why are narcissists are so dangerous _ after narcissistic abuse

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  • 8/16/2019 Why Are Narcissists Are So Dangerous _ After Narcissistic Abuse


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  • 8/16/2019 Why Are Narcissists Are So Dangerous _ After Narcissistic Abuse


    ¬ It Isn't Love ± It Is Narcissistic Abuse

    ªI Love Youº ± The Three Most Abusive Words Spoken By a Narcissist ®

      Why Are Narcissists Are So Dangerous?

    Nov 30

    Posted by ANA - After Narcissistic Abuse

    As you'll read below, every survivor describes narcissists in*DANGEROUS* terms. Each person that's been victimized personally by anarcissist will warn you and serve as a cautionary tale that if you

    welcome a narcissist into your life, you're dancing with the devil;welcoming them in to do one thing and one thing only to you: use, abuseand destroy you.

    Many onlookers or those who haven't experienced the narcissist in anunmasked state have a hard time believing that the people we describeand the horrendous acts of abuse committed on us were done by the verypeople they have a different opinion of. They don't understand thedisordered's modus operandi. They don't understand that their beliefthat the narcissist is a ªlikeable or admirableº character is evidencethat the danger has already started, they're manipulated by thenarcissist's ªmaskº and they're in complete denial of reality.

    There are two main traits of a narcissist that most all othersymptomology stems from: Delusional reality and lack of empathy.


    The first reason a narcissist is dangerous to others is because they arein complete denial of reality.

    Here are a few of the delusions that are always present in anarcissist's psyche:

    */Delusion of Grandeur/ *± This denial of reality comes in the form of

    the narcissist having the belief about themselves that they just deservemore. They're larger than life, a celebrity in their own minds, entitledto take from people without having to give anything back. Statementsthat reflect delusions of grandeur go something like this ªDon't youknow who I am?º ªI had to wait in line for an hour!º ªI wont be spendingMY money here again, if this is the service I getº.

    According to the DSM-IV TR grandiose-type symptoms include grosslyexaggerated beliefs of ones own:

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      * self-worth  * power  * knowledge  * identity  * exceptional relationship to a divinity or famous person.

    /*Perfect Image* ± /Anyone who thinks that perfection is obtainable andstruggles to feel /`worthy' /without achieving perfection is not intouch with reality. Reality dictates that we are fallable. We makemistakes, we fail, we fumble, we screw up; this is a fact of life,nature, the universe. For the narcissist, they possess the delusion thatif they or the people around them achieve an image of being ªperfectºthat they will finally feel ªokº. They're striving for something outsideof themselves to feel good inside; this will NEVER happen.

    */Entitlement ± Others exist to serve them/* ± Narcissists hold thedelusional thought that other human beings are objects that only existto serve their needs. They view others in an inhumane way which allowsthem to act out on us with no empathy because they don't believe we haverights of our own that the narcissist needs to pay any attention to.This complete and utter disregard for the rights of others, stems fromtheir delusional thoughts that only ONE person benefits (wins) and thatis the narcissist themselves. Narcissists view that everyone ªowesº themis not in any way, shape, and/or form ªrealisticº.

    /*Boundaries don't exist ± */Not being aware of the boundaries thatexist between two people is a denial of reality. The reality is that twopeople have separate identities, with separate thoughts, feelings,motivations, dreams, ideas, goals and rights. When a narcissist treatsothers as if they have the right to order, control, push and dictateanother's behavior (even if it's manipulatively disguised as ªhelpfuladviceº), they are more driven by their desire for power than they arethe right of the person they're controlling to think, feel or act forthemselves and are blinded from reality by that desire for power.

    /*Non-Identity = Non-Accountability ± */Because a narcissist has aflexible, chameleon like identity, they have no solid foundation of self

    other than being that of a manipulative, changing being. They have nosense of self from which certain expectations and rules of conduct willflow. Their modus operandi is ªwhatever worksº. Since they hold no codeof ethics, their behaviors are categorized to them as either effectiveor non effective. Effective behaviors will be repeated regardless of theªconsequencesº to others. Since a narcissist has no boundaries, theydon't see the impact to others, because they don't see them as ªothersº.

    A narcissist's construct literally goes like this:

    Narcissist pounds your thumb with a hammer.

    You scream in pain and yell, ªwhat did you do that for!!??º

    A narcissist will be able to say, ªDo What??!!º Believing they didNOTHING, because they didn't feel any pain whatsoever in their thumb.

    If you insist on getting the narcissist to see the error of this whackyexchange, you will be told, ªWell, you shouldn't have had your hand onthe table.º

    The subject will be dropped and you will spend your time feelingbewildered and perplexed by the insanity of all, until it happens again,

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    then you'll focus on that atrocity and won't be able to see that thishas been the pattern all along.

    /*Narcissists are in charge of reality*/ ± Power mongers. Control freakswho can't recognize boundaries are the only people who can possiblybelieve that what they think is the reality for EVERYONE. It becomesvery apparent that a narcissist believes themselves to be all knowingwhen they're insistent that they know what you think, what you arereally saying, who you really are or what your motivation really is. Their entitlement and lack of boundaries allows them to play God;they're the writers of the script, the great puppeteers, the all knowingWizard of Oz.

    Worn down targets find it easier to just roll over and fold. We realizethe narcissist's ability to argue and fight surpasses our own, we aren'tinterested in winning just being heard, but there comes a point whereit's just too exhausting to take the narcissist to task on thesefrequent power plays.

    Most realistic people have an awareness of when they're acting in amanipulative or coercive manner and feel a sense of responsibility toback off, not cross that line or not offer unsolicited advice oropinions. We respect the boundaries of others, because we are aware theyexist. Narcissists have NO CONCEPT of these lines and what constitutes

    obtrusive behavior.

    Rapists, child molesters, robbers and murderers have the same inhumaneview of people, viewing them as objects to exploit at will and have noconcept that it is wrong to violate or cross the demarcation lines ofanother's property, being or identity.

    We as an enlightened society, KNOW that these types of people aredangerous and frankly would be quite relieved committing these people toinstitutions so that they can't harm society in these atrocious waysagain. If you can understand this danger, then you can understand whyformer victims of narcissists view them with the same passionate concernfor safety of themselves and others.


    Its my personal opinion that empathy is the one quality that makes allof us true human beings. The ability to have a compassion for our fellowman that causes us to behave in ways that do no harm to them is apowerfully connecting emotion. Empathy is having the ability to stepinto another's experience, set yourself aside & allows you to honoranothers' feelings and needs in a way that enriches and edifies them. Weneed each other to respond in empathetic ways to our pain, journey, andjoys through life; it connects us.

