winter 2012 release - corrigonet mobile technician iphone app

CorrigoNet Mobile Technician Application Release Notes Apple iOS Copyright © 2012 Corrigo, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This document may not be copied, disclosed, transferred, or modified without the prior written consent of Corrigo, Inc. Corrigo, Inc. assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this manual. The software described in this document is provided under written license only, contains valuable trade secrets and proprietary information, and is protected by the copyright law. Unauthorized use of the technology or its doc- umentation can result in civil damages and criminal prosecution. Trademarks The trademarks, logos, and service marks displayed in this manual are the property of Corrigo, Inc. Users are not permitted to use these marks without the prior written consent of Corrigo, Inc.

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CorrigoNet Mobile Technician Application Release Notes Apple iOSCopyright © 2012 Corrigo, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This document may not be copied, disclosed, transferred, or modified without the prior written consent of Corrigo, Inc. Corrigo, Inc. assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this manual. The software described in this document is provided under written license only, contains valuable trade secrets and proprietary information, and i


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CorrigoNet Mobile TechnicianApplication Release Notes

Apple iOS

Copyright © 2012 Corrigo, Inc. All Rights Reserved.This document may not be copied, disclosed, transferred, or modified without the prior written consent of Corrigo,Inc. Corrigo, Inc. assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this manual.The software described in this document is provided under written license only, contains valuable trade secrets andproprietary information, and is protected by the copyright law. Unauthorized use of the technology or its doc-umentation can result in civil damages and criminal prosecution.

TrademarksThe trademarks, logos, and service marks displayed in this manual are the property of Corrigo, Inc. Users are notpermitted to use these marks without the prior written consent of Corrigo, Inc.

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New Features 1Updated HomeScreen 1

LogOut Feature 1

Attach Pictures to aWork Order 2

Attach Voice Notes to aWork Order 3

Capture Customers' Signatures 5

Capture a Signature as Part of the Completion Process 5

Capture a Signature Independent of aWork Flow Completion Process 6

Display Work Order Locations on aMap 7

Search for Materials Using Barcodes 8

Improvements 12iPhone 5 Support 12

Removal of "Invoice Total" Display on theWork Order Details Screen 12

Charge Back Information Display 12

"Invoice Customer" Row Renamed to "Charge Back" 12

"Charge Back" Field Behavior 12

Charges Detail Screen 13

Ability to Edit a Charge Status 15

Usability Update toWork Order Creation 16

Navigation Changes 16

Asset Selection Changes 17

View Assignee Details 18

Edit Work Order Assignment 19

AssignWork to Non-Connected Providers 20

CustomerWork History 22

Customer Special Instructions 23

Usability Enhancements 24

Display of Fields with No Data 24

Display of Work Order Costs Totals 25

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New Features

NEW FEATURESUpdated Home ScreenTheHome screen only appears if the user has been assigned at least one of the following per-missions:l Mobile–Manager, which lets the user see the “My TeamWork” row on the screen.l Mobile–Impairments, which lets the user see the “Impairments” row on the screen.l Mobile–Materials Receipt, which lets the user see the " Materials Orders" row on the screen.

When all three permissions are assigned, the Home screen looks like the following:

Log Out FeatureLogging out is now accomplished by selecting amenu item rather than simply tapping a button.The reason for this change is that it makes the featuremore extensible for future releases and addsa confirmation layer to the process, forcing the user to acknowledge that he or she actually wantsto log out.

Users with access to the Home screen, now tap the (Menu) button at the bottom of theHomescreen and then tap the LogOut button on the popupmenu that appears.

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Userswithout access to the Home screen can log out by tapping the (Menu) button at the bot-tom of theMy Work screen and then tapping the LogOut button on the popupmenu that appears.

Attach Pictures to a Work OrderIt is now possible to attach a picture taken with your iPhone camera to a work order. To do this fromthe work order details screen, tap themenu button and then tap theAttach A Picture button.

