will you let this day be that day in you? every man's work shall be shall declare shall be...


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Page 1: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1
Page 2: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1

Will you let Will you let THIS THIS DayDay be be THAT THAT DayDay

in in YOUYOU??

Page 3: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1

1 Corinthians 3:10-15 According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a

wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon. For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any man build upon

this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble; Every man's Every man's work shall be work shall be made manifest: for the day

shall declare shall declare it, because it shall be shall be revealed revealed by fire; and the fire shall try

every man's work of what sort it is. If any man's work abide which he hath built

thereupon, he shall receive a rewardhe shall receive a reward. If any man's work shall be burned, he shall he shall suffer losssuffer loss: but he himself shall be saved;

yet so as by fire.

Page 4: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1

The The BemaBema

2 Corinthians 5:10 For we must allall appear before the judgment seat of

Christ; that every one every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good

or bad. 2 Corinthians 5:11 Knowing therefore therefore

the terror of the Lordterror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are made manifest unto

God; and I trust also are made manifest in your consciences.

Page 5: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1

The The BemaBema

Romans 14:10 But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou

set at nought thy brother? for we shall

allall stand before the judgment seat of Christ.

Romans 14:12 So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.

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•Crown of RighteousnessCrown of Righteousness, , Incorruptible Crown, Incorruptible Crown, Crown of Crown of

LifeLife, Crown of Rejoicing, , Crown of Rejoicing, Crown of Glory Crown of Glory

Page 7: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1

The BemaThe Bema

TheThe StewardshipStewardship ofof::

The LIFE of GodThe LIFE of GodThe GOSPEL of GodThe GOSPEL of GodThe GIFTS of GodThe GIFTS of God


Page 8: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1

•2 Corinthians 5:15 And that He died for all, ,

that they which live that they which live should not henceforth should not henceforth live unto themselveslive unto themselves, but unto Himbut unto Him which

died for them, and rose again.

Page 9: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1

The BemaThe Bema


(For (For LivingLiving Righteously)Righteously)


(For Being (For Being CountedCounted WorthyWorthy))


(For (For Investing In His Kingdom)Investing In His Kingdom)

Page 10: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1

The The BemaBema

2 John 1:8 Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have

wrought, but that we receive a full reward.

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Page 12: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1

•2 Peter 3:18 But grow grow in gracein grace, and and inin the knowledgeknowledge of our Lord and Saviour

Jesus Christ. To him To him bebe glory glory both now both now

and for everand for ever. Amen.

Page 13: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1

• Romans 1:20 For the For the invisible things of him invisible things of him

from the creation of the from the creation of the world are clearly seen, world are clearly seen,

being understood by the being understood by the things that are madethings that are made,

even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are

without excusewithout excuse

Page 14: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1

1.1. BabyBaby

2.2. Little ChildLittle Child

3.3. ChildrenChildren

4.4. Young ManYoung Man

5.5. FatherFather

6.6. ElderElder

7.7. AgedAged

Page 15: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1

•1 Peter 2:2 As As newborn babesnewborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow grow

thereby: thereby:

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Page 17: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1
Page 18: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1


““Born AgainBorn Again”” Knows Knows NothingNothing Except what Except what

was necessary was necessary for salvation.for salvation.

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Page 20: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1



ONETimeONETime: : Worship ServiceWorship Service. It’s about . It’s about ONE Person and that ONE is not us. ONE Person and that ONE is not us. It’s a time when time doesn’t matter. It’s a time when time doesn’t matter. It’s our time to be equipped for the It’s our time to be equipped for the

ONE Who’s time it is.ONE Who’s time it is.

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ONELink: ONELink: Fellowship Groups.Fellowship Groups. This a very integral part of fulfilling This a very integral part of fulfilling the ONE Way. These groups are the ONE Way. These groups are ONEs Link to ONEs Link to the wordthe word, Link to , Link to

each othereach other, and Link with , and Link with ministryministry..

Page 22: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1



ONE-on-ONEONE-on-ONE: : DiscipleshipDiscipleship.. It’s our appointment to “commit thou to It’s our appointment to “commit thou to faithful men” (2 Timothy 2:2). The Great faithful men” (2 Timothy 2:2). The Great

Commission Commission isis making disciples; making disciples; therefore, we must be purposed in our therefore, we must be purposed in our

pursuit of discipleship. pursuit of discipleship.

Page 23: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1



ONETouchONETouch: : Inreach/OutreachInreach/Outreach.. It’s our opportunity to offer It’s our opportunity to offer HISHIS touch, through us, to touch, through us, to

others. others.

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Page 25: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1


““Born AgainBorn Again”” Knows Knows NothingNothing Except what Except what

was necessary was necessary for salvation.for salvation.

Page 26: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1

•1 Peter 2:2 As As newborn babesnewborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the wordmilk of the word, that ye may grow grow

thereby thereby

Page 27: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1

1.1. BabyBaby

2.2. LittleLittle ChildChild

3.3. ChildrenChildren

4.4. Young ManYoung Man

5.5. FatherFather

6.6. ElderElder

7.7. AgedAged

Page 28: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1

Little ChildLittle Child

““Eternally SecureEternally Secure””

Knows Knows they’re they’re savedsaved

But not much But not much elseelse

Page 29: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1

1.1. BabyBaby

2.2. Little ChildLittle Child

3.3. ChildrenChildren

4.4. Young ManYoung Man

5.5. FatherFather

6.6. ElderElder

7.7. AgedAged

Page 30: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1

ChildrenChildren““GrowingGrowing””, but not , but not

““Full GrownFull Grown”” Knows Knows enough enough

to be to be dangerousdangerous

Very VulnerableVery Vulnerable

Page 31: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1

•1 Corinthians 10:12 Wherefore

let him that let him that thinketh he thinketh he

standeth standeth take take heedheed lest he fall.

