will technology destroy our planet

Will Technology Destroy our Planet? Written by Alexander ford

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final assignment project by alex ford. gg-aleford


Page 1: Will technology destroy our planet

Will Technology Destroy our Planet?

Written by Alexander ford

Page 2: Will technology destroy our planet

Dangerous Technology

• There are many Technologies that are harmful to the environment and to those that inhabit it. A few examples are:

• Technologies such as the automobile, up until recently all cars ran purely on gasoline or diesel. All of the technologies that deal with the burning of fossil fuels contribute to the massive spike in pollution in recent years.

• Coal fired power plants are a major contributor to air pollution as well as contamination of our lakes and river systems. Dangerous metals such as mercury are released from these plants which harms the creatures that inhabit the lakes and oceans.

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Carbon dioxide levels

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Dangerous tech. cont.

• Since WW1 and WW2, we have created the worlds most destructive weapons, hydrogen bombs, chemical warfare, tanks, bomber planes and worst of all the Atomic bomb.

• The atomic bomb is a massively destructive force and has been used once for warfare purposes since its creation.

• The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki caused the deaths of over 240’000 people, and destroyed both cities. This from just 2 atomic bombs, the damage was not just immediate there were residual effects due to the radiation poisoning caused; miscarriages and birth defects, stunted growth, retardation and increase of leukemia cases.

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Society and Technology

• When ever I think about what life would be like without technology, I tend to think that a lot of our problems would just go away; less pollution, the environment would have time to recover, things would be a lot simpler. Much like the !hung tribe described in our text book.

• The biggest problem our western society will have to face is when we no longer have electricity, our world would be turned upside down. Electricity is our lifeline, it provides our technology with the energy it requires to function, life without technology is rough and very time consuming compared to how fast and reliable our technology is. We have become so blind to how much harder our lives truly are without technology.

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Society and tech. cont.

• Because of technology like the internet and computers we have become lazy and practically require these devices as a crutch, in order to function. Gone are the days of mail or books, information is at our finger tips and because of that if anything wrong ever happens to the internet we would have to fall back to square one, which is a slow and unconventional.

• Automobiles have been such a benefit to our society and its hard to imagine having to walk vast distances just to go to work or to the supermarket.

• These technologies however harmful are a necessity to our modern way of life.

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Prevention, protection

• We still have time to fix the problems we have caused to the environment, so far we have begun to move to more environmentally friendly energy sources and commissioned the removal of coal power plants and even created energy efficient vehicles that run off electricity.

• These solutions need to catch on faster if we are to continue to grow in population, we are currently at 7 billion and growing, many more disasters are to occur in the future to counter act this growth, perhaps we require an intervention of sorts to limit the population, perhaps limit the amount of births per family.

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Prevention, protection. Cont.

• With advanced healthcare technology increasing the life span of our society, we require measures to protect the balance that are not natural i.e. (Tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis,) China’s one-child policy is an excellent example of population control, it requires families to allow the birth of one child, this law helps to increase the economy by reducing demand of natural resources and reduced unemployment. This law has also impacted the health care of China, by reducing the amount of births china is able to provide better services to women who are pregnant.

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So will technology destroy the planet?

• No, not even the worlds greatest bond villain could “destroy the planet”.

• There are not enough atomic bombs powerful enough to destroy earth.

• pollution can potentially kill much of the environment, however as the population decreases the amount of pollution produced would decrease. Everything has a cycle, in nature when a population reaches its carrying capacity the species will die off due to starvation or disease, I see no difference for the human population and the pollution we create.

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• With the development of renewable energy sources and the reduction in air and water pollutants, perhaps our future wont be so destructive as we perceive it to be.

• Technology can do our society a lot of good, we must be wise and cautious when we create, there is no more room for mistakes.

• I can only hope we strive to make our technology safer and cleaner for the future.

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• Leukemia caused by radiation http://www.rerf.or.jp/general/qa_e/qa2.html

• One child policy http://www.china.org.cn/english/2002/Oct/46138.htm

• Hiroshima and Nagasaki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_bombings_of_Hiroshima_and_Nagasaki