why load testing from the cloud doesn't work

Why Load Testing your Website from the Cloud Doesn’t Work Doesn’t Work Imad Mouline - CTO, Compuware Gomez

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Post on 10-Dec-2014




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You might think that with web applications in the cloud, that load testing from the cloud provides all the testing you need. You might think that testing from the cloud can tell you if your website can handle peak traffic loads, driven by marketing campaigns, or seasonal events. Unfortunately you may be wrong. In the Web 2.0 world; applications are combined on the fly inside the browser, from third-party and shared services both in the cloud and from behind the firewall. Imad Mouline, CTO of Gomez will tell you — the cloud is not the answer.Join Imad Mouline, on Wednesday September 8th for this provocative session around today’s highly complex, distributed Web applications and how to test them. Imad is a veteran of software architecture, research & development and an expert in Web application development, testing and performance management.In this session, Mouline will discuss: * The evolution architecture and structure of Web applications * The current state of load testing approaches and how they apply to a variety of architectures * How existing and emerging testing techniques are applied to different types of applications * The future architecture of Web applications and what it means to the future of testing


Page 1: Why Load Testing from the Cloud Doesn't Work

Why Load Testing your Website from the Cloud Doesn’t WorkWhy Load Testing your Website from the Cloud Doesn’t Work

Imad Mouline - CTO, Compuware Gomez

Page 2: Why Load Testing from the Cloud Doesn't Work

Customer Expectations Are Rising For Web & Mobile Applications

47% of consumers expect a Web page to load in 2 seconds or less

58% of mobile phone users expect websites to load almost as quickly or faster on their mobile phone than their PC

Page 3: Why Load Testing from the Cloud Doesn't Work

The Impact of Web Performance on Page Abandonment








2 secs4 secs

6 secs 8 secs













change in



Source: Gomez 2010 Study of 500 Million End-User Interactions Across 200+ Web Sites

Page 4: Why Load Testing from the Cloud Doesn't Work

The Browser Is Becoming THE Integration Platform

Number of hosts accessed directly by the browser, per user transaction, averaged across 3,000 companies 8.87

Page 5: Why Load Testing from the Cloud Doesn't Work

Local ISP3rd Party/

Cloud ServicesBrowsers

and devices UsersUsers

Web Servers

Load Balancers

Mobile Components

The Web Application Delivery Chain

The Challenge Of Delivering Quality Web Experiences

• Inconsistent geo performance• Bad performance under load• Blocking content delivery• Incorrect geo-targeted content

• Network peering problems

• Bandwidth throttling

• Poorly performing JavaScript

• Inconsistent CSS rendering

Systems management

tools: “OK”

…user is NOT happy


Mobile Carrier


Content DeliveryNetworks


App Servers

DB Servers


Mobile Components


• Network peering problems

• Outages

• Configuration issues• Oversubscribed POP• Poor routing optimization• Low cache hit rate

throttling• Inconsistent

connectivity• Configuration errors

• Application design issues

• Code defects• Insufficient


• Network resource shortage

• Faulty content transcoding

• SMS routing / latency issues

CSS rendering• Browser/device

incompatibility• Page size too

big• Conflicting

HTML tag support

• Too many objects

• Content not optimized for device

• Low cache hit rate

Page 6: Why Load Testing from the Cloud Doesn't Work

Local ISP3rd Party/

Cloud ServicesBrowsers

and devices UsersUsers

Web Servers

Load Balancers

Mobile Components

Pinpointing Problems and Optimizing Performance

The Web Application Delivery Chain

Is it my Is it an Is it a Is it a


Mobile Carrier


Content DeliveryNetworks


App Servers

DB Servers


Mobile Components


Is it my data


Is it anISP or the Internet?

