who is called fertility specialist?


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Dr.Gautam Allahbadia an IVF Fertility specialist is leading Infertility specialist in India running fertility centre named Rotunda – The Center For Human Reproduction. Dr.Gautam Allahbadia's IVF Clinic is India's leading fertility center and one of the top IVF clinics in India having the best IVF success rates when compared globally. The infertility clinic is managed by team of fertility experts who are internationally renowned for their work in fertility treatments. Dr.Gautam Allahbadia has been playing major role in providing expertise treatments to overcome with an infertility problems and making your family complete. We provide affordable & high quality infertility treatments with advanced reproductive technologies and world class IVF lab infrastructure. Contact Dr. Gautam Allahbadia IVF Fertility specialist- Top IVF clinics in Mumbai, India for infertility treatments at Rotunda – The Center For Human Reproduction http://ivftreatmentindia.wordpress.com


Page 1: Who is called Fertility Specialist?

What to look into an IVF specialist? - Fertility Specialist and Fertility Clinic at Mumbai,

India - Infertility, Fertility, IVF Clinic India - Who is called Fertility Specialist? - Dr.Gautam

Allahbadia an IVF Fertility specialist, Mumbai, India - Know in detail about Fertility

Infertility and IVF Specialist - Top Infertility Doctor and IVF Clinic - Role of Fertility

Specialist in the journey of Infertility

Infertility is a medical problem that results in the inability to conceive a child or carry a

pregnancy to full term. A couple is usually diagnosed as infertile after one year of frequent,

unprotected, sexual intercourse. If you have been trying to get pregnant on your own and

are concerned that you might have fertility problems, it is good to start off by seeing a

general gynaecologist. You should talk to your general gynaecologist about your concerns,

discuss your medical history, and ask him at what point he would refer you to a fertility

specialist. If you are under 35 and have been trying to get pregnant for a year or more, your

doctor may refer you to a fertility specialist. If you are 35 or older, your doctor may refer

you for fertility treatment after just six months of trying. Infertile couples start losing hope,

fearing continual disappointment on failure of not being able to conceive. If you've been

working with your family doctor or OB/GYN while trying to get pregnant but haven't had

success, it may be time so see a fertility specialist or fertility doctor. That’s why it’s

important to know when to see a fertility specialist and how this doctor can help you.

Fear of failure, concerns about cost and stories you have heard about other couples

difficulties in conceiving can be discouraging. The majority of couples — 65% — who seek

fertility treatment succeed in having children after being treated with fertility medication or

surgical repair of reproductive organs. More than 95% of infertile couples in treatment do

not require in vitro fertilization (IVF).

When looking for an IVF doctor, a good place to start is to ask your OB/GYN for his/her

opinion of doctors in your area. Because fertility treatment usually requires several office

visits, you will probably not want to travel too far for testing and treatment. Other sources

are friends or relatives you know who have had an experience with a fertility doctor.

Because there is a wide range of IVF clinics, it is helpful to know the ins and outs of how to

select an IVF specialist and an ivf clinic. Though some OB/GYNs do provide limited infertility

treatment, they are not trained in the more advanced reproductive technologies like IVF.

You will want to find a doctor who has been trained to do IVF.

Fertility specialists are doctors that focus on diagnosing and treating male and female

infertility. Fertility doctors study Reproductive endocrinology and infertility (REI), a branch

of medicine that identifies and treats infertility in both men and women. Fertility doctors

are gynaecologists who have received advanced, specialized training and certification in

fertility problems and solutions. These fertility specialists have undergone the extensive

advanced medical training necessary to accurately diagnose and treat the many complex

conditions that can cause infertility. Fertility specialists specialises from the initial diagnosis

in the male and female to the most complex assisted reproductive technology procedures.

Page 2: Who is called Fertility Specialist?

Fertility specialist are actively involved in the management of in vitro fertilization cycles and

master the administration of FSH, cycle monitoring, retrieval, culture and transfer.

Reproductive Endocrinologists (RE) represents a subspecialty of obstetrics/gynaecology

devoted specifically to treating infertility.

When it’s time to see a fertility specialist?

If you've been working with your family doctor or OB/GYN while trying to get pregnant but

haven't had success, it may be time so see a fertility specialist. One might want to see a

fertility doctor sooner if you have a history of irregular or painful periods, pelvic pain,

endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), repeated miscarriages, or if your partner

has a low sperm count or a history of testicular, prostate, or sexual problems. If age is a

concern then also it is better to seek assistance of fertility specialist earlier.

What is the role of a fertility specialist?

A fertility specialist diagnoses and treats problems related to infertility. If you have been

trying to get pregnant for a year (or six months if you are over 35) and natural conception is

not working, a fertility specialist can diagnose and treat the infertility problems like

Endometriosis, Problems with ovulation, Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), Abnormalities

of the ovaries, fallopian tubes and/or uterus. Also, if you have had two or more

miscarriages, a fertility specialist may diagnose the cause of the miscarriages. The specialist

would then guide you in selecting procedures that may help prevent miscarriage so you

carry the baby to term.

