wisconsin state stevens point a the pointer · 2016-05-04 · n at steven1 point state uni·...

Wisconsin State University Stevens Point ' . a THE POINTER SERIES VII I, VOL 13 WSU-STEVENS POINT, THURSDAY, A PRIL 16, 1970 10 PAGES NO. 25 FO~ SINGER rnDY OOLLINS will be fe&tured in concert at the fieldbouae thll Sunday at 8 :00 p.m. AdmJa.- aion 1t&rt.a at $2.50. Admissions Finally Level Off Af_;!mWlona ol. new treshmffl who plan to Snend Stevf! n1 Point State Unlvtt1lty lhll fall att be&inninl to leYel olt, ao- cotdlna; to ~trar CUbttt W. F1iu1. His cunent projtctlon tor the Ult.II enrollment In ~ mber ll ... •bout 9,300, an lncruae o/. 1,400 above last ~ar. f'1ust aald the Apr. l report from lilt adm.lukJN office thaws th4t U.00 new frHhmen have bttn admltttd, a 1l.5 jump 1hnd olt.1tyur atthlstlme, Usina: a fonnula bued ·on pre- vktut eJtper\ences, FaU(t MY' !lit Stptembcr tttshmen enroll- mtnt probably wW be aboUt 85 per cent rl. apPllcantl actu- ally aecepted by Apr. 1. Ualnl thb n.tlo. he belleve:s lbe trnh- rn.n cJ.u., wW be about 3,000. ITha.twuthe1beol W en- tlre 1tudtnt body at Point.State ln the mJd~,) F, urt pointed out the k,vellna beuuse me month l(O admlaaions runnlnc JS per cent Wild ol 1'69 and , ... .., monu. qo, 10 per cent. Candidacy Announcement To 'l1le Zdllon : I "'~ like to announce my lnll'ntlon to attk lhe po1tuon ol Student Body Prelldent for me ac:hool yeaT mo.n. TtM:re are problems on tbla campul which ,mldt be dealt wtlh 1ueh u a-Bl dr(tte ttqulre mcnll, rHldence hall condltioPI, and houri rtf\lla· lions, I fH:I lb.I t my two yean u. cla.u ~hi.tor, my parti- cipation on and chairtnl ol ff V• ·t;,..J. ~n,. te eonunlnea, u weU u repnsentlna: our eampu1 a t sevi'ral 1taW and ~ I con- fercncn quality me for the iic-· Ilion I )ook f orward to acce pt- .... BEV GEORGE Elections Set Environmental Teach-In Sch~ule Ab!Jut 40 pcnont whole 1peel. altle, ranae from noae pollu- tion to the rol~ of theoloa' In America'• breo.kdown of the en- Yironment will be 1pukers at a "Projec:t Si.irvival" teach-In April 21-23 at Stevena Polnt State Unlve.rslty. Most of the dllcuuion leaden wW be protesson tromlhe k>c.111 e1mpu1, but own are w!de.ly known In Wllconaln for lhelr role l.n rovttnmtnt, includln,: Patrick Lucey, Democntlc can- didate ror aovemor; Jack Olton, Republican aubematorlal candl· d1te; David Obey, '1th Dlatrict con&l'C'llman and John Potter, chalnnan ol the Wl&conlln Na- tural Rnow'cH Board, Each will rive repocil on Wednelday. WllllamBalrd,theaontrovttt- lal leader aeeldnr a ban on Wll- eonsln'• and · Masaachusetw' lawsP")hlblUna;llleof ca:atr•· ceptlve deviees to unmarrled penoNI, WU booked, too. But he is 1tlll in jail, lttVin& a 90- day priSIXIRntftlce forh11 birth coatrol. crusade In Bolton, anJ il notcertainbe' llbeableto kffP the date. Pre~UOII tor the trach-ln bu In full swtnr far .ev- erll ·months and involves ltV- e.r.l bundred 1tudentli Ira DWn- fflJWI c&mpul or,anlzadom. They rqard next wttk'1 rrarm u one ot many poJecll In the attack on pollution. Duriria: Nadonal Wlldl i ft- Wttk, ltUdimll and faculty 1ave 1peecha to khooi IJ'OUlll and dvic d ubl polzldq out the N r- k)umeU oe condldom rnpomi· ble' for wip!nc out whole 1pecles ot blr-1:k, an1mall and fllhff, The:re haV9 ~ .eve:ral l'l'O- sr&ffll and pu,el d~ In the commulllty on envirolllllfft- t&I breakdown , tocua1nc on local dtuadona. And more wW coo- tlnue a.Rer the Wa ch,.lll. Here is a ICbedule ot thelt · eve:nt1 tnr next 'I'uNday, w~ &Dd 'lbunday : ' .&pnl.11 do Room of UDlvenlty Om&irr. 2:-.0p.m..-Inl:rodudkloud 1llde pttNntaUoa ol SWVffll Point pollution by 1tudent Olve """'"'· 3 p.m. - "PoUudon - Wll- conaln Style:" Gene Oi.ar!,e,, North Eut Plannin&" ())tn.ffi1-- •""'- 4 p.m. - '' Urban Sprawl and Zonlni," Dr Paul Baxter, Ulll- venlty proleuor' ol natural re- lOUl"Cff, and " Recreation a.Dd. the Plover Rlver,'' Irvln Korth, natural HIOUr'Cel proteuor, 6 p.m. - F\lm ' "hhtonlta" and commmll on "What ii Ee& Joo'," Dr, J ONI Heaton, verslty natural ,..-. l p.m. - "PesUc:ldts," Dr, Fnn Hamentrom, ltfite Depart. ment ol Natural Rnour'Ca re- pttNntaUV9. I p.m. - " Amerlcaa Environ· :.e'1~ wde.s~~= ~ Moo~ !:' don ~~f~! tiw. 9 p.m. - " Eo>Ethk:I," the Rev. Joerqih Sullivan, Newman Pariah, tM Rev. J lmH Scbnel. der. Univen.Jty Ouiltiln Move- ment, and J, BaJ.rd CallJcort. phlbophy proteuor. 10 p. m.-" Eattb Rap" Jerry Tecklln and O.v1d Stelncau, Enalilh prol.-s. .... D 9• .m.-" PolldcllAtrtiosphert: 03ocunlDC u. E;avilU)mmtal Crlles." Rep. Dl,v1d Obry, 7th Diltrlct,. and Pt.trick J. Lucly, Democratic candidale tor cav· · 10 1.m.- " Nobe PolJudoD." Dr. Tbm Wentland, dlnctor of unlvenity 1peeeb and bearblc d.lnle : Dr. FNdtrlc '1')akl .. . Dr. Ralph Leooard, botb oom- Dll&lic.aUve cllacrden proi!e980IS. 11 a.m.-" Water N!utk: c,'' GUbtrt K. Dkka'man. O:imol- klated Paprn, IDe.; Dr. Georp Becbr, biolov ~ ; Dr. Jffr)' Jacobi, D&tunt.l n.ourca 12 :45 p..m..-"Nuclear ,-... l"lllltl 1111d tbe Gnat LakB, '' ol l'edenl Wa- ter PDUudDo Qarol.. (lee SCBmmZ pep " Hagg~i Preaches . At Commencement Thoma. ll•ual. Baptl.i minister whole dilly proa:ram "Values for Uvln&" is bro1d- ea1t over 100 radio ital.tons lhl'Ou&hout the COUlllt)', will c:lve the comme-ncement adclreu May n at Steven1 Point State Uni· verslty. Pre.ldnit LN Sherman Drily· rus Hid today the 1tlecUon WU made by a committee compris- ed ol two f1culty member1 and two 1tudenl1. 'lllt' 1raduaUon will be lor about 600 derree reelplenu. Calling hlnuelf a mlnls1er lot God In the markt-tpl1C1'.,, the 38- ycar-old Ha11&l of H!Jh POlnt, N. C., travell ex1enslw.ly and delivers 1n ave.raae of 300 pub, lie addresses Heh year. In 1969. he 1poke 1t the Slwt State llnl· r~~:o=:. co"mencemenl From a f1mUy of mlnllters, Hanat wu born In Kul1rnuoo; Mich.. and rHred ln Peruuyl• vanla and Muu.chUllt'lll, He 1ave hil flrst 1ermon at n1e 12 In Bolton, Alter attending North Green- .ville Junior Collqe and Furman Unlvenl1y, he acceplt'd • pas- torate In Rock Hill, s. C, where he ICOred hla IUCCHI by doubl• AWS Defunct B:, 0AK0L LOH'.RY Student ~nate voied not to f und AslOClated Women's St u- 1.lt'nll for next year. The pri- mary reuon for this action la that AWS IUpp()ledly no ion,er provldt'I their ,ovem~ntary function with the almost .... 1Uttd houri chana;e. In anothtt move, Student Sen- ate, voted tman.hnou.sly to be the ttnal declalon on the alloc:a- tlon of 1tudent rwm. Ele.clton rulet foe- aU 1tudent ,overnment elecUOnl were dls- cuued and puled by the senate. 1'lne 'rules would Rt I fall eleclton for Senaton and 1prtna: dee.lion for the nut year'• olftcen, 1be rule, Rt the Student Sen- ate ·u nn.I authority for .eat- lni members. They allo up the procedu:r• r.:,mlnationl, petltioN:, and write-in candld- '"'· Al9D, In recanh to campaian- lq, tt wW be up 10 the can- dklate 10 bf: awve ol nut'I of dlrtermt bulldl.np u far u pladna: campalrn m11teriab: ..... Two orslltlzaUON were rtven oHtdal recopiUOn Jut Thun- dly. Tbey are: Wallon HaU, or- 1anJu,t1on ror members ol Wat- 1on Kall and Gamma 1hcta UJ11Uon, a &eotTlphy honorary, President Wally Thiel WU 1tnJcted to awolnt IOffltCll'le to the Student-Faculiy Hearin& Tribunal IOOll. Paul w .. ttman WUl~ted. Information wu handed out concanlrla: the Exce.llence in Te•chlna: ~ Award. RHC Frolics Soon To Be RftkSence Hall Cou.ncll will conduct Ill annual IPrin&: 1- tlvllia du.Mr the week of April 2£..May 2. Kldtul&"oflthewttkwillbe a frft happmlnc tor rHklfflce hallltUdenll ln thecaml vlltype tea t between Dt'Bot Center and the:tennisc:ourt:I CSI ~, Apr11 21. Thls he~wt!l feature "Genail. 'IboM pe1> ple whodonot Uvelnreskkncf, hall.I wW be chlfled 50 Cfflta """"""· Some ot the hlpillabtl ol the week'I acUv1Uet will be .ome or ft1m festival, ,uat 1pealun bom the faculty and student body of WSU, • variety WJOW' with a tropl)' for belt•ct. ( W. la belnc: 1PIJll,IOr'ed by Presklt'ntl Hall Olu.ncU) and . lnlonnation boottll to be Mt Uol by varioul orranlu.tlons on campus. AD ol tbeM aetlviue.t willtake placetnthe tent to be aet up betWeffl DeBot and the '-""'""'· Games to be held throu;&hout the WNk lndude the canoe trip, whJ.ch wW be beld at l va900 P""- HJ.shllahdq the Wffk'I actlvitin wW be lM "Brooklyn Brtdae'•" appuranoe iD the ~ on Wed:Delday April 29 I t I p.m. 'J1ckda wiU So 00 Mk .ooo at variol» pobltll on Ca.mpul for S2. $2.50 and $3.!(l. Editor HAGGA I Inc lhe membenhlp from an ort,lnal 400, In 1956 he became pa1tor of Emerywood Baptist Oiurch ln Hlah Polnl, N. c ., 11N : (r.::t:my58a~c~~to Ha11•I rttlpled from bll mln- lsterlal dulle1 In 1963 nd be- can ctoln1 the daUy ~minute ra- dio 1pot11 plua public lddre11t1 nationwide on 1uldellnff tor iood llvtnr . The m1Jor 1ponsor of hl1 r1dk> 1how1 II the In· dependent Groct-n' Alll1nce !JGAJ. The Copp,1 Company or Stevt'n1 Point 1upport1 ill bn)a.d. cut over the Stevens Point ra• dlo1t11kln,WSPT. HaHal, of Syrian ancestry, IIIH the title of doctor, h1vln& received 1n honorary decree In divinity from Methodll:t Hlth Point CoUere and In 1966 ln humo.nle1 from Salem CoUe1e· 1n Wut VltJUlla . Hlldvi clnvolvement1lnclurle Board of Trw:tee1 or the Amerl· can Humanle1 Found1tion: member 1t l1rae of the Nation- al Boy Seoull ol America Qlur). ell, Board ol Re1lon VJ, BSA: lifellmememberlhlplnthe()ptl· mist Cub; llnd memben.hlp In the Rotary Cub. With 1trona Mckin& trom tho! "e11ablllhmen1." Hau at 1lso hu m1de Inroad.I wl1h younJ people. "I'm reU1klu.s enoua:h," he 1aya, "it'1 jult that 1 feel that the church as I whole 11t,1 failed the y.>Wl&' people of the nation. There ire a lot ol kid.I who never ,o tG chun:h who know more 'lbou.! God than their church-fOlnJ parenll ever Jtnew, We "old folkl' c:ou.ld learn a lot more lrom them If we'd take the oppartunlty' to try," he CIJl\- clude1. Women's Hours Almost Gone By DEBBIE FREEMAN 'l1lt' faculty approved the abo, !Ilion of aU for studenta ucept thole ol t int lefnt'ater freahmen Jlrll. At the recu.Jar Thutlday meeUn(, the body de- · clded I.hat 1l'IOle freshmen rlrll will retain 12:QJ houn on Sun- dly f.hrou&IJ Th\ll'lday and l :30 houri on wfftendl. T h e I e houn, however, can be elln\W- ted on an Individual bull" with pa.re ntal penniallon. T1lll decis- ion 'Nill now ao 10 Prt'lldent DreyfUI, In another 1tudent related mow, the faculty decided to abollah the chaperone policy ol the unlvenlty, Pttviou.s.ly the poJJcy required that a faculty member 1upervile aU 1tudent IOCia.l functions lhllt were. held In connectlon with the unlver- 1lty. The DtW policy plaCH the responslbWty of the tunction on the ltudenll . 1n other faculty actlon. the croup approved aU of the mee- 1u.res Introduced by the currl- culum committee. 'nlHe meP. u.res Include the roimatlon or 1eve n new communlcatlon courses and establllhed new re- qulttmentl fOT the · propoffd communication major az,t mJ. 110r. H approVal II ~elved troin the ao.td ol, Rq:ent1, the 1peech major and minor will be renamed communication ma· Jor and minor. Other curriculum action set •ll physical education cou.ne1 numbered l, 2. S, 4. 11, and 12, will nlJW be physical eduCI• tion 1. Tbe 1eetionl of phyd-- cal education 1 will Include "de- vek,pmmtal. individual, 1 n d tKttaUon.al acUvltln. 1uch u ftttlell, ardiery, bowllna. ,olr, tennis, rh)'thm, and aquatic. o,. (ered In dllferent 1eeUona," Stu- , den I.I ,nay elect ltttionl u clua fllr'OIJment pennltl , Two new IOdokJey couna were approved. SodolofD' 161 deallns with problffllll of tam- lly l!Vfn&, and IOClokio lBl on the bulc methods ot soc:111 .. ri<. Before the I.acuity bUllneu 1ot underway. Senior Student Senator Darryl Gennaln Id· drt'IM'd the faculty and 1tudcnl tilled auditorium uJdnr the fa. ailty to tmp!ffliwt u. lion from Stl.ldent Senate Uk· Ina lot' the "'ltudentl rlpt 10 1pt1k •t tbne (tacult)') tnfftlnp u wdl u an ~ual vodna voice on mole matters attect- lna 1tl.ldent1 social and at'ldem. l.c behavior.'' Gennaln cited that PJ.lto'1 AcaclelllY revHJs lhll t the re.la· Uonshlp betwffn 1tudent1 and tt'achel"I lhoulcl be aha.Ml of knowledae. Germain told the teuhen: "You are 110 Jonrer playlna the role ot lharer ol knowled&:e, but that ol dktat« on a mucu.llne-patttnal e r o, trip." - 1n the Prmdentl report, Pres.ldent Dreyfus. said all fa · cult)' memben should examine Germ1ln'1 1pe,ech and Io o k clole)y 11 the worthw'hile •Ill'· rutklnl he ottered. .... .J Late.r the prt'lkwnt Aid the KeUet Comnlllllon'1 · rep o rt lhou.ld~elvethe11rnetreat- Plt'nt u Gennalrui 1peech. ~:i::~e:e u: port on the bull ol 11.1 falllnal nol: lffln& the 'polntl worthy oC oontldert.Uom. Point Blank . ~ Call . 341-1251 ht, 2.JS B)' KV MJENlNO u. flN.,.. to tlke · ,-ce 1a ow. 11a1a t Rldl .. an at ~~maay~nc:GIW~\e~- Mr .. GUbert Fa.mt of rqi.ltndon uid that all permanent 1¥" o rdl have been microfllmed throu.sh lut 1wnmer and are storid ellewbere, alon&: with duplicate copiea of first .eme:ata,r'• lfadea. Therefore, all ' euentiall tor records cowd be produoed 1n cue of a ttre.. An &Mn u.y i-- la tbe - future tar• .._U, ..._. ,_.. IMn .. Pobdf If .o&. wll.J' .-r c.w. 11\e lde& wu brou&'ht up for ~ 11 aid Dr. E. Slp:i\mll, Aut. to the V.P. of Academk AUain, but 1t donn't look pm,. llbie for Ute near fut W'\!. 1be atze oI our institution mam It tneUtc:Lmt and. even thou1h It mlaht be woritablil, It'• costly, · lillch a Protram would ent&l.l reorpnizatlon oI CDW'N: o.ttmap. another re,Dtratlon period Uld Ulellber m,ort oI ,r.dla. U tacwt)' members were paid tor the ahonened llelDMter of ln&m- .ive study, atudentl would t. ccaiptiled to attend ud pay It ., the u.nlvenlty wouldn't be open.dna at a lou. _.... . ..... ,...,.,_, .... to. ....... 9-f ftil -- · 11M CM f or adult. rldms a blb wtthout nc... 11,!Ml. Ead:I lldditlonu Violadoa (Le., DO Upt. ridla,: Ga tbe illdlwalkJ alllo tuO,.

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Page 1: Wisconsin State Stevens Point a THE POINTER · 2016-05-04 · n at Steven1 Point State Uni· verslty. Pre.ldnit LN Sherman Drily· rus Hid today the 1tlecUon WU made by a committee

Wisconsin State University

Stevens Point ' . a THE POINTER


FO~ SINGER rnDY OOLLINS will be fe&tured in concert at the fieldbouae thll Sunday at 8:00 p.m. AdmJa.­aion 1t&rt.a at $2.50.

Admissions Finally Level Off Af_;!mWlona ol. new treshmffl

who plan to Sn end Stevf!n1 Point State Unlvtt1lty lhll fall att be&inninl to leYel olt , ao­cotdlna; to ~trar CUbttt W. F1iu1.

His cunent projtctlon tor the Ult.II enrollment In ~ mber ll

... •bout 9,300, an lncruae o/. 1,400 above last ~ar.

f'1ust aald the Apr. l report from lilt adm.lukJN office thaws th4t U.00 new frHhmen have bttn admltttd, a 1l.5 jump 1hnd olt.1tyur atthlstlme, Usina: a fonnula bued ·on pre­vktut eJtper\ences, F aU(t MY' !lit Stptembcr tttshmen enroll­mtnt probably wW be aboUt 85 per cent rl. apPllcantl actu­ally aecepted by Apr. 1. Ualnl thb n.tlo. he belleve:s lbe trnh­rn.n cJ.u., wW be about 3,000.

ITha.twuthe1beol W en­tlre 1tudtnt body a t ~ Point.State ln the mJd~,)

F, urt pointed out the k,vellna ~ ~ beuuse me month l(O admlaaions ~ runnlnc JS per cent Wild ol 1'69 and , ... .., monu. qo, 10 per cent.

Candidacy Announcement To 'l1le Zdllon :

I "'~ like to announce my lnll'ntlon to attk lhe po1tuon ol Student Body Prelldent for me ac:hool yeaT mo.n.

TtM:re are problems on tbla campul which ,m ldt be dealt wtlh 1ueh u a-Bl dr(tte ttqulremcnll, rHldence hall condltioPI, and houri rtf\lla· lions, I fH:I lb.I t my two yean u. cla.u ~hi.tor, my parti­cipation on and chairtnl ol ffV•

·t;,..J. ~n,. te eonunlnea, u weU u repnsentlna: our eampu1 a t sevi'ral 1taW and ~ I con­fercncn quality me for the iic-· Ilion I )ook forward to accept­....


Elections Set

Environmental Teach-In Sch~ule

Ab!Jut 40 pcnont whole 1peel. altle, ranae from noae pollu­tion to the rol~ of theoloa' In America'• breo.kdown of the en­Yironment will be 1pukers a t a "Projec:t Si.irvival" teach-In April 21-23 at Stevena Polnt State Unlve.rslty.

Most of the dllcuuion leaden wW be protesson tromlhe k>c.111 e1mpu1, but own are w!de.ly known In Wllconaln for lhelr role l.n rovttnmtnt, includln,: Patrick Lucey, Democntlc can­didate ror aovemor; Jack Olton, Republican aubematorlal candl· d1te; David Obey, '1 th Dlatrict con&l'C'llman and John Potter, chalnnan ol the Wl&conlln Na­tural Rnow'cH Board, Each will rive repocil on Wednelday.

WllllamBalrd,theaontrovttt­lal leader aeeldnr a ban on Wll­eonsln'• and · Masaachusetw' lawsP")hlblUna;llleof ca:atr•· ceptlve deviees to unmarrled penoNI, WU booked, too. But he is 1tlll in jail, lttVin& a 90-day priSIXIRntftlce forh11 birth coatrol. crusade In Bolton, anJ il notcertainbe'llbeableto kffP the date.

Pre~UOII tor the trach-ln bu ~ In full swtnr far .ev­erll ·months and involves ltV­

e.r.l bundred 1tudentli Ira DWn­fflJWI c&mpul or,anlzadom.

