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Page 1: Wildcat Times

Wildcat Press

Page 2: Wildcat Times

On January 12, 1999 a

young blond haired boy

named John at the age of

13, in Grade 8. He had

brought two threatening

items to school. There was

a lockdown after the

threatening scene. The boy

was carrying a handgun

and a knife. Police have

investigated the major

scene and have got as much

information as possible.

A young witness named

Colin in Grade 6 said that

John was trying to

threaten Dylan because

he had said that he wanted

to fight him. They still

didn’t understand why this


Wildcat Press

Go to any Norfolk

County Library and

buy old books for


Call: 519-586-0099

for hours

Schoo l


Volume 1, Issue 1 During lunchtime one day

Colin overheard John talking to

Dylan “ If you call me that one

more time it one I’ll fight you!”

Dylan replied “ ok you’re a

“wimp” I’ll fight you, meet out-

side tomorrow at 2nd period!”

The boys did meet outside at

2nd period and instead of John

fighting Dylan, John brought a

handgun and a knife. Teachers

saw what had happened and

called a lockdown because this

scene was to dangerous. She

said “ What is going on! I’m

calling the police” John ran away

right after he caught a glance at

the Teachers! If you see him

around call 1-800-OPP1 and he

will go into court.

Young boy with a gun

thinking its very funny to

hold one and hurt some-


Kid threatens boy with handgun and

knife! By: Ruth

Newspaper Deliverers Needed Lakeshore Shopper in Port Rowan

needs a deliverer for Route 563.

Go to any Norfolk County

Library and buy old

books for $1.00! needs a deliverer for Route 563.

Call 1-800– 454– 7899.

Page 3: Wildcat Times

the team captains and are coach is

Lisa and our roll is to make sure

every one does there part. We also

teach them dances and work with

them on there stunts and dances”.

My final question is: About how

many people are on the squad and

are there any boy cheerleaders?

There is 14 people on the squad all

girls. Guys can sign up but no one

did. Now you know a little more

about Port Rowan Public School and

there cheerleading squad. Boys

should sign up so the cheerleaders

have strong guys to hold them up.

Thanks Sarah for letting us come and

interview you.

I’m interviewing Sarah a cheerleader

at Port Rowan Public School. I asked

her a few questions my first question

was: When did you start cheerlead-

ing? She said “ I started in grade 5

and went through the year and now

I’m in grade 8" Then I asked: What

was the first routine you learnt? The

first routine of this year was

“Superman” to a bunch of songs put

together. Then I asked: Who is the

team captain and the coach and what

is the captains roll? “ Alison and I are

Interviewing : David Bacro

From the day sports in elementary school

started, many kids have been trying their

best to participate in the regular school

sports, that every school has example:

basketball, soccer, badminton, and volley-

ball. Girls and boys have been wondering

shouldn't elementary schools have higher

leveled sports team like ball hockey,

hockey team, lacrosse and rugby? Now

lets interview someone very athletic who

tries his best at any sport, named David.

David stated that it would be a great

idea if elementary schools could have

higher sports teams like a hockey team

for boys and girls but only grades 6 –8.

Also he thinks their shouldn't be any

rugby or lacrosse because not many peo-

ple would know how to play it.

Would the participants have to pay to

play on a hockey team at school? Well

they should have to pay because the

coaches of the team would have to buy

ice time for the team so they can practice

and play games. Described an athletic


The schools would enjoy this event but

mostly only the athletic boys and girls

because it wouldn't be any use to the

ones who don't like to play sports, stated


David quoted “If elemen-tary schools did

this I would

totally partici-

pate because I

love to play

hockey espe-

cially with my

friends from


Should schools have harder sports? By: Ruth

Port Rowan Public School Cheerleading By: Summer

Wildcat Press Page 3

“Cheerleading isn’t easy by

any means.” commented

Kailey Petz.

Ball hockey being played at

school on a cool looking day.

Today I interviewed Mr. Muth on his

coaching experience at Port Rowan


He said, “I’ve coached junior mixed

volleyball since teaching at St.Williams

and Port Rowan. I also coached soccer

and baseball.”

He believes that wining and

having fun in sports creates great school

spirit. School sports can change stu-

dents attitudes. They also how to play

the game.

Sports from a Coaching Perspective

Mr. Muth once thought coaching was too

difficult “When I did it I felt enthusiasm for

coaching. It’s was a lot like directing school

plays. When you see kids succeed it drives

you even move.”

His best game was winning a pen-

nant at Simcoe Composite.

