wht jknnsplbanfaii - library.upenn.edu · borie, .ir.. take i's initial plunge was mr. c i.....

Wht Jknnsplbanfaii VOLUME XXXIX—NO 6 PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5. 1922 PRICE THREE CENTS R.O.T.C. WANTS 200 MORE MEN Course in Military Training Open To Freshman of Any Department Of the University SHELL LAUNCHED AMID CHEERS Crowd Emit Approval as the Charles L. Borie, Jr.. is Christened And Has First Trial PROGRESS OF MEDICAL UNIT GOOD COACH WRIGHT STATES APPROVAL SONG LEADERS Mr. George Mitsche, graduate nian- age r "f the Musical Club has stated that a definite selection of song lead- ers has I n DOetpoUaj for further competition. All senior members of the Qiee Club are eligible In compete Candidates are n quested to report In Houston Hall at 7 o'clock tonight for trials GLEE CLUB ENDS SOUTHERN TEAM TRY-OUTS TODAY LOOMS STRONG Recruiting for the Infantry Unit of . Reserve Officers Training <'<>n>s will ie lor another week. Any man signing up tor this work will bo exempt from the course in Physical Kducatiou. ret, a member of the unit who is a member of an athletic squad, win be edited w-.th the work acordlng to the m credit" i) stem. v.y (Tankman who is phyainaHy tit. accepted by Col. Bnyder, may en- t. r for two years in the basic course At the beginning of Ills junior >car. a grad- t the basii course, may enroll In ' advanced section. While taking ibis he is,paid thirty cents a day, in iver minor expenses, and attsnrda a sum . camp, the government paying his Iulroad fare, board, rent an.l uniform -• he-nles a dollar a day cash The uniform at this instimiou differs from the regular ami] uniform, the troaeert being cut straight, instead of ). set lies -style, and the cap having a wreathed ornament reading R. O. T, (*. A red and blue keystone with the letters I". P, Is worn on the left shoulder. The uniform is furnished free by the govern gWUt to all It. O. T. C stsdeiits. The cadet battalion has been organ iz.-d Into four companies; ene from each of the main undergraduates departments. the fourth fir architectural and other students. The temporary nlflcers ap- pointed are Martin Douglas. Harbour and Rapogle, captains, with C A. Asher. .Ir.. cadet 'idjutnnt. These men will recru.it in the schools for their own companies. Each company Is limited to 100 men. The band is also open In about :!."> more men. The progress of the new unit at the M, dlcAl School is very encouraging. It IS reported that 100 per cent of the first -indents physically able buve en- rolled in the course \ splash applause, and the new shell [Charles L. Borie, Jr., rode gracefully up- on the Sclilyklll River in Hunt of the Pennsylvania Baal House yesterdaj afternoon The new boat WSH officially christened by Vice Provlst J, Hartley Merrlck, not sftfli a bottle of sparkling Burgundy, bal arJth the more modern "aqni pura." Beveral Ira Sleet of tbe UniverdJtj were present fur this occasion In addit- ion to many members of the College Boat Club. Also among the crowd gathered to sec the Charles i.. Borie, .ir.. take i' s Initial plunge was Mr. c i.. Borie, the donor, a small group ol Ponnsylvanle graduates and .overal old niirsiiien. The rowing committee wai reproaentad b] the oonmlttee chairman J, R. Brown. Answering the call of Coevoh •' ph Wright, i".". candidates have reported to date fur positions on the various crews. Coach Wright has been working np a heeVJ ami a light crow ami says that the material on band this year -how- much promlM The heavy crew was the t'i'st one 11> propel the new shell swiftly thru the water and Coach Wright cxpr.s-.od satisfaction both with the new shr-D and the performance of the heavy in* Sole of Orchestra Tickets Increases Campus Humorists Sought For Col yum No student now attending this 1'nl- varsity would admit, if questioned, that he was wholly lacking In a sense of hu- mor. It thereby follows (hat I'enusyl vania Is a veritable mine of wit which v.t to be exploited. In order to bring to light much Of Oils mirth-pro- diicing material. I'enn anil Ink. The Pennsylvania's well-known Colyuin. will conduct a competition for theposl tlon of Colyumlst, open to all under graduates not contemplating I depart- ure from the University's walls before L014. Contributions, howeevr. are sought from the«nitlre student body wtrhout dis- crimination as to race. sex. or previous condition of general probation. Details of a more definite nature may be found by reference to this morning'* Penn and iTik where "Awl Ronx' has discussed the matter In length. Pros- pective candidates are requested to re- port to him in Room IK. Houston Cksfe basement, today between I and 1:30 o'clock. Freshmen of a more serious turn of mind who have pursued this story thns far are reminded that the editorial com- petition Is still open on The Pennsyl- vania n. They may report any day at 1 o'clock. Sale of tickets allotted to JSi I'nl vi.r&lty student- for the four gpeclal concerts to be given by the Phfladtlphia Onbtsira In the Academy of .Music pro- greased rapidly yesterday. Undents are urged by those handling file sale of thane tickets i aha an early pawhase llin- avoiding a late rush for good seats and possible disappoint at. The orchestra management lui- in- formed the Concert Tiekel Office of the I Iniveisilv thai all tickets (Off tbe legll- lar sancertS have been sold. In view of this fact, the only opportunity tor Penn> sylvania students, who don't have season tickets, to hear the world'.- greatest symphony orchestra win be at one or all four Of these special concerts. All .of these four concerts l>> the Phil- adelphia Orchestra will be personally conducted by Dr. Stokowski the u II known symphony leader. Some 571 Mats' located in the amphitheatre of the Acad- emy of Mush-, have been offered for sale to the students for this seasons series of concerts Since this opportunity is given is tbe Interests of the student body It Is hoped that as many as pos- sible will avail themselves of It. Tick- ets may be secured, up to October 17.. at the Franklin Society offices. Mas] Woodland AVS COUNCIL PLANS INITIAL DANCE Social Season Opens Saturday Night in Weirjhtman Hall. Yearling Class Especially Invited. TICKET CAMPAIGN IN PROGRESS freshmen Will have their first oppor Minify to become socially iicipinniled with upper classmen at the all I'nlverslly dance this Saturday veiling. Tbll at fair which Is the first big social event m the school year, win be hei.i in Ueiglitinan Hall at eight thirty. A committee acting for the Under graduate Council has charge of the dance. A good orchestra has been ob- tained and a capacity attendance is ex- : -. ted John K Strain is the general chair man In charge. The ticket committee, with Sam Me Council. 2t Wh„ :.!>:." Spruce St., Chairman, has charge of the disposal of the admission slips, which are also on sale at I'.omnty's. Cullford's and the Houston Cluh Post Office These tickets wil sell for $l.."ei a couple, or $1.1111 for a single admission, A large number of tickets have al reed] '"'en sold, and freshmen particular h are Invited to tints become acquainted with the aoolal life ol Pennsylvania. VARSITY LINE CHECKS FIERCE SCRUB ATTACK Two Hundred Candiates Have Signed ..Coach Nicholson Believes His Charges Up Thus Far. Last Opportunity Have Even Chance of Victory Today From 4 to 6 P.M. Against Varsity FORMER MEMBERS WILL REPORT CAPTAIN COUGHLAN SPEEDY BACK Candidates for the Qlee Club are re- I ; thai the la it icbi dull d trj ool will be hei.i today from i to 6 P.M. cm the second floor of Houston Hall. The preceding try-outs brought two hundred men out for the club. This turnout has i n exceptionally gratifying to those In charge, and many Of the position are rapidly being filled. It is hoped that all men having talent win grasp this opportunity of compiling MM a place in this organization. The candidates that have be.n mark- ed I or n ill the trials are gsked to re- port tOnlghl at 7 o'clock for rehearsal. All old members from last years club are. also asked to report at the same time. The rehearsals Of the hand and the Inetvmental Clubs which took place yea- terds) showed good material in both or- ganisations. The practices of the new Instrumental Chili will continue for several weeks be- fore a public- appearance will be made. but the prospeoa thus far have been y. ry bright. Track Management Weeds Candidates NEW PIECES ADDED IN MUSEUM Oriental Collection Enlarged During Summer With Chinese Art "Muck that line" "smear Hial play" Hosted across franklin Held yesterday afternoon from ("aches llcismaii. Havies ami McNamara, who followed the scrim mages with a critical .ye- and word The drill was the scrappiest and most In- tensive Of the season, and not until tin shadows deepened a< roaa the gridiron dlil the coaches let up, iieisinati ex- pressed satisfaction at the progress and spirit of the men.and intimated that "here would be no end of hard work, hi preparation for the anticipated close game with the Unlvanlty Of the South mi Saturday. The varsity went on in« MfOneo again yesterday afternoon, and checked the scrub attack much more effeclvely than the) have done all week. Ill the sixty downs that the scrubs carried the pig skin against the varsity from ihe N yard line, but three touchdowns resulted. .1 liewhirst carried the ball across for the II:-i score, by splendid line plunging, while King and Simons also broke Into the scoring column. The hospital lint of Varsity players COntlnUOS tO grow, PapWOVta, the stal- wart guard, being the latest victim He has deevloepd a pecululr fever.and Dr. Light stated tonight that he would not he able to play In Saturday's game. Cralg and Woodard are also out with minor In- Jnrles. and It is doubtful whether John- son will beahle to play. Until further notice holders of Student A. A. Books may exchange coupons for one reserved seat when 2 I or more reserved seats are purchased. [ For the game with the University of I the South on Saturday. October 7. ; these exchanges must be made prior to Fridav. October 6. at S P.M. EDWARD R Bl'SHNEI.U Acting (iradnate Manager. About twenty new pieces have been added to the Oriental collection of file Charles Curtis Harrison hall of the Uni- versity Museum during the summer. Many of tliene possess unusual interest and date back as far as zofi B. C. Statues of Buddha and the OoddSSS of Mercy are among this collection and are said to have belonged to a number of the ancient Chinese dynasties One piece which attracted much notice is a small head carving which was found In India and belongs to tl»e period around the date of the birth of Christ. It is molded on the plan of Grecian sculpture although It Is plainly the work of an In- dian. It Is donated to the museum by Alex Scott. Esq. The new pieces In the collection are a substantial addition to the growing Ori- ental section. TENNIS PROSPECTS BRIGHT Managers Prepare Stiff Fall Schedule With Several New Competitors In an Interview last night the Tennis management expressed the view that the present Freshman material is undoubted ly the best In recent years. The pros- liects for Tennis this year are unusually bright due to the many new arrivals. Fall tournament schedules, wntch the managers are now working on, will be disclosed In the near future. Many of the best teams in the country are In- cluded on the Varsity Schedule, which promises very keen competition. The Freshman Schedule la also rounding In- to shape and Includes several of the lead- ing Prep Schools who have never been played bv the Yearlings before. In the recent call for candidates to manage track ami cross country onh twelve men reported. It is hoped that out of a id I the alas of Pennsylvania, more than this number will compete for the managership of a major spoil All Sophomores, whose .scholastic gradi :.iii's above passing, are eligible to try for this ooveted position. The I'nlVerslty Is recognized as a track center and next year many big meats Will be held on Franklin Field. Among these will be annual Relay Car* nival which attracts entries from most large Eastern colleges and universities is well IIS many Western one- Meets With Cornell and Dartmouth WlUalaO be held here. In addition to the Inlercol legiates Which close the season, and to which every large college in the country sends Its r-presentatlves. This large sc hcilule necessitates a number of capa- ble men in manage and successfully put over this program. At the close of the aeason three ino'i will b< ' 'tosen who win agai i oumpele ir their Junior rear. The standard oil Which the three candidates are selected is based on the ability and hard work of fie entire grc i.. - of cat.dlates. In- fluential connections and "wirepulling' are of no avail, the merits of the candi- dates being the conclusive basis. Manager ltogan reports that cross country men are signing up slowly, hut the number Is Increasing every day. Moth the schedule for the Varsity and Fresh men team Is very good this year, the yearlings having an especially large number of meets away. Within a few days the course will he changed to Cobb'a Creek, so It Is urged that all men sign up within ihe next two days in order to be ready for the hard five and a half mile run. Bewanee, renn . October i.- The football team ol the University of the .South held a spirited practice this after- noon as the final preparation for Its gam.- with the University of Pennsyl- vania at Franklin Field, n.M Suiiinli. afternoon. Head Coach John N. Nichol- son drove the first and second teams hard, and at tin close of practice, an- IIOUIII id that lie was satisfied with their Condition, as well as their ability to hold the Pennsylvania machine. The squad, Iconsisting of twenty five players and a nipie-eiiiatlv. of the faculty, will leave for Philadelphia tomorrow, and arrive at Franklin Field sometime Friday. Tin; StUdenl body Of 600 plan- tO give them a royal send off. Although this will be I'IO first game of the year for the "SewaneeTlgers," the men are In prime physical condition. dm 1 to the training they have received from Coach Nicholson, It was impress- ed npon them at the close of practice tlmt they were expect) d nol only to make •i gioi showing against Pennsylvania, but the] had an opportunity to win. In addition to the Pennsylvania game, the Tiger- have three more games of th first magnitude on their schedule, Thes Include the University 'if Alabama, which journeys i,. Philadelphia on November i. the University of Tennessee, and Van- •lerbilt University. Although the leam will probably be outweighed by Pennsylvania, liny will have a fair amount of weight and lots of -peed The star of the hai kl'ield is Captain "Irish" Coughlan, wao plays balf- baok, Captain Coughlan will be remem- bered by Pennsylvania men because it was he who equalled the worlds record for the 140 yard low hurdles at the Pennsylvania Relaj carnival games In 1990. This is his last year on the team, and he will have to be watched closely. Another hackfleld star who will make trouble is quarterback Powers. N'ot only (Continued on Page Sixi RADIO BRINGS SERIES TO CAMPUS Results to be Announced in Big Quad Each Afternoon During Games Devotees of the diamond sport will be entered to tomorrow afternoon when from the window of 44 Graduate House the progress of the world's series will be described play by play. The Information will be obtained by radio as It Is broad- casted from WOO, Wanamakers', and re- layed to the audience by megaphone. Should this Initial procedure attract sufficient Interest the plan will he con- tinued throughout the series. The ence Is requested to cooperate by Ing when the announcer signifies h tentlon to speak. Soccer U in £t€Hi By Junior Varsity In a game that was much closer than the figures Indicate., the patched irp Junior Varsity soccer team sent the West Philadelphia High School hooters down to defeat yesterday afternoon on the River Field by the score of :', goals to 1. The last two markers chalked up by the Red and Blue dribblers were scor- ed late In the second half and only after fierce scrimmaging. Although the vlstors presented a stub- born deferse It was only the splendid work of Matthews, the High School cap- tain and goal tender that prevented the Unlvgralty eocoerlata from running up a bigger score. Several times this slender leader, by stops that bordered on the miraculous, prevented what seemed to be certain tallies. The High School team took the lead early In the game by virtue of a goal by Crome, the outside right alter ten minu- tes of play, t Despite the fact that the score was evened up shortly after, it was only after many moments had elapsed in the second period that Boulatchnik. with a well-placed boot, scored the de- ciding tally. The game, although hotly contested, did not produce finished teamwork by either of the contestants. Downs and Miller each scored a goal for the Jun- ior Varsity. Swarthmore Receives Setback Swarthmore's football hopes received a severe jolt this week when George Lents, star center of the Garnet scrubs, broke his leg In scrimmage. I^entz, although, Idered by promising; n,and will

