVED—November 11. Prop .May flower, Dickson, Milwaukee—2263 bbls flour 17 bbif marrow 14 bbls tallow 60 ttxa candles 275 bxn soap 21 bales hops 1104 bbls beef 3 coses 6ml 68 bbls lurd 42 to* bacon, 1'rop Concord, Drake, Detroit—181 bags 289 bbls wheat 278 brnVlUur 225 bbls tallow 143 hides 14S8 bbls beef m> bbls pork 72 rolls leather 22 casks tallow 1 bbl ware, frou v> inslovv, Smith, Chicago— 5300 bbls flour 200 bbls 2.M) ics beef 3-1 hhds tallow 50 bbls whisky; from Milwaukee—595 bbls beet; balauco cargo landed at way ports. Prop Araxes, Parsons, Cleveland—3040 bbls flour 98 b!)l* 930 tcs beef 83 bbla tallow, t'rop Missouri, Woodworth, Detroit-8850 bbls flour 1153 bags wheat'50o bbls beef 40 bales wool. Tug N P iSprngue, Booth, Pt Rowan—100 IDs butter. B:u k Fame, Danlctt, Chicago—18105 bu corn. Uark Sunshine, "Sweeney, Milwaukee~300u0 bu oat* 5 tons scrap iron. Bark Ked W hlte and Blue, Davis, Chicago—34875 bush oats 400 bbls beef. Bark John Sweeney, Collins, Green Bay—18000 bush wheat. Schr Geo Goblo, Berry, Chicago—800 bbls flour 2850 bbls corn meal 609 bbls beef Schr International, Sullivan. Chicago—17000 bu wheat, -fchr Walrus, Fitzgerald, Milwaukee—22604 bu oats. Hehr Grap« Shot, Tiualer, Chicago—16000 bu wheat. Schr'Bon Flint, Rosswell, Sandusky—14000 bu wheat Schr St Paul, Mosher, Chicago—12351 bu com. Schr Comet, Stodard, Chicago—19000 bn wheat. Hchr Columbia, Graves, Erie—242 tons coal. •^chr R Mott, Pomeroy, Chicago—12tx»(t bu wheat. Schr A K Mart, Bigelow, Chicago—193 0 bu wheat. Schr Elizabeth, Newkirk, Pt Dover—<K)m fi lumber. Schr Belle Brandon, Simpson, Long Point—6000 bush wheat. **»••• Ma, Auchauaer, Pt Dover—2120 bu peaa 691 bush barley. Scv>> nope, Smith, Chippewa—127 tons mill feed. CLEARED—November 11. I'rop Missouri, Woodward, Detroit. I'rop Marquette, Watts, Toledo. 1'rop Kentucky, Blodgott, Detroit. rug N P Sprague, Booth, Pt Rowan. Tug S S WiialTdn,.Bemeut, Chippewa. Bark Unadllla, Mason, Chicago—200 tons coal. Schr Mercer, Burt, Detroit. ^chr Lydia Case, Eason, Racine Schr John Cochrane, Elphick, Chicago—100 tons coal. Schr Elizabeth, ISewkirk. Pt Rowan. Schr Brittania, 0rute, Pt Burwell. Schr North, Monroe, Sheboygan—100 bbls salt 100 bbls apples. Scow llaldemand, DufBo, York. Scow Alexandria, Richardson, Pt Maltland. ...» Ala*** Mnrkrt, t ALaxxY, Novembei 1 11. Ftour—Market steady, with a moderate demon' i~ Wleat—Qnie*. Sale* TOO) bu white Kentooky at I I W afloat. Coto—S«l<a 3*).«»-ba at 41 08 iu atore, B*rie>—Dull. Sales 6600 bu Chicago on private bermK. _. . j tM »—Dul I Salea at 7»^80c for Canada and Sijattv. WiUkwr-Saleaattilc j SUlpp4<3 by Tow*-H4 900 bu wheat, no bujcom, 7TSJ0 pa barley, 8«J,a00 bu oata: Oiwego Market. C».-<v\ K«H>, .Novembit 11. Fliur— Market steady, with a moderate demand for the liiterior and Eastsrn trade. Wheat—Dull. Sale* 7000 bu prime white Canute at ll&l •„ C<<nj—Finn. Htnall lots sctling at $1 05 Oat*— Dull. Sal*s small lots at 71c Ot.ier grains quiet and nominal. Csnal Freights—Flour GB*»«iC,'wheat 15c u< New York iJke Import*—1517 bbls flour, I88,00t> bu wh«at, 35, 000 tiailoY. <&*> bu rye, 10,000 bn oats, 17,400 bu peas. C«W Kxport#-3C00 bbls flour, 34,000 bu whaaL Chicago Market. CUICAQO, November 11 ur—Dull. No sales reported. | ^hcotH-Quiet. Sate* at *10*»1 C8«. C4m—Dull and l<sl He tower. Sale* at 87§'8TKC Oils—Dull Sales at i&hic \ . Receipts—6000 bbla flour, 39,000 bu wheat,] 28,000 bu dorn. i Sftipnrenta—0500 bbls flour, no bu wheat,: 66,000 bu cjora Freights—Dull. 8c on wheat to Buffalo. 1311CU. lit tlds city, on the lUh Inst.. JOSEPH X. WATTS, agefl 70 years, father-in-law of F. Colligon, E»q^ FJinorul service* to be held at St. Peter's, ^horch, corier of Washington and Ellicoit streets, onjFriday morning at 9 o'clock. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend. At thte establUhment you can get ANY BOOK youimar d«dm ment of literature, u»d yoa bare the adtantec* of reortting with «*<h Sook U*t Tont>ay, * to Hand some Present, worth from 50 cents * given wt beach book. All book* ar* aOM at tb* fttbttehee*' prtco*. 4»d yoa can aatec, teon t largest stock ever o ferodtothis clly, Incladinf— ALL THE LATS 1 that yon bay. Books In #T*ry 4*par ALL THE SCHOOL BOOKS. ALL THK SI ANDAKD WORKS, ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF ALBftiS, AI.L KINDS 0V STATIONERY, AU, STYLES OF BIBLES ADD PRATER BOOKS. ^BLICATIONK ALL THK VARIETIES OK GIFT BOOKS ALL THK HYMN HOOKS IN USE, ALL f ATTKRNS F rORTFOUOS, BOOKS FOR AllL CLAS8KS—upon all *«btect»--ta « w r **yte of blading, aad I* ««dl«» «'*ri«ty. lteowa* ber that InVunha!" lag books of K S. BROOKB, at tb* *• Mctro|»iitan Gift Book St^re. ^ >w W »? wore thaa you wouldi at any o ^her establishmoai, aad aavo th* adraateg* of rocatting a vara* il« prwwnt with **ch boo* One triat wi 1 convince Book buyer* that the place to make their pnrchastw h Descriptive i^aialoguo* mailed »aaw to *nj addr*** upon applicaUon at 1«U Main stn^«i. %*<o i •4> -nali aatNcO s AMU&KMKNIIS ST. JAMES HALL! Cor. Ettfw « ud Washiuffton Sis. mjrlaao V. G. FLINT, I'roprletar. . ' JI Min ii ., LI Wanted Immediately! gA I.EMM AN, in a Retail Boot and Shot} Store. j One used to the business, and who speaks Gor uiau, preferred. Address P. O. Box 2452. uojIOeiit PO^T OF CHICAGO—CLEABKD Nov. 9. Prop Buflalo, Douglas, Buffalo—1, UK) bbls pork, November 10. Brig Canopus, McKeiizieBuflalo—19,000 bu barley. AnniYKD, Nov. 9. Bark America; briga Canopus Bmner; schrs Thoa. Kingsford, C. M. Johnson, Clyde, Minerva, Klnu Sin- ters, Oliver Culver. Nov. 10—Prop Merchant; brig Kobert Burns; schr Baltic. PORT OF MILWAUKEE-CLKABKD, Nov 8. Prop Acme, Hathaway, Buffalo—3,171 bbla flour, 400 bbls beef. Prop Gal.-.na; Steele, Buffalo—451 bbls flour, 1021 bbls beef, 8 tcs do, 00 bbls lard, 34 hales hops. Schr Starlight, Muir, Buffalo—17,000 bu "wheat- AmuVEU—November 8. Bark Jane Bell WANTED. A 'PFUSON TO INTUODUC'K A VAI-UAlIMC 1 INVENTION. For further information, address A. !i., care of P. O. 4121, Bnffalo, N. Y. noJMt* ..... | • w ^-" rJC ,~ "^557 r ja5c^5£j2^~' W ANTEO-A few shares of Weatern Transporta- tion Co. Stock, If offered Immediately. } ' 37 Pearl st, P1CKEH1NQ & OTTO, ly to oc&)c j $3000 Je^iHAd A FINE BUGGY HOB8K, eix years oldj kind, J\ j gentle, sound and fast, for sale for want of m«c, ; at 8 Lloyd street. oc2otf WANTED. ON PRIME SECURITY. PICKERING A OTTO, 87 Pearl street W ANTED—An interest worth $3,000 insomti and well-eBtablishod busine«s. to WM. H. 8LADE, Nortljwest cor. Main and | OOW LOST. S TRAYEO from a lot on Eagle s^et, near] Jeffer- son, on Friday, October 2d, a BROWNISH-RED COW; Tail tipped White; Right Eve has a White Speck in the centre The fluderwill be liberal lyre- warded on seturning it to octo LYON & BAKER, Erie Land Offlc» Tlieoiily " Riew York Clotliino; iiit^r^ '* IN BtUir'F'A.JL.O. i CLARK ds STORMS, 100 Alain at], mh28c6m C*runit« lilo lii MARINE. THE WEATHER.— The Cleveland papers report the falling there of four to six Inches of snow on Monday night. The Syracuse Sournal says that a lumber boat, which came last night from a short distance beyond Jordan, reached there Wednesday morning with full 8 inches of snow on the lumber, and several other boats had from 5 to 0 inches on their decks. The weather here. cool and clear—the wind blowing a cale from the west. Water high in the harbor, mrking it .difficult for vessels and canal boats to move. VESSELS PASSING THIS POWT.—The following vessels pasted this port yesterday: I'p—Propellers Chicago, Wenona, Idaho; barks B. A. Stannard, M. B. Goflee, Naid, Badger State; brigs W. Treat, Mechanic, J. 8. Harvey. Empire State. Pow- hattan; schooners Jupiter, Fashion, Senator, Bonnie DOOM, Contest, San Jacinto, Montezuma, Reindeer, Gertrude, E-»ex, Pauline, Japan, Dauntless, Curlew, Melvina, Advnnce, M Fillmore, M. M. Mutr, Transport, Sailor Boy, Minnesota, Conquest DOWK—Barks Orphan Boy, Clayton ; schooners Go- blo, lutcrnaiional, Grapeshot, Mazeppa, M'alrus, W. 1$. Ogdc-n. New York niaruet—By Telegraph. f<BW xonsi, November 11. ASHES—Steady. Sales 40 bbls at $8 37Xfor pots, and $9 75 for pearls. COIT'UN—Market dull and drooping. Sales were 000 bales at S5c for middling uplands. FLOUR—Market for extra State In fair request for government use and rules quite steady, while pretty un.ch all other kinds are dnll and drooping. Sales 10,000 bbls at *5 50<56 (55 for superfine State, $C> 05&615 for extra State,, $5 55<ffi5 70 for superfine Western, f 6 90(&7 25 for common to medium extra Western, $7 15<a>7 30 for shipping brands extra round hooped Ohio, and $7 35@9 20 for trade brands, the market closing dull. Sales choice extra State were made at $(i 10(g3t> 25. Canadian flour may be quoted dull and drooping. Sales were 660 bbls at $6 05<So 20 for common and $0 25@8 75 for good to choice extra. Itye flour scarce and firm at $5 7(fe6 60 for Inferior to holce. Corn meal scarce and firm. Sales 100 bblB •t $6 00 for Rnmdywine, $5 85 for caloric and Atlantic Mills, and $5 35 for Jersey. WHISKEY—Market more active and flrmer. Sales wer* of 1200 bbls at 62K{&i3c for State and Western- chiefly at tbe latter price GRAIN—Wheat market dnll and heavy and is l@2c lower, a few small sales of choice parcels have been made at full prices, but to sell to any marterial extent holders would be compelled to accept decided reduc- tion. Sales 69,000 bn at $1 32®1 35 for Chicago spring, $1 33@1 35 for Milwaukee club, SI 35® i 87>£ for amber Milwaukee, the latter price for choice, $• 40(&1 4U for winter Western, $t'50@l 52 for winter red State, $1 60 @1 52 for amber Michigan, arid incuding one load very choice at $155. Ryo rule* scarce and firm at $120 (§11 25 for Western and State. Barlev is firmer. Sales 27,000 bu State at $148&144 State, $1 50 Canada West. Barley malt quiet at $t 52. Peas dnll at $110 for Can- ada. Corn rules less active and may be quoted a shade lower. 8ale« 52,000 Bos at $100@1 Ott for shipping mixed Western In store* $107& for do afloat, $1 08>£ for white Western. Oati rule lc lower, with a more active business doing. Sale* at 82©83c for Canada, $Xa-83%c for Western and State. WOOL—Market quiet and firm, and may be quoted without decided chance. PETROLEUM—Market is dnll. Sales 1000 bbls re- fined In bond at 40©40#c. PROVISIONS—Pork market quiet and closed steady. Sales were 4100 bbls at $16 25r<mo 50 for mess, $14 60<ft 17 00 Tor new prime mess, $1176@12 00 for prime — Also 4000 bbl9 new mess for Dec, buyer's option, $17 76, 1000 bis new mess fa* - Jan. seller's do, on private terms Beef is steady. Sales 300 bbls at $8 50@6 00 for coun try prime. $600@7 00 for country roes*, Sl0 00@12 00 for repacked mesa, and $18 0Q@14 50 for extra mess. Sale* 600 tcs India mesa at $80: also 600 tcs of a favor- ite brand deliverable In Philadelphia at $28 for prime mess, $3300 for India mess and $8700 for India beef. Prime mess beef active and steady at $25 00@?5 00 Beef hams are quoted quiet and in moderate request Sale* were of 70 bbla State and Western at $17 50 — Cut meats quiet and firm. Sales 60 pkge at K$£(&6)jc for shoulders and 9@l0c for ham*. Bacon sides quiet. Prices are nominal at 9 # c for city Cumberland cut middles and 10Hc foi Western short ribbed middles— Dressed hogs shade firmer,with sate at 7@7}£c for city. Lard market rules quiet and steady. Hales 900 bbls at V K^H %c for No J to choice. Al-o 2250 bbls delivera ble from Jin to April at l2*f. Butter selling at 20@24o for Ohio and 2$@29c for State. Cheese quiet at 12® 16jic for common and prima Coffee—Dull and nominally unchanged. Rice—Quiet and without important change, with no sales reported. Sugar—Market firm, with moderate request. Molasscs—Market unchanged, with a moderate de- mand. Hop*—Market! steadv with a moderate demand, with sales 65 bales at Su<a>28c for common to prime new. MJNVT—Rules very active at 7 per cent, and up- ward* for oan» on call. Sterling Exchange—Quiet at 160. . Americangold sellingat"14SX- Btooaa->Fta*T BOAKD—Market lawar, bat mora astlra ! DR. CARPENTER,! F ROM T H E N E W YORK L.UNG IN/aTjI TCTE, has opened an office in the * Arcado Building, Main street, Buli'nlo, Whdre he is prepared to treat successfully, by INHALATION OF OXYGENIZED Altt, AJLL DISEASES OF THE HUMAN SYSTEM. | The Oxygen ia breithed directly Into tho Lunris, and through ihe:n into the blood, expelling all imparities from] the system, and healing any and every disease with: which it may come in coutact The cause]of Cougbs. Colds and Consumption is a lack of 0|i\g;en in thb air we hria he. By the inhalation of oxygenized uir, t&ebloid becomes oxygenized und purified, alnd disease disappear*- like dew before