white to gold/yellow - belt testing...

White to Gold/Yellow - Belt Testing Requirements Kata: Wansu including form execution, and 3 basic bunkai - 1st Kata move: Attacker: collar grabs w/left Defender: grabs, rotates down, punches - 1st Kata move: Attacker: collar grabs w/right Defender: grabs, rotates down, punches - Middle & Breaking: Attacker: cross hand grab Defender: catch grab, push thru, strike face/nose, inside thigh strike, rotate & slide under armpit, break/snap elbow Kobudo Kata: Shihonuke including form execution, and 3 basic bunkai - 1st kata move: J hook defined by strike jaw & around back to temple hook wrist & disarm - spin move: make a "basket", rotate around and disarm Basic Blocks: Head Block Down Block (Groin Block) Inside Block Outside Block Basic Punches: Front Punch Reverse Punch (Back Punch) Back Fist Basic Kicks (front & rear legs): Front Kick (Snap Kick) Side Kick Roundhouse Kick Basic Stances (Dachi): Front Stance (Forward stance) - Zenkutsu Dachi Cat Stance - Neko Ashi Dachi Horse Stance - Kiba Dachi Definitions: Karate Kenpo Kobudo Gi Obi Dojo Wansu Shihonuke

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White to Gold/Yellow - Belt Testing Requirements

Kata: Wansu

including form execution, and 3 basic bunkai

- 1st Kata move: Attacker: collar grabs w/left Defender: grabs, rotates down, punches - 1st Kata move: Attacker: collar grabs w/right Defender: grabs, rotates down, punches - Middle & Breaking: Attacker: cross hand grab Defender: catch grab, push thru, strike face/nose, inside thigh strike, rotate & slide under armpit, break/snap elbow

Kobudo Kata: Shihonuke

including form execution, and 3 basic bunkai

- 1st kata move: J hook

defined by strike jaw & around back to temple

hook wrist & disarm

- spin move: make a "basket", rotate around and disarm

Basic Blocks:

Head Block

Down Block (Groin Block)

Inside Block

Outside Block

Basic Punches:

Front Punch

Reverse Punch (Back Punch)

Back Fist

Basic Kicks (front & rear legs):

Front Kick (Snap Kick)

Side Kick

Roundhouse Kick

Basic Stances (Dachi):

Front Stance (Forward stance) - Zenkutsu Dachi

Cat Stance - Neko Ashi Dachi

Horse Stance - Kiba Dachi










Lil' Dragon White to Gold/Yellow

Belt Testing Requirements

Kata: Wansu

basic form execution - with assistance

Kobudo Kata: Shihonuke (Short Version)

basic form execution - with assistance

Basic Blocks:

Head Block

Down Block (Groin Block)

Inside Block

Outside Block

Basic Punches:

Front Punch

Reverse Punch (Back Punch)

Back Fist

Basic Kicks (front & rear legs):

Front Kick (Snap Kick)

Side Kick

Roundhouse Kick

Basic Stances (Dachi):

Front Stance (Forward stance) - Zenkutsu Dachi

Cat Stance - Neko Ashi Dachi

Horse Stance - Kiba Dachi










Coordination/Basic physical skills :

Jumping Jacks (attempt to get arms above head)

Stretching: not bending the knees

Stranger Danger for bunkai:

Fist grab and yank in direction away from thumb


Wansu: aka Wanshu, Enpi or Empi

Chotoku Kyan (1870-1945) Meaning/s: Flying swallow, Hidden fist, Dumping form, Dragon Boy, Strong Arm Form, Chinese Envoy

Changed to (Empi the Chinese name) by Funakoshi. One translation for “Empi” is swallow, which was reputed to be a nickname for Sappushi

Wanshu. It is said by some that Master Funakoshi was probably reminded of the up and down movement of swallows in flight in the movement

if the kata. However, it has been said by others that the lethal techniques of this kata more closely resemble those of a falcon than a swallow.

Wansu is also, known as the “Dumping Form” which relates to its easily recognized throw (the “big dump or the big drop”) in the middle of the

kata. Tatsuo Shimabuku referred to Wansu as the "Dragon Boy" form due to the strong movement of the downward strike or block from the T-

stance, which feels like a sweep of a dragon's tail. Because in some systems the form emphasizes the strong vertical punch, it is also known as

the "Strong Arm Form".