Is it a 3rd party


Is it a browser or


Page 7: Why Load Testing from the Cloud Doesn't Work

Test Across the Entire Web Application Delivery Chain

The Web Application Delivery Chain

Local ISP3rd Party/

Cloud ServicesBrowsers

and devices UsersUsersLoad Balancers

Load Testing 1.0

Load Testing 1.5

Load Testing 2.0 (Gomez)


Mobile Carrier


Content DeliveryNetworks


Web Servers

App Servers

DB Servers


Mobile Components


Page 8: Why Load Testing from the Cloud Doesn't Work

Local ISP3rd Party/

Cloud ServicesBrowsers

and devices UsersLoad Balancers

Company: Online presence for a popular TV show

• Following episodes of the TV show the web site sees high traffic spikes

• Goal was to achieve 1500 logins per minute

• Load tested DB to improve performance in anticipation of another traffic spike

Load Testing 1.0 Works… Some of the Time


Mobile Carrier


Content DeliveryNetworks


Web Servers

App Servers

DB Servers


Mobile Components


Page 9: Why Load Testing from the Cloud Doesn't Work

• As users were added, the response time of step 3 (the login) climbed immediately

• The test bottlenecked at 160 logins per minute (Goal 1500)

Application Bottleneck Causes Response Time Issue

logins per minute (Goal 1500)

• But quickly dropped off as users received server errors

• New login query was not optimized and was bottlenecking the database servers’ CPUs

Page 10: Why Load Testing from the Cloud Doesn't Work


•Problem found inside firewall

•After tuning- application performance


•New Bottleneck occurred 1300 logins

per minute.

•Bandwidth limit reached at 90 Mbps

Application Bottleneck – Re-test

•Problem found inside firewall

•Fixes made for application issue

•Retest shows second issue-bandwidth

•First test

•Second test

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Page 11: Why Load Testing from the Cloud Doesn't Work

Local ISP3rd Party/

Cloud ServicesBrowsers

and devices UsersLoad Balancers

Company: Online Gaming Site Testing a new rollout in support of a new sports se ason

• Support anticipated traffic increases• Load tested something using cloud and Last Mile to validate

performance for real users in new geographies.

Load Testing from the cloud misses the point… end users matter


Mobile Carrier


Content DeliveryNetworks


Web Servers

App Servers

DB Servers


Mobile Components


Page 12: Why Load Testing from the Cloud Doesn't Work

View from the Cloud

• First 20 minutes Cloud testing shows acceptable performance

• After 2500 users Response time climbs Availability drops Error rate climbs

Page 13: Why Load Testing from the Cloud Doesn't Work

View from the Last Mile

• Last Mile shows different story

• Availability is terrible even at minimal load for real users

Summary:Cloud-only testing may give

misleading availability dataCloud starts with 100%

availability Less than 25% for the Last


1.0 1.5 2.0


Page 14: Why Load Testing from the Cloud Doesn't Work

Difference in browsers

• Varied commercial browsers show different response times

• Response time change as a function of load is dependent on the browser.

Summary:Understanding response

time under load requires the use of multiple browsers

1.0 1.5 2.0


Page 15: Why Load Testing from the Cloud Doesn't Work

Company : Regional Online News Source• Began testing for the election season• Goal was to validate overall performance focusing in 2 key regions

Local ISP3rd Party/

Cloud ServicesBrowsers and

devices UsersLoad Balancers

Load testing from the cloud ignores real locations


Mobile Carrier


Content DeliveryNetworks


Web Servers

App Servers

DB Servers



Mobile Components


Page 16: Why Load Testing from the Cloud Doesn't Work

Page response times stayed under 4 seconds, outside of one brief blip

There was only 1 page error and 11 errors total out of 60000+ transactions

Increase and hold load and not exceed response times of 4 seconds and Success Rate of 99%

No Performance Issues Detected From Data-Center

1.0 or 1.5 load testing shows tests passed

Page 17: Why Load Testing from the Cloud Doesn't Work

Last Mile Case Study: Primary Geographies

Key geographies for this customer are New York and Pennsylvania.

