wine logs short

Upload: karen-talley

Post on 18-Oct-2015




0 download


fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation (nil) 1 (nil) 0 fixme:winhttp:WinHttpDetectAutoProxyConfigUrl discovery via DHCP not supported fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation (nil) 1 (nil) 0 fixme:winhttp:WinHttpDetectAutoProxyConfigUrl discovery via DHCP not supported err:wininet:open_http_connection create_netconn failed: 12029 fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation (nil) 1 (nil) 0 err:wininet:open_http_connection create_netconn failed: 12029 fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation (nil) 1 (nil) 0 err:wininet:open_http_connection create_netconn failed: 12029 fixme:winhttp:WinHttpDetectAutoProxyConfigUrl discovery via DHCP not supported fixme:hnetcfg:fw_profile_get_NotificationsDisabled 0x13a900, 0x118e338 err:wininet:open_http_connection create_netconn failed: 12029 fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation (nil) 1 (nil) 0 AgentMain start Argument[0]: 'C:/users/Public/Application Data/ .exe' Argument[1]: '--locale=enUS' Argument[2]: '--session=16165932728051297098' Agent is running as Administrator. Database Insert: /option Database Insert: /agent Database Insert: / Database Insert: /version Database Insert: /repair Database Insert: /update Database Insert: /uninstall Database Insert: /install Database Insert: /gamesession Database Insert: /agent/download Database Insert: /backfill Database Insert: /game Database Insert: /createshortcut Database Insert: /spawned Database Insert: /agent/download Database Insert: /register Session Hash found: '16165932728051297098' Firing Event: "database flush event" Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d4 9100, index - 0, running - 0 Initialize HttpProtocol Server Called. Agent started on port #6882 Executing operation: disable_firewall applicationPath="C:\users\Public\Applicati on Data\\Agent\Agent.2717\Agent.exe" applicationName=" Updat e Agent" AgentAsAdmin failed to add a firewall exception for 'C:\users\Public\Application Data\\Agent\Agent.2717\Agent.exe'. Registered Periodic Event: "auth validation event" with a resolution of 10000 an d a start delay of 10000 Registered Event: "ResumeFromSuspendEvent" Registered Event: "InitiateSuspendEvent" Registered Event: "shutdown event" Registered Event: "database flush event" Registered Periodic Event: "network connection event" with a resolution of 60000 and a start delay of 0 Agent is shutting down Firing Event: "database flush event" Request Issued: GET /agent Response: 200 {

"update" : {}, "install" : {}, "backfill" : {}, "pid" : 34.000000, "user_id" : "S-1-5-21-0-0-0-1000", "state" : 1006.000000, "version" : "", "type" : "retail", "opt_in_feedback" : true, "session" : "16165932728051297098", "authorization" : "B64DA3469D45F4E063770FBF7572D394" } Database Remove: /option Database Remove: /agent Queue 'download' Resource for delete Database Remove: / Database Remove: /register Queue 'registerroot' Resource for delete Database Remove: /game Deferred delete of 'download' Resource Queue 'gameroot' Resource for delete Database Remove: /repair Queue 'repairroot' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'download' Resource completed Queue 'agentroot' Resource for delete Database Remove: /gamesession Deferred delete of 'registerroot' Resource Queue 'gamesessionroot' Resource for delete Database Remove: /backfill Queue 'backfillroot' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'registerroot' Resource completed Database Remove: /spawned Queue 'spawnedroot' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'gameroot' Resource Deferred delete of 'gameroot' Resource completed Deferred delete of 'repairroot' Resource Deferred delete of 'repairroot' Resource completed Queue 'optionroot' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'agentroot' Resource Database Remove: /version Deferred delete of 'agentroot' Resource completed Deferred delete of 'gamesessionroot' Resource Deferred delete of 'gamesessionroot' Resource completed Deferred delete of 'backfillroot' Resource Queue 'versionroot' Resource for delete Database Remove: /update Deferred delete of 'backfillroot' Resource completed Queue 'updateroot' Resource for delete Database Remove: /createshortcut Deferred delete of 'spawnedroot' Resource Queue 'createshortcut' Resource for delete Database Remove: /uninstall Deferred delete of 'spawnedroot' Resource completed Queue 'uninstallroot' Resource for delete Database Remove: /install Deferred delete of 'optionroot' Resource Queue 'installroot' Resource for delete Queue 'root' Resource for delete Database Remove: /agent/download Deferred delete of 'optionroot' Resource completed

Queue 'download' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'versionroot' Resource Restarting Agent: C:\users\Public\Application Data\\Agent\Agent.exe --switcherall --locale=enUS --session=16165932728051297098 *************************************** Deferred delete of 'versionroot' Resource complerr:wininet:open_http_connection create_netconn failed: 12029 fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation (nil) 1 (nil) 0 err:wininet:open_http_connection create_netconn failed: 12029 fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation (nil) 1 (nil) 0 err:wininet:open_http_connection create_netconn failed: 12029 fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation (nil) 1 (nil) 0 err:wininet:open_http_connection create_netconn failed: 12029 eted Deferred delete of 'updateroot' Resource Deferred delete of 'updateroot' Resource completed Deferred delete of 'createshortcut' Resource Deferred delete of 'createshortcut' Resource completed Deferred delete of 'uninstallroot' Resource Deferred delete of 'uninstallroot' Resource completed Deferred delete of 'installroot' Resource Deferred delete of 'installroot' Resource completed Deferred delete of 'root' Resource Deferred delete of 'root' Resource completed Deferred delete of 'download' Resource Deferred delete of 'download' Resource completed Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d5 d7a8, index - 1, running - 0 Deleting remaining resources OnComplete: handle - 0x00d49100, result - 0, running - 2, request - found OnComplete: handle - 0x00d5d7a8, result - 0, running - 1, request - found Cleanup: total requests process - 2 Connection statistics (times in milliseconds) latency = 0.000 ms bandwidth = 0.000 MB/sec downloadUrlCount: 0 downloadUrlCallTime: 0.000 (0.000000) downloadUrlElapsedTime: 0.000 (0.000000) connectionsCreated: 0 connectionsClosed: 0 requestsCreated: 0 requestsClosed: 0 parseUrlTime: 0.000 (0.000000) createRequestTime: 0.000 (0.000000) createHeadersTime: 0.000 (0.000000) sendRequestTime: 0.000 (0.000000) httpSendRequestTime: 0.000 (0.000000) httpResponseTime: 0.000 (0.000000) readissued: 0 readsync: 0 readasync: 0 readfail: 0 readzero: 0 readnonzero: 0 readfileTime: 0.000 (0.000000)

