wknj newscast #2

WKNJ Newscast April 25, 2014 Good afternoon, it’s Friday, April 25, 2014 at _______________ o’clock and you’re listening to 90.3 WKNJ- FM, Union, New Jersey, and I’m ______________ with the news. In Local News… Start pinching those pennies…. Last night, Union County freeholders adopted a budget that will cause increases your taxes. The new budget of $504.9 million will bring an average $62 increase to Union County resident’s taxes. Union County Manager Alfred Faella originally proposed a budget of $507.3 million but freeholders decided to slightly lower it. Still, this budget requires residents pay $327 million in taxes. It may seem like a large amount of money but is really only an increase just shy of 3 percent, which is the lowest the county has seen in a decade. Each towns increase will vary, Cranford

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WKNJ Newscast

April 25, 2014

Good afternoon, it’s Friday, April 25, 2014 at _______________ o’clock and you’re

listening to 90.3 WKNJ- FM, Union, New Jersey, and I’m ______________ with the news.


In Local News…

Start pinching those pennies….

Last night, Union County freeholders adopted a budget that will cause increases your taxes. The

new budget of $504.9 million will bring an average $62 increase to Union County resident’s

taxes. Union County Manager Alfred Faella originally proposed a budget of $507.3 million but

freeholders decided to slightly lower it. Still, this budget requires residents pay $327 million in

taxes. It may seem like a large amount of money but is really only an increase just shy of 3

percent, which is the lowest the county has seen in a decade. Each towns increase will vary,

Cranford getting the lowest tax hike of $4 while those in Westfield could see up to $254.

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  Be careful next time you answer your phone or email….

Now that taxes have been filed, a new scam has been reported trying to get residents to

immediately pay an untraceable fee in order to avoid government penalties. In past weeks,

several reports have been filed after receiving calls from the Washington D.C. area code 202.

The caller identifies himself usually as an IRS agent and threatens penalties like jail time, fines,

even deportation if no immediate payment is made. Receiving a call from the Washington D.C.

area code by a so called government agent (can make anyone question if it’s real or not). Here’s

a tip, if someone claiming to be from the government calls, demanding your debit or credit card

number over the phone, it’s a scam and hang up. The government actually has a rule that they

would never ask for that information over the phone. Cranford Police has issued a warning to

keep a look out for any of these types or calls or emails. The IRS has also posted information and

advice on their website.

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In National News… 

An American Airlines flight was forced to make an emergency landing in Tampa, Florida last

night. Flight 3454heading from Tallahassee to Miami was carrying 46 passengers and 3 crew

members when it was forced to land after reporting the smell of smoke from the cockpit. Five

minutes after the reports were made the plane safely landed at Tampa International Airport at

around 9:30 p.m. U.S. congressman Mario Diaz-Balart, a republican from Miami, and Miami-

Dade Schools Superintendent Alberto Carvalho were two of the passengers on board. The two

posted a selfie after landing in Tampa.

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Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy has been in the news quite a bit over the last few weeks. For

twenty years, Bundy has been allowing his cattle to feed off government-owned land without

paying federal grazing fees. The rancher claims that nowhere in the Constitution does it say that

Americans cannot use federally owned land which is why he refuses to pay or do any business

with the federal government. Ignoring federal officials, Bundy may be more tolerant of county

and state officials and had gained local and some national support. As with everyone else, the

government wants its money. The controversy came to light, when the military was sent in to

force Bundy off his land. However, with all of this over Bundy’s head, he has a new reason to be

in the news. He’s now back tracking, after making racial comments to reporters comparing life in

slavery with African Americans’ current social status. Bundy is defending his comments as his

personal observations on the federal government’s influence over people. Now after his

comments, many public supporters are rethinking their decision.