They rqard next wttk'1 ~ rrarm u one ot many poJecll In the attack on pollution.

Duriria: Nadonal W lldl i ft­Wttk, ltUdimll and faculty 1ave 1peecha to khooi IJ'OUlll and dvic d ubl polzldq out the N r­k)umeU oe condldom rnpomi· ble' for wip!nc out whole 1pecles ot blr-1:k, an1mall and fllhff, The:re haV9 ~ .eve:ral l'l'O­sr&ffll and pu,el d~ In the commulllty on envirolllllfft­t&I breakdown, tocua1nc on local dtuadona. And more wW coo­tlnue a.Rer the Wa ch,.lll.

Here is a ICbedule ot thelt· eve:nt1 tnr next 'I'uNday, w~ ~ &Dd 'lbunday :

' .&pnl.11

~~~pin~ do Room of UDlvenlty Om&irr.


1llde pttNntaUoa ol SWVffll Point pollution by 1tudent Olve

"""'"'· 3 p.m. - "PoUudon - Wll­conaln Style:" Gene Oi.ar!,e,, North Eut Plannin&" ())tn.ffi1-­

•""'-4 p.m. - ' 'Urban Sprawl and

Zonlni," Dr Paul Baxter, Ulll­venlty proleuor' ol natural re­lOUl"Cff, and " Recreation a.Dd. the Plover Rlver,'' Irvln Korth, natural HIOUr'Cel proteuor,

6 p.m. - F\lm ' "hhtonlta" and commmll on "What ii Ee& Joo'," Dr, J ONI Heaton, ~ verslty natural ~ ~ ,..-.

l p.m. - "PesUc:ldts," Dr, Fnn Hamentrom, ltfi te Depart. ment ol Natural Rnour'Ca re­pttNntaUV9.

I p.m. - " Amerlcaa Environ·

:.e'1~wde.s~~= ~Moo~ !:'don~~f~! tiw.

9 p.m. - " Eo>Ethk:I," the Rev. Joerqih Sullivan, Newman Pariah, tM Rev. J lmH Scbnel. der. Univen.Jty Ouiltiln Move­ment, and J, BaJ.rd CallJcort. phlbophy proteuor.

10 p.m.-" Eattb Rap" J erry Tecklln and O.v1d Stelncau, Enalilh prol.-s.

• .... D 9 • .m.-" PolldcllAtrtiosphert:

03ocunlDC u. E;avilU)mmtal Crlles." Rep. Dl,v1d Obry, 7th Diltrlct,. and Pt.trick J . Lucly, Democratic candidale tor cav· ·-· 10 1.m.- " Nobe PolJudoD." Dr. Tbm Wentland, dlnctor of unlvenity 1peeeb and bearblc d.lnle : Dr. FNdtrlc '1')akl .. . Dr. Ralph Leooard, botb oom­Dll&lic.aUve cllacrden proi!e980IS.

11 a.m.-" Water N!utk:c,'' GUbtrt K. Dkka'man. O:imol­klated Paprn, IDe.; Dr. Georp Becbr, biolov ~ ; Dr. Jffr)' Jacobi, D&tunt.l n.ourca -· 12 :45 p..m..-"Nuclear ,-... l"lllltl 1111d tbe Gnat LakB,'' ~ ol l'edenl Wa­ter PDUudDo Qarol.. ~

(lee SCBmmZ pep "

Hagg~i Preaches . At Commencement

Thoma. ll•ual. • Baptl.i minister whole dilly proa:ram "Values for Uvln&" is bro1d­ea1t over 100 radio ital.tons lhl'Ou&hout the COUlllt)', will c:lve the comme-ncement adclreu May n at Steven1 Point State Uni· verslty.

Pre.ldnit LN Sherman Drily· rus Hid today the 1tlecUon WU made by a committee compris­ed ol two f1culty member1 and two 1tudenl1.

'lllt' 1raduaUon will be lor about 600 derree reelplenu.

Calling hlnuelf a mlnls1er lot God In the markt-tpl1C1'.,, the 38-ycar-old Ha11&l of H!Jh POlnt, N. C., travell ex1enslw.ly and delivers 1n ave.raae of 300 pub, lie addresses Heh year. In 1969. he 1poke 1t the Slwt State llnl· r~~:o=:. co"mencemenl

From a f1mUy of mlnllters, Hanat wu born In Kul1rnuoo; Mich.. and rHred ln Peruuyl• vanla and Muu.chUllt'lll, He 1ave hil flrst 1ermon at n1e 12 In Bolton,

Alter attending North Green­.ville Junior Collqe and Furman Unlvenl1y, he acceplt'd • pas­torate In Rock Hill , s. C, where he ICOred hla IUCCHI by doubl•

AWS Defunct B:, 0AK0L LOH'.RY

Student ~nate voied not to fund AslOClated Women's Stu-1.lt'nll for next year. The pri­mary reuon for this action la that AWS IUpp()ledly no ion,er provldt'I their ,ovem~ntary function with the almost .... 1Uttd houri chana;e.

In anothtt move, Student Sen­ate, voted tman.hnou.sly to be the ttnal declalon on the alloc:a­tlon of 1tudent rwm.

Ele.clton rulet foe- aU 1tudent ,overnment elecUOnl were dls­cuued and puled by the senate.

1'lne 'rules would Rt I fall eleclton for Senaton and • 1prtna: dee.lion for the nut year'• olftcen,

1be rule, R t the Student Sen­ate ·u nn.I authority for .eat­lni members. They allo ~ up the procedu:r• t« r.:,mlnationl, petltioN:, and write-in candld-

'"'· Al9D, In recanh to campaian-lq, tt wW be up 10 the can­dklate 10 bf: awve ol nut'I of dlrtermt bulldl.np u far u pladna: campalrn m11teriab: .....

Two orslltlzaUON were rtven oHtdal recopiUOn Jut Thun­dly. Tbey are: Wallon HaU, or-1anJu,t1on ror members ol Wat-1on Kall and Gamma 1hcta UJ11Uon, a &eotTlphy honorary,

President Wally Thiel WU ~ 1tnJcted to awolnt IOffltCll'le to the Student-Faculiy Hearin& Tribunal IOOll. P aul w .. ttman WUl~ted.

Information wu handed out concanlrla: the Exce.llence in Te•chlna:~ Award.

RHC Frolics Soon To Be

RftkSence Hall Cou.ncll will conduct Ill annual IPrin&: 1-tlvllia du.Mr the week of April 2£..May 2.

Kldtul&"oflthewttkwillbe a frft happmlnc tor rHklfflce hallltUdenll ln thecamlvlltype tea t between Dt'Bot Center and the:tennisc:ourt:I CSI ~, Apr11 21. Thls he~wt!l feature "Genail. "· 'IboM pe1> ple whodonot Uvelnreskkncf, hall.I wW be chlfled 50 Cfflta

""""""· Some ot the hlpillabtl ol the week 'I acUv1Uet will be .ome ~ or ft1m festival, ,uat 1pealun bom the faculty and student body of WSU, • variety WJOW' with a tropl)' for belt•ct. ( W. la belnc: 1PIJll,IOr'ed by Presklt'ntl Hall Olu.ncU) and . lnlonnation boottll to be Mt Uol by varioul orranlu.tlons on campus. AD ol tbeM aetlviue.t willtake placetnthe tent to be aet up betWeffl DeBot and the

'-""'""'· Games to be held throu;&hout the WNk lndude the canoe trip, whJ.ch wW be beld at l va900 P""-

HJ.shllahdq the Wffk'I act• lvitin wW be lM "Brooklyn Brtdae'•" appuranoe iD the ~ on Wed:Delday April 29 I t I p.m. 'J1ckda wiU So 00 Mk .ooo at variol» pobltll on Ca.mpul for S2. $2.50 and $3.!(l.


HAGGA I Inc lhe membenhlp from an ort,lnal 400, In 1956 he became pa1tor of Emerywood Baptist Oiurch ln Hlah Polnl, N. c ., 11N

: (r.::t:my58a~c~~to ~~ Ha11•I rttlpled from bll mln­

lsterlal dulle1 In 1963 • nd be­can ctoln1 the daUy ~minute ra­dio 1pot11 plua public lddre11t1 nationwide on 1uldellnff tor

iood llvtnr . The m1Jor 1ponsor of hl1 r1d k> 1how1 II the In· dependent Groct-n' Alll1nce !JGAJ. The Copp,1 Company or Stevt'n1 Point 1upport1 ill bn)a.d. cut over the Stevens Point ra• dlo1t11kln,WSPT.

HaHal, of Syrian ancestry, IIIH the title of doctor, h1vln& received 1n honorary decree In

divinity from Methodll:t Hlth Point CoUere and In 1966 ln humo.nle1 from Salem CoUe1e· 1n Wut VltJUlla .

Hlldviclnvolvement1lnclurle Board of Trw:tee1 or the Amerl· can Humanle1 Found1tion: member 1t l1rae of the Nation­al Boy Seoull ol America Qlur). ell, Board ol Re1lon VJ, BSA: lifellmememberlhlplnthe()ptl· mist Cub; llnd memben.hlp In the Rotary Cub.

With 1trona Mckin& trom tho! "e11ablllhmen1." Hau at 1lso hu m1de Inroad.I wl1h younJ people. "I'm reU1klu.s enoua:h," he 1aya, "it'1 jult that 1 feel that the church as I whole 11t,1 failed the y.>Wl&' people of the nation. There ire a lot ol kid.I who never ,o tG chun:h who know more 'lbou.! God than their church-fOlnJ parenll ever Jtnew, We " old folkl' c:ou.ld learn a lot more lrom them If we'd take the oppartunlty' to try," he CIJl\­


Women's Hours Almost Gone

By DEBBIE FREEMAN 'l1lt' faculty approved the abo,

!Ilion of aU ~ for studenta ucept thole ol tint lefnt'ater freahmen Jlrll. At the recu.Jar Thutlday meeUn(, the body de- · clded I.hat 1l'IOle freshmen rlrll will retain 12:QJ houn on Sun­dly f.hrou&IJ Th\ll'lday and l :30 houri on wfftendl. T h e I e houn, however, can be elln\W­ted on an Individual bull" with pa.rental penniallon. T1lll decis­ion 'Nill now ao 10 Prt'lldent DreyfUI,

In another 1tudent related mow, the faculty decided to abollah the chaperone policy ol the unlvenlty, Pttviou.s.ly the poJJcy required that a faculty member 1upervile aU 1tudent IOCia.l functions lhllt were. held In connectlon with the unlver-1lty. The DtW policy plaCH the responslbWty of the tunction on the ltudenll.

1n other faculty actlon. the croup approved aU of the mee-1u.res Introduced by the currl­culum committee. 'nlHe meP. u.res Include the roimatlon or 1eve n new communlcatlon courses and establllhed new re­qulttmentl fOT the · propoffd communication major az,t mJ. 110r. H approVal II ~elved troin the ao.td ol, Rq:ent1, the 1peech major and minor will be renamed communication ma· Jor and minor.

Other curriculum action set •ll physical education cou.ne1 numbered l, 2. S, 4. 11, and 12, will nlJW be physical eduCI• tion 1. Tbe 1eetionl of phyd-­cal education 1 will Include "de­vek,pmmtal. individual, 1 n d tKttaUon.al acUvltln. 1uch u ftttlell, ardiery, bowllna. ,olr,

tennis, rh)'thm, and aquatic. o,. (ered In dllferent 1eeUona," Stu­

, den I.I ,nay elect ltttionl u clua fllr'OIJment pennltl,

Two new IOdokJey couna were approved. SodolofD' 161 deallns with problffllll of tam­lly l!Vfn&, and IOClokio lBl on the bulc methods ot soc:111 .. ri<.

Before the I.acuity bUllneu 1ot underway. Senior Student Senator Darryl Gennaln Id· drt'IM'd the faculty and 1tudcnl tilled auditorium uJdnr the fa. ailty to tmp!ffliwt u. ~ lion from Stl.ldent Senate Uk· Ina lot' the "'ltudentl rlpt 10 1pt1k •t tbne (tacult)') tnfft• lnp u wdl u an ~ual vodna voice on mole matters attect­lna 1tl.ldent1 social and at'ldem. l.c behavior.''

Gennaln cited that PJ.lto'1 AcaclelllY revHJs lhll t the re.la· Uonshlp betwffn 1tudent1 and tt'achel"I lhoulcl be • aha.Ml of knowledae. Germain told the teuhen: "You are 110 Jonrer playlna the role ot lharer ol knowled&:e, but that ol dktat« on a mucu.llne-patttnal e r o, trip." -

1n the Prmdentl report, Pres.ldent Dreyfus. said all fa · cult)' memben should examine Germ1ln'1 1pe,ech and Io o k clole)y 11 the worthw'hile •Ill'· rutklnl he ottered. ....

.J Late.r the prt'lkwnt Aid the KeUet Comnlllllon'1 · rep o rt lhou.ld~elvethe11rnetreat­Plt'nt u Gennalrui 1peech.

~ ~:i::~e:e u: port on the bull ol 11.1 falllnal nol: lffln& the 'polntl worthy oC oontldert.Uom.

Point Blank

. ~

Call . 341-1251 ht, 2.JS

• • B)' KV MJENlNO u. flN.,.. to tlke ·,-ce 1a ow. 11a1a tRldl .. • an at


Mr .. GUbert Fa.mt of rqi.ltndon uid that all permanent 1¥" o rdl have been microfllmed throu.sh lut 1wnmer and are storid ellewbere, alon&: with duplicate copiea of first .eme:ata,r'• lfadea. Therefore, all ' euentiall tor records cowd be produoed 1n cue of a ttre.. •

An &Mn u.y i-- la tbe - future tar• .._U, ..._. ,_.. IMn .. Pobdf If .o&. wll.J' .-r c.w.

11\e lde& wu brou&'ht up for ~ 11 aid Dr. E. Slp:i\mll, Aut. to the V.P. of Academk AUain, but 1t donn't look pm,. llbie for Ute near futW'\!. 1be atze oI our institution mam It tneUtc:Lmt and. even thou1h It mlaht be woritablil, It'• costly, · lillch a Protram would ent&l.l reorpnizatlon oI CDW'N: o.ttmap. another re,Dtratlon period Uld Ulellber m,ort oI ,r.dla. U tacwt)' members were paid tor the ahonened llelDMter of ln&m­.ive study, atudentl would t. ccaiptiled to attend ud pay f« It ., the u.nlvenlty wouldn't be open.dna at a lou. _.... ...... ,...,.,_,....to. ....... 9-f ftil --· 11M CM for adult. rldms a blb wtthout • nc... • 11,!Ml. Ead:I lldditlonu Violadoa (Le., DO Upt. ridla,: Ga tbe illdlwalkJ alllo ~ tuO,. •

Page 2: Wisconsin State Stevens Point a THE POINTER · 2016-05-04 · n at Steven1 Point State Uni· verslty. Pre.ldnit LN Sherman Drily· rus Hid today the 1tlecUon WU made by a committee

THE PODIUM Dinct examination of O.fenN Witneu Julian land, m•mlMr of the Geortia HouN of Rep, .. entatint, by Mr. Kun1tler • , .. Q. lefore I lean your background, could you state what ortonlzotion, you on preMntly a member of? Mr. Foran: Objection, your Honor. The Court: PrHently a member of'1 Mr, Kundter: YH, your Honor, preMntly o membu. The Court: I don't know what you mean. Mr. , Foran: It 11 irrelevant. The Court: I don't know what you m.an by that, what kind

:!,.0 '1::~i:!~"W,11, your Honor , •• . The Court: Members of l'nol B'rith or the Koightt of Columbus or-~:ith~un1tl1r: I will 01k him if he it a nHmlMr ,of l'noi

-Th• TolH of Hoffman

Anxious Anticipation After a good deal of anxious anticlpatJon, the Jarn9

Alberuon Lurnlng Reeource Center opened laat week. One muat com.mend the Ubrary eta.tr and related aerv­

ioel for their tremendou.1 amo,unt of pl&nnlng which went into the new center. One muat al.lo praiae the 1tatr tor

, pl&nning the move of all the Ubrary's holdings and equip­ment over the 1pring vacatJon. It al.lo ahould be com­mended tor their planning of adequate ataclc' and cata• 1ogue apace. ·

The atmo.phere for atudy in the new center 11 con• alderably better than the old library. It bu more placee to lludy, the lighting ll .better and the radiatore do not make noae u in the old Ubrary.

Probably the only thlnp left tor library to do ia to ob­tain aufficlent book• for the nedea of the unlveralty and poulbly extend the number of hOW'I of service.

""" lanty

Individualism · And Abortion

o.:u Editor, I rNPfCt Mr. Nordberr for

hUI obvious ec:-,«m with hi), man~t,,.Hov.-ever, Ibelleve lhat hla ttuonina: rqardlni abortion lr ie.. than adeQuate. He N>' that the rtate don not leave the matter ol abor­tion up to the individual con­llCitnce because It w1ntt to pro­tect the rlihll of others, jw.t u In the cue ol homicide or ........ ~r, "others" would

~m to mHn other human bf.. lnpdncethestatelranor-1an1DUon, ol hwnan beinp. lbefffmt, to MY that abortion hu not hem lejlliUd In cwder toprote,cttheri&hllolothers ia \0 11y tNt the fetus la, In tact, I human belna". This hu never been proven to me or aeycx,eelieand. Mr. Nordbn't, )Jlt becaUN: you uaume that It la 90 don not make It N. You have auwned IOfflethlna. Mr. Nordberr. which you can­not pnwe and have !Jim. thil u a buk tcr arrwnent.

Ukewiw, the state hu .. wzntdlhltthefeb.alaahl.. man belnc b,- rnak1nr It lllea;li to ~II: an aborUon. By maldna: abmtlon ~ the 1t1te woukl not ,-euarily be admlttinJ lhlt aborUon la morally rliht, It would be leavtna: thl' declaloo ol whetMr the fetus It hwnan cr not up to the individual. It Dlurl do ttm beaule that de,­ddon • an Individual, mon.l dedP,n bued on one'1 own phlaoplly. With abortion belna" llletaJ tbt state ia pushlng the ptdloeoph1 GI thoM who beli­the k-tul to ~ human on every. oae UM. U abortion were Waa­Uad the lllbl! woukl merely be aDowlnl peopie: to exerclte thtlr rlcht to toUow their In­.,,..... b,)lm.

Mr. Nardber'I maltes another tauhy uaumpttoo, one made by • lot ot people:, no matttt wh1ch aide Ibey take on tbe abmtlon -.ue. He MYS that ''unborn d111dren ••• have an Inherent richtlDtlle'." 0.K.Letua u­lUffie for a moment that the fetut b a bu.man belf'II. Why doe. be have an ~nt rl&ht to tlle! Who elves him that 1'1pt! God! Some ~ IO, But

Whll U you don't bell~e in God! Or v.'hat II you believe in God but you don' t beli(!Ve he hu 11:lven u, an inherent rl11:ht to life! Here ag"ln, it b an lndlvklual declskln, bastd on one'1 Individual phl}olophy.

"But Mr. Haudl," you ~ tnt, "with that kind ol thlnll:· Ina you're lnvitlf'II chaoc. U you can lake away human life in the k,tal fonn, why not ln I.he adult form! What r(ve. an adult human belna an inhettnt rl&ht to life!" To that, 1 an­~·er , no one &iVft an adult hurpan belni an inherent rl&ht to We. M to the rlibtnea or wrot11neu of takin& another'• Ille that, once ,gain, b relative lo the lndMdual. U IOlllCOIW tried to kill me I 'd probably 1uspe,ct thathewudolna:;IOffle­thlna" wron&, Hcr,...e11e:r, ii 1 llffi. (d .anwone it wOllld be for

" • reason that I'd beli~e would make It rla:ht.

How can the 1t1te , then., have the right to say murder It wrona! Technically, it dot'ln'\ have the rliht to H y murder It wn,na:. R11ht or wronr. u I have Hkl, la a relative thlna". But the rtate hu the ri&ht \0 mall:e murder Wecal beeause the people have itvm It that

' rla;ht. Thb rlll:ht to tile la not In rny opWon, a n lnhettn1 rlll:ht, It b an arbitrary Tlaht, , which for me, lr based an the fear ot being ldUed. Jt Is , n qf'ftrncnt. It Ja)'I ' 'l'll make a deal ll((th )'OU. You don't kUl me and I won't kW you."

Gett.Ina: blick to abortion. the fetq has no lnherent rlaht to anythl.ns, •ccordlna: to my own lodlvidual phlloaopby. 1 believe 1 have the riibt to exercise tha t phlloaophy. I bave that rfiht becauae I am, a human belna". By the 11me toll:en, lt you believe abortion la W?UII , you have the rf&ht not to abort your chUd because you ue • human bd:o(. ~ • human be­ins. )'OU have the riJht to do whatever you think It rlpt. 1lm~ beaUH there la no ~ er human belna" whD5e oplnkJn ia more valkl than. )'OUn, Do what you believe, but do not ~ your belier. on anyone .....

The · Pointer Wisconsin State University

The POINTER la publlahed Wffkly except bolidaym and uammatlon periods, at SteYffil Polnt. Wlxonain. t,y the at\m!.ta of Wlecocaln State UnlVU'llty. S\lt.crtpt1on pnc,e­~ .,.. ,-r. Clraalatlon,9,!!00. Seconckl&u pon.ze plld at Stewrw PolDt. ~ ~lZl,attlol~ i;,:1ec1 In the Unlwrslty Center.

. . SDrrOIUAL NA&D mtor-lllb Domlnowu:I. · 3"-7135 Editor Eimrthw-Paul Janty ,

- ~ DMtot-Cb&rles Bnaake, U05 Dlvtaion. 3U.161t N ... Edltw-CUol. Lohry. 210· Roach. Ext. W Sporu DU.tor-Roy NINeUCbwander, 123 &ldwtn, Ext. 281 FNtme mtc:.'- Bm Metilmer, 917 2nd St., 3U..MOI Copy mtor-1Mu1e Leatbffbw'y, UIOl ~ Aw ..

~ Manapr,-1.any Sbadldc, Ml~ ein Hummel, ..,_ . --Kr. DJaa Howlhan. h\formaUon Servk:-, Ext. 239 Kr. Jobll ADdenon. lntDnnadon Servioe&. Ext. 45'7

IITAff Jett Albndlt. Blcky ~ . au.. Baumprtner, ae,y

=~N~~.u:-=-=an~ ~~ ~Sbaa:; ~ Kuy Stedcer,

' i .

Nordberg Refuted Dear Editor,

Abortion hu bttn aia:ued on the (round.a: of morality and Jecallty klr,a' t'l'IOIJih. 1t It tlmci to dlacuu It In terms or re-1ponslblllty. Since the bull unit ot 10C.la1 oraanb.aUon lr thl! fa mlly, and •Ince a man and a woman toaether do not con-11ltute a ramUy until they haYe chlldffn, then chUdttn are m011t lmpartant membeni ot society. Now : 1lnce women are the 1*>­lo&lcal bearers ot the hum11n ra«, \Oo"OfflCn h11\'e be<tn given the tuk ol carlnl for children from the time they are barn, until they are mature enou1h to take care of them&elvn. Generally, men "care" tor chll· drcn ln llnancltl ways, and 10meUmn dlteCtly (when they babysit one nl11:ht a week IO

wlfey can play brldiel. ThUI, the major burden and N!lpon-1lbl.lltj, ot taklnl care ot chll·

_rtren lalla to women.

1, u a .....om.n, ln1lrt that l , end only I . have the rlahl to deckSe whether or not I wish to accept lhe responsibility or tak!nr care of another human belr,a for approxlm1uely 18 years. BUI Nordberc, as a man. does not have to worry about ,ett1n1 unlntentkinally pr e&· nant, and acceptina the tt1pon-1lb!Uty of caring for another hwnan, be.Ina:,

An lnterettln& parallel could be made to mm irettlnic mar• ried: when they do, they are


lly:1ponslble for 1upport· v.·lve11 and chlld.ren.