    One of the key presenting traits of narcissists is their utterincapability to empathize. When you see a pattern of human cruelty thatthe narcissist commits on their loved ones or affiliates, you will seethe lack of empathy present in various ways:

    Ignoring requests to cease behavior (like cheating , stealing, lying, etc.)Name calling, criticizing, belittling, mean ªjokesº, jabs and put downs(verbal abuse)Serial cheating

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    Arguments surrounding the same issues over and over

    Turning around the partners concerns to blame them and block theconversation

    A frustrated partner who doesn't feel ªheardº, listened to, understood

    No closure ± no apologies, no accountability, no consequences, no changeA partner who suffers the consequences of the narcissist's repetitivepattern of poor / destructive choices

    The bottom line to all these behaviors?


    This bears repeating.


    Narcissists are capable of inflicting physical and psychological harm onothers and are unmoved by the plight of those they hurt.

    If you are trying to analyze a narcissist's behavior and hear yourselfsaying, ªBut they SHOULD¼º STOP RIGHT THERE. Whether or not a narcissist

    ªshouldº care, is irrelevant because it was built into them a very verylong time ago, that they CAN'T CARE. They don't have the built incapacity to care: they lack EMPATHY.

    When we're discussing the insidious subtext to a narcissist's dangerousbehavior, let's remember that on the SURFACE, the narcissist is stillpretending, charming, conning, manipulating, giving you some bones, ±whatever behaviors work to get you to continue to stick around eventhough the narcissist doesn't care and KNOWS THEY DON'T truly ªcareºwill be the tools they use again and again to keep you around.


    This is what narcissistic survivors go through. At every moment, thereare two relationships occurring that is just out of the consciousawareness of targets: The ªpretendº relationship where the narcissistuses words not actions to convince you that what you have is a lovingrelationship, you're on the same page, your future is lookingbright¼.*IF *you could stop being imperfect, and doing the things thenarcissist is actually doing to prevent the relationship from working.(Translation: if you can just be the constant receptacle of the negativetraits the narcissist discharges on you and never ask for anything foryourself and don't question the twisted reality you live in, then thingswill work out and you'll get a version of what you want: ªtheir loveº ±however conditional it is; and it is) This smoke and mirrorsrelationship is the one where the ªtalkº is that the narcissist cares

    about you. It's the reality we try to live in, because the other is justtoo painful to bear.

    The other relationship is the REAL ONE: the constant barrage of twistedhead games, the layers and levels of abuse, the syphoning off of yoursoul and life force, the betrayals going on behind your back, themanipulation, the control, the shaming and blame, the threats, the wordsalads, the lies. This is the relationship that is evident in BEHAVIORthat the narcissist truly does not care. While we're in it, we keepthis reality at arm's length.

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    The general populous will feel fear when a serial killer's m.o. isdisplayed on nightly television. They'll see the lack of empathy quiteclearly and realize that there is something seriously wrong with thosepeople and be aghast over how heartless someone can behave towardsanother human being.

    Targets live this reality up close and personal every single day. We seethe danger firsthand, we live it.

    We don't suddenly wake up one day and say, ªYou know, Im going to be azealot about narcissism. I want to pick on these lovely people becauseI'm mad at them.

    If someone is selling themselves this delusional bit of goods, they aresurely held captive by the narcissists delusions. We are zealous aboutgetting the word out there about this disorder and this abuse becausewe've all been burnt by the danger of a narcissist's disorder.

    Not just ªtouchedº with a match slightly burnt but our houses, ourlives, our souls, our identities, our relationships, our values, ourtrust, our world views have been torched to the ground in an aggressiveact of intentional arson.

    Although we are the star and credible witness to this crime and have theinformation that will put this criminal away for years so that someoneelse doesn't suffer the same atrocity, no one believes it or caresenough that they step in to listen or help us.

    Since we cannot hold a narcissist accountable, we can make good use ofour effort to enlighten and educate others who are vulnerable to thisabuse and be the support to other targets whose abuse has been ignoredand invalidated by others who have a problem recognizing theirdanger.lets erase narcissism

    It's been said that more is learned about the narcissist through whattheir former targets have to say about them than anything they could sayabout themselves:

    Christine: unrealisticsense of entitlement very high ego superficial and vein no conscience noempathy no sense of boundaries no guilt no remorse : terrible evil sicktwisted fucked up monsters, rude and very arrogant not human.startssmears campaigns and spreads lies and half truths behind their victimsback and all those who stand in the way of their evil plans. thenarc/sociopath prince/princess.

    Suzanna: Their ability to appear to others as the epitome of charm,love, and compassion, and only their victims see the real side to them.

    Hula: The Devil.

    Lynne: They will do whatever it takes to get what they want. If theydon't achieve it, they will destroy everything in their path, evenchildren and family. They reinvent history to suit their needs anddestroy decent people.

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    Kaye: Cunning, insidious, remorseless, selfish, abusive, liar, phoney,taker, manipulator, entitled, deranged, attention seeking,Shallow¼¼

    Doug: Insecure and filled with pain.

    Ellen: Unconcerned about his trail of emotional wreckage,totallyself-absorbed with his own gratification, clueless and dismissive as tothe after-effects on those he discards

    How Lynne: Empty ± they are empty bags of misery to themselves andthose around them. You can spend a life trying to fill them and enoughlove and patience simply does not exist. They drag those around theminto their own private abyss and swear that darkness isn't dark.

    Marinky: Toxic, everything he/she touches is destroyed, lack ofremorse, lack of responsibility, double even triple personalities,pathological liar, manipulative and controlling, lack of boundaries andempathy, too much self-absorbed and self-entitlement, backstabber, gossiper.

    Holly: They believe their own lies. That makes them very believable toothers.

    Jean: I trusted. I believed the charm. I was raised to be a perfect

    victim. My soul was murdered. Manipulation, lies, greed etc all takes atoll.

    Heidi: They are dangerous because of the MASK they wear ± their charmhides it so well leaving you stunned and immobile once he removes it andyou see the true person¼you can't tell a narc from a decent human whilewearing it¼.very dangerous:(

    Marilyn: Predatorial.Interpersonally exploitive. They aren't the scary boogie man in thebush. They are in your BED!! They bait the trap with LOVE. They useªhappily ever afterº to draw you into striking distance.They have NO compunction¼.there is NOTHING they won't say¼.NOTHING they

    won't do to GET what they crave. They will fake cancer, euthanize pets.put arsenic in your morning coffee and kiss you and tell you they loveyou as they watch you drink it.

    You'd expect such treachery from an enemy¼.not a lover. The cognitivedissonance of the cocktail of love and loathing makes you bleed out yourears from trying to figure out what's happening to you.

    I used to know a little developmentally disabled girl. She used look atyou with beautiful pleading blue eyes¼.reach her arms out to you for ahug¼.her face would get sweet like puss n boots in a scene from SHREK.It was almost impossible to say no. ¼how could you say no?

