witnesses spike- rumoi’s einbassy liquor is used i to...

TWIN, FALLS, 1DAH0,"WEDNESDA\% JANUARY 28, S T OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER Witnesses Spike- Rumoi’s Einbassy Liquor Is Used i To' Quench Piihlic Thirst' Say Very Llltle StroiiK Drink _____ • • Piipiilaco Desiiite M.cio iii the Senate BilUWould Permit Per-;, to Ocl Decrco A iU r DO Days Residence; Nevada’s AttiUidu L<! Unascertained •omlonim . toda'r. alolcmenis Hoary''ir.-BIoo‘l.'Pre"''lenl “f- -Amcrlcait-AB#ocULloa .ot.HlBliwoi. Knclncors.-tliftl lOJl wonltl lie n - rcconl year :In' hlKtXway .consir.iir- • '■'niboil.-'B'tib, CBtbejrDm "§all Lake CItr.-to attend Hie cooforenco. 4alil Uiat'<'onlraclB aniounllag to ?437.- OoO.OOO ln>-fed.bral nIU cmerscncy liikliVay ■ai.proiiriaUons wore nrnc- Jlcfllly nsBurecl. .Ho .BtToB 8ocl,,the. — „Ac»»lty-.fnr-»ound_tOBtTaclfl-^UC- V '*''*'' nnrinllfin tlie •niUKUltUdC Of. . tlie| Hoover a«m project anU l!io ucnc- ' • fll» ihut would 'roault from Us; .Mnatruetlon. nctorrlng to itii proponed dnm aH one o( the mom colossal pro-1 jeplR which- the Aaicrlcan people [ have over been eallcd upon ' ' -exerl more intluthco oh progrcai and prospcirlty than anyUtlnj? else , In the country.'* , , , "This dam will liaTfl than twice as hiBh as any exist- ■;nfr-Jflifi._ln-AniBrlca."- D r.. Mead .-said. - ‘.•And. j'ct. 1-do . npj believe t-hat 1 have over *esn,a projoei ' whoro 'Itipy. was Icsn nncortalaly ‘ "as to cbnilfuciloh. That iB.bet'aiiBc - ft.bi!en fi. nmroiiphlr .'trani.oae.prcpaiod-by-.tlia-Uoil-Craiiii.-.sliowaaiio oxloni ul-Uiu jJtiuiiRor-luilCljiuw- ........... . .............. ........ unities fro/a the drotigUl ot .lnm gumnior. Every dut on iliv iii;ii> rcprcfioals ii fled'rCrons chapior'that IR RlvinR food and Khiillar rcllPi In lia iccrliury, Arlt.-inKii.’i uiid Kuaiiicky bolii^ .............................. *............... licinj! Klvca Jn fir.2 coiiuUdb. wlili more hchiK addi'cl ilnllj', On tlio pcinelpa! •HuffororiLj^ucli ni'a In ' ---- WIUK exiendnd .l.y tlio_[lod C,ri January I relief v.... ___ _ ______ .... ............. ..... , _........ , tlirso W4>ukB>old.'l]|a mimbflr had Jimtped lo M7.7T1, *in>l IkhiIII rlHhiK-'Almnl}' ili<> iininliLT o helped.-anproacliei. (hli.Atlsal»alppr flood rlRiire of (ioO.OW.nnd Itcd C ’rnti* <i/rii:bl.i 0Nll:^PyLPil)0 lADE.1 RUSSIA Material produced Under Ter- riblo Ooaditionfl by; Oonvict| Labor-'Oharfres Pormor .As- sistant-toPresides t-Boover I UOSTON. Jan. 28, . (UP) —, .U JmmcdlnlQ. cmbarKo na Htisalui ColoradQ Schedules Drive liaitl-BV. Jiuiiint> —t.'llmatlniT- n -duy- . ^<»iiiuc „ u '“'’•l''hlfS' IncliidlHK ■ iiiliii M inloii i[ln-!tJ3»ei'iinr C. .Hoii Hnss :iii fi'"'croor 0: P. MU. hi' I'lic rdiii. toii/c'l-rliiK III nil iui; H U V v V - h i KriiiiKu woik m US' l i i H i i r - ‘nndld^ilos; jimi ii ..«imia..d.l‘‘’il-t>t^ffl<:<T« 111 111.' Ills wi,iilil "'«l Fire lumiian.c itlio l)jii«]UW III Mil' ApiristJCriminaLEacket;. Many May Be Deported mrniin .................K SVvada loliby Is espect-. i M l 10 onpoxr I'nnctTticnl ot ihc pr<i-- I |)'i'uil lii», kIiicc (lie illvorcB busl- . ill-- sii.iii.H lirinnrn with ohc^p ral»- . iiur ,1 - Ni-Mi.hi’H i.rlncljial lndu»- . IrtrK. ' • v' S,i tiir roiihl ho loaracU 'u . IIi.Im. iIiIh. nricrtinoii. there lir-m- IImil III tlii> rumor iliai (hh (lover* Mellon luild (he jiluii, In I, xi-rvoil nl llie .\ 'iili<>ii:r1 | i Wdiili'l liiiiiOHu'li’ i-itiilliii Ii'vy iin'wealhor hliK rilVOVOil II Holilrrx <if Kuvoriiinvnl I ioikIm . klll|aii<l thu tuviity-ililril . till' mjirkrii fni- olher Ki'riiriili-.i 1 H'lilloii of tho Itliilm ^ aiul iliMir«i(nl»:i! llii' fiovci'iiiiioiit'.. ■ Im pronri'KniiiK wHIi (kUl ri-hiiiilliiK and rotlruiiK’iil i-moolhiiOKH. mioriliiic i pruKriiiii. All hiiudH wciiihl lu »r- Iti rliiirm;;_______ IIIIIIIOI' illii' iMunucI, rpllvrai. liOHS i countered loilay liy intensive llvliy of-miihorlil«H dKninst Colo-' . , ......................................profiifrlty iltpi "Tills III nn tinii- luivlhc ri.-::i..er.A'toiiii oamlltloii of auili'i ahil unM iimiiiii'il ahiinj |if the [plviliicil hliiiKiilf to lui liulillc crt-dU. ,m«'nt that u ^ i l hi'iii'l 'Tlic pi'o^ioiit rondllliin of thi-;|iir>.', Mo I'liUi'd attciKl Tnit)llc“ linancc.i‘1R fnr Tron licin.Tin'fourcci nail aiuiurtiinltiun I KjiliHliiiitory. KxtK'n'litiirrs ar'.' rim-'Hiate . l.nlio Williams., liiiiicrl. j li'liiK crtn«ti!)'ralily In I'xri'ss ol-ro-1 wrm toa»liiiiiMcr at Ihu lianijucl. ^iiljiU. . . . , iMuyor if.. ,L. Ilarpsier.' Hurley. itv ■ llMd?*ut ^ ' enalrtctlait. tjiniBBrrirono-nr-- ' BccraUon"' He pointed' out that U wuiiUI; • inlio *lx years beforo-such a lask! could hoVcompleted.'.- Georgo 'B;- Walbrldne of De- Dootors May Now Obtain- Al-' cohol Without SpoaifyiOi npiiroluMi'rlvc tnctiineiweii rinii-il the kuohL h, uiiiI Slalii Ii IkhjuIi .ioin iljilH wlll.nol i-oirie nil tolM.istPr W, W. U.nil. John 1'hIiiiI-|^; l|ic MlJmateil IiKiiica. y\<-vD i !(>• prfpcn< CKifniati-fl. r,-iirak.d. the llRhl t Jciki'd ,8i?t niaicra out of Ilrusblnc a tear from his chc6'x. " coallniied: "T he apartmoul' . ;od fotjioi a.moniu..*' .j Inckn away from t!iy|' hiinluMii distrlci. went JwKKlaft-^ " weeks Jitter, the " v ; ; ;- 'Pationt’8:,Disease;. OonimJa.i^':i’®‘'‘'*8R«'r’' ^ Ehle. Utillcd Stales _________ , of-cuatoins-al-- WatihlnBton.-.:th# ................... - Mttlao group charKoii ihnt— thiH---- --- — , RuBshin'prbihietB wore riilnltiK, WASHINGTON’. Jan. 2S, dantrhall. 'CltyrppUce'Jailpi] friuf'nicfl-rn ' an alicmiit in. hcnd off liquor - -relan nf I c coRis Of nrodiicllon. ” 1 v. i.h-v. viriiinlly the eiiilro- force of Tho polltlonors. liicludlnB ciar-. ’’CsH'lctions objeetnd lo hy th c ,^ . U, .Mansflehl,' linniiKrnllun In- »jico C. -Stetson, of .DanBor. a'Wlckersluiai eonnulsHion. linve iipcetnr with ho.idriHsrlors hem. special asalBtant lo Herbert Huov-j,oon Ismicd l)y~th(‘"n'<'niiUl'y db^finiiKlll ’fi.nia on— ihi orwhfln Uio. latter was.-wcrcWc'y.i pn^tnicn.U. It wiisniDdu, known m-, of, ^3 U.irlftml^sccrpliiry nl lh« nlaie-:'>t ■■|>r(ilii Hirer of the Ktitte BrnnRe: Jolifli'" IR t. ii/kc: Icciurer . . . .MnrriH; ninsier thmiiBli n Kovuro n.-onoi lire.islnn' and there ariiiy ot nnfinijiloyed. I ,i ...ifrint (lUutKlcallwi. <lie trpasuryj' roiihl not |ip[l $;!,mo.noO,OOn n fl' •nlHK. 'WedneR f MneiWifpa wiiii uiay 'wish :y tlipjr eoi'iniry’.Hlaws cvep oiip the rb’lorado repoi-;. .... . ............. ... iivrossnry H paid hv onf* < 'M i- ifoct «r niiiHliiK dlph.ma(« 10 chnnVe,’''"'"'*" . . - Itruin winejo a hunt llrii.or her..- • Fj|Ird With lUrll Teople ,"I!oiso- was .filled wilh ,|ho i ..... .... ^ ••'ys.KCrw.rlrli; .... ind~Tf'iIriniT^VTiTn” .-»V.'ftalutlort.'-oC-BUC}t-B:problcni.l tlltale InrgO: —wml-hnfrt-n— ». 1 T 1 flw n I Sl;nrv! lelhin Mild-rtinvemlin'—nf—llio- certtl!cn«es-n!'-r<»nfcmirhil(«l-wou1d4-j m|t ^JtliO........................................ ■m jiTTT} Jtno.noo.ooo adilitlon would Inku years io'iiahip’itout.'"i‘he re.iultaiit lncreii»n In lntereal.,,j. RnnKntua. ' ' ; i « i n e _ u c a » u r y >.ucrc-, i.j.n '. i.re.ilt every booll«w:«r: rates on pther sovcruinMl niiii-; j , t h e slalu's star wli- iprior clntnr^f a ^covernih pttiun.. , y ,;oBenitJ dcn-i],„-o. -n, „c.- cn’.ni; in hu miv ftatlniia would add uboiil »2 fiO, 000,-( •, , ^'5 wm--ho- allowed .the- same, ,iioy' bnmilht It on ODO-to • piinniil , Kovorninont.-ax^r!?,';.’'^ gil.nm ' ^ ' --- ....................._uTffjiTc Jiusyz; , late, today InTistlBatlng the rumor' jUiat' flolSB reallor^ were tiuyiOK up .* •Death of Einar:' Lxiadborglf^^ ^ --- Fatally Injured .in, Oraah;

