who killed benny paret?. warm-up questions what is the attraction of boxing? why do you think people...

Who Who killed Benny Paret?

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Page 1: Who killed Benny Paret?. Warm-up questions What is the attraction of boxing? Why do you think people enjoy watching boxing? Can you think of some especially

WhoWho killed Benny Paret?

Page 2: Who killed Benny Paret?. Warm-up questions What is the attraction of boxing? Why do you think people enjoy watching boxing? Can you think of some especially

Warm-up questions

What is the attraction of boxing? Why do you think people enjoy watching boxing?

Can you think of some especially dangerous or vicious sports?

Do you think some of them should be banned?

Page 3: Who killed Benny Paret?. Warm-up questions What is the attraction of boxing? Why do you think people enjoy watching boxing? Can you think of some especially

Word association

People Venue

Action Others

Page 4: Who killed Benny Paret?. Warm-up questions What is the attraction of boxing? Why do you think people enjoy watching boxing? Can you think of some especially

Useful words for boxing

prizefighterskillerssluggermaulersfellows who hit with the force of a baseball batboxing artists

the venueringarenacanvas

Page 5: Who killed Benny Paret?. Warm-up questions What is the attraction of boxing? Why do you think people enjoy watching boxing? Can you think of some especially

movement of a boxer









smash (with poleax impact)

pack dynamite in his fists

Page 6: Who killed Benny Paret?. Warm-up questions What is the attraction of boxing? Why do you think people enjoy watching boxing? Can you think of some especially

othersroundboutRefereesexamining doctors(fight) managers(prizefight) promoters

the supreme moment of boxingknockout go downcount outstretch out on the canvasmouthpiece (flying out)blood squirting out of the nose/eyeswobble under the attack

Page 7: Who killed Benny Paret?. Warm-up questions What is the attraction of boxing? Why do you think people enjoy watching boxing? Can you think of some especially

injuryhit in/over the head/heart

deliver impact against the head

hemorrhage in the brain


damage to the brain

coma (come out of ~)

Page 8: Who killed Benny Paret?. Warm-up questions What is the attraction of boxing? Why do you think people enjoy watching boxing? Can you think of some especially


1. Interview with prizefight promoter2. Purpose of prizefights3. Young Paret was struck on the head all the

time during the bout4. The public as well as the authority were ar

oused, investigations were conducted (except for the real reason: the crowd)

5. True killers (social mores)

Page 9: Who killed Benny Paret?. Warm-up questions What is the attraction of boxing? Why do you think people enjoy watching boxing? Can you think of some especially


(line3) … I found myself on varied assignments, all the way from ship news to sports reporting.

- I found I was given different kinds of tasks, ranging in variety from … to …

(line5) There was nothing spectacular in Mr. Jacob's manner or appearance; but when …

- There was nothing in Mr. Jacob's manner and look that would attract attention, but when he talked about prizefights, he was not an ordinary person any more, but one with great importance.

Page 10: Who killed Benny Paret?. Warm-up questions What is the attraction of boxing? Why do you think people enjoy watching boxing? Can you think of some especially

(line 15) … if he was speaking literally when …- If he really meant it (without exagerration) …

(line 22) …produced a flurry of investigation.- …resulted in a great deal of fervent public interest a

nd several investigations.

(line 45) No crowd was ever brought to its feet ….- When the audience saw two boxers exquisitely move

from side to side to avoid the opponent's quick straight punch to the head, nobody would get to his feet, crying out in a shrill voice or shouting in great joy.

Page 11: Who killed Benny Paret?. Warm-up questions What is the attraction of boxing? Why do you think people enjoy watching boxing? Can you think of some especially

(line 47) The time the crowd comes alive is …- The moment when the crowd is brought to a

cheerful and excited mood is when a boxer receives hard blows over his heart and head, when his gum shield falls off, when blood oozes from his nose or eyes, when he moves unsteadily from side to side under the attack, and his opponent chases him and goes on with his heavy blows and hard punches with the force of a poleax.

Page 12: Who killed Benny Paret?. Warm-up questions What is the attraction of boxing? Why do you think people enjoy watching boxing? Can you think of some especially


1. (n.) A young bird that has recently acquired its flight feathers2. (n.) A young or inexperienced person3. (adj.) new and untried or inexperienced

a fledgling + enterprise/industry/business/market/artist/singer…

中国刚兴起的拍卖市场是否又一个泡沫 ?Is China's fledgling auction market another bubble?

fully-fledgled (experienced, mature)计算机科学现在是一门成熟的学科了。Computer science is now a fully-fledgled academic subject.