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Page 1: Wht Jknnsplbanfaii - library.upenn.edu · Borie, .ir.. take i's Initial plunge was Mr. c i.. Borie, the donor, ... on band this year -how- much promlM The heavy crew was the t'i'st



Course in Military Training Open To Freshman of Any Department

Of the University


Crowd Emit Approval as the Charles L. Borie, Jr.. is Christened

And Has First Trial


SONG LEADERS Mr. George Mitsche, graduate nian-

age r "f the Musical Club has stated that a definite selection of song lead- ers has I n DOetpoUaj for further competition. All senior members of the Qiee Club are eligible In compete Candidates are n quested to report In Houston Hall at 7 o'clock tonight for trials


Recruiting for the Infantry Unit of • . Reserve Officers Training <'<>n>s will

ie lor another week. Any man signing up tor this work will bo exempt from the course in Physical Kducatiou.

ret, a member of the unit who is a member of an athletic squad, win be

edited w-.th the work acordlng to the m credit" i) stem.

v.y (Tankman who is phyainaHy tit. accepted by Col. Bnyder, may en-

t. r for two years in the basic course At the beginning of Ills junior >car. a grad-

t the basii course, may enroll In ' advanced section. While taking ibis

• • he is,paid thirty cents a day, in iver minor expenses, and attsnrda a sum . • camp, the government paying his

Iulroad fare, board, rent an.l uniform -• he-nles a dollar a day cash The uniform at this instimiou differs

from the regular ami] uniform, the troaeert being cut straight, instead of ). set lies -style, and the cap having a wreathed ornament reading R. O. T, (*. A red and blue keystone with the letters I". P, Is worn on the left shoulder. The uniform is furnished free by the govern gWUt to all It. O. T. C stsdeiits.

