with guy walters - tcb media rights world the... · big guns moved around, plundered treasure...

HITLER’S WORLD: THE POST WAR PLAN What were the REAL Nazi plans for The New World Order? A brand new series 6 x 1 hour shows With GUY WALTERS

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Page 1: With GUY WALTERS - TCB Media Rights WORLD THE... · big guns moved around, plundered treasure spirited away and of course millions transported to their deaths in the camps – but

HITLER’S WORLD: THE POST WAR PLAN What were the REAL Nazi plans for The New World

Order? A brand new series 6 x 1 hour shows


Page 2: With GUY WALTERS - TCB Media Rights WORLD THE... · big guns moved around, plundered treasure spirited away and of course millions transported to their deaths in the camps – but


• What extraordinary secret plans existed that revealed how Hitler’s New World capital would have looked?

• What were the plans to destroy Warsaw and rebuild it as a model Nazi city? What did the Reich have planned for other towns and cities?

• What would a conquered nation have looked like under the new Reich plans?

• How did they intend to Germanise the world?

• What was the sinister background to ‘Hitler’s Holiday Camp’ at Prora? In which other ways did the Reich intend to ‘educate’ people into the ways of Nazism?

• How did the Reich intend to strike at the heart of the USA?

Page 3: With GUY WALTERS - TCB Media Rights WORLD THE... · big guns moved around, plundered treasure spirited away and of course millions transported to their deaths in the camps – but


• Where did Hitler intend to establish his British HQ? And who was in the sinister Nazi ‘Black Book’?

• How would the existing Nazi railway system have been extended across the Nazi Empire?

• What was planned for Europe’s transport infrastructure?





THE SERIES Until 1942, it is quite possible – even likely – that Germany will win the Second World War.

Hitler’s armies have marched deep into continental Europe and the Soviet Union and it seems that the civilised world will soon be faced with the unthinkable – a new world order in which the Nazis are the masters….a new Reich.

Only the defeats at Stalingrad and El Alamein turn the tide.

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For Hitler and his henchmen, world domination is not some wild pipedream. They expect to achieve it and detailed plans for it are put in place, not just for how the new Reich will look but for how it will function and be governed; for how its citizens will travel around; even how and where they will spend their holidays.

These are not megalomaniac fantasies – they are concrete, hard and very real plans which, if they come to fruition, will completely change the history of the world.

This is not a ‘what if’ series. Each episode features investigations based on hard evidence, newly-discovered documents and new declassified material.

It exposes and lays bare the details of those ideas and strategies. The investigation is led by award-winning journalist and Nazi expert Guy Walters, who hunts down the fascinating but alarming truth about how the world would have looked had Hitler and his Nazi regime not been defeated.

Here, in unsettling detail, is the Nazi Blueprint for a world that had most races enslaved by the Third Reich.


How would the Capital City of the World have looked after the expected German victory? We’ll show you in this episode, which has Berlin as its featured backdrop and new CGI as a powerful tool to illustrate the advanced designs and plans overseen by Albert Speer, the ‘new architect of the Third Reich’. “As world capital Berlin will only be comparable to Ancient Egypt, Babylon and Rome” said Hitler. “What is London, what is Paris compared to that?”

Guy Walters is going to find out.

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The detailed model for Germania – the New Berlin


To understand what it would have been like had the Germans won the war, look no further than Poland for solid examples of the scale of their ruthless ambition. It was called the Pabst Plan and the strategy was brutally, mercilessly simple; to destroy the Polish capital of Warsaw and rebuild it as a Nazi model city. The murderous plan defies belief. Poland at that time was a city of 1.5 million inhabitants – the Nazis planned that all were to be killed, or sent to concentration camps, or put into slave labour and replaced by a German town of not more than 130,000 people.

The plan existed long before war broke out and it was to be implemented in several stages. Implementation began during the war.

In this episode, Guy Walters tells the whole chilling story of one of the most fanatically ambitious examples of Nazi extremism. He looks at the plan, examines which parts were carried out and paints a grim picture of how Warsaw would have looked had Nazism triumphed.

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Guy also explains why it was not only Warsaw that the Germans intended to colonise. He scrutinises the Nazi plans for other major towns and cities including Trondheim in Norway which was earmarked as an all-powerful naval base from which the Reich would continue its operations on the high seas.

This episode also highlights how the Nazis were planning to solve the ‘problem’ of non-Aryan peoples in the conquered lands…which, in short, involved mass-murder on a scale and a speed far greater than that seen during the Holocaust.

The Pabst Plan gets underway….


We visit an eerie echo of the Nazi ‘Strength Through Joy’ programme – the colossal holiday resort of Prora in Rugen, Germany in which it was planned that 20,000 citizens of the Reich would vacation in exactly the way, at exactly the time and at exactly the place in which the regime decreed. It was to have included two wave pools, a cinema and a theatre not to mention a large dock for passenger ships. Incredibly, before the war the plans won design awards.