Page 13: Who killed Benny Paret?. Warm-up questions What is the attraction of boxing? Why do you think people enjoy watching boxing? Can you think of some especially


My beat is education. The news reporter is on the social security b


beat around / about the bush 拐弯抹角 / 旁敲侧击 / 兜圈子

beat it 打击,击败 Michael Jackson's song Beat It ( 远离吸烟、酗酒、

暴力等恶习 ) beat the bushes 四处寻找 beat the drum/drums 摇旗呐喊

Page 14: Who killed Benny Paret?. Warm-up questions What is the attraction of boxing? Why do you think people enjoy watching boxing? Can you think of some especially

Varied, various Various 强调数量繁多的不同种类,即多种多样,后接


Varied 强调由不同成分构成, 后接复数名次时与 various 相近 后接单数名词时强调变化,此时不可与 various 互换。

Representatives from ____ parts of the country ( 全国各地 ) have arrived in Beijing.

The Indian vegetarian diet is ____ ( 品种多样 ) and highly flavored.

Page 15: Who killed Benny Paret?. Warm-up questions What is the attraction of boxing? Why do you think people enjoy watching boxing? Can you think of some especially

Wind up To come or bring to a finish; endWind up a project/party/speech/meeting/program…They wound up the party by singing a song/with a song. ( 他们在晚会

最后唱了一首歌。 )- 她以一句名言结束演讲。She wound up her speech with a famous quotation.

(inf.) to arrive in a place or situation after or because of a course of action

They took a long walk and wound up at the edge of town.( 他们走了很长的路,最后来到小镇的边上。 )

- 他花钱太多,最后债台高筑 He overspent and wound up in debt.

Wind down: to diminish gradually in energy, intensity, or scope- The party wound down as guests began to leave.* 今年我忙得要命 , 我需要有一个假期放松一下。 This year has been frantically busy for me. I need a holiday just to win

d down.

Page 16: Who killed Benny Paret?. Warm-up questions What is the attraction of boxing? Why do you think people enjoy watching boxing? Can you think of some especially

flurry a brief, light snowfall A sudden gust of wind A stirring mass, as of leaves or dust, a shower A sudden burst or commotion, a stir

- a flurry of interest in the new product- a flurry of activity when the plane landed- 八个月后,当我从战场回到家人身边,我跑上前去拥抱妻儿,

热泪盈眶。Eight months later, when I returned home from the war, I ran ov

er and hugged my wife and children in a flurry of tears.- 电影明星到达时 , 人群中发生了一阵骚动 A flurry of excitement went round the crowd as the film star arriv


Page 17: Who killed Benny Paret?. Warm-up questions What is the attraction of boxing? Why do you think people enjoy watching boxing? Can you think of some especially


Lie with sb. Lie in sth.

责任在司机。The responsibility lies with the driver.

成功在于勤奋。Success lies in hard work.

Page 18: Who killed Benny Paret?. Warm-up questions What is the attraction of boxing? Why do you think people enjoy watching boxing? Can you think of some especially

Nominal clauses with when or where

This is not where the primary responsibility lies.

Workbook p.144

Page 19: Who killed Benny Paret?. Warm-up questions What is the attraction of boxing? Why do you think people enjoy watching boxing? Can you think of some especially

Blame (v. & n.) Blame sb. for sth He blamed the girl for her mistake. Blame sth. on sb. 他失败了,却归咎于老师 He blamed his failure on the teacher. 这群小男孩输了就怪天气不好。 The boys blamed their defeat on the weather. (sb / sth) be to blame (no passive) Who is to blame for starting the fire?

这件事上,谁都没有错。 Nobody is to blame for it. (n.) responsibility for failure: lay/put the blame on sb. for sth. He is trying to lay the blame on the teacher for his failure.

* Put the blame where it belongs.

Page 20: Who killed Benny Paret?. Warm-up questions What is the attraction of boxing? Why do you think people enjoy watching boxing? Can you think of some especially

Mini debate:Prizefighting should be banned.

10 minutes to brainstorm. First speaker from the affirmative side: 1-2 m. First speaker from the negative side: 1-2 m. Rebuttal: 10 m. Second speaker from the negative side: 2 m. Second speaker from the affirmative side: 2 m.