The cadet battalion has been organ iz.-d Into four companies; ene from each of the main undergraduates departments. the fourth fir architectural and other students. The temporary nlflcers ap- pointed are Martin Douglas. Harbour and Rapogle, captains, with C A. Asher. .Ir.. cadet 'idjutnnt. These men will recru.it in the schools for their own companies. Each company Is limited to 100 men. The band is also open In about :!."> more men.

The progress of the new unit at the M, dlcAl School is very encouraging. It IS reported that 100 per cent of the first

-indents physically able buve en- rolled in the course

\ splash applause, and the new shell [Charles L. Borie, Jr., rode gracefully up- on the Sclilyklll River in Hunt of the Pennsylvania Baal House yesterdaj

afternoon The new boat WSH officially christened by Vice Provlst J, Hartley Merrlck, not sftfli a bottle of sparkling Burgundy, bal arJth the more modern "aqni pura."

Beveral Ira Sleet of tbe UniverdJtj were present fur this occasion In addit- ion to many members of the College Boat Club. Also among the crowd gathered to sec the Charles i.. Borie, .ir.. take i's

Initial plunge was Mr. c i.. Borie, the donor, a small group ol Ponnsylvanle graduates and .overal old niirsiiien. The rowing committee wai reproaentad b] the oonmlttee chairman J, R. Brown.

Answering the call of Coevoh •' ph Wright, i".". candidates have reported to date fur positions on the various crews. Coach Wright has been working np a heeVJ ami a light crow ami says that the material on band this year -how- much promlM The heavy crew was the t'i'st one 11> propel the new shell swiftly thru the water and Coach Wright cxpr.s-.od satisfaction both with the new shr-D and the performance of the heavy in*

Sole of Orchestra Tickets Increases

Campus Humorists Sought For Col yum

No student now attending this 1'nl-

varsity would admit, if questioned, that

he was wholly lacking In a sense of hu-

mor. It thereby follows (hat I'enusyl

vania Is a veritable mine of wit which

v.t to be exploited. In order to

bring to light much Of Oils mirth-pro-

diicing material. I'enn anil Ink. The

Pennsylvania's well-known Colyuin.

will conduct a competition for theposl

tlon of Colyumlst, open to all under

graduates not contemplating I depart-

ure from the University's walls before

L014. Contributions, howeevr. are sought

from the«nitlre student body wtrhout dis-

crimination as to race. sex. or previous

condition of general probation.

Details of a more definite nature may be found by reference to this morning'* Penn and iTik where "Awl Ronx' has discussed the matter In length. Pros- pective candidates are requested to re- port to him in Room IK. Houston Cksfe basement, today between I and 1:30

o'clock. Freshmen of a more serious turn of

mind who have pursued this story thns far are reminded that the editorial com- petition Is still open on The Pennsyl- vania n. They may report any day at

1 o'clock.

Sale of tickets allotted to JSi I'nl

vi.r&lty student- for the four gpeclal

concerts to be given by the Phfladtlphia

Onbtsira In the Academy of .Music pro-

greased rapidly yesterday. Undents are urged by those handling file sale of

thane tickets i aha an early pawhase llin- avoiding a late rush for good seats

and possible disappoint at. The orchestra management lui- in-

formed the Concert Tiekel Office of the

I Iniveisilv thai all tickets (Off tbe legll-

lar sancertS have been sold. In view of

this fact, the only opportunity tor Penn> sylvania students, who don't have season

tickets, to hear the world'.- greatest symphony orchestra win be at one or all four Of these special concerts.

All .of these four concerts l>> the Phil- adelphia Orchestra will be personally conducted by Dr. Stokowski the u II known symphony leader. Some 571 Mats' located in the amphitheatre of the Acad- emy of Mush-, have been offered for sale to the students for this seasons series of concerts Since this opportunity is given is tbe Interests of the student body It Is hoped that as many as pos- sible will avail themselves of It. Tick- ets may be secured, up to October 17.. at the Franklin Society offices. Mas] Woodland AVS


Social Season Opens Saturday Night in Weirjhtman Hall. Yearling Class

Especially Invited.


freshmen Will have their first oppor Minify to become socially iicipinniled with upper classmen at the all I'nlverslly dance this Saturday • veiling. Tbll at fair which Is the first big social event m the school year, win be hei.i in Ueiglitinan Hall at eight thirty.

A committee acting for the Under graduate Council has charge of the dance. A good orchestra has been ob- tained and a capacity attendance is ex- : ■• -. ted

John K Strain is the general chair man In charge. The ticket committee, with Sam Me Council. 2t Wh„ :.!>:." Spruce St., Chairman, has charge of the disposal of the admission slips, which are also on sale at I'.omnty's. Cullford's and the Houston Cluh Post Office These tickets wil sell for $l.."ei a couple, or $1.1111 for a single admission,

A large number of tickets have al reed] '"'en sold, and freshmen particular h are Invited to tints become acquainted with the aoolal life ol Pennsylvania.


Two Hundred Candiates Have Signed ..Coach Nicholson Believes His Charges Up Thus Far. Last Opportunity Have Even Chance of Victory

Today From 4 to 6 P.M. Against Varsity


Candidates for the Qlee Club are re- I ; thai the la it icbi dull d trj ool

will be hei.i today from i to 6 P.M. cm the second floor of Houston Hall. The preceding try-outs brought two hundred men out for the club.

This turnout has i n exceptionally gratifying to those In charge, and many Of the position are rapidly being filled. It is hoped that all men having talent win grasp this opportunity of compiling MM a place in this organization.

The candidates that have be.n mark- ed I or n ill the trials are gsked to re- port tOnlghl at 7 o'clock for rehearsal. All old members from last years club are. also asked to report at the same time.

The rehearsals Of the hand and the Inetvmental Clubs which took place yea- terds) showed good material in both or- ganisations.

The practices of the new Instrumental Chili will continue for several weeks be- fore a public- appearance will be made. but the prospeoa thus far have been y. ry bright.

Track Management Weeds Candidates


Oriental Collection Enlarged During

Summer With Chinese Art

"Muck that line" "smear Hial play"

Hosted across franklin Held yesterday

afternoon from ("aches llcismaii. Havies

ami McNamara, who followed the scrim mages with a critical .ye- and word The drill was the scrappiest and most In- tensive Of the season, and not until tin shadows deepened a< roaa the gridiron dlil the coaches let up, iieisinati ex- pressed satisfaction at the progress and spirit of the men.and intimated that "here would be no end of hard work, hi preparation for the anticipated close game with the Unlvanlty Of the South mi Saturday.

The varsity went on in« MfOneo again yesterday afternoon, and checked the scrub attack much more effeclvely than the) have done all week. Ill the sixty downs that the scrubs carried the pig skin against the varsity from ihe N yard line, but three touchdowns resulted. .1 liewhirst carried the ball across for the II:-i score, by splendid line plunging, while King and Simons also broke Into the scoring column.

The hospital lint of Varsity players COntlnUOS tO grow, PapWOVta, the stal- wart guard, being the latest victim He has deevloepd a pecululr fever.and Dr. Light stated tonight that he would not he able to play In Saturday's game. Cralg and Woodard are also out with minor In- Jnrles. and It is doubtful whether John- son will beahle to play.

Until further notice holders of Student A. A. Books may exchange coupons for one reserved seat when 2

I or more reserved seats are purchased. [ For the game with the University of I the South on Saturday. October 7. ; these exchanges must be made prior

to Fridav. October 6. at S P.M. EDWARD R Bl'SHNEI.U

Acting (iradnate Manager.

About twenty new pieces have been

added to the Oriental collection of file

Charles Curtis Harrison hall of the Uni-

versity Museum during the summer. Many of tliene possess unusual interest and date back as far as zofi B. C.

Statues of Buddha and the OoddSSS of Mercy are among this collection and are said to have belonged to a number of the ancient Chinese dynasties One piece which attracted much notice is a small head carving which was found In India and belongs to tl»e period around the date of the birth of Christ. It is molded on the plan of Grecian sculpture although It Is plainly the work of an In- dian. It Is donated to the museum by

Alex Scott. Esq. The new pieces In the collection are a

substantial addition to the growing Ori- ental section.


Managers Prepare Stiff Fall Schedule With Several New Competitors

In an Interview last night the Tennis management expressed the view that the present Freshman material is undoubted ly the best In recent years. The pros- liects for Tennis this year are unusually bright due to the many new arrivals.

Fall tournament schedules, wntch the managers are now working on, will be disclosed In the near future. Many of the best teams in the country are In- cluded on the Varsity Schedule, which promises very keen competition. The Freshman Schedule la also rounding In- to shape and Includes several of the lead- ing Prep Schools who have never been played bv the Yearlings before.