Wansu Kata is believed to be named after a Chinese military envoy who happened to be a martial artist named Sappushi Ji Wang (Jpn. Oshu,

1621-1689). Sappushi means “Chinese Imperial envoy” and the Sappushi were the official governmental contact between China & Okinawa. The

chinese attaché, some sources say, was shipwrecked while others say he was the leader of a large ambassadorial mission from China sent by

the Qing government about 1683 to the Tomari village, near Shuri making it one of the oldest Okinawan forms. He was known to be a poet,

calligrapher, diplomat, and martial artist. It is said that he taught the village people “Chinese Kempo” by some and "Shaolin White Crane Fist"

boxing by others and by Shaolin tradition of the “Fujian White Crane”, he is often credited with teaching chu'an fa. His martial arts expertise

inspired his followers to combine the best of his teachings into the kata we know as Wansu. He was also known as the “birdman”. His teachings

were passed on to Karate Sakugawa, who taught Chokun Macabe, who is believed to have developed the kata practiced today. Chokun Macabe

taught Kosaku Matsumora who taught Maeda Peichin who taught Chotoku Kyan. Kyan taught the kata to Tatsuo Shimabuku. Wansu Kata is of

the Tomari-Te lineage.

Wansu is made up of primarily basic techniques and fundamentals. This kata blends fluid movement and lightning fast technique to create a

lethal dance that is effective in kata competition or on the street. Wansu provides graceful lines while delivering thunderous striking power.

Wang Ji taught the importance of blocking and countering while using evasive foot maneuvers. These include slipping punches, using the cat

stance to step back out of harm's way, cross punches, and side stepping. At any rate, Wansu is a marvelous combination of beauty, grace, and


The opening moves of Wansu has the signature move of the kata that moves smoothly into a covered fist posture. The ready positions many

other forms are quite different than the ready position in Wansu. However, this position is consistent with many opening salutations in Chinese

style forms. Historically, these postures were ways of identifying and differentiating between specific organizations.

Wansu is reputed to have a hidden punch and many believe it is located at this point. Wansu is common to many styles of karate and although

there is a hidden punch in some of the Wansus of other styles, there is no hidden punch in Isshinryu’s version of Wansu. This opening move

signifies contact. A touching or grabbing move in which you gain control of your opponent. Wansu contains many Kyusho-Jutsu and Tuite

techniques just as it contains more than the one throwing technique. The kata introduces the student to some new concepts. For the first time,

students are introduced to the concept of grabbing an opponent’s obi or clothing and pulling him into a punch. This type of move is repeated in

other katas, but this is usually the first time this concept is introduced.

Many believe the original version of Wanshu was much longer than the modern kata, which derives from either Kyan or Itosu. The form can

vary in schematics, however basically Wansu consists of approximately 48 movements, which makes it somewhat of a short kata. It takes

approximately 45 seconds to perform. Its floor pattern is similar to a plus sign (+). Basic bunkai and beginning application Wansu is defending

against 5 opponents, and introduces open hand strikes along with knee lifts (Hittsui Geri). In the several versions it can consist of low blocks,

open middle blocks, double blocks, grabbing techniques, middle punches, hammer fists, elbow strikes, 2 side kicks and 2 front kicks. It also

makes use of avoiding punches and then, counterattacking, instead of blocking and counterattacking.¬ The stances used are primarily the front

stance, the horse stance and the cat stance. Wansu consists of very strong attacks and defensive positions. Depending on which version of this

kata one may be performing it can start and ends at 2 different points quite a distance apart or spot on start & end.

Wansu Kata employs a wide range of stances. Including the 3 most common of the Okinawa Kenpo Karate system.

These include Zenkutsu dachi (front stance) , the Nekoashi Dachi (cat stance),

and the Kiba dachi (horse stance) .

Techniques used in the kata include: The "Cross-body" punch, open hand blocks, grabbing techniques, simultaneous open hand strikes to the

sides, and sidestepping evasive moves. This form is one of the more popular forms of Okinawa systems, thus many variations of this form have

come about. Some versions also include knee smashes, elbow strikes, & side kicks. The principle of changing distances &/or slipping your

opponent’s attacks, then counter attack is the general theme for this kata. The kata includes a distinctive upper level attack followed by the

defender grasping the opponent and drawing him inward, simultaneously jumping in and attacking again. This movement resembles the up and

down and flipping away flight of a swallow. The primary technique of Wansu is the punch. The "hidden" punch is the second punch of each

series which is executed while drawing the opposite hand to the neck. In some systems, this punch is delivered as a fore-knuckle punch. The

signature move of the “dumping technique” also develops the secrets of taking the opponent up and off his feet and throwing him to the


The term for the pattern that a kata makes on the floor is called “Embusen.” The embusen for this kata forms a cross pattern on the floor.

It is possible that Wansu is based upon or inspired by techniques that were taught by Ji Wang. However, one argument with this theory based

on the question of why would such a high ranked government official teach his martial arts (assuming he even knew any) to the Okinawans?

