with the caribbean community climate change centre ......with the caribbean community climate change...

with the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) for Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 22 November 2019 | NDA Strengthening & Country Programming

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with the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC)

for Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

22 November 2019 | NDA Strengthening & Country Programming

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Programme title: NDA Strengthening, Country Programming and Access to Climate Finance

Country: St. Vincent and the Grenadines

National designated authority: Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning, Sustainable Development and Information Technology

Implementing Institution: The Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre

Date of first submission: 29 August 2019

Date of current submission / version number

7 November 2019 V.5

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How to complete this document?

- Please visit the Empowering Countries page of the GCF website to download the Readiness Guidebook and learn how to access funding under the GCF Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme.

- This document should be completed by National Designated Authorities (NDA) or focal points with support from their Delivery Partners where relevant. Once completed, this document should be submitted to the GCF by the NDA or focal point to [email protected].

- Please be concise. If you need to include any additional information, please attach it to the proposal. - If the Delivery Partner implementing the Readiness support is not a GCF Accredited Entity for project

Funding Proposals, please complete the Financial Management Capacity Assessment (FMCA) questionnaire and submit it prior to or with this Readiness proposal. The FMCA is available for download at the Library page of the GCF website.

Where to get support?

- If you are not sure how to complete this document, or require support, please send an e-mail to [email protected].

- You can also complete as much of this document as you can and then send it to [email protected], copying both the Readiness Delivery Partner and the relevant GCF Country Dialogue Specialist and Regional Advisor. Please refer to the Country Profiles page of the GCF website to identify the relevant GCF Country Dialogue Specialist and Regional Advisor.

- We will get back to you within five (5) working days to acknowledge receipt of your submission and discuss the way forward.

Please submit the completed form to:

[email protected]

Please use the following naming convention for the file name: “GCF Readiness Proposal-[Country]-[yymmdd]”

Note: Environmental and Social Safeguards and Gender

Throughout this document, when answering questions and providing details, please make sure to pay special attention to environmental, social and gender issues, particularly to the situation of vulnerable populations, including women and men. Please be specific about proposed actions to address these issues. Consult Annex IV of the Readiness Guidebook for more information.

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Country submitting the proposal

Country name: St Vincent and the Grenadines Name of institution representing NDA or Focal Point: Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning, Sustainable Development and Information Technology Name of contact person: Mr. Recardo Frederick Contact person’s position: Telephone number: 1-784-457-1746 Email: [email protected] Full office address: Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning, Sustainable Development and Information Technology 1st Floor Administrative Building Bay Street, Kingstown Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Additional email addresses that need to be copied on correspondences: [email protected], [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]

Date of initial submission 29 August 2019

Last date of resubmission 4 November 2019 Version number V.4

Which institution will implement the Readiness and Preparatory Support project?

☐ National designated authority ☐ Accredited entity ☒ Delivery partner Please provide contact information if the implementing partner is not the NDA/focal point

Name of institution: Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre

Name of official: Dr. Kenrick Leslie

Position: Executive Director

Telephone number: +(501) 822-1094 or +(501) 822-1104

Email: [email protected]

Full office address: 2nd Floor, Lawrence Nicholas Building Ring Road, P.O. Box 563, Belmopan, Belize.

Additional email addresses that need to be copied on correspondences: Keith Nichols [email protected]; and, Donneil Cain [email protected]

Title of the Readiness support proposal

NDA Strengthening, Country Programming and Access to Climate Finance

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Type of Readiness support sought

Please select the relevant GCF Readiness activity area below (click on the box): ☐ I. Country capacity for engagement with GCF ☒ II. Country programming process ☐ III. Direct access to climate finance ☒ IV. Climate finance accessed ☐ V. Formulation of national adaptation planning and/or other adaptation planning


Brief summary of the request

St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) is committed to increasing the resilience of the country in the midst of ever-changing climate challenges. However, one of the pervasive challenges is the access to climate finances to deliver climate change adaptation and mitigation priorities. Under the first Readiness support, SVG began to draft a strategic framework to engage with the GCF including an identification of a pipeline of projects; developed a communications strategy for engagement with key national stakeholders and sought to strengthen the capacity of the FP/NDA staff to engage country stakeholders towards accessing climate finances.

Accordingly, the second Readiness Support will strengthen the capacity of the country to further engage with the GCF to access resources to advance the activities of the first Readiness support through further development of the NDA mechanism; increasing the stakeholder consultations and mainstreaming gender considerations in the country programming processes; and further development of concept notes for submission to GCF. The activities under this Readiness request will further support objectives identified in the National Adaptation Plan to develop an enabling environment for climate change adaptation in the public and private sectors, civil society and academia; to improve the capacity for data and information collection, management and sharing through the determination of climate risk and access technology and financing for adaptation; and the development of adaptation actions towards increased resilience among the most vulnerable population of the St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Pursuant to objective and in accordance to a recommendation by GCF reviewers, a local consultant will be contracted to support the work of the NDA. The NDA will bolster its ability to complete the proposed activities through engagement of CCCCC as the delivery partner, CCCCCC will support the NDA in implementation and coordination of activities.

Total requested amount and currency USD $627,346 Anticipated duration 24 months

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Has the country received or is expecting to receive other Readiness and Preparatory Support funding allocations (including adaptation planning) from GCF or other donors?

☒ Yes ☐ No SVG is on the verge of completing implementation of the first phase of a Readiness and Preparatory Support programme to the country focused on two fundamental outcomes namely, (1) strengthening the capacity of the National Designated Authority (NDA) to more effectively perform the function of overall coordination of activities related to SVG’s engagement with the GCF and (2) the development of a strategic framework for engagement with the GCF including the development of a country programme that is in concert with the countries climate change and sustainable development agenda and the accompanying communication strategy.

In 2017 SVG engaged in the development of a National Adaptation Plan with support from Japan Caribbean and United Nations Development Programme. Based on national consultations the NAP prioritized the agricultural sector but noted that the sectors of water, tourism, health and public infrastructure were also national priorities.

SVG has made a contribution to the regional readiness proposal “Building capacity for a regional approach to climate action in the Caribbean: Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre”. This proposal provides SVG with project preparation support and the on-demand technical guidance to increase SVG’s capacity to access climate financing.

SVG has made a contribution of USD 150,000 to the Regional Readiness Proposal “Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA) Early Warning Systems (EWS) Regional Readiness Project” submitted by Antigua and Barbuda, in collaboration with CEDEMA as Delivery Partner. This proposal would improve SVG’s risk management processes; improve the national capacity for application of climate data and increase access to financing for the strengthening of national early warning systems.

2. BACKGROUND Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, a small island developing state (SIDS), is an archipelagic state in the Eastern Caribbean. The country is comprised of the main island, Saint Vincent while the Grenadines consists of 32 islands and cays, of which seven are inhabited, Bequia, Mustique, Canouan, Mayreau, Union Island, Palm Island and Petit St. Vincent. The total area of the country is 150 square miles (389 km2), of which Saint Vincent is 133

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square miles (344km2). The population of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is estimated at 109,991 with a life expectancy at birth of 74.9 years and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita of US$6,443.00.