In the recent call for candidates to

manage track ami cross country onh

twelve men reported. It is hoped that

out of a id I the alas of Pennsylvania, more than this number will compete for the managership of a major spoil All Sophomores, whose .scholastic gradi :.iii's above passing, are eligible to try for this ooveted position.

The I'nlVerslty Is recognized as a track center and next year many big meats Will be held on Franklin Field. Among these will be annual Relay Car* nival which attracts entries from most large Eastern colleges and universities is well IIS many Western one- Meets With Cornell and Dartmouth WlUalaO be held here. In addition to the Inlercol legiates Which close the season, and to which every large college in the country sends Its r-presentatlves. This large

sc hcilule necessitates a number of capa- ble men in manage and successfully put over this program.

At the close of the aeason three ino'i will b< ' 'tosen who win agai i oumpele ir their Junior rear. The standard oil Which the three candidates are selected is based on the ability and hard work of fie entire grc i..- of cat.dlates. In- fluential connections and "wirepulling' are of no avail, the merits of the candi- dates being the conclusive basis.

Manager ltogan reports that cross country men are signing up slowly, hut the number Is Increasing every day. Moth the schedule for the Varsity and Fresh men team Is very good this year, the yearlings having an especially large number of meets away. Within a few days the course will he changed to Cobb'a Creek, so It Is urged that all men sign up within ihe next two days in order to be ready for the hard five and a half mile run.

Bewanee, renn • •■. October i.- The football team ol the University of the

.South held a spirited practice this after- ■noon as the final preparation for Its gam.- with the University of Pennsyl- vania at Franklin Field, n.M Suiiinli. afternoon. Head Coach John N. Nichol- son drove the first and second teams hard, and at tin close of practice, an- IIOUIII id that lie was satisfied with their

Condition, as well as their ability to hold the Pennsylvania machine. The squad,

Iconsisting of twenty five players and a nipie-eiiiatlv. of the faculty, will leave for Philadelphia tomorrow, and arrive at Franklin Field sometime Friday. Tin; StUdenl body Of 600 plan- tO give them a royal send off.

Although this will be I'IO first game of the year for the "SewaneeTlgers," the men are In prime physical condition. dm1 to the training they have received from Coach Nicholson, It was impress- ed npon them at the close of practice tlmt they were expect) d nol only to make •i gioi showing against Pennsylvania, but the] had an opportunity to win. In addition to the Pennsylvania game, the Tiger- have three more games of th first magnitude on their schedule, Thes Include the University 'if Alabama, which journeys i,. Philadelphia on November i. the University of Tennessee, and Van- •lerbilt University.

Although the leam will probably be outweighed by Pennsylvania, liny will have a fair amount of weight and lots of -peed The star of the hai kl'ield is Captain "Irish" Coughlan, wao plays balf- baok, Captain Coughlan will be remem- bered by Pennsylvania men because it was he who equalled the worlds record for the 140 yard low hurdles at the Pennsylvania Relaj carnival games In 1990. This is his last year on the team, and he will have to be watched closely. Another hackfleld star who will make trouble is quarterback Powers. N'ot only

(Continued on Page Sixi


Results to be Announced in Big Quad Each Afternoon During Games

Devotees of the diamond sport will be entered to tomorrow afternoon when from the window of 44 Graduate House the progress of the world's series will be described play by play. The Information will be obtained by radio as It Is broad- casted from WOO, Wanamakers', and re- layed to the audience by megaphone.

Should this Initial procedure attract sufficient Interest the plan will he con- tinued throughout the series. The ence Is requested to cooperate by Ing when the announcer signifies h tentlon to speak.

Soccer U in £t€Hi By Junior Varsity

In a game that was much closer than

the figures Indicate., the patched irp

Junior Varsity soccer team sent the West Philadelphia High School hooters down to defeat yesterday afternoon on the River Field by the score of :', goals to 1. The last two markers chalked up by the Red and Blue dribblers were scor- ed late In the second half and only after fierce scrimmaging.

Although the vlstors presented a stub- born deferse It was only the splendid work of Matthews, the High School cap- tain and goal tender that prevented the Unlvgralty eocoerlata from running up a bigger score. Several times this slender leader, by stops that bordered on the miraculous, prevented what seemed to be certain tallies.

The High School team took the lead early In the game by virtue of a goal by Crome, the outside right alter ten minu- tes of play, t Despite the fact that the score was evened up shortly after, it was only after many moments had elapsed in the second period that Boulatchnik. with a well-placed boot, scored the de- ciding tally.

The game, although hotly contested, did not produce finished teamwork by either of the contestants. Downs and Miller each scored a goal for the Jun- ior Varsity.

Swarthmore Receives Setback Swarthmore's football hopes received a

severe jolt this week when George Lents, star center of the Garnet scrubs, broke his leg In scrimmage. I^entz, although,

Idered by promising; n,and will

Page 2: Wht Jknnsplbanfaii - library.upenn.edu · Borie, .ir.. take i's Initial plunge was Mr. c i.. Borie, the donor, ... on band this year -how- much promlM The heavy crew was the t'i'st

r 1


TbtiNnKKsm r. DOL1.AK. Pony L*nartii»I.OO. Uf RolUM Silvtr with ring fur ciu 11 ur ribbon.

TIM JUNIOR Mi la ta.oo. An MI- iMCtlVi-llttl.' IM M CMiiNi.-k.-I.Silvt-r or Gold, wiih ringr for CIIMIU or ribbon.

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TV IN0ERS1H.I. IMLLAK. Stand nr,i Length.* I. OO (if UottfS fi.lwr 1 >t nu-rwly adv. r . 1-

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An ingenious invention which meets the exacting require- ment! of college use. Simplified to overcome clog at the point and tedious mechanical manipulation.

Made economically by mass production methods and sold at prices that make wood pencils a luxury.

In models to suit every need—at price* to suit y«>ur purse.

Note these Advantages:

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3 Point pre — 1 in for protection extra Ittda, equal in wrii lei when DOl 111 ,.■■. vice to Iftttfl Wood t'ciu

Your statinury or cttftrativi store can show you tht.e and other modtli.

INGERSOLL REDIPOINT COMPANY. Inc. 'VVM.K. INGERSOLL, Pit* Formerly of Roto.H.ingerioll &Bro.

4r31 RaurlhAvenue, New York City EranJitt-Chtcii'xSi Paul. San Francuao

Know What's Happening

on the Gampus

Subscribe to the

The Daily Pennsylvania/!

$3.00 Per Year

The Pennsylvanian Printing Co. Printing of Quality

3451 Woodland Avenue


Chairman of Undergraduate Council Will Fresidt Over Nomination of

Temporary Officers.


Members of the freshman Claia trill meet for the flrel time at 1:80 o'clock on Tuesday, October 10. All nenbers of the Claea of ISM are reo.ulrta' to be present, for iiii> meetini i- of vital Im- portance to each iiiilivlilual 111 trial elMS

Tht first itepa toward organisation will be taken a) this moating The chairman HI the Election Committee will explain In detail the election system in preparation for the obolce of officers which iiuisi lie made toon

Before the close of the nsoetlni caadl- tates for the Temporary ProaMtncy and Secretary-Traasurershlp will be nomi- nated Thoaa temporary ofloari are elected for the purpooe of organising the Blast .mil in promote a dues campaign at icon at tht prescribed ami 1 ni fondi It in the handt ol «1»•- treasurer, permanent officers trill bo elected and the permanent organisation o( tht cleat will take place

Tht meeting tomorrow will be under : in- • ipoi rlaion ol the < luurman of the i adergraduata Council The final eloi ti.ui of temporarj officers win he bold mi rhnradaj. ' '1 lober ii'

Faculty Promises Treat For Freshmen

Opportunities ol meeting men vho an Intematlonall) famous »in i>e offered to ■Veshmen ai the coming Faculty R p Hun Though orlgtaall) planned for ih« opening week of the I'nrreraity, oeloboi 18th and 18th, bats boon deelgntted at the dates tor this Importani event

Members of Pecultj arlll attend who are u "-'ii known In Europe ai on the oamput, B) Informal!) meeting and con- rei 9| " Mh men inch as thett, 11 1* hoped that thai "hi* brother" reeling a U u.s.' again batwean facnitj and ml. ni This apat the oaao before the

L'nlTtrtltj grew to it.* praaeai dimen- sions, and ih.' gradual disappearance of this ttUtada has caused the faculty t.> take this flrel ttep toward regaining it

Vtrlout Mis nf entertalnmanl win be tendered throughout the evening, ac-| cording to .1 |>r..«r.i 111 being arranged by the I'ndergraduate Council. At IMP cloee if ih -. refreshments will be terved


\i imir o'clock this afternoon the Board ol Managers of the Pranklln 9oi let] «III hold a meeting In H rri..- ol Mr. B, 11. Buahnell locatad al MST "/cod- land Avenue Thlt mil i>e tht firm meeting hold by the Board "i Managers this term.