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In International News…

After disappearing forty-nine days ago, Malaysia’s Prime Minister said a preliminary report on

missing Flight 370 will be released sometime next week. The completed report has been sent to

the U.N.’s International Civil Aviation Organization, or ICAO, to be looked over before its

release to the public. The announcement came as a shock to some of the families, who have been

begging the government for answers. Malaysian authorities have been insisting since day one

that they were working diligently and with transparency. Many passengers’ family members

disagree and are hoping this report will shed some light on the missing plane. The search is

ongoing as an underwater drone known as the Bluefin-21 scans the ocean floor for the missing

plane. The drone has already covered 95 percent of the search area and has still come up empty.

Once the drone has finished its search area, Malaysian and Australian authorities will reevaluate

and devise a long term search plan, which could take years.


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Three Americans were killed yesterday in Afghanistan. An Afghan guard opened fire on five

people at the gates of CURE Hospital in Kabul, one a pediatrician Dr. Jerry Umanos of Chicago

who moved to Afghanistan in 2005 to work at the hospital that has only 100 beds and 37,000

patients a year. Friends and family of Dr. Umanos say he was very loving, caring and felt

compelled to go to Afghanistan to help. Even though his family is saddened by his death, they

know he died doing what he loved. The other two Americans killed were father and son whose

names have not been released. A fourth victim was injured but is in stable condition while the

fifth victim escaped unharmed. The shooter then turned the gun on himself but survived. The

cause of the shooting is still unknown but police are investigating.

More news, sports, and weather coming up……..(play PSA #1 here.)

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In Sports…

A good day for New York baseball… The Yankees dominated the Boston Red Sox 14 to 5.

The New York Mets beat the St. Louis Cardinals 4 to 1.

But can they do it again tonight…

The New York Yankees take on the Los Angeles Angels tonight at Yankee Stadium

While the New York Mets play the Miami Marlins at Citi Field

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The MLB announced yesterday that Yankee’s pitcher Michael Pineda will be suspended 10

games after getting caught Wednesday night with pine tar, an illegal substance, on his neck.

Pineda will not be getting fined and will be paid during his suspension.

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Your WKNJ hourly weather update….

Right now on the campus of Kean University, it is partly cloudy at 59 degrees. Today’s highs going up to 62 with a low of 48 with possible rain later tonight.

Tune in later for meteorology reports on 90.3 FM.

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In Entertainment….

Hollywood’s fashion queen has gotten herself in a little….

Fashion Police host Joan Rivers has definitely outdone herself this time. While

on the Today show at the beginning of the week, Rivers made a comment

comparing her daughter’s guest rooms to those where the three Cleveland

women were held by Ariel Castro. She told Today Show hosts that the

women in the basement in Cleveland had more space than she did when

staying with her daughter. Two of the kidnapped victims, Amanda Berry and

Gina DeJesus, were offended and have their lawyers demanding an apology.

Joan Rivers being… well Joan Rivers is refusing to apologize claiming it was

just a joke. Rivers went on to make several comments to TMZ, saying she

wouldn’t be surprised if one of them appears on the ABC show, Dancing with

the Stars. Perhaps, someone needs tell the 80 year-old comedienne being

held captive for 10 years is not really a topic to be joked about.

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10 10 10 10 10 10That’s it for your news. You’re listening to 90.3 WKNJ- FM, Union, New Jersey. I’m _____________________ and we’ll be right back after this. (Play PSA #2 here.)

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CHECKLIST FOR PLAGIARISM1) ( x ) I have not handed in this assignment for any other class.2) ( x ) If I reused any information from other papers I have written for other classes, I clearly explain that in the paper.3) ( x) If I used any passages word for word, I put quotations around those words, or used indentation and citation within the text.4) ( x) I have not padded the bibliography. I have used all sources cited in the bibliography in the text of the paper.5) ( x ) I have cited in the bibliography only the pages I personally read.6) ( x ) I have used direct quotations only in cases where it could not be stated in another way. I cited the source within the paper and in the bibliography.7) ( x ) I did not so over-use direct quotations that the paper lacks interpretation or originality.8) ( x ) I checked yes on steps 1-7 and therefore have been fully transparent about the research and ideas used in my paper.   Name: Jennifer Quagliato                                                                   Date 4/25/2014

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