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New Features

On the "Select image source" screen that pops up, you can either tapCamera if you want to take apicture or Photo Albums if you have already taken the picture and just need to retrieve it. After thepicture previews on the screen, you can attach it to the work order by tapping theAdd button at thebottom of the screen.

Attach Voice Notes to a Work OrderIn addition to photographs, you can now easily attach a voice note to a work order.To do this from the work order details screen, tap themenu button and then tap theRecordA Memo button.

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On the Voice Note screen that pops up, tap the greenRecord button and then record your memo.

When you are finished, tap the redStop button.

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New Features

A greenContinue button replaces the Stop button, allowing you to continue recording after apause, if you want.

When you are done recording your memo, you can attach it to the work order by tapping theDonebutton in the top-right corner of the screen.Note: This new feature also includes a control panel at the bottom of the Continue button screenthat lets you clickBack, Play, and Forward buttons or drag a white slider ball to listen to differentsections of your memo before attaching it to the work order.

Capture Customers' SignaturesTheCorrigoNet app now includes a new privilege calledMobile - Inline Signature Capture that,when granted, enables you to electronically capture your customers' signatures for work orders aspart of the overall workflow completion process.If you have not been granted theMobile–Inline Signature Capture permission, you can still capturecustomer signatures, but the capture is not part of the work order completion process.

Tip: Signature capture supports and works best in Landscapemode.

Capture a Signature as Part of the Completion ProcessIf you have theMobile - Inline Signature Capture privilege, as soon as you change the status of awork order to Complete, aPrintout screen appears, summarizing all of the work order details.

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After letting your customer review the details, you can tap the (Accept button and have the cus-tomer use his or her finger to sign theSign Printout screen that appears.

After the customer signs his or her name, you can tap theDone button to attach the signature tothe work order. TheWorkOrder screen will then appear, allowing you to continue with the workorder completion process by adding comments, a repair code, and costs details to the order.

Capture a Signature Independent of a Work Flow Completion ProcessIf you have not been granted theMobile - Inline Signature Capture privilege, you can capture a cus-tomer signature any time after starting the work order. To do this, you should navigate to the workorder details screen and then tap themenu button at the bottom of the screen.In themenu button that pops up, tap theGet Customer Signature button.

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New Features

Note: This button does not appear if you have been granted theMobile - Inline Signature Captureprivilege.After tapping the button, the signature process is the same as described above: thePrintoutscreen appears, allowing your customer to review and accept the work order details. And after heor she taps theAccept button, theSign Printout screen appears.Because this signature capture process is not part of a larger work order completion process, afteryou tap theDone button, the default work order details screen appears rather than theWorkOrderscreen.

Display Work Order Locations on a MapIf GPS is enabled on your phone, the CorrigoNet Technicianmobile application can provide youwith driving directions to a work order job site.To access the directions, simply open the work order and tap theAddress row in the work orderdetails screen. A map appears, displaying the location of the job site.

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When you tap the (Get Directions) button in the bottom right corner of the screen, a Direc-tions screen opens. If GPS is turned on for your iPhone, your current address is pre-populated inthe top field, as indicated by the phraseMy Location, and the location of the work order is pre-pop-ulated in the second field. If either of these ismissing or inaccurate, you can enter the informationmanually.

When you tap the large blue arrow below the text-entry fields, a new screen appears, displayingstep-by-step instructions on how to get from your current location to the job site.

Search for Materials Using BarcodesIf an item is listed in thematerials inventory and it has a barcode that has been set up in the systemthrough the BackOffice portal, you can now scan the code and have the item automatically addedas part of a work order.To do this, you begin by tapping theAll costs row on the work order details screen.

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New Features

You then tap theMaterials row of the AllWO Costs screen . . .

and then tap theScan barcode button on the FindMaterial screen.

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You then use the camera on your iPhone to read the barcode on the product you want to add to thework order.