readfileWaitTime: 0.000 (0.000000) readfileResponseTime: 0.000 (0.000000) readCallbackTime: 0.000 (0.000000) readBytes: 0 err:wininet:open_http_connection create_netconn failed: 12029 fixme:winhttp:WinHttpDetectAutoProxyConfigUrl discovery via DHCP not supported fixme:hnetcfg:fw_profile_get_NotificationsDisabled 0x13a948, 0x118e338 fixme:winhttp:WinHttpDetectAutoProxyConfigUrl discovery via DHCP not supported err:wininet:open_http_connection create_netconn failed: 12029 AgentMain start Argument[0]: 'C:/users/Public/Application Data/ .exe' Argument[1]: '--locale=enUS' Argument[2]: '--session=16165932728051297098' Agent is running as Administrator. Database Insert: /option Database Insert: /agent Database Insert: / Database Insert: /version Database Insert: /repair Database Insert: /update Database Insert: /uninstall Database Insert: /install Database Insert: /gamesession Database Insert: /agent/download Database Insert: /backfill Database Insert: /game Database Insert: /createshortcut Database Insert: /spawned Database Insert: /agent/download Database Insert: /register Session Hash found: '16165932728051297098' Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d490e8, index - 0, running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x00d490e8, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x00d490e8 Firing Event: "database flush event" Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d4 a408, index - 1, running - 0 Initialize HttpProtocol Server Called. Agent started on port #1120 Executing operation: disable_firewall applicationPath="C:\users\Public\Applicati on Data\\Agent\Agent.2717\Agent.exe" applicationName=" Updat e Agent" AgentAsAdmin failed to add a firewall exception for 'C:\users\Public\Application Data\\Agent\Agent.2717\Agent.exe'. Registered Periodic Event: "auth validation event" with a resolution of 10000 an d a start delay of 10000 Registered Event: "ResumeFromSuspendEvent" Registered Event: "InitiateSuspendEvent" Registered Event: "shutdown event" Registered Event: "database flush event" Registered Periodic Event: "network connection event" with a resolution of 60000 and a start delay of 0 Agent is shutting down Firing Event: "database flush event" Request Issued: GET /agent Response: 200

{ "update" : {}, "install" : {}, "backfill" : {}, "pid" : 58.000000, "user_id" : "S-1-5-21-0-0-0-1000", "state" : 1006.000000, "version" : "", "type" : "retail", "opt_in_feedback" : true, "session" : "16165932728051297098", "authorization" : "558E84AD44B85E5BCBB7EF437E989B8D" } Database Remove: /option Database Remove: /agent Queue 'download' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'download' Resource Database Remove: / Deferred delete of 'download' Resource completed Database Remove: /register Queue 'registerroot' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'registerroot' Resource Database Remove: /game Deferred delete of 'registerroot' Resource completed Queue 'gameroot' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'gameroot' Resource Database Remove: /repair Deferred delete of 'gameroot' Resource completed Queue 'repairroot' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'repairroot' Resource Queue 'agentroot' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'repairroot' Resource completed Database Remove: /gamesession Deferred delete of 'agentroot' Resource Queue 'gamesessionroot' Resource for delete Database Remove: /backfill Queue 'backfillroot' Resource for delete Database Remove: /spawned Queue 'spawnedroot' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'agentroot' Resource completed Queue 'optionroot' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'gamesessionroot' Resource Deferred delete of 'gamesessionroot' Resource completed Deferred delete of 'backfillroot' Resource Deferred delete of 'backfillroot' Resource completed Deferred delete of 'spawnedroot' Resource Deferred delete of 'spawnedroot' Resource completed Deferred delete of 'optionroot' Resource Deferred delete of 'optionroot' Resource completed Database Remove: /version Deferred delete of 'versionroot' Resource Deferred delete of 'versionroot' Resource completed Queue 'versionroot' Resource for delete Database Remove: /update Deferred delete of 'updateroot' Resource Deferred delete of 'updateroot' Resource completed Queue 'updateroot' Resource for delete Database Remove: /createshortcut Deferred delete of 'createshortcut' Resource Deferred delete of 'createshortcut' Resource completed

Queue 'createshortcut' Resource for delete Dfixme:heap:HeapSetInformation (nil) 1 (nil) 0 fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation (nil) 1 (nil) 0 fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation (nil) 1 (nil) 0 AgentMain start Argument[0]: 'C:/users/Public/Application Data/ Agent.exe' Argument[1]: '--locale=enUS' Argument[2]: '--session=16165932728051297098' Agent is running as Administrator. Database Insert: /option Database Insert: /agent Database Insert: / Database Insert: /version Database Insert: /repair Database Insert: /update Database Insert: /uninstall Database Insert: /install Database Insert: /gamesession Database Insert: /agent/download Database Insert: /backfill Database Insert: /game Database Insert: /createshortcut Database Insert: /spawned Database Insert: /agent/download Database Insert: /register Session Hash found: '16165932728051297098' Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d51108, index - 0, running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x00d51108, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x00d51108 Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d5 c0c0, index - 1, running - 0 Initialize HttpProtocol Server Called. Post Request to Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d65068, index - 2, running - 0 Agent started on port #6881 Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d6e010, index - 3, running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x00d6e010, result - 28, running - 3, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x00d6e010 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d6e010, index - 4, running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x00d65068, result - 0, running - 3, request - found Post Response:| ;;2717;0;2717