the sun. A few administrations of the oxygen will cure any f the following diseases: Dyspepsy, Net Rheumatism, Palpitation, Paralvnis, Epilepsy hltis, S< of the following diseases: Dyspepsy, Neuralgia', ~ ilpltation, Paralvnis, El" tionai, Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Scrjof olqla, Liv«r Complaint, Nervousnes*, from whatever cauke, Difliitult Hrealhinp, Cancers, Salt Rheum, Erysiipelns, Mercurial Diseases, Kidney Complaints, Syphilis, Fe- male! Weaknesses of all kinds, and in fact, all di? requiring a purification of the blood. We trust we have said enough to convince the bhilo sophlcal mind of the efficacy of the oxycenlzodlalrias a remedial agent, and to Induce the afflicted to| plaice themselves at once under this treatment. CONSCXTATION FREE. . i : 53"" Mercury VISIBLY drawn from the system. \olnnieer testimonials from prominent clrisSm^of New'York and Jlrooklyn, who have been cured by tils treatment, can be seep at his rooms. g3r" Office hours Irom 8 A. M. to 7 P. M. REMEMBEK THE PLACE, ROOM 11, ARCADE BUILDING. UP STAIRS nol2c2l General Agency Office. SECURITY INSURANCE *OmiPAN|V, OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. (or, Hanover and Prime Sts.. Buffalo. Cash Capital & Surplus, $770,OjOO 75 PER CENT. NET PROFITS ASSURED. PAID TO! T ! H1E IB! T BE UNDERSIGNED have been appointedtb> General Agents for tbe SECURllTT INSURANCE COMPANY, OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, lor the emirb MARINE INLAND DEPARTMENT ol said Company, comprising the Lakes and their tributaries, Canals and Western Riversj and have established ia Branch Office in this city, wficre all the business con- nected therewith will be transacted, and air Losses ad ju*ted and settled. i Wj) are prepared to isene policies on Hulls, Cargoes and Freights on the lakes, Canal Boats and their Car gOesj on canals- Also to insure against lossds and damage bv flre, Buildings, Merchandise, Vessels in port J and other property, having in addition to the Se- curity Insurance Company, the Agencies of the.] NORTH AMERICAN FIRE INS. CO. Cash Assets... «80,000 MANHATTAN INSURANCE CO. I Cash Assets $^80,0)0 NIAGARA INSURANCE CO. Cash Assets $kX),0X) IRVING INSURANCE CO. j Cash Asset* $250,000 H. C. WALKER, A- A. EUSTAPHIEVEj General AgftntBJ ANDREW ANDERSON, Marine Inspector T GEO. J. MARSH, Canal Inspector. ' lib- Buflalo, November 2,1863. nol2c3c S UPREME COURT—COUNTY OF ERlEijack- son D. Vandervoort, plaintifi; against James A. Vandervoort, defendant. To the above named, defendant: You are hereby summoned to answer tho complaint in this action, wbich wu* tied in the office of the Clerk of the county of Erie, in the State of New York, No- vember 11th, 18C3. and servo a copy of your answer im us, St our office in the city of Buflalo, in said tonnty and State, within twenty days after the service hereof exclusive of thedayofi.uch"Bcrvice; and If you'faiito int as aforesaid, the plaintiff -wjlll lay answer the complan fo take judgment for the sum of three hundred dpllais, with Interest from the twelfth day of November, o ie thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, besides tie cost* of this action. Dated Buflalo, November 11,1863. I L. NICHOLS & ROBBIN8, . aop2Ta7t • . . . • - WaintfaTs Attorneys, Butmio } O t t SA1«E—House and Lot No. 200 Pearl street, ? tGoa and water. Possession given immediately] Al*o, NclOSSwan, street, 3-Btory Brick. GkSand water. Alpo, 282 Pearl street, Snitory and basement Frame. Lot 40x115^. Afoo, 127 Frsnklrn ttreet Lot 8lxllB,wltb small Frame House. 1 ' *"**". Also, No 114 Clinton street, 1-story Cottage. Also, 2 story Frame House, almost new, on I owwy street, near Allen street ' ow«f«jr Also, afinelot on Carolina street, northerly si ie be- tweea Ninth and Palmer streets. ** urw " J "y m IC > Also, SOOxltt) feet Land on Allen street, te tween BoWery and Park street*. , - ' • T * Also, u acres Of Land on Ontario street, under a finejitttoofctattvaUon. Apply jo ^^ uuuwa nqiOc K C g ^ g g ^ Q T T O . OTPealatj T?M5 » A l , B C H E A P - A 9.*tory BridTHo JiTpn JJ Michigan Btrest, lwtweon Eagia and Clint m Niagara water »nd gas. Lotatalfc with barn i an T C.J. HASTINGS Vpo*m N*. Brown'* BtxUdfngf ST. a t (LM.1QH: H-AJUL.. LECTrK^COURSE! i o r Tit E Young Mens' Christian Union. November»th--NATHANIEL T. STRONG, (Hoa- uondeuh)—Red Js cket, tbe great Indian Ora*or. December 3d.—Kcv R, 8 8TORRS, J r , , Decemker 10th--Rev. JOSEPH P. THOMPSON, D. D.—Algernon Sidney, tho Apostle *nd Martyr of popu- lar Liberty. December 17lh,4-Rt. Ret. THOB. M- CLARKE, B} D.- The Living Miehlne. O T Tickets for the course, $100; to be had at the Book Stores, and of members of the Lecture Commit- tee. Single tlckotk 8fi cent*, for sale at the door. But 1,000 Season Ticket* will be sold. ocSnao jW- C BRYANT, Cbn Leo. Com ' jf. i a i " • ST. JAMES HALL ! (AND NOTOPER a HOUSE, AS BEFORE NOTICED) Thursdar Eventagi November' l'A, 1863, PROMENADE CONCERT Vocal and OK Instrumental Music, FOR T HE BENEFIT OF THE CEDAR STREET BAPTIST CHURCH. Several of th<! best Professionals and Ama- teur Vocalists of the city hAve volunteered their serr- ice* for the occasic n. OT MILLER'S BAND will furnish Instrumental Music. Tickets. 'iS cenit*. Doors open at 71 >'clock. uolOotd OF THE EAR, NOISES IN THE HEAD, CATARRH, Dischargesfromthe Ear, AND A J . DISEASES OF [THE EYE AND TREATED BY DBS. A. it J. EAYMOND, Oculists and Aurists. PRINCIPAL OFF CE, 19» WEST (FOURTEENTH STREET, SEW YORK, ANI^ AT THE American Ho^l, Buffalo, Parlor IVo. 40. D ,ItH. A. & J the citizens of circular. RAYMOND respectfully Inform Buffalo and vicinity that tney have opened on omce a. tho above named Hotel, and offer their professional B srvicc* to such as are afflicted with Diseases of the Eye tad Ear. Dr ALBERT »> V /MOND can be consulted, at the American, on WEDNESDAY and THUR8DAY of each week. Dis'harKe* from the Ear, Scale* in the Ear, Accumu- lation of Wax in th i Ear, Polypus In the Ear, Obstruc- tion of the Eustachian Tube, In fact evey disease of the Eye and Ear tre sued, and every operation in Aural id Op K3r Reception fi Persona wishing their residence, can and Opthalroic Surjj ery, performed by Dr. Raymond, purs from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M- o consult with Dr. Raymond at do so after 4 P. M- ? vau \iv n\j UILU -a « • JMK* ercnbati, testimonials, &c, send for ft oc28cn*w3m MMOTH MILLINEEY ESX^JB LISHMEN T. Grand Opening of FALL BONNETS, Felt and Beaver Hats, HEAD-DRESSES, OSTBJJOH FEATHEBS, FBENCH; FL0WEBS, And otbter Millinery Goods, on Saturday, September 30th, AT ROSEIj¥AU BROS.', 3iO Mldixa Street, sc22cly American Block. OUR COUNTRY! Obey the Cal, Redeem Your Promise. Fall into the ranks and receive your Bounty. To Re-Enlijted Men - - $552 To Recruit! - - - - - $377 13th New York Cavalry, COMMANDED OT COIL. II. 9. GANfSEVOORT, V. 8. A. n*adquarter*—T< Walker atreet, New York City. " 9J Main street, Bolfolo. This Regiment it commanded by efficient and ex- perienced officers o f the U. 8. Army, and offers special Inducements to rec ruita andrc-enllsted men. Superior horses, nrat-clasa e ibreo and revolvers—no heavy arms —good pay, unexat apled bounty, the wives andfnmi- Ues of soldiers pr n-ided for, and no effort will be spared to make the soldier comfortable and contented. There are already < ight companies In the flr-ld. Olre me * call be tore yon are drafted. Lleat 1 V1L B. KINO. Recrnltfa officer, no6clm Dodtey Building, «5 Main it, Buffalo " Rally Rotnd the Flag, Boys ! w GOi» mim SMMIHS WAXTED ! To|flll the Qaitm of j E R D 2 OOTJIVT|V. The undersigned having been appointed Hecruitlng Agent for thi* Dial rlct, wfll pay the higbast Bounties, namely: . ' (• •309 . 402 be To New Recruits ... To Veteran Sol Hera Full narticalara in regard to pay and bounty can ascertained on *pp lication to JOHN STELLWAGKK, No. 360 Bfain atreet. VST A LIBERA L REWARD WILL_BB PAH) T« ANY ONE BRIUOING AS ACCEPTABLE BB- CRUIT. _/•' _J nolle TT'all ancL W i n t e r S t y l e s " ; Jrow-'R*A»t , *T; CL & •alio Vol* ClotlaiaK SSn^poxMnuna, IvO Ma In «t.. Gmnlie Block. AM US EM KN IX JOHN U MKSCa.. MONRY SMtTH ... IRA L. EARL Metropolitan Theatre! Engagement for a limited period of On* young Ameri- can Tn gtsdlsn, KUWIN Thuraday Kveatas, ADAMM. No«o**lM>r ta, 1M4U, Will Uamlet.. Friday Evening, Benefit will be produced the Re Dead Heart. In K*h*ar*al~" The Ubknown,' pectAtlon*. b* pr**entrd Sbakspi are's great Tragedy of UAML«CT„PR1NC K oF DENMARK. Kdwtn Adam* of EDWIN ADAMS, wheu olutionary Drama of ' and DANCING, DEPORTMENT, GYMNASIU Kremlin Hull. Da this Qymnaetum, by tnres, the recttit* dealrod Gymnast, Prof Ling, the Boston, are attained—the a systematic use of tho fix liy Prof Jahn,_ the Oormau Of all the muscles In the bo ly. BOYtt' CLAtta meet* f< * exercise at 3>» o'clock P M, ou Tuesdays, Thursdaj Gymnasium open from 1 oc27oeodtf ART€ 'I'M' THE EXHIBITION •Academy's Gallery, in the excepted, from DA. M till ings from 8 till 10 o'clock clo.*e on the 24th of t)ctobc next Jy28ctf L. G. SELL JTEDT, Superintendent % Winter tswode, and Dr. I^»vil», of full and equal development s snd Saturdays. oclotrk A M to 10 P. M P. HMADDERt*. I*roprIeto>r and Director. ACADEMY! is now. open, at tb«» Arcade, every day, Sundays VY. M , und Saturday even- The present season will Styles. % Wo have on hand a Largo Stock for Winter Millinery Trade, Inclr ding Scarlet and otliei Colored Velvets, FEATJtlERS, SILK, BEAVER A STO FELT FLATS, And .every article pe-tainlng to our line, WBULESALK At AND KETAIL, CROSSI.AND'S, 3 0 Ac 3%r Meucoa wt., no?* Ne: :t door to the Post Office. FURS! FURS! SMITH % BRO., ISo. %&&? 3Ja.in SStreet, Opposite tl o Churches, Have now on hand a large and complete assort- ment of Ladies' and IWisse*'- F u r s , ConsU ting of HUDHON BAY HABhll, ROYAL. Kit MINE, DARK ttlNK, 1 ITCH, MARTEN, Ace. We »1»0 call particulai attention to our stock of FURS FOR GENTLEME S'8 C8B, comprising Cspe, Mufflers, Glove*, Buffalo {and Fancy Row*. Also, * fine lot of Carriage Bug*. ocl6c2m Littlefield'c 267 Main street. Furnaces! I T W I I X BE NECEkSARY for those wishing these celebrated Furnices, to give tlieir order» early. LITTLEFIELD'S "JIOR.\'IXG Q\MXL\. AH the sizes and modiflc ttions of this splendid Heat lng Stove now ready. Thi > simple notice will be suf flcicnt « TIWEJ* SURE Coal Cooking Shoves—All .Sizes. Enough said. Dodge Patent Gfates and Stoves. seUtcSml* LADIES II. C. B SOWN, 28$ Main st. FURS! Hats, Caps and Ladies' Furs Of all qualities, no' r ready and for sale. Ladiea* V a n A Ite red aad Repaired. OENT1.EHIEU m FUR CAPS Muffters and Gloves,, BICKSRIN GLOvJES AND ?1ITTK\S Fancy Sleigh Robes/ A full «ctpply, at R O B E B TfcJOIvnS, soa oc21c*wt}*l INlriin street. Near E*gl* street. E. P. COODSELL. PRACTICAL WOT all Curuble X>iaeaaew. TREATS WITIH I3T HEDICIXE Dr. GOOD8ELL, late of O T Wilt vUIt patients >'c!ock. PHYSICIAN Hartford. Conn., has taken rooms at No. 66 8wan stre< t, where ho Invites all who may be suffering nnder any of the various forms of di»- Terms, from On* to F ve Dollars, payable at th« timeof treatment. each afternoon from 3 to naaaawtm MISS LAURA JONES Repairs, Alten and Renovates Far Capes, Cloaks and Mufft, No. 1 NIAGARA rsTRKET, BUFFALO. CFJ^articaiar attcnUoi paid to Moth-Eatcn Furs LYON* GOOD »A.RCrAI3V. "T.WELLINO-HOU8U FOR WAI.E-Weoffsr JL/ for sal* a desirable ta » story frame awelllng, Vo m Franklin atreet O**,' rater, and ana batb room Lot aoxlW, with iwodbric i barn. If sold within on* w e e t a good bargain wlll^e given. Erie Land Office "aaaget ..Stage Man*«*t Traacarar The Great Kx Saturday 1^ ening Hops AT AMERIOAN HALL. Mr. DELANO respectful y gives notice to his friends and patrons, that he has c igaired the s|»acloa* Amerl can Ball tor hi* Schools at a Hops, for tho season, To cecasaeacc Mntai day, Nov. 14, IMKi. HOCRB OF INSTRDCIION—For Miss** and Ma* tors, from 1 so 4>» o'clock *. M ; lor Ladies, from 4H to 1 O'clock: GetitJcmen's <: ssces,from tJJ» to tSo clock' TUITION—For Lsdles, !Jts«*esand -Isasters, $4; for former pupils, 93; for Ge ulemcn, $A A liberal de duction made to families. N. B.—All scboUts will :>e furnlxlied tickets to the Evening Hops, during the ieason, 1'UlCK. tW First Hop will bo j: 1 von H«u.ur<!ny evening, Nov lath—dancing from K to \1 it'clock Heanon tickets for twelve Hops, or three rucnths, l«5j slnxle ticket* IS cents. Patrons of fotmei Hops are respectfully In vited to attend t3T FWlbrook & SSpcn tier's Rand arc engaged for the tw^aron ocSdctnoU* JAMI-> DELANO. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Post on 16-Oct-2020