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is considered a lower-middle income country with a small open economy that is highly vulnerable to external shocks and natural disasters Economic activity in St Vincent and the Grenadines is estimated to have shown a positive growth in 2017. Real GDP grew by 1.6 per cent in 2017 slightly higher than the 1.3 per cent increase in 2016. The pickup in growth was supported by moderate expansions in the construction, manufacturing and transport, storage and communications sectors. A national commitment to climate change is reflected in the fourth goal of the National and Social Economic Plan which is to Improve Physical Infrastructures, Preserve the Environment and Build Resilience to Climate Change”. Therefore, SVG’s commitment to climate change adaptation and mitigation, accessing climate finances through a partnership with the GCF is seen as a national priority. To that end on the 14th December, 2016, a Readiness and Preparatory Support Proposal was submitted to the Green Climate Fund with a total implementation cost of USD 300,000 to provide strengthening of the capacity of the National Designated Authority (NDA) and for the development of a strategic framework for engagement with the GCF. In April, 2018, the NDA contracted the consultancy firm, FACTOR & Clima Capital Partners to provide services for the execution of readiness activities. The activities for the consultation were executed mainly through training of NDA staff, country programming for the development of climate change adaptation and mitigation policies; which are in alignment with national priorities and sectors. A national communication strategy and country programme documents were drafted to further broaden the scope of St. Vincent and the Grenadines to address the issue of climate change seeks to access additional funding for readiness programming. Based on the previous readiness support and the technical support of BASTEL, the NDA of St. Vincent and Grenadines have determined that gaps still persist in the development of the country programme, targeted assistance is needed towards the comprehensive engagement of national stakeholders to achieve SVG’s NDC priorities and additional resources need to be directed towards the development of concept notes for submission to the GCF (see Annex). This request for readiness support will further build the capacity of the NDA/FP to engage with the GCF and allow for the development of specific projects for climate change adaptation and mitigation based on the results of the existing country programme,the communications strategy and the actions recommended by the National Adaptation Plan. These actions outlined in the NAP include the development of a guide that focuses on addressing gender issues as well as environmental and social safeguards; the development of concept notes to access climate financing; capacity building for representatives from civil society and private sectors and the mainstreaming of climate change adaptation in the public, private and civil society . As a result, this readiness support will assist in promoting national resilience to climate change across various sectors; through cross-cutting

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projects and activities which can be implemented in various communities nationwide. The ultimate aim of this request for readiness support will be the creation and enhancement of channels for accessing funds directly from the Green Climate Fund. This will be achieved by the following outcomes:

Outcome 1: Institutional capacity and coordination mechanisms in places to govern and coordinate climate action and finance

Sub-outcome 1.2: NDA ‘NO Objection’ procedure for funding proposals and PPF applications: This was an outcome in the first readiness but was not accomplished based on lack of capacity and limited expertise in the coordination of the training activities. Although initial components of the procedure are in place, it has not been fully articulated to national stakeholders. A toolkit for the national engagement is proposed under this outcome to fully articulate SVG’s ‘No Objection’ procedure and GCF engagement to national stakeholders.

Outcome 2: Country Programming Process

Sub-Outcome 2.2: Periodic participatory review and updating of the climate finance Country Programme: The Country Programme is a living document and benefits from review. The country programme has undergone a review and will be strengthened through the revision of the economic risk profile, climate vulnerability assessment and the capacity needs assessment based on the preliminary comments provided by Bastel and the feedback from GCF.

Sub-Outcome 2.3: Stakeholder engagement consultative processes: Gaps in the stakeholder consultative process where identified in the Communications Strategy and specific activities were proposed. A priority activity was the development and implementation of a national campaign to improve national awareness of climate change challenges as well as the national climate change adaptation and mitigation priorities. Additionally, through the development of climate change adaptation concept note for the forestry sector REDD+ was identified as a strategy to access climate finances. This readiness will support the development of a REDD+ programme in SVG through a consultative process the creation of a national REDD+ strategic plan is proposed in this outcome.

Sub-Outcome 2.4: Gender issues considered in climate finance programming: SVG has contributed towards a regional readiness for CCCCC that will conduct gender assessments at the regional level. This proposal uses this gender assessment approach to a guide the implementation of national assessment that will emphasize the conditions that are relevant to the SVG context. In the previous held stakeholder consultations gender considerations were not mainstreamed. Additional efforts are required to determine how gender activities can be mainstreamed into activities in SVG. A gender assessment and training activities are proposed under this outcome.

Outcome 4: Climate finance strategies and project pipeline strengthened

Sub-Outcome 4.3: Project Concept Notes development: To date SVG concept notes are focused regional participation particularly the regional readiness project, “Building capacity for a regional approach to climate action in the Caribbean: Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre” is supporting capacity building within the CCCCC and wider Caribbean for the identification, development and implementation of GCF projects. In an effort to increase access to climate financing SVG has identified additional concept notes at the national scale, highlighted in the country programme,SVG identified and began to develop two national priority projects for submission to the GCF. However, those concepts need to the flesh-out at stakeholder working sessions to prioritize outcomes and activities under the proposed projects. The existing Readiness with CCCCC provides support to a number of different countries and has only identified proposals in agriculture and/or forestry sectors for SVG. While a second concept note has identified is targeted at the Energy sector and has been shared with another Regional Institutions. Nationally scaled project concepts for additional sectors will be developed in this Readiness as national sector specific working sessions are proposed in this outcome.

The overall rationale for further readiness programming is to strengthen SVG’s position to become more climate resilient while fostering new synergies between the public and private sector and engaging with various stakeholders to actively participate in the planning of activities. This readiness also directly addresses SVG’s NDC actions to increase public awareness with regard to climate change issues by strategically promoting national awareness of climate change; the action to address issues of rapid deforestation, limited involvement of communities in forest resource management, fragmented environmental management and limited awareness of the importance of forests to national development through the development of a REDD+ strategic plan; to enhance the adaptive capacity of rural economies and natural resources to climate change through the management and protection of land based natural resources and agricultural production systems through the development of additional concept notes. The direct beneficiaries of this readiness will be the SVG NDA along with representatives of the national ministries and CSOs towards mainstreaming adaptation actions in the development framework as well as providing support for concrete actions for inclusion and greater access to international finance. It will also benefit the 109,991 residents of SVG by supporting the national effort to improve awareness of climate change challenges.

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1 For baselines rated at 1 or 2, please shortly elaborate on current baselines on which the proposed activities can be built on, processes that are in place that the current Readiness proposal can strengthen, or any gaps that the proposed activities would fill in. If more space is needed, please elaborate this in Section 2. 2 Please include tangible and specific deliverables for each activity proposed, and the timeframe (month number) in which it will be delivered to GCF. Please note that during implementation all deliverables should be included within the implementation reports for GCF consideration. 3 If the duration of the proposal is longer than 24 months, please change the monthly columns to indicate 2 or 3 months each (e.g. change month “1” to month “1-2’ or “1-3”).


Outcomes Baseline1 Targets Activities2

(brief description and deliverables)

Anticipated duration: 36 months

Monthly implementation plan of activities3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

Outcome 1: Institutional capacity and coordination mechanisms in place to govern and coordinate climate action and finance

Sub-outcome 1.2: NDA ‘No objection’ procedure for funding proposals and PPF applications

0 2 Activity 1.2: Support the NDA’s office to effectively disseminate and manage the non-objection procedure and associated platforms in order to efficiently coordinate the application, appraisal and approval of requests for the Non Objection Letter. Also, support will be provided to coordinate annual participatory reviews of GCF-funded activities by the NDA and stakeholders. (18 months). The non-objection procedure will draw on an analysis of best practices from other countries, process and procedures and consultative engagement with key stakeholders nationally The design of a national Monitoring, Reporting and Verification System (MRVS) to track climate finance inflows and public expenditure in the St. Vincent and Grenadines will be determined during stakeholder consultations with the representatives from the government ministries. A subsequent mechanism (methodology/tool) to monitor and report on climate change-related loans and grants, including private investments will be developed and administered by the NDA. To disseminate this information to national stakeholdersa toolkit will be developed to be made available to government, NGO and CSO stakeholders. Deliverable 1.2.1: non-objection procedure, associated

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platforms effectively and efficiently coordinated based on an analysis of best practices from other countries, process and procedures in order to maintain consultative engagement will be developed and validated (month 10) Deliverable 1.2.2: MVRS mechanism, operational manual (month 14) Deliverable 1.2.3: two(2) 1-day workshops conducted (mnth 18 mnth 24) and (1) workshop reports and ‘No objection’ toolkit completed with workshop event to disseminate information to stakeholders (mnth 24)

Outcome 2: Country Programme Process

Sub-Outcome 2.2: Periodic participatory review and updating of the climate finance Country Programme

0 2 Activity 2.2: Carry out annual national “structured dialogue” events between NDA, key national stakeholders, and the GCF Secretariat to align national strategies, work programme and national priorities (feedback exchange) with the country program developed under the previous readiness. These events will act as sessions to strategically plan actions towards SVG’s progress increasing access to climate financing and identify ways to improve national coordination and implementation of GCF funded and other climate response activities. Feedback from the BASTEL consultancy has highlighted for additional work on the CP including the need for the realignment of the project structure to the any propose new GCF guidelines, completion of sections and improving project pipeline’s alignment with 19 key areas of engagement. Current feedback from BASTEL included as ANNEX. . Deliverable 2.2.1: Two (2) national dialogue events conducted (mnth 12, 23)