Mr. Muth coaching one of his


By: Angel

Page 4: Wildcat Times

On Saturday,March,19,2012 a grade 6

boy named Liam was hit by a drunk

driver at 5:30pm. It was a hit and run

moment . Liam was out walking his

dog when he went to cross the road on

hwy 3 and was hit. Paramedics where

called when Liam’s parents went out

to see why he was taking so long and

they found him dead on the side of the

road. His dog was laying beside him

when they found Liam. Paramedics

arrived and tried to resuscitate him but

he was gone. There was a witness and

they said “The young boy crossed the

road and the driver came spinning out

of control and hit the boy, the driver

never stopped”. Police are still search-

ing for the driver if you know anything

please call 1-800-crime. Liam’s life

will be held Saturday,March,24,2012


FUNERAL HOME. 102, First ave,

Port Rowan. (519)586-2251. Pastor

Bowman officiating for those wishing

donations to the DRIVE SOBER.

Would be greatly appreciate.

son’s class.

Both teacher’s presented

Ann with a “thank you”

gift on the last day and

welcomed Ann back for

another week of art the

next year.

Miss. Tara Hutchinson’s and Mrs. Diane

Whitside’s class participated in an art pro-

ject February 6th- 10th.

Ann Barber of Toronto works with

Shadow Land Theater on Toronto Island.

She’s been coming to Port Rowan Public

School for three years and working for five

days with the two classes of students on the

Arts. She spent three periods with each

class per day alternating mornings and

afternoons to the classes schedules. From

February 6th- 10th Ann taught the classes

how to act, perform and make masks or

puppets. Miss. Hutchinson’s class made

masks of historic figures and put on skits.

“It was really cool.” commented

Taylor Duits, one of the

students who participated

in the mask making. Mrs.

Whitside’s class created

puppets. Both classes

used the materials they

had at hand or brought in

from home.

“It was a wonderful

opportunity for the kids to

display their artistic abil-

ity's.” said Kathy Kinsley

an EA for the school who

works with Miss. Hutchin-

cess, if the students play properly and if she

enjoys recess in general.

Many students get held back from recess

for reason from not cleaning their desks to

misbehaving. Elaina commented on how

she is at the most only held in once a week.

Recess is a privilege students have when

we behave and get our job done in class.

We pay a small price for our fun time out-

side. Let’s keep recess fun and behave on

the yard and in class.

Recess. The time we get for our selves

twice a day, ten times a week. We let loose,

play and hang with our friends and/or class-

mates. I interviewed my sister- Elaina in

Mrs. Connors class- on the subject of of this

yard time fun.

It doesn’t matter if the suns shining or it’s

snowing students enjoy recess no matter

what the weather conditions are. We take

advantage of snow: to make snowmen or

snow forts and we take advantage of the

sunny summer days: playing tag or doing

sports. But there are rules and my sister

had to think a little before answering my

question as to what they are. No hands on,

no inappropriate language, don’t exclude

other students, don’t be mean, don’t be

rude, be respectful to other students, teach-

ers and do as teachers say without farther

argument are the basic rules of re-

cess. With the additions of first recess the

swings are to be used by the students

in grade three and younger, at second

recess student in grade four and higher can

use the swings and certain game restric-


Our school’s recess spans from 10:25-

11:10 and 12:50- 1:35 (including nutrition

breaks), are scheduled before nutrition

break unlike some schools and occur twice

a day.

“Yes, because it gives kids a chance to

exercise after sitting down for a while.”

stated Elaina when I asked her if we should

have recess. Elaina also answered “yes” to

liking the time recess is, if it’s safe at re-

Student Dies at P.R.P.S By: Summer

Artist in the Classes By: Kailey

Recess By: Kailey

Page 4 Volume 1, Issue 1

Masks in the making.

Please donate.

Page 5: Wildcat Times

Miss Payne the prince able of

P.R.P.S says “The students of

PRPS are usually angels but last

Tuesday they were like savage


Police say “If the fight lasted any

longer that instead of walking

away with bumps and scraped

that the kids would walk away

with broken bones!” Good thing

that it didn't get any worse!

Because of this fight PRPS is put-

ting its foot down and is having

more rules about bullying and


Last Tuesday there was a hu-

mongous fight every body in Miss

H’s Grade 7 class was involved in

this fight of all fights

Last Tuesday there was a hu-

mongous fight every body in Miss

H’s Grade 7 class was involved in

this fight of all fights

How has technology changed in the

class room? We asked Ryan Haley and

he said Yes! Technology has changed a


Techaoligy in the class room has

changed because. In 2004 We didn't

have the faster black computers we had

the SLOW!! White pieces of junk!

One of the ways technology has

changed the host is. Back in 2004 we

had a lot of TV’s on TV stands that sat

out side oif thed library now we wach

movies on the smart board or on com-


Another way thechnoligy has

changed is. Every body is bringing

cell phones to school so many people

have brung cell phones to school that

we have to have rules that you cant

text or even keep your cell phone in

your pocket.