te It directly lnvol\·ed people '1 getUna married -

one must &ct I Ucen11e, have a physical e:umlnatlon, and be le,sally of age to mllJ'I')' . Yet If a man decldes· to 11:et a di­vorce, he is 11111 not tree ot hit rerponslbUity to 1upport his ex-wife and hit children. A man It responsible for the mt ol hit wtfe'1 lite to suppon her (unleu she marries •a•lnl and Ir respons.lble Jo, hlr chlldre.n'• 1upport until they are le1ally adul ts (or 'adopted by the mot.h­er', oext husband). la lh1t a fa ir 1\tuatlon? Many men do not think IO - espeelaJJy If they wbh to marry &,11aln them· .elves: then they ue lerally responsible for both families: . There a re groups tUJTfflUY workln1 to tree men ttom thl.s tyranny, on the ,round.a that mffl tbould not be forttd to •Cff'Pl the l'ffponalblllty of car­lna" for another adult re&ard­leu ot clrcunwtancff.

Bill NordberJ \O.Tl.tN 0( "h~ man dlinlty": whose! Chctb dwellin& women who produce a baby e,·ery year like call! Ghetto chlklrm \0 whom an­other brother or 11lter meant lea food to e•t, Jeu 1nendon born mothn', I.en love, lest cue! Chetto,Jaborina men who ue forced to 1upport their fam • UJn from band to mouth. who

of1en mutt le1ve their ramlllet 10 Im')' c1111 aet welfare 1up­Por t to keep from 1tarvin1!

An unwanted child It I de,. 11: raded thin&: before It Is even born. An unwanted child 11 hat­ed by Ill parents for the bur­den It plac" on the famUy. An unwanled child 11 subject to cruelty and hostility from Ill partnll bec:au.e or the tna­tration It creates In them.

Unborn children do have the · "rlcht to life": but life b not mere phy1lcal exlatmce. Ute 11 food, water. air, warmth or 1hellcr, and love. AU the es­tentlab ot HUMAN 1urvlval. 11\ere It not enough food, wat­er, or air tor unlimlt«l num­bers of people - and there b certa Inly not enouah kwe for even the people alive~ rluy, 1U1 witneued by Ill the: loooly, neuroUc, mentally Ii»· IW'b..>d and unhappy .people.

J1hlnktheStatehuare,. 1po,11lblll1y to Ill clUaen.1, and mU1t therdore, lint ol all , make It po1slble f01' v.unen (marTled or notl to have the meanaotpreventtn."oonception It they do not wlah the burden ot carln1 for another human belna: and t? conception oecun unlntentlonally. womm 1hoUld be allowed to decide tor them: ulv" 1, they wbh to accePt thlr rt'lponllblllty,

TI1e Stile 11 very hHJtant to alloW perront under 21 to vote: It does not allow penona under 19 to marry wllbout their par­ent' • consent: It doe• oot allow penon1 under 11 1,0 drlnll: beer. nor penons under n to drink liquor: It doH not alloW «r­taln 1,exual beh•vlor (for mar­ried and unmarrled allke); yet It lnslstr that women accept the responalbility ot unde1lred chUdren! b not lhla a moral judgment! Under-qe kkla can ekipe and laltt 11:et an aMUJ.. ment - but a 11.xtttn ye&Nlld 1irl, precnant, hu no choice In tennlnaUna: her mbtall:e !

Abor-tion thowd not be • mo­ral question - the State lhould notJud&;eltlnamoral~ text. l t lhould be aimpl,y • que,. lion ot whether or not , woman It physically, mentally, or tmo1t lmportanO nnotionally ~redtoac«pttberespoo­rlbllityolcarftla fw• poten,

. tlal human belnc. U she (and only she) ll oot. thf'l'I .tie lhould not be forced ID accept lhll respomlbUlty! ·

I do not with human l lfe made "cheap." This la prtt!Mo­ly the reuon every 1tn,;le hi). man brina born ahould be plan­ned for, dellred, want«!., and ea,erty awaited by Ill pe.renu. Oeating • child ahould be an act undertaken with ru11 11:nowi.. ed&e ol the respontlbllltkt ol parenthood, and full intmlion ol acceptizie and tu1ftllln& these rnporwlbllltles.


Letters To The Editor The Goat Boy The Necessity Of O.:ar Editor. '

For uver•I wHka oow, I have obHt'Ved a dl1tlnct and, to my mind, a iktrlmenlal lhlft in the attitude 'ol the Pointer edltorla1 board. 'Ibey have tak· en It upon themtelVH to joult Cervantlan wlndmlilt like lep­r11y Ind Necrltude d.11play1 It• aeltWttkJy,

h "I I II · T e rreve ent

Flnt to the m111er ol 1exual prot.ection.'Ibepolnterhu-n flt to pritl t two advertlNmt,ntl, vlcloUIJy 1ua,etllnJ the moral character ot the 1tudentt and the teachers It oreOected by •

~~!:· thole who malD­lftin that oven 'demon.tratlon' aaeln1t the Vietnam war oon­atllutn an at.uni and even Mil defeatina enterprise. Many of thele person,, while they do nand opPORd to our involve­ment reel tha t 10mehow work• lnl .'within the 1ystem' It • more etfectlve manner W evolve chanae.

They ariue that demon1tra­tlon1 Cruch u thole held on moratorium day) rather than belni oonduslve \0 the objeo-

telf-ooenlve •UT1011phere. Such tlve ot endln& !hit war, tend an 1uno.pbere enooura11:n the to do mu. other than cement 1ua:Htlon that coenlorl la I the attltudet ot thOle who tlnd necn11ry lniredlenl In camput ·ua oppOillnJ the fol"Cff ol '•1· 10CkHe1CU1l rolt'S. They have ,re111on• 1n Vle.tnam , nv.t: In· faraotten the wlldom ol en Erle dlvldu•lt 1eem .to mW the point Fromm who 1&1d '1lie lmpu!R or 1uch ertort, to lfflUh othen, • tadlttlc d~or It II not ro much• mat· 1eneratlon of the twentieth cen- er of the numbers who mlcht tury 1e.ual man, has deal t • tum out for thil type ot endeav-severe blow to the pl'OlfYUI or nor ll It the publicity they eoncept ol trff'ZIH," miaht or ml1hl oot receive.

Another trans1re11loo of 1ood Rather, It involve, • unre d.

!:teca~J!: :::. •: !"~~~bl:., a~ "'c!:!fi! :11:: pace two. Lut weekl Pointer manner that does not or will with Randy, Dawn, Dean, Ken- not Involve compromlff. ny, and Tye in paper drq wu Any and aU poulbllitln a blatant and obvloul pl&,11er- which it.and !(lllde a oontext 11m ot Hennan Heue. 11lt' pte- of the •1y1tem' or 'ertl.bllrh-ture the week before wu rln-

tllatlna evocative ,nd unfair to Mad,·son ,the pollUeaJ Rn1lbllltlet ol many ol · the 1tudent1 on lhll campus: a dana:erous Sa nta

~a::: ~:i:11ty\,_on the part

I ml.Ill at lhlt juncture admit to one element of p.ralte due the Pointer. 1 Jound Darcy! Ger­main's frank expUc,ition of hit owo 1exual experience, a je,,vel amona: • mixed baa ol glitter· ln11: &enerallllel and comp]alnll. It takes rea1 rull to admit that he used hUI will to become an "acUvilt," but that, "l did, and now I'm 1erribly JJ'ldtra~ and f11tla;ued." I wish him better tuck In the future.

To retum to Ina 1eriour p~ lemt, the UH of 10 ob\l'loUI and tired a metaphor u the caption in the F'rank H.a.tch Affair (no pun int.ended) tha t read," Sen­ate hat.chtt march, admlaintra­iion hat eu on ta~ ... 11 bad.

Aoo<her &ripe that bothen rile It the secret cenaor1hip and re­p~lon ol the candid autoblo,, a:raphlcal rketctie. of Scott Schutte entitled, " I ,cored at an A.B.C. malch: c.ontcuionl ot a rtudenl pro,ra~r." Shameful, lhamelul.

A student leader representa not only hlnuell but the lnltl· tutlon tha t he It a part Of, To c:ountJeu Ubrarin, hiah •chooll: a1wnni and taxpayen, the Pointer b a window to the unlvenlty. No pink tint, dear editors, let the I u n ihlne throuah. Tbe ,physical •PPHr· ~ ol meaen. Bnake and DomlnowtkJ and J anty; th e 116ud1, the cakulated l ooll: ps~ppy pro pn.ibecant In, tellecnaallsm It bad. Clve me rome men who are 1tout heart· ed men.

I do not wilh u 1' dose to be toJally neratlve about the Pointer . I think the student bod)' UQ,ikl comment the ttre­leu eUorts ol the behlncl the scenn people who make the paper appear once , w " e k. Thanb lhould So to Uur1e Lealherbeny, Ca.rot Lorey and Larry Slwtdlck tor what It 1umulatlon and lnlormatlve In the Pointer .

Dear U.Uor, Thb Saturday, April 11, marlu

the dt\te of whal It e,xpecud to be the laf'it'll anti-war del'l10n­str.i tlon In Wbconsln history. The march wW be two prona:· ed, c:onverstn,; on the it.ate cap­itol 1rounda where a rally will be hl:ld. Tenney Park on Eut Gorham Street and Camp Ran­dall Stadium are to be the ttal'llna polnll. A Jew ol the 1peakcin1 a t the rally are \0 In, elude : Donald Peterwon, cand!· date for the Demo::ratlc guber· na lorial nofl\lP.atk>n; General Wallace Ford, retlrN army gen­eral and Ceora:t Wiley, chair­mill ol the National Welfare R.111:hts Ora:anlz.ation. Free bous­lna will be provided. Your 1up­p:,rt would be •ppreclated.

.lEFI' 8UMKER8 407 Smith H.a.11

Nordberg Fan Mr. BW Nordberi :

Your lener In the March 19 Pointer It the best J have e1/C!r read In any publication on that 1ubject. May you always be­lieve in the 11credneu ol • human Ille.

I am not a 1tudent but am in d•lly contact with them u there are at leut 11X anduatn ,(WSUl plUI Harvard, St. Mary• (Winona) U.W. Madlton In our laJ'lt' family. (Arn , senior clt• lz.eo with only one yeu ot h!ah tchool , lo my reJl'l!L)

It mUlt be difflcult for the )'OIJni Jolks, on caJnpul Hpt­clally, where there la IO much that C!OU.ld rpoU their llvn. Thank God. there hu bttn no ll!neration pp, u yet. In the famUy circle:

May God bleu I you,

D0R011JY D~~

And Detractor To BIii Nordbt.rJ,

Pleue oome io • "ZPG"

::~111:= :lut~ BONNIE SlCL

ment ' are u!Um• tely subject to the 'middle road.' Need 1 11.r more on 1h11 aubject thlln th~t men ot the caliber ol Lynd:., JohNOn, Huben Hwnphr.y Dick NWJn and Spiro As,_: Jlnd themHIVe1 In a P<lllt lon oonaenlal \0 the 'mlddle ot lht road'clutlllca tion.

nus It not to 1ay th11 1U comprom\le It evil or undtt!r­able. Jt b to IIY, however, lhat the qlJt'Stionl: of racllm, lh t Vietnam war • and enYlt'Otlrne,i. I.al 1uldde pruent m\iral ec.i­tlder•tlons which, to u y tht leut, 1hould brlf'II 1n lndMd­ual with any capacity of rentc­tlon to a 1pecltlc 1tand.

To •rrue thal Llil! only ...,'Orth · while effort rt'lides within lht

'ayttem' lr to PrHupPl)M ~l It i. only when a POllillon 1s accepted by the m•jorlty ~ l It become, the correct one. For by It.a very na ture! work wi lhln the 1yatem It compromised.

To take • Nlxonlan outlook on •n luue with the magnitude ot the Vietnam war It to find oneHlt 1uc:ked Into the ,11rtu or the proceu wh!ch It respon, alble for that hellWI 1l1uation.

I cannot but a11:ree with Tho, reau'• claim tha t "a wile IN.n will not leave the rl&ht to the mercy ot chance, nor v.uh h to prevail throuih the ~r ot the majority. There Is bu1 Utile virtue In the action ol mu1n ol men."

Consequently, the question or whether or not we innuenee Dreyf\.11 or Nixon b no1 the crucial on•. Rather , the point it tha t uch ot us premlll our actionl on prlnclpler which i re i'l'OUnded in ccnvictionl ruchtd by ratk:nlJ nOectlon whether or not • 'allent ma)Drlty' . ......

_ O&BY O'BLEN,ES ID Smith Hall

Come On Faculfy Show Up O..,,r:dllot",

lnaOn ~· ;prthe\:eiu: Fb:-Pe.lton ,tffllor art exhibition WU held In the Wrlabt 1.oun&t , Allhouah the event Wu ""eU attended by 1tudents, the 1b, aence ot membert or tht An Df:partment faculty wu quilt notlctable, In 1plte of the tact that . penonal lnvltationl were sent to ..U ol. these lnatrudon,

We feel that thll wu unfor. tunate, u 11 wu one or the finelt recepdons In recent yean. These thZ'H artiltt put In a ireat deal ot work pre­parlf'II tor thit lhow, p,rtii:u, larly Dan F\x, who went io the trouble ol Procurina Ji v e modell to display hb dothlna desJ&nl,

We realize that the lhow runs for two Wttb and that the lt· culty will have ample tlffll! lO view II, but lt It I lhaffle that there wun' t enouati intemt •moni the !acuity 1o ittend the reception, parUcu1arly In ,1r,r ot the fact that attendance ot Uwse attain lt continually ·~ to the art student• by the faculty' .

We turtMmion hope that thlt 1ltuaUon b at Jeast puti,U,, remedied b,- ~ time the lall 1-mior; utubldon ol Olepp-~ lo-F\lcha (>penl •t the end ol the aemnter.



Weekly People

HA'l'IIAH f'ltESSKAN 11 Ca!berinl! St.

Cllemliet~~1f:.. ......,.

Page 3: Wisconsin State Stevens Point a THE POINTER · 2016-05-04 · n at Steven1 Point State Uni· verslty. Pre.ldnit LN Sherman Drily· rus Hid today the 1tlecUon WU made by a committee

April 16, 1970 TH E POIHTU

Germain's Speech To The Faculty , s.-:;:e . :;~.<;;l(:o :!:· l~~tt~u~:: ~ml dou not lend tot~ gools Maybe, It only you are allowed oi:ily monl" The elde,.. made.

io ,pc11k at these m"tl tlnl11 a1 k,~:=;~cyM:~ta~n::ri~~ :Ycc:1.!:.~u~o ha\·e n,1ythln1 to ~U::~l.lt':;!e N~1ie::w•,,Jlv:: wrll 111 11 n l'Qtll\l \"oting voice 1, ultimately • cooperaUve Rf- l..a11 ye1r Dr. Georve Bft.ker the Ku Klux -Klan 'to f:ntorce ''° lhoil' maul',.. alfe<:llng our fair; DO YOUR PART - NOW! n belleve you 1111 know who he thoff l11w1 and the elde,.. knew ;:=1~t'~: ~~ll~nlc ch•i;;ct~ Now 1p,enklng on my own. b) wrote the follo,.o/\ng 1tlmu/ll· Iha! their intenu.on. were of lhe

\\'SU-St~/"~~)t't"1!ik ~ ~l~~:S~:\Kn1:1~1~e~g~1 ~'.~~:~! ~/tiouah11 in the 0-ler pu~~ek~™!.~~l~he ~:!:~ day,

~"ne:i~:tikJwn IUI ~~\~!· :C dOM a thorou1h Job clemnlng , ... "Many ol our atudenll and !he elder, a.aid, "Let u,

lrt 1hr p.111. but standing e~cl ~~~veea~t 11latfl~ie w~~~r ~t!~,J~''.:Yy:a!:,~J!~ :::i.~: ~ h~'J. :v~h~,u~~~~ ~;~tf~l~;;)4u~,~~~::g11:Ch::nc~~ ;~arnln:~~O:~ ~.:i'~: a,r:.~ by compla«-ncy, tl!L'le 1tudm11 stripped lhe la.od ol 11"1 re-

We are !he unl\·er1,lty. Pla10·1 1luck your re1Jn 11s outa1de lhe ::n:~~a/! .::::Clotu •:Iv~~ ::::efn,:hi: !=r:' a..!slOl.\t;: A.-adamy polnls out that the clauNOm long enotJ.Kh to le'll prohlem1 on the w,lvt'nilty level rudl1Un1 the heavena. And they l'C'laUun1hlp between 1tudent the.> fni.slralloN. the ache, and 1han are nKll t facully memben held their no1t1, for they did nnd ltacher should be a pains, ol 1tudenta throughout . . . I I we foculty are 1inct'rely not want to admit wtlat 1tlnke,.. sharing ol knO"'lfilae. 1~ otht•r the world? !lave yoo htard 1he coneemed with making eduea• 1hey we~.

;~Ss~,.:;~cl~N,!~::; :1:or~: :~~~Jc: ~!OI~~ :!:~7~r~~ ~\:il~hebe ref:-a;.:r e:i=~~e w

1! th:' ~;e;:~h g~~rin~::!: kll"lls . This 11:oal has bttn rap,.>d thei r own future.? I un aruwcr hnd be1t Jb tcn to wt.a t 11udent1 ao the elders se.nt the COP9 to :ind i,lunder"ro. An ex11mple of thl1 lor you with a re50'.lndlni: h11 ve to any, and then make a ll beat IOflle "'nse Into the )'OUnf,

~~Ym;; P.~:.n s~m';: : ::: ~ 11rou ha\"l'n '!, O U11med =~f~~e~~e/:;! w:1!:~'.n~: ::::ri~~:.O :!ide. ":'Ir job well , quellion ...:. " Why are the mcn1- Last )'tar }'OU found It In your means co,dctcnnlnatlon by 1tu-b..•n of lhe Board ol Rcgt'n ts henrts or whatever or111n It was dents and f11 culty with the SIU· poli tically appoin ted. and why 10 ~Jcct Mr. 1,Ussey·s ,lmpt! dents represented oo all le\·tls d11 tho.>y not hil\'l' to be nllilln ted "student riihl to 1pcak"' pro- of unlve,..Jty admlnl11ra1lon ... "·ith an educational lnsU!uUon posal by a , ·otc of 118-25. Thl1 We often lose fl&:ht ol thlg fact ,wr do they nol have 10 be pro- WII.S nther appaUlna. to ,Jy th•t we faculty are here bf.-. frulonnl t"tluc11ton?" Mr. SIK· lbe leasL How c&n' anyone cause of !he 1tudenll. TI'IC pub-mund. In the Wt't'k'1 l 'olater, blame us for beln11: IO Im• lie ~sn't give a hoot abou t uld. "' . . .. that according lo palient. w111chlng this world )'our sl'Cur\ty and my Jvory-W11ton!i ln 11otutca, the Go\·cr- crumble before our very eye1. 111,,·er. The public want, u1 to nor app;i,1.nu the tt,cents and be,cat11e old and sclf-proclalmcd produce hlghly-competl'nl pro-lhc Senate approvn them . H wbc men continue to beUevc fc11looal1 and le.den who will 1h,• lf'glllature wanted lo changr lhlll they alone knc,.v where It 's make this a better wos-ld In the h1w . . , they could do so. all at and they n1one can guide which 10 llve In! Wt' are pro-As lllng a1 the majority ol ~ u, lo a new and fo'J"e8ler 1ocl· duclng the proleulonall1ts but pie are content wi lh the law, It tty! They ha,·e fallcd to con- we arc not producing leader, "lll slay H It Is. An adv11n111ge \•Ince us of their ability on bolh who can cope PfOPl'rly with 1he of hiwlng re11:cnt1 not connected count,. but they won't admit II . problem, of this century and with an educational Insti tution We who ha.\•e IO llvl' In 11 · lhe l'CXI. TI\C unh•er,[ly hu be· 11 that they are .able to take world they ha\•e managt'd to come too much· ot a 1uper-

:::i e~~=;.:~:n !~ d~!~7.!c~ ~~n usleforop~:l;c~:l~:~t :~~f~ :p ~t t~ n:::d:i~ " ·h(,n ITlaklng rulings."' up, 10 sntak In an opinion here Whea1les and Rice Krispin

f'lrst o( all. !he Rcgt'nts ha\'e a nd the~. 11nd maybe even a when In reality he nl'eds 11ood a voice In 14""'5 tha t don't affect token vote ewry now and then. !'l'd meat IO metabollu Into 1tte lr llves. So, many times, we have htld touiiht-mu,cle.''

Secondly, "'Majority"' -1lnce to ii:o outside the IO-(;alled From the Polaier : " hen, In this country, ha1 the proper channels. holding mas· "It w111 !he llnt day, ol\d the rnajorily In \"Oting e\"l' r meant · s l\"C dcmonstrallonl wi th !he wizened elder, Hid, "Let !here thosl' p,.-ople " "ho did not \ 'Ott'. hope th11t we would be heard - be pt'ace!"' nnd II toolc them In other words, majority Is yet today, hardly anyone ha, wctks or !lnghllnt lo de<:ldt If ~'Onslrued as the lara:er number really takl'n us IO heart , One !he)' $liould Wik peace aroul\d u( thl'se p1..,oplr ta klng 11ml' 10 can hardly blame those who a aqunrc table or a round tablr. be rcptt1ented. "Silent major• ,peak of \'lulcnt coofrorttltlon And they Mi.Id ii wu ,iOOd. !tr"' \'\tws are aueuwork only. - what more ought we do that On the .econ(! d.tly, the elder,

?&~:~\~~ ::::::e:to :'s111!:: :ei$t~:!!~ U~.'\~:et~~~ :!~&,l;s~t~JJ!~11~t'~ don by Mr. Slamund. but of drh•lng us to ,uch a course of on our side."' They saw they course, students are not e\'l!n action today, If not you? ""t're righteous. and !hey en-consldered. 11 you think this I am not proud lo be here to- dcavored to make C\·eryone else mt>thod works - then take a nltht (maybe not C\'en wel- morn!, or they killed them. i:ood look around the country. com!!) beca111e If )'OU people When the third d11y came, the

\\'hat' s our point? We don't w11lking hand in hand with us elders ll,aw It WU time to elect nl.'Cd ) 'OU as fa1her1. You are would ha\·e had the fol'\'1111:ht IO a new leader from amon11: them. nvt my father. No one ol you Is speak up for 1tudcnts bctore, They chose a man who would my fathl'r. You ha\'C no ri11:ht to In our liaht agains t lheol'\'llca.l tnd war and create a new liOCI-U..ke on that role, and I do not J)11r!lclp:1tlon and our push for cly. And tht'y thouihl II was consent 10 emJIO",•ering )'OU 10 true partlcipalk>n, nobody would credible. do so. Students belong here. as need be In my plilce right now. But on the fowth day. the "''=U u In c,·ery aspect of wtl- Our country·, educated nd- war continued on, and lhe elders \·crslt)' decision-making nlfect- minis1n11on who a.l"'YI reallz.:, said. ··My counlr)', right or ing our U\·es. U 1h11 school Is to how we feel , and think !hey are wronr.'" while they rallled round be n.lll on an orderly basil, and doing IOl'l\ethlng rreat by ll't- the flag. ,in Ing patriotic IOflll