Also, Ji Wang was only in Okinawa for 6 months(Sakagami, 1978). Ji Wang was originally from Xiuning in Anhui (a geographic section of west

central China), and was an official for the Han Lin Yuan, an important government post (Kinjo, 1999). In order to become an official for the Han

Lin Yuan, one had to be a high level scholar, and pass several national tests (Kinjo, 1999). Just preparing for such a position would be such a

time consuming task that is would all but rule out the practice of martial arts. However, assuming that Ji Wang was familiar with the martial

arts, the Quanfa (a generic Chinese term referring to martial arts) of Anhui is classified as Northern boxing, while the techniques of the

Okinawan Wansu kata are clearly Southern in nature (Kinjo, 1999). So, was Wanshu named after Ji Wang, or someone else? This is as yet

unknown. However, in the Okinawan martial arts, kata named after their originators are not uncommon. Some examples include Kusanku,

Chatan Yara no Sai, and Tokumine no Kon. It is entirely possible that this kata was introduced by a Chinese martial artist named Wang (not the

offical Ji Wang). In the Chinese martial arts, it is common to refer to a teacher as Shifu (lit. Teacher-father). It is thought by some that the name

Wansu could be an Okinawan mispronunciation of Shifu Wang. Other schools of thought are that Xianhui Wu (Jpn. Go Kenki, 1886-1940) or

Daiji Tang (Jpn. To Daiki, 1888-1937), two Chinese martial artists who immigrated to Okinawa in the early part of the 20th Century, may have

been responsible for the introduction of the Wansu kata (Gima, et al, 1986). As a side note, Wu was a Whooping Crane boxer and Tang was

known for his Tiger boxing. They were both from Fujian. Following Wanshu, there is nearly a century gap until our knowledge of the

development of Karate re-surfaces with Kung Shang K’ung or Kusanku.


WANSU Kata "Words"

Wansu Kata Words vs. One N Knees bent, arms parallel to the ground at solar plexus level, right hand over left fist

N Step out left, horse stance, look left, left hand down block, punch right across and yell

N Circle step left, front stance, left hand down block, reverse punch N Circle step right, front stance, right hand chop block, push block, reverse punch

N Step behind, crane stance, down block

N Step out left, horse stance, look left, left hand down block, punch right across

W Step forward right, front stance, right hand chop block, push block, reverse punch W Step behind, crane stance, down block

S Step out left, horse stance, look left, left hand down block, punch right across

E Step forward right, front stance, right hand chop block, push block, reverse punch E Step behind, crane stance, down block

N Step out left, front stance, down block, hammer fist and grab

N Low punch, back leg front kick and yell

N Front stance, left open-hand head block, right open-hand down block W Shift, horse stance, right hand grab

E Pivot on left, throw and yell

NE Step back, RFF cat stance, guard NW Step back, LFF cat stance, guard

N Step back, knees bent, arms parallel to the ground at solar plexus level, right hand over left fist


Wansu Kata words vs. Two

1. Begin left hand flat over right fist, feet together, knees bent 2. Step left to horse stance, down block w/ left, punch across body to opposite hip w/ right

3. Step forward w/ left foot to front stance, down block w/ left hand, front punch w/ right hand

4. Step thru w/ right foot to front stance, forward block w/ right hand

5. Punch w/ left hand, cover w/ right hand 6. Cross step behind w/ left foot, down block w/ right hand

7. Horse stance facing N, down block w/ left, punch across body to opposite hip w/ right

8. Step w/ right foot to front stance facing W, forward block w/ right hand 9. Punch w/ left hand, cover w/ right hand

10. Cross step behind w/ left foot, down block w/ right hand

11. Horse stance facing S, down block w/ left, punch across body to opposite hip w/ right 12. Step w/ right foot to front stance facing E, forward block w/ right hand

13. Punch w/ left hand, cover w/ right hand

14. Cross step behind w/ left foot, down block w/ right hand

15. Step w/ left foot to front stance facing N, down block w/ left hand 16. Downward backfist w/ right, catch w/ left

17. Front punch w/ right, back leg front kick w/ right

18. Land in front stance facing N, right foot forward, left hand blocking overhead palm down, right hand groin strike palm down

19. Horse stance facing W, turn right hand palm up

20. Step w/ right foot to horse stance facing E, arm break 21. Step back to cat stance NE, right foot forward, pseudo

22. Step back to cat stance NW, left foot forward, pseudo

23. Step up feet together, left hand flat over right fist


Shihonuke (aka 4 corners) *Most Kobudo Katas are named after the person who developed them or the area they came from.

