wk2 revelation schools of interpretation

Revelation Revelation Schools of Interpretation Schools of Interpretation

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Week 2 slides for AC Revelation Class S2010.


Page 1: Wk2 Revelation Schools Of Interpretation

RevelationRevelationSchools of Interpretation Schools of Interpretation

Page 2: Wk2 Revelation Schools Of Interpretation

Theories of Theories of interpretationinterpretation

Preterist:Preterist: Fulfillment of the prophecy occurred at the fall of Fulfillment of the prophecy occurred at the fall of

Jerusalem (if Revelation was written in A.D. 67-68) Jerusalem (if Revelation was written in A.D. 67-68) and or the fall of the Roman empire.and or the fall of the Roman empire.

Futurist: Futurist: Fulfillment comes at a period of final crisis Fulfillment comes at a period of final crisis

just before the second coming.just before the second coming.

Historicist:Historicist: think that 6:1-18:24 offers basically think that 6:1-18:24 offers basically

chronological outline of the course of chronological outline of the course of church history from the first century (6:1) church history from the first century (6:1) until the second coming (19:11).until the second coming (19:11).

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Theories of Theories of interpretationinterpretation

Idealist:Idealist: The scenes of Revelation depict principles of The scenes of Revelation depict principles of

spiritual warfare, not specific events. These spiritual warfare, not specific events. These principles are operative throughout the church principles are operative throughout the church age and may have repeated embodiments.age and may have repeated embodiments.

Modified IdealistModified Idealist: : The modified view would state that there is The modified view would state that there is

an ultimate end characterized by salvation an ultimate end characterized by salvation and judgment. Thus no specific prophesied and judgment. Thus no specific prophesied historical events are discerned in the book, historical events are discerned in the book, except for the final coming of Christ to except for the final coming of Christ to deliver and judge and to establish the final deliver and judge and to establish the final form of the kingdom in a consummated new form of the kingdom in a consummated new creation.creation.

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Example of Interpretation Example of Interpretation from the schools relating to from the schools relating to

Rev 13:1-8Rev 13:1-8

Question:Question: When and how does the When and how does the imagery of the Beast find its fulfillment?imagery of the Beast find its fulfillment?PreteristsPreterists- the Beast is Rome and the - the Beast is Rome and the

persecution of the Roman Empire.persecution of the Roman Empire.

Futurists- Futurists- the Beast is the future Antichrist the Beast is the future Antichrist and man of lawlessness from 2 Thess 2:3-12and man of lawlessness from 2 Thess 2:3-12

Historiscists- Historiscists- The Beast is the pope who The Beast is the pope who persecuted the Reformers. (Catholics picturepersecuted the Reformers. (Catholics picture

the Beast as Martin Luther)the Beast as Martin Luther)

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Idealists- Idealists- The Beast is the state and The Beast is the state and its persecuting power whenever and its persecuting power whenever and wherever itwherever it threatens Christians.threatens Christians.

Modified Idealists-Modified Idealists-The Beast is the The Beast is the state and its persecuting power state and its persecuting power whenever and wherever it threatens whenever and wherever it threatens Christians; however, it will come to a Christians; however, it will come to a final future consummation in the final future consummation in the person of the Antichrist and man of person of the Antichrist and man of lawlessness.lawlessness.

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Question-Question- Based upon Based upon our study of Genre and our study of Genre and

“how to read” Revelation, “how to read” Revelation, which view do you think is which view do you think is

the best? the best?

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““Many passages have at Many passages have at least three main least three main

applications namely to the applications namely to the first century, to the final first century, to the final

crisis, and to us in whatever crisis, and to us in whatever time we live.” Poythress, 29.time we live.” Poythress, 29.

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Strengths and Strengths and weaknesses of each weaknesses of each


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Revelation describes events between Revelation describes events between the 1the 1stst and 2 and 2ndnd coming of Christ. coming of Christ.

Satanic counterfeiting favors idealism. Satanic counterfeiting favors idealism. Addressed to “his servants” (1:1; 22:6) Addressed to “his servants” (1:1; 22:6)

which would include all Christians at all which would include all Christians at all times. times.

Seven churches in Chapters 2-3 are Seven churches in Chapters 2-3 are representative of the church throughout representative of the church throughout the ages. the ages.

Revelation unfolds the “last things” (1:1; Revelation unfolds the “last things” (1:1; 4:1).4:1).

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Daniel 2:45 and the NTDaniel 2:45 and the NT

In Daniel and NT “latter days” represents In Daniel and NT “latter days” represents events in the past, present and future.events in the past, present and future.