this 1s rour method QI on:ler. ting 1tudcnll partlclpa!e In such and ealJn apple pie. w~ accept It as long as ,,.,.e are trivial and IITt'\evant doln(I n.s Soon me the 111th day and equally repre5Cnled. Preaching eround • brcakin11 exercise, - the den said, "'Lei us rive democracy and practiclna lase- tha t' s our \'oice in the future! the NJicgers equaUty, for 11 Is


But It WH In val~. lor the elden would not 1ee lhe tl!lhth dRy; thei r time had come. And now ii WII \he )'OUnf who worked feverllhly lnto the night , ao thal In the Jut hour \hey ml!lhl ye t N\'e the elchth day for themsclYH."

We are eonUnUOUlly told to be " r,a1lent. Point 1tudenta have been tha t way for deeades now. we are contln1JOUSly tok!. to work "ithln the sy,tem. We have done that for almo,111 too king now.

Anything ol great lmportanee or relevance rve r acted upon by the Student senate Is re,.. Jccted, 11 vetoed, 1, tnmpled upon by thole ot you who have gall enough to tau OIU" Jives Into )-out' handJ - ove.r ~ obJcctklN. r

You are no longer playlna lhe role, ot a 1harer ol know1ed11e. bul rather, that of a dictator, on a niascullne-petemal ti~ trip. 11 you pcr,lst In bellevlng otherwlw, then I dare you edU­c11toni to make you~• uptlonal llnd see how many atu­denta you can attract out or 1hecr lnk're1t ind (uc:lnatlon. I dare you to atop taking roll c11\1 and see hoW attendance wlll startle yoo u It l'tver' has before. I dare you to let atu­denlll de<:kle which teac:he,.. 1hey wwld l!ke to retain. and see how many ot you are left here 1lttln11 on a student-built ped11taL I dare you to 110p that ridiculous thine known u l!Tld­lng. and sec how many ,tudcnta would demand tbta with a vlllOf" beyond cootroJ. J dare you to exttnd )"()W'Selt from lhe cl11ssroom4bnce In awhile and rchu e )'OUrtelf 10 sornc ot the ttal i11ue1 d. thll day that ao many of us find IO Important nnd ao relevant. I double dare you.

SCHEDULE (Continued from PIie 1l

!ration and Dr. Heaton. 1 :45 p.m.-"Alr Pollution and

Solar Eneru,". Dr. Robert Rood•, chemllt.ry proteuor and Or. Marvin Mertt, phytlCI pro. ·-· 2 :45 p.m.-"Wlldemeu," Db-trkt Ranr•r OQnald L. Bura•, Super ior National Forest, and Harry E. }'ither, pr,:aldent of Noi-th Shore F otffl Producta ln Mlrtnuota.

3 :45 p.m .-"Polldeal Aunc»-

~n':.1~:,'.i."u~ c!1~t Olsoo, Republican eandldate for eovemor, and John Potter , chairman, Wlleonlin Natura l Retoun:es Board.

1:30 p.m.-"Overpopulatkrn," Ray Heinzen, 1t1te aenator from Mllmu'leld. and Dr. Kent 0 . Hall , bloloa:)' pt'ofeuor and member ol naUOnal board ot di· reeton o.! Zero Population c-.

7:]0 p.m. - " Ove.rpopulatkln and the OIUrch," lhe Very Rev. Mier. J ames Finucan, putor ot SL JOHph"s Parish, Stevena Polnl. •

I p.m.-"€ommunlty Panel," modcratoe Dick Sandal, mana­lll'r, Stevena Point ArH Own­ber of c:ommerce; Dr. Wll llam J . Katz, mana11er of proceu, rcuarch and development for Rex Ownbel1 Co., Inc. Milwau­kee; Paul Bomam, mayor ol Steve.N Point : Stra tton M'anlrt, m11naier , Wlaconlln River DI· vblon, Conaolldated Paper,,

in;, i,.m.-"u,lnt the U w to Prvlect lhe Environment," WIJ. Uam Babllkh, Poeta11e O:>uhty distric t attomey.

9:30 p.m.-"Eoo-Aetkrn." Dr. J ames Newman, natural re­aou«es proleuor.

10 :15 p.m. - "''nit End ol the Bqinnlnf," Paul Dequne, Wllconlln Department ol N•· t ural RclOUrcet: representl­tive. ..... ..

1 p.m.-nlm "Tahtonka" and '"What ts EcoJoay," Professor Heaton, natural resourees. "via. ter and Air PollulJon" Prote,. sor Rouda. "Slldes ol Local P roblems," Tm Doll , n1lst· ant principal or Ben jamin Franklin J unlor Hl&h School, Stevena Point. "Reere111lon and the Plover River ," Protesaor Korth. "Urb&n Sprawl and ~ Inf," Proleuor Baxter . "Ovu,. population and Women's U be,... Uon," Proleuor Hall, ZPG Board ot Dirkton represent.a· Uve and Mra. Rauda. "Eco-Ac> tlon," Profeaor Newman.

1be mornlna: and afternoon procrams oci April n wUI be in lilt Wllconsln Room of the· Unlvcnilty Center. The April 21 ettnln& and April 22 momlna, atternoon and eve­ning evcnta will be in the Uni­versity F1eldhoule.

The April 23 dilcuuionl, a rehuh of ear ller event., will be at the Madi-.n Grade School auditorium.

Keats Show AtM.A.C.

Norman ' E. Keats, profesaor or an at Steven, Point State Unlvenlty, lattpenented lnlhe 49th annual WlacoNln Dwgner-

, cnrtsmen Exhibition eWTenUy oo dhplay a t the Mllwauktt Art et,,ter.

The show c:ontalns 138 entrie1 by 91 arUsll tha t were jw1ed from a total ol &50 'NOnl aub­m ltted by 234 artlsta.

Protasor ' Keall II lhow1n& a vessel rorrited ol steel a n d bronut ahaped to repreunt a neld 11one, the' worti: la flnilhed wtth a blue-cree:n patina. The exhibition will eontlnue t hr u. April 26th.

And Away We Go To the Edi tor: Involvement and action aeem

to be lhe bl11 toplca lately, ap,11thy II YH)' unfashlol\abll! this 1prlng. Okay, 1"11 buy that . But Ulftl lhere'1 thll lfftle trick called lhe Gleuon Bettermenl Aaaol!latlon ...

They've p,rop()led a maulve nucntlon to Gleason April 10. Jt's "tlmated tha t anyv,ilere lrorn 2-8,000 kids trom WSU

;t!~ ~ ·.::.~!'8~~.i wtll be a muns to re lleve bore­donl. " It's about lime the 1tu­denta did aomethin& oo their own." 11loey want to ineorporate Gleason by tlklllf II over .•. aher all, It II the Trout Capitol of the World.

Real IO(ld. Somehow I can't help feel lnte about 2 to 1,000 collqe kids doln& anythlna IO rpeanlnglcu an(I ridiculous for no reason other than one day'• klclui . II any ol them 11 in any way coneemed about environ­ment, poll1Jcs, pc11ce, e1c. \hey wouktn't be 101.r\g to Gleason. Thole that go wUI be 1lvln1 fue l to thole already too numer­ou1 k>ud moulhl In lhe c:ountry that are down on )'OU!h today 11 can hear Spiro now •.• .). Jt"1,lekenln1 1othlnkthatk.lds wlll re,pond en maue to a meanln&lt•• thin& Uke this, and ooly a few by com­parlaon wUI ,how for peace, Project Swvlval CIC •

Why Gleason? What 11 to be 11•lned \here? Nothln11 of much ~ l 'm sure. TIM!rels nexttonolhl~toSEE,lnGlea· aon (and even what !he-re II wU be very dltrlcult IO see with 2 to 1.000 people around). Why not &et all thole people tocelhe r

and fO villt Wllconaln'g Em­blrraument. Menocnon$tt 0>un­ty? 'Ibere', plenty to Re then,

, and more room to look 11 It, and somathl~ paaltlve m]&tlt just come of ,udt • mua1 .... show ol lntere1t. J SUJ)POM the kicks wouldn't ti. u rood II meanln& were • t~hed-

We mock our elde,.. few the , tup,ld thlnp they dkt whet! they were )'OUfl8: - ,old ftsh swallowlna", phone booth , tun . ln1 - but why are we ~ ID one--up them then? 111 2 lo 11.000 kidt In one small commun­ity the nme u ll people In a phone booth. or am I miltak.­en?) I a:otta hand · It to them, they're thinklnf BIG. What • ta~.

I know a lot ot kids who 111'1 g lad to be back on camput afte r a week ol hauellnc wi th the tolkl a bout youth· and pro­tet,t and chanfH. 11·11 hot too 1roovey to have to really ftfbt to expl11in to tht lollts how cbe­Jy rela ted peace and patnotWn are, how protet1tora are ,t.ncere­ly moUvated and not m.ere pup. pell to Communllt OONplnton, when all the parenta have to do It whip one of many GlealOn­type example• oa your vsu­men1 to bury It beyond hope ot

Good job G.8.A. Hana It up Gleuon people, and thanlul ......

.IVUE 000K

Be, George President

1Pap ~ame arhJ1 I Pop goe1 the ho1tnt l11hlon y .. I I

surprlM ol tha uaaGn. Tha new cork look undllt, Thick, I eomlortabla co,k lnn1,soL11 gl~ the look Chat ~ll lookll . I I Pop on some cork today. From


I I Complete Sandal I Select;on ot

What's so ~vecia(about ~eechwood Agei~?

We must be braising too much about Beechwood Aping. , BecaU98 we're starting to p t acme Sak about it. Like, ' 'Beechwood, Beechwood . . • big deal." And " U Beechwood Agein1 iaao hot, why don' t you . tell every­body what it ia?" So we will. First., it i,n't big wooden caaka that. we a.p Budwei9el' in. But it ii a layer of thin wood atrii» from· the beech tree (what el8e?) wd,down in a deoN lattice on the bott.om of our glua-lined

and ·-- lqering . ~- This ii where we

let Budweiser ferment a M:Ond time. (Moel brewen quit after one !ermen-tation. We don't .) tl 1beae beechwood stripe o ft'e r extra 6Ulface area for tiny ye ast particlee

t.o cling to, helping clarify the beer. And ' since tbeN , stripe are ai.o porous, they help abaorl? beer's natural "edge," giving Budweiaer itafinUMdtaate. Orin other

. worck, " a taste, a anooth-

..nem and • drinbtiility you will find in no other"beer ai any price." , , Ah,..., drinkability. Thal'• what'ii .a special abou t Beed,woodApmc. But you know that.

Budweiser. is ihe ~ of Beers. (But you know 1hat.)

AIIMIISU-IIISOI, IIIC. • ST. LOUIi • CWU1 • LOSaactLIS• ,._ • • moST. • cou.mMll•.IACUOIIWIUl I .• ,. ,

Page 4: Wisconsin State Stevens Point a THE POINTER · 2016-05-04 · n at Steven1 Point State Uni· verslty. Pre.ldnit LN Sherman Drily· rus Hid today the 1tlecUon WU made by a committee

Ap,11 16, 1970 THI POlHTll

HAND-MADE LEATHER GOODS, clothu, ioceoae, and many other bcauutul or biuatrc Items arc available at "People Street ," a unique nen·profit store at OOOA Clt.rk Street. Dealgned aa a community p roject, People Street la raising (unda to 1tart a student food co-op. (Goodwin Photo)

Downtown Shop Uy DUJ.. Ml: lSSS E tt

Do )'OU nttd ~ hand-m•~ IHthi:rS()Ods,clothes,orjewt'I• ry? Thffl hod to the local .. hud 1hop." A ~p ot WSU· Stevena Polnt students ()JK'flf'd a 1hop c1ll«1 ··People Su·ttt O:lmp.1ny" at 900A Oark Street On April 6th, "Thi, Is a com• munlty venture," u,... Prople Strttt Company's tpoknman, Wayne Jahnke, "and ll 1ot of peopko ha\·e put their ldeu In· IOlt,"

ull rolon ond tex1ur..., that h1n·e been ~Tl tocether: nie three trtt 1t•IU that "&row'' from the floor ID the cellln1 kMp the CUIIOfflH'I close to n, ture.

Opens thn:>Uih Friday from 2:00.10:00, 11-.d on Satunla)'I from 12:00. 10:00.

A dlacount book t!Off, .,.,'hlch la a ffUaml whh the Hme croup and run In much the lll ffl l" man­ntt, has opened recen tlY at 900 2nd Sttttt. 1llC store UI operat• ~ by Bob and Pea: Geist,



1l\e 1hop, which 11 k>c::atNI ~ neath the Thl'lh Shop ju.st oll Slc!\'COS Point's m11rket 1qu11re-, hu a wilqUe intedor which wu dcllped by the 1tudcnta. ' 'When ""'e came Mtt, the wa\11 were just awhltet,h('ll." uplal~ 'Jahnke. Now th!: walb havt' Pf)'c~l\c murals done with culorfll. l)llints, paMlin& made ot ruttlc ""''OOd, and showust1 for the merchandise. TIie wall, to­w111II carpeting on the l loor Is inade lrom 1quare1 of rUK1 of

ThC!'tt are ,bou1 20 1tudent1 \m·olvl'd In WOf'ldrlg for the non­pn)llt ahop, H id Jahnke. '"The money 1111ncd throuih lllle1here .,.,,111 be put Into a conununity fund 10 s ta rt I lood CO-Op," he explained.

Any articles that people hive or that people make can be .old through lhe lhop, Ind 3) pcT

centottheprotlt&oe1 tolhe store. Jahnkc- found that by kc,eplng the prloe, doWn, more 1ales wue «1Couru1ed.

At People Strttt O>mpany, there i.. a v.1de ~~Uon ot ma· tcrials to choole from : there UI tiverythlna: from pil)H, VM:ffll(', candlH, sungluan. leather w"-tchband, a nd earrinp to dyt'd 1 .. hlrt1.

1llC 1hop ls open MOl)day

UI Jazzy Band Gives Concert -'The Unlvenlty of Ill~ Jau Band under the direction of John Garvey will prffent a clinic and concut a t Stevens Polnt Frlday. ?t11y 1.

'J1\e frtt cllnlc will be held at 3 p.m . In the Wisconsin Room ol the UC. 'lllc concert wm be at 8 p.m. In the neld·

""""'· Thi. cnumble hu achieved

ln ternaUoruol ac:clalm II Orlf'

of the finest (r'OUJll ot Ill kind.

OLD~ S('xt time your man )(Ot.'11 otr hunting or fi shinit.

J oSmokt>y II littlt' fa \'or. When you cuddl;: clllik' to say JCO()dbye,

whi!IJ)CrliOftly m your ra\·oritel'ar : "Rememlx.,r dear.only you ean pre\enl forw, l fires."

Ad,·,·ruol"l{n'fllt«lfort~p,,l.,(IC'aOo'ld :@'o


DRINK POINT BEER . Water Safety Cy(oficate Offered Krestly, Olson

Basketball Named

Concert Sunday

Ccrtutcatlon lnatrucll0n I o r qualified water safety lrutruo­tors will be olfe~ by Profc, • .or Euienc Bn,dha1cn. me,mber and O\lllrman or the Wllconsln State Unlvenl ty at Stevens Point Department of ll t1lth, Physlcal Education and RccreatJon.

To Camp 1be (()W'le will con.1st ot rive

Wednesday e\•enln& ussloru 1tartln1 April 8, lrom 6 :30 10 9 :JO. and will meet In Room JUI ol the Physlol Education Ccn. ter.

Qualltled male and ft'malc par­tklpants are reminded lo brln1 )9ckl. towels and swimwear. Snorkels, f ins and other 1peela• l llied cqWpment will be furnish­ed by the Cblleae for inllnlco tJonaJ use,

· The ftt for the entire course . Is $10.00. Also. It will be l'lt'Ch­sary lo purchu,e one telflbook.

RetervalloN can be made in the elflended ttrvlce otllee

Two more hl&h school bukel­baU c:oad>n h.ve bttn added to the arowln& a!a.U or the All · AmericlJJ Buketball Clmp to be conducted on the campus o[ Stewns Point State, Jw,c 7.13.

Fred Kttstly, ooach at Pu­, .. 11.1. and Bob Olson, ooach a t Wlaconsln Rapids Auurnplion, will join Milwaukee Bucks'

Bev For President



Head Cbach Larry O:li5tello and hlah school coaches Jim Und. SteYC'flS Point, and Bob Su1er. Janeaville Cral1, on the 1Wf for the wN,k·lon&; camp.

Camp Dlrttt.of" Bob Krue&er. head coach II Stevens Point Stale and Dlree!IX' ot AlhleUc::t:, made the announcement ot Kttstly and Olson and addQd

_ that In thcupcornlnJwttkl the nu.m« ot MVCra.J. l'otilwaukff Bucks players wW be added to the staff.

KrntlY ii a 1957 P"aduate or Stevens ~Int St.te and has bttn a t Pulaski llnce that time. He hu roached thrtt diffettnt aporll. belni the head baaket­ball c:p!!ch for 1he put ll yeffl. He had coached track tor el&ht yean: and wu htad football ooech tor one 1euon.

Hll OYffa.11 balketball recotd ls a respectable IJ&.!H and he euidedhlstumtotheM'C'tional lewl ol the W1AA basketball toumament In three ot the put 1ix years.

Lao~ ;11:,1.:;:~ie i! lered tour years In both baae-

Bev George President

IF YOU'RE THINKING FISH YOU'LL LIKE NEXT WEEK·! Berkley man here Wednesday, April 22 to talk sports equipment. Free ,pinning rHI adopter with purchaM of 2 ipoo11 of Tril•n• line. FNe drawin9 - register all WHlt - no purchaN neceuary.

Fiahiat Sole - Wed ..... y, April 22, th-gh April

Stevens~~.o!~ St~rewery ~· Sport Shop ======:--~~~~--::::::::::::::-,':::;~-~~;;;;;;;~~~~-~~~·~:""~~~~~-:-~-'

AddlOonal WormaUon on the !itevt'nl Point Cl.mp can be ob­tained trom cttnei- Kruea;u at Stevens Potnt State or from Camp 0, • onllnator Ron BJom.. bus, Wayland A.c:ademy, Beav. tto.Jn,Wls.


DOCTOR OF DIVINITY DEGREE ~:'re~!~ ':it.~-~?.:::4 C:,!'t•': ~ ,: ... ·r.:"!t. .... ..f!..'-' ·.,~ ~ ..... - ..,..1.-... .... iii .u 10 i!.... i9 ... , D.-.

UMIVElSAL CHUICH IOX 6575 HOLL""';~D. fLOllDA. 33021 ---·

Page 5: Wisconsin State Stevens Point a THE POINTER · 2016-05-04 · n at Steven1 Point State Uni· verslty. Pre.ldnit LN Sherman Drily· rus Hid today the 1tlecUon WU made by a committee

"""' 16, 1970 \ THI l'OIHTEl

Deer Named •

To AIO Judy Collins Here Sunday

A member ot t~ Mcoom~ lrlbe who ll a fa cili ty fflit'mbe r at Sle\'tra Point Sla te Unlver-1lty lhll Wffk WU one of 26 ,~nona named to the bofln.t ot d.lNctol'I ot the new Americans for Jndlan Opportunity ( A.10) ,

The appotntmmt ot Mill Ada ~r. dl!"fftor ot "Up~11rd oound" a t lhe unlvenlty, wH nnnounud by La Donna Har­ris , wlle ol Sen11tor Frtd llar­rls ot Oklahoma and an enrol l­NI mrmbtt ot the Comanche 1rl~. M n . Harri.I will hud the 011:anlQtlon, v.'blch wi ll wwk for causN of American lndlans, Eskimo. and Alails.

Miu Dttr hQ been at St~ , ·His Point for tv,·o yeara, d.1-r~ll lli µn.JJrams fl)r I ndi a n yQUth1 ln their home communl­lln In normem WllCOlllln and on the! umpw;.

She la a craduatr of the Uni. Vl'l'$11)' of Wisconlln and Col. umbla Unlvenlty, ond hu ~r.·· f'd u a aoclal worker lor the ~linnnpo\11 Publlc Schoo.I Sy1-ttm; coordinator ot lndtan af.

.,.taln In t~ University ol Mln­nt'10la'1 T .... lninl Center r o r Community Pn;:,irana; com· munlty 1crvltt1 coordinator lor the Buttau of lndlan Affall"I: and .oc.11.l worker for private orrllruutloiu In N- York and Mlrv1eapolls.

Miu Deer ~ill be brk!fl'd on her new rn ponslbllllln w l t h AJO a t a meellna In Washlna· ton. D.C. on April 11. .

M.t1. Han-U. ln announcing di· r«ton' appuintments, 1ald al l ht>11l th, educailon. houlln& and t•mployment 11ntbtle1 show thnl llll' .. Uni American U 1t1U the 1.ut Amer ican.'"

··Tm> A\"\>raae llfe span of

~~:: ·~~nls ~~ ~~ fQl' non-Indian Amerlcan1," she aakl.

"Indian chlklttn al.Ill com­plele leu than nine )'('an ot achoo!, compnr«l wlth an aver­a&e ot more than eleven ye•n completed by non-Indh1,n chll ·

"""· ··Toe averaze income ot ln-diarui 11 1llll only SlO a wttk. far below whal the rovemment defines u the poverty l1?¥el. llOd !he untmployment r ate for

~ty IS

how s,uu feel You ever have one of those days when everyone says you look well, but )"OU still don' t fttl pretty?

Maybe it's because you·re tired or t roubled . Or maybe because it's the wrong time of the month and you just feel un-lovely. That's where Tampax wn· pons can help you. They can help take t.he mopey reeling out of your month. Because Tampax tampons are "'Ull intcrnally, there's noth· ing to slip or slide or chafe

· or show. No more wor·1 ries about accide,nts or odor.No,e1!<0nscious· ness. Only complete comfort and protection. Clean, neat. disatet. Tampu: tampons. To help YoUfttl beautiful every day or the month. ·

TAMPAX. · -141UlM'T,-n[Cf.,.._l«JPIIIAUJ' --· .. ·--.... ----Deaqets 1':rngest

Americ11 n Indian, ii more tn.,,n litn Llmet th.at of non.-lnc11ana " •he added. '

"We want to work with all Amt>rlc11 n lndl 11 n, 11nd oraanlu,. Llora to he.Ip Insure a t least lhal the rlaht to be dlffertnt and 1tlll m.)Dy the JuU promlff ot America ii made real for •Ii Americana.

"The &Oal oJ AIO q 10 aa,Qt local lndian or&Miulltw a.nd trlbn. In further ina: their~.., projects lnvoMnc job dewJop,­ment and on the job t ralnln1. the formation ot Indian Youth Councils and local Indian school and hospital boarda, and we

· intend to ea1111blbh colica:e re­ctultlna and 1cholanh.lp pr o­ifalTII to tnable more Indian Youna peo11le to attend coUcae.

··w e expec1, too. to .en•e as a national clearln& hoUH lor lndlan and non-lndian interns to work with lndillJ'I orianl:u.· lions and tribes.·· Mn . Harr it concluded.