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United !?*«** and England, tbe organaation } . {Q Kmdaod. (jr $10 000. Heenan'» U g partaking of a mi I ilary character, and tbe m^rn- 1 bera being piedgKl to strike for tbe independeaca

both or

Jl, * llaii ianlwTr- aAee-batderx-'ti I* oajt at to tb« exiating Steiea to allow tbe *«d>d ft 1 rtwa before tbe aptrit of tbe rebei-a baa d ie} ofit aod iba fo*V^«^ -t"»»(^_pj faed» miau wait, even if It be a AuariJKf

1 we admit toto tbe t'etoo naen wbo It. Tbe p*«»ple of Mbwouri Mitry-

• tlava aiatea. ace fbangjjngv tbeir ct of alaeery, and be tboognt

y«mr* a nimilar cbw»ge would pre-Carortna. If ffarrary te ooadatird

reaent organfeatfaa of negro troope I eerrito war la tbe aouibera Statoa on toaJfo« i taim to letora to tbe

ii«n aa l i i v a fttatea i« b<«til» to tbe govern-•at If t were e*ea madn v> appear tbat w«r j no aul writy in tbe ouojaituttoa or oaage to ^entf« Ntara of rtwa* ijtai a. be trould1 haw > p*-opto tak«» tb« otader Into tbefr »wn band-i adopt a new eoaMitMtion. railing back upon it princl >iea. Then fo to^rd Vr. SoHeltor2 Wl»il*ng'e tofoft lding tb it «?*eiy reaident of iwbeblow, wb»-tb-loj*l ot dtetoyai, t M a "public ew-my" and

d no Hg iu*n«d#r * • eanatltaib>n, axaapttba [bi to KI baogvd. Senator Sumner, in an tboraj* iriicie. ia tba Atlantic Monthly, went It fur&K ri and loalated tbat tba wbale Souib-a territo ry w u a tabula roao, upon wbicb C«n-ew toigl t write lawa at ite own uoreatrataed ilL AB< now, w» learn, from tbe Maryland telfoaa, bat tbe War Department may elect it aucb maaabara of Congree* aa It ptemwa.— »e polic;' of tbe Admlniatratioo toward tbe r«-»|ted Sw ae ia well denned, and we are not en amrf ed lo bear tbat tbe effort* of theToyal, uajetjg oi Loolsiana to reatore ibe State to H« gbte ao< privitegea, -WXJLI. aa >ir»w» mr tux. rtkomrt LKB,"

K M , manfuiBy.and tbe reault b before tbe world in

telatrtkme. 1 / tbe Co*tm«rrtal Adcmiu^r Ik ee l e w t o f tblbg U must tpeak for iueif, ind

aot pretend to utter tbe voice of any number ot loyal men ont Me of New Yt>rk city. The ad-mtaterrauVm mtgbi well adt to be aared fvx>a t Ite fnf tula, if it bad many aucb aa tbe Corn-ntt^rial AdtrtLm.

Tbn'tiutb U tbat tba Abolition oratora

» A * f mAV M » * H j » » 0 LOYALTY.

Tbe Ad nintetratlon i« making tbe moat per­cent etR rt* to induce tbe New York banker* ahandot 1 the S'ato aytusm of banking, and

lopt tbe "h*»e «?*tem. Mr McCuliock, who If t N»w Y. rk to engineer tbla flnandal reroUT i>n, »ay«y that If the government bat not t i e »w*r to « »Ubti*b Ihh ajstem of bankbrg over [I appoet »"»* 'it lacka, to »o fatal an extei t, tbe •vereign! f, thut it is not ux/rth a tithe *>f tA«>/-ef and ao tr>/te* that are being mwlt to maintain ," Tba Ifourw*/ of Commerce, remark*, tbat ^if I'm proposition be adrnitied.ihen we bave anew at of foyi»lty, and tbat much abuaad word iraltor* will be sounded menacingly in tbe earn r aotaagi ntlemeo wbo bave heretofore applied with toe little reaerKe to other*. To support

M new bt nk» ia to support tbe government, if oth moat stand, or foil u>getber; aad since botb w new ai id old banks cannot long co-exist, e* e-r one wb > trie* to maintain tbe State insti o-ona is wr rae than a malignant copperhead; I • 1 trying t > stab at the very vitals of the nati< n, Bd to re* 4ve into cbaoa "the elemantaof at v Ignty r There are over one thousand banks in to free St oea, wbicb must sarrendet their cbar* •red exbt pace, or occupy thi* position of antag ajam tbus| distinctly set forth by the Compirol-



The red cats have made op their minds to ave tbe n txt Congrese, and they do not and will oi scrupl< 1 aa to the means to be employed for da pnrpoi e. Already we have violence threat-oed in Cat e their programme ia attempted to be tterruptot. Tbe Waibington correepoudent of tba New

ork JPoii\ referring to a rumor that Mr. Etber-Iga, tbe Clerk of tbe House holding \ over, will mit names) of certain members elect, on tbe round of invalid election, says, "emy attempt of t* Wad wi uid cuwM an instant ovtkrtak upon itfloor 0 / th* jStouxe, and Mr. Etbertdge knows

Mr. BUM ridge waa elected Clerk by tba Re-abiicane t f the laat H»n*». He wan with them »long a* bey stood by tbe resolution, uoani-ioii*ty ad( pt«d» deetaring tbe war to be for tbe wtoraiion of the L'nton and tbat only. He is aderatoed to bave declined gotng with them do tbe de >tbs of abolitionism. Hence they do ot count ttpon bis partisanship to enable them > carry ont their scheme*. His powent and ntiea are |ieariy defined by law, we believe,

no doubt faithfully perform them, t of an immediate outbreak upon


and the

tbe and Tbe the the

p «{* rs, duringtbe caovase. never uudett^ok jaatifliiilrn of tbe obnoxious act* of tbe Adtn'm-bdrarida. Moat of them dodged the emimjrpa-tio* proclamatfoa, and all of them directed 1 heir effort* to making tbe people beliefe that dem«<*-aey were In league with tbe rebel*, In heaping epithet* upon -Copperhead*." *!>olit*jnlstB. presented a falae teaue, and democrats tbe true one,—-namely, whether policy' of the admtntetraUon in waging a war for tbe ebplitioa of slavery and to prevent th » re­construction ot tbe Union, should be eodor* JdV— The result is thai tbe abolitionist* obtained tbe popelar sanction, and they bave a right to claim that the whole list of crime* perpetrated br the administration bave been voted public vlrttes.