Post Request to Queue Request for : handle - 0x00 d65068, index - 5, running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x00d5c0c0, result - 0, running - 3, request - found OnComplete: handle - 0x00d6e010, result - 28, running - 2, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x00d6e010 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. Firing Event: "database flush event" Request Issued: GET /agent Response: 200 { "update" : {}, "install" : {}, "backfill" : {}, "pid" : 36.000000, "user_id" : "S-1-5-21-0-0-0-1000", "state" : 1007.000000, "version" : "", "type" : "beta", "opt_in_feedback" : true, "session" : "16165932728051297098", "authorization" : "00CC53E7DE529EB4B45A2872A44D447C" } Request Issued: POST /agent { "opt_in_feedback" : true } Response: 200 {} Request Issued: GET /game Response: 200 {} Request Issued: GET /agent Response: 200 { "update" : {}, "install" : {}, "backfill" : {}, "pid" : 36.000000, "user_id" : "S-1-5-21-0-0-0-1000", "state" : 1007.000000, "version" : "", "type" : "beta", "opt_in_feedback" : true, "session" : "16165932728051297098", "authorization" : "00CC53E7DE529EB4B45A2872A44D447C" } Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d6e010, index - 6, running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x00d65068, result - 0, running - 2, request - found Post Response: me:heap:HeapSetInformation (nil) 1 (nil) 0 atabase Remove: /uninstall Deferred delete of 'uninstallroot' Resource Deferred delete of 'uninstallroot' Resource completed Queue 'uninstallroot' Resource for delete Database Remove: /install Deferred delete of 'installroot' Resource Deferred delete of 'installroot' Resource completed Queue 'installroot' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'root' Resource Deferred delete of 'root' Resource completed Queue 'root' Resource for delete Database Remove: /agent/download Deferred delete of 'download' Resource Deferred delete of 'download' Resource completed Queue 'download' Resource for delete Restarting Agent: C:\users\Public\Application Data\\Agent\Agent.exe --switcherall --locale=enUS --session=16165932728051297098 *************************************** Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d5 df68, index - 2, running - 0 Deleting remaining resources OnComplete: handle - 0x00d4a408, result - 0, running - 2, request - found OnComplete: handle - 0x00d5df68, result - 0, running - 1, request - found Cleanup: total requests process - 3 Connection statistics (times in milliseconds) latency = 0.000 ms bandwidth = 0.000 MB/sec downloadUrlCount: 0 downloadUrlCallTime: 0.000 (0.000000) downloadUrlElapsedTime: 0.000 (0.000000) connectionsCreated: 0 connectionsClosed: 0 requestsCreated: 0 requestsClosed: 0 parseUrlTime: 0.000 (0.000000) createRequestTime: 0.000 (0.000000) createHeadersTime: 0.000 (0.000000) sendRequestTime: 0.000 (0.000000) httpSendRequestTime: 0.000 (0.000000) httpResponseTime: 0.000 (0.000000) readissued: 0 readsync: 0 readasync: 0 readfail: 0 readzero: 0 readnonzero: 0 readfileTime: 0.000 (0.000000) readfileWaitTime: 0.000 (0.000000) readfileResponseTime: 0.000 (0.000000)

readCallbackTime: 0.000 (0.000000) readBytes: 0 fixme:winhttp:WinHttpDetectAutoProxyConfigUrl discovery via DHCP not supported fixme:hnetcfg:fw_profile_get_NotificationsDisabled 0x13a960, 0x118e338 AgentMain start Argument[0]: 'C:/users/Public/Application Data/ .exe' Argument[1]: '--locale=enUS' Argument[2]: '--session=16165932728051297098' Agent is running as Administrator. Database Insert: /option Database Insert: /agent Database Insert: / Database Insert: /version Database Insert: /repair Database Insert: /update Database Insert: /uninstall Database Insert: /install Database Insert: /gamesession Database Insert: /agent/download Database Insert: /backfill Database Insert: /game Database Insert: /createshortcut Database Insert: /spawned Database Insert: /agent/download Database Insert: /register Session Hash found: '16165932728051297098' Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d490e8, index - 0, running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x00d490e8, result - 0, running - 1, request - found Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d4 9b98, index - 1, running - 0 Initialize HttpProtocol Server Called. Firing Event: "database flush event" Agent started on port #6883 Executing operation: disable_firewall applicationPath="C:\users\Public\Applicati on Data\\Agent\Agent.2717\Agent.exe" applicationName=" Updat e Agent" AgentAsAdmin failed to add a firewall exception for 'C:\users\Public\Application Data\\Agent\Agent.2717\Agent.exe'. Registered Periodic Event: "auth validation event" with a resolution of 10000 an d a start delay of 10000 Registered Event: "ResumeFromSuspendEvent" Registered Event: "InitiateSuspendEvent" Registered Event: "shutdown event" Registered Event: "database flush event" Registered Periodic Event: "network connection event" with a resolution of 60000 and a start delay of 0 Agent is shutting down Database Remove: /option Database Remove: /agent Deferred delete of 'download' Resource Deferred delete of 'download' Resource completed Queue 'download' Resource for delete Database Remove: / Database Remove: /register Deferred delete of 'registerroot' Resource Deferred delete of 'registerroot' Resource completed Queue 'registerroot' Resource for delete

Database Remove: /game Deferred delete of 'gameroot' Resource Deferred delete of 'gameroot' Resource completed Queue 'gameroot' Resource for delete Database Remove: /repair Deferred delete of 'repairroot' Resource Deferred delete of 'repairroot' Resource completed Queue 'repairroot' Resource for delete Queue 'agentroot' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'agentroot' Resource Database Remove: /gamesession Queue 'gamesessionroot' Resource for delete Database Remove: /backfill Queue 'backfillroot' Resource for delete Database Remove: /spawned Queue 'spawnedroot' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'agentroot' Resource completed Queue 'optionroot' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'gamesessionroot' Resource Database Remove: /version Deferred delete of 'gamesessionroot' Resource completed Queue 'versionroot' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'backfillroot' Resource Database Remove: /update Deferred delete of 'backfillroot' Resource completed Queue 'updateroot' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'spawnedroot' Resource Database Remove: /createshortcut Deferred delete of 'spawnedroot' Resource completed Queue 'createshortcut' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'optionroot' Resource Database Remove: /uninstall Deferred delete of 'optionroot' Resource completed Queue 'uninstallroot' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'versionroot' Resource Database Remove: /install Deferred delete of 'versionroot' Resource completed Queue 'installroot' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'updateroot' Resource Deferred delete of 'updateroot' Resource completed Queue 'root' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'createshortcut' Resource Database Remove: /agent/download Deferred delete of 'createshortcut' Resource completed Queue 'download' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'uninstallroot' Resource Deferred delete of 'uninstallroot' Resource completed Restarting Agent: C:\users\Public\Application Data\\Agent\Agent.exe --switcherall --loAgentMain start Argument[0]: 'C:/users/Public/Application Data/ Agent.exe' Argument[1]: '--locale=enUS' Argument[2]: '--session=16165932728051297098' Agent is running as Administrator. Database Insert: /option Database Insert: /agent Database Insert: / Database Insert: /version Database Insert: /repair