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Page 1: Witnesses Spike- Rumoi’s Einbassy Liquor Is Used i To ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls-Times_TF089/P… · TWIN, FALLS, 1DAH0,"WEDNESDA\% JANUARY 28, S T

T W IN , F A L L S , 1 D A H 0 ,"W E D N E S D A \ % J A N U A R Y 28, S T O F F IC IA L C O U N T Y P A P E R

Witnesses Spike- Rumoi’s Einbassy Liquor Is Used i To' Quench Piihlic Thirst'

Say Very Llltle

StroiiK Drink _____ • •

Piipiilaco Desiiite M.cio iii the Senate BilUWould Permit Per-;,

to Ocl Decrco A iU r DO

Days Residence; Nevada’s

AttiUidu L<! Unascertained

•omlonim . toda'r. alolcmenis

■ Hoary''ir.-BIoo‘l.'Pre"''lenl “f- -Amcrlcait-AB#ocULloa .ot.HlBliwoi.Knclncors.-tliftl lOJl wonltl lie n

- rcconl year : In' hlKtXway .consir.iir-

• '■'niboil.-'B'tib, CBtbe jrDm"§all Lake CItr.-to attend Hie cooforenco. 4alil Uiat'<'onlraclB aniounllag to ?437.- OoO.OOO ln>-fed.bral nIU cmerscncy

■ liikliVay ■ai.proiiriaUons wore nrnc- Jlcfllly nsBurecl. .Ho .BtToB8ocl,,the.

—„Ac»»lty-.fnr-»ound_tOBtTaclfl-^UC-— V'*''*''

nnrinllfin tlie •niUKUltUdC Of. . tlie| Hoover a«m project anU l!io ucnc-

' • fll» ihut would 'roault from Us; .Mnatruetlon.

nctorrlng to itii proponed dnm aH one o( the mom colossal pro-1 jeplR which- the Aaicrlcan people [ have over been eallcd upon '

' -exerl more intluthco oh progrcai and prospcirlty than anyUtlnj? else

, In the country.'* , , ,"This dam will liaTfl

than twice as hiBh as any exist- ■ ■;nfr-Jflifi._ln-AniBrlca."- Dr.. Mead .- said. - ‘.•And. j'ct. 1-do . npj believe

t-hat 1 have over *esn,a projoei ' whoro 'Itipy. was Icsn nncortalaly

‘ "as to cbnilfuciloh. That iB.bet'aiiBc - ft.bi!en fi. nmroiiphlr

.'trani.oae.prcpaiod-by-.tlia-Uoil-Craiiii.-.sliowaaiio oxloni ul-Uiu jJtiuiiRor-luilCljiuw-............ .............. ........ unities fro/a the drotigUl ot .lnm gumnior. Every dut on iliv iii;ii> rcprcfioals iifled'rCrons chapior'that IR RlvinR food and Khiillar rcllPi In lia iccrliury, Arlt.-inKii.’i uiid Kuaiiicky bolii^ .............................. *............... licinj! Klvca Jn fir.2 coiiuUdb. wlili more hchiK addi'cl ilnllj', Ontlio pcinelpa! • HuffororiLj^ucli ni'a In ' ---- • ■ WIUK exiendnd .l.y tlio_[lod C,riJanuary I relief v.... ___ _ ______ .... ............. ..... , _ ........ ,tlirso W4>ukB>old.'l]|a mimbflr had Jimtped lo M7.7T1, *in>l Ik hiIII rlHhiK-'Almnl}' ili<> iininliLT o helped.-anproacliei. (hli.Atlsal»alppr flood rlRiire of (ioO.OW.nnd Itcd C’rnti* <i/rii:bl.i

0Nll: PyLPil)0

lADE .1 RUSSIAMaterial produced Under Ter-

riblo Ooaditionfl by; Oonvict|

Labor-'Oharfres Pormor .As-

sistant-toPresides t-Boover I

UOSTON. Jan. 28, . (UP) —, .U JmmcdlnlQ. cmbarKo na Htisalui

ColoradQ Schedules Drive

liaitl-BV. Jiuiiint>—t.'llmatlniT- n -duy- .

<»iiiuc „ u '“'’•l''hlfS' IncliidlHK ■ iiiliii M inloii i[ln-!tJ3»ei'iinr C. .Hoii Hnss :iii

fi'"'croor 0 : P. MU. hi'I'lic rdiii. toii/c'l-rliiK III niliui; H U V v V - h i KriiiiKu woik m US' l i i H i i r - ‘ nndld ilos; jimi ii..«imia..d.l‘‘’il-t>t ffl<:<T« 111 111.'