The talented young lady w e bave jnst named has ot ooune received, a* well aa given, a good many sharp tbruate since she entered tbe irena of politics, but we nave studiously refrained from copymg any of tbe many things Democrati: edi­tors have said to her disparagement. The fol loa-lnic however, written by tbe Journal, th*-lea<li*g Republican paper iu Chicago, we ma} perhaps be permitted to quote, without suspicion of ungallaotry or dUloyalty. :—

We have bad a most excellent opinion or Mi*? Auna Dickinson, tbe spirited little public s;>euk er. But we are assured tbat she charged and pocketed ibe exorbuant.aum of $600 for Uctur-jag twice for tbe beuent ot the patriotic Fair, lam Week, for tbe relief of the sick and wounded notdfejrel and « e don't think near a* well of her now. Shei* a smart liulo woman, but we can­not «ay much for the sincerity of her patriotic ptofettdona or her charitable disposition. In het case we have one more illustration of bow nuch easier it IA to pteach than to practice.

Ob, Anna. Auna! why don't you give your service* for the benefit of our bra>e patrioi sol-dienyfor twoaborl hours, a* score*of our 'Vest-era ladiea did for two whole weeks ? Why bave you thus dashed our admiration <>f you, by en­gaging in a money speculation ai the expense o1

this patriotic charity ? Do not eyen the shadd^ contractor* so?

Wo confe-8 to having our opinion raised, rath­er than lowered by this revelation. Three bun dred doilajs a night goes far to palliate tba of-fonae, bo'h against patriotism and; the proprieties. involved in making abolition speeches.


it is

then like lock Tbe


ad be wf # t tbi* tb tefioor

> A O D K e - 0 » A N O ABKANStAH.

»rn revolutionary paper* are exrea-ling an addreas to tbe people of Ar-

W. Gantt, a prominent citizen of lat State sjnd lately an offlcer in the rebel army. (fat entire argument and appeal lead to tbe fol-

* Tbe ehirteet way, in my opinion, to resume ar relatione with the Federal government is, to Mtrnot Hbn. W. K. Sebaetian to take hi* seat in |w UnitedlState* Senate. Xt is by all mean* de-rable tbatisucb itvtructiona be so clear tbat the faiu-d Stales government may be at no loss to se tbat our |>eopb are loyal, and tbat Mr. Se-astiaa mai have nwt one coarse of conduct left. feei erne 1 that be will respond favorably to

our wtebeA" Had Mr. bentt known that b u State ia con-

Ideredby s>madmini»tr»lioa aa poliUealiy dead, oaaeaaed 0 'no rigbte save what it, in ite tmpe-ial power choose* to accord, and liable to be lamemben d, or eonaolidated, with Mteaenri or [ansa*, be would probably hare spared hinvelf be labor ot preparing thi* address. Should Hon, f. K. Sete *tiaa present himself op the floor of be Senate claiming to represent tbe State of krkansss,: Senator Sumner wouljl laugh in bis ice. "Arl aneas--tbe State of Arkansas!* be rould say; there i* no sack State In tbe Union. Pbere is 1 - caput tnorfuum—tbe remain* of a lead S^tejbsrrond the Mississippi, which once

| o l h e name of Arkansas; but, my sir, i t , is now a subjugated province, and

ion aad all your people may be thankful if we mere your live*.

•Speaking of tbe 11 . i, . i m w w


Itarylsmd flection (1) tbe Tribwn* say*: MThe ao< osasfdl candidate* hav* taken the not-

ana pfedjjss to support the policy of the Presidnet, iatlatfffiy h a SmanaipatHon Proclamation."

Thki ia • lore than Napoleon require* of candi-latea befit > permitting them to offer themselves lor that aaf nge of the people, and the French KsapsFOT b is never yet interfered In election* rith aaytb ng like tbe show yf military force m*^*^ 2& 1 j Maryland.

1 1 —

Los*.-~8o*itbern writer* confess the recant succeases of Gen. Hook-


fhatthrou vr, there rirfnadby battieof mys tbe

have lost all the advantages they battle on tbe Chickamanga. -The

iickamauga must be fongh* again," Exambicr. Can the rebel*

raocbra battle •

Aooarrcvca OF O S X . Bcajcau*** now.—it is nndarstood at EliiiusAsVsrosignstinna** la probobtet thai Gen. Ft »o*a*aaod(tf tbe army of the Ohio.

fi 1. i a •Bag la


Coiuplainte come from all quarters tbat next to impossible for the families of decea ed soldiers to get a settlement with the government Many have made unavailing efforts and given it up in despair. Tbe evil comes, many others, from the titter confusion and of system in everything at the war office. Washington correspondent of the New 2 one* says:—

u The rejection of the widow's demand for back pay, or tbat of her agent*, i* notoriously an event of daily occurrenceln the war department. All applicants are turned off with the dishea -ten-ihg information that from fourteen to sixteen months must pass away from tbe time of ma unit application for pay due to tbe killed in bit:tie, before the money can possibly be got by heir representatives. Tbe heir* of those who AII at I Gettysburg in July, 1863, may not hope U> be '

•paid till November, 1864. Tbe bare statement of t he fact is the fullest censure of the scanda­lous imperfection of the machinery of the sec­ond auditor^ office. The senye of its iuade jua-cy to the wants of the war, and to tbe right B of tba friends of ibe martyred dead, is heightened by the contrast which the system in tbe tavy present*. Positive law makes it the duty of u paymaster at sea to notify the department of the death of a^satlor or marine as soon after the breath U out of hi* body as ia practicable. ' This notice is accompanied by a statement of the amount of pay due htm. In one minute idler thi* statement, reaches tbe navy department, the deceased sailor's widow or mother can get' tbe money. Literally, she does not have to wait a minute for i t Among the duties.of Congress in the very first week of the next session is to force upon tbe war department a system of paying debt* due to deceased soldiers, substantially!like tbat wbich Secretary Welles has voluntarily^ es­tablished in behalf of the survivors of those fight for their country at sea."

fe tbia country »very where exiat

. stimated tbat tbe fl»ember*«f tbj* !«dety Dumber about .eighty thousand in Ireland aloue. They b<<id their midnight meetings there for drill and conference, causing already great alarm so the gUvernmeut party. Here they are count­ed by hundred* of thousand*. Illinois .alone contain*forty circle*, and there is a proportion­ate representation in all the States. The feeling tbat Ireland must soon regain her place in the family of nations is universal among her people. and with a rep a kable unanimity they are join­ing at* oue tuau iu expressing their determination to aid her fn asserting ber tight.

Tbe convention was formally opened on Tues­day morning (if last week, In the new Fenian Hall, located ou the corner of Randolph and Wells street*. All portiot* of the United rfiates and Canadits Were represented In tbeconverition, and delegate* cuaiinutd to arrive up to a late hour in the day. Tbe convention fully equaled «t the opening, the expectations formed of it— t i d it would bo represeutatiOi of Irish p-itrio * in all parts of the Norib American coutiueut,anu demonstrate the fullness, of power which ajready exists in this organization.

The convention, after transacting ite business, adjourned on Thursday night having held a three days session. On" Wednesday upwards of three hundred de|egateH,representing "centres'* or societies in various parte of the United States Canada and Ireland, responded to the call of their names. A stirring address to the Irish people was udopted, as were also the following resolu­tions:—

Resolved I,, That our organization consists of an asHociuMn principally of citizens of the United States of Irish birth or descent but open to all wbo are friendly to the liberation of Ire-laud from the domination of England^ by every honest means wbicb are not in violation of the. constitution and the laws under which we live and to which we owe our allegiance. v We assert an unquestionable right, under said constitution find laws, to associate together for^ this purpose. Exiles of every country, and especially*those of Ireland, having found home*, p»THdoal freedom and equal political rigbte in this American re­public; and deeming its preservation necessary to the well-being and social elevation of tbe hu­man race, be it

Resolved 2. That we do hereby solemnly de­clare our entire allegiance' to the constitution and laws of tho United States of America.

Resolved 3. That the younger members of the Fenian Brotherhood be instructed to study military tactics.and apply themselves sedulously to learn tbe use of arm*, in order to be prepared, as organized' and disciplined bodies, to offer • heir services to the United States government, by land or sea, against England's myrmidons.

Resolved 4. That every man of Irish birth or descent who lives on the American continent is admissible to the Fenian Brotherhood, without, distinction of class or creed, provided his char­acter is unblemished and his devotion to Ireland unquestioned, and that weearnestly invite every American who is loyal to tbe principles of self-government to aid and sustain us by bis moral influence against our enemies, tbe emissaries of foreign despotism, who would fain crush tbe growth of republican principles, and stop the onward march of freedom in this free laud.

Resolved d. Thai every subject relating to par­tisan Americjan politics and to differences in re­ligion be absolutely and forever excluded from the counsels and deliberation* of the F. B.; and thai we furthermore invite every sincere friend of li'oerry, without distinction of party er creed, to join cordially and harmoniously with us upon the neutral platform of Irish independence.

brother Tim went over-with the last * assist in tbe prepare lion.

—r A VERMONT fat mer sebt to an orphan asy­lum for a boy that* as smart^ctive. brave, tract able, prompt industrious, :k'aa. pious, mtelli a^nt. gi>od looking, resexv*d'and modest. Tbe Superintendent rep led the. their boys were all human, tbongh they, wereorphan*. aad referred biro to the New i e r jsatem if be wanted 10 get his order filled.

— T H K ^UorW giv th tbe following as the lead­ing items of tbe supper to tpe Rua4ans the other evening:

Twelve thousau is oysters — ten thousand pouiette and two th jusand

Twelve monster .< almon-Tvvelve hundred game b Two hundred and fifty ti Four hundred cheken*. One thousand poinds of One hundred pyiamids «. One thousand laige loaves. Three thousand Ive hunjdred loaves of bread


' t u d t i f f e a . . . . . . . . - , . . * « > « • • • • •

a<r**'*<TW ..;'r:»rt' me ifcrtp, <..... K(«teicr s's»'«s. C S.«W>4P f o e v . . .

• tfegjbirer/* «•"»'. r*wsway"T*Wn.- . C S « * l j T « e i t t L , . Aa*nraBi jeo«d—

fouOva^ • Ftoar, bb*>

i*a.. . . . i io.H» \Vb«at.te>.

i,actav C<KU. be.


B«rf*v. be . Safe.**) kW.«OD

.J>ec... ai.«» tx>c 3S1&» Dec &KMtf Dee. U^V» Tb* ajajreipue Kjojustitj ot ta* »«m« *nicit» !*« at

cide-wausr nom to* coameexwmeat <d navigation 10 tne 7ih lost. Indaaive. dartag t&c .year* IBS* a»d J.is03, was.as' follows;

Floor, bbLi Wheau. bit Corn, ba Bartty. bu. i«ea. i.siuwo s:..'>"-tt«.« is.aai.aeo i,«a.t* 1JSJ3 . .1.1*2, :t» l",3tI.3U> «>.«».«»> 1.3to,«X>

pickled. thirty pound* each,

rds. rkeys.

tenderloin, f pastry.