Database Insert: /update Database Insert: /uninstall Database Insert: /install Database Insert: /gamesession Database Insert: /agent/download Database Insert: /backfill Database Insert: /game Database Insert: /createshortcut Database Insert: /spawned Database Insert: /agent/download Database Insert: /register Session Hash found: '16165932728051297098' Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d53160, index - 0, running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x00d53160, result - 0, running - 1, request - found Agent is shutting down Database Remove: /option Database Remove: /agent Queue 'download' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'download' Resource Database Remove: / Deferred delete of 'download' Resource completed Database Remove: /register Queue 'registerroot' Resource for delete Database Remove: /game Deferred delete of 'registerroot' Resource Queue 'gameroot' Resource for delete Database Remove: /repair Deferred delete of 'registerroot' Resource completed Queue 'repairroot' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'gameroot' Resource Deferred delete of 'gameroot' Resource completed Queue 'agentroot' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'repairroot' Resource Database Remove: /gamesession Deferred delete of 'repairroot' Resource completed Queue 'gamesessionroot' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'agentroot' Resource Database Remove: /backfill Deferred delete of 'agentroot' Resource completed Queue 'backfillroot' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'gamesessionroot' Resource Database Remove: /spawned Deferred delete of 'gamesessionroot' Resource completed Queue 'spawnedroot' Resource for delete Queue 'optionroot' Resource for delete Database Remove: /version Queue 'versionroot' Resource for delete Database Remove: /update Queue 'updateroot' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'backfillroot' Resource Database Remove: /createshortcut Deferred delete of 'backfillroot' Resource completed Queue 'createshortcut' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'spawnedroot' Resource Database Remove: /uninstall Deferred delete of 'spawnedroot' Resource completed Queue 'uninstallroot' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'optionroot' Resource Database Remove: /install

Deferred delete of 'optionroot' Resource completed Queue 'installroot' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'versionroot' Resource Deferred delete of 'versionroot' Resource completed Queue 'root' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'updateroot' Resource Database Remove: /agent/download Deferred delete of 'updateroot' Resource completed Queue 'download' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'createshortcut' Resource Deferred delete of 'createshortcut' Resource completed Deferred delete of 'uninstallroot' Resource Deferred delete of 'uninstallroot' Resource completed Deferred delete of 'installroot' Resource Deferred delete of 'installroot' Resource completed Deferred delete of 'root' Resource Deferred delete of 'root' Resource completed Deferred delete of 'download' Resource Deferred delete of 'download' Resource completed Deleting remaining resources Cleanup: total requests process - 1 Connection statistics (times in milliseconds) latency = 0.000 ms bandwidth = 0.000 MB/sec downloadUrlCount: 0 downloadUrlCallTime: 0.000 (0.000000) downloadUrlElapsedTime: 0.000 (0.000000) connectionsCreated: 0 connectionsClosed: 0 requestsCreated: 0 requestsClosed: 0 parseUrlTime: 0.000 (0.000000) createRequestTime: 0.000 (0.000000) createHeadersTime: 0.000 (0.000000) sendRequestTime: 0.000 (0.000000) httpSendRequestTime: 0.000 (0.000000) httpResponseTime: 0.000 (0.000000) readissued: 0 readsync: 0 readasync: 0 readfail: 0 readzero: 0 readnonzero: 0 readfileTime: 0.000 (0.000000) readfileWaitTime: 0.000 (0.000000) readfileResponseTime: 0.000 (0.000000) readCallbackTime: 0.000 (0.000000) readBytes: 0 fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation (nil) 1 (nil) 0 fixme:heap:HeapSetInformation (nil) 1 (nil) 0 rent.64D06D40A648E86CFB6E29454CD8C48B; /a2753/a-beta-2753-win.mpq.torrent.CD5581A81FE203F41B82B40130F9A972;2753;2717;27 53 OnComplete: handle - 0x00d6e010, result - 28, running - 1, request - found

Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x00d6e010 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d65e08, index - 7, running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x00d65e08, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x00d65e08 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. Firing Event: "database flush event" Request Issued: GET /agent Response: 200 { "update" : {}, "install" : {}, "backfill" : {}, "pid" : 36.000000, "user_id" : "S-1-5-21-0-0-0-1000", "state" : 1004.000000, "playable" : true, "patch_application_complete" : true, "download_complete" : true, "version" : "", "type" : "beta", "opt_in_feedback" : true, "session" : "16165932728051297098", "authorization" : "6AEAEF044E00A538EDB5186BEE1ED682" } Request Issued: GET /agent Response: 200 { "update" : {}, "install" : {}, "backfill" : {}, "pid" : 36.000000, "user_id" : "S-1-5-21-0-0-0-1000", "state" : 1004.000000, "playable" : true, "patch_application_complete" : true, "download_complete" : true, "version" : "", "type" : "beta", "opt_in_feedback" : true, "session" : "16165932728051297098", "authorization" : "00CC53E7DE529EB4B45A2872A44D447C" } Request Issued to non-existent Uri: GET - /game/ Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d65e08, index - 8, running - 0 Firing Event: "database flush event" Request Issued: GET /agent Response: 200 { "update" : {}, "install" : {}, "backfill" : {}, "pid" : 36.000000,

"user_id" : "S-1-5-21-0-0-0-1000", "state" : 1004.000000, "playable" : true, "patch_application_complete" : true, "download_complete" : true, "version" : "", "type" : "beta", "opt_in_feedback" : true, "session" : "16165932728051297098", "authorization" : "7EDA9B891B874E8915E9775804471888" } Request Issued: POST /register { "instructions_patch_url" : "", "instructions_product" : "Bna" } warning: no uid found Database Insert: /register/bna_undetermined_ Firing Event: "database flush event" Response: 200 { "response_uri" : "/register/bna_undetermined_" } Post Request to Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d6edb0, i ndex - 9, running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x00d65e08, result - 28, running - 2, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x00d65e08 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d61bc8, index - 10, running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x00d6edb0, result - 0, running - 2, request - found Post Response:|;72E3 88C91054542F91E1F1A9A3D09319;8A962862ECC89494F53A6E042259D551;0 Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d 6ab70, index - 11, running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x00d61bc8, result - 28, running - 2, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x00d61bc8 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. OnComplete: handle - 0x00d6ab70, result - 0, running - 1, request - found Queue Request for --session=16165932728051297098 *************************************** Deferred delete of 'installroot' Resource Deferred delete of 'installroot' Resource completed Deferred delete of 'root' Resource