Ills wi,iilil "'«l Fire lumiian.c itlio l)jii«]UW III Mil'

ApiristJCriminaLEacket;. Many May Be Deported


.................K SVvada loliby Is espect-.i Ml 10 onpoxr I'nnctTticnl ot ihc pr<i-- I |)'i'uil lii», kIiicc (lie illvorcB busl- . ill-- sii.iii.H lirinnrn with ohc^p ral»- . iiur ,1- Ni-Mi.hi’H i.rlncljial lndu»-. I rtrK. ' •v' S,i tiir roiihl ho loaracU 'u . IIi.Im. iIiIh. nricrtinoii. there lir-m-

IImil III tlii> rumor iliai (hh (lover*

Mellon luild (he jiluii, In I, xi-rvoil nl llie .\'iili<>ii:r1 |i Wdiili'l liiiiiOHu'li’ i-itiilliii Ii'vy iin'wealhor hliK rilVOVOil II Holilrrx <if Kuvoriiinvnl IioikIm. klll|aii<l thu tuviity-ililril . till' mjirkrii fni- olher Ki'riiriili-.i 1 H'lilloii of tho Itliilm aiul iliMir«i(nl»:i! llii' fiovci'iiiiioiit'.. ■ Im pronri'KniiiK wHIi (kUl ri-hiiiilliiK and rotlruiiK’iil i-moolhiiOKH. mioriliiic i pruKriiiii. All hiiudH wciiihl lu »r- Iti rliiirm;;_______

IIIIIIIOI' illii' iMunucI, rpllvrai.liOHS

i countered loilay liy intensive llvliy of-miihorlil«H dKninst Colo-'

. , ......................................profiifrlty iltpi"Tills III nn tinii- luivlhc ri.-::i..er.A'toiiii oamlltloii of auili'i ahil unM iimiiiii'il ahiinj |if the [plviliicil hliiiKiilf to lui liulillc crt-dU. ,m«'nt that u ^ i l hi'iii'l

'Tlic pi'o ioiit rondllliin of thi-;|iir>.', Mo I'liUi'd attciKl Tnit)llc“ linancc.i‘1R fnr Tron licin.Tin'fourcci nail aiuiurtiinltiun I KjiliHliiiitory. KxtK'n'litiirrs ar'.' rim-'Hiate . l.nlio Williams., liiiiicrl. j li'liiK crtn«ti!)'ralily In I'xri'ss ol-ro-1 wrm toa»liiiiiMcr at Ihu lianijucl. ^iiljiU. . . . , iMuyor if.. ,L. Ilarpsier.' Hurley.

itv ■ llMd?*ut ' enalrtctlait. tjiniBBrrirono-nr-- 'BccraUon"'

He pointed' out that U wuiiUI; • inlio *lx years beforo-such a lask! could hoVcompleted.'.-

Georgo 'B;- Walbrldne of De-

Dootors May Now Obtain- Al-'

cohol W ithout SpoaifyiOi

npiiroluMi'rlvc tnctiineiweii rinii-il the kuohLh, uiiiI Slalii Ii IkhjuIi .ioin iljilH wlll.nol i-oirie nil tolM.istPr W, W. U.nil. John 1'hIiiiI-| ; ‘

l|ic MlJmateil IiKiiica. y\<-vDi!(>• prfpcn< CKifniati-fl.

r,-iirak.d. the llRhl t Jciki'd ,8i?t niaicra out of

Ilrusblnc a tear from his chc6'x. " coallniied: "T he apartmoul' .

;od fo t jio i a.moniu..*' .j Inckn away from t!iy|'

hiinluMii distrlci. went JwKKlaft-^ "weeks Jitter, the "

v ; ; ;- 'Pationt’8:,Disease;. OonimJa.i^':i’®‘'‘'*8R«'r’' ^ '«

Ehle. Utillcd Stales _________ ,of-cuatoins-al-- WatihlnBton.-.:th# ................... -Mttlao group charKoii ihnt— thiH---- --- — ,RuBshin'prbihietB wore riilnltiK, WASHINGTON’. Jan. 2S,

dantrhall.'CltyrppUce'Jailpi] friuf'nicfl-rn '

an alicmiit in. hcnd off liquor -

-relan nf Ic coRis Of nrodiicllon. ” 1 v. i.h-v. viriiinlly the eiiilro- force ofTho polltlonors. liicludlnB ciar-. ’’CsH'lctions objeetnd lo hy thc ,^ . U, .Mansflehl,' linniiKrnllun In-

»jico C. -Stetson, of .DanBor. a'Wlckersluiai eonnulsHion. linve iipcetnr with ho.idriHsrlors hem. special asalBtant lo Herbert Huov-j,oon Ismicd l)y~th(‘"n'<'niiUl'y db^finiiKlll ’fi.nia on—ihi orwhfln Uio. latter was.-wcrcWc'y.i pn tnicn.U. It wiisniDdu, known m-, of, 3

U.irlftml^sccrpliiry nl lh« nlaie-:'>t ■■|>r(ilii

Hirer of the Ktitte BrnnRe: Jolifli'"I Rt.ii/kc:Icciurer . . . .MnrriH; ninsier

thmiiBli n Kovuro n.-onoi lire.islnn' and there i» ariiiy ot nnfinijiloyed. I ,i ...ifrint (lUutKlcallwi. <lie trpasuryj' roiihl not |ip[l $;!,mo.noO,OOn nfl'

•nlHK. 'WedneR

f MneiWifpa wiiii uiay 'wish :y tlipjr eoi'iniry’.H laws cvep oiip

the rb’lorado repoi-;...... ............. ... iivrossnry

H paid hv onf* <'Mi-

ifoct «r niiiHliiK dlph.ma(« 10 chnnVe,’''"'"'*" . . -Itruin winejo a hunt llrii.or her..- • Fj|Ird With lUrll Teople

,"I!oiso- was .filled wilh ,|ho i

..... ....^ ••'ys.KCrw.rlrli; ....ind~Tf'iIriniT VTiTn”


tlltale InrgO:—wml-hnfrt-n—

». 1 T1 f l w n I S l ; n r v !

lelhin Mild-rtinvemlin'—nf—llio- certtl!cn«es-n!'-r<»nfcmirhil(«l-wou1d4-jm|t ^JtliO........................................■mjiTTT}

Jtno.noo.ooo adilitlon

would Inku years io'iiahip’ itout.'"i‘he re.iultaiit lncreii»n In lntereal.,,j. RnnKntua. '' ■ ; i « i n e _ u c a » u r y >.ucrc-, i.j.n '. i.re.ilt every booll«w:«r: rates on pther sovcruinMl niiii-; j , t h e slalu's star wli- iprior clntnr^f a ^covernih pttiun.. , y ,;oBenitJ dcn-i],„-o. -n, „c.- cn’.ni; in hu miv ftatlniia would add uboiil »2fiO,000,-( •, ,'5 wm--ho- allowed .the- same, ,iioy' bnmilht It on ODO-to • piinniil , Kovorninont.-ax^r!?,';.’' gil.nm ' ’ ^ '

- - - ....................._uTffjiTc Jiusyz;, late, today InTistlBatlng the rumor' jUiat' flolSB reallor^ were tiuyiOK up .*

•Death of E inar:' Lxiadborglf^^ ^ ---

Fatally Injured .in, Oraah;

Page 2: Witnesses Spike- Rumoi’s Einbassy Liquor Is Used i To ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls-Times_TF089/P… · TWIN, FALLS, 1DAH0,"WEDNESDA\% JANUARY 28, S T

J liln nttllvo Oorninny.SchmbllilK was Rrpcird"

llie Nsrtli Oortmm I.loy<t Ruropa nl (luntuntlni! .lum nlsli liy a (lolnJlinicnt of liijxiiiR wri’cr» wlio loadi/d a revenue cutter npnr- Jy \n lior Bunwalim, •

' . )lo iH i<c)icaii1<Ml lo clofOKt 1>l.< title nwlnst William I.awrciin,' (••Tlio ClUlch") BlrllilliiK. in

•nnil prohnlly In Chlciir"- "“I'' ha wo>i |<1ca«p() tliM IhiK luiui Img Ijpoii urrangctl'.

VI lind Jilit nfi/umn mi‘c( Jm-k

,mrij_Fairvie’w Couple

Give Card Party

r;Mi's, Gimes_G-etSi.-, |™;„,

; A Divorce- in Ohioj;;;!!;;';""!"'DEFEAT AT LAST. '

I Heyburu Loses to £

I . Alhj oTi' Kohpsf.p.rs "

.'Teams from'BuM !; . Conquer Gooding.