K E N T I N K L . " T U B " C A T I O H C

The following, in relating to ibe above paper which is published I u this city, is from the Roches ter Union:—

No LONGER A,N ' OKOAN."—The Buffalo »$>*-tineL which basfor a numlier of years been re garded as a sort ol "orgat " of Bishop Timon. through which he announced his pastorals to tbe clergy and laity, hasf wo observe, taken down the sign of " ay appr jb'ation" carried at ilf head, thus indicating that it is an '-organ" no longer. No reasoa is assigned for tho with­drawal of the Bisiop's uark of approbation, but it is given out but henceforward the "right* Of wotkingmen" will be a ppecial feature of the paper. The publisher of the Sentinel is some



For tbe information of Recruiting Agente, and tbe public, we republish tbe following of icial statement of tbe bounties offered to volunteers in thi* State:—

To a veteran volunteer—one who has been in service nine, months—one month's pay in ad­vance, and bounty and premium amounting to $402 will be paid as follows: 1. Before leaving the 8tate the volunteer will

be paid one month's p*y in advance $ts 00 Flr-t installment of bounty 10 00 rrumium 2 00

S 00

Total pay tiefore leaving general rendezvous $ At toe reiruiar pay-day, or two months after

ntoster to, sn additional Installment of bounties will be paid $0 00

Making pay and bounty then received I At first reipilar pay-day siter'slx months' ser-

Yioe. he shall bo paid an additional install­ment of bounty , $0 »)

At tba first regular pay-day at the end »f the first year*' service, an additional install­ment of bounty w j l he paid to 00

la* first regular pay-day after eighteen 5. At


5 00

months' service, andadditional installment ef bounty will be paid.. . fcO 00 t the first resml*r pay-day after two years service, an addi.ional installment of boon ty wilt be paid 50 00

7. At Khe first regular pay-day after two and a I half year*' service, an additional Install- i ttentof bounty will bo paid B0 00

& At the expiration of three years' service, the j remainder of the bounty will be paid 4 > 00

To all other men, accepted and enlisted; one months' pay in advance, and in addition a boun­ty and premium amounting to $203 shall be paid as follows: l. Before leaving the State the men accepted un­

der this authority will be paid one months' pay in advance..... $18 00 FUet Instalment of bounty 60 00 Premiam [» 00



Tbe New York Express shows the folly of the attempt to account for the democratic reverses either on the theories advanced by the " Peace Democracy'' or the " War Democracy." Val-landighara fared no worse in Ohio than did the brave and patriotic Gen. Tuttle in Iowa. It ad­vances ite own theory as follows;

Democracy is doomed to death, as long as the people are drunk on paper money. When the deli­rium tremens ia over, and the appeal is taken from Plebs drunk to Plebssober,—Reason vrttl resume Its reign over Paper, whiskey, and strychnine, and oxygen, and nitrogen, and hydrogen, &c.— The ship builder is getting his throe dollars and a half a day, isn't he ? The farmer is getting 32 cents per pound for butter, isn't he ? Money was never before so plenty, was it ? California and Australia are in Washington, are they not ? and nuggets are paper pulp, blacked over with printers'ink, are they uot ? War is a blessing, not a curse, does not everybody see ? Tho ;,Ser-mon on tbe Mount" -is a humbug isn't it ? Do not all Abolition ministers of the gospel so ex­pound it? The Saviour himself is Anti-Christ, ishe not ? and Attilla and Gbengis Khan were the Christs, were they not ? Is not this the Gos­pel as taught now in the pulpits of New England, and in all their offshoot* ?

There Is a monomania of nations, as of men.— and when nations are lunatic, there is no more reasoning with them than with such men. When Frenchmen threw down God and exalted up a Cyprian to be worshipped as God,—a whole ua-tlon was beyond reason. When such Judges as Sir Mathew Hale upheld witches even in Old England, to say nothing of the witch mania in New England, what was the use of reasoning against witches ? When Baptists were hated in New England, as .Slaveholders ate now, and ex­iled to Rhode Island, or tnobhed, or slain,—what was the use of preaching Baptism ? The South Sea Islanders, when there is an eclipse of the sun. beat and drum with sticks to scare off the Fish that is swallowing up the sun, or the moon. The Paper Money Fish is swallowing upour sun, and our moon, and all we can do just now, is, in imitation of tho South Sea Islanders, lo beat tho Uiitoosuxd the reveille.

T H K I t A O I C A L P U S OF A R MI Eg .


2. Al

hoantv will he paid 1 first

?5 00


1 KtehsMs*d» raosmti y loat

of the pwsdnn for gam-It ia stated that a Quarter-

Vsit tUtfldH at a single sitting.

5. Attheflmrtgatarpay day, after six month* service he shall be paid an addi tonal instal­ment of beonty | Q Q0

4. At the first regular pay day at the end of the | fir*tye*M» service, an additional instalment Of bounty will be paid to 00

6. At the first regular pay day after eighteen 1 nutttaa' sendee, an additional insudment of boanty will be paid. jo 00

«. At the first regular pay day after two years' \ service an additional installment of bounty wlUbepatd to 00

7. At the expiration of three years' service the remainder of the boanty will be paid WOO

It most be remembered that in addition to the above'bounties, the regular monthly pay of fc!3, and cfothingpay of $ 3 30, will be paid, m« king tbe float year*' bounty, pay and allowance $ i 80.

Tbe agent appointed by tbe committee will be entitled to $25 for every veteran volunteer, and $15 for every new recruit he receives.

• "" sa Tw» if. T. Time*, of Saturday, "goes for

. borying all reeentmente and jealousies, an I for , working with Governor 8eymour." l e i . A taarmsya ago it waa for burying Gov< roor

Seymour and working with reeentmente and jsaloaHsa l—Atia* d> Argut.

—DcwiiO the second bread riot in Richmond three women, were shot, one of whom died.

The Louisville Journal alluding to the decla­ration of the Philadelphia Press that " We want no soldiers under our banner whose sentiments are similar to those of Mr. Justice Woodward," says the policy indicated discloses the radical plan, which is:

To prevent volunteering, necessitate conscri})-tion. and, then, use the money which experience has shown to be the chief product of conscription in enlisting negroes. In this way, the radical "Want' as defined by the Pre.** will be fulfilled. They will get "no soldiers under our banner whose sentiments are similar to those of Mr. Justice Woodward.-" They ,4want" no soldiers of this description, and they are striving to baye none, and none of any other description except'ne-<,r>es. In short, they are voluntarily and openly discouraging enlistment*.

Tho Journal, however, give the following good advice to conservative men:

In the meantime, let the conservatives every­where do right, and shame the devil. Let them promote volunteering themselves, and. if possible, shame tbe radicals into promoting it. We must not abandon the country on account of the wick­edness of the radicals. We will not The coun­try must be saved, in spite of the radicals, and perhaps we should rejoice rather than lament that this treacherous and contemptible faction, at the very moment when its poisonous shadow lies deepest and darkest upon the future of our land, has begun thus plainly the cheering ope­ration of cntting its own throat We derive from the conduct u>e have here noticed only an addition­al assurance that the radioed party has dieatedihe people at the ballot-box for the last time. Let the cmservatives but prove true to themselves, and this assurance cannot fail.

nois double extra at $7(X doublo extra Canada f t $7 85 bbls double extra vhite for extra St ate; :md 1'

[He had been a Dem-had received office

as abused by the Re­

tiring of an office s ueker. ocrat up to the lab electio^, from the Democrats, and v publican organs io Buffalo in unmeasured terms On Tuesday last be was t i e Republican candi date for Comptrol er of tl e city, having been put up by the Republican managers iu the expec fatiion tnut he would "draw" the "Catholic vote." The result is a lesion to the Republican* and their candicate. l ie not only did no "draw" uVexpected,, but b» wa* defeated by u larger majority: than, wa* given against othe^ on the ticket with him. It is very likely thai Bishop Timon is n *erse to having ward "states men" ploying upon his "< rgan'*. while he blows the bellows, and honceha? taken his h.ind fron it. The publisher is an industrious and, his po laical weakness as de, a v< ry worthy man. We wish him success i 1 his new specialty. He wih certainly llnd that workwomen's rights and poli­tics are nearer akin and "tux" more successfully than'religion and \ olitics.

IProm.U 0 New 'tfork World.] THK DEMOCRACY O f THK COU

T11KIR .DUTY. The Democracy of the country, if temporarily

discomfited by the use of improper and and un just, means, is by no mean $ destroyed or broket down. It is the tame gtand and noble put} which for more ths n seventy years has upheld the Constitution ajd carred aloft the banner ol liberty—the same glorious and reliable party which throughout >ur country's history boa evei proved true to freeJom and the rights of theciti zen. Although ov ?rborm, for (he time being, by usurped and ill-go ten pover, it still lives in all its integrity and vi;or. prepared to maintain the Constitution against every assault, and to restore the Union at the earliest period, .by all honora­ble meaus within i s read.

Let not our fr ends he disheartened or discour­aged by temporary defeatj Much us this is to b« regretted, it may p "ove rajther useful than preju­dicial to the cause of tbeiUnion. With all "tin powers of the general andj State Governments'a

cans assume the entire and of. public affairs

their disposal, the Republ administration ol t ie war Upon them rests the responsibility of concluding the war, either by 'superadding tbe power of con­ciliation or by the j oWer of force alone. Let them not evade or shirk this responsibility; let then not hereafter charg 3 tin ir failures, whether in the military or the financial departments of the gov eminent, to the htstility of the Democrats and conservatives, whose warnings they have despis ed, und whose ex )erience and aid they have scornfully rejected.

While the responsibility of administration tbu -rests upotf their op >onentj, the Democracy of th» country have a n< less solemn and important duty to perform. r 'hey are to labor steadily and perseveringly for tl e sour d doctrines upon whicl bur government tests—to educate the public mind to a knowledge of the nature of our insti­tutions, and the n ;cessity of returning to tho great princinles of public] and individual liberty which alone can save the) nation from utter and irretrievable ruiu. Let u > man, therefore, rest it his labors, but from this hour dedicate himsell anew to the country, TIere is, there can be. n< escape from this~soi;rnn obligation until tbe Un ion is restored, the Constitution re-established and the great principles of liberty again secured to every citizen.

(X)MVIERCIAL. O m c t or Tttfe Burra to DAILY <'OUM*K, I

Thursdi.y Morning, Nov. 12, 1808. J KLOUK—The marktt stenJy with moderately fair

demand. Sales yestei day 040 bbls: A. M., 150 bbls Illi 100 bbls white wheat

8(3H ; B0 bbls do. at $7 37>i , U $7 00&7 25, and $ti (X)

M., ] 30 bbla white wheat dou bio extra at $7 50; 4( 0 bbls $6 70; 25 bbls Wlsco isin b e e r ' s at $6 tJ2^.

quiet.. W11KAT— The mnrldet dull

There is no speculate e and mand. Bales yesterdi y-12,40t) bush: 13,(500 bush Mil­waukee club on priva e terms; 7000 bush No. 2 Mil-

; 7000 bush No. 2 Chicago spring lite Canada at $1 01;

at $1

wankee club at $1 16 at $1 10; 5.SO0bu8h w Nn-?i Milwaukee club heavy and inactive

OoaN—The market only moderate consumptive 52,00 bush: A. M , 2U, >00 bu mixed on private tern is; bush do at 05c; and f. M., tjOOO bush mixed at tea-Closing quiet.

OAT*—Dull and inactive. BAIU.KY—Dull and pominsl • iialea 600 bush Canada

on private terms. RVE— Lov?er, and i i only moderate consumptive de­

mand. Sales 7500 bus h at $ 1 04. MILL FKBO—Firm n-ith fair demand, at $22 00 for

bran, $25 00 for fine, and $3(

and closing, carriers

T H E WISCONSIN- STATE ELECTTOX.—The re­turns received yesterday put a more favorable aspect upon tbe political complexion of the State than wa* at first apprehended. The dem­ocracy iu every county have waged a gallant battle; and though they bave experienced con­siderable loss in the encounter, their strength, courage and numbers are a sufficient guarantee of their ability to meet and conquer tbe enemy in every fair conflict upon principle hereafter. There is a majority against the democratic Stat*, ticket on the home vote, but that majority is not so large (aa it has been for many year* heretofore, the la*t ye*r excepted.—Milwaukee Fetes.

—A LATE letter from Nashville states that a large part rf the wealthy population of the city arere in" Biagg*»anny, under Breckinridge and Cheatham, at tbe late battle, and great numbers were killed. Out of l,60f, under Breckinridge, 1.S00 were killed and wounded. Three-fourths of the ladiea of the Episcopal Church are in mourning for their dead.

Barley, b u . . 875 Bark, corda 0 Butter, lbs 11104 Cattle, no . . . . - 5" Flour, bbls 1500 Hog9.no 193

LAOS IMF The following table

during tbe 2l hours < ndlng

red winter Ohio extra at Closing

heavy, and drooping — only moderate milling di?

19. flOOO

Closing P. M. bush dull,

steady, with no speculative and demand Sales yesterday mixed at 0-lc; 75(0 bash

55<J0bu mixed at 94>ic; 400u

Held at 72c. No sales.

00 for ttntehed middlings. ominal, at $1 50 for prime pale

tbu othy at $2 82X. Clover,

MALT—Quiet and r barley malt

SKEOS—Sales 600 bijish scarce and nominal

I»KA!«—Quiet and iJK>minijd, at 8S@85c for common to good Canadian

PROVISION*—-Pork (frtner, $ 17 00 for new mess

scarce and -nominal $5 25@5 50.