Be sure to

follow this

into a




down into a

horse stance.

on all four


Be sure to

follow this

into a




down into a

horse stance.

on all four


Be sure to

follow this

into a




down into a

horse stance.

on all four


Be sure to

follow this

into a




down into a

horse stance.

on all four


Shihonuke Kata "Words"

(version from www.ikkf.org)

1. - Attention Stance (Bo in front on right side), REI, reach left hand over head and grab Bo, raise Bo,

2. - Palm right hand, left hand slides toward middle of Bo, step forward into right Seisan Stance, Right

Sweeping Low Bo Block,

3. - Palm right hand, bring right foot back to left, pull right hand back, left hand out, prep Bo at side,

4. - Step out into Left Seisan Stance, Left Side Bo Strike, pull feet back together, exchange hands, prep Bo

at side,

5. - Step out into right Seisan Stance, Right Side Bo Strike,

6. - Staying in stance, pull back on Bo with left hand as right hand slides up toward end of Bo, extend

forward into Right Zen Kutsu Stance, Right Inside Bo Block, Disarm, shift right foot back into Nai Hanchi

Stance (facing front - north), palm right hand, Horizontal Down Block with Bo,

7. - Adjust left hand while blocking to Left Outside Block, reverse to Right Outside Block, Horizontal

Down Block,

8. - Circle disarms, Upward Horizontal Bo Block,

9. - Palm and slide right hand setting Bo on left shoulder (preparing for turn and strike) while bringing

right foot up to left, pivot turning right out into Right Seisan Stance to rear, Right Downward Weak Side Bo


10. - Prep Bo, pivot on toes turning to left, step out into Right Seisan Stance, Right Side Bo Strike,

11. - Shuffle back staying in Right Seisan Stance, Right Downward Clearing Bo Block,

12. - Disarm, Figure Eight movement with bo bringing feet together, left side prep,

13. - Step out into right Seisan Stance, Right Bo Thrust to solar plexus, KIAI,

14. - Pivot and turn left 90 degrees, palm right hand, step out into right Seisan Stance, Right Sweeping Low

Bo Block,

15. - Palm right hand, left hand slides toward middle of Bo, step forward into right Seisan Stance, Right

Sweeping Low Bo Block,

16. - Step out into Left Seisan Stance, Left Side Bo Strike, pull feet back together, exchange hands, prep Bo

at side,

17. - Step out into right Seisan Stance, Right Side Bo Strike,

18. - Staying in stance, pull back on Bo with left hand as right hand slides up toward end of Bo, extend

forward into Right Zen Kutsu Stance, Right Inside Bo Block, Disarm, shift right foot back into Nai Hanchi

Stance (facing west), palm right hand, Horizontal Down Block with Bo,

19. - Adjust left hand while blocking to Left Outside Block, reverse to Right Outside Block, Horizontal

Down Block,

20. - Circle disarms, Upward Horizontal Bo Block,

21. - Palm and slide right hand setting Bo on left shoulder (preparing for turn and strike) while bringing

right foot up to left, pivot turning right out into Right Seisan Stance to rear, Right Downward Weak Side Bo


22. - Prep Bo, pivot on toes turning to left, step out into Right Seisan Stance, Right Side Bo Strike,

23. - Shuffle back staying in Right Seisan Stance, Right Downward Clearing Bo Block,

24. - Disarm, Figure Eight movement with bo bringing feet together, left side prep,

25. - Step out into right Seisan Stance, Right Bo Thrust to solar plexus, KIAI,

26. - Pivot and turn left 90 degrees, palm right hand, step out into right Seisan Stance, Right Sweeping Bo


27. - Palm right hand, left hand slides toward middle of Bo, step forward into right Seisan Stance, Right

Sweeping Low Bo Block,

28. - Step out into Left Seisan Stance, Left Side Bo Strike, pull feet back together, exchange hands, prep Bo

at side,

29. - Step out into right Seisan Stance, Right Side Bo Strike,

30. - Staying in stance, pull back on Bo with left hand as right hand slides up toward end of Bo, extend

forward into Right Zen Kutsu Stance, Right Inside Bo Block, Disarm, shift right foot back into Nai Hanchi

Stance (facing south), palm right hand, Horizontal Down Block with Bo,

31. - Adjust left hand while blocking to Left Outside Block, reverse to Right Outside Block, Horizontal

Down Block,

32. - Circle disarms, Upward Horizontal Bo Block,

33. - Palm and slide right hand setting Bo on left shoulder (preparing for turn and strike) while bringing

right foot up to left, pivot turning right out into Right Seisan Stance to rear, Right Downward Weak Side Bo