................. I'lCilKli. .......... ........................... --..li.iltiiutirc..Miiy ,lB. . , oiii ovor Thll McGraw.'.Dciroll. In . : ilnilciiirt inc-nl.' Uilic ilio foiirtli Touni).',•: V\nrt1- -------------- •

Woinen’ii-B>vlni--RRAI> TUB TIMB9-WANT, .ADS--

J No. I'm nol Iho 1fo!.t tiK' ufrsWI Cr.-.niliim ........ I» it — - : »f..flhnfVnr—l_n.flllv..ti:ulc-31inr.-.-Uia-Ucrniati-V«m< liomp

IfO)- cind 8lrlt!llnc.*lioiilil hnvi-nil’'-! • Orylllo. IHnr;tlc>j-..lK I ■ lin nir:-M1mlnfl(lon- Imut--- wllhnin«;tli»i-!'Irvlnic -WiirU .rfliirli

■mMllDK. Ilip vflnner. liiit I’m. jtiHv\Vhril .Ig .:ii.wuj-.. an .veil plM»eil nj It In.". 'T Alvin vur.-.pil

• SchmellnK <Mk tlmo out- liere — ------ ----

ilipfc' last nl i won 'llii'ir I

ijADilon lioyx

___ (1oilli.lcJii:;ul-I llcylmrn icaint , Tlio Inci

r. ,Kain«.icaniai'-'iitin won .lenlcil,

■|«l.mt:; IX:Tll«i;i-; STRAI«;nT. rally 1„


he his .In Jacobn. ■ :Ho ,t after htB ('nnlra« iMt-iTJ,. . nniljono-hnlf ycnrs..ox-!.TP', ‘conlljt lie mowed -

nniraiii for flvl ■:A.ut." Max - ilfl-Jiiorc. coiuldvn.-n, iRii I dIJ lari year." achmdlng illil IMK fltH . fit, llpr'

lie renewed -..llio.j,.';

Idvn.n.ln , 'btyfolfj

;Pt,W.- Pledges

' Aid To Sufferers; !

Juit.r'2S, (Rilocliil) — , DliiyliiK \V. 'jnr.t Mmulay plKlil fH" e ot.Mrn, (hn-n.Mtii .............

.■rill iiAwIi'Vs ilufpnUMj'llin fiortillr(ri..........'•!{|if -Mi.'KlwniM4'i>lnmetJr 'in.--lhroe hoy»’.-KamiurWlth'tiio- '• ......... - ■ ' Cbmmcrclol » for .nilHi: flt I tJic liair

inliircrl 1

ii'jin /rz t'Ai'TAixs <)jn:oox- Ki:f!i;xi'; Otc.. Jan; 5S.'(UP) —

Irvtii SrhulHi Miigpncp-wnii-clwi* e.l-i-3|.l«hi Ilf’ l!io • .1d:I1 . Oresonj fuotljiill Icnni lit Iho nnnunl -1

—of— tilt!-!

_Let water run where poi

■pfbmisM-fo -avdiS'Tferaaiig'.

lall ISH iilshcoM.y oxK m oT si'KriAi,jsr f

I IN m ix KAM.S. I’lNinr-mn. hr. rn.ler^AilT. / • ; \

U lIiidJ i s '.i i.l_and-lcal:-Jaiik.rSIlUEI!i':|;TliinT:

for .ltio title. He sniil ho i ad l)ptn!a,ni( ( ■ n'lot oT rotul wall:, pliiylni;

Whfifjor. Vcncla

ora Sprnillln.

....................... ...jr/fti« .ihrlM-Minnuiil Viilnullweekly; He Mill Jiir we!«UH-lOZrP'-hnittrr-ia.- IiounilR Jum tlirco iioiindu jiiaru’ nlvo Ji.WO lo ; i Glenns Fcrr.v Hoop

t.y Hhnrkcr -wlilrli k;iv« i Iio IIH« • to SoliiiK'llnK. Mat xalil lu' Ht . Ilin iiffocln or that Mow from Junci

until Novemlior. He mild ’hi' 'Viui nuxiniis to Mnrt on lil* ibnr of

' IhR Uiillol Statofi wlilrJi will )>e- . Rin on Feb. 9 nml cnndniic t'

At tlic Kncliil I Hhowpr wiiii f Caniiiliull. ■

Irk li n'alirrt RITlly

•Icfl, Monday afternoon tlin liiirdwi

— Teams-V-iotorioun

(M.K.WS i''l-;itlty, Jan.IcavUic k:c

n. h. 'gi

Jh € Z fl^ p *K M i_Q f S dn it'arv M ith o d s ^Says ' ' / ■

At the Theatres


■ ‘'I’ari'Timn -Wlfo;* a .rollU-klriK Klory .ot IqvQ and KOlf, U Diu ‘ii- tortftlnlntt fcat'iiro now'.liolii^ irn-

......... Hcmed at Hio Idalio (ht'hVcr, l-i>il:ir r r -- nyam57wro:wirirrroifiTmli:rud'■ ' »« tho fomlnlno.lMd In "fii-j IHk

7^iiH»r 'an(l...\Vaj-yor^B n lirr“-'

I IJiirluy mnl w|.;li ’ Icacup cf- Itiipcrt n(

I ;Mond«y o IrI'I arid iiiiul I.; tlu- Hiliuainr liiHllliUu

! Mniinlaln JUiim .ralilnet c . f j l i i ' J l i IeIu,

PR. THOS. J. McLAUGNLINChairnidn State:Bpqrel-o{ HealthrStaterof-Rhode Island-

Page 3: Witnesses Spike- Rumoi’s Einbassy Liquor Is Used i To ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls-Times_TF089/P… · TWIN, FALLS, 1DAH0,"WEDNESDA\% JANUARY 28, S T

of ISO.OOO. pouBdH an ngllciKt 126. 000 Iho lirovloHR your. The 1030 Blilpniontfl of- tiirkcya anioimtcd W

::.3l2.00(li.t)auna>i n« nsnlnxt 3:15.000. • pounds, tho year before. Tiro tolal,

rbprcucnted osk» ulilppcd.iout from all iliroo sU-

•■•tlpaii.-ithc> Caldwell,■ aid'-Pflcatollo, hul' flKii.rcB- Kiycii

■ p^ennUid''' ehlpracnta - from '-Calflwoll.rhlalion-'-alonc.- Fccil"

of 52,000 i>ouiu!» « Kold by die Caldwell Matlon

.H030..Dgrai!t1nm 25.000 pounds tiic — “ nftTloua.orcar.JrifT.^lriciOirniu

Iasi.year„,was shown to bo $794.-vombor--] 3 nl liiHr-lioiiie-!iere,-i district court Jury Inie Tuc.'duyi .ntlenioon rolurticd^ a^.^iirillctl uri

eharslne_lilm wjlti Inirslnry of a llollistor KnraKo timt olshu

TIic HansCnn ileclarcd limt Jew- K-oB In thoir Iioiiil' durlnc the

nS iT ir iilm - .'

l^ U ^ i ^ » S R U « t « d and ctial-jcKss. ■nci.l. poultry ami .li'lry I nearoU H'c -crlnic,. w lilie H".;tliifrtK

:.>3»®arO!ross Attacked is6sfc»w «« •».»■ '«« ;*6a^'Senate-Floor,rte,i \VlthBm..'tlmt Juwell' lindt

'"\VABniNOTON. Jivn.'28. .(UP)—j'>“';«’“ '’y.• n«d'Croo*-rofilia|-to w ept *25,-L:V“’‘»>’,

led ’liJ^ConkresMjudKo W.^A; nabco<

••"w iiM riW v ip ''’ '*''*' ' ■"wooo.OOO.iittyproprliHed ’1

nnirPCalod (rom'lhe lower court.'Rixl j. nifltie J>t.Jlirc(' .rliarBcs./aclnif Utacli

I'^bAC^K of iiIaylnR iioltllcs, and

ir-ii{MmiMk..2?iIlriimen^ P*MWonu'''i couK scwsion,.-prd;• Hoover.-.wore nude on: lha floor I ii'vnlicniijvord' of Ctialrman Payoo'B

■ i in MiiyTMtirying heforc the Home t

to Jolin Payno or tbe- Croaa ^aMert«d~ that tlie 110 .000,' ..000'for whlch'the Drganlzattnn hau, i»iHkert.';wHt.-be Butflclont- for .11*1; noedar.nnd. that the «5 ..........iroald - • •

greased before ' Judga BabMck' Wcdnoyday. Tlio ' Jury solcctod Wodneaday raornlaR conslsta or* P. ---------------

(Laraon, 1C. J. Daly, n. ... ____iTVllllom M. HolllfioW .aufl_auJ)4iJ I torlolu

...i-Oply'' slbn and>. probably . never befor«

In .tlio taislory of. ConKresn li •iiahyth'«Ki.-.|lke. loday'i>'««*ault

. - m TAir; m woitTnwrsT.A/PORTLAND, Or#.. Jali. 28. (UP): ' —SprlniilHia: weather- • with - tern- T penittire«:->t-tlielr;hl»lio»t. aeaapji-

al.’levels In 30 y«*M vna cnjdyed

Renewed G ars

ever before, to get full value for: e.very. dollai;:.;-- ______^ s i le n t , . ._

(5uF company appreciates thJl$Scb"tEHl^>lElie^,

steady growth . and, .contmuedj success'. of . A

business is due to the fine support of the']}eopl&t^;l |— of- th iscom m un ity ttnd-go m r^^»*^^^^ '^ °*” -” ^ » ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ‘

Page 4: Witnesses Spike- Rumoi’s Einbassy Liquor Is Used i To ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls-Times_TF089/P… · TWIN, FALLS, 1DAH0,"WEDNESDA\% JANUARY 28, S T


JO»t10. by IDAHO Tlnua l-Ulll.lHllINd



An-IMPORTANT stage lias reac-hi.MnrHJn' velo])ment of one nf Idaho’s cliiof iiidiiiilrifs. 1

hnim pvon moi't! iuniuftant and serious than tiiost . sons realize.. •

The i)robleni is wIu'Uut U; 1u‘0)i ii]i ilu- iirc-scni ''graOing'fegulallons; orpiM'init siiiinueiil <il' s|tudr in unbranded bags.