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Deliverable 2.2.2: Two (2) national dialogue reports including PPTs, videos, and participant lists as well as with action items (month 13, 24,) Deliverable 2.2.3:. Country programme updated and submitted to GCF for review (month 18)

Sub-Outcome 2.3: Stakeholder engagement consultative process

Activity 2.3.1: Implement a Public awareness campaign with the objective of increasing public awareness with regard to climate change issues. This activity builds on the national gaps identified in the communications strategy and will target academia, government agencies, non-governmental organizations, private sector and civil society, including women’s groups seeking direct access to the Fund’s resources on the GCF standards and requirements. The campaign’s information will be disseminated through a webpage, news articles, national radio and talk shows, community events and information sharing on social media platforms. The GCF Coordinator (see TOR in Annex 2) will coordinate these activities. Deliverable Workplan of activities for the National climate change awareness campaign for SVG (month 3) Deliverable Report on activities implemented during the National climate change awareness campaign (month 18)

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Activity 2.3.2: This activity will support the the creation of a REDD+ programme Establishment of a National REDD+ Steering Committee (NRSC) to serve as an independent oversight and advisory body for the development of a REDD+ programme in SVG. The NRSC shall provide an important link between Government, Civil Society and the Forestry Department. The NRSC will be composed of representatives from governmental institutions, the private sector, cultural communities, farmer associations and other forest-dependent community groups,civil society and the GCF Coordinator. Based on the composition of the committee the NDA will be actively engaged in the planning of committee activities and reporting. The meetings will be coordinated by the GCF Coordinator. Deliverable 2.3.2: Committee TOR and work plan (GCF Coordinator responsible for submission) Deliverable 2.3.3 Meeting Report of National Steering Committee including workshop materials (GCF Coordinator responsible for submission)


Activity 2.3.3: Organise and conduct consultations with the Forestry Department, cultural and forest dependent communities, members of the NRSC and other relevant stakeholders on REDD+ matters including private sector. The first session should include a REDD+ Workshop to support national discourse on REDD+, introduce stakeholders to the REDD+ and seek feedback. The following sessions will facilitate training for REDD+ National Steering

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Committee members and development of a National Strategy Action Plan this will be done through a participatory process to develop the four pillars of the UNFCCC Warsaw Framework for REDD+. The National Strategic Action Plan will be the overarching document and will include a National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS); a Forest Reference Emission/ Forest Emission Level (FREL/FRL); and a Safeguards Information System (SIS). The final plan will be approved through a National Validation workshop (mnth 24) Deliverable Seven (7) REDD+ 2-day NRSC working sessions conducted to develop National Strategic Action Plan for SVG (month 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21) Deliverable Session reports to include participant lists (month 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21) Deliverable REDD+ National Strategic Action Plan for SVG (mnth 24)

Sub-Outcome 2.4 Gender considerations are not mainstreamed in the stakeholder consultations processes

0 1 Activity 2.4: Conduct an mainstreaming workshop to address existing gaps to effectively integrate gender to inform the development and prioritization of GCF proposals to be developed by Government departments, private sector, Non-Governmental Organization and Community-Based Organizations. This workshop will be conducted by CCCCC Gender specialist to provide gender inclusive training to national stakeholders Deliverable 2.4.1: One (1) training session for


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representatives of the selected organizations on incorporating gender consideration and environmental and social safeguards in project development (mnth 6) Deliverable 2.4.3: One (1) Gender mainstreaming workshop report including action plan to address barriers identified in gender mainstreaming workshop; information on workshop to be made available online via webpage referred to in 2.3 (mnth 6)

Outcome 3: Climate finance strategies and project pipeline strengthened

Sub-Outcome 4.3: Project Concept Notes development

1 2 Activity 4.3.1: Sector working sessions to be held with national stakeholders to flesh out the previously developed concept notes and develop additional concept notes in the energy sector and in coastal protection. Both areas were identified as national priorities in the country programme. Gender balanced considerations will be involved through this working sessions as participants for these sessions will be selected from the pool of participants of the gender mainstreaming training sessions (refer to deliverable 2.4.2). The GCF coordinator will be responsible for activities in this activity as well as coordination of other activities mentioned above. Deliverable Working session reports including work plan towards the development of concept notes (month 6) Deliverable Finalized and submit previously developed 2 concept notes (month 8)





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Deliverable Concept notes submitted to the GCF -2 new concept notes (mnth 12 and mnth 18)

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This section is only to be completed when seeking support for formulation of national adaptation plans and/or other adaptation planning processes. Please see Part 3 Section 4 in the Readiness Guidebook.

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5.1 Budget plan Please complete the Budget Plan in Excel using the template available in the Library page of the GCF website. 5.2 Procurement plan Please complete the Procurement Plan in Excel using the template available in the Library page of the GCF website. For goods, services, and consultancies to be procured, please list the items, descriptions in relation to the activities in section 2, estimated cost, procurement method, relevant threshold, and the estimated dates. Please include the procurement plan for at least the first tranche of disbursement requested below and provide a full procurement plan for the entire duration of the implementation period if available at this stage. 5.3 Disbursement schedule Please specify the proposed schedule for requesting disbursements from the GCF. For periodicity, specify whether it’s quarterly, bi-annually or annually only.

☒ Readiness Proposal that falls within a Framework Agreement with the GCF

Disbursement of Grants” and Clause 5 “Use of Grant Proceeds by the Delivery Partner” of the Framework Readiness and Preparatory Support Grant Agreement entered into between GCF and Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre dated 5th June 2017. The Delivery Partner is entitled to submit 2 request(s) for disbursement each year, and an Interim Request for Disbursement within 30 days of approval by the GCF of a proposal, which must be in accordance with the Framework Agreement

Please include an indicative disbursement table showing the expected amounts to be requested and keep to multiples of USD 5,000.

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6. IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS AND OTHER INFORMATION 6.1 Implementation map Please describe how funds will be managed by the NDA and/or the Readiness Delivery Partner.

Please describe the differing responsibilities of the NDA and their Delivery Partner for the management of the grant, procurement, implementation of activities, project oversight, monitoring, and reporting. If applicable, please also describe any delegation of responsibility from the Delivery Partner to another Executing Entity.

The delivery partner for the Readiness Programme will be the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC). The NDA of SVG is currently completing their first Readiness Project that ended on the 30 September 2019. The CCCCC will provide strategic guidance and support to the NDA and stakeholders in the implementation of this readiness project.

CCCCC as an accredited entity of the GCF will be responsible for all fiduciary matters (banking, procurement, and hiring an independent auditor to audit the project). As set out in the framework agreement between the GCF and the CCCCC, the Head, Programme Development Management Unit (PDMU) will oversee and report on the implementation of this Readiness Project. The Head of the PDMU will also help in the delegation of tasks and responsibilities, including the drafting of TORs and contracting; coordinate the financial management; monitoring and evaluation, and, report to the GCF in a timely manner. It is expected that at least four members of the CCCCC staff (project manager, procurement officer, finance officer and project administrative assistant) will be involve in the day to day implementation of the activities; however, from time to time technical staff will be require to review deliverables and provide feedback on the same. Similarly, all outputs requiring the GCF inputs will be shared with relevant persons within the GCF.

The NDA will be the point of contact for the CCCCC in the implementation of the readiness proposal. The NDA in consultation with the CCCCC will determine the progress of the project with regards to the logical framework, work programme and budget. Additionally, the NDA will collaborate with CCCCC for the project’s financial management and related reporting to ensure all necessary information is provided in a timely manner. The NDA will also be responsible for maintaining political buy-in and support at the highest levels of government and will function as the GCF contact person.

The NDA has a coordinating role and will aid the CCCCC and consultants with contacting and arranging meetings with key stakeholders. The CCCCC, NDA and other relevant stakeholders will prepare the draft terms of references (ToRs) for consulting services. All consultants, contracts and deliverables will be vetted, endorsed and or approved by the NDA prior to initiating payments by the CCCCC.