After the barcode is read, the screen refreshes and displays the product name, location, price,quantity, and total price, with thePrice andQuantity fields being editable.

After you clickSave, the updated All WO Costs screen appears with the scanned item added to theMaterials section.

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New Features

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IMPROVEMENTSiPhone 5 SupportTheCorrigoNet iOS application now supports the iPhone 5 interface, which allows the applicationto take advantage of the increased screen height without the "letterbox" effect where words andimages get stretched out on the screen.

Removal of "Invoice Total" Display on the Work OrderDetails ScreenThework order details screen no longer displays the invoice total. Previously, this total did not auto-matically update when costs were added to the work order and only updated when the work orderwas refreshed. This caused confusion as the work order costs that were displayed on the costsscreen were frequently inconsistent with the "total" cost displayed on the work order details screen.In the latest version, an ellipsis (....) appears in theAll Costs row instead of an invoice total.

Charge Back Information DisplayNote: Charges are not accessible when the Customer Invoicingmodule is on.In response to customers' requests, it is now possible to update charge statuses from themobiledevice and to show the charge details on themobile device.The following changes and updates have beenmade to the recording, editing, and display ofcharges and charge statuseswithin the CorrigoNet mobile technician app.

"Invoice Customer" Row Renamed to "Charge Back"The “Invoice Customer” field on the default work order details screen has been renamed to“Charge Back” to make the label consistent with the desktop web changes in 7.7 where a new cus-tomer invoice object was introduced and the previous AR functionality was renamed as "Charges."

"Charge Back" Field BehaviorWhen the Charge Back field is set toYes, themain work order details screen displays the chargesstatus in parentheses, as shown on the left below where the charge back is "Waiting Approval."When the Charge Back field is set toNo, the charge status is not displayed as it is irrelevant.

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Charges Detail ScreenTap the Charge Back row on the default work order details screen to view the Charges detailscreen, the appearance of which varies depending on whether the Charge Back field is set to Noor Yes.If Charge Back is set toNo, the Charges screen displays only a Yes/No selector set to No.

If Charge Back is set toYes—or changed to Yes using the Yes/No selector on the screen—theCharges screen displays the Yes/No selector aswell as Invoice Status, Labor, Materials, Mis-cellaneous, Spot Purchase, and Tax/Total fields, as shown below.

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Note: The elongated image above is a compilation of three different screens that have beenmerged to show all of the fields at once. You would never be able to see thismuch information on asingle screen in the live application.If you want to seemore information about any of the charges or adjustments listed on the screen,tap the corresponding row to open a details screen. The image below shows theMaterial Itemdetails screen for the "3 pack of Super Glue" line item.

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Ability to Edit a Charge StatusYou can edit the charge status of a work order by accessing the Charge screen and then tappingthe Invoice Status row near the top of the screen.

The Status screen that appears shows an option list containing the following:l The list of available status options, which are determined by your user role in the system.l The current status of the invoice, indicated by a checkmark beside one of the entries. In theimage below, the status is "Waiting Approval."

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To change the status, you can select any of the options in the list and then click theSave button. Ifno errors are thrown, the Charges details screen reappears with the new status displayed.

If an error occurs, a popup screen appears displaying the reason for the error.

Usability Update to Work Order CreationThe process of creating work orders within the CorrigoNet iOS application has beenmodified tomake it more intuitive and to remove visual elements that users found confusing.

Navigation ChangesTheWO Type screen wasmodified slightly to make the work flow clearer. Navigation arrowswereadded to the right side of each option tomake it clear that selecting the option would result in themovement to a new screen. In the previous release, this navigation element wasmissing and itwas unclear what would happen when a work order type was selected.

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Asset Selection ChangesWhen selecting assets, large up and down arrows at the bottom of the screen now allow you to drillup or down on an asset directly. Previously, you had to click an asset and then on a popup screen,either tap a Drill Down button to drill down into it or click a Select button to add it to the work order.

