why matters privacy in the digital information age

atters Privacy in the Digital Information

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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Why matters privacy in the digital information age

Why Matters Privacy in the Digital Information Age

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We always have seen a pops up window when download a software. The pop ups informs us that this software need access to our name, address, location, WI-fee information, etc.. Most of us accept it without a moment's hesitation on our rush to enjoy the software. But behind that they are collecting our personal information is often worth more to some companies than you might realize.

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Even in the age of exploding, shared digital information, your privacy still matters

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Shifting Privacy Paradigm

Telemarketer bother you with phone calls and are you willing to disclose personal information? Most of us would not. Why do so many of us will give up access to our personal data? isn't it the same thing?

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There might be several explanations for this

1. Generational Gap: Today's younger generation has been drowned in a culture of shared communications. Many younger users do not think about giving up their personal information

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2. A “So What?” Mindset: This is particularly true for the younger crowds who are familiar with information exchange, but may not be aware of its consequences. If you have nothing to hide, what’s the problem?

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3. Useful and Fun Benefits: Many web services and software however are truly useful, fun and beneficial to have. Little data does seem worth the exchange.

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4. Quiet Collection: For apps and online services, organizations must ask and get permission to access your data—but the scope and duration of the collection are usually more than most of us realizing

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We made an application that helps to keep your information private. By using our app, nobody will bother you. Just use Phox and keep every information in privacy. Visit our website for more information.