Classifications For Summer . Financial Aid

Students cl.Dlmlng benefits un­der the Federal Vocatklnal Re­habU11atlon Acl. the War Or­phant Acl , or the C.J. BUI w\JJ rccelvebenc!lt.1acc0rdlngtothe num ber ot c~lts carried. 1'le 1Ummer 1eulon ettdit load, wtuch determlne the amount ol' payment by the Veterans Ad· mlnbtra lk)n to a.n undera:radu­a tc 11udenl arc u follows :

6 er. or more-fulltlmc 5 er.-% tlme. 3--1 cr.-1,i time 2 c r .-more thliln % t ime but

len than % l lme. lcr .-\i. tlmeorleu. . TM credit k,ad, whkh deter­

mine the amount ol payment by rhe Veteran1 Admlnlstrallon to 11 graduate 1tudent during the summer aeulon are u follows:

5 e r. or mtW"e-tulltlme . 4 er.-% time. 3 cr.-1,i Lime. 2 er .-more than "'- time but

IHI than ',i tlme. l cr.-\4 time or lea.

Bev George President

.. Music and poetry can pro­duce a cathal"'lb that lnvoh·a everybody. That"1 what I'm a fter ..... Thll, If J ud,y CoULru h111 • cl'ffd, would come ck:IM to dcacrlblna It. J udy ~ Jina: fot"mcrly lab'ed • •fo,lk 1lrcer." now ~ !erred to u Amttlca·,

· 1oremo.t IIO¥er ot coruemp(ll'­•ry art aonp, ""' r~ nlly. an lmpor11nt wrlttt ot t,0np her­ae l! .

lier last 1wo reconb lor Eick• tra. WUdllow.:1"'1 and In My Ufe, have firmq' esta bl ilhed her ln lhc lore,round o l popu­lar music ln le:rprete:111. lier ap­pearancta at coUca:e c:oncftU have 11\ven her a ratl' tlj)port · wtth the )'OUth an older pnua-

~lonund"!~. toShe- ~ if~ re1i'fl t .. protes t" yet hU con­tinued to a:row u a perform • er . and fl'l9re tteenlly as a oom­po&M, to the extcnt tha t he.r appearance before an audience 11 dt'ICrlbed by m.ny not u juat a per!o~m-,nce. but III a ~ll1k>u. eXperlence.

Judy C,oUI,- wq born in SHI• tie, the daua;htt>r ol a promhw.nt r nd k> personality, and Wat r,i.. I'd In Denver. Her mU1lcal training be11n with piano IH· aona a t the age ol seven •

.. My ceacher."' she recali.. .. had been a 11udent of SlbeJIUI. Her name wu Madame Brlco. and 1hc was a forceful and brlUlant woman. a conduct.rt'UI. ind - o l the only one, ot !hat kind In the wwkl, for all I knoW, who wu a rre• t pl.ano 1e11cher . Her loVe ol music came to he r s tudents ln an ut· k~ncy that I ffnally defied when 1 .. ·•11ixtttn.

··So many yean ot the music, the by-youraell W01"kin1 on thlnp a ll alone whllf! the other kkb grew 10C.lably up. Mu.Jc e11mp ne\•er wu for me. 1lte ckllHt th1nJ to pt-toeether and 1lhf.'"alcJn&: VIIIS whi t uaed to be called In the old European 1chool 'the muter clan." which WU a kind o( open house f<H' 1tudent ~ rlonnance and crlll­cllm by the 1ludcnta and ?ala· dume Brlco.

''Then. at 1ix1ttn. I found tha t I needed to be lofl:Cther more than I needed to be a.kine. I lound !he rultar, and then the only dlsclpUne ~·a, my de-1lre to g,rt at the comrnunlca· t1on th"""8h )ovely, benull tul 10ngl ... .. ·<>rd, put lofl:Clher with melodies that came ftom somewhere dll!erent. lmmedl­,,.:;r:c . ~ aonp were not !IO m SOOil a, verbi&I k>ok· In . '

Thus J udy O>llln.s and rullll r drlftl'd Into the fol k mu,lc scene. casually. but inevitably. She learned • jfffat deal. lhffl became totally bwolved, and soon be&an to aurac t attention - llnt in Denver. then aloni the Oucaco-New York..C a m­brlda:e folk axb of the eu-ly 60'1. Acclalmed particular ly Jor

Judy Collins records

with regular price of


Now on Sale in

University Store, U.C.


her 1lna;lna ot tradltlonal An(lo­Amerlcan balladl. she 11,ned he r 1\1111 re,cordlna; c:ontn.et Wllh Elektra Jte.oordl, on which labt l her 1even a lbuna to d111e have been f'l'~aud.

Allhoua:h the b'analtlon trom J udy O>lllns : Folkl!natt to Jl.ldy 0:i111,. : Interpreter ol Olntcmporary Sonp ii uauaU,y do ted from the re lea1e ol the a~at 1n My U le album In J1nua,y. 1967. her involvement with contemporary ma.teriaJ be­&•n much eulltr . In the notes wl1lch 1he wrote Jor her third a lbum. back In 1964. Judy ex­plained :

··&t the rrdle on thQ l'ft'­

ord, a lthouah It ls eallN ' lolk· mu1lc,' hal irown 11101Lly out ot the c lly. not the country ... U I beloni to any tradition a t all. It 11 the city tradiOori. one wtth lta roots ln urben Wt . •. I have choM:n to record on Iha a lbum aon&• wrluen by people who are a pu-t ol thla urban tradition u I •m - sonp ot the city 11.nJ,111. ll you will. I know mo.t of the OOfflp(ll('n, and call tome ot them my frtenm .....

And u.. youna: aonawr11e111 '-=._ Bob Dyl&n, Richard Farina. John Phllll~. Phil Oehl, amonr them - caUed Jud7 O>Uil'II thei r frltnd . because other peo­ple had not auna: thei r 1onp before thil, nor had lhele )'OUJ\I compoMl"'I really kntlwn h ow be1ut1tul their .onp co u Id IOUtld unlll Judy C.Olllna Ian& them.

Hut a lthouih the MlllP were not trad\1lon11\ Jolk aln, th e content and Mt'llni ot the ma· terla. l wu lndffd closer to the rather naive Whitman-Guthrie vblon than to the truly con­temp()r lr)' vision which thne 111me )'OUOI poets, Dylan et al, wen, to be the fint to create.

Furthermono. t he fflClod~ were Jolk.,orlc,nted u were the uranaements and playina. t.Kh­nlque1 - hence the continua• l ion of thr Jolk ta.be.I. It wu. lor the time belna, u at1:Uratc ur &nythlna ~ise.

1n My Ute chansed evel')'· thin&. The album Wal ha.Ued u a mlleltont";" an hTtvocable brtak with the put, a unique treatment of unique material. a new a ttitude 1owa:dl contem­porlr)' IIOnil u wwkl ot an. Said Tom Paxton of thla album, .. She ha. a:one outside the lolk • llekl Ind found true rziude ln other ldk>ffll.•'

1be m111lc she plays and llnp on he r mOlt rec,:nt aJ. t>um. Wlld~n. Q tr'Fle, b'• rl ca l. poellc. And alon& with t he IIOIIP of au.ch &Uted wrltcrs .. Leonard Cohen, J oni Mitehell, and J acques Btt,J , llrC! the IQn&I ol • ,_ writer named J udy o,m ...

Speaking ol thb new c~atJ ve phase. Judy remarks: " I 111ed to thlnk , of my1ell not as a 11n&er .o much u a kind ot

1lory teller who happened to aln1. Now 1r1 dillert nt , and W aame u It wu then. Harder, perha~. l have to wo.-k, look, find out what ll ln lhe mn1. II I kwt It, look k1r1C a t every. thina about It, 1ak.a lhe !rip wtth wordl and m usk, and t find tha t I a m more and mo,­• 1ln&er. F inally, alter a ll thlle ,ean ot looking for the btaudl\11 IOn&I that I co ul d •Inc, - nted to dq, I •tart«! to wr1ta m y ov,.,n aonp, and !ni t Q c:ompletely dUferent. Paul Simon toJd me It 1tnJah-1e .. out )'OUr head, and he ii ri&ht."

Many who reviewed WlktOow­, .... wrote that J ud,y'a IOl\i .. ,1. batron .. ii not only the UMtt -, on the album, but one of the muterp&ecea ot C011tem­pora,y mualcal creativi ty. It ii the llrat '°"' Judy O>lllns evtt wn'lte. She admi ts to beln& • lltt1a trlthl tned ot 11. " l 'm not IUnt I know whent It came lrom. Or how I did It . or II J can do It a1aln," ahe says. " You can't try lo write a 1on1 II the aonr lan' t thtte lnakte; but )'OU can' t not try 1t you feel IOffiCth1nl may be about

:r:=~~,:~~: 1 went over aome kind of hump when I bea:an to write mt !Win materl1I Jut SJll'UII. Now 1 leel tl'&mersted lnevel')'thlna: I do."

Jud,y OoU.lnl IJvq In a lar&• ap&rtment on New YM'a up­per Wnt Side. When 11 hornt, wlch II not ve,y olten due to her buly ~crt Khedule, llhl leMb a casual, acllva IUe - wrlt.lna: .onp, readilll, malt· lnl clay poetry. and 1lm ply "hanaln, out"' with C I o I e ... ..,...

'"Jbe people I lov1, .. lhe Ill.YI, ,. live all over the world, either becaUle I met them I.here, or beuuae they up and took otf, leavlnJ me lo send po,11ca~ and make Insane mkln\tht phone calls klna: dlltan« from IOffle place or other. Mol t peo,, pie l know don 't write let~rs · ve ry ottm, ao they don 't 1e1 aniry when I route them In the ir ley kltcheT'tl In London be-, cauae rve lhoua:ht the t im e chana:e backwardi and ftiured they were Ju,t 1l1tin& dov.i, to wi,lch the telly wtwn It's actual­ly IOffll time Jlllt brlont dawn. But I love a lot ot people, and I'm lucky' because I can alway1 findthem,or 1ettothemtome­how:·

Judy hu jult completed her elahth album. Hitr plana are to continue to Jive concerts with her a:roup ot muslclaN, to wr114! aonp, to do motion pldUtl'I, a nd more creative tei. evlalon. to ski and mountain­cllmb, to work In peace move,. m ents, to travel, to cornmunJ. cate wlth people lhe bin and the people who k>ve her.

Save Money On Home Fashions

Ladln, hard teUln1 how ~ the lttnd Jalts IO jwnp al)c,ud whlle the re '1 1tlll Li me to save mMey on )'Olr clothlna: budatt yet tl'm ain ln the fashion spot· Ua:ht .

~ t ott the old MWlnr: , m•· chlnea.ndjolnahomeecono­

, ml1t at Stev- Point State Uni. venlcy In her camP11lcn Jew more CONlnJctJon ot clolhin& In the home .

Proleuor E thel V. HUI laYI fuhklnl have become 11mp1er to make and aophlldca ted enoua:h to 1atll1'y fUhlon con-1clow; women. Pa ttern compan­ln ,re cooperalln.& by feauu,. Ina: carments by leadin( de-1lpe111 from around the ..wwJd. And cloth producen have eot· ten in to the act by pladq on the market suob fabrics u dou­ble knits wh!cb lend thems,elvn to the 1lmpler luhlon 111.hou-


~!TJ-1 C«lu il L•~•lt

IC ............. , . ..... u.

ProletlOI' Hill hy1 · the home sewer of today can expect 1uo­ceu ln crea1tna: a quality 1ar­ment which ii fashionable and comfortable, fits well and 11 ea,y to care for.

Sewln( Is her specialty, and lhe·a elaled by !he lrowin& number ol teenaatn who are 1,111n( that medium ot "upreu­ina their own thlnc.'" Survt:y1, ahe reports, have Jound that 16 per cent of a ll home sewers are tttnaien. and 28 ptt cent are betwttn 20 and 2!I yean or a.re.

Sevnlteen Ma1azine announc­ed recently tha.t 12 mlUlon tttn­•&ed 1trll sew«! their own clot~ as one of thelr most enjoyable hobbles. And why not? Acontina; to Proteuor 'Hui, many home lt'Wff'I have lqltl· mate reuona lor the projeeta because ol complaints about quality of con,;tri.icdon a:otna in- · 10 .t0me ready-tO-Wear car·

Part-Tiine work MEN ONLY

$SO for 20 Hours Work

Call 344-0006 .. 341-2253


Three Coeds Display Art

niree eoe:<b will dbplay about 90 pieces repreaet1tln& a ll m e. dlum, ol an, bea;!nnln,&: Monday, In their senior show.

They • .,, Robyn lbtune, dauititer of Mr. and Mrs. Sttw· ard 'Theune of 229 Upper Road, Kohlcr; Nancy Yu10. duq:hter of Mr. and Mrs. J oe Yu&o ol 1908 Ole Invldlon Rd •• Raeine ; and Judith Schultz. da~ter GI Mn. Either SchUltt, Route 4, Ma1,.11ton.

Their work will be previewed inapubl.ktteeptl,ontl'om 7 to 9 p.m . Monday and lhe show wlU continue tlu'ouah May 2 in the Frank lJoyd Wria:ht Loun,e of lhe Unlveralty Center .

Mill TI!Nlne, a 1965 sraduate of Kohler Hl1h School, cUITffltly II dolq her student teachln.& al Benjam in Franklin Junior Hl&h School in sfevena Point. s h 1 plans to accept a

1contract for

tull -dme teachln& next tall .

Miu Yua:o, who attended the Unlv,1111~ ol Wlsconlln,.~

Ison two years before comln& to Stevens Polnl. wlU be an Intern teacher nut fall and r eceive her dearff In J anuary. Shi !a a 19&4 a:radiate ol Wllliam ffor. Uck Hl&h Sr.boo! In Racine.

A. 1966 craduate ol Mauston Hl&h School, Miu Schulb Is plannin& • career as a eommer· c lal artilL She cU1Tmtly 11 em· ployed put-lime a t televblon llation WSAU ln W&UlaU de­li&:nln, YUUa.11.

Miu Theune and MlH. Sehultz have exhibited previously In 1 unlvenlty 1how 1p(INOr'ed by a drawtni and palntlna: clua

RUDY'S 2 Mil" Horth

on Hwy. 51



Hamburgers THEY'RE A * TREAT *


Does it hurt to chill beer twice?

Not that you'd want to. Some­times it just happens .. . like after ..a picnic, or when you bring home a couple of cold 6-paks and forget to put 'em


. just because the temperature has its ups and downs.

You can understand why when you consider all the extra trouble and extra expense that

in the refrigerator. Does re· go into brewing Bude. for in-

chilling goof up the taste or stance, Budweiser is the only

flatten _the flavor? beer in America that's Beech·

Relax. You don't have · 1 wood Aged. to worry. So . . . it's absolutely okay

A really V ? to chill beer twice. good beer like 1es • N ? Enough said. (Of

· Budweiser is just O • course, we have u good when you chill it a lot more to' say twice. We're mighty glad about about"Budweiser. But we'll that. We'd hate to think of all keep it on ice for now.) our effort i<,ing down the drail!

Budweiser.. is the King of Beers. (Bal you know ~ )

............ IIC.• lf. Ullll• ..... •LIIIAIIIIUl •I_.,_.. • ....,..~

Page 6: Wisconsin State Stevens Point a THE POINTER · 2016-05-04 · n at Steven1 Point State Uni· verslty. Pre.ldnit LN Sherman Drily· rus Hid today the 1tlecUon WU made by a committee

Poge 6 THE POIHTEI April 16. 1970

Thanks From Gleason Residents lly Ouie- l'ee-

Startln, with a 111therlna ol lf' n s tude nts from Hyn llal l. 11wlldidu tu~lntotw"k· end 11teodNI by O\·• r 1.000 c:ol· lq:e studenll In the lltUe town ol Cleuon. WJJCOnt ln.

Ulllt d id Ulll!le &iris know that a drum ot ttcapina to a 1m1 ll town ...,,o,uld become 1 r all ty. When thty 1pproeched 1111 t tomt time bf-fore E111t r , I likl!'d thtlr ldtH and Wt'nl farthe r than the ad\·trtlltmtnt thal tht'y w11nttd in Tlloe l'olatt.r. A.lttr n1tttln1 the Cltuon 81:!1· ttrmt nl A.s.soc:la lkin, I wrote lhe1r1iclt1h11 1 ppearedlnthe 1ptel1I iaiut. and alto Joined lhe GBA.

At E:uttr brtak. W~ &; lrla wtnl home thlnldna that whtn lht')' rtlUfflt'd lhtlr dl"t'l m would bl!' r~utn. No o ne txpct tcd tht peoplt of Cltuon, \he P,l'ffl, Ot' l t ltvlslon to kttp ,U"lr dttam 1lh·t . When achool r t­opentd. thlnp Wtf'II! IO It.nit that wt lound It nttts1ary for m• 10 wrlle the lt()C)IW arilcle.

F'rlday a lttmoon. Apri l 10. I loo. a IOlt bl&; of 1uppllt1 af\d 11'11 with Call Dtryman. 1 rtal­denl ot Gltuon. tnd hitched to G ltuon.. Wt arrivtd 1t)o'clock and found about 50 'studtflls thttt .

We ""'t nt Into lht toWn hall i nd I ln tervle...'f'd. the peoplt thett; ··w e have bten all !or 11 lrom tht \·try beclnnlna. nw tntlrt t~hlp -...•holthtlrttdi)' tndorffd It I township mfflln& to invi t t tht 1tudenll 10 Gita· ,on, Tht G ltuon Community Club. \ 'Oiuntetrs UU-OU11hout !he arta, ind tht Ski qub a ll pitched in to purehut tood lor tht' 1tudtnl1."'

By 5 :30. tht students wtre bl!'ainnin(top()W"lntoW town. W!' mt t 1ht GltallOn Bentrment Anodatkln ln II bar In t<Mit whtre -...·t Wl're lntormt<I ol a mtttin.&; 1obt- htld 111 7 :30.

\\'hilt a l the bar, : m t! rt­por1t rs lrom trta new1pjipen . rtpttstnath•es ol' ltltvlslon. and a man doin& a documenury on tht htpj)tnin&: ,

em Rtbane, , product r and citi.ttn ol Gltuon Is ""douia: a 1peclal - It may be an hour, a hal f hour or LS mlnutH - bl.Std on the studtnt Invasion ol G ita--·

lhe ptaee slcn. No one checks !or 10 ·, 1 1 the bar. It 11 s imply lt ntastlc .''

Frld1y nl1hl, 1ludcnts dr,nk with the IOYoTISpeoplt or con­li:"1t"td In the town hall for 1 •lnt:ln&: test. Attt r the pollet. ""'ell'l"I' not ht.lmtll and betr­ln& riot11lt ks. cloltd thll!ti.r 11 one o·c1otk, the 1tudt n1t all t,e.r11 n 10 find p\acH to 1lttp. Thl'rt wtre lour or fh•e ttnll ~ , up bt-)'Ond 1hr park.

Some atudtnis rolled out s lttplng baas and 1ltP1 In the par1c or ntx t to the bulldlnas . The town hall ...... op,:n,:d 10 tht- studtnts, and q uite I ltw mcwtd in there.

Others. like Gall a nd I , no,. ctl\·td lnvltallons from tht tt.M,."Mpoople to 11,:ep In thei r homts. Not o nly did !hey optn their housts but they also strv· td brukfu t when we &« up In tht momlna.

I mUII l{O alone with U,e.,, 1tat tml.'nl madeto meby lllmo11 t \•ery s tudta l that I talktd to: ·· ttie people ol G leason are really ifflL They havt done t\·erythinll poulblt to help UI." Many s tudents wtnl up to th•• towrupooplt and thanktd thtm tor bf-In, so wundtrlul.

iiie ll"OPlt o r Cltuon ft lt \·try much in J.he same vt ln as the studtntt ; "' I ltt l this Is the 1ttttt1l bunch ol kldi I ever mtl .'" Not only Wtl"r Wt IC• cepctd and lnvi led to rt'\um ne,rt yta r . bul the Cleuon Btt­termtnt Auoti1 tlon mt m btr, W'l.'re m,de honorary clliztn1 ot Gitt ton.

Satlrdny mornlna wt re­tu rned to Gl,uon a nd round many ot the studcnll clunlrij; tht tOYo·n . Othtn -...·e re mlll ln11: ,round drinltlng or talk.In&;. and 11kt tht da)' befort. tVtr)'OM was e11 rrylna: liquor on tht:m .

Some ol the poller · 1 talked tu ""'el"f' Ul)ltl !hat the students wert breaking l'\•ery drinking law In the st.alt, but the maJQr,-­ity of them nld !hey wouldn't doln)'thln, Uk>ni Ut\·eryont WIU having I ,ood llmt.

By ·:t o'clock It WU e1Um , ttd that lhtrt wtre 1000 s tudents in Gltuon. A s tudtn t l rom Gltaton lnt01TT1td me 1h11 I w1tthed the lint 1ratfit jam In tht hlslOry ol

0G lt11on.

The Hd lhfna' 1bwl ii WII that tht ptaplt of Gleason wt 1'I'

1.11 thb II tht way rtll&kin is; there Is no nef'd to que11lon. Tht aervltt was I bad w1y to l'nd a rtallly arut weektnd.

All studtnll are lnvlttd to rt­turn again any time and also to mt.kt this I )'Uri)' thln,c - oflly -...·hen lhe Wt.ether Is WIMnl!r.

In dosln1. I Itel Iha! the stu­d,;;: nta ot Point d tter,,·t to bt oona:r1 tula tcd on 1helr excellent IJchavlor .

Tilll!y In tum ouaht to 1hank

!he G UA who did I fa nta11ic Job not only In planlq this weektnd but also tor controlllna evtrythl"I' whtn thty W(!'re tllll!l"f'.

1llll!1e cl:rls dNtrvt re.:GlPU· tkin tor lhelr "'"Ork and t fforts. Unfortunately, thty have re­quelttd 1h11 theU° nunes be wllhhtld, but In behal! of the GBA, I would like to II)' to al l. LOVE, PEACE AND GLEASON lnl.971.

SENIOR ARTISTS Nancy Yugo, Judy Schult.,;, and Robyn Tbeune (shown left to right ) take anything but a negative approach to their work. Their abow at&rta ne.xt week In the Wright Loungf'. (Dominow-ski Photo) ·

DB. B USSELL OUVEB; dean of the Medford Branch Campu, o~ Stevena Poltit State Univen.lty, viewed an a.rchltect'• drawing of the comtru.ction plan on the 9Z.ac~ campu, in the Taylor County cl ty. OUver t. pointing to the present &lid only building which will be tranttormed in to a •tudent center and food service &tttr the science, adminiatn.tion-Ubrary, cluaroom, fine aru: p.nd phy..Jcal education 1tructure. are completed.

Med!_ord Branch Booms A plan (or rutur:e oons trucUon

I t the M'~Ord Bn.nch Campus ot Stevtn1 ~nl Slate Unlvtr-111)', to serve about 400 stu­dents . hu been approYed by the Board of ftettnts and the Taylar County Board ol SUper­•uQ'O.

Dean Ruuell Oll\'er announc­ed that a sclmce hall, library· admlnistnOon buUcuna:. ph,..J. u l ll!ducatlon etnter and a thle­tlt Ht lds. 1cadtm le bulldln&, IIM artl ttnter, and malnttn· ante ahpp a re Inc luded In tht plan .

