windows azure virtual machines anton boyko. a continuous offering from private to public cloud

Download Windows Azure Virtual Machines Anton Boyko. A Continuous Offering From Private to Public Cloud

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  • Slide 1

Windows Azure Virtual Machines Anton Boyko Slide 2 A Continuous Offering From Private to Public Cloud Slide 3 Windows Azure Virtual Machines Support for key server applications Easy storage manageability High availability features Advanced networking Integration with compute PaaS Slide 4 Line of Business Applications Custom Applications, CRM, CMS, ERP, Business Intelligence Application Infrastructure File Servers, Databases, Identity, Source Control Developer, Test and Staging Environments Quickly Provision and Un-provision Entire Environments Hybrid Applications Applications that span your data center and the cloud IaaS Workloads all about the app Slide 5 Images Available at Preview Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows Server 2008 R2 with SQL Server 2012 Evaluation Windows Server 2012 OpenSUSE 12.1 CentOS 6.2 Ubuntu 12.04 SUSE Linux Enterprise Server SP2 Slide 6 Getting Started with VMs Slide 7 Cloud First Provisioning Management Portal >_ Scripting (Windows, Linux and Mac) REST API Windows Server Linux Extra Small Small Medium Large X-Large Cloud Boot VM from New Disk Slide 8 Cloud Bring Your Own Server/VHD On-Premises On Premises Virtual Server Provision VM from Image or Disk using portal, script or API MyApp.vhd Slide 9 Imaging VMs in the Cloud Cloud Identical/similar deployment instances using common OS image as start Capture VM Saves Customized Image to Your Image Library Base.VHD Slide 10 Image Mobility On-PremisesCloud MyApp.vhd Slide 11 Persistent Disks and Highly Durable Slide 12 Slide 13 Virtual Machine Sizes and Storage Each Persistent Data Disk Can be up to 1 TB VM SizeCPU CoresMemoryBandwidth # Data Disks Extra SmallShared768 MB5 (Mbps)1 Small11.75 GB100 (Mbps)2 Medium23.5 GB200 (Mbps)4 Large47 GB400 (Mbps)8 Extra Large814 GB800 (Mbps)16 Slide 14 Disks and Images Slide 15 Virtual Machine Networking Slide 16 Full Control Over Machine Names Windows Azure provided DNS Resolves VMs by name within the same cloud service Machine names are modeled explicitly and registered in the DNS service Bring Your Own DNS Server Use your on-premises DNS servers Deploy a DNS server in Windows Azure Use public DNS services Virtual Machine Names and DNS Slide 17 Protocols and Endpoints UDP Traffic Supported in WA Load-balanced incoming traffic and allows outbound traffic Support for All IP-Based Protocols (VM to VM) Instance-to-instance communication TCP, UDP and ICMP, dynamic ports Port Forwarded Endpoints Direct communication to multiple VMs in the same cloud app Custom Load Balancer Health Probes Health check with probe timeouts HTTP based probing, allowing granular control of health checks Slide 18 Endpoint Public Port Local Port Protocol (TCP/UDP) Name Port Forwarding Input Endpoints Single Public IP Per Cloud Service Slide 19 Endpoint Public Port Local Port Protocol (TCP/UDP) Name Load Balanced Sets Slide 20 Load Balancer Probe Set Name Protocol (TCP) Probe Port Probe Path (/healthcheck.aspx) Looks for HTTP 200 Load Balancer Custom Probes Slide 21 Virtual Machine Availability Slide 22 Service Level Agreements Whats included Compute Hardware failure (disk, cpu, memory) Datacenter failures - Network failure, power failure Hardware upgrades, Software maintenance Host OS Updates Planned downtime 6 day notice, 6 hour window, 25 minute downtime What is not included VM crashes caused by 3 rd party software, Guest OS Updates 99.95% for multiple role instances 4.38 hours of downtime per year Slide 23 Fault and Update Domains Fault Domains Represent groups of resources anticipated to fail together i.e. Same rack, same server Fabric spreads instances across fault at least 2 fault domains Update Domains Represents groups of resources that will be updated together Host OS updates honour service update domains Specified in service definition Default of 5 (up to 20) Fabric spreads role instances across Update Domains and Fault Domains Slide 24 Virtual Machine Availability Sets Update Domains are honored by host OS updates Slide 25 Redundancy at every level End to End Highly Available Solution Web Role SQL Mirroring SQL-AVSET IIS-AVSET Slide 26 Windows Azure Web Sites Anton Boyko Slide 27 Web Sites in Perspective Slide 28 Slide 29 Supported Web Frameworks Slide 30 Supported Publishing Methods Slide 31 Windows Azure Web App Gallery Slide 32 Windows Azure Store Slide 33 Windows Azure Web Sites Slide 34 Start Simple Get started with 10 free web sites Create new sites in seconds Easily manage and scale your sites Automatic load balancing and shared storage across instances Scale out or up to reserved instances for improved performance and scale Slide 35 Code Smart Use ASP.NET, ASP, PHP, Node.js SQL Azure or MySQL databases Start with open source apps Develop with VS and WebMatrix Supports any Web development tool on any platform (Windows, OSX, Linux) Slide 36 Go Live Rapid deployment for quick iteration Integrated source control with Team Foundation Server (TFS) and Git Built-in monitoring of perf and usage data Quick access to request logs, failed requests diagnostics and diagnostics Slide 37 Application Scenarios Slide 38 Slide 39 Q & A