Deferred delete of 'root' Resource completed Deferred delete of 'download' Resource Deferred delete of 'download' Resource completed Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d5 6ca8, index - 2, running - 0 Deleting remaining resources OnComplete: handle - 0x00d49b98, result - 0, running - 2, request - found OnComplete: handle - 0x00d56ca8, result - 0, running - 1, request - found Cleanup: total requests process - 3 Connection statistics (times in milliseconds) latency = 0.000 ms bandwidth = 0.000 MB/sec downloadUrlCount: 0 downloadUrlCallTime: 0.000 (0.000000) downloadUrlElapsedTime: 0.000 (0.000000) connectionsCreated: 0 connectionsClosed: 0 requestsCreated: 0 requestsClosed: 0 parseUrlTime: 0.000 (0.000000) createRequestTime: 0.000 (0.000000) createHeadersTime: 0.000 (0.000000) sendRequestTime: 0.000 (0.000000) httpSendRequestTime: 0.000 (0.000000) httpResponseTime: 0.000 (0.000000) readissued: 0 readsync: 0 readasync: 0 readfail: 0 readzero: 0 readnonzero: 0 readfileTime: 0.000 (0.000000) readfileWaitTime: 0.000 (0.000000) readfileResponseTime: 0.000 (0.000000) readCallbackTime: 0.000 (0.000000) readBytes: 0 fixme:winhttp:WinHttpDetectAutoProxyConfigUrl discovery via DHCP not supported fixme:hnetcfg:fw_profile_get_NotificationsDisabled 0x13aa50, 0x119e338 CC89494F53A6E042259D551.blob : handle - 0x00d64c08, index - 12, running - 0 Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d79c78, index - 13, running - 0 Request Issued: GET /register/bna_undetermined_ Response: 200 { "status" : 1001.000000 } OnComplete: handle - 0x00d64c08, result Register Warning - Parsing Instructions Firing Event: "database flush event" Firing Event: "database flush event" Firing Event: "database flush event" OnComplete: handle - 0x00d79c78, result Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle AgentCommunication: Could not establish in.

- 0, running - 2, request - found missing or invalid 'locale_regex'

- 28, running - 1, request - found 0x00d79c78 a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga

Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d79c78, index - 14, running - 0 Request Issued: GET /register/bna_undetermined_ Response: 200 { "error" : 2800.000000, "status" : 1009.000000 } OnComplete: handle - 0x00d79c78, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x00d79c78 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. Request Issued: POST /install { "uid" : "", "instructions_patch_url" : "", "instructions_product" : "Bna", "instructions_dataset" : [ "torrent", "win", "", "enUS" ] } Post Request to Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d7c5f0, i ndex - 15, running - 0 Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d85598, index - 16, running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x00d85598, result - 28, running - 2, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x00d85598 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. OnComplete: handle - 0x00d7c5f0, result - 0, running - 1, request - found Post Response:|;72E3 88C91054542F91E1F1A9A3D09319;8A962862ECC89494F53A6E042259D551;0 Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d 7c5f0, index - 17, running - 0 Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d85598, index - 18, running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x00d7c5f0, result - 0, running - 2, request - found Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d7c5 f0, index - 19, running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x00d7c5f0, result - 0, running - 2, request - found Database Insert: /install/ Firing Event: "database flush event" Response: 201

{ "response_uri" : "/install/", "form" : { "eula" : { "error" : 701.000000, "eula" : false }, "authentication_key" : { "error" : 0.000000 }, "tome_path" : { "error" : 0.000000, "tome_torrent" : " /tools-pod/ AB0CF.torrent" }, "game_dir" : { "error" : 703.000000, "warning" : 0.000000, "default" : "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\", "dirname" : "", "required_space" : 200000000.000000 }, "language" : { "error" : 0.000000 }, "finalized" : false } } Request Issued: POST /install/ { "game_dir" : "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\", "eula" : true, "shortcut" : "all", "tome_torrent" : "" } Response: 201 { "response_uri" : "/install/", "form" : { "eula" : { "error" : 0.000000, "eula" : true }, "authentication_key" : { "error" : 0.000000 }, "tome_path" : { "error" : 0.000000, "tome_torrent" : " /tools-pod/ AB0CF.torrent" }, "game_dir" : { "error" : 0.000000, "warning" : 0.000000, "default" : "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\", "dirname" : "", "game_dir" : "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\",

"required_space" : 200000000.000000 }, "language" : { "error" : 0.000000 }, "shortcut" : "all", "finalized" : false } } OnComplete: handle - 0x00d85598, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x00d85598 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d7c8b8, index running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x00d7c8b8, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x00d7c8b8 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d7c8b8, index running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x00d7c8b8, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x00d7c8b8 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d7c8b8, index running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x00d7c8b8, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x00d7c8b8 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d7c8b8, index running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x00d7c8b8, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x00d7c8b8 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d7c8b8, index running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x00d7c8b8, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x00d7c8b8 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d7c8b8, index running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x00d7c8b8, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x00d7c8b8 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d7c8b8, index running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x00d7c8b8, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x00d7c8b8 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d7c8b8, index running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x00d7c8b8, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x00d7c8b8 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying

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in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d7c8b8, index - 28, running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x00d7c8b8, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x00d7c8b8 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d7c8b8, index - 29, running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x00d7c8b8, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x00d7c8b8 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d7c8b8, index - 30, running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x00d7c8b8, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x00d7c8b8 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d7c8b8, index - 31, running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x00d7c8b8, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x00d7c8b8 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d7c8b8, index - 32, running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x00d7c8b8, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x00d7c8b8 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d7c8b8, index - 33, running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x00d7c8b8, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x00d7c8b8 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d7c8b8, index - 34, running - 0 Request Issued: POST /install/ { "game_dir" : "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\", "eula" : true, "shortcut" : "all", "tome_torrent" : "" } Response: 201 { "response_uri" : "/install/", "form" : { "eula" : { "error" : 0.000000, "eula" : true }, "authentication_key" : { "error" : 0.000000 }, "tome_path" : { "error" : 0.000000,