There are- two schools of Ukui.l'IiI. O ih nr.mios liuii the present standing nf the Idalio s]]ud ()ii ilie middli- Avestern and eastura niarket is (hie enuivly to the l:u-i that grading and branding is.])reserving ih<‘ (iiialiiy and reputation; while Llie .oilier helievt-s ihai Idalm potatoes siiould l)e sirtld the. .saiiiu as llie siTUtl; other states are sold, without regard to the f

. U. S. >To. 1 and U. S. Nii. 2-iiiiiiedtiiic'ritia.

jiosition of the matter through, the simple expudie •of extending.the time wherrpotatoes'iiuiy i)0 shipped; in unbranded'ha^; at present this being for only two 'or three months ih the summer.

Hoqple:— UUS-i

• W O iiPeR K je iF /O kiE OT=’. , -fftese PA vs .i coULp

y CRUSl-lEP -Rqck

CilAMSeP MV *2


SPcrT.i'-i iV ^

HA /e -ro CURL UP LIKE AH A fjcHo^V

-To;. GE-r AMy


iAW E E k S '


Sba. SLE E P lA ia -l\l

• _A PtiBLIC (,?HoMg BQO-rH /

A f is!i£5Hi'/

r^i-CRa-sT, ASKIM& ToR / /JEW MA-r-TfeESS/'

you _oisgH7." 's ;^ E P “ cii-rrHAr- [ SIQBb l e '.tieLP------ ftT—

(M.- AUO-fhleR. I ’4£ B £ A


-Still-Rule's India S&ys Wpxnan - -

Visiting;^Here'-Oh Furlough from r .'~ '_&ilcutta; Gandhi .

S i ImpracticalIdealist Trvinir •

..........Iona lire cnilruly- pcrHuiial. liu wron'K. My (ijilnloiii.' i

“ n FcSS.W 11 >• i2II<r Pihi<

miiclt ciitiffmlainnTii iilr)- iimlcrKtics tri iKC» ilalty: tliorc nr nun UK (Iicro aOi ]>c<.

Oldtime Bartender ■

Leniency„of Court.

hi;ttk, :............ *•Olio, nf - tlultc‘« ‘ bc'il V l,ar(oiicfdrB , -- «'3n-1 «ii1eiic>- -Wli6rt'lio-coiiiluclc<l r lil» owh.caito lii-rcrtc^al Uljtflci;

‘TFrsamootliuestl0ff|'^iroi15'la«nvs‘tm.-i;nra-'\vheth I cr;a change;will hurt or.benefit present jtotaTio prices.

As the market is unsatisfactory, j t is easy for men to ...r, '^jecome dissatisfied'.and to wish'a ehange, so now il

appears that 90 per cent of tlie growers would wei- ' 'come tlre opportunity to ship in uhbraiided Ijag. .

■U---- L.Tf ^ vrnir1d h r i i nfnituT iat.p. i f thp expei-iment shou ld /

r • 'turn but disastrous to this important Idaho inchislr 4 >ut4 i ^ ’ftri3-the-i)93&iMh‘t'y4 hat.'U-6jVn igQ wiiithat. .

16. liie reaction ot Hii

consequences:pessimistic ove

Bectioh against the'bill which virtually annuls.all' of the compulsory potato grading and branding regii-

....__ laitions.np\v.in-effcct.-ThG-nieasure-proposcs thaU^-het-^____ tween the.firat day.of July and the fii'St day of June___next-foUciwing,” .vlrtually_the £ntire_y.car,_Ui).tiU<3e5.

may be paclceii and shipped in plain ba^s.^vUbout be-i H'aded. If that.bill becomes.ing-gi'aded. If that, bill la' everything

that the Idaho'potato Has meant to the purchasers iu “ the Jast five years win dd nuilined. 1C will drop'duWIT . the .bars and nermit-an inferior grade to go on to Uio,

market, ruining the demand for the gogd quality po­tato, a^id destroying llie premium which is so necesv,

. eary if-we are to remain in the pcitato I)usiness. Unless —thc^daho4 )atatO-isTofTa-<lufllity-that—will deniamJ

—— enough-morc^owihCTiatiuulKJ'JTurkct'tO j l lS t ll r i ln r t tT n i.

freight haul from Idaho to the centere of populations, then we cannot grow the cvoi i>rontuh}y. Coniinilsiny branding is essential to'the success of the industry In

-— Idaho. ■

W OW that GeneraVPerehing lias declared tha,t he did "l! not maRTtlTat famous “Lafayette,'we are-herc” ;'r

— — ttnnarl«-madeJjy-ttther-gi:cat-«ienJii3iLEei'shing!;s^up-.;,„„,^,

• ■ pos.ed'S])eecb.':\vas matlriTnmnlinTrPnTivnTTTi^-all"T5l‘:I'fii^ -ni: 32Z2Lthc^Dacm-dcviccs-fnri5ctting-Tlown—exactly—:\‘hatAr.v*-Sr

happens; what possil)iliCies"fiTi' elTOl' must UiGru not iiave been in the-days before shorthand and the omni­present newsjjapei''reporter"

u.-.Tr-.ucw.-to-do-his duty?.—l i idiGraht' declareL_____|)Wj)oscd-to-i•■l•ight-it^}Ut-<^^v4jHft-^^^t^-H^--t■tt■ke■3...... P —

■ ■cwy-deTriTin-d:rh-jirlitrhtrail .suiujiier.' .iJun-mricK given libeity or death?

A ll of this is disturl)ing. General Pershing reallVf should not have disiJiusIdned.us! That/'Lafayette, wc;, are here” was too good a legend U) kill. He ought to j

j i ni t . ' ■ 1


;.TIiEJIusiness ^nd itions ,Wi‘ekly-o£-tha.Aliixmidei:i__ . Hamilton Institute predicts that automobile pro-j iduction in the.United-States this year.-will .be. abouti

--f^equ^-to4hat-of-l928,-\vlien approximately 4,350,0001 carff\vere sold. This is well below the figures for 19291 —the banner year for al] lime— but substantialJy

- ; above the record for 1S)30, wlien the total was onlv i=^8;850j000.^

j n f thig line in th p thiir

American industry, as, a whole cannot prosi)er if-the automobile industry is"sick.- The ins'titute'remarks

‘ that “the^attmnment of the autoinobile ' saturation !point in:1929 was more respouisible for the general business slump in 1 ^ 0 than any other f^Gtor’':; a’nd it is-not ham to agree-\nth that observation.

" 'r it 'lrte.automomie indui}ti\v 181 ]

ilaie luimeM u M offer th^uU ie-u «c t« ,y e t rcmiimnj irW jJW o n^ iD ^^e .Ie r^^

nolllXUNTAL :»Ki>i;tll 44 O i» irn .I «i.il..'.1. • .10 Urlnk. 4.1 IWl.lirU.

“’ i r " " " " ' v,mx,r.„lOViiuriuumi; -3_t>To he ,In- . t .VntnRui.lKt,.

0.\i.lriKk, ■ I I'liffrd.

" ar« iiiiuk.. a (ilrilli'il.

■I f.ircif!i«. .

_______ ^ . . . . ......- . , ........ ...... o n theW Hrtrc n f . niTniimil nm;rega^fijng ::its jieaiC li, U ie onUooii fo r o th e r in d us tr ie s '. )TTi> bll-nllii-

iL - lJ s .m e a s u ra b ly :b r ig h te r ; a n d , conversely , . i f ..D e tro it! ‘

l---shoMld-cbntiiJue-to.siiffor,.U ie-re8t'a)f-t1iejjaticm-woiil(l.l-4u’■. ^su ffe r w i ih ' i t . : - ; . |

nolher’s «ld( 7Jiihe Aowen' 0 To. pny (or .Ihe enter* .Intnnieiit ot ntiOllier.. :

OCortled fobrlc#.