34. - Prep Bo, pivot on toes turning to left, step out into Right Seisan Stance, Right Side Bo Strike,

35. - Shuffle back staying in Right Seisan Stance, Right Downward Clearing Bo Block,

36. - Disarm, Figure Eight movement with bo bringing feet together, left side prep,

37. - Step out into right Seisan Stance, Right Bo Thrust to solar plexus, KIAI,

38. - Pivot and turn left 90 degrees, palm right hand, step out into right Seisan Stance, Right Sweeping Low

Bo Block,

39. - Palm right hand, left hand slides toward middle of Bo, step forward into right Seisan Stance, Right

Sweeping Low Bo Block,

40. - Step out into Left Seisan Stance, Left Side Bo Strike, pull feet back together, exchange hands, prep Bo

at side,

41. - Step out into right Seisan Stance, Right Side Bo Strike,

42. - Staying in stance, pull back on Bo with left hand as right hand slides up toward end of Bo, extend

forward into Right Zen Kutsu Stance, Right Inside Bo Block, Disarm, shift right foot back into Nai Hanchi

Stance (facing east), palm right hand, Horizontal Down Block with Bo,

43. - Adjust left hand while blocking to Left Outside Block, reverse to Right Outside Block, Horizontal

Down Block,

44. - Circle disarms, Upward Horizontal Bo Block,

45. - Palm and slide right hand setting Bo on left shoulder (preparing for turn and strike) while bringing

right foot up to left, pivot turning right out into Right Seisan Stance to rear, Right Downward Weak Side Bo


46. - Prep Bo, pivot on toes turning to left, step out into Right Seisan Stance, Right Side Bo Strike,

47. - Shuffle back staying in Right Seisan Stance, Right Downward Clearing Bo Block,

48. - Disarm, Figure Eight movement with bo bringing feet together, left side prep,

49. - Step out into right Seisan Stance, Right Bo Thrust to solar plexus, KIAI,

50. - Pivot and turn left 90 degrees, palm right hand, step out into right Seisan Stance, Right Sweeping Low

Bo Block,

51. - Scoot back staying in Right Seisan Stance, Right Clearing Bo Block,

52. - Pull right foot back to left into Attention Stance, Bo on right side, bring left hand to hip, REI.


movement direction

hold stance position and direction

Kobudo kata in the snow. Notice the perfect clover leaf of Shihonuke with

the attendant blocking tracks. Photo taken from: http://newmoon2000.tripod.com/oneway/04-November.html

Shihonuke Kata "Words"

Vs. 2

1. - Feet together, bo on right shoulder 2. - Reach LH over head and grab bo 3. - Switch RH, step out right, high block 4. - Feet together, pull RH back, LH out, step out, side strike 5. - Feet together, pull LH back, RH out, step out, side strike 6. - Cat stance, circle block, switch RH, horse stance, down block 7. - Outer block left, outer block right, down block 8. - Circular disarm, head block 9. - Switch RH, turn right, reverse strike low 10. - Turn left, side strike, push block right 11. - Feet together, spin, step out right, thrusting strike 12. - Switch RH, shift left, high block 13. - Step forward, high block 14. - Feet together, pull RH back, LH out, step out, side strike 15. - Feet together, pull LH back, RH out, step out, side strike 16. - Cat stance, circle block, switch RH, horse stance, down block 17. - Outer block left, outer block right, down block 18. - Circular disarm, head block 19. - Switch RH, turn right, reverse strike low 20. - Turn left, side strike, push block right 21. - Feet together, spin, step out right, thrusting strike 22. - Switch RH, shift left, high block 23. - Step forward, high block 24. - Feet together, pull RH back, LH out, step out, side strike 25. - Feet together, pull LH back, RH out, step out, side strike 26. - Cat stance, circle block, switch RH, horse stance, down block 27. - Outer block left, outer block right, down block 28. - Circular disarm, head block 29. - Switch RH, turn right, reverse strike low 30. - Turn left, side strike, push block right 31. - Feet together, spin, step out right, thrusting strike 32. - Switch RH, shift left, high block 33. - Step forward, high block 34. - Feet together, pull RH back, LH out, step out, side strike 35. - Feet together, pull LH back, RH out, step out, side strike 36. - Cat stance, circle block, switch RH, horse stance, down block 37. - Outer block left, outer block right, down block 38. - Circular disarm, head block 39. - Switch RH, turn right, reverse strike low 40. - Turn left, side strike, push block right 41. - Feet together, spin, step out right, thrusting strike 42. - Switch RH, shift left, high block 43. - Step forward, high block 44. - Step back, feet together, bo on right shoulder