    Many hugged her unawares¼..only to find themselves suddenly locked inthe grip of her atsoundingly powerful arms with her sharp teeth burieddeep in the flesh of their shoulder.That's what a narc does¼draws you in as you expect something wonderfuland loving only to be blindsided by a bewildering attack. ROMANTIC AMBUSH!!

    Gosselin: Selfish,egotistical, evil, cruel, lying, abusive, tyrant!Misa: insane

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    Dorie: Sneaky and calculating

    Aire: That they can seem very emotional but they can only feel empathywith themselves. Or someone distant they are talking about. Sometimesthey can seem to show support but only cause they Will need that personlater on or wants to build up a good reputation as the ªsweetest personin the worldº.. When it really matters they can be cruel, so cruel youwouldn't believe it when it happens.

    Judith: predatory, vicous, narcissistic, bloodless ¼ Boneless, void ofany soul ± the Antichrist of all Demons

    Lori: pure evilMegs: Compulsive liar and a thiefKim: Relentless.Cinnamon: STAY~CLEAR!!! ªITº only gets ªWORSEº!!!¼¼¼¼¼..4 ªYOUº!!!~~~Diana: Demon possessed scumbags.Cathy: Self-absorbedLola: Mental abusers

    Shawna: ALIEN!

    Chris: Zero Insight Zero Empathy, not a good combo

    Rowena: Con artists xSusan: Raging monster!Carl: Credible, plausable, manipulative and to top it all offsuperficially friendly, calm and decent. That makes them always looklike the innocent party and their victim as whatever they want to paintthem out to be¼ until the mask comes off and then wait for the ªI'm sosorry we doubted you, we never guessed s/he could be like thatº fromthose that initially thought you were just slagging him/her off orexagerrating. The true enablers will simply refuse to see the truth infront of them though no matter what, because they WANT to believe in thenarcissist.Debbi: evil

    Jacky: Diabolical predators!

    Stephanie: Pathological liars, victims themselves, hollow eyed monsters, arrogant,bore easily, always doing something radical (buying selling crap, changeof jobs), always find negative in everybody, backstabbers, suck in bed,feel they earned the sense of entitlement to treat partners, kids,friends etc. poorly, only think of themselves, will never admit theirwrong, try to isolate you, turn you away from your friends/family,controlling, weak, and again pathological liars. It's kind of fun goingto Facebook pages because they're easy to identify ± pictures ofthemselves always posing, doing something exciting, rarely comment onother's post unless it's sarcastic or over the top intellectual and

    basically attention grabbing. They are hyenas because they are the mosttoxic animal on the face of the planet. Toxic because they are fakes,people don't see their true colors until they are eaten alive.

    Susan: PathologicalPlanners with Destructive IntentChelsea: If you ever engage in an argument with them make sure it's ina safe place to do so. Like around others who will rally with you andnot against you.

  • 8/16/2019 Why Are Narcissists Are So Dangerous _ After Narcissistic Abuse


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  • 8/16/2019 Why Are Narcissists Are So Dangerous _ After Narcissistic Abuse


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    Posted on November 30, 2014, in Narcissism.Bookmark the permalink.55 Comments.

    ¬ It Isn't Love ± It Is Narcissistic Abuse

    ªI Love Youº ± The Three Most Abusive Words Spoken By a Narcissist ®


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  • 8/16/2019 Why Are Narcissists Are So Dangerous _ After Narcissistic Abuse



      Comments 54


     1.  Kate Kate | April 11, 2016 at 7:37 AM 

      I googled this site to help me understand my narcissistic sister, I  have finally come to the decision to end our relationship.  Everything I read hear today is so true. .Sad but all true. Thank  you for confirming a Narcissist's personality traits




     2.  Ella | March 23, 2016 at 7:31 PM 

      I was my boyfriends ªtargetº for 11 years¼ I was in LOVE..(maybe I  still am?)¼ he was perfect¼  he lied to me, beat me, broke bones, cheated on me, belittled

      me..every day..  All the while, telling me he loved me and if I could just work out  my issues we could be together forever¼and why wouldn't I want  that?..,someone as ugly, dumb, slutty, poor as me could never find  someone as wealthy, good looking, all around ªniceº as him, ever  again, he said.  I should seek counseling to try to be good enough for him. Everyone  sees how good he is to me¼and they all feel sorry for him for  putting up with his crazy girlfriend. He says.

      I have no idea of all the lies he told everyone about me¼but what's  sad, is I began to believe them too.

      He broke up with me yesterday.  Because I just had major surgery¼and Im ªincapable of showing him  the love he deservesº as I was recovering.

      I stumbled across this site¼  And I am sick to my stomach reading these stories. So very ¼ just¼  No words.


  • 8/16/2019 Why Are Narcissists Are So Dangerous _ After Narcissistic Abuse


      Liked  by 1 person


      *  gratefulgirlck | March 25, 2016 at 9:31 PM 

      We must be sister, my Husband of 16 years continued his abusive,  narcissist, games, I got cancer and I survived. The physical and  mental abuse from him got even worse. I was and still think (  how dare him- double Dog. Nasty person anyone , especially  because he loved me , abuse a Cancer Survivor ! this even got  even worse from him, I had Cancer) He got so Angry that I lived.  Now he has to go through such a Nasty Divorce, explain this to  the Judge, and I will tell anyone and everyone. I AM A WARRIOR  SURVIVOR! All he ever said was for Me to stop playing a Victim!




      *  Matt | March 27, 2016 at 9:47 PM 

      Just wanted to let u know. I hurt like I have never hurt before.  Im not some, as people say, ªwussy!º. I get sick to my stomach  almost daily. Like u said we will never know the full story. She  continues to attack myself and our young children. My whole  beautiful marriage gone in 24 hours. I sit here and think if  someone has no empathy, then when do they hit bottom and know  when to stop. I wish u the best of luck going through the  healing process. :)




     3.  Margaret | March 23, 2016 at 1:59 PM 

  • 8/16/2019 Why Are Narcissists Are So Dangerous _ After Narcissistic Abuse



      Narcissists are the twilight zone aliens from to serve man episode.  You don't know its a cookbook to your soul until you board their  alien ship. Awful alien lying bags of stink who just don't tell you  what they really are doing ± you have to decode it. Their abuse goes  on well past no contact period ± by proxy due to ªgoodº neutral  people who believe their lies because narcissist can put on a show  and my truth seems far fetched . No one is that heartless callous or  cruel.




     4.  fromawaysite | March 7,  2016 at 5:17 PM


      Reblogged this on Today,s Thought  .