After approval of the Grant, a notification letter will be sent by the GCF to the NDA. The date of such notification of approval by the GCF will be treated as the start date for project implementation and from that date, the end date of implementation will be calculated taking into account the total duration of the project as presented in the approved proposal. Title to goods and other property financed by the Fund under the Grant Agreement shall be held by the Recipient or other entity approved by the Recipient, unless the Fund directs, at any time in its sole discretion that title be transferred to the Fund or another Entity nominated by the Fund’.

In accordance with the Framework Agreement between the GCF and CCCCC, the CCCCC will produce a biannual interim progress reports (IPR). This report will detail both technical accomplishments and financial expenditure at that time. The project will be audited annually and this report shared with the GCF and the NDA. Additionally, there will be a final report at the end of the project that will be judged against the outcomes described in the sections above. This report will also be accompanied by the final project financial audit to be completed by an Independent and accredited auditor. As is CCCCC custom, all records on this project will be kept for at least five years for review by the GCF or its authorized bodies after project completion.

All reports will be prepared and submitted to the GCF will be authorized in accordance to the Framework Agreement between the GCF and CCCCC with the endorsement of the NDA. The proposed arrangement is the structure of engagement that CCCCC developed to provide support to countries throughout the region and is included below:

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6.2 Risks, monitoring and evaluation (M&E), and other relevant information

Please include a set of identified risks and mitigation actions for each, monitoring plan, and any other relevant information you wish to bring to the attention of the GCF Secretariat but has not been included in the sections above.

Type of risk Risk Impact Likelihood Mitigation measure

Risk Management

and Monitoring

Plan Project Management and Governance

Delays Project Activities and Reporting

HIgh Low The previous readiness project activities were delayed based on the availability of staff fully devoted to completing project activities. To mitigate against this SVG sought the support of CCCCC as a delivery partner and will obtain a consultant to assist in the coordination of GCF project activities. There is potential for future project activities to be delayed due to, delays in feedback on deliverables and challenges in finding the suitable services. The NDA and other stakeholder will be brief on the importance of timely feedback on the deliverables and the potential to delay the project. The CCCCC has allocated more time for stakeholder feedback on deliverables. Drawing on lesson learnt from the implementation of other readiness project, TORs will be written considering the context in Caribbean and realistic, yet appropriate, requirements for the various assignments. Additional percentage of contingency requested to offset costs related to delays.

CCCCC as delivery partner will assist in monitoring these risks through the project management services. Those services will include tracking of project activities including procurement dates including weekly contact with the NDA to ensure the completion of activities. As the delivery partner CCCCC will be

Country Programme/ Coordinating Mechanism

TORs Consultations Deliverables Feedback

Green Climate Fund (GCF)

Caribbean Community Climate

Change Centre

Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning, Sustainable

Development and Information Technology (NDA)

Consultants Stakeholders Consultations

Contracts and Deliverables

Reporting, monitoring and evaluation, financing


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responsible for project management and project manager will be physically located at CCCCC. The CCCCC will have responsibility for the management of the Readiness Project. The project manager will be based with the CCCCC and work closely with the consultants that are executing activities on the ground. Why is this important? The project managers based in CCCCC will bridge the gap between the consultant on ground, project development and technical officers in the CCCCC. This is critical to ensure the outputs of the Readiness Project are aligned with the requirement of the GCF. Guidance through the weekly contact will facilitate skills transfer and knowledge sharing required to build the NDA’s capacity.

Changes in the Institutional Arrangement of the NDA

Low Low Changes in the institutional arrangements could slow down the implementation process, there is a pending election in St Vincent and the Grenadines but the NDA. There are no foreseeable changes of the NDA; however, the existing staff within the NDA’s office and technical capacity that will be afforded under this readiness will mitigate adverse impacts on the implementation of the Readiness. Further, NDA is not equipped with technical documents that guides it engagement with accredited entities, stakeholders and the GCF.

. Adjustments to activities will be reported directly to GCF to determine best way forward and in the interim reports.

Financial Resources

Disbursements not made in due time and for the required amount

High Low To mitigate these timely submission of disbursement request will be made to the GCF and financial considerations for all future activities including in the disbursement request. GCF-CCCCC Framework Agreement allows for ease of requesting financing.

Environment and natural disaster

Occurrence of natural disaster/

Medium High SVG is most impacted by hurricanes and tropical storms and unforeseen weather patterns such as trough system. These extreme climatic events have the potential to impact lives and disrupt the operations in SVG; therefore, planned activities such as workshops/consultations could be impacted by these extreme events. To mitigate against potential delays, where necessary activities could be implemented parallel under the project and activities such as consultations will be scheduled, as much as possible, outside of the period associated with the annual Atlantic Hurricane Season. Contingency Plans will be developed and project planning was scheduled by the delivery partner to consider the peak disaster seasons.

During the project life cycle the hurricane season will be monitored within the delivery partner’s office. Adjustments to activities will be reported directly to GCF and in the interim reports.

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Sustainability of outcomes

This proposal is in line with the country’s efforts to contribute to the global response to climate change through the promotion of climate resilient development. Therefore, the strengthening of capacities of all stakeholders at national and local levels are key to the completion of project activities. Through this proposal the national and local stakeholders of SVG will have an increased capacity to access climate financing and further their ability to implement project activities in an effort to advance the pipeline of projects to be funded by GCF.

Fiduciary Instances

money laundering, terrorist financing, corruption or prohibited practices

Low Low Based on the CCCCC engagement as a delivery partner, the risks associated with any national vulnerability to money laundering, terrorist financing, corruption or prohibited practices will be low. CCCCC as a regional entity for CARICOM maintains the highest fiduciary standards

Yearly audits will be conducted to ensure financial compliance

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Analysis of the SVG GCF Country Programme

(version 23/08/2019) and Potential Services

1.1. Methodological note

The analysis of the Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) Country

Programme (CP) is based on the latest version of the guidelines that the Green

Climate Fund (GCF) is preparing on the development of CPs, which include an

outline of CPs. The GCF shared these guidelines with the Baastel consortium ,

but they are not yet official. In this sense, the guidelines may be further

amended by GCF before they are made public. The definition of potential

services is based on the identified gaps of SVG’s CP and the activities eligible

under this support programme.

1.2. Good elements in the CP

Overall, it is a comprehensive document, which manages to present priorities and

even potential GCF projects. It is also a robust document that provides very useful


The tool used for prioritizing projects (Annex 4) is interesting.

The way information on the selected projects is presented is interesting.

1.3. Aspects to improve in the CP

1.3.1. Length

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The document is 79 pages long, 61 pages corresponding to the main text and 10

pages to the annexes. However, according to the draft GCF guidelines a CP should

have between 14 and 21 pages.

- Section 1.1 on the climate change profile in the CP is 6 pages long. According

to the draft guidelines, section 2 on the climate change context should be 1-2

pages long. In this sense, section 1.1 could be shortened, maintaining the

balance between adaptation and mitigation content.

- Section 1.2 on the development profile in the CP is 3.5 pages long. According

to the draft guidelines, section 1 on the sustainable development context

should be 1-2 pages long.

- Section 1.3 on national climate change response in the CP is way to long –it’s

20 pages. It includes some information on sections 3 on the climate finance

landscape and 6 on stakeholder engagement, but information on the latter is

also provided later (see below). The draft guidelines allocate 1-2 pages to

section 3 and the same length to section 6. Note that section 1.4 on gaps and

opportunities in the CP (14 pages long) would also relate to sections 2 and 6

in the draft guidelines.

- While the information provided is overall useful, some of the details are not

that relevant (e.g. 11, 13) and there is significant room for summarizing data.

In some few cases (i.e. on the proposal on a coastal protection project, p. 21),

important information (i.e. What is the progress? Is there already a concept

note? Are the partners, including AEs, identified?) is not provided.

1.3.2. Structure

The structure is not aligned with the new draft GCF guidelines1. Overall, the CP does

include sections 1 on sustainable development (section 1.2 in this CP), 2 on climate

change context (sections 1.1, 1.3 and 1.4), and 4 Project/programme priorities

(sections 2.3 and 2.4). Section 6 on multi-stakeholder engagement process is well

developed (sections 1.3, 2.1 and 2.2), even beyond the draft guidelines. Sections 3

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on climate finance and 5 on policy, strategy, planning and institutional needs are

partially covered. The document includes a section on M&E that is no longer required.

