wine tasting for the’ expert baristas, maintaining...

PERSONALIZED PERFUME Think Parisian Boudoir meets Country Kitchen. Where clients are assisted to custom blend their own personalized perfume, whilst indulging in sumptuous chocolate fondue and a glass of bubbly... all this for under $100! February, 2012 FROM: YOUR FABULOUS BOUTIQUE, SPA OR SPECIAL EVENT 1234 Main Street Anytown, State ZIP Issue No. Seventeen MAIL TO: S’Amuser USA 15332 Antioch Street, Suite 80 Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 Wine Tasting for the Nose “Why not try - it’s free to take our fragrance test!” S’Amuser has perfected the ultimate soft sale. Once they have sat down, they are committed. 85% who try - buy ! S’Amuser USA is launching Spring 2012 in Los Angeles as a Traveling Perfumery TRUNK SHOWS can be booked 3 weeks in advance for a 3-5 day S’Amuser SOIRÉE S’Amuser is partnering with established LA businesses who share our ethos of sustainable health & beauty and a celebration of the sublime.... YES! PLEASE CONTACT US ABOUT BOOKING A S’AMUSER SOIRÉE FOR YOUR : BOUTIQUE DAY SPA SPECIAL EVENT (check one and mail in -- or email or call us)

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    Think Parisian Boudoir meets Country Kitchen. Where

    clients are assisted to custom blend their own personalized perfume, whilst indulging in sumptuous chocolate fondue

    and a glass of bubbly... all this for under $100!

    February, 2012

    FROM:Y O U R F A B U L O U S B O U T I Q U E , S P A O R S P E C I A L E V E N T

    1 2 3 4 M a i n S t r e e tA n y t o w n , S t a t e Z I PIssue No. Seventeen

    MAIL TO:S’Amuser USA15332 Antioch Street, Suite 80Pacific Palisades, CA 90272

    Wine Tasting for the Nose

    “Why not try - it’s free to take our fragrance test!” S’Amuser has perfected the ultimate soft sale.

    Once they have sat down, they are committed.85% who try - buy !

    S’Amuser USA is launching Spring 2012 in Los Angeles

    as a Traveling Perfumery

    TRUNK SHOWScan be booked 3 weeks in advance

    for a 3-5 day S’Amuser SOIRÉE

    S’Amuser is partnering with established LA businesses who share our ethos of sustainable health & beauty and a celebration of the sublime....




    (check one and mail in -- or email or call us)

  • Bespoke Natural Perfumery

    S’Amuser USA, Comes to your Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 323-570-1308 |

    SCENTUAL ALCHEMYFebruary, 2012

    “To put it simply, mankind is about to

    enter the floral stage of its evolutionary development.”

    Jitterbug Perfume

    S’Amuser Bespoke Perfumery: all natural ancient French alchemy



    THE BUSINESSAn elegant system of natural perfume

    product retail, adaptive wholesale lines and a desirable franchise opportunity. Since its

    inception, S’Amuser Bespoke Perfumery

    has generated much intrigue and a substantial cult following amongst potential

    investors, clients and friends.

    THE EXPERIENCEIs above all, is one of inspiration. Just as no

    two flowers give the identical aroma, no two persons share an exactly equivalent

    perceptual experience. S’Amuser Bespoke

    Perfumery allows for client uniqueness. Contemplating one’s preferences, selecting

    from exquisite natural perfume accords and finally, trusting in the value of one’s

    own choices, are the only eligibility


    We all know how the

    Story ends...Love in all Scents

    Conquers All.

    Issue No. Seventeen

    The Gypsy-Rose PerfumeryS'Amuser USA

    Your Main StreetAnytown, State ZIP

    T E L E P H O N E(323) 570-1308 F A C S I M I L E(707) 221-1998

    A brand born in old Europe - comes to Los Angeles 2012

    A variety of deliveries 33 Amphora bottles for 33 Accords



    S’Amuser USA, Comes to your Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 323-570-1308 |

    THE ART To conceive a fragrance as a composer

    would a symphony. For the creative purpose, scent material offers a limitless

    palate, from which the discerning

    perfumer is able to form alliances of a subtle nature.

    Whereas the aroma-therapist uses single

    essential oils and absolutes alone or in generic blends, the perfumer crafts

    accords and combines them to achieve a certain scentual aesthetic. S'Amuser's

    master perfumer and expert muses have

    attained an irresistible feat: designing and arranging 33 accords for the

    ultimate bespoke (‘personalized’) perfumery experience.

    THE MUSESOur S’Amuser hostesses are ‘scentual

    alchemy’ expert baristas, maintaining an ambience conducive to the enjoyable

    perfume creation experience.

    THE SCIENCEIn capturing an essential aspect of a

    plant, the scent of its dew-soaked petals for example. Moreover, there is an

    almost immeasurable (yet perceptible to the connoisseur) distinction between

    the fragrances of a plant at each stage

    of its life cycle or two plants of the same species but from different

    ecosystems. Ours are principally organic, bio-dynamically grown or

    wi ld-harves ted p lant mater ia l s.

    S’Amuser’s master perfumer has cultivated relationships with the best

    growers in the field.

    Colours and Smells and Mixtures and Potions and Jars and Sparkles and things that go Snap!

    S’Amuser perfumery in Somerset, England Bolognia



    S’Amuser USA, Comes to your Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 323-570-1308 |

    Maecenas pulvinar sagittis enim. Rhoncus tempor placerat.