The advisability of Including tht 1 laat R 'd in the membership ol the Board ami other bualnaes will no coutldsred. Plant for the ImprovomoBl of tht I'ni vertlt) publications and an Increased circulation of the tame will also bt lit ooased

Tht psraonnel of the Board of Mann gort Of the Krankliu ■octet] at I lie pres- ent time Includes the edlton In-chlef and the butlnoat maaagan of the three big Dnlveralty publloatloaai namely. The Pennsylvanian, The Punch Bowl ami The Bod and Bine.


Competition Cor aaalatam manager <>f basketball has begun There It still a Chance, however, for any Sophomore In good scholastic standing to algn up. This opportaiilty wii remain open until 12 O'olock Sal unlay.

The competition will close with the selection of four men In the spring. Thett four assistant managers will com- pete another year for the position of Varsity Manager. The ofices of Junior Varsity Manages. The offices of Junior and manager of the Scholastic tourna- ment will full to the lot of the three who do Sot gain the highest honor.

Candidates are expected to usher at basketball games and do some office work. The oompetitton la short and most of the work during the season will be done in the evening.



Welcome Onr doors are alwaus oj en ro our ever-Increasing, clientele of Peim


Amj service we can render IJOU will lie done willingly and our

(ac ilitlei and < onvlenencei are antireltj at nour disposal.

The feature of t'ress Is important, and, in that cornection, we can

render most efficient assistance. We uudoubtelu, skow the largest

sto<k of up-to-date wooleas of best English and American make in

the cltu, and we would be real I u glad to show them to uou.

An account can be opened.

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Philadelphia's Httt

The University of Pennsylvania

Owns and Operates the

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A 10P.C. Cooperative 'Discount from the regular retail prices of all text-books, except Medical books, has been declared. This is a new plan and its continuance will depend upon the number of students takins advantage of this liberal offer.

Official Note Books, Stationery, Instruments and Supplies for all Departments, especially Engineering, Botany, Zoology.

Pennants, Banners; Pillow Tops, College Jewelry, Kodaks. Waterman, Sheaffer and Parker Fountain Pens

Eversharp and Sharpoint Pencils. Toilet Articles. Filing Devices, Waste Baskets.


Support Your Club HOUSTON HALL


Page 3: Wht Jknnsplbanfaii - library.upenn.edu · Borie, .ir.. take i's Initial plunge was Mr. c i.. Borie, the donor, ... on band this year -how- much promlM The heavy crew was the t'i'st


Welcome U. of P. Students

THE PALACE Quick Service

RESTAURANT FOOD: Only the Best PRICES: Reasonable

Use our Commutation Tickets $3.30 for $3 $5.55 for $5

3449 Woodland Avenue Opposite College Hall


RECENT BEQUEST ADDS TO LIBRARY 1526 Volumes Reecived From Wife Of

Noted Alumnus Adds Greatly To Large Collection.



GILBERT and BACON Photographers


50% Discount To Students

Official Photographer for 1922 Nurses Record, 1924 Class Record and 1922 Dental Record.

TheD rovers & Merchants National Bank Opposite Wixt Pli.la. Station, P. R. R.

We extend n cordial invitation to the faculty, student! and general family of the University" of Penns»|lvnnia. to impact our new" and lx-.nitifnl bonk build' ing at 3110-16 Market Street. Real equipment to render thorough up to daM banking service. We will Welcome your patFOIMgt.

Capitol, $500,000 Surplus & Undivided Profits $162,000

Totnl Resources, $2,500,000

Prominenl among the recent gtfta to Pennsylvania is the rich collection <>f

1 1,.- presented to the UnlTeralty Lib- rary by Mrs. 3. William White, In mem- ory of her husband, in. .1. William White, The booki ware from the private col- lection of Doctor Wli-e and are of ■real ralne to our library,

Doctor White was .1 noted alumnui of the (Tnlvei It] ol Pennaylwhnla, having reecived the degreei of M. D. and Ph. l>. in 1871. in 1906 be reecived an 1.1.. l>. from the University of Aberdeen. He was Professor of Physical Education; Ocnlto-Surgery; Surgery; Clinical Bur- gery and Emeritus Profeiaor of Burgary a| the t'niversltj of Pennsylvania. He was also :i member of the Board of ■ vi.-itors to West Point; Burgeon, lal Cltj Troop of Philadelphia; Comlssloner of I'.iiiinniMit I'mk Mini a member of man] prominenl clubs and societies In ilils city and elsewhere, Doctor White

1 1 .11-11 a noted author and died April M, 1MB in Philadelphia.

The books received by the library amount to 1616 volumes, among which an 360 book of Fiction, i:"> books writ- ten in Fri'ii, h. 200 volumes of biography mill 160 rolumes of travel. Bpecial note is to be made of ;i copy or the famous Oxford Dictionary which is in this eo* lection.

11 neclal interest 111 the University Is 1 nnlqns collection of II imwp books, containing clippings of the University of Pnnnsylvanla Memorabilia, compiled by Mr. .iiiiui B Sims. The* book coves the period from 1888 to '■"'". and con- Ma) of news referring to the University, taken from the newspapers of the world

Doctor Dickinson, the head of the Lib* rary, announces thai the cataloguers are working on these books and thai they »iil be ready for use In ahonl two weeks,


Oh Boy - Read This

Just think of it. Your suit sponged and Pressed, called for and delivered at less than 25c. per suit.

University Clothes Shop 3705 Spruce Street Call- Preston 3700

\n Bophomorea whose scholastic standing is above paaaing am eligible to compete for the football managership. Men desiring to enter this competition should report to r. K Bmlllle, 8306 Wal- nut Bt This opport ty 1- presented by iii. failure of many former aspirants to return to school this Pall, and all thoaa reporting will be placed upon an even

with the Older candidates. \i theterminatlon of the football sea

son. three men will be ohoaen as assist am managers to compete off the post of Varxlt) managership during their Junior roar The two men tailing In this com- petition ,11. appointed Associate Mana- ger and Freshman Manager reapocUvely,

in view 0 iihe faot the gridiron game is the moat popular of college sporta, this Is an aspeolallj attracive compe- tition. At the end nf their Senior year, the survivori of the competition are all time in be voted 1 Varaltj "P" by the Athletic Council.


vmt/ JS40THIM0



'Telephone Mutiny Hill8800

Our Representative will be at THE BELLEVUE-STRATFORD

on the following days during the coming season

with Samples of Ready-made Clothing Furnishings, Hats and Shoes

October 27. 28 November 24, 25

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VICTOR RECORDS FOR OCTOBER I M ' I I I 10 W hit •rlra. »e 18936 I0W I,.- •MM, Ma, 18 9 3 2 in a 1,.' •r„. lit

I S93S ,11.,„ lot arlM. lit I a 9 3 3 11. .-. hit ■fit.. 75f I SB 39 10-w lit! ■rlM. lit.

18937 III-In ii.t ■rlre. tit.

I Don't Bring Mr Poxii-x—Medley Fox Trot

On tba Alamo- Fox Trot Truly—Fox Trot

I Birdie—A Swc.lyTwe-ety Fox Trot Can Von Forgrt—Fox Trot

Two I.Ittlr Wooden Shoei Fox Trot StratUs' «t the Strutter'x Boll Fox Trot

The French Trot—Fox Trot Say It While D«ncin« Fox Trot

I'm Jtiat Wild About Harry Fox Trot ; Coal Black Mammy Fox Trot

Tricka—Fox Trot Why Should I Cry Over You?— Fnx Trot

; Blue—Fox Trot

Rrnxon Orchestra nf Chicago

Benson Orchextra of Chicago Paul Whlteman and I tin Orchestra

The Benxon Orchextra of Chicago Club Royal Orchestra

Club Royal Orchextra Zez Confrey and Mix Orchextin

All Stnr Trio and Their Orchextra namon Orchextra of Chicago

Paul Whileman and Mix Orchextra Paul Whileman and Mix Orchextra

Paul Vhitetnnn and Mix Orchextra The Virginianx

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Imported Scotch Grain

I hr kmu of Leathers

Double Soles

Comfortable, service ible and good looking

In Service And Accomod a I ion

Official Dormitory Sandwich Room



FRANK ELSTAR .nil Spruce Street Opp. Dorms.

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Men's Shoes Exclusively Hugh Cunningham

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^ STORAGE SUPPLIES REPAIRS 3804-06 DeLancey St., 38th and Spruce


\'ci longer may tha freshman Women itudenta flaunt their lucks to the breaaa of heaven. Thoaa cruel, and perhaps Jealoua, Bophomores have decreed thai the treasea of their younger slaters must be confined by 1 hat.