The response time never met the 4 second average goal

Summary:Last Mile shows goal not reachedCloud can’t detect the end user issue

Availability was Less than 99%

1.0 1.5 2.0


Page 18: Why Load Testing from the Cloud Doesn't Work

Company: Online Retailer• Several 3rd Parties now involved in serving up key content• Goal was to validate performance of entire applicat ion

Local ISP3rd Party/

Cloud ServicesBrowsers and

devices Users


Load Balancers

Don’t trust third parties to perform…test the whole WADC


Mobile Carrier


Content DeliveryNetworks


Web Servers

App Servers

DB Servers


Mobile Components


Page 19: Why Load Testing from the Cloud Doesn't Work

Understand 3rd Party Performance Under Load

Load Test Response Time Per Page During the course of a During the course of a

Load Test, Page 3 is Load Test, Page 3 is

identified as the culpritidentified as the culprit

Page Level Drill Down shows performance by HostSummary:3rd party vendor did not have capacityOnly component to fail

1.0 1.5 2.0


Host & Object Level Host & Object Level

TrendingTrending•• As the Load test As the Load test

progressed, the 3progressed, the 3rdrd

party search tool party search tool

contributed to over contributed to over

90% of the response 90% of the response

time time

Page 20: Why Load Testing from the Cloud Doesn't Work

Local ISP3rd Party/

Cloud ServicesBrowsers and

devices Users


Load Balancers

Company: International Hotel chain• New reservations system rollout• New global server load balancing rolled out across multiple data

centers• Validate that system works globally

The Internet is global – where your customers are matters


Mobile Carrier


Content DeliveryNetworks


Web Servers

App Servers

DB Servers


Mobile Components


Page 21: Why Load Testing from the Cloud Doesn't Work

Major Hotel Reservation System unavailable in 4 countries

0% availability in UK, Germany, Japan

99%+ availability in US, Canada, France

Summary:Internal U.S. test looked good

Distributed testing fails in key locations.

1.0 1.5 2.0


Page 22: Why Load Testing from the Cloud Doesn't Work

Company: eRetailer fashion • 100% virtual store• Daily sales spike driving 90% of revenue stream

Local ISP3rd Party/

Cloud ServicesBrowsers and

devices Users


Load Balancers

Load Testing 2.0 shows you what your customer sees


Mobile Carrier


Content DeliveryNetworks


Web Servers

App Servers

DB Servers


Mobile Components


Page 23: Why Load Testing from the Cloud Doesn't Work

Load Testing with multiple browsers shows discrepancies

Availability vastly different between browsers

Page 24: Why Load Testing from the Cloud Doesn't Work

Comparison of Performance across the country - Firefox

Using Firefox browser – shows 100% availability for website

Wide variations in response time based on geography

Page 25: Why Load Testing from the Cloud Doesn't Work

Comparison of Performance across the country – IE

IE Browser : shows under 12 percent availability

Availability and performance tied to geography

Page 26: Why Load Testing from the Cloud Doesn't Work

Page Element Downloads: IE Versus Firefox- Order Varies

Summary:Only real locations can show what really happens.

1.0 1.5 2.0



•Third party ad provider

modifying the DOM

•Depending on the load order

of the third party the java

script in the ad would

overwrite the DOM but only

on IE

Page 27: Why Load Testing from the Cloud Doesn't Work

Gomez Load Testing: Most Accurate Load Test for User Experience

HTTP : Behind the

FirewallHTTP : Data Centers Browser : Data


Real World


Last Mile



Server TestDatacenter Testing

Accuracy of End-User

Response Time

Incomplete Incomplete Indicative Most Accurate

Accuracy of

Application Availability

Invalid Indicative Indicative Most Accurate

Load Test 1.0 Load Test 2.0

Only Gomez SpansOnly Gomez Spans

Load Test 1.5

Application Availability

Ability to drive large

load volume




Best Better Good

Understand CDN


No Misleading Misleading Most


Understand 3rd Party

(ads, feeds, etc…)

No Minimal Some Most


Realistic object


No No

Static Only

Yes Yes

Visibility behind the


Best Good Good Good

Page 28: Why Load Testing from the Cloud Doesn't Work


Increased conversions 10%

Reduced homepage load time from 11.3 seconds to 3.4 seconds

Improved page load times 23%

Saved 50%+ in staff and fees

Gomez Customers Enjoy Measurable Benefits

Reduced downtime 45%

Reduced seven-step transaction time by 50%

Validated decision to consolidate three data centers

Achieved under 3 second response time and 99%+ availability

Saved 50%+ in staff and fees

For more information visit Gomez.com or contact us at +1 781.778.2700