Those are just a feiew ways technol-

ogy has changed since 2004.

Technology in the class room By: Matthew

Wildcat Press Page 5

A picture of one faster computer in PRPS.

Carter Allen Oliver Walsh loves to be

the schools D.J. for school dances.

What Carter does before the dance and

after the dance Carter helps set Up the

dance and take down the dance. Carter

also picks the song that the students

want. Carter Walsh loves to be a D.J. at

our school dances. Carter said “That at

the first dance athon it went on from

12:00 am till 4:00pm and now the

dance athon is only 1:00pm till 3:00


Carter says it is hard to find songs without swearing

and that is appropriate. At the dances they sell

freezies, gum, glow-sticks, and you don’t want to

dance you can play Wii. The dances are really fun we

also have snow balls were two people a girl and a boy

go in the center of the gym and slow dance then the

D.J. witch is Carter says “SNOW BALL” and the two

people go and grab another person then he keeps

saying “SNOW BALL” every few seconds and then

every one is in the center slow dancing. The dances

are awesome and fun they are a blast but everyone

wishes they were longer a few more hours and way


School Fight By: Matthew


By: Dylan K

Page 6: Wildcat Times

Teacher: That's good.

Pupil: Good?, that's perfect!

A history joke~

Why did the knight run about

shouting for a tin opneder?

He had a bee in his suit of ar-


A history joke~

How did the Vikings send se-

cret messages?

By norse code!

A math joke~

Teacher: What's 2 and 2?

Pupil: 4

Students at Port Rowan Public School

saw a pack of wild bobcats during after-

noon recess going through the parking lot

yesterday, April 3, 2012.

It was brought to the attention of a yard

duty teacher that there were bobcats near

the school. Someone told the principal and

a lock down occurred. Students rushed

into their classrooms and they closed the

blinds so the bobcats wouldn’t break

through the windows. The bobcats were

orange and big and they believed they had


Miss Hutchinson was on duty at the time

and said “We never had bobcats at the

school before and it was scary for the stu-

dents. They were nervous, shocked and

scared. The bobcats were orange and big

and were believed to have rabies.

The Principal, Mrs. Margaret Payne was

interviewed and said “I’ve never been in

a situation like this before and didn’t

know what to do. It made sense to have

a lockdown”.

The majority of the students were fine,

but there was one incident that occurred

in which – a teacher getting back from

her lunch was cornered by two bobcats.

They clawed her but she is still alive and

healing from her attack. There was also

a few trees that were shredded and one

tree torn down, the newly planted gar-

dens were also torn up. The animal

rescue Billy-Bob Brown suggested that

the bobcats were searching for food after

a long winter of having no food

The animal rescue service has said to

watch your children and if you see the

bobcats call the animal rescue service at

– 1-800-ANIMALS. And go inside and

close up every thing

Wilcat By: Angel

Jokes of the Day By: Summer

Wildcat Press Page 6

Page 7: Wildcat Times

couldn’t walk because it would be to much pain

for them. They could just pull out their phone

and call their mom or the ambulance. If one of

his friends were their they could just run to the

school and tell the secretary and they could also

call up the parents or the school with the cellu-

lar device.

It would be a good idea if kids were aloud to

have their phones out at school.

Sometimes cell phones can be a good resource to

have with you, not a bad thing!

Is it just me or every school NOT allowing cell

phones around during school hours? When

Your hearing teachers phone go off during class-

room lessons and then the teachers go to check

it. I clearly think that the kids in elementary

school and high school should be aloud to have

their cellular devices at school and on because

the teachers do it so we should just to be fair.

If children from the age 10 and up have their

cell phones with them during class they have

their reasons of that. Some of their reasons

would be they need to contact their parents for

certain reason. It would be faster because they

wouldn't have to go to the office and call.

Lets say that someone got hurt and broke their

leg and they were at the back of the field, they

In our twenty first century most students from

grades six to twelve revolve around their social

lives. When their not in groups chatting there

texting or talking on their cell phones. School on

the other hand is for learning not improving

your social life. I believe cell phones should not

go to school– they should stay at home. The

constant texting and talking leads to unhealthy

habits, it distracts students from their work,

and it disrupts classes altogether.

We stride to make sure our next

generations– now teens or preteens- stay

healthy. We fight obesity, illness (both mentally

and physically) and other issues. Texting or

talking constantly can distract teens or preteens

from meeting their physical needs properly.

We also try to meet their individual

learning needs. But if a student is texting or

talking or constantly checking their phone for

missed calls or messages it moves their atten-

tion from the learning topic to their cell phones


What happens

when you have an incom-

ing call or you receive a

text message? Your phone

rings or vibrates. When

your in class you have

enough distractions, like

students talking, your

teacher talking, what’s

going on outside the win-

dow, etcetera. It’s a known

fact that once your dis-

tracted it takes you an

average of ten minutes to

get refocused. That’s ten minutes of valuable

class time, what student

wants homework? So a

simple ring or vibrate of a

cell phone can take you off the track of your

work for ten minutes.