- Section 1.1 of CP refers to section 2 in the draft GCF guidelines on Climate

change context. In particular it does include the first point: “climate change

profile and projections (greenhouse gas emissions as well as vulnerability and

impacts under different climate change scenarios) based on the most up-to-

date climate science”. However, it does not include the second point: “potential

synergies and conflicts between the country’s sustainable development

objectives and climate change risks/opportunities in the medium- to long-

term”. To a certain extent the section on mitigation does provide some

information. Note however that the guidelines are not very clear on how this

should be integrated with the analysis on climate change impacts and key

mitigation sectors.

- In section 1.3 on climate response, the CP provides some information related

to section 3 in the draft guidelines on climate finance landscape. In particular,

it mentions climate change related initiatives (pp. 17-23, 31-34). The CP

includes a section on climate finance (1.3.3), but this focuses on institutional

coordination aspects, and does not provide estimations of resources needed,

domestic finance and support received. In section 3 according to the

guidelines the following information should be provided: “Profile of climate

finance needs for adaptation and mitigation across key priority sectors and

the availability of climate finance from different sources, public and private,

domestic and international”.

The structure does not allow the text to flow smoothly. Related topics are covered in

different sections generating both confusion (the narrative is not continuous) and


- Institutional aspects are discussed in sections 1.3 on partners active in

climate change (in particular in pp. 23-28, but also 29-30), 1.3.3 on access to

finance (in particular pp. 30-31), 2.1 on institutional arrangement (in

particular pp. 50-53), and 2.2 on roles and contributions of stakeholder (in

particular pp. 54-55).

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- Climate change initiatives are presented first in terms of project or

programmes (pp. 17-20), then in terms of sectors (when projects and

programmes support sectors) (pp. 20-23), later in terms of sources (pp. 30-34)

and then some additional projects are mentioned (pp. 50-51)

- Information on vulnerabilities is provided not only in the section on climate

change profile (1.1), but also on climate response (1.3), when it should be

integrated in one place (i.e. vulnerabilities on coastal areas, p. 21)

- Information on policies is not only provided in the section focusing on that,

but also on the section focusing on initiatives (e.g. p. 22).

- Information on M&E is provided in sections 1.3 on climate response (pp. 28-

29), 1.4 on gaps and opportunities (particularly pp. 46-47) and 3 on M&E (p.


- Information on institutional structure regarding finance is provided in pp. 30-

31 and then again in p. 48.

Past, ongoing and planned initiatives are not clearly distinguished (see for example p. 21).

1.3.3. Project prioritization process

- It is unclear how 19 key areas of engagement (presented in section 1.4)

resulted in 11 projects (presented in table 12).

- The tool used to prioritize the 11 projects is interesting. While the breakdown

of the GCF investment criteria is a good approach, the specific elements do

not make much sense in some cases: for instance, creation of enabling

environment and regulatory framework to promote investment; and to certain

extent vulnerability and economic and social development of affected

population. Rating rules are not provided to clarify these aspects. There is

room for improvement regarding the documentation of the process, presenting

it in a more transparent way.

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- Tables in section 2.4 should indicate when the concept notes (CN) were

developed and provide more information on their status (i.e. whether they have

been submitted to the GCF, and if not expected times of submission)

1.3.4. Editing

There are some typos, some incomplete sentences and the use of acronyms has to

be revised. The difference between tables 18 and 19 is also not clear.

1.4. Potential services1

1. Data assessment (and management)1

This could include:

• Compiling a catalogue of different data sets and sources being used by the

NDA, relevant ministries and other institutions in the compilation of the

country programme, the NDC and long-term strategy1.

• Identifying gaps in focus datasets and screening their quality

• Identifying relevant regional or global datasets that can supplement the focus

datasets in use by the country institutions

• Providing insights1 for establishing an information management system to

sharing data, including the creation of a database of all ongoing climate

change programmes and projects.

2. Policy assessment (M&E of the country’s climate response)1

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This would not focus on assessing current progress towards meeting climate change

policy goals and targets, but on the basis for such an assessment. While institutional

mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating the CP and the National Climate Change

Policy seem to have been established (although not operational), in coordination with

broader coordination frameworks (i.e. the Public-Sector Investment Programme

(PSIP)), it seems an M&E approach and a results framework with indicators, targets

and sources of verification, is not available. This would be relevant to review and

update both the CP and the policy and legal framework, one of the sub-objectives of

the policy. In this sense, the CP plans to update bi-annually the country portfolio

(including the country project/programme pipeline, the Country Readiness

programme pipeline, the Accreditation pipeline). It is worth noting that M&E was

identified as the most critical gap in the country’s NAP process. A structured

framework is still to be clearly defined or established, along with the requisite metrics

for monitoring the NAP process. The sectoral plans themselves do not integrate

climate change issues in a systematized way and hence M&E systems are not

specifically looking towards climate change issues yet. This activity could involve:

i) Policy Mapping – mapping different current and planned policy

commitments, and their alignment with each other and the Paris


ii) Providing guidance on how to approach the development of a climate

change M&E framework for the country that would be in tune with the

GCF CP, other climate change plans (e.g. NDC, NAP), development

commitments (e.g. SDGs) and broader coordination frameworks (i.e. the

Public-Sector Investment Programme (PSIP)), including to the extent

possible sectoral plans1 .

3. Climate vulnerability assessment

The CP demonstrates the availability of good information on the key vulnerabilities

(based on the Second National Communication of 2015) and mentions some

additional progress, including the development of hazard and vulnerability maps1. It

also shows a good understanding of appropriate measures 1 . However, the CP

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identifies as a gap/opportunity the identification of key climate change impacts and

vulnerabilities for each of the priority sectors and appropriate measures, including

collection of local/indigenous knowledge and gender-disaggregated information1.

In this context, the consortium could fine-tune existing vulnerability assessments on

climate change, building on existing climate change and socio-economic scenarios

and vulnerability studies. Using up to a 2050-time horizon, the analysis could involve

the following, limiting assessment to potentially 2-3 sectors or a selection of 1-2

specific regions1:

• National assessment to identify the most vulnerable regions and/or sectors,

e.g. via vulnerability ‘hotspot’ identification and prioritization;

• Deep-dive assessment on certain regions/sectors that are already known to

be vulnerable, e.g. development of climate impact chains and developing

adaptation indicators;

• Identification of in-country resilience strategies to understand who/ what is


• Analysis on adaptation pathways by assessing sectoral and regional

adaptation options in light of current vulnerability.

4. Economic Risk Profile1

This activity would aim to quantify the impacts of climate change in the economy.

The purpose is to identify high-risk areas and develop risk narratives that link

economic sectors with sustainable development goals. In particular, this could


i) Providing information on historical economic impacts of climate change.

ii) Assessing future economic impacts of climate change.

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The analysis may include impacts from climate related extreme weather events. The

assessment would consider GDP growth and well-being or socioeconomic indicators,

with information provided for specific sectors as applicable. Depending on data

availability, sub-national level information could be provided. For the future

economic impact, existing climate change projections and climate change impacts

(point 3 above) would be considered. As for the other activities proposed here, the

actual scope of work would need to be well defined in order to fit with the level of

resources available for this TA.

5. Finance mapping1

This could refer to:

i) Based on activities 3 and 4, identifying opportunities for investment among

GoSVG ministries and agencies, including the definition of investment

needed (and support needed);


ii) Assessing the extent to which the domestic financial system (both public

and private key actors) considers climate impacts and risks in financing

decisions, if at all, including the application of screening tools for

development planning (e.g. the Caribbean Climate Online Risk and

Adaptation Tool (CCORAL))1

iii) Related to the previous point, undertaking an analysis of investment gaps

and barriers in 1-2 priority sectors.

iv) Regarding the private sector, the consortium could (for example) look at

CP’s longlist of project ideas (Table 12) and screen for potential private

sector investment opportunities, by interviews with local players and

development banks

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v) Assess country conditions (institutions, capacity) to develop and manage

a domestic measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) system of

climate finance flows, including domestic climate finance and support

received, and advise on potential approaches for monitoring climate

finance, as well as on the use of readiness funding to develop such a


6. Capacity needs assessment1

This would involve:

i) Identifying the capacity gaps at the individual level, organization level and

within the wider institutional environment related to the technical work

mentioned above (activities 1-5).

ii) Prioritizing these capacity gaps, and where possible, suggest actions that

could help to address these gaps.