He did not llat a timetable t,r oonstrucuon. but l!xpres.sed

opUmlam that work ...,,o,uJd be compleurd ln the 1910s. ··Thts

whole • matter Is tied wfth a lot ol ill ," he explained, "tuch u U (tdtral fUnds can be re-­celved to d e l r1y ,ome C01tt for COW1ty t.axpa,yen and It the e,.. rollmtnt lncreuet ., expect· ed:• !About US t tudenls re,b­tered lut fall and about 200 are , ntlclpaled . th1t Sepcem­b, .)

Into I ttudent center and food .ervlce bu.lldlni.

MOli ol the umi- b qc,d.

ed. and the d u n ·1 lnt tntion II tokttpu m uch·oflt u l)ONI.

ble In a natura l 1euln1 Subit­quently , the only new IITU far la- wiU be I fewfffl 011all tldesoflhe newbi;aJ6. lnp. Pathwt)'I ltadln1 f r c 111 n bulldlnc to anottwr ... w kj.

low throu,h the h1rd'l"OD:!

""""""· 1111! architectural fi rm, Kratt· Lachttld ol La Croue. has Thll! campus wa. optn,d w; made tht plan In flvt phun. fall ln quanl!n tormerl)' ~ with tht science build.Ina: ln the by the Tayklr County Ttulltr'i

county board hu 11tffd to pan-time p rolf'uars lirt on lbt

Support Of S~ience finl phase. Ollvu Hid thl!( Co!le&;t. TM full•li"ll and two

spend up to Sf,00.000 on th e :~· .... !t ~t":.~ r .!"~ n: 1truc1ure, which ml&:ht be start• four to strve tht lntrullfd tl'Jo ed this fall; tw,...,."evtr. aulsi.nce dtnt body. from Uncle Sam couJd r't'd~

.. Prtparluonl Wttt tn\ered fl"OffllhetlmtlheP<Mntt r story tamt out and followtd by !he tVtnll ofthelHltv.'0-...'ttka,""

Bill Cl\"t 11 his credtnUals the 1969 Altly tllm a w&rd -be1t tilm ol the )'tar - for Em. ploytrs Insur.nee. He mtku ltatutt mms. documenttrlts, short sub~ts for thealrH. end lnd111trial rums.

:£tr-ti;;;.; Workshops Stressed block -...·u set up 10 ptt\-ent

the COit to the local t.axpaytra.

TIMI 1cie'lu hall will have about 10.000 square IHI, com­paftd to 1.8.000 square Itel in tht present and only bulldlna;

. on campu1. Tbe admlnlstntlon - library, phyllcal educ:at.lon. and tine a rts bulldinp - to be oonsttuc~ In that ordti- -also will contain a bout 10,0IXI square lttl ol Ooor 1p11ce apltct,

1be fh ·e nf'.""" tull·tltne profts­_. will be in dw artud history, Polltlu,I sciffltt . lfl> 1raphy, Engl ish t nd botanf

Oliver pr't'dlCJtd thst IIIOlt Iha.a 20 tull•timt fttull)'mm,. bers would be netdf'd II lbt khool when It reatht1 !he a tnrollme nt ftautt.

mort 11udtnll trom tnttrini:~11 Na Uonal Sdente Found• ·

: ::Sre t:=~~:.1500 s tudtnll kin 1hould tof\t lnue Its ,upport

Tht Blind Owl. 1 band r ol scltnce ln1tltutt1 i nd wont-

f'.N In tht sdence1 is 1Ull ol. area t lmportante.' ·

The pl"Hidents also oppoHd tllmln,tlon or funds lor science l'QUlpmtnl for unlvf'.nlUts pre-­par1fl&: cluaroom ll!achers.

Anil10. \'oluntttred thtlr ltC'\'• shopt; tor ltachtrt, a Wll;c:on, ltes fot" a dantt It tht baU sin ehtmlst a nd unl\·tnity atJ.

Ht wt nt on to say, ··1t this works out. I may tttum to WSU for co-op,:rallon from )'OU

to partlclpa lt ln a feature film on this wttktnd htppenlng to be madt In Gleason.··

park. Mlkt lris, manq:t r of the m lnislrator told a cona:rtuk>MI

=P~:':!c!."~ :::~meelJ~ commltt,:e April s .

hat! comt on thti.T O¥>'n , Roy E . Hta l.h , Madison. of For the fflOlt pan. the pollce. tht Wisconsin Staie Unl\'tnl!lts

'1'l'le bnt a ra;umtnt I c a n pttRnl to support lnsU!utts b thAt we are 1uppottln1 them with Wll;consln doi11n.'' Hta th told tht s ubtommltttt Wednff. do.y. Arter 11lkln1 10 em, I wtnt

toU'ltmtttln.c htldlnthebut­baU pant. Emtst Tow115tnd. spoktsman for Gleason. told !he 1tude n11 :: "You calJ&;ht UI l;y su.rprllf': now we are s:oina: to catch )'® by 1ur-prlst. Tht ~'n \'ottd toser.,,.e )'OU to tht btst of our 1blhtlt1. Now to &tt to Ult told facts - wt hive no fa cllitlH ,nd no places lor )'OU IO 1lttp. You ean 1lttp ln tht ti.seblll park - no chun:hts o r barN bttaust ti.nu and 1tu­dtn11 bum. We hontsUy and 1lnetrely wtlc:ome you.··

~:n~':t ~e:'~1:: system olllct ,ta ll , pres.tnlll!d

btred O\'t r 250. '-...-ere \ 't i')' tolt r- Information to tht Hoose appro-ant with !ht studtnll . prlatlons 1uba>mmltttt for i,._ Ht reported that 2ll sprclaJ

lnl tltutH and y;orbhops con, ducted by the WSU 1is1tm las! 1ummer f'.nroUed 7 .359 students, lncludlna: 280 studtntt In pm-1,:rams 11.1ppor1.ed by tht Nation­a l Science Foundltlon.

Somt .... -ere holltlle bee1U1e dt~ndl.'n t aatncitt.

nw tntire town was opmtd to !ht :!ii.JO 1tudtnts that had 111ntrtd. " l' \'t nevtr 1ttn any­thlni like it.•· one 1tuditnt com­m,:nttd. ••Wt WI ik down the tOYo'n with our bottlts nnd six packs 1n our bdts and !ht pol.I IVt IO UI « ;i\'e UI CtW

thty had to be workln& on a we-ektnd. Othlfts .,..-ere acared and could tully havt ~ set on lf someone had dared to ~ slst them. But for the rr\051 pan. the pollct .... ~ triendly and some' attm~ willlna to 1top to talk to me and other 11udmt.,.

'l1'Kllt who didn' t tite the cold weather ot the niiht bl'lott. we re up S1U$y mornlna cl1,an­tn1 up the t0Yo"n , TI1en - •U htadll!d (or tht town ha.II for a chureh stC'\·lce held fot" tht 1tllden11. •

The 10,,,,.nspeoplt, probably un­a ... •are tha t wt -re In Gltuon to aet aw1y from the doftmu COMtanUy pUShf'd. II u.. made a poor mbtake In try\n( to tell

There are 14 cues that

have been· left in the

Games Raam since be-

fore Christmas. If they

are nat claimed by the

end af this month they

will be sold.




M"='i:.: ,_LF. EYUY SALE


.DISTRIBUTORS, INC. ,Oii ,Ull '6.JS S-4• ltOAD OfU. tU '4,Ur ETI4. fol .T. 11 J71

CCIWT.t,CT (2121>61.JOH

I*. JACK CCllEN ::!':::.: .. ~~ .. o:.

11111! subrommluee b holding hearing, on a n NSF budaet re-

, quest for SSt3 million for pm­crams for fiscal 1971. The ~ qunt b S7l mlllion h lght:r than the turrent budcet. bul would provklt $16.4 mllllon Ins f o r ll!achtr lnstltutts and w ~ r IJ-

""'"'· Presidents of the n ine Wb·

consln Statt Unh•trsl tK'I rtetnl· ly told Wisooosin congreum tn that ••pro}t(:ted cuts wfll e llml­nate many sut«uful t techt: r :nlnlnr pqrams whleh tuwe been mos t tl(ecli\•e In Improv­ing education. The neM tor ~ tnlnln&: and UJ>lradlnJ ttath-

"'These procra ms are hl,tlly produtUve.'· he said. ' "nirll!y Im· p rovt 1eacher eapabillty, 11lt')' art a p.roptr mtchan lsm to Jn. troduce l'll!W mtlhodl lfld con­tf'.plt into the elemt nta ry and KCOndary ac:hoob:·

HNth polnttd out that I h t #

1969 NFS amual report states that ··adlool syst t ms oonUnue to t mploy not fulty~allflt,it tuehtrs because the ~1, r ttad!t. r tnlnln&: procnms or



~iY.15 WSUS-FM

89. 9 · Society Is


Dr. Arnold Maahs <ov, Nd}

Nights, 7:00

c-i ..

Home Baseball u..

colltt:ts and unlvtrsltlts ca n supply only IS.000 cenlfled ll!achtn 111n1.1aUy lo tu! 28,000 vacancif'I" for science ttaeh-

'"· HtallorePo~thala study

ol NSF lnsUtutn In Wlaccmtn• by tht Wilconaln Oepe.rtmtnl of Public lnltroetion concluded : " It Is aps,.rtnt that !he nttd f« such proc:nmt Is still very areal and probably alw.,.. will be.' '

lnstitutH and worbhopl for tui:htrs alloofttrabetll!rway than huct rNHreh pants to solve f'.nv lronmt nal polllltion and wutt dlapo1al problems, Heath said.

" Wt .alrtady know many ol tht basic scil!ntUlc f1tts lnvolv• Ing polllJtion;· he said. '"T he probltm ol COl'TKUon will bt providing tax doUan to apply prnent knowltdct.

" Lf'IUlfflCOW"&&f'lnterdil.ci• pllnary 1nstitum lnvoMna the SCM'fttif'I, econ::imlcs, erclneer­lnc ·anc1 polidtal science. Lei 1m tmpnwe Instruction in th1t ,rea ,othat Muttvotf'.rs will be wlUln&; to provldt: .\ht neces­sary funds to prearve our e.._ vlronment ••






s179s GRUBBA



Bf'lkb the MW bulldlnp, 011\'t t n.ld other propo11la are for de\•elopmtnt of an ·a~ tum in pert ol 92-.cre campus: playin, field& for It.Mb. ,oc. cu. looiball . IOh.ball and base­ball: and P«ridn& facllltln.

The J)C'Hent bulJdlna:, wfth its elusrooms. rudlnr area, Cale-. terla, a:ymnulum a nd otn«a b scheduled to be tnnafomied

All Ayes

Bev For 'President

Studenta' Hea uanm · Beren'• Barber Shop

Three B&tbtn You may~ nut

Phone: :WH936 ' Next to Spon Shop

go to the Shirt

by C~B

And all .eyes wl ll ~ on the Lord Byron h?d~h1rt . . . with that marvelous slinky, s11k·.h~ fee l and look. Long pointed collar, rem1n1scent of the poet himself . •. in a shadowy effeet Dacron• polyester and cotton tha~ says "'Y easy carefree days •.head. This has to be a more-than-one-in-=~~:..f=:=r a~J~ of


.Aft,· -1<a1 Sta,, • l

Page 7: Wisconsin State Stevens Point a THE POINTER · 2016-05-04 · n at Steven1 Point State Uni· verslty. Pre.ldnit LN Sherman Drily· rus Hid today the 1tlecUon WU made by a committee

April 16, 1970

W1'11l THE VAST weetem-type landecape framing them, eeven etudenb lllld their profeuor poaed for a picture Iaat week d uring a !leid trip. Knee.Ung from !aft U'8 Curt Mayer and Tom Ziegler . Standing, from left: Bruce Roberti, Brian Mulry, Dr. James Bowles, Al Al"Dlltrong, Tom Zornow and Bob Llnzmeler.

N~w Chairman For Department · Aller 15 yon u c:!l.lrman of

the lorelifl laniuaire depart. n1cn1: Or . Ptttr Kroner r~ linqullh~ hll 1dmlnlltratlve du­tin today an<!. paned thtm to Dr. Howard C. Adam.1.

lt1 announcing tht change:, Dr. Wan-en JtnklN, dean of ktten: and 1c:ltnc:t, u.ld tht kJnatimc: cha!rmM had befli mak.ln&" 1•laru to return to tull-tlmc: tnc:hln, lhe put two years.

professor1 durin& Kroner·, tc:-

The new chairman, a native d Co.lorado, attended Kanaaa S11te Tnc:hen Collcsc:, the Uni· wnltyol~u.trnlttrsltyot Wllcofuln, Yale University, The: Sorbonne In Paris, France, and the Unl\-cnlty Label ln Quebc:e, · Canada.

He II c:ompletln.i his tourth year on the: k>c&l faculty, hav­in&: talijl:ht prevlou.lly ln coUea:e1 and un1ttraltlt1 In Pfflnlylvanla and Kan1u.

Or, Kroner, who eame here ln 1954, guided the department ln c:xpandln& lta 1tnglt ottc:r­ln, ot Fttnc:h to Cerman, Sp,an­bh. Ruulan and Polish. Today then: are more than 100 majon opposed · to about three a dc:c:· adeaa:o.



PRIDE Funds Reach 5l,500 Studc:nta at Stevens Po In I

State Unlvc:nl ly announced I~ day lhf,y have r11lled $J,S00 tor pn,Jecb to aid famUlu or Amtrlc:an lndlana and Spanlah 1peaklna mlgr11nt worir;en In north central wi.coo.1n.

Tho youlhl held dances, slave 111.le, a 1t11rvc: and made c:on­trlbuUona to 1uppor1 MW pr~ 1c:hool l>l'Ol rams fO!' lndlan chll· dren tither In Wlsconaln Rapidl ot Sc:hofiekl, nod tutortna: •• · 1latance lor Mcllican-Amtrlc:an children In 90Ulh Port.aae and Waushara counties.

The: fund• wl ll be 1dmlnb-1fcred by S1tven1 Point State'• Program Recoitnh.lng lndMd­ual Oetc:nnlnaUon throu&h Edu· cation (PRIDE). ExptMtl lor the: new 1ctlvltlt1 will be for 1upplle1 and !ravel - 11udent and faculty services will bc: do­no.ted.

PRIDE OI~~ Robert Pow. lea, 1ald " If "'"e would h11vt rc:c:c:lvtd only n , we would have rell:arded II a suc:c:eWul cam· pe(Mn ""•use that kind ot 11u­den1 lnvolvemc:nt created l(tal awarcneu and concern for the problt ma ol the c:c:onomlc:ally disadvantaged f1rh1Ut1 who Uve In oor nelghborinJ commun~ tlc:a ."

Momt ol the money ($8501 came kom l,103 1tudenta who \'Oluntully gave up a meal one March c:yc:n!nr and arr&nged to have: the university lood terv• let rtlmbune PRIDE SO c:fflta tor each of Uielr wiu.leil ticketa. 11M! remalnlna: fund, came from a v&rlctyol pro.lc:c:111pon­lOHd by }{yll!r Hall, Women o(

' lhc: Whltlnr, Wataon Hall, Al· len Center, South Center Pro- · aram Uoanl, AalOClatc:d Worn,. l'll Students, Schmeeckle Hall, 'J'boms-on H a ll, Burrou1hl Hall, De Bot Prorr1M Board,. Alpha Slama Alpha. , Olllta,Zeta, Theta Phi Alpha, lnttt-Vanlty Qu-lstlan J,"c:Uow1hlp, Hhnlen Hall, Newman Student Auoc:la· lion ar.:I Roach Hall. ~ campaign w,a coordina­

ted by the Residence Hall Coun::., c:11 with Mill Candy Medd . ol , New Berlin, a1 chairman.

PowlH1 aald $900 would be 1pen1, bea:lnnlng thll fall, tor pre4c:hool c:hlk1rm bc:twc:tn thll! Biel of 2 and 4, with Dr. RIY• ma Oltaon ol thll! wilvenlty chlld development center aa 1pc:c:lal corwiiltanL A dt,c:Won on which of two communltJ.ea lo conduct It In will bc: made l11tc:rthls 1prlng.

About $500 will JO for tutor­ln,- the: Mrxlc:an Amerlc:ana In the 1ubJc:c: t ot Ena;llah u • aec­ond langu•ae. Powleu expc:c:ta Spanilh majon at SPSU to bt lnte?Ntcd beeause ot the opp,or. tunlty to mix public lttVlc:e with the reward ol Mvlrc flrat !l.nd txperltncf, ln 1pc:ald.n« the language with people who UH 11 reaularly.

The PRIDE ~am a l 10 c:onducta tutonna: Pf'OITIJT\J in Wlttenbera, Wllcoluln Rapld, ttnd J,fenomlnc:e Cl>unty t o r American Indian )'Olllhli at all school levels. Allhou.&:h - u over 100 colle(\&1111 volunttc:r their Hrvleea II tuton, thtrt la fedttal aulatance to defray COlta or travel and suppUN,

··or. Kroner hu bttn an tx· cclknt chairman, and on nu.m­rl"QUS oc:c:ulons t..a atven me 1d\·kc: I found most valuable:. A~ 1n admlnl.strator, ht hu \Cl'\'t-d with con,lderable tffc:c:t onlacultyc:ommltttts, has held 111,: l'\'Spec:t o! 1tuden11 and hu lottn a valuable colleague: and i:ood friend.·· J cnklN no1«1. "Hi1 tc:ac:hlnz, rrwan:h and "riling wUI &1ve him rreat ,a. nsfac:tlon now and wil l also be t ... l'!('flc:ial to the WU\-enlly."

0r·. Adami ls taklng over tdru of the depart.men! whlc:h ~l't'"' lrom two members to ten lu!l,tlmc and two part·llmc:

Heha.sh&dc:xtc:nslvec:xpo1ure to numerow: laniua&:H, Mving been borii and reared ln Rema• n1, marrlt'd In Denmark, and 1 student In hL• native country plus ln France:, England, Oen· mark and ~rman,y.

DR. PETER KRONER, reUred today after 15 years aa chairman of the tor. eign language department at Stevena Point State UnJversity. He will return to full· time teaching and do some long delayed research. The new chairman ii Dr. Howard C. Adama, •

Student Housing Available

Leased · by Semester All Utilities Furnished


Roy Combs 3281 Church Street Stevens Point, Wis.

Phone 341-0050 or 341-1630

Students Help History Dept.

Monday April 6, eight hbtory majors concc:rned with student participation wlthln the hlltory department attended the hlatoty faculty mcc:tlng at the Whltlna: Hotel. 'IbHt 1tudent:11 are mem-

• bers ol a commltttc: ronntd at a March 1 mff'tlnc: fir all hls­lor)' ma.jon.

In ordertof1cllltatc:1tudent• faculty communication, the: 1tu­dent:11 prop)lll!d that three rMm­

btn of the committee partlel­pate In f\lhlNl general depart• ment mc:etinp In an advtaory capacity. 'I1lesc: three 1tudenta would bc: rt1pon1lblt to an eleven membtr c:ommlttt'e tlec:-1.fd by the hlltory majon. Aller dllc:uaion, lhc:facultywtedun­anlrnowl)' to 1Cc:t1)l the P~ ponl of the 1tudent cornm1t· tee. '

Any hlltory ruJor lnteremd ln hlstory currlcUlum, tll!&c:hc: r evaluallon, an d requlrc:menta fw ma.Jon and mlnora should COlltaCt 1Jnda Btyll!r m.wl, Pat 1)elmore txt. m. E.ctward Sc:hulU S4+S811, Gres Routt txt. 373, 1bm J!art1nl J4+.2291, or Dick Reevt1.

· SENIOR.S.! Order Your Graduation Announcements Now!

Deadline - April 24 ,


.,. .



Sherwin-W,illiams Co. ts! MAIN fFf. STEVENS POINT

Many Student Citizens Make Fiiend/y





VALARY , A 60-60 ' TONIGHT through

April 19

The Echo Beer Bar ..

Pogo 7

Placement Very few Interview, rem1ln ao all seniors are (lrgc:d to take

&dvan111e of thelll! opportunities. Any senior who hu not tt,tlttred with the Placement Center 1hould do IO tod1y! AlsQ, kindly remember to report your carter plan to thl1 ofllce before araduatlon. If you arc: currently undttlded, IN: the Placement Otnce at your earlle11 convenience.

Thllnd.ay, Apr, 18, 9 a.m, to 4 p.m .. National F'armera Or1an· lxaUon INFO) will speak with all 1tudenta (lophomore to lltfllor) concemlna opporl unltlea. Natural Resource 11udenta are eapc:dally encouraaed 10 lntervttw.

n-ci.a.,, Apr, t i • Wtdnesd,y, Apr, ft, 9 1.m. to '4 p.m .. Rall· road Retirement Board, Chicago will speak with all araduatc:1 ln1tre11tc:d In career opportunities with this F'c:de.ral agency. The F'ederar Civil Service exam wlU be ii11en ,at 6 p.m. on Monday, Apr. 20 In the Van HI.le Room.

Wednffday, Apr. 22, 9 1.m. to 4 p.m., The Social Secur11y Ad· mlnl1tratlon, WlK'<m1ln Rapids, will speak wi th . all hl1tory, speech. socloloty, poUtkaJ ldence, paychology and a ll other Rnlora conl'll!mlna career opportunities with the Ftdtral Soclll Security Admlnl1tratlon. All 1tuden11 who have aucceufully completed the Civil Service Entni.nl'II! Ex.am arc: eaped&Uy u.raed to Interview.

Monday, Apr. U. Tu6day, Apr. %8 .'w ed.ne.d.ay, Apr. U,. 9 a .m. to 4 p.m .. The: Peace Corp, wlll 1pe1k with all bloJory, natural rtsourcn, IOdoloiY, paychology, hlllory, political adence and education seniors fas well aa 111 01her majors) lnl~rc:altd­ln Peal'II! Corps _ opportunities.

Wednc:Na.y, Apr. %9,Thunday, Apr. SO, 9 a.m. 10 , p.m., The U.S. M'arlne Corps will In terview all senior• lntertated In oreer opportunltlc:s.

Tbllrlday, Apr, SO, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Burrouata Wellcome and Company will •peak wtth all blolo1Y, ac:neral ldence and all other m1Jor1 lnttreatc:d In pharmaceutical u.lc:1 (onl)'J

'"""~ Thunday, Apr. SO, 9 1.m. to 4 p.m., Colleae Life Insurance:

Compan.y, Madi.son, wtll lnltrvlew all En&:lilh, speech, history, 50Cl&l ldence, sock>lol)', education, 5-WYC:holoay, and all other rn.aJors lnt.erelltd In ln1ur,noe u.Je1 (only).


Apr. U - Baldwin Communlt)' School.I, Baldwin, Michigan, 9 a.in, 10 4 p.m., H.S. Math., Speech Correction, Cr. 4, Elem. Boy1' Phy. Ed., Read.Ing, Cn. 1, 2. 3. • New London Public Schools, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sclc:net·N•t. Res.· Math., Ena. 7, 8, or 9, Spc:d&l Ed.·Upper Elem., Jr. H. Math., Upper Elem. Bonduel Public Schooll, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m, Chtmlatry. Athens Publlc Schools, 9 1.m. to 4 p.m. Soc. Sc1A3asketb&U Coach, Ena .. Phy. Ed. (Women ), Spanlsh·Ena., Gr. 2-3, Cr. 5--6.

Apr. t l - Edrc:rton Community Schools, 9 a.m. to '4 p.m . EJe,m. Art, Elem. Vocal Mualc, Primary and tn1erm. Cradel, Elem. Speech 111.erapy, Ena., H.S. · Math., H.S. Science, H.S. Instr. MUl!c, H.S. Girll' Phy. ·Ed.

Pwalkl Public School.I, 10 Lm. to 2 p.m. Vacandc:a will bt poattd.

ApriJ n - Elkhorn Putulc Schooll, 9 1.m. to '4 p.m. Spanilh, Cr. 4 or 5 (man), Elem. Art, Clrll' Phy. Ed.,,,X.r. 5,6 Team

~e~~~l'p;:llc 4Sc~!b, 1~:m. to 4:30 p.m. P hy. Ed. (Man)·

B.B. COlch, Elem Art, Bua. Ed., Cr. 6, Eng.•Soc. SL 7-8. Mtrrlll Public Schoob~ 9 1.m. to , pJn. Prim. Crs .. lnterm. Cni., Vocal Mus ic EJc:m, or Jr. H .. Jr. H. Soc. St.·F.na., Sr. H. Ena.,Soc. St.

Ap. U - C.E.S.A. No, 8, Appleton. 10 i.m. to 2 p.m. SJ)HCh PahtolOIY, Remedial Readlni, Guidance.