Acts 2:17 interprets the Joel 2:28 Acts 2:17 interprets the Joel 2:28 prophecy as fulfilled at Pentecost.prophecy as fulfilled at Pentecost.

Heb 1:2 says that “last days” is the time Heb 1:2 says that “last days” is the time when Jesus’ ministry took placewhen Jesus’ ministry took place

1 Jn 2:18 “last days” is Already/not-yet1 Jn 2:18 “last days” is Already/not-yetDaniel spoke of the last days as a far off Daniel spoke of the last days as a far off

future event; whereas, John writes closer future event; whereas, John writes closer to the end when Christ’s kingdom has to the end when Christ’s kingdom has been inaugurated. been inaugurated.

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Already and Not YetAlready and Not Yet

Jesus’ ministry inaugurated the “last days”, Jesus’ ministry inaugurated the “last days”, and his second coming will bring the “last and his second coming will bring the “last days” to its final consummation.days” to its final consummation.

There is an overlapping of the ages…There is an overlapping of the ages…

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There will be a future consummation of There will be a future consummation of judgment and salvation.judgment and salvation.

Revelation looks forward to Christ’s second Revelation looks forward to Christ’s second coming (Rev 19:6-9).coming (Rev 19:6-9).

The dawning of the new Jerusalem / New The dawning of the new Jerusalem / New Creation (21:1-22:5) Creation (21:1-22:5)

Final promise in 22:20 is that He is coming Final promise in 22:20 is that He is coming soon. soon.

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connects Revelation to the situation of the connects Revelation to the situation of the seven churches seven churches

This view understands the message of the This view understands the message of the churches to be expanded throughout the rest churches to be expanded throughout the rest of the book of the book

The statement, “the time is near” (1:1, 3; The statement, “the time is near” (1:1, 3; 22:10) supports Preterism 22:10) supports Preterism

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Fulfillment is spread throughout church Fulfillment is spread throughout church history history

Weakest of the four views. Weakest of the four views.

Assumes a chronological framework that Assumes a chronological framework that does not fit Revelation. does not fit Revelation.

““This view tries to identify historical This view tries to identify historical movements too specifically and limits the movements too specifically and limits the prophecies of the Apocalypse to Western prophecies of the Apocalypse to Western church history, leaving aside the worldwide church history, leaving aside the worldwide church.” Beale, 46.church.” Beale, 46.

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Modified Idealism:Modified Idealism:

Combines the best of Idealism along with the Combines the best of Idealism along with the best of futurism, preterism and Historicism.best of futurism, preterism and Historicism.

Revelation deals with the 1Revelation deals with the 1stst century, it can century, it can be applied across the ages of the church, and be applied across the ages of the church, and it ultimately looks to a final consummation. it ultimately looks to a final consummation.

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The Two main schools of The Two main schools of interpretationinterpretation

Futurist:Futurist: Strict chronological frameworkStrict chronological framework Deals mainly with events just before the Deals mainly with events just before the

ParousiaParousia.. Views 1:19 as an outline of the past (1.9-1.18), Views 1:19 as an outline of the past (1.9-1.18),

present (2.1-3.22), and future (4.1-22.5). present (2.1-3.22), and future (4.1-22.5).

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Recapitulationist:Recapitulationist:Repeats themes of Judgment and salvationRepeats themes of Judgment and salvation1:19 deals with Christ’s first coming, the latter-1:19 deals with Christ’s first coming, the latter-

day church age, and the second coming day church age, and the second coming meta tauta meta tauta “after these things” (1:1; 4:1) in NT “after these things” (1:1; 4:1) in NT

and Daniel refer to events in the past present and Daniel refer to events in the past present and future.and future.

The 7The 7thth in the seals, trumpets and bowls in the seals, trumpets and bowls pictures the final end.pictures the final end.

Repetition of key themes: “the battle”Repetition of key themes: “the battle” John sees order of vision not chronology.John sees order of vision not chronology.Recapitulation is a characteristic of ApocalypticRecapitulation is a characteristic of ApocalypticHeavy use of Daniel, Isaiah, and Ezekiel which Heavy use of Daniel, Isaiah, and Ezekiel which

all follow the pattern of repetition.all follow the pattern of repetition.