If you are over 35 or if you want to benefit from assisted reproductive technologies (ART),

like in vitro fertilization (IVF), a fertility specialist can guide you in using the ART process,

along with other high-tech procedures. A fertility specialist may be the most qualified doctor

to help you overcome infertility and finally get pregnant.

Once you have made the decision to consult a fertility doctor and have narrowed down your

option on fertility specialist, you should make an appointment to meet with, and interview,

the doctor of your choice. It is always better that you pay visit along with your partner. Your

partner should attend the appointments with you.

When selecting a fertility clinic and doctor, it is wise that you do your own research in

advance of visiting a clinic. Doctors report that IVF patients these days are typically well-

informed and knowledgeable when visiting a clinic for the first time. It is to your benefit to

be an educated consumer and to know what to look for. Prepare list of questions you would

like to talk to your fertility specialist.

Page 3: Who is called Fertility Specialist?

The list may include few of the following questions.

1) For how long have you been treating infertility?

2) Do you have a treatment specialty?

3) How long have you been in this practice?

4) How long has the fertility clinic's medical director been there? How long have the doctors

and technicians been there?

5) Which procedures do you do and how often? Be sure the clinic has a wide range of

infertility remedies available and is familiar with the latest technologies, such as something

called blastocyst transfer.

6) Do you have age limits for treatment? If so, it's a good sign that the clinic is concerned

about ethical issues.

7) What specific tests would you recommend to diagnose my infertility? How much do they


8) Based on the results of those tests, what are my fertility treatment options, and how

much do they cost?

9) How many ovulation induction (OI) cycles do you recommend before moving to in vitro

fertilization (IVF)?

10) How many embryos do you transfer per cycle?

11) What is the success rate for IVF in terms of live births per embryo transfer for this


12) If necessary, can you help me access donor egg, embryo or sperm donor?

13) How will I communicate with you during this whole process?

Page 4: Who is called Fertility Specialist?

14) Does your clinic provide emotional counselling, or can you refer me to a counsellor who

deals with fertility problems?

15) What can I expect in terms of time commitments and how many visits do you anticipate

will be necessary?

You should also find out if you can speak with any former patients willing to share their

success stories. Beyond getting information about the doctor and the practice, you can have

an opportunity to connect with people who've been there. Trust your gut. After visiting and

narrowing on the fertility specialist or an IVF specialist it's up to you (and your gut) to make

your final decision. If something feels off, pay attention. On the flip side, if you feel a

connection, you should listen to that, too. Your comfort level with the doctor is a very

important aspect that should not be ignored. Make sure you and your spouse are

comfortable with the specialist and there clinic. You should develop a trust in him. Then only


However, you need to do some homework first. Before you step foot into the fertility clinic,

find out what kind of invasive tests or procedures might lie in wait for you. And give some

thought ahead of time to how far you're willing to go with this process. Advanced

reproductive technology can cost many thousands of rupees, can involve strong drugs or

hormones, and can be an emotional roller coaster. Knowing your limits will keep you from

being talked into some nifty new procedure that you really don't want and can't afford.

Lastly, follow your own instincts. You know your body, and if you are trying month after

month and can’t get pregnant, go ahead and make an appointment to see a fertility

specialist. Remember, if you're under 35 and have been trying for more than a year, or are

35 or older and have been trying for 6 months or more, then you should see a fertility

specialist right away. This can give you a peace of mind immediately—and hopefully a baby

in the near future.

With today's advanced reproductive technology, you can always find a solution to all the

fertility problems. You must meet an expert in the infertility field. Dr.Gautam Allahbadia an

IVF Fertility specialist is leading Infertility specialist in India running fertility centre named

Rotunda – The Center For Human Reproduction. Dr.Gautam Allahbadia's IVF Clinic is India's

leading fertility center and one of the top IVF clinics in India having the best IVF success

rates when compared globally. The infertility clinic is managed by team of fertility experts

who are internationally renowned for their work in fertility treatments. Dr.Gautam

Allahbadia has been playing major role in providing expertise treatments to overcome with

an infertility problems and making your family complete. We provide affordable & high

quality infertility treatments with advanced reproductive technologies and world class IVF

lab infrastructure.

Page 5: Who is called Fertility Specialist?

Contact Dr. Gautam Allahbadia IVF Fertility specialist- Top IVF clinics in Mumbai, India for

infertility treatments at Rotunda – The Center For Human Reproduction


Profile: Dr. Gautam Allahbadia from India, is an expert in Assisted Reproductive Techniques.

Dr. Allahbadia performs in vitro fertilization (IVF), Donor Egg IVF, ovulation induction,

intrauterine insemination (IUI) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Dr. Allahbadia

has successfully handled one of the largest series of gestational surrogacy cases in India.

Gautam N Allahbadia, MD is the Medical Director of Rotunda -The Center for Human

Reproduction, the world- renowned infertility clinic at Bandra, Mumbai, India. All couples

including lesbian and gay couples and even single men and single women can avail this

facility to fulfil their dream of enjoying parenthood. http://ivftreatmentindia.wordpress.com


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