     5.  CarolinaP Fan | March 7, 2016 at 3:04 PM 

      Hi, I need some advice!!!! My good friend's husband is a malignant  narcissist. Nothing I mean nothing is ever his fault!!! Except he  manages to destroy other peoples lives, businesses, marriages, he

      goes after single and married women while he is currently  married!!!!!! He lies to clients, creditors, friends, family. He  uses everyone else, especially $$$. He doesn't care if the blows  through $100k in a month or two. His attitude is do whatever  whenever to whomever as long as he comes out ahead somehow. But, the  reality is he always will be behind and taking everyone else down  the crapper shoot with him. He lies to all business partners and  uses all their money and then will just up and leave the business  after he frigging destroys it or causes people to go bankrupt or  insane. He blames younger women for being stupid enough to fall for

  • 8/16/2019 Why Are Narcissists Are So Dangerous _ After Narcissistic Abuse


      his lines of crap, he blames my good friend for being so pathetic to  put up with him, he blames his parents for not giving him everything  under the sun. He makes fun of everyone. Everyone is useless,  worthless, dumb, naïve, too big, too small, makes fun of their  vehicles, houses, cars, clothes, teeth, hair, weight, education  levels. He will piss people off and laugh right in their faces. She  is going to lose her mind, her finances, her everything if she keeps  listening to all his crap. My question is things are already  starting to catch up to Mr. Above it All, but why is she choosing to  tolerate it? He is such a smooth talker and so good at spin  doctoring everything he would even have Satan questioning himself.  He has managed to destroy a couple businesses the past few years, a  couple marriages, a few clients lives, a few young gals lives, if  dealing with someone with a personality disorder that doesn't give a  crap about anyone other than numero uno how does anything ever sink  in or effect them? Any advice on this? Please!




     6.  gratefulgirlck | February 13, 2016 at 10:48 PM 

      º MY SUGGESTION ISº From Abuser  DON'T Fall for this one either !




      *  mhon2boys | February 26, 2016  at 9:38 AM 

      On Feb 25, 2016 1:30 PM, ªAfter Narcissistic Abuseº wrote:

      > gratefulgirlck commented: ªº MY SUGGESTION ISº From Abuser  DON'T Fall for > this one either !º >



  • 8/16/2019 Why Are Narcissists Are So Dangerous _ After Narcissistic Abuse



     7.  karen | February 11, 2016 at 10:17 PM 

      CAUSTIC, POISONOUS and TOXIC, is how they become when the target is  on to them. Thats what he became when I told him I knew he was lying  and cheating on me and that we should talk and an apology would be a  start. Then he went into some twisted tirade not even related to his  lies and betrayals over the past YEAR! I told him Since he didnt  have the capacity to be accountable, I never wanted to see him  again. THEN, It got really ugly and in the email he called me  poisonous and that my ªcomplaintsº were like being continously beat  over the head with a 2×4! Wtf ? The last thing he said was for me to  not send another poisonous email. Omg. INSANITY. I bit the bullet  and moved on but it was difficult. He really messed me up. His life  is an ongoing lie. And he irony of it is that He Is a Drug Rehab  Counselor. not a whisper of empathy. zero. OMG!!!(BEWARE of ERIC



      Liked  by 1 person



      desiderata4 | March 27, 2016  at 1:59 PM 

      Mine also works in Mental Health. He has all the psychiatrists  fooled.




     8.  lev4yeshua | December 19, 2015 at  6:37 PM 

  • 8/16/2019 Why Are Narcissists Are So Dangerous _ After Narcissistic Abuse


      Reblogged this on Narc Bait Diary ± Ex Files  .




     9.  Matt | December 4, 2015 at 1:50 AM 

      Reading these things really gives me the chills. I wish someone  could give me some direction to go for help. My soon to be ex wife  fits all these signs and it give me the chills reading this. She had

      to know she has some form of narcissistic personality disorder  because I found some stuff she wrote. She has no empathy, she is  evil and is destroying our two young boys that have beautiful  hearts. 6 and 7. I need help bad. She planned things that has  destroyed our marriage and she doesn't even flinch. Just gone and I  don't even know her. Please for my kids.


      Liked  by 2 people


      *  kare | February 11, 2016 at 10:27 PM 

      RUN! Gotta get away from her. She will poison the kids. Divorce  her, get the kids away from her asap. !! If you want your kids  to have normal loving relationships later in life, DO IT NOW!!

      Do what you have within your power to do and do it asap. The  longer the kids are exposed to her the more they will learn to  become just like her.




  • 8/16/2019 Why Are Narcissists Are So Dangerous _ After Narcissistic Abuse



    10.  melinda | October 28, 2015 at 12:54 PM 

      I have been in a LONG 7 year on again off again relationship with a  sick Narcissists man. This time when he left, he only put water in  my gas tank. And left me in debt up to my eye balls. I got off easy  this time. He's the devil.


      Liked  by 3 people


    11.  [email protected] | September 24, 2015 at  6:02 PM 

      i thought i could tell them right away.no way they think they are so  clever.yet,they get found out every time.and i run.karen


      Liked  by 1 person


    12.  Joanne | September 6, 2015 at 6:32 AM 

      All true. My ex kept me spinning & apologising for too long. I was  dropped like a hot brick if he felt like it, often preceded by a  long silence. He never dropped me face to face which is cowardly.  Yet he wanted to be admired for his integrity and so on.  He quickly hoovered me up, whilst I was still upset after the sudden  discards, twice this happened with no conversation other than `well  if we can't move past that¼..'  The final discard was horrendous, I was humiliated, verbally abused  and emotionally raped.  He was with his new victim very soon afterward. There was no phone

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      call zero discard just a rage.  Currently he is back to me as if I have forgotten his behaviour or  am being petty by ignoring him. He went from sweet to accusational  in the space of 3 emails. It's as though I'm expected to respond  kindly to him and not mention his rage.  It's very very frightening even from this distance and given that  I've researched his personality I can see confronting him would  result badlylooking back i reinterpret his odd comments as his  actual beliefs. He once mentioned that he didn't trust women because  it would give them the power. Listen very carefully to your Gorgous  new boyfriend and ask questions early on before you let them exert  fear into your life.


      Liked  by 1 person



      Andre | September 5, 2015 at 4:09 AM 

      Just minutes ago I had an epiphany many years in the making about  people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. In past, I had two or  three love interests with NPD, a recent NPD girlfriend, a narc  therapist, and a buddy of 23 years who had NPD or close.

      But the epiphany involved the recent (ex) girlfriend. (I am working  on my BPD ± aren't we all working on something?) ± truth be told.  Anyways, we had a big dramatic breakup almost 2 years ago. I have

      been no contact since, but we used to both be teachers at same  school until I transferred out ± thank God.

