why on demand and saas for your business

Why On-Demand Business System On-Demand or SaaS or Cloud Computing is an emerging model where users can gain access to their applications from anywhere through connected devices.

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On-Demand or SaaS or Cloud Computing is an emerging model where users can gain access to their applications from anywhere through connected devices.


Page 1: Why On Demand and SaaS for your Business

Why On-Demand Business System

On-Demand or SaaS or Cloud Computing is an emerging model where users can gain access to their applications

from anywhere through connected devices.

Page 2: Why On Demand and SaaS for your Business

The following questions will help you identify your organization’s oppor-tunities to lower its total cost of ownership for an Business System / ERP and guide your businesss towards its overall objectives using, On-Demand futuristic approach.

1. What cost you actually(tangible and intangible) pay for just using an on premise or traditional system?

• Licence cost, maintenance cost, upgradation cost.• Never-endingcyclesofpatch/fix/QA/test.• Time and delay cost for new requirements.• Building and maintaining customizations and integrations.• Hardwares (server, database etc..), maintenance cost, ad hoc reporting,

data backups, replacement cost and tedious process documentation.

If you’re using a traditional ERP or any other system, you’re paying for all of the above and more. When you add it all up, from IT resources and in-frastructure to maintenance fees and patches, the totals are almost always morethanyouthink.Andthat’sbeforeconsideringfuturenewadditionalfunctionalities.

2. Are you upgrades expensive?

You own the system licence, you have your own IT team for managing the system but still your system needs upgradation and new functions causingsamehassles,asitwaswhenyoustartedonthesystem.Accordingto the statistics, the an organizations demands on business changes atleast once annually but still most of the organizations upgrade their system every 6-7 years.

Why? The cost and resource drain from IT and Process is too much for an organization to absorb if changes are made more frequently. This Catch-22 was unavoidable until now – there is an alternative to the up-grade treadmill.

3. Are you still paying for maintainence of something you dont require?

There’s nothing worse than paying for something that’s not being used. There is no return value for the functionalitites that you don’t need or use but you still pay for these because they are unnecessary additions at the time of system purchase.

4. What value your system generate for your organiza-tion?

Youwouldhavesignificantlyinvestedinthelicencefeesandimplemen-tation. Every time you need some new fuctionality according to your businessyouhavetopayextra.Youarestillpayingforthefunctionalitiesthat your business dosen’t need and you are bearing the cost and resource burden of supporting it all.

Unlike traditional soft-ware that requires you to download and install updates yourself, on-demand products are updated automatically.

Whenever you use on-demand products you’re always using the latest and greatest ver-sion.

Page 3: Why On Demand and SaaS for your Business

5. Is your organization spending more time managing manual processes and out-dated applications than becoming the next industry leader?

Spreadsheets, emails, and manual processes that were supposed to be automated but never were, paperwork and double data entry—sound familiar?Thesearetheexactthingsthatpreventorganizationsfromde-liveringthekindofstrategicvaluethatCEOsarelookingfortoday.Andwhile productivity gains have been promised in the past, in many cases, thecostandcomplexityofimplementationandmakingongoingchangeshas made these promises all but impossible to achieve.

6. Do you spend valuable IT resources just to feed your system which dont even help to drive the top or bot-tom line?

Todaybusinessrequirestoattractmorerevenuesandprofitsbycentral-izing your focus on the core competencies. Every single penny spent and everyresourceinvestedonnoncoreactivitiesisaunwantedexpensetoyour main business.

Traditional systems requires handsome investment just to use the system andinreturnyoucan’tevenexpectyoursystemtobehaveaccordingtothe business dynamics unless you are ready to face the damage everytime.

7. Can you calculate your resource investment to host, maintain, upgrade, backup and secure your system?

The burden that an organization bears just to keep the on premise system running are of two types

• Tangible cost - Cost of running data center, hardware (purchase, in-stallation, annual maintenance etc) database software (licence, main-tenance), security, backup etc.

• Intangible cost - Burden of the team to maintain hardware, database, security, backup etc.

8. Do you need services from the other organization to manage your employee and managers self services?

In traditional system, manager and employee self-service are after-thoughts,andvendorschargeextraforit.Youdontthinkabouttheselfservices your managers and employee requires. they use internet, they use computers at home - why not deliver a similar intuitive self service experienceforthematwork.Theirjobswillbeeasierandfasterwithmimimal costs.

Intrigued? Want to learn more?

If your company is ready to ask and answer more questions like these, we’re here to help analyze your situation.

Just call us and we’ll get started right away:

Everyone you trust has access to the data: Since everyone you work with logs into the same centralized account, you have a single database with everything in one place. No more worrying about who has the latest information: Everyone has it.

Page 4: Why On Demand and SaaS for your Business

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From small to midsize to large business who can best judge IT objectives and investment with business goals and requirements are best positioned to achieve sustainable and profitablegrowthinthisnewcompetitiveworld. By working with Novoally and our experiencepartnersinyourlocalmarket,you can get the support your company needs withasolutionspecificallydesignedforyourbusiness requirements and your budget.

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