H ie n\v rxEs— Lowe|r. bbls at 57c. Retailin


at $16 00 for old mess , and Beef nominal. Smoked meats

Whiut fish and trout in half bbla

Sales 26 bbls at 56c, and 200 ; at 60p.

scarce. Rate* higher. Op­ening at 21c for whea s and 12c for oats to New York,

askirg 22c for wheat, with bat few engagements at t ie ad^ ance.

GOLD—Buflalo, Nor. 11.--Brokers'rates: Selling at 46>i@47 <B cent, pren iinm.

BUFFALO & LS.KE HURON RAILROAD The following stat iment shows the receipt* of the

principal article* by he Bi ffalo and Lake Hnron Rail-road for 21 hours end Ing la it evening:

Mill feed, tea. 48000 Oats, bu 1948 Peas, b u . . . . 605 Skins bdls 2?2 Wheat, bu 850 Wool, bales 1

will show the receipts by lake

Barley, bu 5!)7 Beef, bbls & tcs 6287 Butter, lbs 100 Bacon, lbs »2o0 Corn, bn. . 3045C Coal, tons 242 Corn meal, bbls fc&O {Flour, bbls 11684 Hops, boles.. ' 21 Hides, no 143 Iron, lb* . - . 10000

CAI^AL E £ The following will

and grain from Buffalo for evening, and desttnat Ion of

Flour, TO bbls.

Troy..- — - - 40U3 Camillas. . . . - - - - - ' Boche»Mte.V.i CS00

Total* 4063 &J6440

DAILY Raosirrs.-

WO) eat, ba.


•The fol lowing statement show-tho dally receipt* of £onr a i d grain at tho undermen­tioned places on

last evening: Lumber, ft 60000 Lard, lb*. 21760 Mill feed, lbs 254000 Oats, bn 123S1S. Peas,bn 2120 PorkVbbls 140 Soap, bxs 225 Sundrles,lbs 600 Tallow, lbs 164400 Whiskey, i^bls..... 60 Wheat, ba 116410

mow the canal exports of flour the 24 hours ending test

same: . Oats, Barley, Rye bn. bu. bn. 65710 8200 . . . .

. . . . 5500

Com, b a 6700

6700 66710 10700 . . .

' Dee . . . 1«,HW Dec Kn.Sau.A0O Iacl.v»W,4«) Inc. 4*»>300 By reducing the wheat to Hour, the qstatitjr of the l it '

ter left at tide-water this year, compared with the oor-rrepoudujg period la»t year, sfcows a Oeflri^acy equal to 2.421.200 bbls of flour

The receipts-at tide-water of the principal articles o.t pnxlacv. from the opening of the canal*, to and inc-lud ing the 7th of Nov., in the years Indicated were

t«B. 1S82- 1SSJ. . . May 1 Mayl. May 1 .-. ia^>ioo i.:iii,2u0 -i.i4a.iui* . .23,r.7,a» r.,si4<#a i7,si4,a« ..2oa>44>2UJ 19,391,1*10 Su,40&,t*k/ . . I,a4a,"itl0 S.43b,lU0 l,8Wi,4U) .'. 4,tiJ*sHW ... 7«1.7t'tO

1,700 s\7Wl

. . 5ttt,30U . . I,!*io,»i0 . . M3.500 . . 4.61S.10J . . 1.617,t)0iJ

4.4»»,flOO 737.«»

IS. 100 171,3<.0


5V.VS.IM > SM.'.UO

1S.UIU 22S.41U

a,50t>,tM.i S,0Kl,7tJ0 "AsarsSat f*,377,4a» lS,»ti.'.tV $,:*W,'MO t>.*o.50o lr70t>,UU0 SSl,«)0

tanai opened Floor, bt>U. ..-Wheat, bush Curn, bu»h Barley, bush Uat*. bn*h.» , K>»*. bash..' Bo.f, bbla... I'ork, bi>ls .: Bacon, tb* Butler, rr>* Lard, it* .. . Cheese, tt>$ ww>», n>» . — AiUiny Argus-

OCSAN FKXIOHTS — yrelghta continue exut'.mely dull. There are 110 American mhipj* on the berth for Liverpool, and very Hide freight ottering. To Liver JM>O!, per neutral, '.000 nu wheal.at tSidiu Ships bag», 5>JU nbls Hour it Is 4Hd; and small quantities of but iur und cheese at 'Ate, and tiillow and lard *t 16*5 and ,».T nteauier, bacon nud cheese at 50 v*>0s. To Loudon there was some freight offering, but we heard of no en uagemenl. To Legi<om, an American Ship with to b.iceo at 27s od per nhd—.V. Y. World.

LAKS PIUCIOKT*—Chicago, Nor. 10.— Freights were dull und'Sc tower Tho engagements were: To Buffa lo—!Hchrs Midnight and Baltic, wheat at 8c. To Oswe go—Jiehrs Atheuiau and Algerine, wheat at 12c: gchr Bermuda, wheal from Milwaukee at 13c.—Journal.

LAKB FIUHOHTS—Milwaukee, Nov. 10. — Freight decllued H'c, and were very dull. Vessels were oiler edat !>o for wheat to Buffalo, but we did not hear of an engagement on 'Change—Sentinel.

HJCtt Antral 119V lV«wHaat« Jt Alton \i*H \ Paelftc Mail... ite j»* I HI war toast . . . K M to<* f Twn»*w*«. to— , „ , . . . , m m ** ivtnrtote«i.„...•.;•,.. w

tZ»X I North Carolina «tt . . . m HW Mtwuottrt «* . , . . j H V »

iix J i

unen'MaM*.'-'' -" •[_•.-Moriey mariwrt rwatianeato brisk d*««*»d and rules

ttryfltm. ••".' , , As&teioiA Gold- rates «an*i and steady, opaatflg at

4S\, fiflwuvtaing to 4»». opining to « \ . and cl-" cccet i l tB>% per cent prtmtJate

j*WlteK tixcaacge dull at 1«0 for ftrst class mil*.

Oe\jernment 6wck* *r« without matori*! _ rois«!*i Stau» 6» wt tt&l. coapons. sellinj: at 1*1 I! 7 *lofPr*a*arj!<tote* selling at K»X(&1C«

Stf*** ratber better. tMtt qaiei. Chi *j tik telaad.....l08«>i

pttm,rtw*cns sux CWw* Pitts........103 ntCf^rfo 1WH *u-h]Soatbdro gtd ..1SS *ichbottth«c« 8k.Si Srto T .. . . . . . .to1>*

.Rrte t > « . . . . iu>u Hudson R i v e r . . . ; . . . « » > » Harlem

Reading Mich Central . . Gal A Chi . . CteveATol Am Gold USt i* lyrc*rt ,aew Cuniberiand . . , Quicksilver M«g Co Padtteltett N V C e a i r a i . . .

199 Main Street, Buffalo, ». Y.,


All Books sold at the lowest Betafl Prices, and a I Handsome Gif giveii with each purchase of a Dollar and japward.


Prop .May flower, Dickson, Milwaukee—2263 bbls flour 17 bbif marrow 14 bbls tallow 60 ttxa candles 275 bxn soap 21 bales hops 1104 bbls beef 3 coses 6ml 68 bbls lurd 42 to* bacon,

1'rop Concord, Drake, Detroit—181 bags 289 bbls wheat 278 brnVlUur 225 bbls tallow 143 hides 14S8 bbls beef m> bbls pork 72 rolls leather 22 casks tallow 1 bbl ware,

frou v> inslovv, Smith, Chicago— 5300 bbls flour 200 bbls 2.M) ics beef 3-1 hhds tallow 50 bbls whisky; from Milwaukee—595 bbls beet; balauco cargo landed at way ports.

Prop Araxes, Parsons, Cleveland—3040 bbls flour 98 b!)l* 930 tcs beef 83 bbla tallow,

t'rop Missouri, Woodworth, Detroit-8850 bbls flour 1153 bags wheat'50o bbls beef 40 bales wool.

Tug N P iSprngue, Booth, Pt Rowan—100 IDs butter. B:u k Fame, Danlctt, Chicago—18105 bu corn. Uark Sunshine, "Sweeney, Milwaukee~300u0 bu oat* 5

tons scrap iron. Bark Ked W hlte and Blue, Davis, Chicago—34875 bush

oats 400 bbls beef. Bark John Sweeney, Collins, Green Bay—18000 bush

wheat. Schr Geo Goblo, Berry, Chicago—800 bbls flour 2850

bbls corn meal 609 bbls beef Schr International, Sullivan. Chicago—17000 bu wheat, -fchr Walrus, Fitzgerald, Milwaukee—22604 bu oats. Hehr Grap« Shot, Tiualer, Chicago—16000 bu wheat. Schr'Bon Flint, Rosswell, Sandusky—14000 bu wheat Schr St Paul, Mosher, Chicago—12351 bu com. Schr Comet, Stodard, Chicago—19000 bn wheat. Hchr Columbia, Graves, Erie—242 tons coal. • chr R Mott, Pomeroy, Chicago—12tx»(t bu wheat. Schr A K Mart, Bigelow, Chicago—193 0 bu wheat. Schr Elizabeth, Newkirk, Pt Dover—<K)m fi lumber. Schr Belle Brandon, Simpson, Long Point—6000 bush

wheat. **»••• Ma, Auchauaer, Pt Dover—2120 bu peaa 691 bush

barley. Scv>> nope, Smith, Chippewa—127 tons mill feed.

CLEARED—November 11. I'rop Missouri, Woodward, Detroit. I'rop Marquette, Watts, Toledo. 1'rop Kentucky, Blodgott, Detroit. rug N P Sprague, Booth, Pt Rowan. Tug S S WiialTdn,.Bemeut, Chippewa. Bark Unadllla, Mason, Chicago—200 tons coal. Schr Mercer, Burt, Detroit. ^chr Lydia Case, Eason, Racine Schr John Cochrane, Elphick, Chicago—100 tons coal. Schr Elizabeth, ISewkirk. Pt Rowan. Schr Brittania, 0rute, Pt Burwell. Schr North, Monroe, Sheboygan—100 bbls salt 100 bbls

apples. Scow llaldemand, DufBo, York. Scow Alexandria, Richardson, Pt Maltland.

. . . » A l a * * * Mnrkrt ,

t ALaxxY, Novembei111. Ftour—Market steady, with a moderate demon' i~ Wleat—Qnie*. Sale* TOO) bu white Kentooky at

I I W afloat. Coto—S«l<a 3*).«»-ba at 41 08 iu atore, B*rie>—Dull. Sales 6600 bu Chicago on private

bermK. _. . j tM »—Dul I Salea at 7»^80c for Canada and Sijattv. WiUkwr-Saleaatt i lc j SUlpp4<3 by Tow*-H4 900 bu wheat, no bujcom,

7TSJ0 pa barley, 8«J,a00 bu oata:

O i w e g o M a r k e t . C».-<v\ K«H>, .Novembit 11.

Fliur— Market steady, with a moderate demand for the liiterior and Eastsrn trade.

Wheat—Dull. Sale* 7000 bu prime white Canute at l l & l • •• •„

C<<nj—Finn. Htnall lots sctling at $1 05 Oat*— Dull. Sal*s small lots at 71c Ot.ier grains quiet and nominal. Csnal Freights—Flour GB*»«iC,'wheat 15c u< New

York iJke Import*—1517 bbls flour, I88,00t> bu wh«at, 35,

000 tiailoY. <&*> bu rye, 10,000 bn oats, 17,400 bu peas. C « W Kxport#-3C00 bbls flour, 34,000 bu whaaL

C h i c a g o M a r k e t . CUICAQO, November 11

ur—Dull. No sales reported. | ^hcotH-Quiet. Sate* at *10*»1 C8«. C4m—Dull and l<sl He tower. Sale* at 87§'8TKC Oils—Dull Sales at i&hic \ . Receipts—6000 bbla flour, 39,000 bu wheat,] 28,000

bu dorn. i Sftipnrenta—0500 bbls flour, no bu wheat,: 66,000

bu cjora Freights—Dull. 8c on wheat to Buffalo.

1 3 1 1 C U .

lit tlds city, on the lUh Inst.. JOSEPH X. WATTS, agefl 70 years, father-in-law of F. Colligon, E»q^

FJinorul service* to be held at St. Peter's, ^horch, corier of Washington and Ellicoit streets, onjFriday morning at 9 o'clock. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend.