"tome_torrent" : " /tools-pod/ AB0CF.torrent" }, "game_dir" : { "error" : 0.000000, "warning" : 0.000000, "default" : "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\", "dirname" : "", "game_dir" : "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\", "required_space" : 200000000.000000 }, "language" : { "error" : 0.000000 }, "shortcut" : "all", "finalized" : false } } OnComplete: handle - 0x00d7c8b8, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x00d7c8b8 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d7b9d0, index - 35, running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x00d7b9d0, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x00d7b9d0 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d7b9d0, index - 36, running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x00d7b9d0, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x00d7b9d0 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d7b9d0, index - 37, running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x00d7b9d0, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x00d7b9d0 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d7b9d0, index - 38, running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x00d7b9d0, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x00d7b9d0 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d7b9d0, index - 39, running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x00d7b9d0, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x00d7b9d0 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d7b9d0, index - 40, running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x00d7b9d0, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x00d7b9d0 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d7b9d0, index - 41,

running - 0 Request Issued: POST /install/ { "game_dir" : "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\", "eula" : true, "shortcut" : "all", "finalized" : true, "tome_torrent" : "" } Firing Event: "database flush event" Queuing /install/ Insert to Queue at HEAD Response: 200 { "response_uri" : "/install/", "result_uri" : "/game/" } Start Queued Task 'Update' Beginning an install. Checking permissions - New versioner created - Force refreshing version information - Post Request to Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a0030, i ndex - 42, running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x00d7b9d0, result - 28, running - 2, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x00d7b9d0 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d7b9d0, index - 43, running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x019a0030, result - 0, running - 2, request - found Post Response:| ; 308D2F8C7FA4E2DE219E0A66A4BE6;4336;0;4336;72E3 88C91054542F91E1F1A9A3D09319;8A962862ECC89494F53A6E042259D551;0 Tool version does not match remote, setting playable to false - Game blob md5 does not match remote md5, setting playable to false - Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a00 30, index - 44, running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x019a0030, result - 0, running - 2, request - found STAGE INIT: OnInitialized: source = 1

speed = 1000000.000000 thresholds=[100000000, 0, 0] STAGE INSTALLING: Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a 6710, index - 45, running - 0 Queue Request for stall/bnet.4336/win/bnet-win-1174153BFC4FB1A2454BC346DD7AB0CF.TPQ : handle - 0x0 19af6b8, index - 46, running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x019af6b8, result - 0, running - 3, request - found OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress OnComplete: handle - 0x00d7b9d0, result - 28, running - 2, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x00d7b9d0 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 0, running - 1, request - found Request Issued: GET /install/ Response: 200 { "playable" : false, "progress" : 0.000062, "playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000, "download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000, "time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index running - 0 OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index running - 0 OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying in. Request Issued: GET /install/





Response: 200 { "playable" : false, "progress" : 0.000062, "playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000, "download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000, "time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index - 49, running - 0 OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index - 50, running - 0 Request Issued: GET /install/ Response: 200 { "playable" : false, "progress" : 0.000062, "playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000, "download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000, "time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index - 51, running - 0 OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found

Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress Request Issued: GET /install/ Response: 200 { "playable" : false, "progress" : 0.000062, "playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000, "download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000, "time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index - 52, running - 0 OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index - 53, running - 0 OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress Request Issued: GET /install/ Response: 200 { "playable" : false, "progress" : 0.000062, "playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000, "download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000, "time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167

Recomputing Progress Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index - 54, running - 0 OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index - 55, running - 0 Request Issued: GET /install/ Response: 200 { "playable" : false, "progress" : 0.000062, "playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000, "download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000, "time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index - 56, running - 0 OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress Request Issued: GET /install/ Response: 200

{ "playable" : false, "progress" : 0.000062, "playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000, "download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000, "time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index - 57, running - 0 OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index - 58, running - 0 OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress Request Issued: GET /install/ Response: 200 { "playable" : false, "progress" : 0.000062, "playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000, "download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000, "time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index - 59, running - 0 OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga

in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index - 60, running - 0 OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress Request Issued: GET /install/ Response: 200 { "playable" : false, "progress" : 0.000062, "playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000, "download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000, "time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index - 61, running - 0 OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. Request Issued: GET /install/ Response: 200 { "playable" : false, "progress" : 0.000062, "playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000, "download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000, "time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index - 62, running - 0 OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167

Recomputing Progress OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index - 63, running - 0 OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress Request Issued: GET /install/ Response: 200 { "playable" : false, "progress" : 0.000062, "playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000, "download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000, "time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index running - 0 OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index running - 0 Request Issued: GET /install/ Response: 200 { "playable" : false, "progress" : 0.000062, "playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000,

aga 64,



"download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000, "time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index - 66, running - 0 OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress Request Issued: GET /install/ Response: 200 { "playable" : false, "progress" : 0.000062, "playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000, "download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000, "time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index - 67, running - 0 OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index - 68, running - 0 OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167

Recomputing Progress Request Issued: GET /install/ Response: 200 { "playable" : false, "progress" : 0.000062, "playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000, "download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000, "time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index running - 0 OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index running - 0 OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress Request Issued: GET /install/



aga 70,

Response: 200 { "playable" : false, "progress" : 0.000062, "playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000, "download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000, "time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. OnProgress: source = 1

section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index - 71, running - 0 OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. Request Issued: GET /install/ Response: 200 { "playable" : false, "progress" : 0.000062, "playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000, "download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000, "time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index - 72, running - 0 OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index - 73, running - 0 OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress Request Issued: GET /install/ Response: 200 { "playable" : false, "progress" : 0.000062, "playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000, "download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000,

"time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index running - 0 OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index running - 0 Request Issued: GET /install/



aga 75,

Response: 200 { "playable" : false, "progress" : 0.000062, "playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000, "download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000, "time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index - 76, running - 0 OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found

Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. Request Issued: GET /install/ Response: 200 { "playable" : false, "progress" : 0.000062, "playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000, "download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000, "time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index - 77, running - 0 OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index - 78, running - 0 OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress Request Issued: GET /install/ Response: 200 { "playable" : false, "progress" : 0.000062, "playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000, "download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000, "time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index - 79, running - 0 OnProgress: source = 1

section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index - 80, running - 0 Request Issued: GET /install/ Response: 200 { "playable" : false, "progress" : 0.000062, "playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000, "download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000, "time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index - 81, running - 0 OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress Request Issued: GET /install/ Response: 200 { "playable" : false, "progress" : 0.000062, "playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000,

"download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000, "time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index - 82, running - 0 OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index - 83, running - 0 OnProgAgentMain start Argument[0]: 'C:/users/Public/Application Data/ Agent.exe' Argument[1]: '--locale=enUS' Argument[2]: '--session=16165932728051297098' Agent is running as Administrator. Database Insert: /option Database Insert: /agent Database Insert: / Database Insert: /version Database Insert: /repair Database Insert: /update Database Insert: /uninstall Database Insert: /install Database Insert: /gamesession Database Insert: /agent/download Database Insert: /backfill Database Insert: /game Database Insert: /createshortcut Database Insert: /spawned Database Insert: /agent/download Database Insert: /register Session Hash found: '16165932728051297098' Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d53180, index - 0, running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x00d53180, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x00d53180 Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d5 3b10, index - 1, running - 0 Initialize HttpProtocol Server Called. Post Request to Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d60af8, index - 2, running - 0 Agent started on port #6883 Executing operation: disable_firewall applicationPath="C:\users\Public\Applicati on Data\\Agent\Agent.beta.2753\Agent.exe" applicationName=" Update Agent" AgentAsAdmin failed to add a firewall exception for 'C:\users\Public\Application