Oroupa of the first-year woman dis- cussing iiiis new mandate llterlly blocked Hi" corridor "f that wing of College Hall aet apart tor the feminine weareri ol tha Red and Blue. Prom the ronfuaion that reigned there seamed to be no Judges In charge "f the debate but the concensus of opinion seemed in !"• 1i1.1i tha Bophomorea vare "nasty, hate- ful tlllllKs."

The second-year woman are running iii" vigilance Committee a close ran' tor the honor of having treated their respec- tive sections of the Class of in:'«; with the moat severity, Now that they havo added <i>:,~ fresh crime in the unescap- abla "Fresh" buttons, University stud- ants everywhere are anxiously awaiting new development*.


33rd & Chestnut

Mr. Tom Harrison representing

Arthur M. Rosenberg & Co TAILORS

11 E. 47th STRF.Ki , NEW YORK

At Beaston's, Thursday & Friday, October 5 & 6

Page 4: Wht Jknnsplbanfaii - library.upenn.edu · Borie, .ir.. take i's Initial plunge was Mr. c i.. Borie, the donor, ... on band this year -how- much promlM The heavy crew was the t'i'st






J. R. Abersol.1, "23 1- M. C. Smith. II i««mim: KUITMHK

Q. H. Beaudry. 2:1 •=• g "gaff* Jr.. -* Wm. Charltun. -23 f• *• JHl3k«"l4 C. K. Trultt, -24 •> »«• Wlianon. 24 n. T. Qleehner, '24 a IrUa, ■>*■■ **

\U.il i K.niT»H» C. B. Reeve*. *24 <>• W- Jtevena. 25 M. L. William.. -24 \- » Tennaiit, iB W. T. Hobson. -24 I- U P»"J»"' Jra.M

H. H. Mlddleton, '24 B. N- ChrUtl*. II C 11 Orr '24 W. If. Whitney. Jr.. '25 K. Scott. '25 F. O. Wilson. Jr.. "25




l.M>n\r HI mm MAMA«KRS L. J. McEvoy, '23 J. Orr. "24 J. W. Jones. "24 if. I.. Campbell. '24 A. 8. Morse, '24 C Heldman. '25 H. Davidson, '24 K. Altmaler. '26 The Prnnsvlvaiuan Invites communications on all subjects

of University interest. Litters must be sinned, but signature will be .MI!, . i.l If desired.

UKKli'K, 3451 W'M»l>I.AND AVEMK. The IVnnsylvunlnn l» entered at the Philadelphia Poatofflet as

S.'1'I.IIII-CI.I.MS matter. BnbMHptlOni, Jit.OH t.cr >car. tine cent extra fur each copy

m.iiliil Hitliln the county. Iliialneax Mammer'a om.r Mourm

■ TO « I". H. IIAII.V

Smart Clothe*



Night Editors of this. Issue C. H. ORR


To enjoy out-self in the presence of members of Ihe far

ulty may seem wholly impossible to the student mind. How

ever, such a happy surprise awaits Ihe members of Ihe Class

of lML't; al tile receptions lo be given Ihem by their professors.

'Wits year, in keeping with the progressive policy of Penimyl-

..HI.,i two gatherings are being plan mil at which freshmen

will be given the opportunily lo tneei ami know tlie men win.

have their educational Interests al heart. The spirit al Ihese

affairs will he one of gootlwill ami friendship. Mixed In be-

tween moments of entertainment ami those deilicaletl to re

freshments, will be a time when >tmleiii and professor can

come to know each olher and form those lies that will be of

benefit lo both.

The value of such afairs Is hard lo estimate In the first

place it makes the task of bolh parties concerned much easier

It will be easier for Ihe professor to talk lo men he knows as

SomethlitK more than mere t.»,- On Ihe oilier hand, Ihe

■tndanl will be listening tO a friend, anil not to one he views

as. a traditional enemy.

It is up to every man In the f-'roshinaii Class lo attend

one of these i'.it ii.■MIII;- .m,I show his appreciation of what Is

being done for him. Professors are busy men. and It Is only

IhrouKb sacrifice on their pan that such ufalrs are possible.

Watch the Pennsylvania!! for furtlur information, men Of

"M, and seize this op|Mirtuhity tli.it is being offered to you.

The professors have done their part, now you do yours.


As was announced, we are, thla morning giving the de-

tails for the competition for all those aspiring to be eolyumlsts. • • •

We Imagine that the first tiling of Importance

to speak about la Just what happens to the person

winning the competition. To that unlucky person

goes a full editorship on Ihe Pennsylvania!! and all

the joys of wearing a key. You know, you are not

reaJI] collegiate until ><>» *ear » k«*y- • • •

Here is Ihe only catch lo the job we have discovered.

Thert ll some work thai must be done by the occupant of

this Office. In this way this position Is different than most

undergraduate office holders.

This work consists mainly in trying to decide which of

the contributions are good and whicii are not. Of course. II

Is .asy enough to decide thai about umr own stuff hut It la rather difficult when II comes to Judging bright things sub-

mitted by others. • ■ •

Those, who. in spite of all that has been said, are still an-

xious to try out for this office can continue to read about the

conditions of the competition. • • •


It will be run strictly according to Margins Of

IJwensbury rules The IMIIII is Scheduled for eighteen

niuiiils each round lo lust one week Knock tints

arc allowed bill we tin not expect to Me U|

• • •


At Ihe end of each round a package of clgaricttes will be

liven to Ihe one who has scored the greatest number of points during said rOOnd. As Va have said before, we will give powder gaffe, 'hewing gum. lOUy-pona or something ataa that Is in keeping with the customs of the times We might add. that, allho coeds are not eligible for Ihe office of Ml tor ol the Ci.lyiim they are eligible for any of Ihe prises, llellce the clgarrettes

For College Men

Fall Opening Q'ir stocks of Autumn and Winter Suitings and

Overcoatings are ready for your inspection. The choicest offerings of the world's marketa foreign and domeatic.

We assure you the close personal attention which is the keystone of this buisness will he maintained and we look forward to your visit with great pleasure.

C. T. I {AR1SERI & Co. 1111 Walnut Street


LOUIS M. KOLB, Matter Tailor

Cleaning - Remodeling - Repairing Press Clothes? We Do! Right

Our Commutation Tickets Save You 20 to 3fV, Made-To-Measure Clothes

Our buiiiieu wu built entlrelij on Service ant] Quality ol Work IUM , I , . University ol Pennii|Ivomla Student* at a motlwalc cost lie •onvluced

17~ IL'„ TBlln«n« CLnc ,ft| Memorial Tower, Dorms Kolbs 1 auoring dnops .w, spruce street


Not the least of tile opportunities offeretl to sltltleiits

of Pennsylvania are these which may be found without the

University walls. The city of Philadelphia presents a wealth

of cultural advantages which may be aelzed by those who

choose I'romlhent among these are the concerts of the

Philadelphia Orcheara, eontlucteil by l>r. Leopold Stokowskl

The Philadelphia Orchestra has reached first rank among

Ihe great symphony orchestras In the world of today, and.

In fact of all time. To slight any chance to hear thla won-

werful organisation Is folly Indeed.

Were it not for the efforts of the Franklin Society, It Is

lo be doubled if the I'tiiversity students would be given this

opportunily. for all seats at the regular concerts are sold well

In advance of the .season. Through the Instrumentality of

the publication society, however, over five hundred seats have

been reserved for the student body for four concerts. The

tickets are on sale now. Who will he the fortunate five bund red?

THOSE ELIGIBLE Any duly matriculated undergraduate male student in

good running order who is in pursuit of an education, hap- piness and a senior society hat is eligible for the competition.

(If course a colyiiinUt should have certain sterling i|itali- ties such as:

\ -.use of humor. Ability to transplant some "I that humor to the IVnn

and Ink Colyuin A thorough knowledge of conditions that exist at anil

about the 1'nlverslly. Kor Instance, he must know that Hibhy .iltho a prominent person hereabouts. Is not the head Toot ball coach, a ll r lender or I lean of tlM College

A kniiwletlge of Ihe traditions' of the t nlverslty. It Is wise to know that altho Men Franklin hail nothing to do whatsoever with the W'hartun School, he somehow managed lo become fairly successful.

A smattering of history, literature, are and current • \.iits. You know il might prove embarrassing for the colyu mist to think that Cleopatra useil rouge or to he under the Impression that Muscle Shoals Is a wrestler.

Treating Ihe coeds fairly anil giving them all Ihe credit the) deserve.