      I am a photographer too and had many portrait sessions with ex  narcissistic girlfriend in beautiful nature settings when we dated.  I spent this summer vacation in the darkroom printing up her and her  friend's films as a goodbye present since I knew I would not see her  again after my transfer ± and I still loved her. These are some  really nice professional photos any woman would love to have of  herself.

      But something told me to check how she would receive them. Don't  assume. I consulted the Tarot (an avenue I do not like to take as I

      prefer to receive insights through meditation and dreams etc) Over  and over the Tarot warned me of the same thing ± I was shocked to  see that instead of this beautiful portfolio of photographs being  received from a place of unconditional love in which I intended, she  would call the authorities or somehow get the police or authorities  involved. I totally did not expect this so I consulted a few times  using different sources and got the same warning.

      I had experienced painfully this type of behavior from another  narcissistic love interest 16 years ago, otherwise I would not have

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      believed what the cards told me was possible in this world. I now  realize love does not exist for narcissists. They have decided that  they ªwill not love to the bitter endº.

      I can now see her without her mask (and what I see is very sad). I  can't believe I would let such a person in my bed, let alone my  heart.I feel lighter and happier now. As an aside, My trusted  spiritual advisor warned me that she was a cruel cold hearted human  being, but it did not register until moments ago.

      I am going to use the portfolio instead to promote my photography  business/passion. I do not deserve to be hurt by this woman anymore.




    14.  rene | August 20, 2015 at 8:33 AM


      All about them, twisted minds,no one is good enough,childish  behaviour, plays jealousy games, puts you down,blames everyone else  for everything, has,no interest in how you are feeling, whether its  physical or emotional,never apologizes,has an attitude of i owe you  nothing. Thinks they are above the law, no one else can measure up  to him and women are to be used for his pleasure, hes a liar and a  cheat, yet at the same time he is very insecure.street thug  attitude, his loving making is just a form of masturbation doesnt  care who he has sex with, there is no intamacy he collects people

      for his supply and cares for none of them,because he cant, as long  as he is pleased..lets on he is happy go lucky but he is phoney  agressive and abusive he has no heart hes shallow and pathetic ¼i  believe they are SATAN.


      Liked  by 3 people


    15.  Tami | August 11, 2015 at 10:47 AM 

      14 yrs divorced and my ex husband continues his quest to destroy me.  I do not understand why he has targeted me as the object of his

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      frustration, I've done nothing wrong. I dont know how much more of  this I can take. His anger escalates each time he takes his own  ªguiltº out on me. He broke my neck already, police did nothing  because he is a hometown boy and knows all of them. Im quite certain  i will end up in a body bag next time.




      *  Andre | September 5, 2015 at 4:14 AM 

      Girl, get out of that town (state)!




      *  Anonymous | September 9, 2015 at 8:55 PM 

      move away Tami¼ run as fast as you can.





      Lucy | August 9, 2015 at 2:47 PM 

      Trauma ± shock ± disbelief ± Valium after Rage 3  Escaped quietly without arousing any suspicion.  Visited my Doctor in a mess who asked me ªwhat on earth has happenedº  I couldn't explain other than I felt raped, exploited & a used so I  just said º I can't explainº.

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      Took the Valium and felt frightened for months. Still do, began  reading a lot ± I'm still reading as it was surreal. I frightened  myself as I dated this charmer.  Found the book, released he wouldn't apologise ever, as he said when  I asked him what was wrong it was a throw away comment I made a  month prior so his behaviour was my fault.  Worked out I'd been sleeping with a psychopath, questioned myself &  took the knock.  Blocked him as he was interrupting my recovery process. New phone etc.  then he found a new way to contact, he can only communicate via a 2D  format, he never called me directly ± coward. I'm using the grey  rock now to bounce the kindly little messages back. He has a  girlfriend which I'm not supposed to know about.  I know his grooming techniques and feel much more secure in evading  capture.  Never confront them, never show joy in front of them and if all of  their fake friends like you they will NOT be happy with that.


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    17.  Susan | August 8, 2015 at 6:52 AM 

      They will consume you emotionally, withhold love and affection to  argue about something totally unrelated to [the] relationship just  to feel power. All the causes that they chase are merely window

      dressing to hide their true nature. Nothing is enough to fill their  void-of-a-soulÐno matter how many churches they ªjoinº.


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      *  Andre | September 5, 2015 at 4:19 AM 

      Susan, I began going to church regularly first time in my life  recently at age 48 and could not believe the concentration of  people with narcissistic personality disorder there!

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      It is like a straight man having to dodge all the gay men at the  local sauna just to get health benefits of the sauna heat.


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      *  wanda | November 22, 2015 at 7:28 AM 

      I know this so well. My N pulled away all forms of affection,  causing me to fell empty, unloved and isolated. He would get so  enraged if I mentioned/tried to have a conversation about the  confusion. Blaming me for being `sex-crazed'. Another form of  control and abuse.




    18.  Abbie | August 6, 2015 at 9:54 PM 

      How do you recover from a narcissistic father. Loud and over bearing  ± his voice is in my head and still has the power to scare the crap  out of me. I can't get over how mean he was to us especially me.





    19.  Bichette | August 4, 2015 at 2:50 AM 

      My N would do a lot of belittling, such as calling me `shrimp'. I am

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      small ad asked him not to call me that again, yet he kept teasing me  with it, so called `lovingly. It unsetteled me. I know it sounds  like a detail but when i would not get or misunderstand what he  said, he would sometimes say, don't be so ridiculous woman, or `you  idiot', laughingly. I didn't ike that ether so i tried a different  tactics, saying: if my relatives find you talking to me like that (i  hadn't introduced him yet as he was very wary of the impression he  would leave on them), they will not approve. He simply stated: of  course i will not talk to you like that in front of others! I'm not  an idiot. Indicating that it was alright for him to talk to me like  that in private but would not ruin his reputation by doing so in public!




      *  Andre | September 5, 2015 at 4:24 AM 

      Bichette, you are small and adorable. If any man you are with  does not say almost those words exactly, leave him.


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    20.  Amy | April 10, 2015 at 12:35 PM 

      My N who I left after about 6 months (but actually only was with him  about 10 times) was CHEAP with money. From the beginning, dates were  walks or small pizzas. Money means love to N ± so it makes sense  that if he didn't feel love and of course he's not able to love, he

      wasn't going to spend money. My N never tried to sweep me off my  feet but definitely took advantage of me ± knowing that I liked him.  I finally realized that when he gave me some dumb excuse about why  he couldn't take me to a movie (FIRST DATE ever after 7 times with  him) I realized his response was NOT NORMAL and abusive. On purpose  on the phone I said ªyou hurt me¼and I criedº to test his reaction  and of course it was not there. I did research and sent him a link  to Narcissism which he read but never discussed or refuted with me.  Sex as another website said was of the android type¼.he almost  perseverated ± doing the same motions over and over again and his

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      goal was always to self pleasure. It was 100% off ± horrible.  Yes, there were red flags from the beginning but I ignored them  because he came so highly recommended from wonderful people that we  both knew. So many lessons learned¼made me so much stronger in  trusting the reality of what type of man could be out there¼Like  many responses here, I didn't know that a N existed as a serious  mental disorder.