1 National Adaptation Plan of St. Vincent and the Greanadines presentation, April 10, 2018

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2. ANNEX – TOR GCF Coordinator


1. Background The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is a unique global platform to respond to climate change by investing in low-emission and climate-resilient development. GCF was established to limit or reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in developing countries, and to help vulnerable societies adapt to the unavoidable impacts of climate change. Given the urgency and seriousness of this challenge, the Fund is mandated to make an ambitious contribution to the united global response to climate change. As such, the GCF has developed a variety of funding windows and programmes. This includes funding windows for mitigation and adaptation, the Private Sector Facility (which also encompasses pilot programmes for mobilizing resources at scale, and for support to micro, small and medium sized enterprises), the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme (which includes a Project Preparation Facility and a programme providing support for adaptation planning); a REDD plus results based payment programme; and an Enhanced Direct Access Programme designed to enhance Fund access by sub-national, national and regional, public and private entities.

2. Duties and Responsibilities Under the overall supervision of NDA, the consultant’s responsibilities are:

• Assist with the coordination and implementation of the No objection procedure, Direct Access Nomination procedure and other related process of the NDA office.

• Support in coordination, planning, development and implementation of all project activities

• Identify goods and services to initiate activities and prepare TORs for project experts/consultants

• Facilitate and provide support where necessary for the successful execution of training activities and awareness sessions;

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• Ensure effective linkage between the relevant institutions and the NDA and CCCCC for the duration of the consultancy. This should include collaboration with relevant activities being undertaken by other parties to avoid duplication and enhance synergies;

• Hold regular meetings with stakeholders to provide updates on progress and address potential difficulties for the effective implementation of the project;

• Ensure the accurate recording of all data relevant for operational, financial and results-based monitoring;

• Ensure that relevant reports on expenditures, forecasts, progress against work plans, closure, are prepared and submitted in accordance with CCCCC and GCF defined procedures and

• Assist in the development of a readiness and preparatory support plan aligned with the Country Programming Framework.

• Other capacity strengthening and GCF Readiness related activities as deemed necessary by NDA and/or CCCCC not explicitly stated in this section

3. Key Results Expected and Measurable Outputs • National content sharing agreement developed and endorsed by the NDA • Informational briefing notes and booklets including at least 3 case studies from

national practices related to GCF activities developed • Online web platform expanded and implemented • Non-objection procedure, DAE selection procedure and associated platforms

effectively and efficiently coordinated • Review manuals and check list for standardizing the review and approval process

of concept notes submitted to the NDA developed • Climate investments tracking mechanism developed and implemented • Gap assessment and action plan to address gaps of potential Direct access entities

against GCF accreditation standards conducted • Country programme updated • Assessment report with agreed gender criteria, indicators and review manual


4. Reporting

The consultant will report to the Project Development and Management Unit (PDMU) in the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) and work in close coordination and collaboration with the staff and members of the National Designated Authority of St. Vincent and Grenadines.

5. Performance Indicators for Evaluation of Results

• Project activities implemented effectively as per approved the Annual Work Program and budget;

• Quality of outputs delivered;

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• Effective communication with national stakeholder active in climate, public financing and governance sector to define fields of cooperation and attracting additional financing and in-kind contributions in order to fulfill the project objectives;

• Successful dissemination of experience acquired, and lessons learnt; • Support provided by the project, including monitoring, learning, adaptive feedback

and evaluation institutionalized; • High visibility and ownership of the project outcomes among the government

partners. • Specific quality advice provided to the project partner on issues relating to climate

change, public financing in general and climate financing in particular and governance mechanisms.

6. Qualifications and Experience

• Minimum Bachelor’s degree, preferably in the field of Economic Development, Project Management, Social Sciences, Climate Change, or other field relevant to environmental sustainability and climate change

• Minimum of five years’ professional experience in any of the academic fields listed above or other relevant fields.

• Prior experience or training in design and/or management of large projects/programs is required.

• Good knowledge of St. Vincent and Grenadines’ National Adaptation Plan of Action (NAPA), the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris agreement.

• Previous experience with, or working knowledge of, other financial institution such as IDB, World Bank, CDB would be an asset.

7. Required Skills and Experience • Experience in policy analysis, advice and capacity development related to climate

and/or development finance, and public policy/finance/budget management; • Experience in coordination with national counterparts, partners or donors; • Knowledge of local governance structures and networks; • Familiarity with M&E systems; • Experience working with a cross-section of stakeholders, including senior

government officials at national and state level; • Proven experience in institutional and skill-based capacity development; • Experience of working in the area of environmental management; • Demonstrated strong interpersonal and motivational skills and sensitivity to the local

environment as well as the ability to work with minimal supervision; • Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages • Ability to work under pressure and time constraints; • Ability and willingness to travel within and outside of St. Vincent and Grenadines

8. Language

• Excellent oral and written communication skills in English and good capacity in preparing technical monthly reports.

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9. Functional Competencies

• Excellent knowledge of project management, particularly climate change project • Demonstrates strong analytical skills, • Promotes team work, contributes towards building team consensus, • Builds strong relationships with clients, focuses on impact and result for the client

and responds positively to feedback • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude • Good teamwork skills • Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities Development and Operational Effectiveness • Ability to lead strategic planning, results-based management and reporting • Ability to lead formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of

development program and projects • Good knowledge of the Results Management • Good ICT skills, • Ability to implement new systems and affect staff behavioral/ attitude change

10. Remuneration Package and Payment Payment will be made in monthly instalments upon the Centre’s acceptance of a monthly work plans and project highlight reports.

11. Application Submission Procedure

All suitably qualified persons are invited to submit their Expression of Interest (EOI) covering the points outlined in the TOR and accompanied by the following application documents:

a. Letter of motivation outlining motivation and how your experience, skills, qualifications and professional networks fit with the required job description.

b. Curriculum vitae or Résumé with full details of experience, achievements, qualifications and names

c. Contact details of three (3) references

12. Evaluation Criteria

Candidates applying for this consultancy shall meet a minimum score of 80 points on the evaluation scale below.

Technical Qualifications Evaluation Criteria

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# Description Points


A Minimum of a Bachelor’s degree, preferably in the field of Economic Development, Project Management, Social Sciences, Climate Change, or other field relevant to environmental sustainability and climate change.



B Minimum of three years’ professional experience in any of the academic fields listed above or other relevant fields 25

C Good knowledge of St. Vincent and Grenadines’ National Adaptation Plan of Action (NAPA), the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris agreement.


D Previous experience with, or working knowledge of, other financial institution such as IDB, World Bank, CDB would be an asset


E Prior experience or training in design and/or management of large projects/programs is required. 5

F Experience in policy analysis, advice and capacity development related to climate and/or development finance, and public policy/finance/budget management.


G Experience in coordination with national counterparts, partners or donors 5

H Knowledge of local governance structures and networks 5

I Familiarity with M&E systems 5

J Experience working with a cross-section of stakeholders, including senior government officials at national and state level 5

K Proven experience in institutional and skill-based capacity development 5

L Experience of working in the area of environmental management 5

M Demonstrated strong interpersonal and motivational skills and sensitivity to the local environment as well as the ability to work with minimal supervision


Total 100

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The following considerations are important when completing the budget:

1. Before preparing the Readiness and PPF budget, please read the full guidance on our website

2. You can select the appropriate budget categories from the dropdown list in the budget plan:

3. To insert additional rows, right click on the row number below where you wish to insert the new row and choose INSERT.

4. Additional budget categories may be added by manually typing them on the Budget Category sheet. :

Project Management Cost: Project management costs (PMC) are the direct administrative costs incurred to execute a project. They should cover only incremental costs incurred due to the GCF contribution. In most cases, these costs are directly related to the support of a dedicated project management unit (PMU) which managesthe day to day execution related activities of the project.