An ability to pick out two best contributions ami be ahlt; lo rewrite than so that thev will look different and we hope more humorous

He must lie discreet and diplomatic enough to be able |0 getaway with sarcastic and critical remarks without he lug asked lo leave college.

Typewriters 'Rented and Sold

Special Rental Rates to Students Authorized Agents for


Call S. W. Kiviat. 3819 Spruce St.. Baring 7611

Or Phone

American Writing Machine Company Walnut 2459 8C2 Chestnut St, Main 42%


To the Kditor-ln Chief of the Pennaylvanlan: Feeling that she undergraduates of the Tnlversity of

Pennsylvania are vitally interested in all that Is going on up- on the Campus, and especially In the o|>eratiou of the T'nder- graduate Council, I am writing this comunicatlou to the Pennsylvania!! in order to acquaint them with the dealings of the Undergraduate Council with an organisation formerly known upon the Campus as Kappa lleta Phi.

This organization came to the notice of the Council In the late spring of the school year of 1921-1922, when a request was made by the Provost of the University to the Under- graduate Council asking an investigation of Kappa lieta Phi. The matter was Immediately taken up with the retiring Coun- cil which hud been in communication with this Society at a previous date. After a deep review of the practices of Kap- pa Beta Phi during the school year of 1921-1922, the Under- graduate Council decided that the organization directly op-

WHAT'S THAT? No, »'e haven't any of Ihese qualification-. That

Is why we are so anxious to find someone that has at least one of them. Then we would feel assureil

that the best thine thai ever happened lo the colyum was In having this someone lake our Job.

So if you are still convinced that you want to help ua

out. we will be at our ofice to-day and to-morrow to meet all contestants. Our office is in Room No. 18, Houston Hall. Will be there from 1 to 1:30. Just ask for


posed the best Interests of the University of Pennsylvania, and accordingly on the afternoon of Friday. June 2. 1922, a' a P.M.. issued the following Instructions to the members of the Society known upon the University Campus as Kappa lleta Phi.

"Kadi anil every member of the Society known as Kappa Mela Phi shall before eleven o'clock on the morning of Sat- urday, June ll. 1922 present to the Chairman or to the Sec- retary of the Undergraduate Council a written signed state- ment slating that he pledges himself to discontinue acllvu membership In Kappu Belt Phi and the wearing of Ihe key representing that Society during Ihe remainder of his under- graduate life at the University of Pennsylvania.

"Upon any violation of these Instructions, the Council will, without further notice, place the name of the violator before the Provost, with a recommendation for expulsion from the University."

The Council wlshea lo warn the student body against fur ther activities of Kappa Beta Phi. and to assure It that the above Instructions will be enforced to the letter.

(Signed) THOMAS B. K. RINOE, Chairman, Undergraduate Council

The Centennial National Bank 32nd and Market Streets





This bank solicits the accounts of University

students on its record of more than forty

years of service.


Table D'Hote and A Lo Caitf Service All food Delic lou*li| He me Cooked*

120 So. 36th Street Open 8 uotil 8

Belle Ulead Sweets ALWAYS FRESH

B E A. ST O N 3701 Spruce Street

Page 5: Wht Jknnsplbanfaii - library.upenn.edu · Borie, .ir.. take i's Initial plunge was Mr. c i.. Borie, the donor, ... on band this year -how- much promlM The heavy crew was the t'i'st


Wears LongestJ | Saves Your Ties [

BECAUSE it has a trim neatness that no other collar can give, men who

care about their appearance wear the VAN HEUSEN

Buv your collars of a reputable retailer. He won't offer you a substitute when you auk for ■ VAN HEUSEN. He knows there isn't any.

VAN HEUSEN the Worlds Smartest COLLAR


Playing Pool if the Only Pleasing Exercise


3437 Woodland Avenue Philadelphia

In. <•> [Mil Hi-.I |M

BERKSHIRE Life Insurance Company


OPPORTUNITY We are always ready to talk with young men about entering the life insurance business as salesman and connecting themselves with this Company.

E. H. PLUMMER. General Agent Philadelphia Bank Building


WHALLEY-FORD, LTD. 7 E. ¥ith St., New York City

British Footwear at

Thomson's Tailoring Shop


Youngman - 581 Fifth Ave., N. Y.

HATS AND CAPS At Thomson's Today

Ryecroft of London




When the I'ntverslty Soccerlsts line

HP on Museum Field Saturday they wll

face in the Toronto tMm an eleven that

Is possessed of one of the most formidl

able reputations on this continent. The

visitors are the intercollegiate Champ-

ions of Canada, and. from al reports, are

at the top of their form.

Baton the Bam* yesterday between

Toronto and the Princeton dribblers.

Coach Nies. tlic Drang*, ann mark men-

tor, stated thai the chance of Mi char-

ges emerging victorious was very slim, in view of tin- fait t^l Princeton was the Intercollegtlata Championi of the

i 0tilted Statet las year ami has seven veterans frotn that team now on the

Is.iiiad the pilgrims from the north will Iat least provide stern opposition for the

Ked and Mine bOOteri In addition to this, me Toronto ag-

gragatlon emerged rictoriaua from a re- cent fray with the strong Crescent A. C. aggregation to the tune of a "•" anon. The New Yorkers registered a win over

; the Pennsylvania!! soccerlsts last Sat- urday.




50c. p« $2.SO [Mf WML IS ».-,.!.

WANTED Salesman. opportunity to earn real money. Kasy work. Only students apply Thursday and Friday from I to 8 P, M. Students Laundry Agency, :'Ti Bo, :'.7 st. ^_^_____ THIRD S'I'OHY front room. 14x24 ft..

nloly furnished. Single beds. Contlnu ous hot water. Hot water heat, dec triclty. Adjoining bath; J or 3 men. Meals. .".I" Woodland Terrace.


CHAMBER WORK In a fraternity. Call IIM S. Markoe St.


TUTORING SCHOOL Tutoring in Mathamatics, Lang-

uages 8i Chemistry individually.

Classes Limited to Four

Thorough Teachers

Terms Reasonahle

115 South 34th Street Pboae, Boring 7i>28

Band—All band men r. port for re- hearsals '" KV"1 al * today and Friday, and Friday.

Track—Managerial candidate! report al "■"■•<'■ Walnut Street ever] afternoon this week.

All-University Dance—Ticket commit- tee The Following report al Houston Club al 1:80 today: S Mi Council, .1. Lonergan, Hoagland, Beaudry, C. Raevae, McClurg, W, Polay, Boob, Kiiniiaii. Be- gan, M William-, li. Btevena, and W.ild- ner.

Walking Club—Students desiring to take Walking tor their gym credit must

ter with Dr Cromle between ."• and ''■ any afternoon before Nov. l.

Basketball—Following managerial can- dldatei report to Kimball at HI Mask and Wig I>■»i iii. tonlghl at 7 o'clock: Jewell, Cook. Norman Paocosutt, Oeorge Crlftln. Kohl Miller. Win. cooper. .Tr.

Students' Ward—loi KUBOOr 'II ('.. Clark Cralg, ISWh., Martin liriinner. Iliad Hyatt Phi Kappa Beta Meeting tonlghl at Si* ma Chi House, 38'M) Locuat, ■ 7 o'clock.

Clarr Record Ml candidates leporl ■ i.i 11\ ai 1:80 to room 16 Houston Hall,

Soccr following rap HI ai soccer lockers al 9 o'clock: Avndsraon, Cowper thwalte, Downs. Cattle, Polk, Miiki. Pan- coast. Heard. Bailey, Baron, Amelia Voll- men. Reeves, Bohuttr, l. Downes, Hamil- ton, Butcher, Habaaw, Nolte, Blalr, Lyons. Lenglebacb, Partdlrge, McElroy, McLonghln, Bemaenlg, Hadley, Boulotoh- wlk. Hater. Stolornft'. Steiihouse. Urud- rhln. F'rentzei. Rlraa, Aranello, Batter- wotlcli. TrUltt, and all other candidates. Luzerne Country Club meeting this evening al 7:80 al Houston Hall, Zelo meeting tonlghl at 7:80. Smoker Monday night at 8, Basketball following Managerial candi- date, report to Kimball at -I Mask and Win Dorm. Thursday at • uwuiti Pan- const. Cooper, Qrlffln, Cook and Miller. Episcopal Committeemen meeting to- night at 7. I'hiirch of Transfiguration,

CATKRHR—Experienced, desires frater nlty dining-room. Best references.

Address w. B. Xorfleut. 1480 Lombard St. Phone: Oregon 5884.

mn ).\is ktaatla

Single or En suite at The Annex, :'.H»1 Woodland Ave.

Now open for inspection. C. It. Snyder Baring 77L'.")