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Millennial views and Millennial views and Revelation:Revelation:

Premillennial:Premillennial: The book relates to the life The book relates to the life of the church. “The persecutions are to be of the church. “The persecutions are to be experienced by the believers up to the time experienced by the believers up to the time of the end, when they will be delivered from of the end, when they will be delivered from the power of antichrist by the return of the power of antichrist by the return of Christ (ch 19). There will be a resurrection Christ (ch 19). There will be a resurrection of believers at the time of Christ’s second of believers at the time of Christ’s second coming, followed by a millennium, and then coming, followed by a millennium, and then a final judgment of unbelievers at the ‘great a final judgment of unbelievers at the ‘great white throne’ (20:11-15). After that a new white throne’ (20:11-15). After that a new heaven and a new earth are instituted, and heaven and a new earth are instituted, and the eternal day dawns.” (Elwell, the eternal day dawns.” (Elwell, Encountering the New Testament, Grand Encountering the New Testament, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1998, pp 380).Rapids: Zondervan, 1998, pp 380).

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AmillennialAmillennial:: (Origen, Augustine, Luther, and (Origen, Augustine, Luther, and Calvin) “It rejects the idea of a literal thousand Calvin) “It rejects the idea of a literal thousand year reign of Christ after his return at the end of year reign of Christ after his return at the end of the age…the millennium is fulfilled in a spiritual the age…the millennium is fulfilled in a spiritual fashion in the ministry of the church during this fashion in the ministry of the church during this present age…Revelation is understood to be a present age…Revelation is understood to be a description of the life of the persecuted church description of the life of the persecuted church that will end with Christ’s second coming, at that will end with Christ’s second coming, at which time there is a general resurrection of which time there is a general resurrection of everyone, the saved and the lost alike. The last everyone, the saved and the lost alike. The last judgment takes place and a new heaven and a judgment takes place and a new heaven and a new earth are inaugurated as the home of the new earth are inaugurated as the home of the believers. The lost are cast into the lake of believers. The lost are cast into the lake of fire.” (Elwell, Encountering the New Testament, fire.” (Elwell, Encountering the New Testament, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1998, pp 380).Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1998, pp 380).

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Dispensational PremillennialDispensational Premillennial: chs 1-3 deal : chs 1-3 deal with the church after which the saints are with the church after which the saints are raptured (4:1) “come up here” refers to the raptured (4:1) “come up here” refers to the church that is taken out of the world. “The church that is taken out of the world. “The middle section of the book deals with Israel on middle section of the book deals with Israel on earth (4-19) during a seven year period of great earth (4-19) during a seven year period of great tribulation that does not affect the church, tribulation that does not affect the church, because it is in heaven with Christ. At the battle because it is in heaven with Christ. At the battle of Armegddon in Ch 19, Christ brings with him the of Armegddon in Ch 19, Christ brings with him the raptured Christians and establishes a Jewish raptured Christians and establishes a Jewish millennium in fulfillment of Old Testament millennium in fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies. The Christian saints rule with Christ prophecies. The Christian saints rule with Christ during this thousand-year period. At the end of during this thousand-year period. At the end of this time, Satan is released from his confinement this time, Satan is released from his confinement for a final rebellion” (Elwell, Encountering the for a final rebellion” (Elwell, Encountering the New Testament, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1998, New Testament, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1998, pp 380). pp 380).

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Dispensational Dispensational PremillennialPremillennial

Pre-tribulation Rapture theory- the church is Pre-tribulation Rapture theory- the church is taken out before the tribulation.taken out before the tribulation.

Midt-ribulation Rapture- the church is taken Midt-ribulation Rapture- the church is taken out during the tribulation.out during the tribulation.

Post-tribulation Rapture-the church is take out Post-tribulation Rapture-the church is take out or raptured after the tribulation.or raptured after the tribulation.

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Postmillennialism:Postmillennialism: “…through the “…through the preaching of the Gospel the world will be preaching of the Gospel the world will be gradually won to Christ. In this way the gradually won to Christ. In this way the idea of the millennium is fulfilled. The idea of the millennium is fulfilled. The age of the church age of the church isis the millennium, the millennium, where righteousness and justice where righteousness and justice throughout the earth…After the world throughout the earth…After the world has been made worthy of Christ, he has been made worthy of Christ, he returns in glory to the world he has returns in glory to the world he has saved—hence the name saved—hence the name ‘postmillennialism,’ Christ returns ‘postmillennialism,’ Christ returns afterafter the millennium” (Elwell, Encountering the millennium” (Elwell, Encountering the New Testament, Grand Rapids: the New Testament, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1998, pp 380).Zondervan, 1998, pp 380).