Unhealthy choices, distractions to

students and classes can all be caused by the

small social device called a call phone. Cell

phones in class cause more harm than good.

Cells in our School By: Kailey

Should cell-phones be aloud in school? By: Ruth

Wildcat Press Page 7

Ages 13-17 sent the most text massages in the year 2011.

This is a Graph of the age groups

of kids who go on electronics at

school to help their learning.



Page 8: Wildcat Times

If you had a loved one who died

would you want to see or feel their presence again? Haunt-

ing Violet by: Alyxandra Marvey was nominated for

the Red Maple Award this year.

Marvey shaped a story of ghosts, betrayals and true

love. Sixteen year old Violet Willoughby lives in the early

nineteenth century. Where manners

and rules are important and must be obeyed. Violet and

her mother- Celeste Willoughby- barley scrape by. They

have a maid that they brought in and pay with food and a

bed. They also have an assistant- Collin- who for some

reason Violet can’t leave behind or take her eyes from.

The only reason Violet lives a suitable life in a house and

has several decent dresses is because of her mother’s job.

Celeste is a “Spiritualist Medium”. With Violets, Collin’s

and the maid’s help they create fake “sittings” where her

mother tricks people into believing she can contact with

their dead loved ones.

Until they go to a “sitting” at Lord Jasper’s

mansion. Lord Jasper has a particular interest for the

“summonings”, the afterlife and it’s inhabitants. But as

soon as Violet crosses into Lord

Jasper’s land she becomes haunted

by a certain ghost. Unlike her mother

Violet can actually see and communi-

cate with the dead.

Violet is forced to figure

out why the ghost wants her attention

and in the process solves a mysteri-

ous murder case! She also is pushed

to choose a man: the one her mother

approves of- a gentleman of great

wealth- or her Irish childhood friend

Collin, who knows her better than her

own mother. In this fiction young adult

novel Marvey has written a fast-

paced, electric, haunting and mysteri-

ous read. She has not only made an

adventure but a romance. When I

read this book I too felt the haunting

presence of the ghost at my side.

try my best to be

careful and make

sure they are true

friends, by asking


Ruthsadvice: Your

welcome :). I know

you can do it!

Bearlover: Everyday at school I try

to make new friends but when ever

I make a new friend they always

end up to be bullies and they al-

ways bully me, it makes me mad.

What should I do?

Ruthsadvice: Well what you could

do is try to make sure they are true

friends, make sure

you can trust them

with anything and

you could also ask

them questions to

make sure too.

Bearlover: Thanks

for your help, I will

Capricorn [Dec-22 Jan-19]

Don’t let your self be distracted

in class.

Aquarius [Jan-20 Feb-18]

Don’t let your attitude spoil your day

get out of bed on the right side!.

Pisces [Feb-19 March-20]

An upcoming dance will bring

you romance .

Aries [ march 21 April 19 ]

Stop procrastinating and

get that assignment

finished .

Taurus [ April 20 May 20 ]

Wearing in door shoes will keep

you out of sticky mess.

Gemini [ May -21 June -20]

Dead lines are crucial to your

success at this time.

Cancer [June -21 July -22]

Some one will be looking to

reward all your hard work .

A surprise is on the


Leo [July -23 Aug-22]

Go out for lunch with a

friend make sure you

you keep an eye on the


Virgo [Aug-23 Sep-22]

Don’t forget your gym close this

week your hands will be relived.

Libra [Sep-23 Oct-22]

Tonight is a good night

to study . Your efforts

will pay off.

Scorpio [Oct-23 Nov-21]

Something spectacular is

about to happen . Be prepared

with a new wardrobe .

Sagittarius [Nov-22 Dec-21]

Take time to clean your desk

you’ll find something you’ve


searching for.

Violet– Alyxandra Haunting Marvey By: Kailey

Need Some Advice? By: Ruth

Horoscopes By: Dylan K

Page 8 Volume 1, Issue 1


Page 9: Wildcat Times

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Ends April,1st

By the P.R.P.S. across

from the beer store.

Text Books for Sale

Come to the Norfolk County

Public Library from 11:00–

3:00 and buy regulation

school text books.

Teacher’s Assistant


Between the ages of 13 and

15 and want to help a

teacher come to Mrs. Jacobs


Old Sport Equip-

ment for Sale

Hockey, soccer, bad-

mitten and baseball

equipment for sale. If

interested please call

519- 586– 3728 or

email adrewcar-

[email protected].