    S’Amuser USA, Comes to your Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 323-570-1308 |

    The ancient art of perfumery has its roots in the far east, Egypt and India. The S’Amuser lineage deals in particular with the lines of perfumery art via the French tradition, which came over to France during the Crusades, when East met West and the treasures of the Ottoman Empire were dispersed. Mainly the French line is founded in the Egyptian lineage, though as it was carried over many centuries before, and has been amalgamated into the Continental European Traditions, there is a great deal of difference between Egyptian and French perfumery today.

    Our master perfumer works with a cooperative of growers in ‘the olde worlde’ of France and Italy. This cooperat ive o f d i s t i l ler ies and perfumery growers trace their heritage as families back through the ages, before perfumery became clinical and mimicked by modernization and

    sterilization. By synthetic ‘chemistry’. However, from the ancient art of alchemy, we still can cultivate from these trades and craft families; is that which S’Amuser stands to re-present to the eclectic mainstream; and involves a return and reintegration into the true art of natural fragrance. This is healthy, healing and good for the organic body to wear. We are made out of carbon, not silicon. Therefore we need to wear scentual molecules that match our own biological rhythms. All our oils are made from the highest possible ‘natural’ ingredients to create a resonate frequency, or note of resonance, of what perfumery has come to call an ‘accord’. New research suggests that indeed there is something to this notion, that a perfectly molecularly balanced ‘note’ actually is ‘singing’ vibrationally through the frequency of smell.

    Therefore, this art is not aromatherapy. There is no single note, like ‘vanilla’. Instead: A frequency akin to vanilla, that involves plant and flower materials such as essences, extracts, flower hydrolat waters, etc... to create the perfect ‘field’ of a vanilla-esque quality, but that which also involves a complex dimensionality of cedar or a twang of a more aldehydic scent...

    The highly trained S’Amuser Muse, therefore, helps our scentual adventurer get to know the frequency of our 33 proprietary accords. We never label any note ‘the jasmine one’, the ‘vanilla one’, for this reason. The clientele is the ‘scentual student’ who learns to understand this is not that simple -- this is the Art of Scentual Alchemy! Rather, each accord is like a vignette or character in a story. A chord in a scentual symphony uniquely created by each client as ‘composer’ of their own ‘scentual song’.

    Natural Perfumery and AccordsTHE ART OF SMELL * “DE-STERILIZE YOUR LIFE!”

    the exquisite tapestry of floral mysticism, borne in Avalon Jewels in Italy 2007



    S’Amuser USA, Comes to your Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 323-570-1308 |

    “Put simply, Lovemarks inspire: Loyalty Beyond Reason” (Saachi & Saachi)

    When S’Amuser was first developed and ‘proven’ in the United Kingdom, it’s purpose was to build a retail temple to high-concept art and the French bohemian values of truth, beauty, love, freedom... it was developed with the notion that we had lost our way in our post-post modern landscape.... somehow how much we spent on our loved ones, had lost the meaning... and we were craving for the old days of home-made gifts, spun from ‘meaning’... We created a perfume house dedicated to romance through the ages, with a wink towards the whimsical -- and an emporia for everyone to sit down, feel their bottom-side on the beautiful jacquard-laid wrought iron Rococo barstools, and ‘smell the coffee’ -- in between smelling our delicious 33 proprietary ‘accords’, that is! Yes, to sit down, breathe and take a moment to ‘star in your own life’ and blend one’s own ‘celebrity scent’.

    THE FUTURE BEYOND BRANDSAlthough S’Amuser was developed as a small simple yet alluring shop in the Somerset countryside, it attracted phenomenal results and response.

    “Lovemarks are a relationship, not a mere transaction. You don’t just buy Lovemarks, you embrace them passionately. That’s why you never want to let go. ”

    How can you truly measure the deep seeded human desire for aesthetic, beauty, poetry and romance? What did their version of

    ‘trends magazines’ have to say during the Dark Ages, for although illiteracy was rampant, cults supporting the high principles of ‘Fluer d’Joie’ in the age of ‘Courtly Love’, the Troubadours and the beginnings of the Western ideas of True Romance… were on the move.

    The S’Amuser retail experience is a part of a greater wave which represents similar antidote to such changes in history. A change as big as An Epoch according to futurists. A wave that is only reflected in modern marketing studies such as the Noetic Sciences indicators of the ‘Cultural Creatives’ wave. Indeed the return to romance and sensuality noticeable in the sensibilities of many modern metamarketing trends, is merely a ‘glamour’, a reflection of the deeper desire to create a new world.

    A world that means something, a world that is inspired, a world where purchases reflect such intrinsic desire.

    Sensuality in its most unadulterated form is transcendent, pure and non-perverted with post-modern apathy and insincerity. Of course the most base, raw urge in all humanity is to embrace such ideals?

    People want stories not products. They want creativity, inspiration and meaningful values - those of the true bohemian - or a cultured bourgeoise. These people are your clients, your friends, and are more than merely ‘customers’ or ‘consumers’. They are informed citizens seeking an authentic buying experience.

    “Nowhere is the back-to-the-future movement more apparent than the

    explosive growth of consumer brands

    perceived to be ‘small and authentic.’

    - NMI Megatrends Report 2007

    Today’s MarketCraves Authentic, Ethical ‘Lovemarks’

    the S’Amuser Scent Wheel