Page 32: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1

1.1. BabyBaby

2.2. Little ChildLittle Child

3.3. ChildrenChildren

4.4. YoungYoung ManMan

5.5. FatherFather

6.6. ElderElder

7.7. AgedAged

Page 33: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1

Young MenYoung Men

““StrongStrong”” Knows Knows the word the word Not Vulnerable, Not Vulnerable,


Page 34: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1

•James 1:14 But every man is

tempted, when he is drawn away of drawn away of his own lusthis own lust, and


Page 35: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1

• Romans 8:22-23 For we know that the whole creation

groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. And not

only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for waiting for

the adoption, to wit, the the redemption of our bodyredemption of our body.

Page 36: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1

• 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost

which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your

own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify therefore glorify

God in your body, and in God in your body, and in your spirit, which are your spirit, which are

God's. God's.

Page 37: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1

• 2 Corinthians 11:3-4 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent

beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

For if he that cometh preacheth preacheth another Jesusanother Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another receive another spiritspirit, which ye have not received, received, or another gospelor another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear

with him.

Page 38: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1

Young MenYoung Men

““StrongStrong”” Knows Knows the word the word Not Vulnerable, Not Vulnerable,


Page 39: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1

• Hebrews 4:12 For the word the word of God of God isis quick, and

powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the thoughts and intents of

the heartthe heart.

Page 40: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1

•Proverbs 16:18 Pride goeth

before destruction, and an haughty spirit

before a fall.

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• 1 Corinthians 8:1(b) …

Knowledge puffeth up, butbut charity edifieth.

Page 42: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1

1.1. BabyBaby

2.2. Little ChildLittle Child

3.3. ChildrenChildren

4.4. Young ManYoung Man

5.5. FatherFather

6.6. ElderElder

7.7. AgedAged

Page 43: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1

FatherFather““Fully Developed Fully Developed

&& Spiritually Spiritually MatureMature””

Knows Knows the God the God of the wordof the word

Reproducing Reproducing ReproducersReproducers

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Page 45: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1

FatherFather““Fully Developed Fully Developed

&& Spiritually Spiritually MatureMature””

Knows Knows the God the God of the wordof the word

Reproducing Reproducing ReproducersReproducers

Page 46: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1

• 1 Peter 3:15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts:

and bebe ready always to ready always to givegive an answer to every an answer to every man that asketh you a man that asketh you a reason of the hope that reason of the hope that is in you is in you with meekness

and fear

Page 47: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1

FatherFather““Fully Developed Fully Developed

&& Spiritually Spiritually MatureMature””

Knows Knows the God the God of the wordof the word

Reproducing Reproducing ReproducersReproducers

Page 48: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1

1.1. BabyBaby

2.2. Little ChildLittle Child

3.3. ChildrenChildren

4.4. Young ManYoung Man

5.5. FatherFather

6.6. ElderElder

7.7. AgedAged

Page 49: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1

• 1 Peter 5:1-3 The elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an an elderelder, and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed: Feed Feed the flock of God which is among the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight you, taking the oversight thereofthereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind;

Neither as being lords over God's heritage, but being ensamples to the


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• Acts 20:17 And from Miletus he sent to Ephesus, and called

the elders the elders of the church. • Acts 20:28 Take heed therefore therefore

unto yourselves, and to all the unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy flock, over the which the Holy

Ghost hath made you Ghost hath made you overseersoverseers, to feed the church of to feed the church of GodGod, which he hath purchased

with his own blood.

Page 51: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1

1.1. BabyBaby

2.2. Little ChildLittle Child

3.3. ChildrenChildren

4.4. Young ManYoung Man

5.5. FatherFather

6.6. ElderElder

7.7. AgedAged

Page 52: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1


““ExperiencedExperienced”” Knows Knows peoplepeople Their lives are Their lives are

““ShepherdShepherd”” like.like.

Page 53: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1

1.1. BabyBaby

2.2. Little ChildLittle Child

3.3. ChildrenChildren

4.4. Young ManYoung Man

5.5. FatherFather

6.6. ElderElder

7.7. AgedAged

Page 54: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1

• Philemon 1:9 Yet for love's sake I rather beseech thee, being such an one as Paul Paul the agedthe aged, and now also a prisoner of Jesus Christ.

• Psalms 92:14 They shall still bring forth fruit in old still bring forth fruit in old

ageage; they shall be fat and flourishing

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““ExperiencedExperienced”” Knows Knows LifeLife A resource A resource

for Feedfor Feedinging && FeedFeedersers, alike, alike

Page 56: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1

1.1. BabyBaby

2.2. Little ChildLittle Child

3.3. ChildrenChildren

4.4. Young ManYoung Man

5.5. FatherFather

6.6. ElderElder

7.7. AgedAged

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Page 58: Will you let THIS Day be THAT Day in YOU? Every man's work shall be shall declare shall be revealed he shall receive a reward he shall suffer loss 1


Little Child… Little Child… KNOWLEDGEKNOWLEDGE

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Little Child… Little Child… KNOWLEDGEKNOWLEDGE


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Little Child… Little Child… KNOWLEDGEKNOWLEDGE



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Little Child… Little Child… KNOWLEDGEKNOWLEDGE




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Little Child… Little Child… KNOWLEDGEKNOWLEDGE





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Little Child… Little Child… KNOWLEDGEKNOWLEDGE