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      *  bldion | April 12, 2015 at 12:44 PM 

      I don't think there is anyone worse than a narcissist, but in  that same league I would include `well-wishers'. In other words,  `well meaning people'. They may indeed mean well, but their very  `benignity' is circumspect and should be taken lightly (if at  all). Listen to YOU¼and only YOU. Because you know yourself  better than anybody.  And what kind of arrogant person tries to tell you what would be  good for you? Simply state, ªThanks, but you don't really know  me¼you just think you do.º And go on your merry way.




    21.  bcbonusmom | April 10, 2015 at  7:41 AM 

      Reblogged this on A Day In The Life of A BCBonusMom ¼¼¼..  .




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    22.  Susan Leigh | March 29, 2015 at  9:03 AM 

      ~^.^~  I Am Just Beginning ~  To Process ~  My Own Fears ~  And ~  My Own Abuse ~  I Understand ~  More Then ~  I Did Before ~  Part of Me ~  Wanted to Know ~  To Understand ~  My Children ~  What They Experienced

      Part of Me ~  Needs to Talk ~  To Others ~  Who Have Experienced  Child Abuse ~  As a Mom ~  I Know ~  I Have to ~  Wear My Mask Again ~  Just Burn My Emotions ~  I Have to ~  Be Strong For My Kids ~  Part of Me ~

      Died Last Night ~  ~  When You Live ~  Only to Survive ~  And Protect ~  Your Family ~  You Don't Know ~  You Had Any ~  Choice ~  When You Are ~  Free And Safe ~  May Be Now ~  You Are Able ~

      To Make Choices ~  May Be Now ~  You Are Able ~  To Speak ~  May Be Now ~  You Are Able ~  To Write ~  May Be Now ~  You Are Able ~  To Feel ~

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      Emotions ~  May Be Now ~  You Are Able  To Feel ~  Your Fear ~  May Be Now ~  You Are Able ~  to Process ~  Everything ~  This is When ~  You Need ~  Someone Kind ~  To Just Listen ~  To You Talk ~  You Need ~  Someone Kind ~  To Give You ~  There Advise ~  You Need ~  Someone Kind ~  To Give You ~  A Hug ~  Someone to ~  Be Your Friend ~

      Someone Kind ~  To Give You ~  There Love ~  You May ~  Find Out ~  From People ~  Who Experienced ~  Abuse ~  Why Your ~  Children  Became Who ~  They Are Today ~  Why Your ~

      Children ~  Behave A ~  Certain Way ~  Why You ~  Became Who ~  You Are Today ~  Why You ~  Behave A ~  Certain Way ~  Don't Ever ~  Blame Yourself ~  For What ~  The Abuser ~

      Did to Your Kids ~  Don't Ever ~  Blame Yourself ~  For What ~  The Abuser ~  Did to You ~  You Were ~  Not Educated ~  To See the ~  Signs of an ~

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      Abuser ~  You Were ~  Not Educated ~  To Know ~  You Were In ~  an Abusive ~  Relationship ~  Your Children ~  Were Not Educated ~  To Know ~  the Signs ~  Your Children ~  Were Not Educated ~  To Know What to Do ~  Don't Ever~  Blame Yourself ~  For Not Protecting ~  Your Children ~  You Did Not Know ~  What the Abuser ~  Was Doing to Them ~  Don't Ever ~  Blame Yourself ~  You Did Not Know ~

      What the Abuser ~  Was Doing to You ~  You Just Did ~  What You Did ~  To Just Survive ~  Your Children ~  Just Did ~  What They Did ~  To Just Survive ~  The Sad Thing ~  About Experiencing ~  Abuse ~  No One Ever Had ~

      Been Abused ~  The Same Way ~  No One Ever ~  Comes Out Of ~  Abuse ~  The Same Way ~  You Will Never ~  Be the Same ~  Person You Were ~  Before You Were Abused ~  It is Ok ~  To Now Feel ~  Your Emotions ~

      It is Ok to Cry ~  It is Ok to Be Angry ~  It is Ok to Talk ~  It is Ok to Take ~  Off Your Mask ~  Always Remember ~  You Were Never ~  An Victim ~  Always Remember ~  You Were Strong ~

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      Always Remember ~  You Were Never Weak ~  Always Remember ~  The Life Lessons ~  You Learned ~  You Don't ~  Have to Remember ~  Who Taught You ~  This Life Lesson ~  Be Grateful ~  That Your Children  And heart emoticon  You Are Alive ~  ~^.^~




    23.  OnceBittenTwiceShy | March 6, 2015 at 4:17 PM 

      I tried, but can't write what my narc boyfriend did to me because I  feel such shame, humiliation and embarrassment at being so easily  manipulated. Suffice to say, his behaviour was emotional torture  with a sense of entitlement and without remorse ± in fact, he's  angry at me for leaving.

      Although I'm very pleased to be out of that relationship, I'm

      finding it hard to trust men at face value. I've tried dating over  the past 12 months but the moment a guy puts a foot wrong I'm out of  there. My narc took away my trust in myself to judge others  accurately and he took away my ability to withstand any sort of  normal disagreement. He made me look stupid in front of people who  used to respect my intelligence and he stole the positive, trusting,  happy-go-lucky woman I was, leaving a scared, negative, suspicious  shell of a person.

      My negative outlook on relationships isn't a conscious choice, it  seems to have happened naturally and out of fear of being trapped  again. If somebody else told me they felt these things I'd tell them  to forget relationships for now: get out and live life, have

      positive experiences, enjoy laughter again, be happy and the self  will naturally re-grow. But I honestly wonder if I'll ever believe  what I see in people or continue to wonder if a controlling  nastiness is lurking within them.

      Fourteen months have gone by since I left my narco and it is the  best thing I did ± but will I ever be free of him? He writes me  emails accusing me of silly and untrue behaviours. I blocked him on  my phone and emails and I don't reply, so he wrote the same rubbish  about me to my daughter and threatened to write to my friends. From

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      what I read narc's are not physically dangerous, I only have to wait  it out and he will stop. Right? And I will rebuild my sense of self  and trust in others¼ right? I'm 47 years old.


      Liked  by 3 people


      *  anonymous | April 2, 2015 at 8:15 AM 

      I could have written everything you just did above. I am in a  relationship right now, and the slightest criticism, the  slightest disagreement makes me want to run for the hills. I  keep reminding me that NORMAL people are fallible, and they will

      make mistakes, but I can't shake the feeling that I am going to  get sucked into this again.