~~~f.rtee~ub: .• sg:'! 19co!:'ln,W u' ~~/~~ A;.u 1, - New Btrlln Public Schoob, 10 a.m. to '4 p.m. Wlll

tntc:rvtc:w all Interested candldate1. Soul.hem Door County Schoola. Brusstb, 10 a.m. to 2 p .m. Cr. 2, Cr. 5, Kd,n.. Jr. H. Ena., Clrll' Phy Ed., Library, lnd. Arts,Mtt&ll, Elem. Art, Elem.· Boy1' Phy Ed.

Apr. H - Howa..rdl Grove Pu.bile Schools, R. 1, Sheboyaan, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Ena. 8, Art, .H.S. Prln. '

Apr. N - Menominee:, Michigan Public Schools. 9 a.m. to '4 p.m, Elem., Upper and Lower, Math 7-8, Math,Sd. 6, Lana. Artl· Soc. SL 7; H.S.-Auto Mc:c:h&nlCI, Gen. Sci. 9, Dram.a and Dr1mat1C1, Orchestra Leader, Health ,:;ii., Boy1' Phy. Ed., Spanlah, German, E.conomlca.

- NOTICE -Education Mnlors on dllmpua may pick up vacancy U.1t.1ng

No. 4 at the Unlverl!ty Plal'll!ment Center on F'riclay, Apr. ].7, or Monday, Apr, 20. Any who Mve not received • oopy of llltini No. 3 may. also obt&ln a copy.

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Ju.st One Hour' NtTll!I' M Ertra