General Principles for PMC costs: 1. The percentage of PMC financed by GCF should not be more than the percentage share of the overall budget financed by GCF 2. PMC budget thresholds: Up to 7.5 per cent of total activity budget. > PMC exceeding 7.5 per cent for the readiness (including NAPs) proposals, and PPF proposals, up to $ 3 million will require detailed documentation and justification supporting the entire PMC budget. > The PMC should be shown as a separate component in the project budget. A detailed breakdown of PMC should be provided by budget category. > Indicative list of eligible project management costs:

> Project staffing and consultants: Project manager, Project Assistant, Procurement personnel, Finance personnel & Support/admin. Personnel> Other direct costs: Office equipment, Mission related travel cost of the PMU, Project management systems and information technology, Office supplies, Audit cost

Contingency :1. Select the appropriate % of Contingency Budget from the dropdown list :

2. Contingency budget for unforeseen costs arising during the project implementation should not be included in the outcome budget separately.3. Contingency budget must be used for any unforeseen programme (output level) cost that is unrelated to implementation/service fee.4. Any use of contingency must be reported to and agreed by the GCF Secretariat in writing in advance provided with justifications that are acceptable to the GCF5. If you get to the end of the project and you haven’t spent Contingency, you can’t increase the scope of the project or buy some more equipment to use it up.

6. The Budget Notes sheet should be used to record explanations, further details or cost breakdowns for individual lines


If you are unsure about how to complete the budget template, please send your query to: [email protected]

Readiness Grant Budget Preparation Guidelines

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5.1 Budget PlanPlease add rows for Outcomes, Outputs and Cost Categories as required. Additional budget categories may be added by manually typing them on the Budget Category sheet.

6m 12m 18m 24m 30m 36m

Audio Visual & Printing Lumpsum 1 2,800.00 2,800.00 2,800.00

Professional Services – International Companies/Firm W/Day 120 600.00 72,000.00 36,000.00 36,000.00

Stakeholder Consultations per consultation 2 3,000.00 6,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00

Travel – Local per trip 10 700.00 7,000.00 3,500.00 3,500.00

Travel - International per trip 4 3,000.00 12,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00

2.2 Periodic participatory review and updating of the climate finance Country Programme

Professional Services – International Companies/Firm W/Day 120 600.00 72,000.00 36,000.00 36,000.00

Travel - International per trip 4 3,000.00 12,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00

Stakeholder Consultations per consultation 2 3,000.00 6,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00

Travel – Local per consultation 10 700.00 7,000.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 Professional Services - Communications and Media lumpsum 1 14,000.00 14,000.00 14,000.00

Audio Visual & Printing Lumpsum 1 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00

Travel – Local per year 2 10,800.00 21,600.00 10,800.00 10,800.00

Professional Services – International Companies/Firm W/Day 150 600.00 90,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00

Travel - International per trip 6 3,000.00 18,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00

Stakeholder Consultations per consultation 7 3,000.00 21,000.00 11,000.00 10,000.00

Travel – Local per consultaiton 7 2,700.00 18,900.00 9,450.00 9,450.00

Travel - International W/month 1 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00

Workshop/Training per workshop 1 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00

Consultant - Individual - Regional W/month 24 4,000.00 96,000.00 24,000.00 24,000.00 24,000.00 24,000.00

Audio Visual & Printing Lumpsum 1 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00

IT Equipment Lumpsum 1 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00

Office Supplies Per year 2 2,000.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00

Workshop/Training per workshop 2 3,000.00 6,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00

Travel - International per trip 2 3,000.00 6,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00

Travel – Local per consultation 10 700.00 7,000.00 3,500.00 3,500.00

523,300.00 159,450.00 148,250.00 191,600.00 24,000.00 - -

Consultant - Individual - Regional Month 24 1,300.00 31,200.00

Audit Fee Lumpsum 2 1,500.00 3,000.00

Travel - International per trip 2 2,500.00 5,000.00 do not change the formula do not change the formula

- 39,200.00 39,247.50

- 7.49% 7.50%


4.3 Project Concept Notes Development132,000.00 132,000.00


Disbursement PlanOutcomes Budget Categories

choose from the drop-down listUnit Total Budget

(per sub-outcome)

1. Institutional capacity and coordination mechanisms in

place to govern and coordinate climate action and finance

Country capacity strengthened

1.1 NDA ‘No objection’ procedure for funding proposals and PPF applications 99,800.00

2.4 Gender considerations are not mainstreamed in the stakeholder consultations processes

4 Climate finance strategies and project pipeline strengthened

Total Budget(per budget category)

Total Budget(per outcome)


Actual amount and % of PMC requested:

Maximum PMC that can be requested:




Detailed Budget (in US$)

Unit Cost# of Unit

2.3 Stakeholder Engaged in a Consultative Process


Project Management Cost (PMC)Up to 7.5% of Total Activity Budget

Total Outcome Budget

Page 38: with the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre ......with the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) for Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 22 November 2019 | NDA Strengthening

Total (per budget category)





234,000.00 Project Management Cost (PMC) 7.5% requested

10,000.00 Contingency requested












Breakdown (per budget category)


Stakeholder Consultations

Professional Services – Communications/media

Travel - International

Consultant - Individual - Local

Professional Services – Companies/Firm

IT Equipment

Consultant - Individual - Regional

Office Supplies

Audio Visual & Printing

Travel – Local

Audit Fee

Delivery Partner Fee (DP) - Up to 8.5% of the Sub-Total

Total Outcome Budget + PMC

Sub-Total (Total Outcome Budget + Contingency + PMC)

627,346.00$ Total Project Budget (Total Activity Budget + Contingency + PMC + DP)






Total Outcome Budget

Page 39: with the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre ......with the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) for Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 22 November 2019 | NDA Strengthening

Budget Note Detailed Description

Audio Visual & Printing Printing of toolkit for dissemination to national stakeholders at a rate of $35USD for 80 copies

Professional Services – Companies/Firm International Contract Services for firm to develop toolkit at a rate of $600/ day, estimated work effort of 120 days

Stakeholder Consultations Costs associated with conducting consultations for 40 persons

Travel – Local Travel and DSA for 5 participants traveling from the Grenandines to St. Vincent for $700/person

Travel - International Travel associated with 2 representatives of the firm developing toolkit attending local consultations

Professional Services – Companies/Firm Contract Services for revision of country programme development as well as the MVRS mechanism and operational manual at a rate of $600/ day with an estimated work effort of 120 days per monthTravel - International Travel associated with 2 representatives of the firm revising country programme attending local consultations

Stakeholder Consultations National Dialogue events including needed stakeholder consultations for ensure participation for the revision of the country programme (40 participants)

Travel – Local Travel and DSA for 10 participants traveling from the Grenandines to St. Vincent for $700/person

Professional Services - Communications and Media Payment to radio and talk shows, booth rentals at community events for national campaign

Audio Visual & Printing Costs associated with printing of educational banners for participation in national communications strategy

Travel – Local DSA and travel for 6 staff to participate in awareness campaing events (community events, talk shows, radio shows) at a rate of $150 USD/day with an estimated work effort of 12 activities in each year

Professional Services – Companies/Firm International

Contract services of firm to provide workshop support for REDD+ planning at a rate of $600/day with an estimated work effort of 150 days per month (the GCF Coordintor will be responsbile for deliverables 2.3.2 and 2.3.3 asscoaited with the REDD+ activity description)

Travel - International Travel associated with 2 representatives of the firm providing REDD+ support attending 3 of the 7 meetings

Stakeholder Consultations Costs associated with REDD+ consultations for 20 participants (2 day working sessions)

Travel – Local Travel, accomodation and DSA for participation 3 stakeholders from the Grenadines for REDD+ consultations at a rate of $900/person per session

Travel-International Travel costs associated with CCCCC Gender Specialist conducting gender mainstreaming workshop

Workshop/Training Costs associated with one day gender mainstreaming in project development workshop (40 participants)

Consultant - Individual - Regional

Costs associated for contracting local consultant to support activities of the NDA at a rate of $200 USD/ day with an estimated work effort of 20 days per month (consultant will coordiante activity 1.2, 2.2, 2.2.1, 2.3.1, 2.3.2, 2.3.3, 2.4, 4.3.1 and be responsible for the submission related deliverables)

Audio Visual & Printing Costs associated with printing informational material for project development workshops

IT Equipment IT equipment for use on country programming process (overhead projector $800 and laptop $2000 for stakeholder consultations, printer $1200, software packages $2000, hardware storage, desktop $3500 for Coordinator, housing of project databases and documents, electrical equipment for equipment surge protectors and cords $200; $300 for waranty on equipment)