      After my narc ex (whom I was with for 6 years- oh the shame I  have for those many years, and regret for wasting so much of my  life. Only two good things came out of that relationship- my  twins) I went to counseling and it helped SO MUCH. However,  although it talked about healthy relationships, etc, it didn't  prepare me for my mistrust of almost anything with a penis-or a  heartbeat. I have been in 2 relationships like this, but my  recent ex being by far the worst. My first relationship like  this was when I was 19, and although he was super  abusive/controlling, his seems so light in comparison. HE was

      very blatant about his abuse, whereas my recent ex was so subtle  about it.

      he was a drug addict/criminal, who was a smooth talker,  charming, loving, put me on a pedestal, and made me feel  amazing. Then¼.he didn't. Then I was scum. I was never enough. I  love reading these and seeing people write the things I used to  say to him. ie. You are like Jekyll and Hyde, you are a life  sucking leech, you only ever take but never give. Looking back,  I think in the back of my mind I knew he was something else. I  just didn't want to believe in something so horrible, or that I  was a victim again. He also used his addiction as a way to  manipulate and keep me around. It was his addiction's fault.

      Although, you know, one day he said something to me years ago  that sent shivers down my spine. He said to me ªMy heart is  wicked and evil.º When I tried to console him, with those dead  eyes, he repeated it, but said ªtrust meº I wish I would have  listened.

      Even his parents told me to run, although they are now on his  side and I am the evil doer. Meh. Can't take the blinders off of  parents.

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      He has a girlfriend now, and is trying to gain access to our  children (the children he hasn't had a relationship with since  their birth, whom he walked away from over and over again). All  I can think about his girlfriend right now is- good luck. I feel  so bad for her. In the past, I would have been so angry and  jealous, but now I just have pity. I hope she learns faster than  I did.

      You will get over this. I will get over this. We just have to  learn to give the benefit of the doubt, even though we did so  many times in the past and got burned so badly. I have realized  that I am not finished with counseling. I need more, and more in  depth counseling. I need to go all the way back to my childhood,  where my first encounter with a narc started- my mother.

      We are going to make it! We are victorious!

      Oh and please block him from EVERYTHING! Don't respond. Don't  answer calls. Don't even read them. Tell you daughter to do the  same. The only way to keep them away, is to make it hard for  them to get to you.

      After I broke with with my ex, he tried to come back in. I kept  asserting myself and saying NO. I wouldn't feed into him trying

      to suck me back in, and boy did he try! He finally gave up and  met this new girl. I am so happy he did, but at the same time,  so sad for her. She has no idea what she has gotten herself into.


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      *  Anonymous | July 7, 2015 at 7:11 AM 

      My God! You are describing my life!!  I, too feel so damaged and cautious all of the time. I know that  I need help dealing with this, counseling and maybe support  groups? I moved 1050 miles away from him, yet the behavior still  reaches me because of the ability to find me through other  peoples FB accounts. The defamation of my character, his

      abandonment issues, financial problems, all of our personal  problems simply aired out in the open to everyone! I'm so  humiliated and ashamed! I'm still his target! It's all my fault  and he's going to make me pay for it!! I feel defeated and  exhausted. I'm truly in Hell!!



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      *  keyz | November 22, 2015 at 2:47 PM 

      Not true¼they can be very abusive.




    24.  ologsinquito | January 15, 2015 at 6:38 AM


      This sums it up so well. They are very dangerous, whether you are  romantically involved, or the narcissist is just your ªfriend.º  You'll suffer in the end. But please keep spreading the message that  there is happiness again, once you get back on your feet.




    25.  sunkist123 | January 13, 2015 at 10:57 AM 

      This is an excellent post and I agree with everything you wrote.  From my experiences, the worst aspect of it is the individual's

      ªJekyll/Hydeº abilities- the ability to make everyone believe he is  right/good/etc., while I'm essentially the scum of the earth who's  wasting valuable space by existing. He does not show his true self  to anyone but his victims.


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    26.  Scott | January 11, 2015 at 9:28 AM 

      Yeah what she said, it is crazy that so much of what has been stated  applies. Cold, Grandiose x10, selfish, evil, diabolical & those are  her good qualities


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    27.  Jeff | January 10, 2015 at 1:47 PM 

      Can only say that I have only figured out the sickness in my  ªfamilyº in the last few years and it has been a painful journey. My  ªmotherº and ªbrotherº are 2 of the sickest people I know and my dad  was a compliant doormat. My older brother molested and abused me  from the age of 5, he being 8 years older than me. After suppressing  the abuse for over 30 years I figured out that it was meant to steal

      my soul at a young age by an older sibling who viewed me as a threat  to his ªsuperiorº existence. During my childhood my ªparentsº were  preoccupied after acquiring a property with an ocean view for their  later years while making me grow up in a gang and drug infested  neighborhood where I witnessed death for the first time at 15 with  many more to follow. I also became a heroin addict, now looking  back, as a way to emotionally cope with the sexual and emotional  abuse. They lived for many years with their ocean view together  until my ªfather'sº death on Christmas day a few weeks ago and now  my narcissus ªmotherº is using my ªfather'sº death as a way to  receive her narcissistic supply from everybody around her.

      Just waiting for her to go drop dead and go to hell where she

      belongs¼there is a sizable estate and I just have to outlive the  demonic woman who gave birth to me. She is 85 and in poor health so  I pray it is soon so I can finally confront my ªbrotherº who she  said I cannot confront while she is alive because ªif something  happened to me she would have nobody.º

      Guess that statement says it all.


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    28.  Hofman (@Gretige) | January 1, 2015 at  3:48 PM 

      I believe they are first selected, than manipulated.  Selection at the first generation, the next generations are being  observed an manipulated.  Once such behavior is known, they can be blackmailed and used for  agenda's of treason by the enemies of the communities.




    29.  Karen | December 18, 2014 at 6:47 PM 

      They live by the saying ªdo as I say not as I doº.


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    30.  freebird8790 | December 18, 2014  at 3:59 AM


      To Nancy Robinson: Your story hurts my heart! When I was trying to  help a friend of mine with her divorce (after mine, from my ex-Nar  of 23 years), her husband wanted to do the same thing (stop the  divorce process)¼ you & your lawyer could have filed a motion that  doesn't allow the process to stop if the other party tries to bail  out at the last minute. I'm sorry your lawyer did not advise you of

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      that so that you could continue on with the divorce proceeding and  finally get it all over with. I'm sorry you've had to deal with such  a horrid creature for so long. I hope Karma eventually shows up in  his world at what he has done to you.