LESSONS:l.y, teiidici- I)£ Kriincluii .J) I ’jinl Uiiivt'fsit.v. (’Iiii'iiu

(liiM work or prUjitn Cim.vcrsiiliiinul •'hVoMdi',,C'i


jo llir i'— lo meet ',1,. 3 = 5 i f «

liTinx *tanJ»rJi Ly^slvlng'teil. aJ-

m price, Do^se.feeli llirt

true »pmt o/ Amwci'n' prosVeii

,-m-coit.jm jl ie ._ t .y _ .T « lu e .vliick rw Ju l l,

^ . w D o j ^ e S i * ■Bot clieiper. c*M. T tey reprcjent; ■: jre il ’ .

t l c y i l . . C™. '• ...-j;;

nt tiling about a

:7;ziPatrons7;x}fr:ciQt.hIng_establishments'dir'rScotlanil, ^Ibbpeiyes the/office..sage,:doii’t have to worry' abotil ••getting close fits. ' • .. - ? ' ; ; • •.

r t t r ^ A - ip a r i- in B y - b e ^ a to - b u i

ftPPlv »Aost eyeiy^^hcrc hut in theaing,.^UMuukr,'<

-i5iE0B^:SALE _

AutO; Door .Glass iwiiridihieWslM-^jdw-giaM. No chargi-

■PaintrM id r umiture;

a ’■ s i " < ( A ; v f'. i ;:s

n a n b e - b \x - a i S i e e - i b n t .

M a g e l A u to m o M e Cqm p^^y.PHONE S40_ » r 1 . “ _ ■ -TVWN F A U S

Page 5: Witnesses Spike- Rumoi’s Einbassy Liquor Is Used i To ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls-Times_TF089/P… · TWIN, FALLS, 1DAH0,"WEDNESDA\% JANUARY 28, S T

w a n t e d MISOELL/OtEOPB


or diract 'Tonmietccl. I*.

ro il RKST—U(!lil l.0URCk00|)ln rooTn», clnwRBUirti- S06 S'lJ l'»-

:YMrltiii vlM <oii»nU wiili j t illouso iillciriiey to iciiirc!}' foiiliir

(lio hill ho llial llic lawycra !lhi* lloiiiie ‘ wlir nnl finil H ,

~ HOPBE8-TOR-RENg-n:qyo-\rn:irnyrsn^nYrfiii.s^j(i»-II / MrMl’ lttR, (1;T’V—A IrOi' waarnt.; I fcrcil liori" rcccnily aiiU ilioro■ Tm-nppTicmiiff=AricT(sr-fifr7___- time.—Di'hiilto-licniiaoil .uuumiilujL-. 4 iiicnt iinil "rIvo a .Jnl)" cniiipnlcn.'

cold woaiJier stood In ilie wny of

lid tlioro wore I__Hintnsr-fifTT^tiin!?!^-

(hi Siiiilli Aliilit’iH-xl t«j Ihp «iin»Mm>r, opimsltp |-;\diiiiir Tfmi‘- — • SATI ttllAV, ,IAX. ill AT I r. ->I.

Till' fiill.uvlhi; iiniiirHy nf ?lr. huil Ki'ld iilll Nc 'olil!, I iiliiiiii: I otcr'liiffi’il diMiii mill clinir, tiiiliiiil nrlUnit l~7 r 1mlrr^~lirilK;-rt>ll~?<tirliii(*-iitMl— brtuikfiL-il— l£i>!jl.Jiccibt»llitLt'ii!)iCK..WliiiLe!<c^WiiLKt: t.riigN,J^^^^^ .

iiintlrp.>s J A. 1!. dcctrlr Si>Itiiipr «ii'lilt)i; liinoliliir, lllii' tli-«.

T.7-; liilc! yoslpniay Ivt' <I.'ck»; nntiiiiil lOO-lh. S.Iii. . ^ I

C ailo; Jlocc‘i|it» .17r>: nil i«i'I iiMikot. VVi'oU'k .market iini'v r>t(.':iily in wi'iik. iilioilt lo:id

■ HlfyrH anil licifor.i ■

tlio Icrtsi bit intorcslcil. Holiilloii for all your illlll'

ciiUIuf." bIio ••’aid. •'I'liucli 11 nil. Tmi liiiow. iVipn Tvo al«aj9 lliouKlil ytni ivoro JuHt

lots I 'Sliiii'jji siTT7 ‘iTrrhtillnj?

Tor markot and to .aiiii KranriMi'o-' -ttarhrrS?-- oaflj’ 'ft.-lUH.-----------------------

'Aflor :May - had cntcn' a llilrJ- liowl pC rlco soup, niid was wondur-, Ino it cvi>:i a million dollar* w m , unrlli jiliininB Hudi awful food Into lioisolf. I’l'ier loaiio.l over onil Inok

I licUiiLuiUiLAliiciftlbu:l?J>r.j3oj!ie:_

rccoril ".'or iranBconiiiiiitar^lillrli'

Ilo nrrlvod.In Orccniilinro In Ichh limn II wcok after lie li'ft I.iih An-

firlrc-H jiafd, acfor‘iHnc .

liio prices nro auhjoot lo chniiKO nlllioilt' notice tjy tlio doalora, Imwovor. HoadcrH nrc'uiBCi! tii wnidt till-'iinllonal inarkctH, ivltU

L alr>«ji'...6 f xouMfl l.l'l.l•'‘H®.I’ nVtn-initlo-tho-csfatfrhuPy'-it-

ni: nivful lot for a mllUoalIOllH'l."

1 n!r:ioal went aln nnsry.- “I'otcr Marion." bIio crlcil, »hri:!y.'“l‘ni not Bolnis lt>permit

iraclcd n I'rpjn'sR fvonj lior that *ho

j -

slaylnK In.:*. auuirtly furminod. ii wltli Jenny, both sIrU trcra iproum ot-jlco; Mjiy was re-. ,

:®!H(jniT3rcoX«iMttUiw-wJihTrinor:-' 1 took. Ulni Jlko Qranl.took Uieh-, .

Page 6: Witnesses Spike- Rumoi’s Einbassy Liquor Is Used i To ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Twin-Falls-Times_TF089/P… · TWIN, FALLS, 1DAH0,"WEDNESDA\% JANUARY 28, S T

IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS. IDAHO-: -Wi-ilnesaav. January 28, .19313.

M o t i f - /■ Created-'.Ibv R o ta r lan s !■— ■" - ' VbU'"'^^OW—


-KmpliniililnR.tli»-KKOOiI will liflil IllK

ineKa-ond profMKlo): il moilf of litiiTnntio

•Ilnacliny ovcnlnR. Mckhhs*’’' h .from *<!vcn forolK'i

..•fcttlurwl..Utiurs ot Ko«cl'vlll. fliu

RnUonn, '.(1chc[‘v)iiI>o nr tlifilr i;auDlrlcti. iitui fnvc Mtll Ju r»iii>oiia)i to corroi with notary cIisIih In fnro

^rlcB.-coiiUliclod itoiiii- inc '^br-Stuart II. Taylor. Wltn

Woman Biographer

Is Kind To Queeu .

Eljzalicth In Book!

Wou -Vv/A4.»a’ EVCKi |K1 T*>A

Vwoo-bE. ?

\yEP^ , OOC.TOR •WATS.OU. — fh R ^ r

MOu-s>oijc.(<'ro_atiO-eAw»/-~:-'«i-i ..? -.ib„ _O'-’’*”' ' 1K|trt-0'\RH'wE^‘5 ,^O tj tilT \'

LlG»-'T--UMO«E‘=.SEO— m a C5 £ A SEC>'FGCr -TW DD& ' HTT-i yoOR U^JDUQVoG/NR—.WHV?- SOJ''Tf-IEW'O BG. VAjAOm iwTv-1' MOOU'tsi’,' 'MTO©fcO —^ul-Ltp -M C OvePe CN^Q VOOR »---VgtA-./? SO 1 WOuLOwT SE.E i/OO WGtiOEO

, tP 'X MAPDeKl'O T'U»V< tS4 •LAiO ow vouR Back" a w » ii.G—l a iO :

: ' ^ /cuR LEFT s i o t AWf^'ue .TneMI. CM RI&HT ftiOG weci'-/ I\^1MP.<-S. , M '/ WAT'SOM'*

■-..smiinldiicil. nn AiihtI n, check for favorn to there'ami rcliiniptl li

.Imlloti nt tlio

J. 13. Orr, iiri'-ilil-iit <>f ll nation, wnH III diiirKo «f i nA'-Kcneral dialriimii. Oili were respixiHlbli- for llic h'Iho fn-oiil. wlilch wi.H ,li!l:i prcclHlnn. wi-ro I-’. J..IK‘II. ( Kritf, Afclile llowniaii, Kritcu ' arid' Dan J. CjiraiinKli. --X.t Dan J-

'“fronl Iho forclKn. c-oii 'rMcI. H’, Z<Tm« Smith i .Mwlro; Jtilii) K, liny,

. nilJ ■Irolnii.l; W. R ' many; Ur. \V. K.