At thte establUhment you can get ANY BOOK youimar d«dm ment of literature, u»d yoa bare the adtantec* of reortting with «*<h Sook U*t Tont>ay, *

to Hand some Present, worth from 50 cents * given wt beach book. All book* ar* aOM at tb* fttbttehee*' prtco*. 4»d yoa can aatec, teon t

largest stock ever o ferod to this clly, Incladinf— ALL T H E L A T S 1

that yon bay.

Books In #T*ry 4*par




BOOKS FOR AllL CLAS8KS—upon all *«btect»--ta « w r **yte of blading, aad I* ««dl«» «'*ri«ty. lteowa* ber that InVunha!" lag books of K S. BROOKB, at tb* *• Mctro|»iitan Gift Book St^re. ^>w W »? wore thaa you wouldi at any o her establishmoai, aad aavo th* adraateg* of rocatting a vara* il« prwwnt with **ch boo*

One triat wi 1 convince Book buyer* that the place to make their pnrchastw h Descriptive i aialoguo* mailed »aaw to *nj addr*** upon applicaUon

at 1«U Main stn^«i. %*<o i

•4> -nali



ST. JAMES HALL! Cor. Ettfw « u d Washiuffton Sis.

mjrlaao V. G . F L I N T , I ' ropr le tar .

. ' JI Min ii ., LI

Wanted Immediately! g A I.EMM AN, in a Retail Boot and Shot} Store.

j One used to the business, and who speaks Gor uiau, preferred. Address P. O. Box 2452. uojIOeiit

PO^T OF CHICAGO—CLEABKD Nov. 9. Prop Buflalo, Douglas, Buffalo—1, UK) bbls pork,

November 10. Brig Canopus, McKeiizieBuflalo—19,000 bu barley.

AnniYKD, Nov. 9. Bark America; briga Canopus Bmner; schrs Thoa.

Kingsford, C. M. Johnson, Clyde, Minerva, Klnu Sin­ters, Oliver Culver. Nov. 10—Prop Merchant; brig Kobert Burns; schr Baltic.

PORT OF M I L W A U K E E - C L K A B K D , Nov 8. Prop Acme, Hathaway, Buffalo—3,171 bbla flour, 400

bbls beef. Prop Gal.-.na; Steele, Buffalo—451 bbls flour, 1021 bbls

beef, 8 tcs do, 00 bbls lard, 34 hales hops. Schr Starlight, Muir, Buffalo—17,000 bu "wheat-

AmuVEU—November 8. Bark Jane Bell


1 INVENTION. For further information, address A. !i., care of P. O. 4121, Bnffalo, N. Y. noJMt*

..... | • w^-"rJC,~ "^557 r ja5c^5£j2^~'

WA N T E O - A few shares of Weatern Transporta­tion Co. Stock, If offered Immediately. }

' 37 Pearl st, P1CKEH1NQ & OTTO,

ly to



$3000 Je^iHAd

A F I N E B U G G Y H O B 8 K , eix years oldj kind, J \ j gentle, sound and fast, for sale for want of m«c,; at 8 Lloyd street. oc2otf


PICKERING A OTTO, 87 Pearl street

W ANTED—An interest worth $3,000 insomti and well-eBtablishod busine«s. to WM. H. 8LADE,

Nortljwest cor. Main and |

OOW LOST. ST R A Y E O from a lot on Eagle s ^ e t , near] Jeffer­

son, on Friday, October 2d, a BROWNISH-RED COW; Tail tipped White; Right Eve has a White Speck in the centre The fluderwill be liberal lyre-warded on seturning it to

octo LYON & BAKER, Erie Land Offlc»

Tlieoiily " Riew York Clotliino; iiit r '* I N B t U i r ' F ' A . J L . O .

i C L A R K ds S T O R M S , 1 0 0 Alain at] , mh28c6m C * r u n i t « lilo l i i

MARINE. T H E WEATHER.— The Cleveland papers report the

falling there of four to six Inches of snow on Monday night. The Syracuse Sournal says that a lumber boat, which came last night from a short distance beyond Jordan, reached there Wednesday morning with full 8 inches of snow on the lumber, and several other boats had from 5 to 0 inches on their decks. The weather here. i» cool and clear—the wind blowing a cale from the west. Water high in the harbor, mrking it .difficult for vessels and canal boats to move.

VESSELS PASSING THIS POWT.—The following vessels pasted this port yesterday:

I'p—Propellers Chicago, Wenona, Idaho; barks B. A. Stannard, M. B. Goflee, Naid, Badger State; brigs W. Treat, Mechanic, J. 8. Harvey. Empire State. Pow-hattan; schooners Jupiter, Fashion, Senator, Bonnie DOOM, Contest, San Jacinto, Montezuma, Reindeer, Gertrude, E-»ex, Pauline, Japan, Dauntless, Curlew, Melvina, Advnnce, M Fillmore, M. M. Mutr, Transport, Sailor Boy, Minnesota, Conquest

DOWK—Barks Orphan Boy, Clayton ; schooners Go­blo, lutcrnaiional, Grapeshot, Mazeppa, M'alrus, W. 1$. Ogdc-n.

N e w Y o r k n i a r u e t — B y T e l e g r a p h . f<BW xonsi, November 11.

ASHES—Steady. Sales 40 bbls at $8 37Xfor pots, and $9 75 for pearls.

COIT'UN—Market dull and drooping. Sales were 000 bales at S5c for middling uplands.

FLOUR—Market for extra State In fair request for government use and rules quite steady, while pretty un.ch all other kinds are dnll and drooping.

Sales 10,000 bbls at *5 50<56 (55 for superfine State, $C> 05&615 for extra State,, $5 55<ffi5 70 for superfine Western, f 6 90(&7 25 for common to medium extra Western, $7 15<a>7 30 for shipping brands extra round hooped Ohio, and $7 35@9 20 for trade brands, the market closing dull. Sales choice extra State were made at $(i 10(g3t> 25. Canadian flour may be quoted dull and drooping. Sales were 660 bbls at $6 05<So 20 for common and $0 25@8 75 for good to choice extra. Itye flour scarce and firm at $5 7(fe6 60 for Inferior to holce. Corn meal scarce and firm. Sales 100 bblB •t $6 00 for Rnmdywine, $5 85 for caloric and Atlantic Mills, and $5 35 for Jersey.

WHISKEY—Market more active and flrmer. Sales wer* of 1200 bbls at 62K{&i3c for State and Western-chiefly at tbe latter price

GRAIN—Wheat market dnll and heavy and is l@2c lower, a few small sales of choice parcels have been made at full prices, but to sell to any marterial extent holders would be compelled to accept decided reduc­tion.

Sales 69,000 bn at $1 32®1 35 for Chicago spring, $1 33@1 35 for Milwaukee club, SI 35® i 87>£ for amber Milwaukee, the latter price for choice, $• 40(&1 4U for winter Western, $t'50@l 52 for winter red State, $1 60 @1 52 for amber Michigan, arid incuding one load very choice at $155. Ryo rule* scarce and firm at $120 (§11 25 for Western and State. Barlev is firmer. Sales 27,000 bu State at $148&144 State, $1 50 Canada West. Barley malt quiet at $ t 52. Peas dnll at $110 for Can­ada. Corn rules less active and may be quoted a shade lower. 8ale« 52,000 Bos at $100@1 Ott for shipping mixed Western In store* $107& for do afloat, $1 08>£ for white Western. Oati rule lc lower, with a more active business doing. Sale* at 82©83c for Canada, $Xa-83%c for Western and State.

WOOL—Market quiet and firm, and may be quoted without decided chance.

PETROLEUM—Market is dnll. Sales 1000 bbls re­fined In bond at 40©40#c.

PROVISIONS—Pork market quiet and closed steady. Sales were 4100 bbls at $16 25r<mo 50 for mess, $14 60<ft 17 00 Tor new prime mess, $1176@12 00 for prime — Also 4000 bbl9 new mess for Dec, buyer's option, $17 76, 1000 bis new mess fa*- Jan. seller's do, on private terms Beef is steady. Sales 300 bbls at $8 50@6 00 for coun try prime. $600@7 00 for country roes*, Sl0 00@12 00 for repacked mesa, and $18 0Q@14 50 for extra mess. Sale* 600 tcs India mesa at $80: also 600 tcs of a favor­ite brand deliverable In Philadelphia at $28 for prime mess, $3300 for India mess and $8700 for India beef. Prime mess beef active and steady at $25 00@?5 00 Beef hams are quoted quiet and in moderate request Sale* were of 70 bbla State and Western at $17 50 — Cut meats quiet and firm. Sales 60 pkge at K$£(&6)jc for shoulders and 9@l0c for ham*. Bacon sides quiet. Prices are nominal at 9 # c for city Cumberland cut middles and 10Hc foi Western short ribbed middles— Dressed hogs shade firmer,with sate at 7@7}£c for city. Lard market rules quiet and steady. Hales 900 bbls at V K^H %c for No J to choice. Al-o 2250 bbls delivera ble from J i n to April at l2*f. Butter selling at 20@24o for Ohio and 2$@29c for State. Cheese quiet at 12® 16jic for common and prima

Coffee—Dull and nominally unchanged. Rice—Quiet and without important change, with

no sales reported. Sugar—Market firm, with moderate request. Molasscs—Market unchanged, with a moderate de­

mand. Hop*—Market! steadv with a moderate demand, with

sales 65 bales at Su<a>28c for common to prime new. MJNVT—Rules very active at 7 per cent, and up­

ward* for oan» on call. Sterling Exchange—Quiet at 160.

. Americangold sellingat"14SX-Btooaa->Fta*T BOAKD—Market lawar, bat mora



TCTE, has opened an office in the *

Arcado B u i l d i n g , M a i n s treet , Buli'nlo,

Whdre he is prepared to treat successfully, by


The Oxygen ia breithed directly Into tho Lunris, and through ihe:n into the blood, expelling all imparities from] the system, and healing any and every disease with: which it may come in coutact The cause]of Cougbs. Colds and Consumption is a lack of 0|i\g;en in thb air we hria he. By the inhalation of oxygenized uir, t&ebloid becomes oxygenized und purified, alnd disease disappear*- like dew before the sun.

3« A few administrations of the oxygen will cure any f the following diseases: Dyspepsy, Net

Rheumatism, Palpitation, Paralvnis, Epilepsy hltis, S<

of the following diseases: Dyspepsy, Neuralgia', ~ ilpltation, Paralvnis, E l "

tionai, Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Scrjof olqla, Liv«r Complaint, Nervousnes*, from whatever cauke, Difliitult Hrealhinp, Cancers, Salt Rheum, Erysiipelns, Mercurial Diseases, Kidney Complaints, Syphilis, Fe­male! Weaknesses of all kinds, and in fact, all di? requiring a purification of the blood.

We trust we have said enough to convince the bhilo sophlcal mind of the efficacy of the oxycenlzodlalrias a remedial agent, and to Induce the afflicted to| plaice themselves at once under this treatment.

C O N S C X T A T I O N F R E E . . i :

53"" Mercury VISIBLY drawn from the system. \olnnieer testimonials from prominent clrisSm^of

New'York and Jlrooklyn, who have been cured by t i l s treatment, can be seep at his rooms.

g3r" Office hours Irom 8 A. M. to 7 P. M. REMEMBEK THE PLACE, ROOM 1 1 , ARCADE


General Agency Office. SECURITY


(or, Hanover and Prime Sts.. Buffalo.

Cash Capital & Surplus, $770,OjOO



I B ! TB E U N D E R S I G N E D have been appointedtb> General Agents for tbe SECURllTT INSURANCE

COMPANY, OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, lor the emirb MARINE INLAND DEPARTMENT o l said Company, comprising the Lakes and their tributaries, Canals and Western Riversj and have established ia Branch Office in this city, wficre all the business con­nected therewith will be transacted, and air Losses ad ju*ted and settled. i

Wj) are prepared to isene policies on Hulls, Cargoes and Freights on the lakes, Canal Boats and their Car gOesj on canals- Also to insure against lossds and damage bv flre, Buildings, Merchandise, Vessels in port J and other property, having in addition to the Se­curity Insurance Company, the Agencies of the.]


Cash A s s e t s . . . «80,000 M A N H A T T A N I N S U R A N C E CO. I

Cash Assets $^80,0)0 N I A G A R A I N S U R A N C E CO.

Cash Assets $kX),0X) I R V I N G I N S U R A N C E CO. j

Cash Asset* $250,000 H. C. WALKER, A- A. EUSTAPHIEVEj

General AgftntBJ ANDREW ANDERSON, Marine Inspector T GEO. J. MARSH, Canal Inspector.