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Prora was in effect, a huge exercise in Nazi mind-control; a place in which the German people were to have been manipulated and moulded as model Reich citizens while not realising it. For hard working Germans, this Nazi holiday paradise would be something to be glad of and grateful for.

It’s extraordinary to think that the Nazi party was the world’s largest Budget Travel Agency during the 1930s. Guy searches contemporary records to discover what other mind-control ventures were initiated by the Reich and who was responsible for making them happen. Who was in charge of the overall vision?

This episode also tells the extraordinary story of the ‘MV Wilhelm Gustloff’ – the massive cruise liner used by the Strength Through Joy programme for ‘cultural activities’, concerts and holiday trips for workers. Named after an assassinated Nazi leader (it was originally going to be named the ‘Adolf Hitler’ until a late change of mind) the ship was also used as the set for a very unsuccessful German propaganda film version of story of the sinking of the Titanic.

The Wilhelm Gustloff tale has a bitter and tragic irony – in January 1945 she was herself sunk in the Baltic Sea by a Russian submarine. At the time she was evacuating German civilians, almost 10,000 of whom went down with the ship – 5 times as many as those that lost their lives aboard Titanic.

It is still the largest loss of life in a single ship sinking in history.

Guy visits Prora to tell these incredible stories and to investigate other plans for the ‘education’ of those who would be assimilated into the new, expanded Reich. What exactly were they to be taught? Where would the indoctrination take place? How would the Reich have dealt with the ‘inconveniences’ of the educational establishment and the Church?

The answers are horrifying, as Guy discovers.

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Prora – a place for Nazi programming…


At this great distance, it seems faintly ridiculous – but the fact is that even before the outbreak of war, Nazi strategists had formulated plans to strike at New York City.

Super missiles, kamikaze pilots, long-range bomber and secret agents….all were to play their part in fulfilling Hitler’s dream of seeing New York ablaze and the USA eventually succumbing to Nazi power. In this episode, Guy investigates: how submarine U-202 narrowly failed in its mission to land 8 German terrorists, tasked with destroying bridges, power plants and tunnels, on US soil; the ‘Amerika-Bomber’ project, the plan to build a strategic aircraft capable of striking at New York and beyond; Projects C, E and F, the development of jet-engine ‘Kamikaze’ aircraft; and the plan to harvest foodstuffs from the American heartlands for the expanding Reich.

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New York in the forties…Hitler had it in his sights…


It may well come as a surprise to the people of Bridgnorth in England, but Adolf Hitler planned to use their pleasant market town as the nerve centre for his operations flowing the successful invasion of Britain planned for 1941.

More accurately, the Fuhrer had his eye on Apley Hall, an agreeable Grade II listed stately home which would not only have afforded Hitler the luxuries to which he was accustomed, but would also have placed him at the geographical centre of England and – handily - near an airbase.

How do we know this? Secret plans have recently come to light which explain fully what Hitler had planned for when Britain was added to the Nazi empire and its Guy’s job to examine and explain them in all their unsettling detail.

In this episode, Guy also investigates The Black Book – a list compiled by SS Oberfuhrer Walter Schellenberg which featured the names of prominent British citizens thought unsuitable by the leading lights of the Third Reich.

Who was on the list? Why were they included? And what would have happened to them if the Germans had annexed Great Britain.

It’s over to Guy to find out….

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Lovely Apley Hall…the perfect place for British Nazi HQ…


For the Reich, the railways were not only vital sinews of war – big guns moved around, plundered treasure spirited away and of course millions transported to their deaths in the camps – but also important cogs in the wheel of the new world. We investigate the role they were planned to play as the Reich expanded – including the extraordinary new trains and sumptuous new railways stations.

And it wasn’t only the railways that formed part of the Nazi scheme. Guy explores what was planned for the roads of a new Nazi-controlled Europe – huge motorways, enormous bridges spanning vast expanses of water – and explains how vital it all was to a Nazi world which would include bigger, faster aircraft, monster ships and –terrifyingly – the ability to transport and deploy nuclear weapons.

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Hitler’s railways – a vital part of world domination…


Guy Walters

Guy Walters is a highly respected author, historian and journalist who has many TV appearances to his credit. As regular columnist for Britain’s most popular newspaper, he has thoroughly analytical but above all entertaining style which is ideally suited to the subject matter. Guy is the author of the best-selling book Hunting Evil and is an acknowledged expert on the dark Nazi period of German history.


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• Guy Walters travels to Germany to investigate the plans for the New Reich and to places planned to form the expanded Nazi Empire

• He interviews other leading historians, authors and experts on the Nazi plans on his journey of discovery

• The programme uncovers the very latest evidence and puts forward the newest theories found in previously little known archives

• New CGI and graphics illustrate and explain… • Carefully researched archive film and photographs clarify

and illuminate… • Specially filmed recreations and reconstructions provide a

taste and flavour of the times.