StateH wnii rcjir Parry.

Commiinliy h

. .*iiHirla: y

I *1-1' »■

..................................' r s i --- hfan.Hchool/MrK. Mlirln'riiich,

: I f l“ui.r MI«K‘ M«“:i.- Mb. R X l.an.U,sV Jnno Orr.-piipll oC .Mb. Mr. .\ : hCftrllly cncorcd for u oIoviT ilniirni ' numliuri l)anco inimU- wun riiriilx)i-|

cel iby ,llo Puramiiiliit or<-lii-«lri. nfj J nolae. _ - - . ■ Jii.frc.Kliniii.:ZL:L.L.TUii,K<imcjij;utiflls:rwcr<OimicbtyA'Z-:i._/l-

p4 with bx(|l!MIIo cpnipacJlK K'Wi

lo r a l i i t


laiora- re-Tfllcoseil- lKilit—KoI»7 -W30-i jj>’ l,i» rallier ac'cDrnlo csiluiato ilio probable, lotul niovsmci

. (ho ilals cnn he >i'ailo. iiovemcni will ccrtnlnl}- be

'I l-^nnr-lnHt-Tenr-irinin: r-noi'txe«;il-(lio-rectftil-u

i3l'5 c i i i j j l i l i i p u d l l i i -


!Rme..rcMrl>L:. of plmuinKK .•ly pnlaiocs hiwe bwii rctPBBOil.

Tha nrko ot. tliiit iicilli'n _or'tho al Is lioia.'uiKl iimrkejo.1

............ . ln'VlinJ?oiitli..i . , .ildnB 10 Incrcnao tholr. ncrcoBO l>-r< lfl:!l. Hu»'(ver. In vie'v cif-Uit, rol.'.?- ' Jivc'ly l.nv p.-lco Itvfl fDr <ilil.jMt.-.l

li...Kt;-lUc-uu;comB.oU.l'e V-i‘!T>:.iyT7_^!:> :p|-(i:)leiimllcn;. Tlin aavr-i-I

l)imV of iin>'~^pnr-im:rpnse;,.-f----nerciiKca neolnn Qiiei>lioiiahlc. .,|

’ I'll hy tlio nmrkol

],.lhc i.M<|>CPl8 for

ArHVHVCIAHI.S.l&M KHCOIH) | -■ AUilUlUV,. N'. y., CHI’)—l'ho'cll>'-

of Aub.iri. iOnln.H a worl.i;H_roconH. ^i(h n-i well n parly crop n -on-<Tii ren'Tt '

I untavornhl# 'V f‘*'ir I'Uvb.


iH Rliiiri-livpil and It Imrk to nhoiit ' Iiin. ai-corilltiK

I i)t the Uni

. ’ly (he Mc;itlitrr iiiid liiiiihii;:!' Ill (hi- WONUM

« January ]


;il Jila'ii

% IdaKoU^panfflent'^Ees^' S '\Jf it hrit Right bring it Back:_______ ^

. S. So.1 carloailii i»e |>a<-k 1nn i-oiils to Jl.OO II

mils I’liKh to the (Cniwci-. -mi >M|». niivliiK llift mini., vve.'ti :ii- ■•omimi-atlVe .«niol«noiis

,<nil 41.H2 rcupccllvply.


1 Imv

of Ji' I

JH2 Kai-I Infhii

■1 or nil roi . .ho >iKaul Bpc

liluho Slid otliPi- HtatcK In >111 prdiliiclUK■ntfrlni! Inli.

lOlhnrp \Vf.

................ .........................iT ij'ii'iillai^

... .....................Pinlmii ohlaliiiMlT^^ItnR hccn "iiK'iijW

Just In

-New JS



■ houquelH of xwi!« Jh ■froin'lhb TftiTo'iJfl fa- wcrr uwlirUpil'uH pr

• wore urrntijod Jn Klar-iihiipc. Kirli -- ^pellori-hninjriTtarkcil- hy-a-forpiftn-

flaK. lx)W bowlH'of jmHlid swcc;!' pea« former Ihu -floral <lccoral|on<-

---- Soflly -Mhiiilf'U .Tluur. laiiiiw. itlraim.

-JlrB. Orla Crycr. worthy matron• of the locnl 'Eauiern Star chaplcr.

hBfl ,liccn appuliitod rraml ropru--Bcntfttlvo for iho »tat« of.-X«rlh Rn-- kota at Brand ,cliapter. IL. was.an-

noiinMrt at a mectftiB of (he orcnn-i nation Tuesday ovonluB In the ila-

• sonic tonjplo. Mrs. Crydov wa* an- nnlntpit hv iiif. cmnil inatroii

i T ^ T O w r o c k


SAYSJEAOEEg i'.uOiiil;. anil .fur

■iSX,'?<0Tttr-Da1nntiT Mm. nilln Malone, worthy Rranil mntr«'' "f '"e »lato iit

■ Mui'LoNello nrockonrldRo piny- • cd'a nlBiio uinnhor. Klmlicrly mem.

hera of tho chnptbr iierroU rofrcKli->---^m«uU~tluclQK-tli»-«)cM hour..J>lrA.----BWi-Pottcr <)clng -chnlrninn-of.-Hio

tt-lll tuiilnln iiior« than a hiid-ll's if--|il» iirifii.H iun.l flrvwi oflMl: lori siorleH. <hi' tallpr, In-iint;

cJiidlns mich lUlft jib "ftltmr; }' nriKluiilly piihllvhi-d In Am- in:;

erU-nn Majaiine; "ShnK." "Thol|,a Rhin Ono," "Sendrlla • ••'

. . . 'il '■•i mmjazlnon of niillDiial' ,,1 clrculntlnn'. . . . . toia

2d undur itiu por . . . SonK" and the

Storlen of a -ProiURtil." and. It of < ..ikp» llK namo <roin thj flrHt inir l«eiii,.-an -0|iIca1 odo..to .Arrow-

' ' .oUIioijbU.

I ciillPKu of online

' ))»• )jihorfli«iy .:

‘diiliy. J tiirlnR t

I- Illlle ovur mo <- . Bhlpiiu'niH durin Il nceil 7Ti; cnrn ix

r. AlthoiiKh I Il ton (Inys ha

the lott lam y 1 tho

11! iiviTai:i- fiiliiM'ii hlKhcr

<1 i*liliini.-;iiiH

priced at o n l y _

Now in slylQs, decidedly now in valiio. arc these

~))oautilui r a y.o n printed frocks. Every one a new s|iring style.

- Sizes 14 to 50

S('l^<IONKKS II1U\(J ■ I'OIITI-AND. Mp., (i:i>)-C0Hlfti;;


-nlmilii r of tl*n .a era

he;i.-h," ho. ri'iiiatin'a, aH hroiiRhl only in.liSl (

illcgc of poKlncorinK. Snii'plcHlm of ronnrcto uneil lu hlRliwiiy Diillil- ai Ing, heavy jiicgI rce'nforclUR harti. il Hand,- uravol.. cruKhort roclc. ns- In

■ road oil. hrldi, ' . iiadlnR :l)U:s!ucaa-c

jun.t, I'AJnyi.srwsMii)

Fifty tlily lolK, nieimicrf. of the naptlKt crpdio roll iliiparttnont. nitd'their moffier* irlll hn_ nuei-ln

.BUDcrlnlcndeni flt a parly Thur«- Iny •’ntlornoo'rt—Itl— rlfb ' ' DhliUal •inirOTt, ' Dr.—Enima—i.—CroaalnDil

•larecl' iy prnmUiPHcc -tf>-lii fonnd ronccptlon If ninn'H lip.stlny if (hn carih nvo


--rkic - inOHt pro- prosi'nlallon ho ViiniiiicHl; Uton by lUli


~ (lay -mionioW '^-isurcn,' Dr.—El

-- ;iwm.#pcak..on..thlld^\vclfa::. Tpmi


■HrTTmty-Thtnratwpyiii—in—itff— y

tlw y-Htrrl rolnfori'U.B

I! work ;of; Idal

- T. Well» 1

l„„v,,r')i,)ll>llllimpr. 'n iry-.....-I .. i)..i.vcloiritiK_JL_l»itle


I'-n-..' hh pncm:i hi bonk for

n i.n ; i .akkh c n ' i fllAH. SKSSION ' , I iiabpr mlchl brine •. Mrs. A. 1-;. ift-anelK .rntortaiticd « ^ i J T the IHilo ..Ukcs • f(oiiJcv«r<l dHh imhllcnthn •

■ '~PrWayaftcmocmr-MrB/-Kei<h- rk- -httJ — n -I'ov'o uii odni'aibmnl lulk on

I illlofflll,,.Cilxtoiiriii t........