Data\\Agent\Agent.beta.2753\Agent.exe'. Registered Periodic Event: "auth validation event" with a resolution of 10000 an d a start delay of 10000 Registered Event: "ResumeFromSuspendEvent" Registered Event: "InitiateSuspendEvent" Registered Event: "shutdown event" Registered Event: "database flush event" Registered Periodic Event: "network connection event" with a resolution of 60000 and a start delay of 0 Handle Event: "network connection event" OnComplete: handle - 0x00d60af8, result - 0, running - 2, request - found Post Response:| ;;2717;0;2717 Post Request to Queue Request for : handle - 0x00 d60af8, index - 3, running - 0 OnComplete: handle - 0x00d53b10, result - 0, running - 2, request - found OnComplete: handle - 0x00d60af8, result - 0, running - 1, request - found Post Response: t.64D06D40A648E86CFB6E29454CD8C48B; 753/a-beta-2753-win.mpq.torrent.CD5581A81FE203F41B82B40130F9A972;2753;2717;2753 Handle Event: "auth validation event" Registered Periodic Event: "shutdown event" with a resolution of 10000 and a sta rt delay of 10000 Handle Event: "shutdown event" Handle Event: "auth validation event" Agent is shutting down Firing Event: "database flush event" Database Remove: /option Database Remove: /agent Queue 'download' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'download' Resource Database Remove: / Deferred delete of 'download' Resource completed Database Remove: /register Queue 'registerroot' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'registerroot' Resource Database Remove: /game Deferred delete of 'registerroot' Resource completed Deferred delete of 'gameroot' Resource Deferred delete of 'gameroot' Resource completed

Queue 'gameroot' Resource for delete Database Remove: /repair Queue 'repairroot' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'repairroot' Resource Queue 'agentroot' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'repairroot' Resource completed Database Remove: /gamesession Deferred delete of 'agentroot' Resource Queue 'gamesessionroot' Resource for delete Database Remove: /backfill Queue 'backfillroot' Resource for delete Database Remove: /spawned Queue 'spawnedroot' Resource for delete Queue 'optionroot' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'agentroot' Resource completed Database Remove: /version Deferred delete of 'gamesessionroot' Resource Deferred delete of 'gamesessionroot' Resource completed Queue 'versionroot' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'backfillroot' Resource Database Remove: /update Deferred delete of 'backfillroot' Resource completed Queue 'updateroot' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'spawnedroot' Resource Database Remove: /createshortcut Deferred delete of 'spawnedroot' Resource completed Queue 'createshortcut' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'optionroot' Resource Database Remove: /uninstall Deferred delete of 'optionroot' Resource completed Queue 'uninstallroot' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'versionroot' Resource Database Remove: /install Deferred delete of 'versionroot' Resource completed Queue 'installroot' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'updateroot' Resource Deferred delete of 'updateroot' Resource completed Queue 'root' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'createshortcut' Resource Database Remove: /agent/download Deferred delete of 'createshortcut' Resource completed Queue 'download' Resource for delete Deferred delete of 'uninstallroot' Resource Deferred delete of 'uninstallroot' Resource completed Deferred delete of 'installroot' Resource Deferred delete of 'installroot' Resource completed Deferred delete of 'root' Resource Deferred delete of 'root' Resource completed Deferred delete of 'download' Resource Deferred delete of 'download' Resource completed Queue Request for : handle - 0x00d6 0af8, index - 4, running - 0 Deleting remaining resources OnComplete: handle - 0x00d60af8, result - 0, running - 1, request - found Cleanup: total requests process - 5 Connection statistics (times in milliseconds) latency = 0.000 ms bandwidth = 0.000 MB/sec downloadUrlCount: 0 downloadUrlCallTime: 0.000 (0.000000)

downloadUrlElapsedTime: 0.000 (0.000000) connectionsCreated: 0 connectionsClosed: 0 requestsCreated: 0 requestsClosed: 0 parseUrlTime: 0.000 (0.000000) createRequestTime: 0.000 (0.000000) createHeadersTime: 0.000 (0.000000) sendRequestTime: 0.000 (0.000000) httpSendRequestTime: 0.000 (0.000000) httpResponseTime: 0.000 (0.000000) readissued: 0 readsync: 0 readasync: 0 readfail: 0 readzero: 0 readnonzero: 0 readfileTime: 0.000 (0.000000) readfileWaitTime: 0.000 (0.000000) readfileResponseTime: 0.000 (0.000000) readCallbackTime: 0.000 (0.000000) readBytes: 0 ress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress Request Issued: GET /install/ Response: 200 { "playable" : false, "progress" : 0.000062, "playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000, "download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000, "time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index - 84, running - 0 OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress

OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index - 85, running - 0 OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress Request Issued: GET /install/ Response: 200 { "playable" : false, "progress" : 0.000062, "playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000, "download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000, "time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index - 86, running - 0 OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result - 28, running - 1, request - found Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle 0x019a6710 AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. Request Issued: GET /install/ Response: 200 { "playable" : false, "progress" : 0.000062, "playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000, "download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000, "time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } Queue Request for : handle - 0x019a6710, index - 87, running - 0 OnProgress:

source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress OnComplete: handle - 0x019a6710, result Attempts exhausted (0 total) for handle AgentCommunication: Could not establish in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress AgentCommunication: Could not establish in. AgentCommunication: Could not establish in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress Request Issued: GET /install/