    31.  marrohop | December 17, 2014 at  10:32 AM 

      Evil ± Evil they have no compassion ± for anybody ± on the  face-of-the earth. Including their own children. Just greed and  compent for everyone. Blood-sucking leeches. May the devil take them.


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    32.  pooloftears | December 2, 2014 at 1:15 AM


      If I may I would like to contribute another thought about arguing  with a narcissist (in response to one of the many quotes  characterizing their behavior): I'd rather that you didn't surround  yourself with allies in a safe place to argue with a narcissist. If  the option is there at all, I'd rather that you just DON'T argue  with the narcissist, ever. The time and energy and money which most  of us spend pursuing loving relationships with the Divine, others,  and ourselves, careers with substance and meaning, good health, and  advancement in other pursuits that matter to us, the narcissist uses

      to perfect his or her craft of manipulation and sabotage.

      While life is a much bigger deal than any game, there's something to  be said for framing life, and especially conflicts and arguments  that way. You as a presumably normal-to-healthy person are playing a  game in which your objective is to stop a pattern of abuse that's  causing pain in your life, and you play by rules that involve logic  and morality. The trouble with this is that you will absolutely  never in a million years win this game, because the narcissist is  not playing with you, even if they are right there interacting with

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      you. The narcissist plays by infinitely changeable rules, and  his/her objective is to come out on top. You're playing checkers and  the narcissist is playing make-the-other-person-crazy. You may win  the game that's sitting there on the table, but the narcissist is  going to be playing a whole other game the whole time, maybe dozens  of them, and they WILL win. They won't stop.

      If they can't or don't want to beat you at checkers, they might play  stomp-on-the-opponent's-foot-under-the-table.

      If that doesn't work, they might play  harp-on-the-opponent's-ªuglyº-outfit-until-they-snap.

      If that doesn't work, they'll make up one game after another until  they find one in which they win and you lose.

      Same thing with an argument. They will probably never admit you're  right, and you can be quite certain that if they do, they will find  some way to establish themselves as *more* right. The only way to  win against a narcissist is to get as far away as you can.


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    33.  Betsy | December 1, 2014 at 6:40 AM 

      It's my mother and her 5 other children and grandchildren. It's  gaslighting and humiliating activity. It's lying to others outside  the family. It's bullying through email and text messages. It's  psychological games to make me break down in ruin and self doubt.  It's deep fear for myself and my children both for mental and  physical anguish. It's pure evil.





    34.  Desiree Pretorius | December 1, 2014 at 1:16  AM 

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      My self worth my life my kids im a broken person¼.




      *  Lucy | August 9, 2015 at 3:09 PM 

      You will mend, you need to educate your children softly about  their expectations from others to fortify their self esteem.  I have family narcs and grew up to accept rage as being normal  if the person `loves you'.




    35.  Vanda | November 30, 2014 at 6:47 PM 

      The worse is the loneliness you feel after or if ever you get away.  If you don't respond they use the ones you love to get to you. No  one believed me, they more blamed me and turned away , told me to  get over it and lose the anger. Shut down the creatures ability to  create havoc in my soul. They see me as unstable and paranoid and I  lost faith in human kind because of it. I had two encounters with  two different narcs at almost the same time. Both relatives and both  I loved. Because they were family losing them was impossible. I got  to see and feel everyday the carnage they created in my life. It is  still the same. My mom just passed and what the creature caused in  that hospital while she suffered was criminal. But the creature got  her show. At my mom `s expense. I need help . I need to get away.


      Liked  by 1 person


  • 8/16/2019 Why Are Narcissists Are So Dangerous _ After Narcissistic Abuse


    36.  movingliquid | November 30,  2014 at 6:24 PM 

      The saddest part is we only find out about narcissists when we have  suffered one. By then it's too late.


      Liked  by 1 person


      *  Lucy | August 9, 2015 at 3:16 PM 

      Agree, they are covert fakes, appear to be wonderful with plenty  of close friends. They humiliate you in full view, then more in  private. My experience was me being a sobbing mess at a party,  he most likely blamed PMT or some other woman's issue.


      Liked  by 1 person


    37.  puameliaclinic | November 30,  2014 at 3:40 PM 

      Reblogged this on It 

    s All In The Head  .




  • 8/16/2019 Why Are Narcissists Are So Dangerous _ After Narcissistic Abuse


    38.  Nancy Robinson | November 30, 2014 at 2:56 PM 

      Try getting divorced from a Narcissist! In the above great article,  the paragraph that particularly struck me was the one titled ªNon  identity=Non accountability. My N husband and I have been legally  separated for 6 years, and living apart for more than 7 years. All  of a sudden, in this past April 2014, he decided to change the Legal  Separation Agreement to a divorce. This necessitated my retaining a  lawyer. I had no money, and an anonymous person gave me $5000.00 to  fight for my rights in this weird, sci-fi battle. Five months of  ugliness, thousands of dollars spent on each side, and guess what!!!  The morning of the day we were to go to our final court date to sign  the divorce papers, HE told his lawyer to drop the whole thing. Two  hours later, I got an email from m lawyer saying the divorce filing  had been dropped y the court. My lawyer and I had fought hard with  HIS lawyer, and gained some things that would have helped me. All  gone! My N husband felt no accountability even to his own lawyer and  the court system,and in the end, capriciously left me back in  limbo-land¼¼.with business as usual. I was so stunned, I spent much

      of the next two months sleeping on the sofa with a blanket over my  head. He is 75 and i am 72¼..too old for this kind of nonsense. I  don't know why he dropped the divorce.. There must have  been.something financially advantageous to him i doing so.





      Pingback: Step by Narcissists Step | victoriaslefo 

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      Recent Posts

      o A Narcissist is like a cantankerous, irrational three-year-old  child (brat) throwing many tantrums to always get their way  OR ELSE! 

      o Those stories you have heard about your Narcissist doing so well

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      or moving on and in love again! 

      o You cannot move forward until you realize the truth of your  connection with a Narcissist and that is everything was based on  a lie! 

      o Narcissists blame and project ± It is YOUR fault always no  matter what, and you DIDN'T even do anything but somehow there  is an argument that came out of the blue. 

      o The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth as far as  it concerns a Narcissist and a relationship of any type  with them! 





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      download (9)   8bfed1104cc2cd8a02318f7712d2bd54

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      You can 

    t expect to have a deep relationship with a shallow person








      goodness thief    AFTER NARC ABUSE    ec70a9f24a1bb59256ea53e4a419a37e (1) 


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      getwell55   RECLAIM YOUR SOUL MATE    da5ca8e52f35dec5bc2deb4b878dfdc1 


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      6610935111_7f00fe533f_z    79e55ab36cd7b3e36277b75b5f0d4933 

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      cant squeeze feelings out of a narcissist 


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      today-i-choose-joy    i


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      befree   narcissists are great actors.




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