A Ibiikcil cli! hixc. cilltlnn nndjiin II

. Uoiul

R?lckincR.s. y iiKHorliil nst'd In puh-

Frenchmen tJliiiu

Beer, of Germans|

I’Altia. li:!’)- Sllltu llnr

--- .^,1^ j,anR. ft.noio. Wtrt'.M",.,’ij(ii>-cd n Ijilan6.-.iiimher. Ciic-flis

wero Mr*. Rnde.. Mm. K. J- Ma-l()oe.-MrL n, U. Jennen- Hnd-Mii« Jtiliut, llayucn. lli-frpiihhi ijtt nerveU durlnc the nV-Jnl'hiAli-.-



'^mTstnir-.'mnii hiei'oiiH' IdlS"'—

piffit'I Iron culvert nn-u-l. 1 Iteor -y hiiH hoon ciilU'il itp-|Hhow I H' atrennth ol ;< » l l k ! _ _ _

Battery Service

|.Horse and Mule Sale

;cTo.Be:’H o id a t th o '; ; .

—Twlu-Falls^-Idaho--- ---

- FEBRUARY .3, 1931

35 Hcnc? of Horsfls and Mulos ' • -2.8pan-Mules-wclBhing-irom-1300-tO-lB00-lba'-Broko-and_

biiocK jjiimiiiaLOi

Bpetlometer .

T g l W t O -

n M it o y f iB u t r ic a V S e r r iT e - :

j& lB iV t r W a i t e

• P.Spsn..Horse!i Weighing from 1500 to ITOO Ibi^iginff froiirlSOO to 1BOO--

work: They w ill bo acid regardless of what they bring, o • the sale w ill bo stoppod. ' ' * - " “ • - • - -

- MLCQXQl ^ d OTHERS. O y n ^ TBrucB Requa, Olerk- .


Next to Postoffice

»uu Wn ho' ---- - -,,eliargo of Wn*. A.-l- hin >i in^crcBlcil. will n

_____.The ahftinrock eliih will onlurUin iilli.rtheir.-huabantlB“ and- fflmllloo

:--niranor-ai7:30-o‘el«k-Priaay--«v ■ In(t.«lho^iomc of Mra i-.. H.Oli, , Bienil. Each niomher asKi-d

brine two eovercit <il»hCH wlche^

— m r A im T is-- KKTrKOU«il!U

All|n.illv'« lr»ipa oi-cupicd: Ihti t corilialiy wp|-ior-i;i T,n:, somo JOO'jnllcs In.


iiid ennd. fii-lil V

livolonRCil batlip withn dcnerl- reheln.'.......... .......rplR.1 SwniitM <rlbo)i.of/ureil'^^

. . aRain. nccikrdlnR Actlnj.- Clik-f of rollcc ■WuJtw ....

have, nol .-iirrloil nlRht • sticks. Uei-ontly a iiatrolman «-o» In­jured -In -ir rfpiifflo -with a drunk.


La i^ d

•An'international Trolntlnn«.pr.v, of a Rroiip. ol oasei sram iindcr llic dlrcrtloii of ^ll»« known a.i tho oaai» ' :Selh-»rl»k«llr!B-.«.'hed..W-f^It......JJonday cveiflnK,i 'ehniary 3. at.t t.-'-- club roomB.- it •ftW nnnouncpd-hy

mill ino .lead > .Ihoy flo<l. Thl>re were

11 HnlUlcrn killed. In- oflii'crH, wiillc IG men

li'.i_________ ____ .:__..Inriird'In'Vho • heartnP ' ......... r.riTii»t1f\n1V



. HoU Pricc, Below cost 'and oloao outs lifoan nothing,_ pur cars' a~re~prifted-on~tito-bt» i»-of u

; ^ualneSR

:. at.thcluiencly. proRrcHS,recently In r — ' ihlffihlne control-orrr thi-rfKl'‘-n.,

Tho rrbel Sonunnl ha-nd oonHlsl- -^;n^r=niwnp-:Tiflo-honiemen.—wJia-!

?re enwHOii <in Jannurj- J9»i in, rcRlnn hrtwt for the rluh trenMtry, „ ..............................

" • Kathtrlnutniiiiiirl and Kl Hniinlrl.. Thi

1 n U^jultenaahcIjniRhr^Cu^• Uprooted." by niDilus.. . . . a (Inio whM ihey. vferrHTnoHi I

Uiirr:unflwl by <hp Itnllan forc-cH.ARRATTCE ni:fN3vK ■ The miian force* mrlndcd twoTon HIKTllDAY....... . Mlumm of cnincl-mnuntod troops

• --'A . -froup o't ' youns ninrrlaJM.mlcr ,->ioJnr Campini. '-Mi>p)CRr.flIl-motnber«-flf-lhP-J-'irM-squartfon-'of..-.— ------BAHti t chu roll borr. ivlll, nr Honihir ‘ f cii i jci \ta|pt

iw <vinn«‘dnv nyoning Al the home of' iholr Ma«X. Iijuie Into In- Dece'mhci •■■J'Jfr?-.'aniJ.M».-Dill»rtlrl(efltra‘'-:ror li njid- criMieil-ii flfse'rl ■'ulroleli of

............... - ‘ 's-Jn’ nii4Gl i

1 ils.;ir r.i

nil Iti' MU’i'd timi' ji


'(ommiinliinljy dlhncr. The eVent Is-in nli^ul «0 nillc*. After. th«-1iTniIe, *•of Mr. nentrn’a blrthiby. j they-proMcdcil (o. Kt'Tnc. wherpj . „v«.r

__ I ■______ jihfl 'flrnt-occiiimtion__farcca__a t ____ ___

nnr.or. jliiv.fiii's inir.->iltn|>-|i!t!«-'hntHi--tliarmt(itr-

__ IhalJho'tlral-Amerleanjrlvcd M.... .............novDl trua.nulillalicd In. n^D anU: After Iho batile. the rrhp|a were

.. ---- --------- .W..H .. . ------ - '--(U{.--l-;KyiVl#n

.?>J • .-11JA . «- - .P»I.#.R«1*#!«II^^ wonnvi, chDitccn ..n|ul. Jly.c_Movk. l?f11

S5n HAIX ATR-^.-

• celvo for your money. ]{)28.K.ml 'I'liiior ■

- ScciMi ..-.-TT,.. 192S iro ild A ForSedan ...................■J!l2a Moili‘1 A «|io

Coupe .

' Soiliin'1!)27 Cliio


' nfiiKkt.'i-..._-.Coach - m m:Sc(lnn.

i9no“n"Tmr^rhiiitrrDiiiil ;\Vhci'lK .............]!>2H '1 i/j Ton .Tniolc

$ 2 ^ 7 5 .0 ® :

$3S0.00$285J 0

§125.00s t m o o


L-confidenco-in-L i-n-d^:_

Autb'When giving the old car a new

■^spring-, dress:, and. _b&..M .OR^: than •.

pleased with the rcsuifs., ' ’ ■

In our jm infhiB dppnrlmcnl arc itioii

“ ivimsiTiiTjsiiio^s-'iris' "lo itinlfo your car lool;

just ,ns i( ilid wlii'n-it catni* fTinn tli<‘ fac-

■"■Oiir^jffjiiJpment'ih ■|li«"iiloKi- miiiterirnlf.-

lainiilil(>.-CnnnlR this witli factory, trained..

«in*n-ntul tliorc,_('an, lie JhkI ohu rm ilt—

b i d C«M

tin d AufomobUe Co—

r Ofriw-Ana

•• Ofdelal ~SalPH'anJ