why do we read?

Compiled by Sara Kelley- Mudie

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Post on 09-Dec-2014




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Page 1: Why do we read?

Compiled bySara Kelley-Mudie

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Page 31: Why do we read?

Because I can! I like to see how other people put words together (Tom Robbins) , or how they weave wild stories (Stephen King). I like how they teach me things (user's manual) or help me feed my family (cookbook). Things keep me distracted (shampoo bottle) or informed (nutritional information).

I read so I can be better.

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I read to step outside of my own life for a little while and live through someone else.

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The primary reason I read is that it encourages me to think -- about a different world view, about motivations of people, about a particular historical period, about a place I've never visited... the possibilities are endless. I am not sure I would like to read a book about someone who is exactly like me -- I'm already living that life.

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I READ so I can be creative. My imagination draws the images that movies automatically make for me.

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I read for pleasure because it offers an opportunity to experience an adventure, travel the world, meet people in print.... that otherwise I might not have had the opportunity to do.

Also, some books I choose to read for pleasure because I'm particularly curious about a topic, intrigued by an idea, opinion, or skill set...and I want to learn more. Reading is free, instant, requires very few materials, and there are so many choices!

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I read because I like to take an adventure away from the day to day life. I prefer fiction to non-fiction, because I like getting the "movie going on in my head." I will read non-fiction from time to time but it must be well written and entertaining.

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When I read fiction I am looking to be transported to a world that only the written word can convey. . . The imagination is a powerful form of entertainment, and reading fiction sometimes leads to learning new material and all-in-all provides a richer experience then simply watching the same story told on screen.

When I read non-fiction it is important to my personal value of being a life-long learner. Well written non-fiction books can take a topic and delve into great detail in a way that a lecture or a video of someone presenting just cannot convey.

Finally reading of any kind of well written material helps me to be more articulate in conveying my thoughts and ideas and even challenging me to be a continuously improving writer so many years after leaving school.

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I read to learn how people lived, what they thought, and why they stood up for what they believed in, so as to continue my lifelong education about how I choose to live, what I choose to think, and why I choose to stand up for what I believe in.

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I read because reading allows me to experience different environments and people, to look at situations from a different perspective, and to step outside of my own life for a short time.

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I read because it allows me several things: one, a retreat from my own inner dialogue; two, an opportunity to see learn about history because I like historical fiction; and three, a chance to appreciate good writing and creative thought.

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I read poetry almost every day. I started reading poetry because I am a very slow reader and poems are usually short, but I now love to read poetry because in just a few words my mind can stop thinking about what I need to do, or accomplish, or where I need to be - poetry gives my imagination a chance to breath deeply and rest into the melody of the poem, or get lost in the words just for the words own sake. . . Poetry reminds me that my mind is never made up, there is always something new to know.

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Reading is like breathing I can't imagine living without it. It takes me to worlds I've never been and teaches me things I've never known. I read everyday and look forward to my time sitting quietly reading a good book.

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There's nothing like immersing yourself in a book to take you to a place you've never been, (whether it's a place or a different time). When watching television or a movie, you see a director's interpretation of an event, a place or a person . A book is interactive; the reader relies on their own "vision" of the story. A good book pulls you into the story. I feel like you observe a movie, but you experience a book.

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I read to escape reality and journey to far away places, see stories from a different perspective and to learn new things. I wish I had more time to read for pure pleasure.

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I read to educate myself in areas that I find pleasure in. For example, I enjoy gardening and cooking. Every time I am in a check out line in the supermarket, my eyes gravitate towards those magazines that either have gardening or cooking on the front cover. I always learn something new every time I read an article, story or even an advertisement.

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I'm curious. I love to hear other people's ideas, and I love to see how people write their ideas. Reading them is the best way for me to understand someone else's ideas.

And I love learning--for me the best way to learn something new is to read about it. Pick up anything I've read and you will see it's been marked to death.

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