Office Supplies Office supplies (stationaries, office chair/desk,USB flash drives, note pads, folders) for 24 months (2 years) @ 2,000 per year for GCF coordinator

Workshop/Training Costs associated with concept note development workshops for 40 persons

Travel – Local Travel and DSA for particpation of 10 stakeholders from the Grenadines at a rate of $700/person

Travel - International Costs associated with project development specilaists from CCCCC to conduct project development workshops in SVG

Consultant - Individual - Regional Costs associated with project manager for readiness project at a rate of $65/day with an estimated work effort of 20 days per month

Audit Fee Costs associated with yearly audit

Travel – International Costs associated with the delivery partner travel to SVG for project management activities for $2500 per trip

Page 40: with the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre ......with the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) for Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 22 November 2019 | NDA Strengthening

Budget CategoriesAudio Visual & PrintingAudit FeeConsultant - Individual - InternationalConsultant - Individual - LocalProfessional Services – Companies/FirmIT EquipmentOffice SuppliesTravel - InternationalTravel – LocalWorkshop/Training Stakeholder Consultations Professional Services - Communications and MediaConsultant - Individual - Regional

Indicate additional budget categories

Page 41: with the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre ......with the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) for Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 22 November 2019 | NDA Strengthening

5.2 Procurement Plan

Item Estimated Cost (US$)

IT Equipment10,000.00

Office Supplies 4,000.00

Audio Visual & Printing 2,800.00

Audio Visual & Printing 3,000.00

Audio Visual & Printing 5,000.00

Travel – Local 7,000.00

Travel – Local 7,000.00

Travel – Local 21,600.00

Travel – Local 18,900.00

Travel – Local 7,000.00

Stakeholder Consultations 6,000.00

Stakeholder Consultations 6,000.00

Stakeholder Consultations 21,000.00

Workshop/Training 3,000.00

Workshop/Training 6,000.00

Travel - International 12,000.00

Travel - International 12,000.00

Travel - International 18,000.00

Travel - International 3,000.00 15-Feb-2020Travel for Gender specialist Invitation to Quote (ITQ) <25,000 (items less than threshold) 15-Dec-2019

Local travel for stakeholders (within and between islands) Invitation to Quote (ITQ) <25,000 (items less than threshold) 15-Dec-2019 15-Feb-2020

Local travel for stakeholders (within and between islands) Invitation to Quote (ITQ) <25,000 (items less than threshold) 15-Dec-2019 15-Feb-2020

Local travel for stakeholders (within and between islands) Invitation to Quote (ITQ) <25,000 (items less than threshold) 15-Dec-2019 15-Feb-2020

Local travel for stakeholders (within and between islands) Invitation to Quote (ITQ) <25,000 (items less than threshold) 15-Dec-2019 15-Feb-2020

Costs associated with printing of educational banners for participation in national communications strategy <25,000 (items less than threshold) 15-Dec-2019 15-Feb-2020Invitation to Quote (ITQ)

Material for stakeholder engagement inclduing briefs, leaflets/flyers/brochures, audio interviews, infographics, articles and blogs

Invitation to Quote (ITQ) <25,000 (items less than threshold) 15-Dec-2019 15-Feb-2020

For goods, services, and consultancies to be procured, please list the items, descriptions in relation to the activities in Section 3, estimated cost, procurement method, relevant threshold, and the estimated dates. Please include the procurement plan for at least the first tranche of disbursement requested below and provide a full procurement plan for the entire duration of the implementation period if available at this stage.

Stationaries, office chair/desk,USBflash drives, note pads, folders Invitation to Quote (ITQ) <25,000 (items less than threshold) 15-Dec-2019 15-Feb-2020

Computer, printer, computer softwware, etcInvitation to Quote (ITQ) <25,000 (items less than threshold) 15-Dec-2019 15-Feb-2020

Goods and Non-Consulting Services

Item Description Procurement Method+Thresholds

(Min-Max monetary value for which indicated procurement method must be used)

Estimated Start Date* Projected Contracting Date*

2 Project Development Workshops ( Different procurement for: venue, catering, training materials, equipment, logistics)

Invitation to Quote (ITQ) <25,000 (items less than threshold) 15-Dec-2019 15-Feb-2020

Travel associated with 2 representatives of the firm providing REDD+ support attending 3 of the 7 meetings

Travel associated with 2 representatives of the firm revising country programme attending local consultations

Travel associated with 2 representatives of the firm developing toolkit attending local consultations Invitation to Quote (ITQ) <25,000 (items less than threshold) 15-Dec-2019 15-Feb-2020

Invitation to Quote (ITQ) <25,000 (items less than threshold) 15-Dec-2019 15-Feb-2020

Invitation to Quote (ITQ) <25,000 (items less than threshold) 15-Dec-2019 15-Feb-2020

Invitation to Quote (ITQ) <25,000 (items less than threshold) 15-Jul-2020 4-Jun-2020

1 Gender mainstreaming workshop Invitation to Quote (ITQ) <25,000 (items less than threshold) 15-Dec-2019 15-Feb-2020

15-Dec-2019 15-Feb-2020

2 consultations for dissemination of no-objection procedure ( Different procurement for: venue, catering, training materials, equipment, logistics)

Invitation to Quote (ITQ) <25,000 (items less than threshold) 1-Jan-2020 3-Mar-2020

7, 2-day consultations for development of REDD+ plan ( Different procurement for: venue, catering, training materials, equipment, logistics)

Invitation to Quote (ITQ) <25,000 (items less than threshold) 15-Mar-2020 4-May-2020

3 national dialogues ( Different procurement for:venue, catering, consultation materials, equipment, logistics) @ US$8,000 each

Material for toolkit Invitation to Quote (ITQ) <25,000 (items less than threshold) 15-Jul-2021 9-Oct-2021

Local travel for stakeholders (within and between islands) Invitation to Quote (ITQ) <25,000 (items less than threshold)

Page 42: with the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre ......with the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) for Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 22 November 2019 | NDA Strengthening

Travel - International 6,000.00

Travel - International 5,000.00

$ 184,300.00

Professional Services – Companies/Firm 72,000.00

Consultant - Individual - International 96,000.00

Professional Services – Companies/Firm 72,000.00

Professinal Services - Communications and Media 14,000.00

Professional Services – Companies/Firm 90,000.00

Professional Services – Companies/Firm 3,000.00

Consultant - Individual - Regional 31,200.00

$ 378,200.00



Fees calculated for total outcome budget and PMC (minus contigency)

Note minus figures in yellow (PMC) to obtain total outcome budget

project management travel Invitation to Quote (ITQ) <25,000 (items less than threshold) 15-Dec-2019 15-Feb-2020

Invitation to Quote (ITQ) <25,000 (items less than threshold) 15-Dec-2019 15-Feb-2020

Consulting firm to develop country programme document NICQ <50,000 20-Jul-2020 7-Jul-2020

Payment to media oultet for radio and talk shows for national campaign IICQ <50,000

GCF Coordinator NICQ <50,000 15-Dec-2019 15-Feb-2020

Sub-Total (US$)

Travel for project development specialist

International Consulting firm to assist with the development of REDD+ strategy FBS/QBS >50,001 15-Dec-2019 15-Feb-2020

Consultancy Services

Consulting firm to develop national toolkit Activity 1.1. FBS/QBS >50,001 15-Jul-2021 9-Oct-2021

.+(1) Goods and Works: ICB: international competitive bidding; NCB: national competitive bidding; CPP: Community Participation in Procurement; (2) Consulting Firms: QCBS: quality and cost-based selection; QBS: quality-based selection; FBS: selection under a fixed budget; LCS: least-cost selection; CQS: selection based on the Consultant's Qualifications; SSS: single-source selection. Individual Consultants: NICQ: national individual Consultant selection based on qualifications; IICQ: international individual Consultant selection based on Qualifications.

*Date will be determine once the date of approval becomes apparent

Auditing Firm (2 contracts) NCIQ <5,000 8-Nov-2020 2-Feb-2021

Sub-Total (US$)

Project Management SSS 15-Dec-2019<50,000 15-Feb-2020

15-Dec-2019 15-Feb-2020