The inclusion of the Up andDown buttons at the bottom of the screen also eliminates having com-pletely different locations and button styles for these buttons, as existed in the previous release.

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View Assignee DetailsAfter a work order is assigned to an employee or provider, you can view details about the assigneeat any time by clicking theAssigned To row on the work order details screen.

Note: Depending on the permissions you have been granted in the system, tapping the AssignedTo row might take you directly to the Assignee Details screen or youmight have to first click theAssignee Details button on the popup screen that appears.TheAssignee Details screen displays information about the employee or vendor assigned to thework order. For vendors, the screen displays the vendor name, vendor connected/not connectedstatus, vendor insurance validity, email address, and office phone.

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If the assignee is an employee rather than a vendor, the screen displays the employee name andemail address.

Edit Work Order AssignmentAfter a work order is assigned to an employee or provider, you can re-assign the work order if bothof the following are true:l Thework order has a status of New.l You have been granted theMobile - AssignWO privilege.

To access this feature, you first tap theAssigned To row on the work order details screen andthen tap theEdit Assignment button on the popup screen that appears.

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On the Assign WOscreen that opens, tap either the Techs button to select an internal resource forthe work order or theProviders button to select an external vendor for the work order.

For complete details on how to find and select users, refer to the "Assign/Reassign an ExistingWorkOrder to an Employee" and the "Reassign an ExistingWorkOrder to a DifferentVendor" sections of theCorrigoNet Mobile Technician Application User Guide: For Apple iOS.

Assign Work to Non-Connected ProvidersOn the Assign WOscreen, it is now possible to include non-connected providers in the list of ven-dors you can assign the work order to. To include non-connected providers, you first must navigateto the Assign WO screen and tap the roll-up icon in the bottom right corner of the screen.

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In the "Include NonConnected Providers" roll-up field that appears, slide the toggle switch to theright to reveal the word Yes, then tap outside of the roll-up field to close it.

The AssignWO screen then refreshes and displays all connected and non-connected providersyou can assign the work order to. In the image below, you can see three new entries in the Pro-viders list: ADM Maintenance, ComVend, and Dan & AmyAdvanced.

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Customer Work HistoryTheCustomerWorkHistory feature is similar to the AssetWorkOrder History feature that wasimplemented in an earlier release.With the CustomerWorkOrder History feature, you can view alist of any customer's current and past work orders.To do this, you first click the Customer row on the work order details screen.

On the Customer Details screen that appears, you then click theCustomer History button in thebottom right corner.

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TheCustomer History screen then appears, listing all of the work orders that have ever beencreated in the system for the selected customer.

Customer Special InstructionsOccasionally, it is necessary to be aware of special instructions regarding a specific customer loca-tion: the location of a side entrance, the passcode for a gate, the fact that there is an aggressivedog on property, and so on. This information is added to the system through the Customer Detailsscreen under the Customer tab in the BackOffice Portal.

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If information such as this exists for a customer location, it will appear on the customer work orderdetails screen in a row called Special Instructions immediately after the Customer row.

Usability EnhancementsThe following two enhancements weremade to the overall usability of the CorrigoNET application.

Display of Fields with No DataIn previous releases, if there was no data for a row or for a table, the application would display thephrase "No data" in bold red font in the corresponding area. Tomake these notificationsmoreexplicit and tomatch the styles used in other Apple apps, the phrase "No data" has been changedto "No <whatever is normally displayed in the field>," such as "No Impairments" or "NoMaterialsOrders." The images below show the difference between the former and enhanced displays.

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No Data for a Row

No Data for a Table

Display of Work Order Costs TotalsThe AllWO Costs screen has been revised tomake it obvious that the dollar (or whatever cur-rency) amount on the “Add xxx cost” buttons is the total for all costs within that section. The word"Total" has been added beside each total row and the word Add has beenmoved to the far right,beside the navigation button you click in order to add costs to the work order.

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