SALESMAX wanted spare lime selling patented envelope sealer to offices, etc.

(iood profits. Territory protected. Addres E. C. Worrell. 1!» Maple Ave.. Ilala. Pa.

WANTED- Students for table board. Reasonable. Apply 148 s. 89th street.

FOR SALE one complete architect's set of Rlchter drawing inslrunients. R,

V. Hoy. 8914 Spruce St. 1'hone Baring ION, FOK SAI.~E.ISui rifice, Piano, excellent

condition. 1185.00. Hall stand. Suitable for fraternity. Mrs Winsmore. B91S Spruce St. SOPHOMORE Wharton School, wishes

room-mate Also other rooms for rent. :',7"l Spruce St FOK RENT Four extra large double

rooms on second and third floors. All modern conveniences ll.'i S. 87th Si

Fl'ItXISHED ROOMS—Comfortable, for girl students. Conveniently located.

Newlj decorated. Electricity. 8806 Bpruoa

St. FOK It EXT Three large front rooms,

corner HiinnitiK water, electricity, va- por beating, one with private bath. 8616 Walnut St ROOMS TO RENT wiiaitor Sophomore

wishes roommate, Also others rooms for rent 3T©4 Spruce Street

TWO VERY desirable rooms. American students only. Modem convenience.

Reasonable. 8718 Woodland Ave.

CATERER Experienced caterer wants Fraternity. Reasonable rates. Good

food, best services. 181 X. Hobart Street. Phone -'in



f you want your best year In school you must have the best of health, then eat at the

DUTCH KITCHEN Ask Your Friends 3337 Woodland Ave.

Ti>Ni§ht! Receiving speeches, sporting results, concerts, etc, right In your own horns from stations as tar away as Nswark or Pittsburgh Is as easy as ualng your telephone, Don't miss our demonstration of *L P* Amrad or Kennedy ReoelTor Sets at Booth 40. Also a complete line of Radio parts and accessories.

MOTOR PARTS CO. 1423 N. Broad St., Philadelphia


ROOMS—(or students, all modern con- veniences. Rates reasonable. McHenry

Preiton B888-W 808 s- n»t St. ROOMS two double rooms, electricity, hot and cold running water. Ask for Mi Rohrer. 8841 Baltimore Avenue.

:ilnS RACE ST second Hour rooms, twin beds, hot water heat, continuous hoi

neighborhood, reasonable rates.

I.OST—Black wallet containing mater- j lal only of personal value. Phone bOCWi 7664, Reward.

FRANK BRQTB HERS Fiftli Avcnuo Boot Shop near 4Sth Street. New York

Models for sports,

dress and street.

At Beaston's

Every Thursday

and Friday


Eating Headquarters for

U.ofP. Students


We do our own baking

CHEF" colored, Is seeking employment in fraternity house. First-class In all

branches, references. Address Box A, I'ennsylvanian.

ROOMS Two double rooms. Electricity hot and cold running water. Ask for

Mr. Rabat*. 3911 Baltimore Ove.

Wll,I. FRESHMAN whTloaned-Water- man fountain pen at the Gymnasium

ask for Mr. Olcott at 8468 Woodland Av.

FOR SALE—Property near I'niverslty, ' suitable for Fraternity or Club house.

Attractive price and terms. W. F. Coop- er. 7th and Walnut.

LARGE, well furnished room, second floor front. Running water and elec-

tricity. 240 S. 39th St. ^^

WANTED Stenoghuphers and girls for miscellaneous offices work. 17 years

and over, part or full lime. Apply Im- mediately, slating age phone number and address. Address Pennsylvanlan Box B.

Fl' R XIS H ED ROOM S—Electric —lights and al modern conveniences. 206 S.

Mth St.


Page 6: Wht Jknnsplbanfaii - library.upenn.edu · Borie, .ir.. take i's Initial plunge was Mr. c i.. Borie, the donor, ... on band this year -how- much promlM The heavy crew was the t'i'st






Tomorrow evening al " o'clock UM I'htlnnmtlifnii Society will hold its first regular meeting In 111 •• society's raonik on tlic fourth floor of College Hall These tueetliiKs will he hehl renularly

. throughout the year. Debating, literary program! and the

presentation of one act plays will coin poM of the schedule of activities planned h\ the Society. For the dramatic work of the flrei term ■ number of one act plays have been selected which are to be itai • ■ci iii the portable theatre, which is the property of this organltatlon..

Try outs will be held in the very near future as a part of the entrance pro

Sold by all Leading Haberdathers on , .. _ , .... , . . ' " gram oi the Society. rhese trials are

This irartrr is idral fornn-n's and women'* long hen*- and juat nitht for knirkt>ra Ui-auae tha webhinn in „oft and wide. Uuy hy nam.- and CI thanonllM. Miac ■•Uly br H. Ih.,. P 7i,

Ca., Bn«g«a«>t, CMB.


(Continued from Pane 1)

the Campus. open to first year men who are inclined in the activities undertaken by I'hilo.

Pianos Rented

BELLAK Victor Records 1129 Chestnut Street

get your hair-cut at JACKS

Reduced prices this year N. W Cor. o( 3b and Walnut

Broke:* Windows and Locks REPAIRED

All kind's of "Fixing" R. R. HINDMAN

BarinA 7276-W

Eureka Theatre 3941 Market Street

The picture beautiful




8 reels of storm and sunsmine.

RAINCOATS "Direct From Factory to Wearer"


p, ii Boa 1489 Philadelphia, Pa,

Is he a food field (foneral, but he i- |

very slippery open field runner. Linda-

mood at halfback and Sininders at full-

back will complete the bsckftold,

Coach Nicholson, formerly All-Amort

.in fullback .it the University of Missou-

ri ten yean ago, always specialties In

hie backneld.and thlnki nt has one that

will give the l'enns\ Ivani.i adherent- a

few thrills. Little ami Shook will prob

ably play the ende, H Murray and Mil lard the tackles, II Murray and Kent the

guards, with stivers at oentro. in referring to tha outlook, Coach

Nicholson said tonight: "The squad is keyed up to a high piton, and by Sal ir ■lay win be read) to go the limit De spite the tact that considerable litera- ture bai been sent Into llie Tiger i.imp about the prowess oi t&e Pennsylvania team, Its neavj Una and hut backs, the rigors n i onl) do nol ezpeel to be wal- loped ai badly ai propheslted, hut they feel sure that they have ,ll| even chance of bringing home the victory."

The Pennsylvania

Punch Bowl America's Funniest College

Comic - -

Subscribe Now $3.00 per year

(Text lunik iPalc SECOND HAND

Youngs American Government 1 50 Elijs Eiononii. - 1.50 Cneipisi}9 So. Inil. nJstetu 1.7J

3333 Woodland Ave

Sophie Ringe Candies .V411 Walnut Street

Women's undergraduates shop sandwiches-old (ashioned choc.

Home Made

Preston UN


MM Spruce St.

Opposite Dorms.

KETTLE TEA 3433 Wolnui Si

Hnais Mode Rons, Ice < tram sad I edgs nieaeis 41 so i.ss sun,t«i> US to 7 - .*•

Dinners vV Luin liponi arranged


Do yi i need a desk, morris chair, booh ' pewrlter, in) thing to help make your quarters comfortable, call and tee our Immense itocl of used furniture and off! |Ulpment. No matter what you want von srlll mo-t likely tind it


819-821 Walnut *streft. Philadelphia.

The Old Drury Coffee Shop

3421 Woodland Ave.

A Real Good Place T*i Eat


A greater percentage than ten percent was declared six years

ago on every article the student bought, at:



Books and students supplies had been my business for 17 years

and I have been consistently lower in prices, also have been the

one person who has been able to make it possible for the students

to beat high prices.


Service has been my motto and all have benefited that supported co-op.


\- a preliminary to their annual Preahman Reception mi Monday night, the members of the Zelosophlc Society are holding their first n ting of the year si I tonlghi in the Society's rooms in College Mali This meeting i* in the nature of ,< reunion a- well as a pre- paration for tin . vein thai thej are plan nine: for the first-year men,

The feature address of the evening will delivered by Mr. Wilbur Pierce, who has taken ax hi- subject "rile Inland QoOS." Samuel McConnell, President of the Christian Association, will also gftg one of his jnsll\ cc|chratc<| talks.

»ftei the speech-making the meeting will he thrown open to general discus ston, at which time many plan- for the coming year «lll be put forward. There are sJso several musical numbers mi the

, nil

S« nt to any part of the glo >e.

2 For Suits of Quality and Economy see Us First

University Clothes Shop 3705 SPRUCE ST.

Established 1898


Eating Headquarters for

U. of P. Students

3657 Woodland Avenue Opp. Dorms-