- 28, running - 1, request - found 0x019a6710 a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga

a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga

Response: 200 { "playable" : false, "progress" : 0.000062, "playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000, "download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000, "time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } AgentCommunication: Could not establish a in. AgentCommunication: Could not establish a in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress AgentCommunication: Could not establish a in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress AgentCommunication: Could not establish a in. AgentCommunication: Could not establish a in. Request Issued: GET /install/ Response: 200 { "playable" : false,

connection to parent Agent. Trying aga connection to parent Agent. Trying aga

connection to parent Agent. Trying aga

connection to parent Agent. Trying aga connection to parent Agent. Trying aga

"progress" : 0.000062, "playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000, "download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000, "time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress AgentCommunication: Could not establish in. AgentCommunication: Could not establish in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress AgentCommunication: Could not establish in. AgentCommunication: Could not establish in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress AgentCommunication: Could not establish in. Request Issued: GET /install/

a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga

a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga

a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga

Response: 200 { "playable" : false, "progress" : 0.000062, "playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000, "download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000, "time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0

progress=6167 Recomputing Progress AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. Request Issued: GET /install/ Response: 200 { "playable" : false, "progress" : 0.000062, "playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000, "download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000, "time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress AgentCommunication: Could not establish a in. AgentCommunication: Could not establish a in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress AgentCommunication: Could not establish a in. AgentCommunication: Could not establish a in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress AgentCommunication: Could not establish a in. Request Issued: GET /install/

connection to parent Agent. Trying aga connection to parent Agent. Trying aga

connection to parent Agent. Trying aga connection to parent Agent. Trying aga

connection to parent Agent. Trying aga

Response: 200 { "playable" : false, "progress" : 0.000062, "playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000, "download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000, "time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. OnProgress:

source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress AgentCommunication: Could not establish in. AgentCommunication: Could not establish in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress AgentCommunication: Could not establish in. AgentCommunication: Could not establish in. Request Issued: GET /install/

a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga

a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga

Response: 200 { "playable" : false, "progress" : 0.000062, "playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000, "download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000, "time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress AgentCommunication: Could not establish a in. AgentCommunication: Could not establish a in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress AgentCommunication: Could not establish a in. AgentCommunication: Could not establish a in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress AgentCommunication: Could not establish a in. Request Issued: GET /install/ Response: 200 { "playable" : false,

connection to parent Agent. Trying aga connection to parent Agent. Trying aga

connection to parent Agent. Trying aga connection to parent Agent. Trying aga

connection to parent Agent. Trying aga

"progress" : 0.000062, "playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000, "download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000, "time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } AgentCommunication: Could not establish in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress AgentCommunication: Could not establish in. AgentCommunication: Could not establish in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress AgentCommunication: Could not establish in. AgentCommunication: Could not establish in. Request Issued: GET /install/ a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga

a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga

a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga

Response: 200 { "playable" : false, "progress" : 0.000062, "playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000, "download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000, "time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress AgentCommunication: Could not establish a in. AgentCommunication: Could not establish a in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress AgentCommunication: Could not establish a in. AgentCommunication: Could not establish a in. OnProgress:

connection to parent Agent. Trying aga connection to parent Agent. Trying aga

connection to parent Agent. Trying aga connection to parent Agent. Trying aga

source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress Request Issued: GET /install/ AgentCommunication: Could not establish a in. Response: 200 { "playable" : false, "progress" : 0.000062, "playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000, "download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000, "time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } AgentCommunication: Could not establish a in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress AgentCommunication: Could not establish a in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress AgentCommunication: Could not establish a in. AgentCommunication: Could not establish a in. Request Issued: GET /install/ connection to parent Agent. Trying aga

connection to parent Agent. Trying aga

connection to parent Agent. Trying aga

connection to parent Agent. Trying aga connection to parent Agent. Trying aga

Response: 200 { "playable" : false, "progress" : 0.000062, "playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000, "download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000, "time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. OnProgress:

source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. Request Issued: GET /install/ Response: 200 { "playable" : false, "progress" : 0.000062, "playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000, "download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000, "time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputfixme:hnetcfg:fw_profile_get_NotificationsDisabled 0x13bb10, 0x119e338 ing Progress AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress Request Issued: GET /install/ Response: 200 { "playable" : false, "progress" : 0.000062,

"playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000, "download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000, "time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } AgentCommunication: Could not establish in. AgentCommunication: Could not establish in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress AgentCommunication: Could not establish in. AgentCommunication: Could not establish in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress AgentCommunication: Could not establish in. Request Issued: GET /install/ a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga

a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga

a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga

Response: 200 { "playable" : false, "progress" : 0.000062, "playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000, "download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000, "time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } AgentCommunication: Could not establish a in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress AgentCommunication: Could not establish a in. AgentCommunication: Could not establish a in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress AgentCommunication: Could not establish a in. AgentCommunication: Could not establish a in.

connection to parent Agent. Trying aga

connection to parent Agent. Trying aga connection to parent Agent. Trying aga

connection to parent Agent. Trying aga connection to parent Agent. Trying aga

OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress Request Issued: GET /install/ Response: 200 { "playable" : false, "progress" : 0.000062, "playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000, "download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000, "time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } AgentCommunication: Could not establish a in. AgentCommunication: Could not establish a in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress AgentCommunication: Could not establish a in. AgentCommunication: Could not establish a in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress AgentCommunication: Could not establish a in. Request Issued: GET /install/

connection to parent Agent. Trying aga connection to parent Agent. Trying aga

connection to parent Agent. Trying aga connection to parent Agent. Trying aga

connection to parent Agent. Trying aga

Response: 200 { "playable" : false, "progress" : 0.000062, "playable_progress" : 0.000062, "download_rate" : 0.000000, "download_remaining" : 0.000000, "time_playable" : 99.000000, "time_complete" : 99.000000, "state" : 1002.000000 } AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in. OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress AgentCommunication: Could not establish a connection to parent Agent. Trying aga in.

AgentCommunication: Failed to establish a connection to the parent Agent on port 1120. Executing operation: disable_firewall applicationPath="C:\users\Public\Applicati on Data\\Agent\Agent.beta.2753\Agent.exe" applicationName=" Update Agent" AgentAsAdmin failed to add a firewall exception for 'C:\users\Public\Application Data\\Agent\Agent.beta.2753\Agent.exe'. Registered Periodic Event: "auth validation event" with a resolutfixme:winsock:W SAIoctl SIO_GET_EXTENSION_FUNCTION_POINTER: unimplemented TransmitFile fixme:winsock:WS_setsockopt IPV6_PROTECTION_LEVEL is ignored! ion of 10000 and a start delay of 10000 OnProgress: source = 1 section = 0 progress=6167 Recomputing Progress Downloader State change: 1 Downloader State change: 0 Registered Event: "ResumeFromSuspendEvent" Registered Event: "InitiateSuspendEvent" Registered Event: "shutdown event" Reg