' l ib-Buflalo, November 2,1863. nol2c3c

SUPREME COURT—COUNTY OF ERlEijack-son D. Vandervoort, plaintifi; against James A.

Vandervoort, defendant. To the above named, defendant:

You are hereby summoned to answer tho complaint in this action, wbich wu* tied in the office of the Clerk of the county of Erie, in the State of New York, No­vember 11th, 18C3. and servo a copy of your answer im us, St our office in the city of Buflalo, in said tonnty and State, within twenty days after the service hereof exclusive of thedayofi.uch"Bcrvice; and If you'faiito

int as aforesaid, the plaintiff -wjlll lay

answer the complan fo take judgment for the sum of three hundred dpllais,

with Interest from the twelfth day of November, o ie thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, besides t ie cost* of this action.

Dated Buflalo, November 11,1863.


. aop2Ta7t • . . . • - WaintfaTs Attorneys, Butmio } O t t SA1«E—House and Lot No. 200 Pearl street, ? tGoa and water. Possession given immediately] Al*o, NclOSSwan, street, 3-Btory Brick. GkSand

water. Alpo, 282 Pearl street, Snitory and basement Frame.

Lot 40x115^. Afoo, 127 Frsnklrn ttreet Lot 8lxllB,wltb small

Frame House. 1 ' *"**". Also, No 114 Clinton street, 1-story Cottage. Also, 2 story Frame House, almost new, on I owwy

street, near Allen street ' ow«f«jr Also, a fine lot on Carolina street, northerly si ie be-

tweea Ninth and Palmer streets. **urw"J"y m IC> f« Also, SOOxltt) feet Land on Allen street, te tween

BoWery and Park street*. • , - ' • T * Also, u acres Of Land on Ontario street, under a

finejitttoofctattvaUon. Apply jo ^ ^ uuuwa nqiOc K C g ^ g g ^ Q T T O . OTPealatj

T ? M 5 »Al ,B CHEAP-A 9.*tory BridTHo JiTpn JJ Michigan Btrest, lwtweon Eagia and Clint m Niagara water »nd gas. Lotatalfc with barn i an

T C.J. HASTINGS Vpo*m N*. • Brown'* BtxUdfngf

ST. at(LM.1QH: H-AJUL..

L E C T r K ^ C O U R S E ! i

or Tit E

Young Mens' Christian Union. November»th--NATHANIEL T. STRONG, (Hoa-

uondeuh)—Red Js cket, tbe great Indian Ora*or. December 3d.—Kcv R, 8 8TORRS, Jr, , Decemker 10th--Rev. JOSEPH P. THOMPSON, D.

D.—Algernon Sidney, tho Apostle *nd Martyr of popu­lar Liberty.

December 17lh,4-Rt. Ret. THOB. M- CLARKE, B} D.- The Living Miehlne.

O T Tickets for the course, $100; to be had at the Book Stores, and of members of the Lecture Commit­tee. Single tlckotk 8fi cent*, for sale at the door. But 1,000 Season Ticket* will be sold.

ocSnao jW- C BRYANT, Cbn Leo. Com • ' jf. i a i " •


Thursdar Eventagi November' l'A, 1 8 6 3 ,



Instrumental Music, FOR T HE BENEFIT OF THE

CEDAR STREET BAPTIST CHURCH. Several of th<! best Professionals and Ama­

teur Vocalists of the city hAve volunteered their serr-ice* for the occasic n.

OT MILLER'S BAND will furnish Instrumental Music. Tickets. 'iS cenit*.

Doors open at 71 >'clock. uolOotd




Discharges from the Ear, AND A J . DISEASES OF [THE


DBS. A. it J. EAYMOND, Oculists and Aurists.


American Ho^l, Buffalo, Parlor IVo. 40.

D ,ItH. A. & J the citizens of


RAYMOND respectfully Inform Buffalo and vicinity that tney have

opened on omce a. tho above named Hotel, and offer their professional B srvicc* to such as are afflicted with Diseases of the Eye tad Ear.

Dr ALBERT »> V /MOND can be consulted, at the American, on WEDNESDAY and THUR8DAY of each week.

Dis'harKe* from the Ear, Scale* in the Ear, Accumu­lation of Wax in th i Ear, Polypus In the Ear, Obstruc­tion of the Eustachian Tube, In fact evey disease of the Eye and Ear tre sued, and every operation in Aural

id Op K3r Reception fi Persona wishing

their residence, can

and Opthalroic Surjj ery, performed by Dr. Raymond, purs from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M-

o consult wi th Dr. R a y m o n d at do so after 4 P. M-? v a u \ i v n\j U I L U -a « • JMK*

ercnbati, testimonials, & c , send for ft oc28cn*w3m



G r a n d O p e n i n g o f

FALL B O N N E T S , Felt and Beaver Hats,


FBENCH; FL0WEBS, And otbter Millinery Goods, on

Saturday, September 30th, AT

R O S E I j ¥ A U B R O S . ' , 3iO Mldixa Street,

sc22cly American Block.


Obey the Cal, Redeem Your Promise.

Fall into the ranks and receive your Bounty.

To Re-Enlijted Men - - $552 To Recruit! - - - - - $377

13th New York Cavalry, COMMANDED OT

COIL. II . 9 . GANfSEVOORT, V. 8 . A. n*adquarter*—T< Walker atreet, New York City.

" 9J Main street, Bolfolo. This Regiment it commanded by efficient and ex­

perienced officers o f the U. 8. Army, and offers special Inducements to rec ruita andrc-enllsted men. Superior horses, nrat-clasa e ibreo and revolvers—no heavy arms —good pay, unexat apled bounty, the wives andfnmi-Ues of soldiers pr n-ided for, and no effort will be spared to make the soldier comfortable and contented. There are already < ight companies In the flr-ld.

Olre me * call be tore yon are drafted. Lleat1V1L B. KINO. Recrnltfa officer,

no6c lm Dodtey Building, «5 Main i t , Buffalo

" Rally Rotnd the Flag, Boys !w

GOi» mim SMMIHS WAXTED ! To|flll the Qaitm of j

ERD2 OOTJIVT|V. The undersigned having been appointed Hecruitlng

Agent for th i* Dial rlct, wfll pay the higbast Bounties , namely : . '

(• •309 . 402


T o New Recruits . . . To Veteran Sol Hera

Full narticalara in regard to pay and bounty can ascertained on *pp lication to

JOHN STELLWAGKK, No. 3 6 0 Bfain atreet.


TT'all ancL W i n t e r S t y l e s "; Jrow-'R*A»t ,*T;

CL &

•alio V o l * C l o t l a i a K SSn^poxMnuna,

IvO Ma In «t.. G m n l i e B l o c k .


JOHN U M K S C a . . MONRY SMtTH . . . IRA L. E A R L

Metropolitan Theatre!

Engagement for a limited period of On* young Ameri­can Tn gtsdlsn,


Thuraday Kveatas,

A D A M M .

No«o**lM>r t a , 1M4U, Will

Uamlet.. Friday Evening, Benefit

will be produced the Re Dead Heart.

In K*h*ar*al~" The Ubknown,' pectAtlon*.

b* pr**entrd Sbakspi are's great Tragedy of UAML«CT„PR1NC K oF DENMARK.

Kdwtn Adam* of EDWIN ADAMS, wheu olutionary Drama of '



G Y M N A S I U Kremlin Hull.

Da this Qymnaetum, by tnres, the recttit* dealrod Gymnast, Prof Ling, the Boston, are attained—the

a systematic use of tho fix liy Prof Jahn,_ the Oormau

Of all the muscles In the bo ly. BOYtt' CLAtta meet* f< * exercise at 3>» o'clock P

M, ou Tuesdays, Thursdaj Gymnasium open from 1




•Academy's Gallery, in the excepted, from DA. M till ings from 8 till 10 o'clock clo.*e on the 24th of t)ctobc n e x t

Jy28ctf L. G. SELL JTEDT, Superintendent

% Winter

tswode, and Dr. I^»vil», of full and equal development

s snd Saturdays. oclotrk A M to 10 P. M P. HMADDERt*. I*roprIeto>r and Director.

A C A D E M Y ! i s n o w . o p e n , at tb«»

Arcade, every day, Sundays VY. M , und Saturday even-

T h e present season wi l l

Styles. % Wo have on hand a Largo Stock for

Winter Millinery Trade, Inclr ding

Scarlet and otliei Colored Velvets, FEATJtlERS,

SILK, BEAVER A STO FELT FLATS, And .every article pe-tainlng to our line,



A N D K E T A I L ,

CROSSI.AND'S, 3 0 Ac 3%r Meucoa wt.,

no?* Ne: :t door to the Post Office.


I S o . %&&? 3 J a . i n S S t r e e t , Opposite tl o Churches,

Have now on hand a large and complete assort­ment of

Ladies' and IWisse*'- Furs , ConsU ting of


D A R K ttlNK, 1 ITCH, MARTEN, Ace.

We »1»0 call particulai attention to our stock of FURS FOR GENTLEME S'8 C8B, comprising Cspe, Mufflers, Glove*, Buffalo {and Fancy Row*. Also, * fine lot of Carriage Bug*.


Littlefield'c 2 6 7 Main street.

Furnaces! IT W I I X B E NECEkSARY for those wishing

these celebrated Furnices, to give tlieir order» early.

LITTLEFIELD'S "JIOR.\'IXG Q\MXL\. AH the s i zes and modiflc ttions o f this splendid Heat

lng S tove n o w ready. Thi > s imple not ice wil l be suf flcicnt

« TIWEJ* S U R E *» C o a l C o o k i n g Shoves—All .Sizes.

E n o u g h said.

Dodge Patent Gfates and Stoves. seUtcSml*


II . C. B S O W N , 2 8 $ Main st.

F U R S !

Hats, Caps and Ladies' Furs Of all qualities, no' r ready and for sale.

Ladiea* V a n A Ite red a a d Repaired.

OENT1.EHIEU m FUR CAPS Muffters and Gloves,,

BICKSRIN GLOvJES AND ?1ITTK\S Fancy Sleigh R o b e s /

A full «ctpply, at

ROBEB TfcJOIvnS, soa

oc21c*wt}*l INlriin s t r e e t .

Near E*gl* street.


WOT a l l C u r u b l e X>iaeaaew.


O T Wilt vUIt patients >'c!ock.


Hartford. Conn., has taken rooms at No. 66 8wan stre< t, where ho Invites all who may be suffering nnder any of the various forms of di»-

Terms, from On* to F ve Dollars, payable at th« timeof treatment.

each afternoon from 3 to • naaaawtm

MISS LAURA JONES Repairs, Alten and Renovates

Far Capes, Cloaks and Mufft, No. 1 NIAGARA rsTRKET,

B U F F A L O . CFJ^articaiar attcnUoi paid to Moth-Eatcn Furs

L Y O N *

GOOD »A.RCrAI3V. "T.WELLINO-HOU8U FOR WAI.E-Weoffsr JL/ for sal* a desirable ta » story frame awelllng, Vo m Franklin atreet O**,' rater, and ana batb room • Lot aoxlW, with iwodbric i barn. If sold within on* w e e t a good bargain wlll^e given. Erie Land Office

"aaaget ..Stage Man*«*t



Great Kx

S a t u r d a y 1^ e n i n g H o p s A T A M E R I O A N H A L L .

Mr. DELANO respectful y gives notice to his friends and patrons, that he has c igaired the s|»acloa* Amerl can Ball tor hi* Schools at a Hops, for tho season,

T o cecasaeacc Mntai d a y , N o v . 1 4 , IMKi. HOCRB OF INSTRDCIION—For Miss** and Ma*

tors, from 1 so 4>» o'clock *. M ; lor Ladies, from 4H to 1 O'clock: GetitJcmen's <: ssces,from tJJ» to tSo clock'

TUITION—For Lsdles, !Jts«*esand -Isasters, $4; for former pupils, 93; for Ge ulemcn, $A A liberal d e duction made to families.

N. B.— All scboUts will :>e furnlxlied tickets to the Evening Hops, during the ieason, 1'UlCK.

tW First Hop will bo j:1 von H«u.ur<!ny evening, Nov lath—dancing from K to \1 it'clock Heanon tickets for twelve Hops, or three rucnths, l«5j slnxle ticket* IS cents. Patrons of fotmei Hops are respectfully In vited to attend

t3T FWlbrook & SSpcn tier's Rand arc engaged for the tw^aron

ocSdctnoU* JAMI-> D E L A N O .

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