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f'.JJm.tnate crowded do9111t lp!Mlel, c:ramped IIUffl­mer clothM and dust eolleeton all at no atra _, to you. S:Ore JOW' wtnw ,rarment,, throuclt the hot. .ummer .--.tha wtth ua and

~~~~tle:C=: r= ;:.~ odOt'. moths and ntlldc:w. HOURS: 1 AM. I PM Dally - M(lft';Uru Sat. .



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Is Migrllillf Tt Sleteas Poillll

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Only 50c so" ., ,.. --·----


Page 8: Wisconsin State Stevens Point a THE POINTER · 2016-05-04 · n at Steven1 Point State Uni· verslty. Pre.ldnit LN Sherman Drily· rus Hid today the 1tlecUon WU made by a committee


p- 8

~ Wl!U, • . • H 1-00W.~ AS IF -·~~

"""",. "".:-",,~fVlt::../~~. ONll.01'1~

The Whole ·world's

A Classroom The world ls a dauroom lur

natural retoun:n ttudtnlt 11 t Stt'\'tnl Polnt State Unh~rslty. ~ Wm ,nywh,re and thty 'JI find tomtthlng In na ture ap­propriate tor their curriculum.

lmpro,-ed cottonwood clones thou.Id yleld ~ c0rds or pul~ wood and mor, than 24,000 boardfeetollum~rptracrtln 20 yeiirs.

Mayer, Oconto F1\1' ; Brinn Mui. ry, Black Rl\·er t 'alll: Bruce ftoti.r'll, Mllw1uktt; 11lomu Zlf'llet, Madison : and n.omu Znmow, Kaukt.un11.


All-Alumni Day Set

An "All-Alumni Day" at SU:• ~ns l'otnt State Unlvitnlly on May :1 wl\l locUI on cl11u IT­

union~. dl,cuulon.l of ~mmun­Uy and tduca!k,n problem• fac­lnK \\'blcon,ln and an 1w1nt. banquet,

Riek •·rtc1,rick, a lwnnl dlrKI· or , 1111d the proaran1 1, Ket•l"NI fo r a dl\'finlty o l per110nal In• tcN!1U: 1eactwmi and bullneH· m~. older 5:rnduotl'S ln!ernted In tl1lclnc campus 1rowth, and per-ons attklng undcl'5tandlna to aoelal problems developlni In the lJildier State.

The rttrlltratlon fff COVl•ring a noon luncheon and evenlni;c b.'\nquet will be rect'h'ed In Fl"roerick's oltlce by tek>phone or mnll.

C.,u1reun.lorulnthemomi~ will be for araduates ol the Yl'ln1'20, 1930,l~,1950, 1960, and 1965.

Dr. Lee Shermllll Oreylu, will ouUlne ao,,ls o l the tchool In a prttldent'1 report and Ray Specht wtll rirpi.ln his dudn M • cnmpU! plnMer In J)N'par• Ing tor fulure arowth.

f'ollowlng a mid • • ft emoon c:i.m~ tour, mt'mbers of the unl\"ttSLty admlnl1trall,on .nd faculty ...,111 lead round I.able dlscuulon1 rangirw from JJOIIU· llon problems to drua us11ge lzy )'OUlllC 1iooplr ta projeclt bell\ll'. undt'ruiken loully In ,uppon ol Amerk11n Indians.

The day '4ill cllmu with a cock t11II 1w.ny 11t the new Sle· \'t'M Point Coun1ry Oub and 1t ~Ion banquet ln 1he Dt-Dot Center 'A-here 11e,·er11.I dlstln· gtJilhai 1dumnl nw111nh w\11 be r,ruented .

Se,·entttn men 'A'ho majOr In conserv,tion•rtlatedsubJ,teltat lht school took IO the road o,·rr Euler vaca™>n and m•de l 1tudy ol torellry In tht South and tolb In the WHI.

Studenlt acc0mpanyln&: the profes111r were: J ames Dorch- ..,,... ,rt, West Allia: Jamn enen. Adams: Robert Hay, Madllon :

C l969Joi.Sc1'1111181nooll'lfCo Ml1•t11lttandotntr11uto11n

[)r. Ronald H•y ltd 10 llU• dtnl.l thr'OU&'h the upland hard· wood manaaement n at.t, •II In ArkaNu. They 1 lso vi,lttd 1t M>Uthem h•rdwoodl forrll •long the Miululppl River bottom country and mtt lhrff 1\met with olnch,11 oJ the U. S. For­e,t Servlee and once with •d­mlniltnlors at the hU&e mill, vi Goorala Paellk Co.

Among lhrlr hlithll&hlt were tin:t hand vltwt of a new , 1r.1n of superior cotlon'A.'OOCU &r(l"Ning In Mlululppt and • ,~am-pow­ered aawmUI In operation.

H11y Hid thnt on K<JOd 9011 the

JO$eph Jahnke, SomerHt: nm Kruee,r. Mllw•uk" : Paul Loch· ner, Prairie du Olien: CIU'y Malll'r, Racine: Kenneth OU· =· Mltwaukee: Bruct" Thor­aon, Milwaukee: and J ohn Wil­ereen, Iron River, Mich.

Se\°t'n other men led° by Or. J omet Bowlet. chalrrtian oJ the NtturaJ Relour«• Department, lratt!Ni aboUt ),000 ml I e • 1hrou1thP11rt1ofWlsconsln, lttln­net<0ta, South Dakota, Wyoming, Ncbruka and tow,. 1tudylni cooloey and the water , r anie ondsoillresour«'lofeachat.at,.

1n that 1roup were : Albtrt Armslr'on&, Madllon : Bobby Unzmeltt, ?ituw,uktt; Out


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$7.00 · -•h Guitort - Amp1 - All l"atrwmenh

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10% Discount on Cash &

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HOT FISH SHOP Feafurlna Seafood and Steaks


, ....... ~252



Historical Stevens Point Ceorae Stevens, who orrh•cd

In 1839, 1(11t1 credit lbr founding this chy, but in the mind ot an anthropol()gbl on the St&­\ 'CN Point State Unlvt-rslly la· rulty, the old.,plonter w111 Just another Johnny O>me Lately,

John II . Moort , who dlrecttd an arc:heok>jlc•I di.: In Portll(I County Ill.It 1ummer, hftl evl· den« that pre4iiltor1c m•n Ii\'• t'd here - and •Pl•rcntly bar­tered with hla l'll!lihbors -near­ly 2.000 years aeo.

Moor, wlll dlacuss the re-­~arch he did In the Nelaon­vllle 111'\'a with nine ot his stu,. dtnt.t during • monthly Mu­seum of Natur. l Hl,tory lectul'\' on campus Monday nliiht April 20. nie proir;nm will bq:ln a t · 1 :!O p.m. In the Science Hall auditorium and be oJ)(!n to the public without char&e.

Thia aummt'r, his clus wlll be Increased to 16 members and their 11udy will al(aln be undcr-111ken ,1 the mound he opened Inst 1ummer about 16 miles et1s l of c:&mpus.

The g}nd('r stopped a few mlle1 south ol the ~ aboot U,000 ye11rs ago, but the date p re-hb toric man paued over lhe area lor tho first time I• dlUlcul t to estimate. 1n la11 ,ummer'1 dig, Moore'1 aroup unNlrtht'd proj«tile p O I n I I (wll!llpons) dating lo the l1tle woodland or hlslorlc ptriod P few centuries alter Chrl1l'a birth.

"Wt also found • k>t of plet'ff ot PQl!ery. and hn\•e bff,n able 1o partially reconsll'\!Ct aomeol

them," Moore rel)Orted. He wlll lhow co~red aUdea on thole rNtoratk>n attempts.

Slgnlncant ,mounts ol char· cool , and even piecet ol pollen were altlffl out of the mound. JI Moor, could afford 11. he wOUkl have a carbon IH I made of the charooal for a reasonn­bly 11ccurale e.tlmate of when man had used the maierlal .

nie proleuor, in hi• second )'\'ar on the Ste\·erui Polnl ta­cul&y, ltarn.d about the mounds In central Wisconsin by rtadlnK a aclendflc artlele publlahed In cooperation with the Unlttnlty ol Waconsln nearly 60 yurs . ..,.

Contrll'I')' to what amateurs ml&ht believe, It l1n't too dJtfl. cull to apot an ,rea coverinc;

~t~Sl~ril:rrtl~1!i~u:!.. I~ 1lte Moore haa bten dl11ln11: In ls near water, covered by a mixed tore11 and polaon Ivy - all by Indicators ol places ...,.here early men once Inhabi­ted.

The 35-yetr--old protenor who liu t fall wu tlecled to the Wi1-oomln Archaeok,ekaJ Survey, ii the aecond Sieverui Point pro,. fHIOr known lo dl~t a ,c1..,,_ tine dig locally. In the t!tSOI,

~ld~o~~ :re~lu~e!~ 11kwer and uncovert!'d pouery. a burial around •nd projccllie point.I.

Says Moore, " Archaeology at· 1empts to recol'l!ltruc1 the pasl from ,urvlvlna tracet ot former societies." Thb ls done, he nys, oot by eoll«tlng "prrUy '-rrO•,\'t1eadt" but with Undlng

thete •nd other 10011, lnr:m,11q re1ultlng from their m~~lrt camp fires, 11:•rbac,. l,ufll.l& vlll11e alll'1 and earthWOrq '

"No Item. ar, too unau 14 l)(! collected, l"et'(H'dcd 111d

clu1ilied" " lndlut~ by hit lnkrHI ln char r:t'd nutt , ""'Clod bonel, seed.I, chlJll and n1 ~

r,i1ultl11i from makifli PM]tt.

:~~ polnt.t, and ev,n plllnt p.,u.

Moore rt't'l!IVed hla bachtkir', detl'ff from Loke ForNt Col, leiie Ip lll lnol1, hl1 mutrr', from Mlchlinn Sttte UnlVtrtlty •nd has been workln1 On hit Ph.D . • t the Unh·trslty of Wl­nols. He tau.a:ht a l Wayl'lelburi College ln J>eMsylvanl1. Auro, ra O,ll<'ie In Jllinols and Eut. ern Dllnoi1 Unh1erslty btfort comlnr here.

ln 1965 he worked In • proJtct In MasaachUHtlt, IPMIOred b,­the University of Dllnoll. prob, Ina the l'l.ilture of poverty with the famed anthropoJocut and author, Olcar Lewis.

Juniors Shot In Turner

J11t1klr plclUrt'I will bl! shot In the Turner room thi1 Wffk. OJme over lo the Tumer f'OOnl any time tht. wttk or .tin up at tht" lnform,don duk for u appointment. Thett ue nex1 Yt'Arl ~nlor plcturet. If lhl!J' •ren' I takt'fl now they wori·t be tabtl or be In the book . f'lnaJ wordl trom Ola.rile t


1., 11lf=.~ 1cr uo\.P


Page 9: Wisconsin State Stevens Point a THE POINTER · 2016-05-04 · n at Steven1 Point State Uni· verslty. Pre.ldnit LN Sherman Drily· rus Hid today the 1tlecUon WU made by a committee

April 16, 1970 THE POIHTIR

Gleason Betterment· Days

'I'() THE TROUT filhlng capitol of the world they came UI pilgriml to aome mecca. But trout were not their Can ,y of tuna!

More Bottle Bass

Than Trout

Photos By Qan Perret


'DIE OONSTABUL&KY met the horde (eatimat:a ranged from bundreda to thouqnds) with roadblocb and-. numben o1 their own. But all wu peaceful &Dd cirl watching provided aome 1port.

-EA&LY smm.t.Y, the IDwD'• beer oupply depletecl ond the _.._. chilled by the oub-lreeziaj: cllmate the tide went out u It bad come and thi onl? 8C>WMl wu the .occulooal flop ot thOM &llepd trout.

·- 9

Page 10: Wisconsin State Stevens Point a THE POINTER · 2016-05-04 · n at Steven1 Point State Uni· verslty. Pre.ldnit LN Sherman Drily· rus Hid today the 1tlecUon WU made by a committee

Pog< 10 THI POtMTU April 16, 1970

Pointer .Mittmen Open Season

Vets Receive Money Increase


OSHKOSH - The Wlacoiuln State Unlvel"Slty Con· ferenee bueball sea.son fo r Stevens Point could well

Vet,ran, who hid a cll\·e mll­lt1ry 1ervlci: tlnci: Jan. J I , IIM wlll receive 1n lncttalt' In l'du· e11Uon11l aulltanct' allowance nod other educatlonal benellll Wider a new l1w enacted on Mar. 26. 1910.

~Th:r ::f::Ce~t f!~~ve: t~b1!~:::r t~oget,.::~~ title favorite Osbkoah here Tueaday, 7-0, an/ 6-3, and at the, aame Ume lessened their chances for the title, which Oshk08b has won the past tWo sea.aona and

r~llrd pr:~~~ht d~~: r :! scaaon,

Jo'or lhe Polnttrl lhc N!II of the way. they will have to win the rtnualnlng H gnrnes and pray that M>mtone aloog the wny nn knock otl the Tltnns. Dolh chor,c1 an mwntalno115 as Oshkolh Is u line a 1nm as the coo.lert"ntt' hUI ai.~ n In many ytars. At leut tha t 11 the way Pointer <l,ach Jim Oark rate, the Titans.

E11rly uuon wlldneu in the op('ner by Pointer starter Jim Setttr and laek of prt'se111on activity by Tum Rltttnthale r In the 1tt<>nd anme pl1.1s the I~ abili ty to make the bli play or hit the ball with any authorl\Y !I'd to the Polnlers· woes.

" We lookl'd llkc weweredead outthere."11ld1dl111ppolntOO Clark. "We tttmed llke we tl&htenOO up al the very stai-t. I

dQn"t know If they were 1wOO b)' Olhktlth or 111ha1."

SCtzer , 1 senior from Brown Deer who also had control p~ k•m1lastycarbecauseolasor;: finger. ran Into trouble right from the start and n,ver really i()I out of It In the tour inning, he pl!ched. He walked nioe bat­e~·" and hll a pair to be In hot waler au 1l1emoon. ln 1ddltlon

Burroughs 4 West All Campus Champs

By JOHN WU:St:ll,(A.."i'

Burr'OU&hl 4 West v,"(l(\ the au eampw, biukctbtll champion. 1hlp by defeatln& the Polntskl Athletle Oub 42-39. Stu Druck· cry ,cored 16 polntt and Lou AusUn had 1.5 to lead the Bur­rou,gha tea·m. Rad Oialldts had 13 and Dennis Cn.rbcrry had 10 to ltad Polallkl.

DelUI Siami Phi dcfe111ed Sig· ma Tau Gamma !tl-51 to win the lralemlly cha.mpkinahlp. Drt.n Edlebl!ck ,cored 15 ID lead the Delta Sip while °'-' Oon­ankl had .ll for the Tl.ut. 'lbe Polntakl Alhledc Cub then de-1,ated the Deli. Sip ID reach the 1111 campu, finals. Finll seocewu 46-40.

In the reskiienee ha ll champ­ionship ,game Burroui::hl 4 West defeated Knut:a!n 1 SOulh U­l7. 0!ht'r tum, In t)le residence hall flnab were Baldwin 2 South, W1tson 2 Eut, Sttlncr 3 Norlh, Hansen l W111, Smith 4 West, Sims 2 South, and Pny l East.

Dnlckery wa, the le1dlng scorer ln re1!dence ha ll play v,·llh 181 points. Steve Veith ol Wilson 2 Eu! WIS second with 146. Austln WU third v,1th 133. Edlt'be.:k wu the le11dl11i acor-

:~lh in ,poi!:."~:·:: 117 while Jett Han1en ol the Della. Sip had U6. In the In­dependent dlvtslon Tim Nick· els or !he vmaae Squares had 169 points while Grer Willi ol the Peace had 151. Carberry had U7.

Knutun 4 East defoeatl'd Wat­ton 4 North, IS-10 and 15-8 1.o ...-Ir. the residence ha ll volley­ball championship. Earlier they had d,feated Hansen 2 WHI and Sims 3 North. Mtmben ol Knuuen·1 tum were Tom Rh· unlhaler. Tom Kell. Bill Gard-· ner. Jerry Keyes, Gary Leuch­necl. ~ Dale HamfflOn.

Phi Slama Ep51lon won the frattrnilycha mpionsh!p.

. I ' .

he 1a\•e upfoorhlllforflve ol the Tii.na· aeven runs.

Meanwhile lhe Poln!en could manage almoll nolhlng a1lllnl t tU • WSUC Jilek Duve Oirlst· man. who Is contlnullli the tor­rid pace he 1e1 l11t yi:ar In paclnl the Tit111U1 ID the ch11m• <pk)nshlp.

He had a nllty 1.29 ERA 11111 yean 11nd Is otf to It g<JO(I start In the Improvement of !hat IID· llsllc. II~· 1ave up jus t a pair or harmless 1ln,1le1 to lead-oU batter Cave Caruso In !he llnil tnd to Sam Denl]ey In the sec­ond. Alter Bentley', 1lnglc he retired the las1 16 ol lht 11111 18 batten he laced. Alona the woy he fannOO nine Pointers. Tu-o batten i()I on v,•hen knlcked by a pitch,

'lbe Tituns ,corl'd what prov­ed to be lhe winning run on n walk co c111cher Bo,b Bera:tln and a followin,1 double by Otrillman. who helped hl1 own Clllle. Thll all came after two ' men \lli!re out. 'Ibey added 11n-01her In the thlrd on slngln 10 Tom Madden and Dave Melum.

Threfl n.uu came acrosa In lhe fourth without the help ol a bate hit. The llrst thN!e batters iOt on on II pair of walks Md 1 hi! ba11m1n. TIiey came home on another hit/ botsmnn, on a 11tcriflc-e Uy by Carl Alberti and Un11Uy on a wild pitch.

Tht-y added their final run, In the tlllh off rdiever Mike Pateu.e on a walk and two tlnilt'I .

Tull 11 the word ol Joseph J . Mulone, Mannger ol the Vet· erAIUI Admlnlltrllk)n Rq:lonal 011\CfJ In MIiwaukee who furth­er 1d~ lhal the lm:reiiffd 11llowan111111 wUI be retroactive to Feb. 1, 1910 lor thou tttl.'r• an1 who \ll'l! re enrolll'd 1n a llf'Ollrtlm of education or train· lnK on that dote.

The veteran underg:olng lull lln1e lralllutional tralnlni Wlder lhe G.I . Bill and hat no depe­d~nll will rc«h·e $115 per month which 11 a moothly ln­creue ol $-1.5 .00 over the form• er rate.

Uthe ve teran hOJ one d,pen­dent hls nt.w ratc wlll be S~ pei month j !or two dep('ndenll the new monthly rtle t, S2l0 nnd with an additional SU.00 monthly l o r each dependent thereafter. 0:imJ)(lrnble rncreH· l!I over the former ra lts wlll be &Tanted to lhoKl' In lrtlnlng on a lhr« qua ner Um, or ooe h111Jtlrne bull.

11IC!: new law alto lncreucs bel)('lill to velerans who are In tralnlni al apprenll~•. on­Job or fa r m coo1Joerttlve aeconl­ln1 ID Mulonc. The ,·e111r1n ln the J1ut two c11tegorlt1 wlll rc­cel,·e U Oil per moii1h for the ll~t 1U: monUU, $81.00 the ,ee. und six mon!N. ~.00 the third six monlhl. a nd for the ·fourth and any 1ucccedl~ 1ix monthl $27.00.

With Of\e dep('ndent he will rtteh-e S120. S9'1.00, Wi.00, and $39.00 ·ovu 1lmllar periods while II he hu 1.,,,-0 or more dependentl he will l'\'Cel\'C Sill, Sl05, S79.00. and ~2.00 o,·er lhe 111me pcrkdl. Tii,e farm tra in~ without dependcntl w\11 receive

Alter fllll\nt behind 3-0 In the $141 per mooth lull time. On'! ~cond illnlt' the Pl:>ln tert nme dcpendi:nl will provldt' an In· back to koo! !he soon in lhc crtast< to St6S. two dep,e,ndenl.i rounh on B three run homer by $190 ,..;1h an additional $10.00 freshman Siu Druckery ot for each dependent thereaft~r. Shawano. Cordy Stevenson had },'urm tralnl>es on a thrff-((uar· walked and Marv Anderson ter time ur one-half time bluls h11d singled 10 -.c t-up Druckery·1 ... 111 also receive comparulive th~bla51. lncrea~s.

The only two Olher hllS !he l in=~n :el~~~:nt:~~~!, .:~ Pointers were able to manaie.....- Feb 1 1910 wlll l't'Celve lhc ot1 ol fre5hman D:xi Eirin,1 ret~ci.h•e tdjusted 1)11,yment In were by Stewnson In !he St"C· ond o.nd by Druckery also In the second. First Game

In °!~~:~o; ri,~~h: ~.•,;,;,:,; '" on a double by Rick Ynrl and J

a follow-up homer by J ack Frieu. The Titans added onoth­er In the second on · 1n error and a 1lnale to Dave Bauer.

They 1ddOO two in the foucth on another error and I home run by Madden. 1111! tlnal run Tot• l• wu scored In 1he sixth ofl of I:~~ .. /1~ r,clle.l pitcher Ken Hartwll aftl!t YHrl .. Bauer tripled and ca me home ~~ "ib when Elrtna Col on on an error. /1.t~;ri[' O~r ~c:nm~~ny":haf'":: ~~1::.':n P


1111 ~ AH K JI Y.

2 l O I 3 I l 0

II I I :N!:~~ O~ t~l';r;~I:~;;:. = !::~.:.. Pel• I -· IN ~ ~ 7

1 ~ rather In 1htlr ar,cat dtlenae. In o . b ... oll -~ Ui UI a-1 l • the ho."OiametthtTitansoom• mlttOO Just IWo errors and both Were 1n lhe first aame ond nel!het' caw.ed any problem.

Gt-ne Mand rclachcd flnl on an e.rror by Rick Schn:Jcdtr, bu.I was doublOO olf whe:n ht round­I'd first and then In the .sevmth Bentley Cot on on an enw by ?tlo.lwn but he wts erased with a double play. ·

Meanwhile the Point,rt oom­mlttl'd llvt el'1'0l"1 - one In the flnil and four In !he ICCOl'ld. In mo1t Instances the mllcue1 werecoa!ly.

The Poln1ers will try to re-­bound on Saturday when they play a do!A>leheader ll Whlte--wa1cr. •

Second Game t'OISTt:KS <SI Car"''° :;?1>


ra::::c:~, Druc k<'ry H RIIHnth•lu p l"1t11'1<'rph ll.rtwl11>

" "

A8 K II r; 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 o O 0 SO O I 2 l IO 3 1 1 0 S l 2 2 2 0 0 l Io o D 0 0 0 0

·1 i'l1 ! t x r 3 0 0 0

che1:)u; lllued ID them In May 1970. Thll wlU be done aulo­mallcally by the Veteran1 At.I· ministration Oxl\puter Sy1ten1, ltfu.l<lne 1tttsaea, and !he vet• tran need not c:Oflta.ct the Vel· eralUI Admlnl1tntlori to hav11 th ll accompl.lahed.

Accord.!n,1 to th e Realonal Manlier M)me of the other pr<>­vlllon1 ol lhe new law ol 1$1-eral lnlerfll are: apPfOve dual objec1lvu J'CCOlnlud a, ru,. IONlbly related to a •lnale c•· reer fltld; education and trtln­lni may be pursut'd at the aie­menlary tchool level: lump sum prep.1ymt'lll1 tor 1tuden11 a ltendln1 leu ·than one-ht.U Ume upon receipt ot ~rtlllcate ol enrollment; ,uu.ortzn ni,:ht tra lnlni ,gtnt'rally reoo&nlzed u ancillary to !ht punult of aome other vocational endeavor; •Pt­elal lutorlal utbt.ance t0r the educotlonally d I I advant.1red: tell new 1tand1rdl ol measure­ment tor academic hl1h ,choo\ counes, four Carnea;le unlll per year: bld reducH the mini· mum number or coUep semes­ter houri rcqulrt'd r0r p,.ymenl ol a full tlmt educatlon&I u1ta­t111Ct' r11te.

Thb new law allo permlll dupllcation ol educ1Uon1l bffle. llt.s lrom lederal aaenclH ex­cept to persona on acUve mill,. ta ry or publlc health 1ervke duty and federal employees ~ ceMng their IUII aalarles while 1ralnlna under lhe Government Employees· Tralnln1 Ael. Thete proVU:lons and tome lffl('r onea became tffccUve the dalt' -Of the laws enactmenL

Ptrsona detlrln1 addlUo-nl,J Information mould vllltor te.le­phone the Veteran, Admlnalni· tlon Realonal Oflice 11 3t2 North Waltt Stttet, Mllwaukeo!, Wlscoruiln. ~ conLact th e I r O:>unty VeteralUI Service om. ctr , Mutone 1u,1,1esll.


(News Item) "Klllln1 Imo& 1enerated In Loi An1eles 60 mlift ,way ii .Uectin1 1.l ml~ lion treet In San Bemardtno Na· Uonal Fornt. New aerial tedt­nlqu.., toUowed by •pot che(:ka

on the around, ~ I.hat Pon· deroaa and JeUery pine tr"eN are belnr harmed .OV'l!r • much IN!aittareath&nprevklullybe­lleved." About 50 per cent ot lhf

mature pine trffl llhoW 1moc damaae; 15 per cent are .. ve ... ly d1m11ed and 3 per cant are dead." ' .

(News Item) "AlbertV. Hartl; prffldent ot Otter 'l'nil Powo!r Company, Fet'(UI Falla, M!nne­Mlll, 1ay1 h.11 company decided to build tn electr0nlc lffl('r•tlnl plant ln South [)tkotl, rather than In Mlnneaota. u orid,na~ Jy planned becaUII ol lfinnHO­ta, '1 new water 11andardl. Hartl 11)'1 MinnelOtl'I ltrlcl pollu-

~ ~':J':n:~tc~ ao In the tutuN."

What tur,ppmedf w h a t has hlpptned to that t,eauUtul, bul)' America. that we all had IO much ralth Inf No me teemed to won-y about 11 ynterday. We were,~thatthefutureoou.ld ..,. hold nolhlna better than the mammoth outpourinr ot aoodl thtt- 1et 1uch· 11reat ,iore · In, and nothtn, worse thtn the va,ue, Wlthlnlttble threat ol nu­clear w1.r.

Prnldcnl Kenned.)' reoo,nlz.ed the fetr ol war thM dwtlt In lhe bearta of many du.rlna: ttie tlftlet and earl.I' alxtla: he call­ed It a "Oamocle1n IJWOl"d. •• wtiat wou1a tie think today! nie

=~~~~~ha~ three lwordl OVtr thelr betdl: ll~·cmshm.c 1uflot1tin&~ ,ion ot people, the llow but ln­eaur•oie poaonln1 or man and hi, envlronmfflt with the toxic

prodiJCll of our attluence, and th,I 1tlll VIIUII but va1tJ1 moN powfftul threat ol nuclnr an-·


What tiappenedf Whal happen­ed to our country, and to the world? 'n>e 1111wer i. ahort, ind hard to Uike : we happened. We Americans with our hui• ap.

:~or IDt i:,:.n ~:m.-:: ~ thole thlnp ~ re doln1 ID our t nvlronment. Americlf'I, with the IU\lhak.llble conviction that b!per, newt"r. and more lmPI»"

~~ th!:·.:~r:.111::~r; ~:; unmlU,ated ,oodnell of • bump­er cr0p ot bl.bin.

The petty, protlteerlnc, pf'> ru1 ate phllolophy that we ti.ave clun1 to lor '° lonl hu jult be· ,un ID bHr Ill true fruit : un­breathab!t air, WIUAble wttel"I, unlimited u1l.lnn.11, unbeart.ble crowdln1. We have, In tht apace ol Z0 ye1n, manapd to take the rlchetlt, molt beautUul, and ITIOlt UYtb1e expt.nH GI rt1I H· tate In the ""°"Id and tum It Into a wuteland.

Jt '1 not a wuteland, you 11y? What ebe would you call ·• land In which your ch.l,dren will have to 1wett, u you h.ave, 1n the mbenble fear ol a war to end Ille, brouaht upon ua by the po,,.. turln1rof men, In and out of uniform, who prfl'erred kill, and overldll, and mea:•klll to. r"·

What elle would )'OU call • country In which your ch.lldttn will never be able to draw a brHth ot re1lJ.y treth air, will never be able to lndula:e In the luxury ot a aate drink of waier trom a woodland ,prtnr. ....iu never be able to tee the c,and­eur ol Yellowltorie or Yosemite wllh reservlna the prlvUea;e lhtff yean 1n advance!

Whal elle could you eall the land or pushing ind thovin,I', ol nolle and lndllference and tt11-lmen1atJon and oond"l!te In

aourCfl ot our l.nd •re l!rn.:.. Jeu, th.at the)' ed.t lll!tly lo

talilfy our 1retct Ind mlk1 ~ alble our lazlneu.

WI have 1Uowed O\Jntlvtt l'l become eatnn~ trorn the Wl1 w e no lon11r tttl, H did llll!lt

ot our more ~r~Pll~• •11tn­ton1, that we • re I Purtor iL Over the yt'lr1 we have rmo.i.~ contemptuou, or the lalld, 1111 now we trea1 It " lhc.ull! It w,re an exptrl,4able1l11ve. tot,, ustd until 10me1hln11 btt~ :~ alon&. But nothlnte'ltr

U we tre to repair tht!bll), aae we nave done, 1n<1 rtWlld a Uvable t'nvlronment tor lb!' future , we muat ad]'Uatboth o,11 t.edw>k>sY and our attlludef. Al we put tlllt'rt on •moknttch and destan mau tn.ni!1 ,yi.

tema, - muat discard lhe ldu o,f perl)l!tual 1row1h. At ,.1 learn to clean ou.r waters Ind preaerve vanllhlng wtldhfe, ,., mutt lnveot an economy whit.~ can exllt In a IU!ble ti.ate Mi$ a1weleamtollvtwlthlhelllld and under11and our pnrl In 116-ture. we must reallu Oun lht quality of humtn life v,nts !rl. veraely 11 . the populaUon 1lze

Why 1hould we do It~ .,.'h, ahwld we even Icy to hul tht ,can we have mtde ! Tbtr, LI more to It than utheUcs. As k · cumulatlna;sclmtlllctvldfnctll makinl abUnd.o.nlly clnr. II Ii a matt.I' ot 1urvlv1l. Do )")'l w111t to llve out I full lUe 11)1.1!' Do you want ID havt child­who can live complete, lrullhil llvet! 1be mothers and !11hfn otthenext1ttieratlonh.avet11t JTIOllt II atake In thll crisis-and II will be up to tht'm to llnd I way out ot IL

Ctn we do It? Have we rot Ult lntelll,geoce and wlllin,I~• IO aacrillcethatwlllbe~'. One esUmate atalff tht odd! 1,1slruit human 1urvlvaJ u 1000:1 U we do nothing, lll!l lOO :lUwetry1D11veounelvts.

Baseball · Schedule 1 which your children will m•· The challenae m1y be tao

C,tat. 1be job ml}' be lmpo1-1lbie, We may hive 10 sevtrtly dama,gcd our Uvtni spa..,. Wt It cannot be repaired. Bui •"t wlD ,~ly condemn ou.rselVft w an early death It we do l)()(hJni. Satun1a,y, Aprll ti

Eau Clalre at Stout (21 1:00 Oshko1h at Pbittevllle t2l 1:00 River Falla .II Superior 12) l :00 Stevens Polnt al Whitewater 12) 12 :30

'l'uellda)', April !I S t. Cloud ilt11Jtn.) at SIOUI 121 1:00 Wlnona (Minn.) at Eau Claire (2) 2:00

Friday, April H Oshkoeh at Eau Claire (2) 12:30 La Crosse at Stevens Polnt 12) 1:00 Plattev\Ue II Stout (2xl 1:00 WhlteYlllter at River Falls 12xl 1:00 Nort,ftland CoUeae •t Superior 12) 1:00

~. April U Whitewater at Eau Claire 121 12:00 NOiOn La Croue at S1out (2) 1:00 Oshkoah II R1ve.r Falls 121 12:00 Noon Plattevllle II Stevena Point (2) 1:00

'l'Uolda.Y, Aprtl ti SteVCI\I Polnt at UW-Madlaon (2) 1:00

!"rid.a¥, May 1 Eau CJ.alre at La Croue l.2l J :00 S uperior at Oshkoah 12x) 1:00 River Falla •t Pb.tlevWe (2X) 1:30 Stout at Whlt~ater (2xJ 12:30

&turd.a,-, Ma.J 1 Di.u Ctalre at PlattevWe (2xl 12:00 Noon River Falla II La Croue (21 1:00 Stout at Osblwlh 12xl 12:00 Noon S uperior at Whitewater Cb:J 12:30

'l"llelday, Hay 5 La Crou.e a1 WhJtewater 12) 1:00 Oshkoa.h It UW-M.adiaon 121 2:00 S1evens Point II Superior 121 1:00

Sa*wday, May • Stevena Point at Eau Claire 121 12:30 Whitewater at 0.hkoah 121 12:00 Noon

~superior at Stout 121 1:00 Frld.a.y, x., 15

Eau Claire at Rlve.r Falls (2xl 1 :00 Oshlroah at La Crou.c 12xl 1:00 PlattevWe at S uperior 12xl 1:00

• Stout at Sievena. Polnt (:b.l 1:00 s.&urday, ».)' 11

Superior al Eau Claire (2x) 12:30 Platteville at La Croue 12xl 1:00 lUver Filla at Stevena Point (2:r.l 1:00

~ . 11.,- 1* NA.l.A Oiatrfct 1' Playou at Site of Independent Champioo 12 o,f 31 11:00

Note: Gama marked wtth an (x} • wW be cancelled U they can't be played on ldleduled ~ta.



"'"' How could we hive doN: It?

How coukl we have Jet It hap. pen! 1'bl' a.-er, a11ln, lt lhort and hard ID take : we ha~ been vain. We have been l\lllty of the mott collotal vanity In the hlltory or man. We hive daredtothlnklhatwewerethe muten ol ntture - th.at we could IUbdue It and CONUfflt' it and bend It to our wW forever wtlhoul ptylnr • price. we thlnlc today, 11 our areat-,nnd­ra~l"l before ua. lhat the re-

A very wlte man hat .. Id: "Peulmbm has no 1urvlval vlJ.. ue." He la ri,:h1. beyond ill)' doubt. We mu.II try ID if'Nl th!I tprln1 not with dtJPa,lr, )l,1>­fled u It may seem. but ln-1te1d with bOpe and the del!rr to work tor our Uvn. It ii our only chance.

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